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02/10/2013 | Ecopedagogy Starting Points KTournament: Northwestern | Round: 2 | Opponent: Central Oklahoma | Judge: Starting with ecology as a rallying cry fails for three reasons – it creates an environment hostile to revolutionary change
Bennett 11 Jane, Professor Political Theory - Johns Hopkins University, Eurozine, 10-19, JB: Your question prompted me to go back to Zizek's problematic talk, " AND ecological thinking tends to harbour a distrust of grand and speedy collective acts.
ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENTS become single-issue movements that FRAGMENT THE LEFT.
WERBACH 4 (Adam, Commonwealth of San Francisco, “Is Environmentalism Dead?”)
Some of the things they have been taught not to think of when they think AND environmental boundaries that would allow American progressives to compete more effectively with conservatives.
Environment, Capitalism and Socialism 2004 (
Nonprofit organisations ranging from international environmental groups to neighbourhood churches — collectively called "civil AND -Green coalitions. Some at least are imposing eco-taxes."22
Our argument is not just a K of your starting point, we have evidence that says don’t do the aff: VOTE NEG TO CONCLUDE THAT ECOLOGY SHOULD NOT BE OUR STARTING POINT
YIH 90, Ecologist - New World Agriculture Group (Katherine, Monthly Review, Oct, v42, EXAC)
In sum, if capitalism is the problem, then it is logically incomplete and AND but more acutely toxic pesticides (e.g., organophosphates like parathion). WE SHOULD ACKNOWLEDGE ENVIRONMENTALISM’S DEATH. POLICY-SPEAK FAILS TO MOTIVATE.
WERBACH 4 (Adam, Commonwealth of San Francisco, “Is Environmentalism Dead?”)
The signs of environmentalism’s death are all around us: we speak in terms of AND , the sooner we can give birth to something more powerful and relevant.
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02/10/2013 | Welsh KTournament: Northwestern | Round: 2 | Opponent: Central Oklahoma | Judge: There exists an antagonism in debate – On one side, debate is always shaped by strategy, winning, debate theory, etc . The other side is the desire to influence a larger public. What the aff fails to recognize is that their desire to change the debate community is always shaped by the norms of debate. We assume that because these politics are good for us, then they’re also good and feasible for the non-debate space. Let us view the outside of the academy as more important than our debate spaces. AND let us remember that in it’s current formation, the public does not yield to the debater
Welsh 12 Scott Department of Communication Appalachian State University (“Coming to Terms with the Antagonism between Rhetorical Reflection and Political Agency”, Philosophy and Rhetoric, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2012, Jstor)
Giroux’s concluding words, in which scholars reclaim the promises of a truly global democratic AND outside the academy that there can be immediate, material, political consequences.
Our argument is particularly true to the 1AC - using debate as a form of politics in and of itself tradeoffs with producing tools useful for the public.
Welsh 12 Scott Department of Communication Appalachian State University (“Coming to Terms with the Antagonism between Rhetorical Reflection and Political Agency”, Philosophy and Rhetoric, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2012, Jstor) What does it mean to say rhetoric scholarship should be relevant to democratic practice? AND no less of an impediment to the production of democratically consequential rhetoric scholarship.
IF ECOLOGISM IS TO SUCCEED, ARGUMENTS MUST BE FRAMED IN A WAY THAT IS UNDERSTANDABLE AND ACCESSIBLEHumphrey 6 Mathew, Reader in Political Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences at University of Nottingham, Taking Ideology Seriously - 21st Century Reconfigurations
In terms of the language of contemporary liberalism, ecologism has to become a ‘ AND , excpet insofar as they contribute to the existence of ‘primary goods’. PRESSURING OBAMA TRADES OFF WITH DEVELOPING INDEPENDENT MOVEMENTSBotz 9, Authentic Labor Front United Electrical Workers and the Resource Center of the Americas, (Dan La, Working Paper: Obama, The Crisis and The Movements, 7/10,
When leftists argue for supporting Obama and the Democrats, they disorient the movements and AND - a Democratic Party administration or coalition will weaken and disorient the movements.
Reject the aff’s understanding of politics of the debate space – AS AN ACADEMIC FANTASY. Our goal as rhetorical scholars should be the EXPLORATION and PRODUCTION or inventional resources suitable for the larger non-debate public, otherwise we get lost in TOO-EASY ASSURANCES that what we are doing here – in the debate space – is necessary and sufficient
Welsh 12 Scott Department of Communication Appalachian State University (“Coming to Terms with the Antagonism between Rhetorical Reflection and Political Agency”, Philosophy and Rhetoric, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2012, Jstor)
The challenge is to resist synthetically resolving these antagonisms, whether in confirming or disconfirming AND of practical wisdom in democratic publics without absolving scholars of responsibility to them.
They are many many many examples, here’s just two:A. SUSTAINABILITY MOVEMENTS ARE GROWING: EVEN WEST COAST AND NEW YORK POLITICIANS ARE COMMITTING THEMSELVES TO A SUSTAINABLE ENERGY PATHBarber 4, Integrative Strategies Forum, Jeffrey, Making Sustainability a Political Priority,
Yet increasingly we have been seeing a movement growing across the country and around the AND on efforts by New York politicians to commit to a sustainable energy path.
B. OIL COMPANY HACKINGZetter 12 July 16, 2012 Kim, Wired, Oil Companies Spring a Leak, Courtesy of Anonymous,
Five top multinational oil companies have been targeted by members of Anonymous, who published AND their rigs and use giant hoses to melt floating ice with warm water.
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02/10/2013 | Global/Local KTournament: Northwestern | Round: 2 | Opponent: Central Oklahoma | Judge: Additionally, the affirmative externalizes through role-play – they conceive of a problem to be addressed by the state or other grand institutions, upholding the mindset that responsibility rests solely on someone else’s shoulders. This makes violence inevitable. And, this global order inevitably requires ordering – this comes in the form of violent colonialism and invasion, resulting in the never-ending destruction of all possible others The only political tool we have is our own thoughts and actions – vote negative to answer the question ‘what should we do?’ instead of ‘what should they do?’ The question which poses itself, then , is rather how we act in situations Good intentions are irrelevant – it’s the structure of political practice that matters The feminist critique of sexual violence has not only analysed patriarchal power relations as the | |
02/10/2013 | T - Increase not extensionTournament: Northwestern | Round: 4 | Opponent: Mary Washington | Judge: A – Interpretation: Increase means to make greater – excludes extending durationMartinez, 06 – Justice for the Supreme Court of Colorado (SUPREME COURT OF COLORADO, 129 P.3d 988; 2006 Colo. LEXIS 395, Plaintiff-Appellee: DOUGLAS BRUCE, v. Defendants-Appellants: CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS and KATHRYN YOUNG, City Clerk, in her official capacity as election officer for the city, 2/27, lexis)
Turning, then, to the language of section (3), itself, we assess the plain meaning of "tax increase" as it appears in that section. *995 In examining "tax increase" as it appears in Amendment AND practical, everyday meaning of "increase" is synonymous with "extension." A tax "extension" suggests the continuation of a tax, whereas a tax AND latter suggests a change that will impose a greater cost on the taxpayer.
B – Violation: the aff extends the duration of an incentive. It doesn’t create an increase.
C – Standards:1 – Limits: they could extend an incentive that ends in 2030 – no way we can predict their time sensitive advantages in that long of timeframe.2 – Ground: we can’t get good links to unique disads if your aff doesn’t happen for over a year.
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02/10/2013 | Enclosure KTournament: Northwestern | Round: 4 | Opponent: Mary Washington | Judge: The aff’s beliefs in energy switching and scarcity is a form of green education that normalizes consumption. It is a betrayal of the commitment to a wider project of social change. We need to understand the act of framing energy solutions as FOUNDATIONAL to the solution itself. Our frames should attempt to envision deep changes in hegemonic social relations and stay grounded in day-to-day realties.
Ruggero 9 E. Colin, The New School for Social Research in New York, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, University of Delaware, Radical Green Populism: Climate Change, Social Change and the Power of Everyday Practices, 11-11,
Given the obvious seriousness of climate change and depth of the problems with the dominant AND of the future while remaining grounded in day-to-day realties.
REINSBOROUGH 3, Grassroots Organizer and Popular Educator, (Patrick, worked on a range of issues including forest protection, police brutality, peace in Northern Ireland, indigenous rights, organizing director of the Rainforest Action Network, JOURNAL OF AESTHETICS and PROTEST, Aug, vol 1, # 2, http:~/~/
Cancer Kills the host. Cancer’s suicidal destiny is a product of its initial perversion AND criminalize, contain and silence dissent among the have-nots is obvious.
Our alternative is a direct challenge to the aff’s notions of Energy and Security. By STARTING from the perspective of collective security and survival of the commons, ONLY then will we create a truly pragmatic form of politics. We think rejection of your aff for these reasons does produce a different understanding of politics that’s more helpful that your business as usual approach
Hildyard et al 12 Nicholas, The Corner House, Larry Lohmann and Sarah Sexton.12 Energy Security For Whom? For What? February 2012
In the bewildering, sometimes frightening, talk about “energy security” that bombards AND “energy security” and the most pragmatic starting point for practical action.
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02/10/2013 | Russian OilTournament: Northwestern | Round: 4 | Opponent: Mary Washington | Judge: The U.S. is the world’s biggest oil importer – the plan will devastate global oil producers’ economiesMiller ‘10—assistant professor of political science at the University of Oklahoma (Gregory D., April 2010, © Center for Strategic and International Studies, The Washington Quarterly 33:2, “The Security Costs of Energy Independence,” The United States only gets about 15 percent of its oil from the Middle East AND , even those that do not sell much oil to the United States.
Saudi Arabia will flood the oil market if they perceive a reduction in US demand – crushes oil pricesEnergy Tech Stocks ‘8 1-27-2008 (“Petro-politics Expert Marcel: Saudis Have Oil But Not Enough; OPEC May Flood Market To Hurt New Techs,” Saudi Arabia still has a lot of oil; nevertheless, the world doesn’t have AND industry, the world keeps asking, “Why should we trust them?”
It snowballs - flood crushes other oil producers including RussiaMohamedi ‘3 – Chief Economist at PFC Energy (Fareed Mohamedi, Chief Economist, The Petroleum Finance Company Ltd.,” In the Wake of War: Geo-strategy, Terrorism, Oil Markets, and Domestic Politics,” http:~/~/ A more aggressive strategy and actually a better strategy for the Saudis in many ways AND of low oil price for a period of 18 months to two years.
Russian collapse causes nuclear warFilger ‘9 – Sheldon Filger, columnist and founder of, May 10, 2009, “Russian Economy Faces Disastrous Free Fall Contraction,” online: The Medvedev/Putin regime has initiated a host of policy responses to mitigate the AND the financial impact of the Global Economic Crisis is its least dangerous consequence.
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02/10/2013 | Trade DATournament: Northwestern | Round: 4 | Opponent: Mary Washington | Judge: US-China COLLABORATIONS UP IN THE SQ – they recharge the overall relationship BUT PUSHING US COMPETITION WILL diminish CLEAN ENERGY AGREEMENTSCBR, ’12 China Business Review, April-2012, “Special Report: Energy and Environment Chinese Investment in Clean Energy.” The seven bilateral clean energy agreements signed by PRC President Hu Jintao and US President AND and a sound platform from which the two countries can build stable relations. Emphasizing domestic production turns renewable energy into a tool for economic nationalism – it’s counter-productive to economic integrationHalff 8 --Antoine, a member of the Beijing Energy Club and serves on the board of directors of the New York Energy Forum and the editorial board of Geopolitics of Energy. Deputy Head of Research, Americas, at Newedge, and Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University. Stanford Law and Policy Review, 19 Stan. L. and Pol'y Rev 402 Lost in the debate is the fact that the perverse effects of biofuel production are AND lower-cost imports have aggravated, rather than narrowed, those differences.
And, protectionism causes extinctionPazner 8 (Michael J., Faculty – New York Institute of Finance, Financial Armageddon: Protect Your Future from Economic Collapse, p. 137-138) The rise in isolationism and protectionism will bring about ever more heated arguments and dangerous AND between Muslims and Western societies as the beginnings of a new world war.
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02/10/2013 | Bubble TurnTournament: Northwestern | Round: 4 | Opponent: Mary Washington | Judge: aff creates a green bubble—renewed PTC means the bubble pops and collapses the econ.Edmonton Journal 9 “Investors waking up to lure of clean-tech; Climate change furor has unlocked financing” December 30
The past decade saw investors do a tap dance to the tune of Boom and AND energy firms to drop as the bubble bursts," said Mr. Dewees.
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02/10/2013 | TopicalityTournament: Northwestern | Round: 6 | Opponent: Louisville | Judge: Jay Frank Interpretation – the aff must affirm either an increase in financial incentives or removal of restrictions on energy production through the federal government.“USfg should” means the debate must include a policy established by governmental meansEricson 3 (Jon M., Dean Emeritus of the College of Liberal Arts – California Polytechnic U., et al., The Debater’s Guide, Third Edition, p. 4) The Proposition of Policy: Urging Future Action In policy propositions, each topic contains AND compelling reasons for an audience to perform the future action that you propose. Increase is in the resolution. It means to make greater in size, amount or No Date Given http:~/~/ style="font-size:8.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:11.0pt" %) increase - Show IPA verb, in·creased, in·creas·ing, noun verb (used with object) to make greater, as in number, size, strength, or quality; augment; add to: “to increase taxes.” Restrictions are regulatory prohibitionsWords and Phrases 2004 v37A p410 N.D.Okla. 1939. "Restriction," as used in the statutes concerning restriction on alienation of lands inherited from deceased Osage allottees, is synonymous with "prohibition." Act April J8, 1912. §§ 6, 7, 37 Stat. 87, 88.—U.S. v. Mullendore, 30 F.Supp. 13, appeal dismissed 111 F.2d 898.— Indians 15(1). the aff does nothing to change current energy production—rather, their advocacy is an anology to what we should do as debaters in this community.C: vote neg:This interpretation is necessary to fair ground for both sides. The resolution is a neutral site of stasis for controversy. The topic selection process might be problematic but the important thing is that neither the AFF team nor the NEG team is able pick the exact question of the resolution. If they are they can define the debate in ways that make it near impossible for us to compete and really easy for them to win. We aren’t calling them cheaters. The point of debate is to make it harder for your opponent to win. That’s what good debaters do. The point is that there need to be limits on their ABILITY to control WHAT THE DEBATE IS ABOUT.This interpretation is key to useful debates. Argument by definition requires limits—the existence of clash in this round doesn’t mean there’s an appropriate frame of reference. This proves ground is key—not because we’d have nothing to say, but because setting the agenda makes us negate descriptive facts or moral truisms instead of collectively reasonRowland 1987 – professor of communication at the University of Kansas (Robert, Philosophy and Rhetoric, 20.3, “On defining argument”, p. 155-6, EBSCO)
The final two characteristics identified by Brockriede--a willingness to risk confrontation and a AND risk the self, there is little chance of rationally resolving a dispute. Conclusion The functional approach to the study of argumentation is valuable because it provides a clear AND believes that he or she is arguing then essentially all communication is argument. A more useful definitional move is to treat argument as the symbolic form(s AND for distinguishing between weak and strong arguments, as the functional definition does. Some will perhaps object that the functional definition of argument for which I have contended AND Traditionally and contemporaneously "argument" is philosophically and etymologically the appropriate name.
We don’t link to their turns. Identifying goals and changes isn’t the type of teleology they indict—they link more because any alternative lapses into futility or reverts to Marx-style endpointsEagleton 1996 – Distinguished Professor of English Literature at the University of Lancaster (Terry, “The Illusions of Postmodernism”, p. 106-110)
If history is fundamentally random, in the sense, for example, that there AND dim view of necessary conditions when it came to crossing the high street. The oldest teleological tales of all tend to run in threes. First we have AND of a condition which combined the best of both worlds is groping for. It may not be a feasible future, but at least it issues a salutary AND hubris and false utopia of trying to beam our actions directly at it. Teleology usually involves the assumption that there is some potential in the present which could AND too it is a child of the modernity it claims to have superseded. The rejection of so-called metanarratives is definitive of post-modern philosophy, AND , as postmodernists tend to do, is likely to help perpetuate it.
Prefer our evidence because it is more specific to the debate context. Game spaces like debate are distinct from other forms of education and public speaking. There has to be a balance of ground or else one side claims the moral high ground and creates a de facto monologueHanghoj 2008 – PhD, assistant professor, School of Education, University of Aarhus, also affiliated with the Danish Research Centre on Education and Advanced Media Materials, located at the Institute of Literature, Media and Cultural Studies at the University of Southern Denmark (Thorkild,
Debate games are often based on pre-designed scenarios that include descriptions of issues AND dialogue as an end in itself” (Wegerif, 2006: 61).
FAIRNESS IS A FORM OF AGONISTIC POLITICS. Rules don’t have to seen so cyncically. Procedural rules are just an attempt for helping people be active participants in political contest. We want able adversaries, competitive fairness, and both affirmation and negation – this is the stuff of agonistic respect.Hatab 2 Lawrence J., Prof of Philosophy @ Old Dominion University, The Journal of Nietzsche Studies 24 (2002) 132-147) Moreover, the structure of an agon conceived as a contest can readily underwrite political AND , procedural notion conferred upon citizens in order to sustain viable political practice. | |
02/10/2013 | Selfish Politics KTournament: Northwestern | Round: 6 | Opponent: Louisville | Judge: Jay Frank Politicizing the resolution for the sake of the debate community turns witnessing into a selfish act.
Understanding the benefits of energy production in terms of what it does for the debate community is the opposite of altruism. It uses a relationship with other people for the purpose of fixing the debate community.
Givoni 11 Michal, Department of Politics and Government, Ben Gurion University, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 40(1) 43–63
Witnessing was at one and the same time a protective act, a sign of AND as to become new subjects endowed with both technical skills and humane capacities.
Keep em separate
Emphasis on the debate community is not your only effect. Your aff says IN ORDER TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE DEBATE COMMUNITY, we first have to see ourselves playing humanitarians within the world. You should feel free to vote that the debate community needs to change but you should not co-mingle caring about the debate community with caring about the aff. You’re instrumentalizing the world to fix debate
Givoni 11 Michal, Department of Politics and Government, Ben Gurion University, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 40(1) 43–63
The autonomy of humanitarian witnesses, which lent their testimonies epistemic and moral credibility, AND witness that was far more calculated and reflective than presence or even sensitisation.
The only thing the aff hopes to influence is the politics that resides within the debate room – people who determine democracy assistance will never listen to academic ideas like the aff
Alford 2K William P. Professor and Director, East Asian Legal Studies, Harvard Law School. Harvard Law Review, May, 113 Harv. L. Rev. 1677
Although Carothers acknowledges that the notion of a gradual, sequenced process of democratization bears AND often ideologically ill-disposed toward the American government (p. 94).
Your subjectivity-centered focus narrows politics
Grossberg, 92 Lawrence, “Professor of Communications Studies at the University of North Carolina, We Gotta Get Out of This Place: Popular Conservatism and Postmodern Culture, p. 365-366
Identity politics is an extension of feminists' argument that the personal (i.e AND forms, legitimacy or at least pragmatic necessity of particular moments of subordination.
THE QUESTION SHOULD NOT BE THE SELFISH POLITICS OF THE JUDGE, it should be how to ensure the left survives
Grossberg, 92 Lawrence, “Professor of Communications Studies at the University of North Carolina, We Gotta Get Out of This Place: Popular Conservatism and Postmodern Culture, 1992 p. 388-390
If the Left can give up its demand for purity, it may be able AND defeats in one place, in order to win a victory somewhere else.
Caffentzis 88 (George, "Review: Power and Terror in Bomb Philosophy: A Review of Joel Kovel's Against the State of Nuclear Terror, Social Text 19/20, 305-314)
Third, we must realize that Gandhi's is an extremely "aristocratic" philosophy whose AND the reasons behind the nuclear buildup and star wars scenarios of the 1980s.
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02/22/2013 | T Energy ProductionTournament: D1 Districts Non-Qual | Round: 2 | Opponent: Southwestern MN | Judge: Aninda Chowdhury Violation—plan incentivizes hemp—not a topical energy source | |
02/22/2013 | States CPTournament: D1 Districts Non-Qual | Round: 2 | Opponent: Southwestern MN | Judge: Aninda Chowdhury State action gets modeled due to local innovation America has a long and inspiring tradition of policy innovation and activism that is incubated | |
02/22/2013 | CIR PoliticsTournament: D1 Districts Non-Qual | Round: 2 | Opponent: Southwestern MN | Judge: Aninda Chowdhury President Obama reached out to key Senate Republicans on Tuesday in an effort to smooth Incentives for energy production creates a firestorm of controversy – powerful lobbies, industry leaders, environmentalists and conservative economists guarantee political backlash Comprehensive reform is key to a sustainable US ag industry Leads to world war 3 | |
02/22/2013 | Energy PICTournament: D1 Districts Non-Qual | Round: 2 | Opponent: Southwestern MN | Judge: Aninda Chowdhury Invoking the term “energy” makes wars and violence inevitable. | |
02/22/2013 | Enivronmental Calculations DATournament: D1 Districts Non-Qual | Round: 2 | Opponent: Southwestern MN | Judge: Aninda Chowdhury Rutherford 7 (Stephanie, Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University, “Green governmentality: insights and opportunities in the study of nature’s rule”, Progress in Human Geography 31(3) (2007) pp. 291–307, RT) Green governmentality theorists propose that Foucault’s work can be centrally important in analyzing the production This form of calculation allows liberalism to kill Lundborg and Vaughn-Williams, 11(Tom, Swedish Institute of International Affairs, and Nick, Associate Professor of International Security at the University of Warwick, “Resilience, Critical Infrastructure, and Molecular Security: The Excess of “Life” in Biopolitics.” International Political Sociology, Vol. 5. Issue 4. December 2011, 367-383 RT) Bennett’s problematization of the notion of a superior, totalizing structure and her appreciation of | |
02/23/2013 | Enclosure K - NuclearTournament: D1 Districts Non-Qual | Round: 4 | Opponent: Sacramento State | Judge: Corey Turoff Clark and York 8 Brett Clark is assistant professor of sociology at North Carolina State University. Richard York is coeditor of Organization and Environment and associate professor of sociology at the University of Oregon, Monthly Review, Volume 60, Issue 06 (November) Although the ecological crisis has captured public attention, the dominant economic forces are attempting Producing more nuclear power will only create more mainstream understandings of energy security which become an obstacle to better policy-making Hildyard et al 12 Nicholas, The Corner House, Larry Lohmann and Sarah Sexton.12 Energy Security For Whom? For What? February 2012 Mainstream policy responses to such issues are largely framed in terms of “energy security REINSBOROUGH 3, Grassroots Organizer and Popular Educator, Cancer Kills the host. Cancer’s suicidal destiny is a product of its initial perversion Our alternative is a direct challenge to the aff’s notions of Energy and Security. By STARTING from the perspective of collective security and survival of the commons, ONLY then will we create a truly pragmatic form of politics. Hildyard et al 12 Nicholas, The Corner House, Larry Lohmann and Sarah Sexton.12 Energy Security For Whom? For What? February 2012 In the bewildering, sometimes frightening, talk about “energy security” that bombards | |
02/23/2013 | R and D CPTournament: D1 Districts Non-Qual | Round: 4 | Opponent: Sacramento State | Judge: Corey Turoff Solves the entire aff without increasing incentives DoD and Environmental Technology: A Successful Innovation Model¶ The impediments that new facilities It’s competitive—RandD to make technology viable is not topical—interpreting the CP to include the aff is illegitimate | |
02/23/2013 | North Korea Advantage CPTournament: D1 Districts Non-Qual | Round: 4 | Opponent: Sacramento State | Judge: Corey Turoff Solvency is their Mazza evidence. |
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Northwestern | 2 |
Opponent: Central Oklahoma AV | Judge: Ben Meiches 1NC: 2NC: 1NR: 2NR: |
Northwestern | 4 |
Opponent: Mary Washington LP | Judge: Whit Whitmore 1NC: 2NC: 1NR: 2NR: |
Northwestern | 6 |
Opponent: Louisville | Judge: Jay Frank 1NC: 2NC: 1NR: 2NR: |
D1 Districts Non-Qual | 2 |
Opponent: Southwestern MN | Judge: Aninda Chowdhury 1NC: 2NC: 1NR: 2NR: |
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