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Melville-Craig Neg

Last modified by sarah craig on 2013/02/07 20:35


eco managerialism k

Relation of knowledge to power produces a managerial approach to nature.
Luke 97. Generating Green Governmentality: A Cultural Critique of Environmental Studies as a Power/Knowledge Formation. Timothy W. Luke Department of Political Science Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA
This chapter asks how specialized discourses about Nature....those of ecological preservation.

Our sites of knowledge production are controlled by the power of the managerial imperative.
Luke 97. Generating Green Governmentality: A Cultural Critique of Environmental Studies as a Power/Knowledge Formation. Timothy W. Luke Department of Political Science Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA
One vital site for generating, accumulating .....truth, but to augment power."

The forms of knowing produced make environmental policy a question exclusively for policy elites.
Luke 97. Generating Green Governmentality: A Cultural Critique of Environmental Studies as a Power/Knowledge Formation. Timothy W. Luke Department of Political Science Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA
Most importantly, this investigation suggests university ....their mostly technocratic professional activities.

This mode of knowing the environment is not natural, but is rather produced by systems of power.
Dalby, prof of Geography and Environmental Studies at Carleton Univ., 98
(Simon, The Geopolitics Reader, 1998, pgs. 179-180) at
What is especially important for the discussion here is the emergence of the “global environment” as an object for analysis and policy prescription (Porter and Brown, 1995; Vogler and Imber, 1996). These new modes of knowledge, in which the globe is now the topic for discussion and analysis, and crucially of “management” by international agreements and agencies set up for the purpose, suggest that a new form of power/ knowledge is now part of twentieth-century geopolitics (Litfin, 1994).
These new modes of “knowing” the world ....whom (Seager, 1993). At the large scale this is very much a matter of geopolitics.

The artifacts of knowledge produced by power lead us to a bad faith existential commitment to methods that entrench inherited concepts of the world.
Gordon 06
(Jane Anna Gordon, associate director of the Institute for the Study of Race and Social Thought and the Center for Afro-Jewish Studies at Temple University, “Some Reflections on Challenges Posed to Social Scientific Method by the Study of Race,” A Companion to African-American Studies, edited by Gordon & Gordon, p. 280)
Although Richard Dawkins (1989) among others has presented scientific work as dealing the .....substantive commitments underpinning it.

These methods fail in their attempt to change the world because policy research is ignored unless it is commissioned to serve particular interests in the first place –
Wacquant 04
(Loic, Professor of Sociology at UC Berkeley. “Critical Thought as Solvent of Doxa.” Constellations 11:1, p. 99.)
In the United States, it is “policy research” that plays ....economic conditions are no longer favorable.

These attempts to formulate policy succeed in strengthening the power of elites to exclude people from decision making.
Hayes 06
(Floyd W. Hayes, senior lecturer in Political Science and African-Americ Studies at Johns Hopkins University, “Politics of Knowledge: Black Policy Professionals in the Managerial Age,” A Companion to African-American Studies, edited by Gordon & Gordon, p. 449-51)
What are the implications of the kind of elite policy....citizens. Indeed, power is exercised at the expense of the people.

Management causes extinction – reduction of the environment to resources flattens the earth, enframing it within a single way of knowing – that produces Eurocentric environmental approaches that end in extinction
Lander ‘2,
(Edgardo, Prof. of Sociology and Latin American studies at the Venezuelan Central University in Caracas, Eurocentrism, Modern Knowledges, and the “Natural” Order of Global Capital, Nepantla: Views from South 3.2, muse)
The “freedom of commerce” that the interests .....of Eurocentric knowledge only lead to destruction and death.

We must realize the structures we engage in
Ikeotuonye 9
(Festus CRA Ikeotuonye is a writer and activist who teaches Sociology in St. Patricks College Drumbcondra,
Education by and large is not a neutral concept or institution since it is grounded in a specific cultural milieu....Nietzschean or Foucaultian genealogist embraces the political and polemical interests motivating the writing of the history (Hoy 1986: 6-7). 

Our interpretation is that debate is a form of philosophy – it is concerned with argumentation and research to test and contest knowledge – the best debating is like the best philosophizing in that it may depend upon a teleological suspension of the way we typically debate in order to best deal with the forces that shape thinking, otherwise debate becomes disciplinarily decadent – Gordon 02
(Lewis R., chair of Africana Studies at Brown University, Janus Head Volume 5 no. 1, Knowing Subjects: Human Lives, Human Worlds - Selected essays from The George Washington University's 7th Annual Conference in the Human Sciences.)
    To begin, I should like to say that what I like about Caws’s work is that....the end, renders “philosophy” philosophical. A de-centered philosophy need not lack a philosophical focus.

Created by sarah craig on 2013/02/07 20:35

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