Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Text: Use the term "production of electricity from another form of energy"
Net Benefit – Science Education
A - Their use of the term "energy production" is scientifically inaccurate – energy is actually transformed
Centro Volta 07 "The Energy Way", "How is energy Obtained"
Sometimes, we improperly use the term "energy production" when discussing energy issues
dedicated to transforming the energy contained in various natural sources into electrical power.
B- Precise scientific knowledge by citizens is critical to an informed debate
Kluger 11 - senior writer for TIME (Jeffery, " Scientific Illiteracy After the Shuttle: Are America’s Smartest Days Behind Her?",8599,2082213,00.html-,8599,2082213,00.html), 7/11
The problem is, the land of the free and home of the brave is
again if the U.S. is going to keep its edge.
C - only a scientific approach produces the best epistemology and can avert extinction
Coyne 06 – Author and Writer for the Times (Jerry A., "A plea for empiricism", FOLLIES OF THE WISE, Dissenting essays, 405pp. Emeryville, CA: Shoemaker and Hoard, 1 59376 101 5)
Supernatural forces and events, essential aspects of most religions, play no role in
politics and religion, we desperately need to heed Crews’s plea for empiricism.