The Power of Poetry » Pricert-Hallmeyer Aff

Pricert-Hallmeyer Aff

Last modified by Karoline Hallmeyer on 2013/02/23 14:20

The Power of Poetry

Western governments strive towards uniformity and ultimate solutions. Their bureaucratic structures are dehumanizing.
Howard and Vaclav Havel 2011, “Vaclav Havel’s Critique of the West”, The Atlantic, 20/12/2011, (Philip K. Howard, lawyer, author and chair of Common Good. He is the author, most recently, of Life Without Lawyers: Restoring Responsibility in America, and wrote the introduction to Al Gore’s Common Sense Government. aclav-havels-critique-of-the-west/250277/)

Vaclav Havel, the former Czech independence a...identity by sounding off at others and demanding my rights.” 

Weber warned us that we will be trapped in a Bureaucracy that is dehumanizing if we only follow principles of formal rationality.Max Weber/Yahoo,08
“Applied Sociological Theory: Weberian Theory in Modern Society”, “McDonaldization and Bureaucracy in Modern Social Institutions”, 03/05/08 (
Weber's fourth type of rationality ........ helpful to examine the five dimensions of formal rationality defined by Weber and expounded upon by Ritzer.

Formal rationality values efficiency, predictability and calculability only.
Prof. Kurt Reymers, Ph. D. 95, “Can Capitalism Be Caring?”, “I5. The Irrationality of Rationality”, A case study of Ben & Jerry’s Homemade, Inc, by Kurt Reymers, A project submitted to the Graduate School of the State University of New York at Buffalo in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Arts in Sociology.1995 (Kurt Reymers.,
"Weber viewed bureaucracy as the paradigm case of formal rationality" ..... but only the charred bones of the dead on an uninhabited planet (xii). 

Objective rationality and purely technical based decisions are only possible when the outcome is not discussed.
Brubaker on Weber84, “The Limits of Rationality: An Essay on the Social and Moral Thought of Max Weber”, Rogers Brubaker, George Allen & UNWIN, 16 The Limits to Rationality, 1984, p.4-5
The distinction between formal and substantive rationality implies that what is rational from one point of view may be non-rational or irrational from another, and vice versa. The implications of this relational, “perspectivis..................... and values and thus, according to Weber, cannot be solved in an objectively rational manner. 

I: Western Bureaucracy doesn`t take responsibility for its dehumanizing politics. Leading to environmental Racism and Genocide.
Howard and Vaclav Havel 2011, “Vaclav Havel’s Critique of the West”, The Atlantic, 20/12/2011, (Philip K. Howard, lawyer, author and chair of Common Good. He is the author, most recently, of Life Without Lawyers: Restoring Responsibility in America, and wrote the introduction to Al Gore’s Common Sense Government. aclav-havels-critique-of-the-west/250277/)
In a society where authority is embodied in complex bureaucr..............of man to his own personal responsibility.”

Environmental Racism and Genocide

The deliberate exploitation and pollution of the cheapest land recreates colonialism and environmental racism
Bullard 8 (Robert D. Bullard, Ph.D, Environmental Justice Resource Center,_Clark Atlanta University, 7/2/08, “POVERTY, POLLUTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM: STRATEGIES FOR BUILDING HEALTHY AND SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES” [BGB]

The United States is the dominant economic and military..........nadequate schools, chronic unemployment, high poverty, and overloaded health care systems. 

Racism leads to genocide
Cassel 2006. (Doug, “Genocide on Our Watch?” “DOUGLASS CASSEL CENTER FOR CIVIL AND HUMAN RIGHTS,

Racism, at its worst, leads to genocide – the attem..............e global commitment to stop mass slaughter in its tracks.


Narratives and Storytelling expose environmental racism helping the reader to empathize and reconsider issues
Dickinson 12
Addressing Environmental Racism Through Storytelling: Toward an Environmental Justice Narrative Framework”, Elizabeth Dickinson, Communication Department, Salem College, Winston-Salem, NC 27101, USA, 2012 p. 58-62
One primary reason for using CRT here is due to it................e with and reconsider an issue. 

Storytelling as valid academic writing challenges established Eurocentric forms of knowledge construction.
Dickinson 12
Addressing Environmental Racism Through Storytelling: Toward an Environmental Justice Narrative Framework”, Elizabeth Dickinson, Communication Department, Salem College, Winston-Salem, NC 27101, USA, 2012 p. 58-62
Important to note is that storytelling in a..............e for environmental and cultural protectionism.

Solely objective scientific measurements ignore a history of colonialism that produced environmental and racial issues
Dickinson 12
Addressing Environmental Racism Through Storytelling: Toward an Environmental Justice Narrative Framework”, Elizabeth Dickinson, Communication Department, Salem College, Winston-Salem, NC 27101, USA, 2012 p. 58-62
Environmental racism describes how environmental degradation .......facilities that negatively impact environmental and human health.

Native American belief systems are legitimate forms of evidence in and of themselves
Dickinson 12
Addressing Environmental Racism Through Storytelling: Toward an Environmental Justice Narrative Framework”, Elizabeth Dickinson, Communication Department, Salem College, Winston-Salem, NC 27101, USA, 2012 p. 69-71
A goal of critical scholarship, CRT, and environmental .......................
communities fight to define and manage their own space. 

Our policy-making progress is disconnected from our values. If we reconnect them we gain new knowledge which is the first step to valuable decision making.
Maturana & Varela 87
(Humberto R., Ph. D, biologist at University of Chile, and Francisco J., Ph.D, professor of cognitive science and epistemology at Ecole Polytechnique and the Institute of Neuroscience of Paris, The Tree of Knowledge: The Biological Roots of Human Understanding, revised edition, p. 24-7)

This special situation of knowing how we know is traditionally ............. What we are saying is exactly the opposite: this characteristic of knowledge is the master key to understanding it, not an annoying residue or obstacle. Bringing forth a world is the burning issue of knowledge.

Created by Karoline Hallmeyer on 2013/02/23 14:19

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