| 02/15/2013 | Tournament: Northwester | Round: 4 | Opponent: Fullerton | Judge: Kirk Evans Hildyard et al 12 Nicholas, The Corner House, Larry Lohmann and Sarah Sexton.12 Energy Security For Whom? For What? February 2012 "Moving to the market," however, was proposed as a way of ensuring AND start because minimal change is contemplated in financing this "energy security revolution." Farrell 12 John Farrell is an Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) senior researcher specializing in energy policy developments that best expand the benefits of local ownership and dispersed generation of renewable energy. Energy Self Reliant States, 4-19 A regular tax credit reduces the amount of taxes a business or person pays dollar AND project owners wouldn’t require big tax bills or Wall Street to finance projects. Depending on third party Wall Street financing leaks community money and jacks up the cost of renewable energy, making it less competitive with traditional electricityFarrell 10 John, GRIST, How renewable incentives affect project ownership, 12-7 It’s not just the owner who benefits when projects don’t require complex partnerships to get AND impact by a multiplier, whereas local ownership would keep most revenues local. Giroux 8 * Henry A. McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada Social Identities, Vol. 14, No. 5, September 2008, 587-620 Most of these stories place the blame for these crimes on individualized acts of cruelty AND in the hyper-circuits of power that characterize the New Gilded Age. Fox 5 Julia Fox ~University of Oregon~"Mountaintop Removal in West Virginia: An Environmental Sacrifice Zone" Leslie King-http://www.google.com/search?tbo=p%26tbm=bks%26q=inauthor:%22Leslie+King%22, Deborah McCarthy-http://www.google.com/search?tbo=p%26tbm=bks%26q=inauthor:%22Deborah+McCarthy%22, 2005. Environmental Sociology: From Analysis to Action http://books.google.com/books?id=ol2b0nmgGwEC%26dq-http://books.google.com/books?id=ol2b0nmgGwEC%26dq Historically, West Virginia is a state that has been controlled by coal interests. AND this apparent increase in efficiency lie human and ecological costs that are incalculable. Coal politics creates cycles of poverty – turning both the environment and humans into sacrifice zonesHedges 12 Chris, American Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, and war correspondent specializing in American and Middle Eastern politics and societies. 7-20, http://billmoyers.com/segment/chris-hedges-on-capitalism%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%98sacrifice-zones%E2%80%99/ There are forgotten corners of this country where Americans are trapped in endless cycles of AND the part of people who seek personal enrichment to destroy other human beings… Hildyard et al 12 Nicholas, The Corner House, Larry Lohmann and Sarah Sexton.12 Energy Security For Whom? For What? February 2012 Uppercase Energy is an "abstraction which became true in practice."27 In addition AND , place or context helped mould the belief in infinite economic growth.37 Centralization repeats the authoritarian and capitalist energy pastRuggero 9 E. Colin, The New School for Social Research in New York, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, University of Delaware, Radical Green Populism: Climate Change, Social Change and the Power of Everyday Practices, 11-11, http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/e-colin-ruggero-radical-green-populism-climate-change-social-change-and-the-power-of-everyday-p To provide the variety of goods and services that sustain them, modern societies have AND more immune to the humbling enormity of the issue than is popular discourse. REINSBOROUGH 3, Grassroots Organizer and Popular Educator, (Patrick, worked on a range of issues including forest protection, police brutality, peace in Northern Ireland, indigenous rights, organizing director of the Rainforest Action Network, JOURNAL OF AESTHETICS %26 PROTEST, Aug, vol 1, ~%23 2, http://www.journalofaestheticsandprotest.org/1/de_colonizing/index.html-http://www.journalofaestheticsandprotest.org/1/de_colonizing/index.html) Cancer Kills the host. Cancer’s suicidal destiny is a product of its initial perversion AND that slowly starves the many while normalizing over-consumption for the few. The 1AC represents a new way of framing energy discussions that exposes how energy exclusions under security regimes hide inequality and perpetuate conflictsHildyard et al 12 Nicholas, The Corner House, Larry Lohmann and Sarah Sexton.12 Energy Security For Whom? For What? February 2012 Both the word "energy" and the word "security" have in fact AND about, and organisation for, a democratic, fossil-free future. Only by STARTING from the perspective of the survival of the commons will we create truly pragmatic politics. Public debate must seize the understanding of "Energy Security" away from corporate interests.Hildyard et al 12 Nicholas, The Corner House, Larry Lohmann and Sarah Sexton.12 Energy Security For Whom? For What? February 2012 In the bewildering, sometimes frightening, talk about "energy security" that bombards AND "energy security" and the most pragmatic starting point for practical action. Plan: The United States federal government should provide cash grants to nontaxable entities and individuals for distributed generation of solar power in the United States and require that they receive compensation above the avoided cost rate for the power they place on the grid. Distributed generation creates community-based people’s energy movements, which expand the meaning of democratic participation and revamp institutional structures that have failed to respond to their constituents and be environmentally responsibleHoffman and Pippert 5 (Steven M. Hoffman, PhD, Professor of Political Science at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, and Angela High-Pippert, PhD, Director of Women’s Studies at the University of St. Thomas, and serves on the ACTC Women’s Studies Coordinating Committee, "Community Energy: A Social Architecture for an Alternative Energy Future", Bulletin of Science Technology %26 Society 2005 25: 387) Community-based energy is also seen by many advocates as a major step in AND the vitality of our spiritual life" (1977, 59).4¶ Our form of politics protects PLACE-BASED COMMUNTIES from being controlled by global corporations. Only the plan JOINs FORCES WITH COMMUNTITIES who are building a more equitable global economy Hess 9 David J. professor of sociology at Vanderbilt University and member of the Vanderbilt Institute for Energy and Environment. Localist Movements in a Global Economy, Sustainability, Justice, and Urban Development in the United States However, it is also possible that participation in localist politics may open the door AND it encourages businesses not to let economic profitability trump social and environmental goals. Microgeneration empirically creates a relationship with energy- Instead of just using it, people feel like they are "tending their solar garden." It creates public engagement with energy and makes people change their practices. Pierce and Paulos 10 James Pierce, researcher and designer focused primarily on the areas of Human-Computer Interaction and Design. I am currently a PhD student at the HCI Institute at Carnegie Mellon University working with Eric Paulos in the Living Environments Lab. Previously I was at Indiana University where I earned a master’s in Human-Computer Interaction Design. Eric Paulos, Assistant Professor University of California, Berkeley Berkeley Center for New Media Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. "Materializing Energy" Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University http://www.paulos.net/papers/2010/MaterializingEnergy_DIS2010.pdf In response to the various microgeneration technologies presented, all participants at times expressed positive AND the seasons, perhaps helping to rematerialize farming and passive solar heating practices. DG islands critical infrastructureDOE 7 ("The Potential Benefits Of Distributed ¶ Generation And Rate-Related Issues ¶ That May Impede Their Expansion¶ A Study Pursuant To Section 1817¶ Of The Energy Policy Act Of 2005" http://www.ferc.gov/legal/fed-sta/exp-study.pdf) To address the vulnerabilities of the electric system to intentional disruptions, particularly those ¶ AND to increasing the amount of distributed generation in the system (Zerriffi 2004)." Hirsh et al. 5 (Richard F. Hirsh, Benjamin K. Sovacool, %26 Ralph D. Badinelli "Distributed Generation and Momentum Change in the American Electric Utility System: A Social-science systems Approach" Electric Power Networks Efficiency and Security.) Surprisingly, perhaps, DG facilities offer enhancements for the transmission of power. By AND a large power plant goes down due to an attack.~34~ Solves cascading failures and ensures power for critical infrastructure.Andres and Loudermilk 12 Richard B. Andres, PhD, is Professor of National Security Strategy at the National War College and Senior Fellow and Chair of the Energy %26 Environmental Security Policy Program with the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University. Micah J. Loudermilk is Senior Research Associate for the Energy %26 Environmental Security Policy Program with the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University, contracted through ASE, Inc. "National Security %26 Distributed Power Generation" No. 24, Sep 2012 http://livebettermagazine.com/eng/magazine/article_detail.lasso?id=352%26-session=user_pref:42F9487313cd739475NXKWN2440B TODAY, PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES ARE ENTIRELY DEPENDENT ON ELECTRICITY FOR SURVIVAL. AND edge" capability to facilitate restoring regional grids after a large scale failure. The US local production movement spills over to the developing world and democratizes and stabilizes the global economy, improving the future of millions of people through clean energy.Marsden 10 D ISTRIBUTED GENERATION SYSTEMS : A NEW PARADIGM FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY Janet, Member, IEEE, Syracuse School Research Fellow November 15, http://syr.academia.edu/JanetMarsden/Papers/430835/DISTRIBUTED_GENERATION_SYSTEMS_A_NEW_PARADIGM_FOR_SUSTAINABLE_ENERGY Providing local power for US energy production will drive growth in manufacturing and other industries AND in addition to improving the future of millions of people through clean energy. Our anti-capitalist demand on the state uniquely strengthens movements against a flawed energy system and empowers others to demand the same.Yanity 4 Electrical Designer responsible for a variety of energy projects. NANA Pacific, Columbia, Brian, Engineering, International Socialist Organization, Socialism and the Energy Question, 4/27, http://www.upsidedownworld.org/energyquestiontwo.htm-http://www.upsidedownworld.org/energyquestiontwo.htm When decisions about energy production and consumption are decided democratically by the majority of people AND only strengthen our argument that the system as a whole is not reformable. |
| 02/15/2013 | Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 8 | Opponent: Illinois St. | Judge: Andrea Reed Status Quo 1603 Grants have expired- scares off investors. Valenza 12 (Ted, solar company adviser on marketing, communications, and public relations, “Why the 1603 Treasury Grant Program Matters to Solar and RE” Renewable Energy World.Com” Web, Acc 11/4/2012 http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/blog/post/2012/03/26-senators-go-on-the-record-we-dont-support-solar-jobs-or-any-renewable-energy-jobs, 3/16 Last Tuesday, March 13, Congress failed to act to renew the 1603 Treasury AND -scale utility, commercial, and third-party owned residential projects." The current tax code discriminates against public and residential solar- shifting away from tax credits solves. Farrell 12 John Farrell directs the Energy Self-Reliant States and Communities program at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and he focuses on energy policy developments that best expand the benefits of local ownership and dispersed generation of renewable energy. “Rooftop Revolution Changing Everything with Cost-Effective Local Solar” Institute for Local self-reliance, march http://www.ilsr.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/rooftop-revolution-ilsr.pdf But keeping solar subsidies unchanged also seems senseless. Solar developers in sunny regions like AND solar for each dollar of solar subsidy given in cash rather than credit. Centralized solar power is increasing exponentially- multiple desert projects. Ahearne, 1/30 (Jack, “2013: An Important Year for CSP in the United States” Alternative Energy Magazine. 1/30/13. Web, Acc 2/7/2013) http://www.altenergymag.com/news/2013/01/30/2013-an-important-year-for-csp-in-the-united-states-/28009 Currently, 571.16MW of CSP capacity has been commissioned in the United States AND will inevitably be mitigated in the future as CSP continues its learning curve. Plan: The United States federal government should provide cash grants to nontaxable entities and individuals for distributed generation of solar power in the United States and require that they receive compensation above the avoided cost rate for the power they place on the grid. Advantage One is The Grid Obama has invested billions in the smart grid Morris 12 (Lindsay, “Obama Administration Pushes for Smart Grid, But is Industry Ready?” Renewable Energy World. Web, Acc 9/27/2012) http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/blog/post/2011/06/obama-administration-pushes-for-smart-grid-but-is-the-industry-ready, 6/16/2012 Smart Grid is abuzz recently. The Obama Administration outlined a AND is looking at ways that can nudge industry and regulators about this issue.” that investment has failed—guarantees blackouts within three years. Huff 12 (Ethan, “Hacking Expert David Chalk says 100 percent certainty of catastrophic failure of smart energy grid within three years” Natural News. Web, Acc 9/27/2012) http://www.naturalnews.com/035755_power_grid_failure_blackouts.html Citing David Chalk, a serial entrepreneur who has created, invested and sold more than 20 businesses in his lifetime. By the age of 23 David made his first million from nothing. In addition to being a successful entrepreneur and venture capitalist, David is an award-winning marketer, technology guru, highly sought after speaker on success, has a doctorate in technology and is fully conversant in the tools and technologies that help people and businesses succeed. 5/3/2012 For at least the past five years, the federal government has been pushing utility AND Internet, and effectively without any protection, is insanity at its finest.” Environmental regulations cause unique disruptions within a year. IER 12 “Electric Grid Reliability Problems: The Result of EPA Regulations?” Institute for Energy Research Jan 5 http://www.instituteforenergyresearch.org/2012/01/05/electric-grid-reliability-problems-the-result-of-epa-regulations/ The Obama administration has a long, anti-coal, oil, and natural AND every power plant in the state of North Carolina or Indiana.iii These blackouts will be long term. Bruch 11 Michael Bruch, Michael Bruch of Allianz Risk Consulting, Michael Kuhn, Martin Weymann (Swiss Re), Gerhard Schmid (Munich Re) Power Blackout Risks Risk Management Options Emerging Risk Initiative – Position Paper November 2011 http://www.agcs.allianz.com/assets/PDFs/Special%20and%20stand-alone%20articles/Power_Blackout_Risks.pdf Blackouts during the last ten years in Europe and Northern America have demonstrated an increasing AND or terrorist attacks, the impacts on society and economy might be significant. Plan solves- islanding supports critical services. CEE 12 Clean Energy Exchange “Smart Grid sustains social services during blackout” july 9 http://www.thecleanenergyexchange.org/posts/view/smartgrid-sustains-social-services-during-blackout/6fkfnh0tce/ Keeping the lights on' can be a challenge during extreme weather and other disasters like AND fault-handling equipment and control software to ensure the smaller grid's reliability. Scenario one is Cyber Attacks- Attack on grid inevitable—a successful attack guarantees ag collapse, retaliation, and war. Habiger 10 (Eugue – Retired Air Force General, Cyberwarfare and Cyberterrorism, The Cyber Security Institute, p. 11-19)
However, there are reasons to believe that what is going on now amounts to a fundamental shift as opposed to business as usual. Today’s network exploitation or information operation trespasses possess a number of characteristics that suggest that the line between espionage and conflict has been, or is close to being, crossed. (What that suggests for the proper response is a different matter.) First, the number of cyberattacks we are facing is growing significantly. Andrew Palowitch AND based defenses, making us significantly more at risk of a major war. Ag collapse causes extinction Lugar 2k Chairman of the Senator Foreign Relations Committee and Member/Former Chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee (Richard, a US Senator from Indiana, is Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and a member and former chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee. “calls for a new green revolution to combat global warming and reduce world instability,” http://www.unep.org/OurPlanet/imgversn/143/lugar.html In a world confronted by global terrorism, turmoil in the Middle East, burgeoning AND in the survival of billions of people and the health of our planet. Military reliance on civilian grid guarantees conflict escalation. Lewis 10 (James Lewis, PhD from Univ of Chicago, Senior Fellow and¶ Director of the Technology and Public Policy Program, Previously¶ Worked at the Department of State and Department of Commerce as a¶ Foreign Service Officer, Member of the Senior Executive Service.¶ “Thresholds for Cyberwar” Center for Strategic and International¶ Studies, October 1. Critical infrastructure is a normal target for military planners, to gain tactical or strategic AND In this sense, cyber attack is a tactical weapon with strategic consequences. Decentralization of the grid deters attacks. NETL 7 National Energy Technology Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, "MODERN GRID BENEFITS" August 2007 http://www.netl.doe.gov/smartgrid/referenceshelf/whitepapers/Modern%20Grid%20Benefits_Final_v1_0.pdf)
SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED VULNERABILITY TO TERRORIST ATTACK AND¶ NATURAL DISASTERS¶ A Center for Contemporary AND increased resistance to attack makes it better able to cope with natural disasters. Scenario 2 is Readiness- grid reliance devastates military resiliency Goodman 9. (Sherri Goodman, Former Deputy Under Secretary¶ of Defense for Environmental Security and Executive Director of the¶ CAN Military Advisory Board; General Charles G. Boyd, USAF (Ret.),¶ Former Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Headquarters U.S. European Command¶ (USEUCOM); Lieutenant General Lawrence P. Farrell, Jr., USAF (Ret.),¶ Former Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs, Headquarters U.S.¶ Air Force; General Paul J. Kern, USA (Ret.), Former Commanding¶ General, U.S. Army Materiel Command; General Ronald E. Keys, USAF¶ (Ret.), Former Commander, Air Combat Command; Admiral T. Joseph Lopez,¶ USN (Ret.), Former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Naval Forces Europe and of¶ Allied Forces, Southern Europe; General Robert Magnus, USMC (Ret.),¶ Former Assistant Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps; Vice Admiral¶ Dennis V. McGinn, USN (Ret.), Former Deputy Chief of Naval Operations¶ for Warfare Requirements and Programs; Admiral John B. Nathman, USN¶ (Ret.), Former Vice Chief of Naval Operations and Commander of U.S.¶ Fleet Forces; Rear Admiral David R. Oliver, Jr., USN (Ret.), Former¶ Principal Deputy to the Navy Acquisition Executive; General Gordon R.¶ Sullivan, USA (Ret.), Former Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, and Former¶ Chairman of the CNA MAB; Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.),¶ Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut and the first Commander of¶ the Naval Space Command. “Powering America’s Defense: Energy and the¶ Risks to National Security” CAN, May 2009. Online PDF. At military installations across the country, a myriad of critical systems must be operational AND to the security and reliability of our system of energy production and delivery. Hotspots will escalate to nuclear war Bosco 6 (David Bosco, senior editor at Foreign Policy magazine, Los Angeles Times, “Could This Be the Start of World War III?”, 7/23, http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-op-bosco23jul23,0,7807202.story?coll=la-opinion-center) IT WAS LATE JUNE in Sarajevo when Gavrilo Princip shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his AND before both world wars and as Japan was in the years before World War Unreliable grid makes these impacts worse and more likely Andres and Breetz 11 (Richard B. Andres, Professor of National¶ Security Strategy at the National War College, Senior Fellow and¶ Energy and Environmental Security and Policy Chair in the Center for¶ Strategic Studies @ the National Defense Univ.; Hanna L. Breetz,¶ Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Political Science @¶ Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Small Nuclear Reactors for¶ Military Installations” National Defense University, Institute for¶ National Strategic Studies, Strategic Forum #262, February 23.¶ ¶ Grid Vulnerability. DOD is unable to provide its bases with electricity when the AND however, may not share this fear or be deterred by this possibility. Readiness solves extinction. Barnett 11 chief analyst at Wikistrat, former visiting scholar at the University of Tennessee’s Howard Baker Center for Public Policy and a visiting strategist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, former Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis and Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies (Thomas, World Politics Review, “The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads,” 3/7, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/8099/the-new-rules-leadership-fatigue-puts-u-s-and-globalization-at-crossroads) Events in Libya are a further reminder for Americans that we stand at a crossroads AND the 20th century, setting the stage for the Pacific Century now unfolding. Scenario 3 is Meltdowns Grid shutdown causes nuclear meltdowns. Caldicott 5 (Helen, president of the Nuclear Policy Research Institute, “Nuclear-war threat still very real” Interview with Martin Sieff, 18 May 2005, lexis) This would of course ruin the U.S. economy and utterly disrupt society across the country. But it would have even more grave consequences. There are 103 nuclear power plants across the United States. They all rely on external electricity supply that powers their water-coolant systems. If these were all knocked out, you would run the risk of more than 100 Chernobyl-scale nuclear core meltdowns across the United States. All the power plants have their own back-up generators, of course, AND a truly cataclysmic outcome, and it would be very easy to do. Meltdowns cause extinction Lendman, 2011 (Stephen, Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization, 03/ 13, “Nuclear Meltdown in Japan,”, The People’s Voice http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voices.php/2011/03/13/nuclear-meltdown-in-japan, accessed 8-2-12, RSR) Reuters said the 1995 Kobe quake caused $100 billion in damage, up to AND entire region. "It could be, literally, an apocalyptic event. Advantage Two is Natural Gas A false nat gas price cushion exists now that will soon burst Finger 12 managing partner of Ariadne Capital, a Houston-based investment advisory firm, 7/22/2012 (Richard, “We're Headed To $8 Natural Gas” Forbes. Web, Acc 9/27/2012) There is a glut of natural gas. Everybody knows that. There’s so much AND us to $8.00 mcf natural gas by the approaching winter. That the impact is economic decline—3 internals 1—Price spikes Adams 12 Rod, Former submarine Engineer Officer. Founder, Adams Atomic Engines, Inc., “Look out—natural gas prices in north America will skyrocket by end of 2014” Atomic Insights. Web, Acc 9/27/2012) http://atomicinsights.com/2012/08/look-out-natural-gas-prices-in-north-america-will-skyrocket-by-end-of-2014.html, 8/30 In the publications that I regularly read, it is impossible to avoid noticing that AND a very large ship can be a lonely way to spend the midwatch. 2—manufacturing Sullivan 7 (John, Natural Gas Week, 5/14, “Survey: Investors Concerned over Impact of Increased Energy Costs”, lexis) Paul Cicio , president of the Industrial Energy Consumers of America, brought his concerns and those of the businesses his group represents to Congress. Cicio testified before Congress about the impact of higher energy prices. "The US remains in a serious natural gas crisis that started in mid- AND this trend will continue so long as high relative natural gas prices exist." 3—jobs IECA 3 – Industrial Energy Consumers of America 12-3, http://www.ieca-us.com/downloads/natgas/$111bilion.doc The impact of high energy costs on manufacturing is significant and it contributed greatly to AND average and makes two-thirds of all U.S. exports. Our advantage is unique and reverse causal- The US economy is improving and building momentum now because of stable natural gas prices Bloomberg 12 Jack Kaskey, writer for Bloomberg News, February 29th, 2012, "U.S. Economy Strengthens on Gas ’Tailwind,’ Dow CEO Says," http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-02-29/u-s-economy-strengthens-on-natural-gas-tailwind-dow-ceo-says.html The U.S. economic recovery is gathering strength as cheaper natural gas drives AND rose to the highest in a year, the Conference Board reported yesterday. Natural gas prices outweigh alt causes – price stability ensures growth Dratler 12 Professor of Intellectual Property at The University of Akron School of Law, 10/8
(How Near-Term Energy Policy Could Make or Break Us, jaydiatribe.blogspot.com/2012/10/how-near-term-energy-policy-could-make.html)
Energy independence and lower energy prices would revive our sluggish economy in three ways. AND a bigger supply of natural-gas for space heating at higher prices. Economic crisis causes war. Royal 10 (Jedediah, director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, pg 213-215) Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline may increase the likelihood of external conflict AND As such the view presented here should be considered ancillary to those views. Plan solves - renewable integration keeps gas from being overused. Doran and Reed 12 Kevin Doran, left, is an institute fellow and assistant research professor at the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI), a joint institute of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the University of Colorado at Boulder. His research focuses on the legal, regulatory and public policy dimensions of energy development. Adam Reed is a research associate at RASEI. He researches and writes on the legal, policy, and regulatory issues surrounding the deployment of sustainable energy technologies. (Kevin and Adam, “Natural Gas and Its Role in the US Energy Endgame” Environment 360. Web, Acc 9/26/2012) http://e360.yale.edu/feature/natural_gas_role_in_us_energy_endgame/2561/, 8/13 First, we should gradually utilize natural gas as the generation backbone for much of AND such expansions are strategically and legislatively coupled to the deployment of natural gas. Solvency DG islands critical infrastructure DOE 7 (“The Potential Benefits Of Distributed ¶ Generation And Rate-Related Issues ¶ That May Impede Their Expansion¶ A Study Pursuant To Section 1817¶ Of The Energy Policy Act Of 2005” http://www.ferc.gov/legal/fed-sta/exp-study.pdf) To address the vulnerabilities of the electric system to intentional disruptions, particularly those ¶ AND to increasing the amount of distributed generation in the system (Zerriffi 2004).” Diversifies backup generation Hirsh et al. 5 (Richard F. Hirsh, Benjamin K. Sovacool, and Ralph D. Badinelli “Distributed Generation and Momentum Change in the American Electric Utility System: A Social-science systems Approach” Electric Power Networks Efficiency and Security.) Surprisingly, perhaps, DG facilities offer enhancements for the transmission of power. By AND a large power plant goes down due to an attack.34 Solves cascading failures and ensures power for critical infrastructure. Andres and Loudermilk 12 Richard B. Andres, PhD, is Professor of National Security Strategy at the National War College and Senior Fellow and Chair of the Energy and Environmental Security Policy Program with the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University. Micah J. Loudermilk is Senior Research Associate for the Energy and Environmental Security Policy Program with the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University, contracted through ASE, Inc. “National Security and Distributed Power Generation” No. 24, Sep 2012 http://livebettermagazine.com/eng/magazine/article_detail.lasso?id=352and-session=user_pref:42F9487313cd739475NXKWN2440B TODAY, PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES ARE ENTIRELY DEPENDENT ON ELECTRICITY FOR SURVIVAL. AND edge” capability to facilitate restoring regional grids after a large scale failure. Solves grid reliability. Bluvas 7 Kristin Bluvas J.D., Albany Law School, 2007 “Distributed Generation: A Step Forward In United States Energy Policy” Albany Law Review 2007 70 Alb. L. Rev. 1589, lexis Our current electricity grid has major reliability problems that will only worsen as demand increases AND . This puts even less stress on the transmission system and decreases prices. Fed key Bluvas 7 Kristin Bluvas J.D., Albany Law School, 2007 “Distributed Generation: A Step Forward In United States Energy Policy” Albany Law Review 2007 70 Alb. L. Rev. 1589, lexis On August 14, 2003, the East Coast of the United States and parts AND stabilize our current grid and to allow more widespread use of renewable resources. Installation will take only a few months and doesn’t link to politics. Pursley and Wiseman 11 Garrick B. Assistant Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law. Hannah J. Assistant Professor of Law, University of Tulsa College of Law. Emory Law Journal, 60 Emory L.J. 877 Small-scale renewables on rooftops, parking garages, factories, and in yards AND these promising technologies to a point of greater prominence within the energy system. Plan doesn’t pick winners. Llorens, 10/23/12 (Dave, “A Better SOlyndra—How to Double US Solar Power for No Extra Money” HuffPost Politics. Web, Acc 10/27/2012) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dave-llorens/a-better-solyndra-how-to-_b_1974797.html The Solyndra debacle grabs so much attention because it's such a sensational example of the AND money to double the number of total solar installations in the United States? If we took just the $535 million of that $36 billion program that was lost on Solyndra, and chopped it up, and allocated it properly, we could have effectively doubled solar in the U.S. (math coming later in the article).¶ |
| 02/15/2013 | Tournament: NU | Round: 5 | Opponent: Concordia BS | Judge: Lindsey Shook Offense Page EVEN IF THE PLAN DOESN’T PASS, THERE IS VALUE IN OUR PROJECT. Exposing ourselves to different modes of understanding is critical to cultivating sympathy for different ways of life JENNI, Pf Philosophy at Redlands, 01 (Kathie, Social Theory and Practice, July v27 i3 p437) The claim on behalf of academics' value to the world at large is that in AND earlier conceptions," which seems essential for growth in moral judgment.(9) An ethical obligation to prevent specific atrocities precedes ontology—the death of the "other" calls our very being into question Bulley 04 (Dan, PhD Candidate @ Department of Politics and International Studies--University of Warwick, "Ethics and Negotiation," www.lancs.ac.uk/fss/politics/events/aber/ethics%20and%20negotiation%20-%20bulley.doc) Crucially an openness to justice cannot be an a priori good thing. Indeed, AND things differently, while still accepting the exigency to prevent the ‘worst’. Their K is of the squo- the centralized grid is the ultimate Michael Dusch M.A. candidate @LSU 6 “HEIDEGGER AND DEWEY: SCIENCE IN A POST-METAPHYSICAL WORLD”, http://etd.lsu.edu/docs/available/etd-04092009-111949/unrestricted/Dusch_thesis.pdf) Heidegger tells us that technology, in its essence, is revealing. “Technology AND were collected under, and affected by, the totalizing nature of technology. No link and turn- XT 1AC Pierce and Paulos the reason we can’t engage energy is because it is so intangible. The plan creates focal engagement with the environment and energy- it is wrong to assume that only pre-technological world has the potential for focal engagement. Even if our ontology is flawed, doesn’t turn the case- prefer policy impacts. Owen 02, David Owen, Reader of Political Theory at the Univ. of Southampton, Millennium Vol 31 No 3 2002 p. 655-7 Commenting on the ‘philosophical turn’ in IR, Wæver remarks that ‘a AND the first and second dangers, and so a potentially vicious circle arises. Alternative Page Agent of the alt- Does not solve the affirmative- Perm: do both. The 1AC’s focus on sustainability can serve as a revealing power. Sabatino 07 Charles J.: professor of philosophy at Daemen College “A Heideggerian Reflection on the Prospects of Technology” reprinted in Janus Head 10(1) www.janushead.org/10-1/sabatino.pdf p. 66-67. There is evidence of such questioning. For example, even as our medical technologies AND what we see as a right and prerogative to do what we will. Turn a) - Enviro-pessimism bastardizes the human relationship with nature resulting in hostility to life Ben-Ami, 10’ (Daniel, Ferraris for All: In Defense of Economic Progress, Policy Press, page 103) However, to simply focus on individual goods or services is too narrow a perspective AND wanted nature to be brought even further under human control rather than less. b) Overcoming alarmism affirms empathy and compassion Diamandis and Kotler, 12’ (February, Peter H., runs the X Prize Foundation, chair of Singularity University, Steven, author and journalist and entrepreneur, Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think, Page 33) For abundance, all this carries a triple penalty. First, it’s hard to AND us want to close that gap are currently locked out of the system. - openness to being makes our actions meaningless, undermining individual choice Richard Wolin 1990 (THE POLITICSOF BEING, 1990 p. 154-5 Professor of Modem European Intellectual History) Once again following the lead of Jaspers, it would thus seem entirely correct to AND the disease ("metaphysical thinking," "the will to will," etc.). The alt IS EASILY APPROPRIATED INTO CONSERVATIVE POLITICS Zimmerman, Pf Philosophy, Tulane, 2K4 (Michael E., Nature Revisited: New Essays in Environmental Philosophy, edited by Bruce Foltz) One reason is that spiritual insight alone does not prevent moral failing and political blindness AND xenophobia for many years leading up to and also during World War II. Vague alts bad – neg can shift the alt in the block and mute the 2AC, killing fairness. Heidegger's analysis and the exploration of the question of Being cheapens life destroying any value to life Andrew Olesh 2008 (Martin Buber's Critique of Heidegger's Being-With: An exploration of a disagreement between two of the most significant thinkers of the 20th century Loyola College in Maryland SUNY Oneonta Undergraduate Philosophy Conference Oneonta, New York) So Heidegger’s exploration of the question of Being will therefore be an exploration of the AND not limited only to the way that the self relates with the self. The aff’s criticism of fossil capitalism comes first – ontology can’t explain capitalism – capitalism influences ontic relations Žižek 04 (Slavoj, Senr Reschr @ Dept of Philosophy, U of Ljubjana, Critical Inquiry, Winter) More than ever, capital is the concrete universal of our historical epoch. That AND Jameson offers a concise critique of the recently fashionable theories of alternate modernities: Your mode of engaging with ontology is anti material and anti-historical McHugh, Pf Philosophy at UC Santa Barbara, 93 (Patrick, Cultural Critique, No. 25, (Autumn, 1993), pp. 121-152) The general Marxist line on Heidegger is that he falsely attributes to the heavens what AND is to return to its business of comprehending a world of material objects. |
| 02/15/2013 | Tournament: NU | Round: 4 | Opponent: Fullerton | Judge: Kirk Evans ANSWER THEIR LINK ARGUMENTS ABOUT WASTE They will cause people to think their oppression doesn’t fit under the umbrella of anti-blackness- that was above. They fracture the movement that opposes anti-blackness because they play the oppression Olympics- including age, gender, class, and sexual orientation in a racial democracy is key. Roberts, 2012 (Neil Roberts is Assistant Professor of Africana Studies and Faculty Affiliate in Political Science at Williams College. Political Philosophy Theory and Event Volume 15, Issue 3, 2012) Assessing how we might reimagine discourse on Martin, Hancock’s article situates the deaths of AND — however evanescent, however staggered, and however long—to materialize. Focusing solely on race as the sole determining factor in causes of anti-blackness is totalizing and ignores discrimination in conjunction with the black body like age and gender. It ignores lived experiences of age and race discrimination like the Trayvon Martin case. Hancock, 2012 (Ange-Marie Hancock is Associate Professor of Political Science and Gender Studies at the University of Southern California. A globally recognized expert in intersectionality, she has published The Politics of Disgust and the Public Identity of the “Welfare Queen” (2004) and Solidarity Politics for Millennials: A Guide to Ending the Oppression Olympics (2011), in addition to articles in several journals, “Trayvon martin, Intersectionality, and the Politics of Disgust” Political Philosophy Theory and Event Volume 15, Issue 3, 2012) Paradigm intersectionality features five distinct, intimately connected, dimensions, which seek to take AND its short way to or already arrived at a post-racial future. b) They say every struggle, as long as it isn’t centrally focused on racism, is irrelevant. This is moral absolutism- says there is only one issue we should pay attention to. There is no way for anyone to know that ALL OF THE WORLD IS EQUALLY IMPLICATED IN THE POLITICAL ONTOLOGY OF RACE. Racism is not the defining feature of life- the lived experiences of groups based on 'Race', gender, social class, sexuality and disability and special needs are all multi-dimensional determinants of inequality – absent this recognition, radical politics becomes conservative Hill and Boxley 7 Dave Hill and Simon Boxley, University College Northampton, UK and University of Winchester, UK, Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, Critical Teacher Education for Economic, Environmental and Social Justice: an Ecosocialist Manifesto, Volume 5, Number 2 (November 2007) 6. A commitment to the development of the ethical/moral dimension of critical AND , and be informed by, 'anti-classism' and anti-sexism. There’s nothing objective about your pessimistic – it’s a particular outgrowth of culture - Their social death claims ignore that blacks are still here and we know it. Holley 1-18 -13, Eugene Holley Jr, Eugene Holley, Jr. is a journalist, essayist and radio producer. He has been published in a wide variety of publications and websites including Allaboutjazz.com, Amazon.com, Down Beat, Jazziz, JazzTimes, Hispanic, The New York Times Book Review, Vibe, The Village Voice, and Wax Poetics. AlterNet, Wake Up, People! How to Get Past African-American Pessimism in the Age of Obama Barack Obama takes the oath of office for the second time as president on Monday AND . We no longer have the option of rising to our lowest expectations. Seeing slavery as a constant throughout society minimizes historical differences Fayyazuddin 9 Ansar, Baruch College – NY, editor of Against the Current, the bi-monthly analytical journal. Solidarity, March-April http://www.solidarity-us.org/node/2096 WhHowever, this narrative runs the risk of not differentiating both gender-based oppression AND — gender-based oppression in general does not strike me as useful. Whiteness isn’t unstoppable – nor is it uncontested. Whiteness is productive in that it produces resistance contrary to its enactment. Your root cause claims are non-sense: A. Injustice is local BRADFORD 5 * Chiricahua Apache and Associate Professor of Law, Indiana University School of Law, WILLIAM, OHIO STATE LAW JOURNAL, VOLUME 66, NUMBER 1 However, justice is not a one-size-fits-all commodity, AND all politics is local,”31 so is all (in)justice. B. Ignores the fluid terrain power Brown 9 – professor of history and of African and African American Studies specializing in Atlantic Slavery (Vincent, “Social Death and Political Life in the Study of Slavery,” http://history.fas.harvard.edu/people/faculty/documents/brown-socialdeath.pdf) African American history has grown from the kinds of people’s histories that emphasize a progressive AND power of slaveholders, but the very terms and conditions of social existence. C. Your root cause claims don’t even explain racism – racism is multiple Ofari NO DATE, Radical Education Project, vice-president of the Black Student Union at CAL STATE, (Earl, BLACK LIBERATION, http://archive.lib.msu.edu/AFS/dmc/radicalism/public/all/blackliberation/AAN.html) Revolutionary nationalism, both in theory and practice, is a far reaching variant on AND claim that white racism is the only problem black people must deal with. YOUR LINK ARGS DON’T ASSUME THE PLAN: A. The aff is a re-configuring of modernity. Miles 9 Malcolm, Professor of Cultural Theory in the School of Architecture, Design and Environment at the University of Plymouth, UK. Aesthetics in a Time of Emergency, Third Text, 23:4, 421-433 The spread of rhizomes is likened to that of critical attitudes in what Ala Plástica AND culture not art, but the articulation of shared values in everyday lives. B. Community solar enables future grassroots organizing JURA no date Food Coop, Library, and Activist Collective in Jura, Aboriginal Solidarity, Jura Safer Spaces Policy, Womin and Feminism in Jura, Autonomous Organising of Oppressed Groups, http://www.jura.org.au/node/1496 Many people in the Jura community are actively fighting climate change and building the grassroots AND valuable step, in transitioning society towards principles like sustainability and decentralised collectivism. C. Your mineral-use arguments are more applicable to the SQ – our aff allows developing countries to leapfrog away from resource-intensive energy Propp 13 , Joshua M., Pomona College "Incentives for Distributed Generation in California: The Rise of Third-Party Solar Development" Paper 82. http://scholarship.claremont.edu/pomona_theses/82 His focus on the future of energy procurement recommends broad decentralization of contemporary “elite AND to leapfrog centralized resource-extractive landscapes directly into the Third Industrial Revolution. You should prefer lived-experience which proves the resistance of current Black communities Alston 3 – Alston, IAS board member, member of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army, talk given on October 24th, at Hunter College in New York City. This event was organized by the Institute for Anarchist Studies and co-sponsored by the Student Liberation Action Movement of the City University of New York. http://propertyistheft.wordpress.com/2009/09/28/black-anarchism/ One of the most important lessons I also learned from anarchism is that you need AND no one answer: we’ve got to work it out as we go. Your criticisms of civil society are too pessimistic and ignore the life altering possibility of current activists Eschle and Maiguashca 7 --Catherine Eschle, Department of Government, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Bice Maiguashca, Department of Politics, University of Exeter, Exeter, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Rethinking Globalised Resistance: Feminist Activism and Critical Theorising in International Relations, VOL 9, 284–301 Critical theory is, in this sense, a form of ‘politicised’ or ‘ AND of its nature and significance as an instance of the politics of resistance. Their “civil society bad” arguments can’t explain environmental justice movements – and their final impact arguments assume the slave is dumb to successfully resist Foreman 13 --Chris, nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution where he was a full-time member of the Governance Studies staff for over a decade, Breakthrough Journal, Winter The environmental justice movement changed all of that, providing a framework through which many AND like Shintech, the largest domestic producer of polyvinyl chloride, more treacherous. If you believe in root causes, we solve it more than we link: the aff is critical to breaking down modernist conceptions that nature and humans are separate from each other. Powell 6, M.A. in Anthropology @ UNC-Chapel Hill (Dana E., “Technologies of Existence: The indigenous environmental justice movement”, Development (2006) 49(3), pp. 125–132,http://www.palgrave-journals.com/development/journal/v49/n3/pdf/1100287a.pdf) The significance of the relatively recent emergence of wind and solar technologies as tribal development AND development projects and increased decentralization and ownership over the means of power production. The human-nature dualism is the root of white supremacy Wise 6 Tim, Wise has provided anti-racism training to teachers nationwide, and has conducted trainings with physicians and medical industry professionals on how to combat racial inequities in health care. He has also trained corporate, government, entertainment, military and law enforcement officials on methods for dismantling racism in their institutions, and has served as a consultant for plaintiff’s attorneys in federal discrimination cases in New York and Washington State. LIP Magazine, 5-23, www.lipmagazine.org Marimba Ani, in her classic work Yurugu: An African Centered Critique of European AND became racialized, with the creation of the concept of the white race. Permutation: do both-Wilderson’s conception of the unavoidable anti-black ontology only applies to certain ways of thinking about modernity, not lived relations- he has no qualification to apply this inevitability to the modern world. This way of thinking about modernity is due to the separation of different humans from nature: western ideology created people as individuals, which separated people from the environment. This distinction is the origination of racism. Only altering people’s relationship with nature solves. Wise 6 Tim, Wise has provided anti-racism training to teachers nationwide, and has conducted trainings with physicians and medical industry professionals on how to combat racial inequities in health care. He has also trained corporate, government, entertainment, military and law enforcement officials on methods for dismantling racism in their institutions, and has served as a consultant for plaintiff’s attorneys in federal discrimination cases in New York and Washington State. LIP Magazine, 5-23, www.lipmagazine.org While most of the left has long argued that capitalism is the primary impediment to AND conflict itself, which was necessary for either capitalism or racism to blossom. Microgeneration empirically creates a relationship with energy- Instead of just using it, people feel like they are “tending their solar garden.” It creates public engagement with energy and makes people change their practices. Pierce and Paulos 10 James Pierce, researcher and designer focused primarily on the areas of Human-Computer Interaction and Design. I am currently a PhD student at the HCI Institute at Carnegie Mellon University working with Eric Paulos in the Living Environments Lab. Previously I was at Indiana University where I earned a master's in Human-Computer Interaction Design. Eric Paulos, Assistant Professor University of California, Berkeley Berkeley Center for New Media Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. “Materializing Energy” Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University http://www.paulos.net/papers/2010/MaterializingEnergy_DIS2010.pdf In response to the various microgeneration technologies presented, all participants at times expressed positive AND the seasons, perhaps helping to rematerialize farming and passive solar heating practices. Microgeneration is accessible to communities of color-they’re able to participate even if they don’t own a home with an accessible roof in the community. Farrell 12 John Farrell directs the Energy Self-Reliant States and Communities program at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and he focuses on energy policy developments that best expand the benefits of local ownership and dispersed generation of renewable energy. “Colorado’s Community Solar Program Allots 9 MW in 30 Minutes” August 16 http://www.ilsr.org/colorados-community-solar-program-allots-9-mw-30-minutes/ When you subtract out shady roofs, renters, and other factors, only about AND This can reduce political opposition to solar projects and increase local economic benefits. AT: DEATH TO AMERICA Inspiration – your alt will kill it Tokar 10 Brian, Institute for Social Ecology, a lecturer in Environmental Studies at the University of Vermont. principal organizer of the widely publicized "biodevastation" protests, Vermont Genetic Engineering Action Network, Perspectives in Anarchist Theory (2010) Movements for Climate Action: Toward Utopia or Apocalypse? If technological fixes are insufficient to usher in an age of renewable technologies, is AND an oppressive status quo and act to take the future into their hands. Global justice activists all around the world think your alternative is stupid Tokar 10 Brian, Institute for Social Ecology, a lecturer in Environmental Studies at the University of Vermont. principal organizer of the widely publicized "biodevastation" protests, Vermont Genetic Engineering Action Network, Perspectives in Anarchist Theory (2010) Movements for Climate Action: Toward Utopia or Apocalypse? From the Zapatistas of southeastern Mexico, who have inspired global justice activists worldwide since AND transition toward a more harmonious, more humane and ecological way of life. Your “alt first” arguments aren’t feasible and the aff is better Ackerly and Vandenbergh 8 -- BROOKE ACKERLY, Professor of Political Science, Vanderbilt University. MICHAEL P. VANDENBERGH, Professor of Law, Co-Director, Regulatory Program, and Director, Climate Change Research Network, Vanderbilt University Law School. Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Summer Public and private measures are necessary to address the global justice issues that arise from AND global justice, thereby laying the ground work for global public governance solutions. |
| 02/15/2013 | Tournament: NU | Round: 8 | Opponent: Illinois | Judge: Andrea Reed We meet- 1603 cash grants are awarded after construction. Cardwell, January 26 2012 (Diane, “Energy Tax Breaks Proposed, Despite Waning Support for Subsidies” The New York Times. Web, Acc 9/6/2012) ¶ The other tax break, which expired at the end of last year and AND , senior vice president for public policy for the American Wind Energy Association. Counter interpretation- financial incentives include CASH GRANTS and PRODUCTION INCENTIVES. Sam Schoofs, Calvin College, 2004, 2004, Washington Internships for Students of Engineering Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 6 August 2004 A federal Renewable Portfolio Standard: Policy Analysis and Proposal, http://www.wise-intern.org/journal/2004/WISE2004-SamSchoofsFinalPaper.pdf, accessed 9-20-12, CMM) D. Renewable Energy Policy Overview¶ There are two main categories of renewable energy AND financial incentives 12. Seven states currently have equipment certification programs in place |
| 02/15/2013 | Tournament: NU | Round: 8 | Opponent: Illinois St. | Judge: Andrea Reed RPS- utilities can meet it by buying RE electricity from 3rd parties. Ledford 12 Peter Ledford is a staff attorney with the Research Division of the Legislative Services Office at the North Carolina General Assembly, where he works on issues dealing with energy and the environment. He is also a graduate of the Wake Forest University School of Law and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Empirical Study: Practical Considerations In Implementing Renewable Energy: A Case Study Of Fort Bragg, North Carolina Spring, 2012 Wake Forest Journal of Law and Policy 2 Wake Forest J. L. and Pol'y 533, lexis In 2007, North Carolina enacted its Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard. AND specific requirements for solar energy, swine waste, and poultry waste. 113 Can’t be set up for decades – plan comparatively faster Asmus, Analyst Pike Research, ’10 (Peter, October 29, “Microgrids: Smart or Dumb?” http://blog.cleantechies.com/2010/10/29/microgrids-smart-or-dumb/) Microgrids may be a hot topic among those forecasting key future trends shaping the world’s AND greatly reduces the need for any high-bandwidth communications over large distances. (may link to the aff?) Microgrids face resistance from utilities |
| 02/15/2013 | Tournament: NU | Round: 8 | Opponent: Illinois St. | Judge: Andrea Reed No shortage and innovation means no dependence. Dini 11 Jack writes a monthly column on science and environmental issues for Plating and Surface Finishing and also writes for other publications “China’s Monopoly on Rare Earth Metals” October 31 http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/41856 Yet, even though the rapid run up in prices and reports of impending shortages AND the mercantilist mandarins who steer Chinese industrial and trade policy.” (2) Doesn’t turn the aff- replacement materials ScienceDaily 11 April 12 Complex Composite Materials: Replacement Found for Rare Material Indium Tin Oxide http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/04/110411083748.htm Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e, Netherlands) have developed AND sensitive metals and is extremely flexible, making it perfect for bendable applications. Solar panels use tellurium, gallium, and indium which don’t have shortages- their internals have to specific to those metal, not REMs in general Barber 12 D.A. Barber, writer, Energy Trend, Rare Earth Mineral Supply for PVs at Risk March 7 http://www.energytrend.com/PV_20120307 In January 2012, the U.S. Department of Energy(DOE) AND substitutes that focus on two key industries: EV motors and wind generators. Rooftop solar doesn’t use rare earth metals- ACS 12 American Chemical Society “New solar panels made with more common metals could be cheaper and more sustainable” August 21 http://portal.acs.org/portal/acs/corg/content?_nfpb=trueand_pageLabel=PP_ARTICLEMAINandnode_id=222andcontent_id=CNBP_030557anduse_sec=trueandsec_url_var=region1and__uuid=a40f1dc0-419f-494a-af74-6fbc3293c09f With enough sunlight falling on home roofs to supply at least half of America's electricity AND in photovoltaic devices with materials that are less-expensive and more sustainable. |
| 02/15/2013 | Tournament: Fullerton | Round: 8 | Opponent: Illinois St. | Judge: Andrea Reed Republicans unwilling to support the bill NYT, 2-6-’13 (“Immigration and the Middle Ground” http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/07/opinion/immigration-reform-and-the-false-middle-ground.html?_r=0) The House Judiciary Committee held its first hearing on immigration on Tuesday, and it AND have been absorbed into the republic without being forced into a permanent underclass. Political capital not key – only a risk plan generates a win* Hirsh, Chief Correspondent National Journal, 2-7-’13 (Michael, “There’s No Such Thing as Political Capital” National Journal, http://www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/there-s-no-such-thing-as-political-capital-20130207) On Tuesday, in his State of the Union address, President Obama will do AND but to move. It’s your choice.¶ The future is wide open. Logical Policy Maker- A rational policy maker would vote to do both Obama will squander pc on nominations Thurlow, 2-5-’13 (Tom, “Obama’s Political Capital” http://www.redstate.com/tfthurlow/2013/02/05/obamas-political-capital/) President Obama blows through his own political capital just as fast as he blows through AND nominations, may be just the ticket to stall any future liberal proposals. Plan popular- a) doesn’t fund centralized projects- solves the reasons why previous 1603’s were unpopular. SolSystems 12 “1603 Grant Fails to Pass in the Senate” April 18 http://www.solsystemscompany.com/blog/2012/04/18/1603-grant-fails-to-pass-in-the-senate/ However, the opposition points to the failure of large-scale, capital- AND the Congressional opposition that highlights the loss of revenue from costly failed projects. b) accountability requirements. Cardwell, January 26 2012 (Diane, “Energy Tax Breaks Proposed, Despite Waning Support for Subsidies” The New York Times. Web, Acc 9/6/2012) ¶ The other tax break, which expired at the end of last year and AND , senior vice president for public policy for the American Wind Energy Association. No political capital spend on the plan. SolSystems 12 “1603 Grant Fails to Pass in the Senate” April 18 http://www.solsystemscompany.com/blog/2012/04/18/1603-grant-fails-to-pass-in-the-senate/ From the President to Senate, action has been taken to bring this program back AND many other renewable energy-related programs (S. Amdt. 1812). Cash grants will be seen as a compromise- they’re way cheaper than tax credits. BPC 11 Bipartisan Policy Center “Reassessing Renewable Energy Subsidies” http://bipartisanpolicy.org/sites/default/files/BPC_RE%20Issue%20Brief_3-22.pdf Because those challenges were so acute during the recent economic downturn, Bpc commissioned Bloomberg’s AND carbon energy system without adding to our nation’s long-term debt burden. Gun Control Thumps Rauch 1/20 Jonathan, New York Daily News, Guest Scholar at the Brookings Institution “Opinion Tackle immigration first, Mr. President Gun control will please the base, but it could squander political capital” Asked a few years ago whether George W. Bush had made any consequential mistakes AND with only one party’s support. Obama may yet succeed where Bush failed. Visa streamline already solved India relations VisaTo News, 11-22-’12 (“US Announces Changes in Several Visa Categories for Indian Applicants” http://news.visato.com/united-states/us-announces-changes-in-several-visa-categories-for-indian-applicants/20121122/) U.S immigration officials in India have announced various changes in their visa procedures AND energy security and to encourage female entrepreneurs to expand their businesses beyond borders. That was the key issue for CIR Razgaitis, Fellow at Edelman, 11-8-’12 (Darius, “U.S. Presidential Election Impact on India” http://www.edelman.com/post/u-s-presidential-election-impact-on-india/) Visas: This is one area where there is some friction between the countries. AND .S., something that will likely be a long and difficult process. Relations are High and Resilient India’s interest to maintain strong ties to balance against China Prabhu 12/26 Jaideep, professor of Indian Business @ Cambridge,“India-Russia ties need to be cemented with honesty” http://www.niticentral.com/2012/12/india-russia-ties-need-to-be-cemented-with-honesty.html New Delhi, however, sees the world differently. Admittedly, its defeat in AND to take the quieter option of not committing to alliances and chest-thumping |
| 02/15/2013 | Tournament: NU | Round: 8 | Opponent: Illinois St. | Judge: Andrea Reed Won’t spur new projects—obstacles make it too costly for companies William O'Keefe CEO, George C. Marshall Institute “No Credible Path for Nuclear Power”, 2/13/12 http://energy.nationaljournal.com/2012/02/is-america-poised-for-nuclear.php) If loans guarantees and production tax credits are the foundation for a renaissance, we AND accepting, nuclear power’s renaissance will remain a wish but not a reality. No solvency—a quarter of states ban nuclear power plant construction National Conference of State Legislatures “State Restrictions on New Nuclear Power Facility Construction”, December 10 http://www.ncsl.org/issues-research/env-res/states-restrictions-on-new-nuclear-power-facility.aspx) Thirteen states have placed restrictions on the construction of new nuclear power facilities: California AND nuclear facility will be economically feasible for ratepayers (West Virginia and Wisconsin). No investment—nuclear not cost competitive with other energy sources Matthew Wald, NYT Energy reporter for 30 years “Nuclear ‘Renaissance’ Is Short on Largess”, 12/07/10 http://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/12/07/nuclear-renaissance-is-short-on-largess/) Ground has been broken on only two new nuclear plants with a total of four AND does control through legislation may not go the way the nuclear industry wants. “A price on carbon would be hugely beneficial to this industry,’’ she said. But Congress has failed to approve a cap on carbon, she said, and “that may not be possible in the near term.’’ The Environmental Protection Agency is developing a rule to limit carbon dioxide emissions but could be blocked by the new Congress. “If it isn’t possible, what are the alternatives?’’ she said. In recent years, the utilities have shown an interest in about 30 new reactors, but the number with any serious prospect of being built is now down to about a dozen. Of the 104 plants now operating, ground was broken on all of them in 1974 or earlier. |
| 02/15/2013 | Tournament: NU | Round: 2 | Opponent: Pitt | Judge: Our argument is particularly true to the 1NC - using debate for political purposes tradeoffs with producing tools useful for the public. Welsh 12 Scott Department of Communication Appalachian State University (“Coming to Terms with the Antagonism between Rhetorical Reflection and Political Agency”, Philosophy and Rhetoric, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2012, Jstor) What does it mean to say rhetoric scholarship should be relevant to democratic practice? AND no less of an impediment to the production of democratically consequential rhetoric scholarship. DEBATE-SPACE-POLITICS IS TOO INSULAR EVEN IF THE PLAN DOESN’T PASS, THERE IS VALUE IN OUR PROJECT. Exposing ourselves to different modes of understanding is critical to cultivating sympathy for different ways of life JENNI, Pf Philosophy at Redlands, 01 (Kathie, Social Theory and Practice, July v27 i3 p437) The claim on behalf of academics' value to the world at large is that in AND earlier conceptions," which seems essential for growth in moral judgment.(9) They say structural violence- of crony capitalism – Indian blackouts prove local generation is key to the solution Marla 8/5 (Vijaya Kumar, electrical engineer who has designed over 600 Turbine generators that are still working all over India and abroad. He is also a long-time revolutionary. “India’s Power failure: The culprit – Crony Capitalism!” Louis Proyect, August 5 2012. https://louisproyect.wordpress.com/2012/08/05/indias-power-failure-the-culprit-crony-capitalism/) Whatever the excuses put forward by the government, years of neglecting power sector reform AND chemicals etc., and only the powerful rich farmers can go for this. b) Contesting monopoly capitalism in particular is a prerequisite to the alt. Foster et al. 11 (John Bellamy Foster is editor of Monthly Review and professor of sociology at the University of Oregon. Robert W. McChesney is Gutgsell Endowed Professor of Communication at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. R. Jamil Jonna is a doctoral candidate in sociology at the University of Oregon. “Monopoly and Competition in Twenty-First Century Capitalism” Monthly Review, Volume 62, Issue 11 (April 2011) http://monthlyreview.org/2011/04/01/monopoly-and-competition-in-twenty-first-century-capitalism) We believe that the phase of monopoly capitalism that has emerged since the mid- AND in their lives each and every day—or reconcile ourselves to irrelevance. People should get to independently determine their value to life. Schwartz 2002 Lisa, Medical Ethics, http://www.fleshandbones.com/readingroom/pdf/399.pdf The second assertion made by supporters of the quality of life as a criterion for AND ought to be made only by the person concerned and not by others. Do not evaluate their ethics without first assessing the consequences of its actual implementation. Viewing ethics in isolation is irresponsible and complicit with the evil they criticize. Jeffery C. Issac, Professor of political science at Indiana-Bloomington and Director of the Center for the Study of Democracy and Public Life. PhD Yale University. 2002. From “Ends, Means, and Politics.” Dissent Magazine. Volume 49. Issue # 2. Available online @ subscribing institutions using Proquest. As a result, the most important political questions are simply not asked. It AND not true believers. It promotes arrogance. And it undermines political effectiveness. Regardless of their original intentions, they are responsbile for the greater impacts. Sissela Bok, Professor of Philosophy @ Brandies. 1988. From “Applied Ethics and Ethical Theory.” The same argument can be made for Kant’s other formulations of the Categorical Imperative: AND even killing an innocent person, in order that the world not perish. Alt fails- can’t prevent nations from caring about national defense Kavka ’87 (Gregory S., Prof – UC Irvine, Moral Paradoxes of Nuclear Deterrence, p. 86-87) The lesson of the kidney case seems to be that one can, at most AND be quickly ousted and replaced by a government willing to under take them. Perm: Do the plan and then the alt. Double bind: either the alternative is strong enough to overcome the world plus the plan or the alternative will fail anyway. Fear is good- brings attention to peripheral issues which causes the government to devote more resources to fix it. Leboeuf and Broughton 8, Junior Research Fellow within the Security Studies Department, research assistant for the "Health and Environment: from Security and Safety Issues to New Governance Options?" research program, (Aline and Emma, Institut Français des Relations Internationale, "Securitization of Health and Environmental Issues: Process and Effects. A Research Outline," 5/08, http://www.ifri.org/files/Sante_env/Securitization _Health_Environment.pdf, p. 3, accessed 7/7/08) Be it HIV/AIDS, avian influenza, climate change, etc., many AND are launching with this working paper will focus on the impacts of the securitization Even if war, violence and disorder are inevitable, escalation and the terminal impact isn’t – approach the plan as a means to reduce the worst forms of violence. We can’t guarantee a utopia but we can keep things from getting worse Flynn, 7 (Stephen, senior fellow for national security studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, and Consulting Professor, Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University, The Edge of Disaster: Rebuilding a Resilient Nation, p. 9-10) Thinking about and preparing for when things can go very wrong need not be about AND to manage the risk actively and to respond effectively when things go wrong. Prefer our evidence citing empirical data and examples over their broad generalizations. Turn - Moving away from security creates new challengers and increases the risk of war Doran, 99 (Charles, Professor of International Relations at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies, Survival, 1999, Summer, p. 148-9, proquest) The conclusion, then, is that the probability of major war declines for some AND contributes to the spiral of uncertainty that leads in the end to war. Perm – do the entire plan and all parts of the alternative that don’t involve explicit rejection of the plan Solves best - We should study specific solutions to specific problems – The critique of security consigns us to academic irrelevance and decimates politics Walt 91 (Stephen, Professor at the University of Chicago, International Studies Quarterly 35) Yet the opposite tendency may pose an even greater danger. On the whole, AND best served by increased dialogue between different methodological approaches (Downs, 1989). Vague alts bad – neg can shift the alt in the block and mute the 2AC, killing fairness. Alt fails - abandoning security impossible Kavka ’87 (Gregory S., Prof – UC Irvine, Moral Paradoxes of Nuclear Deterrence, p. 86-87) The lesson of the kidney case seems to be that one can, at most AND be quickly ousted and replaced by a government willing to under take them. Perm: Do the plan and then the alt. Double bind: either the alternative is strong enough to overcome the world plus the plan or the alternative will fail anyway. Environmental securitization key to solve - brings attention to peripheral issues which causes the government to devote more resources to fix it. Leboeuf and Broughton 8, Junior Research Fellow within the Security Studies Department, research assistant for the "Health and Environment: from Security and Safety Issues to New Governance Options?" research program, (Aline and Emma, Institut Français des Relations Internationale, "Securitization of Health and Environmental Issues: Process and Effects. A Research Outline," 5/08, http://www.ifri.org/files/Sante_env/Securitization _Health_Environment.pdf, p. 3, accessed 7/7/08) Be it HIV/AIDS, avian influenza, climate change, etc., many AND this working paper will focus on the impacts of the securitization process.1 |
| 02/15/2013 | Tournament: NU | Round: 8 | Opponent: Illinois St. | Judge: Andrea Reed States links to politics- Obama gets blowback. Kiely 12 EUGENE KIELY, Washington assignment editor USA today, February 17, 2012 Factcheck.org “Did Obama ‘Approve’ Bridge Work for Chinese Firms?” http://www.factcheck.org/2012/02/did-obama-approve-bridge-work-for-chinese-firms/ Who’s to blame, if that’s the right word, if the project ends up AND spending taxpayer money on Chinese firms to build U.S. bridges. 3. Rollback of state policies under the commerce clause will happen-leaves grids open to attack. Ferrey 2004 – Professor of Law, Suffolk University Law School (SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, AND STATES' RIGHTS: DISCERNING THE ENERGY FUTURE THROUGH THE EYE OF THE DORMANT COMMERCE CLAUSE, 12 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 507, Lexis) We are embarked on a significant and ultimately inevitable transition from fossil fuels to renewable AND constitutional violations can the energy future be founded on a truly sustainable base. 4. Perm do both- a) simultaneous state action shields the link to politics b) Solves best- federal oversight key to overcome state obstacles. Baker-Branstetter, 2011 (Shannon, “ARTICLE: DISTRIBUTED RENEWABLE GENERATION: THE TRIFECTA OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS TO CURB CARBON EMISSIONS, REDUCE POLLUTANTS, AND EMPOWER RATEPAYERS”. Villanova Environmental Law Journal. Shannon Baker-Branstetter serves as policy counsel for Consumers Union and is a member of the California Bar. She earned her undergraduate degree from Yale University, Master's in Public Policy from the University of California, Los Angeles, and J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center.) Lexis. Federal interconnection standards minimize discrimination against new generators, expedite the process for new generators AND fair playing field for DRG against traditional sources and owners of electricity services. 6. Turn- regulators A) CP empowers regulators who oppose the plan Vaheesan 12 Sandeep Vaheesan Associate, Vinson and Elkins, Washington, D.C.; J.D., Duke University, 2010; M.A., Duke University, Department of Economics, 2010 “PREEMPTING PAROCHIALISM AND PROTECTIONISM IN POWER” Winter, 2012 Harvard Journal on Legislation 49 Harv. J. on Legis. 87, lexis The market expansion function of transmission can reduce the profitability of generators possessing market power AND expense of in-state residents who would benefit from lower power prices. 7. Turn- utilities a) state policies cause utilities to support centralized renewable farms- turns the counterplan. Pursley and Wiseman –11 Garrick, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, and Hannah, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Tulsa College of Law, “Local Energy”, Emory Law Journal, 60 Emory L.J. 877 Currently, many states have chosen to adopt policies that empower local governments to experiment AND of local hazardous waste rules that are more restrictive than statewide standards. n391 b) utility companies footdrag implementation- Bronin 10 Sara C. Bronin Associate Professor of Law, University of Connecticut “Curbing Energy Sprawl with Microgrids” December, 2010 Connecticut Law Review 43 Conn. L. Rev. 547 lexis Utility companies, which tend to object to distributed generation-and, by extension AND , utilities argue, these costs would be passed on to the consumer. 8. Federal action key- overcomes resistance at the state level. Vaheesan 12 Sandeep Vaheesan Associate, Vinson and Elkins, Washington, D.C.; J.D., Duke University, 2010; M.A., Duke University, Department of Economics, 2010 “PREEMPTING PAROCHIALISM AND PROTECTIONISM IN POWER” Winter, 2012 Harvard Journal on Legislation 49 Harv. J. on Legis. 87, lexis Although NIMBY and protectionist opponents would still have a forum in which to resist transmission AND of constructing transmission lines are likely to have equal and offsetting political clout. 9. California spending DA- a) Budget cuts happening in California to stabilize the economy- counterplan is a reversal of that. Lin, 5/15/2012 (Judy, “Jerry Brown on Claifornia’s Budget Deficit: ‘Cutting Alone Really Doesn’t Do It’ Huffington Post. Web, Acc 11/4/2012) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/15/jerry-brown-california-budget-deficit_n_1518050.html Brown said the cuts are real and will impact every school in the state. AND protests as courses have been cut and tuition has soared in recent years. b) Abandoning cuts means lawmakers impose job killing regulations and tax hikes. McSwain, 11/4/2012 (Dan, “Focus on Fiscal Integrity Must Continue” UT San Diego. Web, ACc 11/4/2012) http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2012/nov/04/tp-focus-on-fiscal-integrity-must-continue/?page=1#article Fiscal integrity won’t come easy. Public employee unions are again backing politicians who will AND the fire.¶ Here’s why: The economy didn’t cause our budget woes.¶ c) Collapses the economy. Navarro 08, Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University (Peter, 8-15, "California nightmare for the global economy?," http:// www.sfgate.com/opinion/article/California-nightmare-for-the-global-economy3273234.php, 7/11/12, AH) Will the California budget crisis tip the United States into recession? The California economy AND noting that California provides close to 13 percent of America's real GDP growth. 10. No solvency- overlapping state jurisdictions. Wells, 10/25/2012 (Ken, “Solar Energy is Ready. The US Isn’t” Bloomberg News. Web, Acc 10/27/2012) http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-10-25/solar-energy-is-ready-dot-the-u-dot-s-dot-isnt#p2 By contrast, the U.S. has more than 18,000 jurisdictions AND which would make homegrown solar competitive with commercial power rates in many states. |
| 02/22/2013 | Tournament: Districts | Round: One | Opponent: Fresno St. | Judge: Sean Kennedy LEAPFROGGING ADV Micro-generation creates a new blue-print for developing countries – creating a model that allows developing countries to lead-frog away from resource intensive societies Propp 13 , Joshua M., Pomona College "Incentives for Distributed Generation in California: The Rise of Third-Party Solar Development" Paper 82. http://scholarship.claremont.edu/pomona_theses/82 His focus on the future of energy procurement recommends broad decentralization of contemporary “elite AND to leapfrog centralized resource-extractive landscapes directly into the Third Industrial Revolution. THE IMPACT IS the death of a MILLION PEOPLE A YEAR Foreman 13 --Chris, nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution where he was a full-time member of the Governance Studies staff for over a decade, Breakthrough Journal, Winter By contrast, providing energy to heat a cold home, cool an overheated one AND global poor would pay enormous dividends for both the poor and the climate. The movement to local production democratizes the global economy Marsden 10 D ISTRIBUTED GENERATION SYSTEMS : A NEW PARADIGM FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY Janet, Member, IEEE, Syracuse School Research Fellow November 15, http://syr.academia.edu/JanetMarsden/Papers/430835/DISTRIBUTED_GENERATION_SYSTEMS_A_NEW_PARADIGM_FOR_SUSTAINABLE_ENERGY The transport of energy via pipelines and transmission lines over thousands of miles is inefficient AND in addition to improving the future of millions of people through clean energy. The aff is more than the plan – it’s an attmpt to push for a new ethos of economic life that attempts to exploit current vulnerabilities within capitalism through the identification of multiple sites of action Connolly 12 William E. Krieger-Eisenhower Professor at Johns Hopkins University where he teaches political theory. Political Philosophy Theory and Event Volume 15, Issue 1, The point now, however, is not to examine closely what must be done AND coded shifts in citizen role performances, social movements, and state action. The belief that capitalism absorbs everything we do is a debilitating disease of the left that refuses to understand how a new ethos can be infused inside markets, consumption and the state. Only the refusal of god stories can enable new forms of self-organization. Connolly 12 William E. Krieger-Eisenhower Professor at Johns Hopkins University where he teaches political theory. Political Philosophy Theory and Event Volume 15, Issue 1, Those theorists who complain all the time about the “externalities” that have messed AND , can promote collapse or inspire a new bout of self-organization. The refusal to participate in the state cedes too much power to neoliberalism Connolly 12 William E. Krieger-Eisenhower Professor at Johns Hopkins University where he teaches political theory. Political Philosophy Theory and Event Volume 15, Issue 1, The democratic state, while it certainly cannot alone tame capital or reconstitute the ethos AND build upon the latter developments as it works to reduce the former pressures. Pure critique produces cynicism Connolly 12 William E. Krieger-Eisenhower Professor at Johns Hopkins University where he teaches political theory. Political Philosophy Theory and Event Volume 15, Issue 1, I am sure that the forgoing comments will appear to some as “optimistic” AND media and corporations, electoral politics, and cross-state citizen actions. |
| 02/23/2013 | Tournament: Districts | Round: 4 | Opponent: Fullerton | Judge: Izak Dunn Natives 1AC (7:00) Contention One is the Status Quo The federal government is willing to deny American Indian control over solar power if the land lease or sale lasts longer than seven years or if the federal government deems that tribal decisions about solar power affects a federal trust resource Dreveskracht 11 Ryan D. Dreveskracht is an attorney focusing on tribal economic development and defending tribal sovereignty. He holds an LL.M. in Sustainable International Development from the University of Washington, THE JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND DEVELOPMENT, “Economic Development, Native Nations, and Solar Projects,” January Volume 34, Number 2 As a part of its federally mandated ‘‘right of consent’’ a tribe or tribally AND BLM has pledged only to take into account the most essential factors.116 State governments use the concept of “significant in-state benefit” to block power generation expansion within native territories Dreveskracht 11 Ryan D. Dreveskracht is an attorney focusing on tribal economic development and defending tribal sovereignty. He holds an LL.M. in Sustainable International Development from the University of Washington, THE JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND DEVELOPMENT, “Economic Development, Native Nations, and Solar Projects,” January Volume 34, Number 2 A major source of the problem is the bureaucratic process whereby states (and in AND large a benefit the proposed plant may provide on a regional basis.’’105 Contention Two is Tribal Sovereignty Solar developments spur American Indian independence from outside energy investors that undermine culture and sovereignty. Dreveskracht 11 Ryan D. Dreveskracht is an attorney focusing on tribal economic development and defending tribal sovereignty. He holds an LL.M. in Sustainable International Development from the University of Washington, THE JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND DEVELOPMENT, “Economic Development, Native Nations, and Solar Projects,” January Volume 34, Number 2 Of real benefit to tribes with solar developments is energy independence.141 In the AND distance transportation is needed. Tribes already have some of the framework available. Conventional energy generation disproportionately affects American Indians- mining and fossil fuel develpments wreak havoc on their ways of life. Dreveskracht 11 Ryan D. Dreveskracht is an attorney focusing on tribal economic development and defending tribal sovereignty. He holds an LL.M. in Sustainable International Development from the University of Washington, THE JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND DEVELOPMENT, “Economic Development, Native Nations, and Solar Projects,” January Volume 34, Number 2 Native peoples are ‘‘directly and disproportionately affected’’ by the by-products of conventional AND and fossil-fuel development in Indian country are likely to persist indefinitely. First is poverty- Plan is accessible to impoverished American Indian communities. Dreveskracht 11 Ryan D. Dreveskracht is an attorney focusing on tribal economic development and defending tribal sovereignty. He holds an LL.M. in Sustainable International Development from the University of Washington, THE JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND DEVELOPMENT, “Economic Development, Native Nations, and Solar Projects,” January Volume 34, Number 2 Because AND solar projects Poverty on American Indian reservations is equivalent to an ongoing genocide. Churchill ’03 (Ward, American Writer and Political Activist, former professor of ethnic studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Routledge,Acts of Rebellion: The Ward Churchill Reader pg 70-1) All of this is, unfortunately, on paper. The practical reality is that AND provided for a semblance of postoperational clean up of mining and processing sites. Next is Casino Representations The aff is a form of public engagement about forms of American Indian survival that aren’t the casino economy. This is key to changing societal stereotypes about native agency. Dreveskracht 11 Ryan D. Dreveskracht is an attorney focusing on tribal economic development and defending tribal sovereignty. He holds an LL.M. in Sustainable International Development from the University of Washington, THE JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND DEVELOPMENT, “Economic Development, Native Nations, and Solar Projects,” January Volume 34, Number 2 In fact, no current incident of continued economic development has been found where a AND achieve its sociocultural goals, and support its sovereignty and governing process.’’53 We should examine the historical context of American Indians- characterizing their continued survival merely in the context of the casiono rich Indians effaces native history. Joyce Ann Kievit (Editor of H-AmIndian and teaches American Indian history at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. “A Discussion of Scholarly Responsibilities to Indigenous Communities” The American Indian Quarterly 27.1and2 (2003) 3-45) The role of the discipline of history is crucial in a Native American studies curriculum AND responsibility to document that survival so that it will continue in the future. Next is structural violence- The status quo allows for cycles of structural violence to occur on American Indian lands---sovereign development of renewable energy is necessary to combat fossil fuel colonialism Gough 9 Intertribal Council On Utility Policy; paper submitted by Honor the Earth, the Intertribal Council on Utility Policy, the Indigenous Environmental Network, and the International Indian Treaty Council (Bob, Energy Justice in Native America, A Policy Paper for Consideration by the Obama Administration and the 111th Congress, www.mynewsletterbuilder.com/email/newsletter/1409857447) A just nation-to-nation relationship means breaking the cycle of asking Native AND the future, providing a unique opportunity for stabilizing an energy intensive economy. Failure to recognize colonial domination of Native’s is the root of war---hegemony is a narcissistic fantasy that makes conflict inevitable Street 4 member of the International Organization for a Participatory Society1 and holds a doctorate in U.S. History from Binghamton University. Author of many books and former Director of Research and Vice President for Research and Planning at the Chicago Urban League (Paul, Those Who Deny The Crimes of the Past: American Racist Atrocity Denial 101, http://www.blackcommentator.com/82/82_think_street.html) Americans are clearly faced with a choice. On the one hand, they can AND roamed by an immeasurably more civilized people than those who came to destroy. Contention Three is Solvency The United States federal government should remove all federal and state conditions on solar development in American Indian lands. Kronk 12 Elizabeth Ann Kronk Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law. J.D., University of Michigan School of Law; B.S., Cornell University “Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended "Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development" and the Resulting Need for Reform” 2012 Pace University School of Law Pace Environmental Law Review Spring, 2012 Pace Environmental Law Review 29 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 811, lexis A. One Potential Avenue for Effective Reform: Empower Tribal Governments to Make Decisions AND to provide adequate oversight to effectively manage resource development in Indian country. n160 The plan is the only way to prevent conflict and prevent state governments from preempting the implementation of solar projects in American Indian country. Federal preemption is an explicit federal recognition of sovereignty Dreveskracht 11 Ryan D. Dreveskracht is an attorney focusing on tribal economic development and defending tribal sovereignty. He holds an LL.M. in Sustainable International Development from the University of Washington, THE JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND DEVELOPMENT, “Economic Development, Native Nations, and Solar Projects,” January Volume 34, Number 2 Obama’s hopes of a ‘‘clean energy economy’’ will not be realized unless the current AND ’’161 However, as we have seen, this is not the case. sovereignty is key to maintain culture, sustain American Indian economies, undermine capitalist interests, re-educate the American public and achieve self-determination Dreveskracht 11 Ryan D. Dreveskracht is an attorney focusing on tribal economic development and defending tribal sovereignty. He holds an LL.M. in Sustainable International Development from the University of Washington, THE JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND DEVELOPMENT, “Economic Development, Native Nations, and Solar Projects,” January Volume 34, Number 2 In fact, no current incident of continued economic development has been found where a AND achieve its sociocultural goals, and support its sovereignty and governing process.’’53 Solar power can become a tool to resist current energy imperialism, four reasons: A. Institution building – American Indian government solar projects are conduits for capable institutions, practical sovereignty, and cultural integrity. B. Reduced environmental impact: Small-scale solar energy projects displace conventional types of electricity generation, substantially decreasing environmental impact. C. Energy access: solar is the most efficient way to expand access to poor and remote areas on American Indian lands that are currently not served by electricity D. Selling excess power: small-scale solar developments can supply income for American indians that have access to the grid as they can sell their excess power to traditional utilities Dreveskracht 11 Ryan D. Dreveskracht is an attorney focusing on tribal economic development and defending tribal sovereignty. He holds an LL.M. in Sustainable International Development from the University of Washington, THE JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND DEVELOPMENT, “Economic Development, Native Nations, and Solar Projects,” January Volume 34, Number 2 It is incumbent upon tribal governments and non-Indians alike to realize that there AND the grid as they can sell their excess power to traditional utilities.77 The ability for American Indians to contract on their own is a sovereignty-expanding too. Dreveskracht 11 Ryan D. Dreveskracht is an attorney focusing on tribal economic development and defending tribal sovereignty. He holds an LL.M. in Sustainable International Development from the University of Washington, THE JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND DEVELOPMENT, “Economic Development, Native Nations, and Solar Projects,” January Volume 34, Number 2 A very viable paradigm would be a photovoltaic (PV) panel-system on AND that contracting has become an important sovereignty-expanding tool for Native Nations. overfocusing on forms of western knowledge production is harmful and ignorant of American Indian relationships to nature. CHANG 92 -- Professor of Law at U of Hawaii, has done extensive work in the development of water rights and the state water code. He served as a Deputy Attorney General and represented Chief Justice William S. Richardson in a number of critical property rights cases. He also helped to found the Native Hawaiian Advisory Commission where he also served as Litigation Director. Williamson B.C., The "Wasteland" in the Western Exploitation of "Race" and the Environment, 63 U. Colo. L. Rev. 849, 866 The core of the Western environmental movement is derived from the present stage of the AND nature was essential. Nature was seen as abundant, providing and nurturing. American Indian genocide is a question of colonialism that cannot be explained by racism. LaVelle 1 Associate Professor of Law, the University of South Dakota School of Law. J, John P, Great Plains Natural Resources Journal, Spring / Summer A similar commitment to respecting tribal interests and obviating colonialism must be at the top AND as "just compensation" for the dispossession of sacred tribal lands. n124 aff is not a defense of civil society – IEM is key to contest power of the state Clark 2, -- Brett, Professor Sociology and Anthropology – NC State, “The indigenous environmental movement in the United States”, Organization and Environment, Vol. 15, pg. 4 The historical conditions of indigenous peoples add to the longevity of this movement. The AND that will create space outside of the dominant capital ist-racist society. The plan is a demand of respect from the government- this draws attention to Native genocide and creates an understanding of their way of life and a respect for Native culture LaVelle 1 Associate Professor of Law, the University of South Dakota School of Law. J, John P, Great Plains Natural Resources Journal, Spring / Summer Professor Vine Deloria has observed that the deep bond between Indian people and tribal homelands AND us to examine those footprints. They are the footprints of history. n253 PLAN The United States federal government should repeal all federal and state restrictions on the production of American Indian solar power. |
| 02/23/2013 | Tournament: Districts | Round: 4 | Opponent: Fullerton | Judge: Izak Dunn Putting every political project on hold in the name of anti-blackness enslaves struggles of indigenous populations these and other religiously persecuted bodies are ignored because their presence is more divisive. French anti-racists, for example, mobilize for the cause of the Sans-papiers but abandon the plight of the French Muslim. The aff’s form of understanding all of the world in the context of the social death of the slave is itself a form of slavery. Bouteldja and Khiari, 11 (Houria and Sadri, “What is universal anti-racism good for?” Decolonial Translation Group. 7/13/2011. Web, Acc 1/15/2013) http://www.decolonialtranslation.com/english/what-is-universal-anti-racism-good-for.html
Can a unified anti-racism exist without excluding indigenous people?¶ The opposite AND exist other than as a defenseless, outside body, to be protected. Aff solves the k and our disad, a few key arguments a)Indigenous autonomy- extend Dreveskracht You should reject the affirmative’s attempted to occupy the lowest common denominator in the struggle against racism. Truly transforming power structures requires the mobilization and autonomization of every group racism effects. Asserting the inescabability of anti-blackness is a new form of pessimist mastery that that totalizes anti-whiteness movements, ignores their progress, and ends the search for better conditions. The black body is NO LONGER DENIED ONGOLOGICAL STATUS IN THE SAME WAY AS DURING THE SLAVE YEARS. The political ontology of race is not fixed. Additionally, they have no evidence that internalization of social death is WIDESPREAD THROUGH BLACK CULTURE. Even if they’re right, the internalization of despair is not unique to the black body- Kurds, Indigenous, and other groups experience the same internalization. This proves that the aff is better. Holley 1-18 -13, Eugene Holley Jr, Eugene Holley, Jr. is a journalist, essayist and radio producer. He has been published in a wide variety of publications and websites including Allaboutjazz.com, Amazon.com, Down Beat, Jazziz, JazzTimes, Hispanic, The New York Times Book Review, Vibe, The Village Voice, and Wax Poetics. AlterNet, Wake Up, People! How to Get Past African-American Pessimism in the Age of Obama Barack Obama takes the oath of office for the second time as president on Monday AND . We no longer have the option of rising to our lowest expectations. Extend Lavelle- native genocide is explained by colonialism, not racism- the Kritik risks the term losing value because the misapply it. They cannot turn or solve the aff. Your root cause claims represent a new type of assimilation, re-creating racism against native peoples AND claims of sovereignty are more frightening to oppressors than charges of racism CHANG 92 -- Professor of Law at U of Hawaii, has done extensive work in the development of water rights and the state water code. He served as a Deputy Attorney General and represented Chief Justice William S. Richardson in a number of critical property rights cases. He also helped to found the Native Hawaiian Advisory Commission where he also served as Litigation Director. Williamson B.C., The "Wasteland" in the Western Exploitation of "Race" and the Environment, 63 U. Colo. L. Rev. 849, 866 Thus the left, particularly left "people of color," must confront the possibility AND they threaten the property rights of private citizens who benefit from these lands. They will cause people to think their oppression doesn’t fit under the umbrella of anti-blackness- that was above. They fracture the movement that opposes anti-blackness because they play the oppression Olympics- including age, gender, class, and sexual orientation in a racial democracy is key. Roberts, 2012 (Neil Roberts is Assistant Professor of Africana Studies and Faculty Affiliate in Political Science at Williams College. Political Philosophy Theory and Event Volume 15, Issue 3, 2012) Assessing how we might reimagine discourse on Martin, Hancock’s article situates the deaths of AND — however evanescent, however staggered, and however long—to materialize. Focusing solely on race as the sole determining factor in causes of anti-blackness is totalizing and ignores discrimination in conjunction with the black body like age and gender. It ignores lived experiences of age and race discrimination like the Trayvon Martin case. Hancock, 2012 (Ange-Marie Hancock is Associate Professor of Political Science and Gender Studies at the University of Southern California. A globally recognized expert in intersectionality, she has published The Politics of Disgust and the Public Identity of the “Welfare Queen” (2004) and Solidarity Politics for Millennials: A Guide to Ending the Oppression Olympics (2011), in addition to articles in several journals, “Trayvon martin, Intersectionality, and the Politics of Disgust” Political Philosophy Theory and Event Volume 15, Issue 3, 2012) Paradigm intersectionality features five distinct, intimately connected, dimensions, which seek to take AND its short way to or already arrived at a post-racial future. Alternative Page The roll of the ballot is whoever can provide tools for the left to resist structural domination Grossberg 92 Lawrence, “Professor of Communications Studies at the University of North Carolina, We Gotta Get Out of This Place: Popular Conservatism and Postmodern Culture, 1992 p. 388-390 If the Left can give up its demand for purity, it may be able AND defeats in one place, in order to win a victory somewhere else. Their roll of the ballot is bad- by saying whoever “resists”, it makes it seem as if consequences aren’t relevant and that just intending to resist is sufficient- creates a hollow gesture We should imagine as if what we say in this room is important, but not privilege the debate space- what happens outside this room is just as important Permutation: do both-Wilderson’s conception of the unavoidable anti-black ontology only applies to certain ways of thinking about modernity, not lived relations- he has no qualification to apply this inevitability to the modern world. This way of thinking about modernity is due to the separation of different humans from nature: western ideology created people as individuals, which separated people from the environment. This distinction is the origination of racism. Only altering people’s relationship with nature solves. Wise 6 Tim, Wise has provided anti-racism training to teachers nationwide, and has conducted trainings with physicians and medical industry professionals on how to combat racial inequities in health care. He has also trained corporate, government, entertainment, military and law enforcement officials on methods for dismantling racism in their institutions, and has served as a consultant for plaintiff’s attorneys in federal discrimination cases in New York and Washington State. LIP Magazine, 5-23, www.lipmagazine.org Marimba Ani, in her classic work Yurugu: An African Centered Critique of European AND became racialized, with the creation of the concept of the white race. If you believe in root causes, we solve it more than we link: the aff is critical to breaking down modernist conceptions that nature and humans are separate from each other. Powell 6, M.A. in Anthropology @ UNC-Chapel Hill (Dana E., “Technologies of Existence: The indigenous environmental justice movement”, Development (2006) 49(3), pp. 125–132,http://www.palgrave-journals.com/development/journal/v49/n3/pdf/1100287a.pdf) The significance of the relatively recent emergence of wind and solar technologies as tribal development AND development projects and increased decentralization and ownership over the means of power production. Extend the 1AC Chang evidence- your concept of knowledge creation is hostile to natives because it bundles their consumptive practices with the rest of the West- the aff is an epistemic break the recognizes the different relationships with nature produced by different world views- this means the aff turns the kritik and embodies the alternative better than you do. CHANG 92 -- Professor of Law at U of Hawaii, has done extensive work in the development of water rights and the state water code. He served as a Deputy Attorney General and represented Chief Justice William S. Richardson in a number of critical property rights cases. He also helped to found the Native Hawaiian Advisory Commission where he also served as Litigation Director. Williamson B.C., The "Wasteland" in the Western Exploitation of "Race" and the Environment, 63 U. Colo. L. Rev. 849, 866 In short, different world views, such as those of indigenous persons, are AND planet, because such silencing promotes the denial of sovereignty to indigenous persons. Their argument isn’t appealing to broader populations. Death to America doesn’t even solve the link argument- you have to prove that that phrase could actually be effective at disempowering the state, the military industrial complex, etcetera. If death for America doesn’t change those material constraints, you have no uniqueness to your arguments. The alternative will never solve the affirmative- the 1AC clark evidence says native sovereignty functions outside of civil society- and in opposition to it- native autonomy has successfully functioned via civil society- a) Winona laduke’s article prevented an auction of native land- LaDuke 12-23 Winona, Executive Director of Honor the Earth, A Year End Letter From Winona, http://www.honorearth.org/news/year-end-letter-winona We know that our work makes a difference. This year, I was asked AND prayers in the most sacred of places are how we continue our existence. b) NAVAJOS PROVES. Tribal resistance empirically prevents new mining and influences utilities LaDuke 9 American Indian activist, environmentalist, economist, and writer. In 1996 and 2000, she ran for vice president as the nominee of the Green Party of the United States, on a ticket headed by Ralph Nader. Winona, Orion magazine, January/February The Navajo people joined with many others across the country who felt that there was AND by utilities, which no longer sought to build unpopular nuclear power plants. Your criticisms of civil society are too pessimistic and ignore the life altering possibility of current activists Eschle and Maiguashca 7 --Catherine Eschle, Department of Government, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Bice Maiguashca, Department of Politics, University of Exeter, Exeter, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Rethinking Globalised Resistance: Feminist Activism and Critical Theorising in International Relations, VOL 9, 284–301 Critical theory is, in this sense, a form of ‘politicised’ or ‘ AND of its nature and significance as an instance of the politics of resistance. Inspiration – your alt will kill it Tokar 10 Brian, Institute for Social Ecology, a lecturer in Environmental Studies at the University of Vermont. principal organizer of the widely publicized "biodevastation" protests, Vermont Genetic Engineering Action Network, Perspectives in Anarchist Theory (2010) Movements for Climate Action: Toward Utopia or Apocalypse? If technological fixes are insufficient to usher in an age of renewable technologies, is AND an oppressive status quo and act to take the future into their hands. Global justice activists all around the world think your alternative is stupid Tokar 10 Brian, Institute for Social Ecology, a lecturer in Environmental Studies at the University of Vermont. principal organizer of the widely publicized "biodevastation" protests, Vermont Genetic Engineering Action Network, Perspectives in Anarchist Theory (2010) Movements for Climate Action: Toward Utopia or Apocalypse? From the Zapatistas of southeastern Mexico, who have inspired global justice activists worldwide since AND transition toward a more harmonious, more humane and ecological way of life. Your “alt first” arguments aren’t feasible and the aff is better Ackerly and Vandenbergh 8 -- BROOKE ACKERLY, Professor of Political Science, Vanderbilt University. MICHAEL P. VANDENBERGH, Professor of Law, Co-Director, Regulatory Program, and Director, Climate Change Research Network, Vanderbilt University Law School. Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Summer Public and private measures are necessary to address the global justice issues that arise from AND global justice, thereby laying the ground work for global public governance solutions. |
| 02/23/2013 | Tournament: Districts | Round: 4 | Opponent: Fullerton | Judge: Izak Dunn The term “Indians” is best—forces us to confront the history of colonialism Berry 06 Cherokee writer and producer of the website All Things Cherokee (Christina, “What's in a Name? Indians and Political Correctness”, All Things Cherokee, http://www.allthingscherokee.com/articles_culture_events_070101.html SW) Ironically, Indians, or American Indians (whichever you prefer), did not seem AND essentially does -- it white-washes history. It cleans the slate. Turn—The refusal to reappropriate exclusionary language is politically paralyzing dogmatism Butler 97 Butler, Chair of the Rhetoric Department at U.C.-Berkley, 1997 Judith, Excitable Speech, p. 162 Such dogmatism appears as well in the effort to circumscribe speech that injures, excites AND of taking the risk of living the terms that we keep in question? |
| 02/23/2013 | Tournament: Districts | Round: 5 | Opponent: Cal Poly SLO | Judge: Izak Dunn Cap EVEN IF THE PLAN DOESN’T PASS, THERE IS VALUE IN OUR PROJECT. Exposing ourselves to different modes of understanding is critical to cultivating sympathy for different ways of life JENNI, Pf Philosophy at Redlands, 01 (Kathie, Social Theory and Practice, July v27 i3 p437) The claim on behalf of academics' value to the world at large is that in AND earlier conceptions," which seems essential for growth in moral judgment.(9) Permutation: do both Turn- creates a new relationship to solar energy that causes people to change their consumption practices. Pierce and Paulos 10 James Pierce, researcher and designer focused primarily on the areas of Human-Computer Interaction and Design. I am currently a PhD student at the HCI Institute at Carnegie Mellon University working with Eric Paulos in the Living Environments Lab. Previously I was at Indiana University where I earned a master's in Human-Computer Interaction Design. Eric Paulos, Assistant Professor University of California, Berkeley Berkeley Center for New Media Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. “Materializing Energy” Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University http://www.paulos.net/papers/2010/MaterializingEnergy_DIS2010.pdf In response to the various microgeneration technologies presented, all participants at times expressed positive AND the seasons, perhaps helping to rematerialize farming and passive solar heating practices. a) Centralized monopoly electric generation is one of the most harmful forms of crony capitalism – Indian blackouts prove local generation is key to the solution Marla 8/5 (Vijaya Kumar, electrical engineer who has designed over 600 Turbine generators that are still working all over India and abroad. He is also a long-time revolutionary. “India’s Power failure: The culprit – Crony Capitalism!” Louis Proyect, August 5 2012. https://louisproyect.wordpress.com/2012/08/05/indias-power-failure-the-culprit-crony-capitalism/) Whatever the excuses put forward by the government, years of neglecting power sector reform AND chemicals etc., and only the powerful rich farmers can go for this. Contesting monopoly capitalism in particular is a prerequisite to the alt. Foster et al. 11 (John Bellamy Foster is editor of Monthly Review and professor of sociology at the University of Oregon. Robert W. McChesney is Gutgsell Endowed Professor of Communication at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. R. Jamil Jonna is a doctoral candidate in sociology at the University of Oregon. “Monopoly and Competition in Twenty-First Century Capitalism” Monthly Review, Volume 62, Issue 11 (April 2011) http://monthlyreview.org/2011/04/01/monopoly-and-competition-in-twenty-first-century-capitalism) We believe that the phase of monopoly capitalism that has emerged since the mid- AND in their lives each and every day—or reconcile ourselves to irrelevance. C) DECENTRALIZED ENERGY IS DIRECT COMPETITION WITH PROFIT YANITY 4 Electrical Designer responsible for a variety of energy projects. UAA School of Engineering, NANA Pacific, Columbia, Brian, Engineering, International Socialist Organization, Socialism and the Energy Question, 4/27, http://www.upsidedownworld.org/energyquestiontwo.htm Democratic control over a decentralized renewable-based economy is in direct competition with the AND energy-promotion advertising, which had historically overshadowed research and conservation efforts. d) WE SHOULD MAKE RENEWABLE ENERGY DEMANDS AGAINST CAPITAL, EVEN IF THEY AREN’T REALISTIC. THE COOPTION OF OUR DEMANDS CAN BE USED TO BUILD MORE SUPPORT FOR FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATIONS. YANITY 4 Electrical Designer responsible for a variety of energy projects. UAA School of Engineering, NANA Pacific, Columbia, Brian, Engineering, International Socialist Organization, Socialism and the Energy Question, 4/27, http://www.upsidedownworld.org/energyquestiontwo.htm It is the material world that determines what is possible for human beings. A AND civilization is to survive, there is ultimately no alternative to renewable energy. Perm: Do the plan and then the alt. Double bind: either the alternative is strong enough to overcome the world plus the plan or the alternative will fail anyway. Capitalism is a system that reflects human nature- individuals determine the agenda and capitalism mirrors it Mark Hunter, June 2011, Professor of Humanities at St. Petersburg College, To Attack Capitalism Is To Attack Human Nature, Real Clear Markets, http://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2011/06/21/to_attack_capitalism_is_to_attack_human_nature_99087.html (Aug. 2012) VK McCarraher's denunciation of capitalism is in fact an attack on human nature disguised as political AND he fails to put forth the ramifications of the artificial and contrived alternative. Capitalism is inevitable- it is the only system that makes sense in a constantly evolving world Joseph R. Stromberg, July 2004, Historian in residence at the Mises Institute, “Why Capitalism is Inevitable” Ludwig von Mises Institute, http://mises.org/daily/1562 (Aug. 2012) VK Rothbard saw that all sectors in all countries moving either toward capitalism or toward socialism AND - markets work and government do not. Left and right can define terms
Total rejection of capitalism fragments resistance Gibson-Graham, prof of human geography @ Australian National University, 96 (J.K. Gibson-Graham, Professor of Human Geography at the Australian National University and Professor of Geosciences at the University of Massachusates, Amherst, 1996 (The End of Capitalism (As We Know It))
One of our goals as Marxists has been to produce a knowledge of capitalism. AND its unity a fantasy, visible as a denial of diversity and change. |
| 02/23/2013 | Tournament: Districts | Round: 5 | Opponent: Cal Poly SLO | Judge: Izak Dunn Perm: do the plan and maintain distance towards the social order and to open the lack PYSCHOLOGICAL DETERMINISM FAILS – IT’S TOO PARTIAL TO EXPLAIN BEHAVIOR deRoche, Dept. of Anthropology and Sociology @ U of Cape Breton, 2K3 (John E. Psychological Reductionism: A “Model” Essay Illustrating Citation and Referencing Technique, faculty.uccb.ns.ca/cdr/Psych%20Reductionism.pdf) According to one basic reference work in sociology, the phenomenon of “psychological reductionism AND of flour, a bottle of water, and a basket of tomatoes. Perm do both PSYCHOLOGY CAN’T EXPLAIN VIOLENCE – IT IGNORES POLITICS Keown, Dept of Historical and Cultural Studies @ U of London College, NO DATE (Damien, A Response to 'The Place for a Righteous War in Buddhism' by P.D.Premasiri, http://www.buddhistinformation.com/a_response_to_place_for_right_war.htm) The first point I would make is simply to note is that early Buddhism responds AND wars occur? To reduce all this to psychology is surely an oversimplification. THERE’S NO WAY TO VALIDATE THE CLAIMS OF PYSCHO-ANALYSIS. IT IS WITCH-DOCTORING Feynman 98, Nobel Prize Winner, 98 (Richard, Six Easy Pieces) Next, we consider the science of psychology. Incidentally, psycho-analysis is AND , the number of cases in which it does not work, etc. You should affirm socio-political results as more important than self analysis Strathausen 4, Assoc Pf of German and English Studies, U of Missouri-Columbia, (Carsten, theory @ buffalo 9) Confronted with this criticism, Bourdieu readily acknowledges his tendency to "transform philosophical problems AND philosophical questions need to be explained historically and solved pragmatically, not theoretically. Philosophical argument can’t change culture- you should affirm practical efforts at challenging global structures. Ackerly and Vandenbergh 8 -- BROOKE ACKERLY, Professor of Political Science, Vanderbilt University. MICHAEL P. VANDENBERGH, Professor of Law, Co-Director, Regulatory Program, and Director, Climate Change Research Network, Vanderbilt University Law School. Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Summer Public and private measures are necessary to address the global justice issues that arise from AND global justice, thereby laying the ground work for global public governance solutions. You don’t know how everyone will react to solar panels on their roof- grants can motivate people to act and become more aware of the environment. Devine- Wright 7 Patrick chartered environmental psychologist and member of the British Psychological Society, committed to working in interdisciplinary contexts on research with significance for policy makers and practitioners. I joined the University of Manchester in 2006, having previously held posts as Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, De Montfort University. I have a degree in Psychology from Trinity College, Dublin; an MSc in Environmental Psychology (Surrey) and a PhD in Social Psychology (Surrey). Governing Technology for Sustainability Chapter 4 Energy Citizenship: Psychological Aspects of Evolution in Sustainable Energy Technologies http://oro.open.ac.uk/4026/1/#page=80 Psychologists have been critical of the dominant ‘model’ or representation of the public held AND micro-generation technologies and public participation in energy policy making and development. Individual relations is only a strategy for the middle class which re-intrenches capitalism- you are too fuzzy about power and lead to ignorance of class struggles Environment, Capitalism and Socialism 4 (www.resistancebooks.com) With the labour movement hunkered down in defensive bunkers, resisting with more or less AND tinkerings, continually grounding on the sandbars of capitalist interests and power.28 |