| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Valentine 10 Scott Victor Valentine - Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore, "Canada~’s constitutional separation of (wind) power" Energy Policy, Volume 38, Issue 4, April 2010, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421509009227 Should policymakers facilitate renewable energy capacity development through distributive policies (i.e. AND efficacy (cf. Mallon, 2006; cf. Vine, 2008). Despite the proliferation of studies on policy instruments in the renewable energy policy field, AND that federal structure has on renewable energy policy instrument development is merited. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Restrictions on production must mandate a decrease in the quantity producedAnell 89 Lars is the Chairman of the WTO panel adopted at the Forty-Fifth Session of Contracting Parties on December 5, 1989. Other panel members: Mr. Hugh Bartlett and Mrs. Carmen Luz Guarda. "Canada – Import Restrictions on Ice Cream and Yoghurt," http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/88icecrm.pdf The United States argued that Canada had failed to demonstrate that it effectively restricted domestic AND to what the situation would be in the absence of all government measures. Doub 76 William is a principal in the law firm of Doub and Muntzing. Previously he was a partner in LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby, and MacRae. He was a member of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (1971-1974). He served as a member of the Executive Advisory Committee to the Federal Power Commission (1968-1971) and was appointed by the President to the President~’s Air Quality Advisory Board. He is a past chairman of the U.S. National Committee of the World Energy Conference. "Energy Regulation: A Quagmire for Energy Policy," http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.eg.01.110176.003435 FERS began with the recognition that federal energy policy must result from concerted efforts in AND agencies. Unfortunately, this example is the rule rather than the exception. And precision—-only direct prohibition is a restriction—-key to predictabilitySinha 6 S.B. Sinha is a former judge of the Supreme Court of India. "Union Of India %26 Ors vs M/S. Asian Food Industries," Nov 7, http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.indiankanoon.org/doc/437310/ We may, however, notice that this Court in State of U.P AND the word prohibiting or some such word, to bring out that effect." |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Shih 9 Wen-chen Shih is an associate professor of law in the Department of International Trade at National Chengchi University, Taiwan. "ARTICLE: Energy Security, GATT/WTO, and Regional Agreements" Natural Resources Journal Spring, 2009 Natural Resources Journal 49 Nat. Resources J. 433 lexis Such an argument has been questioned by others. Broome cautions that a material distinction AND countries should not constitute quantitative restrictions that contravene Article XI:1. n97 |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Financial incentives include funding and loan guarantees; procurement is a non-financial incentiveCzinkota et al, 9 - Associate Professor at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University (Michael, Fundamentals of International Business, p. 69 – google books) Incentives offered by policymakers to facilitate foreign investments are mainly of three types: fiscal AND import quotas, and local content requirements, and investments in infrastructure facilities. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Vaekstfonden 6 Vaekstfonden is a Danish government backed investment fund that facilitates the supply of venture capital in terms of start-up equity and high-risk loans "THE ENERGY INDUSTRY IN DENMARK- perspectives on entrepreneurship andventure capital" No Specific Cited, Latest Data From 2006 s3.amazonaws.com/zanran_storage/www.siliconvalley.um.dk/ContentPages/43667201.pdf In all, 20 industry experts were … is part of the consumption stage. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Energy production is exclusively the extraction of energy from its source – excludes conversion and electricity generationSagar 6 Ambuj D. Sagar is a Senior Research Associate in the Science, Technology, and. Public Policy Program at the John F. Kennedy School of Government @ Harvard, Hongyan H. Oliver, and Ananth P. Chikkatur, "Climate Change, Energy, and Developing Countries" Vermont Journal of Environmental LawVolume 7 2005-2006 www.vjel.org/journal/VJEL10041.html The energy sector encompasses activities relating to the production, conversion, and use of AND in industrial, residential, commercial, transportation and other end-uses. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: First, a limited topic of discussion that provides for equitable ground is key to productive inculcation of decision-making and advocacy skills in every and all facets of life—-even if their position is contestable that~’s distinct from it being valuably debatable—-this still provides room for flexibility, creativity, and innovation, but targets the discussion to avoid mere statements of fact—-T debates also solve any possible turnSteinberg %26 Freeley 8 *Austin J. Freeley is a Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, AND David L. Steinberg , Lecturer of Communication Studies @ U Miami, Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making pp45- Debate is a means of settling … will be outlined in the following discussion. Second, discussion of specific policy-questions is crucial for skills development—-we control uniqueness: university students already have preconceived and ideological notions about how the world operates—-government policy discussion is vital to force engagement with and resolution of competing perspectives to improve social outcomes, however those outcomes may be defined—-and, it breaks out of traditional pedagogical frameworks by positing students as agents of decision-makingEsberg %26 Sagan 12 *Jane Esberg is special assistant to the director at New York University~’s Center on. International Cooperation. She was the winner of 2009 Firestone Medal, AND Scott Sagan is a professor of political science and director of Stanford~’s Center for International Security and Cooperation "NEGOTIATING NONPROLIFERATION: Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Nuclear Weapons Policy," 2/17 The Nonproliferation Review, 19:1, 95-108 These government or quasi-government … how to contextualize and act on information.14 Patricia Roberts-Miller 3 is Associate Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Texas "Fighting Without Hatred:Hannah Ar endt ~’ s Agonistic Rhetoric" JAC 22.2 2003 Totalitarianism and the Competitive Space of Agonism Arendt is probably most famous for … but not violent, independent but not expressivist rhetoric. Key to social improvements in every and all facets of lifeSteinberg %26 Freeley 8 *Austin J. Freeley is a Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, AND David L. Steinberg , Lecturer of Communication Studies @ U Miami, Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making pp9-10 If we assume it to be possible without … reach these decisions through reasoned debate. Steinberg %26 Freeley 8 *Austin J. Freeley is a Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, AND David L. Steinberg , Lecturer of Communication Studies @ U Miami, Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making pp9-10 After several days of intense … for our favored political candidate. Christian O. Lundberg 10 Professor of Communications @ University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, "Tradition of Debate in North Carolina" in Navigating Opportunity: Policy Debate in the 21st Century By Allan D. Louden, p311 The second major problem with the … democracy ~~~[in an~~~] increasingly complex world. Academic debate over green politics is vital to engage the direction of energy policy and overcoming corporate control—-the aff cedes the policy process to status-quo interestsTorgerson 8 (Douglas, Professor of Politics, Cultural Studies, and Environmental and Resource Studies at Trent University in Canada, Constituting Green Democracy: A Political Project, The Good Society: Volume 17, Number 2, MUSE) The administrative sphere is no … that take place in the green public sphere. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Gleick et al. 12 Peter H. Gleick, President and Co-Founder of the Pacific Institute in the United States, 6/19/12, "A Twenty-First Century U.S. Water Policy," pg. 9 The relative abundance or scarcity of water is of general interest to hydrologists and other AND Freshwater Ecosystems, for a description of the decommissioning of the Elwha Dam). NYT 11 Kate Galbraith, September 18, 2011, "How Energy Drains Water Supplies,"http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/19/business/global/19iht-green19.html?adxnnl=1%26pagewanted=print%26adxnnlx=1346198474-ErbDMk0H30bPmhmHB9bq9g AUSTIN, TEXAS — The worst single-year drought in …United States goes toward energy production. Turns case and trades off with ag industry use – causes food price increasesWebber 12 Michael E. Webber, assistant professor of mechanical engineering and the associate director of the Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy at the University of Texas, July 23, 2012, "Will Drought Cause the Next Blackout?" http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/24/opinion/will-drought-cause-the-next-blackout.html?_r=1%26pagewanted=print WE~’RE now in the midst of the nation~’s … will become more important with time. Bailey and Horwich 12 Rob Bailey, senior research fellow on energy, environment and resources with the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and Jeff Horwich, reporter for Marketplace, July 20, 2012, "U.S. drought could have global impact on food prices," http://www.marketplace.org/topics/world/us-drought-could-have-global-impact-food-prices Bailey: Well America is an … have implications for China, quite seriously. Dean 95 (Jonathon, advisor on International Security Issues for the Union of Concerned Scientists, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, No. 2, Vol. 51, p. 45, March, lexis) Experts throughout the world expect growing population pressures and increasing environmental stress to develop over AND it would markedly increase the vulnerability of the United States to direct attack. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Rare Earth Mineral Demand is low – Downstream enterprises hesitant to enter into new projectsWCT 8-14, 8/14/12, "Decreased demand hits China’s rare earth producers", http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subclass-cnt.aspx?cid=1102%26MainCatID=11%26id=20120814000043 In addition, due to fluctuations in rare earth prices, downstream enterprises and mining companies are adopting a wait-and-see attitude and will not formulate production plans until prices stabilize. "With domestic and overseas demand in decline, the wait-and-see attitude in the industry will last for a while," says Meng Qingjiang, deputy secretary general of the Jiangxi Rare Earth Association. Plan causes disproportionate demand for rare earths – they are key elements in the construction of wind turbinesElisa Alonso et. Al, 2/3/12, postdoctoral research associate in the Materials Systems Laboratory at MIT, "Evaluating Rare Earth Element Availability: A Case with Revolutionary Demand from Clean Technologies", Environmental Science and Technology, ABSTRACT: The future availability of rare earth elements (REEs) is of concern AND present REE needs in automotive and wind applications are representative of future needs. Timothy J. Brennan and Joel Darmstadter et. Al.,2012, Senior fellows at Resources for the Future, "THE SUPPLY CHAIN AND INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION OF RARE EARTH MATERIALS: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE U.S. WIND ENERGY SECTOR", http://www.rff.org/RFF/Documents/RFF-Rpt-Shih%20etal%20RareEarthsUSWind.pdf So far, it appears that, although China may have market power over REs AND could then obtain access to manufacturing knowledge from firms that relocate to China. Anthony, 11 ~~~~~~~12/30, Lead Editor at Ziff Davis Inc. Graduated from the University of Essex, Columnist "Rare earth crisis: Innovate, or be crushed by China"http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/111029-rare-earth-crisis-innovate-or-be-crushed-by-china/2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rare earth apocalypse¶ The doomsday event that everyone is praying will never come AND different ways of storing energy or displaying images. My money~~~’s on ~~~~~~graphene-http://www.extremetech.com/tag/graphene~~~~~~~~~~~~. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Kimberly Atkins 11-8, Boston Herald columnist, "Prez returns to D.C. with more clout," 11/8/12, http://bostonherald.com/news/columnists/view/20221108prez_returns_to_dc_with_more_clout When President Obama returned yesterday to the White House, he brought with him political AND unlike his first term, Obama will have more power to push back. McEntee 8/15 Christine is the Executive Director and CEO at the American Geophysical Union. "Science, Politics and Public Opinion," 2012, http://energy.nationaljournal.com/2012/08/finding-the-sweet-spot-biparti.php We know that objective scientific knowledge is needed to inform good policy decisions—-and AND national economies, public health and national security. This needs to change. Morici 8/7 Peter, PhD, is a "recognized expert on economic policy and international economics." He is a Professor of International Business at the R.H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. "Fix fiscal cliff now or face next Great Depression," 2012, http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/08/07/fix-fiscal-cliff-now-or-face-next-great-depression/ President Obama and Republicans are engaging in dangerous brinksmanship. Putting off a political solution to the looming "fiscal cliff" until after the election risks a second Great Depression.¶ Without a compromise by January, %24400 billion in mandatory spending cuts and more than %24100 billion in tax increases will immediately go into effect. With our economy only growing by only %24300 billion annually, such a shock would thrust it into a prolonged contraction. Mead 9 – Walter Russell Mead, the Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, 2-4, 2009, "Only Makes You Stronger," The New Republic, http://www.tnr.com/politics/story.html?id=571cbbb9-2887-4d81-8542-92e83915f5f8%26p=2 If current market turmoil seriously damaged the performance and prospects of India and China, AND the world economy back on track, we may still have to fight. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Kimberly Atkins 11-8, Boston Herald columnist, "Prez returns to D.C. with more clout," 11/8/12, http://bostonherald.com/news/columnists/view/20221108prez_returns_to_dc_with_more_clout When President Obama returned yesterday to the White House, he brought with him political AND unlike his first term, Obama will have more power to push back. McEntee 8/15 Christine is the Executive Director and CEO at the American Geophysical Union. "Science, Politics and Public Opinion," 2012, http://energy.nationaljournal.com/2012/08/finding-the-sweet-spot-biparti.php We know that objective scientific knowledge is needed to inform good policy decisions—-and AND national economies, public health and national security. This needs to change. Sequestration destroys US global military power—-collapses deterrence and triggers multiple scenarios for nuclear war (Iranian adventurism, Hormuz closing, African instability, terrorism, Korean war, Taiwan war, Russian military modernization, Afghanistan instability, naval power)Hunter 9/30 Duncan is a U.S. Representative from Alaska. "SEQUESTRATION SENDS WRONG MESSAGE TO U.S. FRIENDS AND FOES ALIKE," 2012, http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2012/sep/30/tp-sequestration-sends-wrong-message-to-us/?page=1~~~~~~~~%23article Over the next 10 years, because of sequestration, the Pentagon will be forced AND uphold our promises and stand ready to defend our interests against any threat. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Reuters 12 (Scott DiSavino, "U.S. utilities may return to coal as natgas prices rise" July 20, 2012, http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/07/20/utilities-coal-gas-idUSL2E8IK24220120720) July 20 (Reuters) - The recent rise in U.S. natural AND Editing by Gerald E. McCormick, Lisa Von Ahn and David Gregorio) Dyer 12 (Glenn - former Business Sunday producer, 11 July 2012, "Collapse in coal demand claims a US Patriot," www.crikey.com.au/2012/07/11/collapse-in-coal-demand-claims-a-us-patriot/) The fall in US coal prices because of weak demand (the warm winter and AND in north Asian were written at around %24US105 a tonne in February. ACA No Date (Australian Coal Association, ~[~[www.australiancoal.com.au/contribution-to-the-economy.html-http://www.australiancoal.com.au/contribution-to-the-economy.html~~]~]) Contribution to the Economy The coal industry plays a vital role in Australia~’s economy, energy security and community AND contributions to public infrastructure, and support for education, training %26 apprenticeships. ABC News 10 (Kim landers, April 22, 2010, "Australia leads global economic recovery," www.abc.net.au/news/2010-04-22/australia-leads-global-economic-recovery/405928) A new report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) says Australia is one AND to stimulate their economies, having already reduced interest rates to record lows. Mead 9 – Walter Russell Mead, the Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, 2-4, 2009, "Only Makes You Stronger," The New Republic, http://www.tnr.com/politics/story.html?id=571cbbb9-2887-4d81-8542-92e83915f5f8%26p=2 If current market turmoil seriously … economy back on track, we may still have to fight. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Silver supply is tight – new manufacturing demands won~’t be metScully 1/27, Mike, mechanical engineer and product designer, January 27, 2012, The Silver Singularity Is Near, ~[~[http://community.nasdaq.com/News/2012-01/the-silver-singularity-is-near.aspx?storyid=117209-http://community.nasdaq.com/News/2012-01/the-silver-singularity-is-near.aspx?storyid=117209~~]~] The main way the futures market keeps down the spot price of silver is by AND price will solve everything." Indeed. A much, much higher price. Goossens 11, Ehren, Jun 23, 2011, Silver Surge Makes ~’Headwind~’ For Solar/Fossil Fuel Rivalry, ~[~[http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-06-22/silver-surge-makes-headwind-for-solar-in-fossil-fuel-rivalry.html-http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-06-22/silver-surge-makes-headwind-for-solar-in-fossil-fuel-rivalry.html~~]~] Soaring silver prices are hampering the solar industry~’s ability to compete with fossil fuels.¶ AND 5 cents a year ago, the London-based industry researcher estimates. Savoie 4, Charles, independent researcher and author of "The Silver Stealers" chronology; masters from ISU, November 2004, WAR %26 SILVER, http://www.silver-investor.com/charlessavoie/cs_nov04.htm ¶ Let~’s take a look at the need for silver as a vital resource material AND quote from Clint Eastwood in "Unforgiven" (1992) is descriptive—- Iran invasion draws in Russia and China and causes great power warSmith 2/20, Brandon, founder and chief strategist behind the Alternative Market Project, Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran, February 20, 2012, http://www.infowars.com/consequences-to-expect-if-the-u-s-invades-iran/ War Domino Effect¶ In January of 2010, I wrote … support an invasion of Iran. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Expanding natural gas causes warmingPooley 12 Eric Pooley - senior VP @Environmental Defense Fund, Served as chief political correspondent of Time, managing editor of Fortune, and deputy editor of Bloomberg Businessweek. "Natural Gas – A Briefing Paper For Candidates," August 10, 2012, http://blogs.edf.org/energyexchange/2012/08/10/natural-gas-a-briefing-paper-for-candidates/) Reducing Methane Leakage In the absence of responsible natural … to increased climate forcing on any time frame. Warming is real, anthropogenic and causes extinctionFlournoy 12 — Citing Feng Hsu, PhD NASA Scientist @ the Goddard Space Flight AND , Springer Briefs in Space Development, Book, p. 10-11 In the Online Journal of Space Communication , Dr. Feng Hsu, a NASA AND simply too high for us to take any chances" (Hsu 2010 ). |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The global nuclear renaissance will spread enrichment capabilities worldwide—-but developing and exporting SMRs prevents states from acquiring the full fuel cycleAnatoly S. Diyakov 10, Professor of Physics and Director of the Center for Arms Control Energy and Environmental Studies at the Moscow Institute of Physics, Winter 2010, "The nuclear "renaissance" %26 preventing the spread of enrichment %26 reprocessing technologies: a Russian view", Dædalus, Vol. 139, No. 1 The anticipated growth of nuclear … during a period of at least a century. ITA 11 – International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, February 2011, "The Commercial Outlook for U.S. Small Modular Nuclear Reactors," http://trade.gov/mas/ian/build/groups/public/@tg_ian/@nuclear/documents/webcontent/tg_ian_003185.pdf Another potential long-term … be deployed in the near or mid term. Sharon Squassoni 9, Director and Senior Fellow of the Proliferation Prevention Program at CSIS, 3/25/9, "Nuclear Power: How Much More?," http://www.npolicy.org/article.php?aid=176%26rid=2 The amount of nuclear capacity … in the political realm, and can be reversed |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: McDermott 11 (Roger, Senior Fellow, Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, "Kazakhstan: Countering nuclear proliferation, Action to develop a nuclear and terrorist-free world," in Kazakhstan 2011: Twenty Years of Peace and Creation, First: The Forum for Global Decision Makers, 2011, ~[~[http://www.firstmagazine.com/Publishing/SpecialReportsDetail.aspx?RegionId=4%26SpecialReportId=96-http://www.firstmagazine.com/Publishing/SpecialReportsDetail.aspx?RegionId=4%26SpecialReportId=96~~]~]) Kazakhstan~’s ambitions are likely to be realized if uranium prices stay high and Kazatomprom is AND increased gross domestic product and status on the world stage will be profound. Pleitgen 12 (Frederick, CNN, "Kazakhstan hopes uranium, oil and gas will fuel its future," 7-18-12, ~[~[http://articles.cnn.com/2012-07-18/asia/world_asia_kazakhstan-natural-resources-economy_1_vladimir-shkolnik-kazakhstan-uranium-http://articles.cnn.com/2012-07-18/asia/world_asia_kazakhstan-natural-resources-economy_1_vladimir-shkolnik-kazakhstan-uranium~~]~]) Kazakhstan~’s mineral wealth will be a major source of income for decades to come, AND into place a plan for industrial and technological development to diversify the economy." Hamm 12 (Nathan, founder and Principal Analyst for Registan, MA in Central Asian Studies from the University of Washington, "Kazakhstan~’s Stability, Central Asia~’s Stability," 1-31-12, ~[~[http://registan.net/2012/01/31/kazakhstans-stability-central-asias-stability/-http://registan.net/2012/01/31/kazakhstans-stability-central-asias-stability/~~]~]) I~’m paraphrasing, but on the first two items, Dr. Roberts argues that AND a better idea of when serious risks to stability are likely to arise. Assenova 8 (Margarita Assenova, IND Director; Natalie Zajicova, Program Officer (IND); Janusz Bugajski, CSIS NEDP Director; Ilona Teleki, Deputy Director and Fellow (CSIS); Besian Bocka, Program Coordinator and Research Assistant (CSIS), "Kazakhstan~’s Strategic Significance," 2008, CSIS-IND Taskforce Policy Brief team, European Dialogue, ~[~[http://eurodialogue.org/Kazakhstan-Strategic-Significance-http://eurodialogue.org/Kazakhstan-Strategic-Significance~~]~]) The decision by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to AND objective while strengthening the role and prestige of the OSCE throughout Central Asia. Ahrari 1 (M. Ehsan, Professor of National Security and Strategy of the Joint and Combined Warfighting School at the Armed Forces Staff College, August 2001, "Jihadi Groups, Nuclear Pakistan and the New Great Game," http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/pub112.pdf) South and Central Asia constitute a part of the world where a well-designed AND partners for the United States, thus representing a gain for all concerned. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: High prices key to Namibia~’s economy and keep down unemployment.MME 11 —- MINISTRY OF MINES AND ENERGY – Republic of Namibia, "DRAFT NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE POLICY," 11-25-11, ~[~[http://www.mme.gov.na/pdf/Draft_Nucler_Policy_Stakeholders_%28Final%29.pdf-http://www.mme.gov.na/pdf/Draft_Nucler_Policy_Stakeholders_%28Final%29.pdf~~]~] Global Market and need for uranium¶ The need for uranium is expected to increase AND , currently employing at least 4000 people, supporting many other indirect beneficiaries. Unemployment facilitates crime and drug trafficking.Mmegi 10—Mmegi Online, 9/29/10, Namibia unemployment climbs to 51.2%, ~[~[http://www.mmegi.bw/index.php?sid=4%26aid=5290%26dir=2010/September/Wednesday29-http://www.mmegi.bw/index.php?sid=4%26aid=5290%26dir=2010/September/Wednesday29~~]~] Government yesterday announced the results of the 2008 Namibia Labour Force Survey (NLFS) AND behaviours such as prostitution and the rise in illegal drug trade and intakes. Namibia~’s a transshipment point between Latin America and the rest of Africa.Barry 11—Zenobia Beatrix Barry, Office of The Prosecutor General, Ministry of Justice, Namibia, 11 CHALLENGES IN THE INVESTIGATION, PROSECUTION AND TRIAL OF TRANSNATIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME IN NAMIBIA On a global scale Namibia cannot really be categorized as a consumer country. However AND to neighbouring countries¶ with drug parcels collected in producing countries like Brazil. Funds South American cartels and causes African instability.Brownfield 12—William R. Brownfield, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Statement before the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, Washington, DC, May 16, 2012, ~[~[http://www.state.gov/j/inl/rls/rm/190188.htm-http://www.state.gov/j/inl/rls/rm/190188.htm~~]~] Transnational organized crime, including drug trafficking, is a major threat to security and AND ), they specifically highlighted the need for expedited action to address drug trafficking. Crushes the Amazon and South American biodiversityBarraca 10—Sara, Dialogo News, Drug Trafficking Damaging Amazon Basin, Diálogo is a professional military magazine published quarterly by the Commander of the United States Southern Command as an international forum for military personnel in Latin America, 3/12, ~[~[www.dialogo-americas.com/en_GB/articles/rmisa/features/regional_news/2010/12/03/feature-01-http://www.dialogo-americas.com/en_GB/articles/rmisa/features/regional_news/2010/12/03/feature-01~~]~] Drug trafficking organizations are causing significant damage to the Amazon rain forest and watershed in AND and water sources and loss of aquatic resources (fish)," he said. Extinction Takacs 96—Takacs, David, 1996 Philosophies of Paradise, The Johns Hopkins Univ. Pr., Baltimore. "Habitat destruction and conversion are eliminating species at such a frightening pace that extinction AND the famines could lead to a thermonuclear war, which could extinguish civilization."" |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The US is pushing for a new 123 agreement with South Korea to include a "no enrichment and reprocessing" pledge but will cave due to lack of leverage and nuclear leadershipMark Hibbs 12, SENIOR ASSOCIATE, NUCLEAR POLICY PROGRAM, Carnegie Endowment, "Negotiating Nuclear Cooperation Agreements," NUCLEAR ENERGY BRIEF, AUGUST 7, 2012 ~[~[http://carnegieendowment.org/2012/08/07/negotiating-nuclear-cooperation-agreements/d98z-http://carnegieendowment.org/2012/08/07/negotiating-nuclear-cooperation-agreements/d98z~~]~] *ENR = uranium enrichment and spent fuel reprocessing The United States is currently negotiating bilateral agreements for peaceful nuclear cooperation under Section 123 AND the United States, whether initiated by the White House or by Congress. The plan~’s increase in US leadership and negotiating leverage means the US won~’t make concessions on ENRSeongho Sheen 11, associate professor at the Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University, Nuclear Sovereignty versus Nuclear Security: Renewing the ROK-U.S. Atomic Energy Agreement, The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, Vol. 23, No. 2, June 2011, 273–288, http://www.brookings.edu/~~~~/media/research/files/papers/2011/8/nuclear%20korea%20sheen/08_nuclear_korea_sheen The most important challenge for Washington and Seoul is to prevent the issue from becoming AND " nuclear option until the complete resolution of North Korea~’s nuclear issue.40 Key to deter North Korea and maintain regional stabilityKurt M. Campbell 11 Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs "U.S. Policy Toward North Korea" March 1 Testimony Before SFRC The primary strategic objective for U.S. engagement in the Asia-Pacific AND , and the readiness of alliance forces to respond to threats to peace. Triggers escalation and war —- draws in great powersDibb 6, Emeritus Prof of IR @ Australian National University, Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), August 15, 2006 Tuesday, As one nuclear flashpoint reaches a lull, another simmers away, Pg. 11, Lexis NOW that the building blocks for achieving a cessation in hostilities in the crisis involving AND as will the inevitable collision between Iran and Israel in the Middle East. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Lee Byong Chul, senior fellow @ Inst. For Peace and Coop., 10-8-2012, "South Korea eschews enrichment of uranium," Japan Times, http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/eo20121008a4.html South Korean officials have recently realized that the United States is likely to try to AND not contribute to any nuclear program that could be used for military purposes.) Failure to maintain a hardline on domestic reprocessing shatters the norm against ENR and makes credible US diplomatic pressure impossible – ensures South Korean ENRScott Sagan, poly sci prof @ Stanford, co-chair Global Nuclear Future Initiative, 4-18-2011, "The International Security Implications of U.S. Domestic Nuclear Power Decisions," http://cybercemetery.unt.edu/archive/brc/20120621005012/http://brc.gov/sites/default/files/documents/sagan_brc_paper_final.pdf A similar phenomenon occurs when policy makers and scholars underestimate the international effect of the AND U.S. does not reprocess spend fuel for commercial purposes. 21 South Korean ENR causes South Korean prolif and undermines US nonprolif efforts with Iran, North Korea, and Southeast AsiaZachary Keck 12, Assistant Editor of The Diplomat, "Rough Waters? The State of the ROK-U.S. Alliance," The Diplomat, 8-22-12, http://thediplomat.com/flashpoints-blog/2012/08/22/rough-waters-the-state-of-the-rok-u-s-alliance/ Washington~’s concerns over South Korean~’s nuclear ambitions have only been heightened by Seoul~’s latest campaign AND more than ever in order to properly rebalance its forces in the region. Lyon 9 (December, Program Director, Strategy and International, with Australian Strategic Policy Institute, previously a Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Queensland, "A delicate issue, Asia~’s nuclear future") Deterrence relationships in Asia won~’t look like East–West deterrence. They won~’t be AND the numbers and locations of weapons to minimise the vulnerability of their arsenals. Hayes 10 Peter Hayes, *Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development, AND, Michael Hamel-Green, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Education and Human Development act Victoria University (1/5/10, Executive Dean at Victoria, "The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia," http:www.nautilus.org/fora/security/10001HayesHamalGreen.pdf But the catastrophe within the region would not be the only outcome. New research AND threat but a global one that warrants priority consideration from the international community. A nuclear Iran causes massive proliferation and nuclear warKroenig 12 – Matthew Kroenig is Assistant Professor of Government at Georgetown University and a Stanton Nuclear Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. February 22nd, 2012, "What Will Iran Do If It Gets a Nuclear Bomb?" ~[~[www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/02/what-will-iran-do-if-it-gets-a-nuclear-bomb/253430/-http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/02/what-will-iran-do-if-it-gets-a-nuclear-bomb/253430/~~]~] A nuclear-armed Iran would pose a grave threat to international peace and security AND state and has nuclear weapons, which could be decades or even longer. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: China~’s ahead in clean tech development now and it~’s zero sum with US development—-key to their economic growthBennhold 10 Katrin is a writer for the New York Times. "Race Is on to Develop Green, Clean Technology," Jan 29, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/30/business/global/30davos.html?dbk%26_r=0 DAVOS, SWITZERLAND — It is shaping up to be the Great Game of the AND development," she said. "The emerging markets are well-placed." Chinese clean tech leadership is key to their economy, internal stability, and solves extinctionPaul Denlinger 10, consultant specializing in the China market who is based in Hong Kong, 7/20/10, "Why China Has To Dominate Green Tech," http://www.forbes.com/sites/china/2010/07/20/why-china-has-to-dominate-green-tech/ On the policy level, the Chinese government … we~’re all in the same boat. China~’s economic rise is good —- they~’re on the brink of collapse —- causes CCP instability and lashout —- also tubes the global economy, US primacy, and Sino relationsMead 9 Walter Russell Mead, Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, "Only Makes You Stronger," The New Republic, 2/4/9, http://www.tnr.com/story_print.html?id=571cbbb9-2887-4d81-8542-92e83915f5f8 The greatest danger both to U.S.-China relations and to American power AND modernization and change; nobody knows what will happen if the growth stops. The Epoch Times, Renxing San, 8/4/2004, 8/4, http://english.epochtimes.com/news/5-8-4/30931.html Since the Party~’s life is "above all else," it would not be surprising AND now plans to hold one billion people hostage and gamble with their lives. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Oil dependence key to middle east engagement and Saudi relationsGonzalez 12 Angel Gonzalez is Houston Bureau Chief for Dow Jones Newswires, "Expanded Oil Drilling Helps U.S.Wean Itself From Mideast" June 27, 2012 online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304441404577480952719124264.html Still, growing domestic energy production could allow the U.S. to lessen AND Washington to then build up and sustain its military presence in the region. Cordesman 11 (Anthony Cordesman - Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy at CSIS, national security analyst for ABC News, served as director of intelligence assessment in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and as civilian assistant to the deputy secretary of defense, "Understanding Saudi Stability and Instability – Cordesman" Saudi-US Relations Information Service, March 1, 2011www.susris.com/2011/03/01/understanding-saudi-stability-and-instability-cordesman/) History scarcely means we can take … having a friendly and moderate regime. Chossudovsky, 10 - Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (Michael, August 13, 2010, "Towards a World War III Scenario? The Role of Israel in Triggering an Attack on Iran" http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.phpcontext=va%26aid=20584) For several years now Iran has been conducting its own war drills and exercises. AND decision by the US and its allies to postpone an attack on Iran. They kills U.S.-EU energy cooperation—-that~’s key to overall relations which solve prolif, Russian expansion, Middle East stability and a peaceful Chinese riseDavid Koranyi 9-4 is the deputy director of the Atlantic Council~’s Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center, 9/4/12, "An Emerging Transatlantic Rift on Energy?" http://www.naturalgaseurope.com/romney-energy-policy-emerging-transatlantic-rift-on-energy Republican presidential candidate Mitt … the alliance is in nobody~’s interest. Maria João Rodrigues 11, Professor at the European Studies Institute-Université Libre de Bruxelles and at the Lisbon University Institute, Special Advisor on European Economic Policies, 2011, "Transatlantic cooperation for jobs and a new growth model," in The Agenda for the EU-US strategic partnership, online: http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/Transatlantic2011.pdf The strategic priorities previously … on the agenda of transatlantic cooperation. Martin Hellman 8, Prof Emeritus of Engineering @ Stanford, "Defusing the Nuclear Threat: A Necessary First Step," http://www.nuclearrisk.org/statement.php Nuclear deterrence has worked for over fifty years, while attempts at nuclear disarmament have AND equally important component of the risk, namely the failure rate of deterrence. Blank 9 – Dr. Stephen Blank , Research Professor of National Security Affairs at the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College, March 2009, "Russia And Arms Control: Are There Opportunities For The Obama Administration?," online: http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/pub908.pdf Proliferators or nuclear states like … their neighbors or their own people.172 |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Markey 12 Ed Markey - Ranking Member, House Natural Resources Committee, April 18, 2012 "Exporting Gas = Exporting Jobs" http://energy.nationaljournal.com/2012/04/what-should-us-policy-be-on-en.php But ask an American manufacturer of … American production of natural gas compared to last year. That~’s key to competitiveness, the economy and national securityDepartment of Commerce 12 (U.S. Department of Commerce in consultation with the National Economic Council, January 2012, "The Competitiveness and InnovativeCapacity of the United States www.commerce.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2012/january/competes_010511_0.pdf) A flourishing manufacturing sector in the United States is crucial to its future competitive strength AND generation, affects our ability to protect against potentially catastrophic supply chain disruptions. Baru 9 Sanjaya is a Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School in Singapore Geopolitical Implications of the Current Global Financial Crisis, Strategic Analysis, Volume 33, Issue 2 March 2009 , pages 163 – 168 Hence, economic policies and performance do have strategic consequences.2 In the modern AND to find adequate financial resources to simultaneously sustain economic growth and military power. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Todd Harrison 12, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Priorities, 8/24/2012, ANALYSIS OF THE FY 2013 DEFENSE BUDGET AND SEQUESTRATION, http://www.csbaonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Analysis-of-the-FY-2013-Defese-Budget.pdf The Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 defense budget currently being debated in Congress is AND unscathed and the Department will likely be forced to revise its strategic guidance. Arjun Makhijani 10, President of the Institute for Energy %26 Environmental Research, Ph.D. in engineering (specialization: nuclear fusion) from the University of California at Berkeley; and Michele Boyd, former director of the Safe Energy Program at Physicians for Social Responsibility, September 2010, "Small Modular Reactors," http://www.psr.org/nuclear-bailout/resources/small-modular-reactors-no.pdf SMR proponents claim that small … the history of some of proposed designs. Jack Spencer 11, Research Fellow in Nuclear Energy in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation, 6/22/11, "Capability, Not Politics, Should Drive DOD Energy Research," http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/06/capability-not-politics-should-drive-dod-energy-research With multiple wars ongoing, traditional … Congress should put a stop to it right away. Colby 11 – Elbridge Colby, research analyst at the Center for Naval Analyses, served as policy advisor to the Secretary of Defense~’s Representative to the New START talks, expert advisor to the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, August 10, 2011, "Why the U.S. Needs its Liberal Empire," The Diplomat, online: http://the-diplomat.com/2011/08/10/why-us-needs-its-liberal-empire/2/?print=yes But the pendulum shouldn~’t be allowed to swing too far toward an incautious retrenchment. AND The ability and will to intervene is too important to be so wasted. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Demonstration of fusion would spark pure fusion weaponization and arms racingMakhijani 98 Arjun, Ph.D. and Pres. Inst. for Energy and Environmental Research, and Hisham Zerriffi, Project Scientist, 7-15, "Dangerous Thermonuclear Quest: The Potential of Explosive Fusion Research for the Development of Pure Fusion Weapons," IEER, http://ieer.org/resource/reports/dangerous-thermonuclear-quest/ In the long term, facilities such as the National Ignition Facility and MTF facilities AND quest for explosive ignition is now, before its scientific feasibility is established. Cohen and Douglass 2 Sam, nuclear weapons analyst and Joe, national security analyst, both members of the Los Alamos Tactical Nuclear Weapons panel, 3-11, "Nuclear Threat That Deesn~’t Exist – Or Does It?" Rense, http://rense.com/general35/doex.htm The comparison of a pure-fusion warhead with a normal fission warhead is even AND will be seen, will do their best to deny their possible existence. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Terrence P. Smith 11, program coordinator and research assistant with the William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy at the CSIS, February 16, 2011, "An Idea I Can Do Without: "Small Nuclear Reactors for Military Installations,"" http://csis.org/blog/idea-i-can-do-without-small-nuclear-reactors-military-installations The report repeatedly emphasizes … is where they should stay. The U.S. is pursuing a grand strategy of multilateral legitimacy now—-perception of a swing back toward unilateral military primacy collapses hegKevin Fujimoto 12, Lt. Colonel, U.S. Army, January 11, 2012, "Preserving U.S. National Security Interests Through a Liberal World Construct," online: ~[~[http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/index.cfm/articles/Preserving-US-National-Security-Interests-Liberal-World-Construct/2012/1/11-http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/index.cfm/articles/Preserving-US-National-Security-Interests-Liberal-World-Construct/2012/1/11~~]~] The emergence of peer competitors, … we are no longer the world~’s only superpower. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Energy production is the peak of our manipulation of the environment – rather than revealing the ontological beauty of nature, it exploits it for human utilization – this standing reserve logic obviates our relation to Earth and causes extinction – our alternative is to refuse action in this instance in favor of contemplating being – this is key to more effective environmental policiesGrego 7 – Dr. Richard Grego 7, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities/ Culture, Daytona Beach College, 2007, "Global Warming, Environmental Philosophy and Public Policy: John Dewey vs Martin Heidegger," online: http://www.philosophos.com/philosophy_article_153.html This essay compares and contrasts the views of Martin Heidegger and John Dewey with respect AND humanity, might be just what is needed for the earth~’s sustainable future. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The United States Federal Government should enable a substantial increase in research and development of small modular reactor designs that have potential to contribute to Department of Defense energy security by the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy.Steven F. Hayward et al 10, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute, October 2010, "POST-PARTISAN POWER: HOW A LIMITED AND DIRECT APPROACH TO ENERGY INNOVATION CAN DELIVER CLEAN, CHEAP ENERGY, ECONOMIC PRODUCTIVITY AND NATIONAL PROSPERITY," http://thebreakthrough.org/blog/Post-Partisan%20Power.pdf In addition to fostering … adoption and procurement by the DOD. Avoids politics—-ARPA-E funding for SMRs avoids politics/elections (because both Obama and Romney support it) William B. Bonvillian 12, director of the MIT Washington Office and former senior policy advisor in the U.S. Senate, teaches innovation policy and energy technology courses on the adjunct faculties at Georgetown University and Johns Hopkins-SAIS; and Richard Van Atta, former assistant deputy under secretary at the Department of Defense, is with the Institute for Defense Analyses and teaches security studies on the adjunct faculty at Georgetown University, March 2012, "The Energy Technology Challenge: Comparing the DARPA and ARPA-E Models," in Energy Innovation at the Department of Defense: Assessing the Opportunities, http://bipartisanpolicy.org/sites/default/files/Energy%20Innovation%20at%20DoD.pdf Support community. ARPA-E faced … marrying political support with sound substance. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: States solve best—innovation, flexibility, and specificityThomson and Arroyo 11 (Vivian Thomson, an Associate Professor in the Departments of AND ", 29 Va. Envtl. L.J. 1, Lexis) However, we believe that … political traditions and economic interests. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Simon 7 ~~~[Christopher A. Simon - Director, Master of Public Administration, Political Science Department, University of Utah, Professor, Political Science, "Alternative Energy: Political, Economic, and Social Feasibility"~~~] THE COURTS The institutional power of the … and national policy priorities. Treanor %26 Sperling 93 William - Prof Law at Fordham. Gene - Deputy Assistant to President for Economic Policy. "PROSPECTIVE OVERRULING AND THE REVIVAL OF "UNCONSTITUTIONAL" STATUTES," Columbia Law Review, Dec 93, lexis Unlike the Supreme Court, several state courts have … a convincing rationale for nonrevival. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The State and Territorial Governments in the Department of Energy~’s Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research should substantially increase financial support for federal programs for fusion energy generation in the United States.Gary C. April, PhD, Associate Director Alabama DOE EPSCoR, 2005, "Alabama DOE EPSCoR," http://www.netl.doe.gov/publications/proceedings/05/EPSCoR/pdf/abstracts/powell-abstract.pdf The Alabama DOE EPSCoR Program is made up of three integrated components including Program Coordination AND , Oak Ridge, Los Alamos, and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratories. |
| 11/25/2012 | |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: -mandate that the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States~’ annual report to Congress quantify the number of deals that were approved during the previous year; andCarroll 9 23 Emory Int~’l L. Rev. 167 COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT~’S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 2009, lexis Exon-Florio should be amended to more narrowly define national security. The open AND by embracing globalization and cooperation can the United States truly achieve national security. The aff goes too far by excluding any oil and gas deals from CFIUS reviews —- this is precisely the situation Carroll wants to avoid: a Chinese state-owned company could try to buy companies that supply energy to the U.S. military and the US would have no capacity to even review such a deal – much less block itThis obviously harms national security since Chinese companies can freely buy-up US oil companies —- fuels their aggressive expansionism —- and it~’s politically unpopularAlex Newman 12, "Communist China Lobbying to Take Over U.S. Oil, Lawmakers Still Concerned," NewAmerican, 8-7-12, http://www.thenewamerican.com/economy/sectors/item/12364-communist-china-lobbying-to-take-over-us-oil-lawmakers-still-concerned Top American lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are expressing serious concerns about a AND hairs — and will remain there as long as policymakers refuse to resist. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Text: The Department of Energy should approve currently pending applications for LNG exports. The United States should offer to exempt future LNG exports from section 3 of the Natural Gas Act of 1938 to nations for which the US has extended the status of Permanent Normal Trade Relations and that agree to trade negotiations with the United States, in particular offering Japan an exemption pending approval of TPP participation.CP Solves LNG Exports —- avoids politics and allows for successful TPP negotiationsLevi 12 (Michael Levi- senior fellow for energy and the environment at Council on Foreign Relations, director of CFR Program on Energy Security and Climate Change. "A Strategy for U.S. Natural Gas Exports" Council on Foreign Relations, JUNE 2012 ~[~[http://www.hamiltonproject.org/files/downloads_and_links/06_exports_levi.pdf-http://www.hamiltonproject.org/files/downloads_and_links/06_exports_levi.pdf~~]~]) I thus propose that, to …opportunities for focused¶ cooperation. Levi 12 (Michael Levi- senior fellow for energy and the environment at Council on Foreign Relations, director of CFR Program on Energy Security and Climate Change. "A Strategy for U.S. Natural Gas Exports" Council on Foreign Relations, JUNE 2012 ~[~[http://www.hamiltonproject.org/files/downloads_and_links/06_exports_levi.pdf-http://www.hamiltonproject.org/files/downloads_and_links/06_exports_levi.pdf~~]~]) Potential U.S. exports might also be exploited for wider strategic gain under AND can lead to broader gains for U.S. consumers and firms. Naoki 11 (Tanaka Naoki - PhD Economics, president of the Center for International Pubic Policy Studies. February-March 2011, "TPP May Spark Japanese Political Restructuring," ~[~[www.japanechoweb.jp/jew0505/-http://www.japanechoweb.jp/jew0505/~~]~]) Another point to note is that the TPP will put the bilateral relations between Japan AND within China itself and encourage it to conform to the international economic system. In these ways, the TPP will allow Japan to make its political, economic, and social systems sustainable, and it will give our country the chance to play a positive role in the restructuring of the global economy. INSS, 2k (Institute for National Strategic Studies – National Defense University. The United States and Japan: Advancing Toward a Mature Partnership, October, http://www.ndu.edu/inss/strforum/SR_01/SR_Japan.htm) Major war in Europe is inconceivable for at least a generation, but the prospects AND U.S.-Japan alliance is central to America~’s global security strategy. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Text: The United States federal government should fully fund a program to cover 4.8% of the surface of the Earth~~~’s oceans in a monolayer of latex particles bearing a conventional stabilization system that is inactivated in salt water.Solves warming, it~~~’s cheap, and avoids all solvency deficits associated with traditional ocean albedo modificationsMorgan 11 – (10/8/11, John, PhD in physical chemistry, runs R%26D programmes at a Sydney startup company, research experience in chemical engineering in the US and at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia~~~’s national science agency, "Low intensity geoengineering – microbubbles and microspheres," http://bravenewclimate.com/2011/10/08/low-intensity-geoengineering-microbubbles-and-microspheres/) Is there another way to look at this? The Achilles heel of the hydrosol AND reefs as envisaged by Seitz for the microbubble concept, are also possible. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The United States federal government should grant substantial exemptions to restrictions on offshore oil drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf for a company if and only if that company includes in all exploration, production or development plans an oil spill containment and cleanup plan capable of handling a worst-case scenario spill.Niki Tsongas, Rep. D-MA, 5-12-2011, "Tsongas introduces legislation to ensure that any offshore drilling is done responsibly," Congressional Documents and Publications, ln This afternoon, Congresswoman Niki Tsongas introduced the Save America from Environmentally Reckless Drilling Act AND hold such dire consequences for our environment and our economy," Tsongas concluded. Paul Stephen Dempsey, Law Prof @ Denver, Summer 1984, "Oil Pollution of the Marine Environment by Ocean Vessels," 6 NW. J. INT~’L L. %26 BUS. 459, ln Although large amounts of oil remain on the surface, much of it is mixed AND level to increase up to 200 feet, submerging most coastal cities. n27 Donald A. Bryant, Dep. Biochem @ Penn. State, 2003, "The Beauty in small things revealed," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, http://www.pnas.org/content/100/17/9647.full Oxygenic photosynthesis accounts for nearly all the primary biochemical production of organic matter on Earth AND be made (refs. 1 and 2; see Fig. 1). |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The United States federal government should fully fund contract support costs under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975.Solves the case – supporting effective native governance is the vital internal link to self-determination and economic self-sufficiency. It~’s also a pre-req to effective natural resource useNational Congress of American Indians, 2012, "Support for Tribal Governments," http://www.ncai.org/resources/ncai-publications/indian-country-budget-request/FY2013_Spport_for_Tribal_Governments.pdf Providing tribes with the tools for effective governance is critical to fulfilling the promise of AND fulfilled, so that critical jobs that serve tribal communities can be restored. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Targeting specific industries and technology fails—-cap and trade is key to market-based solutions that solve the case betterMorris et al 12 Adele C. Morris, Fellow and Deputy Director of the. Climate and Energy Economics project at Brookings, Pietro S. Nivola, Charles Schultze, Brookings Scholars, "CLEAN ENERGY:REVISITING THE CHALLENGES OF INDUSTRIAL POLICY" June 4 www.brookings.edu/~~/media/research/files/papers/2012/6/04%20clean%20energy%20morris%20nivola%20schultze/04_clean_energy_morris_nivola_schultze.pdf Public investments of these magnitudes, targeted at specific industries, arguably constitute an industrial policy, albeit a sectoral one, unlike the earlier proposals of the 1980~’s —that is, a government strategy to steer resources toward select producers or technologies. The rationale and efficacy of these clean-energy expenditures call for scrutiny. Proponents offer numerous reasons for scaling up particular energy technologies at the taxpayer~’s expense. AND on C02 that reflects the environmental harm associated with use of fossil fuels. A far more effective policy than subsidies for clean energy research, development and demonstration AND market prices that many clean energy subsidies will succeed in deploying new technologies. Incentives cause government dependence and undermines innovationLoris 11 Nicolas Loris is an analyst in the Heritage Foundation~’s Roe Institute of Economic Policy Studies. "Power Down the Subsidies to Energy Producers" Aug 3 www.heritage.org/research/commentary/2011/08/power-down-the-subsidies-to-energy-producers America has an energy addiction - and it~’s not an addiction to oil, as many politicians would have you think. It~’s an addiction to government subsidies. The addicts, you see, are energy producers, not the consumers. Their growing dependence on federal handouts is the real cause of America~’s energy crisis. Energy subsidies have needlessly wasted taxpayer dollars, retarded commercialization of new technologies and failed to reduce our reliance on foreign energy sources. Washington would do well to end all energy subsidies. Energy subsidies come in numerous forms ranging from direct expenditures to targeted tax breaks, from production mandates to loan guarantees. Basically, any public policy that favorsthe production or consumption of one type of energy over another can be considered a subsidy. None of them come cheap. According to the Energy Information Agency, the federal government gave the energy industry %248.2 billion in subsidies and financial aid in 1999. This figure more than doubled to %2417.9 billion in 2007 and more than doubled again to %2437.2 billion last year. But the damage subsidies inflict on our economy extends well beyond direct costs. A special endorsement from the government artificially props up that technology. This reduces the incentive for the producer to become cost-competitive, stifles innovation and encourages government dependence. The federal government has no business picking commercial winners and losers. That~’s the job of the marketplace. Indeed, it~’s doubly damaging when government decides to manipulate the market through subsidies, because government - almost invariably - picks losers. That~’s not surprising, because companies that seek handouts most strenuously are those that cannot compete without them. Baru 9 Sanjaya is a Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School in Singapore Geopolitical Implications of the Current Global Financial Crisis, Strategic Analysis, Volume 33, Issue 2 March 2009 , pages 163 – 168 Hence, economic policies and performance do have strategic consequences.2 In the modern AND to find adequate financial resources to simultaneously sustain economic growth and military power. Lovins 10 AMORY B. LOVINS is Chair and Chief Scientist of Rocky Mountain Institute "Nuclear Socialism" Weekly Standard, VOL. 16, NO. 06 Oct 25 www.weeklystandard.com/articles/nuclear-socialism_508830.html?page=1 Yet nuclear subsidies to some of the world~’s largest corporations have become shockingly large. AND or 11.6 percent, to cover the default risk to taxpayers. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Fracking regulations change the economics and make nuclear power more competitive – the CP is sufficient to restart the renaissanceLinda C. Byus, chartered financial analyst, May 2012, "The nuclear renaissance: First, the good news…" Nuclear News, ln On February 9, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission by a 4-1 vote approved AND generating mix. However, nuclear power continues to have an image problem. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase investment in smart microgrid technology for ~~~[military installations in the United States~~~] via a diverse portfolio tailored to individual installation circumstances, including non-nuclear renewable energies for on-site generation, increased backup generation capacity, improvements in energy efficiency and energy storage, intelligent local energy management, and accelerated implementation of the SPIDERS project.SERDP 12 – the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, DoD~’s environmental science and technology program, executed in partnership with DOE and EPA, 7/10/12, "DoD Study Finds Microgrids Offer Improved Energy Security for DoD Installations," http://www.serdp.org/News-and-Events/News-Announcements/Program-News/DoD-study-finds-microgrids-offer-improved-energy-security-for-DoD-installations Advanced microgrids offer a cost-effective … can earn value helping to meet those needs. SPIDERS will produce effective renewable-based microgrids that guarantee communications and control survive grid outagesRobert K. Ackerman 12, SIGNAL Magazine, February 2012, "Military Energy Enters SPIDERS Web," http://www.afcea.org/content/?q=node/2877 No man may be an island, but each U.S. military … will be energy-source agnostic. Framing issue—-the DOD votes neg—-they want renewables because bases are ideally situated to support them DOD 11 – Department of Defense, 7/11/11, "Department of Defense Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan," http://www.acq.osd.mil/ie/download/green_energy/dod_sustainability/DoD%20SSPP%20Public_2011.pdf Relating specifically to the fixed installations … to support the nation~’s infrastructure. Locating SMRs on bases destroys readiness—-evacuation zones, exclusion areas, and safety requirements mean either that reactors could only be located on non-essential bases, which doesn~’t solve their advantage, or locating reactors on mission-critical facilities jacks readinessMarcus King et al 11, Associate Director of Research, Associate Research Professor of International Affairs, Elliot School of International Affairs, The George Washington University, et al., March 2011, "Feasibility of Nuclear Power on U.S. Military Installations," http://www.cna.org/sites/default/files/research/Nuclear%20Power%20on%20Military%20Installations%20D0023932%20A5.pdf The effect of nuclear power plants on … create lasting damage to national security. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Seng 98 (Jordan, PhD Candidate in Pol. Sci. – U. Chicago, Dissertation, "Strategy for Pandora~’s Children: Stable Nuclear Proliferation Among Minor States", p. 203-206) However, this "state of affairs" is not as dangerous as it might AND launched without a definite, informed and unambiguous decision to press that button. Uncertainty solves war Karl 96—president of the Asia Strategy Initiative and a lecturer in IR, USC (David, Winter, "Proliferation Pessimism and Emerging Nuclear Powers", http://www.jstor.org/stable/2539274?seq=9, Aly M) Optimists have relaxed views of the preventive-war dangers entailed in situations in which AND the aggressor cannot be sure of the reaction of other nuclear powers."28 Tepperman 9 Deputy Editor at Newsweek. Frmr Deputy Managing Editor, Foreign Affairs. LLM, i-law, NYU. MA, jurisprudence, Oxford. (Jonathan, Why Obama Should Learn to Love the Bomb, http://jonathantepperman.com/Welcome_files/nukes_Final.pdf) The risk of an arms race—with, say, other Persian Gulf states AND be so disastrous, given the way that bombs tend to mellow behavior. Alagappa 9—Distinguished Senior Fellow, East-West Center. PhD, IR, Tufts (Muthiah, The long shadow: nuclear weapons and security in 21st century Asia, ed. Alagappa, 521-2) It will be useful at this juncture to address more directly the set of instability AND the drivers of national and regional security in Iran and the Middle East. Prolif decreases war and encourages rationalitySimon Shen, IR prof @ Hong Kong Inst. Of Ed., 2011, "Have Nuclear Weapons Made the DPRK a Rogue State?" J. of Comparative Asian Development, v. 10, iss. 2, t%26f In our traditional mentality, the determination to denuclearize the DPRK quite explicitly assumes that AND the option of using nuclear weapons for the mere purpose of interest maximization. Tepperman 9—Deputy Editor at Newsweek. Frmr Deputy Managing Editor, Foreign Affairs. LLM, i-law, NYU. MA, jurisprudence, Oxford. (Jonathan, Why Obama Should Learn to Love the Bomb, http://jonathantepperman.com/Welcome_files/nukes_Final.pdf) A growing and compelling body of research suggests that nuclear weapons may not, in AND oppressive, but nothing in their behavior suggests they have a death wish. Preston 9—assoc prof, IR, Wash State U (Thomas, From Lambs to Lions, 31-2) Advocates of deterrence seldom take the position that it will always work or that it AND into situations that otherwise would likely have resulted in war (Hagerty 1998). Zilinskas 2k—Former Clinical Microbiologist. Dir. – Chem/Bio Weapons Nonproliferation Program – Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies (Raymond, Biological warfare: modern offense and defense, 1-2) It is an odd characteristic of biological weapons that military generals tend to view them AND carcasses and catapulting infected cadavers into citadels (Poupard and Miller, 1992). Ochs 2 ~~~[Richard, Naturalist – Grand Teton National park with Masters in Natural Resource Management – Rutgers, "Biological Weapons must be abolished immediately" 6-9, http://www.freefromterror.net/other_articles/abolish.html~~~~~~] Of all the weapons of mass destruction, the genetically engineered biological weapons, many AND Can we imagine hundreds of such plagues? HUMAN EXTINCTION IS NOW POSSIBLE. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Space exploration will lead to alien contact Daily Galaxy 11 ’Weekend Feature: ’Endeavour’ Astronauts on Extraterrestrial Life ~-~- "We’ll find something out there."’, May 29th, 2011, http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2011/05/-weekend-feature-endeavour-astronauts-on-extraterrestrial-life-well-find-something-out-there.html The human race will find life … "Are we alone?" His answer is short and simple; probably not%21 Aliens would wipe out humans—they want our resources Leake 10 Jonathan, Journalist, "Don’t talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking", April 25th, 2010, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/science/space/article7107207.ece THE aliens are out there and … chunks of the script and checking the filming. Space colonization leads to rapid growth of incurable diseases—extinction Wickramasinghe 10 (Chandra, Ph.D., Centre for Astrobiology, Cardiff University, UK; Journal of Cosmology, "Are Intelligent Aliens a Threat to Humanity? Diseases (Viruses, Bacteria) From Space", May 2010, http://journalofcosmology.com/Aliens106.html) Colonization causes arms races Bailey 6 (Jonathan, read history @ U of Oxford, Dec 20, www.idebate.org/debatabase/topic_details.php?topicID=324 Sending humans into space …into a neo-colonial battlefield. Space weaponization causes accidental nuclear war Mitchell 1 – "Japan-U.S. Missile Defense Collaboration: Rhetorically Delicious, Deceptively Dangerous" by Gordon R. Mitchell, Member of the Center for Strategic and International Studies Working Group on Theater Missile Defenses in the Asia-Pacific Region., Winter 2001, http://www.pitt.edu/~~gordonm/JPubs/JapanTMD.pdf A buildup of space weapons with … military conflict ever seen. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Elevated CO2 is key to enhance global crop yields to meet increasing demand - any substantial decline in emissions will decimate biodiversity and cause global famineIdso and Idso 7 (Sherwood, Former Research Physicist with the Agricultural Research Service at the United States Department of Agriculture and Former Adjunct Prof of Geology, Geography, and Botany at Arizona State University, and Craig, Founder and Former President of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change and Former Director of Environmental Science at Peabody Energy, "Carbon Dioxide and Global Change: Separating Scientific Fact from Personal Opinion," p. 17-19, http://co2science.org/education/reports/hansen/HansenTestimonyCritique.pdf, p. 17-19) In a more detailed analysis of the nature and implications of this impending "global AND land and freshwater resources from nature and decimating the biosphere in the process. Diner 94 (David, Judge Advocate for General~’s Corps US Army, "The Army and the Endangered Species Act: Who~’s Endangering Whom?" Military Law Review) ~~~[*173~~~] Biologically diverse ecosystems are characterized by a large number of specialist species AND , n80 ~~~[hu~~~]mankind may be edging closer to the abyss. Calvin 98 (William, Theoretical Neurophysiologist at the University of Washington, "The great climate flip-flop," January, The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 281, No. 1) The population-crash scenario is surely the most appalling. Plummeting crop yields would AND longer do so if it lost the extra warming from the North Atlantic. Earle 91 (Sylvia, Marine Biologist and Explorer in Residence at the National Geographic Societ, "Sharks, squids, and horseshoe crabs - the significance of marine biodiversity," Bio Science, July/August, Vol 47, No 7) The ancient line of Merostomates, once a dominant group of marine arachnids and perhaps AND ecological significance, something important may slide through the cracks of our logic. Michaels 4 (Patrick, Research Professor of Environmental Science at University of Virginia, "Meltdown: the predictable distortion of global warming by scientists, politicians, and the media," p. 80) In addition, the WWF claims "global warming could cause more than one million AND increase dramatically, benefiting the area~’s watermen, restaurants, and the economy. Craig 3 (Robin, Professor of Law at Indiana, "Taking Steps," 34 McGeorge Law Review. 155, Lexis) Biodiversity and ecosystem function arguments for conserving marine ecosystems also exist, just as they AND - even if a few fishers go out of business as a result. |
| 11/25/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Robert Jervis 11, Professor in the Department of Political Science and School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, December 2011, "Force in Our Times," Survival, Vol. 25, No. 4, p. 403-425 Even if war is still seen as evil, the security community could be dissolved AND times bring about greater economic conflict, it will not make war thinkable. MacKenzie 8 ~~~[Debora, Are We Doomed, New Scientist, Vol. 197 Issue 2650, p32-35, 4p, 4 May 2005, EBSCO) DOOMSDAY. The end of civilisation. Literature and film abound with tales of plague AND stagnation or collapse, and in the long run this cannot be sustainable. Barry 8 – President and Founder of Ecological Internet, Ph.D. in Land Resources from U-Wisconsin-Madison (Glen, "Economic Collapse And Global Ecology", http://www.countercurrents.org/barry140108.htm) Humanity and the Earth are faced with an enormous conundrum — sufficient climate policies enjoy AND sabotage to hasten the day. It is more fragile than it looks. Trainer 2 Senior Lecturer of School of Social Work @ University of New South Wales (Ted, If You Want Affluence, Prepare for War, Democracy %26 Nature, Vol. 8, No. 2, EBSCO) If this limits-to-growth analysis is at all valid, the implications AND that is not possible unless rich countries move to ~’The Simpler Way~’. Causes extinction by 2025 Chase-Dunn, Director of the Institute for Research on World-Systems, and Podobnik, Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Lewis and Clark College, 99 (Christopher and Bruce, The Future of Global Conflict, ed. Bornschier and Chase-Dunn, pg 43) While the onset of a period of hegemonic rivalry is in itself disturbing, the AND steps should be taken to ensure that such collective suicide does not occur . Development makes global pandemics inevitable—-causes extinctionKrepinevich 9 (Andrew, President of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments and Distinguished Visiting Professor @ George Mason~’s School of Public Policy, Congressional Consultant on Military Affairs, PhD Harvard, "7 Deadly Scenarios," February) Over the past several decades the world has experience a wave of globalization, far AND the "stealth" issues—-the ones that we failed to detect. |
| 01/03/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Klein 1/2 Ezra is a politics writer for the Washington Post. "The lessons of the fiscal cliff," 2013, http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/01/02/the-lessons-of-the-fiscal-cliff/?wprss=rss_ezra-klein-http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/01/02/the-lessons-of-the-fiscal-cliff/?wprss=rss_ezra-klein There is a narrative in American politics that goes something like this: The White AND and so we really will breach the debt ceiling, unleashing economic havoc. It’s top of the docket, PC is key, and it’s Obama’s sole focusJohn Feehery 1-2, President of Communications and Director of Government Affairs for Quinn Gillespie and Associates, 1/2/13, "The Clock," http://www.thefeeherytheory.com/2013/01/02/the-clock/-http://www.thefeeherytheory.com/2013/01/02/the-clock/ The small tax agreement passed by the House last night makes it harder for Obama AND time he has to get his left-wing agenda through the Congress. Annie Snider 12, E%26E reporter, 1/16/12, "Pentagon still can’t define ’energy security,’ much less achieve it," http://www.eenews.net/public/Greenwire/2012/01/16/1 But this is not a good time to be requesting money at the Pentagon. AND petroleum, but in the end they acquiesced, leaving the ban intact. Cesare Merlini 11, nonresident senior fellow at the Center on the United States and Europe and chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Italian Institute for International Affairs, May 2011, "A Post-Secular World?", Survival, Vol. 53, No. 2 Two neatly opposed scenarios for the future of the world order illustrate the range of AND to theocratic absolutes, competing or converging with secular absolutes such as unbridled nationalism |
| 01/09/2013 | Tournament: . | Round: . | Opponent: | Judge: U.S. coal exports to China are low, but downward pressure on domestic demand expands them massivelyBryan Walsh 12, Senior Editor at TIME, May 31, 2012, "Drawing Battle Lines Over American Coal Exports to Asia," online: http://science.time.com/2012/05/31/drawing-battle-lines-over-american-coal-exports-to-asia/ But across the Pacific Ocean, the demand for coal has never been hotter, AND coal at home, it would have a reason to keep mining it. Marcus King et al 11, Associate Director of Research, Associate Research Professor of International Affairs, Elliot School of International Affairs, The George Washington University, et al., March 2011, "Feasibility of Nuclear Power on U.S. Military Installations," http://www.cna.org/sites/default/files/research/Nuclear%20Power%20on%20Military%20Installations%20D0023932%20A5.pdf SMRs have potential advantages over larger plants because they provide owners more flexibility in financing AND ~[3~]. SMRs would be a viable replacement option for these plants. U.S. exports lock in expanded Chinese coal capacity—-causes warming over the tipping point—-it’s unique because absent U.S. exports the rising cost of coal will cause a shift to renewablesThomas M. Power 12, Research Professor and Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics, University of Montana; Principal, Power Consulting; February 2012, "The Greenhouse Gas Impact of Exporting Coal from the West Coast: An Economic Analysis," http://www.sightline.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2012/02/Coal-Power-White-Paper.pdf-http://www.sightline.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2012/02/Coal-Power-White-Paper.pdf The cumulative impact of these coal port proposals on coal consumption in Asia could be much larger than even that implied by the two pending proposals. If Arch, Peabody, and other western U.S. coal producers’ projections of the competitiveness of western coal in Asia are correct, facilitating the opening of the development of West Coast coal ports could have a very large impact on the supply of coal to China and the rest of Asia. 6.4 The Long-term Implications of Fueling Additional Coal-Fired Electric Generation Although the economic life of coal-fired generators is often given as 30 or AND commitments to more coal being burned for a half-century going forward. That time-frame is very important. During exactly this time frame, the AND emissions that will also last well into the next half-century. 57 Flournoy 12 – Citing Feng Hsu, PhdD NASA Scientist @ the Goddard Space Flight Center, Don FLournoy, PhD and MA from UT, former Dean of the University College @ Ohio University, former Associate Dean at SUNY and Case Institute of Technology, Former Manager for Unviersity/Industry Experiments for the NASA ACTS Satellite, currently Professor of Telecommunications @ Scripps College of Communications, Ohio University, "Solar Power Satellites," January 2012, Springer Briefs in Space Development, p. 10-11 In the Online Journal of Space Communication , Dr. Feng Hsu, a NASA AND simply too high for us to take any chances" (Hsu 2010 ) John Copeland Nagle 11, the John N. Matthews Professor, Notre Dame Law School, Spring 2011, "How Much Should China Pollute?," Vermont Journal of Environmental Law, 12 Vt. J. Envtl. L. 591 Third, the rest of the world suffers because of the inability of China and AND will~] determine whether humanity thrive~[s~] or perishe~[s~]." |
| 01/09/2013 | Tournament: . | Round: . | Opponent: | Judge: TEXT: The United States Federal Government should establish and Nuclear Waste Policy Commission to direct a evolutionary solution to nuclear waste storage in the United States including opening repositories and pursuing new waste disposal technologies.Commission solves and avoids controversyRichard B. Stewart 8, University Professor and John Edward Sexton Professor of Law AND 17 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 783 The second step Congress and the President should take is to constitute a high level AND prominence and potential buy-in to recommendations for change by key constituencies. Neither the administration nor Congress has been able or willing on their own to institute AND risk adoption of short-sighted approaches that overlook cross-cutting opportunities. Richard B. Stewart 8, University Professor and John Edward Sexton Professor of Law AND 17 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 783 The default outcome is that the waste will remain where it currently is, at AND have compelling environmental, security, and economic advantages over the status quo. In the larger political and societal framework, however, it is ~[*821~] AND the public that progress is being made on addressing nuclear waste are necessary. Unless unanticipated technical problems with the Yucca site emerge, a repository at Yucca should AND by law), together with on-site storage of the remaining wastes. |
| 01/09/2013 | Tournament: . | Round: . | Opponent: Emory PS | Judge: Text: The United States Federal Government should interpret the National Environmental Protection Act to limit categorical exclusions and establish a substantive mandate requiring relevant federal agencies that conduct environmental impact statements to choose the most environmentally favorable outcome.Weiland 97 (Paul S. Weiland, Land Use and Natural Resources Practice Group AND Environmental Law, 12 J. Land Use %26 Envtl. Law 275) ~[*292~] Third, in light of judicial interpretation of NEPA, it is AND is essential to ensure strong and efficacious environmental law within the United States. Caldwell 98 (Lynton K. Caldwell, Arthur F. Bentley Professor of Political Science Emeritis and Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, 98, "BEYOND NEPA: FUTURE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT," The Harvard Environmental Law Review, 22 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 203) ~[*205~] It is this prospective orientation that extends the relevance of NEPA AND will need reinforcement to work toward the goal of attaining a sustainable future. Expanding the domestic model of NEPA’s critical to US global environmental leadershipLois Schiffer 4, partner at Baach Robinson %26 Lewis PLLC in Washington, D.C., was Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division at the U.S. Department of Justice from 1994-2001, adjunct professor of environmental law at Georgetown University Law Center, and for Spring 2004 was a Lecturer for an environmental policy course at Harvard Law School, 14 Duke Envtl. L. %26 Pol’y F. 325, Spring, 2004 So what is happening to NEPA as middle age wears on? This article will AND backed by a strong body, as a role model throughout the world. US environmental leadership’s key to maintaining life on earth—-solves their ocean impacts as well as soil erosion, deforestation, and air pollutionAshok Khosla 9, IUCN President, International Union for Conservation of Nature, A new President for the United States: We have a dream, 1-29-09, http://cms.iucn.org/news_events/?uNewsID=2595 A rejuvenated America, with a renewed purpose, commitment and energy to make its AND of pollutants from our wasteful industries, construction, agriculture and transport systems. |
| 01/09/2013 | Tournament: . | Round: . | Opponent: | Judge: The United States Federal Government should establish that the penalty for violating the restrictions on natural gas production in the Environmental Protection Agency’s New Source Performance Standards and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Reviews may include entry into a Supplemental Environmental Project.Implementation of the Supplemental Environmental Projects should follow the 1991 Policy on the Use of Supplemental Environmental Projects in EPA Settlements, and any conflicting federal laws and regulations should be modified to provide a narrow exemption for the above penalty.CPR 8 – The Center for Progressive Reform, a nonprofit research and educational organization with a network of Member Scholars working to protect health, safety, and the environment through analysis and commentary, 2008, "Environmental Enforcement," http://progressiveregulation.org/perspectives/environEnforce.html-http://progressiveregulation.org/perspectives/environEnforce.html Effective enforcement is key to ensuring that the ambitious goals of our environmental statutes are AND sources of pollution, noncompliance has particularly serious health consequences for affected residents. As in virtually every other area of government regulation, environmental enforcement traditionally has been AND it becomes irrational– unprofitable— for regulated firms to violate the law. EPA’s enforcement policies traditionally have reflected these principles. EPA has emphasized the importance of regular inspections and monitoring activity to detect noncompliance, and has responded to violations with swift and appropriate sanctions. EPA’s policies also mandate that the agency recover the economic benefit firms realize through noncompliance, since if a firm is able to profit from illegal activity, it has little incentive to comply in the first place. State environmental agencies actually carry out the majority of enforcement activity in this country because AND enforcement is relatively lax, and agencies rarely respond to violations with penalties. Citizen enforcement also is a feature of most federal environmental statutes. The statutes allow citizens to sue companies for violations when the government fails to do so and various, often strict, procedural conditions are met. Traditionally, Congress has viewed citizen enforcement as an important supplement to agency enforcement and an important prod to agency regulators. What People are Fighting About In recent years there has been a sharp debate over the future direction of environmental enforcement. Many states and regulated entities advocate a more business-friendly, conciliatory enforcement strategy, one that does not emphasize enforcement actions and penalties as the keys to securing compliance. In their view, businesses are likely to comply without resort to sanctions because of adherence to social and political norms, market forces, and other factors. Thus, many states have reduced funding for inspections. enforcement cases and similar activities AND also keep materials contained in environmental audits secret and exempt from public disclosure. At the same time, EPA has to some degree deemphasized traditional enforcement and used AND toll and EPA’s commitment to deterrence-based enforcement appears to be weakening. In reaction to these changes, environmental groups, contend that government enforcement is too AND imposed obstacles have significantly undermined the role envisioned by Congress for citizen enforcers. David Dana, Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law, 1998, ARTICLE: THE UNCERTAIN MERITS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENFORCEMENT REFORM: THE CASE OF SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS, 1998 Wis. L. Rev. 1181, Lexis The previous analysis illustrates that the inclusion of SEPs in an enforcement regime may lead AND produce a shift from this state of optimal deterrence to one of underdeterrence. Kenneth T. Kristl 7, Associate Professor of Law and Director of the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Clinic, Widener University School of Law, "MAKING A GOOD IDEA EVEN BETTER: RETHINKING THE LIMITS ON SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS," Vermont Law Review, Vol. 31, 2007, http://lawreview.vermontlaw.edu/files/2012/02/kristl.pdf-http://lawreview.vermontlaw.edu/files/2012/02/kristl.pdf If in fact the mitigation percentage is ultimately meaningless, why have it in the AND increase SEP participation rates, and thereby allow more environmental benefits from SEPs. CONCLUSION Having defendants agree to undertake Supplemental Environmental Projects holds great promise for providing environmental AND SEPs even better by increasing the environmental benefits that enforcement activity can bring. Jeff Ganguly, Executive Editor, BOSTON COLLEGE ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS LAW REVIEW, Fall 1998, COMMENT: ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION THROUGH SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS AND CREATIVE NEGOTIATION: RENEWED COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT IN FEDERAL ENFORCEMENT, 26 B.C. Envtl. Aff. L. Rev. 189, Lexis Such a dynamic has been developing through EPA’s employment of SEPs as well. While AND the most effective means of preserving and protecting human health and the environment. Clark and Downes 6 Dana Clark, Center for International Environmental Law, and David Downes, US Interior Dept. Policy Analysis Senior Trade Advisor, 2006, What price biodiversity?, http://www.ciel.org/Publications/summary.html Biodiversity is the diversity of life on earth, on which we depend for our AND global climate. No one can seriously argue that biodiversity is not valuable. Nor can anyone seriously argue that biodiversity is not at risk. There are over AND mass extinction of species that wiped out the dinosaurs millions of years ago. The Economics of Biodiversity Conservation The question which engenders serious controversy is whether society can afford the costs associated with saving biodiversity. Opponents of biodiversity conservation argue that the costs of protecting endangered species are too high. They complain that the regulatory burden on private landowners is too heavy, and that conservation measures impede development. They seek to override scientific determinations with economic considerations, and to impose cost/benefit analyses on biodiversity policy making. An equally important question, however, is whether we can afford not to save AND we lose the opportunity for mental or spiritual rejuvenation through contact with nature. |
| 01/09/2013 | Tournament: . | Round: . | Opponent: | Judge: Hulbert 12 (Matthew Hulbert - Lead Analyst at European Energy Review, government consultant, Senior Research Fellow @ Netherlands Institute for International Relations, working on energy and political risk. Senior Energy Analyst at Datamonitor for global utilities. "Why America Can Make or Break A New Global Gas World," 8/05/2012 http://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewhulbert/2012/08/05/why-america-can-make-or-break-a-new-global-gas-world) The same debate is raging in the US. Despite the phenomenal breakthroughs in American AND fundamentals. US LNG could be the straw that breaks oil indexation back. Spot pricing causes short term volatility—-Russia floods the market to crowd out producers and engages in collusion to drive up future pricesHulbert 12 (Matthew Hulbert - Lead Analyst at European Energy Review, government consultant, Senior Research Fellow @ Netherlands Institute for International Relations, working on energy and political risk. Senior Energy Analyst at Datamonitor for global utilities. "Why America Can Make or Break A New Global Gas World," 8/05/2012 http://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewhulbert/2012/08/05/why-america-can-make-or-break-a-new-global-gas-world) But it’s not all bad news for Russia. The first point is that most AND needed to explore and exploit a potentially lucrative new world of gas benchmarks? Much would depend on pricing pressures involved and how far convergence has got, but AND Qatar, but actually, flags up a huge opportunity for Russia here. Instead of issuing empty threats to flood markets or decimate upstream investments, independent gas AND tonnes of LNG Shtokman and Sakhalin should hold, tells us as much. Not only could Russia lean far heavier on Qatar, Australia, Algeria, West AND hoping the US delivers on its global gas potential. Ironic times indeed. Causes Russian resurgence and collapses the global economyFang et al 12 (Songying Fang - Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Political Science Rice University. Amy Myers Jaffe - Fellow in Energy Studies JamesA. Baker III Institute for Public Policy Rice University. TedTemzelides, Ph.D., Prof of Economics. "New Alignments? The Geopolitics of Gas and Oil Cartels and the Changing Middle East," January 2012, http://www.bakerinstitute.org/publications/EF-pub-GasOilCartels-012312.pdf-http://www.bakerinstitute.org/publications/EF-pub-GasOilCartels-012312.pdf) Ill this study, we investigate three related questions raised by the above observations. AND the international economy, and it could even lead to military conflict.2 Blank 9 – Dr. Stephen Blank , Research Professor of National Security Affairs at the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College, March 2009, "Russia And Arms Control: Are There Opportunities For The Obama Administration?," online: http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/pub908.pdf Proliferators or nuclear states like China and Russia can then deter regional or intercontinental attacks AND wars might give them the victory or respite they need.169 Simultaneously, The states of periphery and semiperiphery have far more opportunities for political maneuvering. Since AND , crises increase the possibilities of inadvertent or accidental wars involving WMD.171 Obviously nuclear proliferators or states that are expanding their nuclear arsenals like Russia can exercise AND egotism" will critically affect world politics. For, as Roberts observes, But if they drift away from those efforts ~[to bring about more cooperative security AND perhaps make wars of aggression on their neighbors or their own people.172 |
| 01/09/2013 | Tournament: . | Round: . | Opponent: | Judge: The United States federal government should fully fund contract support costs under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975.—amend the Indian Mineral Development Act of 1982 by clarifying that the statutory definition of "mineral resources" includes wind and solar energy.Supporting effective native governance is the vital internal link to self-determination and economic self-sufficiency. It’s also a pre-req to effective natural resource useNational Congress of American Indians, 2012, "Support for Tribal Governments," http://www.ncai.org/resources/ncai-publications/indian-country-budget-request/FY2013_Spport_for_Tribal_Governments.pdf Providing tribes with the tools for effective governance is critical to fulfilling the promise of AND fulfilled, so that critical jobs that serve tribal communities can be restored. Changing the Secretary’s approval process solves the whole case—spurs wind development and balances self-determination with the trust doctrineJudith V. Royster 12, Co-Director – Native American Law Center @ University of Tulsa, "Tribal Energy Development: Renewables and the Problem of the Current Statutory Structures," March, 31 Stan. Envtl. L.J. 91 Nonetheless, there are steps that can be taken to tighten up the approval process and make it friendlier to renewable energy development. The two amendments to the IMDA proposed here ~[*133~] would provide that the Secretary’s failure to act within the time allotted constitutes approval, and that in determining whether a minerals agreement is in the tribe’s best interest, the Secretary will defer to the tribe’s decision. Under the IMDA, the Secretary has 180 days to approve or disapprove a minerals AND the court’s decision is no better than waiting two years for the Secretary’s. A better approach would borrow from the proposed statutory amendments to the TERA process. AND able to implement their agreements within a reasonable time, outweigh those concerns. The second way to streamline the approval process for renewable energy resources is to address AND or cultural effects" other than the environmental studies required by NEPA. n195 The regulations, on the other hand, require that the Secretary determine both that AND for similar resources, "insofar as that information is readily available." n199 These standards, derived from judicial determinations that the Secretary must consider all relevant factors AND on the basis of the Secretary’s judgement, a best interest determination." n201 At the time the IMDA was enacted in 1982, federal Indian policy had only AND by the imbalance of knowledge and bargaining power between tribes and energy companies. But nearly twenty years have passed since the regulations were ~[*136~] promulgated in 1994. Indian tribes have thirty years of experience with IMDA minerals agreements, and many of the energy tribes have become sophisticated negotiators of development deals. Certainly tribes are the best determiners of cultural and social impacts, and often of the economic impacts as well. In light of those factors, the standards for approval of IMDA agreements are due for amendment. Amending the statute itself to revisit the appropriate factors may be the best choice, AND it in the regulations strengthens the tribe’s role in the decision making process. VII. Conclusion Renewable energy resources are taking on increased importance for tribal economies. While these resources AND role in the development of renewable resources without undue expense or federal oversight. The amendments to the IMDA and its regulations proposed here also do not solve that AND resources, and do so with more direct say in the development itself. Judith V. Royster 12, Co-Director – Native American Law Center @ University of Tulsa, "Tribal Energy Development: Renewables and the Problem of the Current Statutory Structures," March, 31 Stan. Envtl. L.J. 91 The heart of my proposal is a small and likely uncontroversial amendment to the Indian Mineral Development Act of 1982. The statutory definition of "mineral resources" should be amended to clarify that mineral resources includes all renewable energy resources. Although that is arguably the case now, the clear inclusion of renewable energy resources would remove a point of contention and confusion. At present, the IMDA defines "mineral resources" as "oil, gas AND question that renewable energy resources are included in the scope of the IMDA. Alternatively, the definition could be amended in the regulations without amending the statute itself AND amendment, but a regulatory amendment could likely be accomplished more quickly. n183 Expanding the minerals definition of the IMDA to specify energy resources regardless of their classification AND , for example, when a tribe with coal resources may do so. Clarifying that the IMDA may be used for renewables development could, however, impact AND that a tribe could no longer use § 81 for renewable energy easements. To prevent this possible unintended consequence, a further amendment to the IMDA may be AND and agreements cannot otherwise be used to substitute for mineral leases and agreements. It is possible that a broader amendment may be necessary to preserve tribes’ options under AND proposed expansion of the IMDA is intended as one more option for tribes. Under the proposed amendment to the IMDA definition of minerals, for example, a AND tribes’ self-determination rights to choose the best approach for that tribe. Reinstating liability avoids politics and solves energy development—-their authorElizabeth Ann Kronk 12, assistant professor of law – Texas Tech University, 29 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 811, B. An Alternative Possibility for Reform: Reinstate Federal Liability under the TERA Provisions As an alternative, a second recommendation for reforming the existing TERA provisions would call AND , which envisions the federal government maintaining a significant role in Indian country. Congress apparently intended the TERA provisions to be consistent with the federal government’s trust responsibility AND Indian tribes, including ... those which derive from the trust relationship." n165 In addition to apparent consistency with the federal trust responsibility, federal liability under the AND significant role that the federal government still plays under the existing TERA provisions. If Senator Bingaman’s viewpoint is any indication, Congress may be unwilling to relinquish federal AND , this second proposal would also constitute an improvement over the status quo. VI. CONCLUSION For a variety of reasons, America needs to increase energy production from domestic sources AND no tribe has entered into a TERA agreement with the Secretary of Interior. In an effort to understand the potential reasons for lack of tribal engagement with TERA AND and (3) concerns associated with the general waiver of federal liability. Based on the review of applicable legislative history and the concerns expressed therein, this AND would allow tribes to truly make decisions regarding energy development within their territories. Because Congress may not accept this proposal, the article also proposes an option for AND , would encourage tribes to enter into TERAs with the Secretary of Interior. April Reese 3, reporter – High Country News (Colorado) and Energy %26 Environment, "Plains tribe harnesses the wind," http://www.hcn.org/issues/255/14139-http://www.hcn.org/issues/255/14139 The legislation would also waive Interior’s trust responsibility to the tribes in energy dealings. This trust relationship means the federal government must ensure that tribes get a fair shake when their land is leased for mining, grazing, logging or drilling. In recent years, Indians have sued the Interior Department, accusing the agency of mismanaging billions of dollars it collected from those leases (HCN, 5/12/03: Missing Indian money: Piles or pennies?). But some tribal leaders and environmental groups say there aren’t enough financial and human resources in Indian Country to ensure that tribal energy resources are developed in an environmentally responsible way. They fear that the legislation, dubbed the "Native American Energy Development and Self-Determination Act" before being rolled into a larger, catchall Senate energy bill, would leave tribes vulnerable to exploitation by energy companies. Historically, when tribes have tried to assert their authority over corporations, "they’re challenged at every turn," says David Getches, a professor of natural resource law at the University of Colorado and one of the founders of the Native American Rights Fund. "When you’re talking about things like power plants, where there are millions of dollars involved, you will see some of the most vigorous challenges ever to tribal sovereignty." "I think a better name for this legislation would be the ’Native American Self-Termination Act’," says Robert Shimek, special projects director for the Indigenous Environmental Network and a member of the Chippewa Tribe. "The way it’s proposed, it reopens the door for dirty projects — projects that nobody else wants." Shimek is wary of a return to the days when the federal government endorsed projects like the Black Mesa coal mine on the Navajo reservation in northeastern Arizona. In the 1960s, the Peabody Coal Company strip-mined 17,000 acres of tribal lands, and the still-active operation has been blamed for depleting the aquifer and drying up the Hopi Tribe’s sacred springs. "(Tribal lands) were essentially energy colonies for the rest of the country," says Lester. When the Senate resumes debate on the energy bill this summer, Campbell is expected to offer an amendment addressing some of critics’ concerns, including retaining Interior’s trust responsibility and laying out requirements that tribes would have to follow when conducting environmental reviews. And, the net-benefit:Weiland 97 (Paul S. Weiland, Land Use and Natural Resources Practice Group Leader at Nossaman LLP, worked in the Law and Policy Section, Environmental and Natural Resources Division of the U.S. Department of Justice helping agencies formulate policies to comply with the NEPA, JD at Harvard, Ph.D. at Indiana, Spring 97, "AMENDING THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT: FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY," Journal of Land Use %26 Environmental Law, 12 J. Land Use %26 Envtl. Law 275) ~[*292~] Third, in light of judicial interpretation of NEPA, it is AND is essential to ensure strong and efficacious environmental law within the United States. Caldwell 98 (Lynton K. Caldwell, Arthur F. Bentley Professor of Political Science Emeritis and Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, 98, "BEYOND NEPA: FUTURE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT," The Harvard Environmental Law Review, 22 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 203) ~[*205~] It is this prospective orientation that extends the relevance of NEPA AND will need reinforcement to work toward the goal of attaining a sustainable future. Diner 94 - Major in the U.S. Army (David, Military Law Review, Winter, Lexis) 4. Biological Diversity. — The main premise of species preservation is better than AND from an aircraft’s wing, mankind may be edging closer to the abyss. |
| 01/09/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The United States Department of Defense should offer procurement contracts funded through up-front appropriations for small modular nuclear reactors to be owned by the Department of Defense, and located on military bases in the United States that lack power purchase agreements for electricity generated by utility-owned small modular nuclear reactors.The United States Federal Government should facilitate joint operation and management of DOD-owned small modular reactors by DOD and the Department of Energy, and should remove limitations on per-project allocations of operation and maintenance funding for bases with DOD-owned small modular reactors.CSPO 10 – Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes, Arizona State University, June 2010, "FOUR POLICY PRINCIPLES FOR ENERGY INNOVATION %26 CLIMATE CHANGE: A SYNTHESIS," http://www.catf.us/resources/publications/files/Synthesis.pdf Government purchase of new technologies is a powerful way to accelerate innovation through increased demand (Principle 3a). We explore how this principle can be applied by considering how the DoD could purchase new nuclear reactor designs to meet electric power needs for DoD bases and operations. Small modular nuclear power reactors (SMRs), which generate less than 300 MW of AND – all of which are desirable attributes for significant expansion of nuclear energy. Currently, several corporations have been developing small nuclear reactors. Table 2 lists several AND be harnessed for process heating, gas turbine generators, and other operations. One major obstacle is to rapid commercialization and development are prolonged multi-year licensing AND the current requirement that licensing fees cover nearly all NRC licensing review costs. One option for accelerating SMR development and commercialization, would be for DOD to establish AND SMR contractor to begin licensing at some point in the SMR development process4. Potential purchase of small modular nuclear reactors would be a powerful but proven way in which government procurement of new energy technologies could encourage innovation. Public procurement of other renewable energy technologies could be similarly important. FT 12 – Federal Times, 7/22/12, "Agencies buying energy credits to meet mandates," http://www.federaltimes.com/article/20120722/FACILITIES02/307220006/Agencies-buying-energy-credits-meet-mandates But some agencies are trying to buck the trend and reduce their reliance on RECs. The Interior Department said it plans to build more renewable energy projects and purchase fewer RECs. For example, the National Park Service plans to install solar panels on top of its visitor station at Assateague Island, in Berlin, Md. "We anticipate a reduced reliance on RECs to meet mandated renewable energy goals," spokesman Drew Malcomb said. The Defense Department intends to buy fewer RECs and instead invest money in on-site projects. "It takes money to buy RECs, and you are not creating any new capacity. You are just spending money to meet a goal," Dorothy Robyn, deputy undersecretary of Defense for installations and environment, said in an interview. Robyn is confident DoD will get there without paying for credits. "We are in a position to generate renewable energy on our own installations," she said. Pentagon spokeswoman Melinda Morgan said the department does not track how much it spends on credits each year. In 2011, DoD decided to scale back its purchase of RECs, despite having a goal to obtain 5 percent of its facilities’ energy needs from renewable energy sources. It achieved only 3.1 percent after reducing its purchase of credits from 440,000 to 248,000 megawatt hours, Robyn said. Energy obtained through alternative financing doesn’t count towards mandates that force DOD to increase reliance on renewables—-causes renewable energy credit purchases to make up the differenceGAO 9 – Government Accountability Office, December 2009, "Defense Infrastructure: DOD Needs to Take Actions to Address Challenges in Meeting Federal Renewable Energy Goals," http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d10104.pdf-http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d10104.pdf As we explained earlier in this report, DOD expects to rely increasingly on alternative AND a manner that adequately protects the government’s financial resources committed to these approaches. According to DOD officials, in most cases, private developers are generally interested in AND other customers and typically retains ownership of the project’s renewable energy certificates.48 However, under such approaches, DOD often would neither consume the renewable energy nor AND "consumption" and the treatment of renewable energy certificates in that context. DOD ownership of the project solves the case and avoids REC purchasesLoni Silva 12, J.D., The George Washington University Law School, Summer 2012, "THE PROBLEMS WITH USING RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES TO MEET FEDERAL RENEWABLE ENERGY REQUIREMENTS," Public Contract Law Journal, Vol. 41, No. 4 The best way to address the problems with FEMP’s REC interpretation is to render the use of RECs to meet EPAct 2005 and EO 13423 obsolete. RECs should only be used as a short-term, stop-gap solution to meet the renewable energy requirements. 139 The long-term goal should be for agencies to consume bundled renewable energy produced on or near agency installations. Consuming renewable energy would eliminate the current problems with FEMP’s REC interpretation. First, consuming renewable energy would eliminate the problem with best value because, unlike RECs, renewable energy responds to and fulfills agencies’ actual energy needs. 140 For Joe, the energy manager, the ability to use renewable energy means that he would not need to spend part of his energy budget on a commodity that does not address his actual energy needs. 141 Second, consuming renewable energy would eliminate the problems with transparency and accountability. 142 Because the policies plainly require agencies to consume renewable energy, complying by consuming renewable energy, rather than purchasing RECs, would be transparent. 143 Moreover, because this method of compliance is transparent and allows a clear view of what the Government is doing in response to the requirements of the policies, it allows the Government to be held accountable. 144 Third, consuming renewable energy produced at on-site facilities would further the policies’ goal of developing on-site renewable energy facilities. 145 Having facilities on or near agency property would provide power to the installation in case the grid is attacked or fails. 146 It would also promote the energy independence, security, and sustainability of both the Federal Government and the nation as a whole by developing new renewable energy facilities. 147 Developing new renewable energy facilities on or near agency installations would allow agencies to consume AND the lack of available land or other factors makes facility development impossible. 150 Bill Sweet 12, Editor of IEEE Spectrum, a publication of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 3/2/12, "Are Renewable Energy Credits Excessively Expensive?," http://spectrum.ieee.org/energywise/energy/renewables/are-renewable-energy-credits-excessively-expensive The Manhattan Institute, a public policy research outfit with a free-market and AND producers of green energy that are paid for by producers of dirty energy. The REC, and even perhaps some of the purposes the REC is meant to AND as a first stab at assessing the overall costs to consumers of RECs. Basically Bryce compares the costs of electricity in states that have renewable energy mandates with AND rates in states with portfolio standards, and nor does he claim to. Bryce notes that tightening regulation of coal generating plants and higher expenditures on power transmission also have been major factors in driving up electricity costs. Citing figures from the Edison Electric Institute, Bryce says that "member companies spent over %2455 billion on transmission projects between 2001 and 2009. Another %2461 billion will likely be spent on transmission projects from 2010 through 2021." However superficial, the Manhattan Institute report suggests worryingly that the costs of promoting wind and especially solar energy may start catching up with policy-makers and produce a political backlash, as we have been witnessing in Europe. Accountability—-DOD REC purchases destroy agency accountability and transparencyLoni Silva 12, J.D., The George Washington University Law School, Summer 2012, "THE PROBLEMS WITH USING RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES TO MEET FEDERAL RENEWABLE ENERGY REQUIREMENTS," Public Contract Law Journal, Vol. 41, No. 4 The second problem with RECs is that using them to meet EPAct 2005 and EO AND , purchases of RECs are treated the same as renewable energy purchases." 103 FEMP’s interpretation allowing RECs to satisfy the policy requirements violates the spirit of transparency because AND .109 A taxpayer is therefore less likely to hold the Government accountable. Norman J. Ornstein 6, Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute; and Thomas E. Mann, the W. Averell Harriman Chair and Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution, November/December 2006, "When Congress Checks Out," Foreign Affairs The making of sound U.S. foreign policy depends on a vigorous, deliberative, and often combative process that involves both the executive and the legislative branches. The country’s Founding Fathers gave each branch both exclusive and overlapping powers in the realm of foreign policy, according to each one’s comparative advantage — inviting them, as the constitutional scholar Edwin Corwin has put it, "to struggle for the privilege of directing American foreign policy." One of Congress’ key roles is oversight: making sure that the laws it writes AND partisan exercise that ignores broad policy issues for the sake of cheap publicity. Auden Schendler 7, Vice President of sustainability at Aspen Skiing Company, October 2007, "When Being Green Backfires," Harvard Business Review, Vol. 85, Issue 10 The danger in buying RECs is that the mainstream press has begun to challenge claims AND , businesses that tout REC purchases may expose themselves to charges of greenwashing. A report released in 2006 by an environmental organization called Clean Air—Cool Planet AND more costly certificates, whose purchase directly and demonstrably helps reduce carbon emissions. RECs, supporters argue, create a market mechanism that spurs the development of new AND in one masterstroke: a third-party gold standard for REC quality. Laura Horton 11, J.D., Golden Gate University School of Law, Spring 2011, "COMMENT: FUTURE FORCE SUSTAINABILITY: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN A CHANGING CLIMATE," Golden Gate University Environmental Law Journal, 4 Golden Gate U. Envtl. L.J. 303, p. lexis As the world’s largest consumer of energy, the military has a long way to AND since environmental damage from military activities still exists all over the United States 155 The suspect attitude toward military greening is akin to an attitude held by many concerning AND civilian marketplace as military technology finds its way into the public domain. 164 The military has begun to take the lead in energy efficiency, drive the civilian AND to lead alternative-energy development in the United States and the world. Klarevas 9 –Louis Klarevas, Professor for Center for Global Affairs @ New York University, 12/15, "Securing American Primacy While Tackling Climate Change: Toward a National Strategy of Greengemony," http://www.huffingtonpost.com/louis-klarevas/securing-american-primacy_b_393223.html As national leaders from around the world are gathering in Copenhagen, Denmark, to AND . needs to become green energy dominant as opposed to black energy independent. |
| 01/09/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Scott Wong and Manu Raju, 1-6-2013, "Hagel takes fire from Hill," http://www.nj.com/us-politics/index.ssf/2013/01/hagel_takes_fire_from_hill.html Senate Democrats and Republicans are far from sold on President Barack Obama’s expected nomination of AND Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) said in mid-December. Till 6 Dustin is an associate at Marten Law. "CEQ Issues Proposed Guidance on NEPA Categorical Exclusions," Oct 18, http://www.martenlaw.com/newsletter/20061018-nepa-exclusions The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) recently released draft guidance to AND a comprehensive regulatory reform process that began during the Carter administration.~11~ Hagel’s key to foreign policy restraint that prevents unsustainable squandering of U.S. power—-the alternative is Flournoy who would lock in a neocon foreign policy Kelley Beaucar Vlahos 12-25, longtime political reporter for FoxNews.com and a contributing editor at The American Conservative, Washington correspondent for Homeland Security Today magazine, 12/25/12, "Give Us Chuck Hagel for Christmas," http://original.antiwar.com/vlahos/2012/12/24/give-us-hagel-for-christmas/-http://original.antiwar.com/vlahos/2012/12/24/give-us-hagel-for-christmas/ Now a Democratic President is reportedly mulling him for defense secretary and the same Republican AND Hamas in hopes of reanimating the corpse of the Middle East pace process. Furthermore, Hagel’s flagrant disdain for the runaway MIC (military industrial complex), preemptive AND , rather than putting their rear-ends in harm’s way over there. The War Against Hagel has hardly been decisive, however, at least as we AND that Hagel’s independence would be a help not a hindrance where it counts: What we need are American officials who will speak with disconcerting bluntness to Israel about AND is not bound to old models, could be useful in this regard. Many of us see Hagel’s impact in much broader terms than just the Israel question AND by Americans conditioned to accept there is a military solution for every problem. "In a town dominated by often-unexamined conventional wisdom, the appointment of AND a liberal hawk, he thinks there should be limits on American power." Although President Obama has, so far, not said a word about Hagel, the former senator who quietly spent the last four years chairing the moderate Atlantic Council, is enjoying an enthusiastic defense from myriad commentators across the mainstream, including Andrew Sullivan, Steve Clemons, Peter Beinart — even Jim Judis at The New Republic. Several ambassadors — including Bush-era Nick Burns and Ryan Crocker and three Israel representatives — signed on to a letter encouraging his nomination. Meanwhile, The National Journal and The Washington Post have published biographical sketches emphasizing Hagel’s AND astutely swatting away the haters at every turn of this increasingly torrid offensive. Michele Flournoy But while many of us here at Antiwar would like a Hagel nomination for Christmas AND who see a kindred soul where Hagel is just heartburn ready to happen. So buttressed is Flournoy by the Washington elite that people like Paul Wolfowitz, who AND casualty count was much lower then —- 117 in 2007 to be exact. When liberal flak Eleanor Clift wrote about the prospects of the "first female defense AND today’s accounts of continuing bloat, waste and mission creep are any indication. Frankly, one hears a lot about Flournoy the "team player" but very AND pushing it in a more realist direction than we have in the past." Perhaps that is why so many of us here are excited about the prospect. AND or personality of one man, even if he is at the apex." Still, if a Flournoy pick would signal an endorsement of the status quo, AND who ended up running, and losing, in the last two elections).
Restraint’s key to prevent war with Russia and China—-defuses Georgia, Taiwan and the South China SeasPaul K. MacDonald 11, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Williams College, and Joseph M. Parent, Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Miami, November/December 2011, "The Wisdom of Retrenchment: America Must Cut Back to Move Forward," Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90, No. 6 Curbing the United States’ commitments would reduce risks, but it cannot eliminate them. AND now temper its commitments and cultivate a lasting compromise with China over Taiwan. |
| 01/09/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Text: The United States Department of Interior should no longer require that decommissioned oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico be removed. The Department of Interior should require decommissioned rigs to be capped and idle pipelines to be decommissioned. Solves their first advantage and avoids the link to politicsAlford 12, 1AC Author - Capitol Correspondent ~Jeremy Alford, "Rig policy threatens wildlife," Daily Comet, Published: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 at 10:24 p.m, pg. http://tinyurl.com/cfwoue6 BATON ROUGE — Associations that represent recreational fishermen, divers and conservationists are beginning to AND artificial reef or by taking steps to provide for "reefing in place." |
| 02/24/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: R%26D isn’t T Violates Energy production—-it’s pre-production Koplow 4 Doug Koplow is the founder of Earth Track in Cambridge, MA. He has worked on natural resource subsidy issues for 20 years, primarily in the energy sector "Subsidies to Energy Industries" Encyclopedia of Energy Vol 5 2004www.earthtrack.net/files/Energy%20Encyclopedia,%20wv.pdf 3. SUBSIDIES THROUGH ... energy resource to the point of final use, and accident risks. Violates incentives—-they have to provide money to the private sector—-r%26D is distinct CCES 9 Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (also called c2es) "Buildings and Emissions: Making the Connection" No specific date dated, most recent citation from 2009 www.c2es.org/technology/overview/buildings Policy Options to Promote Climate-Friendly ... through software and computer-based building analysis. At best they’re indirect which means they’re FX—-this cards draws a predictable limit and brightline GSWH 11 Global Solar Water Heating Market Transformation and Strengthening Initiative, This publication is the result of a joint effort from the following contributors: The European Solar ThermalIndustry Federation (ESTIF), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) through its Division ofTechnology, Industry and Economics (DTIE) and the Global Environment Fund (GEF). "Guidelines for policy and framework conditions" No Specific Date Cited, Most Recent Citations From 2011 www.solarthermalworld.org/files/policy_framework.pdf?download 8 Non financial incentives for ... advantage to those who install a solar thermal system or that use solar thermal energy. Voting issue for limits and ground—-creates an unmanageable topic of new speculative tech via government research that doesn’t interact with the market Dyson et al, 3 - International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Megan, Flow: The Essentials of Environmental Flows, p. 67-68) Understanding of the term ’incentives’ ..and fiscal policy is practically limitless. |
| 02/24/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Comprehensive immigration reform will pass—-maintaining political pressure on the GOP is key Joseph 2/21 Cameron is a writer for The Hill. "More than half of Congress has never debated immigration reform," 2013, http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/284131-more-than-half-of-congress-has-never-debated-immigration-reform More than half of Congress has turned over since the last time the House and AND political pressure on the GOP to get something done has changed the conversation. Political capital is still key—-Obama’s leading negotiations with the GOP AFP 2/19 "Obama courts key Republicans on immigration reform," 2013, Factiva US President Barack Obama on Tuesday called key Senate Republicans, with whom he is AND certified as secure.¶ Obama has so far declined to make that linkage. Plan’s a political football Chameides 10/8 Bill is the Dean of Duke University’s School of the Environment. "Fusion: Maybe Less Than 30 Years, But This Year Unlikely," 2012, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-chameides/fusion-maybe-less-than-30_b_1949573.html-http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-chameides/fusion-maybe-less-than-30_b_1949573.html But by July 19, 2012, the fusion bubble was burst. An external AND the fiscal cliff our folks on the Hill will have to wrestle with. CIR’s critical to economic growth—-multiple internals Klein 1/29 Ezra is a columnist for The Washington Post. "To Fix the U.S. Economy, Fix Immigration," 2013, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-29/to-fix-the-u-s-economy-fix-immigration.html Washington tends to have a narrow view of what counts as "economic policy." AND influx of foreign-born students is the most obvious solution you’ll find. Global nuclear war Cesare Merlini 11, nonresident senior fellow at the Center on the United States and Europe and chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Italian Institute for International Affairs, May 2011, "A Post-Secular World?", Survival, Vol. 53, No. 2 Two neatly opposed scenarios for the future of the world order illustrate the range of AND theocratic absolutes, competing or converging with secular absolutes such as unbridled nationalism. |
| 02/24/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The United States Federal Government should eliminate all US financial support for fusion research. Stopping domestic fusion research would persuade other countries to abandon ship as well – checks weaponization Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D. and Pres. Inst. for Energy and Environmental Research, and Hisham Zerriffi, Project Scientist, 7-15-1998, "Dangerous Thermonuclear Quest: The Potential of Explosive Fusion Research for the Development of Pure Fusion Weapons," IEER, http://ieer.org/resource/reports/dangerous-thermonuclear-quest/ Given the immense consequences of the development of pure fusion weapons, an indefinite delay AND of continuing research with such machines are too great not to pursue restrictions. Demonstration of fusion feasibility would spark massive pressure for pure fusion weaponization and arms racing Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D. and Pres. Inst. for Energy and Environmental Research, and Hisham Zerriffi, Project Scientist, 7-15-1998, "Dangerous Thermonuclear Quest: The Potential of Explosive Fusion Research for the Development of Pure Fusion Weapons," IEER, http://ieer.org/resource/reports/dangerous-thermonuclear-quest/ In the long term, facilities such as the National Ignition Facility and MTF facilities AND quest for explosive ignition is now, before its scientific feasibility is established. Pure fusion weapons cause nuclear war – wreck the nuclear firebreak Sam Cohen, nuclear weapons analyst, and Joe Douglass, national security analyst, both members of the Los Alamos Tactical Nuclear Weapons panel, 3-11-2002, "Nuclear Threat That Deesn’t Exist – Or Does It?" Rense, http://rense.com/general35/doex.htm The comparison of a pure-fusion warhead with a normal fission warhead is even AND will be seen, will do their best to deny their possible existence. |
| 02/24/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The United States federal government should offer economic incentives, including direct grants and/or tax credits, to producers of natural gas subject to the Environmental Protection Agency’s New Source Performance Standards and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Reviews, set at an amount equivalent to 110% of the cost of equipment necessary for legal compliance. The United States federal government should ban development of offshore methane hydrate. The United States federal government should issue a moratorium on further federal restrictions on natural gas production in the United States excluding the regulations above. Economic incentives spur pollution reductions below regulated levels—-tons of EPA experience proves their effectiveness NCEE 1 – National Center for Environmental Economics, January 2001, "The United States Experience with Economic Incentives for Protecting the Environment," http://yosemite.epa.gov/ee/epa/eerm.nsf/vwan/ee-0216b-13.pdf/%24file/ee-0216b-13.pdf-http://yosemite.epa.gov/ee/epa/eerm.nsf/vwan/ee-0216b-13.pdf/%24file/ee-0216b-13.pdf Over its 30-year history the predominant ... pollution control in the United States. |
| 02/24/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts should substantially increase funding for fusion energy development in the United States at the Alcator C-Mod. States can empirically fund energy research at national labs Kay Corditz, 3-15-2010, "State Grant to Fund Advanced Battery Materials Partnership," Brookhaven National Lab, http://www.bnl.gov/newsroom/news.php?a=21663 Funded by a %24550,000 grant from the New York State Energy Research AND explore new electrode materials, like lithium titanate, that meet those criteria." |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC—-Standard First, a limited topic of discussion that provides for equitable ground is key to productive inculcation of decision-making and advocacy skills in every and all facets of life—-even if their position is contestable that’s distinct from it being valuably debatable—-this still provides room for flexibility, creativity, and innovation, but targets the discussion to avoid mere statements of fact—-T debates also solve any possible turnSteinberg %26 Freeley 8 *Austin J. Freeley is a Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, AND David L. Steinberg , Lecturer of Communication Studies @ U Miami, Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making pp45- Debate is a means of settling differences, so there must be a difference of AND Congress to make progress on the immigration debate during the summer of 2007. Someone disturbed by the problem of the growing underclass of poorly educated, socially disenfranchised AND specific policies to be investigated and aid discussants in identifying points of difference. To have a productive debate, which facilitates effective decision making by directing and placing AND - the comparative effectiveness of writing or physical force for a specific purpose.
Although we now have a general subject, we have not yet stated a problem AND particular point of difference, which will be outlined in the following discussion.
Second, discussion of specific policy-questions is crucial for skills development—-we control uniqueness: university students already have preconceived and ideological notions about how the world operates—-government policy discussion is vital to force engagement with and resolution of competing perspectives to improve social outcomes, however those outcomes may be defined—-and, it breaks out of traditional pedagogical frameworks by positing students as agents of decision-makingEsberg %26 Sagan 12 *Jane Esberg is special assistant to the director at New York University’s Center on. International Cooperation. She was the winner of 2009 Firestone Medal, AND Scott Sagan is a professor of political science and director of Stanford’s Center for International Security and Cooperation "NEGOTIATING NONPROLIFERATION: Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Nuclear Weapons Policy," 2/17 The Nonproliferation Review, 19:1, 95-108 These government or quasi-government think tank simulations often provide very similar lessons for AND allies and adversaries, would behave in response to US policy initiatives.7 By university age, students often have a pre-defined view of international affairs AND quickly; simulations teach students how to contextualize and act on information.14 Patricia Roberts-Miller 3 is Associate Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Texas "Fighting Without Hatred:Hannah Ar endt ’ s Agonistic Rhetoric" JAC 22.2 2003 Totalitarianism and the Competitive Space of Agonism Arendt is probably most famous for her analysis of totalitarianism (especially her The Origins AND is permitted to present itself in only one perspective. (Human 58) What Arendt so beautifully describes is that isolation and individualism are not corollaries, and AND even similarly but not exactly together is what Arendt calls the "social." Arendt does not mean that group behavior is impossible in the realm of the social AND . Thus, it is, as Arendt says, rule by nobody. It is illustrative to contrast Arendt’s attitude toward discourse to Habermas’. While both are AND discourse involved in public action include myths, stories, and personal narratives. Furthermore, the competition is not ruthless; it does not imply a willingness to AND one of different people who argue with passion, vehemence, and integrity. Continued… Eichmann perfectly exemplified what Arendt famously called the "banal¬ity of evil" AND disparaging conformism" that characterizes those who people totalitarian systems (Pitkin 87). Arendt’s theorizing of totalitarianism has been justly noted as one of her strongest contributions to philosophy. She saw that a situation like Nazi Germany is different from the conventional understanding of a tyranny. Pitkin writes, Totalitarianism cannot be understood, like earlier forms of domination, as the ruthless exploitation of some people by others, whether the motive be selfish calculation, irrational passion, or devotion to some cause. Understanding totalitarianism’s essential nature requires solving the central mystery of the holocaust—the objectively useless and indeed dysfunctional, fanatical pursuit of a purely ideological policy, a pointless process to which the people enacting it have fallen captive. (87) Totalitarianism is closely connected to bureaucracy; it is oppression by rules, rather than by people who have willfully chosen to establish certain rules. It is the triumph of the social. Critics (both friendly and hostile) have paid considerable attention to Arendt’s category of AND and turning us into robots that mechanically serve its purposes" (4). Pitkin is critical of this version of the "social" and suggests that Arendt AND put it another way, theories of powerlessness are self-fulfilling prophecies. Arendt grants that there are people who willed the Holocaust, but she insists that AND "critical thought is in principle anti-authoritarian" (Lectures 38). By "thought" Arendt does not mean eremitic contemplation; in fact, she AND that harmony. One must consider carefully the arguments and viewpoints of others: Political thought is representative. I form an opinion by considering a given issue from AND more valid my final conclusions, my opinion. ("Truth" 241) There are two points to emphasize in this wonderful passage. First, one does AND a world into which one enters and by which one might be changed. Second, passages like the above make some readers think that Arendt puts too much AND destroy truth, but they cannot replace it" ("Truth" 259). Facts have a strangely resilient quality partially because a lie "tears, as it AND of opinion is a farce unless factual information is guaranteed" (238). The sort of thinking that Arendt propounds takes the form of action only when it AND thoughts without reference to anyone else or to let others do one’s thinking. Arendt’s Polemical Agonism As I said, agonism does have its advocates within rhetoric—Burke, Ong AND "understood and believed" by others (Shape 5; emphasis added). Arendt’s version is what one might call polemical agonism: it puts less emphasis on AND polemical agonism, success may be marked through the quality of subsequent controversy. Arendt quotes from a letter Kant wrote on this point: You know that I do not approach reasonable objections with the intention merely of refuting them, but that in thinking them over I always weave them into my judgments, and afford them the opportunity of overturning all my most cherished beliefs. I entertain the hope that by thus viewing my judgments impartially from the standpoint of others some third view that will improve upon my previous insight may be obtainable. ~{Lectures 42) Kant’s use of "impartial" here is interesting: he is not describing a AND butprovocative application of Arendt’s notion of common, see Hauser 100-03). In polemical agonism, there is a sense in which one’ s main goal is AND ¬larged" ~{Lectures 39); he wanted interlocutors, not acolytes. This is not consensus-based argument, nor is it what is sometimes called AND , the conflictual versus the collaborative, or argument as opposed to debate. Second, while polemical agonismrequires diversity among interlocutors, and thus seems an extraordinarily appropriate AND of argument versus when we are lusting for dominion ("Truth" 263). Like other proponents of agonism, Arendt argues that rhetoric does not lead individuals or AND in lack of imagination and failure to judge" ("Truth" 242). Agonism demands that one simultaneously trust and doubt one’ s own perceptions, rely on AND these few have not become fewer in our time" ~{Human 324). Yet, there are important positive political consequences of agonism. Arendt’ s own promotion of the agonistic sphere helps to explain how the system could AND is, engage in rhetoric—then they are engaging in antitotalitarian action. In post-Ramistic rhetoric, it is a convention to have a thesis, AND not relativist, adversarial but not violent, independent but not expressivist rhetoric. Key to social improvements in every and all facets of lifeSteinberg %26 Freeley 8 *Austin J. Freeley is a Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, AND David L. Steinberg , Lecturer of Communication Studies @ U Miami, Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making pp9-10 If we assume it to be possible without recourse to violence to reach agreement on all the problems implied in the employment of the idea of justice we are granting the possibility of formulating an ideal of man and society, valid for all beings endowed with reason and accepted by what we have called elsewhere the universal audience.14 I think that the only discursive methods available to us stem from techniques that are AND city of man in which violence may progressively give way to wisdom.13 Whenever an individual controls the dimensions of" a problem, he or she can solve the problem through a personal decision. For example, if the problem is whether to go to the basketball game tonight, if tickets are not too expensive and if transportation is available, the decision can be made individually. But if a friend’s car is needed to get to the game, then that person’s decision to furnish the transportation must be obtained. Complex problems, too, are subject to individual decision making. American business offers AND -to-day and even hour-to-hour decisions individually. When President George H. W. Bush launched Operation Desert Storm, when President AND , debate is the only satisfactory way the exact issues can be decided: A president, whoever he is, has to find a way of understanding the novel and changing issues which he must, under the Constitution, decide. Broadly speaking ... the president has two ways of making up his mind. The one is to turn to his subordinates—to his chiefs of staff and his cabinet officers and undersecretaries and the like—and to direct them to argue out the issues and to bring him an agreed decision… The other way is to sit like a judge at a hearing where the issues to be decided are debated. After he has heard the debate, after he has examined the evidence, after he has heard the debaters cross-examine one another, after he has questioned them himself he makes his decision… It is a much harder method in that it subjects the president to the stress of feeling the full impact of conflicting views, and then to the strain of making his decision, fully aware of how momentous it Is. But there is no other satisfactory way by which momentous and complex issues can be decided.16 John F. Kennedy used Cabinet sessions and National Security Council meetings to provide debate AND 18 All presidents, to varying degrees, encourage debate among their advisors. We may never be called on to render the final decision on great issues of AND in our intelligent self-interest to reach these decisions through reasoned debate. Steinberg %26 Freeley 8 *Austin J. Freeley is a Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, AND David L. Steinberg , Lecturer of Communication Studies @ U Miami, Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making pp9-10 After several days of intense debate, first the United States House of Representatives and AND support the military action, and in the face of significant international opposition. Meanwhile, and perhaps equally difficult for the parties involved, a young couple deliberated AND made. Each decision maker worked hard to make well-reasoned decisions. Decision making is a thoughtful process of choosing among a variety of options for acting AND decision making, as do our school, community, and social organizations. We all make many decisions even- day. To refinance or sell one’s home, to buy a high-performance SUV or an economical hybrid car. what major to select, what to have for dinner, what candidate CO vote for. paper or plastic, all present lis with choices. Should the president deal with an international crisis through military invasion or diplomacy? How should the U.S. Congress act to address illegal immigration? Is the defendant guilty as accused? Tlie Daily Show or the ball game? AND do we sort through it and select the best information for our needs? The ability of every decision maker to make good, reasoned, and ethical decisions relies heavily upon their ability to think critically. Critical thinking enables one to break argumentation down to its component parts in order to evaluate its relative validity and strength. Critical thinkers are better users of information, as well as better advocates. Colleges and universities expect their students to develop their critical thinking skills and may require students to take designated courses to that end. The importance and value of such study is widely recognized. Much of the most significant communication of our lives is conducted in the form of debates. These may take place in intrapersonal communications, in which we weigh the pros and cons of an important decision in our own minds, or they may take place in interpersonal communications, in which we listen to arguments intended to influence our decision or participate in exchanges to influence the decisions of others. Our success or failure in life is largely determined by our ability to make wise AND customer for out product, or a vote for our favored political candidate. Christian O. Lundberg 10 Professor of Communications @ University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, "Tradition of Debate in North Carolina" in Navigating Opportunity: Policy Debate in the 21st Century By Allan D. Louden, p311 The second major problem with the critique that identifies a naivety in articulating debate and AND their time and political energies toward policies that matter the most to them. The merits of debate as a tool for building democratic capacity-building take on AND navigate academic search databases and to effectively search and use other Web resources: To analyze the self-report ratings of the instructional and control group students, AND searching, not just in academic databases. (Larkin 2005, 144) Larkin’s study substantiates Thomas Worthcn and Gaylcn Pack’s (1992, 3) claim that AND cite and rely upon from an easily accessible and veritable cornucopia of materials. There are, without a doubt, a number of important criticisms of employing debate AND to the possibilities of meaningful political engagement and new articulations of democratic life. Expanding this practice is crucial, if only because the more we produce citizens that AND with the existential challenges to democracy ~in an~ increasingly complex world. And independently a voting issue for limits and ground—-our entire negative strategy is based on the "should" question of the resolution—-there are an infinite number of reasons that the scholarship of their advocacy could be a reason to vote affirmative—- these all obviate the only predictable strategies based on topical action—-they overstretch our research burden and undermine preparedness for all debates1NC The aff’s narrative is grounded in injuries of the past with no guide for the future—-this reinscribes exclusion and foreclosures social justiceBhambra 10—U Warwick—AND—Victoria Margree—School of Humanities, U Brighton (Identity Politics and the Need for a ’Tomorrow’, http://www.academia.edu/471824/Identity_Politics_and_the_Need_for_a_Tomorrow_) 2 The Reification of Identity We wish to turn now to a related problem within AND to the identity being foreclosed through its attention to past-based grievances. Bhambra 10—U Warwick—AND—Victoria Margree—School of Humanities, U Brighton (Identity Politics and the Need for a ’Tomorrow’, http://www.academia.edu/471824/Identity_Politics_and_the_Need_for_a_Tomorrow_) The quotation with which this article begins comes from the end of the novel where AND Satya Mohanty, and com-munities and knowledge by Lynn Hankinson Nelson. The resolution should be treated as an epistemological community in which identity is CONTINGENT and used to GUIDE POLITICAL ACTION—-their failure to reflect on the topic beyond their perspectives shuts down dialogue and social change Bhambra 10—U Warwick—AND—Victoria Margree—School of Humanities, U Brighton (Identity Politics and the Need for a ’Tomorrow’, http://www.academia.edu/471824/Identity_Politics_and_the_Need_for_a_Tomorrow_) We suggest that alternative models of identity and community are required from those put forward AND " since they are produced by very real actions, practices and projects. *if time* Wolin 4—Distinguished Professor of History at the CUNY Graduate Center (Richard, The Seduction of Unreason, 11-3) According to the conventional wisdom, both poststructuralism and postmodernism are movements of the political AND an inner-directed and self-absorbed "culture of narcissism."31 1NC ====Militantly oppositional black resistance generates backlash from the right and the left—-it materially reverses efforts towards racial justice ==== Shelby 7 – Tommie Shelby, Professor of African and African American Studies and of Philosophy at Harvard, 2007, We Who Are Dark: The Philosophical Foundations of Black Solidarity Even if it were possible to effectively mobilize a multicorporatist Black Power program without running AND past and, to some extent, continue to do even now.51 Such resistance would not come solely from racists, however. Some potential allies would AND elect effective political representation without the support of like-minded nonblack citizens. ====The backlash against the alt would be explicitly white-fascist and well armed ==== Winant 97 – Howard Winant, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for New racial Studies at UC Santa Barbara, September-October 1997, "Behind Blue Eyes: Contemporary White Racial Politics," online: http://www.soc.ucsb.edu/faculty/winant/whitness.html While the far right is not at present a real political threat, its advocacy AND cell structures," for example), are all disturbing in their own right. But beyond the present moment, the real danger presented by the far right racial AND section), it is possible that an ideological convergence might occur as well. Inclusion of pragmatic, reformist coalitions is the only way to make radical critiques of white supremacy politically effective—-the alt alone fails and generates backlash Winant 97 – Howard Winant, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for New racial Studies at UC Santa Barbara, September-October 1997, "Behind Blue Eyes: Contemporary White Racial Politics," online: http://www.soc.ucsb.edu/faculty/winant/whitness.html Although the differences and indeed the hostility — between the neoliberal and abolitionist projects, AND challenging the ongoing commitment to white supremacy on the part of many whites. Both of these positions need to draw on each other, not only in strategic AND attempting to find the pragmatic "common ground" necessary to create them. Abolitionists could also benefit from a recognition that on a pragmatic basis, whites can AND don’t know how American you are" (Thompson 1995, 429).v 1NC ====Their argument elevates white supremacy to an all-pervasive force that explains nearly all global oppression—-this conceptual expansion hides the actual practice of racism and makes breaking it down more difficult==== Andersen 3 – Margaret L. Andersen, Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at the University of Delaware, 2003, "Whitewashing Race: A Critical Perspective on Whiteness," in White Out: The Continuing Significance of Racism, ed Doane %26 Bonilla-Silva, p. 28 Conceptually, one of the major problems in the whiteness literature is the reification of AND historical change, the shapers of contemporary America" (1996b:153). Despite noting that there is differentiation among whites and warning against using whiteness as a AND at the same time reasserts and reinstates it (Stowe 1996:77). For example, Michael Eric Dyson suggests that whiteness is identity, ideology, and AND come to mean just about everything, it ends up meaning hardly anything. AT Wilderson Bâ 11—prof of film at Portsmouth University (Saër Maty, The US Decentred, http://epress.lib.uts.edu.au/journals/index.php/csrj/article/view/2304/2474) As we shall see below, blacks in the US cannot and do not have AND ? The coffle approaches with its answers in tow.’ (340) Bâ 11—prof of film at Portsmouth University (Saër Maty, The US Decentred, http://epress.lib.uts.edu.au/journals/index.php/csrj/article/view/2304/2474) It would be preposterous to talk about black Brazilians as socially or ontologically dead. AND to cinema or not, are always‐already multiply outer‐national. Yes Progress—-Decision-Making Key Clark 95—Professor of Law, Catholic University Law School. (Leroy, A Critique of Professor Derrick A. Bell’s Thesis of the Permanence of Racism and His Strategy of Confrontation, 73 Denv. U.L. Rev. 23) I must now address the thesis that there has been no evolutionary progress for blacks AND of progress,’ short-lived victories that slide into irrelevance." n51 Progress toward reducing racial discrimination and subordination has never been "automatic," if that AND occurred in the international arena, and were not exclusively under American control. With these qualifications, and a long view of history, blacks and their white allies achieved two profound and qualitatively different leaps forward toward the goal of equality: the end of slavery, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Moreover, despite open and, lately, covert resistance, black progress has never been shoved back, in a qualitative sense, to the powerlessness and abuse of periods preceding these leaps forward. n52 Rationality is good—-if they don’t pass this test they you should give them ZERO risk of any of their arguments Robert C. Rowland 95 is a Professor of Communication at the University of Kansas, "In Defense of Rational Argument: A Pragmatic Justification of Argumentation Theory and Response to the Postmodern Critique" Philosophy %26 Rhetoric Vol. 28, No. 4Oct 1, 1995, EBSCO A pragmatic theory of argument The first step in developing a justifiable theory of rational AND used to protect society from the nihilistic excesses of a purely instrumental reason. The critique refuses to accept the same falsifiable review our evidence goes through – disproves their methodology, destroys academic debate, and causes extinction. Coyne, 06 – Author and Writer for the Times (Jerry A., "A plea for empiricism", FOLLIES OF THE WISE, Dissenting essays, 405pp. Emeryville, CA: Shoemaker and Hoard, 1 59376 101 5) Supernatural forces and events, essential aspects of most religions, play no role in AND politics and religion, we desperately need to heed Crews’s plea for empiricism. Science allows us to check the religious right Harris 04 – (Sam, Co-Founder and CEO of Project Reason, a nonprofit foundation devoted to spreading scientific knowledge and secular values in society. He received a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from The End of Faith, p. 19-20 RB) Religious moderation springs from the fact that even the least educated person among us simply AND will be no more useful to mystics than they now are to astronomers. Ignoring evidence allows religion to create major war – this results in extinction Harris 04 – (Sam, Co-Founder and CEO of Project Reason, a nonprofit foundation devoted to spreading scientific knowledge and secular values in society. He received a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from The End of Faith, p. 19-20 RB) Our world is fast succumbing to the activities of men and women who would stake AND much less uprooting, the most prolific source of violence in our history? USFG Definition "USFG should" means the debate is solely about the outcome of a federal government policy Ericson 3 (Jon M., Dean Emeritus of the College of Liberal Arts – California Polytechnic U., et al., The Debater’s Guide, Third Edition, p. 4) The Proposition of Policy: Urging Future Action In policy propositions, each topic contains AND compelling reasons for an audience to perform the future action that you propose. Turns It McWhorter 9—Associate Professor in the English and Comparative Literature, Columbia (John, What African-American Studies Could Be, www.mindingthecampus.com/originals/2009/09/by_john_mcwhorter_while_this.html-http://www.mindingthecampus.com/originals/2009/09/by_john_mcwhorter_while_this.html) The answer common in such departments is that the principal mission is to teach students AND disadvantage are the most important things to note and study about being black. The question is whether this, for all of its moral urgency in the local sense, qualifies as education under any serious definition. Typical is the curriculum of one African-American Studies department in a solid, selective state school west of the Mississippi. In this department, racism is, essentially, everything. One course teaches that "Housing discrimination systematically skews opportunities and life chances," another that "racism, sexism, and heterosexism shape black life chances in a 21st century context," while yet another zeroes in on "the effects of institutional racism on social policy, desegregation, integration, and affirmative action programs." Then there is "Blacks in the Media" - or, rather, one AND Washington in the old days, or Queen Latifah and Halle Berry today. Following from this glum desperation is a fetishization of radical politics as blacks’ only constructive AND same department also offers a course on, more specifically, black Marxism. According to this curriculum, being black has been so horrific that we are even challenged by the mere physicality of existence. One courses teaches that black women’s bodies have to be "important spaces of resistance," while another is based on the idea that black people have been done in by various permutations of "urban spatial relations." Because racism and inequality will always exist in some forms, this all qualifies as AND , gender and sexuality affect their cognitive, social, and emotional development." One senses that the people teaching in African-American Studies departments feel that blackness is indeed something very different, likely because African slaves were unwilling immigrants. However, Ralph Ellison once asked "Can a people live and develop for over three hundred years simply by reacting?" To those who would consider themselves representing black people by answering in the affirmative, there are legions of black people of all walks who would heartily disagree. There is no self-standing metric of unassailable truth that justifies intellectuals treating that disagreement - that is, the life-spirit of a people millions strong making the best of the worst for four hundred years — as unworthy of serious address. As to the possible objection that course descriptions do not engage these departments closely enough, a look at a few actual course syllabi is useful. At the University of Pennsylvania, the syllabus for "Racial and Sexual Conflict" AND material covered in this course gives precious little support to such an endeavor. One week, the discussion concerns the questions as to "What role does educational AND ambitious students about urgent realities, how are sources such as these irrelevant? At the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, one course exemplifies the focus on radicalism. "Race, Radicalism and African American Culture" seeks to "track the genealogy of the movement that came to be called ’Black Power,’ and to situate black radical artists and intellectuals in the broader history of twentieth-century American thought, culture, and politics." And the course covers a noble procession of figures: Marcus Garvey, W. AND , the legacy of Malcolm X or the legacy of Dr. King? As to King, the course does address Bayard Rustin, who was central to AND common political orientation among modern academics in the humanities, including black ones? To the extent that the answer is the latter, students are being underserved. AND had a dream indeed — but he didn’t mean us to stop there. The issue is not the quality of these courses in themselves. I will gladly AND as sense incarnate. This is not what education is supposed to be. To the extent that these courses and syllabi are typical, then, there is a problem. And anyone familiar with African-American Studies departments knows that these courses and syllabi are, indeed, typical. African-American Studies departments have a place in a liberal arts education. However, to deserve that inclusion in anything beyond a symbolic sense, they should revise their curricula in exactly two ways, simple but crucial. First, there should be full acknowledgment in all courses that the role of racism in black people’s lives and fates is receding, and to such a degree that the race’s challenges today are vastly different than they were forty years ago. The aim should not be to downplay the reality of racism, but to present precisely what education consists of: the ambiguities and challenges of real life and how one thinks about it. Defeatism should be discouraged. Any sense that defeatism is the empirically proper position on black American history in the same way as it would have been for Pompeiians in the face of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius fails — for the simple reason that progress for black Americans continues on so many fronts. Most of the people in question would resist being characterized as defeatist, or as not acknowledging change. However, there is acknowledgment and there is genuflection. Plus, a claim that black radicalism is our only real future is, in itself, defeatism. Four centuries of black history give no indication that these politics will significantly affect how most black people thrive. For example, a course like Yale’s on "African-American Politics" should AND Bradley Effect, as opposed to its recruitment as a strategy of indoctrination. The course I mentioned on blacks’ problems with urban space flags environmental racism - but would ideally mention the important work of Christopher Foreman of the Brookings Institution (black, for the record) showing that claims along these lines have been overblown. It must also fall out of this that there will be no such thing as AND in to, rather than coping with, the ills of our history. In the same vein, black popular music (including hip hop) should not be treated as most interesting in how it happened to intersect with (leftist and radical) political ideology - anymore than klezmer music, Chinese opera, or Tchaikovsky is. What about how our music is just good? Second, an African-American Studies department should be considered larval without a course on black conservative thought - upon which courses on black radicalism would then be acceptable as alternative arguments. Crucially, token assignment of writings of ancient three-named figures like Booker T. Washington, who wrote amidst post-Civil War conditions now ancient history, are a mere beginning. Most departments already slip in Washington, for example - although they should now regularly engage Robert Norrell’s new biography that rescues the man from a century of calumny. However, equally central to honest engagement with "black thought" are modern figures AND Stephen and Abigail Thernstrom, Lawrence Mead, Dan Subotnik and Peter Wood. There is an argument hardly unfamiliar in the halls of ivy that black writers of AND of the others in this school are not written in this format either. Thomas Sowell is read by millions in a nationally syndicated column, and this is AND not being with the black radical program means not being "culturally black." To be sure, many professors in African-American Studies departments think of themselves AND millions of blacks have overcome having never heard of politics of this kind. These views, nevertheless, have value and should be heard. Yet they are not, on their own, truth. They verge into excess and anti-empiricism as readily as views from the right. There exist as many intelligent "contestings" of these leftist views as there exist "contestings" of the writings of Shelby Steele or myself. In a university department worth the status, contesting from all sides must be heard. AT FW=Exclusion—-2NC Must Read At least the 1st card Our argument for limited, topic-focused debate is not violent or oppressive, and neither is voting for it—-procedural constraints on debate solve the worst aspects of right-wing politicsAmanda Anderson 6, Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Humanities and English at Brown University, Spring 2006, "Reply to My Critic(s)," Criticism, Vol. 48, No. 2, p. 281-290 Lets first examine the claim that my book is "unwittingly" inviting a resurrection AND the books I write can be cast as an arm of the police. Robbins wants to imagine a far more direct line of influence from criticism to political reality, however, and this is why it can be such a bad thing to suggest norms of argument. Watch as the gloves come off: Faced with the prospect of submitting to her version of argument roughly, Habermass version AND a terrain where her side will be assured of having the upper hand. Lets leave to the side the fact that this is a disowned hypothetical criticism. AND is clearly, and indeed necessarily, significant room for further elaboration here. Constraints Key to Creativity—-2NC Mayer 6 – Marissa Ann Mayer, vice-president for search products and user experience at Google, February 13, 2006, "Creativity Loves Constraints," online: http://www.businessweek.com/print/magazine/content/06_07/b3971144.htm?chan=gl When people think about creativity, they think about artistic work — unbridled, unguided effort that leads to beautiful effect. But if you look deeper, you’ll find that some of the most inspiring art forms, such as haikus, sonatas, and religious paintings, are fraught with constraints. They are beautiful because creativity triumphed over the "rules." Constraints shape and focus problems and provide clear challenges to overcome. Creativity thrives best when constrained. But constraints must be balanced with a healthy disregard for the impossible. Too many curbs can lead to pessimism and despair. Disregarding the bounds of what we know or accept gives rise to ideas that are non-obvious, unconventional, or unexplored. The creativity realized in this balance between constraint and disregard for the impossible is fueled by passion and leads to revolutionary change. A few years ago, I met Paul Beckett, a talented designer who makes AND be a clock) or constrained possibilities (a canvas that is marked). FW Turns Exclusion Galloway 7—Samford Comm prof (Ryan, Contemporary Argumentation and Debate, Vol. 28, 2007) While affirmative teams often accuse the negative of using a juridical rule to exclude them AND from, a ground by which to meaningfully contribute to an ongoing conversation. AT: T/Framework = Telos Morson 4—Northwestern prof (Greg, Bakhtinian Perspectives on Language, Literacy, and Learning, 330-1) Nothing Conclusive ¶ A belief in truly dialogic ideological becoming would lead to schools that AND important thing. ¶ What we must do is keep the conversation going. Top Shelf—-Switch Side Debate Good—-Extensions—-2NC Star Muir, communication studies at George Mason University, 1993 (Philosophy and Rhetoric 26.4, p. 288-291) Values clarification, Stewart is correct in pointing out, does not mean that no AND of competition), effectively renders the value structure pluralistic, rather than relativistic. Inclusion of pragmatic, reformist coalitions is the only way to make radical critiques of white supremacy politically effective—-the alt alone fails and generates backlash Winant 97 – Howard Winant, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for New racial Studies at UC Santa Barbara, September-October 1997, "Behind Blue Eyes: Contemporary White Racial Politics," online: http://www.soc.ucsb.edu/faculty/winant/whitness.html Although the differences and indeed the hostility — between the neoliberal and abolitionist projects, AND challenging the ongoing commitment to white supremacy on the part of many whites. Both of these positions need to draw on each other, not only in strategic AND attempting to find the pragmatic "common ground" necessary to create them. Abolitionists could also benefit from a recognition that on a pragmatic basis, whites can AND don’t know how American you are" (Thompson 1995, 429).v Their argument elevates white supremacy to an all-pervasive force that explains nearly all global oppression—-this conceptual expansion hides the actual practice of racism and makes breaking it down more difficult Andersen 3 – Margaret L. Andersen, Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at the University of Delaware, 2003, "Whitewashing Race: A Critical Perspective on Whiteness," in White Out: The Continuing Significance of Racism, ed Doane %26 Bonilla-Silva, p. 28 Conceptually, one of the major problems in the whiteness literature is the reification of AND historical change, the shapers of contemporary America" (1996b:153). Despite noting that there is differentiation among whites and warning against using whiteness as a AND at the same time reasserts and reinstates it (Stowe 1996:77). For example, Michael Eric Dyson suggests that whiteness is identity, ideology, and AND come to mean just about everything, it ends up meaning hardly anything. Policy change is crucial—-focus on the socially-constructed nature of colonialism ignores its material power base—-the aff cedes control of Natives to the state—-T version of the aff solves because you can give Natives control over their land for alternative energyRobyn 2— part of the Anishinabe (Chippewa) nation. She receive d her Ph.D. from Western Michigan University in 1998 and is currently an assistant professor in the Criminal Justice Department at Northern Arizona University. (Linda, Indigenous Knowledge and Technology, The American Indian Quarterly 26.2 (2002) 198-220) In applying Michalowski’s analysis to the scenario occurring between the Chippewa and the corporate/ AND perfect by any means, this perspective allows for different realities and reciprocal relations Brown 9 Vincent, Prof. of History and African and African-American Studies @ Harvard Univ., December, "Social Death and Political Life in the Study of Slavery," American Historical Review, p. 1231-1249 THE PREMISE OF ORLANDO PATTERSON’S MAJOR WORK, that enslaved Africans were natally alienated and AND of becoming ’African American’ in culture, orientation, and identity."40 Clark 95—Professor of Law, Catholic University Law School. (Leroy, A Critique of Professor Derrick A. Bell’s Thesis of the Permanence of Racism and His Strategy of Confrontation, 73 Denv. U.L. Rev. 23) I must now address the thesis that there has been no evolutionary progress for blacks AND of progress,’ short-lived victories that slide into irrelevance." n51 Progress toward reducing racial discrimination and subordination has never been "automatic," if that AND occurred in the international arena, and were not exclusively under American control. With these qualifications, and a long view of history, blacks and their white allies achieved two profound and qualitatively different leaps forward toward the goal of equality: the end of slavery, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Moreover, despite open and, lately, covert resistance, black progress has never been shoved back, in a qualitative sense, to the powerlessness and abuse of periods preceding these leaps forward. n52 Clark 95—Professor of Law, Catholic University Law School. (Leroy, A Critique of Professor Derrick A. Bell’s Thesis of the Permanence of Racism and His Strategy of Confrontation, 73 Denv. U.L. Rev. 23) Professor Bell treats the post-1960s claims of progress as an illusion: discrimination AND public as massively, and often incomprehensibly and stupidly, committed to racism. Their argument elevates white supremacy to an all-pervasive force that explains nearly all global oppression—-this conceptual expansion hides the actual practice of racism and makes breaking it down more difficult Andersen 3 – Margaret L. Andersen, Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at the University of Delaware, 2003, "Whitewashing Race: A Critical Perspective on Whiteness," in White Out: The Continuing Significance of Racism, ed Doane %26 Bonilla-Silva, p. 28 Conceptually, one of the major problems in the whiteness literature is the reification of AND historical change, the shapers of contemporary America" (1996b:153). Despite noting that there is differentiation among whites and warning against using whiteness as a AND at the same time reasserts and reinstates it (Stowe 1996:77). For example, Michael Eric Dyson suggests that whiteness is identity, ideology, and AND come to mean just about everything, it ends up meaning hardly anything. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 4 | Opponent: | Judge: DOE will limit LNG exports now because of concerns about domestic supply and demand—-the plan resolves those concerns and triggers exportsCharles Ebinger et al 12, a senior fellow and director of the Energy Security Initiative at the Brookings Institution; Kevin Massy, Assistant Director of the Energy Security Initiative at Brookings; and Govinda Avasarala, Senior Research Assistant in the Energy Security Initiative at Brookings, May 2012, "Liquid Markets: Assessing the Case for U.S. Exports of Liquefied Natural Gas," http://www.brookings.edu/~~~~/media/research/files/reports/2012/5/02%20lng%20exports%20ebinger/0502_lng_exports_ebinger.pdf From the perspective of the U.S. federal government, the issue of AND by officials from the Department of Energy, "public interest" includes: • Adequate domestic natural gas supply; • Domestic demand for natural gas proposed for export; • Economic impacts of exports (on GDP, consumers, and industry); • U.S. energy security; • Job creation; • U.S. balance of trade; • International considerations; • Environmental considerations; • Consistency with DoE~’s policy of promoting market competition through free negotiation of trade81 The first two of these criteria were addressed in Part I. The remainder focus on the various domestic and international implications of U.S. LNG exports. Domestic Implications The domestic implications of U.S. LNG exports include their impact on natural gas prices, natural gas price volatility, jobs and competitiveness, and on overall energy security. Price of domestic natural Gas The domestic price impact of natural gas exports will be a significant factor in determining AND Deloitte, ICF International, and Navigant Consulting, which published two studies. 2012 Energy information Administration study In January 2012, the EIA published a study entitled AND demand, as higher prices pushes some domestic consumers to use less gas. In the power generation and industrial sectors, the price impacts of LNG exports are AND across all fuels) in 2035 will be %2492/MWh.94 In the longer term, natural gas is itself likely to be used for more AND the electricity sector would increase by 70 percent between 2003 and 2015.96 Unlike the power sector, which continued to build natural-gas fired generation during AND case exports can be seen as providing a benefit to the petrochemical industry. natural gas price volatility A major concern among domestic end users of natural gas is the possibility of an increase in natural gas price volatility resulting from an increase in U.S. LNG exports. As figure 8 demonstrates, the price volatility experienced during the 2000s was the highest the domestic gas market has experienced in the past three decades. The volatility of the natural gas market in the 2000s was largely caused by a AND a convergence between low U.S. prices and high international prices. There is an insufficient amount of data and quantitative research on the relationship between domestic AND for oil and gas production, gathering, and transportation. domestic energy security Aside from the price impact of potential U.S. LNG exports, a AND bi-directional import/export facilities) to import gas when economic. A further gas-related consideration with regard to energy security is the effects of AND the global power generation mix is negligible. Part III: Conclusions and Recommendations This paper has attempted to answer two questions: Are U.S. LNG AND shipping capacity, and the availability of equipment for production and qualified engineers. On the demand side, LNG exports will compete with two main other domestic end AND , this sector is unlikely to represent a significant source of gas demand. For increased U.S. LNG exports to be feasible, they will also AND their import dependence, with negative implications for existing and newcomer LNG exporters. Detailed analysis of the foregoing factors suggests that the exportation of liquefied natural gas from AND international LNG market are conducive to competitive U.S.-sourced LNG. While LNG exports may be practically feasible, they will be subject to approval by AND affect domestic demand for —and therefore domestic prices of —natural gas. Ryan Wiser 7 and Mark Bolinger, Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Can deployment of renewable energy put downward pressure on natural gas prices? Original Research Article, Energy Policy, Volume 35, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 295-306 Renewable energy has historically been supported because of its perceived economic, environmental, economic AND price effect is increasingly cited as justification for policies promoting renewable energy.1 Richard Weitz 13, senior fellow and director of the Center for Political-Military Affairs at Hudson Institute, 1/29/13, "Global Insights: Oil Sector a Challenge for Russia, Opportunity for U.S.," ~[~[http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/12672/global-insights-oil-sector-a-challenge-for-russia-opportunity-for-u-s-http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/12672/global-insights-oil-sector-a-challenge-for-russia-opportunity-for-u-s~~]~] In the view of Russians interviewed by the authors, this paucity of cooperation results from perceived impediments erected by the U.S. government. Similarly, Russian officials see the shale gas revolution as a conspiracy on the part of the United States to undermine Russia~’s role in energy markets. Absent forward momentum, the Russia-U.S. energy relationship might even AND technical assessments and environmental studies that would allow any substantial drilling to start. Bringing the project to fruition, and augmenting it with near-term cooperation on AND and Moscow, will contribute to the health of bilateral ties moving forward. Graham Allison 11, Director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard~’s Kennedy School of Government, 10/30/11, "10 reasons why Russia still matters," http://dyn.politico.com/printstory.cfm?uuid=161EF282-72F9-4D48-8B9C-C5B3396CA0E6 That central point is that Russia matters a great deal to a U.S AND Tehran to joining China in preventing U.N. Security Council resolutions. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 4 | Opponent: | Judge: VC’s shifting from solar and wind to smart grid and efficiency investments —- the sectors compete for capitalBloomberg 13, "Silicon Valley Investors Shifting to Power Grid After Solar Sours," 2-25-13, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2013/02/silicon-valley-investors-shifting-to-power-grid-after-solar-sours SAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YORK — Silicon Valley investors that helped build the solar industry are shifting cash into electricity-grid technology and energy-storage developers after bets on panel manufacturers failed to pay off. Companies including VantagePoint Capital Partners and Khosla Ventures are stepping up funding for systems to manage electricity, which are typically less capital intensive than solar-panel factories. Venture capital and private-equity financing for renewables dropped to its lowest in at least six years in 2012, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Competition for the best investments from Blackstone Group LP to Warren Buffett along with a plunge in profit from the solar and wind industries prompted the shift. It pushed Silicon Valley into taking smaller stakes in emerging technologies that help squeeze efficiency and flexibility from power supplies. "We are going through a repositioning of cleantech," said Wal van Lierop, founder of Chrysalix Energy Venture Capital, which is based in Vancouver. "The big sectors — solar, wind and LEDs — are in the process of being consolidated. They’re maturing, so they fall out of the cleantech opportunity basket. We now are trying to find the next hot spots." Investment flowing from private equity and venture capital firms into renewable energy fell 34 percent to %245.75 billion last year, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the lowest since at least 2006. That accounted for 2.2 percent of the %24268.7 billion invested in the clean energy industry, down from as much as 6.5 percent in 2008. Grid Technology Chrysalix invested in the energy-management providers Enbala Power Networks and AlertMe Ltd. Khosla funded LightSail Energy Inc., which is developing energy storage devices. "Our specialty is with large technology risk, where if the technology works there’s a big economic breakthrough," Vinod Khosla, the billionaire founder of Khosla Ventures in Menlo Park, California, said in an interview. "That’s what we keep looking for in all areas." Alan Salzman, chief executive officer of VantagePoint Capital Partners, said systems that allow energy to be used more efficiently and help the grid cope with variable supplies from wind and solar plants represent the richest new areas. Energy storage is "an essential component" for renewable energy to thrive, Salzman said. "That’s an area that has been hugely underserved historically that we think remains hugely interesting," he said. Energy Efficiency VantagePoint, based in San Bruno, California, backed Next Step Living Inc. and Tendril Networks Inc., which developed energy-efficiency software to reduce power consumption. "One of the disappointments in the U.S. is that our utility smart-grid deployments have really slowed," Salzman said. Deployments have "shifted overseas right now, away from the U.S., because of our regulatory environment," he said. "It doesn’t mean that our archaic system — see Hurricane Sandy — isn’t ripe for updating." So-called energy smart technologies including efficiency products and equipment for the electricity grid amounted to %242.2 billion of the clean energy investment from venture capital and private equity tracked last year by New Energy Finance. The category accounted for 38 percent of VC/PE funding for clean energy last year, up from 15 percent in 2008. Renewables Dwindling Profits have drained away from renewable energy in the past three years as manufacturing capacity surged quicker than demand. Solar cell prices plunged 74 percent since the end of 2010 to 40 cents from %241.46 for each watt of capacity. The cost of installing wind turbines on land fell 15 percent to %2481.44 per megawatt of capacity since mid-2009, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimates. That reduced the industry’s attractiveness for venture capital companies. With solar, now that the technology is proven, the industry’s biggest challenge is driving down costs, said Raj Prabhu, managing partner at Mercom Capital Group in Austin, Texas. Solves competitiveness, economic collapse, and giant blackoutsStephen Chu, Nobel Prize in Physics, 12 ~["America’s Competitiveness Depends on a 21st Century Grid," May 30, Energy.Gov, http://energy.gov/articles/america-s-competitiveness-depends-21st-century-grid~~] PMA=Power Marketing Administrations Upgrades are Key to American Competitiveness¶ The leadership of the PMAs is critically important AND flexible and resilient electric grid and establish much greater coordination among system operators. Andres and Breetz 11 Richard Andres, Professor of National Security Strategy at the National War College and a Senior Fellow and Energy and Environmental Security and Policy Chair in the Center for Strategic Research, Institute for National Strategic Studies, at the National Defense University, and Hanna Breetz, doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Small Nuclear Reactorsfor Military Installations:Capabilities, Costs, andTechnological Implications, pdf The DOD interest in small reactors derives largely from problems with base and logistics vulnerability AND in order to win an ongoing battle or war would be greatly reduced. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Agency discussions are essential to education about energy policy Valentine 10 Scott Victor Valentine - Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore, “Canada’s constitutional separation of (wind) power” Energy Policy, Volume 38, Issue 4, April 2010, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421509009227 Should policymakers facilitate … development is merited. b) Policy is made entirely through specification of a single agency or program Melia 5 – Thomas O. Melia, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Director of Research at the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown, September 2005, “The Democracy Bureaucracy: The Infrastructure of American Democracy Promotion,” http://www.princeton.edu/~ppns/papers/democracy_bureaucracy.pdf This paper is a … often can be. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 4 | Opponent: Wake HQ | Judge: RandD isn’t T a. Violates Energy production---it’s pre-production Koplow 4 Doug Koplow is the founder of Earth Track in Cambridge, MA. He has worked on natural resource subsidy issues for 20 years, primarily in the energy sector "Subsidies to Energy Industries" Encyclopedia of Energy Vol 5 2004www.earthtrack.net/files/Energy20Encyclopedia,20wv.pdf 3. SUBSIDIES THROUGH THE FUEL CYCLE Because no two fuel cycles are exactly the same, … final use, and accident risks. b. Violates incentives---they have to provide money to the private sector---randD is distinct CCES 9 Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (also called c2es) “Buildings and Emissions: Making the Connection” No specific date dated, most recent citation from 2009 www.c2es.org/technology/overview/buildings Policy Options to … computer-based building analysis. c. At best they’re indirect which means they’re FX---this cards draws a predictable limit and brightline GSWH 11 Global Solar Water Heating Market Transformation and Strengthening Initiative, This publication is the result of a joint effort from the following contributors: The European Solar ThermalIndustry Federation (ESTIF), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) through its Division ofTechnology, Industry and Economics (DTIE) and the Global Environment Fund (GEF). "Guidelines for policy and framework conditions" No Specific Date Cited, Most Recent Citations From 2011 www.solarthermalworld.org/files/policy_framework.pdf?download 8 Non financial incentives for … solar thermal energy. Voting issue for limits and ground---creates an unmanageable topic of new speculative tech via government research that doesn’t interact with the market Dyson et al, 3 - International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Megan, Flow: The Essentials of Environmental Flows, p. 67-68) Understanding of the term ‘incentives’ varies and economists have produced numerous typologies. A brief characterization of incentives is therefore warranted. First, the term is understood by economists as incorporating both positive and negative aspects, for example a tax that leads a consumer to give up an activity that is an incentive, not a disincentive or negative incentive. Second, although incentives are also construed purely in economic terms, incentives refer to more than just financial rewards and penalties. They are the “positive and negative changes in outcomes that individuals perceive as likely to result from particular actions taken within a set of rules in a particular physical and social context.”80 Third, it is … is practically limitless. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: 4 | Opponent: Wake HQ | Judge: Obama’s pushing comprehensive immigration reform --- it will pass, but PC’s key Global and Mail 3-29, “A lonely GOP voice for immigration reform,” http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/a-lonely-gop-voice-for-immigration-reform/article10585603/ The first test is … with Hispanic voters. Promoting renewables requires a substantial expenditure of political capital --- the link’s unique Steven Cohen 3-18, Executive Director, Columbia University's Earth Institute, “Hiding Renewables Inside the 'All of the Above' Energy Strategy Won't Work,” 3-18-13, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/steven-cohen/hiding-renewables-inside_b_2899833.html It is clear that no … change is unlikely. Ag industry’s collapsing now---immigration’s key Alfonso Serrano 12, Bitter Harvest: U.S. Farmers Blame Billion-Dollar Losses on Immigration Laws, Time, 9-21-12, http://business.time.com/2012/09/21/bitter-harvest-u-s-farmers-blame-billion-dollar-losses-on-immigration-laws/ The Broetjes and an increasing number of farmers across the country say that a complex web of local and state anti-immigration laws account for acute labor shortages. With the harvest season in full bloom, stringent immigration … to the American Farm Bureau Federation. Extinction Lugar 2k | Chairman of the Senator Foreign Relations Committee and Member/Former Chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee (Richard, a US Senator from Indiana, is Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and a member and former chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee. “calls for a new green revolution to combat global warming and reduce world instability,” pg online @ http://www.unep.org/OurPlanet/imgversn/143/lugar.html) In a world confronted … of our planet. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: 4 | Opponent: Wake HQ | Judge: VC’s shifting from solar and wind to smart grid and efficiency investments --- the sectors compete for capital Bloomberg 13, “Silicon Valley Investors Shifting to Power Grid After Solar Sours,” 2-25-13, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2013/02/silicon-valley-investors-shifting-to-power-grid-after-solar-sours SAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YORK … Capital Group in Austin, Texas. Solves competitiveness, economic collapse, and giant blackouts Stephen Chu, Nobel Prize in Physics, 12 “America’s Competitiveness Depends on a 21st Century Grid,” May 30, Energy.Gov, http://energy.gov/articles/america-s-competitiveness-depends-21st-century-grid PMA=Power Marketing Administrations Upgrades are Key to American … among system operators. Grid collapse causes nuclear war---disrupts military communication Andres and Breetz 11 Richard Andres, Professor of National Security Strategy at the National War College and a Senior Fellow and Energy and Environmental Security and Policy Chair in the Center for Strategic Research, Institute for National Strategic Studies, at the National Defense University, and Hanna Breetz, doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Small Nuclear Reactorsfor Military Installations:Capabilities, Costs, andTechnological Implications, www.ndu.edu/press/lib/pdf/StrForum/SF-262.pdf The DOD interest in … be greatly reduced. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: 4 | Opponent: Wake HQ | Judge: Commercialization AT: Economy No chance of war from economic decline---best and most recent data Daniel W. Drezner 12, Professor, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, October 2012, “The Irony of Global Economic Governance: The System Worked,” http://www.globaleconomicgovernance.org/wp-content/uploads/IR-Colloquium-MT12-Week-5_The-Irony-of-Global-Economic-Governance.pdf The final outcome addresses a dog that hasn’t barked: the effect of the Great Recession on cross-border conflict and violence. During the initial stages of the crisis, multiple analysts asserted that the financial crisis would lead states to increase their use of force as a tool for staying in power.37 Whether through greater internal repression, diversionary wars, arms races, or a ratcheting up of great power conflict, there were genuine concerns that the global economic downturn would lead to an increase in conflict. Violence in the Middle East, border disputes in the South China Sea, and even the disruptions of the Occupy movement fuel impressions of surge in global public disorder. The aggregate data suggests otherwise, however. The Institute for Economics and Peace has constructed a “Global Peace Index” annually since 2007. A key conclusion they draw from the 2012 report is that “The average level of peacefulness in 2012 is approximately the same as it was in 2007.”38 Interstate violence in particular has declined since the start of the financial crisis – as have military expenditures in most sampled countries. Other studies confirm that the Great Recession has not triggered any increase in violent conflict; the secular decline in violence that started with the end of the Cold War has not been reversed.39 Rogers Brubaker concludes, “the crisis has not to date generated the surge in protectionist nationalism or ethnic exclusion that might have been expected.”40 None of these data suggest that the global economy is operating swimmingly. Growth remains unbalanced and fragile, and has clearly slowed in 2012. Transnational capital flows remain depressed compared to pre-crisis levels, primarily due to a drying up of cross-border interbank lending in Europe. Currency volatility remains an ongoing concern. Compared to the aftermath of other postwar recessions, growth in output, investment, and employment in the developed world have all lagged behind. But the Great Recession is not like other postwar recessions in either scope or kind; expecting a standard “V”-shaped recovery was unreasonable. One financial analyst characterized the post-2008 global economy as in a state of “contained depression.”41 The key word is “contained,” however. Given the severity, reach and depth of the 2008 financial crisis, the proper comparison is with Great Depression. And by that standard, the outcome variables look impressive. As Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff concluded in This Time is Different: “that its macroeconomic outcome has been only the most severe global recession since World War II – and not even worse – must be regarded as fortunate.”42 AT: Manufacturing US manufacturing is high and resilient---it can adapt to shocks to the system Skie 9-6 – Erik Skie, Manufacturing and Distribution Managing Partner at CliftonLarsonAllen, law firm, September 6th, 2012, “Survey Shows Resilient Manufacturing Sector Is Adapting to New Environment” www.cliftonlarsonallen.com/Manufacturing/Survey-Shows-Resilient-Manufacturing-Sector-Is-Adapting-to-New-Environment.aspx Over the last several decades, U.S. manufacturers have faced an onslaught of challenges that had led many to predict the eventual demise of U.S. manufacturing. As recently as five years ago, the conventional wisdom was that the United States could not compete with the low labor costs in countries like China, Vietnam, and India. In addition, purchasing tactics like those implemented by the “big three” auto companies underscored the perspective that life as a manufacturer would be precarious at best.¶ The dynamic shifts in this industry are almost unparalleled in any other sector of our economy. Interestingly, though, in a recent survey of almost 400 small to mid-sized manufacturers across the country, most have returned to financial stability after the Great Recession and are focused on future opportunities.¶ Stiff competition has produced a U.S. manufacturing base that is innovative, adaptable, and resilient in the face of adversity. Since August 2009, the Institute of Supply Chain Management’s (ISM) Manufacturing Production Index (PMI), a measure of manufacturing activity in the United States, has shown expansion for 33 of the past 35 months.¶ Here are some survey respondents’ observations on opportunities and challenges in today’s manufacturing industry.¶ Expanding domestic sales¶ Over the past decade the trend has been to send work to low cost-producers overseas. However, the anticipated profit improvements of off-shoring, which are primarily driven by lower wages, have sometimes been elusive due to collateral issues like longer lead times, less flexibility, and the need to carry more inventory. While there is still a clear role for overseas production, more companies have turned to re-shoring in the past 24 months for their more complex, design intensive, lower volume, and higher mix products. The need for supply chain intimacy is creating renewed demand for flexible, responsive U.S. domestic production.¶ International sales¶ The U.S. manufacturing base has been the home for tremendous product innovations for many years. As globalization has increased, the middle class in places like China is growing rapidly and turning a once producer-only economy into a nation of consumers. China’s increased consumption of U.S. brands and technology has been a blessing for U.S. manufacturers like General Motors. The aerospace industry is benefitting as well, with Boeing seeing significant backlog for their products in China. AT: Protectionism The public won’t tolerate protectionism/lashout Daniel W. Drezner 12, Professor, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, October 2012, “The Irony of Global Economic Governance: The System Worked,” http://www.globaleconomicgovernance.org/wp-content/uploads/IR-Colloquium-MT12-Week-5_The-Irony-of-Global-Economic-Governance.pdf Another salient outcome is mass public attitudes about the global economy. A general assumption in public opinion research is that during a downturn, demand for greater economic closure should spike, as individuals scapegoat foreigners for domestic woes. The global nature of the 2008 crisis, combined with anxiety about the shifting distribution of power, should have triggered a fall in support for an open global economy. Somewhat surprisingly, however, the reverse is true. Pew’s Global Attitudes Project has surveyed a wide spectrum of countries since 2002, asking people about their opinions on both international trade and the free market more generally.35 The results show resilient support for expanding trade and business ties with other countries. 24 countries were surveyed in both 2007 and in at least one year after 2008, including a majority of the G-20 economies. Overall, 18 of those 24 countries showed equal or greater support for trade in 2009 than two years earlier. By 2011, 20 of 24 countries showed greater or equal support for trade compared to 2007. Indeed, between 2007 and 2012, the unweighted average support for more trade in these countries increased from 78.5% to 83.6%. Contrary to expectation, there has been no mass public rejection of the open global economy. Indeed, public support for the open trading system has strengthened, despite softening public support for freemarket economics more generally.36 CO2 Ag Best CO2 fertilization card yet Craig Idso 7, founder and chairman of the board of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Geophysical Union, American Meteorological Society, Arizona-Nevada Academy of Sciences, and Association of American Geographers; and Sherwood Idso, research physicist with the USDA's Agricultural Research Service at the US Water Conservation Laboratory and adjunct professor at the ASU Office of Climatology; June 6, 2007, “Carbon Dioxide and Global Change: Separating Scientific Fact from Personal Opinion,” online: http://heartland.org/sites/all/modules/custom/heartland_migration/files/pdfs/21556.pdf How much land can ten billion people spare for nature? This provocative question was posed by Waggoner (1995) in an insightful essay wherein he explored the dynamic tension that exists between the need for land to support the agricultural enterprises that sustain mankind, and the need for land to support the natural ecosystems that sustain all other creatures. This challenge of meeting our future food needs – and not decimating the rest of the biosphere in the process – was stressed even more strongly by Huang et al. (2002), who wrote that humans “have encroached on almost all of the world's frontiers, leaving little new land that is cultivatable.” And in consequence of humanity's usurpation of this most basic of natural resources, Raven (2002) stated in his Presidential Address to the American Association for the Advancement of Science that “species-area relationships, taken worldwide in relation to habitat destruction, lead to projections of the loss of fully two-thirds of all species on earth by the end of this century.” In a more detailed analysis of the nature and implications of this impending “global landgrab” – which moved it closer to the present by a full half-century – Tilman et al. (2001) concluded that the task of meeting the doubled world food demand, which they calculated would exist in the year 2050, would likely exact a toll that “may rival climate change in environmental and societal impacts.” But how could something so catastrophic manifest itself so soon? Tilman and his nine collaborators shed some light on this question by noting that at the end of the 20th century mankind was already appropriating “more than a third of the production of terrestrial ecosystems and about half of usable freshwaters.” Now, think of doubling those figures, in order to meet the doubled global food demand that Tilman et al. predict for the year 2050. The results suggest that a mere 43 years from now mankind will be appropriating more than two thirds of terrestrial ecosystem production plus all of earth’s remaining usable freshwater, as has also been discussed by Wallace (2000). In terms of land devoted to agriculture, Tilman et al. calculate a much less ominous 18% increase by the year 2050. However, because most developed countries are projected to withdraw large areas of land from farming over the next fifty years, the loss of natural ecosystems to crops and pastures in developing countries will amount to about half of their remaining suitable land, which would, in the words of the Tilman team, “represent the worldwide loss of natural ecosystems larger than the United States.” What is more, they say that these land usurpations “could lead to the loss of about a third of remaining tropical and temperate forests, savannas, and grasslands.” And in a worrisome reflection upon the consequences of these land-use changes, they remind us that “species extinction is an irreversible impact of habitat destruction.” What can be done to avoid this horrific situation? In a subsequent analysis, Tilman et al. (2002) introduced a few more facts before suggesting some solutions. First of all, they noted that by 2050 the human population of the globe is projected to be 50% larger than it was just prior to the writing of their paper, and that global grain demand by 2050 could well double, due to expected increases in per capita real income and dietary shifts toward a higher proportion of meat. Hence, they but stated the obvious when they concluded that “raising yields on existing farmland is essential for ‘saving land for nature’.” So how can this readily-defined but Herculean task be accomplished? Tilman et al. proposed a strategy that focuses on three essential efforts: (1) increasing crop yield per unit of land area, (2) increasing crop yield per unit of nutrients applied, and (3) increasing crop yield per unit of water used. With respect to the first of these efforts – increasing crop yield per unit of land area – the researchers note that in many parts of the world the historical rate-of-increase in crop yield is declining, as the genetic ceiling for maximal yield potential is being approached. This observation, in their estimation, “highlights the need for efforts to steadily increase the yield potential ceiling.” With respect to the second effort – increasing crop yield per unit of nutrients applied – they note that “without the use of synthetic fertilizers, world food production could not have increased at the rate that it did in the past and more natural ecosystems would have been converted to agriculture.” Hence, they say that the ultimate solution “will require significant increases in nutrient use efficiency, that is, in cereal production per unit of added nitrogen.” Finally, with respect to the third effort – increasing crop yield per unit of water used – Tilman et al. note that “water is regionally scarce,” and that “many countries in a band from China through India and Pakistan, and the Middle East to North Africa either currently or will soon fail to have adequate water to maintain per capita food production from irrigated land.” Increasing crop water use efficiency, therefore, is also a must. Although the impending man vs. nature crisis and several important elements of its potential solution are thus well defined, Tilman and his first set of collaborators concluded that “even the best available technologies, fully deployed, cannot prevent many of the forecasted problems.” This was also the finding of Idso and Idso (2000), who concluded that although “expected advances in agricultural technology and expertise will significantly increase the food production potential of many countries and regions,” these advances “will not increase production fast enough to meet the demands of the even faster-growing human population of the planet.” How can we prevent this unthinkable catastrophe from occurring, especially when it has been concluded by highly-credentialed researchers that earth possesses insufficient land and freshwater resources to forestall it, while simultaneously retaining any semblance of the natural world and its myriad animate creations? Although the task may appear next to impossible to accomplish, it can be done; for we have a powerful ally in the ongoing rise in the atmosphere’s CO2 concentration that can provide what we can't. Since atmospheric CO2 is the basic “food” of nearly all plants, the more of it there is in the air, the better they function and the more productive they become. For a 300-ppm increase in the atmosphere's CO2 concentration above the planet’s current base level of slightly less than 400 ppm, for example, the productivity of earth's herbaceous plants rises by something on the order of 30% (Kimball, 1983; Idso and Idso, 1994), while the productivity of its woody plants rises by something on the order of 50% (Saxe et al., 1998; Idso and Kimball, 2001). Thus, as the air's CO2 content continues to rise, so too will the productive capacity or land-use efficiency of the planet continue to rise, as the aerial fertilization effect of the upward-trending atmospheric CO2 concentration boosts the growth rates and biomass production of nearly all plants in nearly all places. In addition, elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations typically increase plant nutrient-use efficiency in general – and nitrogen-use efficiency in particular – as well as plant wateruse efficiency, as may be verified by perusing the many reviews of scientific journal articles we have produced on these topics and archived in the Subject Index of our website (www.co2science.org). Consequently, with respect to fostering all three of the plant physiological phenomena that Tilman et al. (2002) contend are needed to prevent the catastrophic consequences they foresee for the planet just a few short decades from now, a continuation of the current upward trend in the atmosphere's CO2 concentration would appear to be essential. In the case we are considering here, for example, the degree of crop yield enhancement likely to be provided by the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration expected to occur between 2000 and 2050 has been calculated by Idso and Idso (2000) to be sufficient – but only by the slightest of margins – to compensate for the huge differential that is expected to otherwise prevail between the supply and demand for food earmarked for human consumption just 43 years from now. Consequently, letting the evolution of technology take its natural course, with respect to anthropogenic CO2 emissions, would appear to be the only way we will ever be able to produce sufficient agricultural commodities to support ourselves in the year 2050 without the taking of unconscionable amounts of land and freshwater resources from nature and decimating the biosphere in the process. AT: Warming No impact---mitigation and adaptation will solve---no tipping point or “1% risk” args Robert O. Mendelsohn 9, the Edwin Weyerhaeuser Davis Professor, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, June 2009, “Climate Change and Economic Growth,” online: http://www.growthcommission.org/storage/cgdev/documents/gcwp060web.pdf The heart of the debate about climate change comes from a number of warnings from scientists and others that give the impression that human-induced climate change is an immediate threat to society (IPCC 2007a,b; Stern 2006). Millions of people might be vulnerable to health effects (IPCC 2007b), crop production might fall in the low latitudes (IPCC 2007b), water supplies might dwindle (IPCC 2007b), precipitation might fall in arid regions (IPCC 2007b), extreme events will grow exponentially (Stern 2006), and between 20–30 percent of species will risk extinction (IPCC 2007b). Even worse, there may be catastrophic events such as the melting of Greenland or Antarctic ice sheets causing severe sea level rise, which would inundate hundreds of millions of people (Dasgupta et al. 2009). Proponents argue there is no time to waste. Unless greenhouse gases are cut dramatically today, economic growth and well‐being may be at risk (Stern 2006). These statements are largely alarmist and misleading. Although climate change is a serious problem that deserves attention, society’s immediate behavior has an extremely low probability of leading to catastrophic consequences. The science and economics of climate change is quite clear that emissions over the next few decades will lead to only mild consequences. The severe impacts predicted by alarmists require a century (or two in the case of Stern 2006) of no mitigation. Many of the predicted impacts assume there will be no or little adaptation. The net economic impacts from climate change over the next 50 years will be small regardless. Most of the more severe impacts will take more than a century or even a millennium to unfold and many of these “potential” impacts will never occur because people will adapt. It is not at all apparent that immediate and dramatic policies need to be developed to thwart long‐range climate risks. What is needed are long‐run balanced responses. No extinction from climate change NIPCC 11 – the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, an international panel of nongovernment scientists and scholars, March 8, 2011, “Surviving the Unprecedented Climate Change of the IPCC,” online: http://www.nipccreport.org/articles/2011/mar/8mar2011a5.html In a paper published in Systematics and Biodiversity, Willis et al. (2010) consider the IPCC (2007) "predicted climatic changes for the next century" -- i.e., their contentions that "global temperatures will increase by 2-4°C and possibly beyond, sea levels will rise (1 m ± 0.5 m), and atmospheric CO2 will increase by up to 1000 ppm" -- noting that it is "widely suggested that the magnitude and rate of these changes will result in many plants and animals going extinct," citing studies that suggest that "within the next century, over 35% of some biota will have gone extinct (Thomas et al., 2004; Solomon et al., 2007) and there will be extensive die-back of the tropical rainforest due to climate change (e.g. Huntingford et al., 2008)." On the other hand, they indicate that some biologists and climatologists have pointed out that "many of the predicted increases in climate have happened before, in terms of both magnitude and rate of change (e.g. Royer, 2008; Zachos et al., 2008), and yet biotic communities have remained remarkably resilient (Mayle and Power, 2008) and in some cases thrived (Svenning and Condit, 2008)." But they report that those who mention these things are often "placed in the 'climate-change denier' category," although the purpose for pointing out these facts is simply to present "a sound scientific basis for understanding biotic responses to the magnitudes and rates of climate change predicted for the future through using the vast data resource that we can exploit in fossil records." Going on to do just that, Willis et al. focus on "intervals in time in the fossil record when atmospheric CO2 concentrations increased up to 1200 ppm, temperatures in mid- to high-latitudes increased by greater than 4°C within 60 years, and sea levels rose by up to 3 m higher than present," describing studies of past biotic responses that indicate "the scale and impact of the magnitude and rate of such climate changes on biodiversity." And what emerges from those studies, as they describe it, "is evidence for rapid community turnover, migrations, development of novel ecosystems and thresholds from one stable ecosystem state to another." And, most importantly in this regard, they report "there is very little evidence for broad-scale extinctions due to a warming world." In concluding, the Norwegian, Swedish and UK researchers say that "based on such evidence we urge some caution in assuming broad-scale extinctions of species will occur due solely to climate changes of the magnitude and rate predicted for the next century," reiterating that "the fossil record indicates remarkable biotic resilience to wide amplitude fluctuations in climate." AT: Oceans No ocean acidification impact---CO2’s impact is positive on most marine life Craig Idso et al 12, founder and chairman of the board of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Geophysical Union, American Meteorological Society, Arizona-Nevada Academy of Sciences, and Association of American Geographers; Sherwood Idso, research physicist with the USDA's Agricultural Research Service at the US Water Conservation Laboratory and adjunct professor at the ASU Office of Climatology; and Keith Idso, Vice President of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, July 11, 2012, “The Potential for Adaptive Evolution to Enable the World's Most Important Calcifying Organism to Cope with Ocean Acidification,” CO2 Science, Vol. 15, No. 28 In an important paper published in the May 2012 issue of Nature Geoscience, Lohbeck et al. write that "our present understanding of the sensitivity of marine life to ocean acidification is based primarily on short-term experiments," which often depict negative effects. However, they go on to say that phytoplanktonic species with short generation times "may be able to respond to environmental alterations through adaptive evolution." And with this tantalizing possibility in mind, they studied, as they describe it, "the ability of the world's single most important calcifying organism, the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi, to evolve in response to ocean acidification in two 500-generation selection experiments." Working with freshly isolated genotypes from Bergen, Norway, the three German researchers grew them in batch cultures over some 500 asexual generations at three different atmospheric CO2 concentrations - ambient (400 ppm), medium (1100 ppm) and high (2200 ppm) - where the medium CO2 treatment was chosen to represent the atmospheric CO2 level projected for the beginning of the next century. This they did in a multi-clone experiment designed to provide existing genetic variation that they said "would be readily available to genotypic selection," as well as in a single-clone experiment that was initiated with one "haphazardly chosen genotype," where evolutionary adaptation would obviously require new mutations. So what did they learn? Compared with populations kept at ambient CO2 partial pressure, Lohbeck et al. found that those selected at increased CO2 levels "exhibited higher growth rates, in both the single- and multi-clone experiment, when tested under ocean acidification conditions." Calcification rates, on the other hand, were somewhat lower under CO2-enriched conditions in all cultures; but the research team reports that they were "up to 50% higher in adapted medium and high CO2 compared with non-adapted cultures." And when all was said and done, they concluded that "contemporary evolution could help to maintain the functionality of microbial processes at the base of marine food webs in the face of global change our italics." In other ruminations on their findings, the marine biologists indicate that what they call the swift adaptation processes they observed may "have the potential to affect food-web dynamics and biogeochemical cycles on timescales of a few years, thus surpassing predicted rates of ongoing global change including ocean acidification." And they also note, in this regard, that "a recent study reports surprisingly high coccolith mass in an E. huxleyi population off Chile in high-CO2 waters (Beaufort et al., 2011)," which observation is said by them to be indicative of "across-population variation in calcification, in line with findings of rapid microevolution identified here." China AT: South China Seas No SCS escalation---China can’t project power, US intervention solves James Dobbins 12, directs the International Security and Defense Policy Center at the RAND Corporation, previously served as American Ambassador to the European Community and Assistant Secretary of State, August/September 2012, “War with China,” Survival, Vol. 54, No. 4, p. 7-24 Depending on the nature and severity of a conflict, US objectives could range from enforcing freedom of navigation against a Chinese effort to control maritime activities in the South China Sea, to helping the Philippines defend itself against an air and maritime attack, to supporting Vietnam and shielding Thailand (another treaty ally) in the event of a land war in Southeast Asia. Any likely contingency in the South China Sea or Southeast Asia would make demands on US air and naval power to assure friendly dominance of the battlespace. A war on land could create a demand for US land forces, especially special-forces and forced-entry capabilities. China’s current ability to project substantial power into the South China Sea region is limited; in particular, China’s land-based combat aircraft lack adequate range to operate efficiently so far from home. This assessment will change if China builds aircraft-carrier and air-refuelling capabilities in the coming years. Direct defence in the South China Sea and Southeast Asia should remain a viable strategy for the next 20 years. No SCS conflict escalation---economics check---our ev assumes squo instability Creehan 12 – Senior Editor of the SAIS Review of International Affairs (Sean, “Assessing the Risks of Conflict in the South China Sea,” Winter/Spring, SAIS Review, Vol. 32, No. 1) Regarding Secretary Clinton’s first requirement, the risk of actual closure of the South China Sea remains remote, as instability in the region would affect the entire global economy, raising the price of various goods and commodities. According to some estimates, for example, as much as 50 percent of global oil tanker shipments pass through the South China Sea— that represents more than three times the tanker traffic through the Suez Canal and over five times the tanker traffic through the Panama Canal.4 It is in no country’s interest to see instability there, least of all China’s, given the central economic importance of Chinese exports originating from the country’s major southern ports and energy imports coming through the South China Sea (annual U.S. trade passing through the Sea amounts to $1.2 trillion).5 Invoking the language of nuclear deterrence theory, disruption in these sea lanes implies mutually assured economic destruction, and that possibility should moderate the behavior of all participants. Furthermore, with the United States continuing to operate from a position of naval strength (or at least managing a broader alliance that collectively balances China’s naval presence in the future), the sea lanes will remain open. While small military disputes within such a balance of power are, of course, possible, the economic risks of extended conflict are so great that significant changes to the status quo are unlikely. AT: Relations No impact to U.S.-China cooperation---it’s impossible to sustain Aaron L. Friedberg 12, Professor of Politics and International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, September/October 2012, “Bucking Beijing,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 91, No. 5, p. 48-58 Recent events have raised serious doubts about both elements of this strategy. Decades of trade and talk have not hastened China's political liberalization. Indeed, the last few years have been marked by an intensified crackdown on domestic dissent. At the same time, the much-touted economic relationship between the two Pacific powers has become a major source of friction. And despite hopes for enhanced cooperation, Beijing has actually done very little to help Washington solve pressing international problems, such as North Korea's acquisition of nuclear weapons or Iran's attempts to develop them. Finally, far from accepting the status quo, China's leaders have become more forceful in attempting to control the waters and resources off their country's coasts. As for balancing, the continued buildup of China's military capabilities, coupled with impending cuts in U.S. defense spending, suggests that the regional distribution of power is set to shift sharply in Beijing's favor. WHY WE CAN'T ALL JUST GET ALONG TODAY, CHINA'S ruling elites are both arrogant and insecure. In their view, continued rule by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is essential to China's stability, prosperity, and prestige; it is also, not coincidentally, vital to their own safety and comfort. Although they have largely accepted some form of capitalism in the economic sphere, they remain committed to preserving their hold on political power. The CCP'S determination to maintain control informs the regime's threat perceptions, goals, and policies. Anxious about their legitimacy, China's rulers are eager to portray themselves as defenders of the national honor. Although they believe China is on track to become a world power on par with the United States, they remain deeply fearful of encirclement and ideological subversion. And despite Washington's attempts to reassure them of its benign intentions, Chinese leaders are convinced that the United States aims to block China's rise and, ultimately, undermine its one-party system of government.¶ Like the United States, since the end of the Cold War, China has pursued an essentially constant approach toward its greatest external challenger. For the most part, Beijing has sought to avoid outright confrontation with the United States while pursuing economic growth and building up all the elements of its "comprehensive national power," a Chinese strategic concept that encompasses military strength, technological prowess, and diplomatic influence. Even as they remain on the defensive, however, Chinese officials have not been content to remain passive. They have sought incremental advances, slowly expanding China's sphere of influence and strengthening its position in Asia while working quietly to erode that of the United States. Although they are careful never to say so directly, they seek to have China displace the United States in the long run and to restore China to what they regard as its rightful place as the preponderant regional power. Chinese strategists do not believe that they can achieve this objective quickly or through a frontal assault. Instead, they seek to reassure their neighbors, relying on the attractive force of China's massive economy to counter nascent balancing efforts against it. Following the advice of the ancient military strategist Sun-tzu, Beijing aims to "win without fighting," gradually creating a situation in which overt resistance to its wishes will appear futile. The failure to date to achieve a genuine entente between the United States and China is the result not of a lack of effort but of a fundamental divergence of interests. Although limited cooperation on specific issues might be possible, the ideological gap between the two nations is simply too great, and the level of trust between them too low, to permit a stable modus vivendi. What China's current leaders ultimately want -- regional hegemony -- is not something their counterparts in Washington are willing to give. That would run counter to an axiomatic goal of U.S. grand strategy, which has remained constant for decades: to prevent the domination of either end of the Eurasian landmass by one or more potentially hostile powers. The reasons for this goal involve a mix of strategic, economic, and ideological considerations that will continue to be valid into the foreseeable future. US solar tariffs make cooperation impossible AP 5/19/12 “Ruling adds to China trade tension: POSSIBLE U.S. TARIFFS ON SOLAR-PANEL IMPORTS MAY THREATEN CLEAN ENERGY COOPERATION,” http://www.stltoday.com/business/local/ruling-adds-to-china-trade-tension/article_c7071e82-78b7-5d95-b943-a8c6e5cc93de.html POSSIBLE U.S. TARIFFS ON SOLAR-PANEL IMPORTS MAY THREATEN CLEAN ENERGY COOPERATION¶ BEIJING • China's government on Friday rejected a U.S. antidumping ruling against its makers of solar power equipment, and Chinese manufacturers warned possible higher tariffs might hurt efforts to promote clean energy.¶ The conflict has worsened U.S.-Chinese trade tensions. The two governments have pledged to cooperate in developing renewable energy but accuse each other of violating free-trade pledges by subsidizing their own manufacturers.¶ "The U.S. ruling is unfair, and the Chinese side expresses its extreme dissatisfaction," said a Commerce Ministry spokesman, Shen Danyang, in a statement.¶ Shen warned the ruling might harm clean energy cooperation but gave no indication how Beijing might respond. Some American companies that oppose the trade probe have warned China might retaliate against U.S. suppliers. NREL AT: Rare Earth Elements No impact to Chinese rare earth metals - we’ll have a sufficient domestic supply before we successfully mine Bourzac, 10 (12/22/10, Katherine, Technology Review, “US Undermining China's Monopoly on Rare Earth Elements,” http://www.sott.net/articles/show/220384) Full operations will start at a U.S. mine by the end of next year. Molycorp has secured the permits and funding needed to restart production at a mine in Mountain Pass, California, that would become the first U.S. source of rare earth elements in more than a decade. The mine is one of the world's richest deposits of these elements, which are critical for making components found in a wide range of technologies. On Tuesday, the company announced that it will partner with Hitachi Metals of Japan to turn materials from the mine into high-strength magnets, which are vital in electric vehicles, wind turbines, and many other products. China currently has a lock on the market for rare earth materials: in 2009 it provided 95 percent of the world's supply, or 120,000 tons. This concentration of supply has become a major issue in recent months, particularly after China temporarily blocked exports of these materials to Japan in September. A Critical Materials Strategy document issued by the U.S. Department of Energy last week points to the "risk of supply disruption" in the short term. Worldwide demand for rare earth elements was 125,000 tons in 2010 and is expected to rise to 225,000 tons by 2015. The mine is a 50-acre open pit about 50 miles outside Las Vegas, surrounded by a stark landscape of red-brown mountains, Joshua trees, and the occasional cactus. Molycorp has begun draining groundwater that seeps into the bottom of the pit and removing areas of rock called "overburden" to expose a layer of bastnäsite, a mineral rich in rare earth elements. Expansion of operations will push the mine from a depth of 500 feet to 1,000 feet in the coming years. By 2012, the revamped U.S. mine is expected to produce around 20,000 tons of rare earth materials per year. Molycorp plans to use new processing techniques that it claims are more environmentally friendly and less expensive than conventional methods. The Mountain Pass mine used to be the world's biggest supplier of rare earth elements, but it closed in 2004, after a 1998 wastewater leak and the arrival of Chinese suppliers that offered lower prices. (One reason for the lower prices is that nearly half the rare earths produced in China are made as a by-product of iron mining.) Molycorp expects to sell about 3,000 tons of rare earths this year, produced from ore stockpiled before the mine was closed. It is also gearing up for active mining, with financial support from an initial public offering this summer and recent investment from Japanese firm Sumimoto. The company's total projected production could meet the current demand for rare earths in the United States. Molycorp has not disclosed who its customers will be, but CEO Mark Smith said on a tour of the mine last week that it has inked contracts to sell 25 percent of the 20,000 tons of material it expects to produce during the first year of full-scale operations, in 2012, and has letters of intent to sell the rest. "We're focused on the U.S., Japanese, and European markets," he said. Under current permits, the company could potentially double production, to 40,000 tons a year, beyond 2012. Smith says demand is likely to exceed supply for some years to come, even if Lynas Corporation's Mount Weld mine outside Perth, Australia, begins production as expected in summer 2011. That company expects to produce 15,000 tons of rare earth elements a year by 2015. AT: Primacy No impact to nuclear arsenal cuts or nuclear primacy Elkind 12 – David J. Elkind is a research intern for the Project on Nuclear Issues. May 22nd, 2012, "American Nuclear Primacy: the End of MAD or a New START?" csis.org/blog/american-nuclear-primacy-end-mad-or-new-start External to these considerations, achieving nuclear primacy would be a pyrrhic victory. The preceding analysis assumes that the United States is in possession of perfect intelligence on the locations and attributes of Russian nuclear weapons facilities and is able to carry out such an attack unhindered by air- or missile-defenses (and concludes such an attack is ill-advised despite possessing perfect information). Even if mobile missiles do not continuously patrol, it would make sense for Russia to shuttle them from one garrison to another in order to decrease Russia’s opponents’ confidence in accounting for all of them. Furthermore, Russia’s decision to deploy its mobile forces in the event of a crisis (or continuously as a matter of policy) could spark concerns in Washington that either a Russian attack is immanent or simply that United States’ confidence in a first-strike option has evaporated, creating further perceptions of insecurity and upsetting the strategic environment which, in the mind of US policymakers, has assumed nuclear primacy. What’s more, mobile deployments are a cheap, easy countermeasure that would effectively negate the confidence gained (such as any is gained) from believing that the United States has nuclear primacy. Achieving, and then maintaining, a position of primacy introduces several significant strategic concerns of its own, and would hardly enhance the security of the United States or the international system.¶ I would like to advance this line of argumentation one step further. If this model accurately reflects reality and a Liber and Press-style counterforce strike on Russia’s nuclear arsenal is unlikely to succeed, then deep cuts to the nuclear arsenal and the decision to abandon counterforce targeting gains credibility. That is, deep cuts to the nuclear arsenal would not mean abandoning counterforce doctrine because that has already happened. Simply put, attempting the counterforce attack would include an inescapable risk to the United States – and we can rest easier knowing that this is the case. Nuclear modernization isn’t k2 deterrence Travis Sharp 10, Research Associate at the Center for a New American Security, “The Numbers Game”, Nukes of Hazard, Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation, 2-24, http://www.nukesofhazardblog.com/story/2010/2/24/123221/390 This complaint is regularly expressed by Keith Payne, the paragon of conservative nuclear strategists. For instance, Payne wrote last year that “informed estimates about the functioning of deterrence must also include assessments of opponent decision-making processes, values, intentions, histories, levels of determination, goals, stakes and worldviews.” Since deterrence is not a quantifiable or scientific outcome, Payne concluded,¶ In the contemporary strategic environment, it is impossible to provide high-confidence, quantitatively precise and enduring answers to the question “how much is enough” for deterrence. The familiar game of linking some specific number of nuclear weapons with confidence in deterrence and the adequacy of U.S. strategic forces in general remains popular, but it now is unsupportable…even if done rigorously, identifying the requirements for deterrence is an incomplete basis for defining the necessary parameters for U.S. strategic forces in general.¶ Before considering whether this “numbers game” critique is justified, a comment is needed on Bolton’s and Payne’s methodology. Deterrence indubitably involves historical, cultural, psychological, and political calculations, as Payne suggests. NOH readers should recognize, however, that predicating deterrence on potential adversaries’ values, goals, stakes, and worldviews allows Bolton and Payne to configure U.S. nuclear forces according to how evil they perceive other countries to be. Do we really want to dismiss targeting-based deterrence analyses, such as Cimbala’s JFQ article and Lieber’s and Press’s Foreign Affairs appendix, as mere Cold War remnants and replace them with 1 inflammatory Ahmadinejad quote = 1 credible limited U.S. counterforce option? Payne is arguing, laudably, for recognizing deterrence’s complexity. Yet will an injection of red-blooded Manichaeism make U.S. nuclear policy more effective? I doubt it.¶ Payne is right that it is difficult to formulate “quantitatively precise” answers to deterrence questions, but that uncertainty doesn’t necessarily justify rounding up to the larger U.S. nuclear arsenal he would prefer. As Charles Glaser convincingly put it, “Deterrence is likely to be effective because, as was argued extensively during the Cold War, even relatively little credibility is sufficient when the costs of retaliation are so large.” In other words, a little nuke still goes a long way. Primacy Bad Primacy causes global arms races and nuclear war---perception of increased US capability causes enemies to preemptively strike first---also causes shifts in nuclear posture that causes unauthorized and accidental launch Elkind 12 – David J. Elkind is a research intern for the Project on Nuclear Issues. May 22nd, 2012, "American Nuclear Primacy: the End of MAD or a New START?" csis.org/blog/american-nuclear-primacy-end-mad-or-new-start Concluding Remarks¶ ¶ These results show that the United States cannot reasonably claim to have obtained nuclear primacy. Reductions in the two nations’ respective arsenals, coupled with the large number of Russian targets collaborate to make it exceptionally difficult to destroy the Russian arsenal in a counterforce first strike. Even though my results demonstrate a modest level of confidence in the baseline scenario, I believe that mutually assured destruction remains in place. Because the costs of even a single Russian warhead surviving would have such devastating consequences for the United States, I do not believe that any President or military planner would care to wager America’s most populous cities in conducting a nuclear first strike. While these results speak to the purely military considerations of that choice, the political, ethical and humanitarian considerations likewise make such an action highly unlikely.¶ ¶ Even though this article concludes that the US could not carry out a counterforce strike on the Russian arsenal in 2012, and therefore does not possess nuclear primacy, this should not be interpreted as a call to restart the arms race or otherwise acquire primacy. Liber and Press write that “the shift in the nuclear balance could significantly damage relations among the great powers and increase the probability of nuclear war,” and outline a variety of possible mechanisms by which this could come to pass and present rebuttals to counterarguments (interested readers should refer to Lieber and Press, “The End of MAD?” 31-38). To bridge the gap in nuclear capabilities, Russia and China may undertake perilous activities to restore the nuclear balance, such as pre-delegated launch authority, a launch-on-warning posture, or larger nuclear arsenals. Pre-delegated launch authority increases the risk of unauthorized nuclear use; Cold War experience confirms that launch-on-warning postures are vulnerable to false alarms initiating a counter-attack to imaginary missiles; arms races carry the risk that one side will perceive that it has gained the upper hand and undertake a nuclear first use. Furthermore, nuclear primacy carries considerable risks in times of crisis. In the event of a political crisis or a conventional war between the US and a rival power, the threat of a disarming strike by the United States may predispose the rival to land the first blow while it still has the means to do so. In this way, having a reduced confidence in the ability of the US to carry out a first strike should be read as a stabilizing feature of international politics, as strategic stability (if it had ever departed) has been restored as a pillar of the international system.¶ ¶ External to these considerations, achieving nuclear primacy would be a pyrrhic victory. The preceding analysis assumes that the United States is in possession of perfect intelligence on the locations and attributes of Russian nuclear weapons facilities and is able to carry out such an attack unhindered by air- or missile-defenses (and concludes such an attack is ill-advised despite possessing perfect information). Even if mobile missiles do not continuously patrol, it would make sense for Russia to shuttle them from one garrison to another in order to decrease Russia’s opponents’ confidence in accounting for all of them. Furthermore, Russia’s decision to deploy its mobile forces in the event of a crisis (or continuously as a matter of policy) could spark concerns in Washington that either a Russian attack is immanent or simply that United States’ confidence in a first-strike option has evaporated, creating further perceptions of insecurity and upsetting the strategic environment which, in the mind of US policymakers, has assumed nuclear primacy. What’s more, mobile deployments are a cheap, easy countermeasure that would effectively negate the confidence gained (such as any is gained) from believing that the United States has nuclear primacy. Achieving, and then maintaining, a position of primacy introduces several significant strategic concerns of its own, and would hardly enhance the security of the United States or the international system.¶ ¶ I would like to advance this line of argumentation one step further. If this model accurately reflects reality and a Liber and Press-style counterforce strike on Russia’s nuclear arsenal is unlikely to succeed, then deep cuts to the nuclear arsenal and the decision to abandon counterforce targeting gains credibility. That is, deep cuts to the nuclear arsenal would not mean abandoning counterforce doctrine because that has already happened. Simply put, attempting the counterforce attack would include an inescapable risk to the United States – and we can rest easier knowing that this is the case. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: China’s leading clean tech development now---it’s zero-sum with U.S. renewable development---key to Chinese growth, CCP stability, Chinese soft power, and warming McMahon 13 Tamsin is a reporter for the National Post. “How China is going to save the world,” 1/27, http://www2.macleans.ca/2013/01/27/business/ China’s ongoing struggles …renewable energy technology. China’s economic rise prevents CCP instability and lashout --- decline tubes the global economy, US primacy, and Sino relations Mead 9 Walter Russell Mead, Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, “Only Makes You Stronger,” The New Republic, 2/4/9, http://www.tnr.com/story_print.html?id=571cbbb9-2887-4d81-8542-92e83915f5f8 The greatest danger both to … the growth stops. Extinction Yee and Storey 2 Herbert is a Professor of Politics and IR @ Hong Kong Baptist University, and Ian is a Lecturer in Defence Studies @ Deakin University. “The China Threat: Perceptions, Myths and Reality,” p. 5 The fourth factor contributing to … and the world. 2NC Chinese economic collapse causes World War III Plate 3 Tom is the Distinguished Scholar of Asian and Pacific Studies at Loyola Marymount University. Mr. Plate is a member of the Pacific Council on International Policy, the Century Association of New York and the Phi Beta Kappa Society. “WHY NOT INVADE CHINA?” June 30, The Straits Times, Lexis But imagine a China … World War III Asia-style! Chinese Growth---XT Growth Key to Prevent CCP Collapse CPP decline bypasses all defense---the economy is key---decline causes lashout Friedberg 10, Professor of Politics and International Affairs – Princeton, Asia Expert – CFR (Aaron, “Implications of the Financial Crisis for the US-China Rivalry,” Survival, Volume 52, Issue 4, August, p. 31 – 54) Despite its magnitude, Beijing's …unexpectedly aggressive, ways. Growth decline threatens CCP rule---they’ll start diversionary wars in response Shirk 7 Susan L. Shirk is an expert on Chinese politics and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State during the Clinton administration. She was in the Bureau of East Asia and Pacific Affairs (People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mongolia). She is currently a professor at the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at the University of California, San Diego. She is also a Senior Director of Albright Stonebridge Group, a global strategy firm, where she assists clients with issues related to East Asia. “China: Fragile Superpower,” Book By sustaining high …endanger Party rule. Chinese Growth---XT CCP Collapse--War CCP instability causes a nationalist takeover and a lashout resulting in war over Taiwan James Paradise, contributing writer, citing Susan Shirk, a professor at UC San Diego’s Graduate School of IR and Pacific Studies. “Underestimating China's "resilient authoritarianism"?”, ASIA MEDIA NEWS DAILY, May 1, 2007, http://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/article-eastasia.asp?parentid=68978) Susan L. Shirk goes a long way to … least moderately, resilient. Turns Taiwan China growth key to preventing Taiwan invasion an global depression Lewis 7 Dan, Director of the Economic Research Council, “The Nightmare of a Chinese Economic Collapse,” World Finance, 4-19-07, http://www.worldfinance.com/news/137/ARTICLE/1144/2007-04-19.html According to Professor …he was just early. Chinese Growth---Global Economy Impact China’s key to the global economy Eichengreen et al. 11-Barry Eichengreen is George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee Professor of Economics and Political Science, University of California, Berkeley,a Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Research Fellow, Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, United Kingdom, Kwanho Shin is a professor in the Department of Economics, Korea University, and Donghyun Park is Principal Economist at the Economics and Research Department of the Asian Development Bank, March 2011, "WHEN FAST GROWING ECONOMIES SLOW DOWN: INTERNATIONAL EVIDENCE AND IMPLICATIONS FOR CHINA", NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH, http://www.nber.org/papers/w16919.pdf?new_window=1 In addition, the large and … has close trade linkages with China. Chinese Growth---Turns Warming Only Chinese clean tech leadership solves global environmental sustainability and runaway warming---they’re uniquely suited to South-South collaboration that spreads clean tech globally through the developing world Changhua Wu 12, Greater China Director, The Climate Group, July 2012, “CONSENSUS AND COOPERATION FOR A CLEAN REVOLUTION,” http://thecleanrevolution.org/_assets/files/TCG_ChinaCC_web.pdf The global environmental …development and deployment. Chinese Growth---Relations/Warming Chinese growth key to peaceful integration and relations Edward S. Steinfeld 2010 is Associate Professor of Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology PLAYING OUR GAME Why China’s Economic Rise Doesn’t Threaten the West p 229 At least eight successive … it is in the world’s interest. Chinese SoPo---Korean War Scenario Chinese soft power key to solve Korean conflict Shambaugh 4 (David Shambaugh, Director of the China Policy Program in the Elliott School of International Affairs and Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at The George Washington University, The Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, International Security, “China Engages Asia; Reshaping the Regional Order”) China's strategy for … in the talks. Nuclear war Chol 11 Kim Myong Chol is author of a number of books and papers in Korean, Japanese and English on North Korea, including Kim Jong-il's Strategy for Reunification. He has a PhD from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's Academy of Social Sciences "Dangerous games" Aug 20 www.atimes.com/atimes/Korea/MH20Dg01.html The divided and heavily … as 150-180 H-bombs. Uniqueness---Chinese Growth---AT: Inflation/Overheating No overheating WSJ 12-9, MarketWatch, “China’s inflation not such a worry for now”, http://blogs.marketwatch.com/thetell/2012/12/09/chinas-inflation-not-such-a-worry-for-now/ Chinese data out Sunday … for social stability.” Their ev is overly-pessimistic---China’s growth is strong Ezrati 2/1 Milton is an economics writer at On Wall Street. “China's Economy Looking More Secure,” 2013, http://www.onwallstreet.com/ows_issues/23_2/china-s-economic-outlook-looking-more-secure-2682937-1.html It seems China's economic … through equity purchases. Zero Sum---General (Not-Techy) China’s ahead in clean tech development now and it’s zero sum---key to their economic growth Bennhold 10 Katrin is a writer for the New York Times. “Race Is on to Develop Green, Clean Technology,” Jan 29, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/30/business/global/30davos.html?dbkand_r=0 DAVOS, SWITZERLAND — It is shaping … markets are well-placed.” China’s leading now but renewable incentives in the US reverse it---nothing else thumps the link Ron Pernick 11, Managing Director, Clean Edge, “The Future of Clean Tech and Why I Can't Stop Thinking About China”, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2011/11/the-future-of-clean-tech-and-why-i-cant-stop-thinking-about-china The China Development Bank …doing nothing less. Zero-Sum---Supply Chain/Firm Relocation The whole supply chain follows demand---means leadership is zero-sum---if they solve their advantages they definitely link to the DA Caperton et al 11 Richard W. Caperton is a Policy Analyst with the Energy Opportunity team at the Center for American Progress; Kate Gordon is Vice President for Energy Policy at the Center; Bracken Hendricks is a Senior Fellow at the Center; and Daniel J. Weiss is a Senior Fellow and Director of Climate Strategy at the Center. “Helping America Win the Clean Energy Race,” Feb 7, http://www.americanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/issues/2011/02/pdf/ces_brief.pdf This is no way to build a modern industry. Already … long haul. This clean energy investment gap is rapidly becoming the greatest threat to America’s technology leadership. Zero-Sum---Investment Investment is also zero-sum---plan causes flight from China by creating certainty in the US Luke Schoen 12, World Resources Institute, “CLEAN TECH’S RISE, PART I: Will the U.S. and China Reap the Mutual Benefits?”, China FAQS issue brief, April 2012, http://www.chinafaqs.org/files/chinainfo/ChinaFAQs_IssueBrief1_MutualBenefits.pdf China itself, meanwhile, … become a reality.” Uniqueness---Chinese Leadership Chinese solar is globally dominant---they’re on track to control global tech exports Solidiance 1/8 Solidiance is Asia’s premier marketing and innovation strategy consulting firm. “China’s Renewable Energy Sector: An Overview of Key Growth Sectors,” 2013, http://www.solidiance.com/whitepaper/china-renewable.pdf Chinese companies have … leading market opportunities. Huge expansion of the Chinese solar sector coming now Clean Technica 1/10 Clean Technica is the world’s largest clean energy site. “China and Renewable Energy: The Outlook For Growth,” 2013, http://cleantechnica.com/2013/01/10/china-renewable-energy-the-outlook-for-growth/ Changes to its domestic strategic plan … China Wind Energy Association, as saying. Uniqueness---AT: Domestic Demand Decreasing China’s solar demand is globally dominant---this answers every aff warrant Solidiance 3/15 Solidiance is Asia’s premier marketing and innovation strategy consulting firm. “China is the fastest growing solar … such technological opportunities. Demand growing and resilient Roca 3/8 Marc, Bloomberg. “China Drives Record Solar Growth Becoming Biggest Market,” 2013, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-03-08/china-drives-record-solar-growth-becoming-biggest-market.html The $77 billion solar-energy … help manufacturers’ margins.” |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 8 | Opponent: Idaho CI | Judge: 1NC The affirmative’s failure to advance a topical defense of federal policy undermines debate’s transformative and intellectual potential First, a limited topic of discussion that provides for equitable ground is key to productive inculcation of decision-making and advocacy skills in every and all facets of life---even if their position is contestable that’s distinct from it being valuably debatable---we do NOT force them back in the closet---this still provides room for flexibility, creativity, and innovation, but targets the discussion Steinberg and Freeley 8 *Austin J. Freeley is a Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, AND David L. Steinberg , Lecturer of Communication Studies @ U Miami, Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making pp45- Debate is a means of settling differences, so there must be a difference of … point of difference, which will be outlined in the following discussion. Limits and rules of engagement are not sameness but a self-reflexive and refining AGONISM---contestability requires minimal boundaries to prevent destabilization of political deliberation Robert W. Glover 10 Prof of Poli Sci @ UConn "Games without Frontiers?: Democratic Engagement, Agonistic Pluralism, and the Question of Exclusion" Philosophy and Social Criticism Vol. 36 Contrary to his critics, Connolly does not … continuously interrogate these restrictions. Abolishing constraints does not improve creativity---in the context of debate starting from defined constraints like the topic is better for overall creativity because innovative thinking comes from problem-solving like figuring out how to read what you want to read while still being topical Intrator 10 – David, President of The Creative Organization, October 21, 2010, “Thinking Inside the Box,” http://www.trainingmag.com/article/thinking-inside-box One of the most pernicious myths about … creating as you build your box. Second, discussion of specific policy-questions is crucial for skills development---we control uniqueness: university students already have preconceived ideological notions---government policy discussion facilitates engagement with and resolution of competing perspectives to improve social outcomes---it does NOT blame the individual for violence, but instead emphasizes individual AGENCY---it breaks out of traditional pedagogical frameworks by positing students as agents of decision-making Esberg and Sagan 12 *Jane Esberg is special assistant to the director at New York University's Center on. International Cooperation. She was the winner of 2009 Firestone Medal, AND Scott Sagan is a professor of political science and director of Stanford's Center for International Security and Cooperation “NEGOTIATING NONPROLIFERATION: Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Nuclear Weapons Policy,” 2/17 The Nonproliferation Review, 19:1, 95-108 These government or quasi-government think tank … contextualize and act on information.14 Third, switch-side is key---Effective deliberation is crucial to the activation of personal agency and is only possible in a switch-side debate format where debaters divorce themselves from ideology to engage in political contestation Patricia Roberts-Miller 3 is Associate Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Texas "Fighting Without Hatred:Hannah Ar endt ' s Agonistic Rhetoric" JAC 22.2 2003 Totalitarianism and the Competitive Space of Agonism Arendt is probably most famous for her analysis of totalitarianism … not violent, independent but not expressivist rhetoric. Effective decision-making outweighs--- Key to social improvements in every and all facets of life Steinberg and Freeley 8 *Austin J. Freeley is a Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, AND David L. Steinberg , Lecturer of Communication Studies @ U Miami, Argumentation and Debate: … reach these decisions through reasoned debate. Only portable skill---means our framework turns case Steinberg and Freeley 8 *Austin J. Freeley is a Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, AND David L. Steinberg , Lecturer of Communication Studies @ U Miami, Argumentation and Debate: Critical …vote for our favored political candidate. Effective deliberation is the lynchpin of solving all existential global problems Christian O. Lundberg 10 Professor of Communications @ University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, “Tradition of Debate in North Carolina” in Navigating Opportunity: Policy Debate in the 21st Century By Allan D. Louden, p311 The second major problem with the … democracy in an increasingly complex world. Specifically, academic debate over energy policy in the face of environmental destruction is critical to shape the direction of change and create a public consciousness shift Crist 4 (Eileen, Professor at Virginia Tech in the Department of Science and Technology, “Against the social construction of nature and wilderness”, Environmental Ethics 26;1, p 13-6, http://www.sts.vt.edu/faculty/crist/againstsocialconstruction.pdf) Yet, constructivist analyses of "nature" … at an hour that is pressingly calling us to change it. 1NC The National Debate Tournament should hold an all-inclusive forum tonight to discuss exclusion of individuals who identify as LGBTQ or who prefer not to identify within the debate community in which all individuals are allowed to freely voice their opinion. Solvency This debate doesn’t change anything about the practices they kritik --- skill development through debate is a prerequisite to transformative politics inside AND outside of the community Anderson 6—prof of English at Johns Hopkins (Amanda, The Way We Argue Now, 33-6) In some ways, this is understandable as utopian writing, with recognizable antecedents … but to issue dogmatic condemnations and approvals. Making debate SOLELY about personal narratives is self-destructive---making the judges choose between whose personal experiences are more meaningful is VIOLENT and denies the intensity of our individual experiences Subotnik 98 Professor of Law, Touro College, Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center. 7 Cornell J. L. and Pub. Pol'y 681, Lexis Having traced a major strand in the development of CRT, … default, been displaced to faculty offices and, more generally, the streets and the airwaves. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Framework Overview Debate accomplishes one thing -- to teach debaters a nuanced process for decision-making and advocacy skills about any issue – debate has the potential to inculcate very specific thinking skills when approaching any issue This only works if it follows a minimal set of structured principles---the affirmative instrumentally defending topical action and the debate following a switch-side-format---the politics of the ballot are impotent if the process is flawed Debate is only effective if it follows a model of limited democratic deliberation – there are three central features of debate that promote critical skill development Limited topic – abstract and general discussions about any socially pertinent topic might be interesting and informative – but limiting that discussion to specific policy proposals is critical to actualize the argumentative space of debate and force in depth clash and analysis that helps develop critical thinking skills-- thats Steinberg and Freely Government modeling – students have preconceived ideological notions about the government and international relations – only forcing active engagement through role playing and analyzing federal policy making can we challenge preconceived notions – that’s Esberg and Sagan Switch side debate --- defending a position, especially if it goes gainst your own belief, requires you to question your ideas and beliefs and defend every angle – divorces people from broader ideological tropes– that’s Roberts Miller 4 impacts which turn the case 1) Decision making is an essential component of daily life – it is the fundamental exportable skills and valuable regardless of whether or not we become government decision makers – learning to aggregate information and generate careful choices is key to living the best life possible– that’s Steinberg and Freely --- ability to carefully deliberate makes you a better advocate to change both screwed up structures in the debate and in life. 2) The alternative to SSD is totalitarian thought that causes atrocities---that’s Roberts-Miller---absence of agonistic interrogation causes people to become politically complacent blind to ideological tropes---the reason screwed up conservatives in Alabama etc. 3) Careful deliberation solves the root of every social and political problem -- environmental destruction to gay rights to Iraq it holds every argument to extremely rigorous standards of defense---that’s Lundberg 4) Conceded environment DA --- no new answers in the 1AR --- Crist says students in acedamia combining science about the environment and energy policy proposals percolates up from the academy to the government that is critical to sustain the ecosystem --- otherwise pollution inevitably creates structural violence 2NC---AT: Role of Ballot Their role of the ballot is a false choice --- your decision isn’t between “debate” as we present it an an inclusive activity---our counterplan and case arguments prove there are alternate ways to increase participation that we can and should pursue. We agree there are problems XXX *Their criticisms are all about people in debate and the community which our counterplan accesses better. Nothing about our framework necessitates violence --- you don’t check your subjectivity at the door --- when I’m reading a politics or oil DA I’m still Evan McCarty. Whatever topical affirmative or DA’s, K’s, or counterplans you read are going to be effected immensely by who you are and where you come from. This also answers their self-trauma arguments. 2NC---AT: Self Trauma Freedom from self-trauma can never produce political liberation---framework is necessary to create mutual conditions for contestation that allow for the transformation of political structures that result in tangible suffering Anderson 6—prof of English at Johns Hopkins (Amanda, The Way We Argue Now, 37-9) There remains yet another reason why the … risk a contingent proceduralism?). 2NC---AT: USFG = Closeting Their argument that roleplaying the USFG means you are closeting people is completely illogical nothing about trying to learn about policy requires closeting people. Policy simulation’s good---key to portable skills, breaking down expert monopoly on policy advice---which allows you to challengethe bad practices of the USFG Robert Farley 12, assistant professor at the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce at the University of Kentucky, February 29, 2012, “Teaching Crisis Decision-Making Through Simulations,” World Politics Review, online: http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/11628/over-the-horizon-teaching-crisis-decision-making-through-simulations What goes for war goes for policy other than war. …pathway to success in a public policy career. 2NC---Limits K2 Creativity Our framework strikes the “goldilocks” balance of creativity---we agree that a debate where the aff has to say the exact same thing every time would be bad---what makes debate with a resolution awesome is that the aff can take a variety of creative perspectives toward defending a topical plan without leaving the negative in the dark --- they go too far and allow the aff to talk about anything which eliminates the value of debate because it becomes 2 ships passing in the night. Finding a way to be topical increases creativity and problem-solving ability---finding a way to be creative within the resolution is more real world whenever you face a problem in life there will be certain constraints that you have to operate within. The benefits of debate can only be achieved by focusing on a stable resolution---debate’s unique from a conversation among friends where tangential relevance to the topic at hand has no implication---given the multiplicity of perspectives about the resolution, formal rules are crucial Waldron 12—Professor of Law, Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program, School of Law (Boalt Hall), and Professor of Philosophy, University of California at Berkeley (Jeremy, The Dignity of Legislation, digitalcommons.law.umaryland.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2949andcontext=mlrandsei-redir=1andreferer=http%3A%2F%2Fscholar.google.com%2Fscholar%3Fhl%3Den%26q%3Dthe%2Bdignity%2Bof%2Blegislation%26btnG%3D%26as_sdt%3D1%252C14%26as_sdtp%3D#search=%22dignity%20legislation%22) No doubt, in the course of discussion, someone … question under the auspices of text-based formality.9 ' 2NC---AT: Not an Even Playing Field Yes there will always be disparities---nothing can make debate perfectly equitable---but everyone entering a debate has the ability to win under our framework---if you work hard and craft the best arguments a tiny school can beat the largest. They delimit to the point where debate becomes an insurmountable unlevel playing field---aff can talk about whatever they want to. 2NC---AT: You Don’t Switch Sides They misunderstand the switch-side arguments we are making---you obviously can’t switch sides multiple times within a round. You become a pretty odd advocate if in the same speech you say heg good and bad, warming good and bad. You need something to switch sides around which is what the resolution provides because it is a good thing so move around. Framework isn’t just a dogmatic argument---it is a criticism about how to make debate most effective. We have lots of discussions outside of rounds about these arguments. AT: Secomb 2k None of Secomb’s indicts apply to our framework: - She says women are excluded from conversation because they’re seen as irrational---that’s obviously not something we endorse--- queers and everyone else is capable of rational argumentation
2. She says we come from different backgrounds so we can’t understand one another. That equally applies to their framework---there will always be some misunderstandings. Their framework makes it worse because debate becomes two ships passing in the night---the resolution is the best chance we have because it at least creates common understanding of what we’re debating about
Secomb’s wrong---deliberation is possible among all types of people Adolf G. Gundersen, Associate Professor of Political Science at Texas AandM, 2k, Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 106 The argument for countering partisanship at the grass roots by supporting … locus of decision making—precisely the place it is most likely to succeed. 2NC---AT: Delgado Their critique of fairness devolves into radical anti-semetism---this is an independent reason to reject Delgado and vote negative Daniel A. Farber 95, Earl R. Larson Professor of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Law, University of Minnesota, AND Suzanna Sherry, Henry J. Fletcher Professor of Law and Associate Dean of Faculty, University of Minnesota. “Is the Radical Critique of Merit Anti-Semitic?” California Law Review May, 1995 83 Calif. L. Rev. 853, lexis Several years ago, the Duke Law Journal published a … attachment to radical constructivism. In short, we accuse the theory, not the theorists, of anti-Semitism. n21 Their model of social hierarchy causes the essentialism of dominance---all evidence to the contrary requires scapegoating and conspiracy theories---devolves into totalitarian anti-semetism and turns the case Daniel A. Farber 95, Earl R. Larson Professor of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Law, University of Minnesota, AND Suzanna Sherry, Henry J. Fletcher Professor of Law and Associate Dean of Faculty, University of Minnesota. “Is the Radical Critique of Merit Anti-Semitic?” California Law Review May, 1995 83 Calif. L. Rev. 853, lexis Since merit can be difficult to identify or even to define - … is present in their conceptual apparatus. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Counterplan Debate is self-reflexive and self-correcting --- it allows the very terms and shortfalls of debate itself to be scrutinized --- your debate bad arguments prove why debate is good STANNARD, PF COMMUNICATION AND JOURNALISM, 6 MATT, “DELIBERATION, DEMOCRACY AND DEBATE”, legalcommunication.blogspot.com/2006/08/deliberation-debate-and-democracy-in.html Sometimes this means conducting deliberative polls or favoring the …process is self-reflective and at least has the potential to be self-correcting. Social science framework’s key to productive debate --- emphasis on evidence and arguments is a prerequisite to evaluating different methodologies John Gerring 1, Associate Professor of Political Science at Boston University, Social Science Methodology: A Criterial Framework, 2001, pg. 29 Whatever agreement is possible in …cumulation can reasonably be assessed. Case AT: Subjectivity It’s impossible to debate about competing moral or personal claims because neither should be judged more important or rational than the other--- framework is a prerequisite to effective discussions Edwin Bryan Portis, Professor Polisci at Texas AandM, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 2 Moral commitment, on the other … more rational than another.2 r |