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Page: McConnell-Brough Neg
Energy sector complements cap- division of labor and wage discrimination.
Witherford 99 "Cyber-Marx: Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High Technology Capitalism"
Capitalists are seizing on renewable energy and it could soon play a huge economic role, similar to the computer revolution- but capitalist tendencies will mean the concentration of any innovation in the hands of the few, and continued problems between capital and labor.
Harris 10 "Going Green to Stay in the Black: Transnational Capitalism and Renewable Energy"
The promotion of Renewables creates a new form of colonialism and consumerism that expands into ever-growing markets. Corporations seek quick-fix solutions to encourage consumers to buy their products while providing cover for their continuation of destructive capitalism.
Bachram 04 "Climate fraud and carbon colonialism: the new trade in greenhouse gases"
Capitalism is the root cause of environmental destruction- resource control, production and testing of WMDs, and promotion of individualism.
Mim 96 "On Capitalism and the Environment"
The alternative: the method of dialectical materialism is the alternative, and in truth the only option. Only through examining the existing social totality of capital can we begin to solve for it.
Fiat is bad- it encourages discourse separate from the realities of people and introduces jargon irrelevant to the education of students.
Friere 68 "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"
Aff is a form of baking education- it objectifies reality- we cannot integrate our own experiences of the world and hence become the object of study instead of being subjects of study. This is a form of dehumanization that seeks to separate those learning from their histories and liberation.
Friere 68 "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"
The banking method perpetuates oppression, disables learning, and is thoroughly dehumanizing. Dialogic education solves.
Roberts 2k "Education, Literacy, and Humanization: Exploring the Work of Paulo Friere"
Advocacy text: We advocate a persistent problematization of self through a critical pedagogy of place.
The subjugation of people is linked to the subjugation of the earth; this means that issues of race, class, gender, etc. must be addressed based on people's relationships to their environments.
Gruenewald 3 "The Best of Both Worlds: A Critical Pedagogy of Place"
Current environmental education lacks social critiques and cultural alternatives, leading to environmental crises at increased levels and neoliberal ecocide that institutes racist, sexist, classist, and speciesist oppression.
Kahn 8 "From Education for Sustainable Development to Ecopedagogy: Sustaining Capitalism or sustaining Life?"
Status quo education practices reproduce values that are part of the unsustainable economy. Sustainability education will require new emancipatory logic.
Gadotti 8 "Education for Sustainability: A Critical Contribution to the Decade for Education for Sustainable Development"
The next decade is key in establishing a true ecopedagogy that can lead to emancipatory life practices.
Kahn 8 "From Education for Sustainable Development to Ecopedagogy: Sustaining Capitalism or sustaining Life?"