General Actions:
# | Date | Entry |
09/19/2012 | Gonzaga Neolib 1ACTournament: Gonzaga | Round: 1 | Opponent: ISU BW | Judge: Jake Ziering Current tax credits for renewables bolster the tax equity industry of banks and Wall Street firms who reap all the profit Farrell 12 John Farrell is an Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) senior researcher specializing in energy policy developments that best expand the benefits of local ownership and dispersed generation of renewable energy. Energy Self Reliant States, 4-19 A regular tax credit ….Street to finance projects. Now is the time to pay attention. NEW INVESTORS ARE CREEPING INTO THE THIRD-PARTY SOLAR FINANCING MARKET Linder and Di Capua 12 US solar financing US …. from distributed generation. TWO IMPACTS SCENARIO 1 - PRICES Coile 4 Zachary, SF Gate, New evidence of Enron schemes / Enron, which was once …the Aug. 8, 2000, call. ENRON SHORTAGES empirically have caused higher energy prices and cost billions of dollars Hildyard et al 12 Nicholas, The Corner House, Larry Lohmann and Sarah Sexton.12 Energy Security For Whom? For What? February 2012 Market manipulation and outright … the practices still continue. Independently, depending on third party Wall Street financing jacks up the cost of energy Farrell 10 John, GRIST, How renewable incentives affect project ownership, 12-7 It’s not just the owner … most revenues local. As companies financialize their debt Lipson 11 Daniel N. Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations at SUNY New Paltz, New Political Science Volume 33, Issue 4, pages 555-575 At the macro level, …most goods and services. Rising energy prices cause resource wars, inhumane austerity measures, famine, pandemics and turn America into Detroit Lipson 11 Daniel N. Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations at SUNY New Paltz, New Political Science Volume 33, Issue 4, pages 555-575 Peak oil experts predict …to lower gas prices. A cash grant prevents banks from upping the price of energy Farrell 11 (John, “Democratizing the Electricity System: A Vision for the 21st Century Grid” The New Rules Project, June 2011) In addition to limiting participation … tax credits to bankers.[10] SCENARIO 2 – WALL STREET Currently we are playing we fire. The fascination with natural gas production could produce another bubble that will send shock-waves through the entire economy Goodell 12 - Jeff, contributing editor at Rolling Stone and a frequent contributor to The New York Times Magazine and Yale University’s Environment 360. Winner of 2011 Grantham Prize Award of Special Merit. Rolling Stone, The Big Fracking Bubble: 3-1 But McClendon's worst … higher than in the U.S. The financialization of energy turns the power to decide energy decisions over to Wall Street. It’s a way of sidelining future discussions of what are society should look like and it minimizes the amount of people able to participate in energy decision-making Hildyard et al 12 Nicholas, The Corner House, Larry Lohmann and Sarah Sexton.12 Energy Security For Whom? For What? February 2012 “Moving to the market,” … “energy security revolution.” The financialization of energy is part of a larger attempt by capital to decide life and death. This form of neo-liberalism creates disposable populations and feed’s a disinterest in politics Giroux 8 * Henry A. McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada Social Identities, Vol. 14, No. 5, September 2008, 587-620 Most of these stories … the New Gilded Age. Wall Street’s understanding of risk condemns the world to poverty and misery Minda 10 *Gary, Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School. American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law, 18 Am. U.J. Gender Soc. Pol'y & L. 649 Before the financial crisis, … a failure of capitalism. Enabling individuals to become energy producers rebuilds our understanding of a global form of inter-connectness Rifkin 3 Jeremy, 2003, The Hydrogen Economy, p. 243. Were all individuals and …interaction as commercial exchange. The movement to local production in the US creates opportunities for the developing world – which has a democratizing and stabilizing effect on world trade and the global economy, improving the future of millions of people through clean energy. Marsden 10 D ISTRIBUTED GENERATION SYSTEMS : A NEW PARADIGM FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY Janet, Member, IEEE, Syracuse School Research Fellow November 15, Providing local power … people through clean energy. Our form of politics protects PLACE-BASED COMMUNTIES from being controlled by global corporations. Only the plan JOINs FORCES WITH COMMUNTITIES who are building a more equitable global economy Hess 9 David J. professor of sociology at Vanderbilt University and member of the Vanderbilt Institute for Energy and Environment. Localist Movements in a Global Economy, Sustainability, Justice, and Urban Development in the United States However, it is also possible that …. social and environmental goals. EVEN IF local energy FAILS, it’ll provide examples that the system can’t be reformed YANITY 4 Electrical Designer responsible for a variety of energy projects. NANA Pacific, Columbia, Brian, Engineering, International Socialist Organization, Socialism and the Energy Question, 4/27, When decisions about …whole is not reformable. | |
09/19/2012 | Gonzaga DG 1ACTournament: Gonzaga | Round: 4 | Opponent: Wyoming | Judge:
And these restrictions make self-generation financially impossible and discourage investment.
Plan: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission should require that customer-generators of solar power receive just compensation for the excess power they place on the grid, exempt customer-generators of solar power from interconnection tariffs and renew the Treasury Cash Grant for customer-generators of solar power. adv one—blackouts Blackouts inevitable—4 reasons Third is solar storms Fourth is cyber attacks Even if there isn’t a large-scale blackout, electricity unreliability costs $500 billion of the GDP, massive unemployment, and decreased competitiveness in trade. Continued economic decline creates geopolitical instability, regime change, and prevents the US from maintaining critical interests abroad. Less intuitive is … to those views. Solves global conflict Energy sprawl will take up nearly 70 million acres of land in the next two decades. Expanding transmission lines kills birds and biodiversity. Distributed generation solves Second—diversifies backup generation Third—solves cascading failures and ensures power for critical infrastructure. Fourth—spurs innovation and solves peak load issues. Our current electricity …and decreases prices. On August 14, 2003, the … use of renewable resources. Eighth—Treasury Cash Grant key to financing small scale renewables. | |
11/09/2012 | 2AC States CPTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1. Perm do both Perm solves- state action alone is unreliable.Baker-Branstetter, 2011 (Shannon, “ARTICLE: DISTRIBUTED RENEWABLE GENERATION: THE TRIFECTA OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS TO CURB CARBON EMISSIONS, REDUCE POLLUTANTS, AND EMPOWER RATEPAYERS”. Villanova Environmental Law Journal. Shannon Baker-Branstetter serves as policy counsel for Consumers Union and is a member of the California Bar. She earned her undergraduate degree from Yale University, Master's in Public Policy from the University of California, Los Angeles, and J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center.) Lexis. Federal interconnection standards minimize discrimination against new generators, expedite the process for new generators AND fair playing field for DRG against traditional sources and owners of electricity services.
2. No solvency- a) Only action on the federal level solves- key to the same standards and rules for manufacturers and utility companies. Bronin 10 Sara C. Bronin Associate Professor of Law, University of Connecticut “Curbing Energy Sprawl with Microgrids” December, 2010 Connecticut Law Review 43 Conn. L. Rev. 547 lexis
Congress passed this law after it recognized the need for implementation of technical standards with AND in 2005; and the Mid-Atlantic Demand Resource Initiative Procedures. 149 b) States can’t regulate distributed generation- only FERC has jurisidiction- CP is unconstitutional.
Ferrey 4 * Steven, Professor of Law, Suffolk University Law School. New York University Environmental Law Journal, 12 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 507
The application of those techniques by a state must be accomplished by means that do AND price on wholesale PURPA transactions that discriminates in favor of renewable technologies. 711 c) That creates confusing laws that prevent DG Bronin 10 Sara C. Bronin Associate Professor of Law, University of Connecticut “Curbing Energy Sprawl with Microgrids” December, 2010 Connecticut Law Review 43 Conn. L. Rev. 547 lexis
In addition to muddling the creation of microgrids, state laws also fail to specify AND investment even where microgrids might, with creative lawyering, be possible. 97
d) Utility companies will block Bronin 10 Sara C. Bronin Associate Professor of Law, University of Connecticut “Curbing Energy Sprawl with Microgrids” December, 2010 Connecticut Law Review 43 Conn. L. Rev. 547 lexis
Utility companies, which tend to object to distributed generation-and, by extension AND , utilities argue, these costs would be passed on to the consumer.
e) Utilities are more powerful at the state level than any other lobby. Bronin 10 Sara C. Bronin Associate Professor of Law, University of Connecticut “Curbing Energy Sprawl with Microgrids” December, 2010 Connecticut Law Review 43 Conn. L. Rev. 547 lexis
By raising unfounded concerns through public hearings, lobbying, and other activities, utility AND organized, or as effective, in getting their initiatives passed into law.
F) Only FERC has jurisdiction Baker-Branstetter, 2011 (Shannon, “ARTICLE: DISTRIBUTED RENEWABLE GENERATION: THE TRIFECTA OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS TO CURB CARBON EMISSIONS, REDUCE POLLUTANTS, AND EMPOWER RATEPAYERS”. Villanova Environmental Law Journal. Shannon Baker-Branstetter serves as policy counsel for Consumers Union and is a member of the California Bar. She earned her undergraduate degree from Yale University, Master's in Public Policy from the University of California, Los Angeles, and J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center.) Lexis. ¶ IV. The Current Regulatory Environment for DRG Varies Greatly By State¶ ¶ AND must apply to the state public utility commission or the local utility. 91 Only federal level resistance on state level. Vaheesan 12 Sandeep Vaheesan Associate, Vinson and Elkins, Washington, D.C.; J.D., Duke University, 2010; M.A., Duke University, Department of Economics, 2010 “PREEMPTING PAROCHIALISM AND PROTECTIONISM IN POWER” Winter, 2012 Harvard Journal on Legislation 49 Harv. J. on Legis. 87, lexis
Although NIMBY and protectionist opponents would still have a forum in which to resist transmission projects, they would likely hold substantially less clout before a federal regulator than in a state or local forum.\
As James Madison explained over two centuries ago, smaller forums are more easily AND of constructing transmission lines are likely to have equal and offsetting political clout. STATES WILL BE OVER RUN BY THE CARBON LOBBIES
Pursley and Wiseman 11 -- Garrick B. Assistant Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law. Hannah J. Assistant Professor of Law, University of Tulsa College of Law. Emory Law Journal, 60 Emory L.J. 877
The argument for empowering local governments to inspire innovation and support pioneers in the distributed AND renewable energy area may be withdrawn, making the implementation regime unstable. n393 Regulators block- they have much power at the state level. Vaheesan 12 Sandeep Vaheesan Associate, Vinson and Elkins, Washington, D.C.; J.D., Duke University, 2010; M.A., Duke University, Department of Economics, 2010 “PREEMPTING PAROCHIALISM AND PROTECTIONISM IN POWER” Winter, 2012 Harvard Journal on Legislation 49 Harv. J. on Legis. 87, lexis
The market expansion function of transmission can reduce the profitability of generators possessing market power AND expense of in-state residents who would benefit from lower power prices.
Parochialism Vaheesan 12 Sandeep Vaheesan Associate, Vinson and Elkins, Washington, D.C.; J.D., Duke University, 2010; M.A., Duke University, Department of Economics, 2010 “PREEMPTING PAROCHIALISM AND PROTECTIONISM IN POWER” Winter, 2012 Harvard Journal on Legislation 49 Harv. J. on Legis. 87, lexis
State regulators are politically accountable only to residents of their state and so typically value AND resistance, regardless of whether they are desirable from a larger regional perspective.
Conditionality is bad –1. Makes the neg a moving target- the 1ar can’t extend offense on a Counterplan they drop in the block, this isn’t reciprocal because we’re stuck with advantages2. justifies multiple contradictory worlds which destroy fairness and education because they force us to debate ourselves3. vote aff for in round abuse- conditionality skews 2ac time and strategy because it makes it impossible for the aff to generate offense and allows exploitation of the 2ac by the negative block4. fairness is key or else debate is pointless- every team would have a 50% win percentage and leave the activity
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11/09/2012 | 2AC Add-Ons KentuckyTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Aff solves the quickest impacts to extinction-a) Cyber attacks in the next 12 months-Copelin 12 (Laylan,Austin American-Statesman "Growing threat to utilities weighed" May 25, 2012 Lexis) U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul on Thursday huddled behind closed doors with AND "This isn't science fiction," McCaul said. "This is real."¶
b) Environmental regulations cause unique disruptions in the next year.IER 12 “Electric Grid Reliability Problems: The Result of EPA Regulations?” Institute for Energy Research Jan 5 The Obama administration has a long, anti-coal, oil, and natural AND every power plant in the state of North Carolina or Indiana.iii
Grid shutdown causes nuclear meltdowns AND more than 100 Chernobyl-scale nuclear core meltdowns across the United States. All the power plants have their own back-up generators, of course, AND a truly cataclysmic outcome, and it would be very easy to do. Meltdowns would cause extinction.Earth Island Journal, ‘2 (“America's Terrorist Nuclear Threat to Itself”, October 2002) The intense radioactive heat within today's operating reactors is the hottest anywhere on the planet AND core of our life and of all future generations must be shut down.
Hegemony solves war – it deters all conflicts and frightens adversaries into pacifism because they know we would overwhelm them in any conflict – that’s empirically proven by the past 3 decades of peace. Prefer Barnett – he cites calculative studies indicating that there is a percent relative drop in deaths due to war under American hegemony
You have conceded NETL in 7- modernization deters cyber attacks – signals that potential cyber attacks would have no effect. Also prevents a worst case scenario- insures supply of electricity for defense sectors.
Cyberwarfare results in accidental war Stephen Cimbala, professor of political science at the Pennsylvania State University Delaware County Campus, Summer 1999, Armed Forces and Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal The nuclear shadow over the information age remains significant. The essence of information warfare AND or escalation. Unplanned interactions between infowarriors and deterrers could have unfortunate byproducts.
The nuclear infrastructure is vulnerable to cyberwarfareFritz, July 2009 (Jason - former Captain of the U.S. AND devices created by more experienced hackers can be readily found on the internet.
That escalates to global nuclear war Lachlan Forrow, MD, et al, “Accidental Nuclear War – A Post-Cold War Assessment”, New England Journal of Medicine, 1998, The direct toll that would result from an accidental nuclear attack of the type described above would dwarf all prior accidents in history. Furthermore, such an attack, even if accidental, might prompt a retaliatory response resulting in an all-out nuclear exchange. The World Health Organization has estimated that this would result in billions of direct and indirect casualties worldwide. US/Russian war causes extinction – most probableNick Bostrom, professor of philosophy - Oxford University, March, 2002, Existential Risks: Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards, Journal of Evolution and Technology, p. much greater existential risk emerged with the build-up of nuclear arsenals in the US and the USSR. An all-out nuclear war was a possibility with both a substantial probability and with consequences that might have been persistent enough to qualify as global and terminal. There was a real worry among those best acquainted with the information available at the time that a nuclear Armageddon would occur and that it might annihilate our species or permanently destroy human civilization.4 Russia and the US retain large nuclear arsenals that could be used in a future confrontation, either accidentally or deliberately. There is also a risk that other states may one day build up large nuclear arsenals. Note however that a smaller nuclear exchange, between India and Pakistan for instance, is not an existential risk, since it would not destroy or thwart humankind’s potential permanently. Such a war might however be a local terminal risk for the cities most likely to be targeted. Unfortunately, we shall see that nuclear Armageddon and comet or asteroid strikes are mere preludes to the existential risks that we will encounter in the 21st century.
Expansion of arid lands results in extinctionBarlow 2001(Maude, National Chairperson, Council of Canadians Chair, IFG Committee on the Globalization of Water, "Blue Gold: The Global Water Crisis and the Commodification of the World's Water Supply") However, if the earth's surface is paved over, denuded of forests and meadows AND vast territories, massive continental desertification and, eventually, "global collapse."
Ag collapse results in global conflictCalvin 1998 (William, Theoretical Neurophysiologist – U Washington, Atlantic Monthly, January, Vol 281, No. 1, p. 47-64) The population-crash scenario is surely the most appalling. Plummeting crop yields would AND longer do so if it lost the extra warming from the North Atlantic.
Cyber attacks coming now and we aren’t prepared. ABC 11 “Cyber Attack on U.S. Electric Grid ‘Gravest Short Term Threat’ to National Security, Lawmakers Say” May 31 The United States is ill-prepared to deal with a cyber attack on the AND are a risk to national security, public safety, and economic prosperity.”
Impact is the blair and royal evidence- economic decline statistically increases the likelyhood of conflict – resource wars, miscalculation, and terrorism.Econ accesses every impact – war, protectionism, China, North Korea, Iran, Demo, Failed States, Terror, DiseaseGreen and Schrage 9 Michael J Green is Senior Advisor and Japan Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Associate Professor at Georgetown University. Steven P Schrage is the CSIS Scholl Chair in International Business and a former senior official with the US Trade Representative's Office, State Department and Ways and Means Committee, “It's not just the economy,”March 26 Facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, analysts at the World Bank AND goods that are produced outside of the framework for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
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11/09/2012 | 2AC Elections DATournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: No link uniqueness- Obama and Biden already pushing wind and solar tax credits.Hawkins, June 27 2012 (Rodney, “Biden Blasts Romney Over Alternative-Energy Tax Credits” The National Journal. Web, Acc 9/7/2012) DUBUQUE, com/2012-presidential-campaign/biden-blasts-romney-over-alternative-energy-tax-credits-20120627(%%) -- Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday lashed out at Mitt Romney AND happen to women's rights in this country, civil rights," he said.¶ Romney will win – assumes polls and economyAnas October 4 (Brittany, Camera Staff Writer, http:~/~/, accessed: 5 October 2012, JT)
With the presidential election a little more than a month away, political science professors AND model includes state and national unemployment figures as well as changes in income.
Link turn- Massive public support for solar power- independents especially- prefer this evidence because it’s comparartive to other forms of energy. SI Staff 11 (November 1, 2011, "Public Support for Solar Power Is Nearly Universal in U.S." Solar Industry, http:~/~/ U.S. residents overwhelmingly support the use of solar energy and federal investments AND % of Americans cited cost as their biggest concern with choosing solar energy. Plan key to Obama victory – green solar jobs biggest issue in swing states**Trabish, 9-9-’12 (Herman, “Could Green Jobs Tip the 2012 Presidential Election?” Green Tech Media, Seven of the top seventeen states with the most rapid growth in greentech, according AND available to folks in that sector that didn’t exist even three years ago.” Plan is popular with the public- polls prove and our evidence is comparative.Howard, 11/11/11 (Jordan, “Alternative Energy Funding Still Wins Majority Support Of Americans” Huffington Post. Web, Acc 9/7/2012) WASHINGTON -- A majority of the public still supports government funding for alternative energ research AND , including 601 respondents via a landline telephone and 404 on a cellphone. Plan gets Obama votes with Moderate voters- Romney has alienated them.Solar Insider News, 11/10/2011 (“Romney’s Plan Eliminates Renewable Energy, favors greater fossil fuel spending” Web, Acc 9/7/2012) 2012 Presidential candidate Mitt Romney is losing the key support of moderate voters by taking AND I truly hope Romney’s plan can be revised to take that into account.” And, they’re key to election- growing numbers and last three elections proveBabington 11 5/31- White House Correspondant for Associated Press (Charles, “GOP presidential contenders drift to the right” May 31, 2011, Associated Press, AE WASHINGTON (AP) — In the first presidential election since the tea party's emergence AND Republican nominating process will have to address those independents' concerns quickly and adroitly.
Multiple factors check Russia warVOA News 7 (3/27, Experts Do Not Foresee US Conflict with Russia, "U.S-Russian Relations: Is Conflict Inevitable?" That was the AND , Kiselyev says some members of Russia's ruling class continue to resent America. No impact to Iran strikes– Romney will copy Obama on foreign policyAaron David Miller, 5-23-2012; distinguished scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; Barack O’Romney http:~/~/ And that brings up an extraordinary fact. What has emerged in the second decade AND much in terms of actual policy implementation -- there's a much greater convergence. No risk of US-Russian nuclear warManning, 2k - senior fellow and director of Asian studies at the Council on AND targeting plans on prospective Russian targets, though no one will say so. US-Russia war doesn’t cause extinctionNick Bostrom 7 - Future of Humanity Institute, Faculty of Philosophy and James Martin 21st Century School, Oxford University, 2009 Gannon Award Recipient, The Future of Humanity, 2007, Extinction risks constitute an especially severe subset of what could go badly wrong for humanity AND setback: a giant massacre for man, a small misstep for mankind.
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1 | 11/09/2012 | DG 1AC KentuckyTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1AC InherencySmall production cannot compete with utilities—PURPA precludes small generators from competing in the market.Ferrey 4 * Steven, Professor of Law, Suffolk University Law School. New York University Environmental Law Journal, 12 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 507 The first main provision of PURPA forces electric utilities to buy electricity generated by small AND at the (relatively) low cost that utilities can achieve until recently.
And these restrictions make self-generation financially impossible and discourage investment.Ferrey 4 * Steven, Professor of Law, Suffolk University Law School. New York University Environmental Law Journal, 12 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 507 The Congressional impetus for Title II of PURPA - authorizing QFs - was to encourage AND Exit fees could be proposed to discourage exodus from the conventional system. 162
Plan: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission should require that customer-generators of solar power receive compensation for the power they place on the grid and renew grants for customer-generators of solar power.Advantage One: The GridObama has invested billions in the smart gridMorris 6/16 (Lindsay, “Obama Administration Pushes for Smart Grid, But is Industry Ready?” Renewable Energy World. Web, Acc 9/27/2012) http:~/~/, 6/16/2012 Smart Grid is abuzz recently. The Obama Administration outlined a AND is looking at ways that can nudge industry and regulators about this issue.” Smart Grid fails- 2 way grid communication guarantees complete collapse and blackouts within three years.Huff 5/3 (Ethan, “Hacking Expert David Chalk says 100 percent certainty of catastrophic failure of smart energy grid within three years” Natural News. Web, Acc 9/27/2012) http:~/~/ Citing David Chalk, a serial entrepreneur who has created, invested and sold more than 20 businesses in his lifetime. By the age of 23 David made his first million from nothing. In addition to being a successful entrepreneur and venture capitalist, David is an award-winning marketer, technology guru, highly sought after speaker on success, has a doctorate in technology and is fully conversant in the tools and technologies that help people and businesses succeed. 5/3/2012 For at least the past five years, the federal government has been pushing utility AND Internet, and effectively without any protection, is insanity at its finest.”
these blackouts will be long term-Bruch 11 Michael Bruch, Michael Bruch of Allianz Risk Consulting, Michael Kuhn, Martin Weymann (Swiss Re), Gerhard Schmid (Munich Re) Power Blackout Risks Risk Management Options Emerging Risk Initiative – Position Paper November 2011
Blackouts during the last ten years in Europe and Northern America have demonstrated an increasing AND or terrorist attacks, the impacts on society and economy might be significant. DG solves prolonged blackouts. CEE 12 Clean Energy Exchange “Smart Grid sustains social services during blackout” july 9 Keeping the lights on' can be a challenge during extreme weather and other disasters like AND fault-handling equipment and control software to ensure the smaller grid's reliability.
Scenario one is Cyber Attacks-Attack on grid inevitable—a successful attack guarantees escalation and war.Habiger 10 (Eugue – Retired Air Force General, Cyberwarfare and Cyberterrorism, The Cyber Security AND . (What that suggests for the proper response is a different matter.) First, the number of cyberattacks we are facing is growing significantly. Andrew Palowitch AND based defenses, making us significantly more at risk of a major war.
Military reliance on civilian grid guarantees conflict escalation. Lewis 10 (James Lewis, PhD from Univ of Chicago, Senior Fellow and¶ Director of the Technology and Public Policy Program, Previously¶ Worked at the Department of State and Department of Commerce as a¶ Foreign Service Officer, Member of the Senior Executive Service.¶ “Thresholds for Cyberwar” Center for Strategic and International¶ Studies, October 1. Critical infrastructure is a normal target for military planners, to gain tactical or strategic AND In this sense, cyber attack is a tactical weapon with strategic consequences. Decentralization of the grid deters attacks.NETL 7 National Energy Technology Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, "MODERN GRID BENEFITS" August 2007 http:~/~/ SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED VULNERABILITY TO TERRORIST ATTACK AND¶ NATURAL DISASTERS¶ A Center for Contemporary AND increased resistance to attack makes it better able to cope with natural disasters.
Scenario 2 is Readiness-first, reliance on the grid devastates dod resiliency globally – us¶ installations must be operational 24/7 to provide logistics and services when disasters strike.Goodman, et al., 9. (Sherri Goodman, Former Deputy Under Secretary¶ of Defense for Environmental Security and AND ¶ Risks to National Security” CAN, May 2009. Online PDF. At military installations across the country, a myriad of critical systems must be operational AND to the security and reliability of our system of energy production and delivery. Hotspots will escalate to nuclear warBosco, 06 (David Bosco, senior editor at Foreign Policy magazine, Los Angeles Times, “Could This Be the Start of World War III?”, 7/23,,0,7807202.story?coll=la-opinion-center) IT WAS LATE JUNE in Sarajevo when Gavrilo Princip shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his AND before both world wars and as Japan was in the years before World War Unreliable grid makes these impacts worse and more likely- only the affirmative allows us the potential to resolve conflict before it escalatesAndres and Breetz 11 (Richard B. Andres, Professor of National¶ Security Strategy at the National War College, Senior Fellow and¶ Energy and Environmental Security and Policy Chair in the Center for¶ Strategic Studies @ the National Defense Univ.; Hanna L. Breetz,¶ Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Political Science @¶ Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Small Nuclear Reactors for¶ Military Installations” National Defense University, Institute for¶ National Strategic Studies, Strategic Forum #262, February 23.¶ ¶ Grid Vulnerability. DOD is unable to provide its bases with electricity when the AND however, may not share this fear or be deterred by this possibility. Readiness solves extinction – empirics prove.Barnett, 11 - chief analyst at Wikistrat, former visiting scholar at the University of Tennessee’s Howard Baker Center for Public Policy and a visiting strategist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, former Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis and Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies (Thomas, World Politics Review, “The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads,” 3/7, http:~/~/ Events in Libya are a further reminder for Americans that we stand at a crossroads AND the 20th century, setting the stage for the Pacific Century now unfolding. Advantage Two is Natural Gas
A false price cushion exists now that will burst by the winter- laundry list of reasons.Finger, managing partner of Ariadne Capital, a Houston-based investment advisory firm, 7/22/2012 (Richard, “We're Headed To $8 Natural Gas” Forbes. Web, Acc 9/27/2012) There is a glut of natural gas. Everybody knows that. There’s so much AND us to $8.00 mcf natural gas by the approaching winter.
Economy collapses- a) Low prices now are a mirage- the impending strike destroys the economy. Adams, 8/30 Rod, Former submarine Engineer Officer. Founder, Adams Atomic Engines, Inc., “Look out—natural gas prices in north America will skyrocket by end of 2014” Atomic Insights. Web, Acc 9/27/2012) In the publications that I regularly read, it is impossible to avoid noticing that AND a very large ship can be a lonely way to spend the midwatch.
b) Manufacturing- High prices destroy itSullivan 7 (John, Natural Gas Week, 5/14, “Survey: Investors Concerned over Impact of Increased Energy Costs”, lexis)
Paul Cicio , president of the Industrial Energy Consumers of America, brought his concerns and those of the businesses his group represents to Congress. Cicio testified before Congress about the impact of higher energy prices. "The US remains in a serious natural gas crisis that started in mid- AND this trend will continue so long as high relative natural gas prices exist."
Jobs go overseas- that kills the economy. – Industrial Energy Consumers of America 12-3,$111bilion.doc
The impact of high energy costs on manufacturing is significant and it contributed greatly to AND average and makes two-thirds of all U.S. exports. Economic crisis causes war–strong statistical supportRoyal, 10 (Jedediah, director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, pg 213-215) Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline may increase the likelihood of external conflict AND As such the view presented here should be considered ancillary to those views. Plan solves price spikes- renewable integration keeps gas from being overused.Doran and Reed, 8/13/2012 Kevin Doran, left, is AND , policy, and regulatory issues surrounding the deployment of sustainable energy technologies. (Kevin and Adam, “Natural Gas and Its Role in the US Energy Endgame” Environment 360. Web, Acc 9/26/2012) First, we should gradually utilize natural gas as the generation backbone for much of AND such expansions are strategically and legislatively coupled to the deployment of natural gas.
Distributed generation solvesincreasing critical infrastructure’s ability to island DOE 7 (“The Potential Benefits Of Distributed ¶ Generation And Rate-Related Issues ¶ That May Impede Their Expansion¶ A Study Pursuant To Section 1817¶ Of The Energy Policy Act Of 2005” To address the vulnerabilities of the electric system to intentional disruptions, particularly those ¶ AND to increasing the amount of distributed generation in the system (Zerriffi 2004).”
diversifies backup generation Hirsh et al. 5 (Richard F. Hirsh, Benjamin K. Sovacool, and Ralph D. Badinelli “Distributed Generation and Momentum Change in the American Electric Utility System: A Social-science systems Approach” Electric Power Networks Efficiency and Security.) Surprisingly, perhaps, DG facilities offer enhancements for the transmission of power. By AND if a large power plant goes down due to an attack.34
solves cascading failures and ensures power for critical infrastructure. Andres and Loudermilk 12 Richard B. Andres, PhD, is Professor of National Security Strategy at the National War College and Senior Fellow and Chair of the Energy and Environmental Security Policy Program with the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University. Micah J. Loudermilk is Senior Research Associate for the Energy and Environmental Security Policy Program with the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University, contracted through ASE, Inc. “National Security and Distributed Power Generation” No. 24, Sep 2012 TODAY, PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES ARE ENTIRELY DEPENDENT ON ELECTRICITY FOR SURVIVAL. AND edge” capability to facilitate restoring regional grids after a large scale failure.
Relieves transmission congestion and strain. Bluvas 7 Kristin Bluvas J.D., Albany Law School, 2007 “Distributed Generation: A Step Forward In United States Energy Policy” Albany Law Review 2007 70 Alb. L. Rev. 1589, lexis
Though FERC Orders 888 and 889 provided many benefits, they fostered an environment where AND before regulation, but rather a step forward to meet these new problems. solves grid reliability. Bluvas 7 Kristin Bluvas J.D., Albany Law School, 2007 “Distributed Generation: A Step Forward In United States Energy Policy” Albany Law Review 2007 70 Alb. L. Rev. 1589, lexis
Our current electricity grid has major reliability problems that will only worsen as demand increases AND . This puts even less stress on the transmission system and decreases prices. encouraging distributed generation solves. Bluvas 7 Kristin Bluvas J.D., Albany Law School, 2007 “Distributed Generation: A Step Forward In United States Energy Policy” Albany Law Review 2007 70 Alb. L. Rev. 1589, lexis
On August 14, 2003, the East Coast of the United States and parts AND stabilize our current grid and to allow more widespread use of renewable resources.
Treasury Cash Grant key to financing small scale renewables.Caperton 12 Richard W. Caperton is Director of Clean Energy Investment at the Center for American Progress. “Good Government Investments in Renewable Energy Fair, Effective, and Efficient Tax Policy Is Key for Driving Renewable Energy Growth” Center for American Progress January 10 Despite their incredible successes, the PTC and ITC aren’t perfect, and they don’t AND the recent recession, largely because the Section 1603 program helped with financing. Installation will take only a few months.Pursley and Wiseman 11 Garrick B. Assistant Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law. Hannah J. Assistant Professor of Law, University of Tulsa College of Law. Emory Law Journal, 60 Emory L.J. 877 Small-scale renewables on rooftops, parking garages, factories, and in yards AND these promising technologies to a point of greater prominence within the energy system.
11/09/2012 | 2AC Neoliberalism KTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1. Our aff is still relevant- you can’t wish away the aff just because you say things like method or representations- Its anti-debate and anti-educational. We should get the impacts of the aff- your links are predicated off our consequences. Its tautological for us not to get those same consequences.2. you shouldn’t privilege the politics of the people in this debate room- it’s selfish3, EVEN IF THE PLAN DOESN’T PASS, THERE IS VALUE IN OUR PROJECT. Exposing ourselves to different modes of understanding is critical to cultivating sympathy for different ways of life
JENNI, Pf Philosophy at Redlands, 01 (Kathie, Social Theory and Practice, July v27 i3 p437)
The claim on behalf of academics' value to the world at large is that in AND contribution to global welfare, then, is indirect and yet potentially immense. Empirical work supports this optimistic assessment of higher education's value, noting the role it AND earlier conceptions," which seems essential for growth in moral judgment.(9)
Permutation: do the plan and embrace the commonsSolves- creates cooperative capitalismSmith 12 (J.W. Excerpt of “Cooperative Capitalism: The missing ‘human face’ of economics.” Concerned philosophers for peace newsletter, 26. February 8. Through that privatization process, the cunning turn social rights and human rights into their private rights, claim their unearned wealth on through history and those are the monopoly property rights laws, as applied to nature’s resources and technologies, denying others their rightful share of what nature offers to all for free, the legal structure of monopolies, that are in place across the world today. The primary cause of poverty in the middle of plenty has been uncovered. The AND embedded in today’s property rights law, takes only the following 170 words: Utopia: By paying land (resource) rents to ourselves (socially collected), AND within the production-distribution process. Virtually all unearned monopoly values disappear.
Turn-a) Centralized monopoly electric generation is one of the most harmful forms of crony capitalism – Indian blackouts prove local generation is key to the solutionMarla 8/5 (Vijaya Kumar, electrical engineer who has designed over 600 Turbine generators that are still working all over India and abroad. He is also a long-time revolutionary. “India’s Power failure: The culprit – Crony Capitalism!” Louis Proyect, August 5 2012. Whatever the excuses put forward by the government, years of neglecting power sector reform AND chemicals etc., and only the powerful rich farmers can go for this. b) Contesting monopoly capitalism in particular is a prerequisite to the alt.Foster et al. 11 (John Bellamy Foster is editor of Monthly Review and professor of sociology at the University of Oregon. Robert W. McChesney is Gutgsell Endowed Professor of Communication at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. R. Jamil Jonna is a doctoral candidate in sociology at the University of Oregon. “Monopoly and Competition in Twenty-First Century Capitalism” Monthly Review, Volume 62, Issue 11 (April 2011) We believe that the phase of monopoly capitalism that has emerged since the mid- AND the planet’s resources; and the abandoning of development for the South.”95 Our hope is that there can be a greater recognition of the monopoly issue in AND research to date has barely scratched the surface of what is needed.97 In our view, the stakes are high. Understanding monopoly power is not only AND in their lives each and every day—or reconcile ourselves to irrelevance. C) DECENTRALIZED ENERGY IS DIRECT COMPETITION WITH PROFIT
YANITY 4 Electrical Designer responsible for a variety of energy projects. UAA School of Engineering, NANA Pacific, Columbia, Brian, Engineering, International Socialist Organization, Socialism and the Energy Question, 4/27, http:~/~/
Democratic control over a decentralized renewable-based economy is in direct competition with the AND energy-promotion advertising, which had historically overshadowed research and conservation efforts.
YANITY 4 Electrical Designer responsible for a variety of energy projects. UAA School of Engineering, NANA Pacific, Columbia, Brian, Engineering, International Socialist Organization, Socialism and the Energy Question, 4/27, http:~/~/
It is the material world that determines what is possible for human beings. A AND civilization is to survive, there is ultimately no alternative to renewable energy.
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11/09/2012 | 2AC Shale Tradeoff DATournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: First, over implementation of natural gas on the grid is a death trap- causes blackouts and mass suffering.NCR, July 31 2012 (North Carolina Renegade, “Growing Risk of Massive Electric Power Outages” Web, Acc 9/27/2012) Is this our future in the US? It is a very reasonable question – AND formula for wide-spread fear, suffering, chaos, and death. Conceded 1AC Doremus evidence- price spike destroys the economy
Also conceded 1AC doran evidence- plan solves overuse of natural gasIncorporating renewables into our energy policy solves.Doran and Reed, 8/13/2012 Kevin Doran, left, is AND , policy, and regulatory issues surrounding the deployment of sustainable energy technologies. (Kevin and Adam, “Natural Gas and Its Role in the US Energy Endgame” Environment 360. Web, Acc 9/26/2012)
First, we should gradually utilize natural gas as the generation backbone for much of AND such expansions are strategically and legislatively coupled to the deployment of natural gas.
Natural gas will remain competitive relative to solar.Zycher, Pacific Research Institute Senior Fellow, 12 (Benjamin, Martin V. Smith School of Business and Economics adjunct professor, associate in the Intelligence Community Associates Program of the Office of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, U.S. Department of State, former senior staff economist for the President's Council of Economic Advisers, March 27, “Renewable Energy Subsidies Should Be Abandoned,” http:~/~/, d/a 8-1-12, ads) The market difficulties faced by renewables are likely to be exacerbated byongoing supply and price AND reform. One such reform should be the abandonment of subsidiesfor renewable energy.
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11/10/2012 | Adv - Natural GasTournament: Wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: Scenario one is the economy b) Manufacturing- High prices destroy it Paul Cicio , president of the Industrial Energy Consumers of America, brought his concerns and those of the businesses his group represents to Congress. Cicio testified before Congress about the impact of higher energy prices. Jobs go overseas- that kills the economy. Natural gas prices outweigh alt causes – price stability ensures growth US is the main engine for global growth- driven by cheap natural gas. Tradeoff is inevitable- only a question of sustainable use. | |
11/10/2012 | Adv - The GridTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Environmental regulations cause unique disruptions in the next year. Blackouts during the last ten years in Europe and Northern America have demonstrated an increasing Scenario one is Cyber Attacks- Scenario 2 is Readiness- Grid shutdown causes nuclear meltdowns. | |
11/10/2012 | Inherency and PlanTournament: Wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: But keeping solar subsidies unchanged also seems senseless. Solar developers in sunny regions like Small production cannot compete with utilities—PURPA precludes small generators from competing in the market. And these restrictions make self-generation financially impossible and discourage investment. | |
11/10/2012 | SolvencyTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Diversifies backup generation Solves grid reliability. Our current electricity grid has major reliability problems that will only worsen as demand increases On August 14, 2003, the East Coast of the United States and parts Installation will take only a few months. Lower infrastructure costs, flexible configurations, and the ability to use waste heat result Community solar is a term with varying definitions, but for purposes of this Note | |
11/10/2012 | 2AC - AT: De-DevTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Trainer agrees—we aren’t ready for collapse—transition wars Growth sustainable – tech and alternatives | |
11/10/2012 | 2AC - AT: REM DATournament: Wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: Solar panels use tellurium, gallium, and indium which don’t have shortages- their internals have to specific to those metal, not REMs in general Rare earth mines will re-open and businesses will find innovative solutions. Economic interdependence prevents any war with China Economic interdependence provides an incentive to avoid military conflict and nuclear confrontation. Although the | |
11/10/2012 | 2AC - AT: HeidiggerTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
JENNI, Pf Philosophy at Redlands, 01 (Kathie, Social Theory and Practice, July v27 i3 p437) The claim on behalf of academics' value to the world at large is that in Even if our ontology is flawed, doesn’t turn the case- prefer policy impacts. Commenting on the ‘philosophical turn’ in IR, Wæver remarks that ‘a Dalby 4 Simon, Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Carleton University. ANTHROPOCENE ETHICS: RETHINKING 'THE POLITICAL' AFTER ENVIRONMENT, Paper for the International Studies Association annual Some tentative ideas about principles by which we might think politically now are evident although "Freedom for what is opened up in an open region lets beings be the 3. Perm: do both. 4. The alternative makes our actions meaningless, undermining individual choice 5. Alt doesn’t solve the aff – Crucially an openness to justice cannot be an a priori good thing. Indeed, | |
11/11/2012 | 2AC-AT: De-Dev (Wake Rnd 5)Tournament: Wake | Round: 5 | Opponent: | Judge: (A) Their ev assumes a planned transition – not forced collapse – their impacts are inevitable because countries will try to maintain growth in the face of crises– try-or-die for the aff (B) Timeframe outweighs – collapse is several years away – intervening actors can save the planet (C) Qualifications – neg authors are hacks - we will set a high standard for ev quality No shot of de-growth – too much opposition. Trainer agrees—we aren’t ready for collapse—transition wars Growth sustainable – tech and alternatives No alternatives to sustainable growth-localization is a utopian impossibility | |
11/11/2012 | 2AC-AT: Immigration PoliticsTournament: Wake | Round: 5 | Opponent: | Judge: 2 After billions of dollars and A deal to avert cliff will take entire Lame Duck Turn- a) Plan doesn’t fund centralized projects- solves the reasons why previous 1603’s were unpopular. b) China policy will cost pc c) 1603’s popular- accountability requirements. d) the agent of the plan could decide not to link to the disad.- Disads must be intrinsic:
Farm bill crowds fiscal cliff out of lame duck. Internal link is awful- H1B Visas?? | |
11/11/2012 | 2AC-AT: XO CPTournament: Wake | Round: 5 | Opponent: | Judge:
3. Permutation: do both 4. Permutation- do the plan and have the president issue an executive order on enforcement of the plan. 5. No Solvency- b) This means Counterplan can’t solve the case- cripples US foreign policy and leadership. executive orders reinforce legislative victories, not used to circomvent congress Unconstitutional- executive cannot (insert states farey evidence) | |
11/11/2012 | 2AC-AT: K OrganicismTournament: Wake | Round: 5 | Opponent: | Judge: The continuities of localism Perm do both Case outweighs- Perm do the plan and then the alt Perm do the plan on and internalize the K | |
11/11/2012 | 2AC-K-HeidiggerTournament: Wake | Round: 5 | Opponent: | Judge:
JENNI, Pf Philosophy at Redlands, 01 (Kathie, Social Theory and Practice, July v27 i3 p437) The claim on behalf of Even if our ontology is flawed, doesn’t turn the case- prefer policy impacts. Commenting on the ‘philosophical Dalby 4 Simon, Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Carleton University. ANTHROPOCENE ETHICS: RETHINKING 'THE POLITICAL' AFTER ENVIRONMENT, Paper for the International Studies Association annual Some tentative ideas about Pierce and Paulos 10 James Pierce, researcher and designer focused primarily on the areas of Human-Computer Interaction and Design. I am currently a PhD student at the HCI Institute at Carnegie Mellon University working with Eric Paulos in the Living Environments Lab. Previously I was at Indiana University where I earned a master's in Human-Computer Interaction Design. Eric Paulos, Assistant Professor University of California, Berkeley Berkeley Center for New Media Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. “Materializing Energy” Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University In response to the various The criticism alternative only makes things worse by concealing what they are trying to release and reveal. This means their project fails "Freedom for what is 3. Perm: do both. 4. The alternative makes our actions meaningless, undermining individual choice 5. Alt doesn’t solve the aff – Crucially an openness |
Tournament | Round | Report |
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