Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
The Affirmative engages in a liberal political project that locks in the problematic logic of reproductive futurism. Reproductive futurism as a political project always seeks to affirm and maintain current social structures for the benefit of the children and future generations to the exclusion, abjection and extermination of all things queer. All forms of politics are framed by reproductive futurism to the extent that the future is relied upon to complete the aims, goals and demands of said politics such extreme forms of political faith in the future invalidate queer bodies (whose existence is defined both by resistance to the dominant political order and joy in the now)
Edelman in 2004 (Lee, No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive (Durham, NC: Duke
University Press, 2004).
Furthermore, the knowledge produced by the Affirmative regarding the political form of the administrative nation state has embedded within it a normalizing function which demands discipline to codified modes of social behavior and imposes categories of abjection such as the asocial and the abnormal upon bodies and discourses which deviate from this demand
Warner in 1993 (Michael, Fear of a Queer Planet: Queer Politics and Social Theory, University of Minnesota Press, 1993)
Accordingly, the extermination of all things queer is not limited to sexual minorities, but also includes other abject beings like individuals with disabilities- the Affirmative’s future won’t include the Crip.
Cambell in 2010 (Fiona Kumari, “Renavigating Ableist Terrains: Antisociality, Negative Turns and Anti-Heroes?” Society for Disability Studies Conference, 2010)
The Affirmative’s future is unlikely to include Black people either. The Black body is always already marked as queer and pathological and therefore always outside the American social, cultural and political imagination
Ferguson in 2k (Roderick, “The Nightmares of the Heteronormative” , Journal for Cultural Research, 2000)
Vote Negative! The future promised by the Affirmative is one that doesn’t include Kylah or myself. Consequently, we say fuck the Affirmative’s case and everything it stands for! Fuck politics! Fuck society! And, Fuck the future! Vote negative even if it risks complete destruction!
Edelman 2004 (Lee Edelman, Prof. English at Tufts University, “No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive,” 2004, pp. 28-31)
Lastly, there is no alternative. Better yet, fuck alternatives. Vote for none of the Above!!
Edelman 2004 (Lee Edelman, Prof. English at Tufts University, “No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive,” 2004, pp. 28-31)