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10/13/2012 | Elections 1NC - UNLVTournament: UNLV | Round: 2 | Opponent: USC DP | Judge: Bausch Nuclear Power Unpopular and causes political ramifications – cost, lack of clean perception, and polls Daily Kos, June 5th 2012, Nuclear Power and Public Opinion: What the polls say, Americans are not exactly wild about the idea of building new nuclear reactors. Polls Base Mobilization key to winning the election—empirically proven for incumbents Obama’s policy towards Russia is easier to gauge, since there has already been four A much greater existential risk emerged with the build-up of nuclear arsenals in | |
10/13/2012 | Reg Neg CP 1NCTournament: UNLV | Round: 2 | Opponent: USC DP | Judge: Bausch The aff gets watered down by lack of unified energy policy, resistance from fossil fuel industries, and citizen opposition – the CP is key to avoid politics | |
10/13/2012 | T - ProductionTournament: UNLV | Round: 2 | Opponent: USC DP | Judge: Bausch | |
10/13/2012 | Renewables DATournament: UNLV | Round: 2 | Opponent: USC DP | Judge: Bausch | |
10/23/2012 | Elections Europe ImpactTournament: UNLV | Round: 7 | Opponent: Puget MS | Judge: Sam Allen US-EU COOPERATION PREVENTS GLOBAL WAR. | |
10/23/2012 | F-35 Tradeoff DATournament: UNLV | Round: 7 | Opponent: Puget MS | Judge: Sam Allen | |
10/23/2012 | QTR CPTournament: UNLV | Round: 7 | Opponent: Puget MS | Judge: Sam Allen Solves the Case---the practical result is the same as binding law---the policy statement sends the signal of the plan and causes agencies to implement it The CP particularly avoids perception of spending | |
10/23/2012 | Nat Gas DATournament: UNLV | Round: 7 | Opponent: Puget MS | Judge: Sam Allen Oil dependence causes extinction | |
01/03/2013 | CIR Politics 1NCTournament: USC | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: Multiple factors make escalating conflict likely --- impact’s global nuclear war | |
01/03/2013 | Alaska Gas Pipeline CPTournament: USC | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: | |
01/03/2013 | QER CPTournament: USC | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: | |
02/12/2013 | SMR Case - NUTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: IslandingPotential accidents mean DoD wouldn’t use SMRs at bases that are ACTUALLY important, and their paranoid conspiracy theories about grid failure apply to SMR operation too- zero solvencyKing 2011 (Marcus King, Ph.D., Center for Naval Analyses Project Director and Research Analyst for the Environment and Energy TeamLaVar Huntzinger, Thoi Nguyen, March 2011, Feasibility of Nuclear Power on U.S.Military Installations, Power on Military Installations D0023932 A5.pdf) SQ microgrids and renewables solveAsmus and Adamson 2012 (Peter, Senior Research Analyst at Pike Research, a market research and consulting team that provides in-depth analysis of global clean technology markets, and Dr. Kerry-Ann, Research Director and Ph.D. in fuel cells from Imperial College, London, Military Microgrids: ¶ Stationary Base, Forward Operating Base, and¶ Mobile Smart Grid Networks for Renewables Integration,¶ Demand Response, and Mission-Critical Security, December, Small modular renewables are dominating the small markets now- no SMRs- we control uniqueness- solves "microgrids"Lovins 2012 (Amory, physicist, environmental scientist, writer, and Chairman/Chief Scientist of the Rocky Mountain Institute, Oxford MA, A Farewell to Fossil Fuels: Answering the Energy Challenge, Foreign Affairs, March/April, proquest) No cyberattack- doesn’t make sense for anyone to initiate it- "theoretically vulnerable" does not mean anything WILL happen- US benefits more from cyber capabilities than anyone elseGartzke 2012 (12/7, Erik, Associate Professor of Political Science at University of California, San Diego, The Myth of Cyberwar: Bringing War on the Internet Back Down to Earth, No motive for cyberterror, wouldn’t accomplish anythingGartzke 2012 (12/7, Erik, Associate Professor of Political Science at University of California, San Diego, The Myth of Cyberwar: Bringing War on the Internet Back Down to Earth, No impact to heg—1. Heg solves nothing—Past two decades proveMearsheimer 11 (John J., R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, The National Interest, Imperial by Design, lexis) 2. Heg decline doesn’t trigger warBuzan 11 (Barry, London School of Economics, Department of International Relations, "A World Order Without Superpowers: Decentred Globalism") DesalinationThey have *ZERO* evidence that US SMRs would be used for desalination purposesNuclear desalination now- they don’t have a US key warrant and international actors relevant to their impacts are totally on it- even if they win the aff would be "better" this should be sufficientWNA 2012 (December, World Nuclear Association, independent non-profit organization organization that promotes nuclear power and supports the many companies that comprise the global nuclear industry, Nuclear Desalination, Middle East Desalination R%26D solvesAME 12-3-12 ("Desalination Provides Solutions to Water Scarcity Issues in the Middle East,"**, Mike) Turn - Multiple other countries are developing SMR designs explicitly designed for desal. US designs made for the military would make them less competitiveWNA 2012 (December, World Nuclear Association, independent non-profit organization organization that promotes nuclear power and supports the many companies that comprise the global nuclear industry, Nuclear Desalination, No water warsLawfield 10 (Thomas Lawfield is an MA candidate at the University for Peace. Water Security: War or Peace? Thomas Lawfield May 03, 2010 No escalationLowi 8 (Miriam, Scare Water, Abundant Oil: Resources and Conflict Diplomacy has limited utility – can’t be effectively practiced by the governmentWolf and Rosen 4 (Charles Jr. Wolf - Senior Economic Adviser and Corporate Fellow in International Economics at RAND, and Brian Rosen - Doctoral Fellow at the RAND Corporation, "Public Diplomacy: How to Think about and improve it," SolvencyGive zero cred to any solvency evidence- SMRs are made-up hypotheticals Their author concludes it takes a decade just for SMR approval Incentives for SMRs won’t do anything – no approved design means no investmentMcCormick, 12 (Colin, Senior Advisor for R%26D in the Office of the Under Secretary at the Department of Energy, Interview on October 22, 2012, Plan can’t cause investment or construction- nobody believes it’s real- their ev is all from designers promoting their projectsENR 2012 (Engineering News-Record, Small Modular Reactors Are Emerging As Next Wave in Sector Construction, 2/27, lexis) Regulations overwhelm solvency- incentives can’t overcome regulatory costsHopf 2011 (Jim, senior nuclear engineer and member of the American Nuclear Society Public Information Committee, "Roadblock in Congress for SMR Development," 10-25-11, | |
02/12/2013 | Framework 1NC - NUTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Framework 1NCa. The AFF must defend a topical plan and its implementation by the United States federal government.The colon means the USFG is the agent of the resWebster’s 00 Guide to Grammar and Writing ( That excludes individual actionBlack’s Law Dictionary, ’99 (Seventh Edition Ed. Bryan A. Garner (chief)) b. They don’t defend the USFG, that’s a voter- we must position ourselves as the governmentRawls 99 , Political Philosopher (John, The Law of Peoples, p. 56-7) And, it turns their personal activism argumentsDye 84, Florida State University Thomas, (UNDERSTANDING PUBLIC POLICY, p. 7) And, We must forecast %26 make policy proscriptions about energy—Policy action represent an ethical duty to the future and are key to human survivalReader, ’79 ~Mark, Editor of "Energy: The Human Dimension" (1977) and teaches courses in Enviro ethics, alternative futures, cultural evolution, and politics @ Arizona State University. Energy and Global Ethics, The Humanist, July/Aug~ And, kills switch-side debate- they don’t engage both sides of the resolution and justify their actions with ideological claims. Switch side debate is good and solves all their offense- any reason why their argument is important are solved by reading it on the negative.And, Seeing both sides of an issue is a vital part of the democratic process and preserves the validity of dissenting opinionsSpragens 00, Professor of Political Science at Duke University (Thomas, "POLITICAL THEORY AND PARTISAN POLITICS," p. 90-91) Their abandonment of this process results in totalitarianismLewis 92, Assistant Professor at George Washington University (Martin, GREEN DELUSIONS, 1992, p. 258) And, Clash- they refuse to debate the merits of their policy advocacy. Even if they claim to effect policymaking, the timeframe skew takes out any disad linksMoral questions in the abstract are irrelevant- we must discuss how they should be appliedIgnatieff 4, Carr Professor of Human Rights at Harvard University (Michael, LESSER EVILS, p. 20-21) This deliberation is the only way to minimize inevitable violence and evilIgnatieff 4, Carr Professor of Human Rights at Harvard University (Michael, LESSER EVILS, p. 20-21) And, Preparation- only limiting affs to topical USFG action creates a finite literature base. They kill topic education- they remove the incentive for specific negative. That base is a precondition for political action- unlimiting destroys political contestShively 00, Associate Professor of Political Science at Texas A%26M University (Ruth, POLITICAL THEORY AND PARTISAN POLITICS, p. 180) Failing to create that literature base destroys our chances for political involvementDybvig 00, professor of communications at ASU, and Iverson, professor of communications at the University of Montana, Ph.D from ASU (Kristin, Joel "Can Cutting Cards Carve Into Our Personal Lives: An Analysis of Debate Research on Personal Advocacy," | |
02/12/2013 | Reprocessing Case - NUTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Peak UraniumReprocessing creates more uranium waste when there isn’t even a waste issueUCSUSA, 2011 ~April 5th, Union of concerned scientists, Nuclear Reprocessing: Dangerous, Dirty, and Expensive, Reprocessing causes more accidents, doesn’t eliminate waste, and still causes prolifSmith, 6 (Brice, Ph.D., assistant professor of physics at the State University of New York, Cortland, "Insurmountable Risks: The Dangers of Using Nuclear Power to Combat Global Climate Change", May 2006, WP Alternatives to disposal in a mined repository are unlikely to overcome the many challenges posed Zero chance they overcome all the barriers to global nuclear developmentKessides 2012 (Ioannis N. Kessides, The World Bank, Development Research Group, The future of the nuclear industry reconsidered: Risks, uncertainties, and continued promise, Energy Policy, Volume 48, September 2012, Pages 185–208, 1. Proliferation will be slowWaltz 00 (Kenneth Waltz, Professor of Political Science at UC Berkeley, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, v1 n1, Winter/Spring 2000) 2. No domino effect – it’s empirically deniedBergenas 10 (Research Associate at the Henry L. Stimson Center, Johan, "The Nuclear Domino Myth", 1. Chemical weapons are extremely hard to disperse or use effectively – no way terrorists could manage itRothstein, Auer, and Siegel 4 (Linda, editor, Catherine, managing editor, and Jonas, assistant editor of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, BAS, November/December, 2. A chemical weapons attack would kill very few people and has a very low probabilityEasterbrook 3 (Greg, New York Times, February 16, 2003 p. Peak Uranium not true—Best qualified sources say so…Pistilli, ’9 ~Melissa, Exlusive to Uranium Investing News ¶ Peak Uranium Debate¶ Wednesday November 25, 2009, 6:58pm PST Conventional weapons can deterGSN 3-19 ("Debate Heats Up Over Conventional, Nuclear Deterrence Tradeoffs", No impact – international agreements like START prevents war now – their impact evidence Nuclear deterrence is still stable in the status quo—its halting disarm affortsGeorgia Bulletin 2010 ("Dependence on nuclear deterrence prevents disarmament, UN nuncio says", Too many political barriers to uranium productionFOE News, 2009 ~Energy Department Reduces Tritium Processing, WarmingWarming’s irreversibleSolomon et al ’10 Susan Solomon et. Al, Chemical Sciences Division, No warming impact- Recent cooling disproves climate models Past emissions stay in the atmosphere No runaway With respect to the recent rate at which the earth has warmed, we examine Warming isn’t anthropogenic New evidence points to a larger role for solar forcing than the IPCC has acknowledged CO2 doesn’t cause warmingLewis 7 (Richard, Institute of Economic Affairs, Global Warming False Alarms, 1. Species extinction won’t cause human extinction – humans and the environment are adaptableDoremus 00 (Holly, Professor of Law at UC Davis Washington %26 Lee Law Review, Winter 57 Wash %26 Lee L. Rev. 11, lexis) 2. Collapse is common—a. New species fill the voidKerr 94 (Richard, Science 28) b. No spillover to other speciesMoore 98 (Thomas, Climate of fear, why we shouldn’t worry about global warming, 1998, p.98-99) No impact to food prices—1. Food Prices hit 20 year highCorrigan 11 (Annie, Indiana Public Media Announcer, World Food Prices Soar To 20-Year High, 2. Multiple alt causes to food price volatilityFAO 11 (Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, Price Volatility in Agricultural Markets, Nuclear doesn’t trade off with coal- only provides baseload power- keeps dirty energy on the gridChakravorty et al 2012 (Ujjayant, Professor of Economics at Tufts University and Fellow at the Toulouse School of Economics and CESifo, Resource Use under Climate Stabilization: Can Nuclear Power Provide Clean Energy?, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume 14, Issue 2, pages 349–389, March 2012, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9779.2011.01545.x) Nuke power declining nowMez 2012 (Dr. Lutz, Coordinator of the Berlin Centre for Caspian Region Studies at the Free University of Berlin, Nuclear energy–Any solution for sustainability and climate protection?, Energy Policy, Volume 48, September 2012, Pages 56–63, No nuclear growth in India, China or BrazilMez 2012 (Dr. Lutz, Coordinator of the Berlin Centre for Caspian Region Studies at the Free University of Berlin, Nuclear energy–Any solution for sustainability and climate protection?, Energy Policy, Volume 48, September 2012, Pages 56–63, They don’t solve leadership advantages- all the manufacturing would happen overseasMakhijani and Boyd 2010 (Arjun and Michele, electrical and nuclear engineer who is President of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research; former director of the Safe Energy Program at Physicians for Social Responsibility; Small Modular¶ Reactors¶ No Solution for the Cost, Safety, and Waste Problems¶ of Nuclear Power, Cheap natural gas solves demand nowLamonica 8/9 (Martin, 12, Technology Review, "A Glut of Natural Gas Leaves Nuclear Power Stalled" Leadership IS NOT based on domestic industry- it’s based on the LEGACY of safety and tech leadership, which the SQ obviously solves- no reason institutional legitimacy will go away if we do renewables insteadDomenici and Miller September 2012 (Senator Pete V. Domenici¶ Former U.S. Senator and Bipartisan¶ Policy Center Senior Fellow¶ ENERGY PROJECT STAFF¶ Lourdes Long¶ Senior Policy Analyst¶ Warren F. "Pete" Miller, Ph.D.¶ Former Department of Energy Assistant¶ Secretary for Nuclear Energy; Maintaining U.S.¶ Leadership in¶ Global Nuclear¶ Energy Markets, |
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