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03/29/2013 | NDT Rd 3 Politics/CP/T/CaseTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1ncptxImmigration reform package moving smoothly through congress now – Obama pressure and engagement is key to maintain momentum and prevent the GOP from smothering the bill I-Hsien Sherwood (writer for the Latino Post) March 21, 2013 "Immigration Reform 2013 News: Delays Could Hinder Reform Bill, So Speed is Necessary" Plan costs political capital – Congress will use it as an excuse to reject the president’s agendaGong, 3/18/13 - associate professor at the Beijing-based University of International Business and Economics.(John, South China Morning Post, "Nexen deal shows how Chinese firms can do business in US" ====Top priority—PC stewardship key==== Not surprisingly, Obama has been explicit that reforming the US’s shameful and broken immigration ====Obama’s reform is key to all aspect of heg—-~competitiveness, hard and soft power~==== CAMBRIDGE – The United States is a nation of immigrants. Except for a small Global warZhang and Shi, 2011 – *Yuhan Zhang is a researcher at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, D.C.; Lin Shi is from Columbia University. She also serves as an independent consultant for the Eurasia Group and a consultant for the World Bank in Washington, D.C. (America’s decline: A harbinger of conflict and rivalry, This does not necessarily mean that the US is in systemic decline, but it tThe aff decreases regulations but not restrictions—restrictions are direct prohibitions on productionSinha 6 We may, however, notice that this Court in State of U.P. and Others v. M/s. Hindustan Aluminium Corpn. and others ~AIR 1979 SC 1459~ stated the law thus: Regulations concern how you control an activity—outright prohibitions are distinctRandy Barnett (writer for the Free Republic) June 2005 "The power to regulate v. the power to prohibit" Samuel Johnson defines "to regulate" as "To adjust by rule or method Restrictive effects don’t meet—technical distinctions matterAnnamaria Viterbo 12 , Assistant Professor in International Law at the University of Torino, PhD in International Economic Law from Bocconi University and Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute, 2012, International Economic Law and Monetary Measures: Limitations to States’ Sovereignty and Dispute, p. 166 In order to distinguish an exchange restriction from a trade measure, the Fund chose not to give relevance to the purposes or the effects of the measure and to adopt, instead, a technical criterion that focuses on the method followed to design said measure. Voter for limits—expansive readings confound research predictability and undermine our ability to engage in meaningful energy debatesAnd, neg ground—questionable restrictions affs are terminally skewed because no counterplans and few DAs apply—that’s the core of our prep.kEnergy production brings nature to serve, turning the world into a global gas station, eviscerating and erasing being. The ultimate result is nuclear annihilation and meaninglessness—comparatively outweighs 1 Following World War II, the German philosopher Martin Heidegger offered one of Belief in our ability to technologically manage the world is part of the problem. Complete control is never possible, but more often creates cycles of paralyzing anxiety and reactive desire to take action that only recreates the crisis Many rapid changes that are taking place around us. These include globalization, developments Hence, our alternative: do nothing. Heidegger frustrates us. At a time when the stakes are so very high and cpThe United States Supreme Court should rule that compliance orders from federal enforcement agencies regarding ~foreign investment restrictions on crude oil and natural gas production in the United States~ unconstitutional.The Court has this authorityEric Waeckerlin (Attorney at Davis Graham %26 Stubbs LLP Past Attorney at Kelley Drye %26 Warren LLP Law Clerk at The Honorable Sam. E Haddon, U.S. District Court for the District of Montana Energy Policy Analyst at Western Governors’ Association/Western Interstate Energy Board, J.D. University of Montana School of Law) March 21, 2012 "The Sackett Decision and Its Implications for Hydraulic Fracturing" This solves and competes – it doesn’t ’reduce’ a legal restriction – it just makes it unenforceableWilliam Treanor (associate professor of law at Fordham University) and Gene Sperling (Deputy assistant to the president for economic policy University of Minnesota) 1993 "Prospective overruling and the revival of Unconstitutional statutes" JSTOR investChinese investment increasing despite Ralls and CIFIUSBarrett, 3/1/13 (Raymond, Financial Times, "Ralls CFIUS block alters Sany’s future investment strategy in US" Chinese investors appear to have altered the way they will structure future investments in the US as a result of a White House decision to block the purchase of an Oregon wind farm by executives of Sany Group on national security grounds. Current Chinese investments speeds up its expertise acquisition – solves the caseBrennan, 3/1/13 - Editor and Project Coordinator of research in resource security at the Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP), Stockholm, Sweden (Elliot, Asia Times, "Shale gas key to US Asia pivot" In the US, improvements in extraction techniques of shale gas and other "unconventional US-Sino energy cooperation is high nowBrennan, 3/1/13 - Editor and Project Coordinator of research in resource security at the Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP), Stockholm, Sweden (Elliot, Asia Times, "Shale gas key to US Asia pivot" But this is a two way street. For the US the shale gas boom Chinese FDI in the US is at record highsSteinbock, 13 - Dr. Dan Steinbock focuses on issues of international business and international relations, especially the post-crisis debt problems in the leading advanced economies (G-7) and the growth pains of the large emerging economies (BRICs and beyond). He is Research Director of International Business at the India, China and America Institute (USA) and Visiting Fellow at Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (China) where he concentrates on the G-20 economies.(Dan, "Foreign Investment Relocates in China and Asia" EconoMonitor, 2/27, As foreign investment is refocusing within China, Chinese foreign investment is refocusing worldwide, shifting from emerging Asia into the developed markets, including the United States and the Eurozone. In 2012, China’s FDI into the United States enjoyed a record year. Chinese firms completed U.S. deals worth %246.5 billion, a 12 percent increase from the previous record of %245.8 billion in 2010. Can’t solve – China has its own restrictions that are worse than CFIUSHorby, 13 (Lucy, "China’s Commerce minister seeks clearer U.S. investment guide" Reuters, A U.S. Treasury Department spokeswoman in Washington defended the CFIUS system, which she called "transparent" and "true to the United States’ open investment commitment." Relations are stable and resilientAssociated Press, 3/16/13 ("New Chinese premier rejects US hacking claims, says committed to strong ties with Washington" Washington Post, China’s new leaders "attach great importance" to relations that meet the "fundamental interests of people in both countries and serves the global trend of peace and development," Li told reporters at the traditional premier’s news conference that follows the close of the annual legislative session. CFIUS reviews encourage Chinese oil companies to prudently negotiate the American political climate to avoid backlashWSJ 12 —- China Foothold in U.S. Energy, 3-6-12, Failure to effectively negotiate the political climate means Congress and the public will backlash regardless of CFIUS —- scuttles deals —- empirically provenMATTHEW R. BYRNE 6, J.D., The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, expected 2007, Protecting National Security and Promoting Foreign Investment: Maintaining the Exon-Florio Balance, OHIO STATE LAW JOURNAL, 2006, Only scenario for conflict When the global financial crisis struck roughly a year ago, the blogosphere was ablaze ccpChina-Russian energy cooperation is solidifying now – solves China’s energy demandFitzsimmons, 3/28/13 – engineer and consultant (Michael, "Russia Could Become The Backbone Of China’s Energy Supplies" Seeking Alpha, CCP will peacefully dissolve—otherwise the impact is inevitableJianfeng, 12 Some worry that if the CCP were to collapse it would lead to large- russiaRussian growth stable Economic collapse won’t cause civil war In fact, although the 1990s was a period of instability, economic collapse, and revolutionary change in political and economic institutions, the state performed roughly as well as it does today, when the country has been relatively "stable" and its economy is growing rapidly. Even in good economic times, autocracy has done no better than democracy at promoting public safety, health, or a secure legal and property-owning environment. 1nrHere’s ev from the topic paper predicting how regulations would make this year suck:Nikolic et al 2012 – Policy Resolution Group at Bracewell %26 Giuliani, Dartmouth debate (Ana Nikolic, Dylan Quigley, Scott Segal, Josh Zive, Topic Proposal Paper for the 2012-2013 CEDA Topic Controversy Ballot, "Resolved: The College Debate Community Should Debate Energy") My general recommendation would be to not include regulations in the topic.¶ Regulations are a term of art, and a very restrictive term. They are not real laws or statue, but¶ rather rules that individual agencies have made. Allowing this option in the resolution could¶ result in affirmatives using very specific agencies to overturn regulations without legislative¶ action with little disad links. Including regulation cracks the curriculum—even full-time professionals can’t manage that research burdenStafford 83 FEDERAL REGULATION OF ENERGY by William F. Fox, Jr. Shepard’slMcGraw-Hill It’s an impossible neg burdenEdwards 80 CFIUS doesn’t restrict —- it regulates which companies can produce energyDouglas William Nigh 98, associate professor of international business at the University of South Carolina, and Douglas P. Woodward, associate professor of economics at the University of South Carolina, Foreign Ownership and the Consequences of Direct Investment in the United States: Beyond Us and Them, 1998, p. 144 Exon-Florio reviews are explicitly REGULATIONS not RESTRICTIONS intended to merely MONITOR and SUPERVISE high profile transactions involving the ownership of companies – production related energy activities are excludedCJ Voss (Attorney at Stoel Rives LLP) September 24, 2012 "Energy Law Alert: CFIUS Intervenes in Chinese-Owned Wind Project" President Ford created CFIUS by Executive Order 11858 in 1975, in response to an Simply imposing a monitoring and reviewing system to scrutinize is explicitly not a ’restriction’ – it is merely supervisionJean Schiedler-Brown (Attorney at Law Offices of Jean Schiedler-Brown %26 Conditions and qualifications are NOT ’restrictions’ – they only appear that way because the aff has rhetorically juxtaposed them that wayRonald J. Scalise Jr (A.D. Freeman Associate Professor of Law, Tulane University Law School) March 2011 "PUBLIC POLICY AND ANTISOCIAL TESTATORS" Cardozo Law Review 32 Cardozo L. Rev. 1315, Lexis Marchick evidence substantiates our claim that this ’restriction’ is frivolous – 99.9% of transactions get through – the ’restriction’ has only been implemented ONCE in its historyMarchick 07 (David, partner at Covington and Burling, where he advises | |
03/29/2013 | NDT Rd 3 Heidegger KTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1ncEnergy production brings nature to serve, turning the world into a global gas station, eviscerating and erasing being. The ultimate result is nuclear annihilation and meaninglessness—comparatively outweighsCallister 2007 (Paul, Associate Professor of Law and Director of the Leon E. Bloch Law Library, University of Missouri‑Kansas City School of Law. Law and Heidegger’s Question Concerning Technology: Prolegomenon to Future Law Librarianship Law Library Journal ~Vol. 99:2) 1 Following World War II, the German philosopher Martin Heidegger offered one of Belief in our ability to technologically manage the world is part of the problem. Complete control is never possible, but more often creates cycles of paralyzing anxiety and reactive desire to take action that only recreates the crisisPeat, 08 – theoretical physicist, Ph.D., founder of the Pari Centre for New Learning (F. David, "Gentle Action: Surviving Chaos and Change",** Many rapid changes that are taking place around us. These include globalization, developments Hence, our alternative: do nothing.Rejecting the call to action in the face of crisis opens space for solidarity to emerge through deep reflection on our relationship with the Earth.McWhorter 92, Professor of Philosophy at Northeast Missouri State, 92 (LaDelle, Heidegger and the Earth, ed: McWhorter, p. vii-viii) Heidegger frustrates us. At a time when the stakes are so very high and 2ncA) Magnitude: Assuming power over nature unleashes the worst forms of violenceDallmayr, 04 (PhD, Professor, Department of Government and International Studies, Notre Dame, Constellations Volume 11, No 1, 2004 The Underside of Modernity: Adorno, Heidegger, and Dussel Fred Dallmayr). Themes and insights of this kind are carried forward in Die Geschichte des Seyns, E) No Value to LifeDillon 99, professor of politics at the University of Lancaster, 99 (Michael, Political Theory, April, ingenta select) The value of the subject became the standard unit of currency for the political arithmetic Before the construction of oil rigs there is always a wave of optimisim, and an effort to characterize the new tech as environmentally friendly, this is willful amnesia that makes the ultimate accident likelyArmitage and Virilio 99. John Armitage, Principal Lecturer in Politics and Media Studies at the University of Northumbria in the UK, and Paul Virilio, Director of the Ecole Speciale d’Architecutre, Theory, Culture %26 Society 1999 (SAGE, London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi), Vol. 16(5, 6): 25-55 WM PV: Let me put it this way: every time a technology is invented Hegemonic knowledge rearranges empirics to construct a particular realityShaw 99, (Professor of political science, University of Victoria), 99 (Karena, 9 Transnational Law %26 Contemporary Problems 569, lexis) Again, however, the key question is why we should read these struggles This collusion of power-knowledge in the military-academic complex has produced a domination of strategic studies and academic circles by the expanding realm of the military – this erases accountability for violence and denies the importance of the ethical questions behind the technology we develop. This inevitably produces catastrophe and depoliticizes violence.Morrissey 11 (John Morrissey, Department of Geography, National University of Ireland, 2011, Architects of Empire: The Military–Strategic Studies Complex and the Scripting of US National Security Antipode Vol. 43, pp 435–470~) Their authors are biased by privilege; trade causes genocide and ethnic cleansingAlves 2000 – US diplomat to Brazil (José A. Lindgren, Human Rights Quarterly 22.2, 478-500) The term "globalization" itself is misleading. Besides erroneously implying the existence of Russo-phobia skews their perspective—American objectivism makes the impact inevitableLieven 1, (Senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), 01 (World Policy Journal. New York: Winter 2000/2001.Vol.17, Iss. 4; pg. 25) Ever since the Cold War ended, Western officials and commentators have been telling the They missed the boat - this is not a question of whether ontology focus is good or bad, but correct or incorrect. Their framework is non-responsive. We are not saying they aren’t allowed to access the case - but that they can not without first winning their ontology. They can still advance federal policy, they just have to deal with this prior questionDillon, 99 (Prof of Politics, University of Lancaster), 99 (Moral Spaces, p. 97-98). Heirs to all this, we find ourselves in the turbulent and now globalized wake Turns policymaking—only investigating ontology ensures effective policy solutions.Murphy 2005, Miami sociology professor, 2005 (John, Globalization with a Human Face, pg 11-13, ldg) Roleplaying DA – pretending to be the federal government ignores our personal responsibility for war and makes the perpetuation of violence inevitableKappeler 95 (Susanne is an associate professor at al-akhawayn university, "the will to violence: the politics of personal behavior", pg. 10-11, MT) Ontological reconsideration solves warming and allow us to use energy without the managerial mindsetGrego, 07 (Associate Professor in the Department of Humanities/Culture at Dayton Beach College. Richard, "Global Warming, Environmental Philosophy and Public Policy: John Dewey vs. Martin Heidegger,"** Reflection solvesBest and Nocella, 06 –associate professor of philosophy at the University of Texas at El Paso (Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth, p. 82-84, google books) Yet, for both Heidegger and revolutionary environmentalists, there exist possibilities for transformation despite Their impact calc is flawed—logically every detail added to a scenario makes it a priori less likely. More vague scenarios are always more probabilisticYudkowsky ’6 Research Fellow at the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence "Cognitive biases potentially affecting judgment of global risks" Forthcoming in Global Catastrophic Risks, eds. Nick Bostrom and Milan CirkovicDraft of August 31, 2006. Eliezer Yudkowsky( The conjunction fallacy similarly applies to futurological forecasts. Two independent sets of professional analysts It is less probable that Linda is a feminist bank teller than that she | |
03/30/2013 | NDT - Immigration - 1NCTournament: | Round: 5 | Opponent: Texas BK | Judge: Plan costs capital --- it’s massively unpopular. Top priority—PC stewardship key Not surprisingly, Obama has … will not disappear. Obama’s reform is key to all aspect of heg---competitiveness, hard and soft power CAMBRIDGE – The United States is a … strength of the US. Global war This does not necessarily mean … of unrivalled US primacy. | |
03/30/2013 | NDT - T Procurement - 1NCTournament: | Round: 5 | Opponent: Texas BK | Judge: Incentives offered by … in infrastructure facilities. | |
03/30/2013 | NDT - Heidegger - 1NCTournament: | Round: 5 | Opponent: Texas BK | Judge: 1 Following World War … a singular will. Belief in our ability to technologically manage the world is part of the problem. Complete control is never possible, but more often creates cycles of paralyzing anxiety and reactive desire to take action that only recreates the crisis Many rapid changes … each new situation. Hence, our alternative: do nothing. Heidegger frustrates us. … of being human. | |
03/30/2013 | NDT - BRC CP - 1NCTournament: | Round: 5 | Opponent: Texas BK | Judge: The CP solves and is a prerequisite to the plan Any legislation to … demands no less. | |
03/30/2013 | NDT - NG Exports DA - 1NCTournament: | Round: 5 | Opponent: Texas BK | Judge: From the perspective of … likely to be modest. Nuclear power puts downward pressure on natural gas prices – it makes exports politically viable But natural gas is … manufacturing and transportation. That kills Russia’s economy North America’s shale gas … and political influence. Goes nuclear In Russia, historically, …least dangerous consequence. | |
03/30/2013 | NDT - Case - vs Texas BKTournament: | Round: 5 | Opponent: Texas BK | Judge: PL no solve Competitors will just wait for us to lead on SMRs Most of these designs still face … is all the more important. SMR exports magnify risks—turns case UCS is also concerned …experienced nuclear utilities. SMRs hurt cred because countries misread intent I do not mean to say … how it helps. No exports Prerequisites for U.S. … some novel issues US won’t exert leadership The cases above offer … nuclear fuel-making. SMRs are worse for prolif than large reactors Also, small reactor …than large reactors,” Lyman said. No impact to prolif---every actor has an incentive to overstate the impact But states and policymakers habitually … of the policy landscape. GRID det s No Taiwan war Most observers agree … vehicles for cross-strait dialogue.10 Won’t go nuclear China would almost … utterly disproportionate destruction. EMP empirically denied A new report circulating … non-hardened electrical systems. Missile Defense solves Challenged to say …attack “pretty theoretical.” EMP attack scenarios are science fiction Status quo solves the entire advantage DoD’s facility energy … several other installations. Zero impact to grid failures, even ones caused by cyber attacks Government officials sometimes … have catastrophic consequences. No blackouts But this is about … power for emergencies.” COMPETITIVENESS nuke renaissance solves innovation No impact Nor do shifts in … bloodbath of World War I. Competitiveness discourse converts statecraft into real estate – marketing an ideal household for business. This oikopolitics must create not just ideal environments, but also citizens so that markets operate with maximum efficiency Oikopolitics redistributes global violence, recreates war, and turns the economy and environment Alt cause—education CUPERTINO, Calif.--Innovation … is not up to snuff," he said. Not key anymore Most in Washington … of their respective regions. Collapse is inevitable—expanding hard power just makes it worse and causes war in the interim The United States has a … next grand strategy. Decline causes retrenchment which solves their impact | |
03/30/2013 | NDT - T Procurement - 1NRTournament: | Round: 5 | Opponent: Texas BK | Judge: The use of `incentives' to …encouraging¶ adaptive behavior. Financial incentives are not the same thing as purchases—otherwise the topic would have included “payment” instead Definition of Financial … transformed into 'vendors." Fiscal incentives explode the topic and make the lit base unmanageable Comparable data can … for several years. This distinction is a key facet of technical policy jargon – upholding it is critical for us to understand the most important economic issues – key to effective policy analysis The number of …the fresh jargon he needs. The literature treats them as distinct According to Hanson (2001), … in different countries: | |
03/31/2013 | NDT Rd 7 1NC CaseTournament: NDT | Round: 7 | Opponent: Trinity GK | Judge: 1NC case HEG No impact rising powers Nor do shifts in the global balance of power doom us to a future No hostile rise but Asia pivot causes it The United States claims that its high-profile “pivot to Asia” strategy aims to “deter” No hostile rise A careful review of China's positions and claims on islands and waters US pivot marginalizes China-EU strategic cooperation While Baroness Ashton dreams of developing EU-China strategic ties, the United States China-EU strategic coordination is key to global conflict prevention, moderating China’s rise, and preventing CCP collapse Implications for an EU-China Partnership: The Chinese Perspective As is the case with the EU, Asia pivot causes territorial aggression by allies in the South China Sea DECLINE TALK, BUDGET CUTS When Australia's Defense Minister Stephen Smith visited China this month for inaugural Miscalc and extinction econ When the global financial crisis struck roughly a year ago, the blogosphere was ablaze with No double-dip – econ stable and rising fixing manufacturing collapses the chemical industry Chemical industry solves disease and bioterror Disease extinction Bioterror extinction Squo solves – oil prices are lower and exports are increasing The U.S. trade deficit in June hit its lowest level since December 2010, the Commerce No US impact to prices because we’re an importer VII. CONCLUSION Conventional wisdom has it that oil shocks are bad for oil-importing countries. This is | |
03/31/2013 | NDT Rd 7 1NC PoliticsTournament: NDT | Round: 7 | Opponent: Trinity GK | Judge: Immigration reform package moving smoothly through congress now – Obama pressure and engagement is key to maintain momentum and prevent the GOP from smothering the bill Unpopular ANWR is consistently controversial – party-line issue WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 (UPI) -- House legislators divided along partisan lines during a hearing Top priority—PC stewardship key Not surprisingly, Obama has been explicit that reforming the US’ Key to Latin American relations Nuclear war While there were economic motivations for Canadian policy in Central America, security concerns were perhaps more impotant. Canada | |
03/31/2013 | NDT Rd 7 2NC EconTournament: NDT | Round: 7 | Opponent: Trinity GK | Judge: chemicals internal Starr 2k12 And, risk the expansion goes beyond U.S. demand – collapses into cuts and unsustainable product EandE Publishing 10/23/12 Chemical industry solves disease and bioterror Disease extinction at: iran heg No impact to Iranian hegemony—they know they can’t achieve primacy so they won’t become aggressive As long as the US-Iran power contest remains below the threshold of direct confrontation, | |
03/31/2013 | NDT Rd 7 2NC ChinaTournament: NDT | Round: 7 | Opponent: Trinity GK | Judge: Noticeably, behind all the conflicts associated with China and its neighbors Asia pivot destroys interdependence and cooperation that would otherwise check war – guarantees great power conflict How does the U.S. “pivot to Asia” affect regional geopolitics? Here we have to take A2 We Deter China If the price of Washington's "return to Asia" is taking an antagonistic policy toward China China will miscalc because they perceive the US is retrenching overall "The U.S. becoming involved has fired up the Philippines and Vietnam to contest things more 2NC Ev Comparison The only authoritative statements by Chinese officials say they’re okay with the squo but hate the pivot However, while it is generally regarded as a positive term, the adjective “constructive” implies that XT Peaceful Rise International focus and media commentary betray deep anxiety of the west about the rising China.. This A careful review of China's positions and claims on islands and waters in the South prolif No noko war Other than firing some coastal artillery and detaining a South Korean fishing boat that recently 2NC EU Impact Overview China-EU ties are key to solve every major impact – Iran, terrorism, warming, global conflict, environment, science diplomacy, and the economy After 35 years of growth and engagement, our relationship is comprehensive, strategic, dynamic China-EU ties are key to cap escalation on every conflict and implement successful multilateralism Implications for an EU-China Partnership: The EU Perspective Strategic partnerships are vital to Extinction The "firebreak" against nuclear weapons use that we began building after Hiroshima and Nagasaki has held for well CCP collapse also goes global and nuclear Since the Party’s life is “above all else,” it would not be surprising if the CCP resorts to the use of biological, chemical, scs overview Causes great power war Then there is Southeast Asia, which, having weathered the Vietnam war and a variety of domestic insurgencies, and having moved South China Sea conflict collapses the global economy There is no doubt that the United States considers free passage along the sea lines of communication Turns hegemony, economy, and free trade. Southeast Asia lies at the intersection of two of the world’s most heavily traveled sea-lanes. The east-west route 1NC Sino-Japan Turn Asia pivot escalates China-Japan tensions in the East China sea SHANGHAI - The dispute over the territorial sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands Senkaku disputes go nuclear Trade Wars Turn POLITE FICTION, ECONOMIC REPRISALS The official U.S. line that its more energetic Goes nuclear While this conflict is unresolved, the shadow of a trade war looms. Some commentators, like Henry C.K. Liu in the Asia Times, go further and warn that | |
03/31/2013 | NDT Rd 7 2NC PoliticsTournament: NDT | Round: 7 | Opponent: Trinity GK | Judge: Extinction There are compelling reasons for the United States and Latin America Failure to pass immigration puts the squeeze on American companies, rolls back the aff As a counter-point to Lloyd's tongue-in-cheek post about 10 Ways the Recession Can Help the Environment 1nc cyber attack impact Immigration reform generates an effective base of IT experts. We have seen, when you look at the table of the top 20 firms that are H1-B visa requestors, at least 15 That deters and solves the impact to cyberattacks As a step toward a security research plan that includes such capabilities, we should identify endstates— goals in terms Extinction The US uses the two-man rule to achieve a higher level of security in nuclear affairs. Under this rule two authorized personnel must be present and in agreement during turns econ Reform is key to economic growth Washington tends to have a narrow view of what counts as “economic policy.” Anything we do to the tax code is in. turns china 2nc uniqueness wall 2nc top of agenda at: business/labor Dems key to immigration reform ANWR is consistently controversial – party-line issue WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 (UPI) -- House legislators divided along partisan lines during a hearing examining 2nc delay link Delay kills immigration reform – Obama and congress are pushing to get it done soon 2nc pc key/at: hirsh Hirsh’s point is that PC’s not key because some GOP figures want reform for the Latino vote, so leaders like Jindal are calling for it Meanwhile, the Republican members of the Senate’s so-called Gang of Eight are pushing hard for That thesis is wrong—those people are the minority—even if presidential hopefuls can’t bash immigrants, Congress can—clearly makes PC key Having lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections, some Republican leaders in Hirsh’s other point is that PC isn’t objectively measurable—but it still exists and is key to immigration—Obama has to make political deals—this proves bargaining and persuasion are key, even on other issues Ezra Klein made an excellent point about Barack Obama and immigration reform today: new 2nc pc key Dems key to immigration reform xt obama pushing / top priority Obama pushing immigration reform now – it’s a top priority and has momentum now but there is resistance Top of the agenda – bill coming very soon Immigration reform will pass now insiders cite substantial progress and consensus now 2nc worker shortages now 2nc no wins—second term Empirically w/w is wrong "People will say, 'If we're spending that much energy, we're not spending enough Not the case during the second-term—plan overstretches Obama by overspending outside of campaign promises HOOVER: I absolutely am. You can try to caricature me into a terrible Republican, but there are plenty Prefer specificity – right now Obama’s agenda uniquely causes political priority trade-offs |
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Opponent: Harvard DiTa | Judge: Matt Struth 1NC: T – RandD, Heidegger, Sequestration DA, Loan Guarantees CP |
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