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01/05/2013 | Waste AdvTournament: USC | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Advantage 2 is WasteLFTR waste is less radioactive, decays way faster, and is easily storedSorensen 12 – Kirk, Founder and Chief Technologist at Flibe Energy, Grad student in Nuclear Engineering, former Chief Nuclear Technologist at Teledyne Brown Engineering LFTRs can re-use current nuclear waste, reducing the amount needed to be storedSorensen 12 – Kirk, Founder and Chief Technologist at Flibe Energy, Grad student in Nuclear Engineering, former Chief Nuclear Technologist at Teledyne Brown Engineering Yucca Mountain is inevitable – fukushima fears, state pressure and lawsuits push adoptionTollefson 11 (Jeff, former Knight fellow in science journalism at MIT, "Battle of Yucca Mountain rages on", Nature, Vol. 473, No. 266, 5-19-11, RSR)rmm By then, however, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) was in the LFTRs generate less waste and prevent the opening of Yucca MountainHargraves 12 – Robert, teaches Energy Policy at the Institute for Lifelong Education at Dartmouth College, PhD in physics from Brown University Yucca Mountain disposal risks creating a nuclear volcanoNew Scientist 2 ExtinctionAetherPress Accessed 9 Yucca is inevitable – too unpopular in Congress, perceived as costly and dangerousBaram 11 – Marcus, Senior Editor at The Huffington Post, former reporter/producer for ABC News, Associate News Editor at Wall Street Journal, and News Editor at New York Observer Federal government forces indigenous people to accept dumping or move because they have no way to resistMurphy 10 – Meghan A., writing in Social Eyes, Boston College’s sociology journal Environmental genocide on Native American lands perpetuates "human sacrifice zones" and threatens all aspects of Native American lifeHooks 4 – Gregory and Chad L., Washington State University Department of Sociology Chair %26 Smith, Texas State University Sociology Professor Rejecting racism is a moral imperative which outweighs all other impacts – conflict and destruction are inevitable within a society which allows it.Menmi 2000 – Albert, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at U of Paris, Naiteire | |
01/22/2013 | Competitiveness Adv.Tournament: Navy | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Advantage 2 is CompetitivenessChina is a powerhouse – Our tech competitiveness protected our heg, but it won’t for longRachman 11 – Gideon, chief foreign-affairs commentator for the Financial Times and author LFTR is our last shot to maintain competitivenessMartin 11 – Richard, editorial director for Pike Research, author of "SuperFuel: Thorium, The Green Energy Source for the Future" Competitiveness prevents great power war —- power projection and "knowledge power"Baru 9 – Sanjaya, Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School in Singapore And, it’s the largest internal link to primacyGelb 10 - Leslie H., former New York Times columnist and senior official in the state and defense departments, is currently president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, Fashioning a Realistic Strategy for the Twenty-First Century That prevents global instability and major war —- no viable replacementKnowles 9 – Robert, Assistant Professor New York University School of Law, Heg is key to prevent nuclear war and extinction – even if multipolarity is inevitable, heg is vital to retain global social orderBarnett 11 – Thomas, Former Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis %26 Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, U.S. Naval War College American military geostrategist and Chief Analyst at Wikistrat, worked as the Assistant for Strategic Futures in the Office of Force Transformation in the Department of Defense The U.S. will act like the hegemon, even if it can’t anymore – this is a net turn to their heg bad argumentsCalleo 9 – David, Professor at The Johns Hopkins University and Dean Acheson Professor at its Nitze School of Advanced International Studies Heg prevents a massive clash in AsiaNyquist 9 – J.R., Geopolitical Analyst The Soviet Union proves competitiveness is key to both the economy and effective foreign policy.Morris 92 (Milton, vice president of research at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies in Washington, D.C., Washington Quarterly, Autumn, Lexis) Economic Competition for Expanded Domestic Opportunities. Even before the breathtaking developments of the past two years, it had become clear that growing economic competition was rapidly challenging military power as the key to global leadership. The end of the Cold War has confirmed that development, because the Soviet Union, a military giant, collapsed from economic weakness. Representative Lee Hamilton (D-Ind.) notes in this regard that | |
01/22/2013 | Navy Plan TextTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: | |
01/22/2013 | Warming AdvTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Advantage 1 is WarmingOverwhelming scientific consensus indicates warming is accelerating and anthropogenic Warming makes oceans acidic – the impact is extinctionKristof 6 – Nicholas, New York Times, American journalist, author, op-ed columnist, and a winner of two Pulitzer Prizes LFTRs solve – they’re cost-competitive and replace current sources of energy | |
02/02/2013 | Water AdvTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Thorium reactors desalinate waterHalper 12 – Mark, contributing editor, energy, Smart Planet Desal key to prevent billions of systemic deathsBeller 4 – Dr. Denis E, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Water scarcity coming now and will exacerbate regional conflicts – prefer predictive evDinar 12 – Shlomi, associate professor in the Department of Politics and International Relations Central Asia goes nuclearAhrari 2001 (M. Ehsan, Prof. of National Security and Strategy of the Joint and Combined Warfighting School @ the Armed Forces Staff College, August, "Jihadi Groups, Nuclear Pakistan and the New Great Game," South and Central Asia constitute a part of the world where a well-designed Caucus instability escalates to global nuclear warTsepkalo 1998 (Valery V., Belarussian Ambassador to the U.S., Foreign Affairs, March/April, Lexis) But abetting the continuing destabilization of Eurasia is not in the West’s interests. NATO War in Latin America causes great power warsRochlin 1994 (James Francis, Prof. Pol. Sci. @ Okanagan University College, "Discovering the Americas: the evolution of Canadian foreign policy towards Latin America", p. 130-131) While there were economic motivations for Canadian policy in Central America, security considerations were Egypt instability leads to nuclear warSt. Louis Post-Dispatch 1992 ("Early warnings on the Nile", 11-19, L/N) Were its government to fall in a coup and the National Democratic Party deposed after Scarcity breaks down the Indus Waters Treaty – causes warCFR ’11 (report based on travel in the region by the Committee’s staff and the work of experts in government, academia, and other international institutions "Avoiding Water Wars: Water Scarcity and Central Asia’s Growing Importance for Stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan," Feb 22nd, ~download link at the bottom) The National Intelligence Council echoed these concerns in their Global Trends 2025: A Trans Lack of water triggers conflict, not co-op – multiple reasons – no defenseBorer 4 – Professor at Naval Postgraduate School %26 Morrissette, Instructor at University of Georgia Nuclear desalinization solves waterIAEA 7 It’s economically viableSeneviratne ’7 (Gamini Seneviratne 7, Nuclear News’s Vienna Correspondent, "Research projects show nuclear desalination economical", April, The desalination of seawater using nuclear power is cost-effective compared with other primary | |
03/04/2013 | Militarism AdvTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Traditional nuclear technology has been rooted in governmental control through a constant need for power. Methods of power generation from uranium is engrained in old-world Cold War methodology of US imperialismMartin 12—Award-winning science and technology journalist, editorial director for Pike Research ~Richard Martin, SuperFuel: Thorium, the Green Energy Source for the Future, May 2012. (p. 95-6)~ (NSB)%26ab The development of nuclear energy was merely a tool rooted in the quest of military dominanceMartin 12—Award-winning science and technology journalist, editorial director for Pike Research ~Richard Martin, SuperFuel: Thorium, the Green Energy Source for the Future, May 2012. (p. 95-6)~ (NSB)%26ab In a 2010 article on molten salt reactors in Mechanical Engineering magazine, David LeBlanc ====The military industrial complex’s constant need to manufacture threats makes the US far more dangerous than empires of the past==== Another salient hallmark of militarism is its constant need to invent (or manufacture, Imperialism causes backlash and global catastropheFoster 2003 – professor of sociology at the University of Oregon, co-editor of the Monthly Review (John Bellamy, Monthly Review, 55.3, "The new age of imperialism") Traditional nuclear discourse has blinded us from understanding the new beauty of thorium. Only the plan allows for the deconstruction militaristic thought and embracement of thorium powerFerguson 11 – Scott, University of Washington Our function is not merely to attack discourses. The political engagement of the aff is a crucial step in breaking the violent hegemony of the status-quo.Keenan et al ’4 (Thomas, PhD Student – U. Queensland Business School, Phil Graham, Senior Lecturer in Comm. – UQ Business School and Research Chair in Comm. And Tech – U. Waterloo, and Anne-Maree Dowd, PhD Student – UQ Business School, Discourse %26 Society, "A call to arms at the end of history: A discourse—Historical Analysis of George W. Bush’s Declaration of War on Terror", 15(2-3), May, Sage) We internal link turn all their policy arguments. The discourse-creation of the 1AC is central to changing foreign policy actions. Only our framework can allow a just democratic society to flourish.Lipman ’4 (Pauine, Prof. Policy Studies in College of Education – U. Illinois Chicago, Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, "Education Accountability and Repression of Democracy Post-9/11", 2(1), March, The importance of the symbolic dimensions of this conservative assault cannot be underestimated (see | |
03/04/2013 | 2AC-Helium 3Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Helium-3LFTRs create helium-3 – that spills overDeVolpi 12 – Alexander, nuclear physicist Key to space and preventing extinctionJaeger 1 – James, Founder of Jaeger Research Institute | |
03/04/2013 | 2AC- JapanTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Spillover of LFTR tech to Japan would solve their energy security and mend troubling US-Japan relations which are key to trade routes and US strategic interests in AsiaNye and Armitage 12 – Joseph S, dean emeritus of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and a trustee of CSIS, and Richard L., president of Armitage International and a trustee of CSIS U.S.-Japan alliance key to prevent nuclear warINSS 2k | |
03/04/2013 | 2AC- Space LasersTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: LFTRs provide stable energy that makes space lasers possibleMaybury 12 – Chief Scientist @ USAF Space laser solves every conflictDunn 5 – Richard, senior analyst at the Northrop Grumman Analysis Center %26 MA Public Affairs at Harvard | |
03/10/2013 | Boats AdvTournament: ADA | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: LFTRs key to shipbuildingHargraves 12 – Robert, teaches Energy Policy at the Institute for Lifelong Education at Dartmouth College, PhD in physics from Brown University Nuclear shipping revives US shipbuildingPage 10 (Former officer of British Navy %26 Columnist-The Register, 9/27, "Nuclear merchant ships could open up Arctic routes for real," And, that’s key to naval powerNLUS 12 (Navy League of the United States, "America’s Maritime Industry The foundation of American seapower", 2012,, Date Verification – More ev.Crospey 12 Dr. Seth – Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute, Former Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and Deputy Undersecretary of the Navy, ""The U.S. Navy Shipbuilding Plan: Assumptions and Associated Risks to National Security", Statement before the Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight %26 Investigations U.S. House of Representatives, 4/18,—USNavyShipbuildingPlan—Testimony041812.pdf Naval Power on the brink – key to prevent Iranian prolif, sustaining Asian trade and stopping arms racesCollins 2/28 (Gabe Collins, Writer for The Diplomat - the premier international current-affairs magazine for the Asia-Pacific region, "The Consequences of Sequestration", February 28, 2013, Collapse of Asian trade causes nuclear war That’s the lynchpin of civilizationBrownrigg 7 (Director general of British Chamber of Shipping, "Speech to the Party Fringe meetings: Shipping – An Answer To Global Warming", South China Sea is the most likely scenario for US-China warGlaser 12 Bonnie S., Senior Fellow – Center for Strategic and International Studies, "Armed Clash in the South China Sea," CFR, April, Iranian prolif causes nuclear war, rapid arms races, cold war 2, and interventionismKurtz 2006 – senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center (Stanley, "Our Fallout-Shelter Future", National Review Online, 8/28, Proliferation optimists, on the other hand, see reasons for hope in the |
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