| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: WConn AB | Judge: Julian Interpretation Debate is a space for mutually exclusive clash over the desirability of eliminating restrictions and increasing federal government incentives for energy production. ---The resolution is the most predictable and educational place to locate the debate. Zwarensteyn 2012 Ellen C., Masters Candidate in Communications at Grand Valley State University, High School Policy Debate as an Enduring Pathway to Political Education: Evaluating Possibilities for Political Learning, Masters Theses. Paper 35, http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/theses/35 Galloway (2007) also advances an argument concerning the privileging of the resolution as AND adaptive research once various topics have surfaced through practice or at debate tournaments. ---The phrase “The United States federal government should” requires the affirmative to defend material policy change. Ericson 2003 Jon M., Dean Emeritus of the College of Liberal Arts – California Polytechnic U., et al., The Debater’s Guide, Third Edition, p. 4 The Proposition of Policy: Urging Future Action In policy propositions, each topic contains AND compelling reasons for an audience to perform the future action that you propose. ---The resolution requires switch-sides debate and is the single best educational tool for developing critical decision-making skills and finding personal meaning in argumentation. Zwarensteyn 2012 Ellen C., Masters Candidate in Communications at Grand Valley State University, High School Policy Debate as an Enduring Pathway to Political Education: Evaluating Possibilities for Political Learning, Masters Theses. Paper 35, http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/theses/35 As discussed previously, sources of political information matters to how politically pluralistic the general AND help establish empathy through seeing the humanity and credibility in one another’s arguments. Violation The affirmative does not defend an increase in federal energy production. This is a reason to vote negative. ---Specific, limited resolutions ensure mutual ground which is key to sustainable argumentative clash without sacrificing the potential for creativity or openness. Steinberg and Freeley 2008 Austin J. Freeley is a Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, AND David L. Steinberg , Lecturer of Communication Studies @ U Miami, Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making pp45- Debate is a means of settling differences, so there must be a difference of AND particular point of difference, which will be outlined in the following discussion. ---The preservation of clash comes before the evaluation of the affirmative --- The impossibility of objective knowledge means the political clash informs the basis for representations, discourse, epistemology and ontology; not the other way around. Swyngedouw 2009 Erik, School of Environment and Development, Manchester University, The Antinomies of the Postpolitical City: In Search of a Democratic Politics of Environmental Production, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Volume 33, Issue 3, pages 601–620 Political struggles are central in shaping alternative or different trajectories of socio-metabolic change AND ing and its associated technologies (Lacoue-Labarthe and Nancy, 1997). ---Unbridled affirmation makes research impossible and destroys dialogue. Hanghoj 2008 Thorkild, researcher for the Danish Research Centre on Education and Advanced Media Materials, http://static.sdu.dk/mediafiles/Files/Information_til/Studerende_ved_SDU/Din_uddannelse/phd_hum/afhandlinger/2009/ThorkilHanghoej.pdf Debate games are often based on pre-designed scenarios that include descriptions of issues AND dialogue as an end in itself” (Wegerif, 2006: 61). ---Procedural energy policy research is a prerequisite to the affirmative --- Reformist research is critical to inform broader challenges to fossil fuel production. Lohmann 2012 Larry, FINANCIALIZATION, COMMODIFICATIONAND CARBON:THE CONTRADICTIONS OFNEOLIBERAL CLIMATE POLICY, SOCIALIST REGISTER, http://thecornerhouse.org.uk/sites/thecornerhouse.org.uk/files/Socialist%20Register%20Neoliberal%20Climate%20Policy%20Contradictions.pdf Scapegoating ideology, however, is as double-edged as its cynical variety, AND climate policy can be, and are being, opened at many levels. ---Abdication of government political strategies makes political change impossible. Stevenson 2009 Ruth, PhD, senior lecturer and independent consultant – Graduate School of the Environment @ Centre for Alternative Technology, “Discourse, power, and energy conflicts: understanding Welsh renewable energy planning policy,” Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, Volume 27, pg. 512-526 It could be argued that this result arose from the lack of expertise of the AND must be an understanding of the power rationalities at work in the process. ---Working within technocratic structure to reform the production process is the only way to hold corporate energy interests accountable for their crimes Rahman 2011 K. Sabeel, A.B., Harvard College, 2005; M.Sc., Economics for Development, Oxford University, 2006; M.St., Sociolegal Studies, Oxford University, 2007; J.D. Candidate, Harvard Law School, Class of 2012; Ph.D. Candidate, Government, Harvard University, ENVISIONING THE REGULATORY STATE: TECHNOCRACY, DEMOCRACY, AND INSTITUTIONAL EXPERIMENTATION IN THE 2010 FINANCIAL REFORM AND OIL SPILL STATUTES, http://www.harvardjol.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Rahman_Note.pdf These weaknesses of the technocratic model create a fundamental challenge for the modern regulatory state AND one that leaves ample room for the representation and engagement of different values. ---This empirically translates into real world policy change. Mitchell 2010 Gordon R., Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Communication at the University of Pittsburgh, Switch-Side Debating Meets Demand-Driven Rhetoric of Science, Rhetoric and Public Affairs, http://www.pitt.edu/~gordonm/JPubs/Mitchell2010.pdf Such findings are consistent with the views of policy analysts advocating the argumentative turn in AND its foundations in the English ield’s tradition of literary criticism and textual analysis. ---Resolution based policy debate foster critical thinking skills that empirically undermine the basis for American Exceptionalism. Zwarensteyn 2012 Ellen C., Masters Candidate in Communications at Grand Valley State University, High School Policy Debate as an Enduring Pathway to Political Education: Evaluating Possibilities for Political Learning, Masters Theses. Paper 35, http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/theses/35 The background of many conversations relating to secondary education concerns the appropriateness of teaching politics AND , Beaumont, Ehrlich, and Corngold, 2007, p. 115). |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: WConn AB | Judge: ---Text --- The United States federal government should increase incentives for energy production by establishing Green Jobs, Not Jails programs. Contention One --- Competition ---We’re a PIC out of their critique of the resolution --- We can agree with their critiques of switch-side and traditional debate in the abstract, however their rejection of the entire resolution means we only need to defend a single example to win the round. ---No permutations --- The rejection of the resolution is the only stable point of clash in the 1ac. Severance is a reason to reject the team. It eliminates any educational benefit to the 1ac by precluding any prepared contestation of affirmative claims, undermining affirmative advocacy skills and critical thinking. Contention Two --- Solvency ---The topic is a superior starting point to re-energize the debate space. Only from advocacies of specific programs like Green Jobs, Not Jails; a policy incentivizing the creation of solar power and green energy jobs for former victims of the prison-industrial complex can create an effective rallying point to unite racial justice, environmentalist and labor groups. Jones 2009 Van, attorney, founder and president of the Oakland, California-based organization AND and Georgia M. Roberts, Antipode, Vol. 41 No. 3 One of our challenges on the Left is that we don’t think ecologically. We AND own forces, and you’ll learn about how other sectors of society work. ---Even if it fails, our advocacy re-energizes the debate community’s perceptions and research methods towards better activism in a more effective manner than an exclusive focus on racial critique. Jones 2009 Van, attorney, founder and president of the Oakland, California-based organization AND and Georgia M. Roberts, Antipode, Vol. 41 No. 3 The next stage, the stage beyond the stage we’re in, really depends on AND of cleavages—politically useful cleavages—that’s where we should be aiming. ---Imagining Green Jobs, Not Jails programs is a key challenge to disposability inherent in current energy production policy. Reclaim the Future 2010 Activity #3 Green Jobs, Not Jails!, http://ellabakercenter.org/sites/default/files/downloads/RTF_Activity3.pdf Creating a just, restorative green economy that includes urban areas has the potential to AND to being the world leader in a humane and sustainable “green economy.” |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: WConn AB | Judge: ---Criticism of energy production without material alternatives fail --- Alienates impoverished minorities and labor movements from leftist activism by denying employment opportunities. Jones 2009 Van, attorney, founder and president of the Oakland, California-based organization AND and Georgia M. Roberts, Antipode, Vol. 41 No. 3 So there are going to be some Leftists on one side, God bless them AND to democratic forces than authoritarian forces? It just absolutely has that potential. ---Withdrawing from energy policy cedes government agenda to the prison-industrial complex --- Only policy advocacies for social and racial justice such as Green Jobs, Not Jails that are positioned to exploit the growing division between green and traditional fossil fuel corporate interests can create change. Jones 2009 Van, attorney, founder and president of the Oakland, California-based organization AND and Georgia M. Roberts, Antipode, Vol. 41 No. 3 PRPW: As I’m sure you’re aware the Green Jobs Not Jails campaign can be AND position of relative organizational ideological weakness that the Left is in right now. ---United leftist activism is critical to check American imperialism --- Only narrow policy debates can build effective support to challenges wars of domination. Chernus 2003 Ira, Professor of Religious Studies at UC Boulder, To Get Peace Message Heard, Call Our Leaders Misguided, Not Evil, Common Dreams, http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0324-05.htm The critics of U.S. aims are often the movement's best speakers and AND , we can get our voice heard once again in the mainstream media. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: WConn AB | Judge: ---Prioritizing an interrogation of identity and zones of sacrifice as a prerequisite to the search for policy alternatives to fossil fuel production makes effective response to global warming impossible Monbiot 2008 George, English Writer and Environmental and Political Activist, 9-4, “Identity Politics in Climate Change Hell,” http://www.celsias.com/article/identity-politics-climate-change-hell/ If you want a glimpse of how the movement against climate change could crumble faster AND this urgent task into the identity politics that have wrecked so many movements. ---This round is key --- The debate space is a critical avenue to reframe climate change and mobilize change. Nisbet 2009 Matthew, assistant professor at American University’s School of Communication, a research fellow at AU’s Center for Social Media, and an affiliated researcher at the Center for Climate Change Communication at George Mason University, Communicating Climate Change: Why Frames Matter for Public Engagement, Environment, http://www.environmentmagazine.org/Archives/Back%20Issues/March-April%202009/Nisbet-full.html U.S. presidents, especially newly elected ones, are often given discretion AND a reexamination of the assumptions that have traditionally informed climate change communication efforts. ---Global warming compounds structural racism --- Only reframing the need for immediate action against global warming as a social justice issue can prevent extinction. Wise 2010 Tim, anti-racist writers and activist, With Friends Like These, Who Needs Glenn Beck? Racism and White Privilege on the Liberal-Left, http://redroom.com/member/tim-wise/blog/with-friends-like-these-who-needs-glenn-beck-racism-and-white-privilege-on-the- How many climate change activists, for instance, really connect the dots between global AND color and their concerns, but is to weaken the fight for survival. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: ---The affirmative’s preoccupation with Solar/Wind production makes energy policy a question of technical management while removing the political structure of consumption from debate. This framing requires even new localized energy systems be assimilated into structures of global inequality. Benard and Khalilzad 1980 Cheryl, assistant professor of political science at the University of Vienna, Zalmay, counselor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and president of Khalilzad Associates, an international business consulting firm, Energy : no quick fix for a permanent crisis, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. 36 No. 10 Early advocates of nuclear energy, for example, expected its introduction to lead to AND for commercialization on a large scale and compatible with centralization of energy generation. ---Energy production destroys tribal sovereignty, it’s a rigged game --- Success means the government can seize territory under the guise of ‘national security’ and failure means total collapse of tribal ecosystems and cultural infrastructure. Awehali 2006 Brian, publisher and co-editor of LiP Magazine, Who Will Profit from Native Energy?, http://www.projectcensored.org/top-stories/articles/25-who-will-profit-from-native-energy/ According to Theresa Rosier, Counselor to the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, “ AND indebted to, the very industry currently driving the planet to its doom. three impacts--- ---first, failing to challenge the political structure of global energy production and consumption causes global war. Byrne and Toly 2006 John, director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy (CEEP) and Distinguished Professor of Public Policy at the University of Delaware, Noah, research associate and Ph.D. candidate in the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy at the University of Delaware, Energy as a Social Project: Recovering a Discourse, Transforming Power: Energy, Environment and Society in Conflict, pg Remaining modern, however, also demands an increasing commitment to override what lags AND will, in all likelihood, force further needs to militarize its operations. Second, the dialogue they promote precludes effective risk calculus in the energy market Hildyard Lohmann and Sexton 2012 Nicholas, founder and Director of The Corner House, Larry, author of the book “Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatization and Power” and works at the British NGO The Corner House, Sarah, a director of The Corner House, Energy Security For What? For Whom? The Corner House, http://www.thecornerhouse.org.uk/resource/energy-security-whom-what Clearly, like “security”, “energy” is a term that leaves out AND and continues to pose) a much greater threat of supply failure.12 ---Politicizing environmental policy is critical prerequisite to indigenous self-determination. Dalby 2002 Simon, professor of geography and political economy at Carleton University, Environmental Security, pg. xi The perceived refusal on the part of government bureaucrats to think hard about native activist AND the taken-for-granted premises in contemporary discussions of environmental security. ---The alternative is to repoliticize energy politics; shifting the focus from perfecting structures of oppression to debating the desirability of existing energy structures in the first place. Swyngedouw 2009 Erik, School of Environment and Development, Manchester University, The Antinomies of the Postpolitical City: In Search of a Democratic Politics of Environmental Production, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Volume 33, Issue 3, pages 601–620 Live Earth concerts, waving the banner of climate change and urging the world's leaders AND presence of power relations and competing interests (Dikeç, 2005: 172). |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: A. Definition-Restriction means to confine energy production Word Net 3.1 http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=restriction Noun S: restriction, limitation (a principle that limits the extent AND if necessary)) "the restriction of the infection to a focal area" B. Violation-There is a distinction between removing regulations that increase cost or delay, and restrictions that deny access. Elcock 04 (Deborah, environmental policy analyst at Argonne National Laboratory, Environmental Policy and Regulatory Constraints to Natural Gas Production, http://www.ipd.anl.gov/anlpubs/2004/12/51652.pdf) A regulatory constraint can impact natural gas by any one or any combination of the AND in the short term and possibly increasing consumer costs in the long term. note EandP = exploration and production C. Negative Interpretation Superior 1-Limits-The negative interpretation creates a fair limit by allowing affirmatives that increase access to energy production like opening up federal lands, offshore drilling and wind, nuclear power siting, and housing restrictions on solar panels. Their interpretation explodes the topic by allowing plans that merely reduce the cost or time involved in production. Limits are important for preserving manageable research burdens and in depth debates over the core of the topic. 2-Ground-Access restrictions lock in core negative ground over the issue of opening up areas to energy production. Their interpretation encourages smaller affirmatives that dodge the central question of increased energy production by focusing on procedural regulatory changes. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: PNTR will pass---coming up before other issues Inside Trade 11/1 (“U.S. Businesses Prepare Lame Duck Lobby Pitch On Russia MFN” http://insidetrade.com/index.php?option=com_userandview=loginandreturn=aHR0cDovL2luc2lkZXRyYWRlLmNvbS8yMDEyMTAyOTI0MTQ3MjEvV1RPLURhaWx5LU5ld3MvRGFpbHktTmV3cy91cy1idXNpbmVzc2VzLXByZXBhcmUtbGFtZS1kdWNrLWxvYmJ5LXBpdGNoLW9uLXJ1c3NpYS1tZm4vbWVudS1pZC05NDguaHRtbA==) U.S. business lobbyists appear to be intensifying their efforts to convince Congress AND less controversial, to move after Nov. 6, these sources said. ---The plan is unpopular and divisive --- Legislative history indicates it’s overwhelmingly seen as a violation of federal trust responsibilities. Kronk 2012 Elizabeth Ann, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law. J.D., University of Michigan School of Law; B.S., Cornell University, Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended “Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development” and the Resulting Need for Reform, Volume 29, Issue 3 Spring, http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1705andcontext=pelr Whether or not the federal trust responsibility is consistent with increased tribal sovereignty or self AND such provisions would negatively impact the federal government’s responsibility to federally recognized tribes. Narrow agenda key to productive session. Empirically, Obama overreaching threatens to collapse lame-duck. Miniter-investigative journalist-12 Leading from Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him p.85 After the historic defeat, Axelrod went on to teach a course called Campaign Strategy AND . Congress was exhausted and didn't want to take any more political risks. C. Impact Failure makes Russia lashout Milov et al 3/14/12 (Sergey Aleksashenko Political Council member, People’s Freedom Party (Parnas) Alexander Lebedev Independent businessman and politician Vladimir Milov Leader, “Democratic Choice” movement Alexey Navalny Attorney and civil activist Boris Nemtsov Co-chairman, People’s Freedom Party (Parnas), "Solidarity” movement Ilya Ponomarev State Duma member, Just Russia Party Vladimir Ryzhkov Co-chairman, People’s Freedom Party (Parnas) “Remove Russia from Jackson-Vanik!” Removal of Russia from the provisions of the Cold War era Jackson-Vanik Amendment AND Bill 1039). It is time to remove Russia from Jackson-Vanik! Results in large-scale nuclear conflict Israelyan 98 Victor was a Soviet ambassador, diplomat, arms control negotiator, and leading political scientist. The Washington Quarterly, Winter) The first and by far most dangerous possibility is what I call the power scenario AND be able to stumble on, until we all fall down together." n12 |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Shirley | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: PNTR will pass-~--coming up before other issues Inside Trade 11/1 (“U.S. Businesses Prepare Lame Duck Lobby Pitch On Russia MFN” http://insidetrade.com/index.php?option=com_userandview=loginandreturn=aHR0cDovL2luc2lkZXRyYWRlLmNvbS8yMDEyMTAyOTI0MTQ3MjEvV1RPLURhaWx5LU5ld3MvRGFpbHktTmV3cy91cy1idXNpbmVzc2VzLXByZXBhcmUtbGFtZS1kdWNrLWxvYmJ5LXBpdGNoLW9uLXJ1c3NpYS1tZm4vbWVudS1pZC05NDguaHRtbA==) U.S. business lobbyists appear to be intensifying their efforts to convince Congress AND less controversial, to move after Nov. 6, these sources said. -~--The plan is unpopular and divisive -~-- Legislative history indicates it’s overwhelmingly seen as a violation of federal trust responsibilities. Kronk 2012 Elizabeth Ann, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law. J.D., University of Michigan School of Law; B.S., Cornell University, Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended “Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development” and the Resulting Need for Reform, Volume 29, Issue 3 Spring, http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1705andcontext=pelr Whether or not the federal trust responsibility is consistent with increased tribal sovereignty or self AND such provisions would negatively impact the federal government’s responsibility to federally recognized tribes. Narrow agenda key to productive session. Empirically, Obama overreaching threatens to collapse lame-duck. Miniter-investigative journalist-12 Leading from Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him p.85 After the historic defeat, Axelrod went on to teach a course called Campaign Strategy AND . Congress was exhausted and didn't want to take any more political risks. Failure makes Russia lashout Milov et al 3/14/12 (Sergey Aleksashenko Political Council member, People’s Freedom Party (Parnas) Alexander Lebedev Independent businessman and politician Vladimir Milov Leader, “Democratic Choice” movement Alexey Navalny Attorney and civil activist Boris Nemtsov Co-chairman, People’s Freedom Party (Parnas), "Solidarity” movement Ilya Ponomarev State Duma member, Just Russia Party Vladimir Ryzhkov Co-chairman, People’s Freedom Party (Parnas) “Remove Russia from Jackson-Vanik!” Removal of Russia from the provisions of the Cold War era Jackson-Vanik Amendment AND Bill 1039). It is time to remove Russia from Jackson-Vanik! Results in large-scale nuclear conflict Israelyan 98 Victor was a Soviet ambassador, diplomat, arms control negotiator, and leading political scientist. The Washington Quarterly, Winter) The first and by far most dangerous possibility is what I call the power scenario AND be able to stumble on, until we all fall down together." n12 |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: Text --- The United States federal government should reinstate federal liability over tribal energy resource agreements. Contention One --- Solvency ---You’re author concedes the counterplan is mutually exclusive and solves the case. Kronk 2012 Elizabeth Ann, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law. J.D., University of Michigan School of Law; B.S., Cornell University, Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended “Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development” and the Resulting Need for Reform, Volume 29, Issue 3 Spring, http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1705andcontext=pelr Because Congress may not accept this proposal, the article also proposes an option for AND , would encourage tribes to enter into TERAs with the Secretary of Interior. ---Only the counterplan solves --- Tribes won’t apply for TERA agreements without the reinstatement of federal liability. Kronk 2012 Elizabeth Ann, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law. J.D., University of Michigan School of Law; B.S., Cornell University, Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended “Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development” and the Resulting Need for Reform, Volume 29, Issue 3 Spring, http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1705andcontext=pelr Despite Senator Campbell’s reaction to Senator Bingaman’s proposed amendment, a review of the legislative history related to this provision suggests that the majority of the commentators were concerned that the waiver of the federal government’s liability contained in the then-pending TERA provisions amounted to an abrogation of the federal government’s trust responsibility to federally recognized tribes. This concern, like the issues previously examined, has likely contributed to tribes’ unwillingness to enter into a TERA. Contention Two --- Corporate Exploitation ---Expanding TERA provisions without federal liability increases corporate exploitation. Kronk 2012 Elizabeth Ann, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law. J.D., University of Michigan School of Law; B.S., Cornell University, Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended “Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development” and the Resulting Need for Reform, Volume 29, Issue 3 Spring, http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1705andcontext=pelr As an alternative, a second recommendation for reforming the existing TERA provisions would call AND , which envisions the federal government maintaining a significant role in Indian country. ---Turns Case --- Perception of corporate exploitation deters participation in TERA agreements and destroys self-determination. Shirley 2003 Joe, President, Navajo Nation, to Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Cited in Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended “Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development” and the Resulting Need for Reform, Volume 29, Issue 3 Spring, http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1705andcontext=pelr This waiver could actually undermine the concept of tribal self determination by making it clear AND long. Accordingly, why would any tribe want to “opt in”? |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Shirley | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: -~--You’re author concedes the counterplan is mutually exclusive and solves the case.Kronk 2012 Elizabeth Ann, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law. J.D., University of Michigan School of Law; B.S., Cornell University, Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended “Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development” and the Resulting Need for Reform, Volume 29, Issue 3 Spring, http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1705andcontext=pelr Because Congress may not accept this proposal, the article also proposes an option for AND , would encourage tribes to enter into TERAs with the Secretary of Interior. Kronk 2012 Elizabeth Ann, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law. J.D., University of Michigan School of Law; B.S., Cornell University, Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended “Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development” and the Resulting Need for Reform, Volume 29, Issue 3 Spring, http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1705andcontext=pelr Despite Senator Campbell’s reaction to Senator Bingaman’s proposed amendment, a review of the legislative history related to this provision suggests that the majority of the commentators were concerned that the waiver of the federal government’s liability contained in the then-pending TERA provisions amounted to an abrogation of the federal government’s trust responsibility to federally recognized tribes. This concern, like the issues previously examined, has likely contributed to tribes’ unwillingness to enter into a TERA. -~--Expanding TERA provisions without federal liability increases corporate exploitation.Kronk 2012 Elizabeth Ann, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law. J.D., University of Michigan School of Law; B.S., Cornell University, Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended “Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development” and the Resulting Need for Reform, Volume 29, Issue 3 Spring, http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1705andcontext=pelr As an alternative, a second recommendation for reforming the existing TERA provisions would call AND , which envisions the federal government maintaining a significant role in Indian country. -~--Turns Case -~-- Perception of corporate exploitation deters participation in TERA agreements and destroys self-determination.Shirley 2003 Joe, President, Navajo Nation, to Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Cited in Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended “Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development” and the Resulting Need for Reform, Volume 29, Issue 3 Spring, http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1705andcontext=pelr This waiver could actually undermine the concept of tribal self determination by making it clear AND long. Accordingly, why would any tribe want to “opt in”? |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: -~--Federal intrusion is inevitable -~-- Annual review, lengthy application process and secretarial regulations. Unger 2009 Kathleen, J.D. Candidate, May 2010, Loyola Law School Los Angeles; M.A., Linguistic Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin; A.B., Anthropology, University of Michigan, Change is in the Wind: Self-Determination and Wind Power through Tribal Energy Resource Agreements, 43 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 329, http://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/llr/vol43/iss1/6 The federal government sets the terms of resource development agreements through its extensive legislative and AND tribal resource development without necessarily reducing it or shifting true control to tribes. -~--No solvency -~-- Tribes won’t use TERA agreements -~-- Too costly, environmental review and lack of federal liability.Kronk 2012 Elizabeth Ann, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law. J.D., University of Michigan School of Law; B.S., Cornell University, Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended “Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development” and the Resulting Need for Reform, Volume 29, Issue 3 Spring, http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1705andcontext=pelr Given the potential benefits to Indian country available to tribes through utilization of the TERA AND provision, which places additional regulatory burdens on tribes without providing financial resources. (A.) Self governance compacts, self determination contracts, greater tribal budget control, and education assistance.Tribal Nations Progress Report 2011 White House Tribal Nations Conference Progress Report, “Achieving a Brighter Future for Tribal Nations”, 12/2010, http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/2011whtnc_report.pdf President Obama strongly supports tribal self-determination and self-governance. This support AND better advantage of federal funding that will increase job opportunities in Indian country. Abe note -~-- 638 is the name, not the number of programs (B.) Native American farm recompense and pragmatic aid.Tribal Nations Progress Report 2011 White House Tribal Nations Conference Progress Report, “Achieving a Brighter Future for Tribal Nations”, 12/2010, http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/2011whtnc_report.pdf In 2010, the Administration reached a $760 million settlement with Native American farmers AND to programs; and other important efforts to improve access to UDSA programs. Ratner 1984 Leonard G. Ratner, professor of law at USC, Hofstra Law Journal, 12 Hofstra L. Rev. 723, spring, 1984 All systems of morality, however transcendental, rest ultimately on utilitarian self interest ( AND -- in short, by the ultimate self interest -- of the individual. Alinsky 1971 Saul D., Activist, Professor, and Social Organizer with International Fame, Founder of the Industrial Areas Foundation, Rules for Radicals, pg. 24-27 We cannot think first and act afterwards. From the moment of birth we are AND is concerned with any value except victory. It is life or death. Cornell and Kalt 2010 Stephen, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology and of Public Administration and Policy at the Native Nations Institute, P. Kalt, Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy at Harvard, “American Indian Self-Determination The Political Economy of a Successful Policy”, 2010, http://nni.arizona.edu/pubs/jopna-wp1_cornellandkalt.pdf Overall Economic Growth: As shown in Figure 5, above, per capita incomes AND performance appears to have continued through to at least the current worldwide recession. -~--Housing education and health development are all growing. Cornell and Kalt 2010 Stephen, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology and of Public Administration and Policy at the Native Nations Institute, P. Kalt, Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy at Harvard, “American Indian Self-Determination The Political Economy of a Successful Policy”, 2010, http://nni.arizona.edu/pubs/jopna-wp1_cornellandkalt.pdf Data on economic conditions in Indian Country as a whole are sparse, coming in AND worldwide recession took hold in Indian Country as it did elsewhere in 2008. Kateb 1992 George, Professor of Politics at Princeton University, “The Inner Ocean” pg. 111-112 Schell's work attempts to force on us an acknowledgment that sounds far-fetched and AND as morally allowed, perhaps enjoined, to take the appropriate preserving steps. -~--We solve your turns -~-- Affirming prediction reclaims the future for the forces of pragmatic political change and sparks ideas on how to overcome problematic futurisms.Kurasawa 2004 Fuyuki, Constellation, v. 11, no. 4, “Cautionary Tales,” Blackwell As we float in a mood of post-millennial angst, the future appears AND dystopian imaginary can lay the foundations for a constructive engagement with the future. |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 5 | Opponent: George Washington CR | Judge: Sydney Pasquinelli ---Democratizing energy politics is bad --- Centralization is key to nuclear power. Sovacool 2006 Benjamin, doctoral candidate in the Department of Science and Technology Studies at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Reactors, Weapons, X-Rays, and Solar Panels: Using SCOT, Technological Frame, Epistemic Culture, and Actor Network Theory to Investigate Technology, Journal of Technical Studies, http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JOTS/v32/v32n1/sovacool.html Sociologists such as Wiebe Bijker (1992, 1996), Donald MacKenzie (1993, AND a totalitarian state. (cited in Winner 1986, p. 19) ---Rejecting technocratic energy solutions fails --- Privileges long term solutions we don’t have time for while undermining the nuclear power industry. Hayward 2006 Steven F., previously the F.K. Weyerhaeuser Fellow at AEI, The Fate of the Earth in the Balance, SOCIETY AND CULTURE, http://www.aei.org/outlook/society-and-culture/the-fate-of-the-earth-in-the-balance/ It was not surprising, then, that the Socolow/ Pacala stabilization wedges appear AND of Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative, are greeted contemptuously for the same reason. ---Nuclear power is key to survival --- Only immediate energy source that can stop global warming. Lovelock 2004 James, independent scientist and the creator of the Gaia hypothesis of the Earth as a self-regulating organism, Nuclear power is the only green solution, http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/james-lovelock-nuclear-power-is-the-only-green-solution-6169341.html Sir David King, the Government's chief scientist, was far-sighted to say AND now or suffer the pain soon to be inflicted by our outraged planet. ---Turns Case --- Warming compounds every instance of structural inequality. Hoerner and Robinson 2009 J., Nia, Just Climate Policy —Just Racial Policy, excerpted from a comprehensive report enitled “A Climate of Change” published by the EJCC Initiative, http://urbanhabitat.org/files/Hoerner-Robinson.Climate.16-2-8.pdf Climate Justice: The Time is Now Ultimately, accomplishing climate justice will require that AND and communities of color as any other currently plausible stride toward economic justice. ---No offense --- Increasing environmental pressures make centralization inevitable Shearman and Smith 2007 David, Emeritus professor of medicine at Adelaide University, Secretary of Doctors for the Environment Australia, and an Independent Assessor on the IPCC, Joseph Wayne, lawyer and philosopher with a research interest in environmentalism. He is the author of Global Meltdown (Praeger, 1998) and Healing in a Wounded World (Praeger, 1997), THE CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE AND THE FAILURE OF DEMOCRACY, pg 158 As we have said, it is not too difficult to see how this present AND philosopher kings feature what we call the “authoritarian alternative” discussed earlier. |
| 11/11/2012 | Electricity 1NC = Tournament: Wake | Round: 5 | Opponent: George Washington CR | Judge: Sydney Pasquinelli A. Solar power means electricity from solar. California Energy Commission Glossary no date (“Glossary of Energy Terms- Letter S,” accessed 7-20-12, http://www.energy.ca.gov/glossary/glossary-s.html) SOLAR POWER - Electricity generated from solar radiation. B. The aff is about solar energy not solar power Power is electrical generation- energy is the actual light and heat from the sun. Everblue Training no date (“Solar Energy Defined,” http://www.everblue.edu/renewable-energy-training/getting-started-with-solar-and-wind-energy) The definition of solar energy is that it is the radiant light and heat from the sun that has been harnessed by humans to create energy. The definition of solar power is electrical generation by means of heat engines or photovoltaics. Uses for solar power include but are not limited to: space heating and cooling, water distillation, daylighting, hot water, thermal energy for cooking, and more. Also, they reduce restrictions that make it easier for the government to procure energy, that is not topical and explodes limits Menz, 5 - Faculty of Economics and Finance, School of Business, Clarkson University, Bertrand H. Snell Hall, Potsdam, NY, also from the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo (CICERO), Norway (Fredric, “Green electricity policies in the United States: case study,” Energy Policy, December, Science Direct) Italics in original There is considerable variation among states in both their regulatory environments and the policies that have been implemented to promote green electricity.... and other programs to increase market support for renewable energy technologies. C. Vote Negative- Our interpretation protects core cases on the topic like Feed-in-Tariffs and tax credits for solar power. Their interpretation explodes the topic by conflating power and energy. It literally allows ANYTHING UNDER THE SUN like sun worship, sun bathing, passive heating like sky lights. They cannot access the race to the middle by referencing the sun because that places no meaningful limit on the topic. EIA 8 http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/servicerpt/anwr/results.html Analysis of Crude Oil Production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Methodology This Inventory is based on information that was previously developed through the scientific...... range of access restrictions associated with oil and gas leasing. |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 5 | Opponent: George Washington | Judge: Text —- The United States federal government should hold a binding national policy referendum over whether to substantially reduce restrictions on passive solar construction in federally assisted housing and should implement the result.Suksi 1993 Markku, Professor of law at Abo Akademi University, Bringing in the People, pg 12 A policy vote, again, is often characterized by a transference of the political AND , as a matter of fact, in a positive-sum solution. Hendriks 2009 Carolyn M., Crawford School of Economics and Government @ Australia National University, Securing public legitimacy for long-term energy reforms, PUBLIC POLICY NETWORK CONFERENCETHE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, CANBERRA29-30 JANUARY Integrate policy development with empowered forms of citizen engagement A more radical strategy would be AND have to reconsider their views on the role of citizens in energy politics. Cox 2012 William John, retired police officer, prosecutor, public interest lawyer, author and political activist, Global Research - Political Transformation in America: Effectuating Real Democracy by a Voters’ Rights Amendment, http://thevoters.org/ A National Policy Referendum can produce a number of positive results: First, the AND democracy is no longer an option. It is a matter of survival%21 |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: 5 | Opponent: George Washington | Judge: Text: The Fifty state governments and territories shouldObservation One: Theory-State versus Federal action is at the heart of the renewable energy debate. Net benefits check abuse and provide a policy warrant to vote negative.Observation Two: Solves the Case and avoids the net benefits-Their arguments about expertise and the fossil fuel lobby are antiquated—-the states are the locus on progressive environmental policyBrownt, JD-Seattle, 08 (Daniel, Executive Constraint, Judicial Uncertainty, and Legislative Complacency: Washington Responds with a Progressive Approach to Climate Change, Seattle University Law Review, Spring, 31 Seattle Univ. L. R. 707, lexis) C. Original Reasons Justifying the Federal Government’s Dominance of Environmental Regulation Are Invalid Despite AND , which in turn will decrease the potential devastation threatened by climate change. |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 5 | Opponent: George Washington CR | Judge: Sydney Pasquinelli ---Survival outweighs and precedes justice. Shearman and Smith 2007 David, Emeritus professor of medicine at Adelaide University, Secretary of Doctors for the Environment Australia, and an Independent Assessor on the IPCC, Joseph Wayne, lawyer and philosopher with a research interest in environmentalism. He is the author of Global Meltdown (Praeger, 1998) and Healing in a Wounded World (Praeger, 1997), THE CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE AND THE FAILURE OF DEMOCRACY, pg 85 Our position differs from Wolff and other anarchists also insofar as we reject the principle AND liberal social world would have would be to perish in a polluted environment. ---Passive solar will be discarded --- Can’t meet energy demands. Brook and Hong 2012 Barry, Senior Fellow at the Breakthrough Institute and a Research Professor at the University of Adelaide in Australia, Sanghyun, PhD candidate at the University of Adelaide, No Nukes? Then Say Yes to Global Warming: How the Anti-Nuclear Movement Undermines Climate Efforts, http://thebreakthrough.org/index.php/programs/energy-and-climate/no-nukes-then-say-yes-to-global-warming/ Our recent research (currently submitted to the journal Energy) uses MCDMA to show AND of cheap, large-scale energy storage are deployed in the future. ---Their social justice claims are utopian --- The public wont shift consumption patterns. Corrice 2012 Leslie, Bachelors degree in Nuclear Technology and Environmental Sciences, Masters degree in Philosophy, Over 21 years of experience as a nuclear power plant operator, environmental monitoring technician, health physics design engineer, public relations spokesperson, public education coordinator and emergency planner, So What? The Hiroshima Syndrome, http://www.hiroshimasyndrome.com/so-what.html Let's begin with the "energy conservation" objection. If everyone always turned off AND we cannot expect conservation efforts to meet any of our lofty hypothetical expectations. Industrial energy is good – it’s key to cheap electricity prices and funding to transition to renewables – it solves equity and poverty alleviation Epstein 2009 Alex, founder and director of the Center for Industrial Progress, Energy at the Speed of Thought: The Original Alternative Energy Market, TOS Vol. 4, No. 2. The most important and most overlooked energy issue today is the growing crisis of global AND supply stagnates3—meaning rising prices as far as the eye can see. ---Structural corruption in government makes technocracy inevitable. Shearman and Smith 2007 David, Emeritus professor of medicine at Adelaide University, Secretary of Doctors for the Environment Australia, and an Independent Assessor on the IPCC, Joseph Wayne, lawyer and philosopher with a research interest in environmentalism. He is the author of Global Meltdown (Praeger, 1998) and Healing in a Wounded World (Praeger, 1997), THE CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE AND THE FAILURE OF DEMOCRACY, pg 89-90 In this chapter we concisely outline why democracy is failing and why we believe that AND cation to a more comfortable economic one within the paradigm of liberal democracy. ---Means/ends distinctions are a moral cop out --- There are no absolutes beyond the evaluation of comparative risk. Alinsky 1971 Saul D., Activist, Professor, and Social Organizer with International Fame, Founder of the Industrial Areas Foundation, Rules for Radicals, pg. 24-27 We cannot think first and act afterwards. From the moment of birth we are AND is concerned with any value except victory. It is life or death. Solar will never work---Rare earth metal shortages Fridley- Energy Analysis Program, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory-10 http://www.postcarbon.org/report/127153-energy-nine-challenges-of-alternative-energy Unlike what is generally assumed, the input to an alternative energy process is not AND requirements may constrain its development in cases of either material or energy scarcity. Costs are far too high---their studies are too optimistic Morriss et al 9 (Andrew P. Morriss H. Ross and Helen Workman Professor of Law and Professor of Business University of Illinois William T. Bogart Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor of Economics York College of Pennsylvania Andrew Dorchak Head of Reference and Foreign/International Law Specialist Case Western Reserve University School of Law Roger E. Meiners John and Judy Goolsby Distinguished Professor of Economics and Law University of Texas-Arlington “Green Jobs Myths” http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1358423) Solar power is a second favored technology in the green jobs literature. As with AND substantial increases in solar power generation without a serious discussion of the hurdles. Local regulations Walsh 11 (Bryan, is a senior writer for TIME magazine, covering energy and the environment, “Energy: The Obstacles to Scaling Up Solar Power” http://science.time.com/2011/01/31/energy-the-obstacles-to-scaling-up-solar-power/) But there’s a lot more holding back renewable power in the U.S. AND solar market are really staggering,” says Ed Fenster, CEO of SunRun. Not Cost effective The Regina Leader-Post 7 (“Alex Dzierba spoke Thursday about renewable energy resources for Saskatchewan” http://www.phys.uregina.ca/sites/phys/files/ADzierba_SolarPowerNotFeasible.pdf) With the climate evidently changing, many are looking to the sky to lessen their AND it would take 50 to 60 years to make up the capital costs. And solar power will either take a long time or cost so much that it’s unfeasible, there’s several reasons – A. Steam turbines Fehrenbacher 8 (Katie Fehrenbacher is an editor at Earth2Tech, a Web publication that covers startups and entrepreneurs creating innovations to fight climate change, “8 off beat hurdles to solar power plants” http://gigaom.com/cleantech/8-offbeat-hurdles-for-solar-power-plants/) Steam turbines: As the solar industry rapidly ramps up, individual components are slowing AND GE is one of the few), the hardware is in tight supply. B. Transmission lines Fehrenbacher 8 (Katie Fehrenbacher is an editor at Earth2Tech, a Web publication that covers startups and entrepreneurs creating innovations to fight climate change, “8 off beat hurdles to solar power plants” http://gigaom.com/cleantech/8-offbeat-hurdles-for-solar-power-plants/) Transmission lines: While the first solar power plants are being built close to transmission lines, the vast majority of the sunny deserts are miles from any existing infrastructure. But permitting and capital costs for running high-tension wires for hundreds of miles are both large hurdles. SDGandE’s Sunrise Transmission project has seen it’s fair share of obstacles and more lines will still be needed. C. Water lands Fehrenbacher 8 (Katie Fehrenbacher is an editor at Earth2Tech, a Web publication that covers startups and entrepreneurs creating innovations to fight climate change, “8 off beat hurdles to solar power plants” http://gigaom.com/cleantech/8-offbeat-hurdles-for-solar-power-plants/) Water needs: Solar power plants require a lot of water, and water-cooled plants could be particularly hard to get permitted. Figuring out how to build the plants with less water — some use molten salt as a heat transfer fluid — could be a cheaper and easier option. D. Spiritual Lands Fehrenbacher 8 (Katie Fehrenbacher is an editor at Earth2Tech, a Web publication that covers startups and entrepreneurs creating innovations to fight climate change, “8 off beat hurdles to solar power plants” http://gigaom.com/cleantech/8-offbeat-hurdles-for-solar-power-plants/) Spiritual lands: Even more than the territorial hobbyists, the burial grounds or sacred lands of desert-living Native Americans are strong deterrents to putting up solar thermal collectors. Siting plants near or on such spaces has to be negotiated in the same way, though: with a lot of discussion and respect. E. Dust and Terrorists Fehrenbacher 8 (Katie Fehrenbacher is an editor at Earth2Tech, a Web publication that covers startups and entrepreneurs creating innovations to fight climate change, “8 off beat hurdles to solar power plants” http://gigaom.com/cleantech/8-offbeat-hurdles-for-solar-power-plants/) Dust: With no shortage of dust in the desert, keeping mirrors and lenses AND a hydroelectric dam. Night security guards might be needed out in the Mojave |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 7 | Opponent: Michigan CM | Judge: Eli Jacobs ---Framing natural gas policy in terms of supply security externalizes our culpability for domestic consumption patterns collapsing the political and creating the conditions for nationalism, war and policy failure. Lowth 2011 Colonel R. G., British Army, ‘Securitization’ and its effect on Strategic Thinking, SEAFORD HOUSE PAPER, Royal Defense Studies Gas security has become synonymous with gas supply. Indeed the former has been established AND possible re-framing of energy security at the end of this section. Two impacts--- ---first, failing to challenge the political structure of global energy production and consumption causes global war. Byrne and Toly 2006 John, director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy (CEEP) and Distinguished Professor of Public Policy at the University of Delaware, Noah, research associate and Ph.D. candidate in the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy at the University of Delaware, Energy as a Social Project: Recovering a Discourse, Transforming Power: Energy, Environment and Society in Conflict, pg Remaining modern, however, also demands an increasing commitment to override what lags AND will, in all likelihood, force further needs to militarize its operations. Second, the dialogue they promote precludes effective risk calculus in the energy market Hildyard Lohmann and Sexton 2012 Nicholas, founder and Director of The Corner House, Larry, author of the book “Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatization and Power” and works at the British NGO The Corner House, Sarah, a director of The Corner House, Energy Security For What? For Whom? The Corner House, http://www.thecornerhouse.org.uk/resource/energy-security-whom-what Clearly, like “security”, “energy” is a term that leaves out AND and continues to pose) a much greater threat of supply failure.12 ---The alternative is to repoliticize energy politics; shifting the focus from perfecting structures of oppression to debating the desirability of existing energy structures in the first place. Swyngedouw 2009 Erik, School of Environment and Development, Manchester University, The Antinomies of the Postpolitical City: In Search of a Democratic Politics of Environmental Production, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Volume 33, Issue 3, pages 601–620 Live Earth concerts, waving the banner of climate change and urging the world's leaders AND presence of power relations and competing interests (Dikeç, 2005: 172). |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 7 | Opponent: Michigan CM | Judge: Eli Jacobs Text: The United States President should enter into prior and binding consultation with the United States Congress over the substantial reduction of restrictions on offshore natural gas production in the United States. The President should offer to support the substantial reduction of restrictions on offshore natural gas production in the United States, if Congress agrees to invest substantial federal revenues from the resulting production into clean energy research and development. Observation One: Theory. The Counterplan is legitimate. It is grounded in the topic literature making it predictable and educational. Net benefits prove it is a germane policy making consideration. Observation Two: Net Benefits First, the counterplan solves the case and avoids politics-Leveraging the removal of restrictions effectively builds bipartisan support for investing in clean energy research and development. Jenkins and Borofsky-Breakthrough Institute-4/10 After "Drill, Baby, Drill," Obama Should Embrace Another GOP Energy Plan http://thebreakthrough.org/archive/after_drill_baby_drill_obama_s So while the expansion of offshore drilling may seem like we're taking a step back AND Congressional Democrats should waste no time in embracing this clean energy investment plan. Second, turns the case---the counterplan is key to energy diversification and security Jenkins and Borofsky-Breakthrough Institute-4/10 After "Drill, Baby, Drill," Obama Should Embrace Another GOP Energy Plan http://thebreakthrough.org/archive/after_drill_baby_drill_obama_s After all, we simply cannot drill our way to energy security. The New AND $110 billion for critical clean energy investments over the next twenty years. Critical to solve warming Rigg, citing the IPCC, 11 (Kelly Rigg is the Executive Director of the GCCA, a global alliance of 300 organizations cooperating under the banner of the tcktcktck campaign “IPCC Report: Renewable Energy Key to Solving Climate Change” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kelly-rigg/ipcc-report-renewable-ene_b_859426.html) A new IPCC report is hot off the press this time focused on the potential AND found in the press releases of Greenpeace, WWF and the IPCC itself. Renewable transition solves extinction from climate change and great power war Klarevas 09 Louis Klarevas, Professor for Center for Global Affairs at New York University, “Securing American Primacy While Tackling Climate Change: Toward a National Strategy of Greengemony,” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/louis-klarevas/securing-american-primacy_b_393223.html As national leaders from around the world are gathering in Copenhagen, Denmark, to AND best approach for achieving this is to promote a national strategy of greengemony. |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 7 | Opponent: Michigan CM | Judge: Eli Jacobs Offshore drilling fails---takes a decade, states block it, the status quo does way more production than they can increase by Plumer 12 (Brad Plumer “Romney would open federal lands to drilling. How much oil and gas is there?” http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/wp/2012/08/25/romney-would-open-federal-lands-to-drilling-how-much-oil-and-gas-is-there/) The three columns on the left show all of the undiscovered oil and gas that’s AND of how much oil and gas is actually in the areas being discussed. - Natural Gas prices low – storage and liquid drilling
Reuters 8/25/12 (“UPDATE 3-U.S. natgas futures end lower, reverse early gains” http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/08/24/markets-nymex-natgas-idINL2E8JO3ID20120824)
NEW YORK, Aug 24 (Reuters) - U.S. natural gas AND and the five-year average increase for the week of 62 bcf. Even with increased demand – natural gas prices will remain comparatively low Radler and Bell 7/2/12 (*Marilyn, Senior Editor, *Laura, Statistics Editor, “US demand for energy to keep falling—but not for natural gas” http://www.ogj.com/articles/print/vol-110/issue-07/special-report-midyear-forecast/us-demand-for-energy.html) Gas demand growth will slightly outpace production growth in the US this year. Imports AND . Gas imports from Canada and Mexico will also slump from 2011 levels. AND GLUT DOESN’T PREVENT PRODUCTION – the need to pay back loans, use-it or lose it leases, and company buy-outs require continued production Tverberg 3/23/12 (Gail, an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. The financial system is also likely to be affected. “Why US natural gas prices are so low – Are changes needed?” http://ourfiniteworld.com/2012/03/23/why-us-natural-gas-prices-are-so-low-are-changes-needed/) 3. Supply doesn’t drop quickly. Natural gas supply (Figure 5, above AND creating a greater over-supply situation before a shake-out occurs. Marginal price increases irrelevant – equilibrium can still maintain the manufacturing renaissance Magill 8/22/12 (Jim, staffwriter for Platts, “Manufacturers, producers see different futures for US natural gas supplies” http://www.platts.com/RSSFeedDetailedNews/RSSFeed/NaturalGas/6582012 The rapid development of US shale natural gas resources has created an opportunity for the AND that there can be an equilibrium point and we can have it all." The benefit is to the economy from increased production is marginal – economies of scale, supply shifts, and oil price pressure Philips 4/26/12 (Matthew, staffwriter, “Why Lower Natural Gas Prices Help the U.S. Only a Little” http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-04-26/why-lower-natural-gas-prices-help-the-u-dot-s-dot-only-a-little) There’s a rule of thumb that says a $10 rise in the price of AND S. economy won’t see that big of an upside from cheap prices. ---Competitiveness is resilient --- the US is bouncing back hard. Drezner 2012 Daniel, is professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, a senior editor at The National Interest , and a contributing editor at Foreign Policy. Prior to Fletcher, he taught at the University of Chicago and the University of Colorado at Boulder. “Predictions about the death of American hegemony may have been greatly exaggerated” http://drezner.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/01/22/predictions_about_the_death_of_american_hegemony_may_have_been_greatly_exaggerated?wpisrc=obinsite Let's face it, there's a general anxiety about the future of America. There's AND These trends suggest that maybe, just maybe, that might be wrong. ---No Impact --- American manufacturing and structural economic advantages outweigh their links. Feinblum November 10th 2012 Benjamin, Serial-Entrepreneur CEO Biz Owner, Fiscal Cliff Will Not Break American Entrepreneurial Spirit, PolicyMic, http://www.policymic.com/articles/18885/fiscal-cliff-will-not-break-american-entrepreneurial-spirit We face challenges today such as the fiscal cliff, while we work to dial AND the world? We produce more products than anywhere else on the planet. |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 7 | Opponent: Michigan CM | Judge: Eli Jacobs Offshore drilling fails---takes a decade, states block it, the status quo does way more production than they can increase by Plumer 12 (Brad Plumer “Romney would open federal lands to drilling. How much oil and gas is there?” http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/wp/2012/08/25/romney-would-open-federal-lands-to-drilling-how-much-oil-and-gas-is-there/) The three columns on the left show all of the undiscovered oil and gas that’s AND of how much oil and gas is actually in the areas being discussed. - Natural Gas prices low – storage and liquid drilling
Reuters 8/25/12 (“UPDATE 3-U.S. natgas futures end lower, reverse early gains” http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/08/24/markets-nymex-natgas-idINL2E8JO3ID20120824)
NEW YORK, Aug 24 (Reuters) - U.S. natural gas AND and the five-year average increase for the week of 62 bcf. Even with increased demand – natural gas prices will remain comparatively low Radler and Bell 7/2/12 (*Marilyn, Senior Editor, *Laura, Statistics Editor, “US demand for energy to keep falling—but not for natural gas” http://www.ogj.com/articles/print/vol-110/issue-07/special-report-midyear-forecast/us-demand-for-energy.html) Gas demand growth will slightly outpace production growth in the US this year. Imports AND . Gas imports from Canada and Mexico will also slump from 2011 levels. AND GLUT DOESN’T PREVENT PRODUCTION – the need to pay back loans, use-it or lose it leases, and company buy-outs require continued production Tverberg 3/23/12 (Gail, an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. The financial system is also likely to be affected. “Why US natural gas prices are so low – Are changes needed?” http://ourfiniteworld.com/2012/03/23/why-us-natural-gas-prices-are-so-low-are-changes-needed/) 3. Supply doesn’t drop quickly. Natural gas supply (Figure 5, above AND creating a greater over-supply situation before a shake-out occurs. Marginal price increases irrelevant – equilibrium can still maintain the manufacturing renaissance Magill 8/22/12 (Jim, staffwriter for Platts, “Manufacturers, producers see different futures for US natural gas supplies” http://www.platts.com/RSSFeedDetailedNews/RSSFeed/NaturalGas/6582012 The rapid development of US shale natural gas resources has created an opportunity for the AND that there can be an equilibrium point and we can have it all." The benefit is to the economy from increased production is marginal – economies of scale, supply shifts, and oil price pressure Philips 4/26/12 (Matthew, staffwriter, “Why Lower Natural Gas Prices Help the U.S. Only a Little” http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-04-26/why-lower-natural-gas-prices-help-the-u-dot-s-dot-only-a-little) There’s a rule of thumb that says a $10 rise in the price of AND S. economy won’t see that big of an upside from cheap prices. ---Competitiveness is resilient --- the US is bouncing back hard. Drezner 2012 Daniel, is professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, a senior editor at The National Interest , and a contributing editor at Foreign Policy. Prior to Fletcher, he taught at the University of Chicago and the University of Colorado at Boulder. “Predictions about the death of American hegemony may have been greatly exaggerated” http://drezner.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/01/22/predictions_about_the_death_of_american_hegemony_may_have_been_greatly_exaggerated?wpisrc=obinsite Let's face it, there's a general anxiety about the future of America. There's AND These trends suggest that maybe, just maybe, that might be wrong. ---No Impact --- American manufacturing and structural economic advantages outweigh their links. Feinblum November 10th 2012 Benjamin, Serial-Entrepreneur CEO Biz Owner, Fiscal Cliff Will Not Break American Entrepreneurial Spirit, PolicyMic, http://www.policymic.com/articles/18885/fiscal-cliff-will-not-break-american-entrepreneurial-spirit We face challenges today such as the fiscal cliff, while we work to dial AND the world? We produce more products than anywhere else on the planet. |
| 11/14/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: Doubles | Opponent: West Georgia | Judge: Fisher, Weil, Garen —-The demand for community deliberation over energy policy is suicidal —- Ignores the delaying effect of public apathy and indifference.Daniel 2012 Charles, To what extent is democracy detrimental to the current and future aims of environmental policy and technologies?, POLIS Journal Vol. 7, Summer 2012, http://www.polis.leeds.ac.uk/assets/files/students/student-journal/ug-summer-12/charles-daniel.pdf Building on the works of Jurgen Habermas (1979), who believed that communicative rationality AND decisions, where constant deliberation would take precedent over necessary action and investment. Monbiot 2008 George, English Writer and Environmental and Political Activist, 9-4, "Identity Politics in Climate Change Hell," http://www.celsias.com/article/identity-politics-climate-change-hell/ If you want a glimpse of how the movement against climate change could crumble faster AND this urgent task into the identity politics that have wrecked so many movements. Hayward 2006 Steven F., previously the F.K. Weyerhaeuser Fellow at AEI, The Fate of the Earth in the Balance, SOCIETY AND CULTURE, http://www.aei.org/outlook/society-and-culture/the-fate-of-the-earth-in-the-balance/ It was not surprising, then, that the Socolow/ Pacala stabilization wedges appear AND of Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative, are greeted contemptuously for the same reason. Lovelock 2004 James, independent scientist and the creator of the Gaia hypothesis of the Earth as a self-regulating organism, Nuclear power is the only green solution, http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/james-lovelock-nuclear-power-is-the-only-green-solution-6169341.html Sir David King, the Government’s chief scientist, was far-sighted to say AND now or suffer the pain soon to be inflicted by our outraged planet. Wise 2010 Tim, anti-racist writers and activist, With Friends Like These, Who Needs Glenn Beck? Racism and White Privilege on the Liberal-Left, http://redroom.com/member/tim-wise/blog/with-friends-like-these-who-needs-glenn-beck-racism-and-white-privilege-on-the- How many climate change activists, for instance, really connect the dots between global AND color and their concerns, but is to weaken the fight for survival. Shearman %26 Smith 2007 David, Emeritus professor of medicine at Adelaide University, Secretary of Doctors for the Environment Australia, and an Independent Assessor on the IPCC, Joseph Wayne, lawyer and philosopher with a research interest in environmentalism. He is the author of Global Meltdown (Praeger, 1998) and Healing in a Wounded World (Praeger, 1997), THE CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE AND THE FAILURE OF DEMOCRACY, pg 158 As we have said, it is not too difficult to see how this present AND philosopher kings feature what we call the "authoritarian alternative" discussed earlier. |
| 11/14/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: Doubles | Opponent: West Georgia | Judge: Fisher, Weil, Garen 2nc Link Stuff Linkola 2007 Pentti, Finnish fisherman, environmentalist, ecofascist and amateur biologist, Leadership, Updated 2006-2007, www.anus.com/zine/philosophy/resources/pentti_linkola.pdf Any dictatorship would be better than modern democracy. There cannot be such an incompetent AND hope lies in strong central government and uncompromizing control of the individual citizen. Daniel 2012 Charles, To what extent is democracy detrimental to the current and future aims of environmental policy and technologies?, POLIS Journal Vol. 7, Summer 2012, http://www.polis.leeds.ac.uk/assets/files/students/student-journal/ug-summer-12/charles-daniel.pdf This is exactly what Mark Beeson suggests in his argument for the coming of environmental AND , but essential for the survival of humanity’ (Beeson 2010: 289). Hickman 2010 Leo, James Lovelock: Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change, The Guardian, http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2010/mar/29/james-lovelock-climate-change Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change from radically impacting on our lives over AND as the Pine Island glacier, which would immediately push up sea level. Embracing a politics of local energy deliberation causes policy stagnation and ecological collapse.Daniel 2012 Charles, To what extent is democracy detrimental to the current and future aims of environmental policy and technologies?, POLIS Journal Vol. 7, Summer 2012, http://www.polis.leeds.ac.uk/assets/files/students/student-journal/ug-summer-12/charles-daniel.pdf Deliberative democracy also suggests that every member of the public should have a right to AND decisions, where constant deliberation would take precedent over necessary action and investment. Shearman %26 Smith 2007 David, Emeritus professor of medicine at Adelaide University, Secretary of Doctors for the Environment Australia, and an Independent Assessor on the IPCC, Joseph Wayne, lawyer and philosopher with a research interest in environmentalism. He is the author of Global Meltdown (Praeger, 1998) and Healing in a Wounded World (Praeger, 1997), THE CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE AND THE FAILURE OF DEMOCRACY, pg 166 Some have enthused that this organizational weapon provides an opportunity to reform democracy through informed participation: the World Social Forum and other grassroots meetings can evolve.20 We have argued that it is too late to rely upon an evolution of true democracy through bottom-up reform. The performance of humanity to date suggests that we will move toward crisis, followed by disorder and authoritarian rule. Klein 2011 Naomi, award-winning journalist, syndicated columnist, fellow at The Nation Institute and author of the international and New York Times bestseller The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, Capitalism vs. the Climate, The Nation, http://www.thenation.com/article/164497/capitalism-vs-climate?page=full It is true that responding to the climate threat requires strong government action at all AND off fossil fuels and to shore up communal infrastructure for the coming storms. Mufson 2/9/12 (Steven, staff writer covering energy and other financial news. He has worked at the Post since 1989 and has been its chief economic policy writer, Beijing correspondent, diplomatic correspondent and deputy editor of the weekly Outlook section. Earlier, he spent six years working for The Wall Street Journal in New York, London and Johannesburg and wrote a book about the 1980s uprisings in South Africa’s black townships. "NRC approves construction of new nuclear power reactors in Georgia" http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/nrc-approves-construction-of-new-nuclear-power-reactors-in-georgia/2012/02/09/gIQA36wv1Q_story_1.html-http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/nrc-approves-construction-of-new-nuclear-power-reactors-in-georgia/2012/02/09/gIQA36wv1Q_story_1.html) Applications for new reactors dropped off in 1978 for financial reasons, and then the AND to a standstill, particularly given the backdrop of low natural gas prices." —-And the world is watching Georgia – it’s the key internal link to the "nuclear renaissance."Barber 9/24/12 (Wayne, staffwriter, "Southern realizes ’world is watching’ new Vogtle construction" http://www.energybiz.com/article/12/09/southern-realizes-world-watching-new-vogtle-construction-http://www.energybiz.com/article/12/09/southern-realizes-world-watching-new-vogtle-construction) Southern (NYSE: SO) official Cheri Collins realizes "the world is watching AND units might be operating by the end of the decade, Ostendorff said. 2nc Impact Stuff —-Warming turns and outweighs case.A. Warming will cause it extinction —- C02 melts the artic causing catastrophic weather and temperature change turning the earth into a lifeless rock —- That’s Lovelock. Questions of justice are impossible in a world of runaway climate change.Shearman %26 Smith 2007 David, Emeritus professor of medicine at Adelaide University, Secretary of Doctors for the Environment Australia, and an Independent Assessor on the IPCC, Joseph Wayne, lawyer and philosopher with a research interest in environmentalism. He is the author of Global Meltdown (Praeger, 1998) and Healing in a Wounded World (Praeger, 1997), THE CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE AND THE FAILURE OF DEMOCRACY, pg 85 Our position differs from Wolff and other anarchists also insofar as we reject the principle AND liberal social world would have would be to perish in a polluted environment. B. Extinction comes first —- Destruction of the physical environment eliminates the other itself and precludes the affirmatives education or analysis.Wapner 2003 Paul, associate professor and director of the Global Environmental Policy Program at American University. "Leftist Criticism of "Nature" Environmental Protection in a Postmodern Age," Dissent Winter http://www.dissentmagazine.org/menutest/archives/2003/wi03/wapner.htm All attempts to listen to nature are social constructions-except one. Even the AND respect must involve ensuring that the "other" actually continues to exist. Hoerner %26 Robinson 2009 J., Nia, Just Climate Policy —Just Racial Policy, excerpted from a comprehensive report enitled "A Climate of Change" published by the EJCC Initiative, http://urbanhabitat.org/files/Hoerner-Robinson.Climate.16-2-8.pdf Climate Justice: The Time is Now Ultimately, accomplishing climate justice will require that AND and communities of color as any other currently plausible stride toward economic justice. Schwartz %26 Reise 2005 Peter, Spencer, "Nuclear Now%21: How Clean, Green Atomic Energy Can Stop Global Warming," WIRED, vol. 13, http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/13.02/nuclear.html This remarkable success suggests that nuclear energy realistically could replace coal in the US without a cost increase and ultimately lead the way to a clean, green future. The trick is to start building nuke plants and keep building them at a furious pace. Anything less leaves carbon in the climatic driver’s seat.... —-Coal is worse and turns case —- Causes asthma, childhood hospitalization and death that guts minority communities from within.Roberts 2012 David, Black people get asthma so everybody else can get cheap power, Grist, http://grist.org/coal/black-people-get-asthma-so-everybody-else-can-get-cheap-power/ In 2008, African Americans had a 35 percent higher ~PDF~ rate of AND And make no mistake: the pollution is where the coal plants are. Lemar 10 (Alexander, "Alexander: Top 10 Reasons Nuclear Power Is Key To America’s Energy Future" http://chattanoogan.com/2010/10/1/185361/Alexander-Top-10-Reasons-Nuclear-Power.aspx-http://chattanoogan.com/2010/10/1/185361/Alexander-Top-10-Reasons-Nuclear-Power.aspx) 2. Reliable: America’s nuclear reactors operate 90 percent of the time, making AND 186,000 wind turbines necessary to equal the output of 100 reactors. —-Turns the case and reifies structural racism —- Energy prices disproportionately affect the impoverished minority households.Preston 2011 Bryan, former Communications Director for the Republican Party of Texas, High energy prices: Poor, minorities hardest hit, http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2011/04/06/high-energy-prices-poor-minorities-hardest-hit/ Lower-income households are paying nearly a quarter of their income for energy costs AND burdens of energy price increases are imposed disproportionately on black and Hispanic households. —-Undermining jobs and economic stability precludes environmental justice —- Economic not racial disparities are the best predictors for inequitable waste and pollution distribution.Couch et al 2003 Couch, Jim F. Williams, Peter M. Halvorson, Jon. Malone, Keith. Of racism and rubbish: the geography of race and pollution in Mississippi, The Independent Review, v. VIII, n. 2, Fall 2003, ISSN 1086-1653, pp. 235–247 Based on the foregoing analysis, we conclude that no positive association exists between heavy AND of county-level air pollution hardly supports the notion of environmental injustice. Shearman %26 Smith 2007 David, Emeritus professor of medicine at Adelaide University, Secretary of Doctors for the Environment Australia, and an Independent Assessor on the IPCC, Joseph Wayne, lawyer and philosopher with a research interest in environmentalism. He is the author of Global Meltdown (Praeger, 1998) and Healing in a Wounded World (Praeger, 1997), THE CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE AND THE FAILURE OF DEMOCRACY, pg 89-90 In this chapter we concisely outline why democracy is failing and why we believe that AND cation to a more comfortable economic one within the paradigm of liberal democracy. A2 Waste Turn Adams 2012 Rod, Pro-nuclear advocate with extensive small nuclear plant operating experience. Former submarine Engineer Officer. Founder, Adams Atomic Engines, Inc. Host and producer, The Atomic Show Podcast, Plutonium power for the people, http://atomicinsights.com/2012/09/plutonium-power-for-the-people.html This evening, at the Convention Center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, there will be AND ) fuel that is compatible with our current generation of light water reactors. Adams 2012 Rod, Pro-nuclear advocate with extensive small nuclear plant operating experience. Former submarine Engineer Officer. Founder, Adams Atomic Engines, Inc. Host and producer, The Atomic Show Podcast, Plutonium power for the people, http://atomicinsights.com/2012/09/plutonium-power-for-the-people.html People opposed to the use of plutonium would prefer for the valuable, energy- AND generating stations. The zombies will be the entertaining part of the evening. Brook %26 Hong 2012 Barry, Senior Fellow at the Breakthrough Institute and a Research Professor at the University of Adelaide in Australia, Sanghyun, PhD candidate at the University of Adelaide, No Nukes? Then Say Yes to Global Warming: How the Anti-Nuclear Movement Undermines Climate Efforts, http://thebreakthrough.org/index.php/programs/energy-and-climate/no-nukes-then-say-yes-to-global-warming/ The consequences of this choice are, obviously, losing the battle against global climate change. This is more serious than any known nuclear-power-related issues, such as waste management or accidental releases of radioactive material. We all must understand that there is no "silver bullet" energy source which can solve all problems perfectly without any negative impacts to society and the environment. Trade-offs are, like death and taxes, inevitable. A2 Radiation Turn Luckey 2006 Dr. T.D., Professor Emeritus of the University of Missouri, Columbia and Honorary Professor of Olde Herborn University, RADIATION HORMESIS: THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY, Dose Response, 27;4 (3) pg. 169-90 A decades long epidemiologic study in China showed peasants living with three times the levels AND China rejects fear from low dose irradiation (Aurengo et al., 2005). —-Err negative —- Over three thousand studies support our claim.Luckey 2006 Dr. T.D., Professor Emeritus of the University of Missouri, Columbia and Honorary Professor of Olde Herborn University, RADIATION HORMESIS: THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY, Dose Response, 27;4 (3) pg. 169-90 Over 3,000 scientific research papers show that low dose irradiation is stimulatory and AND studies which produced confirmed and definitive evidence of stimulation and/or benefit. Luckey 2006 Dr. T.D., Professor Emeritus of the University of Missouri, Columbia and Honorary Professor of Olde Herborn University, RADIATION HORMESIS: THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY, Dose Response, 27;4 (3) pg. 169-90 Premature cancer deaths are caused by insufficient radiation. Good evidence comes from 151, AND premature cancer deaths each year. The cause is attributed to insufficient radiation. —-This is a link to the nuclear power disadvantage —- Their anti-radiation propaganda inhibits the nuclear power industry.Luckey 2006 Dr. T.D., Professor Emeritus of the University of Missouri, Columbia and Honorary Professor of Olde Herborn University, RADIATION HORMESIS: THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY, Dose Response, 27;4 (3) pg. 169-90 The bad is epitomized by the U. S. government with lost opportunities for industrial development due to unreasonable regulations which restrict radiation exposures industrial workers to near ambient levels. The lack of popular acceptance of nuclear power AND (such as the EPA). Misinformation is the hallmark of radiation hormesis. ====—-Err negative —- No cases of death linked to nuclear power. ==== Vélez-Hagan 2012 Justin, currently serving with the 451st Air Expeditionary Wing in Kandahar, Afghanistan. He is also the National Executive Director of The National Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce, Is Nuclear the Answer to Gas and Employment Problems? http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/politics/2012/03/22/justin-velez-hagan-is-nuclear-answer-to-gas-and-employment-problems/ First, we are all scared by overly sensational news stories. Did you know AND have been safe planting his humble abode next to a nuclear power plant. |
| 01/03/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 1 | Opponent: Iowa LL | Judge: Short Obama pushing immigration reform first even with fiscal issues and it will pass – GOP electoral incentives and Hastert rule circumvention Stien and Foley 1/2/13 (*Sam, Political Reporter at the Huffington Post, based in Washington, D.C. Previously he has worked for Newsweek magazine, the New York Daily News and the investigative journalism group Center for Public Integrity. He has a masters from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and is a graduate of Dartmouth College, *Elise, reporter for the Huffington Post in Washington, D.C. She previously worked at The Washington Independent., “Obama's Immigration Reform Push To Begin This Month” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/02/obama-immigration-reform_n_2398507.html) WASHINGTON -- Despite a bruising fiscal cliff battle that managed to set the stage for AND in both parties working together and singing 'Kumbaya,'" Sharry said. Plan sparks massive controversy---renewable energy before the election causes an all-out war Leone 12 Steve is the Associate Editor of Renewable Energy World. "Part 2: Political Reality and the Way Forward for Renewable Energy," April 3, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2012/04/part-2-political-reality-and-the-way-forward-for-renewable-energy In Washington, it’s hard enough to craft legislation even in relatively amicable times. AND can be revived? It’s increasingly looking like the answer may be no. Obama’s political capital is key to reform passage Dade 12/7/12 (Corey, staffwriter for NPR, “Black, Latino Groups: It's Our Turn, Mr. President” http://www.npr.org/2012/12/05/166573082/black-latino-groups-its-our-turn-mr-president) Spending 'Political Capital' For Latinos, the November election has sparked momentum for their top AND that Latino people voted for this president, he should do this." Comprehensive immigration reform is key to the economy and highly skilled workers Farrell 12/13/12 (Chris, a contributing editor for Bloomberg Businessweek. From 1986-97, he was on the magazine's staff, as a corporate finance staff and department editor and then as an economics editor. Farrell wrote Right on the Money: Taking Control of Your Personal Finances and Deflation: What Happens When Prices Fall? Among Farrell's many awards are a National Magazine Award, two Loeb Awards, and the Edward R. Murrow Award. Farrell is a graduate of the London School of Economics and Stanford University. “Obama’s Next Act: Immigration Reform” http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-12-13/obamas-next-act-immigration-reform) Washington won’t get much of a reprieve from verbal pyrotechnics once the drama of the AND legality offers Washington a rare twofer: a just move that’s economically efficient. Economic collapse causes great power war. Royal 2010 (Jedediah, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, “Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises,” in Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, pg. 213-215) Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline may increase the likelihood of extern conflict AND not featured prominently in the economic-security debate and deserves more attention. |
| 01/03/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 1 | Opponent: Iowa LL | Judge: Short The fifty states and all relevant territories should establish Public Utility Commissions which shall establish feed in tariff programs for each electric utility. The cp allows states to wiggle through federal preemption---solves the case Gleason 12 (Jennifer Gleason, Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide “Available Paths for Designing Strong State Feed-in Tariffs1”https:www.elaw.org/system/files/model.FIT_.paths_.feb29.pdf) *purpa = public utility regulatory policies act A state can implement a FIT under PURPA and require separate payment for RECs generated AND solar photovoltaic systems with installed capacity up to and including 1 MW.12 States solve and are modeled Rabe 6 (Barry G. Rabe is a professor of public policy at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan. “Second Generation Climate Policies in the American States: Proliferation, Diffusion and Regionalization” http://208elmp02.blackmesh.com/sites/default/files/paperrabe1.pdf) Much of the existing infrastructure of state climate programs has been individually tailored to the AND programs approved in 2005 and three existing ones significantly expanded during that period. A national FiT does NOT require a federal policy---cp is MORE THAN ENOUGH Energy Trend 11 (“Feed-In Tariff: Does the United States Need a National Policy?” http://www.energytrend.com/US_FeedinTariff) Adopting an American FIT Policy The adoption of a national feed-in tariff in AND road to success with feed-in tariffs began at the local level. |
| 01/03/2013 | Tournament: Coast | Round: 1 | Opponent: Iowa LL | Judge: Short China assuming leadership role in clean energy-exploiting weak US incentives policy Bloomberg Business Week 4/11/12 http://www.businessweek.com/printer/articles/42246?type=bloomberg U.S. government policies are creating a “boom-and-bust AND U.K. with $9.4 billion, Pew said. FIT crowds out china leadership Gipe 10 (Paul Gipe, Contributor “NREL: Feed-in Tariffs Legal in US When Certain Conditions Met” http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2010/02/nrel-feed-in-tariffs-legal-in-us-when-certain-conditions-met) Other Exemptions Hempling notes that Hawaii, Alaska, and most of Texas are exempt AND , India, Germany, and Japan that look at renewable energy differently. Chinese lead in renewable energy markets key to economic growth strategy CNET News 12/1/10 LaMonica Ernst and Young: China clear leader in renewable energy http://news.cnet.com/8301-11128_3-20024232-54.html Driven by a surge in wind power installations, China is building on its lead AND Korea, Romania, Egypt, and Mexico for their energy technology programs. Nuclear war with Russia Sharavin 2001 Alexander Sharavin, Director of the Institute of Military and Political Analysis, WHAT THE PAPERS SAY, October 3, 2001, pg. online China's economy is among the fastest-growing economies in the world. It remains AND both, and even against the first frost of a possible nuclear winter. |
| 01/03/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: A. Financial incentives are distinct from feed-in tariffs, and the aff adds restrictions Brady, 4 - A Thesis In The Department of Political Science Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts (Public Policy and Public Administration) at Concordia University Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Jonathan, “Wind Boom, Wind Bust: An Examination of the Conditions and Policies that Led to Gennany's Wind Industry and Canada's Lack Thereof,” December, http://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/8274/1/MR20699.pdf) Government employed regulatory and financial incentives have played a salient role in this rapid growth AND in wind energy production and wind industry development) during the last decade. |
| 01/03/2013 | Tournament: Coast | Round: 3 | Opponent: Mary Washington MM | Judge: Chung ov Even if nuclear war causes extinction, warming outweighs Scheffran et al 2011 Jürgen Scheffran is Professor at the Institute for Geography and head of the Research Group Climate Change and Security at the KlimaCampus of Hamburg University. He is a member of the World Future Council’s Peace and Disarmament Working Group and serves on the Board of Editors of the Nuclear Abolition Forum, Climate Change, Nuclear Risks and Nuclear Disarmament: From Security Threats to Sustainable Peace, May 17th 2011, http://www.worldfuturecouncil.org/fileadmin/user_upload/PDF/110517_WFC_Scheffran_Report.pdf A nuclear war would result from short-term decisions of a small group of AND , which is more an environmental than a security issue (Scheffran 2011). And, warming will make fossil fules an ineffective energy option---turns the case Rogers 12 (Will Rogers is the Bacevich Fellow at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). “Climate Change Could Disrupt Efforts to Promote Energy Security” http://www.cnas.org/blogs/naturalsecurity/2012/06/climate-change-could-disrupt-efforts-promote-energy-security.html) Countries are increasingly investing in new energy projects to boost domestic energy production and shrink AND to promote policies that have both energy and climate security closely in mind. XT: Economy/Competitiveness ! Renewable energy investment is key to the economy and innovation---comparatively better than the aff DiPasquale 11 (Christina C. DiPasquale is Associate Director of Press Relations at the Center for American Progress. Kate Gordon is Vice President for Energy Policy at the Center. “Top 10 Reasons Why Green Jobs Are Vital to Our Economy” http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/09/top_ten_green_jobs.html) Green jobs are integral to any effort to jumpstart our economy and reduce as rapidly AND oil, and allowing us to export more American-made goods abroad. Decline causes nuclear war Kemp 2010 Geoffrey, Director of Regional Strategic Programs at The Nixon Center, served in the White House under Ronald Reagan, special assistant to the president for national security affairs and senior director for Near East and South Asian affairs on the National Security Council Staff, Former Director, Middle East Arms Control Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2010, The East Moves West: India, China, and Asia’s Growing Presence in the Middle East, pg. 233-4 The second scenario, called Mayhem and Chaos, is the opposite of the first AND expected, with dire consequences for two-thirds of the planet’s population. US technological dominance is key to hegemony Khalilzad, 1995 (Washington Quarterly, lexis) The United States is unlikely to preserve its military and technological dominance if the U AND the change and adapt its institutions, its relative position will necessarily worsen. The impact is global nuclear war Zalmay Khalilzad, RAND, The Washington Quarterly, Spring 1995 Under the third option, the United States would seek to retain global leadership and AND to global stability than a bipolar or a multipolar balance of power system. 2NC Turns case-Energy Security The CP is key to energy diversification-We control the biggest internal link into energy security-dwarfs the affs solvency Jenkins and Borofsky-Breakthrough Institute-4/10 After "Drill, Baby, Drill," Obama Should Embrace Another GOP Energy Plan http://thebreakthrough.org/archive/after_drill_baby_drill_obama_s Don't believe it? Here's the breakdown... While much of the rhetoric used to AND needed to truly diversify our energy mix and secure our freedom from oil. Renewable energy investment is key to the economy and innovation---comparatively better than the aff DiPasquale 11 (Christina C. DiPasquale is Associate Director of Press Relations at the Center for American Progress. Kate Gordon is Vice President for Energy Policy at the Center. “Top 10 Reasons Why Green Jobs Are Vital to Our Economy” http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/09/top_ten_green_jobs.html) Green jobs are integral to any effort to jumpstart our economy and reduce as rapidly AND oil, and allowing us to export more American-made goods abroad. 2nc at: we cause renewables No reason to wait if warming is really coming They are not a certain increase in renewables R+D and innovation are key Stepp 12 (Matthew Stepp is a Senior Analyst with the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) specializing in climate change and clean energy policy. His research interests include clean energy technology development, climate science policy development, transportation policy, and the role innovation has in economic growth. “The Future of Global Climate Policy: Clean Energy Innovation Imperative (Part 3)” The bulwark of an effective energy innovation system is the aggressive pursuit of new products AND further potentially dangerous climate change than what we are already locked ourselves into. A2: Perm-Do Both ---The permutation allows Congress to pocket the concession-It isn’t a horse trade Plummer-New Republic-10/4/10 http://www.tnr.com/blog/the-vine/78147/did-the-white-house-kill-the-climate-bill Did The White House Kill The Climate Bill? In this week's New Yorker, Ryan Lizza has a long, truly excellent reported AND the White House didn't even consult with the three senators before undercutting them. --Leveraging the plan to garner support for clean energy investment is key---the permutation forfeits the bargaining chip Muro-fellow Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings-5/24/10 Offshore Drilling: Room for Compromise in Pursuit of Clean Energy? http://www.brookings.edu/up-front/posts/2010/05/24-offshore-drilling-muro It goes without saying that the nation should legislate no new commitments to offshore oil AND energy transformation looks is a no-brainer that should be insisted upon. More evidence Muro-fellow Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings-5/10/10 Senate Climate Bill: Apply Big Revenue to Energy Innovation http://www.brookings.edu/up-front/posts/2010/05/10-climate-bill-muro Should Senate Democrats really try to pass an energy and climate bill this summer? AND remaking the U.S. energy system. So: We’ll see. ---The permutation is perceived as a last minute attempt to gain votes as opposed to genuine inclusion of Congress into the formation of policy Lindsay-senior fellow brookings-2K U.S. Congress, U.S. Department of State, Executive Branch, Foreign Policy, Governance http://www.brookings.edu/articles/2000/winter_usstatedepartment_lindsay.aspx?p=1 Second, as the fate of the test ban treaty illustrates, presidents and their AND changed conditions of post Cold War America, foreign policy gridlock is inevitable. ---Key distinction between informing and consulting Muskie-former secretary of state-90 The Constitution and National Security When Presidents wall themselves off from congressional advice and good counsel they invite damage AND . I am concerned about true consultation, not notification after the fact. ---Genuine consultation is important for branch relations EVEN if Congress supports the plan Say Anything 3/30/09 http://sayanythingblog.com/entry/king_obama_canned_gm_ceo_without_even_consulting_congress/ What does Obama need Congress for? He’s The One. 3/30/09 Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), a fierce defender of the auto AND amount of executive power, just canned a private sector executive is troubling. ---Only genuine consultation can build support for the plan in Congress The Bulletin's Frontrunner 12/7/2K Issues Seen Key For Bipartisan Approach. In a Bloomington Herald-Times column ( AND -congressional leaders of both parties, the president and his top advisors." A2: Perm-Lie B. Leaks-Links to our net benefits and guts solvency Pillar-National Interest- 6/8/12 Leaky Thinking About Secrecy http://nationalinterest.org/blog/paul-pillar/leaky-thinking-about-secrecy-7033 The leadership of the House and Senate intelligence committees issued a joint statement Wednesday that AND personal agenda (or neuroses, or resentments) of an individual leaker. A2: Perm-Do the CP ---And, substantial reduction implies real or tangible reduction-the permutation is a conditional not substantive reduction. Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, 1996 (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/substantially) 1 a : of or relating to substance b : not illusory : having merit substantial constitutional claim c : having importance or significance : MATERIAL substantial step had not been taken toward commission of the crime —W. Railroad LaFave and A. W. Scott, Junior 2 : considerable in quantity : significantly great substantial abuse of the provisions of this chapter —U.S. Code —compare DE MINIMIS — sub•stan•ti•al•i•ty /-"stan-chE-'a-land-tE/ noun — sub•stan•tial•ly adverb ---And, should is mandatory A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage, Bryan A Garner, scholar of the English Language, March 2001 Should. Oddly, should, like may, q.v., is sometimes used to create mandatory standards, as in the ABA Code of Judicial Conduct. In that code, in which “the canons...establish mandatory standards unless otherwise indicated,” six of the seven canons begin, “A Judge should...” See ought (b) and shall. ---Should implies probability Google Dictionary, 2011 Used to indicate what is probable ---And, Resolved means to make a firm deicison Allwords.com 2003 http://www.allwords.com/query.php?SearchType=3andKeyword=Resolvedandgoquery=Find+it%21andLanguage=ENG - To decide firmly or to determine to do it.
Form: resolve on something (usually) Form: resolve to do something
2NC Turns case-Energy Security The CP is key to energy diversification-We control the biggest internal link into energy security-dwarfs the affs solvency Jenkins and Borofsky-Breakthrough Institute-4/10 After "Drill, Baby, Drill," Obama Should Embrace Another GOP Energy Plan http://thebreakthrough.org/archive/after_drill_baby_drill_obama_s Don't believe it? Here's the breakdown... While much of the rhetoric used to AND needed to truly diversify our energy mix and secure our freedom from oil. Renewable energy investment is key to the economy and innovation---comparatively better than the aff DiPasquale 11 (Christina C. DiPasquale is Associate Director of Press Relations at the Center for American Progress. Kate Gordon is Vice President for Energy Policy at the Center. “Top 10 Reasons Why Green Jobs Are Vital to Our Economy” http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/09/top_ten_green_jobs.html) Green jobs are integral to any effort to jumpstart our economy and reduce as rapidly AND oil, and allowing us to export more American-made goods abroad. A2: CP Illegitimate ---Literature-the counterplan is identified as an important and competitive option in the energy literature. Its predictable and a germane policy option. American Energy Innovation Council ‘11 Catalyzing Ingenuity Chapter 3 http://americanenergyinnovation.org/catalyzing-ingenuity-chapter-3/ Domestic Energy Production The U.S. has an abundance AND could fund innovation in new energy technologies. A2: Certainty ---Turn---the counterplan is a political “sweet-spot” that creates a supportive political climate for oil and gas production. Muro-Brookings-1/25/12 http://www.brookings.edu/up-front/posts/2012/01/25-sotu-energy-muro-fikri The Missing Link in the State of the Union Energy Agenda It was good to hear strong shout-outs for clean and renewable energy sourcing AND extraction to revenue-raising for investments in new and cleaner energy technologies. ---Turn-Failure to engage in the consultative process triggers congressional backlash that will undermine implementation of the plan Collier-Congressional Research Service-83 (Ellen C.-, Specialist in U.S. Foreign Policy @ the Congressional Research Service, Foreign Affairs Committee Print, P. 72) For the most part, consultation is not an end in itself but a means AND there were 14 years of legislative-executive tension on the Rhodesia issue. ---Negotiations will be quick Koh-Prof. of Poli Sci and Former Dean @ Yale-90 The National Security Constitution I reject the notion that more intense legal scrutiny of executive decision would necedsarily foster AND without offending core constutional principles or forgoing the expert advice of legal counsel. |
| 01/07/2013 | Tournament: CSF | Round: 2 | Opponent: Trinity MR | Judge: Buntin Even if capitalism is the root of environmental destruction, only maintaining our commitment to technology and growth can hope to contain the problems we’re already created. Atkisson 01 (Alan, former executive editor of the pioneering journal In Context: A Quarterly of Humane Sustainable Culture, co-founded the Sustainable Seattle initiative, later recognized by the United Nations as a model project in urban sustainability and indicator development, “Sustainability is Dead— Long Live Sustainability,” October, http://www.rrcap.ait.asia/uneptg06/course/Robert/SustainabilityManifesto2001.pdf) At precisely the moment when humanity’s science, technology, and economy has grown to AND —are the decades of reckoning, the time for decisively changing course. Even if our predictions are imperfect, you still err neg. The aff locks in giving up. Atkisson 01 (Alan, former executive editor of the pioneering journal In Context: A Quarterly of Humane Sustainable Culture, co-founded the Sustainable Seattle initiative, later recognized by the United Nations as a model project in urban sustainability and indicator development, “Sustainability is Dead— Long Live Sustainability,” October, http://www.rrcap.ait.asia/uneptg06/course/Robert/SustainabilityManifesto2001.pdf) Modest Changes are Not Enough Change is clearly possible. Modest changes in the direction AND -being. We are in trouble. We must transform our civilization. - Turn-Russia Oil dependence key to Russian economic growth Freidman, CEO of Stratfor, 8 (George, is an American political scientist and author. He is the founder, chief intelligence officer, financial overseer, and CEO of the private intelligence corporation Stratfor “The Geopolitics of $130 Oil” http://www.stratfor.com/weekly/geopolitics_130_oil) The Chinese dilemma is present throughout Asia. But just as Asia is the big AND happen, will tread lightly in order to ensure that it doesn't happen. Russian economic decline causes nuclear war Filger, 9 Sheldon, correspondent for the Huffington Post, “Russian Economy Faces Disastrous Free Fall Contraction,” http://www.globaleconomiccrisis.com/blog/archives/356 In Russia historically, economic health and political stability are intertwined to a degree that AND the financial impact of the Global Economic Crisis is its least dangerous consequence. No solvency – Collective structures are responsible for an overwhelming majority of consumption. Jensen 2009 Derrick, activist and the author of many books, most recently What We Leave Behind and Songs of the Dead, Forget Shorter Showers, Orion Magazine, http://www.orionmagazine.org/index.php/articles/article/4801/ WOULD ANY SANE PERSON think dumpster diving would have stopped Hitler, or that composting AND it’s deeply revolutionary. It’s not. Personal change doesn’t equal social change. ---Individual local strategies fail to adapt to the inevitability of global concerns and guarantees a world dominated by violence. Monbiot 2004 George, journalist, academic, and political and environmental activist, Manifesto for a New World Order, p. 11-13 The quest for global solutions is difficult and divisive. Some members of this movement AND to prevent climate change from destroying the conditions it requires for its survival. Turn-Iran A. Solar causes a massive global silver shortage Savinar 4 (Matt Savinar, Political Science from the University of California at Davis, J.D. from the University of California at Hastings College of the Law, "The Peak Oil and Die-Off” http://www.unicamp.br/fea/ortega/eco/traducao-DieOff.pdf 8. Virtually all solar panels currently on the market are made with silver paste AND lesser degree) for copper, which is frequently used to conduct electricity. B. Silver shortage causes Iran war Charles Savoie, professional Jewelist, 10-8-2004, silver 4 India, NM, http://www.silver4in....php?storyid=63 Attempts may be made to force silver holders to sell metal to Uncle Sam. AND side of issues, said (November 29, 1945, page 2620)--- C. Extinction Jorge Hirsch, Professor of physics at the University of California San Diego, 2-20-2006, http://www.antiwar.com/orig/hirsch.php?articleid=8577 The U.S. has just declared that it will defend Israel militarily against AND can be averted by choices made by each and every one of us. ---Solar will never work---Rare earth metal shortages Fridley- Energy Analysis Program, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory-10 http://www.postcarbon.org/report/127153-energy-nine-challenges-of-alternative-energy Unlike what is generally assumed, the input to an alternative energy process is not AND requirements may constrain its development in cases of either material or energy scarcity. ---Turn-Electricity prices A. Renewables triple electricity prices IER 12 (Institute for Energy Research, “Solar Subsidies Make Electricity Bills More Expensive” http://www.instituteforenergyresearch.org/2012/07/19/13253/) Renewable energy supporters have been emphatic in calling for the United States government to provide AND out nuclear energy and become more reliant on renewable energy sources.ix B. High electricity prices destroy the economy Bryce 12 (ROBERT BRYCE is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute's Center for Energy Policy and the Environment. He has been writing about energy for two decades and his articles have appeared in numerous publications ranging from The Wall Street Journal to The New York Times and the Atlantic Monthly to the Washington Post. “THE HIGH COST OF RENEWABLE-ELECTRICITY MANDATES” http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/eper_10.htm) Residential electricity rates are soaring, and they are doing so at the worst possible AND for fiscal year 2012 was about $2.6 billion.110 C. Decline causes nuclear war Kemp 2010 Geoffrey, Director of Regional Strategic Programs at The Nixon Center, served in the White House under Ronald Reagan, special assistant to the president for national security affairs and senior director for Near East and South Asian affairs on the National Security Council Staff, Former Director, Middle East Arms Control Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2010, The East Moves West: India, China, and Asia’s Growing Presence in the Middle East, pg. 233-4 The second scenario, called Mayhem and Chaos, is the opposite of the first AND expected, with dire consequences for two-thirds of the planet’s population. ---Introspection and individual confrontation with desire can’t solve the aff --- The analysis of macro systems of energy is the only way to break down structural determinism. DeLanda 2005 Manuel, philosopher and Adjunct Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University, is a famous speaker and leading interrogator into the philosophical thought of Deleuze and Deleuze and Guattari. His work covers a wide range of topics in the natural and social sciences, including issues of war, artificial intelligence and the internet, the evolution of life and self-organization, social ontology and economic organization, Deleuzian Interrogations: A Conversation with Manuel DeLanda, John Protevi and Torkild Thanem, http://www.protevi.com/john/Delanda-Protevi.pdf Protevi: From this productivist perspective (which I think is amenable to a nonlinear AND who would rather die than include bourgeois marginalism in a theory of value.) |
| 01/08/2013 | Tournament: Fullerton | Round: 6 | Opponent: Texas BK | Judge: Miller A. Financial incentives are distinct from rules and regulations-this excludes procurement Menz, 5 - Faculty of Economics and Finance, School of Business, Clarkson University, Bertrand H. Snell Hall, Potsdam, NY, also from the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo (CICERO), Norway (Fredric, “Green electricity policies in the United States: case study,” Energy Policy, December, Science Direct) Italics in original There is considerable variation among states in both their regulatory environments and the policies that AND programs, and other programs to increase market support for renewable energy technologies. |
| 01/08/2013 | Tournament: Fullerton | Round: 6 | Opponent: Texas BK | Judge: Miller ---The Affirmative’s story of salvation by the little-modular-reactor-that-could assumes a narrative of progressive technological determinism that befogs effective policymaking and precludes rational risk assessment. Carper and Schmid 2011 (Ross Carper (rosscarper@gmail.com), a writer based in Washington state, is the founding editor of the creative nonfiction project BeyondtheBracelet.com. Sonja Schmid (sschmid@vt.edu) is an assistant professor in Science and Technology Studies at Virginia Tech. “The Little Reactor That Could?” http://www.issues.org/27.4/carper.html) “It turns out that most of the … mishaps in nuclear plants AND nuclear liability framework? Questions like these are not easy ones to answer.” ---Their euphoric embrace of fusion technology follows the historical narrative of energy wonderment that makes environmental collapse and nuclear war inevitable by obfuscating structural inequality. Byrne and Toly 2006 John, director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy (CEEP) and Distinguished Professor of Public Policy at the University of Delaware, Noah, research associate and Ph.D. candidate in the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy at the University of Delaware, Energy as a Social Project: Recovering a Discourse, Transforming Power: Energy, Environment and Society in Conflict, pg 1-3 With environmental crisis, social inequality, and military conflict among the significant problems of AND political, social, economic, and ecological record of the regime’s operations. ---The alternative is to reject the affirmatives technological determinism in favor of a situated analysis of individual reactors within their particular imbedded political context. Only then can we remove the policy blinders that make large scale accidents and proliferation threats inevitable. |
| 01/08/2013 | Tournament: Fullerton | Round: 6 | Opponent: Texas BK | Judge: Miller China is assuming leadership role over new nuclear power innovation, commercialization, and exports. Froggatt 6/6/12 http://nuclearexportcontrols.blogspot.com/2012/06/chinese-nuclear-goes-global.html Chinese Nuclear Goes Global In the space of a couple of decades, China has become a major player AND matter more to the rest of the world than they do to China. US regulatory climate causing shift to China to develop next generation reactors Hall-Energy Digital-1/23/12 US to Explore Small Nuclear Reactor Designs http://www.energydigital.com/green_technology/us-to-explore-small-nuclear-reactor-designs In the wake of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster last year, technology companies AND modular reactors, advancing our competitive edge in the global clean energy race.” Revitalizing the US industry undermines Chinese export markets Ferguson 10—President of the Federation of American Scientists. Adjunct Professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University and an Adjunct Lecturer in the National Security Studies Program at the Johns Hopkins University. (Charles, Nuclear Energy and Nonproliferation: The Implications of Expanded Nuclear Energy in Asia, in Asia’s Rising Power and America’s Continued Purpose, Ed Tellis, Marble and Tanner, 146) Although China began to develop commercial nuclear energy a decade or two after Japan and AND may garner clients in Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. Chinese nuclear exports key to soft power Blank-prof strategic studies institute, Army War College-6/16/10 China puts down marker in nuclear power racehttp://www.atimes.com/atimes/China_Business/LF16Cb01.html Therefore, China's recent nuclear exports to Pakistan and the future of its nuclear exports AND that China deems as essential to the pursuit of its larger strategic goals. Chinese soft power key to international security and resolving all global problems Zhang-professor at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations-9/4/12 http://www.china.org.cn/opinion/2012-09/04/content_26421330.htm The rise of China's political soft power As China plays an increasingly significant role in the world, its soft power must AND As the China model improves, it will continue to surprise the world. And, fast expansion of domestic nuclear power necessary to reduce carbon emissions and avoid environmental harms of coal dependence Boey-Research Analyst at the Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore-2/27/12 http://www.japanfocus.org/-Augustin-Boey/3698 Nuclear Power and China’s Energy Future: Limited Options China’s energy needs, climate change and nuclear power As a growing superpower, China AND appeal as a means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve environmental quality. Extinction Flournoy 12 – Citing Feng Hsu, PhdD NASA Scientist @ the Goddard Space Flight Center, Don FLournoy, PhD and MA from UT, former Dean of the University College @ Ohio University, former Associate Dean at SUNY and Case Institute of Technology, Former Manager for Unviersity/Industry Experiments for the NASA ACTS Satellite, currently Professor of Telecommunications @ Scripps College of Communications, Ohio University, “Solar Power Satellites,” January 2012, Springer Briefs in Space Development, p. 10-11 In the Online Journal of Space Communication , Dr. Feng Hsu, a NASA AND simply too high for us to take any chances” (Hsu 2010 ) |
| 01/08/2013 | Tournament: Fullerton | Round: 6 | Opponent: Texas BK | Judge: Miller The United States Federal Government, should: ---Obtain, through alternative financing, advanced microgrids for military bases in the United States, maximized to account for site specific energy factors. This should include increased support for renewable energy sources. ---Necessary funding should not be provided from existing funds or programs of the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense. Necessary funding should be provided through creation of a non-budgetary funding stream placing a 1 mill per kilowatt surcharge on commercial electricity and a 2 cents per gallon surcharge on non-federal transportation fuel. Additional funding should be provided through designating a necessary portion of federal oil and gas royalty revenue. Only the parity option speeds up licensing, leads to approval, and solves safety Reynolds 2010 Roger S., Adjunct Mechanical Engineering Professor WSU Tri-Cities, "APPLICABILITY OF THE NRC LIGHT WATER REACTOR LICENSING PROCESS TO SMRs," July 2010, https://smr.inl.gov/Document.ashx?path=DOCS%2fReading+Room%2fPolicy+and+regulation%2fANS+SMR+APPLICABILITY+OF+THE+NRC+LWR+LICENSING+PROCESS+910.pdf 4. TECHNOLOGY-NEUTRAL FRAMEWORK: PARITY OPTION As noted above, the only option currently available for gaining approval of a deviation AND i.e., a convincing demonstration that the design is safe enough. Microgrid solves---protects critical missions DEFENSE COMMUNITIES 360-8/5/12 Microgrids Offer Improved Energy Security, Study Concludes http://www.defensecommunities.org/microgrids-offer-improved-energy-security-study-concludes/# Advanced microgrids offer a cost-effective solution to military installations’ growing vulnerability to the AND are configured so that they can earn value helping to meet those needs. |
| 01/08/2013 | Tournament: Fullerton | Round: 6 | Opponent: Texas BK | Judge: Miller 2NC OV – China DA Chinese soft power is key to address all international conflicts and works to solve the root cause of terrorism, western intervention doesn’t solve because it creates a clash of civilizations, that’s zhang the impact is extinction Robert Ayson, Professor of Strategic Studies and Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies: New Zealand at the Victoria University of Wellington, 2010 (“After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects,” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Volume 33, Issue 7, July, Available Online to Subscribing Institutions via InformaWorld) Washington’s early response to a terrorist nuclear attack on its own soil might also raise AND for the terrorists. This might not help the chances of nuclear restraint. Nuclear power leadership is key to weaning china off of their coal addiction, that’s boey, the impact is massive pollution and political instability Schneider 11 (Keith, senior editor for Circle of Blue-a nonprofit focusing on resource shortages founded in 2000, Choke Point: China—Confronting Water Scarcity and Energy Demand in the World’s Largest Country, Feb 15, http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/2011/world/choke-point-china%E2%80%94confronting-water-scarcity-and-energy-demand-in-the-world%E2%80%99s-largest-country/) By any measure, conventional and otherwise, China’s tireless advance to international economic prominence AND rising incomes and improving opportunities, is at risk, say some authorities. And, Chinese pollution causes nuclear war with Russia Nankivell 05 (Nathan, Senior Researcher @ Office of the Special Advisor Policy, Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters, Canadian Department of National Defence, China's Pollution and the Threat to Domestic and Regional Stability, China Brief Vol: 5 Issue: 22, http://www.jamestown.org/programs/chinabrief/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=3904andtx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=195andno_cache=1) In addition to the concerns already mentioned, pollution, if linked to a specific AND in full-scale war between two powerful, nuclear-equipped nations. China expansion solves US nuclear transition---can export technology, makes this debate a question of starting points Kadak-Prof Nuclear Science, MIT-6 http://web.mit.edu/pebble-bed/papers1_files/Made%20in%20China.pdf Nuclear Power: “Made in China” Summary China is emerging not only as a super economic power but also as the AND may, in the future, be buying reactors “Made in China” They conceded global warming – external extinction DA you can vote on – its quick because of positive feedbacks that eliminate the sustainability of all life on the planet – only China’s soft power can get the third world on board and displace fossil fuels with safe and clean nuclear power 2NC Hegemony Overall US hegemony is resilient---giving china the advantage on nuclear power will not tank US power projection capabilities, it will only give them more credibility in energy in East Asia, any challenger that would have been emboldened by that move was going to challenge the US inevitably, anyone deterrable by better US nuclear exports was going to be deterred by the HUGE conventional military the US has. Parent and MacDonald 11 (Joseph M. Parent is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Miami. Paul K. MacDonald is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Wellesley College. “The Wisdom of Retrenchment: America Must Cut Back to Move Forward” http://www.ihavenet.com/World-United-States-The-Wisdom-of-Retrenchment-America-Must-Cut-Back-to-Move-Forward-Foreign-Affairs.html, Donnie) A somewhat more compelling concern raised by opponents of retrenchment is that the policy might AND the United States, such as al Qaeda, want it to fall. Weak china is worse than a strong one---destroys the US YEE AND STOREY 2002 – PROF IR @ HONG KONG U AND DEAKIN U- THE CHINA THREAT: PERCEPTIONS, MYTHS, AND REALITY, PAGE 59 American influence over internal outcomes in China, though far from decisive, could nonetheless AND to pursue accommodation with its neighbours, much less with the United States. 1NR A2: China Won’t Stop/No Link DOD procurement trades-off with foreign leadership on SMRs-US will import, solves the case Andres and Breetz 11 Richard B, Professor of National Security Strategy at the National War College and a Senior Fellow and Energy and Environmental Security and Policy Chair in the Center for Strategic Research, Institute for National Strategic Studies, at the National Defense University and Hanna L, doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February, "Small Nuclear Reactors for Military Installations: Capabilities, Costs, and Technological Implications", www.ndu.edu/press/lib/pdf/StrForum/SF-262.pdf Domestic Nuclear Expertise. From the perspective of larger national security issues, if DOD AND there is a chance that the industry could be dominated by foreign companies. Even their own evidence is a link – their BPC evidence says the plan results in… strong U.S. leadership in global nuclear security matters is central to protecting AND and weapons development, nuclear power is directly linked to national security concerns, The plan undercuts Chinese exports. It locks countries into US reactor sales. Loudermilk 10 (Micah, Research Associate for the Energy and Environmental Security Policy program with the Institute for National Strategic Studies at National Defense University, Losing Its Edge? The U.S. and Nuclear Cooperation Deals, http://inssblog.wordpress.com/2010/08/19/losing-its-edge-the-u-s-and-nuclear-cooperation-deals/) During the last year of the George W. Bush administration, the United States AND with the U.S. has been in the works since 2005. Both of these agreements are important for their own reasons. On the Indian front AND Additionally, agreements are currently being pursued with Vietnam and Jordan as well. The UAE’s nuclear deal set the so-called “gold standard” for nuclear AND even eliminating the risks of proliferation inherent in the production of nuclear energy. However, how long can this continue? With the U.S. nuclear AND the global leader in nonproliferation efforts will eventually be forced into a backseat. High volume manufacturing key to economies of scale and future market share – your evidence says you do this Atkinson et al-Breakthrough Institute-9 RISING T IGERS SLEEPING GIANT http://thebreakthrough.org/blog/Rising_Tigers.pdf Companies that are able to manufacture at the highest volume and the lowest cost will be able to achieve economies of scale and capture learning-by-doing advantages, reducing the prices of clean tech products and securing greater industry market share. 1NR A2: US Key China is a better nonprolif leader--- They support it MORE than the US---proven by a laundry list of treaty violations Boutin-School of International and Political Studies, Deakin University-11 Changing the Guard? China and the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime Asian Politics and Policy—Volume 3, Number 3—Pages 349–364 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1943-0787.2011.01275.x/pdf It is noteworthy that China’s commitment to the nuclear nonproliferation regime continued to deepen despite AND to the Chinese government and the depth of its commitment to this approach. THE US is unequal in implementation---perceived as neonuclear apartheid making it useless Kazmi-graduate student at the Department of Strategic and Nuclear Studies, National Defence University, Islamabad-8/30/12 Letter from Pakistan: How an unfair non-proliferation regime undermines nuclear security http://thebulletin.org/web-edition/op-eds/letter-pakistan-how-unfair-non-proliferation-regime-undermines-nuclear-security In a September 1967 speech, V.C. Trivedi, the Indian Ambassador AND the nonproliferation regime will become, and the safer the world will be. AND only china can influence the ASIAN market Lieggi-Monterey Institute’s Center for Nonproliferation Studies-10 From Proliferator to Model Citizen? Strategic Studies Quarterly http://www.au.af.mil/au/ssq/2010/summer/lieggi.pdf The extent to which China assisted weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and missile AND in the region to selectively emulate when strengthening their own export control systems. The turn is bigger than their solvency---Asia is a key hub for proliferation-related exports Lieggi-Monterey Institute’s Center for Nonproliferation Studies-10 From Proliferator to Model Citizen? Strategic Studies Quarterly http://www.au.af.mil/au/ssq/2010/summer/lieggi.pdf Similar to China’s pre-2002 export controls, many countries in Southeast AND helped wear down some of the resistance in the region to this resolution. |
| 02/01/2013 | Tournament: Georgia | Round: 2 | Opponent: Georgia Tech JS | Judge: Garrett Comprehensive immigration reform will pass but the situation is precarious CNBC 1/27 (“Obama Turns Focus This Week to Immigration Reform” http://www.cnbc.com/id/100410666) Immigration reform will take center stage this week with President Barack Obama giving a major AND , for a variety of reasons, and we've got to understand that." Plan costs political capital – renewables push causes backlash Leone 12 Steve is the Associate Editor of Renewable Energy World. "Part 2: Political Reality and the Way Forward for Renewable Energy," April 3, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2012/04/part-2-political-reality-and-the-way-forward-for-renewable-energy In Washington, it’s hard enough to craft legislation even in relatively amicable times. AND can be revived? It’s increasingly looking like the answer may be no. Resources are limited – Obama doesn’t have time and energy to get energy and immigration reform Davenport-energy correspondent for National Journal-12/6/12 How Obama and Congress Could Find Common Ground on Energy http://www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/how-obama-and-congress-could-find-common-ground-on-energy-20121206 AGAINST THE CLOCK One big obstacle is time. A second-term president has AND to bring to the issue the same passion that candidate Obama once did. Obama needs political capital to pass comprehensive reform---Democrats will block high skilled only legislation Politico.com 1/15/13 HEADLINE: Lawmakers divided over immigration Jessica Meyers Key lawmakers see opportunity this session to address immigration reform but remain stymied on a AND . A bipartisan group of senators also is working on a reform bill. Immigration reform key to hard power and soft power Nye 12/10 Joseph S. Nye, a former US assistant secretary of defense and chairman of the US National Intelligence Council, is University Professor at Harvard University. His most recent book is The Future of Power. 12/10/12, Project Syndicate, Immigration and American Power, http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/obama-needs-immigration-reform-to-maintain-america-s-strength-by-joseph-s~-~-nye Equally important are immigration’s benefits for America’s soft power. The fact that people want AND long way toward fulfilling his promise to maintain the strength of the US. American primacy reduces the likelihood of every scenario for great power war. Kagan 2007 Robert, End of Dreams, Return of History, Hoover Institute, http://www.hoover.org/publications/policy-review/article/6136 The current order, of course, is not only far from perfect but also AND that an American withdrawal could unleash an ambitious, independent, nationalist Japan. |
| 02/09/2013 | Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 1 | Opponent: Illinois State OH | Judge: Brovero CIR will pass---but fights are coming Miami Herald 2/5 (“Will immigration reform go the distance?” http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/02/05/v-print/3218867/will-immigration-reform-go-the.html Immigration reform is having a “Kumbaya” moment, with support from the White AND will seem to die more than once as it battles these cross pressures. Plan sparks political battles – constituencies and Kerry. Blees 2008 Tom, Prescription for the Planet, p345-346, president of the Science Council for Global Initiatives, http://www.thesciencecouncil.com/pdfs/P4TP4U.pdf Clinton’s hatchet man in the Senate was none other than John Kerry, who came AND , I have every reason to believe that this is not the case. Energy push requires massive political capital---Obama doesn’t have time and energy to get energy and immigration reform Davenport-energy correspondent for National Journal-12/6/12 How Obama and Congress Could Find Common Ground on Energy http://www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/how-obama-and-congress-could-find-common-ground-on-energy-20121206 AGAINST THE CLOCK One big obstacle is time. A second-term president has AND to bring to the issue the same passion that candidate Obama once did. Political capital is key Weigant 1/23 (Chris WeigantPolitical writer and blogger at ChrisWeigant.com “Handicapping Obama's Second Term Agenda” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/chris-weigant/obama-second-term_b_2537802.html The second big agenda item is immigration reform. President Obama holds virtually all the AND of Obama's main agenda items. We'll just have to wait and see. Comprehensive immigration reform is key to the economy and highly skilled workers Farrell 12/13/12 (Chris, a contributing editor for Bloomberg Businessweek. From 1986-97, he was on the magazine's staff, as a corporate finance staff and department editor and then as an economics editor. Farrell wrote Right on the Money: Taking Control of Your Personal Finances and Deflation: What Happens When Prices Fall? Among Farrell's many awards are a National Magazine Award, two Loeb Awards, and the Edward R. Murrow Award. Farrell is a graduate of the London School of Economics and Stanford University. “Obama’s Next Act: Immigration Reform” http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-12-13/obamas-next-act-immigration-reform) Washington won’t get much of a reprieve from verbal pyrotechnics once the drama of the AND legality offers Washington a rare twofer: a just move that’s economically efficient. Decline goes nuclear Harris and Burrows 09 PhD European History @ Cambridge, counselor in the National Intelligence Council (NIC) and member of the NIC’s Long Range Analysis Unit Mathew, and Jennifer “Revisiting the Future: Geopolitical Effects of the Financial Crisis” http://www.ciaonet.org/journals/twq/v32i2/f_0016178_13952.pdf Of course, the report encompasses more than economics and indeed believes the future is AND within and between states in a more dog-eat-dog world. |
| 02/22/2013 | |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: Strauss, Maslin, Moczulski 1NC 1NC T PROCUREMNT Financial incentives aren’t procurement Menz, 5 - Faculty of Economics and Finance, School of Business, Clarkson University, Bertrand H. Snell Hall, Potsdam, NY, also from the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo (CICERO), Norway (Fredric, “Green electricity policies in the United States: case study,” Energy Policy, December, Science Direct) Italics in original There is considerable variation among states in both their regulatory environments and the policies that AND programs, and other programs to increase market support for renewable energy technologies. B. Vote negative 1-Limits- They explode the topic by allowing any number of rules and regulations – fair limits are key to clash and manageable research burden 2-Ground-Procurement is distinct from direct commercialization – it allows the aff to dodge core generics like the energy DA by increasing procurement in contained areas like nuclear submarines |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: Strauss, Maslin, Moczulski 1NC OBAMA CIR will pass this year---Obama building momentum The Hill 3/25 (Justin Sink and Meghashyam Mali, “Obama: 'The time has come' to move immigration reform in Congress,” http://thehill.com/video/administration/290129-obama-the-time-has-come-to-move-immigration-reform) Obama said he expects debate on an immigration bill to “begin next month” AND Everyone pretty much knows what's broken, everyone knows how to fix it.” DOD smrs drain capital Bencosme 12 (Francisco, is a Joseph S. Nye, Jr. External Relations Intern at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). “The State of Small Modular Nuclear Reactors” http://www.cnas.org/blogs/naturalsecurity/2012/11/state-small-modular-nuclear-reactors.html) Some have argued that the Department of Defense (DOD) would be a unique AND SMRs are poised to play a large role in any nuclear energy future. Political capital Is key to reform Shifter 12/27 Michael is the President of Inter-American Dialogue. “Will Obama Kick the Can Down the Road?” 2012, http://www.thedialogue.org/page.cfm?pageID=32andpubID=3186 Not surprisingly, Obama has been explicit that reforming the US’s shameful and broken immigration AND some arms, even in his own party. Resistance will not disappear. Reform key to the economy Farrell 12/13/12 (Chris, a contributing editor for Bloomberg Businessweek. From 1986-97, he was on the magazine's staff, as a corporate finance staff and department editor and then as an economics editor. Farrell wrote Right on the Money: Taking Control of Your Personal Finances and Deflation: What Happens When Prices Fall? Among Farrell's many awards are a National Magazine Award, two Loeb Awards, and the Edward R. Murrow Award. Farrell is a graduate of the London School of Economics and Stanford University. “Obama’s Next Act: Immigration Reform” http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-12-13/obamas-next-act-immigration-reform) Washington won’t get much of a reprieve from verbal pyrotechnics once the drama of the AND legality offers Washington a rare twofer: a just move that’s economically efficient. Nuclear war Harris and Burrows 09 PhD European History @ Cambridge, counselor in the National Intelligence Council (NIC) and member of the NIC’s Long Range Analysis Unit Mathew, and Jennifer “Revisiting the Future: Geopolitical Effects of the Financial Crisis” http://www.ciaonet.org/journals/twq/v32i2/f_0016178_13952.pdf Of course, the report encompasses more than economics and indeed believes the future is AND within and between states in a more dog-eat-dog world. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: Strauss, Maslin, Moczulski 1NC STATES counterplan Text The fifty states and relevant sub federal actors should enter into power purchase agreements for nuclear reactors under 300MW. Financing through the creation of state clean energy banks. Solves the case Ben-Moshe et al 9 (Sony Ben-Moshe, Jason J. Crowell, Kelley M. Gale,* Breton A. Peace, Brett P. Rosenblatt, and Kelly D. Thomason “FINANCING THE NUCLEAR RENAISSANCE: THE BENEFITS AND POTENTIAL PITFALLS OF FEDERAL and STATE GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES AND THE FUTURE OF NUCLEAR POWER IN CALIFORNIA” http://www.felj.org/docs/elj302/19gale-crowell-and-peace.pdf) In addition to federal subsidies, various states have passed legislation to promote the development AND renewable portfolio standard, which we describe in detail in the next section. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: Strauss, Maslin, Moczulski 1NC OBJECTIVISM ---Government energy incentives are self-defeating --- The affirmative’s political planning lays the foundation for a new totalitarian priesthood. Epstein 2009 Alex, founder and director of the Center for Industrial Progress, Energy at the Speed of Thought: The Original Alternative Energy Market, TOS Vol. 4, No. 2. What is the solution? We just need the right government “energy plan,” AND something truly spectacular: energy at the speed of 21st-century thought. ---The alternative is a question of ethics --- Reject the affirmative’s managerial self-hatred for the creative freedom of the market. Romar 2008 Edward J., Lecturer with honors at Boston College of Management, Noble Markets: The Noble/Slave Ethic in Hayek’s Free Market Capitalism, Journal of Business Ethics, DOI 10.1007/s10551-008-9748-6 The slave revolt in morality begins when ressentiment itself becomes creative and gives birth to AND - one must take the risk and not wallow in self-pity.
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: Strauss, Maslin, Moczulski China Turn soft power – Chinese nuclear exports key to soft power Blank-prof strategic studies institute, Army War College-6/16/10 China puts down marker in nuclear power racehttp://www.atimes.com/atimes/China_Business/LF16Cb01.html Therefore, China's recent nuclear exports to Pakistan and the future of its nuclear exports AND that China deems as essential to the pursuit of its larger strategic goals. Chinese soft power solves US/China confrontation---smooths over cracks by assuring neighbors Shuli 13 (Hu Shuli is editor-in-chief of Caixin Media Company, editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine Century Weekly, executive editor-in-chief of the monthly journal China Reform and dean of the School of Communication and Design at Sun Yat-sen University. “A Sino-US relationship that competes on values,” http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1139455/sino-us-relationship-competes-values) A new phase of Sino-American relations is poised to begin, now that AND in place, Chinese diplomacy will have found a new lease of life. Tensions risk nuclear conflict over the Senkaku’s, South China sea or Taiwan. Gross December 2012 (Donald Gross, a Pacific Forum CSIS Senior Associate, is a former White House and State Department official whose new book, The China Fallacy: How the U.S. Can Benefit from China’s Rise and Avoid Another Cold War, was published in October by Bloomsbury. Now is the time to rethink America’s policy toward China. The United States can AND . agricultural products, has helped America’s recovery from the global financial crisis. Turn Asia China will undercut US leadership on non-proliferation absent strong domestic nuclear power industry Cunningham-Policy Analyst for Energy and Climate, American Security Project-10/12 Small Modular Reactors: A Possible Path Forward for Nuclear Power http://americansecurityproject.org/ASP%20Reports/Ref%200087%20-%20Small%20Modular%20Reactors.pdf Not only does the U.S. “export” high safety standards in AND will better position the U.S. to lead on this issue. Chinese leadership on nuclear power export controls is key to Asian modeling Lieggi-Monterey Institute’s Center for Nonproliferation Studies-10 From Proliferator to Model Citizen? Strategic Studies Quarterly http://www.au.af.mil/au/ssq/2010/summer/lieggi.pdf The extent to which China assisted weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and missile AND in the region to selectively emulate when strengthening their own export control systems. Turn Coal US coal exports to China low now - downward pressure reverses this Bryan Walsh 12, Senior Editor at TIME, May 31, 2012, “Drawing Battle Lines Over American Coal Exports to Asia,” online: http://science.time.com/2012/05/31/drawing-battle-lines-over-american-coal-exports-to-asia/ But across the Pacific Ocean, the demand for coal has never been hotter, AND coal at home, it would have a reason to keep mining it. SMRS retire US coal plants Marcus King et al 11, Associate Director of Research, Associate Research Professor of International Affairs, Elliot School of International Affairs, The George Washington University, et al., March 2011, “Feasibility of Nuclear Power on U.S. Military Installations,” http://www.cna.org/sites/default/files/research/Nuclear%20Power%20on%20Military%20Installations%20D0023932%20A5.pdf SMRs have potential advantages over larger plants because they provide owners more flexibility in financing AND 3. SMRs would be a viable replacement option for these plants. US exports lock in Chinese coal and result in massive warming Thomas M. Power 12, Research Professor and Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics, University of Montana; Principal, Power Consulting; February 2012, “The Greenhouse Gas Impact of Exporting Coal from the West Coast: An Economic Analysis,” http://www.sightline.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2012/02/Coal-Power-White-Paper.pdf The cumulative impact of these coal port proposals on coal consumption in Asia AND commitments to more coal being burned for a half-century going forward. That time-frame is very important. During exactly this time frame, the AND emissions that will also last well into the next half-century. 57 Coal destroys Chinese economic collapse and political stability Schneider 11 (Keith, senior editor for Circle of Blue-a nonprofit focusing on resource shortages founded in 2000, Choke Point: China—Confronting Water Scarcity and Energy Demand in the World’s Largest Country, Feb 15, http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/2011/world/choke-point-china%E2%80%94confronting-water-scarcity-and-energy-demand-in-the-world%E2%80%99s-largest-country/) By any measure, conventional and otherwise, China’s tireless advance to international economic prominence AND rising incomes and improving opportunities, is at risk, say some authorities. Nuclear war Newmeyer 09 DR. JACQUELINE NEWMYER - LONG TERM STRATEGY GROUP- THE CENTER FOR NATIONAL POLICY “ECONOMIC CRISIS: IMPACT ON CHINESE MILITARY MODERNIZATION” APRIL 8, 2009, http://cnponline.org/index.php?ht=a/GetDocumentAction/i/12503 So I think either way, either because of the insecurity that is stoked AND the downturn would lead to a greater chance of conflict abroad for China. China nuclear exports are safe Blackman 13 (Sarah Blackman is an online reporter working across NRI Digital's websites, BA honors in Journalism at the University of Central Lancashire, “China's nuclear roll-out: learning from Fukushima” http://www.power-technology.com/features/featurechina-nuclear-fukushima-japan) The main lesson China has learned from the Fukushima disaster is that it will need AND ability to build these plants both on schedule and budget," adds Hess. Workforce High demand and job openings ensures scientists pick the nuclear field Susie Hay (consultant at shortwork, which designs projects linking people and communities, including the Footprints programme for the National Decommissioning Agency (NDA)) and Michael Kelk (communications officer with the NDA) 2009 “Working in physics: A fresh look at nuclear” http://www.iop.org/careers/workinglife/articles/page_39053.html A new industry-wide graduate scheme aims to get the next generation of nuclear AND to explore many possibilities in the industry, particularly where skill shortages exist. Nuclear Deterrence #1 threat is the inevitable cut to the US nuclear weapons arsenal- their author Bender, their author, 10 National Security Correspondent, Former Washington Bureau Chief at Boston Globe (Bryan Bender, Jane’s Defense Weekly, 3 April 2010, “Alarm Over Shortage of Nuclear Experts,” http://www-ners.engin.umich.edu/news_archive/20100625140822mlr) Still, it is the erosion of expertise in US nuclear weapons complex — which AND for helping countries secure their bomb-making material from theft by terrorists. Alt cause- current wave of nuclear power retirement Bender 10 National Security Correspondent, Former Washington Bureau Chief at Boston Globe (Bryan Bender, Jane’s Defense Weekly, 3 April 2010, “Alarm Over Shortage of Nuclear Experts,” http://www-ners.engin.umich.edu/news_archive/20100625140822mlr) The National Energy Institute, a policy group supported by the nuclear industry, estimates AND hundreds of additional nuclear scientists and engineers each year to fill the gap. Non-unique and alt causes in the status quo – your author Bender 10 National Security Correspondent, Former Washington Bureau Chief at Boston Globe (Bryan Bender, Jane’s Defense Weekly, 3 April 2010, “Alarm Over Shortage of Nuclear Experts,” http://www-ners.engin.umich.edu/news_archive/20100625140822mlr) “Many of these skills and facilities cannot be found AND “We spend most of our time making sure things don’t explode,’’ D’Agostino said. Verification reduces confidence – your author Bender 10 National Security Correspondent, Former Washington Bureau Chief at Boston Globe (Bryan Bender, Jane’s Defense Weekly, 3 April 2010, “Alarm Over Shortage of Nuclear Experts,” http://www-ners.engin.umich.edu/news_archive/20100625140822mlr) U.S. experience shows that, even with full access and disclosure AND international range for “Material Unaccounted For.” Status quo blocks use – demo key – your author Davis, ’10 National Security Fellow – Center for Global Security Research, Founding Director – Defense Threat Reduction Agency of the United States Department of Defense, and Chair – American Physical Society Panel on Public Affairs, et al. (Jay Davis, February 2010, “Technical Steps to Support Nuclear Arsenal Downsizing,” http://www.aps.org/policy/reports/popa-reports/upload/nucleardownsizing.PDF)//CC Fails – records not identified in the status quo Evans and Kawaguchi, ‘9 co-chairs of the INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION AND DISARMAMENT (Gareth Evans and Yoriko Kawaguchi, 2009, “Eliminating Nuclear Threats: A Practical Agenda for Global Policymakers,” http://www.icnnd.org/reference/reports/ent/part-iv-17.html)//CC Nuclear archaeology. As multilateral nuclear disarmament progresses, at some point it will be AND mutual interest in ensuring that future verification is able to provide credible results. High demand and job openings ensures scientists pick the nuclear field Susie Hay (consultant at shortwork, which designs projects linking people and communities, including the Footprints programme for the National Decommissioning Agency (NDA)) and Michael Kelk (communications officer with the NDA) 2009 “Working in physics: A fresh look at nuclear” http://www.iop.org/careers/workinglife/articles/page_39053.html A new industry-wide graduate scheme aims to get the next generation of nuclear AND to explore many possibilities in the industry, particularly where skill shortages exist. Nuclear intelligence fails – actionable intelligence can’t be translated into practice effectively Sokolski, 11 What Nuclear Power’s Revival Will Now Require: Tightening the Rules Testimony of Henry Sokolski Executive Director The Nonproliferation Policy Education Center Washington, DC, March 17, 2011 Room 2172 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC, http://foreignaffairs.house.gov/112/sok031711.pdf Nuclear Inspections and Intelligence: What Are the Limits? And intelligence so much as a lack of demand for it in the hardest and, arguably, most important cases.19 Won’t happen – too expensive and controversial Tepperman 09 - former Deputy Managing Ed. Foreig Affairs and Assistant Managing Ed. Newsweek (Jonathon, Newsweek, “Why Obama should Learn to Love the Bomb”, 44:154, 9-7) The risk of an arms race--with, say, other Persian Gulf states AND be so disastrous, given the way that bombs tend to mellow behavior. Low risk is no risk---and as a policymaker that threshold isn’t very high Mueller 10 John Mueller is a professor of political science at Ohio State University, “Calming Our Nuclear Jitters” Issues Online in Science and Technology, Winter 2010 http://www.issues.org/26.2/mueller.html The purpose here has not been to argue that policies designed to inconvenience the atomic AND , and efforts to reduce that likelihood even further may well be justified. At some point, however, probabilities become so low that, even for catastrophic AND with its nuclear weapons, a fully imaginable calamity that is substantially ignored. In constructing what he calls “a case for fear,” Cass Sunstein, a AND above: one in a million or one in three billion per attempt. SQ solves nuclear scientists-University grants DOE 8/9/11 Department of Energy Announces $39 Million to Strengthen University-Led Nuclear Energy Research and Development http://energy.gov/articles/department-energy-announces-39-million-strengthen-university-led-nuclear-energy-research Washington, D.C. – The Department of Energy today announced that it AND and Demonstration; Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation; and Transformative Research. Obama offering incentives for nuclear scientists Capps 4/6/10 http://www.unexplainable.net/info-theories/brain-drain-fears-over-nuclear-scientist-shortage.php Brain Drain: Fears Over Nuclear Scientist Shortage It seems like a strange thing to have a shortage of, but nuclear physicists AND the Obama administration is preparing for a long term revitalization of nuclear studies. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: Strauss, Maslin, Moczulski 2nc Topicality 2NC Procurement not FI Interpretation ---Financial incentives are distinguished from rules and regulations. There are 11 types of financial incentives. Their interpretation explodes the topic to include 30 types of incentives and policies. Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency 12 http://www.dsireusa.org/glossary/ DSIRE organizes incentives and policies that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency into two general categories -- (1) Financial Incentives and (2) Rules, Regulations and Policies -- and roughly 30 specific types of incentives and policies. This glossary provides a description of each specific incentive and policy type. FINANCIAL INCENTIVES (click to collapse section) Corporate Tax Incentives Corporate tax incentives include tax credits, deductions and exemptions. These incentives are available AND equipment, are categorized as “Industry Recruitment/Support” in DSIRE.) Grant Programs States offer a variety of grant programs to encourage the use and development of renewables AND and energy efficiency projects for end-users. Grants are usually competitive. Green Building Incentives Green buildings are designed and constructed using practices and materials that minimize the impacts of AND under other DSIRE incentive categories, such as tax incentives and grant programs.) Industry Recruitment/Support To promote economic development and the creation of jobs, some states offer financial incentives AND include a sunset provision to encourage the industries to become self-sufficient. Loan Programs Loan programs provide financing for the purchase of renewable energy or energy efficiency systems or AND offered loans and/or loan guarantees for renewables and energy efficiency projects. PACE Financing Property-Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing effectively allows property owners to borrow money to pay for renewable energy and/or energy-efficiency improvements. The amount borrowed is typically repaid over a period of years via a special assessment on the owner's property. In general, local governments (such as cities and counties) that choose to offer PACE financing must be authorized to do so by state law. Performance-Based Incentives Performance-based incentives (PBIs), also known as production incentives, provide cash AND eligible commercial facility are categorized as “Corporate Tax Incentives” in DSIRE.) Personal Tax Incentives Personal tax incentives include income tax credits and deductions. Many states offer these incentives AND the federal government has offered personal tax credits for renewables and energy efficiency. Property Tax Incentives Property tax incentives include exemptions, exclusions, abatements and credits. Most property tax AND local taxing authorities the option of allowing a property tax incentive for renewables. Rebate Programs States, utilities and a few local governments offer rebates to promote the installation of renewables and energy efficiency projects. The majority of rebate programs that support renewables are administered by states, municipal utilities and electric cooperatives; these programs commonly provide funding for solar water heating and/or photovoltaic (PV) systems. Most rebate programs that support energy efficiency are administered by utilities. Rebate amounts vary widely by technology and program administrator. Sales Tax Incentives Sales tax incentives typically provide an exemption from, or refund of, the state sales tax (or sales and use tax) for the purchase of a renewable energy system, an energy-efficient appliance, or other energy efficiency measures. Several states have established an annual “sales tax holiday” for energy efficiency measures by annually allowing a temporary exemption – usually for one or two days – from the state sales tax. RULES, REGULATIONS and POLICIES (click to collapse section) Appliance/Equipment Efficiency Standards Many states have established minimum efficiency standards for certain appliances and equipment. In these AND standard overrides the state standard (even if the state standard is stricter). Building Energy Codes Building energy codes adopted by states (and some local governments) require commercial and AND local building energy codes require certain commercial facilities to meet green building standards. Energy Efficiency Resource Standards (EERS) Energy efficiency resource standards (EERS) are state policies that require utilities to meet AND cases, energy efficiency is typically included as a lower-tier resource. Energy Standards for Public Buildings Many states and local governments, as well as the federal government, have chosen AND site renewables generally establish conditional requirements tied to life-cycle cost analysis. Equipment Certification Requirements Policies requiring renewable energy equipment to meet certain standards serve to protect consumers from buying inferior equipment. These requirements not only benefit consumers; they also protect the renewable energy industry by keeping substandard systems out of the market. Generation Disclosure Some states require electric utilities to provide their customers with specific information about the electricity AND that have not fully restructured their electricity markets require generation disclosure by utilities. Green Power Purchasing Policies Government entities, businesses, residents, schools, non-profits and others can AND project developers, through utility green power programs, or through community aggregation. Interconnection Standards Interconnection standards specify the technical and procedural process by which a customer connects an electricity AND are weaker than standards and generally apply only to net-metered systems.) Line Extension Analysis When a prospective customer requests electric service for a home or facility that is not AND to provide information regarding renewable energy options when a line extension is requested. Mandatory Utility Green Power Option Several states require electric utilities to offer customers the option to buy electricity generated from renewable resources, commonly known as “green power.” Typically, utilities offer green power generated using renewable resources that the utilities own (or for which they contract), or they buy renewable energy credits (RECs) from a provider certified by a state public utilities commission. Net Metering For electric customers who generate their own electricity, net metering allows for the flow AND in most U.S. states, but these policies vary widely. Public Benefit Funds Most public benefit funds (PBFs) were developed by states during the electric utility restructuring era, in the late 1990s, to ensure continued support for renewable energy, energy efficiency and low-income energy programs. These funds are commonly supported through a very small surcharge on electricity consumption (e.g., $0.002/kWh). This charge is sometimes referred to as a "system benefits charge" (SBC). PBFs commonly support rebate programs, loan programs, research and development, and energy education programs. Renewables Portfolio Standards (RPS) Renewable portfolio standards (RPSs) require utilities to use renewable energy or renewable energy AND or a certain amount of generating capacity) according to a set schedule. Solar and Wind Access Policies Solar and wind access policies are designed to establish a right to install and operate AND orientation, zoning ordinances that contain building height restrictions, and solar permits. Solar and Wind Contractor Licensing Some states have established a licensing process for solar-energy contractors and/or wind-energy contractors. These requirements are designed to ensure that contractors have the necessary knowledge and experience to install systems properly. Solar licenses typically take the form of either a separate, specialized solar contractor’s license, or a specialty classification under a general electrical or plumbing license. Solar and Wind Permitting Standards Permitting standards can facilitate the installation of wind and solar energy systems by specifying the AND supported the development of) model wind ordinances for use by local governments. ---Precision-Prefer our evidence---DSIRE is the best source for incentive definitions Gouchoe, 2k - North Carolina Solar Center Industrial Extension Service North Carolina State University (Susan, “Local Government and Community Programs and Incentives for Renewable Energy— National Report,” http://seg.fsu.edu/Library/casestudy%20of%20incentives.pdf The Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy (DSIRE) serves as the nation’s AND from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Power Technologies. The first three phases of the DSIRE project—surveys of state financial incentives, AND Renewable Energy—has been produced concurrently with this report on local initiatives. While reports serve as a snapshot of the status of incentives and programs, constant revisions and additions to the database maintain DSIRE’s role as the most up-to-date, national clearinghouse of information on incentives and programs for renewable energy. Through DSIRE on Line, the DSIRE database is accessible via the web at: http://www.ncsc.ncsu.edu/dsire.htm. In 2001, federal incentives will be added to the database, thereby providing a complete and comprehensive database of renewable energy incentives at all levels—national, state, and local. Ground ---Procurement opens the door to affirmatives that are divorced from the larger private market debate---destroys core negative ground Singh-Renewable Energy Policy Project-98 Government Procurement to Expand PV Markets http://www.repp.org/repp_pubs/articles/pv/pvs.html#4 A good government procurement program for renewables should take into account the needs of the AND government contracts may detract significantly from efforts oriented to the larger private market. Reasonability ---Reasonability is impossible it’s arbitrary and undermines research and preparation Resnick, assistant professor of political science – Yeshiva University, ‘1 (Evan, “Defining Engagement,” Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 54, Iss. 2) In matters of national security, establishing a clear definition of terms is a precondition AND "engagement," they undermine the ability to build an effective foreign policy. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: Strauss, Maslin, Moczulski States CP States States adopting clean energy banks assure specialization---it’s a necessary condition for renewable energy to take off and successfully facilities it to transform the US’s energy infrastructure Sims 12 (Doug, is the NRDC’s Energy Project Finance Specialist, “Clean Energy Finance 3.0 - The Rise of the State Green Banks,” http://switchboard.nrdc.org/blogs/dsims/clean_energy_finance_30_-_the.html) Informed by OPIC and Ex-Im Bank and constituted along the lines described in AND creating jobs for American workers, protecting our health and safeguarding the planet. Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota and Wisconsin all currently have legislation pending to overturn state moratoria on the construction of new nuclear plants---Maryland Georgia and Kentucky fund plants now, proves the federal government is unnessecary Iowa proves---states can take the lead in new nuclear innovations Thorton 12 (Deborah D. Thornton research analyst Institute Brief, Public Interest Institute “Iowa (and Bill Gates) could lead the way” http://www.dailyiowan.com/2012/05/09/Opinions/28357.html) Nuclear energy has been in the news more this year in Iowa, as a AND viability of wind and solar power because of problems with reliability and storage. Solves-Investment States signaling support for nuclear attracts investment Harrison 10 (David, staff writer @ Pew Center for the States, “Nuclear Power Makes a Quiet Comeback in the States,” http://www.pewstates.org/projects/stateline/headlines/nuclear-power-makes-a-quiet-comeback-in-the-states-85899377873) Lobbyists for the nuclear-power industry have deployed to state capitols to try to AND pay for expensive projects that might never come to fruition. Advocates counter that paying for the plants upfront lowers interest payments in the long run. AT NRC Blocks The industry controls the NRC---if they want the aff, it will happen, this evidence cites the former commissioner who just retired because of industry influence Northey 3/18/13 (Hannah Northey, EandE reporter “Jaczko blasts politics, nuclear industry's influence on agency,” http://www.eenews.net/Greenwire/2013/03/18/5) The former chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission who resigned last year amid infighting over AND private sector and "are very open with the industry," he said. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: Strauss, Maslin, Moczulski China Turns Uniqueness Safe reactors/exports now China nuclear exports are safe Blackman 13 (Sarah Blackman is an online reporter working across NRI Digital's websites, BA honors in Journalism at the University of Central Lancashire, “China's nuclear roll-out: learning from Fukushima” http://www.power-technology.com/features/featurechina-nuclear-fukushima-japan) The main lesson China has learned from the Fukushima disaster is that it will need AND ability to build these plants both on schedule and budget," adds Hess. China is leading in 4th generation reactors---critical to their domestic industry Xinhuna 13 (“China building nuclear power plant with fourth-generation features,” http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/754006.shtml) China has broken ground on a 3 billion-yuan ($476 million) nuclear AND produced domestically instead of being imported," the official told Xinhua by telephone. ---No, they’ll export new tech Froggatt 6/6/12 http://nuclearexportcontrols.blogspot.com/2012/06/chinese-nuclear-goes-global.html Chinese Nuclear Goes Global In the space of a couple of decades, China has become a major player AND mining firms, the industry will be waiting anxiously for news from China. ---China taking lead on next generation technology Kadak-Prof Nuclear Science, MIT-6 http://web.mit.edu/pebble-bed/papers1_files/Made%20in%20China.pdf Nuclear Power: “Made in China” Planning for the long-term, China has also taken the lead in AND 18 An artist rendering of the proposed site is shown on Figure 4. ---China taking lead on SMR technology Buijs-Clingendael International Energy Programme-3/12 China and the Future of New Energy Technologies http://www.clingendael.nl/publications/2012/201203_ciep_paper_buijs_china_future_new_energy_technologies.pdf Finally, China is researching modular high‐temperature gas‐cooled pebbled‐bed AND in reactor technology—perhaps the largest advance in a quarter of a century Prolif 1nc Prolif Turn China will undercut US leadership on non-proliferation absent strong domestic nuclear power industry Cunningham-Policy Analyst for Energy and Climate, American Security Project-10/12 Small Modular Reactors: A Possible Path Forward for Nuclear Power http://americansecurityproject.org/ASP%20Reports/Ref%200087%20-%20Small%20Modular%20Reactors.pdf Not only does the U.S. “export” high safety standards in AND will better position the U.S. to lead on this issue. Chinese leadership on nuclear power export controls is key to Asian modeling Lieggi-Monterey Institute’s Center for Nonproliferation Studies-10 From Proliferator to Model Citizen? Strategic Studies Quarterly http://www.au.af.mil/au/ssq/2010/summer/lieggi.pdf The extent to which China assisted weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and missile AND in the region to selectively emulate when strengthening their own export control systems. Prolif impact Proliferation causes nuclear war. Horowitz 9 (Michael, Professor of Political Science @ University of Pennsylvania (Former Emory debater and NDT Champion), The Spread of Nuclear Weapons and International Conflict: Does Experience Matter?, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Volume 53 Number 2, April 2009 pg. 234-257 Learning as states gain experience with nuclear weapons is complicated. While to some extent AND war, the balance of power, and the preferences of the adopter. China Better Prolif Leader They support it MORE than the US---proven by a laundry list of treaty violations Boutin-School of International and Political Studies, Deakin University-11 Changing the Guard? China and the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime Asian Politics and Policy—Volume 3, Number 3—Pages 349–364 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1943-0787.2011.01275.x/pdf It is noteworthy that China’s commitment to the nuclear nonproliferation regime continued to deepen despite AND to the Chinese government and the depth of its commitment to this approach. THE US is unequal in implementation---perceived as neonuclear apartheid making it useless Kazmi-graduate student at the Department of Strategic and Nuclear Studies, National Defence University, Islamabad-8/30/12 Letter from Pakistan: How an unfair non-proliferation regime undermines nuclear security http://thebulletin.org/web-edition/op-eds/letter-pakistan-how-unfair-non-proliferation-regime-undermines-nuclear-security In a September 1967 speech, V.C. Trivedi, the Indian Ambassador AND the nonproliferation regime will become, and the safer the world will be. This means they have no offense, the entire regime will die with US leadership ISN Security Watch 10 (“Nuclear Apartheid: Trouble Brewing amongst Non-Nuclear States,” http://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/International/Nuclear-Apartheid-Trouble-Brewing-Amongst-Non-Nuclear-States.html) While there are those that argue Article VI contains no promise to disarm (a viewpoint prevalent within the Bush administration) there is a general acceptance among the NWS - at least rhetorically - of the need for disarmament. US President Barack Obama in particular understands this; the recent deal with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev could not have been better timed to neutralize the inevitable clash in New York. But there is larger problem. The ‘have nots,’ many of whom are modernizing states, feel they are being denied nuclear technology by the West under the guise of preventing proliferation - in contravention of the Treaty’s third pillar. They believe they are the victims of ‘technological apartheid’ - the new colonialism enshrined by the NPT itself. That the five NPT Weapons States are also the UN P5 further adds to this notion of the strong oppressing the weak. This is why Iran justifies intransigence as standing up to ‘imperialism.’ Unless the NNWS’ concerns are addressed, a treaty that many consider moribund may die. This sobering thought must be uppermost in Obama’s mind. Soft Power 1nc Soft Power Turn soft power Chinese nuclear exports key to soft power Blank-prof strategic studies institute, Army War College-6/16/10 China puts down marker in nuclear power racehttp://www.atimes.com/atimes/China_Business/LF16Cb01.html Therefore, China's recent nuclear exports to Pakistan and the future of its nuclear exports AND that China deems as essential to the pursuit of its larger strategic goals. Chinese soft power solves US/China confrontation---smooths over cracks by assuring neighbors Shuli 13 (Hu Shuli is editor-in-chief of Caixin Media Company, editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine Century Weekly, executive editor-in-chief of the monthly journal China Reform and dean of the School of Communication and Design at Sun Yat-sen University. “A Sino-US relationship that competes on values,” http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1139455/sino-us-relationship-competes-values) A new phase of Sino-American relations is poised to begin, now that AND in place, Chinese diplomacy will have found a new lease of life. Tensions risk nuclear conflict over the Senkaku’s, South China sea or Taiwan. Gross December 2012 (Donald Gross, a Pacific Forum CSIS Senior Associate, is a former White House and State Department official whose new book, The China Fallacy: How the U.S. Can Benefit from China’s Rise and Avoid Another Cold War, was published in October by Bloomsbury. Now is the time to rethink America’s policy toward China. The United States can AND . agricultural products, has helped America’s recovery from the global financial crisis. Africa Soft Power Impact Chinese soft power is key to African stability – peacekeeping and infrastructure. Ayenagbo et al 2012 Kossi, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences Northeast Normal University, China’s peacekeeping operations in Africa: From unwilling participation to responsible contribution, African Journal of Political Science and International Relations Vol. 6(2), pp. 22-32, February 2012 http://www.operationspaix.net/DATA/DOCUMENT/7538~v~Chinas_Peacekeeping_Operations_in_Africa__From_Unwilling_Participation_to_Responsible_Contribution.pdf Furthermore, China proves an indispensable party to Washington when it comes to influencing the AND government-to-government relations will ultimately redound to its economic interest. 1nr 1NR Workforce More evidence – status quo solves Gene Aloise, Director, Natural Resources and Environment, GAO, April 12, MODERNIZING THE NUCLEAR SECURITY ENTERPRISE: Strategies and Challenges in Sustaining Critical Skills in Federal and Contractor Workforces, http://www.gao.gov/assets/600/590488.pdf According to NNSA officials, these five metrics are tracked very closely by Mand AND expected, the laboratory could adjust its recruiting strategies to hire more staff. Incentives now solve the advantage enough Gene Aloise, Director, Natural Resources and Environment, GAO, April 12, MODERNIZING THE NUCLEAR SECURITY ENTERPRISE: Strategies and Challenges in Sustaining Critical Skills in Federal and Contractor Workforces, http://www.gao.gov/assets/600/590488.pdf Some of the human capital challenges facing the enterprise are beyond the control of NNSA AND has thus far been adequate for recruiting and retaining the talent they need. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: Strauss, Maslin, Moczulski 1nr 1NR Workforce More evidence – status quo solves Gene Aloise, Director, Natural Resources and Environment, GAO, April 12, MODERNIZING THE NUCLEAR SECURITY ENTERPRISE: Strategies and Challenges in Sustaining Critical Skills in Federal and Contractor Workforces, http://www.gao.gov/assets/600/590488.pdf According to NNSA officials, these five metrics are tracked very closely by Mand AND expected, the laboratory could adjust its recruiting strategies to hire more staff. Incentives now solve the advantage enough Gene Aloise, Director, Natural Resources and Environment, GAO, April 12, MODERNIZING THE NUCLEAR SECURITY ENTERPRISE: Strategies and Challenges in Sustaining Critical Skills in Federal and Contractor Workforces, http://www.gao.gov/assets/600/590488.pdf Some of the human capital challenges facing the enterprise are beyond the control of NNSA AND has thus far been adequate for recruiting and retaining the talent they need. 1NR Impact Overview Economic integration prevents their impacts from escalating Griswold, 7 (Daniel, director of the Center for Trade Policy Studies, 4/20/2007, Trade, Democracy and Peace, HYPERLINK "http://www.freetrade.org/node/681" http://www.freetrade.org/node/681) A little-noticed headline on an Associated Press story a while back reported, AND In short, globalization has dramatically raised the economic cost of war. And, these wars cause extinction Daguzan 10 (Citing Jean Francois, PhD and Senior Research Fellow at the Foundation for Strategic Research, “Economic crisis threatens existence of human beings” November 26, 2010, Right Vision News, pg online @ lexisnexis) The financial and economic crisis being faced by the world is in fact a human AND big, but not enough to become the lone competitor of the west. High skilled workforce is a prerequisite to the aff – we solve it D’Ambrosio and O’Brien 9 (Peter D’Ambrosio Partner, Winston and Strawn LLP Washington, D.C. and Kevin O’Brien Partner, Howrey LLP Washington, D.C.“NUCLEAR POWER PROJECTS - NEW RISKS REQUIRE NEW APPROACHES,” http://www.winston.com/siteFiles/Publications/Nuclear_Power_Projects_D'Ambrosio_Article.pdf) With virtually no nuclear power plant construction in the United States since the early 1990s AND , as delays, back-orders and bottlenecks are sure to ensue. #1 – A2: Won’t Pass CIR will pass---compromises are working but there are still holdouts Reuters 3/24 (Thomas Ferraro, staff writer @ Reuters, “How the US Congress is working to reform immigration laws,” http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/300743/news/world/how-the-us-congress-is-working-to-reform-immigration-laws) In a U.S. Congress riven by partisan conflict on deficits and guns AND we have an effective control of the border and it is not amnesty." CIR will pass, democrats unified, opponents cooled off, lobby negotiations, GOP support, grass roots push---but things can still fall apart Khimm 3/19 (Suzy Khimm, reporter, covers the budget, economic policy, and financial regulatory reform. Before coming to Washington, she was based in Brazil and Southeast Asia, where she wrote for the Economist, Wall Street Journal Asia, Slate, and the Christian Science Monito“Five reasons why immigration reform is moving forward,” http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/03/19/five-reasons-why-immigration-reform-is-moving-forward/) If you want to feel even modestly hopeful about Washington, don’t look at the AND don’t like what this says about the country,’” says Giovagnoli. # 3 – A2: No Political capital Obama has political capital – he’s winning in polls now which allows him to gain political leverage – that’s Kernan and AFP Obama has surging political capital The Inquisitr 1/30 (“Obama’s More Popular Than Ever, Even If Everything Else Is Awful Poll” http://www.inquisitr.com/502313/obamas-more-popular-than-ever-even-if-everything-else-is-awful-poll/) President Obama recently enjoyed a surge in popularity that he hasn’t experienced since his first AND him to solidify support among Republicans and conservative Democrats in his second term. Immigration first---congress has moved on from fiscal fights WSJ 3/24 (Wall Street Journal, writer by Janet Hook, staff writer. “Congress Set to Alter Focus After Passing Two Budgets,” http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323466204578380820319800066.html) After the Senate passed its budget this weekend, Congress is expected to pivot to AND week passed nonbinding budget blueprints that laid out the parties' competing fiscal priorities. NO one cares about gun control anymore---all about immigration Roll Call 3/22 (“Can Schumer Deliver on Immigration and Guns?” http://www.rollcall.com/news/can_schumer_deliver_on_immigration_and_guns-223392-1.html?pg=2) It is much less likely at this point that anything gets done on gun control AND the immigration effort that is most important for all stakeholders, including Schumer. #5 – Winners Win Political capital is key to the agenda and finite for Obama in the second term, he can’t do a replay of his first term Schultz 1/22/13 (David Schultz is a professor at Hamline University School of Business, where he teaches classes on privatization and public, private and nonprofit partnerships. He is the editor of the Journal of Public Affairs Education (JPAE) “Obama's dwindling prospects in a second term” http://www.minnpost.com/community-voices/2013/01/obamas-dwindling-prospects-second-term) Presidential power also is a finite and generally decreasing product. The first hundred days AND next four years – but the window is small and will rapidly close. Winners win is empirically denied---opportunities come they are not created Jackie Calmes, NYTimes, 11/12/12, In Debt Talks, Obama Is Ready to Go Beyond Beltway, mobile.nytimes.com/2012/11/12/us/politics/legacy-at-stake-obama-plans-broader-push-for-budget-deal.xml That story line, stoked by Republicans but shared by some Democrats, holds that AND , when the opposition typically takes seats from the president's party in Congress. Can’t win with energy Harder 2/7 (Amy, is a National Journal Energy Policy Analyst, “In Washington Energy and Climate Issues Get Shoved in the Closet,” http://www.nationaljournal.com/columns/power-play/in-washington-energy-and-climate-issues-get-shoved-in-the-closet-20130206) A week later, one senator, Republican Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, AND . On energy and climate policy, Obama faces a unified Republican Party. At that point, this second fiddle might not even be in the band. #7 And 8 Plan Popular The plan is politically nuclear Fairley 10 Peter, IEEE Spectrum, May, "Downsizing Nuclear Power Plants,” spectrum.ieee.org/energy/nuclear/downsizing-nuclear-power-plants/0 However, there are political objections to SMRs. Precisely because they are more affordable AND today’s reactors. But, politically at least, they’re just as nuclear. Huge public opposition U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration 12 (“The Commercial Outlook for U.S. Small Modular Nuclear Reactors” http://trade.gov/mas/ian/build/groups/public/@tg_ian/@nuclear/documents/webcontent/tg_ian_003185.pdf) One additional obstacle is beyond the scope of this report but could play a significant AND features of SMRs and nuclear reactors in general could also ameliorate this concern. Public is key Sam Youngman, The Hill, 07/27/09, Analysis: July has been disaster for Obama, Hill Dems, http://thehill.com/leading-the-news/analysis-july-has-been-disaster-for-obama-hill-dems-2009-07-27.html Paul Light, an expert on the presidency and a professor at New York University AND "He needs to take this over and own it," Light said. Nuclear power faces strong political opposition – this assumes nuclear industry push JISEA 12 (The Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis is operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the University of Colorado-Boulder, the Colorado School of Mines, the Colorado State University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Stanford University. “Nuclear and Renewable Energy Synergies Workshop: Report of Proceedings” http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy12osti/52256.pdf) In practice, such systems face several practical institutional/jurisdictional, technical, and AND trail blazer, could place hybrid systems beyond the point of economic feasibility. Nuclear power is a political deadweight---drains capital Levine 12 (Greg, “Obama Drops Nuclear Energy from Convention Speech” http://my.firedoglake.com/gregglevine/2012/09/07/obama-drops-nuclear-energy-from-convention-speech/) President Obama no longer promises to “safely harness nuclear power”–that likely would AND second shot at casting for the future, nuclear power is political deadweight. |
| 03/31/2013 | |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor BB | Judge: Financial incentives exclude procurement Menz, 5 - Faculty of Economics and Finance, School of Business, Clarkson University, Bertrand H. Snell Hall, Potsdam, NY, also from the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo (CICERO), Norway (Fredric, “Green electricity policies in the United States: case study,” Energy Policy, December, Science Direct) Italics in original There is considerable … renewable energy technologies. |
| 03/31/2013 | |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor BB | Judge: China is leading in nuclear power Xinhuna 13 (“China building nuclear power plant with fourth-generation features,” http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/754006.shtml) China has broken ground … told Xinhua by telephone. The plan commercializes nuclear power Marqusee 12 Jeffrey, Executive director at the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program at the DOD, “Military Installations and Energy Technology Innovations”, Energy Innovation at the Department of Defense: Assessing the Opportunities, March, PDF online Conclusion¶ DoD has … in a real energy revolution. That kills Chinese export markets Ferguson 10—President of the Federation of American Scientists. Adjunct Professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University and an Adjunct Lecturer in the National Security Studies Program at the Johns Hopkins University. (Charles, Nuclear Energy and Nonproliferation: The Implications of Expanded Nuclear Energy in Asia, in Asia’s Rising Power and America’s Continued Purpose, Ed Tellis, Marble and Tanner, 146) Although China began to develop …, and Southeast Asia. That’s key to Chinese soft power Blank-prof strategic studies institute, Army War College-6/16/10 China puts down marker in nuclear power racehttp://www.atimes.com/atimes/China_Business/LF16Cb01.html Therefore, China's recent … larger strategic goals. Solves US/China Conflict Shuli 13 (Hu Shuli is editor-in-chief of Caixin Media Company, editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine Century Weekly, executive editor-in-chief of the monthly journal China Reform and dean of the School of Communication and Design at Sun Yat-sen University. “A Sino-US relationship that competes on values,” http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1139455/sino-us-relationship-competes-values) A new phase of Sino-American … found a new lease of life. Nuclear war Gross December 2012 (Donald Gross, a Pacific Forum CSIS Senior Associate, is a former White House and State Department official whose new book, The China Fallacy: How the U.S. Can Benefit from China’s Rise and Avoid Another Cold War, was published in October by Bloomsbury. Now is the time to rethink … global financial crisis. 2NC ---Guagchen solves human rights abuses---China is moving away from that Economy 12 (Elizabeth Economy is Director of Asia Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and an expert on China-U.S. relations and Chinese domestic and foreign policy, “China’s Real Soft Power: Chen Guangcheng,” http://blogs.cfr.org/asia/2012/05/31/chinas-real-soft-power-chen-guangcheng/) Politicians and pundits in Washington … live up to Chen’s faith. ---They have causality the wrong way, soft power solves human rights abuses Tsoi 12 (Samuel, Master of Science in Public Affairs International Relations Track John W. McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies University of Massachusetts Boston “Confucius Goes Global: Chinese Soft Power and Implications for Global Governance,” Understanding China's soft power … potential areas of conflict. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor BB | Judge: ---Greening military energy consumption is a depoliticizing act which reifies structures of persistent conflict that make affirmative impact claims inevitable. Sirota 2011 David, best-selling author of the new book "Back to Our Future: How the 1980s Explain the World We Live In Now," co-hosts The Rundown with Sirota and Brown on AM630 KHOW, http://www.salon.com/2011/05/23/greenwashing_military/ Yes, military brass … to a frugal public. ---Energy green-washing locks the military in a self-fulfilling quest for resources and risks extinction. Nevins 2010 Joseph, teaches geography at Vassar College, Greenwashing the Pentagon, http://climateandcapitalism.com/2010/06/15/greenwashing-the-pentagon/ Such “greenwashing” …—can no long afford them. Faith in nuclear power to resolve all social ills is technocratic and privileges the same technological solutions that cause their impacts Byrne and Martinez 96 (Cecilia, is currently the Director of the Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. John, “Science, Society and the State: The Nuclear Project and the Transformation of the American Political Economy” http://www.ceep.udel.edu/publications/politicalecology/publications/1996_pe_atom_chap3.pdf) =gendered language correction Less than two decades … in a post-nuclear age. ---The alternative is to reject the affirmative’s suspect imperial narrative --- American hegemony relies on epistemologically flawed colonial stereotypes of racial inferiority that whitewashes American imperialism while constructing a universal notion of humanity that enables a self-defeating genocidal politics in the name of stability. Kaplan 2003 Amy, Professor of English at University of Pennsylvania, “Violent Belongings and the Question of Empire Today,” American Quarterly 56.1 Another dominant narrative … during World War II. ---Their conflict scenarios are false and have only been constructed due to imperialist knowledge production, as an academic you have an ethical obligation to reject this epistemology San Juan 1995 Professor of English and Comparative Literature at UConn, Hegemony and Strategies of Transgression, pg 1-2 Scenes of carnage in Somalia, … throughout the next century. 2NC Alternative Reject the affirmatives call to action to solve proliferation and call into question the validity of their knowledge claims Pelopidas 11 (Benoît Pelopidas, PhD, is a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) at Stanford University.“THE ORACLES OF PROLIFERATION How Experts Maintain a Biased Historical Reading that Limits Policy Innovation,” http://cns.miis.edu/npr/pdfs/npr_18-1_pelopidas.pdf) The proliferation paradigm … the best guide for prudence A2: Framework ---Framing determines policy effectiveness --- 90% of policy errors emerge from the flawed and deterministic lens of security. Lowth 2011 Colonel R. G., British Army, ‘Securitization’ and its effect on Strategic Thinking, SEAFORD HOUSE PAPER, Royal Defense Studies A frame is ‘a perspective … ‘real-world’ significance’ (Hough, 2004:14). A2: Perm Step back is critical Hildyard Lohmann and Sexton 2012 Nicholas, founder and Director of The Corner House, Larry, author of the book “Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatization and Power” and works at the British NGO The Corner House, Sarah, a director of The Corner House, Energy Security For What? For Whom? The Corner House, http://www.thecornerhouse.org.uk/resource/energy-security-whom-what For time-pressed, slogan-bound, … harder to achieve A2: Prolif The discourse of nonproliferation produces a violent dichotomy between mature and immature states – the anxieties we have about our own possession of nuclear weapons are displaced onto Orientalized subjects GUSTERSON Professor of Anthropology – MIT 1999 Cultural Anthropology 1999 These falsely obvious … with the United States. Reject the affirmatives call to action to solve proliferation. instead of expecting the truth about what is to be done, policy makers would benefit much through recognition of the limits of what can be known. The search for precise knowledge is impossible and causes policy calamities like Iraq---it’s impossible to know true intentions of development and all of their expert knowledge is ideological and political, by definition, it can’t be objective Pelopidas 11 (Benoît Pelopidas, PhD, is a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) at Stanford University.“THE ORACLES OF PROLIFERATION How Experts Maintain a Biased Historical Reading that Limits Policy Innovation,” http://cns.miis.edu/npr/pdfs/npr_18-1_pelopidas.pdf) The proliferation paradigm … the best guide for prudence A2: Action ---Imagining solutions to scenarios of global energy crisis serves as a numbing device preserving a childish naiveté that encourages us to fiddle while the planet burns --- The inherent tension between their imminent scenarios for extinction and the at least decade long timeframe before education can induce material change reveals the affirmative’s commitment to the status quo. Sumrell and Varnelis 2009 Robert, production designer, educator, writer and teaches at the Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, Kazys, Director of the Network Architecture Lab at the Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, Personal Lubricants: Shell Oil and Scenario Planning, New Geographies 2: Landscapes of Energy, pg 127-132 Suddenly, everything's grim… playing the game. This means the affirmative is incapable of predicting energy markets, their assumption that the future is an extension of the status quo means they cannot account for scenerios that are not desirable for their authors, Labban 2010 Mazen, Preempting Possibility: Critical Assessment of IEA’s World Energy Outlook 2010, International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook 2010, Paris: International Energy Agency, http://www.academia.edu/1424109/Preempting_Possibility_Critical_Assessment_of_the_IEAs_World_Energy_Outlook_2010 Growing uncertainty about energy … the very notion of possibility.x A2: Nuclear Power Inevitable ---Their claim that nuclear power is inevitable collapses the future into the present tense and makes extinction inevitable by equating Sofia 1984 Zoe, Exterminating Fetuses: Abortion, Disarmament, and the Sexo-Semiotics of Extraterrestialism, Diacritics, Vol. 14, No 2, Nuclear Criticism. pg. 47-59 The collapsed future … take over our lives. Landmines k ---THE AFF CREATES A CLASS OF “LEGITIMATE” WEAPONS BY ASCRIBING AGENCY TO WEAPONS RATHER THAN THE PEOPLE WHO USE THEM— THIS MAINTAINS MILITARISM OVERALL AND THREATENS EXTINCTION DAUPHINÉE 2001 (Elizabeth, Researcher for CSIS and Doctoral Candidate in Political Science at York University, “Broadening the Ban,” YCISS Occasional Paper, October www.yorku.ca/yciss/publications/OP68-Dauphinee.pdf) It is not the intent of this … human life more generally. ---CRITIQUING THEIR REPRESENTATIONS OF LANDMINE AGENCY EXPOSES MILITARISM AND ALLOWS AN EFFECTIVE TOTAL CRITIQUE OF STATE VIOLENCE DAUPHINÉE 2001 (Elizabeth, Researcher for CSIS and Doctoral Candidate in Political Science at York University, “Broadening the Ban,” YCISS Occasional Paper, October www.yorku.ca/yciss/publications/OP68-Dauphinee.pdf) A reevaluation of … rendered so inhumane. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor BB | Judge: The United States federal government should -ratify and implement the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty -discontinue its use of HEU It solves the case-boost US leadership and solves proliferation Joseph, Senior Democratic Foreign Policy Staffer in the United States Senate, ‘9 (Jofi, April, “Renew the Drive for CTBT Ratification” Washington Quarterly) The 1999 vote fell short … and national security goal. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor BB | Judge: No risk of terrorism Mueller 10 John Mueller is a professor of political science at Ohio State University, “Calming Our Nuclear Jitters” Issues Online in Science and Technology, Winter 2010 http://www.issues.org/26.2/mueller.html The purpose here has not been … or one in three billion per attempt. Conventional weapons first John Mueller is a professor of political science at Ohio State “THE ATOMIC TERRORIST: ASSESSING THE LIKELIHOOD” Jan. 1. 2008. Accessed July 19, 2010. http://polisci.osu.edu/faculty/jmueller/APSACHGO.PDF Donnie Meanwhile, although there …"probably a near thing." No escalation Crowley 10 (Michael Senior Editor the New Republic, January, “Obama and Nuclear Deterrence”, http://www.tnr.com/node/72263 The Los Angeles …would go through with it. No extinction Frost 5 (Robin, teaches political science at Simon Fraser University, British Colombia, “Nuclear Terrorism after 9/11,” Adelphi Papers, December) An existential threat. … a national level. ---Not unstable – caution Kenneth Waltz, Emeritus Professor of Political Science, UC Berkeley, 3-22-2007, “A nuclear Iran: promoting stability or courting disaster?”, Columbia University Debate, nexis First, nuclear proliferation…years. Pretty impressive. Accidents don’t happen and wouldn’t escalate Kenneth Waltz, The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate Renewed, 2003, p. 115-116 Another question is whether …. I consider them in turn. Naval cuts inevitable – kills leverage . O’Brien 2012 Robert C., senior foreign policy advisor to GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney http://www.newsmax.com/US/Obama-debate-aircraft-carrier/2012/10/30/id/462127#ixzz2FiJbDG2X What the President … its global missions. Naval power is not key to leverage Goure 10—Vice President, Lexington Institute, PhD (Daniel, 2 July 2010, Can The Case Be Made For Naval Power?,http://www.lexingtoninstitute.org/can-the-case-be-made-for-naval-power-?a=1andc=1171, RBatra) This is no longer the case. … in today’s world. ---Empirical data concludes Naval doesn’t prevent proliferation. Mearsheimer 2011 John J., R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, The National Interest, Imperial by Design, lexis One year later, Charles … a pronounced pessimism. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor BB | Judge: No risk of terrorism Mueller 10 John Mueller is a professor of political science at Ohio State University, “Calming Our Nuclear Jitters” Issues Online in Science and Technology, Winter 2010 http://www.issues.org/26.2/mueller.html The purpose here has not been … or one in three billion per attempt. Conventional weapons first John Mueller is a professor of political science at Ohio State “THE ATOMIC TERRORIST: ASSESSING THE LIKELIHOOD” Jan. 1. 2008. Accessed July 19, 2010. http://polisci.osu.edu/faculty/jmueller/APSACHGO.PDF Donnie Meanwhile, although there …"probably a near thing." No escalation Crowley 10 (Michael Senior Editor the New Republic, January, “Obama and Nuclear Deterrence”, http://www.tnr.com/node/72263 The Los Angeles …would go through with it. No extinction Frost 5 (Robin, teaches political science at Simon Fraser University, British Colombia, “Nuclear Terrorism after 9/11,” Adelphi Papers, December) An existential threat. … a national level. ---Not unstable – caution Kenneth Waltz, Emeritus Professor of Political Science, UC Berkeley, 3-22-2007, “A nuclear Iran: promoting stability or courting disaster?”, Columbia University Debate, nexis First, nuclear proliferation…years. Pretty impressive. Accidents don’t happen and wouldn’t escalate Kenneth Waltz, The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate Renewed, 2003, p. 115-116 Another question is whether …. I consider them in turn. Naval cuts inevitable – kills leverage . O’Brien 2012 Robert C., senior foreign policy advisor to GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney http://www.newsmax.com/US/Obama-debate-aircraft-carrier/2012/10/30/id/462127#ixzz2FiJbDG2X What the President … its global missions. Naval power is not key to leverage Goure 10—Vice President, Lexington Institute, PhD (Daniel, 2 July 2010, Can The Case Be Made For Naval Power?,http://www.lexingtoninstitute.org/can-the-case-be-made-for-naval-power-?a=1andc=1171, RBatra) This is no longer the case. … in today’s world. ---Empirical data concludes Naval doesn’t prevent proliferation. Mearsheimer 2011 John J., R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, The National Interest, Imperial by Design, lexis One year later, Charles … a pronounced pessimism. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor BB | Judge: ---Retrenchment won’t lead to great power war. Parent and MacDonald 2011 Joseph M. Parent is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Miami. Paul K. MacDonald is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Wellesley College. “The Wisdom of Retrenchment: America Must Cut Back to Move Forward” http://www.ihavenet.com/World-United-States-The-Wisdom-of-Retrenchment-America-Must-Cut-Back-to-Move-Forward-Foreign-Affairs.html A somewhat more compelling … Qaeda, want it to fall. ---Statistical data disproves the necessity of hegemony* Fettweis 2011 Christopher J. Fettweis, Department of Political Science, Tulane University, 9/26/11, Free Riding or Restraint? Examining European Grand Strategy, Comparative Strategy, 30:316–332, EBSCO It is perhaps worth noting … on faith alone. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: Doubles | Opponent: Emory PS | Judge: Strange, JP, Lamball, Seth gannon, Strange Aff-Oil restrictions on federal lands 1nc Bargain CP (carbon tax) EST CP Obama DA (CIR, India relations) Europe Relations DA ASPEC 2nc aspec est cp europe da case defense 1nr Bargain cp 2nr bargain cp |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: Doubles | Opponent: Emory PS | Judge: Strange, JP, Lamball, Seth gannon, Strange Aff-Oil restrictions on federal lands 1nc Bargain CP (carbon tax) EST CP Obama DA (CIR, India relations) Europe Relations DA ASPEC 2nc aspec est cp europe da case defense 1nr Bargain cp 2nr bargain cp |