Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
1. Economy will decide the election
ABC Premium News (Australia), September 7, 2011, Obama's approval rating hits record low
Simon Rosenberg is from the progressive think….. aim at the president's number one weak spot.
B. Perception of fixing the economy is key to Obama’s re-election
Feller 11
(Ben Feller, Associated Press, Proquest, 6/6/11)PHS
President Barack Obama cannot escape… It's taking a while to mend."
C. New spending upsets independents – makes them vote GOP.
Gould and Walter, ’11 (Martin and Kathleen, “Ed Gillespie: GOP Will Sweep 2012, Voters Now See Obama in 'Over His Head', July 12, 2011, PHS
“It will be very difficult for President Obama to be re-elected…. t’s very frustrating to these voters.”
D. Failure for Obama to get re-elected causes war with Iran, ME instability and oil-induced economic crisis
Curiel 10
Jonathan Curiel, Prof of Journalism @ UCLA, 7-28-2010, “What just might happen if Obama loses in 2012,”http:~/~/ 2012/+If+Obama+losses+2012andcd=1andhl=enandct=clnkandgl=usandclient=com/jonathancuriel/2010/07/28/what-just-might-happen-if-obama-loses-in-2012/+If+Obama+losses+2012andcd=1andhl=enandct=clnkandgl=usandclient=firefox-a(%%), PHS
Less than four months from now, the mid-term elections… leading front for insurgency against the United States.
E. Impact is Extinction
Auslin 09 – (Michael, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, and Desmond Lachman – Resident Fellow – American Enterprise Institute, “The Global Economy Unravels”, Forbes, 3-6,
What do these trends mean in the short and medium… small explosions that coalesce into a big bang