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Nature escapes representation. All attempts at a totalizing theory of nature must be filtered through ideology, leaving gaps in our understanding. Those gaps fester and frustrate the subject, leading to scapegoating and violence.
Zizek 9 (Slavoj, "Excursions with contemporary thinkers", edited by Astra Taylor)
The true ecologist must also accept that nature is the ultimate¶ human myth,
innocent as it appears, that it is always¶ contaminated by ideology.
And, if we did ever overcome the impacts the 1AC outlines, we would just recreate them to regain the enjoyment of the fight, perpetuating cycles of violence.
Stavrakakis 99 ~Yannis, Teaching Fellow in the Dept of Govt at the Univ of Essex %26 Dir of the MA Prog in Ideology and Discourse Analysis, Lacan and the Political, 107-108~
In the light of our theoretical framework, fantasy can only exist as the negation
fatherland is in danger’ for example). (Sloterdijk, 1988: 3)
====Thus the alternative – vote negative to do nothing in the face of the 1AC to actively oppose desire.====
Van Munster 4 ~Rens, Department of International Politics, University of Wales, "The Desecuritization of Illegal Migration: The Case for a European Belonging without Community", Marie Curie Working Papers, no. 7~
To face nothingness behind every attempt to articulate a social order thus requires that one
problem, perhaps makes it impossible" (Kristeva, 1991: 1).
However, not everyone is convinced about the usefulness of an approach that considers the
may entail more concretely within the context of illegal migration and European belonging.
McGowan ’4 (Todd, Assoc Prof in Film Studies @ UVM, "The End of Dissatisfaction?" p 4-6)
Psychoanalysis, however, calls into question the idea that we primarily act on behalf
past, to traditional values, will necessarily be mediated by the present.