Wake Forest » Sisak-Washington Aff

Sisak-Washington Aff

Last modified by Melvin Washington II on 2012/11/09 16:08

Contention 1: Status Quo

Policy discussions about the environment and energy take place against a backdrop of structural racism that is seldom acknowledged making invisible the disparities that hurt minorities. 

Wiley 6
(Maya Wiley, Director of the Center for Social Inclusion, Summer 2006, “Overcoming Structural Racism,” Race, Poverty, and the Environment, Vol. 13, No. 1, online: http://www.urbanhabitat.org/node/504, accessed July 12, 2008)
Last winter, the ground never froze …. communities and rein in corporate prerogative.

More specifically, the government is currently pouring money into a “green economy” that excludes the neediest communities and perpetuates racial and economic disparities

Anderson 12
Elsie Harper-Anderson, L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs, Virginia Commonwealth University
(“Exploring What Greening the Economy Means for African American Workers, Entrepreneurs, and Communities”, May 2012, http://edq.sagepub.com/content/26/2/162)
Unfortunately, many of the neediest ….Black workers will be hired in green jobs.

The expiration of the cash grants, 1603 program doesn’t help. Without it, investment is restricted to the largest and most elite companies while making renewables less affordable for those that need them the most

Harper & Mendelsohn 12
Micheal & John, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Birch Tree Capital, LLC
(“§1603 Treasury Grant Expiration: Industry Insight on Financing and Market Implications” June 12, 2012, http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy12osti/53720.pdf)
Three potential and not mutually exclusive ….end-users who procure renewable power.

Contention 2:  Energy Justice 

Traditional environmentalism has excluded minorities but interest in renewables offers a new opportunity. Not only is there an inherent obligation to ensure equal access and involvement of people of color at multiple levels in solar, but it’s key solve extinction and environmental apocalypse. Attempts at expedience doom us to continued eco-apartheid  

Jones 7
(Van, president of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, in Oakland, California (ellabakercenter.org) and a National Apollo Alliance steering committee member. Beyond Eco-Apartheid Is the Green Movement too White? Van Jones proposes a solution, Common Ground.org, April 2007, http://www.commongroundmag.com/2007/04/eco-apartheid0704.html)
The climate crisis is galloping from the margins of geek ….activists can play a key role in birthing such a force.

This eco-apartheid results in a trap of energy poverty along with the destruction of low- income and minority environments. The invisible poor are left with more deaths and less services

Sharan et al 7
(Jamil Masud, Diwesh Sharan, and Bindu N. LohaniE, NERGY FOR A LL : A DDRESSING THE E NERGY , E NVIRONMENT , AND P OVERTY N EXUS IN A SIA, Asia Development Bank, ADB is an international development finance institution whose mission is to help its developing member countries reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of their people. Headquartered in Manila, and established in 1966, ADB is owned and financed by its 67 members, of which 48 are from the region and 19 are from other parts of the globe, April 2007, all.pdf+%22fossil+fuel%22+Energy+consumption+disproportionately+impact+hurts+minorities+environment&cd=17&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)
Energy Poverty  60.  Along with the monetary …capita electricity consumption (dark blue bars) increases.   

Independently, poverty kills 232 million a year. The law becomes a weapon of the elite to ensure dominance

Abu-Jamal 98
(Mumia, Political Activist, “A Quiet and Deadly Violence”, September 19, http://www.angelfire.com/az /catchphraze/mumiaswords.html)
It has often been observed that America …terrible violence passes away with them.

Energy justice must become the overriding imperative of our energy policy. We must risk a change from business as usual to create a more sustainable, equal environmentally friendly nation to avoid wars, famine, environmental destruction, and inevitable extinction

Bryant 95 (Bunyan Bryant, Professor in the School of Natural Resources and Environment, and an adjunct professor in the Center for Afro-American and African Studies at the University of Michigan, 1995, Environmental Justice: Issues, Policies, and Solutions, p. 209-212)
Although the post-World War II economy was designed…we should at least have that as a goal.  

Thus the plan: The United States federal government should substantially increase the number of Section 1603 grants for solar power given to Historically Underutilized Business Zone companies that qualify under section 8(a) and utilize supply chain audits to demonstrate the process of construction does not contribute to environmental injustice.

Contention 3: Solvency

1603 key to growth of solar, thousands of jobs, and community involvement 

Huber & Christensen 10
Lon Huber is a Policy Fellow in AEL’s New Energy Leaders Project and will be a regular contributor to the website. on has worked in Washington D.C. as a congressional solar energy fellow and as a policy advisor for candidates seeking public office in Arizona. Alex, Contributor in AEL’s New Energy Leaders Project and his work will be regularly featured on the website.
(“The Importance of Extending the 1603 Treasury Grant Program” 2010, http://leadenergy.org/2010/12/the-importance-of-extending-the-1603-treasury-grant-program/)
Anyone working in renewable energy …. vibrant American renewable energy industry.

Renewable energy is key to ensure access to jobs and sustainable lifestyles-It is a cornerstone of empowerment and environmental justice

Goodman 8
(Sara, Earth News, Environmental Magazine of the people, December 1, 2008, http://www.earthportal.org/news/?p=1969)
Environmental justice activists are planning … is a good frame for a new strategy.”  

Those resources are key to self-empowerment
Helling et al 5
(Louis, Rodrigo Serrano, and David Warren, Staff Writers for the Social Protection Discussion Papers for the Worldbank, “Linking Community Empowerment, Decentralized Governance, and Public Service Provision Through a Local Development Framework,” http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTCDD/544090-1138724740952/20802848/decnetralization05.pdf)
In addition to improving opportunities…. they can continue to improve their lives. 

Supply chain audits are critical to make sure that solar contributes to environmental justice

Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition 9 “Toward a Just and Sustainable Solar Energy Industry.” 2009. Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, January 14. http://www.svtc.org/site/ DocServer/Silicon_Valley_Toxics _CoalitionToward_a_Just_and_ Sust.pdf?docID=821.
We need to ensure that the …in residential or commercial building fires.

Contention 4: Decision Calculus

This logic of this spatial separation is disastrous for politics-Simply ignoring modes of oppression and poverty not affecting “our” space makes military violence inevitable

Cuomo 96
(Chris Cuomo - Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies, and Director of the Institute for Women's Studies at the Univerity of Georgia – 1996 “War Is Not Just an Event: Reflections on the Significance of Everyday Violence” Published in Hypatia 11.4, pp. 30-46)
Ethical approaches that do not ….other state-funded militaristic campaigns.

Academia must prioritize questions of environmental justice not only to solve, but to understand the disastrous foundations that made new energy and environmental policies necessary in the first place. Our method lays the groundwork for political action anemic to injustice

Rodriguez 6
Ph.D., Social Science Prof @ The University of Puerto Rico

For various educators, the act …promote justice, equality and democracy.

Equitable solutions to energy justice require making equality our first priority – only by placing the risks of disadvantaged communities at the center of our impact calculus can we address the disempowerment

Laituri and Kirby 94
(Melina and Andrew, Professor of Social Sciences, Arizona State U, and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Auckland, “Finding Fairness in America's Cities? The Search for Environmental Equity in Everyday Life”, Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 50, No. 3, 1994, pp. 121-139 JSTOR)
We have argued that any consideration ….and avoided in the future.

Vote Aff as a normative endorsement of our ethical vision of energy policy framed around equity-Our comibination environmental justice ethics and policy is key. Reducing such decisions to pure empirics precludes change and ensures error replication because we simply produce different policies with the same ethics.

Kassiola 4
(Joel, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences San Francisco State University, Can Environmental Ethics ‘Solve’ Environmental Problems and Save the World? Yes, but First We Must Recognise the Essential Normative Nature of Environmental Problems environmental values 12:4, p 489-5-14,2004, 5bakQJ:bss.sfsu.edu/kassiola/docs/environmentalvaluesarticle.pdf+In+opposition+to+this+view+of+Callicott%E2%80%99s+Joel+kassiola&hl=e n&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us)
In opposition to this view ….from an environmental ethical point of view.



Current federal incentives keep community projects out-Counterplan can’t compensate 

Warren & Dubb 10
Deborah b. Warren has spent much of the past three decades working to promote social and economic justice in the American South. the first Executive Director of both the Southern Rural Development Initiative (SRDI) and the Community Reinvestment Association of North Carolina (CRA-NC). Since 2007, Warren has consulted for a variety of local, state and national non-profit organizations. Steve Dubb is the Research Director of The Democracy Collaborative. Dubb is the prin- cipal author of Linking Colleges to Communities: Engaging the University for Community Development (2007) and Building Wealth: The New Asset-Based Approach to Solving Social and Economic Problems (2005). (“Growing a Green Economy for All From Green Jobs to Green Ownership”, The Democracy Collaborative of Maryland, June 2010)

Federal incentives...commercial users .157" 

States create a patchwork of participation-Unlucky communities get stuck with the status quo

Timney 10
(Professor @ Pace University, “MODELS OF PARTICIPATION: MEASURING ENGAGEMENT AND COLLABORATION”,  http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=35&ved=0CF8QFjAEOB4&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmyweb.unomaha.edu%2F~aeikenberry%2FPapers%2FTimney%2520Models%2520of%2520Participation.Ed.%25202.%2520Final.doc&ei=WsgyUPU7qOLSAeHCgJgK&usg=AFQjCNHwmyP1I6-xKNetQfTLRUYFRcga7w&sig2=7M4kw-N8p7iOGf0Y-plPjA)

"In a 1992...Indiana legislature."

DC has some of the worst poverty rates 

Washington Post 11
Tim  Craig“ Report finds rise in D.C. poverty to nearly 1 in 5 residents” http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/03/24/AR2010032403043.html

"Nearly one...DC Appleseed."

B) They choose to ignore this in the name of political expediency-The states can’t solve

Cooper, No Date
(Rachel, DC Political expert “DC Government 101” http://dc.about.com/od/government/a/Dc-Government-101.htm)

The U.S...year terms."

Executive order ensures uniform participation at the Federal level and that’s key to solve

Berry et al 3
(U.S. commission on Civil Rights, Mary Frances Berry, Chairperson Cruz Reynoso, Vice Chairperson Jennifer C. Braceras Christopher Edley, Jr. Peter N. Kirsanow Elsie M. Meeks Russell G. Redenbaugh Abigail Thernstrom , , Not in my backyard: Executive Order 12,898 and Title VI as tools for achieving environmental Justice, October 2003, http://www.law.umaryland.edu/marshall/usccr/documents/cr2003X100.pdf)

"Meaningful participation...prolonged disputes"

Native American lands make federal involvement inevitable

attorney modrall sperling Brownfields environmental justice and indian lands, http://library.findlaw.com/2001/jun/27/132931.html

"Leasing of...taken place.(73)"


Plan popular in swing states

Techling 12
(“Polls: On Energy, Swing voters swing clean”, 2012

"If Mitt Romney...presidential candidate.”

Their punditry is wrong and bad for education

Guild 10
(“The Illusion of Punditry”, Gerald, June 25, http://geraldguild.com/blog/2010/06/25/illusion-of-punditry/, Gerald Guild is a licensed psychologist, outdoor enthusiast and lover of life) 

"Have you ever...victimizing ourselves."


The alt fails-They can’t answer questions of current scarcity and bias

Perry 95
(Mark, Professor of Economics at University of Michigan Flint and Adjunct Scholar at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, The Freeman, “Why Socialism Failed”, Volume 45, Number 6, June, http://www.fee.org/publications/the-freeman/article.asp?aid=4014)

"Socialism is the..this: Capitalism works."

Perm-Do both  alt fails ignores justice. 

West 88
WEST Honorary chair of the Democratic Socialist of America 1988Cornell-prof @Princeton University, DSA National Politicall Committee and a member of its African American Commission; “Toward a Socialist Theory of Racism”;  RACE & ETHNICITY ESERV;  http://race.eserver.org/toward-a-theory-of-racism.html (year of publication found on Dr. West’s website:  http://www.pragmatism.org/library/west/) Socialism and Antiracism: Two Inseparable Yet Not Identical Goals 

"It should...and democracy."

Plan solves

Scheer 2
(Hermann, Fmr. Asst. Prof. of Economics @ Technical Univ. of Stuttgart, Member of German Parliament,
General Chairman of the World Council for Renewable Energy, President of EUROSOLAR, The Solar
Economy: Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Global Future, Pg. 87-89)

"The representatives...fossil economy."

Their representation of capitalism as a monolithic entity is a flawed one- Means they change and reinforce the system

Gibson-Graham 96
J.K. Gibson-Graham, the pen name of Katherine Gibson, Senior Fellow of Human Geography at Australian National University, and Julie Graham, professor of Geography at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1996, The End of Capitalism (As We Knew It), p. viii-x

"In a very...political interventions."


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