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Capitalism has been lying to us since the Industrial Revolution – the system has always told us that there is a solution to our current problems but these policies have only masked the systems true plans. Energy is just another way to avoid the dynamics of our economic systems and prop up the very forces that drive us towards ecological degradation
Clark and York ‘8 Brett Clark, assistant professor of sociology at North Carolina State University, and Richard York, coeditor of Organization and Environment and associate professor of sociology at the University of Oregon, “Rifts and Shifts: Getting to the Root of Environmental Crises,” Monthly Review, Vol. 60, Issue 06, November 2008
Movements towards greater energy efficiency are only used as marketing tools to maintain competition with other industries propping up capitalism. These adjustments of energy will not be enough to solve the problems we face; proposed “solutions” have either caused or made these problems worse because they merely give a false answer to overcome environmental problems.
Magdoff and Foster, 10
(Fred and John Belamy, professor of sociology at the University of Oregon, “What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know about Capitalism”, Monthly Review, Volume 61, Issue 10) NG
Our political space in debate and in academia purports that we must make changes only within the ideological coordinates of capitalism. We propose only solutions that preserve the apparatus of terminal control. Only a break from the fear of confronting the horrifying reality of the necessary destruction of our social order will liberate us from the subconscious re-inscription of fascism; advocating reforms only keeps us in the comfortable box where nothing ever changes but we feel like we are activists. The only transformative politics is the criticism of capitalism at the theoretical level. Empirically, this act can transform social reality and collapse the hegemonic ideology that traps our mainstream politics
Zizek 02 (Slavoj, professor of philosophy at the Institute for Sociology, Ljubljana, Revolution at the Gates, pg 167-172) JXu
Under the intellectual framing of capitalist ontology, being is reduced to a calculable value in an economic equation – existence outside the capitalist equation is rendered disposable, thus is the zero point of the holocaust -
Policy debate has become a space where we get high on the idea of saving the world from nuclear war or oppression – only through a problematization of the way our policy culture fetishizes impacts and arguments can we break down the ideological attachments to capitalism. Renouncing faith in the structures that pervert our desires into commodities is the path to transforming our social reality and opening paths towards a new politics
Dr. Adrian Johnston, December 2004 (Research fellow of psychoanalysis @ Emory. “The cynic's fetish: Slavoj Zizek and the dynamics of belief.” Journal of Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society p.259)
Julian and I recognize that we must take responsibility as a revolutionary subject – there is a war going on for our mind and only by a resistance to the colonization of our consciousness by capitalism and mainstream liberal democratic politics can we find emancipation and hope to prevent the end game of annihilating all public space and potentially all life
Zizek 9 (Slavoj Zizek 09“HOW TO BEGIN FROM THE BEGINNING, New Left Review 57, May-June 2009, http:~/~/