| 02/21/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: - This year’s resolution engages the question of whether the United States Federal Government should substantially reduce restrictions on and/or substantially increase incentives for domestic production of energy. It’s not the first time this community has debated federal energy policy and it is the millionth time the resolution has included the phrase “The United States Federal should.” We don’t believe that we can change the state, we certainly believe that we can change the state of debate. Therefore, we begin our examination of the resolution by discussing whiteness as a bad habit that restricts energy as well as the possibility for action.
Ahmed 2006 Sara, Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others, p.129-130 2. This bad habit that we call whiteness is a performance that is enforced and incentivized through stylistic procedures that overlimit the style and content of debates. These restrictions function to ensure that debate remains a white space. Reid-Brinkley 2008 Shanara Rose, Doctor of Philosophy, THE HARSH REALITIES OF “ACTING BLACK”: HOW AFRICAN-AMERICAN POLICY DEBATERS NEGOTIATE REPRESENTATION THROUGH RACIAL PERFORMANCE AND STYLE 3. Furthermore, requiring that debaters fall in line with these stylistic procedures of debate is a recruiting tool of whiteness that facilitates its own reproduction ensuring that debate itself is always oriented around whiteness. Ahmed 2006 Sara, Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others, p.133-134 4. Whiteness will destroy us all. Solving the problem of whiteness is a pre-requisite to solving all other social problems. Garon 12 Paul, Surrealist Author, Retrieved on October 3, 2012 http://racetraitor.org/surrealismissueintro.html 5. We don’t need a change in policy, we need a change in the mind. The first step to enabling change begins with affirmation. Leonard 2005, Moulard Valentine. Professor of Philosopy at Univ. Of memphis. “Revolutionary Becomings: Negritude’s Anti-Humanist Humanism” 6. Therefore, Taylor and I invite the judge to join us in our collective anger against racism and embrace blackness as a political orientation that offers hope for a future debate community not oriented around whiteness. Voting affirmative both reduces the restrictions of whiteness and incentivizes new political energy into the activity. Ahmed 2006 Sara, Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others, p.138-139, pg 155-156 7. Recognize that we, Taylor and I, are not black, but the work of anti-racism should never be left to the oppressed. Our refusal to fall in line with traditional debate effectively queers the debate space by creating disorientation. This disorientation disrupts whiteness and reduces the white body to the status of an object amongst objects. Ahmed 2006 Sara, Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others, p.157-162