Texas-Austin » Loper-Martinez Aff

Loper-Martinez Aff

Last modified by Lauren Loper on 2013/01/05 15:08

1) Oil dependency 

The trade deficit demonstrates the magnitude of oil import volume
Fitzsimmons, 2010 [Michael, “Foreign Oil Dependency: The Root Cause of America's Economic Pain,” November 28, http://seekingalpha.com/article/238920-foreign-oil-dependency-the-root-cause-of-america-s-economic-pain]

Out of a $44 billion dollar monthly trade... month after month, year after year

Oil Dependence Leads to Iran War, Escalates to Nuclear Conflict
Glaser 2011
Reframing Energy Security: How Oil Dependence Influences U.S. National Security Charles L. Glaser cglaser@gwu.edu Professor of Political Science and International Relations Elliot School of International Affairs The George Washington University August 2011, epts.washington.edu/.../Glaser_-_EnergySecurity-AUGUST-2011.doc

Energy dependence could draw… the probability nuclear war

Nuclear war destroys the environment and causes human extinction
PHILLIPS 2000 (Dr. Allen, Peace Activist, Nuclear Winter Revisited, October, http://www.peace.ca/nuclearwinterrevisited.htm)

Dust and the smoke would…, but it may not include us

2) Environment

Reliance on fossil fuels puts the US at a crossroads – Transition to SPS is key to ensure access to carbon neutral technologies
Rogue, Director of National Security Space Office 07
(Joseph D. Rogue, Phase O Architecture Feasibility Study, JP)

SBSP offers a viable… reduced fossil and fissile fuel dependence. 

Warming is real and human induced
Rahmstorf 2008 – Professor of Physics of the OceansRichard, of Physics of the Oceans at Potsdam University, Global Warming: Looking Beyond Kyoto, Edited by Ernesto Zedillo, “Anthropogenic Climate Change?,” pg. 42-4

The global climate is warming… Cause 1.6°C of warming s

Warming also collapses oxygen levels and leads to extinction
Brandenburg & Paxson, 2000 Both PhDs, Dead Mars, Dying Earth, pg. 246-247)

The complex system called… because it shows where we are going

Space Energy development not happening now because of the perception of heavy expenses.
Sofge, 2008 [Erik, “Space-Based Solar Power Beams Become Next Energy Frontier”, Popular Mechanics, http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/air_space/4230315.html, DeFilippis]

SBSP is becoming more feasible… limit government costs to about $10 billion.

And Solar Space Energy is not being developed because of excessive focus on nuclear power.
Space Future, 2006 [2006-06-02,Space Future- “The Space Power Business”, http://w…ww.spacefuture.com/power/business.shtml, DeFilippis]

There is no rational justification… reducing launch costs

Therefore we now present the following plan:
The United States Federal Government should substantially increase financial incentives for Solar energy production in the United States.

Plank 1: The Legislative Branch will enact a bill providing interest free loans, and tax based incentives that are available for to other clean and renewable energy sources, for private companies willing to invest in Space Based Solar power for the production of energy in the United States.
Plank 2: Funding will be provided through normal means.
Plank 3: With the plan, private companies will not hesitate to invest in Space Based Solar Power for the production of energy in the United States.
Plank 4: This plan is executed under the direction of the Department of Energy and the Judicial Branch will ensure that the funding is provided.

The affirmative plan is key to SBSP
National Security Space Office, 2009 part of a long-term government study on the feasibility of solar space power as a provider of
U.S. energy, 10-10-07, “Space-Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security,”http:www.nss.org/settlement/ssp/library/final-sbsp-interim-assessment-release-01.pdf [Tandet]

The SBSP Study Group found that SBSP… successful operation of space‐based solar power systems.

Private sectors have enough capital to finance SBSP construction, but need government assistance
Rogue, Director of National Security Space Office, 2007 (Joseph D. Rogue, Phase O Architecture Feasibility Study, JP)

The SBSP Study Group found that adequate… window of normal private sector investment.

SBSP solves world’s energy needs
Declard 2007 [Maryo, “SBSP: Meeting Humanity’s Energy, National Security, Environmental and Economic Development Needs,” Space Frontier Foundation, www.space-frontier.org/Presentations/SFFViewsSBSPReport10Oct07.pdf, July 9, BLS]

e. A fundamental challenge in this… energy needs of the global economy

Reliance on fossil fuels puts the US at a crossroads – Transition to SBSP is key to ensure access to carbon neutral technologies
Rogue, Director of National Security Space Office, 2007(Joseph D. Rogue, Phase O Architecture Feasibility Study, JP)

SBSP offers a viable and attractive route… fossil and fissile fuel dependence.

Created by Lauren Loper on 2013/01/05 15:08

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