UMKC » Chang-Munday Neg

Chang-Munday Neg

Last modified by Alex Chang on 2012/09/22 12:03

Courts CP

The United States Supreme Court should rule the sunset provision in the Production Tax Credit for Wind energy unconstitutional

Courts solve – decide environmental controversies.
Percival 2005 Robert J. (Professor of Law and Director of the environmental law program at the University of Maryland School of Law). “Environmental law in the Supreme Court: Highlight from the Blackmun Papers.”
Both Congress and the federal … the shape of environmental law. 


Obama is winning in a consensus … both national and state polls
(Collinson 8/10)
Stephen Collinson, staff writer, “Polls show Obama ahead in presidential race” AFP, August 10, 2012,, accessed August 15, 2012. 

New polls suggest President Barack … challenger and allied fundraising committees. 

Clean energy is a hot button issue – perception is that it’s unnecessary and expensive
(Pace 8/2)
Natalie Pace, Author, 'You vs. Wall Street'; CEO and Founder, Women's Investment Network, LLC Huffington Post August 2, 2012, “Is Clean Energy Doomed If President Obama Is Not Re-Elected?”, accessed August 17, 2012. 

Clean energy is once again a … than the commentariat would believe. 

AND, Spending swings the election – majorities of every party wants reductions
(Kohut 7/12)
Andrew Kohut, President, Pew Research Center, “Debt and Deficit: A Public Opinion Dilemma” June 14, 2012, Pew Research Center,, accessed August 17, 2012. 

The issue of the debt … a larger government providing more services.

Romney win causes Iran strikes – advisors and rhetoric
(Berman 7/19)
Ari Berman, writer for the nation, graduated from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University with a degree in journalism and political science, “Romney: Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran” The Nation, July 19, 2012,, accessed August 13, 2012. 

Over the weekend, Jamie Fly … ilk want yet another war. 

Strikes escalate to extinction
(Lendman 12)
(Stephen; independent radio and newspaper correspondent; “Perils of Attacking Iran”; 3/22/12,

Middle East conflict may escalate … in future generations to try. 

Managerialism K

Energy production is embedded in a mode of technological revealing that reduces everything to standing reserve waiting to be ordered and consumed.
Xuanmeng 2003 Yu, “Heidegger on Technology, Alienation and Destiny,” The Humanization of Technology and Chinese Culture Chinese Philosophical Studies, XI, Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change, Series II, Asia, Vol 11,
The problem then is in … is," but with a process or phenomenon. 

Modern technology is embedded in a mode of ontological revealing which is responsible for the worst consequences of massive global consumption and for the technology which makes extinction possible.
Joronen 2010, Mikko “The Age of Planetary Space,” UNIVERSITY OF TURKU, department of geography, online
Although Heidegger obviously could not … , penetrable, mouldable, ‘decodable’ and mobile

It is not sufficient to change the way we produce energy, the ontological framework that sustains contemporary violence must be our first priority. Only by letting go of the imperative to control the earth allows being to disclose itself. Non-violent refusal repudiates the emphasis on atomisitic rational subjectivity that makes enframing possible.
Joronen 2011, Mikko, “Dwelling in the Sites of Finitude: Resisting the Violence of the Metaphysical Globe,” Antipode Vol. 00 No. 0, online
The present paper concentrates on … earth-site(s) of abyssal being. 

Created by Alex Chang on 2012/09/22 12:00

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