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09/22/2012 | Solar FITS 1AC (Gonzaga)Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: Because of these obvious benefits, some U.S. municipal utilities are actually And, FiTs are key to the decentralization and democratization of energy production, which solves resource wars, pollution, climate change and the economy Mendonça, Jacobs, and Sovacool in 2010 Our options then are centred on making our lifestyles, our way of making ¶ Mendonça, Jacobs, and Sovacool in 2010 Danish and American experience shows that renewable energy deployment ¶ is accelerated or held back First, insufficient reactive power makes impending blackouts inevitable. It is time to for utilities to embrace another approach and to more fully acknowledge Democratization/Decentralization of energy helps with efficiency losses and reduces blackouts while increases economic returns. Farrell 2011 Furthermore, distributed generation reduces efficiency losses from long-distance transmission of electricity and Utility-Centric model causes mass extinctions – FiTs are key to solve Mendonça, Jacobs, and Sovacool in 2010 However, readers must not forget that few policies and laws bring the types ¶ And, FiTs should start as a simple mechanism to invite all parts of society to become electricity producers Mendonça, Jacobs, and Sovacool in 2010 In countries with a relatively short history of renewable energy development, ¶ and those Finally, federal action is key. Lack of a national FiT has led to a state system that is insolvent. Nelder in 2011 Given the obvious success of FiTs as a policy tool in Europe, one must Advantage Two: Economy Barber in 2012 FITs have not been instituted nationally in the United States even though the U. The lack of a national FiT has led to fractured state policies that can’t solve Instead of FITs, 31 of the 50 U.S. states have passed FiTs are key to economic growth. Three internals: increases investor confidence, boosts manufacturing industry, and creates jobs. Rickerson, Sawin and Grace in 2007 In 2005, the European Commission (EC) released its report comparing the effectiveness Renee 12 Record growth in the solar industry is good news, not only because it decreases Mendonça, Jacobs, and Sovacool in 2010 As Section 6.1.1 of this book shows, Germany has become Mendonça, Jacobs, and Sovacool in 2010 ‘The green economy’ is a somewhat bemusing term from the perspective of ¶ the Growth is infinite and sustainable.
Aaron Friedberg Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University. Gabriel Schoenfeld a Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute 2008 [8/21/08, “The Dangers of a Diminished America,”] Then there are the dolorous consequences of a potential collapse of the world's financial architecture And, economic growth solves poverty and violent conflict Pottebaum in 2005 The relationship of poverty, inequality, and economic growth with violent conflict has direct And, poverty is the root cause of every impact – it causes disease spread, terrorism, environmental destruction, failed states and civil conflict. Rice – Senior Fellow at Brookings – 2006 (Susan, “The threat of global poverty”, The National Interest, When Americans see televised images of bone-thin children with distended bellies, their As the U.S. faces China's economic and military rise, it also Our more globalized world has also yielded a “peace dividend.” It may not And, FiTs are key to readying solar power for mass market adoption Aheam in 2010 German policy makers including Alternative Nobel Prize winner Hermann Scheer and Green Party Energy Spokesman And, the most successful FiTs are based on the real generation costs plus a small premium to help renewables generation achieve profitability Mendonça, Jacobs, and Sovacool in 2010 One of the most urgent questions for policy makers dealing with FITs is how to Mendonça, Jacobs, and Sovacool in 2010 This book is about the most effective policy for promoting renewable energy, and ¶ Rickerson, Bennhold, and Bradbury in 2008 During the past decade, there has been remarkable progress in renewable energy policy ¶ | |
09/23/2012 | Solar FiTs 1AC (UMKC)Tournament: UMKC | Round: 4 | Opponent: UTD LV | Judge: Mike Weitz Plan TextText: The United States federal government should establish a feed-in tariff program for solar power in the United States. Advantage One: Energy DemocratizationFeed-in Tariffs or are the most effective policy for renewable energy growth, but have not been instituted nationally in the U.S.Barber in 2012 We’ll Isolate 3 scenarios:Scenario 1: Energy PolicyThe U.S. needs a national FiT to incentivize clean energy productionAguillon 12 "The U.S. needs a system — like a feed-in FiTs cause a paradigm shift toward the democratization of energyAguillon 12 Because of these obvious benefits, some U.S. municipal utilities are actually FiTs enable decentralization of the grid and democratization of energy production – minimizes the risk of resource conflict by utilizing local venues and limits environmental degradationMendonça, Jacobs, and Sovacool in 2010 Our options then are centred on making our lifestyles, our way of making ¶ ====Absent our own resources, violent lash-out is inevitable due to dwindling supplies – comparatively the most deadly source of armed conflict==== It’s official: the era of resource wars is upon us. In a major And, US energy policy is environmentocidal – waste and inefficiencies guarantee planetary destructionMendonça, Jacobs, and Sovacool in 2010 Danish and American experience shows that renewable energy deployment ¶ is accelerated or held back Scenario 2: Energy PovertyThis decentralization is necessary to combat energy povertyMendonça, Jacobs, and Sovacool in 2010 Providing access to essential energy services (such as food, light, comfort, ====Combating energy poverty key to food security.==== Bogdanski et. al 2011 Background: Reducing "Energy Poverty" is increasingly acknowledged as the "Missing Development Food insecurity triggers genocidal wars threatening survival—it is comparatively worse than, and contributes to, nuclear war 2. But, Is It Really an Emergency? In his study on environmental Scenario 3: Energy Grid====Blackouts are coming and we lack sufficient reactive power to effectively cope==== It is time to for utilities to embrace another approach and to more fully acknowledge ====Decentralization of energy solves efficiency losses and blackouts ==== And, incentivizing solar PV is key to reactive power generationBraun in 2007 These would cause hundreds of Chernobyl-level meltdownsCaldicott 05, Australian physician who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985 and is the president of the Nuclear Policy Research Institute, May 18, 2005, U.S. Russia still face mutual destruction threat, UPS, That outweighs a conventional nuclear warWorld Press Review 03, "Eye on the United States: America in the Dark," August 18, 2003, Vol. 50 No. 11,, Accessed 10/27/04 Advantage Two: EconomyFirst, Feed-in Tariffs are the most effective policy for renewable energy growth, but have not been instituted nationally in the U.S.Barber in 2012 FITs have not been instituted nationally in the United States even though the U. FiTs are key to economic growth. Three internals: increases investor confidence, boosts manufacturing industry, and creates jobs.Rickerson, Sawin and Grace in 2007 It’s also key to international exportsRenee 12 (January 28, CalFinder, Solar News, "Good for the environment, good for the economy",, Dil) FiT’s are a key policy driver for renewables deployment, which is key to job creationMendonça, Jacobs, and Sovacool in 2010 De-carbonizing the economy will, grow industry, provide a clean environment and energy security, which solves U.S. military intervention in the Middle EastMendonça, Jacobs, and Sovacool in 2010 Growth is infinite and sustainable.Daniel Ben-Ami, journalist/author specializing in economics, editor of Fund Strategy,11/7/2010, "Response to Tim Jackson,"
Those conflicts go nuclearMorgan, Political Writer, 07 However events may prove him sorely wrong. Indeed, his policy could completely backfire US econ collapse causes power vacuum – multiple nuclear wars, terrorism and extinctionAaron Friedberg Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University. Gabriel Schoenfeld a Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute 2008 ~[8/21/08, "The Dangers of a Diminished America,"] Then there are the dolorous consequences of a potential collapse of the world’s financial architecture And, economic growth solves poverty and violent conflictPottebaum in 2005 And, poverty is the root cause of every impact – it causes disease spread, terrorism, environmental destruction, failed states and civil conflict.Rice – Senior Fellow at Brookings – 2006 (Susan, "The threat of global poverty", The National Interest, When Americans see televised images of bone-thin children with distended bellies, their Economic growth are the only way to prevent U.S-China ConflictHSU 11-~["Economic Ties Could Help Prevent US-China War" Jeremy Hsu, Innovation NewsDaily Senior Writer; 01 November 2011 05:32 PM ET; As the U.S. faces China’s economic and military rise, it also And, China will escalate the conflict – perception of rational escalation ensures US gets drawn into a nuclear warGlaser, PolSci Prof at Goerge Washington, ’11 (Charles, March/April, "Will China’s Rise Lead to War?" Foreign Affairs, Vol 90 Issue 2, EbscoHost) ====No disads – Trade creates structural disincentives for state war and deters terrorism==== Our more globalized world has also yielded a "peace dividend." It may not And, FiTs are key to readying solar power for mass market adoptionAheam in 2010 German policy makers including Alternative Nobel Prize winner Hermann Scheer and Green Party Energy Spokesman And, the most successful FiTs are based on the real generation costs plus a small premium to help renewables generation achieve profitabilityMendonça, Jacobs, and Sovacool in 2010 One of the most urgent questions for policy makers dealing with FITs is how to And, FiTs are a revolutionary tool that are key to producing a green and stable economyMendonça, Jacobs, and Sovacool in 2010 This book is about the most effective policy for promoting renewable energy, and ¶ First, FiTs would accelerate renewable energy market growth in the U.S.Rickerson, Bennhold, and Bradbury in 2008 During the past decade, there has been remarkable progress in renewable energy policy ¶ |
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11/18/2012 |
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