West Virginia » Orteza-Palmer Neg

Orteza-Palmer Neg

Last modified by Philip George on 2012/09/21 16:35

The affirmative perpetuates the commodification of energy, which only serves
to fuel dependence on capitalist growth
David Korowicz 11 [physicist and human systems ecologist. He is a member of Feasta’s executive committee and

works as an independent consultant], “On the cusp of collapse: complexity, energy, and the globalised economy,” Fleeing
Vesuvius: Overcoming the Risks of Economic and Environmental Collapse” April 2011, New Society Publishers, Online Edition,

Like human… their services

We have two impacts

The first impact is poverty. Poverty in society is intimately linked with
capitalism through its ‘reserve army of labor,’ which is the world’s poor. Having
a market of under-employed individuals is a necessity to the capitalists profit

Magdoff 2005

Harry < held several administrative positions in government during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt
and later became co-editor of the Monthly Review.> http://www.monthlyreview.org/0705magdoffs1.htm
Approaching Socialism The Monthly Review Volume 57 Number 3

There is a… workers.

The poverty resulting from the global capitalist system is an extremely harmful,
unnoticed form of structural violence that results in 13 to 18 millions deaths per
year. Even though our plant has enough resources and know-how to provide
for each person on earth, our economic system of distribution necessitates this
form of structural violence.

Bucher 2005

Stefan <Tamkang University, Taiwan> Paper for the conference Cultures of Violence at
the University of Oxford. “Globalization and Structural Violence.”

I already… single power

Second, capitalism is the root cause of oppression: Sexism, xenophobia,
heteronormativity, and racism. Without solving for capitalism we can never
hope to truly solve for these harms.

Scott, 06 Prof PostColonial Lit & Theory @ U Vermont,

(Helen, “Reading the Text in its Worldly Situation: Marxism,
Imperialism, and Contemporary Caribbean Women’s Literature”, Postcolonial Text, 2.1, http://postcolonial.org/index.php/pct/article/

For Gedalof’s…. vice versa” (227).

Racism must be rejected at all costs, or we risk worldwide destruction.
Eliminating capitalism solves for the root cause of racism and the threat of
worldwide destruction.

Joseph Barndt 1991 Dismantling Racism: The Continuing Challenge to White America,
p. 155-56

To study racism… continue.

Failure to overcome capitalism will allow for increased global warming which
will ultimately end in global catastrophe and a major threat to human survival.
Rejecting cap is the only way to ensure the future of the human race.
David Schwartzman 08, Professor, Department of Biology, Howard University,

ECOSOCIALISM OR ECOCATASTROPHE, 2-11-08, www.redandgreen.org/Documents/David/Ecosocialism/
Ecosocialism%20or%20Ecocatast.htm, accessed 3-27-08


The “practical struggle… practice and theory.

Our alternative we endorse is the abandonment of our belief in capitalism.
Though not ideal, rejection of docile political action within the prevailing
capitalist system is the only means to effectively solve for capitalism and
poverty in the long run. Our individual rejection has substantial transformative
potential because capitalism’s existence is sustained only by the willingness
of individuals to believe in the system, and this desertion is the first step to
initiating a new socio-political reality.

Johnson 2004

Adrian <Prof Emory University> “The Cynic’s Fetish: Slavoj Zizek and the dynamics of belief” Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society”

Perhaps the… they know.

Capitalism’s strength lies in its ability to conceal its relationship with
widespread systemic violence by making its assumptions appear both natural
and inevitable. As a result, our primary ethical responsibility as decision-
makers is to unmask the fact that capitalism is built on the exclusion of a vast
majority of the world’s population.

Zizek and Daly 2004 Slavoj and Glenn <Thinkers> Risking the Impossible. http://www.lacan.com/zizek-daly.htm

For Zizek… matrix.

But what about the others? If nobody else goes along with this rejection,
doesn’t that mean we should default to the pragmatic approach embodied by
the affirmative? Absolutely not.

True ethical actions do not rely on an external other but are rather
unconditional practices that reject problematic systems. In this way, the
presentation of the affirmative provides an element of “uniqueness” for our
alternative as we should reject their “solution” which does little more than
mystify the relationship between capitalism and global exploitation.

Zizek and Daly 2004 (Slavoj, professor of philosophy at the Institute for Sociology, Ljubljana, and Glyn, Senior Lecturer

in Politics in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at University College, Northampton, Conversations with Zizek, page 18-19)

For Zizek,… impossible.

Created by Philip George on 2012/09/21 16:34

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