| 09/22/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: 2 | Opponent: UMW MM | Judge: Arnett 1NC Export restrictions are not production restrictions Shih 9 Wen-chen Shih is an associate professor of law in the Department of International Trade at National Chengchi University, Taiwan. "ARTICLE: Energy Security, GATT/WTO, and Regional Agreements" Natural Resources Journal Spring, 2009 Natural Resources Journal 49 Nat. Resources J. 433 lexis Such an argument has been … restrictions that contravene Article XI:1. n97 Vote negative Limits---they turn the energy production topic into the energy trading topic---doubles the topic and overstretches our research burden---undermines preparedness for all debates Ground---export restrictions allow them to just change where energy goes as opposed to how much is produced which is the core link to all disads 1NC (Long) Expanding energy production presupposes an ontological schema that subordinates nature to engineering and manipulation---cleaner forms of production only sanitize consumptive practices that are the root cause of the case Gary Backhaus 9 Phil @ Loyola Maryland, "Automobility: Global Warming as Symptomatology" April 2009, www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/1/2/187 Gore unwittingly bases …on its same course. The doctrine of continued re-engineering of nature results in more insidious destructive practices that make their impacts inevitable---unforeseen non-linearities ensure serial policy failure and extinction Gary Backhaus 9 Phil @ Loyola Maryland, "Automobility: Global Warming as Symptomatology" April 2009, www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/1/2/187 Many environmental thinkers … the planet. You should prioritize the question of consumption over production---the focus on the latter obscures the former Princen 3 Thomas Princen, Associate Professor of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the School of Natural Resources and Environment at the University of Michigan, where he also co-directs the Workshop on Consumption and Environment, "Principles for Sustainability: From Cooperation and Efficiency to Sufficiency," Global Environmental Politics 3.1, 2003, p. 33-50 Global timber harvesters … Global water management illustrates the need for such a focus. Focusing on consumption solves the case better Princen 2 Thomas Princen, Associate Professor of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the School of Natural Resources and Environment at the University of Michigan, where he also co-directs the Workshop on Consumption and Environment, 02, "The Consumption Angle," Confronting Consumption, p. 41-2 By making consumption more … the black box of consumer sovereignty. This requires a rejection of their symptom-focus in favor of an ontological reconfiguration of our relationship to nature that does not render it a simple standing reserve Gary Backhaus 9 Phil @ Loyola Maryland, "Automobility: Global Warming as Symptomatology" April 2009, www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/1/2/187 The twentieth-century philosopher Martin … with the disease rather than its symptomatic manifestation. Their security discourse sanitizes global destruction by proliferating symptom-focused solutions to global power imbalances---causes cycles of violence that make global warfare and extinction inevitable Ahmed 12 Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research and Development (IPRD), an independent think tank focused on the study of violent conflict, he has taught at the Department of International Relations, University of Sussex "The international relations of crisis and the crisis of international relations: from the securitisation of scarcity to the militarisation of society" Global Change, Peace and Security Volume 23, Issue 3, 2011 Taylor Francis 3. From securitisation to militarisation 3.1 Complicity This analysis thus calls for a … policy-making on these issues. Security is based on a desire to control and manage---its ontological precepts attempt to render everything knowable and hence predictable---means that random variation in IR ensures aggression and enemy creation---the impact is mass war and violence Burke 7—Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations in the University of New South Wales (Anthony, Theory and Event, Volume 10, Issue 2, 2007, “Ontologies of War: Violence, Existence and Reason,” Project MUSE) This essay develops a theory …Will our thought? Euroep SQ solves eu dependence Stares 12/7—correspondent, Public Service Europe – has reported on EU affairs for over 5 years (Justin, Europe trying to wean itself off Russian gas, 12/7/11, http://www.publicserviceeurope.com/article/1216/europe-trying-to-wean-itself-off-russian-gas) If the European Union hits its 2020 …Russian giants such as Gazprom. Russia has abandoned aggression in favor of cooperation Sawczak 11 [Dr. Peter Sawczak, Adjunct Research Fellow at Monash University, “Obama’s Russia Policy: The Wages and Pitfalls of the Reset,” peer reviewed paper presented at the 10th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Association for Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Feb 3-4 2011, http://cais.anu.edu.au/sites/default/files/Sawczak_Obama.pdf] As a measure of their optimism, … any major gas wars, threatened leaders, or incited civil war. Claiming that Russia is a violent power causes terrible policy and legitimizes Western interventions---academic criticism is necessary to recalibrate triumphalist Cold War narratives that make conflict inevitable Cohen 11—Prof of Russian studies at NYU. Ph.D. in government and Russian studies at Columbia University, became a professor of politics and Russian studies at Princeton University (Stephen, Obama's Russia 'Reset': Another Lost Opportunity?, 6/1/11, http://www.thenation.com/article/161063/obamas-russia-reset-another-lost-opportunity) Obama’s proposed reset has also brought more extreme ..redrawing national boundaries. EU collapse inevitable IBD 11/11/11 Investors Business Daily, “Strained by its debts, EU is breaking up” http://news.investors.com/article/591486/201111111828/strained-by-its-debts-eu-is-breaking-up.htm Euro Zone: It's been clear for some … welfare state they've become. EU soft power isn’t effective Pollock 3/7/12 Helen The Soft Power Dilemma: Can the European Union Sacrifice the Carrot and the Stick and Command with Soft Power Alone?, Claremont McKenna College, http://scholarship.claremont.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1035andcontext=urceu THE SOFT POWER … pr otect themselves as needed. Warming And, NG causes net-more warming specifically in the transportation sector Bloomberg 12 The Gas Is Always Greener When It Leaks Less Jun 13www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-06-13/the-gas-is-always-greener-when-it-leaks-less.html Careful measurements are also … For heavy trucks, the leak rate would need to come down to 1 percent. Compressing Natural gas includes too many emissions to solve Matthews 12(Nathan Matthews - Associate Attorney, Sierra Club Environmental Law Program. “SIERRA CLUB’S MOTION TO INTERVENE OUT OF TIME, PROTEST, AND COMMENTS,” 4/18/12, http://content.sierraclub.org/sites/default/files/documents/SC%20Mtn%20to%20Intervene%204-18-12.pdf) Insofar as DOE/FE found that … for 300 years. Id. CNG Doesn’t solve warming --- emissions are as high Garforth 9/4 (Peter Garforth - heads a specialist consultancy on developing competitive approaches that reduce the economic and environmental impact of energy use. "Is natural gas the bridge to a low-carbon future?," 9/4/12 www.plantservices.com/articles/2012/09-Energy-Expert-natural-gas.html) Along with electricity, transportation … on domestic natural gas. No impact---mitigation and adaptation will solve---no tipping point or “1% risk” args Robert O. Mendelsohn 9, the Edwin Weyerhaeuser Davis Professor, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, June 2009, “Climate Change and Economic Growth,” online: http://www.growthcommission.org/storage/cgdev/documents/gcwp060web.pdf The heart of the debate about … long‐run balanced responses. the aff’s use of environmental crisis rhetoric causes eco-authoritarianism and political apathy---turns the case Buell 3 Frederick—cultural critic on the environmental crisis and a Professor of English at Queens College and the author of five books, From Apocalypse To Way of Life, pages 185-186 Looked at critically, then, crisis discourse …s to clearly terminal “nature.” Alt---2NC Our alternative starts with the question of how we situate ourselves with regards to nature---an ontological investigation into what the natural world should be appropriated for changes the coordinates of our social praxes to reduce global suffering and exploitation Best and Nocella 6 associate professor of philosophy at the University of Texas at El Paso Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth, p 82-4 Yet, for both Heidegger and revolutionary … American philosophy and practice. AT: Perm Technological strategies overwhelm the perm Thiele 95 Leslie Paul Professor of Political Science at University of Florida Timely Meditations, pgs. 200-201 The Midas touch of technology … as a place of boundaries. AT: Short-TF/Case O/W---2NC We have time to think about it---its your role to expose the fantasy of short-termism Pinar Bilgin 4 IR @ Bilikent AND Adam David MORTON Senior Lecturer and Fellow of the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice IR @ Nottingham“From ‘Rogue’ to ‘Failed’ States? The Fallacy of Short-termism” Politics 24 (3) p. Wiley Interscience Calls for alternative approaches … academy and policymaking communities alike. AT: Eco-Prag---2NC Pepper 10 Prof Geography Oxford, Utopianism and Environmentalism, Environmental Politics, 14:1, 3-22, SAGE Conclusion Academic and activist opinion nonetheless … eminently realistic proposition. Eco pragmatism is more utopian and fantastic---it’s a more dangerous commitment than our alternative Pepper 10 Prof Geography Oxford, Utopianism and Environmentalism, Environmental Politics, 14:1, 3-22, SAGE Reformist environmentalism and utopianism It is a central contention of this paper … nature in a post-industrial arcadia (Davis, 1981). Mindset Shift Alt Structural economic decline now causes a transition to a post-growth equilibrium economy Heinberg 10 – Richard Heinberg, Senior Fellow at The Post-Carbon Institute, Professor at the New College of California, March 4, 2010, “What if the economy doesn't recover?,” online: http://www.countercurrents.org/heinberg040310.htm In 2008 the U.S. economy tripped … downward rather than upward from now on. Economic collapse forces a cultural change away from growth, which solves---prefer our ev that cites polling Speth 8 – James Gustave Speth, dean of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies at Yale University, founder of the World Resources Institute, Professor at Vermont Law School, Former Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality in the Executive Office of the President, Co-founder of the Natural Resources Defense Council, 2008, The Bridge at the Edge of the World, p. 211-213 Unfortunately, the surest path to widespread … could help lead to real change. Crisis forces transition---political commitment to growth is a contingent historical phenomenon---not inevitable Speth 8 – James Gustave Speth, dean of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies at Yale University, founder of the World Resources Institute, Professor at Vermont Law School, Former Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality in the Executive Office of the President, Co-founder of the Natural Resources Defense Council, 2008, The Bridge at the Edge of the World, p. 118-119 What are the practical and political … fight you, then you win.” Russia is the opposite of aggressive – they’ve stood by despite Western provocations Ottens 11 [Nick Ottens, editor of the transatlantic news and commentary site the Atlantic Sentinel and contributing analyst for the geostrategic consultancy Wikistrat, “The Myth of Russia’s Resurgence,” August 20 2011, http://atlanticsentinel.com/2011/08/the-myth-of-russias-resurgence/] Wikistrat‘s Thomas Barnett reminds … less than one hundred brigades.” Georgia just proves Russia is less aggressive than the US Larison 10 [Daniel Larison, Ph.D. graduate from the University of Chicago and contributing editor at The American Conservative, “Russian ‘Aggression,’” July 5 2010, http://www.theamericanconservative.com/larison/russian-aggression/] No one denies the authoritarianism, … Russia and its allies. Not Russian aggression Adomanis 12/17—degrees in Russian studies from Harvard and Oxford. Contributes to Forbes on Russia (Mark, Obama is not Appeasing Russia, 12/17/11, www.forbes.com/sites/markadomanis/2011/12/17/obama-is-not-appeasing-russia/) More generally, Krauthammer has a … the war against Islamic extremism. |
| 09/24/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Vagueness and shadiness—-incentives must provide money and subsidies—-them not specifying allows vague 2ac clarifications which destroy negative ground—-you need to hold them to the broadest and most inclusive definition—-they must provide moneyEnergy Trust 9 Submitted To: Energy Trust of Oregon "PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY PROGRAM EVALUATION REPORT" Oct 6 2009 energytrust.org/library/reports/evaluation_of_the_2007-2008_production_efficiency_program.pdf 3.5.4 Financial Incentives The goal of the Production Efficiency Program is to achieve energy savings and help transform AND Short Studies, Detailed Technical Analysis Studies, and pre and post inspections. ====You must be vigilant about this—-if at any point it even seems like they’re violating these it has to be an immediate voting issue and a reason to reject the team because then the neg has to go for theory just to get their substance—-the only thing worse than not reading a plan is pretending to defend a vague one==== Flott %26 Co PC 12 (law firm with specialized expertise in business, international commerce and tax, United States citizenship issues, business and professional immigration, and non-profit law, "State-level Policies and The Growth of Solar Power", 1/26, http://www.doingbusinessacrossborders.com/state-level-policies-and-the-growth-of-solar-power/) Rising fossil-fuel prices and environmental concerns have led to a growing demand for AND and certificate trading systems, the federal government has not enacted similar requirements. Papworth 5 – environmental activist and editor of Fourth World Review (John, AUSCHWITZ, FOURTH WORLD REVIEW 131, http://www.williamfranklin.com/4thworld/adobe/fwrp131.pdf, AG) The second factor relates to the tragic misconceptions about the nature of democracy and its AND owning a private automobile when contrasted with the appalling dangers of global warming? Incentives cause government dependence and undermines incentives for innovationLoris 11 Nicolas Loris is an analyst in the Heritage Foundation’s Roe Institute of Economic Policy Studies. "Power Down the Subsidies to Energy Producers" Aug 3 www.heritage.org/research/commentary/2011/08/power-down-the-subsidies-to-energy-producers America has an … are those that cannot compete without them. Baru 9 Sanjaya is a Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School in Singapore Geopolitical Implications of the Current Global Financial Crisis, Strategic Analysis, Volume 33, Issue 2 March 2009 , pages 163 – 168 Hence, economic policies and performance do have strategic consequences.2 In the modern AND to find adequate financial resources to simultaneously sustain economic growth and military power. Anderson 89 Thomas, Libertarian Alliance, "Economics and Knowledge" Economic Notes No. 21 www.libertarian.co.uk/lapubs/econn/econn021.pdf Before there can be a substantial or meaningful advance of knowledge in any discipline, AND to be outside the realm of the average student, citizen or voter. Continued… A sound theory of knowledge is the only path leading to the rescue of economics AND remember to trace back, isolate, present and check your fundamental premises. The affirmative forecloses the ability of markets and human ingenuity to solve the impacts they invoke—-fatal conceit in the context of energy policy makes their impacts inevitable and cause policy failureRobinson 8 Colin, Institute of Economic Affairs "Climate Change Policy: Challenging the Activists," http://www.iea.org.uk/files/upld-book440pdf?.pdf There is, however, more to the apocalyptic forecast than that because it always AND programmes, taxes or sometimes ’market instruments’ (of which more later). But there is a serious problem with the view that centralised action, via governments AND suppresses the information that planners would need if they were to operate successfully. The second problem is that, even if the information were avail- able, AND and disinterested and will simply identify and then pursue the ’public good’. By contrast, the market system is essentially a massive problem- solving mechanism. AND if not into a ’fatal conceit’ (Hayek and Bartley, 1988). Of course, no one can be sure that there will always be an economic AND years, they were still lower in real terms than in 1980.3 This is an a priori voting issue—-sound economic epistemology is key to the efficacy of all social and political praxes—-accesses every impactReisman 96 George, Pepperdine University Professor Emeritus of Economics, Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics, http://www.capitalism.net/Capitalism/Economics%20and%20Capitalism.htm In the absence of a widespread, serious understanding of the principles of economics, AND view of some observers, is actually in the process of doing so. Thus, the importance of economics consists in the fact that ultimately our entire modern AND be unable to survive in the absence of Western food and medical supplies. Targeting specific industries and technology fails—-cap and trade is key to market-based solutions that solve the case betterMorris et al 12 Adele C. Morris, Fellow and Deputy Director of the. Climate and Energy Economics project at Brookings, Pietro S. Nivola, Charles Schultze, Brookings Scholars, "CLEAN ENERGY:REVISITING THE CHALLENGES OF INDUSTRIAL POLICY" June 4 www.brookings.edu/~/media/research/files/papers/2012/6/04%20clean%20energy%20morris%20nivola%20schultze/04_clean_energy_morris_nivola_schultze.pdf Public investments of these magnitudes, targeted at specific industries, arguably constitute an industrial policy, albeit a sectoral one, unlike the earlier proposals of the 1980’s —that is, a government strategy to steer resources toward select producers or technologies. The rationale and efficacy of these clean-energy expenditures call for scrutiny. Proponents offer numerous reasons for scaling up particular energy technologies at the taxpayer’s expense. AND on C02 that reflects the environmental harm associated with use of fossil fuels. A far more effective policy than subsidies for clean energy research, development and demonstration AND market prices that many clean energy subsidies will succeed in deploying new technologies. Subsidy and incentive elimination levels the playing field—-allows a free market approach to energy policyWSJ 12 "The Energy Subsidy Tally" Aug 18 lexis So for every tax dollar … sense. Free market energy key to solving energy prices and growthLoris 11 Nicolas Loris is a policy analyst in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation. "No More Energy Subsidies: Prevent the New, Repeal the Old" July 26 www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/07/no-more-energy-subsidies-prevent-the-new-repeal-the-old Are Americans energy dependent? Yes—dependent on government energy subsidies. In 2007 AND , not American taxpayers, to thrive in a system of free enterprise. Americans are becoming too energy dependent. But it is not dependence on foreign sources AND new subsidies are put in place and remove the ones already in place. Robinson 8 Colin, Institute of Economic Affairs "Climate Change Policy: Challenging the Activists," http://www.iea.org.uk/files/upld-book440pdf?.pdf One policy response would be direct action by governments to promote energy sources and technologies AND however, there are signs of a revival of interest in nuclear generation. Renewable sources are already being favoured by governments. The British government, for example AND to influence consumers to change their ways in directions that governments think desirable. The problem with direct promotional action by government is that it does not address the AND reasons of principle involving inherent information failures and the influence of pressure groups. Most analyses of climate change policy are silent on these issues of principle. The Stern Review, for example, ignores completely the economic analysis of government action, exem- plified in the ’public choice’ theory that has been brought to such prominence by James Buchanan, Gordon Tullock and others,6 and the Hayekian view of competitive markets. The Hayekian critique of government action, as explained earlier, emphasises the role of AND by governments short of the relevant knowledge on which to judge their proposals. Direct action by governments is part of the Stern prescription. If we rule it AND most acceptable and how much energy should be conserved (Marshall, 2005). One such instrument would be a ’carbon tax’ – a tax on fuel that AND emissions; such a scheme would allow a price of carbon to emerge. Lieberman %26 Loris 8 Ben Lieberman, *Senior Policy Analyst in Energy and the Environment AND Nicolas D. Loris is a Research Assistant in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation, "Energy Policy: Let’s Not Repeat the Mistakes of the ’70s," July 28, http://www.heritage.org/Research/EnergyandEnvironment/wm2004.cfm During the 1970s and early … are condemned to repeat it. There are AND consumers and instead focus on ways to increase the supply of energy domestically. Van Doren and Taylor 8 Peter and Jerry, senior fellows at the Cato Institute, "The Case against Government Support for Alternative Energy" Google Knol, http://knol.google.com/k/jerry-taylor/should-there-be-a-system-of-federal/1adq09v7leuu4/3~~%23 The final issue of disagreement that remains is the question of market failure. We AND left to their own devices … even when market prices are "correct." This, we believe, is the real nub of the disagreement between us and AND not on libertarianism (which is, in fact, about other things). Van Doren and Taylor 8 Peter and Jerry, senior fellows at the Cato Institute, "The Case against Government Support for Alternative Energy" Google Knol, http://knol.google.com/k/jerry-taylor/should-there-be-a-system-of-federal/1adq09v7leuu4/3~~%23 If prices were correct for energy, why would market actors disappoint in energy markets AND stunning array of subsidy, it is still more expensive than conventional electricity. Van Doren and Taylor 8 Peter and Jerry, senior fellows at the Cato Institute, "The Case against Government Support for Alternative Energy" Google Knol, http://knol.google.com/k/jerry-taylor/should-there-be-a-system-of-federal/1adq09v7leuu4/3~~%23 Ever since World War II, Washington has theory or practice that this is the case … particularly in energy markets. Van Doren and Taylor 8 Peter and Jerry, senior fellows at the Cato Institute, "The Case against Government Support for Alternative Energy" Google Knol, http://knol.google.com/k/jerry-taylor/should-there-be-a-system-of-federal/1adq09v7leuu4/3~~%23 While libertarians are often caricatured as those who have near religious certainty about the correctness AND energy decisions to the market and letting the chips fall where they may. Papworth 95 (John, Small is Powerful, p 156-8, AG) Yet an intention for what? If, as we have repeatedly sought to show AND to occupy the central stage, are forces ready to destroy democracy altogether. Environment resilient Doug Boucher 96 is the director of the Tropical Forest and Climate Initiative at the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)"Not with a Bang but a Whimper," Science and Society, Fall 96 Issue, http://www.driftline.org/cgi-bin/archive/archive_msg.cgi?file=spoon-archives/marxism-international.archive/marxism-international_1998/marxism-international.9802%26msgnum=379%26start=32091%26end=32412 The political danger of catastrophism is matched by the weakness of its scientific foundation. AND and further investigation often shows that the reasons for collapse were fundamentally political. It’s either resilient or alt causes should overwhelm Gregg Easterbrook 95, Distinguished Fellow, Fullbright Foundation, A Moment on Earth pg 25 IN THE AFTERMATH OF EVENTS SUCH AS LOVE CANAL OR THE Exxon Valdez oil spill AND are pinpricks compared to forces of the magnitude nature is accustomed to resisting. |
| 09/24/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Gary Backhaus 9 Phil @ Loyola Maryland, "Automobility: Global Warming as Symptomatology" April 2009, com/2071-1050/1/2/187 Gore unwittingly bases his exposition on unwarranted epistemological assumptions that comprise an ordering function in AND anthropogenic source for global warming, or what we now call climate change. In his discussion of technology and science, Gore writes of advances or progress and AND indicative of this fundamental belief in so-called technological progress ~[4~]. On the issue of economics, many environmentalists that develop a doctrine of sustainability do AND us from our environmental degradation while economic expansion continues on its same course. The doctrine of continued re-engineering of nature results in more insidious destructive practices that make their impacts inevitable—-unforeseen non-linearities ensure serial policy failure and extinctionGary Backhaus 9 Phil @ Loyola Maryland, "Automobility: Global Warming as Symptomatology" April 2009, com/2071-1050/1/2/187 Many environmental thinkers have questioned the presupposed tenets, e.g., the doctrine AND that leads away from a worldview that presupposes the culture/nature dualism. Bio-regionalists have called for new and radical political changes such as the re AND show us how to re-structure life toward the goal of sustainability. There is still another point germane to the issue of automobility which shows the non AND concerning which Gore’s sanguine liberal-based ideology is not prepared to face. My fundamental criticism, however, is that Gore sees global warming as the problem AND terms), are destroying the life of, and on, the planet. Their security discourse sanitizes global destruction by proliferating symptom-focused solutions to global power imbalances—-causes cycles of violence that make global warfare and extinction inevitableAhmed 12 Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research and Development (IPRD), an independent think tank focused on the study of violent conflict, he has taught at the Department of International Relations, University of Sussex "The international relations of crisis and the crisis of international relations: from the securitisation of scarcity to the militarisation of society" Global Change, Peace %26 Security Volume 23, Issue 3, 2011 Taylor Francis 3. From securitisation to militarisation 3.1 Complicity This analysis thus calls for a broader approach to environmental security based on retrieving the manner in which political actors construct discourses of ’scarcity’ in response to ecological, energy and economic crises (critical security studies) in the context of the historically-specific socio-political and geopolitical relations of domination by which their power is constituted, and which are often implicated in the acceleration of these very crises (historical sociology and historical materialism). Instead, both realist and liberal orthodox IR approaches focus on different aspects of interstate , effective, and joined-up policy-making on these issues. Jones 99—IR, Aberystwyth (Richard, "6. Emancipation: Reconceptualizing Practice," Security, Strategy and Critical Theory, http://www.ciaonet.org/book/wynjones/wynjones06.html, AMiles) The central political task of the intellectuals is to aid in the construction of a AND should act as both an inspiration and a challenge to critical security studies. Tyson Slocum 12, dir. Public Citizen’s Energy Program, 2-13-2012, "NRC Approval Doesn’t Signal Much," National Journal, http://energy.nationaljournal.com/2012/02/is-america-poised-for-nuclear.php The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s license approval for two new reactors at Southern Company’s Georgia Vogtle plant does not signal the beginning of nuclear renaissance in the U.S. In fact, it does not even guarantee that the reactors will come online. Continued financial risks, an inability to deal with radioactive waste storage, long-term domestic energy demand destruction and cost advantages of competing renewable and natural gas fuels are making nuclear power an unaffordable relic. By approving the license before the full suite of lessons from Japan has been learned AND for new nukes, particularly with the continued advancement of competing renewable technologies. Arjun Makhijani and Michele Boyd, September 2010, "Small Modular Reactors," Inst. For Energy and Env. Research, http://www.psr.org/nuclear-bailout/resources/small-modular-reactors-no.pdf-http://www.psr.org/nuclear-bailout/resources/small-modular-reactors-no.pdf SMR proponents claim that small size will enable mass manufacture in a factory, enabling AND to ensure safety, especially given the history of some of proposed designs. SMRs aren’t cheaper – high upfront costs and phased implementationSara Barzczak 10, energy director @ Southern Alliance, 12-24-2010, "Smaller Size, Big Price Tag: Small modular reactors are risky", Clean Energy, http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=small-reactors-bid-to-revive-nuclear-power-http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=small-reactors-bid-to-revive-nuclear-power Economies of scale show that this is incorrect. The price per kilowatt of materials AND would have to be rigorous to prevent catastrophic accidents due to manufacturing errors. Slater ’08 – New York Director, of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and Convenor Of Abolition 2000, Working Group for Sustainable Energy (Alice, "Towards an international renewable energy agency: Nuclear power no solution to global warming," Winter, Pacific Ecologist, http://www.wagingpeace.org/articles/2008/08/18_slater_towards_irena.pdf-http://www.wagingpeace.org/articles/2008/08/18_slater_towards_irena.pdf) Despite the obvious health and security disadvantages of utilizing nuclear power to produce electricity, AND change is further constrained because its impact is limited to producing only electricity. York ’12 – Associate Professor of Sociology and Environmental Studies at the University of Oregon (Richard, "Do alternative energy sources displace fossil fuels?," June, Nature Climate Change, Vol. 2, p. 441-443, http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/v2/n6/pdf/nclimate1451.pdf-http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/v2/n6/pdf/nclimate1451.pdf) A fundamental, generally implicit, assumption of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports AND account human behaviour in the context of political, economic and social systems. Robert O. Mendelsohn 9, the Edwin Weyerhaeuser Davis Professor, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, June 2009, "Climate Change and Economic Growth," online: http://www.growthcommission.org/storage/cgdev/documents/gcwp060web.pdf These statements are largely alarmist and misleading. Although climate change is a serious problem AND range climate risks. What is needed are long‐run balanced responses. Environmental apocalypticism causes eco-authoritarianism and mass violence against those deemed environmental threats—-also causes political apathy which turns caseBuell 3 Frederick—cultural critic on the environmental crisis and a Professor of English at Queens College and the author of five books, From Apocalypse To Way of Life, pages 185-186 Looked at critically, then, crisis discourse thus suffers from a number of liabilities AND give up, or even cut off ties to clearly terminal "nature." Brzoska 8 Michael Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg, "The securitization of climate change and the power of conceptions of security," Paper prepared for the International Studies Association Convention 2008 In the literature on securitization it is implied that when a problem is securitized it AND military preparedness against the other major powers, thus leading to arms races. Tepperman 9—Deputy Editor at Newsweek. Frmr Deputy Managing Editor, Foreign Affairs. LLM, i-law, NYU. MA, jurisprudence, Oxford. (Jonathan, Why Obama Should Learn to Love the Bomb, http://jonathantepperman.com/Welcome_files/nukes_Final.pdf) A growing and compelling body of research suggests that nuclear weapons may not, in AND oppressive, but nothing in their behavior suggests they have a death wish. Tepperman 9 Deputy Editor at Newsweek. Frmr Deputy Managing Editor, Foreign Affairs. LLM, i-law, NYU. MA, jurisprudence, Oxford. (Jonathan, Why Obama Should Learn to Love the Bomb, http://jonathantepperman.com/Welcome_files/nukes_Final.pdf) The risk of an arms race—with, say, other Persian Gulf states AND be so disastrous, given the way that bombs tend to mellow behavior. Alagappa 9—Distinguished Senior Fellow, East-West Center. PhD, IR, Tufts (Muthiah, The long shadow: nuclear weapons and security in 21st century Asia, ed. Alagappa, 521-2) It will be useful at this juncture to address more directly the set of instability AND the drivers of national and regional security in Iran and the Middle East. Prolif inevitable and slow – nothing can stop determined leadersHymans 6—assist prof, IR, USC. PhD, pol sci, Harvard (Jacques, The Psychology of Nuclear Proliferation, 3-8) Figure omitted For this is not the first time we have faced widespread projections of a coming AND dramatic success because few state leaders have desired the things it prohibits.19 Anti-proliferation discourse obscures Western violence and masks the dangers of nuclear possessionCohn 6 (Carol, Director of the Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights, Felicity Hill, Peace and Security Adviser to the United Nations Development Fund for Women and is responsible for UNIFEM’s Peace and Security Programme, and Sara Ruddick, prof at philosophy and women’s studies at Eugene Lang College, "The Relevance of Gender for Eliminating Weapons of Mass Destruction", The WMDC is an independent international commission initiated by the Swedish Government on a proposal from the United Nations. Its task is to present proposals aimed at the greatest possible reduction of the dangers of weapons of mass destruction, including both short-term and long-term approaches and both non-proliferation and disarmament aspects. The Commission will issue its report in early 2006, http://www.wmdcommission.org/files/No38.pdf) "Proliferation" is not a mere description or mirror of a phenomenon that is AND defence, which would otherwise be difficult to justify on rational security grounds. Pinar Batur, PhD @ UT-Austin – Prof. of Scociology @ Vassar, ’7 ~["The Heart of Violence: Global Racism, War, and Genocide," in Handbook of the The Soiology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, eds. Vera and Feagin, p. 446-7~] At the turn of the 20th century, the "Terrible Turk" was the AND dizzying frequency. The 21st century opened up with genocide, in Darfur. This requires a rejection of their symptom-focus in favor of an ontological reconfiguration of our relationship to nature that does not render it a simple standing reserveGary Backhaus 9 Phil @ Loyola Maryland, "Automobility: Global Warming as Symptomatology" April 2009, com/2071-1050/1/2/187 The twentieth-century philosopher Martin Heidegger provides an approach that allows us to transcend AND by its symptom, global warming, that we must seek to uncover. Taking up Heidegger’s hermeneutic ontology in its reflection on Being allows us to envision global AND that concern more than establishing correct statements describing the whatness of global warming. In the analysis of a later treatise, "The Question Concerning Technology’", Heidegger AND and the way of Being of those entities is that of standing reserve. This very brief discussion of Heidegger is important for two reasons. First, because AND entities other than those of standing reserve will show themselves from its clearing. 3.3. Redirecting Reflection from Symptom to Source Al Gore is correct in stating that global warming is caused by the increase of AND order to come to terms with the disease rather than its symptomatic manifestation. |
| 09/24/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Energy production refers to the extraction, conversion, and distribution of energy – excludes R%26DKoplow 4 Doug Koplow is the founder of Earth Track in Cambridge, MA. He has worked on natural resource subsidy issues for 20 years, primarily in the energy sector "Subsidies to Energy Industries" Encyclopedia of Energy Vol 5 2004www.earthtrack.net/files/Energy%20Encyclopedia,%20wv.pdf 3. SUBSIDIES THROUGH THE FUEL CYCLE Because no two fuel cycles are exactly the same, examining subsidies through the context of a generic fuel cycle is instructive in providing an overall framework from which to understand how common subsidization policies work. Subsidies are grouped into preproduction (e.g., R%26D, resource location), production (e.g., extraction, conversion/generation, distribution, accident risks), consumption, postproduction (e.g., decommissioning, reclamation), and externalities (e.g., energy security, environmental, health and safety). 3.1 Preproduction Preproduction activities include research into new technologies, improving existing technologies, and market assessments to identify the location and quality of energy resources. 3.1.1 Research and Development R%26D subsidies to energy are common worldwide, generally through government-funded AND %26D of 50% versus private returns of only 20 to 30%. However, the general concept masks several potential concerns regarding energy R%26D. First, ideas near commercialization have much lower spillover than does basic research, making subsidies harder to justify. Second, politics is often an important factor in R%26D choices, especially regarding how the research plans are structured and the support for follow-on funding for existing projects. Allocation bias is also a concern. Historical data on energy R%26D ( AND one-twentieth, albeit during the more limited 1995-1998 period. 3.1.2 Resource Location Governments frequently conduct surveys to identify the location and composition of energy resources. Although AND , the costs of siting studies should be recovered from the beneficiary industries. 3.2 Production Energy production includes all stages from the point of resource location through distribution to the final consumers. Specific items examined here include resource extraction, resource conversion (including electricity), the various distribution links to bring the energy resource to the point of final use, and accident risks. Limits—-there are endless obscure energy technologies the aff could develop—-overstretches our research burden and undermines preparedness for all debates—-err neg because the terms incentives and restrictions serve no limiting functionGary Backhaus 9 Phil @ Loyola Maryland, "Automobility: Global Warming as Symptomatology" April 2009, com/2071-1050/1/2/187 Gore unwittingly bases his exposition on unwarranted epistemological assumptions that comprise an ordering function in AND anthropogenic source for global warming, or what we now call climate change. In his discussion of technology and science, Gore writes of advances or progress and AND indicative of this fundamental belief in so-called technological progress ~[4~]. On the issue of economics, many environmentalists that develop a doctrine of sustainability do AND us from our environmental degradation while economic expansion continues on its same course. Their security discourse sanitizes global destruction by proliferating symptom-focused solutions to global power imbalances—-causes cycles of violence that make global warfare and extinction inevitableAhmed 12 Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research and Development (IPRD), an independent think tank focused on the study of violent conflict, he has taught at the Department of International Relations, University of Sussex "The international relations of crisis and the crisis of international relations: from the securitisation of scarcity to the militarisation of society" Global Change, Peace %26 Security Volume 23, Issue 3, 2011 Taylor Francis 3. From securitisation to militarisation 3.1 Complicity This analysis thus calls for a broader approach to environmental security based on retrieving the manner in which political actors construct discourses of ’scarcity’ in response to ecological, energy and economic crises (critical security studies) in the context of the historically-specific socio-political and geopolitical relations of domination by which their power is constituted, and which are often implicated in the acceleration of these very crises (historical sociology and historical materialism). Instead, both realist and liberal orthodox IR approaches focus on different aspects of interstate AND the economy in society and the concomitant politically-constituted nature of economics. Hence, they neglect the profound irrationality of collective state behaviour, which systematically erodes AND realism and liberalism are ideologically implicated in the acceleration of global systemic crises. By the same token, the incapacity to recognise and critically interrogate how prevailing social AND fuels the proliferation of violent conflict and militarisation responsible for magnified global insecurity. ’Securitisation’ refers to a ’speech act’ - an act of labelling - whereby political authorities AND -legal military-police measures in purported response to an existential danger. The problem in the context of global ecological, economic and energy crises is that AND responding to global systemic crises other than to reduce them to their symptoms. Indeed, orthodox IR theory has largely responded to global systemic crises not with new AND capacities to maintain existing power structures, to keep the lid on.93 Global crises are thus viewed as amplifying factors that could mobilise the popular will in AND problematise potentially recalcitrant populations - rationalising violence toward them as a control mechanism. Consequently, for the most part, the policy implications of orthodox IR approaches involve AND a ’threat-multiplier which exacerbates existing trends, tensions and instability’.95 In practice, this generates an excessive preoccupation not with the causes of global crisis AND stressors by generating humanitarian crises, population migrations and other complex emergencies.96 A similar study by the US Joint Forces Command draws attention to the danger of AND resources and skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest.’99 Thus, the securitisation of global crisis leads not only to the problematisation of particular AND - by dominating a resource-rich region critical for global capitalism.100
But even this does not go far enough, for arguably the construction of certain AND , religious, political or economic lines — eventually legitimising their annihilation.102 In other words, genocidal violence is inherently rooted in a prior and ongoing ideological AND from which that programme derives can the emergence of genocidal intent become explicable. Building on this insight, Semelin demonstrates that the process of exclusionary social group construction AND genocide, can become legitimised as contributing to the resolution of crises.105 This does not imply that the securitisation of global crises by Western defence agencies is AND for crisis onto a newly constructed ’outsider’ group vindicating various forms of violence. While recommendations to shift our frame of orientation away from conventional state-centrism toward AND of state security planning in the context of counter-terrorism operations abroad. The intensifying problematisation and externalisation of Muslim-majority regions and populations by Western security AND the efficacy of the prevailing geopolitical and economic order is ideologically beyond question. As much as this analysis highlights a direct link between global systemic crises, social polarisation and state militarisation, it fundamentally undermines the idea of a symbiotic link between natural resources and conflict per se. Neither ’resource shortages’ nor ’resource abundance’ (in ecological, energy, food and monetary terms) necessitate conflict by themselves. There are two key operative factors that determine whether either condition could lead to conflict AND to externalisation of those groups, and the legitimisation of violence towards them. Ultimately, this systems approach to global crises strongly suggests that conventional policy ’reform’ is AND of the post-carbon era through social, political and economic transformation. Yet conventional theoretical and policy approaches fail to (1) fully engage with the AND , effective, and joined-up policy-making on these issues.
Jones 99—IR, Aberystwyth (Richard, "6. Emancipation: Reconceptualizing Practice," Security, Strategy and Critical Theory, http://www.ciaonet.org/book/wynjones/wynjones06.html, AMiles) The central political task of the intellectuals is to aid in the construction of a AND should act as both an inspiration and a challenge to critical security studies. Rees ’11 – the Ecologist’s acting Green Living Editor (Eifion, "Don’t believe the spin on thorium being a ’greener’ nuclear option," June 23, The Ecologist, http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_analysis/952238/dont_believe_the_spin_on_thorium_being_a_greener_nuclear_option.html-http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_analysis/952238/dont_believe_the_spin_on_thorium_being_a_greener_nuclear_option.html And yet the nuclear industry itself is also sceptical, with none of the big AND players is interested. Thorium reactors are no more than a distraction.’ Rees 11—Eifion Rees, Ecologist, 6/23/11, Don’t believe the spin on thorium being a ’greener’ nuclear option,http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_analysis/952238/dont_believe_the_spin_on_thorium_being_a_greener_nuclear_option.html The pro-thorium lobby claim a single tonne of thorium burned in a molten AND in short, it concluded, the claims for thorium were ’overstated’. McClintock 9—chaired prof of English and Women’s and Gender Studies at UW–Madison. MPhil from Cambridge; PhD from Columbia (Anne, Paranoid Empire: Specters from Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib, Small Axe Mar2009, Issue 28, p50-74) By now it is fair to say that the United States has come to be AND cost of catastrophic self-delusion and the infliction of great calamities elsewhere. I have come to feel that we urgently need to make visible (the better AND come to characterize the United States as a super-carceral state. 5 Can we, the uneasy heirs of empire, now speak only of national things AND beyond the nation-state who, in turn, constitute "us"? We now inhabit a crisis of violence and the visible. How do we insist AND oppose the violence without becoming beguiled by the seductions of spectacle alone. 6 Perhaps in the labyrinths of torture we must also find a way to speak with ghosts, for specters disturb the authority of vision and the hauntings of popular memory disrupt the great forgettings of official history. Paranoia Even the paranoid have enemies. —Donald Rumsfeld Why paranoia? Can we fully understand the proliferating circuits of imperial violence—the AND , lies in its peculiarly intimate and peculiarly dangerous relation to violence. 8 Let me be clear: I do not see paranoia as a primary, structural AND oppose) the contradictory flashpoints of violence that the state tries to conceal. Paranoia is in this sense what I call a hinge phenomenon, articulated between the AND unspeakable violence. For how else can we understand such debauches of cruelty? A critical question still remains: does not something terrible have to happen to ordinary AND contradictory sites where imperial racism, sexuality, and gender catastrophically collide. 11 The Enemy Deficit: Making the "Barbarians" Visible Because night is here but the barbarians have not come. Some people arrived from the frontiers, And they said that there are no longer any barbarians. And now what shall become of us without any barbarians? Those people were a kind of solution. —C. P. Cavafy, "Waiting for the Barbarians" The barbarians have declared war. —President George W. Bush C. P. Cavafy wrote "Waiting for the Barbarians" in 1927, AND vanishes like a disappearing phantom. Those people were a kind of solution. With the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the grand antagonism of AND "a catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor." 12 The 9/11 attacks came as a dazzling solution, both to the enemy AND . "It will henceforth be known as the age of terrorism." 13 Nuno P. Monteiro 12, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Yale University, "Unrest Assured: Why Unipolarity is Not Peaceful," International Security, Winter 2012, Vol. 36, No. 3, p. 9-40 From the perspective of the overall peacefulness of the international system, then, no AND will continue for as long as U.S. power remains preponderant. From the narrower perspective of the unipole’s ability to avoid being involved in wars, AND and a strategy of disengagement, which allows conflict between others to fester. In a sense, then, strategies of defensive and offensive dominance are self- AND . ability to convert power into favorable outcomes peacefully will be constrained.117 This last point highlights one of the crucial issues where Wohlforth and I differ— AND preponderance, displaying the limited pacifying effects of U.S. power. What, then, is the value of unipolarity for the unipole? What can AND any event, the polarity of the system may become less important."120 At the same time, nothing in my argument determines the decline of U. AND must acknowledge the possibility of frequent conflict in a nonetheless durable unipolar system. Finally, my argument points to a "paradox of power preponderance."121 By AND peacefully. In effect, unparalleled relative power requires unequaled self-restraint. Jeong 99—associate professor at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University (Ho-Won, Epistemological Foundations for Peace Research, htm) Other peace researchers have attempted to find the sources of violence through a critical analysis AND has to serve the policy goal of transforming a world full of violence. This chapter discusses how a theory building process in peace research has been influenced by epistemological debates between the proponents of behavioralists and their critics in social science. In the first part, the author briefly explains the modes of inquiry for theory building. The majority of the chapter, however, looks at such issues as values, critical pedagogy, and holistic approaches in understanding the nature of peace and conflict. The Emergence of Peace Research Some argue that the history of peace studies has no geographic boundaries. It can AND analyzed the links between an individual actor’s behavior and patterns of collective action. The impulse for studying peace and conflict systematically was fomented in the early 20th century AND political leaders were regarded as important in the transformation of an international system. Peace research after World War II was influenced by the emergence of international relations as AND agendas, and it expanded theoretical perspectives and research areas to be investigated. The evolution of peace and conflict research since the 1970s has been characterized by inter AND diverse methodological traditions given its disciplinary goals and the complexities of subject matters. Modes of Social Inquiry In a positivist mode of inquiry, social knowledge emerges from emulating the procedures of AND of empirical phenomena, theory ought to explain and predict the trend of events Contrary to that, hermeneutics is based on the analysis of the meanings which human AND from within the experiences of social groups which are the object of research. Critical theory methodology identifies forms of conflict and patterns of development which could lead to the transformation of a world order. There is no over-arching ahistorical structure. Explanation of the prospects for change requires analysis of the connections between modes of production and hierarchical political structures (Cox, 1996). The scope of the inquiryalso focuses on a distorted ideological account of social relations by a hegemonic class. In a postmodern vein, problems in different social locations and histories are interpreted by AND 1994:14). Resolving major theoretical differences is not desirable nor feasible. Scientific Approaches to Peace Research The early endeavor to establish a peace science originates in mathematical modelling of dynamics of arms races (Richardson, 1960). Quantitative studies of conflict behavior in the 1960s was affected by the revolution of behavioral sciences. Theoretical development was believed to be promoted by the collection of raw data, highly deductive propositions, and empirical verification. Formal models supported by statistical analysis were expected to explain both behavioral and structural characteristics of violent conflict. The motivation behind scientific research was that ideas for creating a peaceful world would emerge AND and the Cuban Missile Crisis.(Allison, 1971; Paige, 1968) Scientific orientation has paid a great deal of attention to data collection and representation of AND systematic observation of the problems of violence and other types of human sufferings. The Critique of Behavioral Sciences The behavioralist traditions of peace research have been criticized for being too empiricist.(Galtung AND discuss key research questions stems from conceptual development of issues to be studied. Ignoring normative questions would not help find alternative visions. Conditions for building peace are AND the reductionist character of contemporary thought to the drive for control of nature. The critique of behavioral sciences coincides with a "critique of conscience" in the AND the way they are compatible with the general goal of a disciplinary focus. Holistic Approaches Some researchers suggest that peace studies should start from holism as the framework.(Smoker AND peace. The achievement of peace should be a holistic goal of research. Holistic versions of theories project the flow of alternative images of reality. There are AND world. More holistic approaches can be encouraged by hermeneutic philosophy of science. Reasoning needs to be combined with experiences in understanding the holistic pictures of social relations AND relationships result from the process of formation and transformation of images and symbols. Peace studies may belong to the same category as history and critical sociology in terms of its methods to study an object. In contrast with economics, many factors related to structural violence such as political repression and economic exploitation cannot be easily understood without socio-historical contexts. Distinctions between independent and dependent variables are artificial. Understanding the outcome of an event would be enhanced by clarifying the specific goals of actors. Emancipatory Projects Direct criticism of sovereign state power may be based on questioning the mode of analysis AND Thus emancipatory projects oppose intellectual and social closure which does not tolerate diversity. In a poststructural approach, language and discourse shape politics and social institutions.(Bannet AND historically contingent origin and political role of binary hierarchies are uncovered by deconstructionism. Instead of being instruments of bureaucratic social control, human studies should serve emancipatory aims. Society is imagined less as a material structure, organic order, or social system than as a construction rooted in historically specific discursive practices. Communities serve as texts whose symbols and meanings need to be translated. Interpretative knowledge promotes diversity, expands tolerance, and legitimates difference as well as fosters understanding and communication (Seidman, 1994:14-5) People’s perceptions about the world rely on their social and cultural milieu. The goal AND role in promoting human solidarity.(Waever, Ole, 1996:171) Value Issues Even in a conventional mode of inquiry, values are not always considered separate from AND the exclusionary state can be justified in terms of a goal oriented research. Each discipline is governed by certain sets of assumptions and rules that determine its approaches AND peace research may be found in the ideals of social transformation through knowledge. Efforts have been made to find a universal standard in Western societies which have a AND conceptualize peace in terms of cultural expectations which various groups of people possess. If normative pluralism is accepted, peace research must find the interactions between value expectations AND prevailing in the world but also on the linkage which exists among them. Participatory Research and Empowerment Participatory projects are important in an organized effort of endogenous peace learning. It affects the sense of control over the world by the marginalized. Peace research can serve the survival needs specific to the grassroots level. Action research is part of a feedback process in learning those who are the object of study. The situations in local communities should be considered in terms of basic human need values. The needs of people can be identified by integrating research and practice. Researchers should not arbitrarily define peace in their judgement but build an interactive relationship with those who are exposed to violence and are living under the condition of peacelessness. The mode of inquires for empowerment maximizes the possibilities for reflection, creativity, and full participation of all engaged in the study. Action results from interpretations and assessments of choices. If the overall intent of peace research is to develop the well-informed public, research should be incorporated into a personal, inward, and interactive process. Research and learning are a holistic process of integrating social experiences and knowledge. The task of peace research should be the analysis of the social process through which peace can be achieved. Critical Pedagogy and Cultural Theory Critical pedagogy deals with such issues as how knowledge can be used to change society AND vital instrument for generating the insights and energy needed to transform those relationships. Cultural energy is a key element for mobilizing the social action that drives successful grassroots AND of a group’s solidarity, organizational efficiency, participation, and volunteer spirit. This cultural theory has been applied to the explanation of a positive linkage between culture AND They attempt to achieve political and economic autonomy through culture based development. The culturally motivated development projects helped Indians in the Ecuador highland make impressive strides since AND a collective recognition of how the problem was rooted within the local reality. Many of these communities have joined together to form federations that sponsored their own cultural AND development. Cultural projects often began with local voices responding to local needs. Goals of Peace Research Peace research can be both a process of discovering knowledge about peace and a process AND political, economic, and cultural transformations, however, would be different. Research for peace enhances a liberating experience that motivates an individual to seek changes for AND in real events such as peace movements could be important methods of observation. The goals of research are as equally important as or more important than the processes AND value judgement on how people achieve their physical and spiritual well-being. Conclusion Efforts to study peace more systematically are ascribed to modern social science traditions. As AND to problems which humanity faces at the present time and in the future. Tepperman 9—Deputy Editor at Newsweek. Frmr Deputy Managing Editor, Foreign Affairs. LLM, i-law, NYU. MA, jurisprudence, Oxford. (Jonathan, Why Obama Should Learn to Love the Bomb, http://jonathantepperman.com/Welcome_files/nukes_Final.pdf) A growing and compelling body of research suggests that nuclear weapons may not, in AND oppressive, but nothing in their behavior suggests they have a death wish. Tepperman 9 Deputy Editor at Newsweek. Frmr Deputy Managing Editor, Foreign Affairs. LLM, i-law, NYU. MA, jurisprudence, Oxford. (Jonathan, Why Obama Should Learn to Love the Bomb, http://jonathantepperman.com/Welcome_files/nukes_Final.pdf) The risk of an arms race—with, say, other Persian Gulf states AND be so disastrous, given the way that bombs tend to mellow behavior. Alagappa 9—Distinguished Senior Fellow, East-West Center. PhD, IR, Tufts (Muthiah, The long shadow: nuclear weapons and security in 21st century Asia, ed. Alagappa, 521-2) It will be useful at this juncture to address more directly the set of instability AND the drivers of national and regional security in Iran and the Middle East. Prolif inevitable and slow – nothing can stop determined leadersHymans 6—assist prof, IR, USC. PhD, pol sci, Harvard (Jacques, The Psychology of Nuclear Proliferation, 3-8) Figure omitted For this is not the first time we have faced widespread projections of a coming AND dramatic success because few state leaders have desired the things it prohibits.19 Anti-proliferation discourse obscures Western violence and masks the dangers of nuclear possession Cohn 6 (Carol, Director of the Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights, Felicity Hill, Peace and Security Adviser to the United Nations Development Fund for Women and is responsible for UNIFEM’s Peace and Security Programme, and Sara Ruddick, prof at philosophy and women’s studies at Eugene Lang College, "The Relevance of Gender for Eliminating Weapons of Mass Destruction", The WMDC is an independent international commission initiated by the Swedish Government on a proposal from the United Nations. Its task is to present proposals aimed at the greatest possible reduction of the dangers of weapons of mass destruction, including both short-term and long-term approaches and both non-proliferation and disarmament aspects. The Commission will issue its report in early 2006, http://www.wmdcommission.org/files/No38.pdf) "Proliferation" is not a mere description or mirror of a phenomenon that is AND defence, which would otherwise be difficult to justify on rational security grounds. Pinar Batur, PhD @ UT-Austin – Prof. of Scociology @ Vassar, ’7 ~["The Heart of Violence: Global Racism, War, and Genocide," in Handbook of the The Soiology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, eds. Vera and Feagin, p. 446-7~] At the turn of the 20th century, the "Terrible Turk" was the AND dizzying frequency. The 21st century opened up with genocide, in Darfur. Terrorism studies are shrouded in epistemological uncertainty—-this is a reason to prefer our impacts because of their structural nature and to discard theirs—-your role as a scholar is to reject the cult of expertism in favor of exposing the political nature of the 1ac’s knowledge claimsRaphael 9—IR, Kingston University (Sam, Critical terrorism studies, ed. Richard Jackson, 50-51) ellipses in orig. The close relationship between the academic field of terrorism studies and the US slate means AND will then discuss the function that this research serves for the US slate. Security is based on a desire to control and manage—-its ontological precepts attempt to render everything knowable and hence predictable—-means that random variation in IR ensures aggression and enemy creation—-the impact is mass war and violenceBurke 7—Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations in the University of New South Wales (Anthony, Theory %26 Event, Volume 10, Issue 2, 2007, "Ontologies of War: Violence, Existence and Reason," Project MUSE) This essay develops a theory about the causes of war — and thus aims to AND to end the global rule of insecurity and violence? Will our thought? |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: KY | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Tepperman 9 Deputy Editor at Newsweek. Frmr Deputy Managing Editor, Foreign Affairs. LLM, i-law, NYU. MA, jurisprudence, Oxford. (Jonathan, Why Obama Should Learn to Love the Bomb, http://jonathantepperman.com/Welcome_files/nukes_Final.pdf) The risk of an arms race—with, say, other Persian Gulf states AND be so disastrous, given the way that bombs tend to mellow behavior. Alagappa 9—Distinguished Senior Fellow, East-West Center. PhD, IR, Tufts (Muthiah, The long shadow: nuclear weapons and security in 21st century Asia, ed. Alagappa, 521-2) It will be useful at this juncture to address more directly the set of instability AND the drivers of national and regional security in Iran and the Middle East. Waltz 7 (Kenneth, Prof. Emeritus of Pol. Sci. – Berkeley, Journal of International Affairs, "A Nuclear Iran: Promoting Stability or Courting Diseaster", 60:2, Proquest) I don’t notice that many religiously-oriented people act in ways that will result AND other countries reason to believe that their security requires their having nuclear weapons. Potter 8—Prof of Nonproliferation Studies and Dir of the Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies—AND—Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova (William, Divining Nuclear Intentions, International Security, Vol 33, Num 1, Summer 2008, MUSE) Today it is hard to find an analyst or commentator on nuclear proliferation who is AND survival models offer considerable insight into that dimension of the proliferation puzzle.48 Gavin 10—IR, UT. Dir, Center for International Security, UT. Frmr National Security Fellow, Harvard. PhD, diplomatic history, UPenn. (Francis, Same As It Ever Was: Nuclear Alarmism, Proliferation, and the Cold War, International Security, Vol 34, Num 3, Winter 2009/10, MUSE) One of the greatest fears of nuclear alarmists is that if a key state acquires AND " states such as Germany, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Prolif decreases war and encourages rationalitySimon Shen, IR prof @ Hong Kong Inst. Of Ed., 2011, "Have Nuclear Weapons Made the DPRK a Rogue State?" J. of Comparative Asian Development, v. 10, iss. 2, t%26f In our traditional mentality, the determination to denuclearize the DPRK quite explicitly assumes that AND the option of using nuclear weapons for the mere purpose of interest maximization. Tepperman 9—Deputy Editor at Newsweek. Frmr Deputy Managing Editor, Foreign Affairs. LLM, i-law, NYU. MA, jurisprudence, Oxford. (Jonathan, Why Obama Should Learn to Love the Bomb, http://jonathantepperman.com/Welcome_files/nukes_Final.pdf) A growing and compelling body of research suggests that nuclear weapons may not, in AND oppressive, but nothing in their behavior suggests they have a death wish. Preston 9—assoc prof, IR, Wash State U (Thomas, From Lambs to Lions, 31-2) Advocates of deterrence seldom take the position that it will always work or that it AND into situations that otherwise would likely have resulted in war (Hagerty 1998). Seng 98 (Jordan, PhD Candidate in Pol. Sci. – U. Chicago, Dissertation, "Strategy for Pandora’s Children: Stable Nuclear Proliferation Among Minor States", p. 203-206) However, this "state of affairs" is not as dangerous as it might AND launched without a definite, informed and unambiguous decision to press that button. Uncertainty solves war Karl 96—president of the Asia Strategy Initiative and a lecturer in IR, USC (David, Winter, "Proliferation Pessimism and Emerging Nuclear Powers", http://www.jstor.org/stable/2539274?seq=9) Optimists have relaxed views of the preventive-war dangers entailed in situations in which AND the aggressor cannot be sure of the reaction of other nuclear powers."28 Deterrence breakdowns don’t cause full-scale nuclear war – states will limit damage at every stage of the conflict Kenneth Waltz, Emeritus Professor of Political Science at UC Berkeley and Adjunct Senior Research Scholar at Columbia University, 2003, The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate Renewed, p. 34-35 States are deterred by the prospect of suffering severe damage and by their inability to AND World War II overlooked the fundamental difference between conventional and nuclear worlds. 38 Deterrence rests on what countries can do to each other with strategic nuclear weapons. AND but by punishment administered in ways that conveyed threats of more to come. A war between the United States and the Soviet Union that got out of control AND the production of atomic bombs by the United States during World War II. Prolif makes wars small and prevents escalation – even deterrence failures cause limited wars at worstKenneth Waltz, Emeritus Professor of Political Science at UC Berkeley and Adjunct Senior Research Scholar at Columbia University, 2003, The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate Renewed, p. 36 Does the spread of nuclear weapons threaten to make wars more intense at regional levels AND states would be at stake even if the damage done were regionally confined. For a number of reasons, deterrent strategies promise less damage than war-fighting AND , deterrent strategies lower the probability that they will be carried very far. David J. Karl, Pres. Asia Strategy Initiative, August 2011, "Proliferation Optimism and Pessimism Revisited," J. of Strat. Studies, t%26f ¶ Yet events over the past decade also lend credence to the optimists’ side of AND development that some attribute to wariness caused by the specter of nuclear escalation. No chance of miscalc or accidents—this evidence answers all their arguments and is way betterQuinlan 9—distinguished frmr British defence strategist and former Permanent Under-Secretary of State. (Michael, Thinking About Nuclear Weapons, 63-9) Even if initial nuclear use did not quickly end the fighting, the supposition of AND . History anyway scarcely offers any ready example of major war started by accident even before the nuclear revolution imposed an order-of-magnitude increase in AND cosmic holocaust might be mistakenly precipitated in this way belongs to science fiction. Bueno and Riker 82 (Bruce de Mesquita and William H, Prof. Political science at the University of Rochester, June 1982, Journal of Conflict resolution, vl. 26 No, 2, p. 3.2) One might object further. Conceding that the likelihood of miscalculation does diminish as proliferation AND each with a very few warheads, could produce this level of loss. Jianguo 95—Major General, frmr assoc. prof and Dean of the Antichemical Warfare Academy (Wu, Nuclear Shadows on High-Tech Warfare, http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/china/doctrine/jianguo.htm) What merits our attention is that in a high-tech conventional war, a AND yet operational; otherwise the attack would have resulted in very serious consequences. Nyquist 99—frmr DIA analyst (J.R., Defense Analyst, Worldnetdaily.com, May 20, 1999) I patiently reply to these correspondents that nuclear war would not be the end of AND mode, these weapons would produce few (if any) fallout casualties. Alagappa 9—Distinguished Senior Fellow, East-West Center. PhD, IR, Tufts (Muthiah, The long shadow: nuclear weapons and security in 21st century Asia, ed. Alagappa, 484) The fear of escalation to nuclear war conditions the role of force in major power AND -scale war. Military clashes when they occur tend to be limited. Prolif frees the U.S. from extended deterrence and causes offshore balancing – national deterrence capabilities are more credible and stableChristopher Layne, Associate Professor in the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A %26 M University, 2006, The Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to the Present, p. 171-172 There is nothing the United States can do that will fully reassure its allies that AND States it would be better and safer to let other states defend them¬selves. Christopher Layne, associate professor of International Affairs at the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A%26M University, Summer 1997, International Security, Vol. 22, No. 1, p. 87 My argument for adopting an alternative grand strategy is prospective: although sustainable for perhaps AND grand strategies is now-before the United States is overtaken by events. An offshore balancing strategy would have two crucial objectives: minimizing the risk of U AND fairly soon the strategy of preponderance will be unable to pass these tests. Tepperman 9—Deputy Editor at Newsweek. Frmr Deputy Managing Editor, Foreign Affairs. LLM, i-law, NYU. MA, jurisprudence, Oxford. (Jonathan, Why Obama Should Learn to Love the Bomb, http://jonathantepperman.com/Welcome_files/nukes_Final.pdf) Note – Michael Desch = prof, polsci, Notre Dame Still, even if Iran or North Korea are deterrable, nuclear pessimists fear they’ll AND an attack by the country that supplied it—and would respond accordingly. Moodie 2— headed the Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute and served as assistant director for multilateral affairs at the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. president of the Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute (Brad Roberts and Michael Moodie, Biological Weapons: Toward a Threat Reduction Strategy, http://www.ndu.edu/inss/DefHor/DH15/DH15.htm) The argument about terrorist motivation is also important. Terrorists generally have not killed as AND the rest of the international community—to the annihilation of the perpetrators. Harvey 97 (Frank, Associate Prof. Pol. Sci. – Dalhousie U., "The Future’s Back: Nuclear Rivalry, Deterrence Theory, and Crisis Stability after the Cold War", p. 12-13) The most important criticism of the political psychology school, however, comes from a AND . Their findings appeared to be consistent with expectations underlying rational choice theory. Hagerty 98—assoc. prof, pol sci, U Maryland BC (Devin, The Consequences of Nuclear Proliferation: Lessons from South Asia, 180-1 ) The logic of nonproliferation maintains that the crude command and control arrangements that are likely AND and Pakistani decision-makers were thinking along these lines during either crisis. Avery Goldstein, Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania, 2000, Deterrence and Security in the 21st Century: China, Britain, France, and the Enduring Legacy of the Nuclear Revolution, p. 289 The presence of nuclear weapons may, however, do more than just reduce the AND the adversary and oblige him to confront the unacceptable risk of unpredictable escalation. High military spending cements poverty which kills millions, and causes conflicts that kill millions moreNitin Desai, U.N. undersecretary general for economic and social affairs, and Jayantha Dhanapala, U.N. undersecretary general for disarmament affairs, December 29, 2000, "Arms sales exacerbating global poverty," The Japan Times, online: http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/eo20001229a1.html That these should be global … conditions ripe for conflict. Walt 3/11—IR, Harvard (Stephen, Top Ten Media Failures in the Iran War Debate, 3/11/12, http://walt.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/03/11/top_ten_media_failures_in_the_iran_war_debate) ~%235: Failing to ask why Iran might want a bomb. Discussions of AND Politicians and government officials are bound to use media moments to sell whatever story they are trying to spin; that’s their job. But It is up to journalists to make this hard, and both Mitchell and Siegel didn’t. (For another Feldman 97—Senior Research Fellow, Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard. PhD (Shai, Nuclear weapons and arms control in the Middle East, 18-9) This logic of deterrence operates … of the nuclear threshold. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: KY | Round: 2 | Opponent: Minnesota | Judge: No moratorium---75% of the OCS is available CEC 8/9—USHR Committee on Energy and Commerce (The Anti-Coastal Record of the U.S. House of Representatives:112thCongress, democrats.energycommerce.house.gov/sites/default/files/image_uploads/Anti-Coastal%20Votes%20Report%20Final.pdf) In July 2012, the Department of the Interior …the coast of southern California. There are across the board increases in drilling Weiss 9/13 Daniel--Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, The American Energy Initiative: A Focus on the Outlook for Achieving North American Energy Independence Within the Decade, http://www.americanprogressaction.org/issues/green/report/2012/09/13/37822/the-american-energy-initiative-a-focus-on-the-outlook-for-achieving-north-american-energy-independence-within-the-decade/) Production from oil from …protected lands to drilling. Costs and timeframe kill solvency Spakovsky and Loris 12 Hans A. von Spakovsky is a Senior Legal Fellow in the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, and Nicolas D. Loris is the Herbert and Joyce Morgan Fellow in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies, at The Heritage Foundation, August 13, 2012, “Offshore Drilling: Increase Access, Reduce the Risk, and Stop Hurting American Companies”, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2012/08/offshore-drilling-increase-access-reduce-the-risk-and-stop-hurting-american-companies Development of offshore oil … the government’s arbitrary moratoria. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: KY | Round: 3 | Opponent: Minnesota | Judge: Focus on economic security empirically causes intervnetions and violence to pave the way for growth Neocleous, Prof of Gov, 8 Mark Neocleous, Prof. of Government @ Brunel, Critique of Security, p95- In other words, the new international order … security strategy proposed.111 |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: KY | Round: 3 | Opponent: Minnesota SS | Judge: The central question of the debate is how we respond to anxiety---energy production is a dangerous palliative that gives us the allusion of control by affirming our mastery over nature and distracting us from our consumptive practices---ensures serial policy-failure Dodds 12 Joseph, MPhil, Psychoanalytic Studies, Sheffield University, UK, MA, Psychoanalytic Studies, Sheffield University, UK BSc, Psychology and Neuroscience, Manchester University, UK, Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol) of the British Psychological Society (BPS), and a member of several other professional organizations such as the International Neuropsychoanalysis Society, Psychoanalysis and Ecology at the Edge of Chaos p 27 *gender mod The important psychological point is that people are ….ultimate 'environment mother' (Winnicott 1999,1987). Additional consumption is an expression of the death drive---causes projection of our fears onto the human and non-human world to justify their annihilation---turns and outweighs the case Dodds 12 Joseph, MPhil, Psychoanalytic Studies, Sheffield University, UK, MA, Psychoanalytic Studies, Sheffield University, UK BSc, Psychology and Neuroscience, Manchester University, UK, Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol) of the British Psychological Society (BPS), and a member of several other professional organizations such as the International Neuropsychoanalysis Society, Psychoanalysis and Ecology at the Edge of Chaos p 70 *gender mod Here there are echoes of Freud's (1916) idea of 'anticipatory … bringing about our extinction. (Searles 1972: 371-372) These pathologies distort not only how we respond to crisis but also why and to which crises---as such, your primary role is to investigate the aff’s psychological investment in energy production as an exercise in reprogramming our position in a non-linear and inevitably chaotic world. Dodds 12 Joseph, MPhil, Psychoanalytic Studies, Sheffield University, UK, MA, Psychoanalytic Studies, Sheffield University, UK BSc, Psychology and Neuroscience, Manchester University, UK, Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol) of the British Psychological Society (BPS), and a member of several other profession al organizations such as the International Neuropsychoanalysis Society, Psychoanalysis and Ecology at the Edge of Chaos p 198 ( ) – gender modified The metaphor of an acrobat … systems of the Earth. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: KY | Round: 3 | Opponent: Minnesota SS | Judge: Their peacekeeping adv relies on flawed top-down models of development that = struc V Edward Newman 11, senior lecturer in the Department of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Birmingham, and editor-in-chief of the journal Civil War, November 2011, "A Human Security Peace-Building Agenda,” Third World Quarterly Volume 32, Issue 10 However, the record of peace building …international peace-building activities. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: KY | Round: 3 | Opponent: Minnesota SS | Judge: The aff is an elaborate expression of the unconconscious fantasies that motivate and sustain pro-space activism---attention to what the 1AC takes for granted reveals that their project is saturated in fantasies of omnipotence and narcissism Ormrod 9 James S. Ormrod, Lecturer in Sociology at Univ. of Brighton, 2009 “Phantasy and Social Movements: An Ontology of Pro-Space Activism”, Social Movement Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, 115–129, April 2009 The centrality of fantasy or …whole universe was oriented. This space fantasy is the culmination of the long western imperial project of organizing the world in its own image—space is merely the final frontier onto which the aff projects its fear of instability in an attempt at total control which creates the conditions for warfare and extinction Brennan 93 Teresa Brennan, 1993, Professor of at Cambridge, History After Lacan, 40-45 From the beginning, Lacan had … (rightly) for its own survival. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: KY | Round: 3 | Opponent: Minnesota | Judge: Terrorism studies are shrouded in epistemological uncertainty---this is a reason to prefer our impacts because of their structural nature and to discard theirs---your role as a scholar is to reject the cult of expertism in favor of exposing the political nature of the 1ac’s knowledge claims Raphael 9—IR, Kingston University (Sam, Critical terrorism studies, ed. Richard Jackson, 50-51) ellipses in orig. The close relationship between the academic …research serves for the US slate. That means that it’s try or die for the alt Valenzuela 5—practicing attorney, consultant, freelance writer (Manuel, The Making of the Enemy, 19 December 2005, http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Why_They_Hate_Us/Making_Enemies.html) Hidden behind dark corners, lurking underneath beds, …occupation can commence. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: KY | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge: Disease securitization is a tool of liberal governance used to pacify populations and invokes a permanent state of warfare --- critically interrogating and historicizing their claims deconstructs the regime of global governance that makes cycles of outbreaks inevitable Pereira 8—PhD candidate in International Politics and Conflict Resolution at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal. (Ricardo, Processes of Securitization of Infectious Diseases and Western Hegemonic Power: A Historical-Political Analysis, www.ghgj.org/Pereira_%20processes%20of%20securitization.doc) Historically, public health … Table 1 summarizes the main characteristics. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge: This card is long and you’re going to lose on it Calkivik 10 Emine Asli Calkivik, A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOLOF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA (accepted) - "Dismantling Security" Oct 2010 conservancy.umn.edu/bitstream/99479/1/Calkivik_umn_0130E_11576.pdf In January 2006, flying birds were … new ethics, a new politics? Jeong 99—associate professor at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University (Ho-Won, Epistemological Foundations for Peace Research, htm) Other peace researchers have attempted to find the sources of violence through a critical analysis AND to problems which humanity faces at the present time and in the future. Their security discourse sanitizes global destruction by proliferating symptom-focused solutions to global power imbalances—-causes cycles of violence that make global warfare and extinction inevitableAhmed 12 Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research and Development (IPRD), an independent think tank focused on the study of violent conflict, he has taught at the Department of International Relations, University of Sussex "The international relations of crisis and the crisis of international relations: from the securitisation of scarcity to the militarisation of society" Global Change, Peace %26 Security Volume 23, Issue 3, 2011 Taylor Francis 3. From securitisation to militarisation 3.1 Complicity AND , effective, and joined-up policy-making on these issues. Jones 99—IR, Aberystwyth (Richard, "6. Emancipation: Reconceptualizing Practice," Security, Strategy and Critical Theory, http://www.ciaonet.org/book/wynjones/wynjones06.html) The central political task of the intellectuals is to aid in the construction of a AND should act as both an inspiration and a challenge to critical security studies. McClintock 9—chaired prof of English and Women’s and Gender Studies at UW–Madison. MPhil from Cambridge; PhD from Columbia (Anne, Paranoid Empire: Specters from Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib, Small Axe Mar2009, Issue 28, p50-74) By now it is fair to say that the United States has come to be AND . "It will henceforth be known as the age of terrorism." 13 Security is based on a desire to control and manage—-its ontological precepts attempt to render everything knowable and hence predictable—-means that random variation in IR ensures aggression and enemy creation—-the impact is mass war and violenceBurke 7—Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations in the University of New South Wales (Anthony, Theory %26 Event, Volume 10, Issue 2, 2007, "Ontologies of War: Violence, Existence and Reason," Project MUSE) This essay develops a theory about the causes of war — and thus aims to AND to end the global rule of insecurity and violence? Will our thought? |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: Doubles | Opponent: Wake DC | Judge: ====Procurement isn’t T—-they must distribute funds to the private sector ==== CCES 9 Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (also called c2es) "Buildings and Emissions: Making the Connection" No specific date dated, most recent citation from 2009 www.c2es.org/technology/overview/buildings Policy Options to Promote Climate-Friendly Buildings The mosaic of current policies affecting the building sector is complex and dynamic involving voluntary AND facilitate the development of energy efficient buildings through software and computer-based building analysis. Voting issue—-allows the aff to change the operation of any number of small federal agencies or sub-agencies that destroys links to our Das and overstretches our research burden |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: No risk of resource wars---historical evidence all concludes neg---cooperation is way more likely and solves Jeremy Allouche 11 is currently a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex. "The sustainability and resilience of global water and food systems: Political analysis of the interplay between security, resource scarcity, political systems and global trade" Food PolicyVolume 36, Supplement 1, January 2011, Pages S3-S8 Accessed via: Science Direct Sciverse Water/food resources, war and conflict The question of resource scarcity…substantiate the connections is thin (Barnett and Adger, 2007 and Kevane and Gray, 2008). The impact is global wars and violence in the name of environmental and resource protection—-you should be skeptical of their epistemologyKumari 12—Masters in International Relations; educated at University of Nottingham and The University of Birmingham (Parmila, Securitising The Environment: A Barrier To Combating Environment Degradation Or A Solution In Itself?, www.e-ir.info/2012/01/29/securitising-the-environment-a-barrier-to-combating-environment-degradation-or-a-solution-in-itself/-http://www.e-ir.info/2012/01/29/securitising-the-environment-a-barrier-to-combating-environment-degradation-or-a-solution-in-itself/) ~table omitted~ "The Dilemma should by now be apparent; securitising environmental issues runs the risk that the AND to immobilise any action towards dealing with the root causes of environmental degradation. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: Doubles | Opponent: Wake DC | Judge: Lack of infrastructure and techBoyd and Fletschaker 8 – James D. Boyd, vice-chair and commissioner of the West Governor’s Association, California Energy Commission, AND* David Fletschaker, Oklahoma Secretary of Energy, February 2008, "Transportation Fuels for the Future," www.westgov.org/wga/publicat/TransFuels08.pdf-http://www.westgov.org/wga/publicat/TransFuels08.pdf There are no CTL plants operating in the United States.¶ • CTL plants will AND , handling and processing of biomass in quantities required for co-processing. ====Oil prices have to be above %24120 per barrel for CTL to be competitive==== Jaramillo et al. 8 – Dr. Paulina Jaramillo has a Ph.D AND .acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/es8002074 It can be seen that CTL fuels produced without CCS are not economically feasible at AND for GTL fuels produced with domestic resources in the low-emission scenario. NRDC 9 – Natural Resources Defense Council, March 2009, "Limit to Producing "Cheap" Coal Makes Liquid Coal Plans Unworkable," www.nrdc.org/energy/files/unworkable.pdf-http://www.nrdc.org/energy/files/unworkable.pdf According to a National Academy of Sciences report from 2007, which considers important factors AND no justification for subsidizing an uneconomic liquid coal industry in the United States. Darmstadter 10 (Joel, economist and senior fellow at Resources for the Future, which he joined in 1966, following an earlier stint in the corporate sector and several research organizationsHe has appeared as an expert witness before congressional committees, been a consultant to several government agencies, and served on a number of National Research Council panels. During 1983-93, he was a professorial lecturer at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. "The Prospective Role of Unconventional Liquid Fuels", June, http://nepinstitute.org/get/RFF_Reports/Background-Papers/RFF-NEPI-Darmstadter-AltLiquidFuels.pdf) Notwithstanding wide understanding of the application of F–T technology to CTL production, AND and estimates for each of these factors combine to benefit the national economy. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Market CP The United States federal government should establish a cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions in the United States. The federal government should reduce the corporate income tax and business capital-gains taxes. The United States federal government should phase out all energy subsidies. Targeting specific industries and technology fails—-cap and trade is key to market-based solutions that solve the case better Morris et al 12 Adele C. Morris, Fellow and Deputy Director of the. Climate and Energy Economics project at Brookings, Pietro S. Nivola, Charles Schultze, Brookings Scholars, "CLEAN ENERGY:REVISITING THE CHALLENGES OF INDUSTRIAL POLICY" June 4 www.brookings.edu//media/research/files/papers/2012/6/04%20clean%20energy%20morris%20nivola%20schultze/04_clean_energy_morris_nivola_schultze.pdf Public investments of these magnitudes, targeted at specific industries, arguably constitute an industrial policy, albeit a sectoral one, unlike the earlier proposals of the 1980’s —that is, a government strategy to steer resources toward select producers or technologies. The rationale and efficacy of these clean-energy expenditures call for scrutiny. Proponents offer numerous reasons for scaling up particular energy technologies at the taxpayer’s expense. AND on C02 that reflects the environmental harm associated with use of fossil fuels. A far more effective policy than subsidies for clean energy research, development and demonstration AND market prices that many clean energy subsidies will succeed in deploying new technologies. Subsidy and incentive elimination levels the playing field—-allows a free market approach to energy policy WSJ 12 "The Energy Subsidy Tally" Aug 18 lexis So for every tax dollar … sense. Free market energy key to solving energy prices and growth Loris 11 Nicolas Loris is a policy analyst in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation. "No More Energy Subsidies: Prevent the New, Repeal the Old" July 26 www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/07/no-more-energy-subsidies-prevent-the-new-repeal-the-old Are Americans energy dependent? Yes—dependent on government energy subsidies. In 2007 AND , not American taxpayers, to thrive in a system of free enterprise. Americans are becoming too energy dependent. But it is not dependence on foreign sources AND new subsidies are put in place and remove the ones already in place. It avoids the K Robinson 8 Colin, Institute of Economic Affairs "Climate Change Policy: Challenging the Activists," http://www.iea.org.uk/files/upld-book440pdf?.pdf One policy response would be direct action by governments to promote energy sources and technologies AND however, there are signs of a revival of interest in nuclear generation. Renewable sources are already being favoured by governments. The British government, for example AND to influence consumers to change their ways in directions that governments think desirable. The problem with direct promotional action by government is that it does not address the AND reasons of principle involving inherent information failures and the influence of pressure groups. Most analyses of climate change policy are silent on these issues of principle. The Stern Review, for example, ignores completely the economic analysis of government action, exem- plified in the ’public choice’ theory that has been brought to such prominence by James Buchanan, Gordon Tullock and others,6 and the Hayekian view of competitive markets. The Hayekian critique of government action, as explained earlier, emphasises the role of AND by governments short of the relevant knowledge on which to judge their proposals. Direct action by governments is part of the Stern prescription. If we rule it AND most acceptable and how much energy should be conserved (Marshall, 2005). One such instrument would be a ’carbon tax’ – a tax on fuel that AND emissions; such a scheme would allow a price of carbon to emerge. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Energy production refers to the extraction, conversion, and distribution of energy – excludes RandDKoplow 4 Doug Koplow is the founder of Earth Track in Cambridge, MA. He has worked on natural resource subsidy issues for 20 years, primarily in the energy sector "Subsidies to Energy Industries" Encyclopedia of Energy Vol 5 2004www.earthtrack.net/files/Energy%20Encyclopedia,%20wv.pdf 3. SUBSIDIES THROUGH THE FUEL CYCLE Because no two fuel cycles are exactly the same, examining subsidies through the context of a generic fuel cycle is instructive in providing an overall framework from which to understand how common subsidization AND the various distribution links to bring the energy resource to the point of final use, and accident risks. Limits—-there are endless obscure energy technologies the aff could develop—-overstretches our research burden and undermines preparedness for all debates—-err neg because the terms incentives and restrictions serve no limiting function |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: Octas | Opponent: WGA DF | Judge: First, a limited topic of discussion that provides for equitable ground is key to productive inculcation of decision-making and advocacy skills in every and all facets of life—-even if their position is contestable that’s distinct from it being valuably debatable—-this still provides room for flexibility, creativity, and innovation, but targets the discussion to avoid mere statements of fact—-T debates also solve any possible turnSteinberg %26 Freeley 8 *Austin J. Freeley is a Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, AND David L. Steinberg , Lecturer of Communication Studies @ U Miami, Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making pp45- Debate is a means of settling differences, so there must be a difference of AND particular point of difference, which will be outlined in the following discussion. Second, discussion of specific policy-questions is crucial for skills development—-we control uniqueness: university students already have preconceived and ideological notions about how the world operates—-government policy discussion is vital to force engagement with and resolution of competing perspectives to improve social outcomes, however those outcomes may be defined—-and, it breaks out of traditional pedagogical frameworks by positing students as agents of decision-makingEsberg %26 Sagan 12 *Jane Esberg is special assistant to the director at New York University’s Center on. International Cooperation. She was the winner of 2009 Firestone Medal, AND Scott Sagan is a professor of political science and director of Stanford’s Center for International Security and Cooperation "NEGOTIATING NONPROLIFERATION: Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Nuclear Weapons Policy," 2/17 The Nonproliferation Review, 19:1, 95-108 These government or quasi-government think tank simulations often provide very similar lessons for AND quickly; simulations teach students how to contextualize and act on information.14 Patricia Roberts-Miller 3 is Associate Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Texas "Fighting Without Hatred:Hannah Ar endt ’ s Agonistic Rhetoric" JAC 22.2 2003 Totalitarianism and the Competitive Space of Agonism Arendt is probably most famous for her analysis of totalitarianism (especially her The Origins AND not relativist, adversarial but not violent, independent but not expressivist rhetoric. Key to social improvements in every and all facets of lifeSteinberg %26 Freeley 8 *Austin J. Freeley is a Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, AND David L. Steinberg , Lecturer of Communication Studies @ U Miami, Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making pp9-10 If we assume it to be possible without recourse to violence to reach agreement on all the problems implied in the employment of the idea of justice we are granting the possibility of formulating an ideal of man and society, valid for all beings endowed with reason and accepted by what we have called elsewhere the universal audience.14 AND in our intelligent self-interest to reach these decisions through reasoned debate. Steinberg %26 Freeley 8 *Austin J. Freeley is a Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, AND David L. Steinberg , Lecturer of Communication Studies @ U Miami, Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making pp9-10 After several days of intense debate, first the United States House of Representatives and AND customer for out product, or a vote for our favored political candidate. Christian O. Lundberg 10 Professor of Communications @ University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, "Tradition of Debate in North Carolina" in Navigating Opportunity: Policy Debate in the 21st Century By Allan D. Louden, p311 The second major problem with the critique that identifies a naivety in articulating debate and AND with the existential challenges to democracy ~in an~ increasingly complex world. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: Octas | Opponent: WGA DF | Judge: CAG 10—Climate Change Communication Advisory Group. Dr Adam Corner School of Psychology, Cardiff University - Dr Tom Crompton Change Strategist, WWF-UK - Scott Davidson Programme Manager, Global Action Plan - Richard Hawkins Senior Researcher, Public Interest Research Centre - Professor Tim Kasser, Psychology department, Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois, USA. - Dr Renee Lertzman, Center for Sustainable Processes %26 Practices, Portland State University, US. - Peter Lipman, Policy Director, Sustrans. - Dr Irene Lorenzoni, Centre for Environmental Risk, University of East Anglia. - George Marshall, Founding Director, Climate Outreach , Information Network - Dr Ciaran Mundy, Director, Transition Bristol - Dr Saffron O’Neil, Department of Resource Management and Geography, University of Melbourne, Australia. - Professor Nick Pidgeon, Director, Understanding Risk Research Group, School of Psychology, Cardiff University. - Dr Anna Rabinovich, School of Psychology, University of Exeter - Rosemary Randall, Founder and director of Cambridge Carbon Footprint - Dr Lorraine Whitmarsh, School of Psychology, Cardiff University %26 Visiting Fellow at the, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. (Communicating climate change to mass public audience, http://pirc.info/downloads/communicating_climate_mass_audiences.pdf) This short advisory paper collates a set of recommendations about how best to shape mass AND they would like structural barriers to behavioural/societal change to be removed. Allowing warming to continue perpetuates racist inequalities—cap and trade solves Hoerner, former environmental advisor, 8—Former director of Research at the Center for a Sustainable Economy, Director of Tax Policy at the Center for Global Change at the University of Maryland College Park, and editor of Natural Resources Tax Review. He has done research on environmental economics and policy on behalf of the governments of Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United States. Andrew received his B.A. in Economics from Cornell University and a J.D. from Case Western Reserve School of Law—AND—Nia Robins—former inaugural Climate Justice Corps Fellow in 2003, director of Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative (J. Andrew, "A Climate of Change African Americans, Global Warming, and a Just Climate Policy for the U.S." July 2008, http://www.ejcc.org/climateofchange.pdf) Everywhere we turn, the issues and impacts of climate change confront us. One AND • A well-designed comprehensive climate plan achieving emission reductions comparable to the Kyoto Protocol would create over 430,000 jobs for African Americans by 2030, reducing the African American unemployment rate by 1.8 percentage points and raising the average African American income by 3 to 4 percent. Douglas S. Noonan 5, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005, "DEFINING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: POLICY DESIGN LESSONS FROM THE PRACTICE OF EJ RESEARCH," http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~~dn56/EJ.APPAM.pdf The negotiated nature of environmental policymaking holds some stark lessons for policymakers and analysts alike AND policy and suggests some future directions for designing policy and framing the discourse. Taking action against climate change represents an opportunity to rebuild the whole of progressive politics for a more just society, but only if we set aside traditional political differences founded around identity politics in favor of a broad-based coalition against warming. We’re a pre-requisite to their K, and their alt can’t solve our case. Oh, and our card is specific to clean energy innovationBrendan Smith, co-founder of Labor Network for Sustainability, 11-23-2010, "Fighting Doom: The New Politics of Climate Change," Common Dreams, http://www.commondreams.org/view/2010/11/23-1 I admit I have arrived late to the party. Only recently have I begun AND said to me, "God help us, I hope you’re right." George Monbiot, English Writer and Environmental and Political Activist, 9-4-2008, "Identity Politics in Climate Change Hell," http://www.celsias.com/article/identity-politics-climate-change-hell/ If you want a glimpse of how the movement against climate change could crumble faster AND this urgent task into the identity politics that have wrecked so many movements. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Harvard | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: The aff is an elaborate expression of the unconconscious fantasies that motivate and sustain pro-space activism---attention to what the 1AC takes for granted reveals that their project is saturated in fantasies of omnipotence and narcissism Ormrod 9 James S. Ormrod, Lecturer in Sociology at Univ. of Brighton, 2009 “Phantasy and Social Movements: An Ontology of Pro-Space Activism”, Social Movement Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, 115–129, April 2009 The centrality of fantasy or daydreaming to those pursuing the human exploration, development and AND phantasized omnipotent self of primary narcissism around which the whole universe was oriented. This space fantasy is the culmination of the long western imperial project of organizing the world in its own image—space is merely the final frontier onto which the aff projects its fear of instability in an attempt at total control which creates the conditions for warfare and extinction Brennan 93 Teresa Brennan, 1993, Professor of at Cambridge, History After Lacan, 40-45 From the beginning, Lacan had asserted that the ‘lure of spatial identification’ in AND the process makes the ego fear (rightly) for its own survival. These pathologies distort not only how we respond to crisis but also why and to which crises---as such, your primary role is to investigate the aff’s psychological investment in energy production as an exercise in reprogramming our position in a non-linear and inevitably chaotic world. Dodds 12 Joseph, MPhil, Psychoanalytic Studies, Sheffield University, UK, MA, Psychoanalytic Studies, Sheffield University, UK BSc, Psychology and Neuroscience, Manchester University, UK, Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol) of the British Psychological Society (BPS), and a member of several other profession al organizations such as the International Neuropsychoanalysis Society, Psychoanalysis and Ecology at the Edge of Chaos p 198 ( ) – gender modified The metaphor of AND , and as a species among the interconnected life systems of the Earth. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Harvard | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase research and development funding for magnetic fusion energy in the United States. The CP only does what the plan wants to do---you should punish them for being shady---we have 2 net benefits a. Market financial support is winner picking fatal conceit in the context of energy policy makes their impacts inevitable and cause policy failure Robinson 8 Colin, Institute of Economic Affairs “Climate Change Policy: Challenging the Activists,” http://www.iea.org.uk/files/upld-book440pdf?.pdf There is, however, more AND years, they were still lower in real terms than in 1980.3 This is an a priori voting issue---sound economic epistemology is key to the efficacy of all social and political praxes---accesses every impact Reisman 96 George, Pepperdine University Professor Emeritus of Economics, Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics, http://www.capitalism.net/Capitalism/Economics%20and%20Capitalism.htm In the absence of AND be unable to survive in the absence of Western food and medical supplies. b. Presumption---we do what they want to do---they either do more or shouldn’t be able to define the plan after they’ve written it vaguely---the CP is narrower than the plan |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Harvard | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: Fusion is impossible and even the best case is 60 years – obstacles are enormous Chris Rhodes, Sussex University, Physical Chemistry Professor, 6/10/2012, The Progress made in the Different Fields of Nuclear Fusion, oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Nuclear-Power/The-Progress-made-in-the-Different-Fields-of-Nuclear-Fusion.html When I was about 10, I recall hearing that nuclear fusion power would become AND the only real means to attenuate the impending crisis in energy and resources. Even if it’s theoretically possible, fusion can’t be commercialized – prefer our ev, it’s from the grandfather of fusion---also proves elections link Robert L. Hirsch, PhD, former director of the US Fusion Energy Program with the Atomic Energy Commission, and part of basically every major energy and fusion institute in existence, 10-19-2012, “A Veteran of Fusion Science Proposes Narrowing the Field,” NYT, http://dotearth.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/10/19/a-veteran-of-fusion-science-proposes-narrowing-the-field/ Many outstanding people turned to the pursuit of fusion power. A number of fusion AND virtually certain that tokamak fusion as represented by ITER will not be practical. Money doesn’t change the calculus – more fusion research doesn’t speed up commercialization Hank Campbell, 10-15-2012, “Fusion In A Coffee Mug,” Science 2.0, http://www.science20.com/science_20/fusion_coffee_mug-95126 They are basically correct about one part. Fusion is not ready yet. It AND funded science, and one recent program may be worth getting excited about. Low risk is no risk---and as a policymaker that threshold isn’t very high Mueller 10 John Mueller is a professor of political science at Ohio State University, “Calming Our Nuclear Jitters” Issues Online in Science and Technology, Winter 2010 http://www.issues.org/26.2/mueller.html The purpose here AND above: one in a million or one in three billion per attempt. Even with unlimited funding and a perfect investment climate the plan will have no effect for decades – THEIR 1AC EVIDENCE CN 12 The Challenge Network is an International Partnership of Expert Individuals, Most of Whom Have Occupied Senior Planning or Management Roles in Commerce and the Public Sector, "Nuclear Fusion: Penurious Promise", 2012, http://www.chforum.org/scenario2012/paper-1-4.shtml Suppose that we had access to unlimited funds and that it was clear today how AND and hydrocarbons could become "poor man's energy" in such an environment. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Harvard | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Colonization's impossible and you should privilege short-term existential risks Stross 7 (Charlie, "The High Frontier, Redux," http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2007/06/the_high_frontier_redux.html) I'm going to take it as read that the idea of space colonization isn't unfamiliar AND kind of human being who can thrive in an airless, inhospitable environment. Multiple diseases destroy sustainability of life in space Matin and Lynch 5 – (2005, A. C. Matin, PhD in Microbiology, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University in Stanford, California, and Susan V. Lynch, PhD, Molcular Microbiology, Assistant Professor In Residence, Division of Gastroenterology, UC San Francisco, “Investigating the Threat of Bacteria Grown in Space,” Volume 71, Number 5, 2005/ASM News, http://www.asm.org/asm/files/ccLibraryFiles/Filename/000000001523/znw00505000235.pdf ) Although tantalizing, space is an inhospitable and dangerous frontier for those sent to explore AND referred to as microgravity, also poses a direct threat to human health. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Harvard | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: ITER solves – their author Fedoroff 8 Nina V. Fedoroff, Ph.D., Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State and the Administrator of USAID, “Testimony Before the House Science Subcommittee on Research and Science Education”, April 2, 2008, http://2001-2009.state.gov/g/stas/2008/105286.htm Finally, some types of science – particularly those that address the grand challenges in AND , and United States – representing 70% of the world’s current population. War won’t escalate Kang 10 – professor of international relations and business and director of the Korean Studies Institute at the University of Southern California (12/31/10, David C., “Korea’s New Cold War,” http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/koreas-new-cold-war-4653) However, despite dueling AND into a general war. South Korea and US will deescalate Feigenbaum 10 (Evan Feigenbaum is Adjunct Senior Fellow for East, Central, and South Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations, "Korea conflict: Could it escalate?" December 8, 2010, http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2010/12/08/korean-conflict-could-it-escalate/) Just over a week into the Korea crisis, the constraints on retaliation by Seoul AND US-China relations, this one will produce more rancor than agreement. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Harvard | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge: You should prioritize questions of epistemology---in the context of economics the knowledge-production process is more important than the outcomes Anderson 89 Thomas, Libertarian Alliance, "Economics and Knowledge" Economic Notes No. 21 www.libertarian.co.uk/lapubs/econn/econn021.pdf Before there can AND remember to trace back, isolate, present and check your fundamental premises. The affirmative forecloses the ability of markets and human ingenuity to solve the impacts they invoke---fatal conceit in the context of energy policy makes their impacts inevitable and cause policy failure Robinson 8 Colin, Institute of Economic Affairs “Climate Change Policy: Challenging the Activists,” http://www.iea.org.uk/files/upld-book440pdf?.pdf There is, however, AND years, they were still lower in real terms than in 1980.3 This is an a priori voting issue---sound economic epistemology is key to the efficacy of all social and political praxes---accesses every impact Reisman 96 George, Pepperdine University Professor Emeritus of Economics, Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics, http://www.capitalism.net/Capitalism/Economics%20and%20Capitalism.htm In the absence AND be unable to survive in the absence of Western food and medical supplies. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Harvard | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge: The United States federal government should establish a cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions in the United States. The federal government should reduce the corporate income tax and business capital-gains taxes. The federal government should streamline NRC licensing processes for nuclear power plants and should reduce restrictions that disproportionately affect small modular thermal reactors. The United States federal government should phase out all energy subsidies. Targeting specific industries and technology fails---cap and trade is key to market-based solutions that solve the case better Morris et al 12 Adele C. Morris, Fellow and Deputy Director of the. Climate and Energy Economics project at Brookings, Pietro S. Nivola, Charles Schultze, Brookings Scholars, "CLEAN ENERGY:REVISITING THE CHALLENGES OF INDUSTRIAL POLICY" June 4 www.brookings.edu//media/research/files/papers/2012/6/04%20clean%20energy%20morris%20nivola%20schultze/04_clean_energy_morris_nivola_schultze.pdf Public investments of AND market prices that many clean energy subsidies will succeed in deploying new technologies. CP alone is key to preventing a collapse of innovation Loris 11 Nicolas Loris is an analyst in the Heritage Foundation’s Roe Institute of Economic Policy Studies. "Power Down the Subsidies to Energy Producers" Aug 3 www.heritage.org/research/commentary/2011/08/power-down-the-subsidies-to-energy-producers America has AND compete without them. Solves great power war Baru 9 Sanjaya is a Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School in Singapore Geopolitical Implications of the Current Global Financial Crisis, Strategic Analysis, Volume 33, Issue 2 March 2009 , pages 163 – 168 Hence, economic policies and performance do have strategic consequences.2 In the modern AND to find adequate financial resources to simultaneously sustain economic growth and military power. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Harvard | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge: The United States Department of Defense should acquire, via alternative financing, small modular thermal reactors to provide electricity for military installations in the United States. DOD clean energy investment avoids politics---but the plan’s controversial Appelbaum 12 Binyamin, Defense cuts would hurt scientific RandD, experts say, The New York Times, 1-8, http://hamptonroads.com/2012/01/defense-cuts-would-hurt-scientific-rd-experts-say Sarewitz, who studies the government's role in promoting innovation, said the Defense Department AND find ways to reduce one of its largest budget items, energy costs. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Harvard | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC Solvency SQ regs wreck the aff Rysavy et al 9 Charles F, partner with the law firm of Kand AND /committees/nuclearpower/docs/SMR-Dec_2009.pdf Most SMRs are not merely scaled down versions of large-scale reactors, but AND in many cases the actual containment/reactor system will be placed underground. This card ends the debate---incentives cannot solve---neg on presumption Lovins 10 AMORY B. LOVINS is Chair and Chief Scientist of Rocky Mountain Institute "Nuclear Socialism" Weekly Standard, VOL. 16, NO. 06 Oct 25 www.weeklystandard.com/articles/nuclear-socialism_508830.html?page=1 With such juicy incentives AND , capacity for two. Empirics go neg---billions have been sunk into projects that failed abysmally Morris et al 12 Adele C. Morris, Fellow and Deputy Director of the. Climate and Energy Economics project at Brookings, Pietro S. Nivola, Charles Schultze, Brookings Scholars, "CLEAN ENERGY:REVISITING THE CHALLENGES OF INDUSTRIAL POLICY" June 4 www.brookings.edu//media/research/files/papers/2012/6/04%20clean%20energy%20morris%20nivola%20schultze/04_clean_energy_morris_nivola_schultze.pdf U.S. Energy Technology Policy The energy sector has long been an object of industrial boosterism. While policymakers have AND hydrogen vehicle programs that so far have resulted in no commercial deliverables.12 Nuclear won’t take off unless it’s forced to sink or swim Taylor 8 Jerry Taylor, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, “Nuclear Energy: Risky Business,” October 22, https://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=9740 There's nothing new AND of the same. Loan guarantees prop up a failing industry and result in rampant taxation and economic distortion Nayak and Taylor 3 Navin Nayak is an environmental advocate with U.S. Public Interest Research Group. Jerry Taylor is director of natural resource studies at the Cato Institute.,“No Corporate Welfare for Nuclear Power,” June 21, http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=3134 The most egregious proposal in the energy bill has the federal government providing loan guarantees AND back power from the newly built plants -- potentially at above market rates. Nuclear is overwhelmingly uncompetitive even with loan guarantees Lovins 10 AMORY B. LOVINS is Chair and Chief Scientist of Rocky Mountain Institute "Nuclear Socialism" Weekly Standard, VOL. 16, NO. 06 Oct 25 www.weeklystandard.com/articles/nuclear-socialism_508830.html?page=1 Yet nuclear subsidies to some of the world’s largest corporations have become shockingly large. AND or 11.6 percent, to cover the default risk to taxpayers. Loan guarantees fail (but cap and trade solves it) Brailsford 12 BEATRICE BRAILSFORD is program director of the Snake River Alliance, “Nuclear Loan Guarantees: Good Energy Policy?” Aug 2012 http://snakeriveralliance.org/?p=2687 No nuclear loan AND the world going." No chance of SMRs ever being commercially viable---negative learning means problems and cost overruns will only cascade and get worse---magnified by the lack of a price on carbon Thomas B. Cochran 12, member of the Department of Energy's Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee, consultant to the Natural Resources Defense Council, was a senior scientist and held the Wade Greene Chair for Nuclear Policy at NRDC, and was director of its Nuclear Program, 5/30/12, “NRDC’s Perspectives on the Economics of Small Modular Reactors,” http://www.ne.doe.gov/smrsubcommittee/documents/NRDC%20Presentation%205-30-12.pptx BROAD CONCLUSIONS AND AND of SMR development. Negative learning jacks the nuclear industry---they’re going all-in on large LWRs now---switching and eating escalating costs destroys them Gabriel Nelson 9-24, EandE Reporter, and Hannah Northey, 9/24/12, “DOE funding for small reactors languishes as parties clash on debt,” http://www.eenews.net/public/Greenwire/2012/09/24/3 The industry's future AND credit downgraded -- sometimes more than once -- during construction. |