General Actions:
# | Date | Entry |
09/22/2012 | GSU AFFTournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: ProlifContention 1: ProlifNuclear power inevitable globally – new construction key to nonproliferationWallace and Williams, 2-8-12 [Michael, senior adviser with the U.S. Nuclear Energy Project -- CSIS, Sarah, research associate with the project, “NRC Approves Construction and Operating License for Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant,”] Q1: What does the … in all of these areas. Two internal links – first is the international transitionMaintaining effective export conditions is contingent on a US lead role – more reactors key to US institutional supportBengelsdorf and McGoldrick, 07 [currently a Principal with the consulting firm of Bengelsdorf, McGoldrick, and Associates, held numerous senior positions in the U.S. government, including the Energy Department and its predecessor agencies, the State Department, and the U.S. Mission to the IAEA. Among his appointments, he served as the director of both key State and Energy Department offices that are concerned with international nuclear and nonproliferation affairs. Throughout his career, Mr. Bengelsdorf contributed significantly to the development and implementation of U.S. international fuel cycle and nonproliferation policies, having participated in several White House and National Security Council studies. He was involved in the negotiation of numerous bilateral and multilateral nuclear and nonproliferation agreements, including the development of full-scope IAEA safeguards (INFCIRC/153) to implement the Nuclear, THE U.S. DOMESTIC CIVIL NUCLEAR INFRASTRUCTURE AND U.S. NONPROLIFERATION POLICY A White Paper Presented by the American Council on Global Nuclear Competitiveness May 2007,] Consumer countries are … selection where possible. That institutional support manages global nonproliferationBengelsdorf and McGoldrick, 07 [currently a Principal with the consulting firm of Bengelsdorf, McGoldrick, and Associates, held numerous senior positions in the U.S. government, including the Energy Department and its predecessor agencies, the State Department, and the U.S. Mission to the IAEA. Among his appointments, he served as the director of both key State and Energy Department offices that are concerned with international nuclear and nonproliferation affairs. Throughout his career, Mr. Bengelsdorf contributed significantly to the development and implementation of U.S. international fuel cycle and nonproliferation policies, having participated in several White House and National Security Council studies. He was involved in the negotiation of numerous bilateral and multilateral nuclear and nonproliferation agreements, including the development of full-scope IAEA safeguards (INFCIRC/153) to implement the Nuclear, THE U.S. DOMESTIC CIVIL NUCLEAR INFRASTRUCTURE AND U.S. NONPROLIFERATION POLICY A White Paper Presented by the American Council on Global Nuclear Competitiveness May 2007,] The health of the U.S. civil …nuclear facilities to other countries. Second is reprocessingPUREX-style reprocessing used in France, Japan, and the UK risks proliferation – IFR solvesPeters 12 [“Recycling Used Nuclear Fuel: Balancing Energy and Waste Management Policies”, Testimony to U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, Mark T. Peters, Deputy Laboratory Director for Programs at Argonne, National Laboratory, American Nuclear Society, June 6, 2012, khirn] PUREX: Current commercial used … consistent with U.S. non-proliferation goals. American support of pyroprocessing solves international integration of bad forms of technologyPeters 12 [“Recycling Used Nuclear Fuel: Balancing Energy and Waste Management Policies”, Testimony to U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, Mark T. Peters, Deputy Laboratory Director for Programs at Argonne, National Laboratory, American Nuclear Society, June 6, 2012, khirn] Pyroprocessing offers several … energy can be achieved safely and securely. Inaction on IFRs is killing US leadership and ability to influence prolifShuster 11 [Joseph Shuster, founder of Minnesota Valley Engineering and Chemical Engineer, 9-8-2011, "Response to Draft Report From Obama’s Blue Ribbon Commission (BRC) on America’s Nuclear Future dated July 29, 2011," Beyond Fossil Fools] Contrary to the commission’s declarations … additional two years to catch up. We’re on the brink of rapid prolif – access to tech is inevitable and multilateral institutions failCFR 12 [CFR 7-5-2012, "The Global Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime," Council on Foreign Relations] Nuclear weapons proliferation, whether …f a world without nuclear weapons." New proliferators will be uniquely destabilizing -- guarantees conflict escalation.Cimbala, ‘8 [Stephen, Distinguished Prof. Pol. Sci. – Penn. State Brandywine, Comparative Strategy, “Anticipatory Attacks: Nuclear Crisis Stability in Future Asia”, 27, InformaWorld] If the possibility existed of a mistaken … of major interstate warfare. Extinction.Krieger, ‘9 [David, Pres. Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and Councilor – World Future Council, “Still Loving the Bomb After All These Years”, 9-4,] Jonathan Tepperman’s article in the September 7, 2009 … rational than Mr. Tepperman? PlanThe United States federal government should substantially increase loan guarantees for integral fast reactors using the S-PRISM design.WarmingWarming is real and anthropogenic – carbon dioxide increase, polar ice records, melting glaciers, sea level riseProthero 12 [Donald R. Prothero, Professor of Geology at Occidental College and Lecturer in Geobiology at the California Institute of Technology, 3-1-2012, "How We Know Global Warming is Real and Human Caused," Skeptic, vol 17 no 2, EBSCO] Converging Lines of Evidence¶ How …e drowned cities would lie deep underwater. Scientific consensus is as robust as gravity – 90% chance their authors are paid off by the coal and oil lobbyProthero 12 [Donald R. Prothero, Professor of Geology at Occidental College and Lecturer in Geobiology at the California Institute of Technology, 3-1-2012, "How We Know Global Warming is Real and Human Caused," Skeptic, vol 17 no 2, EBSCO] Why Do People Continue to Question the … threatens their survival. Neither can we as a society. Warming is real and causes extinctionMorgan 9 – Professor of Current Affairs @ Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea (Dennis Ray, “World on fire: two scenarios of the destruction of human civilization and possible extinction of the human race”, Futures, Volume 41, Issue 10, December 2009, Pages 683-693, ScienceDirect) As horrifying as the scenario of human extinction by sudden, fast-… stacks the cards against our chances of survival? Co2 causes ocean acidification which destroys biodiversityStern 7 – Head of the British Government Economic Service, Former Head Economist for the World Bank, I.G. Patel Chair at the London School of Economics and Political Science, (Nicholas, “The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review”, The report of a team commissioned by the British Government to study the economics of climate change led by Siobhan Peters, Head of G8 and International Climate Change Policy Unit, Cambridge University Press, p. 72) Ocean acidification, a direct result of … as-yet-unquantified wider impacts. Ocean biodiversity key to solve extinctionCraig 03 – Associate Prof Law, Indiana U School Law (McGeorge Law Review, 34 McGeorge L. Rev. 155 Lexis) Biodiversity and ecosystem …, and we will take most of the biosphere with us. IFR’s solve warmingArchambeau et all 11 [The Integral Fast Reactor (IFR): An Optimized Source for Global Energy Needs, Charles Archambeau, Science Council for Global Initiatives, Randolph Ware, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Tom Blees, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Barry Brook, University of Adelaide, Jerry Peterson, Argonne National Laboratory,¶ Yoon Chang, University of Colorado, February 2011] The threat of global warming and …include the following: And, uranium mining independently ensures devastating warmingRincon, 08 [Paul, BBC Broadcasting, “Nuclear's CO2 cost 'will climb'”,] The case for nuclear power as a low … of nuclear energy on CO2 emissions. IFR’s solve the need for uranium mining Kirsch 9 [Steve Kirsch, founder and CEO of multiple tech companies collectively worth over %241 billion and MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT, November 2009, "Why We Should Build an Integral Fast Reactor Now,"] Q. How clean is an IFR plant? … it down in flames. IFR tech will be modeled internationallyStanford 06 [George, PhD, a physicist, retired from Argonne National Laboratory. B.Sc. with Honours, Acadia University; M.A.,Wesleyan University; Ph.D. in experimental nuclear physics, Yale University, interview with Ann Curtis (Washburn University nuclear technology), August 8] 6. If the US were to … to feel the consequences. ANL LeadershipContention 3: Argonne National LaboratoryArgonne National Lab is losing a generation of scientistsMerrion 11 [Paul, Washington Bureau Chief, Crain’s Chicago Business, Feb 18, 2011, “Argonne, Fermi funding cuts threaten labs and research, Durbin warns”] Proposed federal spending cuts … affected by the closures and layoffs.” It’s too late to merely restore funding – successful project demonstration is key to future recruitment and retentionGrossenbacher 08 [CQ Congressional Testimony, April 23, 2008, John, Laboratory Director Idaho National Laboratory, “NUCLEAR POWER,” SECTION: CAPITOL HILL HEARING TESTIMONY, Statement of John J. Grossenbacher Laboratory Director Idaho National Laboratory, Committee on House Science and Technology, Lexis] While all of the programs I've …future investment in infrastructure. Successful recruitment of high-quality scientists is needed to restore ANL credibility and Nanomaterials programsVan 08 [Jon Van, Chicago Tribune, January 20, 2008 “Argonne, Fermilab lick wounds after fierce federal budget fight”] Argonne National Laboratory … in return for favors from one another. Restarting IFR project at ANL spurs R+D in all sectors – collaborative research utilizing nuclear science insight key to effective programsBlees 8 [Tom Blees 2008 “Prescription for the Planet: The painless remedy for our energy and environmental crises” Pg. 367] 21. Restart nuclear power … would be incalculable. Argonne is key – high-quality scientists will make the difference, but only Argonne has the necessary infrastructure to catalyze advanced photon reactionsFischetti et all 9 [“Proceedings of the¶ Advanced Photon Source Renewal Workshop”¶ Hickory Ridge Marriott Conference Hotel¶ Presentation to Department of Energy¶ October 20-21, 2008¶ February 2009¶ Robert F. Fischetti Argonne National Laboratory, Biosciences Division;¶ APS Life Sciences Council representative¶ Paul H. Fuoss Argonne National Laboratory, Materials Science Division;¶ APS Users Organization representative¶ Rodney E. Gerig Argonne National Laboratory, Photon Sciences, Denis T. Keane Northwestern University;¶ DuPont-Northwestern-Dow Collaborative Access Team;¶ APS Partner User Council representative¶ John F. Maclean Argonne National Laboratory, APS Engineering Division¶ Dennis M. Mills, Chair Argonne National Laboratory, Photon Sciences, Dan A. Neumann National Institute of Standards and Technology; APS Scientific Advisory Committee representative¶ George Srajer Argonne National Laboratory, X-ray Science Division] Scientific Community¶ An enhanced … including soft-matter studies. Other labs don’t cut it – Argonne key to solveLindsey 12 [“Scientist Uses Advance Photon Source to Study Nano-Scale Materials”, Laura, Director of Communications and Marketing, The College of Arts and Science, ¶ University of Missouri Columbia, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Jan 25, 2012] Emerging new technologies … challenges that nano-scale materials present to scientists. ANL’s nanoscale materials prevent biowarfare agents – and safety of ANL Nanomaterials solves all Nanotech Bad impactsBrown 5 [Evelyn Brown, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). 5/5/2005] Federal and state officials will …such as anthrax, in real time. Bioterror is inevitable – they have the means and motiveCenter for Nonproliferation Studies 11 [Bioterrorism and Threat Assessment PREPARED FOR THE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION COMMISSION BY: Gary A. Ackerman and Kevin S. Moran Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism Research Program Center for Nonproliferation Studies Monterey Institute of International Studies March 2011] Regarding the capability of … Or fifteen? Or fifty?) as an urgent research need. Bioterror causes extinctionOchs ‘2 [Richard, MA Natural Resource Management at Rutgers University , Naturalist at Grand Teton National Park, June 9th, immediately,"" target="_blank">"Biological Weapons must be abolished >immediately,") Of all the weapons of mass destruction…, then patriotism is the highest of all crimes. Nanotech is inevitable – safe stewardship prevents extinctionJohn Robert Marlow, (Nanotech Columnist, nominated for the 2004 Foresight Institute Prize in Communication), 2004 (no date, but most recent reference is 2004), NANOVEAU #002, “The Sound of Inevitability—Why Nanotech Will Happen,” [Bapodra] Unlike previous advances, however, … nanogenie back in the bottle. SolvencyContention 4: SolvencyCurrent loan guarantees aren’t enough – more on new reactor types are key to catalyze nuclear construction and solve nuclear leadershipBelogolova 12 [National Journal Daily, July 19, 2012, “U.S. Nuclear Industry Seen Needing a Boost”, Olga Belogolova, lexis, khirn] A robust nuclear-energy industry … and they might not be willing to wait any longer. Loan guarantees attract private capital – increases are keyPeskoe 12 [Ari Peskoe, associate in the law firm of McDermott Will and Emery LLP and focuses his practice on regulatory, legislative, compliance, and transactional issues related to energy markets, 4-20-2012, "A Solution Looking For a Problem: Building More Nuclear Reactors after Vogtle," The Electricty Journal, vol 25 issue 3, Science Direct] Given the checkered history of reactor … with a nuclear disaster.64 Manhattan Project approach key to catalyze quick investment in IFRs – perception is non-unique, there is government investment nowKirsch 9 [Steve Kirsch, founder and CEO of multiple tech companies collectively worth over %241 billion and MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT, November 2009, "Why We Should Build an Integral Fast Reactor Now,"] Q. If this is really so good, how … technology in this country. IFR’s are really cheap – existing coal plants can be retrofitted – solves warmingArchambeau et all 11 [The Integral Fast Reactor (IFR): An Optimized Source for Global Energy Needs, Charles Archambeau, Science Council for Global Initiatives, Randolph Ware, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Tom Blees, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Barry Brook, University of Adelaide, Jerry Peterson, Argonne National Laboratory,¶ Yoon Chang, University of Colorado, February 2011] The new features of the IFR …emissions from existing electricity power plants¶ in the U.S. The IFR is chemically incapable of proliferationStanford 01 [George S. Stanford, Ph.D., nuclear reactor physicist, writer for the National Center of Public Policy Research, December 2001, “Integral Fast Reactors: Source of Safe, Abundant, Non-Polluting Power”] What is the best argument for it? Proliferation prevention. Near-term, … with the chemical purity needed for weapons. IFR’s are safe and meltdown-proof [sodium coolant, passive shut-down]Archambeau et all 11 [The Integral Fast Reactor (IFR): An Optimized Source for Global Energy Needs, Charles Archambeau, Science Council for Global Initiatives, Randolph Ware, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Tom Blees, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Barry Brook, University of Adelaide, Jerry Peterson, Argonne National Laboratory,¶ Yoon Chang, University of Colorado, February 2011] The IFR fast reactor uses metal … in the reactor core after passive shutdown. Odds of an accident are one in every 29 million yearsKirsch 9 [Steve Kirsch, founder and CEO of multiple tech companies collectively worth over %241 billion and MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT, November 2009, "Why We Should Build an Integral Fast Reactor Now,"] Q. How safe are these new nuclear designs?¶ … by orders of magnitude. IFR fuel can be obtained from seawater – makes energy infiniteArchambeau et all 11 [The Integral Fast Reactor (IFR): An Optimized Source for Global Energy Needs, Charles Archambeau, Science Council for Global Initiatives, Randolph Ware, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Tom Blees, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Barry Brook, University of Adelaide, Jerry Peterson, Argonne National Laboratory,¶ Yoon Chang, University of Colorado, February 2011] The pyroprocessor unit can be …expanded, essentially indefinitely, to meet demand. Substantially expanding federal loan guarantees is critical -- investors are watching closely -- only the aff reassures them and jumpstarts the nuclear industry.Lyash, ‘7 [Jeffrey, President and CEO -- Progress Energy Florida, 6-19, “DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER HOLDS A MEETING TO PROPOSE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES APPLICABLE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY'S LOAN GUARANTEE PROGRAM AUTHORIZED BY TITLE XVII OF THE ENERGY POLICY ACT OF 2005,” Political Transcript Wire, Lexis] In my comments today, I want to … piece we need as soon as possible. State action is already happening and insufficient -- unequivocal federal support through loan guarantees are critical to reinvigorate nuclear power industryBowman, ‘8 [Frank, President and Chief Executive Officer Nuclear Energy Institute, CQ Congressional Testimony, 6-19, “Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction,” Lexis] In terms of new nuclear … the oil and natural gas markets. | |
11/10/2012 | Adv - Nuclear LeadershipTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Adv 1: Nuclear leadershipNuclear power is inevitable – Inaction on IFRs is killing US nuclear leadershipShuster 11 Joseph Shuster, founder of Minnesota Valley Engineering and Chemical Engineer, 9-8-2011, "Response to Draft Report From Obama’s Blue Ribbon Commission (BRC) on America’s Nuclear Future dated July 29, 2011," Beyond Fossil Fools
Contrary to the commission’s declarations on the matter, the U.S. is AND did was give our ¶ competitors an additional two years to catch up. IFR restores leadership on nuclear issues – key to contain proliferationStanford 10 (Dr George S. Stanford, nuclear reactor physicist, retired from Argonne National Laboratory, "IFR FaD context – the need for U.S. implementation of the IFR," 2/18/10)
ON THE NEED FOR U.S. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTEGRAL FAST REACTOR¶ AND a demo will require federal seed money. It’s time to get moving.
Several impacts – 1st prolifTransition to IFRs create a global proliferation resistant fuel cycleStanford 10 (Dr George S. Stanford, nuclear reactor physicist, retired from Argonne National Laboratory, "Q%26A on Integral Fast Reactors – safe, abundant, non-polluting power," 9/18/10) http:~/~/
Thermal reactors with reprocessing would do at least a little better.¶ Recycling (it AND just such a fuel cycle—a prime candidate for “continued consideration.” We’re on the brink of rapid prolif – access to tech is inevitable and multilateral institutions failCFR 12 CFR 7-5-2012, "The Global Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime," Council on Foreign Relations
Nuclear weapons proliferation, whether by state or nonstate actors, poses one of the AND way for "the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons." New proliferators will be uniquely destabilizing -- guarantees conflict escalation.Cimbala, ‘8 Stephen, Distinguished Prof. Pol. Sci. – Penn. State Brandywine, Comparative Strategy, “Anticipatory Attacks: Nuclear Crisis Stability in Future Asia”, 27, InformaWorld If the possibility existed of a mistaken preemption during and immediately after the Cold War AND could overturn these expectations for the obsolescence or marginalization of major interstate warfare.
Nuclear warHenry Sokolski, 2009 (executive director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, serves on the U.S. congressional Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism; Avoiding a Nuclear Crowd;
Combine these proliferation trends with the others noted above and one could easily create the AND the proponents of nuclear abolition, nor their critics, would ever want.
2nd terrorism – spent nuclear fuel is exposed in the status quo – fast reactors solveNuclear Threat Initiative 12 Nuclear Threat Initiative, 8-1-2012, "Why Is Highly Enriched Uranium a Threat?" Prepared by the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies
The most difficult challenge for a terrorist organization seeking to build a nuclear weapon or AND or decommissioned, while eight are planned or under construction. 4 That’s key to the nuclear taboo – solves nuclear warBin ‘9 (5-22-09 About the Authors Prof. Li Bin is a leading Chinese expert on arms control and is currently the director of Arms Control Program at the Institute of International Studies, Tsinghua University. He received his Bachelor and Master Degrees in Physics from Peking University before joining China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP) to pursue a doctorate in the technical aspects of arms control. He served as a part-time assistant on arms control for the Committee of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND).Upon graduation Dr. Li entered the Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics (IAPCM) as a research fellow and joined the COSTIND technical group supporting Chinese negotiation team on Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). He attended the final round of CTBT negotiations as a technical advisor to the Chinese negotiating team. Nie Hongyi is an officer in the People’s Liberation Army with an MA from China’s National Defense University and a Ph.D. in International Studies from Tsinghua University, which he completed in 2009 under Prof. Li Bin. )
The nuclear taboo is a kind of international norm and this type of norm is AND problem, avoid miscalculation and thereby reduce the danger of a nuclear war. 3rd competitiveness – US is ceding nuclear competitiveness nowBarton 11 Charles Barton, Nuclear Green, “Have the Chinese Been Reading Energy from Thorium or Nuclear Green?” 1/31/11
Last week the Chinese Academy of Science announced that it planned to finance the development AND their venture into Molten Salt nuclear technology. The American leadership does not. That’s crucial to overall competitivenessBarton 10 (Charles Barton, Nuclear Green "Keeping up with China: The Economic Advantage of Molten Salt Nuclear Technology," 12/1/10)
American and European nuclear development can either proceed by following the cost lowering paths being AND European economies competitive, at least as far as energy costs are concerned. Competitiveness prevents great power war – and economic perception is keyBaru 9 - Visiting Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore (Sanjaya, “Year of the power shift?,”
There is no doubt that economics alone will not determine the balance of global power AND they will do so once again in today’s America remains to be seen. Independently, nuclear power is an effective stimulusSomsel 9 January 23, 2009, “Productive stimulus: Fast-track nuclear power”, By Joseph Somsel, MBA from California Polytechnic University, nuclear engineer, broad work background in the nuclear power industry and in the overall electric utility business, currently involved in entrepreneurial development of niche electrical generating sources in California and Colorado
So unemployment is rising in the US and the pace of economic growth has turned AND to fill it in. This plan just defaults to regular government work. Double-dip recession now – immediately stimulating the economy key to solveCox 12 Jeff Cox, CNBC, Alaska Dispatch, ¶ “Companies reluctant to spend money, fearing double-dip recession”¶ Jeff Cox, CNBC | | Oct 25, 2012
Amid a lackluster earning season that has featured many companies missing sales expectations, cash AND of honor (for accumulating cash) to representation of poor management."¶ ¶ Double-dip risks nuclear warFordham 10 Tina Fordham, “Investors can’t ignore the rise of geopolitical risk”, Financial Times, 7-17-2010, http:~/~/ Geopolitical risk is on the rise after years of relative quiet – potentially creating further AND would be a very unwelcome time to see the return of geopolitical risk.” Moreover, Expanding nuclear power is key to price stability -- prevents economic collapse.Bowman, ‘6 Frank, President and CEO -- Nuclear Energy Institute, Speech to House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, 9-3, The Strategic Value of Nuclear Power: Platform for the Future Any discussion of the AND pressures on other users of natural gas that have no alternative fuel source. Decline causes global warRoyal 10 – Jedediah Royal, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010, “Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises,” in Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, p. 213-214 Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline may increase the likelihood of external conflict AND popularity, are statistically linked to an increase in the use of force. | |
11/10/2012 | Adv - WarmingTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Warming is real and anthropogenic – carbon dioxide increase, polar ice records, melting glaciers, sea level riseProthero 12 Donald R. Prothero, Professor of Geology at Occidental College and Lecturer in Geobiology at the California Institute of Technology, 3-1-2012, "How We Know Global Warming is Real and Human Caused," Skeptic, vol 17 no 2, EBSCO
Converging Lines of Evidence¶ How do we know that global warming is real and AND pinnacles, but the rest of these drowned cities would lie deep underwater. Causes extinctionSawin 12 Janet Sawin, Senior Director of the Energy and Climate Change Program at the WorldWatch Institute, Aug 2012, “Climate Change Poses Greater Security Threat than Terrorism
As early as 1988, scientists cautioned that human tinkering with the Earth's climate amounted AND migration across borders has frequently led to violent clashes over land and resources. The IFR is the only way to reduce coal emissions sufficiently to avert the worst climate disastersKirsch 9 (Steve Kirsch, Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, American serial entrepreneur who has started six companies: Mouse Systems, Frame Technology, Infoseek, Propel, Abaca, and OneID, "Why We Should Build an Integral Fast Reactor Now," 11/25/9)
To prevent a climate disaster, we must eliminate virtually all coal plant emissions worldwide AND old child was able to determine this from publicly available information in 2004. Alternative methods can’t solve warmingKirsch 9 (Steve Kirsch, Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, American serial entrepreneur who has started six companies: Mouse Systems, Frame Technology, Infoseek, Propel, Abaca, and OneID, "How Does Obama Expect to Solve the Climate Crisis Without a Plan?" 7/16/9) http:~/~/
The ship is sinking slowly and we are quickly running out of time to develop AND . That way, they'll want to switch. No coercion is required. | |
11/10/2012 | Adv - ANLTournament: Harvard | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Argonne National Lab has a severe shortfall of quality scientists now – the best and brightest aren’t replacing retireesGrossenbacher 08 CQ Congressional Testimony, April 23, 2008, John, Laboratory Director Idaho National Laboratory, “NUCLEAR POWER,” SECTION: CAPITOL HILL HEARING TESTIMONY, Statement of John J. Grossenbacher Laboratory Director Idaho National Laboratory, Committee on House Science and Technology, Lexis
While all of the programs I've highlighted for you individually and collectively do much to AND will enable a balanced, yet sufficient approach to future investment in infrastructure. The plan attracts the best and brightest back to Argonne – successful demonstration of IFR spurs collaborative nuclear interdisciplinary researchBlees 8 Tom Blees 2008 “Prescription for the Planet: The painless remedy for our energy and environmental crises” Pg. 367
21. Restart nuclear power development research at national labs like Argonne, concentrating on AND the many varied types of energy needs around the world would be incalculable. Attracting leading scientists to Argonne key to successful development of the Advanced Photon SourceFischetti et all 9 “Proceedings of the¶ Advanced Photon Source Renewal Workshop”¶ Hickory Ridge Marriott Conference Hotel¶ Presentation to Department of Energy¶ October 20-21, 2008¶ February 2009¶ Robert F. Fischetti Argonne National Laboratory, Biosciences Division;¶ APS Life Sciences Council representative¶ Paul H. Fuoss Argonne National Laboratory, Materials Science Division;¶ APS Users Organization representative¶ Rodney E. Gerig Argonne National Laboratory, Photon Sciences, Denis T. Keane Northwestern University;¶ DuPont-Northwestern-Dow Collaborative Access Team;¶ APS Partner User Council representative¶ John F. Maclean Argonne National Laboratory, APS Engineering Division¶ Dennis M. Mills, Chair Argonne National Laboratory, Photon Sciences, Dan A. Neumann National Institute of Standards and Technology; APS Scientific Advisory Committee representative¶ George Srajer Argonne National Laboratory, X-ray Science Division
Scientific Community¶ An enhanced catalyst research beamline with capabilities for in situ XAFS, AND ¶ broaden this new interest group into areas including soft-matter studies. APS key to safe nanotech developmentLindsey 12 “Scientist Uses Advance Photon Source to Study Nano-Scale Materials”, Laura, Director of Communications and Marketing, The College of Arts and Science, ¶ University of Missouri Columbia, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Jan 25, 2012
Emerging new technologies utilize advanced materials that are assembled on exceedingly small scales of length AND the many surprises and challenges that nano-scale materials present to scientists. Nanotech is inevitable – information generation facilitates safe stewardship that prevents grey gooTreder and Phoenix 3 PUBLISHED JANUARY 2003 — REVISED DECEMBER 2003, “Safe Utilization of Advanced Nanotechnology”, Chris Phoenix and Mike Treder, Mike Treder, Executive Director of CRN, BS Biology, University of Washington, Research Fellow with the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, a consultant to the Millennium Project of the American Council for the United Nations University and to the Future Technologies Advisory Group, serves on the Nanotech Briefs Editorial Advisory Board, is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences and a member of the World Future Society. AND Chris Phoenix, CRN’s Director of Research, has studied nanotechnology for more than 15 years. BS, Symbolic Systems, MS, Computer Science, Stanford University
Many words have been written about the dangers of advanced nanotechnology. Most of the AND be applied, minimizing the most serious risks while preserving the potential benefits. Extinction in 72 hoursMark Pesce, BS Candidate at MIT, October, 1999, “Thinking Small,” FEED Magazine,
The nanoassembler is the Holy Grail of nanotechnology; once a perfected nanoassembler is available AND be untouched. Everything would become one thing: a monoculture of nanites.
| |
11/10/2012 | SolvencyTournament: Harvard | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Contention 4: SolvencyCurrent loan guarantees aren’t enough – more on new reactor types are key to catalyze nuclear construction and solve nuclear leadershipBelogolova 12 National Journal Daily, July 19, 2012, “U.S. Nuclear Industry Seen Needing a Boost”, Olga Belogolova, lexis, khirn
A robust nuclear-energy industry should be a high priority for the country's energy AND were going slowly and they might not be willing to wait any longer. Loan guarantees attract private capital – increases are keyPeskoe 12 Ari Peskoe, associate in the law firm of McDermott Will and Emery LLP and focuses his practice on regulatory, legislative, compliance, and transactional issues related to energy markets, 4-20-2012, "A Solution Looking For a Problem: Building More Nuclear Reactors after Vogtle," The Electricty Journal, vol 25 issue 3, Science Direct
Given the checkered history of reactor construction projects,56 private lenders are understandably skittish AND would likely cover much of the liabilities associate with a nuclear disaster.64 And, loan guarantees solve nuclear expansion – shows investors the government has skin in the game, and incentivizes quick agency approvalAdams 10—Publisher of Atomic insights Was in the Navy for 33 years Spent time at the Naval Academy Has experience designing and running small nuclear plants (Rod, Concrete Action to Follow Strongly Supportive Words On Building New Nuclear Power Plants, Loan guarantees are important to the nuclear industry because the currently available models are large AND government on the hook for delays that come from bad bureaucratic decision making. Manhattan Project approach key to catalyze quick investment in IFRs – perception is non-unique, there is government investment nowKirsch 9 Steve Kirsch, founder and CEO of multiple tech companies collectively worth over %241 billion and MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT, November 2009, "Why We Should Build an Integral Fast Reactor Now,"
Q. If this is really so good, how come GE isn't building S AND exploited. The GNEP would resuscitate fast-reactor technology in this country.
Plan is modeled internationallyBlees et al 11 (Tom Blees1, Yoon Chang2, Robert Serafin3, Jerry Peterson4, Joe Shuster1, Charles Archambeau5, Randolph Ware3, 6, Tom Wigley3,7, Barry W. Brook7, 1Science Council for Global Initiatives, 2Argonne National Laboratory, 3National Center for Atmospheric Research, 4University of Colorado, 5Technology Research Associates, 6Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences, 7(climate professor) University of Adelaide, "Advanced nuclear power systems to mitigate climate change (Part III)," 2/24/11) http:~/~/
There are many compelling reasons to pursue the rapid demonstration of a full-scale AND mitigate climate change and other environmental and geopolitical crises of the 21st century. IFR’s S-PRISM design is really safeBlees et al 11 (Tom Blees1, Yoon Chang2, Robert Serafin3, Jerry Peterson4, Joe Shuster1, Charles Archambeau5, Randolph Ware3, 6, Tom Wigley3,7, Barry W. Brook7, 1Science Council for Global Initiatives, 2Argonne National Laboratory, 3National Center for Atmospheric Research, 4University of Colorado, 5Technology Research Associates, 6Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences, 7(climate professor) University of Adelaide, "Advanced nuclear power systems to mitigate climate change (Part III)," 2/24/11)
Metal Fuel: The Ultimate Safety Valve¶ One of the most important of the AND be a reactor design that even the most paranoid could feel good about. | |
11/10/2012 | PlanTournament: Harvard | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Harvard 3: The United States federal government should substantially increase loan guarantees for integral fast reactors using the S-PRISM design. | |
11/10/2012 | AT - TTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Counter-interpretation—nuclear power is the entirety of the nuclear fuel cycle, including not everything immediately related to electricity generationMIT ’11 (“The Future of Nuclear Power”, Chapter 4 – Fuel Cycles, 2011, http:~/~/ The description of a possible global growth scenario for nuclear power with 1000 or so AND will significantly reduce the long-term radioactivity of the nuclear waste.4 IFR is nuclear powerTill 9 “Plentiful Energy and the IFR Story”, Charles E. Till, Nuclear physicist and associate lab director at Argonne National Laboratory, 05/09
The name Integral Fast Reactor described the principal characteristics of the technology: the word AND in reactor operation, useful to know but not central to this discussion.) | |
11/10/2012 | AT - States CPTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Credit ratingSullivan and Walsh, 8 - Mary Anne Sullivan, partner in Hogan and Hartson's energy practice, has more than 25 years of experience as an energy lawyer. She previously served as general counsel of the U.S. Department of Energy and as deputy general counsel for environment and nuclear programs. Sam Walsh is an associate at Hogan and Hartson (“Federal Loan Guarantees,” Electric Light and Power, Mar/April, ABI Inform)
In their rulemaking comments, Wall Street firms emphasized that a loan guarantee must represent AND , absent fraud or material misrepresentation by the holder of a guaranteed obligation. Certainty is essential – only effective method of catalyzing investmentWhitefield, 11 5/4/11, STATEMENT OF THE HONORABLE ED WHITFIELD CHAIRMAN, SUBCOMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND POWER, “The Role of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in America’s Energy Future, While the NRC may not be the direct cause of this uncertainty – the Obama AND supply will mean for the future health and wealth of the United States. Can’t solve stimulus – massive investment necessary to avoid double-dip – states act as anti-stimulusPOLLACK ‘11 - Economic Policy Institute; Office of Management and Budget and the George Washington Institute of Public Policy; staff member for President Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform; M.P.P. The George Washington University (Ethan, “Two years into austerity and counting…”, October 19,
It’s popular to criticize Keynesian economics by alleging that the Recovery Act was an experiment AND off from the economy and acts as a significant “anti-stimulus.”This ANDlevels of government actually contractionary and creating a net drag on economic growth.What’s AND of this economic hole, we first need to stop digging down further. Can’t solve nuclear leadership – not perceivedFertel, 05 - Senior Vice President And Chief Nuclear Officer Nuclear Energy Institute (Marvin, CQ Congressional Testimony, “NUCLEAR POWER'S PLACE IN A NATIONAL ENERGY POLICY,” 4/28, lexis) //DH Industry and government will be prepared to meet the demand for new emission-free AND policy challenges-like waste management-that arise with all advanced technologies. Doesn’t solve the case – restrictions are codified in federal law – prevents the requisite licensing, means the cp fails to cause commercialization – that’s 1ac Martin ANDMIT, 10 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Nuclear Energy Research and Development Roadmap: Report to Congress”, April 2010, In the United States, it is the responsibility of industry to design, AND initiatives that bear directly on the development and deployment of new reactor systems. States links to politicsKiely ‘12 (% style="font-size: 8.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:11.0pt" %)EUGENE org/author/eugene-kiely/(% style="font-size: 8.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:11.0pt" %), Washington assignment editor USA today, February 17, 2012 “Did Obama ‘Approve’ Bridge Work for Chinese Firms?”
Who’s to blame, if that’s the right word, if the project ends up AND spending taxpayer money on Chinese firms to build U.S. bridges. | |
11/14/2012 | OTEC 1ACTournament: Wake | Round: 8 | Opponent: Northwestern MP | Judge: Feldman '''First the impacts:''' '''1) Fisheries – Fish stocks declining now—increased productivity key.''' '''Declining fish stocks will kill billions.''' '''Independently, Food shortages cause extinction''' The character of human conflict ... things that power it. '''2) Oceans - Phytoplankton are the foundation of the food chain and produce half of the worlds oxygen—decline in phytoplankton risks extinction.''' Increased carbon levels in ocean ...everything," he told UPI. '''The plan solves – Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion increases ocean nutrient content—improves fishing productivity.''' One of the ... translated into a saleable aquaculture product. '''OTEC results in net gains of plankton—this increases fishing harvests and solves phytoplankton''' Gains of plankton organisms may... feed on plankton, would result. '''OTEC externally solves food shortages through fertilizer production.''' There might be an additional ... good use for Sir Richard's check. '''Advantage 2: Hegemony''' '''Investment in offshore OTEC is critical to US OTEC leadership and international OTEC development—this prevents Chinese hegemony.''' While onshore installations ...he wouldn't confirm this for security purposes. '''China’s rise risks war with the U.S. and threatens kicking the U.S. out of Asia.''' China cannot rise ... Soviet Union during the Cold War. '''Unchecked Chinese rise causes global nuclear war ''' Obviously, it is of vital importance ... by close great power alliances. '''OTEC key to mineral extraction.''' Many minerals and chemicals can also ... mining minerals from seawater feasible. '''Rare earths are critical to all military systems''' Yet China could keep its dominant grip on ... further study to determine the severity of the delays. '''OTEC key to overall US technological leadership.''' 6.2 Non-economic Benefits The non-economic benefits of OTEC ... for remote island defence installations. '''That’s key to hegemony.''' The United States' global primacy depends in large part ... at fostering technological entrepreneurship at home. '''Perception of decline will cause the US to lashout---triggers hegemonic wars''' Two closely related, though distinct, ... possible crossover.19 pg. 647-650 '''U.S. leadership deters conflict and solves their impacts—collapse results in cascading great power wars''' '''Advantage 3: Oil''' '''OTEC solves both power plants and vehicle emissions—key to reduce CO2''' Scientists all over the world are making ¶...offset its expense through the sale of ¶ the desalinated water. '''OTEC efficiently produces hydrogen—this will enable transition to a hydrogen economy.''' Perhaps the largest contribution ...resource for future generations. '''That solves warming and independently prevents grid terrorism''' While the fossil-fuel era enters its sunset years, ... the Industrial Revolution. '''Grid terrorism causes nuclear war''' However, from a strategic defense perspective, ... more at risk of a major war. '''Independently, hydrogen economy solves nuclear war''' Today, oil supplies 40% of the world’s energy ...of current oil sources by hydrogen. '''OTEC sequesters carbon – that’s necessary to solve climate change''' However, deep cold water is laden ... hundred MW plants might meet this. '''Warming is real and anthropogenic – carbon dioxide increase, polar ice records, melting glaciers, sea level rise''' Converging Lines of Evidence¶ How do we know that ...cities would lie deep underwater. '''Worst-case warming results in extinction''' Perhaps the most notorious indicator is ... the survival of all life on earth.xi '''Warming causes extinction – oceans''' The findings of the comprehensive report: 'The impact of ... findings were published in Science '''Plan: The United States federal government should reduce restrictions on Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion in the United States imposed by entites other than the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. ''' '''Solvency''' '''Current patchwork of restrictions prevents commercial viability—removing it is key to solve''' Whether renewable ocean energy ... ¶ their cost-effective development. The Regulatory Barriers To Ocean Energy Developers - Overview of Regulatory Uncertainty: The foregoing events suggest that presently, ...the entire permit process a waste. '''NOAA can do the plan – authority overall OTEC laws and licensing''' OTEC Act, 42 U.S.C. § 9111 - gives NOAA jurisdiction ... and complies with applicable laws. '''OTEC is feasible, economically viable, and recent advancements solve all problems''' The well-known OTEC operating principles ... in OTEC commercialization. | |
01/25/2013 | Pitt Round Robin - Aff Round ReportsTournament: Pitt Round Robin | Round: 7 | Opponent: UKMC AG | Judge: C. Wunderlich Round 5: Vs. Oklahoma LM, with Rashad Evans as the Judge. Uranium Adv - functionally conceded, uranium = structural violence and causes wars over scracity. 2AR Offense: Round 7: Vs. UMKC AG, with Carly Wunderlich as the Judge. Nuclear Leadership Warming Uranium Solvency Plan/Advocacy: The USFG should provide initial funding for initial fast reactors. 2AC Strat: 2AR Offense: | |
02/10/2013 | Aff Round Reports (NU)Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 2, 3 | Opponent: Kentucky GS, Harvard HT | Judge: Harrigan, Najor Plan: The United States federal government should substantially increase initial funding for integral fast reactors using the S-PRISM design in the United States. Advantages: Round 2 (v. Kentucky GS): Round 3 (v. Harvard HT): Open source attached below. | |
03/30/2013 | 1AC NDTTournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: Emory PS | Judge: Despite a slew of developed nations putting the brakes on nuclear programs in the wake Background info on proliferation (of nuclear weapons). Please follow the reasoning carefully.¶ In reality, America’s nuclear energy industry is in rapid decline relative to its foreign After a year characterised by leadership transitions in the US, Russia, China, In case of an Israeli and/or American attack against Iran, Ahmadinejad's government Extinction The only impediment to escalating terror is access to spent fuel The nuclear taboo is a kind of international norm and this type of norm is Washington's early response to a terrorist nuclear attack on its own soil might also raise Warming To prevent a climate disaster, we must eliminate virtually all coal plant emissions worldwide The ship is sinking slowly and we are quickly running out of time to develop New Advantage In contrast to America, Chinese nuclear energy capabilities have rapidly developed in recent years Egyptian prolif causes nuclear war Even if we assume that the leaderships of the region will normally wish to avoid Continued China rise causes sovereignty disputes and Chinese cyberwarfare While ensuring the Chinese people continue to grow wealthier is itself a primary goal of SCS conflict risk high now – goes nuclear It is clear that the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea have Specifically, the race is on to patent the first gen IV reactor The Generation 4 reactor design race¶ The race is now on to see who We’ll see what others on this list have to say, but in my opinion Absent expedient nuclear development, competition causes asian resource wars The Chinese are leading the charge, but they are not alone. Norway's Thor China has officially announced it will launch a program to develop a thorium-fueled There is no doubt that economics alone will not determine the balance of global power LESLIE H. GELB: Power is what it always has been. It is A core premise of deep engagement is that it prevents the emergence of a far Plan Solvency Q. What's the next step?¶ The commercial demonstration should be a top national Well, it’s not magic but it is nearly sitting there. GE could start Q. If this is really so good, how come GE isn't building S-PRISM on their own nickel?¶ Nobody wants to risk it since it isn't a slam dunk. You don't get a reward if you solve global warming. And government funding doesn't seem to be so easy. DOE tried to get funding for GNEP (which included IFR technology) and got shot down (so far).¶ GE is a large conservative corporation. They already service a fleet of lightwater reactors, are building more of them around the world, and have the promise of yet more. It's hard enough in this country to move into new levels of reactor technology without trying to leapfrog straight into the 4th generation. Their 3rd generation ESBWR is in the 5th round of NRC certification, whereas the S-PRISM (a souped up and more developed version of the PRISM) isn't at the starting gate. These things take years at the glacial pace of the NRC, though of course if President Obama decided to go all Manhattan project on it we could most definitely get there quickly enough. If GE started pushing 4th generation breeder reactors, can you imagine the hue and cry from the antie groups? What's their incentive to do that? If they're convinced that ultimately we'll end up at 4th generation reactors anyway and they can make plenty of dough and keep a low profile just taking the go slow approach, don't you imagine that's exactly what they'll do? Besides, conceivably another country with whom we have nuclear technology sharing agreements might very well certify and build it before the NRC ever gets out of the starting gate, which would make it much easier for the eventual NRC certification.¶ Q. If this is really so good, how come someone in government isn't trying to get it restarted?¶ The DOE is attempting to resuscitate fast-reactor technology, as part of the GNEP (Global Nuclear Energy Partnership) initiative. See¶, and¶ The IFR is one form of fast-reactor technology (metallic fuel with pyroprocessing), but there are others -- inferior, according to the IFR scientists. The important thing these days is to get the U.S. back into a leadership role in the development and management of nuclear power, recognizing that recycling in fast reactors is necessary if the long-lived waste is to be consumed, and if the full energy potential of the uranium is to be exploited. The GNEP would resuscitate fast-reactor technology in this country.¶ Q. Critics claim fast reactors are “expensive to build, complex to operate, susceptible to prolonged shutdown as a result of even minor malfunctions, and difficult and time-consuming to repair.”¶ I'm not aware of anyone who is an expert on Integral Fast Reactor technology (who actually really understands the science) who has this view. One Nobel prize winning physicist who was recently briefed on the IFR (Burton Richter, former Director of SLAC) told me that, at best, there is insufficient scientific evidence to make such a statement. Is there someone who knows the fast reactor science as well as Dr. Chang or Dr. Till who holds that view? Certainly not the MIT study (as they admitted up front). So whose expert opinion are you relying on here?¶ Secondly, if your statement was true, then aren't these statements directly in direct conflict with the facts? If the critics are to be relied upon, then none of the following would have been possible at all:¶ – The Monju reactor was undamaged by the fire (rated 1 on a scale of 0 to 7, with 7 being the most serious accident), and has been kept shut down for political reasons. I think it has been given the go-ahead to start up.¶ – The EBR-II fast reactor worked flawlessly for many years ( 31 years from 1963-1994)¶ – The Phenix fast reactor in France has been on-line for decades.¶ – The Superphenix reactor was shut down for political reasons, after it finally had its problems behind it and was working well.¶ – The Russian BN-600 has been working well for decades.¶ Ray Hunter was for the past 29 years as the former Deputy Director of the Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Should his view count? Here's what he wrote to me:¶ My name is Ray Hunter. I am the former Deputy Director of the Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). I spent more than 29 years in DOE and the predecessor agencies working on developing advanced nuclear reactors for civilian nuclear power applications. After evaluating several alternatives, I came to the conclusion that a sodium cooled fast reactor using metal fuel and non aqueous reprocessing offered the best option to compliment and eventually replace Light Water Reactors (LWR’s). The basis for my conclusion was the successful proof of principle demonstration work completed by Argonne National Laboratory. It is important to understand that there were had two versions of the IFR concept; the second version involved a sodium cooled reactor using mixed uranium oxide and plutonium oxide fuel and aqueous reprocessing. The second version required separating Plutonium-239 for fabrication into new fuel which was considered to be a major proliferation issue. Unfortunately, the Clinton administration considered all fast reactors concepts as too much of a proliferation risk and cancelled all work on fast reactors. Actually, the decision to forgo processing of LWR fuel as enacted into law by 1982 Radioactive Waste Management Policy Act was the precursor for ending fast reactor technology development. The Department did continue to support in corporation with industry advanced LWR designs for future use. These advanced designs have been approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commissions but none have been ordered in the U.S. because of the unresolved waste issue and the economic risk of trying to build and license a nuclear power plant in the U.S. Versions of these advanced LWR designs have already been built and are operating in Japan and South Korea.¶ The ill conceived U.S. policy of a once through LWR fuel cycle has never been adopted by any other nuclear power nation. According to Senator Reid, Yucca Mountain will not proceed as long as his any say in the matter. Until there is a path forward on LWR spent fuel, it is unlikely any new nuclear plant will be built in the U.S. The technical facts clearly show that the most cost effective and environmentally sound way to deal with LWR spent fuel is use the IFR concept with metal fuel and non aqueous reprocessing. While the proposed GNEP concept does not require plutonium separation, it is still based on oxide fuel and aqueous reprocessing which does allay proliferation concerns. Also, the GNEP concept is being offered as global solution for minimizing nuclear proliferation based on certain countries doing reprocessing including the U.S. but our current law precludes it. ¶ I am attaching a recent letter I sent to Senator Reid. In my judgment, we need to focus on the waste issue to break the logjam on nuclear power in the U.S. We don’t need to deploy the IFR in the private sector for the foreseeable future to get the benefits of expanded nuclear power use. If inviting the IAEA to oversee IFR facilities at government sites would promote acceptance of reprocessing, then we should proceed accordingly. Any thoughts you have on this matter would be appreciated.¶ Q. A lot of critics claim the plants will be too expensive to build.¶ The cost of a power plant is often expressed in terms of dollars per kilowatt of capacity. Every $1,000/kWe in initial cost adds, very roughly, one cent per kilowatt-hour to the cost of the electricity (assuming a 40-year write-off period and an interest rate of 8.5% per year).¶ The cost of a nuclear plant is very hard to predict these days, because it depends heavily on the regulatory climate. In more detail, here's something Eric Loewen (GE) has written on the subject of cost:¶ . . . This is not to say that PRISM or any other nuclear reactor will be inexpensive when built in the United States. The same GE Hitachi reactors that were built in Japan in the late 90s for about $1,400/kW are estimated to cost several times that much in the USA. Considering that the actual cost of raw materials is an insignificant portion of that price (about $35/kW), and that interest rates are at record low levels, the significantly higher price tags being bandied about by private utility companies reflects a regulatory/corporate/governmental environment that needs fixing. Part of the problem could be solved by a commitment to nuclear power from the federal government, streamlined licensing procedures for standardized designs, and shielding from interminable lawsuits like those that crippled the nuclear power industry in the 70s and 80s. ¶ There is nothing inherently uneconomical about nuclear power. Japan imports virtually all their building materials and has high labor costs. If they can build GE ABWR plants for a very reasonable price, there is no reason why the USA shouldn't be able to do the same.¶ Q. How many IFR plants do we need to replace all the coal plants in the US?¶ There are 200 nuclear plants now supplying 20% of our power. Coal provides about half our power. So you'd need about 400 new nuclear plants to displace all the coal plants. Plug-compatibility and modularity are key to quick expansion I was offline most of yesterday attending a high-intensity series of presentations hosted IFR’s are more cost-effective than coal PART 2¶ Fission Energy¶ The big difference between a coal and fission energy Metal Fuel: The Ultimate Safety Valve¶ One of the most important of the Plan causes international modeling There are many compelling reasons to pursue the rapid demonstration of a full-scale We have, at present, many useful nuclear technological ideas that could help with NRC licensing not required Consider the fact that the DOE can, at one of its labs, go Is the problem with Congress or DOE?¶ Both. At DOE there are a The misperception, miscalculation and above all ignorance of the ruling elite about security puzzles IFR can solves alt-causes This state of affairs would completely overturn the energy status quo. Liquid fuels could | |
03/30/2013 | AT SMRs CPTournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: Emory PS | Judge: Base personnel don’t have the requisite training to operate SMRs effectively -- means the aff fails. Siting issues prevent solvency. Military SMRs cause huge vulnerabilities -- magnifies safety concerns and makes attacks on spent fuel inevitable -- outweighs any benefits. Plan key to naval readiness A decline in the civil nuclear sector is also likely to negatively impact American military Global Implications. Under a scenario of dramatically reduced naval power, the United States Conditionality is bad – generates 2ac strategic skew by disincentivizng best use of offense – creates argumentative irresponsibility making debate poor advocate training – rigorous pre-round research solves offense No Commercialization – SMR’s IV. Mandating that Markets Value the Long-Term¶ In organized wholesale electricity | |
03/30/2013 | AT Uranium Prices DATournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: Emory PS | Judge: To have any realistic chance of achieving this goal — which we must, for CM: Over 45% of the world's uranium is now produced using this low Prices low now and decline inevitably Economy diversifying now – uranium not key Kazakh instability and econ decline inevitable – crumbling authoritartianism The brutal police crackdown marks the darkest hour in the former Soviet republic’s young history Uranium not key – diversified economy Economy - overview: No Kazak escalation Yet when brutal violence broke out in one of the CSTO member countries, Kyrgyzstan Their internal link evidence concedes Russia Impact D Common interests and interdependence The short answer to the question posed at the Hudson Institute is no. Armed conflict between the United States and Russia is neither inevitable nor likely. Indeed, Mikhail Delyagin, an adviser to former Russian Prime Minister Evgeny Primakov, says a struggle with the West in general it is not in the interests of Russian elites. He spoke through an interpreter. XT Diversification Other sectors solve – and business climate is improving investment IMF Survey online: What options does Kazakhstan have to diversify away from oil? | |
03/30/2013 | 2AC Case NDT R3Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: Emory PS | Judge: The world could avoid much of the damaging effects of climate change this century if Metal Fuel: The Ultimate Safety Valve¶ One of the most important of the | |
03/30/2013 | AT Emory PS Advantage CPTournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: EMory PS | Judge: NFU fails – not credible nobody would follow Carbon sequestration captures so little CO2 that it would actually increase the net amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, exacerbating global warming Case turns solvency – a crisis means the project stops and warming becomes inevitable 10. Rapid warming if deployment stops. A technological, societal, or political crisis could halt a project of stratospheric aerosol injection in mid- deployment. CP fails and causes extinction Earth is busted. Like a supercomputer whose elaborate code has developed a few bugs Doesn’t solve ocean acidification which leads to extinction 2. Continued ocean acidification. | |
03/30/2013 | Immigration DA Answers- NDTTournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: Emory PS | Judge: The fuel for this American-bashing comes from some recent studies that use techniques right out of the book How to Lie with Statistics that cook data for the very purpose of belittling natives. Not top of the agenda and not passing now Not intrinsic – rational policymaker can do plan and pass immigration The Silicon Valley tech scene is again one of the brightest stars in the US I dislike cap-and-trade, but it is inevitable as national law¶ The PC’s not real and thumpers disprove Winners win – momentum THE REAL LIMITS ON POWER¶ Presidents are limited in what they can do by Plan popular CIR fails – B. Backlogs Dems won’t backlash or drain PC | |
03/30/2013 | NDT Round 5 | |
03/31/2013 | NDT Rnd 7 1acTournament: | Round: | Opponent: Liberty LS | Judge: 1AC Advantage 1 Former U.S. Secretary of State and Nobel Peace laureate Henry Kissinger is There has been a bit more cooperation between Russia and the West on the Iranian Moscow has shown yet again that it is determined to protect Iran’s controversial nuclear program Any attack on Iran will be a joint operation between Israel, the U. I wonder if the U.S. decision to end its ability to launch For five years or more, the United States will be dependent on the technology As NATO withdraws, many of Moscow’s neighbors will eagerly turn back to the Kremlin That is, of course, a vast simplification of Russian policy. Moscow is The United States cannot acknowledge the legitimacy of Russian claims to have a “sphere Proliferators or nuclear states like China and Russia can then deter regional or intercontinental attacks The Advanced Test Reactor has been the focus of recent efforts to restart US Pu Getting enough Np-237, however, is not the biggest problem that the Advantage 2 NASA's most distant probe owes its long life to a warm heart of plutonium- The early human spaceflight programs, up to and including the Apollo missions to the International cooperation beyond Earth orbit¶ AIA recognizes the value of international partnerships in space programs, and they have been crucial to NASA’s success. The International Space Station (ISS) demonstrated not only the ability for a multinational partnership to successfully design, build, and operate a complex and sophisticated space system across multiple decades, it showed that the partnerships themselves can help provide programmatic and political sustainability for missions and programs in the long-term. Viability and Preservation.¶ The all-or-nothing benefit of space exploration is Our support for NASA and the nation’s space programs is rooted in a fundamental belief Radioisotope Power Systems are necessary for powering spacecraft at large distances from the Sun; In the past, scientists had only one planet to study in detail. Our For nearly 50 years, the United States has led the world in the scientific Advantage Three is ESA NASA is running low on plutonium, an issue that is causing growing concern for Lean on me¶ NASA has long ruled the roost on solar system missions beyond Beyond the two traditional space powers, the United States and Russia, Europe and Lack of SSA means has often left European countries in the dark. For instance I spoke last year, the focus was on the President’s new National Space Policy To address these challenges, we must continue to focus attention on enhanced space situational awareness. Our ability to conduct this vital mission not only helps us to characterize threats as either an intentional act by an adversary or the result of electromagnetic radiation, space debris, or any number of other hazards in outer space; they also help us to recognize anomalies in our own space constellations and evaluate options for such contingencies. Past proposals for international confidence building space activities include more stringent debris mitigation, collision Arms races do not always lead to armed conflict. But moral and ethical problems The inherent escalatory potential of satellite warfare between the United States and a major power Transatlantic cooperation today is of course not the same as it was fifty or sixty There is no doubt that US-European relations are in a period of transition Read the plan Benefits from this type of cooperation will not only go to Europe and the United This is the second of two scenarios that consider how U.S. space President Obama and Russian President Dimitri Medvedev are scheduled to Wednesday in London during the If the United States continues to push forward its de facto space dominance policy, India ¶ As of 2008, there is no public evidence of a fielded operational A buildup of space weapons might begin with noble intentions of 'peace through strength' deterrence | |
03/31/2013 | NDT Rd 7 T-Energy Production 2ACTournament: | Round: | Opponent: Lib LS | Judge: 2AC Energy ProductionPlutonium-238 is nuclear powerNathan 11 ~"Power pack: nuclear power in space", 15 August 2011 | By Stuart Nathan, The Engineer~ But as we start to look at exploring more intensively in the Solar System and Counter-interpretation – energy production is conversion to electricity and this must be in the United StatesPNL 78, Report Commissioned by the DOE Pacific Northwestern Laboratories "An Analysis of Federal Incentives Used to Stimulate Energy Production" March 1978 Aff ground – no extraction means no natural gas – they exclude Gen IV reactorsWorld Nuclear Association 12 ~March 2012, "Plutonium"~ Plutonium-238, Pu-240 and Pu-242 emit neutrons as a No uniqueness for their limits – the majority of teams read the same affReasonability – competing interpretations are a race to the bottom to arbitrary exclude the aff | |
03/31/2013 | NDT Rd 7 T-in the United States 2ACTournament: | Round: | Opponent: LIB LS | Judge: 2AC ’United States’We meet – we procure energy in the United States. Also, Financial incentives modifies ’in the United States’ – the procurement contracts are in the US.Acquiring electricity from plutonium-238 is an incentive to produce energy – we just specify the type of nuclear reactor and say in the plan text that it’s for use in the US– whether or not it’s used is a solvency question. Deep exploration of space is an EFFECT of the plan not a MANDATEIf anything the mandate of the plan is for the initial craft will be an ASRGClark 12 ~["Nuclear-powered craft not picked in latest competition", BY STEPHEN CLARK, SPACEFLIGHT NOW, August 28, 2012~] The nuclear power units, called ASRGs, use less plutonium than existing generators. NASA and the U.S. Department of Energy face a shortage of plutonium-238 nuclear fuel for robotic spacecraft, causing officials to turn to more efficient power generators. The energy produced will be in the United StatesClark 12 ~["Nuclear-powered craft not picked in latest competition", BY STEPHEN CLARK, SPACEFLIGHT NOW, August 28, 2012~] John Grunsfeld, head of NASA’s science directorate, said the advanced nuclear generator was not a factor in the selection of InSight.¶ "The success of ASRGs is still very important for planetary science, so we’re going to continue to push the development of those," Grunsfeld said.¶ Officials want to complete extensive ground testing and a low-cost flight demonstration before flying ASRGs on a multi-billion dollar flagship mission. Counter-interpretation – the United States includes aerospace 100 miles above the USBSAF 13 ~["How Far Do a Country’s Boundaries Extend and How Far Up Into the Atmosphere Does the Air Space Extend?", Big Site of Amazing Facts, 2013~] Borders define geographic boundaries of political entities such as governments, sovereign states, and Accepted definitions for ’outer space’ are well below that threshold – the initial electricity generation would begin ’in the united states’ even if it was tested in outer space No Date "A brief history of space" Overlimiting – they exclude SMR’s and all military affs, because they’re bought in the US and then used in places outside of the US – mixes burdens by conflating solvency with topicality, because if the spacecraft fails we’re always in the USEducation – space key to understanding overall nuclear policyCook, 05 ~["Making Space Nuclear Power A Reality", Beverly A. Cook, Jet Propulsion Laborato y, California Institute of Technology, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,] VI. Conclusion¶ The public, in general, does not have a good Reasonability – have a very high standard for T at the NDT – it’s the last tournament – it wont guide research – force them to provide a SUBSTANTIAL difference between our interps to pull the trigger – causes substance crowd out – arbitrary interpretations link turn your limits and predictiability offense because any random definition can be justified | |
03/31/2013 | NDT Rd 7 Case 2ACTournament: | Round: | Opponent: LIB LS | Judge: AT: Pu-238 Revival Now – BarriersFraming issue: US going it alone doesn’t put any political pressure on the government to act – becoming dependent on Europe cements cooperation necessary to solve space explorationNo domestic restart – our Packard evidence is older but future predictive – it says that without Congress funding it, which none of their evidence says is happening, it’s liable to get shut down – moreover reactor shortages render it ineffective 8 years awayFerro 3/14 ~"NASA Resumes Production Of Plutonium-238 Space Fuel After 25 Years", Popular Science~ In April, officials at the DOE finally announced production was underway, but getting supplies up to snuff could take up to eight years. It’ll only produce 1.5 kg – for context, an unmanned probe to Pluto takes 11Dickinson 3/20 ~"U.S. To Restart Plutonium Production for Deep Space Exploration", Universe Today, David Dickinson, March 20, 2013~ Still, full target production of 1.5 kilograms per year may be some time off. For context, the Mars rover Curiosity utilizes 4.8 kilograms of Pu-238, and New Horizons contains 11 kilograms. It’s just a test – and it’ll use neptunium-237Klotz 3/18 ~Irene, Mar 18, 2013, "U.S. restarts plutonium production for space probes"~ In partnership with NASA, the Department of Energy irradiated the radioactive metal neptunium-237 with neutrons at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee for about a month and successfully produced a small amount plutonium.¶ "This is just a test," Green said, adding that a report from the Energy Department on production plans and costs should be finished before the end of the year.¶ That can be used to make nuclear weapons – and it destroys US leverageCorley 12 ~New Scientist, August 11, 2012, "So long, plutonium", Anne-Marie Corley, Features; No. 1014, lexis~ Then there are concerns over proliferation and political capital. While plutonium-238 cannot Future predictive - non-prolif resistant tech in the US will get shut downPackard 12 ~"The US Space Program’s Plutonium-238 Crisis", January 6th, 2012, Steve Packard, science popularize, engineer, maintainer of skeptical science websites, Depleted Cranium~ Restarting production in the US may prove more difficult than simply finding a suitable reactor NASA and DOE won’t produce enough Plutonium-238 nowDeason ’12 – research assistant at Oregon State University in Space Nuclear Research Space MilX-37B and HTV-2National Defense 10 ~National Defense, NDIA’s business and technology magazine, National Defense "Spate of Hypersonic Vehicle Tests Fuels Global Strike Debate" August 2010 By Stew Magnuson~ The military’s reusable space plane, the X-37B, and its classified payload | |
03/31/2013 | NDT Rd 7 CIR 2AC NewTournament: | Round: | Opponent: Lib LS | Judge: 2AC Immigration – ESAThere is no threat and at worst it will only mean cooperation Both European water and agricultural policies are based on the belief that there will always NASA provides political cover – space science shieldsDowney 4 ~"FLYING REACTORS: THE ¶ POLITICAL FEASIBILITY OF ¶ NUCLEAR POWER IN SPACE", ¶ by ¶ James R. Downey, Lt Col, USAFR, ¶ Anthony M. Forestier, Wg Cdr. RAAF, ¶ David E. Miller, Lt Col, USAF, ¶ A Research Report Submitted to Air Force Fellows, CADRE/AR, ¶ Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, 2004~ Overall, it is fair to say that the only reason that DOD et al Aerospace lobby supports the planPR NewsWire 9- Investment Needed to Combat Debris Threats to U.S. Space Assets April 28 That rallies supportLasker 8 (John, IPS, "Aerospace Lobby Wages Its Own Election Campaign," Sep 5, ====Floating city solves worker crisis – immigration regulations==== The Silicon Valley tech scene is again one of the brightest stars in the US | |
03/31/2013 | NDT RD 7 Keystone 2ACTournament: | Round: | Opponent: Lib LS | Judge: 2AC KeystoneStatus quo solves energy leadership regardless of fusionSteyer %26 Podesta, ’12 Not existential—even minor defense is sufficient to ensure America survives Most likely entry point for terrorist attack in US is Mexico- not Canada | |
03/31/2013 | NDT Rd 7 EIS-HIA CP 2ACTournament: | Round: | Opponent: Lib LS | Judge: EISPerm do the CPDoesn’t solve –A. One time consultationWasserman 11 (Cheryl, Associate Director for Policy Analysis, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "ENFORCEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS" Ninth International Conference on Environmental Compliance and Enforcement 2011, MGE) B. Congress says noKoenig 2011 (Robert, 10/15, "Congress Seems Frozen as Climate Change evidence accumulates" DelaysGreenwire 2009 ("NEPA reviews shouldn’t delay stimulus projects, experts say" March 24th, Perm do the plan and require an EIS for individual drilling projectsLinks to politicsRosenbaum 2005 - Professor of Political Science at Univ of Florida (Walter A, Environmental Policymaking, Ed. Hatch, p200-201) No impact Nor do shifts in the global balance of power doom us to a future of Certainty keyNETS 11 ~Session Summary: Opening Plenary¶ Monday, February 7, 2011 Dr. Michael Griffin, former NASA Administrator, concluded the opening plenary by presenting Unconditional Funding key – Steadfast government commitment crucial to effective science signalSlazer 12 ~"Perspectives on NASA’s strategic direction", Frank Slazer, an executive with nearly 30 years of experience on space policy issues and programs, Space Review, September 10, 2012, Vice President of the Space Systems Division of the Aerospace Industries Association.~ Although there is widespread support for strong space science programs at NASA, considerable stress | |
03/31/2013 | NDT Rd 7 States 2ACTournament: | Round: | Opponent: Lib LS | Judge: States CPCongress key – recalcitranceChow 11 ~"Mars Mission May Be Curtain Call for Plutonium-Powered Spacecraft", Denise Chow, M.A. Journalism from NYT, Staff WriterDate: 22 November 2011~ But the funds for NASA and the DOE are appropriated by two separate congressional subcommittees NASA key – international and agency coordinationSlazer 12 ~"Perspectives on NASA’s strategic direction", Frank Slazer, an executive with nearly 30 years of experience on space policy issues and programs, Space Review, September 10, 2012, Vice President of the Space Systems Division of the Aerospace Industries Association.~ NASA Partnerships¶ NASA’s unique capabilities and competencies are world renowned, and incredibly important 50 state fiat is a voting issue – no decision makers controls state policy, kills logic which justifies infinite intrinsicness – no solvency advocate kills fairness and undermines core research skills – kills real world educationPerm do both – state action provides cover and acts like a mandate for ObamaStates links to politicsKiely ’12 ~EUGENE KIELY-, Washington assignment editor USA today, February 17, 2012 "Did Obama ’Approve’ Bridge Work for Chinese Firms?" Who’s to blame, if that’s the right word, if the project ends up |
Tournament | Round | Report |
harvard | aff (all) |
Opponent: | Judge: plan text for harvard was always: The United States federal government should substantially increase loan guarantees for energy produced by integral fast reactors using the S-PRISM design in the United States. rd 1 v. georgetown EM - rd 3 v. idaho state lv - rd 5 v. wake hq - rd 8 v. wake bm - all the cards are in the open source folders |
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