Vermont » McConnell-Brough Aff

McConnell-Brough Aff

Last modified by taylor brough on 2012/11/09 19:31

We begin with a personal narrative from the 1A describing her personal history and how it has informed the way that she interacts with the environment and this year’s debate topic.

Then the advocacy statement: We advocate a persistent problematization of the self through a critical pedagogy of place.

The subjugation of people is linked to the subjugation of the earth; this means that issues of race, class, gender, etc. must be addressed based on people’s relations to their environments
Gruenewald ‘3

Current environmental education lacks social critiques and cultural alternatives leading to environmental crises at increased levels and neoliberal ecocide that institutes racist, sexist, classist, and speciesist oppression
Kahn ‘8

Status quo education practices reproduce values that are part of the unsustainable economy. Sustainable education will require new emancipatory logic
Gadotti ‘8

The next decade is key in establishing a true ecopedagogy that can lead to emancipatory life practices.
Kahn ‘8

Our education necessitates the problematization of our immediate and inherently temporary existence
Freire ‘70

Space is the medium by which we relate to our environment and investigating it critically allows us to act effectively within it.
Kirby ‘96

Action that doesn’t critically engage with its environment can’t access again
Freire ‘70


perm do both

roleplaying bad

education outweighs fairness

Created by Jillian Marty on 2012/10/27 10:13

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