| 09/21/2012 | Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 5 | Opponent: | Judge: Obama winning the election now – DNC boosted popularity in swing states Reske 9/14 (Henry, reporter for NewsMax, “New Poll: Obama Up By Five Points in Colorado” http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/obama-leads-colorado/2012/09/14/id/451829) MattG President Barack Obama is holding a five-point lead over GOP challenger Mitt Romney AND Center showed Obama leading in New Hampshire among likely voters 45 percent to 40 More deficit spending would swing the election to Romney Kraushaar 2012 (Josh, National Journal writer, 5/14/12, http://decoded.nationaljournal.com/2012/05/romneys-targeted-deficit-messa.php) MattG If unemployment was the only factor driving this presidential election, Mitt Romney would not AND -- where the economy is pretty good but voter dissatisfaction still runs high. Romney election means first striking Iran Traub, 12 (James, journalist specializing in foreign affairs, writes “Terms of Engagement,” a weekly column on ForeignPolicy.com, “Foreign Affairs: The “more enemies, fewer friends” doctrine, Washington Monthly, January/February, http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/magazine/january_february_2012/features/foreign_affairs034475.php?page=1) MattG But elsewhere, a Republican president would turn up the dial of confrontation. Iran AND . could thus pay a very grave price for a relatively modest gain. Iran strikes fail and trigger US-Iran war Melman, 11 (Yossi, Haaretz (Israeli newspaper, “Former Mossad Chief: Israel Air Strike on Iran ‘Stupidest Thing I Have Ever Heard,” http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/former-mossad-chief-israel-air-strike-on-iran-stupidest-thing-i-have-ever-heard-1.360367) Dagan emphasized that attacking Iran would be different than Israel's successful air strike on Iraq's AND is also a danger that Syria will join the war, Dagan added. That causes immediate retaliation and nuclear escalation Hirsch 2006 [Jorge, Professor of Physics at the University of California-San Diego, “Nuking Iran,” Znet, 4/10, http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?ItemID=10071] Iran is likely to respond to any US attack using its considerable missile arsenal against AND the next global conflict we will all be gone before anybody has prevailed. |
| 09/21/2012 | Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 5 | Opponent: | Judge: Oil markets and prices are stable now due to OPEC Amanze 7-3-2012 (Chika, “OPEC: Stable Oil Price, Good for Producers, Consumers”, http://www.thisdaylive.com/articles/opec-stable-oil-price-good-for-producers-consumers/119198/) MattG Secretary-General of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Abdalla Salem AND fuel type in satisfying the world’s growing energy needs for the foreseeable future. Production of other forms of energy lowers oil prices US Fed News 2008 (5/6/08. “SKYROCKETING GAS PRICES HIGHLIGHT NEED TO USE AMERICAN RESOURCES” http://www.lexis.com/research/retrieve?_m=08d0fc06b2da1455085f3578e4de428danddocnum=6and_fmtstr=FULLand_startdoc=1andwchp=dGLbVtz-zSkAland_md5=f4756b7493583c302d5375ed8a4b39a8) Despite promises of a "commonsense plan" to lower gas prices, the AND and provide tax incentives to encourage the construction of new nuclear power plants. Plan causes Saudi Arabia to flood the oil market and collapse prices Morse and Richards 2002 (Edward L. Morse is Executive Adviser at Hess Energy Trading Company and was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Energy Policy in 1979-81. James Richard is a portfolio manager at Firebird Management, an investment fund active in eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia, Foreign Affairs, March/April) MattG A simple fact explains this conclusion: 63 percent of the world's proven oil reserves AND lost in the preceding four years, mainly to non-OPEC countries. That crushes the Russian economy Kramer 12 – New York Times writer and editor (ANDREW E. “Higher Oil Prices to Pay for Campaign Promises” New York Times March 16, 2012 http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/17/business/global/vladimir-putins-big-promises-need-fueling-by-high-oil-prices.html?_r=2?pagewanted=print Putin Needs ) MattG MOSCOW — In American presidential politics, high oil prices are a problem. For AND plan, though, was never part of Mr. Putin’s stump speech. Guarantees loose nukes and irrational war Filger 2009 (Sheldon, author and blogger for the Huffington Post, “Russian Economy Faces Disastrous Free Fall Contraction” http://www.globaleconomiccrisis.com/blog/archives/356) MattG In Russia historically, economic health and political stability are intertwined to a degree that AND the financial impact of the Global Economic Crisis is its least dangerous consequence. |
| 09/21/2012 | Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: The endorsement of black movements is part of a greater third-world movement and portrays them as the Noble Savage – that transfers guilt upon whites and expels them from the movement –racism and violence which turns the case Beer 1986 (William R., a professor of sociology at Brooklyn College, introduction to “Tears of the White Man: Compassion as Contempt”Page xvi of Intro,) MattG The American Left has also tended to be more Third-Worldist than the French AND . Most black Americans never seriously ac¬cepted the leadership the radical Left offered. This creation of a Noble Savage gives us the power to identify the good vis-à-vis the evil – guarantees genocidal violence and turns the case. Bruckner 1986 (Pascal, maître de conférences at the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris, and collaborator at the Nouvel Observateur, “Tears of the White Man – Compassion as Contempt”, Ch.1 Page 10 and 11) MattG They were helpless because they were innocent, and the condescension of the white men AND my soul would be lost if it departed my body in this place" The plan merely reverts oppression and dehumanizes the white body – this increases violence and turns the case Bruckner 1986 (Pascal, maître de conférences at the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris, and collaborator at the Nouvel Observateur, “Tears of the White Man – Compassion as Contempt”, Ch.1 Page 17) MattG An expression invented by a famous American anti-war linguist to describe his country AND ruin because of the combined effects of unemployment, garbage, and crime. The affirmatives cry against the evils of colonialism portrays actions of the past as the root of all evil. This form of guilt-driven politics creates an infinite debt that must be relentlessly atoned for Bruckner 1986 (Pascal, maître de conférences at the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris, and collaborator at the Nouvel Observateur, “Tears of the White Man – Compassion as Contempt”, Ch.1 Page 3 and 4) MattG Innocence corrupted by science, good misled by evil—both themes of this turn AND , Arabs, and Africans killed during colonial wars and wars of liberation- Under this guilt-drive, the black body can only become human again at the expense of the whites humanity – turns the case Bruckner 1986 (Pascal, maître de conférences at the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris, and collaborator at the Nouvel Observateur, “Tears of the White Man – Compassion as Contempt”, Ch.1 Page 22 and 23) MattG Love your enemies. Our atheistic times never followed this Christian exhortation more faithfully than AND a figure of frenzied adoration in the West for the last 30 years. The affirmative frames their advocacy in “third-worldism” – in an attempt to rectify the cause of their guilt, they attempt to create solidarity with, pity for, and imitation of the people they try to help – this silences the voices of those very people and turns the case. Beer 1986 (William R., a professor of sociology at Brooklyn College, introduction to “Tears of the White Man: Compassion as Contempt”Page XI of Intro,) MattG Bruckner identifies three versions of Third-Worldism as it has flourished in Europe during AND one picks up a little savvy, and perhaps a costume or artifact. The guilt-driven attempt to “fix” the “third-world” only causes contempt for the oppressed and the “oppressor” – turns the case Beer 1986 (William R., a professor of sociology at Brooklyn College, introduction to “Tears of the White Man: Compassion as Contempt”Page xix of Intro,) MattG What I have tried to show in this essay is that, in America, AND Left, and abandoning them as soon as they are no longer useful. Guilt negates ethics – all morality is temporary and reassigned to an East/West dichotomy – the further away from the shores of America, the greater violence is legitmated. Bruckner 1986 (Pascal, maître de conférences at the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris, and collaborator at the Nouvel Observateur, “Tears of the White Man – Compassion as Contempt”, Ch.1 Page 21) MattG This political viewpoint makes all morality temporary and even irrelevant in the face of the AND European shores, the greater is its claim to total freedom from condemnation. The alternative is to forget about the tragedies of the 1ac Zupancic, 2003 (Alenka, Philosopher, “The Shortest Shadow: Nietzche’s philosophy of the two” Online, MB) It is true that there is also a rather different notion present in Christianity, AND , they will most probably affect and mortify our (new) passion. |
| 09/21/2012 | Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 5 | Opponent: | Judge: Case NG will kill the renewable energy industry The Guardian in May, 2012 (The Guardian, a long history of editorial and political independence, "Gas rebranded as green energy by EU," theguardian.co.uk: Enviroment: Gas, http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2012/may/29/gas-rebranded-green-energy-eu. Accessed 7/19/2012). JMosslovesJesus@gmail Finally, the last paragraph of the document shows that the RandD funding AND - is favoured, they are likely to prioritise gas investment over renewables. And, solar energy solves warming Zweibel, Mason, and Fthenakis 08 [Ken Zweibel, James Mason and Vasilis Fthenakis “A Solar Grand Plan” Journal: Scientific American ISSN: 0036-8733 Date: 01/2008 Volume: 298 Issue: 1 Page: 64 DOI: 10.1038/scientificamerican0108-64 http://www.aseanenergy.info/Abstract/31027120.pdf c.shack] The federal government would have to invest more than $400 billion over the next AND warming, from human health problems to the ruining of coastlines and farmlands. Warming magnifies every impact and causes extinction Burke 2008 (Sharon, sr fellow and dir of the energy security project at the Center for a New American Security, Chapter 6 of Climatic Cataclysm: The Foreign Policy and National Security Implications of Climate Change, edited by Kurt Campbell, p 157-165) At the same time, however, the implications of both trends for human society AND , given the collapse of the MOC, which will compromise agricultural productivity. Larger supplies of gas means that companies will pressure for LNG export authority Harbert 12 [president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Institute for 21st Century Energy] Karen, http://www.energyxxi.org/us-chambers-harbert-discusses-shale-development-lng-exports-and-fracking-regs, August 2, interview on OnPoint radio Monica Trauzzi: And one of the ideas that plays into this success story is AND enterprise system will best work if allowed to operate freely without artificial barriers. Drastically increases the risk of a terrorist attack Kaplan 2006 [assistant editor of CFR.org, the Web site of the Council on Foreign Relations](Liquefied Natural Gas: A potential Terrorist Target? http://www.cfr.org/port-security/liquefied-natural-gas-potential-terrorist-target/p9810) Yes, because of LNG's explosive potential, experts say. Al-Qaeda, AND the major hazard presented by terrorists is a fire, not an explosion." They’ll target terminals – major threat Kaplan 2006 [assistant editor of CFR.org, the Web site of the Council on Foreign Relations] (Liquefied Natural Gas: A potential Terrorist Target? http://www.cfr.org/port-security/liquefied-natural-gas-potential-terrorist-target/p9810) There are currently only five LNG terminals in the United States. Four of these AND off shore removes the possibility of attacks on the populations," Fay explains. Retaliation is immediate and causes global nuclear war Hellman 2008 (Martin, prof of engineering at Stanford Spring, “Risk Analysis of Nuclear Deterrence”, http://www.nuclearrisk.org/ 1why_now.php) Nuclear proliferation and the specter of nuclear terrorism are creating additional possibilities for triggering a AND to look like an attack by the U.S. or Russia. We should study specific solutions to specific problems – The critique of security sonsigns us to academic irrelevance and decimates politics Walt 91 (Stephen, Professor at the University of Chicago, International Studies Quarterly 35) Yet the opposite tendency may pose an even greater danger. On the whole, AND best served by increased dialogue between different methodological approaches (Downs, 1989). Even if they aren’t perfect, predictions are necessary for the future Cowen, 2004 – Professor of Economics at George Mason (Tyler, “The Epistemic Problem does not Refute Consequentialism, accessed through Cambridge Journals Online)BZ If we know for sure which remedy works, obviously we should apply that remedy AND uncertainty should not stop us from pursuing large upfront benefits of obvious importance. Even if they aren’t perfect, predictions are necessary for the future Cowen, 2004 – Professor of Economics at George Mason (Tyler, “The Epistemic Problem does not Refute Consequentialism, accessed through Cambridge Journals Online)BZ If we know for sure which remedy works, obviously we should apply that remedy AND uncertainty should not stop us from pursuing large upfront benefits of obvious importance. Education in good predictive models is necessary to allow for individual political predictive foresight that is necessary to prevent future catastrophe. Kurasawa, 2004 – Associate Professor of Sociology at York University (Fuyuki, “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight”, Constellations Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2004) BZ In the twenty-first century, the lines of political cleavage are being drawn AND to public deliberation about the construction of an alternative world order (IV). Reinvigoration in preventive policies is critical to overcome complacency in face of crisis. Predictive models are necessary to prevent and mitigate disasters. Kurasawa, 2004 – Associate Professor of Sociology at York University (Fuyuki, “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight”, Constellations Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2004) BZ In the previous section, I described how the capacity to produce, disseminate, AND live in our wake as much as those living amidst us today.26 Civil society needs preventive foresight, which allows cultivation of authenticity and responsibility. Kurasawa, 2004 – Associate Professor of Sociology at York University (Fuyuki, “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight”, Constellations Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2004) BZ Does this mean that we can expect all impending disasters to be comprehensively addressed before AND to the moral imagination and reason to activate our concern for later generations. Informative predictions are paramount to revitalizing citizenry and equipping individuals with skills, which is the only hope for public spaces that prevent future disasters. Kurasawa, 2004 – Associate Professor of Sociology at York University (Fuyuki, “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight”, Constellations Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2004) BZ Lastly, I contended that the work of preventive foresight can parry alarmist misappropriation or AND must be made, starting with us, in the here and now. The bystander effect creates complacency in face of danger; individuals stare frozen, without their autonomy to act against atrocities. This makes extinction inevitable as individuals refuse to take action. Yudkowsky, 2008 - Research Fellow at the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Eliezer, “Cognitive biases potentially affecting judgment of global risks”, peer edited by the Singularity Institute, http://singularity.org/files/CognitiveBiases.pdf)//BZ My last bias comes, not from the field of heuristics and biases, but AND before you respond yourself, you may have just answered your own question. Predictions avoid a state of permanent emergency. They allow us to reclaim our agency from passivity. Bindé, 2000 [Jérôme, Dir. Analysis and Forecasting Office – UNESCO, Public Culture, “Toward an Ethics of the Future”, 12:1, Project Muse] An ethics of the future is not an ethics in the future. If tomorrow AND To paraphrase a common saying, the future delayed is the future denied. Predictions necessary to prevent true existential risk – can't just theorize about complexity Yudkowsky, 2008 - Research Fellow at the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Eliezer, “Cognitive biases potentially affecting judgment of global risks”, peer edited by the Singularity Institute, http://singularity.org/files/CognitiveBiases.pdf)//BZ Thinking about existential risks falls prey to all the same fallacies that prey upon thinking AND ending or a sad ending is a matter of personal taste in stories. |
| 09/21/2012 | Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 2 | Opponent: | Judge: ECOSOCIALISM Green energy consumerism, regulatory reformism, and individual change all reaffirm the status quo’s inevitable ecocide – only eco socialism is best suited to handle the economic and ecological collapse of the commons. Esther Vivas March 31, 2010 is a member of the Centre for Studies on Social Movements (CEMS) at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, and a member of the editorial board of Viento Sur. http://climateandcapitalism.com/2010/03/31/anticapitalism-and-climate-justice/ [OG] The fight against climate change is a fight against the current model of industrial production AND the tasks that lie ahead for those of us who consider ourselves anticapitalists. The affirmatives eschewal of political responsibility disables the movement Esther Vivas Speech at a conference to commemorate José Saramago at the University of Granada, 28 April 2011. Published in International Viewpoint, August 2011. http://climateandcapitalism.com/2011/08/20/anti-capitalism-and-environmentalism-as-a-political-alternative/ But we must also bear in mind that individual action is not sufficient, not AND that control the food chain and put their own interests above collective needs. Aff embraces superficial green thinking, “environmentalism” can not be enough. That is the wrong starting point for analysis. We must instead attack the source of ecological collapse Ian Angus was a featured guest at the World at a Crossroads: Fighting for Socialism in the 21st Century conference, in Sydney Australia, April 10-12, 2009. http://climateandcapitalism.com/2009/04/21/capitalism-ecosocialism-and-the-fight-for-a-society-of-good-ancestors/ Green ecocapitalists¶ One of the greatest weaknesses of the mainstream environmental movement has been AND will begin to question the system itself, not just its worst results. Greenwashing causes the destruction of everything and makes the world suck more. Kovel 2007 [Joel is Distinguished Professor¶ of Social Studies at Bard College. He has¶ written ten books, including the first¶ edition of The Enemy of Nature (2002) and¶ Overcoming Zionism (2007). He has edited¶ Capitalism Nature Socialism, a journal of¶ radical ecology, since 2003 and has been¶ active in green politics, running for the¶ US Senate in 1998, and seeking the Green¶ Party’s presidential nomination in 2000, The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World?, Second Edition Publication Date: December 9, 2007 | ISBN-10: 1842778714, ITPIRATE] The Enemy of Nature argues that, however capital may restructure¶ and reform itself AND help bring forth a way of being worthy of our¶ human nature. Valuation of the natural world makes it a standing reserve and causes ecocide Kovel 2007 [Joel is Distinguished Professor¶ of Social Studies at Bard College. He has¶ written ten books, including the first¶ edition of The Enemy of Nature (2002) and¶ Overcoming Zionism (2007). He has edited¶ Capitalism Nature Socialism, a journal of¶ radical ecology, since 2003 and has been¶ active in green politics, running for the¶ US Senate in 1998, and seeking the Green¶ Party’s presidential nomination in 2000, The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World?, Second Edition Publication Date: December 9, 2007 | ISBN-10: 1842778714, ITPIRATE] The process is a manifestation of the ascendancy of exchange value¶ over use- AND disaster is now played¶ out more slowly and on a planetary scale. Our alternative is to reject the affirmative in favor of Ecosocialism Kovel 2007 [Joel is Distinguished Professor¶ of Social Studies at Bard College. He has¶ written ten books, including the first¶ edition of The Enemy of Nature (2002) and¶ Overcoming Zionism (2007). He has edited¶ Capitalism Nature Socialism, a journal of¶ radical ecology, since 2003 and has been¶ active in green politics, running for the¶ US Senate in 1998, and seeking the Green¶ Party’s presidential nomination in 2000, The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World?, Second Edition Publication Date: December 9, 2007 | ISBN-10: 1842778714, ITPIRATE] We call ecosocialism that society in which production is carried¶ out by freely associated AND labor that will not be pushed¶ around by massified and totalizing institutions. The Alternative is mutually exclusive with capital we can’t become truly green until we dismiss accumulation driven by profit Sweeney 2012 [Sean was Chief of staff to White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel (since January 2009-October 2010); Staff director to the House Democratic Caucus (2007 to 2009); Political director for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (2006); “Earth to Labor: Economic Growth Is No Salvation” New Labor Forum, Volume 21, Issue 1, Winter 2012, pp. 10-13 (Article, The Murphy Institute/City University of New York, MUSE, ITPirate] But even if fossil fuels disappeared tomorrow,¶ ecological modernization would still have to deal AND has become as frail and unstable as Arctic¶ ice in the summertime. |
| 09/21/2012 | Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 2 | Opponent: | Judge: Kaczynski First, the aff inhibits freedom by supporting a technological and economic system that denies individuals the ability to go through the power process with real goals. Kaczynski in 1995 (Theodore, former assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley, PhD in mathematics from the University of Michigan, Industrial Society and its Future, http://www.42inc.com/~estephen/manifesto/unabe2.html) 94. By "freedom" we mean the opportunity to go through the power AND oversocialized leftist pays a heavy psychological price for his high level of socialization. And, the aff is a leftist project that suffers from oversocialization. The drive to restore ethics and morality in society maintains the industrial-technological system and produces guilt and defeatism. Kaczynski in 1995 (Theodore, former assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley, PhD in mathematics from the University of Michigan, Industrial Society and its Future, http://www.42inc.com/~estephen/manifesto/unabe2.html) 24. Psychologists use the term "socialization" to designate the process by which AND how to make love, how to raise our kids and so forth. And, guilt expresses a hatred of this world that allows for a secret instinct of annihilation Nietzsche, 1872 (Friedrich, philosopher, “The Birth of Tragedy” Online, MB) Already in the preface addressed to Richard Wagner, art, and not morality, AND in the name of a Greek god: I called it Dionysian. — And, the industrial-technological system will guarantee the enslavement and eventual extinction of all living organisms. Kaczynski in 1995 (Theodore, former assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley, PhD in mathematics from the University of Michigan, Industrial Society and its Future, http://www.42inc.com/~estephen/manifesto/unabe2.html) 171. But suppose now that industrial society does survive the next several decade and AND would be better to dump the whole stinking system and take the consequences. The alternative is to destroy the industrial-technological system. Only a revolutionary strategy against modern technology can break down the system. Any perm would compromise the revolution by enabling technological solutions to other problems. Kaczynski in 1995 (Theodore, former assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley, PhD in mathematics from the University of Michigan, Industrial Society and its Future, http://www.42inc.com/~estephen/manifesto/unabe2.html) 180. The technophiles are taking us all on an utterly reckless ride into the AND not going to give good results, then those recommendations should be discarded. |
| 09/21/2012 | Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 2 | Opponent: | Judge: FW 1) Interpretation: The affirmative must defend the implementation of a topical plan by the United States federal government as better than the status quo or a competitive alternative. 2) Definitional Support a) USFG is the government located in Washington, D.C. WEST'S LEGAL THESAURUS/DICTIONARY 85, p. 744. United States: Usually means the federal government centered in Washington, D.C. b) Should expresses desirability Cambridge Dictionary of American English 10 (http://dictionary.cambridge.org/define.asp?key=should*1+0anddict=A) should (DUTY) auxiliary verb used to express that it is necessary, desirable, advisable, or important to perform the action of the following verb c) Increase means to make greater Merriam-Webster Dictionary 11 (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/increase) 1 : to make greater ; augment 3) Violation: the aff team does not defend a topical plan a. Switch-side debate – plan focus is key to switch-side debate because it forces the aff to defend a plan half the time – this is good First, its key to education Muir ‘93 (Star, Prof. Comm. – George Mason U., Philosophy and Rhetoric, “A Defense of the Ethics of Contemporary Debate”, 26(4)) The melding of different areas of knowledge, however, is a particular benefit of AND of knowledge, and is a major rationale for switch-side debate. b. There is a topical version of the aff, which solves their impact turns – They can send drag queens into space. c. The competitive nature of debate undermines their advocacy Mitchell 98 Gordon R. Mitchell, Assistant Professor of Communication, University of Pittsburgh, ARGUMENTATION AND ADVOCACY, Fall 1998 Within the limited horizon of zero-sum competition in the contest round framework for AND competitive payoffs at the expense of opportunities for co-operative "rethinking." D. Fairness – They unlimit the topic – this is bad First, they will destroy the debate community. Heidt in 2003 (Jenny, Director of Forensics at the Westminster Schools, “Performance Debates: How to Defend Yourself”, Rostrum, April, 2003, http://debate.uvm.edu/NFL/rostrumlib/ cxHeidtcx0403.pdf, rcheek) When faced with these challenges to the fairness of the performance, the affirmative is AND separate the value of the affirmative harm claim from procedural issues of fairness. Second, unfairness undermines their advocacy – if the negative cannot test the assumptions and claims of the affirmative, activism can’t improve Third, this instance of unfairness is unique – nowhere in the real world would we be forced to advocate indefensible positions like “racism is good” which means their K teaches us nothing about life outside debate Fourth, debaters are more willing to consider positions that they have lost to if they are beat fairly– unfairness shuts out hearts and minds 4) Framework is a reason to vote negative to preserve competitive equity |
| 09/21/2012 | Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 2 | Opponent: | Judge: Case Expert predictions and analysis is key- good for political action and epistemological achievements Turner, 2001 – Professor of Philosophy at U of South Florida (Stephen, “What is the problem with Experts?” accessed from JSTOR on 7/1/12)BZ The answer to Fish is to treat the liberal principle of neutrality not as an AND claims are legitimate, belies the image of the liberal public as victim. Disavowal of the violence of representation and calls for internal rethinking rely on assumptions of metaphysical innocence – fetishizing an authenticity that never existed Bewes 1997 [Timothy. (Professor of English @ Brown University.) Cynicism and Postmodernity. 1997. 195-6] Despite the diligence and the sterling efforts of its best theoreti cians, then, AND is the principal vehicle of what Baudrillard calls 'the illusion of the end'. Authenticity fetishization and its fear of reason and violence allow us to spend hours debating the fine points of ethics while gas chambers are built Bewes 1997 [Timothy. (Professor of English @ Brown University.) Cynicism and Postmodernity. 1997. 195-6] If it is unreasonable to suppose that the Final Solution was potentiated or even necessarily AND of burning bodies is haunted always by the sickly aroma of cheap metaphysics. We should study specific solutions to specific problems – The critique of security sonsigns us to academic irrelevance and decimates politics Walt 91 (Stephen, Professor at the University of Chicago, International Studies Quarterly 35) Yet the opposite tendency may pose an even greater danger. On the whole, AND best served by increased dialogue between different methodological approaches (Downs, 1989). Even if they aren’t perfect, predictions are necessary for the future Cowen, 2004 – Professor of Economics at George Mason (Tyler, “The Epistemic Problem does not Refute Consequentialism, accessed through Cambridge Journals Online)BZ If we know for sure which remedy works, obviously we should apply that remedy AND uncertainty should not stop us from pursuing large upfront benefits of obvious importance. Education in good predictive models is necessary to allow for individual political predictive foresight that is necessary to prevent future catastrophe. Kurasawa, 2004 – Associate Professor of Sociology at York University (Fuyuki, “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight”, Constellations Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2004) BZ In the twenty-first century, the lines of political cleavage are being drawn AND to public deliberation about the construction of an alternative world order (IV). Reinvigoration in preventive policies is critical to overcome complacency in face of crisis. Predictive models are necessary to prevent and mitigate disasters. Kurasawa, 2004 – Associate Professor of Sociology at York University (Fuyuki, “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight”, Constellations Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2004) BZ In the previous section, I described how the capacity to produce, disseminate, AND live in our wake as much as those living amidst us today.26 Civil society needs preventive foresight, which allows cultivation of authenticity and responsibility. Kurasawa, 2004 – Associate Professor of Sociology at York University (Fuyuki, “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight”, Constellations Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2004) BZ Does this mean that we can expect all impending disasters to be comprehensively addressed before AND to the moral imagination and reason to activate our concern for later generations. Informative predictions are paramount to revitalizing citizenry and equipping individuals with skills, which is the only hope for public spaces that prevent future disasters. Kurasawa, 2004 – Associate Professor of Sociology at York University (Fuyuki, “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight”, Constellations Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2004) BZ Lastly, I contended that the work of preventive foresight can parry alarmist misappropriation or AND must be made, starting with us, in the here and now. The bystander effect creates complacency in face of danger; individuals stare frozen, without their autonomy to act against atrocities. This makes extinction inevitable as individuals refuse to take action. Yudkowsky, 2008 - Research Fellow at the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Eliezer, “Cognitive biases potentially affecting judgment of global risks”, peer edited by the Singularity Institute, http://singularity.org/files/CognitiveBiases.pdf)//BZ My last bias comes, not from the field of heuristics and biases, but AND before you respond yourself, you may have just answered your own question. Predictions avoid a state of permanent emergency. They allow us to reclaim our agency from passivity. Bindé, 2000 [Jérôme, Dir. Analysis and Forecasting Office – UNESCO, Public Culture, “Toward an Ethics of the Future”, 12:1, Project Muse] An ethics of the future is not an ethics in the future. If tomorrow AND To paraphrase a common saying, the future delayed is the future denied. Predictions necessary to prevent true existential risk – can't just theorize about complexity Yudkowsky, 2008 - Research Fellow at the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Eliezer, “Cognitive biases potentially affecting judgment of global risks”, peer edited by the Singularity Institute, http://singularity.org/files/CognitiveBiases.pdf)//BZ Thinking about existential risks falls prey to all the same fallacies that prey upon thinking AND ending or a sad ending is a matter of personal taste in stories. |
| 09/22/2012 | Tournament: UMKC | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: Off 1 A) Interpretation: The aff must increase incentives for/remove restrictions on energy PRODUCTION Domestic Energy Production requires energy independence MacLachlan 2007 [Ann, Government calculations correct Royal on nuclear's 17% share, Nucleonics Week, Lexis] According to the statistics produced by the observatory for 2006, France's total domestic production of primary energy was 138.1 mtoe, of which 117.3 mtoe was nuclear power ? the lion's share of the 50.5% of domestic energy production that is defined as France's energy independence rate. B) Violation – The affirmative does not increase incentives for energy production because it just recycles left overs from current energy production C) Standards 1) Ground – We can’t get links to increases in energy production. They can claim to just solve for the disads to nuclear energy without actually increasing the amount of nuke power produced. This means we don’t disad links or K links. 2) BiDirectionality – They allow the topic to bidirectional because they actually decrease energy production. They allow for recycling which gets rid of a nuke power byproduct, and doesn’t actually change status quo production. 3) Education – This topic is different from other energy topics because it is a question of production. This would have been the topical aff in 2004, it does not even attempt to increase production, they only increase recycling, which would not cause an increase in production. And even if it did, that makes them FX topical which kills ground and fairness and making it impossible to win on the negative. D) Voters Topicality is a voting issue for jurisdiction, ground and predictability. |
| 09/22/2012 | Tournament: UMKC | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: First, nuclear production turns life into a standing reserve. Waste is converted to energy and then is wasted under the sign of efficiency. This is the parody of energy production that modern warfare and absolute destruction possible. Stoekl in 2007 (Allan, professor of French and comparative literature at Penn State University, “Bataille’s Peak: Energy, Religion, and Postsustainability”, p. 55-57, rcheek) The answer, I think, is to be found in the nature of the AND which the person has been transformed in and through death, have disappeared. And, the aff feeds a modern economy built on waste and ecological destruction that is distinct from sacrificial expenditure. Increases in nuclear energy production are at an end and the corresponding energy famine is imminent. Stoekl in 2007 (Allan, professor of French and comparative literature at Penn State University, “Bataille’s Peak: Energy, Religion, and Postsustainability”, p. 118-119, rcheek) This is not to say, of course, that there is not an enormous AND steep increase, along with the attendant social upheavals implied by this decline. And, hyper-consumerism is not our potlatch. Waste based on the consumption of energy is an ethics of efficiency and utility that guarantees ecological catastrophe. A new model of expenditure entailing human effort and time rather than the stockpiling of inanimate resources is needed to avoid nuclear apocalypse Stoekl in 2007 (Allan, professor of French and comparative literature at Penn State University, “Bataille’s Peak: Energy, Religion, and Postsustainability”, p. 57-59, rcheek) Bataille, then, should have distinguished more clearly between intimate and impersonal varieties of AND but the movement of bodies in transport, in ecstasy, in despair? The alternative is expenditure without reserve. The ballot is a choice between a restricted economy that entails the ego-driven affirmation of utility that risks cataclysmic destruction and a general economy that affirms energy expenditure without reserve. Stoekl in 2007 (Allan, professor of French and comparative literature at Penn State University, “Bataille’s Peak: Energy, Religion, and Postsustainability”, p. 49-50, rcheek) This restricted economy, which hypostatizes limits (moral, personal) only ultimately to AND entails their transgression at the “highest” point of development and knowledge). And, the most significant problem of our time is not the scarcity of resources, but the abundance of wealth. The problem of plenty is either resolved in extravagant expenditure, or the hoarding of energy reinvested in killing machines and nuclear annihilation. Our choice, then, is either glorious excess, or nothing. Stoekl in 2007 (Allan, professor of French and comparative literature at Penn State University, “Bataille’s Peak: Energy, Religion, and Postsustainability”, p. 117, rcheek) At that time The Accursed Share, which argued that the main problem confronting society AND , but also a more terrifying one, than that foreseen by Orwell. |
| 09/22/2012 | Tournament: UMKC | Round: 3 | Opponent: ASU | Judge: No peak oil – complexity Hemenway, 2006 (Toby, adjunct at Portland State, February, Permaculture Activist #59, Apocalypse, Not, RR) The starting point for most Peak-Oil catastrophism is Hubbert’s curve. M. AND in demand, while focusing wrongly on a much milder decrease in supply. No peak oil – consumption and demand are lowering, technology makes usage more efficient Hemenway, 2006 (Toby, adjunct at Portland State, February, Permaculture Activist #59, Apocalypse, Not, RR) ¶ ¶ Per-capita energy use is cited by some catastrophists, such as AND %. And most of the developed world has conserved better than we have. No peak oil – human innovation Hemenway, 2006 (Toby, adjunct at Portland State, February, Permaculture Activist #59, Apocalypse, Not, RR) Humans are activated by crisis, and often do little until it arrives. We AND now buys us more time in the future. Hubbert’s curve is broadening. Peak oil not coming soon – plenty of reserves Towler 11 (Brian Towler, CEAS fellow at University of Wyoming, Oil and Gas Journal, “World peak oil production still years away”, November 7, 2011, pg 90) AM Peak world oil production rate depends on economics and is unlikely to occur before 2018 AND oil prices increase again and stay up, these values will increase again. No peak oil – reserves Kaminsky, 2011 (5.27, Energy Myths of the Left, The American Spectator, http://spectator.org/ archives/2011/05/27/energy-myths-of-the-left RT) From confused "peak oil" theorists to confused Congressmen, it's all but impossible AND UTRR for natural gas is five times our proven reserves of that resource. |
| 09/26/2012 | Tournament: UMKC | Round: Octos | Opponent: Trinity BG | Judge: Stanley, Varda, Fifelski Energy Production inserts human bodies into the machinery of environmental managerialism and territorializes the world into apparatuses of biopolitical controlLuke 1995 (Timothy, Department of Political Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA, also he blew up the death star,‘On Environmentality: Geo-Power and Eco-Knowledge in the Discourses of Contemporary Environmentalism’ Cultural Critique, No. 31, The Politics of Systems and Environments, Part II p.57-81 (Autumn,1995), Phttp://www.jstor.org/stable/1354445 MattG These reflections on "the environment" reframe its meanings in terms of the practices AND their various bio-physical environments filled with various animal and plant bodies. This managerial control cements a distinction between the technosphere and the ecosphere guaranteeing that attempts at intervention further a cycle of failed environmental solutions and make ecological destruction inevitable.Luke 2001 (Educational Philosophy and Theory, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2001 Education, Environment and Sustainability: what are the issues, where to intervene, what must be done? TIMOTHY W. LUKE Department of Political Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA, also he blew up the death star) MattG Commoner also presents these two worlds as being `at war’ . As humans in AND overlook how resources are misused, risks are avoidable and recreations are mutable. Foucault 1978 (Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality, Volume I: An Introduction, trans. Robert Hurley, 1978, p. 136-137)MattG Since the classical age the West has undergone a very profound transformation of these mechanisms AND species, the race, and the large-scale phenomena of population. Luke, 2001 (Educational Philosophy and Theory, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2001 Education, Environment and Sustainability: what are the issues, where to intervene, what must be done? TIMOTHY W. LUKE Department of Political Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA, also he blew up the death star)MattG To create a truly more sustainable society, environmental education must unravel the complicated cycles AND as defenders of their local habitats in many corners of today’ s global economy |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Rd 1 vs Georgetown CV – Aff: Counterfactual Solar 1NC: T – Should Immediate Sacrifice K Case 2Nr: Sacrifice K Rd 4: Iowa AuKa 1NC: Biopolitics Sacrifice K Case: Warming: D/K Grid: Econ K, Econ D, Meltdowns D 2NC: Sacrifice the Aff Case 1NR: Biopolitics 2NR: Sacrifice Round 6: George Washington BS 1NC: T - Regulations not Restrictions Assessment CP Fiscal Cliff Sacrifice Biopolitics on Case 2NC: T Sacrifice 1NR: Case Assessment Fiscal Cliff 2NR: Sacrifice Round 8: USC 1NC: Assessment, Fiscal Cliff, Sacrifice, Case 2NC: Sacrifice, Case 1NR: Assessment, Fiscal Cliff 2NR: Sacrifice, Case |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: Georgetown CV | Judge: Counterfactual affirmatives are bad for debate: Should means the affirmative must propose a future action. Summers 94 (Supreme Court Justice @ Oklahoma Supreme Court, "Kelsey v. Dollarsaver Food Warehouse of Durant," 11/8, http://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/DeliverDocument.asp?CiteID=20287#marker2fn14) The legal question to be resolved by the court is whether the word "should AND . 336, 337, 27 L.Ed. 201 (1882). They violate and should lose – - Ground – the addition of “should have” to the resolution neutralizes all negative ground – links are predicated in the present – they explode negative research burden.
2. Affirmative conditionality – absent the phrase “counterfactual plan” – there is no way to tell they center the plan in the 70’s – enables 2AC link spikes which is an independent voter. 3. Decision-Making – centers debate upon questions of “what if” that defers responsibility to past actors/actions – plays a blame game that stunts debaters decision-making skills |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: Expenditure is the universal tendency of existence toward the excessive production of energy. Our question now becomes, in what fashion does this expenditure take place? Energy must be held sacred, expended in the instant that leads nowhere. It is in the instant of uselessness that sovereignty is attained. Eggington in 2008 (William, Chair and Andrew W Mellon Professor in the Humanities German and Romance Languages and Literatures The Johns Hopkins University, “Bataille’s Peak: Energy, Religion, and Postsustainability (review)”, symploke, Volume 16, Numbers 1-2, 2008, pp. 346-348, pMUSE, rcheek) In this book, Alan Stoekl argues that Georges Bataille’s theories of energy and religion AND anyone or anything else: sovereign, in Bataille’s sense. (xiii) However, for the affirmative, energy production is profane. Rather than be made an intimate religious experience, energy and its expenditure have been put to work through a mechanized process of utility that renders intimacy impossible. The raw passion of life is turned into a standing reserve, a thing among other things, which enables its destruction. Stoekl in 2007 (Allan, professor of French and comparative literature at Penn State University, “Bataille’s Peak: Energy, Religion, and Postsustainability”, p. 55-57, rcheek) The answer, I think, is to be found in the nature of the AND which the person has been transformed in and through death, have disappeared. We must restore expenditure to the realm of the sacred. This operates in opposition to a restricted economy based on the tenets of utility and calculations that deprive humanity of its sovereignty. Such an economy reduces energy to a thing so as to exercise dominion. This denial of the animality of existence separates humanity from itself and makes life a profane denial of itself – turns the case and guarantees extinction Biles in 2011 (Jeremy, PhD from the University of Chicago Divinity School, “The Remains of God: Bataille/Sacrifice/Community”, Culture, Theory and Critique, 2011, 52(2–3), 127–144, rcheek) All such expenditures – useless, diverted from any utilitarian ends –¶ obviously ‘go AND when it lives in immanence’, or continuity (Hollier 1998: 65). This mortal anxiety establishes an ascetic hatred of the world that denies life. The only escape is through a chaotic embrace of life. Turlani in 2003 (Aydan, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Letters and Sciences Istanbul Technical University, “Nietzsche and the Later Wittgenstein: An Offense to the Quest for Another World”, The Journal of Nietzsche Studies, 26 (2003), 55-63) The craving for absolutely general specifications results in doing metaphysics. Unlike Wittgenstein, Nietzsche AND the way out of the fly-bottle" (PI §309). The alternative is to sacrifice the 1AC. Politics operates from a standpoint of reason. This profane world of utility denies the possibility of intimate expenditure. We must sacrifice the God of reason to restore sovereignty. In being destroyed, we render the 1AC useless, which frees us from servility to instrumental utility. Biles in 2011 (Jeremy, PhD from the University of Chicago Divinity School, “The Remains of God: Bataille/Sacrifice/Community”, Culture, Theory and Critique, 2011, 52(2–3), 127–144, rcheek) The anxious desire for durability corresponds to a demeaning substantialisation¶ of the sacred. AND undergoes a fleeting experience of dissolution¶ in the realm of the sacred. Refuse their education curriculum. It’s hatred of chance enslaves us to utility. The sacrificial curriculum of the alternative is a an embrace of the rupture of unreasoned life that opens spaces for desire. Sirc in 1996 (Geoffrey, Ph.D.: Composition Theory, University of Minnesota, “Godless Composition, Tormented Writing”, http://jaconlinejournal.com/archives/vol15.3/sirc-godless.pdf, rcheek) What Lingis feels in his journeys in Honduras is a sense of two worlds, AND going out; they have¶ a certain amount of control over that. The affirmative embraces a God of Reason that must be sacrificed. We are a new pedagogy of heterogeneity that transgresses possibility and radically opposes debates educational stagnation Sirc in 1996 (Geoffrey, Ph.D.: Composition Theory, University of Minnesota, “Godless Composition, Tormented Writing”, http://jaconlinejournal.com/archives/vol15.3/sirc-godless.pdf, rcheek) What Bataille wants-the laceration, the communication of loss, the¶ ecstasy AND sacred and its replacement by an other worldly deity" (Comay 69). The affirmatives endorsement of utility forces us to profane ourselves, our bodies, and our world – by installing a composition that centers on the contemporary project of advancement, we enable the destruction of sovereignty and life. Sirc in 1996 (Geoffrey, Ph.D.: Composition Theory, University of Minnesota, “Godless Composition, Tormented Writing”, http://jaconlinejournal.com/archives/vol15.3/sirc-godless.pdf, rcheek) Composition's notion of "productive" writing, in the way it has abandoned¶ AND soul-deadening torture-scene; another modern waste of the possible. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The discussion of renewable energy policy creates a fantasy of the sustainable economy. This necessitates a villain that is preventing the fantasized utopia Sovacool and Brossman 10; Benjamin. Brent. ((Professor at Vermont Law School and founding Director of the Energy Security and Justice Program at the Institute for Energy and Environment. He was formerly an Assistant Professor and Research Fellow at the National University of Singapore), Ph.D., Associate Professor, teaches in a variety of areas including, rhetorical criticism). “Symbolic convergence and the hydrogen economy.” Energy Policy 38 (2010)1999–2012 www.elsevier.com/locate/enpol BlackMagic With this in mind, we propose five potential avenues of further research. First AND these could be investigated for the hydrogen economy along with other energy systems. Their use of utopian politics constructs a world in which we are forced to create a scape goat to be excluded and will result in extinction STAVRAKAKIS 2009 – Yannis, Visting Fellow in Gov’t, Univ. of Essex-999 VISITING FELLOW IN GOV'T, UNIV. OF ESSEX –“Lacan and the Political,” pg. 100BlackMagic What I will try to do in this chapter is, first of all, AND functioning society as a highly problematic area (seminar of 18 June 1958). Disavowal of the violence of representation and calls for internal rethinking rely on assumptions of metaphysical innocence – fetishizing an authenticity that never existed Bewes 1997 Timothy. (Professor of English @ Brown University.) Cynicism and Postmodernity. 1997. 195-6 Despite the diligence and the sterling efforts of its best theoreti cians, then, AND is the principal vehicle of what Baudrillard calls 'the illusion of the end'. Authenticity fetishization and its fear of reason and violence allow us to spend hours debating the fine points of ethics while gas chambers are built Bewes 1997 Timothy. (Professor of English @ Brown University.) Cynicism and Postmodernity. 1997. 195-6 If it is unreasonable to suppose that the Final Solution was potentiated or even necessarily AND of burning bodies is haunted always by the sickly aroma of cheap metaphysics. Supply of rare-earth minerals key to solar – plan substantially increases demand Synder 12 Jim, Government prof. Harvard University. Five Rare Earths Crucial For Clean Energy Seen In Short Supply http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-01-05/five-rare-earths-crucial-for-clean-energy-seen-in-short-supply.html Shoell Worldwide Demand¶ The five minerals most at risk of supply disruptions are used to AND position across the supply chain requires a capable workforce,” the report said. Results in deep-sea mining for rare earth minerals that causes extinction. EC 12 European Commission, Blue Growth Scenarios and Drivers for Sustainable Growth from the Oceans, Seas and Coasts Marine Sub-Function Profile Report Marine Mineral Resources (3.6) Call for tenders No. MARE/2010/01 Client: European Commission, DG MARE August 2012 It is still highly uncertain how much of the deposits that can be commercially exploited. https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/maritimeforum/system/files/Subfunction%203.6%20Marine%20mineral%20resource_Final%20v120813.pdf Shoell The interest and attempts to mine the sea-bed are not new and new AND , which has troubled the affected regions before in connection with conventional mining. Mining for rare earth minerals cause environmental destruction in a matter of months. UPI 10 United Press International. Energy Resources China rare earth mining taxing environment http://www.upi.com/Business_News/Energy-Resources/2010/09/22/China-rare-earth-mining-taxing-environment/UPI-69301285179257/#ixzz254HdRMQe In the town of Beitou in China's Jiangxi province, mining for rare earth minerals AND , "The Middle East has oil, and China has rare earths." Environmental Degradation causes extinction Suurküla Chairman of Physicians and Scientists 6, (Jaan, M.D., for Responsible Application of Science and Technology (PSRAST), “World-wide cooperation required to prevent global crisis; Part one— the problem”, Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology, 6/24, http://www.globalissues.org/article/171/loss-of-biodiversity-and-extinctions) The world environmental situation is likely to be further aggravated by the increasingly rapid, AND 50 years. The most important cause was found to be climate change. Solar power massively increases emissions from lead batteries. NCPA 11 (Sterling Burnett, September 1 2011, writer for National Center of Policy Analysis, “Solar Power: Bad News on the Jobs and Environment Front”, http://environmentblog.ncpa.org/solar-power-bad-news-on-the-jobs-and-environment-fronts/, Dil) For solar energy boosters the news gets even worse. Everyone acknowledges that solar power AND , it could be responsible for one-third of global lead pollution. Warming guarantees extinction – scientific consensus. Deibel 7 (Terry L. Deibel, professor of IR at National War College, 2007, Foreign Affairs Strategy, Conclusion: American Foreign) Finally, there is one major existential threat to American security (as well as AND States, but potentially to the continued existence of life on this planet. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: A2 – Contingency The aff is wrong about history. The doctrine of eternal recurrence makes history cyclical, there is no progression or regression from the present. The only possibility for greatness is to not regret. Kain in 2007 (Philip J., Professor of Philosophy at Santa Clara University, “Nietzsche, Eternal Recurrence, and the Horror of Existence”, The Nietzsche Journal, pMUSE) Nietzsche embraces the doctrine of eternal recurrence for the first time in The Gay Science AND could occur in all cycles at exactly the same point in the sequence. We control all uniqueness- the doctrine of eternal recurrence of the same dictates that all elements and combinations of physical life will return and repeat ad infinitum Schroeder in 2003 (Jeanne L., Professor of Law, Yeshiva University, SYMPOSIUM: NIETZCHE AND LEGAL THEORY (PART II): CAN LAWYERS BE CURED?: ETERNAL RECURRENCE AND THE LACANIAN DEATH DRIVE, Cardozo Law Review March, 2003, l/n) Nietzsche later presents a strikingly similar account (down to the reference to the moonlight AND confirmation he thought it must have if it was to be accepted. n11 A2 – Nancy Sacrifice is necessary to a community that embraces life Biles in 2011 (Jeremy, PhD from the University of Chicago Divinity School, “The Remains of God: Bataille/Sacrifice/Community”, Culture, Theory and Critique, 2011, 52(2–3), 127–144, rcheek) Jean-Luc Nancy addresses Bataille’s notion of sacrifice in his seminal 1983 text¶ AND specifically the ‘ordeal of seeing communism betrayed’¶ (1991a: 16). Impacts They say extinction – they haven’t isolated a specific instance – we have won an internal link turn to these arguments We are already dead. Means there is no impact to the aff. Vote neg on presumption. Bahder in 2007 (Paul, Medical Doctor, “We Are Already Dead”, http://www.homeopathyusa.com/we_are_already_dead.htm, rcheek) What we call “our life” is really the experience that takes place in AND time. Time has no entrance into eternal even though eternal permeates time. Our biles evidence impacts this with the question of sovereignty. To reduce expenditure to nothing more than a means to accomplish a goal reduces it to a thing among other things. A tool is a hand is a tool. We are nothing more than kogs set to accomplish tasks set forth by the God of the modern era – Reason. This establishes life as a standing reserve and makes it just as disposable as the solar panels Reagan stripped from the roof of the whitehouse. The second impact is asceticism – I believe the link can only be magnified by the 1AC’s focus on the past – Turlani explains the imagning of “what if”, of a better world, of a world where perhaps Carter won the election, or where Reagan actually funded the Solar Bank – this constant what if imaging engenders a hatred for the world we have. All along while we were imagning how beautiful the sun set could be, the sun rose behind our backs but we were too busy facing the other way and missed it. The final impact is curriculum A2 – Finite The gift of the sun is one without return. It gives without receiving and as such, the surface of the globe is abound with an abundance of solar energy. This energy is always already in a state of constant production and expenditure by all forms of life. Stoekl in 2007 (Allan, professor of French and comparative literature at Penn State University, “Bataille’s Peak: Energy, Religion, and Postsustainability”, p. 39-40, rcheek) Indeed, these assumptions are among those most contested by current energy theorists and experts AND have to be burned off. There will always be too much life. A2 – Life Matters Its about the frame – theirs is one of restriction that precludes openness to loss – recognition that life is merely an explosion of energy strips us of the fear Stoekl in 2007 (Allan, professor of French and comparative literature at Penn State University, “Bataille’s Peak: Energy, Religion, and Postsustainability”, p. 189-191, rcheek) “Expenditure without return” is a floating concept, defined in opposition to the AND will guarantee the status of a certain act or of a certain politics. |
| 11/13/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 4 | Opponent: Iowa AK | Judge: Koehle Their suppression of volatility makes their impacts inevitable. Must embrace the complex chaos of the world by privileging ontological analysis to make a difference. Taleb and Blyth in 2011 (Nassim Nicholas, Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering at New York University's Polytechnic Institute, and Mark, Professor of International Political Economy at Brown University, “The Black Swan of Cairo”, Foreign Affairs, May/June 2011, Vol. 90, Issue 3, rcheek) Why is surprise the permanent condition of the U.S. political and economic AND outcome than the other guy, regardless of the actual, delayed cost. No global economic collapse and it wouldn’t cause conflict. Drezner, Professor of International Politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, ‘11 Daniel, 8-12-11, “Please come down off the ledge, dear readers”, Foreign Policy, http://drezner.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/12/please_come_down_off_the_ledge_dear_readers, RSR, (Charts Not Included) So, when we last left off this debate, things were looking grim. AND , based on the data we've got, that's not going to happen. Economy is resilient Zakaria 9 (Fareed, Ph.D. in Political Science – Harvard University and Editor – Newsweek International, “The Secrets of Stability”, Newsweek, 12-21, Lexis) One year ago, the world seemed as if it might be coming apart. AND forces for stability, each reinforcing the other and each historical in nature. Decline doesn’t cause war --- their evidence is hype Barnett 9 (Thomas, Senior Strategic Researcher – Naval War College, “The New Rules: Security Remains Stable Amid Financial Crisis”, Asset Protection Network, 8-25, http://www.aprodex.com/the-new-rules~-~-security-remains-stable-amid-financial-crisis-398-bl.aspx) When the global financial crisis struck roughly a year ago, the blogosphere was ablaze AND fear-mongering to proceed apace. That's what the Internet is for. Economic decline causes rivalry termination and reluctance to spend—solves the impact Bennett and Nordstrom 2000 – department of political science at Penn State (D Scott and Timothy, The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 44:1, “Foreign policy substitutability and internal economic problems in enduring rivalries”, ProQuest, WEA) Conflict settlement is also a distinct route to dealing with internal problems that leaders in AND of Soviet Socialist Republics could no longer compete economically with the United States. Backup Generators take over in the status quo – no meltdowns from grid loss even if grid takes down the coolant pumps diesel generators solve or no impact uniqueness Adams 11 Mike, the Health Ranger Editor of NaturalNews.com “Solar flare could unleash nuclear holocaust across planet Earth, forcing hundreds of nuclear power plants into total meltdowns” NaturalNews.com Tuesday, September 13, 2011 http://www.naturalnews.com/033564_solar_flares_nuclear_power_plants.html, ITPirate All nuclear power plants are operated in a near-meltdown status. They AND why a single solar flare could unleash a nuclear holocaust across the planet. Meltdowns aren’t catastrophic – low casualty rate means no extinction – it’s not a bomb just a slow radiation leak Boisvert 12 Will, an In These Times contributing editor. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2012 The Slack Wire: Fukushima Update: How Safe Can a Nuclear Meltdown Get?, http://slackwire.blogspot.com/2012/08/fukushima-update-how-safe-can-nuclear.html, ITPirate Now there’s a new peer-reviewed paper by Stanford’s Mark Z. Jacobson and AND deaths than the high-end Fukushima forecasts predict over a half century. Multiple safeguards now – must take into account on the risk analysis of nuclear power – blackouts are empirically denied NRC in 5 yeah, that NRC,“Blackout Risk at¶ Nuclear Power Plants¶ Analysis of Station ¶ Blackout Risk” Idaho National Laboratory, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Washington, DC 20555-0001 Published: December 2005 http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/nuregs/contract/cr6890/cr6890v2.pdf The availability of alternating current (ac) electrical power is essential for the safe AND , and characteristics of offsite power restoration are important contributors to SBO risk. Blackouts only mean that our nuclear power plants shutdown – not that they cause a total meltdown Stein 12 Matthew, Truthout | News Analysis “Four Hundred Chernobyls: Solar Flares, Electromagnetic Pulses and Nuclear Armageddon”, http://truth-out.org/news/item/7301-400-chernobyls-solar-flares-electromagnetic-pulses-and-nuclear-armageddon, Saturday, 24 March 2012 00:00 ITPirate What do extended grid blackouts have to do with potential nuclear catastrophes? Nuclear AND nothing to contain radioactive contaminants in the event of prolonged cooling system failures. The discourse of terrorism is a speech act, it is framed as a security threat to justify any measures. Talbot in 2008 (Steven, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Sociological Research Online 13(1)17 'Us' and 'Them': Terrorism, Conflict and (O)ther Discursive Formations, http://www.socresonline.org.uk/13/1/17.html) Stern defines terrorism as ‘an act or threat of violence against non-combatants AND global neighbours rapaciously and are ready to pounce at first sign of weakness. The discourse of terrorism and threats makes it impossible to differentiate between real threats and made up threats Der Derian 95 (James, Director of the Global Security Program and Research Professor of International Studies at the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University, “Arms, Hostages, and the Importance of Shredding in Earnest: Reading the National Security Culture (II),” Facts, Factoids, and the Factotum of Terrorism, Duke University Press, JSTOR) Just as Nietzsche alleged the precession of meaning to facts, North-the factotum AND of force: in short, the neo-medievalism alluded to earlier. |
| 11/13/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 4 | Opponent: Iowa AK | Judge: Koehle Even if we stopped ALL C02 emissions won’t solve warming Calvin 2008 William H. (Professor emeritus at the University of Washington in Seattle and the author of 14 books). Global Fever. Pg 6. Jamie Because CO2 mixes worldwide within several years and hangs around for many centuries, their AND , delayed effects of past emissions would double our present fever by 2050. We don’t have the ability to solve for Global Warming Pielke 2010 Roger, Jr. (Political scientist and professor in the environmental studies program at the University of Colorado. He is published and made television appearances on NPR, CNN and BBC). The Climate Fix. Pg 51. Jamie Is decarbonizing the global economy simply a matter of deploying existing technologies? According to AND will) simply do not square with the numbers in any practical sense. Species and ecosystems loss is potentially further reaching and more important than global warming – but if global warming is worse its because of the way environmental action is targeted solely at global warming allowing for larger environmental destruction to continue Crist, 2k7 Eileen Crist, Associate Professor of Science and Technology Studies in the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at Virginia Tech “Beyond the Climate Crisis: A Critique of Climate Change Discourse” Telos 141 Winter 2007 The diminishment of life’s richness began with the exodus of hunters and gatherers from Africa AND ongoing, and climate-change-independent wounding of life on Earth. The apocalyptic imagining of climate change produces technological or treaty fixes which leave the root cause of environment destruction and makes other environmental problems seem acceptable and allows for species elimination, ocean destruction, deforestation, and other problems Crist, 2k7 Eileen Crist, Associate Professor of Science and Technology Studies in the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at Virginia Tech “Beyond the Climate Crisis: A Critique of Climate Change Discourse” Telos 141 Winter 2007 While the dangers of climate change are real, I argue that there are even AND to—will barely address—the ongoing destruction of life on Earth. And, this apocalyptic rhetoric directs attention to the future moment – allowing the business as usual approach to continue unabated, making suffering and environmental destruction inevitable. Crist 2007 Eileen Crist, Associate Professor of Science and Technology Studies in the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at Virginia Tech “Beyond the Climate Crisis: A Critique of Climate Change Discourse” Telos 141 Winter 2007 Narrative affinity with biblical stories is the least problematic aspect of representing the climate crisis AND face—not the preemption of some imagined crash in some imagined future. And, the aff’s focus on the physicality of climate disconnects it from its cultural forms. Climate change can then be appropriated by the most extreme of ideologies Hulme 2009 Mike. (Professor of Climate Change in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia, and founding Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. Published over 100 peer-reviewed journal papers and over 30 books or book chapters on climate change topics. He co-edits the journal of Global Environmental Change and is Editor-in-Chief of Wiley’s Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change. He is a frequent speaker about climate change at academic, professional and public events). Why we disagree about climate change: Understanding controversy, inaction and opportunity. Pg 27-28 Jamie These four examples - and there are many more that could be articulated - of AND climate change becomes a malleable envoy enlisted in support of too many rulers. |
| 11/13/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 6 | Opponent: George Washington BS | Judge: Rashad Evans First, the Problem-solution framework utilized by the 1ac replicates security logic by prioritizing certain forms of knowledge over others, and results in serial policy failure Michael Dillon, Professor of Politics, University of Lancaster and Julian Reid, “Global Governance, Liberal Peace, and Complex Emergency,” ALTERNATIVES: SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION and HUMANE GOVERNANCE v. 25 n. 1, January/March 2000, npg. As a precursor to global governance, governmentality, according to Foucault's initial account, AND evolved in biophilosophical and biomolecular as well as Foucauldian "biopower" ways. And, their humanist focus on solving racism replicates the racialized body, which turns case Reid, 2008 (Julian, “Life Struggles” Foucault on Politics, Security and War. Pg 86-87, mb) The affinity between Fanon's phenomenological lament of the experience of race war and Foucault's critique AND in approaching the problem of racism rather than the source of its transcendence. The discussion of renewable energy policy creates a fantasy of the sustainable economy. This necessitates a villain that is preventing the fantasized utopia Sovacool and Brossman 10; Benjamin. Brent. ((Professor at Vermont Law School and founding Director of the Energy Security and Justice Program at the Institute for Energy and Environment. He was formerly an Assistant Professor and Research Fellow at the National University of Singapore), Ph.D., Associate Professor, teaches in a variety of areas including, rhetorical criticism). “Symbolic convergence and the hydrogen economy.” Energy Policy 38 (2010)1999–2012 www.elsevier.com/locate/enpol BlackMagic With this in mind, we propose five potential avenues of further research. First AND these could be investigated for the hydrogen economy along with other energy systems. Their use of utopian politics constructs a world in which we are forced to create a scape goat to be excluded and will result in extinction STAVRAKAKIS 2009 – Yannis, Visting Fellow in Gov’t, Univ. of Essex-999 VISITING FELLOW IN GOV'T, UNIV. OF ESSEX –“Lacan and the Political,” pg. 100BlackMagic What I will try to do in this chapter is, first of all, AND functioning society as a highly problematic area (seminar of 18 June 1958). Sequencing matters – Effective policy is impossible without prior investigation of the discursive underpinnings of the 1AC—mere combination fails to displace security’s central role in governmentality David Campbell, professor of international politics at the university of Newcastle, Writing Security, 1998, pg. 202 Furthermore, Foucault argues that from the eighteenth century onward, security becomes the central AND these developments are not peculiar to the post—World War II period. |
| 11/13/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 6 | Opponent: George Washington BS | Judge: Rashad Evans Expenditure is the universal tendency of existence toward the excessive production of energy. Our question now becomes, in what fashion does this expenditure take place? Energy must be held sacred, expended in the instant that leads nowhere. It is in the instant of uselessness that sovereignty is attained. Eggington in 2008 (William, Chair and Andrew W Mellon Professor in the Humanities German and Romance Languages and Literatures The Johns Hopkins University, “Bataille’s Peak: Energy, Religion, and Postsustainability (review)”, symploke, Volume 16, Numbers 1-2, 2008, pp. 346-348, pMUSE, rcheek) In this book, Alan Stoekl argues that Georges Bataille’s theories of energy and religion AND anyone or anything else: sovereign, in Bataille’s sense. (xiii) However, for the affirmative, energy production is profane. Rather than be made an intimate religious experience, energy and its expenditure have been put to work through a mechanized process of utility that renders intimacy impossible. The raw passion of life is turned into a standing reserve, a thing among other things, which enables its destruction. Stoekl in 2007 (Allan, professor of French and comparative literature at Penn State University, “Bataille’s Peak: Energy, Religion, and Postsustainability”, p. 55-57, rcheek) The answer, I think, is to be found in the nature of the AND which the person has been transformed in and through death, have disappeared. We must restore expenditure to the realm of the sacred. This operates in opposition to a restricted economy based on the tenets of utility and calculations that deprive humanity of its sovereignty. Such an economy reduces energy to a thing so as to exercise dominion. This denial of the animality of existence separates humanity from itself and makes life a profane denial of itself – turns the case and guarantees extinction Biles in 2011 (Jeremy, PhD from the University of Chicago Divinity School, “The Remains of God: Bataille/Sacrifice/Community”, Culture, Theory and Critique, 2011, 52(2–3), 127–144, rcheek) All such expenditures – useless, diverted from any utilitarian ends –¶ obviously ‘go AND when it lives in immanence’, or continuity (Hollier 1998: 65). This mortal anxiety establishes an ascetic hatred of the world that denies life. The only escape is through a chaotic embrace of life. Turlani in 2003 (Aydan, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Letters and Sciences Istanbul Technical University, “Nietzsche and the Later Wittgenstein: An Offense to the Quest for Another World”, The Journal of Nietzsche Studies, 26 (2003), 55-63) The craving for absolutely general specifications results in doing metaphysics. Unlike Wittgenstein, Nietzsche AND the way out of the fly-bottle" (PI §309). The alternative is to sacrifice the 1AC. Politics operates from a standpoint of reason. This profane world of utility denies the possibility of intimate expenditure. We must sacrifice the God of reason to restore sovereignty. In being destroyed, we render the 1AC useless, which frees us from servility to instrumental utility. Biles in 2011 (Jeremy, PhD from the University of Chicago Divinity School, “The Remains of God: Bataille/Sacrifice/Community”, Culture, Theory and Critique, 2011, 52(2–3), 127–144, rcheek) The anxious desire for durability corresponds to a demeaning substantialisation¶ of the sacred. AND undergoes a fleeting experience of dissolution¶ in the realm of the sacred. Refuse their education curriculum. It’s hatred of chance enslaves us to utility. The sacrificial curriculum of the alternative is a an embrace of the rupture of unreasoned life that opens spaces for desire. Sirc in 1996 (Geoffrey, Ph.D.: Composition Theory, University of Minnesota, “Godless Composition, Tormented Writing”, http://jaconlinejournal.com/archives/vol15.3/sirc-godless.pdf, rcheek) What Lingis feels in his journeys in Honduras is a sense of two worlds, AND going out; they have¶ a certain amount of control over that. Pity is a nihilistic practice that negates life and makes suffering inevitable Nietzsche in 1894 (Friedrich, “The Anti-Christ”, http://www.geocities.com/thenietzschechannel/anti.htm) Christianity is called the religion of pity.— Pity stands opposed to the tonic emotions AND , that is how we are philosophers, we Hyperboreans! — — — |