Samford » Carley-Thomas Neg

Carley-Thomas Neg

Last modified by Kaitlin DeFoor on 2012/11/09 14:41


A) Multiple sets of economic data makes Obama a slight favorite to win the election, but Romney’s can still win:
NATE SILVER, 10/5/2012 (chief pollster for the New York Times, “Jobs News Makes Obama’s Case Easier,”, Accessed 10/5/2012, rwg)
The drop in unemployment alone is no guarantee of re-election — there was
Mr. Obama should be happy if the discussion turns toward the economy.
B. Small Modular Reactors are opposed by the public:
U.S. Department of Commerce, 2011 (International Trade Administration, “The Commercial Outlook for¶ U.S. Small Modular Nuclear¶ Reactors,” Feb. 2011,, Accessed 10/2/2012, rwg)
One additional obstacle is beyond the scope of¶ this report but could play a
of SMRs and nuclear reactors in general¶ could also ameliorate this concern.
C. Romney would declare China a currency manipulator on day 1—this would lead to a trade war with China:
Howard LaFranchi, 9/1/2012 (Staff writer, “Obama vs. Romney 101: 4 ways they differ on China,”, Accessed 9/9/2012, rwg)
Mr. Romney says China’s leaders are “cheaters” who keep their currency artificially
the dollar since 2005, helping to raise Chinese labor and manufacturing costs.
D) Currency label collapses trade, the global economy, and triggers a US-China hot war:  
Droke 10 (Clif, Editor – Momentum Strategies Report, “America and the Next Major War’, Green Faucet, 3-29,
In the current phase of relative peace and stability we now enjoy, many are
hurt will surely retaliate and the entire world will suffer," writes Barker.
Oil DA

A) Russia’s economy will grow now—but needs high oil prices to balance the books:
Lidia Kelly, 10/2/2012 (staff writer, “Russian economy to keep up 4 pct growth pace: Putin,”, Accessed 10/3/2012, rwg)
(Reuters) - Russia's economy should sustain its current 4 percent growth rate over
percent, and a conservative 2.7-3.3 percent.
 B. () There is a substitution effect between nuclear and oil prices-
Lee and Chiu 10
(Chien-Chiang, Yi-Bun – University Kaohsiung Taiwan;“Oilprices, nuclear energy consumption, and economic growth: New evidence using a heterogeneous panel analysis”; Energy Policy Volume 39, Issue 4, April 2011, Pages 2111–2120) BHB
This paper applies panel data analysis to examine the short-run dynamics and long
no causality between nuclear energy consumption and economic growth in the short run.
C. () Oil is key to Russia’s economic success
Dutram, 12
(Eric, 6-7-12, NASDAQ, “Why Russia ETF Are Not A Debt Crisis Safe Haven – ETF News and Commentary,”, 7-4-12, GHK)
Russia is practically tied with Saudi Arabia in terms of oil production and is also
Russia over the past six months and especially in the past six weeks.
D. Collapse in Russia’s economy causes nuclear prolif & nuclear war:
Patrick F. Speice, 2006 (staff, William and Mary Law Review, February 1, 2006. Online. Lexis. Accessed January 27, 2008).
Moreover, the end of the Cold War eliminated the rationale for maintaining a large
draw in the United States and escalate to the use of nuclear weapons.

States CP


The 50 states and all relevant U.S. territories should substantially increase production cost incentives for and reduce restrictions on small modular nuclear power in the United States
States solve energy policy – bottom up approach works best
Lutsey and Sperling 2008(Nicholas and Daniel; Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Energy Policy 36)
On the other hand, several researchers have underscored the growing importance of lower-
the commitment, the more likely it is that actual change will occur.
The counterplan sends an international model of federalism:
Sovacool ’08 (Benjamin K., Research Fellow in the Energy Governance Program at the Centre on Asia and Globalization, 27 Stan. Envtl. L. J. 397 2008, TGA)
Third, other countries continue to model American-style federalism. Germany, the
scale becomes even more important for the signal it sends to the world.
Federalism solves war worldwide
Calabresi ’95 (Steven G., Assistant Prof – Northwestern U., Michigan Law Review, Lexis)
Small state federalism is a big part of what keeps the peace in countries like
absorb more completely the attention of the U.S. Supreme Court.


Energy policy is embedded in a mode of technological thinking which reduces nature to a ‘standing reserve’ of resources always at hand for human consumption.  This perspective ignores the intrinsic meaning of nature and instead replaces it with the desire for unlimited control and domination of the natural world.  
Xuanmeng 3( Yu, “Heidegger on Technology, Alienation and Destiny,” The Humanization of Technology and Chinese Culture Chinese Philosophical Studies, XI, Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change, Series II, Asia, Vol 11,
First, "The revealing that rules in modern technology is a challenging (Herausfordern
way has its own standing, namely standing in reserve (Bestand)."11
Standing in reserve is a different kind of being from that of object. Where
, but even nature changes and is no longer an object as previously.
For example, to build a hydropower station on the Rhine River is much different
12 "the object disappears into the objectlessness of standing in reserve."13
On the one hand, everything in the context of the interlocking of modern technology
with "what modern technology is," but with a process or phenomenon.

The alternative is to refuse the affirmative.  Frantic activity in the name of fixing the world is the end result of a system of thinking which precludes any real change.  By refusing to engage in technological thought and embracing the paradox of seemingly ‘doing nothing’ we prepare a new understanding of action.  
McWhorter 92(Ladelle, Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies Department of Philosophy University of Richmond, “Guilt as Management Technology: A Call to Heideggerian Reflection,” Heidegger and the Earth, 1-9)
Our usual response to such prophecies of doom is to ignore them or, when
that power and the deflection of thinking into new paths and new possibilities.
Heidegger frustrates us. At a time when the stakes are so very high and
of the power configurations of current thinking that must be allowed to dissipate.

Created by Kaitlin DeFoor on 2012/11/09 14:26

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