Last modified by Andrew Won on 2012/11/10 08:48

1NC Zizek K

  1. Depictions of catastrophe as a reason to change the status quo – reinforce universal capitalism. Their Ayson 10’ and Henderson 10’ is our link.
    Zizek 01[Slavoj Zizek 2001 “On Belief” pg. 31-2)

The logic of this ….  various life styles.  This weakness of Miller’s description of the paradigms of jouissance has a deeper ground.  Today, in a time of continuous rapid changes, from the “digital revolution” to the retreat of old social forms, thought is more than ever exposed to the temptation of “losing its nerve,” of precociously abandoning the old conceptual coordinates.  The media constantly bombard us with the need to abandon the “old paradigms”: if we are to survive, we have to change our most fundamental notions of what constitutes personal identity, society environment, etc.  New Age wisdom claims that we are entering a new ”post-human” era; postmodern political thought tells us that we are entering post-industrial societies, in which the old categories of labor, collectivity, class, etc., are theoretical zombies, no longer applicable to the dynamics of modernization.  The Third Way ideology and political practice is effectively THE model of this defeat, of this inability to recognize how the New is here to enable the Old to survive.

2. The drive to acquire material goods and money have lead to environmental crisis and shows no respect for the natural world, dehumanizes individuals is at the root of many of the world’s problems and makes peace impossible to obtain. 

Varma, Associate Professor and Regents Lecturer, School of Public Administration University of New Mexico , 2003 (Roli, Sage productions, “E.F. Schumacher : Changing the Paradiegm of Bigger is Better,” http://bst.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/23/2/14,) 

Materialism holds that the world…human nature as greed and envy

3. The 1AC impacts have magnitude only against the backdrop of a supposedly non-violent status quo.  This understanding is structured by capitalist ideology that masks the perpetual violence necessitated by the current economic system. Only recognizing the systemic nature of capitalist violence can explain local instances of violence  

Žižek 2008 [Slavoj, senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology @ Univ. of Ljubljana, Violence, p. 1-2]

If there is a unifying thesis that runs ….. of what otherwise seem to be "irrational" explosions of subjective violence.

4. Reject that Affirmative’s call to action—Their urgency to act is moral hypocrisy that responds to local instances of violence while perpetuating an economic structure that necessitates that violence in the first place.  Only a withdrawal from this ideology can engender a truly new form of politics 

Žižek 2008
[Slavoj, senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology @ Univ. of Ljubljana, Violence, p. 6-8]
Does this recourse to artistic description imply …We need to "learn, learn, and learn" what causes this violence.

1NC Saudi DA
A) Decreased oil prices destroy Saudi stability
Steven David, professor of political science at Johns Hopkins, January/February 1999  “Saving America from the Coming Civil Wars” Foreign Affairs,

A country built on contradictions, Saudi Arabia …. t if the economy continues to deteriorate, the government will have to make hard choices that could rock the Saudi state.

B) Oil dependence is key to US/Saudi relations
Michael Klare, professor of peace and world security studies, Hampshire College, June 2002 The Progressive

As time has passed, however, they have become increasingly intertwined, so that today the war on terrorism and the struggle for oil have become one vast enterprise. The underpinnings of the Bush foreign … "Saudi Arabia, the world's largest exporter, has been a linchpin of supply reliability to world oil markets." 

C) US-Saudi relations are key to combating terrorism – this turns case
Gawdat Bahgat director of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Department of Political Science, at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, in Indiana winter 2003 World Affairs 

Finally, in the war against terrorism the United States and the Saudi government need each other…. the Saudi government is a reliable partner to the United States in the effort to defeat terrorism.  
1NC China Trade DA
A. China-US Trade Relations High
Li Ruogu, Chairman and President of China’s Exim Bank, 2008-05-09 07:24, Real Issues in U.S China Trade Imbalance, (http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2008-05/09/content_6672305.htm) 

While pursuing sound economic development, China is opening up its economy and actively seeking to expand its economic and trade…..  investments have obtained high returns and shared China's economic success.

B. Efforts to reduce emissions and solve climate change result in carbon tariffs against China 

The Canadian Press, 3/27/08, Carbon Tariff on China possible to curb pollution, http://www.thestar.com/Business/article/380403#

Countries such as Canada and the United States may start imposing a "carbon tariff" on goods from China … They add that the concept is likely to gain currency in the U.S. and Canada.

(Ben Landy, Ben Landy, Director of Research and Strategy at the Atlantic Media Company, publisher of the Atlantic Monthly, National Journal, and Government Executive magazines.   Landy served in various research and project management positions at the Brookings Institution and Center for Strategic and International Studies, two leading public policy think tanks in Washington, D.C.  Ben holds a bachelor of arts degree from Yale University. April 3, 2007, http://chinaredux.com/2007/04/03/protectionism-and-war/#comments,)

The greatest threat for the 21st century is that these economic flare-ups between the US and China will not be contained, but might spill over into the realm of military aggression between these two world powers. …. protectionist policies on both sides greatly increase the likelihood of conflict–far more than increases in military budgets and anti-satellite tests.

(STRAIT TIMES, June 25, 2K, Pg. l/n)

THE high-intensity scenario postulates a cross-strait war escalating into a full-scale war between the US and China... Gen Ridgeway said that should that come to pass, we would see the destruction of civilization. 

Created by Andrew Won on 2012/11/10 08:46

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