| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: Gordon, Phillips, Vega The current mode of renewables production simply tries to create a greened version of economic colonialism by large, absentee corporations. Creating local ownership stakes in wind power is essential to destroy the old paradigm and foster a transition towards embracing small-scale, renewable electricity production Farrell 11 John, directs the Energy Self-Reliant States and Communities program at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, “Democratizing the Electricity System: A Vision for the 21st Century Grid”, June, p. http://atcscam.homestead.com/democratizing-electricity-system.pdf wyo-tjc While technology has helped change the economics of electricity production (in favor of renewables AND renewable energy create a positive feedback loop for more investment in renewable energy. Passive income rules and tax-based incentives strangle community wind by precluding them from the largest source of capital AND gives investment banks and corporations massive leverage over energy costs, bleeding public offers dry. Farrell 11 John, directs the Energy Self-Reliant States and Communities program at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, “Democratizing the Electricity System: A Vision for the 21st Century Grid”, June, p. http://atcscam.homestead.com/democratizing-electricity-system.pdf wyo-tjc There are many ways federal incentives for renewable energy have been biased toward large, AND cause million of dollars in overpayments of federal tax credits to bankers.89 Because energy conglomerates and big corporations control the energy sector, they ensure the occlusion of innovative, decentralized energy because it threatens its power structure. O'Leary 08 (Brian, former astronaut, Cornell professor, physics faculty member at Princeton University and visiting faculty member in technology assessment at the University of California Berkeley School of Law, Mo Udall's energy advisor and speechwriter during his 1975 Presidential campaign, author, AAAS Fellow, World Innovation Foundation Fellow, NASA group achievement award recipient, and founder of the New Energy Movement, The Energy Solution Revolution, Chapter 2. “Who’s Doing the Suppressing?” October 1, 2008, Pgs 28-29wyo-mm) The ecologists are right: how could anyone trust the energy establishment to manage new AND restaurant, we can select whatever energy system we'd like--in principle. When democracy becomes subsumed by corporations, it causes governmental corruption. Danaher 03 (Kevin, Insurrection: Citizen Challenges to Corporate Power, INTRODUCTION The Insurrection Against Corporate Power, Pgs 3-4wyo-mm) This concentration of economic power means that just a small number of giant businesses possess AND seems as if our government is a wholly owned subsidiary of Corporate America. Governmental corruption saps citizen agency, kills value to life and makes social inequality inevitable. Ionescu et al 12 (Luminiţa, George Lăzăroiu, and Gheorghe Iosif, Ionescu at Academia Romana, Scoala Postodoctorala SPODE, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania, Lăzăroiu is at Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities and Social Studies, New York/ Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania, Iosif is at the Media and Publishing Group "Economic Tribune", Contribution of Services to Economic Development, “Corruption and Bureaucracy in Public Services,” 2012, http://www.amfiteatrueconomic.ro/temp/Article_1158.pdf//wyo-mm) Uslaner states that corruption leads to less trust in other people and to more inequality AND -corruption commissions (Uslaner, 2008, p.30–249). Additionally, the centralized decision-making of neoliberalist on energy policies regimes normalizes elitist structures that make self-fulfilling prophecies more likely and subsumes deliberation from the public. Devine-Wright et al 07 (Patrick, edited by Joseph Murphy, Governing Technology for Sustainability, “Chapter 4 Energy Citizenship: Psychological Aspects of Evolution in Sustainable Energy Technologies,” 2007, pg 69wyo-mm) In sum, it is suggested that the centralized energy system is embedded within, AND prioritize policies to maintain low energy prices, consumer choice and reliable supply. And, without sustained citizen involvement, it’s impossible to deal with a host of problems that threaten survival. Carl Boggs, Professor of Social Sciences and Film Studies at National University, Los Angeles, 2000, The End of Politics, p. 244-245 The disintegration of political life in late-twentieth-century America poses a series AND vagaries of political power that will deci¬sively shape the future of human societies. Unfortunately, the status quo has prescribed a model of linear solutions to address all issues. This model fails to grapple with complex systems and creates solutions that inevitably fail when confronted with non-linearity. Jørgensen 05 (Ulrik, Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Management, Technical University of Denmark, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, “Energy sector in transition—technologies and regulatory policies in flux,” July 2005, Science Directwyo-mm) Policy measures are often discussed in idealised form without any specific institutional reference of use AND this interlinked set of models, meanings, measures and mediations of regulation. Energy issues are too complex for linear models- it’s not sufficient to homogenize issues of energy as problems needing quick tech fixes- this causes terrible prediction models and empirically leads to worse impacts. O’Neill-Carrillo et al 08 (Dr. Efraín, Dr. Agustín A. Irizarry-Rivera, Dr. José A. Colucci-Ríos, Dra. Marla Pérez-Lugo and Dr. Cecilio Ortiz-García, Conference Proceedings of Energy 2030: IEEE Conference on Global Sustainable Energy Infrastructure, “Sustainable Energy: Balancing the Economic, Environmental and Social Dimensions of Energy,” November 2008, http://www.uprm.edu/aceer/pdfs/antologia_ITEAS_2008.pdf#page=105//wyo-mm) It is important to emphasize that the transition from the dominant energy model to a AND more leveled playing field when comparing alternatives on current energy practices and technologies. Linear solutions alone fail to establish accurate, predictive models, issues, fail to recognize the context-specification of problems, and lead us to worse conclusions. Ramalingam et al 08 (Ben, Harry Jones, Toussaint Reba and John Young, Foreword by Robert Chambers, Results of ODI research presented in preliminary form for discussion and critical comment, “Exploring the science of complexity Ideas and implications for development and humanitarian efforts,” 2008, http://www.odi.org.uk/resources/docs/833.pdf//wyo-mm) Linearity describes the proportionality assumed in idealised situations where responses are proportional to forces and AND of political behaviour to generate hypotheses about causal relations between variables of interest. Leaving corporations in charge of decision-making is the life-line of centralized, linear approaches to energy- if these power structures go unchallenged, numerous scenarios for global catastrophe become inevitable. O'Leary 08 (Brian, former astronaut, Cornell professor, physics faculty member at Princeton University and visiting faculty member in technology assessment at the University of California Berkeley School of Law, Mo Udall's energy advisor and speechwriter during his 1975 Presidential campaign, author, AAAS Fellow, World Innovation Foundation Fellow, NASA group achievement award recipient, and founder of the New Energy Movement, The Energy Solution Revolution, Chapter 1. “Pigs Can Fly!” October 1, 2008, Pg 18wyo-mm) My pessimism is well-founded, because the prospect for an energy solution revolution AND from pollution, climate change, prolonged blackouts, and wars over oil. Thus the plan, The United States federal government should establish a producer payment for locally-owned wind power produced for on-site demand in the United States. This payment should be higher than the current Production Tax Credit rate for wind power. The current production tax credit creates a feedback loop of corporate domination as passive income and third-party restrictions allow massive investment banks to bleed communities dry, add-on costs and extract revenue from the tax-payers. The plan is key to break this cycle and enable local, direct ownership of wind production Morris 7 David, Institute for Self Reliance, Center for American Progress, “Energizing Rural America: Local Ownership of Renewable Energy Production is the Key”, Jan. 2007, p. http://www.americanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/issues/2007/01/pdf/rural_energy.pdf wyo-tjc Local ownership strengthens local and regional economies, yet an increasing proportion of the nation’s AND ordinary income, then the base of potential local investors would grow dramatically. Community-owned wind is not possible without the plan—it is key to open up investing options that would not be affordable otherwise Mazza 8 Patrick, Research Director, Climate Solutions, “Community Wind 101”, Sept, p. http://climatesolutions.org/resources/reports/harvesting-clean-energy/CommunityWind_101.pdf wyo-tjc Federal tax incentives including the Production Tax Credit and accelerated depreciation vital to all wind AND consider providing a program offering financial assistance targeted specifically to community wind projects. Breaking corporate hegemony over electricity and political life requires the use of market mechanisms to turn the logic of the market against itself. Electricity is a unique site for resistance because it has the potential to shift control of production from corporate domination towards local and direct democracy. But ONLY institutional action can hold the door open. Otherwise, corporate hegemony continues unchecked and will crush local and grassroots efforts Hess 11 David J., a professor of sociology at Vanderbilt University, associate director of the Vanderbilt Institute for Energy and Environment, director of tEnvironmental and Sustainability Studies, and director of undergraduate studies for sociology, Antipode, “Electricity Transformed: Neoliberalism and Local Energy in the United States”, p. aspwyo-tjc At this point one might ask an evaluative or normative question. Has the transition AND market restructuring can cause by inadvertently opening up political opportunities for redistributive politics. Localizing ownership of electricity production is a key point of disruption for neoliberal hegemony because it offers a way of enabling a return to cooperativist and progressive economic arrangements Hess 11 David J., a professor of sociology at Vanderbilt University, associate director of the Vanderbilt Institute for Energy and Environment, director of tEnvironmental and Sustainability Studies, and director of undergraduate studies for sociology, Antipode, “Electricity Transformed: Neoliberalism and Local Energy in the United States”, p. aspwyo-tjc The restructuring of electricity markets during the 1990s can be viewed as consistent with the AND consideration of the ideological dimensions of such topics would require a separate analysis. Plan is the only sufficient mechanism to overcome the complexities in complex issues like energy production- fostering increased local deliberation and decision making decenters the status quo discussion of energy that allows the public to resist domination of corporations. Hayward 09 (Bronwyn, Senior Lecturer at the University of Canterbury, Hypatia, “Let’s Talk about the Weather: Decentering Democratic Debate about Climate Change,” 2009, Wiley Online Librarywyo-mm) In 2006, Iris Marion Young gave a provocative address to the American Phi- AND injustice, encourage social learning, and build the resilience of vulnerable communities. Plan fosters better decision making by bridging the gap between top-down and bottom-up solutions- key to account for the complexity involved in participation and decision-making. Either side of the pure institutional focus and grassroots movement fails to allow for effective deliberation- and makes visible problematic power relations Nieusma 11 (edited by Gwen Ottinger and Benjamin Cohen, Technoscience and Environmental Justice: Expert Cultures in a Grassroots Movement, Chapter 5 “Middle-out Social Change: Expert-Led Development Interventions in Sri Lanka’s Energy Sector, pg 121wyo-mm) Highlighting the middle space between top-down and bottom-up approaches to environmental AND with the EJ movement; they simultaneously widen and make visible those spaces. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: First, we meet- A restriction is a regulatory constraint Farlex, ’12 (Farlex collection, Princeton University, 2012, WordNet 3.0, Print)CC restriction - an act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation) Second, counter-interp: a “Restriction” is a limitation on the use of property Texas Supreme Court ’10 CAUSE NO. 08-01-18,007-CV-A, Final Judgment, http://www.supreme.courts.state.tx.us/ebriefs/12/12046401.pdf "Restriction" is defined and commonly used to mean "a limitation (esp. in a deed) placed on the use or enjoyment of property." BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY 1054 (7th ed. 2000). Third, we meet: approval process prohibits development absent Secretary consent U.S. Code ‘5 25 U.S.C. § 3504 : US Code - Section 3504: Leases, business agreements, and rights-of-way involving energy development or transmission, 2005, An Indian tribe may grant a right-of-way over tribal land for AND the Secretary determines to be in the best interest of the Indian tribe; Fourth, Counter-interpretation: restrictions includes statutory requirements that DIRECTLY BLOCK land access for production DOI, USDA, DOE 2008 “Inventory of Onshore Federal Oil and Natural Gas Resources and Restrictions to Their Development”, http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/wo/MINERALS__REALTY__AND_RESOURCE_PROTECTION_/energy/0.Par.68195.File.dat/EPCA2008lo_1.pdf wyo-tjc Additional statutory and discretionary requirements beyond lease stipulations impact Federal land access for oil and AND by an analysis of BLM’s Automated Fluid Minerals Support System (AFMSS).47 Fifth, We meet and have the best interp- plan reduces the NEPA requirement which is the LARGEST AND MOST DIRECT restriction DOI, USDA, DOE 2008 “Inventory of Onshore Federal Oil and Natural Gas Resources and Restrictions to Their Development”, http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/wo/MINERALS__REALTY__AND_RESOURCE_PROTECTION_/energy/0.Par.68195.File.dat/EPCA2008lo_1.pdf wyo-tjc 4.1 Issues Directly Impacting Access The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. The NEPA is the nation’s central environmental AND met), or defer the decision and provide a notice to the applicant. Sixth, Reject their interpretation: A- It’s arbitrary: there is no significant difference between prohibitions and regulations THAT restrict B- It conflates BANS with RESTRICTIONS- BLM 2 Bureau of Land Management, “Energy and Public Lands”, http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/res/Education_in_BLM/Learning_Landscapes/For_Teachers/science_and_children/energy/index/energy2.html wyo-tjc Alternative energy production from federal lands lags behind conventional energy production, though the amount AND approaches and work collaboratively to find alternatives that can be accepted by all. C- links more to limits Bernard Hoekman and Petros C. Mavroidis (World Bank Development Research Group) October 2002 “Economic Development, Competition Policy, and the World Trade Organization” http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2002/11/22/000094946_02111404425138/Rendered/PDF/multi0page.pdf Under the "effects" doctrine (or subjective territoriality), countries may take action AND A legislative (rule making) initiative could usefully clarify this gray area. D- No aff meets- Hagerty ‘11 - Specialist in Energy and Natural Resources Policy for the Congressional Research Service Curry L. Hagerty is, May 6, 2011, “Outer Continental Shelf Moratoria on Oil and Gas Development”, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R41132.pdf Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE)32 Footnote 32 Begins… 32 BOEMRE is a bureau in the U.S. Department of the Interior that manages the nation’s oil, gas, renewable, and other¶ mineral resources on the outer continental shelf (OCS). Secretarial Order 3299, “Establishment of the Bureau of Ocean¶ Energy Management, the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, and the Office of Natural Resources¶ Revenue,” issued May 19, 2010, renamed the Minerals Management Service (MMS) as BOEMRE. This order was¶ amended on June 18, 2010, to extend the deadline for development of a schedule for implementing agency¶ reorganization from “within thirty (30) days,” or by June 19, 2010, to “by July 9, 2010.” Footnote 32 End… As mentioned above, regulated oil and gas activities on the OCS are administered pursuant AND Since that time Sale 220 has been removed from the lease sale schedule. Seventh, Err affirmative—the topic is massively neg-biased because of a lack of fed-key warrants and the states counterplan, and huge backfile generics because of past energy topics Eighth, Competing interpretations is bad—comparisons are just as subjective as reasonability and their frame encourages a race to the bottom. We shouldn’t lose if our aff makes debate harder as long as it is still possible and educational. Ninth, wm financial incentives Brown 10 -- AP (Matthew, Indian tribes to Congress – Streamline energy development, www.buffalopost.net/?p=8525#more-8525) American Indian leaders on Thursday asked Congress to streamline the development of energy projects on AND on public lands – including reservations, which are held in federal trust. A- Zero uniqueness- wind is high AND inevitable, both here and globally Saari 2/11 (Emily, SMCM graduate and web producer, tck tck tck The Global Campaign for Climate Action, “2012 was a banner year for wind: Competitive pricing, record growth,” February 11, 2013, http://tcktcktck.org/2013/02/wind-is-cheaper-than-coal-for-the-first-time/48235//wyo-mm) Posting a year of record success in several nations, the wind industry once again AND of the renewable industry and end active support of the fossil fuel industry. No impact to biodiversity Sagoff et al 97 Mark, Senior Research Scholar – Institute for Philosophy and Public policy in School of Public Affairs – U. Maryland, William and Mary Law Review, “INSTITUTE OF BILL OF RIGHTS LAW SYMPOSIUM DEFINING TAKINGS: PRIVATE PROPERTY AND THE FUTURE OF GOVERNMENT REGULATION: MUDDLE OR MUDDLE THROUGH? TAKINGS JURISPRUDENCE MEETS THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT”, 38 Wm and Mary L. Rev. 825, March, L/N Note – Colin Tudge - Research Fellow at the Centre for Philosophy at the London School of Economics. Frmr Zoological Society of London: Scientific Fellow and tons of other positions. PhD. Read zoology at Cambridge. Simon Levin = Moffet Professor of Biology, Princeton. 2007 American Institute of Biological Sciences Distinguished Scientist Award 2008 Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti 2009 Honorary Doctorate of Science, Michigan State University 2010 Eminent Ecologist Award, Ecological Society of America 2010 Margalef Prize in Ecology, etc… PhD Although one may agree with ecologists such as Ehrlich and Raven that the earth stands AND sense, good for mankind. The most valuable things are quite useless. Allowing political participation is critical to resignifying Native epistemological control and increasing self-determination Powell and Curley 09 (Dana and Andrew, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Appalachian State—AND—Researcher, Diné Policy Institute, Navajo Nation K’e, Hozhó, and Non-governmental Politics on the Navajo Nation: Ontologies of Difference Manifest in Environmental Activism, http://www.ram-wan.net/documents/05_e_Journal/journal-4/5-powell.pdf)FLD=Fundamental Laws of the Dine Admittedly, use of customary principles serves as a pragmatic legal strategy, but there AND central importance of tribal sovereignty, self-determination, and good governance. Affirming wind and solar is a critical way for Native Americans to expand and implement their epistemological fields in a way that resists colonial submission and combats environmental injustice- Powell et al 08 (Dana E., assistant professor of Anthropology, Appalachian State—M. Isabel Casas-Cortés—PhD student in Anthropology at University of North Carolina , Michal Osterweil—lecturer in the dept of anthropology, UNC Powell (Dana, Blurring Boundaries: Recognizing Knowledge-Practices in the Study of Social Movements, Anthropological Quarterly 81.1; 17-58) One of the central and most evident articulations of knowledge-practice was the concept AND , Native epistemologies and the lived experiences of members in these impacted communities. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: Impact framing: Don’t prefer extinction level impacts- survival politics obscure violence committed against the racialized body- makes racism more tacit and violent- that’s Doane- immigration is a unique example of this because it’s used to prop up the white privileged regime like ballot claiming- if we win this frame is problematic- you assign low-risk to the DA bc it makes genocidal politics inevitable Focus on spectacular politics create fixation on improbable and mask systemic violence- leaves the root causes of destruction and violence intact - that’s Nixon- turns the DA because it makes conflicts in the long-run worse You have no PC card- says Obama pushing, but doesn’t say anybody’s vote switches- This ev makes a a u/q overwhelsm the link claim- says it will be tough, but says they will get it done inevitably- No new block evidence- makes impossible to predict- Immigration won’t pass – broad opposition begins after Easter break Ashley Parker and michael d. Shear, “G.O.P. Opposition to Immigration Law Is Falling Away” New York Times, 3/19/13. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/20/us/politics/gop-opposition-to-immigration-law-is-falling-away.html?pagewanted=alland_r=1and The Senate group is aiming to release its proposals in the second week of April AND about politics. Forget about trying to win voters. Stand on principles.” No immigration – guest worker dispute Elise Foley, Immigration Reform Guest Worker Provision Hits Another Roadblock, Huffington Post, 3/22/2013. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/22/immigration-reform-guest-worker-_n_2936266.html WASHINGTON -- Immigration talks in the Senate snagged Friday when Republican members of the " AND rates for the new visa holders that are below the federal poverty line." Immigration won’t pass – pathway to citizenship costs Ted Hesson, “Haley Barbour and Ed Rendell Cast Doubt on Immigration Law By Summer,” 3/20/2013. http://abcnews.go.com/ABC_Univision/Politics/governors-cast-doubt-immigration-law-summer/story?id=18773580andpage=2 President Barack Obama along with Democratic and Republican lawmakers have said they would like to AND that in mind, Rendell thought the CBO estimate was off-base. PC not real/irrelevant- Hirsh Feb. 7th Michael Hirsh, Feb. 7 There’s No Such Thing as Political Capital, http://www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/there-s-no-such-thing-as-political-capital-20130207 The point is not that “political capital” is a meaningless term. Often AND his account determines what he can do at any given moment in history. New tribal bills being pursued now- Granitz 3/21 (Peter, KTOO, “Murkowski introduces new revenue sharing bill,” March 21, 2013, http://www.ktoo.org/2013/03/21/murkowski-introduces-new-revenue-sharing-bill///wyo-mm) Senator Mark Begich introduced his own revenue sharing bill earlier this year, one that AND before a Senate vote. He said the two plans can be reconciled. The DA creates a tyranny of the people that makes Native subjugation inevitable Judge Royce C. Lamberth 5, United States District Judge, 229 F.R.D. 5; 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 13757; 62 Fed. R. Serv. 3d (Callaghan) 319, July 12, 2005, lexis At times, it seems that the parties, particularly Interior, lose sight of AND pathetic outpost of the indifference and anglocentrism we thought we had left behind. No terminal impact- No war: 3 warrants - Interdependence- increases cooperation and coalition building between countries- makes them more likely to negotiate than go to war because the economic costs would be too high- that’s Deudney
2. Mindset shift solves- war not morally justified by squo leaders and mass opposition from country’s public- that’s Fettweis 3. Nuclear deterrence, increased cooperation, global economic interdependence, high-costs and empirics all check back against risk of great power wars and conflict- that’s Robb PC no- perceived as inattentive Young 2/15 (J.T., The Washington Times, “YOUNG: Ignoring the dismal Obama economic reality Solving fiscal woes will require more than pretty words,” February 15, 2013, http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/feb/15/ignoring-the-dismal-obama-economic-reality/?page=1//wyo-mm) Mr. Obama begins his AND inattentive to the struggles they face. Failure to recognize colonial domination of Native’s is the root of war---hegemony makes conflict inevitable Street 4—member of the International Organization for a Participatory Society1 and holds a doctorate in U.S. History from Binghamton University. Author of many books and former Director of Research and Vice President for Research and Planning at the Chicago Urban League (Paul, Those Who Deny The Crimes of the Past: American Racist Atrocity Denial 101, http://www.blackcommentator.com/82/82_think_street.html) Americans are clearly faced with a choice. On the one hand, they can AND roamed by an immeasurably more civilized people than those who came to destroy. Immigration is too close to completion and too well-supported for the plan to have any effect Ferraro and Cowan 15 Mar Ferraro, Thomas: congressional correspondent for Reuters, and Richard Cowan: journalist for Reuters. "Bipartisan immigration reform bill takes shape in House."Reuters. Reuters, 15 Mar 2013. Web. 19 Mar 2013. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/15/us-usa-immigration-congress-idUSBRE92E0WI20130315. Wyo-BF A bipartisan group in the House of Representatives is close to completing work on a AND for breaking the law and encourage a new wave of illegal border crossings.
Perm do both- the Disad’s not intrinsic, a logical policy maker could do both Their historical arguments are wrong Ferguson 6 (Niall, MA, D.Phil., is the Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History at Harvard University. He is a resident faculty member of the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies. He is also a Senior Reseach Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford University, and a Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Foreign Affairs, Sept/Oct) Nor can economic crises explain the bloodshed. What may be the most familiar causal AND economic catastrophe, and some severe economic crises were not followed by wars. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: First, Perm do both. if applicable- It solves their internal net-benefit because… Second, Solvency Deficits: Third, links to the disad- the special session triggers immediate political shock waves Mears, 12 (Bill- CNN Supreme Court Producer. “The Supreme Court and election-year blockbusters”, March 26, 2012. http://www.cnn.com/2012/03/25/politics/scotus-health-care-blockbusters/index.html//wyokb The justices on the Supreme Court know very well their rulings can send immediate political AND involved in such highly partisan disputes. But sometimes often have no choice. Fourth, perm do the counterplan: A- USFG could mean any one of the branches or bodies. Chicago 7 (University of Chicago Manual of Style, “Capitalization, Titles”, http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/CMS_FAQ/CapitalizationTitles/CapitalizationTitles30.html) Q. When I refer to the government of the United States in text, AND - the Congress, the Senate, the Department of State, etc.
B- Agent CPs are not educational because they don’t test the merit of the mandate, shifting debates to generic questions that aren’t topic-specific. They are also unfair because they result in the outcome of the entire affirmative.
C- Reject the counterplan because it isn’t competitive Fifth, counterplan impossible- Congress has exclusive jurisdiction Dreveskracht 11 Ryan David, Associate at Galanda Broadman PLLC, of Seattle, an American Indian majority-owned law firm, Washington and Lee Law Review, Winter, 2011, “NATIVE NATION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT VIA THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SOLAR PROJECTS: HOW TO MAKE IT WORK” wyo-tjc Finally, “Indian tribes possess the same immunity from suit traditionally enjoyed by all AND approval of the Secretary of the Interior or a designee of the Secretary.” Sixth, Circumvention kills solvency: A) Agencies Sierra Club 08 (EPA’s Continued Defiance of High Court Ruling Challenged, Apr. 2, 2008, http://www.sierraclub.org/pressroom/releases/pr2008-04-02.asp) Exactly one year ago today the Supreme Court handed down a watershed decision in the AND it’s still stunning that they refuse to yield even to the High Court. B) Congress NTT, no date National Timber Tax Website, no date. “Judicial Sources- Supreme Court”, http://www.timbertax.org/research/process/judicial/supreme_court///wyokb If the Supreme Court agrees to review a decision, its interpretation and application of AND . Neither a citizen nor the government can appeal a Supreme Court decision. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: Our Interpretation: The resolution asks the question of desirability of USFG action. The Role of ballot is to say yes or no to the action and outcomes of the plan. Second, is reasons to prefer: (_) A. Aff Choice, any other framework or role of the ballot moots 9 minutes of the 1ac (_) B. It is predictable, the resolution demands USFG action (_) C. It is fair, Weigh Aff Impacts and the method of the Affirmative versus the Kritik, it’s the only way to test competition and determine the desirability of one strategy over another Finally, It is a voter for competitive equity—prefer our interpretation, it allows both teams to compete, other roles of the ballot are arbitrary and self serving The Aff’s focus on deliberative approaches to public policy makes participation in policy decisions by those without their hands on the levers of power possible Hickman, 12 Larry, director of the Center for Dewey Studies and professor of philosophy at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, “Citizen Participation: more or less?” Online, http://www.secularhumanism.org/index.php?section=fiandpage=hickman_28_6 /Wyo-MB Progressives such as John Dewey have tended to take a very different view from that AND to public problems and experts who can advise those representatives on technical matters. Aff skills are key to citizen participation in policy, Hickman, 12 Larry, director of the Center for Dewey Studies and professor of philosophy at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, “Citizen Participation: more or less?” Online, http://www.secularhumanism.org/index.php?section=fiandpage=hickman_28_6 /Wyo-MB How can preclusionary decisions be justified? In their 2004 book Why Deliberative Democracy?, AND disenfranchisement. The answer is more education and thus an enlarged deliberative democracy. First, impact outweighs and turns the kritik- colonial exploitation of tribes has led to the cultural, spiritual and physical slaughter of indigenous populations for centuries- absent plan, environmental destruction and racial oppression is inevitable Second, no link- aff interrogates colonial relationship between the federal government and tribes to unlock sites for resistance-antithetical to exclusion- You create reverse discrimination: perm solves best to combat all injustices Preparata 07 (Guido Giacomo, completed his PhD in Political Economy and Economic History at the University of Southern California and is an Associate Professor of Political Economy at the University of Washington, The Ideology of Tyranny Bataille, Foucault, and the Postmodern Corruption of Political Dissent, Chapter 7: “The “Mocking Varlets” of the Postmodern Left: Political Correctness, Education, and Empire,” pgs 121-122wyo-mm) This is a prime example of postmodern discursivity. Aside from wondering whatever happened to AND and to oppose the grave injustices wrought by the incumbent system of privilege. Alt allows women on reservations to be uniquely hurt by climate change- alt replicates violence- plan only way to rectify harms- their authors would agree plan should be sequenced before the alt- Powell and Long 10 (Dana E. and Dálan J., Andrew, edited by Sherry L. Smith and Brian Frehner, Indians and Energy Exploitation and Opportunity in the American Southwest, Chapter 10: “Landscapes of Power: Renewable Energy Activism in Diné Bikéyah,” Pg. 242wyo-mm) For many Navajo activists, their opposition finds roots in Navajo creation stories, which AND of inscription for racism, colonialism, and other forms of violence.33 Exclusion DA- Binary conceptions of sexual difference fail to explain identity- and allow replication of exclusionary practices and judgment Butler 04 Judith Butler, 2004, Undoing Gender, uwyoamp Braidotti argues that sexual difference is often rejected by theorists because femininity is itself associated AND instance of the multiple play of forces that Braidotti accepts on other occasions? Transgender DA Sex difference-based feminist politics erases the experience of the transgender and transsexual- Butler 04 Judith Butler, 2004, Undoing Gender, uwyoamp In recent years, the new gender politics has offered numerous challenges from transgendered and AND human, and what norms govern the appearance of “real” humanness. D/A to alt- men in feminism is metaphysical cannibalism-erases unique history of violence visited on women because of their sex-demands rejection of the neg Braidotti 2011 Braidotti, Rosi. Nomadic Subjects : Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory (2nd Edition). New York, NY, USA: Columbia University Press, 2011. p 5. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/uofw/Doc?id=10464453andppg=16 Copyright © 2011. Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. Uwyoamp In spite of my commitment to joyful, positive affirmation of alternative values, according AND . I am sure “they” know this, don’t “they”? You erase the two spirit - non-sex difference key to Indigenous peoples Driskill, 2010 (Qwo-Li, “Doubleweaving Two-Spirit critiques: Building alliances between Native and Queer Studies.” GLQ Vol 16, #1-2, 2010, Projectmust, MB) Two-Spirit critiques are woven into Native feminisms by seeing sexism, homophobia, AND -Spirit critiques contextualize themselves as part of decolonial work already in motion. Western feminism excludes Native American women Dixon, 11 Violet K., “Western Feminism in a Global Perspective,” Student Pulse, 2011 Vol 3 No. 2, http://www.studentpulse.com/articles/395/2/western-feminism-in-a-global-perspective uwyo-baj Western feminism is exclusive and may not even include all women who live in the AND form, the Barbie doll from a feminist perspective has much deeper implications. Native women are distinct in feminism—Women are constructed as subjects of life within the biopolitical regime of colonialism whereas Natives are subjects of death- this understanding conditioned and informs politics, we are the only prerequisite Smith 10 (Andrea “Queer Theory and Native Studies: The Heteronormativity of Settler Colonialism” GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Volume 16, Number 1-2, 2010, pp. 42-68 (Article) ) Thus normative futurity depends on an “origin story.” The future is legitimated as AND the origin story that generates the autonomous present for the white queer subject. Issues of Native American sovereignty must come prior to deconstruction of truth- their alt is a privileged way of insulatating racialized academia from minority critical perspectives Gorelova, 2009 (Olena, “Postmodernism, native American literature, and Issues of sovereignty.” http://etd.lib.montana.edu/etd/2009/gorelova/GorelovaO0509.pdf, online, MB) According to Womack, Abenaki poet Cheryl Savageau, while in college, was labeled AND that argued for the rights of the indigenous nations and criticized land theft. No root cause– failure to recognize multiplicities of perspectives replicates the squo. Kincheloe 08 (Joe, was a professor and Canada Research Chair at the Faculty of Education, McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, received three graduate degrees from the University of Tennessee, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, Chapter 10: “The Conclusion Is Just the Beginning: Continuing the Conceptualization of a Critical Complex Epistemology,” 2008, SpringerLinkwyo-mm) In this knowledge domain researchers/scholars/activists can gain perspectives that have been AND Harding, 1998; Shoham, 1999; G. Jardine, 2005). |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: Republicans hate circuit court- blockade proves Stanton 12 John Stanton,writer for roll call, June 14, 12, GOP Begins Judge Blockade, http://www.rollcall.com/issues/57_151/GOP-Begins-Judge-Blockade-215369-1.html, uwyoamp With less than four and a half months until Election Day, Senate Republicans are AND would invoke the “Thurmond Rule” from now until after the elections. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: Pushing laws that support tribal self-governance now- Cowan 3/26 (Emery, The Durango Herald, “From victim to vocal advocate,” March 26, 2013, http://durangoherald.com/article/20130326/NEWS01/130329661/-1/s//wyo-mm) Over a span of two days, the Southern Ute tribal member and founder of AND one of the major revisions included in the reauthorized Violence Against Women Act. Pushing sovereignty for tribes now- Childress 3/25 (Sarah, PBS, “For Tribes, Prosecuting Non-Native Abusers Still a Challenge,” March 25, 2013, http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/biographies/kind-hearted-woman/for-tribes-prosecuting-non-native-abusers-still-a-challenge///wyo-mm) When President Barack Obama signed the Violence Against Women Act earlier this month, he AND enforcement officers often don’t have the proper training to handle major crimes cases. PC not real- Obama can’t leverage political power with a divided Congress, empirics prove Elfers 3/27 (Rich, columnist, Enumclaw Courier Herald, “Political power struggle always in play,” March 27, 2013, http://www.courierherald.com/opinion/200273791.html//wyo-mm) How much power does any U.S. president have in affecting domestic issues AND Congress to listen, but he can’t get laws passed without Congressional approval. Its not that Obama lost his PC, but he NEVER HAD IT Rubin 3/28/13 Jennifer Rubin, Writer- overs a range of domestic and foreign policy issues and provides insight into the conservative movement and the Republican Party. Rubin came to The Post after three years with Commentary magazine. Her work has appeared in a number of print and online publications, including The Weekly Standard, where she has been a frequent contributor, March 28, 2013, “Obama’s power waning? Not really.”, http://www.washingtonpost.com/jennifer-rubin/2011/02/24/ABbIUXN_page.html, wyo-bb There are two ways of looking at this: Either his power evaporated in the AND but it is markedly different from the reverential treatment of the first term. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: Sex difference-based feminist politics erases the experience of the transgender and transsexual- Butler 04 Judith Butler, 2004, Undoing Gender, uwyoamp In recent years, the new gender politics has offered numerous challenges from transgendered and AND human, and what norms govern the appearance of “real” humanness. D/A to alt- men in feminism is metaphysical cannibalism-erases unique history of violence visited on women because of their sex-demands rejection of the neg Braidotti 2011 Braidotti, Rosi. Nomadic Subjects : Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory (2nd Edition). New York, NY, USA: Columbia University Press, 2011. p 5. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/uofw/Doc?id=10464453andppg=16 Copyright © 2011. Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. Uwyoamp In spite of my commitment to joyful, positive affirmation of alternative values, according AND . I am sure “they” know this, don’t “they”? You erase the two spirit - non-sex difference key to Indigenous peoples Driskill, 2010 (Qwo-Li, “Doubleweaving Two-Spirit critiques: Building alliances between Native and Queer Studies.” GLQ Vol 16, #1-2, 2010, Projectmust, MB) Two-Spirit critiques are woven into Native feminisms by seeing sexism, homophobia, AND -Spirit critiques contextualize themselves as part of decolonial work already in motion. Western feminism excludes Native American women Dixon, 11 Violet K., “Western Feminism in a Global Perspective,” Student Pulse, 2011 Vol 3 No. 2, http://www.studentpulse.com/articles/395/2/western-feminism-in-a-global-perspective uwyo-baj Western feminism is exclusive and may not even include all women who live in the AND form, the Barbie doll from a feminist perspective has much deeper implications. Native women are distinct in feminism—Women are constructed as subjects of life within the biopolitical regime of colonialism whereas Natives are subjects of death- this understanding conditioned and informs politics, we are the only prerequisite Smith 10 (Andrea “Queer Theory and Native Studies: The Heteronormativity of Settler Colonialism” GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Volume 16, Number 1-2, 2010, pp. 42-68 (Article) ) Thus normative futurity depends on an “origin story.” The future is legitimated as AND the origin story that generates the autonomous present for the white queer subject. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: TX GM | Judge: T-Restriction Farlex, ’12 (Farlex collection, Princeton University, 2012, WordNet 3.0, Print)CC restriction - an act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation) Texas Supreme Court ’10 CAUSE NO. 08-01-18,007-CV-A, Final Judgment, http://www.supreme.courts.state.tx.us/ebriefs/12/12046401.pdf "Restriction" is defined and commonly used to mean "~a~ limitation (esp. in a deed) placed on the use or enjoyment of property." BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY 1054 (7th ed. 2000). U.S. Code ’5 25 U.S.C. § 3504 : US Code - Section 3504: Leases, business agreements, and rights-of-way involving energy development or transmission, 2005, An Indian tribe may grant a right-of-way over tribal land for AND the Secretary determines to be in the best interest of the Indian tribe; Fourth, Counter-interpretation: restrictions includes statutory requirements that DIRECTLY BLOCK land access for productionDOI, USDA, DOE 2008 ~"Inventory of Onshore Federal Oil and Natural Gas Resources and Restrictions to Their Development", http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/wo/MINERALS__REALTY__AND_RESOURCE_PROTECTION_/energy/0.Par.68195.File.dat/EPCA2008lo_1.pdf-http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/wo/MINERALS__REALTY__AND_RESOURCE_PROTECTION_/energy/0.Par.68195.File.dat/EPCA2008lo_1.pdf wyo-tjc~ Additional statutory and discretionary requirements beyond lease stipulations impact Federal land access for oil and AND by an analysis of BLM’s Automated Fluid Minerals Support System (AFMSS).47 Fifth, We meet and have the best interp- plan reduces the NEPA requirement which is the LARGEST AND MOST DIRECT restrictionDOI, USDA, DOE 2008 ~"Inventory of Onshore Federal Oil and Natural Gas Resources and Restrictions to Their Development", http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/wo/MINERALS__REALTY__AND_RESOURCE_PROTECTION_/energy/0.Par.68195.File.dat/EPCA2008lo_1.pdf-http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/wo/MINERALS__REALTY__AND_RESOURCE_PROTECTION_/energy/0.Par.68195.File.dat/EPCA2008lo_1.pdf wyo-tjc~ 4.1 Issues Directly Impacting Access The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. The NEPA is the nation’s central environmental AND met), or defer the decision and provide a notice to the applicant. BLM 2 ~Bureau of Land Management, "Energy and Public Lands", http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/res/Education_in_BLM/Learning_Landscapes/For_Teachers/science_and_children/energy/index/energy2.html-http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/res/Education_in_BLM/Learning_Landscapes/For_Teachers/science_and_children/energy/index/energy2.html wyo-tjc~ Alternative energy production from federal lands lags behind conventional energy production, though the amount is still significant. For example, federal geothermal resources produce about 7.5 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, 47 percent of all electricity generated from U.S. geothermal energy. There are 2,960 wind turbines on public lands in California alone, producing electricity for about 300,000 people. Federal hydropower facilities produce about 17 percent of all hydropower produced in the United States. Most U.S. geothermal resources are in the western states, where most public lands are located. The sunny southwest has the greatest potential for solar energy production. Wind resources are more widespread, and there are federal lands in many of the most favorable areas. The Secretaries of the Interior, Energy, and Agriculture are in the process of identifying renewable energy siting opportunities and reevaluating access restrictions on federal lands. Development limitations, including environmental considerations, must also be assessed. Federal agencies will also consider development incentives such as reduced site rental fees to encourage industry to more aggressively pursue renewable energy production. Because of the growing U.S. thirst for energy and increasing public unease AND mitigation measures may be imposed, or mineral production may be banned altogether. BLM and other land managers have the delicate task of weighing energy production against competing AND approaches and work collaboratively to find alternatives that can be accepted by all. Hagerty ’11 - Specialist in Energy and Natural Resources Policy for the Congressional Research Service Curry L. Hagerty is, May 6, 2011, "Outer Continental Shelf Moratoria on Oil and Gas Development", http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R41132.pdf Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE)32 Footnote 32 Begins… 32 BOEMRE is a bureau in the U.S. Department of the Interior AND by June 19, 2010, to "by July 9, 2010." Footnote 32 End… As mentioned above, regulated oil and gas activities on the OCS are administered pursuant AND Since that time Sale 220 has been removed from the lease sale schedule. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: TX GM | Judge: political struggle==== Steinman 12 (Erich, Pitzer College Chicago Journals, "Settler Colonial Power and the American Indian Sovereignty Movement: Forms of Domination, Strategies of Transformation," January 2012, JSTOR) While there was no shared understanding of exactly what sovereignty entailed, over time " AND and the mid-1980s; the data presented focus on this period. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: TX GM | Judge: Anthro Alt can’t solve- Eliminating divisions between human and animal causes the conscious destruction of indigenous cultures, means case is a disadStaudenmaier ’4 (Peter, Ambiguities of Animal Rights, Institute for Social Ecology, http://www.social-ecology.org/article.php?story=20040611140817458) The unexamined cultural prejudices embedded deep within animal rights thinking carry political implications that are AND an affinity which has a lengthy historical pedigree — remains a serious concern. Hayward 97 ~PhD, Department of Politics at Edinburgh University, "Anthropocentrism: a Misunderstood Problem", Environmental Values, p. aspwyo-tjc~ A basic reason why criticisms of anthropocentrism are equivocal is that it is not self AND no basis from which to launch an all-encompassing critique of anthropocentrism. Hayward 97 ~PhD, Department of Politics at Edinburgh University, "Anthropocentrism: a Misunderstood Problem", Environmental Values, p. aspwyo-tjc~ The argument so far would suggest that the aim of completely overcoming anthropocentrism in ethics AND case that challenging such practices is in the interests of humans more generally. Powell and Curley 9 (Dana and Andrew, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Appalachian State—AND—Researcher, Diné Policy Institute, Navajo Nation K’e, Hozhó, and Non-governmental Politics on the Navajo Nation: Ontologies of Difference Manifest in Environmental Activism, http://www.ram-wan.net/documents/05_e_Journal/journal-4/5-powell.pdf)FLD=Fundamental Laws of the Dine In this paper, we explore how non-governmental political action on the Navajo AND of the debate on which specific actors will fall is never fully foreseeable. Hayward 97 ~PhD, Department of Politics at Edinburgh University, "Anthropocentrism: a Misunderstood Problem", Environmental Values, p. aspwyo-tjc~ Anthropocentrism, widely used as a term of criticism in environmental ethics and politics, AND -anthropocentrism is not only conceptually unsatisfactory, it is counterproductive in practice. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: TX GM | Judge: Recognition/Opacity Friedrich Kratochwil, Professor of International Relations, European University Institute, "Ten points to ponder about pragmatism: some critical reflections to knowledge generation in the social sciences," PRAGMATISM IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, eds. Harry Bauer and Elisabetta Brighi, 2009, p. 12-13. To that extent, the argument for a pluralism of methods and approaches follows from AND while being fully attentive lo their moorings in different descriptions of the world. Gorelova, 2009 (Olena, "Postmodernism, native American literature, and Issues of sovereignty." http://etd.lib.montana.edu/etd/2009/gorelova/GorelovaO0509.pdf, online, MB) According to Womack, Abenaki poet Cheryl Savageau, while in college, was labeled AND that argued for the rights of the indigenous nations and criticized land theft. Gorelova, 2009 (Olena, "Postmodernism, native American literature, and Issues of sovereignty." http://etd.lib.montana.edu/etd/2009/gorelova/GorelovaO0509.pdf, online, MB) This is basically what we know today as the postmodern condition, but as Owens AND specific culture instead deconstructing it and turning it into a mere tourist attraction. Smith, 2010 (Andrea, "Queer Theory and Native Studies: The heteronormativity of settler colonialism." GLQ Vol 16, ~%23 1-2, project muse, MB) This valorization of mixedness then affects Muñoz’s analysis of political engagement. He equates disidentification AND today both in the United States and in the rest of the world. Identifying locations key to Native identity- identifying locations allows geographic connection to history, experience and relationships Kovach 09 (Margaret, Indigenous Methodologies, Ch. 3: "Epistemology and Research: Centring Tribal Knowledge," Pg. 61wyo-mm) Blackfoor scholar Narcisse Blood once spoke about places as being alive, that they are AND tell of relationships, they reveal history, and they hold our identity.
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor HK | Judge: 1AC Paternalism First the status quo, Wind/Solar energy developing inevitable in the US and globally- increased attention to climate change and technical innovation Queally 3/13 (Jon, Staff writer, Common Dreams, “Despite Efforts to Suppress, Cleaner Energy Continues Inevitable Rise,” https://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/03/13-0//wyo-mm) Despite political opposition to clean energy, however, the report shows that wind and AND apps for thermostat control will help connect web and smart-grid technologies. However, the leasing approval process by the Secretary of Interior perpetuates a system of governmental paternalism on tribes excluding them from this investment- Kronk 13 (Elizabeth, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of Law and Director, Tribal Law and Government Center University of Kansas School of Law, “Tribal Renewable Energy Development Under the HEARTH Act: An Independently Rational, but Collectively Deficient Option,” March 11, 2013, Social Science Research Networkwyo-mm) In addition to limiting efficient development in Indian country because of the lengthy delays typically AND far too cumbersome to be helpful to those it’s designed to protect.74 This makes economic and energy equality for tribes impossible- Smith and Frehner 10 (Sherry L. and Brian, Indians and energy : exploitation and opportunity in the American Southwest, “Introduction: Indians and Energy,” pg. 8wyo-mm) Of course, gaining such control has not been easy. In the mid- AND other mineral extraction.9 Clearly, energy development offered no perfect panacea. Recognizing that giving tribes control over resources can combat paternalism’s violent racial discrimination fosters new ways of thinking, solves the root of violence- Absent plan, environmental destruction, native genocide and extinction is inevitable Jacques et al 03 (Peter, Ph.D. University of Central Florida, Sharon Ridgeway, Ph.D. Grinnell College and the University of Iowa, and Richard Witmer, Ph.D. Grinnell College. Federal Indian Law and Environmental Policy: A Social Continuity of Violence, 18 J. Envtl. L. and Litig. 223) Currently, federal Indian environmental policy relies on the annulment of treaties that were made AND groups of people and nature which is responsible for this mosaic of destruction. Plan key to give tribes control over their resources and land and combat paternalistic attitudes that form tribes as victims of exploitation and those to be exploited Tsosie 10 (Rebecca, edited by Sherry L. Smith and Brian Frehner, Indians and Energy Exploitation and Opportunity in the American Southwest, Chapter 11: “Cultural Sovereignty and Tribal Energy Development: Creating a Land Ethic for the Twenty-first century,” Pgs. 277-278wyo-mm) The future of tribal energy policy is dependent upon the robust expression of cultural sovereignty AND continue only on this upper path, we will come to destruction.20 1AC SD First, federal colonialism: Restrictions on TERAs are undermining tribal self-determination and mandating environmental review prevents tribes from having sovereignty over energy decisions Kronk 12 (Elizabeth, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended "Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development" and the Resulting Need for Reform, 29 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 811) In addition to concerns related to the status of the federal trust relationship following passage AND of fostering tribal selfdetermination and promoting the efficient development of tribal minerals.”82 Absent plan natives are locked in a cycle of dependence and prevents energy development—this makes self-determination impossible Kronk 12 (Elizabeth, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended "Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development" and the Resulting Need for Reform, 29 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 811) Furthermore, reduction of the federal government’s role in energy development within Indian country correlates AND would see tribal nations “frozen in a perpetual state of tutelage.”155 And self-determination key to check colonial relations- Glaser 10 (Leah S., edited by Sherry L. Smith and Brian Frehner, Indians and Energy Exploitation and Opportunity in the American Southwest, Ch. 8: “An Absolute Paragon of Paradoxes,” pg 161wyo-mm) In the year 2000, amidst California’s energy crisis, Enron’s spectacular collapse, and AND historically victimized and exploited Native people, socially, environmentally, and economically2. Colonialist violence allows the government to view colonized bodies as sub-human, this makes forms of violent subjugation thinkable and domination inevitable Lissovoy, 2010 Noah, University of Texas at Austin, Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, “Decolonial Pedagogy and the Ethics of Global.” Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, Vol. 31, No. 3, July 2010, 279-293, Accessed online via Academic search premier /Wyo-MB In a second moment, and in the context of a disavowal of colonialist violence AND in the discourse of resentment undergirding the moral pedagogy of the culture industry). Self-determination through renewable energy key to combat fossil fuel colonialism and prevent endless cycles of violence against Native Americans- Gough 9 (Bob, Intertribal Council On Utility Policy; paper submitted by Honor the Earth, the Intertribal Council on Utility Policy, the Indigenous Environmental Network, and the International Indian Treaty Council Energy Justice in Native America, A Policy Paper for Consideration by the Obama Administration and the 111th Congress, www.mynewsletterbuilder.com/email/newsletter/1409857447) A just nation-to-nation relationship means breaking the cycle of asking Native AND the future, providing a unique opportunity for stabilizing an energy intensive economy. Wind/Solar offer a unique site in fostering self-determination and combating resource injustices- Voggesser 10 (Garrit, edited by Sherry L. Smith and Brian Frehner, Indians and Energy Exploitation and Opportunity in the American Southwest, Chapter 4: “The Evolution of Federal Energy Policy for Tribal Lands and the Renewable Energy Future,” Pgs. 74-75wyo-mm) Despite warnings as far back as the 1950s and 1960s, worldwide discussion and understanding AND their own decisions about what future energy development means to their communities.53 Expanding tribal self-determination in energy production is key to projects on tribal lands Unger 09 (Kathleen R. Unger, JD Candidate at Loyola Law School Los Angeles, Masters in Linguistic Anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin, Fall 2009, “Change Is In The Wind: Self-Determination And Wind Power Through Tribal Energy Resource Agreements”, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, 43 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 329, lexis, acc 12/10/12) To meet these goals, however, tribal resource development must also promote self- AND determination should be a central consideration in the development of tribal energy resources. Thus, The United States federal government should end Title V Section 3504 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 restrictions that require Secretary of the Interior approval for the production of wind and/or solar power in the United States. 1AC Solvency Module Despite efforts to stream-line energy development, continued federal paternalism and oversight stifles use of TERAs in the status quo- reducing restrictions is necessary and sufficient to spur energy development Kronk 12—Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law (Elizabeth, Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended "Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development" and the Resulting Need for Reform, 29 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 811) Mirroring this desire, many tribes are also becoming interested in energy development opportunities:¶ AND TERA reforms will spur tribal promulgation of TERAs with the Secretary of Interior. All elements of the plan are necessary to solve- renewables are key because they allow direct ownership and TERA reforms are key because it is necessary for real self-determination- anything else falls short Unger 10—Clerk, Hon. Ferdinand Fernandez , U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, JD Loyola Law School, MA - Linguistic Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin (Kathleen, CHANGE IS IN THE WIND: SELF-DETERMINATION AND WIND POWER THROUGH TRIBAL ENERGY A fourth change that should be made to the TERA structure is that it should AND governs tribal resource development, to truly unleash the power of tribal wind. Restrictions on TERAs destroy sustainable renewable development- only the plan can spur TERA adoption AND solve for sovereignty- any counterplan freezes tribes in permanent servitude Kronk 12—Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law (Elizabeth, Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended "Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development" and the Resulting Need for Reform, 29 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 811) Many tribes are currently engaged in some form of energy development. n112 A long AND would see tribal nations "frozen in a perpetual state of tutelage." n155 1AC no DA’s Preferring war impacts over Native Americans masks the system of racial domination that makes inequality and racism worse Doan 03 (Ashley W. Associate Dean for Academic Administration and Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Hartford and Eduardo Bonilla-Silva is Associate Professor of Sociology at Texas A and M University, White Out: The Continuing Significance of Racism, 2003, p. 12) A core element in the relationship between the transparency of "whiteness" and the AND Shapiro 1995; Lipsitz 1998) is even less likely to be detected. Fixation on short-term impacts obscures and normalizes systemic violence Nixon 10 (Rob, Rachel Carson Professor of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor, pp 1-14) When Lawrence Summers, then president of the World Bank, advocated thai the bank AND how our rhetorical conventions for bracketing violence routinely ignore ongoing, belated casualties. Interdependence checks war- Deudney and Ikenberry 09 (Daniel and John, “Why Liberal Democracy Will Prevail,” Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb 2009, http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/zselden/coursereading2011/Deudney%20autocrat.pdf) This bleak outlook is based on an exaggeration of recent developments and ignores powerful countervailing AND international system is far more primed for peace than the autocratic revivalists acknowledge. War impacts impossible- shifts in attitudes solve Fettweis 06 (Christopher J Fettweis, National Security Decision Making Department, US Naval War College, December 06, “A Revolution in International Relation Theory: Or, What If Mueller Is Right?”, International Studies Review, Volume 8, Issue 4, Wiley) The obsolescence-of-major-war argument is familiar enough to need little AND war has become, in Mueller's words, “sub-rationally unthinkable.” War inherently unlikely- checked by multiple factors- Robb 12 (Doug, Lieutenant, US Navy Why the Age of Great Power War is Over, www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2012-05/now-hear-why-age-great-power-war-over) Whereas in years past, when nations allied with their neighbors in ephemeral bonds of AND a war is equal parts costly, counterproductive, archaic, and improbable. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor HK | Judge: First, we meet- A restriction is a regulatory constraint Farlex, ’12 (Farlex collection, Princeton University, 2012, WordNet 3.0, Print)CC restriction - an act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation) Third, we meet: approval process prohibits development absent Secretary consent U.S. Code ‘5 25 U.S.C. § 3504 : US Code - Section 3504: Leases, business agreements, and rights-of-way involving energy development or transmission, 2005, An Indian tribe may grant a right-of-way over tribal land for AND the Secretary determines to be in the best interest of the Indian tribe; Fourth, Counter-interpretation: restrictions includes statutory requirements that DIRECTLY BLOCK land access for production- meets your interpretation of on- DOI, USDA, DOE 2008 “Inventory of Onshore Federal Oil and Natural Gas Resources and Restrictions to Their Development”, http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/wo/MINERALS__REALTY__AND_RESOURCE_PROTECTION_/energy/0.Par.68195.File.dat/EPCA2008lo_1.pdf wyo-tjc Additional statutory and discretionary requirements beyond lease stipulations impact Federal land access for oil and AND by an analysis of BLM’s Automated Fluid Minerals Support System (AFMSS).47 Fifth, We meet and have the best interp- plan reduces the NEPA requirement which is the LARGEST AND MOST DIRECT restriction DOI, USDA, DOE 2008 “Inventory of Onshore Federal Oil and Natural Gas Resources and Restrictions to Their Development”, http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/wo/MINERALS__REALTY__AND_RESOURCE_PROTECTION_/energy/0.Par.68195.File.dat/EPCA2008lo_1.pdf wyo-tjc 4.1 Issues Directly Impacting Access The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. The NEPA is the nation’s central environmental AND met), or defer the decision and provide a notice to the applicant. B- It conflates BANS with RESTRICTIONS- BLM 2 Bureau of Land Management, “Energy and Public Lands”, http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/res/Education_in_BLM/Learning_Landscapes/For_Teachers/science_and_children/energy/index/energy2.html wyo-tjc Alternative energy production from federal lands lags behind conventional energy production, though the amount is still significant. For example, federal geothermal resources produce about 7.5 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, 47 percent of all electricity generated from U.S. geothermal energy. There are 2,960 wind turbines on public lands in California alone, producing electricity for about 300,000 people. Federal hydropower facilities produce about 17 percent of all hydropower produced in the United States. Most U.S. geothermal resources are in the western states, where most public lands are located. The sunny southwest has the greatest potential for solar energy production. Wind resources are more widespread, and there are federal lands in many of the most favorable areas. The Secretaries of the Interior, Energy, and Agriculture are in the process of identifying renewable energy siting opportunities and reevaluating access restrictions on federal lands. Development limitations, including environmental considerations, must also be assessed. Federal agencies will also consider development incentives such as reduced site rental fees to encourage industry to more aggressively pursue renewable energy production. Because of the growing U.S. thirst for energy and increasing public unease AND mitigation measures may be imposed, or mineral production may be banned altogether. BLM and other land managers have the delicate task of weighing energy production against competing AND approaches and work collaboratively to find alternatives that can be accepted by all. D- No aff meets- Hagerty ‘11 - Specialist in Energy and Natural Resources Policy for the Congressional Research Service Curry L. Hagerty is, May 6, 2011, “Outer Continental Shelf Moratoria on Oil and Gas Development”, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R41132.pdf Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE)32 Footnote 32 Begins… 32 BOEMRE is a bureau in the U.S. Department of the Interior AND by June 19, 2010, to “by July 9, 2010.” Footnote 32 End… As mentioned above, regulated oil and gas activities on the OCS are administered pursuant AND Since that time Sale 220 has been removed from the lease sale schedule. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor HK | Judge: A. ‘In’ indicates inclusion within a limit or boundary Merriam Webster, no date http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/in Definition of IN 1 a —used as a function word to indicate inclusion, location, or position within limits in the lake wounded in the leg in the summer b : into 1 went in the house B- the United States refers to areas where the government has sovereignty Ballentine's 95 (Legal Dictionary and Thesaurus, p. 689) the territory over which this sovereign nation called the “United States” exercises sovereign power Third, we meet. William Bradford, Chiricahua Apache. Assistant Professor of Law, Indiana University, 2002-2003, American Indian Law Review More than half of the U.S. land mass was purchased at an AND by ongoing land seizures. Atkinson, supra note 54, at 381. A- There’s no ground loss- lit treats it like federal land DOE 12 DOE/EIA-0384(2011) | September 2012, www.eia.gov/ae, Annual Energy Review wyo-tjc A) Plan says ‘end’ which is the culmination of process Dictionary Dot Com ‘ 12, Last Updated 2012, http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/end end¶ 1 end Show IPA¶ noun¶ 1.¶ the AND in doubt: the outcome of a game. 7. See aim. B) Should is flexible GAO 8 (Government Accounting Office, Exposure Draft of Proposed Changes to the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, http://www.gao.gov/govaud/cl_iia080331.pdf) The second sentence of the “must” definition used in the exposure draft instructions AND the procedure; if so, “should” is the appropriate word. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor HK | Judge: Fourth, counterplan’s method of deference isn’t enough because the government still holds the authority to implement the outcome- better to just end it immediately Royster 12—Professor of Law and Co-Director, Native American Law Center, University of Tulsa College of Law (Judith, Tribal Energy Development: Renewables and the Problem of the Current Statutory Structures, 31 Stan. Envtl. L.J. 91) The non-minerals statutes that might be used for renewable energy development share a AND choices, that deference is tempered by the federal oversight responsibility. n113¶ Eighth, can’t trust the consultation- the government will lie and cheat- that’s a reason congressional action is required immediately Judge Royce C. Lamberth 5, United States District Judge, 229 F.R.D. 5; 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 13757; 62 Fed. R. Serv. 3d (Callaghan) 319, July 12, 2005, lexis At times, it seems that the parties, particularly Interior, lose sight of AND pathetic outpost of the indifference and anglocentrism we thought we had left behind. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor HK | Judge: Third, any combination of reform is insufficient- still leaves triggers in place that happen BEFORE the formal TERA review Dreveskracht 11—Associate at Galanda Broadman PLLC, of Seattle, an American Indian majority-owned law firm. His practice focuses on representing businesses and tribal governments in public affairs, energy, gaming, taxation, and general economic development (Ryan, The Road to Alternative Energy in Indian Country: Is It a Dead End?, http://www.wsba.org/Legal-Community/Sections/Indian-Law-Section/~/media/Files/Legal%20Community/Sections/Indian%20Law/Indian%20Newsletters/Summer%202011%20Vol%2019%20No%202.ashx) Yet, as of February 2011, only one commercial scale renewable energy project is AND year limit, renewable only once for another 30-year term. 45 a) only sequencing self-determination first can solve Dreveskracht 11—Associate at Galanda Broadman PLLC, of Seattle, an American Indian majority-owned law firm. His practice focuses on representing businesses and tribal governments in public affairs, energy, gaming, taxation, and general economic development (Ryan, The Road to Alternative Energy in Indian Country: Is It a Dead End?, http://www.wsba.org/Legal-Community/Sections/Indian-Law-Section/~/media/Files/Legal%20Community/Sections/Indian%20Law/Indian%20Newsletters/Summer%202011%20Vol%2019%20No%202.ashx) The Road Ahead¶ The doctrine of self-determination acknowledges that tribal control over AND it will be necessary to emphasize the former to bring about the latter. They should be maintained- it’s key to self-determination Unger 10—Clerk, Hon. Ferdinand Fernandez , U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, JD Loyola Law School, MA - Linguistic Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin (Kathleen, CHANGE IS IN THE WIND: SELF-DETERMINATION AND WIND POWER THROUGH TRIBAL ENERGY One reason revision is not needed is that the Indian Energy Act’s explicit recognition of AND because “sovereignty without such risks is a contradiction in terms.” 289¶ AND the Counterplan is also a direct opportunity cost with sovereignty- Kronk concludes eliminating approval restrictions is SUPERIOR Kronk 12—Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law (Elizabeth, Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended "Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development" and the Resulting Need for Reform, 29 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 811) *849 The discussion below offers two suggestions for reform. These options, AND to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs in comments submitted in 2003. n141 First, there’s no link- the TERA is voluntary which means only tribes willing to bear the risk will opt-in Second, Plan doesn’t allow exploitation Kathleen R. Unger, JD Candidate at Loyola Law School Los Angeles, Masters in Linguistic Anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin, Fall 2009, “Change Is In The Wind: Self-Determination And Wind Power Through Tribal Energy Resource Agreements”, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, 43 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 329, lexis, acc 12/10/12 Another area of concern regarding TERAs is their effect on the federal trust obligation toward AND n190 Thus, the TERA framework does not weaken the trust responsibility. n191 Third, exploitation is the status quo and it is a slow genocide, that’s the Gough evidence Fourth, the disad is just re-hashed paternalism- appeals to the trust doctrine guarnatees endless violence, which is CP links to politics—bipartisan support for liability waiver Indianz.com 03—GOP Leaders Release second draft of energy bill, September 30, GOP leaders release second draft of energy bill¶ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 AND Many tribes have eagerly tapped their coal, natural gas and other assets. That a) doesn’t solve pre-application NEPA requirements and b) it’s the status quo Russell 9 [Irma S., Dean and Professor, University of Montana School of Law, Streamlining NEPA to Combat Global Climate Change: Heresy or Necessity?, Lewis and Clark Law School’s Environmental Law Online, p. http://www.elawreview.org/elaw/394/streamlining_nepa_to_combat_gl.html wyo-tjc] The environmental criteria for TERA approval include identification and evaluation of "all significant environmental AND Secretary must approve or deny the revised TERA within sixty days.[129] |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor HK | Judge: Immigration won’t pass – broad opposition begins after Easter break Ashley Parker and michael d. Shear, “G.O.P. Opposition to Immigration Law Is Falling Away” New York Times, 3/19/13. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/20/us/politics/gop-opposition-to-immigration-law-is-falling-away.html?pagewanted=alland_r=1and The Senate group is aiming to release its proposals in the second week of April, after lawmakers return from Easter break. A week later, as part of Mr. Dane’s event, activists, sheriffs, cattle ranchers and others will fan out across Capitol Hill to lobby against the legislation.¶ Their message, he said, is aimed directly at lawmakers like Mr. Paul: “Forget about politics. Forget about trying to win voters. Stand on principles.” No immigration – guest worker dispute Elise Foley, Immigration Reform Guest Worker Provision Hits Another Roadblock, Huffington Post, 3/22/2013. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/22/immigration-reform-guest-worker-_n_2936266.html WASHINGTON -- Immigration talks in the Senate snagged Friday when Republican members of the " AND rates for the new visa holders that are below the federal poverty line." Immigration won’t pass – pathway to citizenship costs Ted Hesson, “Haley Barbour and Ed Rendell Cast Doubt on Immigration Law By Summer,” 3/20/2013. http://abcnews.go.com/ABC_Univision/Politics/governors-cast-doubt-immigration-law-summer/story?id=18773580andpage=2 President Barack Obama along with Democratic and Republican lawmakers have said they would like to AND that in mind, Rendell thought the CBO estimate was off-base. PC not real/irrelevant- Hirsh Feb. 7th Michael Hirsh, Feb. 7 There’s No Such Thing as Political Capital, http://www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/there-s-no-such-thing-as-political-capital-20130207 The point is not that “political capital” is a meaningless term. Often AND his account determines what he can do at any given moment in history. Immigration won’t pass – pathway to citizenship costs Ted Hesson, “Haley Barbour and Ed Rendell Cast Doubt on Immigration Law By Summer,” 3/20/2013. http://abcnews.go.com/ABC_Univision/Politics/governors-cast-doubt-immigration-law-summer/story?id=18773580andpage=2 President Barack Obama along with Democratic and Republican lawmakers have said they would like to AND that in mind, Rendell thought the CBO estimate was off-base. PC not real/irrelevant- Hirsh Feb. 7th Michael Hirsh, Feb. 7 There’s No Such Thing as Political Capital, http://www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/there-s-no-such-thing-as-political-capital-20130207 The point is not that “political capital” is a meaningless term. Often AND his account determines what he can do at any given moment in history. No PC: polls numbers, stuck agenda, watered down gun-control legislation Amie Parnes and Justin Sink, Obama honeymoon may be over, The Hill, 03/20/13. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/289179-obama-honeymoon-may-be-over#ixzz2O64TIcGE The second-term honeymoon for President Obama is beginning to look like it is AND legislative quicksand, and the cement is beginning to harden. “ The DA creates a tyranny of the people that makes Native subjugation inevitable Judge Royce C. Lamberth 5, United States District Judge, 229 F.R.D. 5; 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 13757; 62 Fed. R. Serv. 3d (Callaghan) 319, July 12, 2005, lexis At times, it seems that the parties, particularly Interior, lose sight of AND pathetic outpost of the indifference and anglocentrism we thought we had left behind. DOE launching new clean energy projects and Obama pushing solar now- Sustainable Business 3/27 (Sustainable Business, “DOE Launches Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative,” March 27, 2013, http://www.sustainablebusiness.com/index.cfm/go/news.display/id/24707//wyo-mm) The Department of Energy (DOE) announced an initiative to boost US manufacturing of AND energy sector and advance the global competitiveness of American manufacturers," he says. Failure to recognize colonial domination of Native’s is the root of war---hegemony makes conflict inevitable Street 4—member of the International Organization for a Participatory Society1 and holds a doctorate in U.S. History from Binghamton University. Author of many books and former Director of Research and Vice President for Research and Planning at the Chicago Urban League (Paul, Those Who Deny The Crimes of the Past: American Racist Atrocity Denial 101, http://www.blackcommentator.com/82/82_think_street.html) Americans are clearly faced with a choice. On the one hand, they can AND roamed by an immeasurably more civilized people than those who came to destroy. Immigration is too close to completion and too well-supported for the plan to have any effect Ferraro and Cowan 15 Mar Ferraro, Thomas: congressional correspondent for Reuters, and Richard Cowan: journalist for Reuters. "Bipartisan immigration reform bill takes shape in House."Reuters. Reuters, 15 Mar 2013. Web. 19 Mar 2013. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/15/us-usa-immigration-congress-idUSBRE92E0WI20130315. Wyo-BF A bipartisan group in the House of Representatives is close to completing work on a AND for breaking the law and encourage a new wave of illegal border crossings. Perm do both- the Disad’s not intrinsic, a logical policy maker could do both Data disproves hegemony impacts Fettweis, 11 Christopher J. Fettweis, Department of Political Science, Tulane University, 9/26/11, Free Riding or Restraint? Examining European Grand Strategy, Comparative Strategy, 30:316–332, EBSCO It is perhaps worth noting that there is no evidence to support a direct relationship AND global policeman. Those who think otherwise base their view on faith alone. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The United States federal government should end Title V Section 3504 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 restrictions that require Secretary of Interior approval for the production of off-grid wind power and/or off-grid solar power in the United States. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1AC Paternalism First the status quo, Wind/Solar energy developing inevitable in the US and globally- increased attention to climate change and technical innovationQueally 3/13 (Jon, Staff writer, Common Dreams, "Despite Efforts to Suppress, Cleaner Energy Continues Inevitable Rise," https://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/03/13-0//wyo-mm) Despite political opposition to clean energy, however, the report shows that wind and AND apps for thermostat control will help connect web and smart-grid technologies. Kronk 13 (Elizabeth, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of Law and Director, Tribal Law and Government Center University of Kansas School of Law, "Tribal Renewable Energy Development Under the HEARTH Act: An Independently Rational, but Collectively Deficient Option," March 11, 2013, Social Science Research Networkwyo-mm) In addition to limiting efficient development in Indian country because of the lengthy delays typically AND far too cumbersome to be helpful to those it’s designed to protect.74 This makes economic and energy equality for tribes impossible-Smith and Frehner 10 (Sherry L. and Brian, Indians %26 energy : exploitation and opportunity in the American Southwest, "Introduction: Indians %26 Energy," pg. 8wyo-mm) Of course, gaining such control has not been easy. In the mid- AND other mineral extraction.9 Clearly, energy development offered no perfect panacea. Recognizing that giving tribes control over resources can combat paternalism’s violent racial discrimination fosters new ways of thinking, solves the root of violence- Absent plan, environmental destruction, native genocide and extinction is inevitableJacques et al 03 (Peter, Ph.D. University of Central Florida, Sharon Ridgeway, Ph.D. Grinnell College and the University of Iowa, and Richard Witmer, Ph.D. Grinnell College. Federal Indian Law and Environmental Policy: A Social Continuity of Violence, 18 J. Envtl. L. %26 Litig. 223) Currently, federal Indian environmental policy relies on the annulment of treaties that were made AND groups of people and nature which is responsible for this mosaic of destruction. Tsosie 10 (Rebecca, edited by Sherry L. Smith and Brian Frehner, Indians %26 Energy Exploitation and Opportunity in the American Southwest, Chapter 11: "Cultural Sovereignty and Tribal Energy Development: Creating a Land Ethic for the Twenty-first century," Pgs. 277-278wyo-mm) The future of tribal energy policy is dependent upon the robust expression of cultural sovereignty AND continue only on this upper path, we will come to destruction.20 Wind/Solar offer a unique site in fostering self-determination and combating resource injustices-Voggesser 10 (Garrit, edited by Sherry L. Smith and Brian Frehner, Indians %26 Energy Exploitation and Opportunity in the American Southwest, Chapter 4: "The Evolution of Federal Energy Policy for Tribal Lands and the Renewable Energy Future," Pgs. 74-75wyo-mm) Despite warnings as far back as the 1950s and 1960s, worldwide discussion and understanding AND their own decisions about what future energy development means to their communities.53 Aff key to combat fossil fuel colonialism and prevent endless cycles of violence against Native Americans-Gough 9 (Bob, Intertribal Council On Utility Policy; paper submitted by Honor the Earth, the Intertribal Council on Utility Policy, the Indigenous Environmental Network, and the International Indian Treaty Council Energy Justice in Native America, A Policy Paper for Consideration by the Obama Administration and the 111th Congress, www.mynewsletterbuilder.com/email/newsletter/1409857447) A just nation-to-nation relationship means breaking the cycle of asking Native AND the future, providing a unique opportunity for stabilizing an energy intensive economy. Centralization- Fown 11 (Prof. of Biology at Ohio state, Why Big Solar is a Colossally Bad Idea, 10 Reasons Decentralized Solar is Much Better Clean Technica, April 27, 2011 By Aaron Fown, http://cleantechnica.com/2011/04/27/why-big-solar-is-a-colossally-bad-idea-10-reasons-decentralized-solar-is-much-better/-http://cleantechnica.com/2011/04/27/why-big-solar-is-a-colossally-bad-idea-10-reasons-decentralized-solar-is-much-better/) Of late there has been much talk about moving towards a solar energy future. AND can work just fine with all of the wind power we can muster. Squo policies are biased towards corporations- need to unlock site for local tribal ownership to solve Kelly and Ratner 09 (Majorie, business journalist and consultant in alternative enterprise design at Tellus Institute in Boston. She is co-founder of Corporation 20/20, an initiative to explore enterprise designs that integrate social, environmental, and financial aims and was President of the Board of Williamson Street Grocery Cooperative, and Shanna, Principal of Yellow Wood Associates, Inc., a consulting firm located in St. Albans, Vermont, specializing in rural community economic development. She has over 24 years experience managing research initiatives and analyzing rural economic development opportunities, Wealth Creation in Rural America project of the Ford Foundation, "Keeping Wealth Local: Shared Ownership and Wealth Control For Rural Communities," 2009, http://www.tellus.org/publications/files/Keeping%20Wealth%20Local%20-%20Kelly.pdf//wyo-mm) In the past, tribal ownership has extended primarily to land and housing, as AND with energy, business development, and the design of ownership and governance. Switching to decentralized, local ownership key to resist centralized modes of control and increase tribal sovereignty-Powell 06 (Dana, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Appalachian State Technologies of Existence: The indigenous environmental justice movement, www.cfeps.org/ss2008/ss08r/harcourt/harcourt3_powell.pdf) In her work with the indigenous movement in Ecuador, Catherine Walsh speaks of the AND also propose alternatives to the dominant models of energy production in the US. Powell 06 (Dana, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Appalachian State Technologies of Existence: The indigenous environmental justice movement, www.cfeps.org/ss2008/ss08r/harcourt/harcourt3_powell.pdf) A similar history runs through Native America, as this ’Fourth World’ population was AND tribes, in service of a reductive, disembedded view of economic growth. Powell 06 (Dana, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Appalachian State Technologies of Existence: The indigenous environmental justice movement, www.cfeps.org/ss2008/ss08r/harcourt/harcourt3_powell.pdf) Situated within the broader IEJM in North America, these projects mark a shift towards AND economic, the ecological, and the cultural are interdependent and mutually constitutive. Lissovoy, 2010 ~Noah, University of Texas at Austin, Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, "Decolonial Pedagogy and the Ethics of Global." Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, Vol. 31, No. 3, July 2010, 279-293, Accessed online via Academic search premier~ /Wyo-MB In a second moment, and in the context of a disavowal of colonialist violence AND in the discourse of resentment undergirding the moral pedagogy of the culture industry). Bronin 12- (Sara C., Associate Professor of Law and the faculty program director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Law, Associate Professor of Law and the faculty program director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Law, edited by Sarah A. and Ezra, Tribes, Land, and the Environment, Ch. 5: "The Promise and Perils of Renewable Energy on Tribal Lands," Pg. 115wyo-mm) The potential for energy sprawl may actually be more significant on and near tribal lands AND perhaps %2410,000 a linear mile) transmission and distribution infrastructure. Expanding tribal self-determination in energy production is key to projects on tribal landsUnger 09 (Kathleen R. Unger, JD Candidate at Loyola Law School Los Angeles, Masters in Linguistic Anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin, Fall 2009, "Change Is In The Wind: Self-Determination And Wind Power Through Tribal Energy Resource Agreements", Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, 43 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 329, lexis, acc 12/10/12) To meet these goals, however, tribal resource development must also promote self- AND determination should be a central consideration in the development of tribal energy resources. 1AC Solvency Module Despite efforts to stream-line energy development, continued federal paternalism and oversight stifles use of TERAs in the status quo- reducing restrictions is necessary and sufficient to spur energy developmentKronk 12—Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law (Elizabeth, Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended "Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development" and the Resulting Need for Reform, 29 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 811) Mirroring this desire, many tribes are also becoming interested in energy development opportunities:¶ AND TERA reforms will spur tribal promulgation of TERAs with the Secretary of Interior. Restrictions on TERAs destroy sustainable renewable development- only the plan can spur TERA adoption AND solve for sovereignty- any counterplan freezes tribes in permanent servitudeKronk 12—Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law (Elizabeth, Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended "Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development" and the Resulting Need for Reform, 29 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 811) Many tribes are currently engaged in some form of energy development. n112 A long AND would see tribal nations "frozen in a perpetual state of tutelage." n155 1AC no DA’s Preferring war impacts over Native Americans masks the system of racial domination that makes inequality and racism worseDoan 03 (Ashley W. Associate Dean for Academic Administration and Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Hartford and Eduardo Bonilla-Silva is Associate Professor of Sociology at Texas A %26 M University, White Out: The Continuing Significance of Racism, 2003, p. 12) A core element in the relationship between the transparency of "whiteness" and the AND Shapiro 1995; Lipsitz 1998) is even less likely to be detected. Fixation on short-term impacts obscures and normalizes systemic violenceNixon 10 (Rob, Rachel Carson Professor of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor, pp 1-14) When Lawrence Summers, then president of the World Bank, advocated thai the bank AND how our rhetorical conventions for bracketing violence routinely ignore ongoing, belated casualties. Deudney and Ikenberry 09 (Daniel and John, "Why Liberal Democracy Will Prevail," Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb 2009, http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/zselden/coursereading2011/Deudney%20autocrat.pdf) This bleak outlook is based on an exaggeration of recent developments and ignores powerful countervailing AND international system is far more primed for peace than the autocratic revivalists acknowledge. Fettweis 06 (Christopher J Fettweis, National Security Decision Making Department, US Naval War College, December 06, "A Revolution in International Relation Theory: Or, What If Mueller Is Right?", International Studies Review, Volume 8, Issue 4, Wiley) The obsolescence-of-major-war argument is familiar enough to need little AND war has become, in Mueller’s words, "sub-rationally unthinkable." Robb 12 (Doug, Lieutenant, US Navy Why the Age of Great Power War is Over, www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2012-05/now-hear-why-age-great-power-war-over-http://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2012-05/now-hear-why-age-great-power-war-over) Whereas in years past, when nations allied with their neighbors in ephemeral bonds of AND a war is equal parts costly, counterproductive, archaic, and improbable. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Farlex, ’12 (Farlex collection, Princeton University, 2012, WordNet 3.0, Print)CC restriction - an act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation) Texas Supreme Court ’10 CAUSE NO. 08-01-18,007-CV-A, Final Judgment, http://www.supreme.courts.state.tx.us/ebriefs/12/12046401.pdf "Restriction" is defined and commonly used to mean "~a~ limitation (esp. in a deed) placed on the use or enjoyment of property." BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY 1054 (7th ed. 2000). U.S. Code ’5 25 U.S.C. § 3504 : US Code - Section 3504: Leases, business agreements, and rights-of-way involving energy development or transmission, 2005, An Indian tribe may grant a right-of-way over tribal land for AND the Secretary determines to be in the best interest of the Indian tribe; Fourth, Counter-interpretation: restrictions includes statutory requirements that DIRECTLY BLOCK land access for productionDOI, USDA, DOE 2008 ~"Inventory of Onshore Federal Oil and Natural Gas Resources and Restrictions to Their Development", http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/wo/MINERALS__REALTY__AND_RESOURCE_PROTECTION_/energy/0.Par.68195.File.dat/EPCA2008lo_1.pdf-http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/wo/MINERALS__REALTY__AND_RESOURCE_PROTECTION_/energy/0.Par.68195.File.dat/EPCA2008lo_1.pdf wyo-tjc~ Additional statutory and discretionary requirements beyond lease stipulations impact Federal land access for oil and AND by an analysis of BLM’s Automated Fluid Minerals Support System (AFMSS).47 Fifth, We meet and have the best interp- plan reduces the NEPA requirement which is the LARGEST AND MOST DIRECT restrictionDOI, USDA, DOE 2008 ~"Inventory of Onshore Federal Oil and Natural Gas Resources and Restrictions to Their Development", http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/wo/MINERALS__REALTY__AND_RESOURCE_PROTECTION_/energy/0.Par.68195.File.dat/EPCA2008lo_1.pdf-http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/wo/MINERALS__REALTY__AND_RESOURCE_PROTECTION_/energy/0.Par.68195.File.dat/EPCA2008lo_1.pdf wyo-tjc~ 4.1 Issues Directly Impacting Access The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. The NEPA is the nation’s central environmental AND met), or defer the decision and provide a notice to the applicant. A- It’s arbitrary: there is no significant difference between prohibitions and regulations THAT restrictBLM 2 ~Bureau of Land Management, "Energy and Public Lands", http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/res/Education_in_BLM/Learning_Landscapes/For_Teachers/science_and_children/energy/index/energy2.html-http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/res/Education_in_BLM/Learning_Landscapes/For_Teachers/science_and_children/energy/index/energy2.html wyo-tjc~ Alternative energy production from federal lands lags behind conventional energy production, though the amount is still significant. For example, federal geothermal resources produce about 7.5 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, 47 percent of all electricity generated from U.S. geothermal energy. There are 2,960 wind turbines on public lands in California alone, producing electricity for about 300,000 people. Federal hydropower facilities produce about 17 percent of all hydropower produced in the United States. Most U.S. geothermal resources are in the western states, where most public lands are located. The sunny southwest has the greatest potential for solar energy production. Wind resources are more widespread, and there are federal lands in many of the most favorable areas. The Secretaries of the Interior, Energy, and Agriculture are in the process of identifying renewable energy siting opportunities and reevaluating access restrictions on federal lands. Development limitations, including environmental considerations, must also be assessed. Federal agencies will also consider development incentives such as reduced site rental fees to encourage industry to more aggressively pursue renewable energy production. Because of the growing U.S. thirst for energy and increasing public unease AND mitigation measures may be imposed, or mineral production may be banned altogether. BLM and other land managers have the delicate task of weighing energy production against competing AND approaches and work collaboratively to find alternatives that can be accepted by all. Bernard Hoekman and Petros C. Mavroidis (World Bank Development Research Group) October 2002 "Economic Development, Competition Policy, and the World Trade Organization" http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2002/11/22/000094946_02111404425138/Rendered/PDF/multi0page.pdf Under the "effects" doctrine (or subjective territoriality), countries may take action AND A legislative (rule making) initiative could usefully clarify this gray area. Hagerty ’11 - Specialist in Energy and Natural Resources Policy for the Congressional Research Service Curry L. Hagerty is, May 6, 2011, "Outer Continental Shelf Moratoria on Oil and Gas Development", http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R41132.pdf Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE)32 Footnote 32 Begins… 32 BOEMRE is a bureau in the U.S. Department of the Interior AND by June 19, 2010, to "by July 9, 2010." Footnote 32 End… As mentioned above, regulated oil and gas activities on the OCS are administered pursuant AND Since that time Sale 220 has been removed from the lease sale schedule. Seventh, Err affirmative—the topic is massively neg-biased because of a lack of fed-key warrants and the states counterplan, and huge backfile generics because of past energy topicsEighth, Competing interpretations is bad—comparisons are just as subjective as reasonability and their frame encourages a race to the bottom. We shouldn’t lose if our aff makes debate harder as long as it is still possible and educational. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Incentives don’t solve Dreveskracht 11—Judicial Law Clerk, Judge Kathleen Kay, United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana; L.L.M. in Sustainable International Development, University of Washington School of Law, 2010; J.D., University of Arizona (Ryan, Native Nation Economic Development via the Implementation of Solar Projects: How to Make It Work, http://law.wlu.edu/deptimages/Law%20Review/68-1Dreveskracht.pdf-http://law.wlu.edu/deptimages/Law Review/68-1Dreveskracht.pdf) Native nations that are highly dependent on federal funding to maintain their economic development projects AND , to be accountable for them, and to learn from them." 473 |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 2AC General A2 Reform CP Second, perm do plan and ALL or ANY of the planks- we reserve clarification to account for Block and 2NR shiftsDreveskracht 11—Associate at Galanda Broadman PLLC, of Seattle, an American Indian majority-owned law firm. His practice focuses on representing businesses and tribal governments in public affairs, energy, gaming, taxation, and general economic development (Ryan, The Road to Alternative Energy in Indian Country: Is It a Dead End?, http://www.wsba.org/Legal-Community/Sections/Indian-Law-Section/~~/media/Files/Legal%20Community/Sections/Indian%20Law/Indian%20Newsletters/Summer%202011%20Vol%2019%20No%202.ashx) Yet, as of February 2011, only one commercial scale renewable energy project is AND year limit, renewable only once for another 30-year term. 45 Federal approval requirements freeze out tribal interest in development, that’s the 1ac Kronk evidence andDreveskracht 11—Associate at Galanda Broadman PLLC, of Seattle, an American Indian majority-owned law firm. His practice focuses on representing businesses and tribal governments in public affairs, energy, gaming, taxation, and general economic development (Ryan, The Road to Alternative Energy in Indian Country: Is It a Dead End?, http://www.wsba.org/Legal-Community/Sections/Indian-Law-Section/~~/media/Files/Legal%20Community/Sections/Indian%20Law/Indian%20Newsletters/Summer%202011%20Vol%2019%20No%202.ashx) The Road Ahead¶ The doctrine of self-determination acknowledges that tribal control over AND it will be necessary to emphasize the former to bring about the latter. Liability They should be maintained- it’s key to self-determinationUnger 10—Clerk, Hon. Ferdinand Fernandez , U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, JD Loyola Law School, MA - Linguistic Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin (Kathleen, CHANGE IS IN THE WIND: SELF-DETERMINATION AND WIND POWER THROUGH TRIBAL ENERGY One reason revision is not needed is that the Indian Energy Act’s explicit recognition of AND because "sovereignty without such risks is a contradiction in terms." 289¶ AND the Counterplan is also a direct opportunity cost with sovereignty- Kronk concludes eliminating approval restrictions is SUPERIORKronk 12—Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law (Elizabeth, Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended "Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development" and the Resulting Need for Reform, 29 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 811) ~*849~ The discussion below offers two suggestions for reform. These options, AND to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs in comments submitted in 2003. n141 Indianz.com 03—GOP Leaders Release second draft of energy bill, September 30, GOP leaders release second draft of energy bill¶ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 AND Many tribes have eagerly tapped their coal, natural gas and other assets. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: T/F Zero uniqueness- wind is high AND inevitable, both here and globallySaari 2/11 (Emily, SMCM graduate and web producer, tck tck tck The Global Campaign for Climate Action, "2012 was a banner year for wind: Competitive pricing, record growth," February 11, 2013, http://tcktcktck.org/2013/02/wind-is-cheaper-than-coal-for-the-first-time/48235//wyo-mm) Posting a year of record success in several nations, the wind industry once again AND of the renewable industry and end active support of the fossil fuel industry. AT: Politics Don’t prefer extinction level impacts- survival politics obscure violence committed against the racialized body- makes racism more tacit and violent- that’s Doane- immigration is a unique example of this because it’s used to prop up the white privileged regime like ballot claiming- if we win this frame is problematic- you assign low-risk to the DA bc it makes genocidal politics inevitableFocus on spectacular politics create fixation on improbable and mask systemic violence- leaves the root causes of destruction and violence intact - that’s Nixon- turns the DA because it makes conflicts in the long-run worseNakamura 8:45 this morning Nakamura, David: journalist for the Washington Post. "Rubio: No deal yet on immigration reform bill." Washington Post. Washington Post, 31 Mar 2013. Web. 31 Mar 2013. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/03/31/rubio-no-deal-yet-on-immigration-reform-bill/. A key Republican lawmaker said Sunday that a bipartisan group of senators does not yet AND a time when Republicans are attempting to broaden their appeal to minority voters. Rudrappa in 9 ~Sharmila, associate professor of sociology and is affiliated with the Center for Asian American Studies and the Center for Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, University of San Francisco Law Review, "The Evolving Definition of the Immigrant Worker", Fall 2009, p. lexiswyo-tjc~ Finally, labor markets need to be replenished with new workers. This involves not AND increased or decreased, carefully calculated to suit market demands and political expediencies. PC not real/irrelevant- Hirsh Feb. 7th ~Michael Hirsh, Feb. 7 There’s No Such Thing as Political Capital, http://www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/there-s-no-such-thing-as-political-capital-20130207~~ The point is not that "political capital" is a meaningless term. Often AND his account determines what he can do at any given moment in history. Mancuso, 08 Mario Mancuso 8, Under Secretary of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security U.S. Department of Commerce, 6/2/8, "The Future of the U.S.-India High Technology Relationship", http://www.bis.doc.gov/news/2008/mancuso06052008.htm The strength of today’s U.S. and India relationship is real, and AND as the U.S.-India High Technology Cooperation Group (HTCG). DOE launching new clean energy projects and Obama pushing solar now-Sustainable Business 3/27 (Sustainable Business, "DOE Launches Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative," March 27, 2013, http://www.sustainablebusiness.com/index.cfm/go/news.display/id/24707//wyo-mm-http://www.sustainablebusiness.com/index.cfm/go/news.display/id/24707//wyo-mm) The Department of Energy (DOE) announced an initiative to boost US manufacturing of AND energy sector and advance the global competitiveness of American manufacturers," he says. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: DA- Judge Royce C. Lamberth 5, United States District Judge, 229 F.R.D. 5; 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 13757; 62 Fed. R. Serv. 3d (Callaghan) 319, July 12, 2005, lexis At times, it seems that the parties, particularly Interior, lose sight of AND pathetic outpost of the indifference and anglocentrism we thought we had left behind. The Aff’s focus on deliberative approaches to public policy makes participation in policy decisions by those without their hands on the levers of power possibleHickman, 12 ~Larry, director of the Center for Dewey Studies and professor of philosophy at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, "Citizen Participation: more or less?" Online, http://www.secularhumanism.org/index.php?section=fi%26page=hickman_28_6~~ /Wyo-MB Progressives such as John Dewey have tended to take a very different view from that AND to public problems and experts who can advise those representatives on technical matters. political struggle==== Steinman 12 (Erich, Pitzer College Chicago Journals, "Settler Colonial Power and the American Indian Sovereignty Movement: Forms of Domination, Strategies of Transformation," January 2012, JSTOR) While there was no shared understanding of exactly what sovereignty entailed, over time " AND and the mid-1980s; the data presented focus on this period. Steinman 12 (Erich, Pitzer College Chicago Journals, "Settler Colonial Power and the American Indian Sovereignty Movement: Forms of Domination, Strategies of Transformation," January 2012, JSTOR) Second, inattention to the ISM is also due to the ill fit between this AND ISM, with much of the core action outside the theory’s analytical focus. Steinman 12 (Erich, Pitzer College Chicago Journals, "Settler Colonial Power and the American Indian Sovereignty Movement: Forms of Domination, Strategies of Transformation," January 2012, JSTOR) Well before the collapse of Red Power, a tribally based project to institutionalize this AND We’re independent governments%21’" (Wilkinson 2005, p. 127). |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The DA creates a tyranny of the people that makes Native subjugation inevitable Judge Royce C. Lamberth 5, United States District Judge, 229 F.R.D. 5; 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 13757; 62 Fed. R. Serv. 3d (Callaghan) 319, July 12, 2005, lexis At times, it seems … we had left behind. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: (_) STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE OUTWEIGHS AND LIES AT THE ROOT CAUSE OF ALL OTHER FORMS OF VIOLENCE Gilligan 96 James, Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical and Director of the Center for the Study of Violence “Violence: Our Deadly Epidemic and Its Causes,” p191-196cn The 14 to 18 million …, as cause to effect. Food shortages don’t cause war Chang 11 (Gordon G Chang, Graduated Cornell Law School, Lawyer and writer and former trustee of Cornell, “Global Food Wars,” Forbes, 2/21/11 http://blogs.forbes.com/gordonchang/2011/02/21/global-food-wars/) In any event, food-price … efficiency of free markets. War impacts impossible- shifts in attitudes solve Fettweis 06 (Christopher J Fettweis, National Security Decision Making Department, US Naval War College, December 06, “A Revolution in International Relation Theory: Or, What If Mueller Is Right?”, International Studies Review, Volume 8, Issue 4, Wiley) The obsolescence-of-major-war …words, “sub-rationally unthinkable.” That Also turns racism Rudrappa in 9 Sharmila, associate professor of sociology and is affiliated with the Center for Asian American Studies and the Center for Women's and Gender Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, University of San Francisco Law Review, “The Evolving Definition of the Immigrant Worker”, Fall 2009, p. lexiswyo-tjc IN RESPONSE TO SUSAN SONTAG'S celebration …racialized guest worker programs. Even if he were spending PC it fails with house republicans - i think this part is just true. Those guys hate him and this is the poison the well stuff. PC not real- Obama can’t leverage political power with a divided Congress, empirics prove Elfers 3/27 (Rich, columnist, Enumclaw Courier Herald, “Political power struggle always in play,” March 27, 2013, http://www.courierherald.com/opinion/200273791.html//wyo-mm) How much power does… passed without Congressional approval. |