Whitman » Thompson-Salathe Neg

Thompson-Salathe Neg

Last modified by Meritt Salathe on 2013/02/20 17:56

1NC States CP

The fifty United States and relevant territories should establish or expand existing Clean Energy Funds, coordinate clean energy funding with public infrastructure finance agencies, remove barriers to multi-state pooling arrangements for clean energy projects, support harmonized multi-jurisdictional clean energy projects, reorient tax policy toward a progressive income tax system, close corporate tax loopholes, and ~[do the plan~].  
Avoids controversy and solves.
Lewis Milford, attorney, founder and president of the Clean Energy Group, and Mark Muro, co-director of Brookings Mountain West, Senior fellow at the Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings, 1-12-2012, " Funding Growth: State Clean Energy Funds Can Help Invent the Future," Huffington Post, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lewis-milford/funding-growth-state-clea_b_1201670.html
These are tough times for the dream of clean energy and green jobs. Washington
funds’ transition from project development to industry creation should be nurtured and supported.

States CP
Subsidies are much more important for determining renewables competitiveness than MLPS
Molly F. Sherlock, Analyst in Economics, and Mark P. Keightley, Analyst in Public Finance, 6-28-2011, "Master Limited Partnerships," CRS, http://www.pdfdownload.org/pdf2html/pdf2html.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ieeeusa.org%2Fpolicy%2Feyeonwashington%2F2011%2Fdocuments%2Fmasterlmtdpartnerships.pdf%26images=yes
Allowing renewables to structure as MLPs may help reduce the cost of capital, thereby
themselves they would most likely not supplant the tax incentives currently in place."

Politics DA

1NC Immigration
Immigration reform gets through – Obama’s PC unifies the dems to push through fragmented GOP
Kate Nocera, staff writer, 2-7-2013, "House Dems embrace Obama," Politico, http://www.politico.com/story/2013/02/house-dems-embrace-obama-87359.html?hp=l1
Obama’s reelection changed everything, Democratic leaders believe, and they are more than ready
while we are aggressive, on offense and united," he told members.
PC is key
Elise Foley, writer at Huffington Post Politics, 1-15-2013 "Obama Gears Up For Immigration Reform Push In Second Term,", http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/15/obama-immigration-reform_n_2463388.html
Obama has repeatedly said he will push hard for immigration reform in his second term
-style arrangement jammed by leadership — while keeping the president heavily involved.
Terrorism Impact
Increased high-skilled immigration is key to solve terrorism – boosts hard and soft power
Jonathan G. Goodrich, March 2008, "Immigration in the Twenty-First Century," 42 U. Rich. L. Rev. 975, ln
After 9/11, Congress implemented strict immigration and border policies in order to
will live elsewhere and American security (and its economy) will suffer.
Terrorism causes extinction
Mohamed Sid-Ahmed, internationally renowned reporter and columnist in Al Ahram, "Extinction%21" Al-Ahram Weekly, September 1, 2004<http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2004/705/op5.htm>
What would be the consequences of a nuclear attack by terrorists? Even if it
When nuclear pollution infects the whole planet, we will all be losers.

1NC Econ Impact
Boomer retirement ensures collapse – only immigration solves.
Dowell Myers, Professor at the USC School of Policy Planning and Development, director of Population Dynamics Research Group and Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration, 11-24-2008, "Old Promises and New Blood: How Immigration Reform Can Help America Prosper in the Face of Baby Boomer Retirement," The Reform Institute, http://www.policyarchive.org/handle/10207/bitstreams/15660.pdf
As the economy has risen to the top of the national agenda, immigration has
enhancing our resilience in the face of the demographic and economic challenges ahead.
Economic decline causes global war
Walter Russell Mead, Henry A. Kissinger senior fellow ofU.S. foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, 2-4-2009, , The New Republic, "Only Makes You Stronger," http://www.tnr.com/politics/story.html?id=571cbbb9-2887-4d81-8542-92e83915f5f8%26p=2
So far, such half-hearted experiments not only have failed to work;
the world economy back on track, we may still have to fight.


Coal will remain competitive – that’s key to a shift to CCS
Lindsay Morris, staff writer, 8-15-2012, "Coal to Remain Viable, says EPA’s McCarthy at COAL-GEN Keynote," Power Engineering, http://www.power-eng.com/articles/2012/08/coal-to-remain-viable-says-epas-mccarthy-at-coal-gen-keynote.html
"Coal will continue to provide more of America’s electricity than any other fuel source
investment for new technologies," McCarthy said. "CCS is technologically viable."
US development spills over – US is a key leader
Allen Wampler, former assistance secretary of the US DOE, 7-11-2008, "Coal Power: Stress efficient carbon capture-and-storage," The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, http://www.nma.org/pdf/members/outreach/111308_ajc_oped.pdf
As global leader in energy technology, America needs to come up with a practical
countries like China and India that rely on coal to power their economies.
China wants CCS – needs international leadership
Bloomberg, 7-14-2012, "Asian Development Bank Aids China’s Pollution Trapping Mission," by Sally Bakewell, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-14/asian-development-bank-aids-china-s-pollution-trapping-mission.html
"There is an urgent need to fast-track the demonstration and deployment of
assemble a team of experts to advise the Chinese government on the plan.
China key I/L to warming
Germanwatch, German NGO for climatology, 2009, "Carbon Capture and Storage in China," an E3G Report, http://germanwatch.org/klima/ccs-china.pdf
China’s per capita emissions are substantially lower than those of Europe or the ¶ United
¶ rapid rise in China’s emissions under business-as-usual projections.
Warming causes extinction. ~[Gender Paraphrased~]
Bill Henderson, Environmental Scientist. 8-16-2006. Counter Currents, "Runaway Global Warming Denial." http://www.countercurrents.org/cc-henderson190806.htm
The scientific debate about human induced global warming is over but policy makers - let
of most flora and fauna beloved to man in the world we share.


1NC T Resolved + USFG
The aff should be limited to instrumental affirmation of the resolution

  1. "Resolved" before a colon reflects a legislative forum
    Army Officer School, 5-12-2004, "~%23 12, Punctuation – The Colon and Semicolon", http://usawocc.army.mil/IMI/wg12.htm
    The colon introduces the following: a.  A list, but only after "
    resolved:" Resolved: (colon) That this council petition the mayor.
    2. "USFG should" means the debate is solely about a policy established by governmental means
    Jon Ericson, Dean Emeritus of the College of Liberal Arts, California Polytechnic U., et al., 2003, The Debater’s Guide, Third Edition, p. 4
    The Proposition of Policy: Urging Future Action In policy propositions, each topic contains
    compelling reasons for an audience to perform the future action that you propose.
    1NC Predictability Good
    Their critique fails without prior predictability. Mindset change occurs from internal reflection during pre-round preparation, not in-round discourse
    Robert E. Goodin, Australian National University philosophy prof, editor of Oxford Handbooks of Political Science, founding editor of Blackwell’s Journal of Political Philosophy, and Simon J. Niemeyer, ANU political science research fellow, 2003, "When Does Deliberation Begin? Internal Reflection versus Public Discussion in Deliberative Democracy," POLITICAL STUDIES: 2003 VOL 51, 627–649, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.0032-3217.2003.00450.x/pdf
    What happened in this particular case, as in any particular case, was in
    least one possible way of doing that for each of those key features.
    1NC SSD Good
    SSD breeds reflective behavior that uncovers its latent biases – essential for democratic deliberation and is applicable to all aspects of our lives
    Patricia Roberts-Miller, Associate Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Texas, 2003, "Fighting Without Hatred:Hannah Ar endt ’ s Agonistic Rhetoric" JAC 22.2
    Arendt is probably most famous for her analysis of totalitarianism (especially her The Origins
    not relativist, adversarial but not violent, independent but not expressivist rhetoric.
    1NC Plans Good
    Their advocacy models occupy Wall Street – lack of concrete plans and goals shattered a promising movement and resulted in authoritarian backlash
    Roger Berkowitz, prof at Bard College, political studies, human rights, philosophy, Academic Director of the Hannah Arendt Center at Bard College, 1-18-2012, "What has happened to occupy wall street?" Hannah Arendt Center, Bard College, http://www.hannaharendtcenter.org/?p=3891
    And yet, it is undeniable that the movement has fizzled. One hears almost
    the reality of the present and think deeply about meaningful responses and alternatives.
    Energy Policy Debate Good
    Academic debate over energy policy in the face of environmental destruction is critical to shape the direction of change and create a public consciousness shift
    Eileen Crist, Professor at Virginia Tech in the Department of Science and Technology, 2004, "Against the social construction of nature and wilderness", Environmental Ethics 26;1, p 13-6, http://www.sts.vt.edu/faculty/crist/againstsocialconstruction.pdf
    Yet, constructivist analyses of "nature" favor remaining in the comfort zone of
    choosing to ignore it may well be the psychologically risk-free option.
    Nevertheless, this is the opportune historical moment for intellectuals in the humanities and social
    the world at an hour that is pressingly calling us to change it.
    Policy Relevance Good – Nye
    Debate should only include discussions that are policy relevant – their K self marginalizes itself out of politics and is therefore useless
    Joseph Nye, professor at Harvard University and former dean of the Harvard Kennedy School, 4-13-2009, Washington Post, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/12/AR2009041202260_pf.html 4-13-09
    President Obama has appointed some distinguished academic economists and lawyers to his administration, but
    the trends in academic life seem to be headed in the opposite direction. 

Carl Boggs, Professor of Social Sciences at National University in Los Angeles, 1997, "The great retreat: Decline of the public sphere in late twentieth-century America," Theory and Society, Volume 26, Number 6, December, Springer
The decline of the public sphere in late twentieth-century America poses a series
of those universal, collective interests that had vanished from civil society.75 

T Incentives

Direct=/=Market Creation
Topical incentives must target production – their aff is market creation
Elizabeth Doris, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 5-17-2012, "Policy Building Blocks: Helping Policymakers Determine Policy Staging for the Development of Distributed PV Markets," Paper to be presented at the 2012 World Renewable Energy Forum, http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy12osti/54801.pdf
3.2 Market Creation The second stage of the framework builds on the market
incentives have the potential to be invested in projects that do not materialize).

ANYTHING is an indirect incentive if allow to go through a chain of CAUSE and EFFECT
Megan Dyson et al, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 2003, Flow: The Essentials of Environmental Flows, p. 67-68
Understanding of the term ’incentives’ varies and economists have produced numerous typologies.  A
these incentives within the realm of economic and fiscal policy is practically limitless.
Allows small affs unrelated to the core of the topic
Yulia Selivanova, PhD international law – University of Berne, trade expert – Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels, 2007, "The WTO and Energy," http://ictsd.org/i/publications/129716/-http://ictsd.org/i/publications/129716/
There are several problems that are associated with definition of energy services. Firstly,
What makes service an "essential" part of the energy production chain?

Ground – indirect incentives don’t ensure expanded production – can’t win links to energy tradeoff DAs.
Greg LeRoy, directs Good Jobs First, a nonprofit, nonpartisan resource center promoting corporate and governmentaccountability in economic development, Feb 2008, "TIF, Greenfields, and Sprawl: How an Incentive Created to AlleviateSlums Has Come to Subsidize Upscale Malls and New Urbanist Developments" Planning %26 Environmental Law. Chicago:Feb 2008. Vol. 60, Iss. 2; pg. 3, 9 pgs, Proquest)WHAT IS TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF)?
TIF is an economic development incentive enabled under state law and in turn awarded by
"giveaway" and claim credit even for projects that would have occurred anyway

Hafnium DA

1NC Hafnium DA
Hafnium supply is keeping pace with demand now but the plan causes supply shortages that trades off with aerospace
Anthony Lipmann, Founder of LTD, 1-5-2012 "MMTA Meta Statistics - Hafnium" Lipmann Walton %26 Co, html
Unlike the listed Zirconium producers above, Westinghouse, USA, does not generate Hafnium
dependence on Zirconium output for source material would still remain a limiting factor.
Nuclear expansion causes supply bottlenecks and prevents recycling – turns case
Derek Abbott, professor in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Adelaide, Sept. 2012, "Limits to growth: Can nuclear power supply the world’s needs?" Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
Could nuclear power be rapidly expanded on a global scale? There are a number
the world’s supply of some elements and making them unavailable to future generations.
Strong aerospace is key to airpower
National Aerospace Week, 9-18-2010, "Aerospace and Defense: The Strength to Lift America," http://www.nationalaerospaceweek.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/whitepaper.pdf
The beginning of a new decade presents the defense industry with challenges that aren’t new
to ensure that a technology and manufacturing base exists to develop new ones.
Airpower solves extinction
Michael W. Wynne, Secretary of the Air Force, 2008, "Sovereign Options: Securing Global Stability and Prosperity A Strategy for the US Air Force", Air University, Strategic Studies Quarterly, http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA508798%26Location=U2%26doc=GetTRDoc.pdf-http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA508798%26Location=U2%26doc=GetTRDoc.pdf
Over the last century, the scope of US international responsibility has vastly increased,
believing they can benefit from using their military power against America’s vital interests. 

Marx K

 Link: Pedagogy founded on reading the codes of cultural power obscures the material base – trades off with analysis of the productive forces which generate estrangement
Mas’ud Zavarzadeh, 1994, "The Stupidity that Consumption is Just as Productive as Production," The Alternative Orange, V 4, Fall/Winter, http://www.etext.org/Politics/AlternativeOrange/4/v4nl_cpp.html
Reading and writing as stories of power-and-resistance are now part of
readers of codes of power form the reserve army of labor for capitalism. 

Ethics – capitalism naturalizes oppression under the guise of the free market – our primary ethical responsibility is to challenge that masking which excludes millions.
Glyn Daly, 2004, "Risking the Impossible," http://www.lacan.com/zizek-daly.htm
For Zizek it is imperative that we cut through this Gordian knot of postmodern protocol
Other to that of a "glitch" in an otherwise sound matrix.

There can be no making things better under capitalism – only revolution can overcome alienation fundamental to the system.
Jonh Molyneux, 3-12-2007, " The Roots of Alienation," http://johnmolyneux.blogspot.com/2007/03/roots-of-alienation.html
Marx was profoundly aware of this but he approached the matter differently. He showed
thus end alienation, opening the way for the real development of humanity.

Alt: Knowledge of the social totality precedes effective action – our theory of the primacy of production forms our method – only way to remedy the secondary contradictions of capitalism
Stephen Tumino, 2001, "What is Orthodox Marxism and Why it Matters Now More Than Ever Before," Red Critique, http://www.redcritique.org/spring2001/whatisorthodoxmarxism.htm
Any effective political theory will have to do at least two things: it will
to each according to their needs" (Marx) is the rule.

Created by Meritt Salathe on 2013/01/03 23:12

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