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Our discourse in debate is highly gendered—making a risky argument or strategic decision is referred to as "going balls up," two women debating together are "the girls," competitors refer to arguments made by a female saying "on his argument," etc. Equality will never be achieved while these "old boy" traditions remain. The critical engagement presented by the Neg is key to equality in debate.
Griffin %26 Raider 89. J. Cinder, Holly Jane. Women in High School Debate. 1989 - Punishment Paradigms : Pros and Cons ~{Shoell~}
Performance pressure effects selection of events and argument preference as well.11 In general
to attain this goal or the "old boy" traditions will remain.
The debate community pushes women out of the activity for trying to be a part of something where they don’t "belong" – debate is a men’s game meant to exclude "nice girls", who should be in a less competitive, less aggressive extra-curricular. Debate is a model of the real world and the exclusion of women from the activity because they don’t fit into pre-conceived gender roles designs our future participation in policy discourse
Griffin %26 Raider 89. J. Cinder, Holly Jane. Women in High School Debate. 1989 - Punishment Paradigms : Pros and Cons ~{Shoell~}
’I don’t usually vote for girl debaters because debate really is a boy’s activity.
rate of female debaters results in the male dominated composition of the activity.
Us-them dichotomies empirically lead to genocide and displacement of populations – privileging reason over experience and detachment over engagement encourages a violent competition for power where the disadvantage are inevitably excluded and exterminated
Simpson 95 Chris, scholar in Human Rights and the merits of Democracy. Common Courage Press, "The Splendid Blond Beast" 1995. ~{Shoell~}
Friedrich Nietzsche called the aristocratic predators who write society’s laws "the splendid blond beast
, and other rewards for their active or tacit complicity in the crime.
====The alt is to reject the hierarchal assumptions of the 1ac and engage in a critical examination of how we, through our interactions with others, create hidden assumptions of what "good" debate is and exclude women from the intellectual opportunities that training in debate provides. We can no longer afford to engage in complacency while the activity loses its validity and increase the rights violations that it so frequently indicts. ====
Bjork 92, Rebecca S, former University of Utah debater. Symposium: Women in Debate: Reflections on the Ongoing Struggle ~{Shoell~}
But what I am most tired of is how women debaters are marginalized and rendered
do so, we give up the only real power that we have.