UCO | 1 |
Opponent: Kansas BR | Judge: Sarah Spring 1AC Ecopedagogy 1NC: Framework (agonism), Marx K, and case 2NC: Framework and case 1NR: Marx and bottom of case 2NR: Framework and case |
UCO | 3 |
Opponent: Oklahoma LM | Judge: Justin Kirk 1AC: Butler Brownfields 1NC: T, Marx, States, Elections (Romney neolib/creates worse other) and case 2NC: States and Elections 1NR: Case 2NR: States, Elections, and case |
UCO | 5 |
Opponent: Oklahoma CO | Judge: Malcolm Gordon 1AC: No Nature 1NC: Framework (agonism), justification, Marx, and case 2NC: Framework and case 1NR: Marx 2NR: Framework and case |
UCO | Octas |
Opponent: Oklahoma BC | Judge: Gordon, Vega, Kurr 1AC Bell Space Traders: Blacks for perfect nuclear technology 1NC: Marx, Framework, and case neg 2NC: Marx and case neg 1NR: Framework 2NR: Marx and case |
UCO | Quarters |
Opponent: Wichita State DS | Judge: Murillo, Stone, and Casey 1AC: SMRs with leadership and renaissance 1NC: DoD CP, Fiscal cliff, Consumption K, and case with prolif good 2NC: DoD CP and prolif good 1NR: Fiscal cliff and renaissance adv 2NC: Prolif good and case |