| 09/17/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Energy production is inseparable from capitalist growth—quick tech fixes to scarcity are temporary at best and exclude radical historical critiqueClark and York ’8 Brett Clark, assistant professor of sociology at North Carolina State University, and Richard York, coeditor of Organization %26 Environment and associate professor of sociology at the University of Oregon, "Rifts and Shifts: Getting to the Root of Environmental Crises," Monthly Review, Vol. 60, Issue 06, November 2008 The development of energy production technologies provides one of the best examples of rifts and AND forces to continue to operate, as they create additional ecological rifts.18 Capitalism generates internal contradictions erupting in imperialism, nuclear war, and ecocideFoster ’5 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at the University of Oregon, "Naked Imperialism," Monthly Review, Vol. 57 No. 4, 2005 From the longer view offered by a historical-materialist critique of capitalism, the AND raising the possibility of the collapse of civilization itself if present trends continue. Revolutionary theory is a prior question—the aff is irrelevant in the grand scheme of capitalism—we should instead affirm the historical necessity of communismTumino ’12 Stephen Tumino, more marxist than Marx himself, "Is Occupy Wall Street Communist," Red Critique 14, Winter/Spring 2012, http://www.redcritique.org/WinterSpring2012/isoccupywallstreetcommunist.htm Leaving aside that the purpose of Wolff’s speech was to popularize a messianic vision of AND , in the interest of the immense majority" to end inequality forever. Herod ’4 James Herod, World-Renowned Anarchist. Fourth Edition, January 2004. "Getting Free: A sketch of an association of democratic, autonomous neighborhoods and how to create it." http://site.www.umb.edu/faculty/salzman_g/Strate/GetFre/index.htm Nuclear power is a capitalist shell game to trick massive subsidies out of the government and sustain imperial dominationICC ’11 "Nuclear energy, capitalism and communism," International Communist Current, 8/16/2011, http://en.internationalism.org/wr/347/nuclear The potential to use nuclear fission or fusion to produce power has been known about AND started as a source of fissile material and a cover for weapons programmes. This anti-ideological description is, of course, patently false: the very AND market is finally only the reflection of human nature, itself hardly perfectible. Foster et al. ’10 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, Brett Clark, assistant professor of sociology at North Carolina State University, and Richard York, associate professor of sociology at University of Oregon, "Capitalism and the Curse of Energy Efficiency," Monthly Review, November 2010, Vol. 62, Issue 6, pp. 1-12 But there is one aspect of Jevons’s argument—the Jevons Paradox itself—that AND gratifying to the present, but must lead to an earlier end."18 This best explains present social and international conflictsEverest ’12 Larry Everest, "WAR AND GLOBAL CAPITALISM: "Money for Jobs Not for War": American Chauvinism and Reformist Illusions," Global Research, 5/24/2012, http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va%26aid=31024 The slogan also promotes the idea that the political powers-that-be— AND to the horrors the U.S. is committing around the world. Tumino ’1 Stephen Tumino, professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, "What is Orthodox Marxism and Why it Matters Now More Than Ever Before," Red Critique, Spring 2001, http://redcritique.org/spring2001/whatisorthodoxmarxism.htm Any effective political theory will have to do at least two things: it will AND to each according to their needs" (Marx) is the rule. Energy production is inseparable from capitalist growth—quick tech fixes to scarcity are temporary at best and exclude radical historical critiqueClark and York ’8 Brett Clark, assistant professor of sociology at North Carolina State University, and Richard York, coeditor of Organization %26 Environment and associate professor of sociology at the University of Oregon, "Rifts and Shifts: Getting to the Root of Environmental Crises," Monthly Review, Vol. 60, Issue 06, November 2008 The development of energy production technologies provides one of the best examples of rifts and AND forces to continue to operate, as they create additional ecological rifts.18 Efficiency increases energy consumption because price decreases yield higher demand—this is essential to capitalist growthFoster et al. ’10 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, Brett Clark, assistant professor of sociology at North Carolina State University, and Richard York, associate professor of sociology at University of Oregon, "Capitalism and the Curse of Energy Efficiency," Monthly Review, November 2010, Vol. 62, Issue 6, pp. 1-12 The Jevons Paradox is the product of a capitalist economic system that is unable to AND been offset by ~[increases in~] the scale of economic growth."39 Funding big oil is basically funneling money straight into climate change denialism propaganda—turns warmingFarley ’12 John W. Farley, teaches physics at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, "Petroleum and Propaganda," Monthly Review, May 2012, Vol. 64, Issue 1, pp. 40-53 James Powell was inspired to write this important new book because of a remarkable paradox AND —two key points that are effective at dissuading teachers from teaching science." Imperialism is necessitated by the growth imperative—hegemony conceals the worst of socioeconomic exploitation and justifies constant interventionismMeszaros ’7 Istvan Meszaros, Hungarian Marxist philosopher and Professor Emeritus at U. Sussex. "The Only Viable Economy," Monthly Review, 2007 http://www.monthlyreview.org/0407meszaros.htm The quixotic advocacy of freezing production at the level attained in the early 1970s was AND be also positively sustainable in the future on a long-term basis. The impact is nuclear war and environmental destructionFoster ’5 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at the University of Oregon, "Naked Imperialism," Monthly Review, Vol. 57 No. 4, 2005 From the longer view offered by a historical-materialist critique of capitalism, the AND raising the possibility of the collapse of civilization itself if present trends continue. Revolutionary theory is a prior question—the aff is irrelevant in the grand scheme of capitalism—we should instead affirm the historical necessity of communismTumino ’12 Stephen Tumino, more marxist than Marx himself, "Is Occupy Wall Street Communist," Red Critique 14, Winter/Spring 2012, http://www.redcritique.org/WinterSpring2012/isoccupywallstreetcommunist.htm Leaving aside that the purpose of Wolff’s speech was to popularize a messianic vision of AND , in the interest of the immense majority" to end inequality forever. Zizek 2k Slavoj Zizek, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies in Ljubljana, 2000. Contingency, Hegemony, Universality, p. 323-24. How, then, are we to answer today’s predominant consensus accord¬ing to which the AND change, in the interests of an allegedly ’realistic’ and mature’ attitude. Tumino ’1 Stephen Tumino, professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, "What is Orthodox Marxism and why it matters now more than ever," Red Critique, Spring 2001, accessed 1/3/10 http://www.redcritique.org/spring2001/whatisorthodoxmarxism.htm It is only Orthodox Marxism that explains socialism as an historical inevitability that is tied AND all" (Manifesto of the Communist Party, Selected Works, 53). Wolff ’11 Richard D. Wolff, Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York, "The Keynesian Revival: A Marxian Critique," Alternate Routes, Vol 22 (2011), http://www.alternateroutes.ca/index.php/ar/article/view/14420 Besides their secondary role, Keynesian policies also serve an important diversionary function. Governments AND taxes on small businesses, and spending on business-friendly infrastructure construction. Ahmed ’8 Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, professor of international relations at the School of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies at the University of Sussex, "Capitalism, Consumerism and Materialism: The Value Crisis," World Prout Assembly, 28 February 2008, accessed 1/28/10 http://www.worldproutassembly.org/archives/2008/03/capitalism_cons.html The global economic, ecological and energy crises we face – as well as associated AND IMF to Morgan Stanley are now warning of an imminent global economic meltdown. Capitalism tends toward stagnation—market interventions and innovative spurts only produce contradictions of greater depth and complexity.Foster and McChesney ’12 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, and Robert W. McChesney, Gutgsell Endowed Professor of Communication, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, "The Endless Crisis," Monthly Review, May 2012, vol. 64, issue 1, pp. 1-28 Nearly twenty years later, Sweezy, writing with Paul Baran, published their now AND too productive to absorb the entire investment-seeking surplus generated within production. Daly ’4 Glyn Daly, senior lecturer in politics in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at University College Northampton, Conversations With Zizek, 2004, pp. 14-16 For Zizek it is imperative that we cut through this Gord¬ian knot of postmodern protocol AND abject Other to that of a ’glitch’ in an otherwise sound matrix. Monopoly capitalism’s tendancy towards short-term growth leads to long-run stagnation—wealth centralization in corporations and finance restricts macro-level liquidity and intellectual innovationFoster and McChesney ’12 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, and Robert W. McChesney, Gutgsell Endowed Professor of Communication, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, "The Endless Crisis," Monthly Review, May 2012, vol. 64, issue 1, pp. 1-28 Our own analysis in this book begins in many ways where Sweezy (and Harry AND that the labor share of output has fallen to its lowest level."49 Gunther 12 – By Marc Gunther ~[longtime journalist and speaker whose focus is business and sustainability~] Direct air carbon capture: Oil’s answer to fracking? Published March 12, 2012 http://www.greenbiz.com/blog/2012/03/12/direct-air-carbon-capture-oil-answer-fracking The conference was the strongest sign yet that direct air capture is becoming a business AND It’s a promising technology," Hamburg acknowledged. "But promising for what?" Meszaros ’89 Istvan Meszaros, Chair of philosophy @ U. of Sussex, The Power of Ideology, 1989 p. 232-234 Nowhere is the myth of ideological neutrality – the self-proclaimed Wertfeihert or value AND interrelationship between methods and values which no social theory or philosophy can escape. Herod ’4 James Herod, World-Renowned Anarchist. Fourth Edition, January 2004. "Getting Free: A sketch of an association of democratic, autonomous neighborhoods and how to create it." http://site.www.umb.edu/faculty/salzman_g/Strate/GetFre/index.htm But we must not think that the capitalist world can simply be ignored, in AND . Otherwise we are doomed to perpetual slavery and possibly even to extinction. Ahmed ’8 Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, professor of international relations at the School of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies at the University of Sussex, "Capitalism, Consumerism and Materialism: The Value Crisis," World Prout Assembly, 28 February 2008, accessed 1/28/10 http://www.worldproutassembly.org/archives/2008/03/capitalism_cons.html The global economic, ecological and energy crises we face – as well as associated AND IMF to Morgan Stanley are now warning of an imminent global economic meltdown. This best explains present social and international conflictsEverest ’12 Larry Everest, "WAR AND GLOBAL CAPITALISM: "Money for Jobs Not for War": American Chauvinism and Reformist Illusions," Global Research, 5/24/2012, http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va%26aid=31024 The slogan also promotes the idea that the political powers-that-be— AND to the horrors the U.S. is committing around the world. Colonization’s inevitable and there’s no rush—prefer specific scenarios for extinctionBaum ’10 Seth D. Baum, M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University, Research Assistant in the Rock Ethics Institute at Pennsylvania State University, "Is Humanity Doomed? Insights from Astrobiology" Sustainability, Volume 2, 2010, p. 600, www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/2/2/591/pdf The fact that the universe will remain habitable for much longer than Earth will means AND ., on reducing existential risk, so that future generations can colonize space. Dickens ’10 Peter Dickens, "The Humanization of the Cosmos—To What End?" Monthly Review, Vol. 62, Issue 6, November 2010, http://monthlyreview.org/2010/11/01/the-humanization-of-the-cosmos-to-what-end-http://monthlyreview.org/2010/11/01/the-humanization-of-the-cosmos-to-what-end Society is increasingly humanizing the cosmos. Satellites have for some time been central to AND an alternative, more critical, perspective on humanizing the cosmos tell us? Capitalism will continually appeal to fear of collapse to justify its existence - these rely on a logic that is epistemologically disabling and self-fulfillingZizek ’97 Slavoj Zizek, Senior Researcher in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Ljubljana and Codirector of the Center for Humanities at Birkbeck College, "Multiculturalism, or, the Cultural Logic of Multinational Capitalism," New Left Review, No. 224, 1997, pp.25-27 Today, financial crisis is a permanent state of things the reference to which legitimizes AND Y, and then, upon your doing X, Y effectively ensues. Kovel ’2 Joel Kovel, Professor of Social Studies at Bard College, 2002, The Enemy of Nature, p. 236-38 If such events as O’Connor envisions were to come to pass, they would not AND expropriators are expropriated, and the 500-year regime of capital falls. Žižek ’9 Slavoj Žižek, First as Tragedy, Then as Farce, Verso: London, 2009, p. p. 6-7 What the book offers is not a neutral analysis but an engaged and extremely " AND allowed to observe prevents us from knowing what it is that we see. Lukács ’67 György Lukács, History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, trans. Rodney Livingstone, MIT Press: Cambridge, 1967, p. 7-10 Thus we perceive that there is something highly problematic in the fact that capitalist society AND of the total historical process of their relation to society as a whole. Foster et al. ’10 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, Brett Clark, assistant professor of sociology at North Carolina State University, and Richard York, associate professor of sociology at University of Oregon, "Capitalism and the Curse of Energy Efficiency," Monthly Review, November 2010, Vol. 62, Issue 6, pp. 1-12 But there is one aspect of Jevons’s argument—the Jevons Paradox itself—that AND gratifying to the present, but must lead to an earlier end."18 Meszaros ’89 Istvan Meszaros, Chair of philosophy @ U. of Sussex, The Power of Ideology, 1989 p. 232-234 Nowhere is the myth of ideological neutrality – the self-proclaimed Wertfeihert or value AND interrelationship between methods and values which no social theory or philosophy can escape. Cotter ’12 Jennifer Cotter, Assistant Professor of English at William Jewell College, "Bio-politics, Transspecies Love and/as Class Commons-Sense," Red Critique, Winter/Spring 2012, http://www.redcritique.org/WinterSpring2012/biopoliticstransspeciesismandclasscommonssense.htm I argue that biopolitics and transspecies posthumanism, in displacing "class" with " AND social bonds that are necessitated by social relations of production founded on exploitation. Herod ’4 James Herod, World-Renowned Anarchist. Fourth Edition, January 2004. "Getting Free: A sketch of an association of democratic, autonomous neighborhoods and how to create it." http://site.www.umb.edu/faculty/salzman_g/Strate/GetFre/index.htm But we must not think that the capitalist world can simply be ignored, in AND . Otherwise we are doomed to perpetual slavery and possibly even to extinction. Infinitely regressive and still links – accepting capitalism some of the time is exactly the kind of heterodox method that dooms the left<this card is also in the framework section> Tumino ’1 Stephen Tumino, professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, "What is Orthodox Marxism and why it matters now more than ever," Red Critique, Spring 2001, accessed 1/3/10 http://www.redcritique.org/spring2001/whatisorthodoxmarxism.htm Any effective political theory will have to do at least two things: it will AND determinism of corporate theory ("knowledge work") that masquerades as social theory. Bray et al. 10 ~[Bray, Mark, John Burgess, and David Collins. "Green Jobs, Environmental Sustainability %26 Industrial Relations." Indian Journal of Industrial Relations (2010): n. pag. Print.~] The key challenges facing the social partners can be summarised under six main headings. AND workplace or through the local council, chamber of commerce or trade union. Wolff ’9 Richard D. Wolff, Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York, "Peak Oil and Peak Capitalism," The Oil Drum, 3/27/2009, http://www.theoildrum.com/node/5245 The concept of peak oil may apply more generally than its friends and foes realize AND , then undermine anti-crisis reforms, and thereby reproduce those crises. Katz 2k Adam Katz, English Instructor at Onodaga Community College. 2000. Postmodernism and the Politics of "Culture." Pg.189-190. With such contradictions, Dirlik’s concluding affirmation of a politics of dialogue, coalition building AND modern and postmodern, and local and global collide and de¬construct each other. Tumino ’8 Stephen Tumino, professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, "Materiality in Contemporary Cultural Theory," The Red Critique, Fall/Winter 2008, accessed 1/21/10 http://www.redcritique.org/FallWinter2008/materialityincontemporaryculturaltheory.htm One of the mainstays of contemporary cultural theory is the argument that the social is AND of the other can afford to focus on their desires in the market. Foster and McChesney ’12 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, and Robert W. McChesney, Gutgsell Endowed Professor of Communication, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, "The Endless Crisis," Monthly Review, May 2012, vol. 64, issue 1, pp. 1-28 The biggest question mark generated by this new phase of accumulation today is the rapid AND —a solution would ultimately require the development of a new system."79 Tumino ’1 Stephen Tumino, professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, "What is Orthodox Marxism and Why it Matters Now More Than Ever Before," Red Critique, Spring 2001, http://redcritique.org/spring2001/whatisorthodoxmarxism.htm Any effective political theory will have to do at least two things: it will AND to each according to their needs" (Marx) is the rule. Energy production is inseparable from capitalist growth—quick tech fixes to scarcity are temporary at best and exclude radical historical critiqueClark and York ’8 Brett Clark, assistant professor of sociology at North Carolina State University, and Richard York, coeditor of Organization %26 Environment and associate professor of sociology at the University of Oregon, "Rifts and Shifts: Getting to the Root of Environmental Crises," Monthly Review, Vol. 60, Issue 06, November 2008 The development of energy production technologies provides one of the best examples of rifts and AND forces to continue to operate, as they create additional ecological rifts.18 Kovel ’2 Joel Kovel, Professor of Social Studies at Bard College, 2002, The Enemy of Nature, p. 70-71 This induces new modes of organization among existing states. It gen¬erates great regional blocks AND be asked: the boss and enforcer, or the subaltern and provider? Foster et al. ’10 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, Brett Clark, assistant professor of sociology at North Carolina State University, and Richard York, associate professor of sociology at University of Oregon, "Capitalism and the Curse of Energy Efficiency," Monthly Review, November 2010, Vol. 62, Issue 6, pp. 1-12 But there is one aspect of Jevons’s argument—the Jevons Paradox itself—that AND gratifying to the present, but must lead to an earlier end."18 Monopoly capitalism’s tendancy towards short-term growth leads to long-run stagnation—wealth centralization in corporations and finance restricts macro-level liquidity and intellectual innovationFoster and McChesney ’12 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, and Robert W. McChesney, Gutgsell Endowed Professor of Communication, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, "The Endless Crisis," Monthly Review, May 2012, vol. 64, issue 1, pp. 1-28 Our own analysis in this book begins in many ways where Sweezy (and Harry AND that the labor share of output has fallen to its lowest level."49 Capitalism generates internal contradictions erupting in imperialism, nuclear war, and ecocideFoster ’5 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at the University of Oregon, "Naked Imperialism," Monthly Review, Vol. 57 No. 4, 2005 From the longer view offered by a historical-materialist critique of capitalism, the AND raising the possibility of the collapse of civilization itself if present trends continue. Try or die—the growth imperative risks total planetary destruction and social breakdownFoster et al. ’10 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, Brett Clark, assistant professor of sociology at North Carolina State University, and Richard York, associate professor of sociology at University of Oregon, "Capitalism and the Curse of Energy Efficiency," Monthly Review, November 2010, Vol. 62, Issue 6, pp. 1-12 The result is the production of mountains upon mountains of commodities, cheapening unit costs AND equality, human development, community, and sustainability are the explicit goals. Revolutionary theory is a prior question—the aff is irrelevant in the grand scheme of capitalism—we should instead affirm the historical necessity of communismTumino ’12 Stephen Tumino, more marxist than Marx himself, "Is Occupy Wall Street Communist," Red Critique 14, Winter/Spring 2012, http://www.redcritique.org/WinterSpring2012/isoccupywallstreetcommunist.htm Leaving aside that the purpose of Wolff’s speech was to popularize a messianic vision of AND , in the interest of the immense majority" to end inequality forever. Lukács ’67 György Lukács, History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, trans. Rodney Livingstone, MIT Press: Cambridge, 1967, p. 1-3 If the question were really to be formulated in terms of such a crude antithesis AND it becomes at the same time the necessary premise of the following one. Alternative social theories make NO sense and destroy politicsTumino ’1 Stephen Tumino, professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, "What is Orthodox Marxism and Why it Matters Now More Than Ever Before," Red Critique, Spring 2001, http://redcritique.org/spring2001/whatisorthodoxmarxism.htm Any effective political theory will have to do at least two things: it will AND to each according to their needs" (Marx) is the rule. Lukács ’67 György Lukács, History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, trans. Rodney Livingstone, MIT Press: Cambridge, 1967, p. 7-10 Thus we perceive that there is something highly problematic in the fact that capitalist society AND of the total historical process of their relation to society as a whole. Žižek ’9 Slavoj Žižek, First as Tragedy, Then as Farce, Verso: London, 2009, p. p. 6-7 What the book offers is not a neutral analysis but an engaged and extremely " AND allowed to observe prevents us from knowing what it is that we see. Foreign direct investment accelerates structural inequality and is unsustainable – challenging the logic of capitalism is key to preventing cyclical crises which turn caseHart-Landsberg 6 (Martin, Professor of Economics and Director of the Political Economy Program at Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon, "Neoliberalism: Myths and Reality," Apr, ~[monthlyreview.org/2006/04/01/neoliberalism-myths-and-reality~], jam) Capitalism’s failure to deliver development is not due to its lack of dynamism; in AND experience will then be cited as proof of the superiority of market forces. This round is key – exposing the flaws of free trade and neoliberalism is critical to winning the "battle of ideas" in the fight against capitalismHart-Landsberg 6 (Martin, Professor of Economics and Director of the Political Economy Program at Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon, "Neoliberalism: Myths and Reality," Apr, ~[monthlyreview.org/2006/04/01/neoliberalism-myths-and-reality~], jam) Agreements like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the World Trade AND than promotes working class interests in both third world and developed capitalist countries. Johnston ’4 Adrian Johnston, interdisciplinary research fellow in psychoanalysis at Emory University, December 2004, Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture %26 Society, v9 i3 p259 Furthermore, Zizek claims, the fetishist, by clinging to some object endowed with AND except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." Murphy et al. ’4 John Murphy, Professor of Sociology at the University of Miami, Manuel Caro Associate Professor of Sociology at Barry University, and Jung Min Choi, Professor of Sociology at San Diego State Universty, "Globalization With A Human Face," 2004 p2-3 What is diabolical is that the market is touted to hold everyone’s future. Because AND their worldview and thus undermine any threats to their social or economic privileges. Johnston ’4 Adrian Johnston, professor of philosophy at University of New Mexico, "The Cynic’s Fetish: Slavoj Zizek and the Dynamics of Belief," International Journal of Zizek Studies, Vol. 1, 2004 A brief remark by Žižek hints that, despite his somewhat pessimistic assessment of traditional AND whose underlying complicity with the present state of affairs he describes so well. Tumino ’1 Stephen Tumino, professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, "What is Orthodox Marxism and Why it Matters Now More Than Ever Before," Red Critique, Spring 2001, http://redcritique.org/spring2001/whatisorthodoxmarxism.htm Orthodox Marxism has become a test-case of the "radical" today. AND all" (Manifesto of the Communist Party, Selected Works, 53). Capitalism will continually appeal to fear of collapse to justify its existence - these rely on a logic that is epistemologically disabling and self-fulfillingZizek ’97 Slavoj Zizek, Senior Researcher in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Ljubljana and Codirector of the Center for Humanities at Birkbeck College, "Multiculturalism, or, the Cultural Logic of Multinational Capitalism," New Left Review, No. 224, 1997, pp.25-27 Today, financial crisis is a permanent state of things the reference to which legitimizes AND Y, and then, upon your doing X, Y effectively ensues. Kovel ’2 Joel Kovel, Professor of Social Studies at Bard College, 2002, The Enemy of Nature, p. 236-38 If such events as O’Connor envisions were to come to pass, they would not AND expropriators are expropriated, and the 500-year regime of capital falls. Peter Schwartz, futurist and founder of Global Business Network, a firm specializing in future-thinking and scenario planning, and Doug Randall, Global Business Network, "An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security," October 2003, http://famguardian.org/Subjects/Environment/Articles/ClimateChange-20090131.pdf Human civilization began with the stabilization and warming of the Earth’s climate. A colder AND drops suddenly, civilization is faced with new challenges that today seem unimaginable. Wolff ’11 Richard D. Wolff, Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York, "Capitalism and Poverty," MR Zine, 11/10/2011, http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2011/wolff111011.html Deepening poverty has multiple causes, but the capitalist economic system is major among them AND them toward poverty just like lower wages and benefits and government service cuts. Nuclear power is a capitalist shell game to trick massive subsidies out of the government and sustain imperial domination ICC ’11 "Nuclear energy, capitalism and communism," International Communist Current, 8/16/2011, http://en.internationalism.org/wr/347/nuclear The potential to use nuclear fission or fusion to produce power has been known about AND started as a source of fissile material and a cover for weapons programmes. Increases in production efficiency and effectiveness only magnify energy shortages and crises Foster et al. ’10 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, Brett Clark, assistant professor of sociology at North Carolina State University, and Richard York, associate professor of sociology at University of Oregon, "Capitalism and the Curse of Energy Efficiency," Monthly Review, November 2010, Vol. 62, Issue 6, pp. 1-12 The Jevons Paradox is the product of a capitalist economic system that is unable to AND been offset by ~[increases in~] the scale of economic growth."39 Capital reduces staggeringly large populations to servility at the whim of multinational corporations, formenting widespread social instability—the only hope for the world is fundamental economic change Foster and McChesney ’12 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, and Robert W. McChesney, Gutgsell Endowed Professor of Communication, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, "The Endless Crisis," Monthly Review, May 2012, vol. 64, issue 1, pp. 1-28 The biggest question mark generated by this new phase of accumulation today is the rapid AND —a solution would ultimately require the development of a new system."79 Overexpansion triggers multiple scenarios for extinction Foster ’5 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at the University of Oregon, "Naked Imperialism," Monthly Review, Vol. 57 No. 4, 2005 From the longer view offered by a historical-materialist critique of capitalism, the AND raising the possibility of the collapse of civilization itself if present trends continue. No turns—capitalism tends toward stagnation—market interventions and innovative spurts continually magnify structural contradictions Foster and McChesney ’12 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, and Robert W. McChesney, Gutgsell Endowed Professor of Communication, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, "The Endless Crisis," Monthly Review, May 2012, vol. 64, issue 1, pp. 1-28 Nearly twenty years later, Sweezy, writing with Paul Baran, published their now AND too productive to absorb the entire investment-seeking surplus generated within production. Vote negative to affirm classist politics. Increasing contradictions of capital necessitate a new approach. Focus on material production is key to social praxis. Tumino ’12 Stephen Tumino, more marxist than Marx himself, "Is Occupy Wall Street Communist," Red Critique 14, Winter/Spring 2012, http://www.redcritique.org/WinterSpring2012/isoccupywallstreetcommunist.htm Leaving aside that the purpose of Wolff’s speech was to popularize a messianic vision of AND , in the interest of the immense majority" to end inequality forever. Totalizing analysis is key to environmentalism—only critique offers hope of escape from ecological devastation Magdoff ’12 Fred Magdoff, Professor emeritus of plant and soil science at the Unviersity of Vermont, "Harmony and Ecological Civilization," Monthly Review, June 2012, Vol. 64, Issue 2, p. 1-9 Nevertheless, for many the role that capitalism plays in ecological destruction is invisible. AND makes these problems systemic while at the same time creating other negative aspects. Evaluate the debate as a dialectical materialist—you are a historian inquiring into the determinant factors behind the 1AC—Marx’s labor theory of value is the best possible description Tumino ’1 Stephen Tumino, professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, "What is Orthodox Marxism and Why it Matters Now More Than Ever Before," Red Critique, Spring 2001, http://redcritique.org/spring2001/whatisorthodoxmarxism.htm Any effective political theory will have to do at least two things: it will AND to each according to their needs" (Marx) is the rule. Particular facts are irrelevant without totalizing historical theory—the aff makes universal what is particular to capitalism—methodological inquiry is prior to action Lukács ’67 György Lukács, History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, trans. Rodney Livingstone, MIT Press: Cambridge, 1967, p. 7-10 Thus we perceive that there is something highly problematic in the fact that capitalist society AND of the total historical process of their relation to society as a whole. Saying it’s a good idea to not question is ludicrous. Your argument is question begging—if we win your ideology is problematic then the K already implicates your framework. Meszaros ’89 Istvan Meszaros, Chair of philosophy @ U. of Sussex, The Power of Ideology, 1989 p. 232-234 Nowhere is the myth of ideological neutrality – the self-proclaimed Wertfeihert or value AND interrelationship between methods and values which no social theory or philosophy can escape. Alt’s try or die—perm is coopted Parr ’13 Adrian Parr, The Wrath of Capital, 2013, p. 2-5 The fable provides an intriguing perspective on freedom… the free market is left to negotiate our future for us. Perm fractures movements Parr ’13 Adrian Parr, The Wrath of Capital, 2013, p. 5-6 The contradiction of capitalism is that… political ghost emptied of its collective aspirations. |
| 09/17/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Alt/CP text varies randomly based on the roundEnergy production under the sign of utility denies constitutive excess through the fiction of infinite accumulation. This necessitates conflict outbreak and nuclear escalation to discharge its built-up excessStoekl ’7 Allan Stoekl, Professor of French and Comparative Literature at Penn State University, Bataille’s Peak: Energy, Religion, and Postsustainability, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2007, p. 56-58 Just as there are two energetic sources of economic value, then—muscle power AND depletion of the earth’s resources and the wholesale destruction of ecosystems (today). The counterplan affirms the limit of human development by transgressing it in profligous wastage—this shatters humanist individualism and founds a communal ethic of generosityStoekl ’7 Allan Stoekl, Professor of French and Comparative Literature at Penn State University, Bataille’s Peak: Energy, Religion, and Postsustainability, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2007, p. 46-48 Carrying capacity poses a limit to growth: a society can destroy the excess through AND (including that of our own death)—an awareness that animals lack. Stoekl ’7 Allan Stoekl, Professor of French and Comparative Literature at Penn State University, Bataille’s Peak: Energy, Religion, and Postsustainability, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2007, p. 50-51 Bataille’s model in The Accursed Share ultimately depends on a distinction between types of expenditure AND and of the universe in the unrecoverable energy of a myriad of stars. Baudrillard ’1 Jean Baudrillard, "The Spirit of Terrorism," Le Monde, 11/2/2001, trans. Rachel Bloul, http://www.egs.edu/faculty/jean-baudrillard/articles/the-spirit-of-terrorism/ All the speeches and commentaries betray a gigantic abreaction to the event itself and to AND by a single power, is avenged today by this terrorist situational transfer. |
| 09/17/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Nate Silver, NYT, "Sept 15: Waiting on Wisconsin" 9/15 http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/15/sept-15-waiting-on-wisconsin/?gwh=B6B06C32D77812C3AB3D694483091EA4-http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/15/sept-15-waiting-on-wisconsin/?gwh=B6B06C32D77812C3AB3D694483091EA4 Saturday was a much quieter day for polling than we’ve grown accustomed to — and AND 11-point lead there, up from 9 points before the conventions. Schoen ’12 Douglas Schoen, pollster for President Clinton, 2-8-2012, The Forgotten Swing Voter, Politico, p. http://dyn.politico.com/printstory.cfm?uuid=7ED8592F-2122-4A55-AA3B-C5460134BE4A Neither party focuses on issues that matter most to people: reviving the economy, AND their concerns will almost certainly promise four more years of the same gridlock. Hussain 9-12 Murtaza Hussain, Toronto-based writer and analyst focused on issues related to Middle Eastern politics, "Why war with Iran would spell disaster," Al-Jazeera, 9/12/2012, http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2012/09/201291194236970294.html Leading members of the House and Congress from both parties as well as the closest AND already begun to tout the inevitability of this action in a Romney presidency. Nuclear power’s controversial—spending and safety—scares off undecided votersKnowledge@Wharton 11 (Knowledge@Wharton, the online research and analysis journal of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Mar 30, ~[knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=2743~], jam) Yet while the Administration continues to voice its support, Fukushima may have stalled the AND India are also investing heavily in nuclear to cope with increasing energy demand. Williams, Professor –Social Sciences - Indian Institute of Technology, 10 (Peril Awaits at the Strait of Hormuz, http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/2557996/posts-http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/2557996/posts) The Gulf-Southwest Asia region has always been a hyper-flash point of global conflict due to the dual strategic AND price over US %24300 per barrel or even more dealing with a decimation to the global economy. Hussain 9-12 Murtaza Hussain, Toronto-based writer and analyst focused on issues related to Middle Eastern politics, "Why war with Iran would spell disaster," Al-Jazeera, 9/12/2012, http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2012/09/201291194236970294.html The fragile American economic recovery would be completely upended were AND consequences "devastating for the average American"; but these facts are conspicuously absent in public discussion of the war. Victor 9 (David, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, is professor of law at Stanford Law School and director of the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development, Dirty Coal is Winning, http://www.newsweek.com/id/177684) Saving the planet was never going to be easy. Avoiding the most catastrophic effects of climate changes AND meet carbon-emissions targets. Now a spate of canceled projects darkens the picture. And, Obama’s winning now but the race is tight – domestic developments cut into his momentum and swing the election to RomneyCharlie Cook, editor Cook Political Report, columnist for Washington Quarterly and political analyst for NBC, "Obama’s a good bet" National Journal 9/13/12 http://www.nationaljournal.com//columns/cook-report/the-cook-report-obama-s-a-good-bet-to-win-20120913?print=true-http://www.nationaljournal.com/columns/cook-report/the-cook-report-obama-s-a-good-bet-to-win-20120913?print=true The presidential race is still close and, in a tight election, either AND whether the Romney campaign be able to effectively capitalize on it. New York Times, "Poll: Obama holds narrow edge over Romney" 9/14/12 http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/14/poll-obama-holds-narrow-edge-over-romney/-http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/14/poll-obama-holds-narrow-edge-over-romney/ President Obama holds a narrow three-point advantage over Mitt Romney among Americans AND rival across all ages of voters, except those who are 65 or older, who favor Mr. Romney by 15 percentage points. Knowledge@Wharton 11 (Knowledge@Wharton, the online research and analysis journal of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Mar 30, ~[knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=2743~], jam) A Decline in Public Support Yet Fukushima has no doubt had an impact. Italy put a one-year AND coal options, the economics are not there. Nuclear does not come out as an attractive option without supports." Ramana ’11 M.V. Princeton University Program on Science and Global Security Physicist, August 3, "Nuclear power and the public," http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/features/nuclear-power-and-the-public-http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/features/nuclear-power-and-the-public Japan is by no means alone. Around the world, nuclear energy has declined in AND choice at best. Renewable energy technologies offer the same benefits, making it unlikely that a large-scale "nuclear renaissance" will materialize. Opposition is staunch and bipartisan – would flip multiple votes to RomneyABC News 11 April 20, "Nuclear Power: Po Nuclear Power: Opposition Spikes After Japan Earthquake," http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/nuclear-power-opposition-grows-japan-earthquake-abc-news/story?id=13412262~%23.UAnUlWHZATY-http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/nuclear-power-opposition-grows-japan-earthquake-abc-news/story?id=13412262 Americans by a 2-1 margin oppose building more AND May 1986 after the Chernobyl crisis (which began 25 years ago next week). Schoen ’12 Douglas Schoen, pollster for President Clinton, 2-8-2012, The Forgotten Swing Voter, Politico, p. http://dyn.politico.com/printstory.cfm?uuid=7ED8592F-2122-4A55-AA3B-C5460134BE4A Neither party focuses on issues that matter most to people: reviving the economy, promoting job AND win without addressing their concerns will almost certainly promise four more years of the same gridlock. Takahashi 12 Patrick is Director Emeritus of the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute at the University of Hawaii and co-founder of the Pacific International Center for High Technology Research. 6.6.12 "WHY IS WINDPOWER SUDDENLY UNPOPULAR?" http://planetearthandhumanity.blogspot.com/2012/06/why-is-windpower-suddenly-unpopular.html-http://planetearthandhumanity.blogspot.com/2012/06/why-is-windpower-suddenly-unpopular.html In Hawaii, php and org/, it seems like wind AND more depicted at the left protest (com/business/article/1156097--wind-power-crosswinds-blast-mcguinty-government). Williams, Professor –Social Sciences - Indian Institute of Technology, 10 (Peril Awaits at the Strait of Hormuz, http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/2557996/posts-http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/2557996/posts) The Gulf-Southwest Asia region has always been a hyper-flash point of AND per barrel or even more dealing with a decimation to the global economy. Hayden 12 Tom is a writer and blogger. "The coming war with Iran Is GOP rhetoric setting the stage for an Israeli attack?" 2/19/12 http://www.newsreview.com/sacramento/coming-war-with-iran/content?oid=5104826-http://www.newsreview.com/sacramento/coming-war-with-iran/content?oid=5104826 Standing in the way, according to the article, is President Barack Obama, AND campaign winds. The question is whether any organized force has his back. Hayden 12 Tom is a writer and blogger. "The coming war with Iran Is GOP rhetoric setting the stage for an Israeli attack?" 2/19/12 http://www.newsreview.com/sacramento/coming-war-with-iran/content?oid=5104826-http://www.newsreview.com/sacramento/coming-war-with-iran/content?oid=5104826 Standing in the way, according to the article, is President Barack Obama, AND campaign winds. The question is whether any organized force has his back. Feiffer ’12 John Feiffer, co-director of Foreign Policy in Focus, "Bribing Israel," Huffington Post, 3/13/2012, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-feffer/bribing-israel_b_1342357.html The bully came to Washington. The American president told him in no uncertain terms AND planes, as long as it postponed any attacks on Iran until 2013. In other words, Obama wasn’t only buying time, he was bribing Israel AND to their own tune, however discordant it might be for everybody else. Elisa Wood, AOL Energy, "Fossil fuels: more less or the same under Obama or Romney" 9/4/12 http://energy.aol.com/2012/09/04/fossil-fuels-more-less-or-the-same-under-obama-or-romney/-http://energy.aol.com/2012/09/04/fossil-fuels-more-less-or-the-same-under-obama-or-romney/ Romney’s plan focuses heavily on oil and gas and calls for fast-tracked permits AND clean energy and efficiency. Obama’s critics paint him as obstructing fossil fuels. Keller 12 Bill, NY TIMES, is an Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times. Prior to this role he was the executive editor of The Times, a role he held since 2003. "Bomb-Bomb-Bomb, Bomb-Bomb Iran?" http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/23/opinion/keller-bomb-bomb-bomb-bomb-bomb-iran.html?_r=1%26pagewanted=all-http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/23/opinion/keller-bomb-bomb-bomb-bomb-bomb-iran.html?_r=1%26pagewanted=all The point of tough sanctions, of course, is to force Iranians to the AND is the best way to guarantee exactly what we are trying to prevent. Daigneault ’10 Todd Daigneault, "Wars And Rumors of War—-A Strategic View of Any Possible Future Western/israeli Military Strike in The Middle East," Bukisa, 10/8/10, http://www.bukisa.com/articles/369915_wars-and-rumors-of-war-a-strategic-view-of-any-possible-future-westernisraeli-military-strike-in-the-middle-east Looking at any potential future strike against Iran by the West and Israel. This AND had; Hezbollah and Syria would become dragged in as Iran’s strategic partners. Probability and magnitude—invasion escalates—multiple senior military and intel officials in the US and Israel say Iran has powerful proxy networks that cause wider conflagrations. Middle East power dynamics are shifting rapidly which risks great power interventionWilliams, Professor –Social Sciences - Indian Institute of Technology, 10 (Peril Awaits at the Strait of Hormuz, http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/2557996/posts-http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/2557996/posts) The Gulf-Southwest Asia region has always been a hyper-flash point of AND per barrel or even more dealing with a decimation to the global economy. Silver 10/12 (Nate, "Oct 11: Obama’s swing state firewall has brittle foundation" http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/10/12/oct-11-obamas-swing-state-firewall-has-brittle-foundation/?gwh=62F640DF5D382CA2FF323E435793D7B2-http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/10/12/oct-11-obamas-swing-state-firewall-has-brittle-foundation/?gwh=62F640DF5D382CA2FF323E435793D7B2) President Obama’s position has been stronger in state polls than in national surveys on recent AND , I would caution our readers against thinking that it’s all that robust. Klein 10/10 (Ezra, B.A., Political Science from UCLA, writer at the Washington Post, "In excitable pundits vs. political scientists, I’ll take political scientists every time," ~[www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/wp/2012/10/10/in-excitable-pundits-vs-political-scientists-ill-take-political-scientists-every-time/~]) For the record, I’ll take political scientists looking at thousands of polls over multiple AND pundits has convinced me, more than ever, that political science matters. Geman ’11 Ben Geman, writer for The Hill’s energy and environment blog, "Poll: Upton’s war against EPA climate rules unpopular at home," The Hill, 5/19/2011, http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/162087-poll-uptons-war-against-epa-climate-rules-unpopular-at-home A poll commissioned by environmentalists shows that House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton’s AND interests, while 31 percent say he is more concerned for his constituents. Abramowitz, 12 (Alan, Senior Columnist, Center For Politics.org, Prof Poli Sci @ Emory, 5/31, http://www.centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/articles/buying-a-presidential-election-its-not-as-easy-as-you-think/-http://www.centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/articles/buying-a-presidential-election-its-not-as-easy-as-you-think/ The airwaves in the eight or 10 states that will decide the outcome of the AND . But I’ll have more to say about that in my next article. Josh Freed and Matt Bennett, Third Way; Al Quinlan and Andrew Baumann, Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research. February 2012. "Moving Clean Energy to the Center: Insights from Swing Voters in the Midwest and South" http://content.thirdway.org/publications/486/Third_Way_Report_-_Moving_Clean_Energy_to_the_Center_-_Insights_from_Swing_Voters_in_the_Midwest_and_South.pdf-http://content.thirdway.org/publications/486/Third_Way_Report_-_Moving_Clean_Energy_to_the_Center_-_Insights_from_Swing_Voters_in_the_Midwest_and_South.pdf Even swing voters in traditional energy states want to get America running on clean energy AND want the private sector to act, with government serving as the catalyst. Probability and magnitude—invasion escalates—multiple senior military and intel officials in the US and Israel say Iran has powerful proxy networks that cause wider conflagrations. Middle East power dynamics are shifting rapidly which risks great power intervention Williams, Professor –Social Sciences - Indian Institute of Technology, 10 (Peril Awaits at the Strait of Hormuz, http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/2557996/posts) The Gulf-Southwest Asia region has always been a hyper-flash point of AND per barrel or even more dealing with a decimation to the global economy. Election is key to solving global warming - extinction Stevenson 9/11 Aiko is a freelance writer from Hong Kong who used to work for BBC World News, Bloomberg, CNBC Europe, CNN and Time magazine. She went to the University of Edinburgh in the UK and recently completed a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of Hong Kong. “U.S. Election 2012: Battle for the Soul of America” 9/11/12. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/aiko-stevenson/us-elections-the-battle_b_1866617.html In approximately eight weeks, Americans will go to the polls to vote for their AND And, in eight weeks time, you can do something about it. Romney win rolls back EPA CO2 regs Star Ledger, 12 (6/3, http://blog.nj.com/njv_editorial_page/2012/06/scary_times_for_environment_--.html) The grim report on jobs Friday greatly improves the odds that Republicans will win in AND only on tall smoke stacks to push the toxins higher into the atmosphere. EPA protections solve warming Eilperin 9, Juliet, Washington Post Staff Writer, “EPA Presses Obama to regulate warming under Clean Air Act,” http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/03/23/AR2009032301068.html "This is historic news," said Frank O'Donnell, who heads the environmental watchdog AND not ideal, but it's a way to make progress on emissions reductions." Obama winning: polling shows he’s recaptured momentum but it’s tight Silver 10/13 (Nate Arizona and the Spanish-speaking vote http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/10/13/oct-13-arizona-and-the-spanish-speaking-vote/?gwh=0C04074C2EC5412F01BC51FBCBF9FE57) President Obama halted an 8-day winning streak for Mitt Romney in the FiveThirtyEight AND Investors’ Business Daily has him up by less than a full percentage point. Framing issue at the top of the link of the link debate – all of their link turns about voter enthusiasm are talking about the wind production tax credit – they are NOT the wind PTC – the Plan takes away a critical wedge issue for Obama in Colorado because it’s a question of competing strategies for doing wind – regulatory change like the plan means he can’t draw distinctions with Romney Talev & McCormick 8/9 (Margaret and John, Bloomberg News, "Obama Hits Romney on Wind Credit Stance in Colorado," 2012, [www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-09/obama-tells-coloradans-romney-wind-credit-stance-would-cost-jobs.html],) President Barack Obama attacked Republican challenger Mitt Romney for opposing the extension of a tax AND Jersey and New York, according to Spencer Zwick, Romney’s finance director. MLPs are a locus of tax loopholes—plan gets spun as creating new loopholes Miller 12 DON MILLER, Contributing Writer, Money Morning JUNE 22, 2012 http://moneymorning.com/2012/06/22/investing-in-master-limited-partnerships-earn-higher-returns-and-beat-the-irs/ All you need to do is make one simple move. It's achieved by investing AND of their earnings.¶ For MLP investors, those returns can be substantial. The public hates loopholes Levin 12 Carl Levin [US Senator] “Cut Tax Loopholes to Reduce the Deficit” 02-10-2012 http://www.levin.senate.gov/newsroom/in_the_news/article/cut-tax-loopholes-to-reduce-the-deficit ¶ It is clear to almost everyone that revenue must be a part of our AND support for closing tax loopholes, support that crosses partisan and ideological lines.¶ And, having specific loopholes Obama has proposed makes Romney’s case easier and removes a line of attack Cohn 10-8 Jonathan [even more qualified than Nate] Cohn October 8, 20122 “This is How Obama Should Confront Romney Over His Tax Policy Evasions” TNR http://www.tnr.com/blog/plank/108237/how-to-confront-romney-tax-evasions-obama-debate Simon Rosenberg of the New Democrat Network has noticed something interesting. He went through AND one.¶ Show me the money, governor. Show me the money. Obama up: polling Rasmussen 10/8 (Election 2012; Colorado president http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections/election_2012/election_2012_presidential_election/colorado/election_2012_colorado_president) The Colorado presidential race remains neck-and-neck as President Obama moves slightly ahead of Mitt Romney for the first time this year.¶ The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Colorado Voters shows the president with 49% of the vote to Romney’s 48%. One percent (1%) prefers some other candidate, and two percent (2%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.) Merely the absence of Obama pressure causes Israeli strikes—triggers our impacts Hayden 12 Tom is a writer and blogger. “The coming war with Iran Is GOP rhetoric setting the stage for an Israeli attack?” 2/19/12 http://www.newsreview.com/sacramento/coming-war-with-iran/content?oid=5104826 Standing in the way, according to the article, is President Barack Obama, AND campaign winds. The question is whether any organized force has his back. Obama pressure constrains Israel from striking—US has massive leverage through military assistance and monetary debts Feiffer ’12 John Feiffer, co-director of Foreign Policy in Focus, “Bribing Israel,” Huffington Post, 3/13/2012, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-feffer/bribing-israel_b_1342357.html The bully came to Washington. The American president told him in no uncertain terms AND to their own tune, however discordant it might be for everybody else. |
| 09/17/2012 | |
| 09/18/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Thorium reprocessing functions uniquely enable prolif Makhijani ’12 Arjun Makhijani, electrical and nuclear engineer, President of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, has served as an expert witness in Nuclear Regulatory Commission Proceedings, "Is Thorium A Magic Bullet For Our Energy Problems?" interviewed by Ira Flatow, host of Science Friday, NPR, 5/4/2012, http://www.npr.org/2012/05/04/152026805/is-thorium-a-magic-bullet-for-our-energy-problems So what are the problems? The problem is that with this particular reactor, AND uranium-233, which is easier to make bombs with than plutonium. Prolif risks extinction Kroenig ’12 Matthew Kroenig, Council on Foreign Relations Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow and Georgetown University assistant professor of government, "The History of Proliferation Optimism: Does It Have A Future?" Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, 5/26/2012, http://www.npolicy.org/article.php?aid=1182%26tid=30 Should we worry about the spread of nuclear weapons? At first glance, this AND the steps necessary to combat the spread of the world’s most dangerous weapons. Protactinium decay is totally doable and yields bomb-ready U233 Ashley et al. 12-5 Stephen F. Ashley, research associate in AND online 12/5/2012, doi:10.1038/492031a After irradiating thorium with neutrons for around one month, chemical separation of 233Pa could AND be manipulated safely. Such apparatus is not necessarily subject to IAEA safeguards. Requisite materials are minimal and oversight doesn’t solve Ashley et al. 12-5 Stephen F. Ashley, research associate in AND online 12/5/2012, doi:10.1038/492031a First, nuclear-energy technologies that involve irradiation of thorium fuels for short periods AND three points should be included in debates on the proliferation attributes of thorium. Regulatory measures don’t check—purchasers could easily modify setups and extract fissile material Ryan ’11 D.A. Ryan, engineering by training, Masters in Mechanical Engineering (specialisation computer aided energineering %26 materials) and a PhD in solar energy systems (or more specifically natural convection and heat transfer), "Part 8 – The Molten Salt Reactor concept," 2011, http://daryanenergyblog.wordpress.com/ca/part-8-msr-lftr/ One final point about MSR’s is the proliferation risk. As they can be used AND of these positions can’t be correct%21 You can’t have it both ways%21 All nuclear technology is dual use. Even if they win defense on the materials and facilities used, increased knowledge makes bomb making easierFuhrmann 09 — Matthew Fuhrmann ~[Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of South Carolina~] "Spreading Temptation" International Security Summer 2009, Vol. 34, No. 1, Pages 7-41, Posted Online July 7, 2009. http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/isec.2009.34.1.7-http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/isec.2009.34.1.7 Civilian Nuclear Cooperation and the Bomb Decades ago scholars offered a "technological momentum" AND to several cases to show how peaceful nuclear cooperation can lead to proliferation. Prolif causes extinction from arms races and miscalculationsUtgoff ’2 (Deputy Director of the Strategy Forces, and Resources Division of the Institute for Defense Analyses, Victor, "Proliferation, Missile Defence, and American Ambitions," Survival, Volume 44, Number 2, Summer) In sum, widespread proliferation is likely to lead to an occasional shoot-out AND a hill to bury the bodies of dead cities or even whole nations. |
| 09/18/2012 | Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 2 | Opponent: Gonzaga HN | Judge: Bausch 1NC Growth Advantage Federal incentives hurt growth—trade off with more efficient industries and discourage innovation Zycher ’12 Benjamin Zycher, president of Benjamin Zycher Economics Associates Inc., a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute, and an adjunct professor of Economics and Business at the Martin V. Smith School of Business and Economics, California State University, Channel Islands, associate in the Intelligence Community Associates Program of the Office of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, U.S. Department of State, served as a senior staff economist for the President's Council of Economic Advisers from July 1981 to July 1983, “Renewable Energy Subsidies Should Be Abandoned,” Statement before the Senate Finance Committee Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure, 3/27/2012, http://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Zycher%20Senate%20Finance%20renewables%20incentives%20testimony%203-27-12.pdf The depletion or sustainability criticism of conventional technologies is incorrect simply as a matter of AND be the abandonment of tax subsidies and other policy support for renewable energy. Economic benefits are compartmentalized—green incentives hurt the economy overall Zycher ’12 Benjamin Zycher, president of Benjamin Zycher Economics Associates Inc., a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute, and an adjunct professor of Economics and Business at the Martin V. Smith School of Business and Economics, California State University, Channel Islands, associate in the Intelligence Community Associates Program of the Office of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, U.S. Department of State, served as a senior staff economist for the President's Council of Economic Advisers from July 1981 to July 1983, “Renewable Energy Subsidies Should Be Abandoned,” Statement before the Senate Finance Committee Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure, 3/27/2012, http://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Zycher%20Senate%20Finance%20renewables%20incentives%20testimony%203-27-12.pdf A common argument in support of expanded renewable power posits that policies in support of AND because those workers no longer would be available for productive activity elsewhere.27 200,000 jobs added last month and stocks are at multi-year highs from fed stimulus – econ’s fine No risk or impact to economic decline Drezner ‘11 Daniel W. Drezner, professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, “Please come down off the ledge, dear readers,” Foreign Policy, 8/12/11, http://drezner.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/12/please_come_down_off_the_ledge_dear_readers So, when we last left off this debate, things were looking grim. AND , based on the data we've got, that's not going to happen. Warming Advantage Nuclear power is worse for climate change. It emits as much CO2 as nat-gas, plus ionizing radiation. Increased nuclear power trades off with carbon free renewables Mez September 2012—Lutz Mez [Department of Political and Social Sciences, Freie Universitat Berlin] “Nuclear energy–Any solution for sustainability and climate protection” Energy Policy 48 (2012) 56–63 The sector of electrical power production accounts for about 27 percent of global anthropogenic CO2 AND and socially compatible energy technologies—especially the use of smart energy services. Nuclear doesn’t solve warming—waste heat is more important than CO2 ScienceDaily (July 13, 2009) “Trapping Carbon Dioxide Or Switching To Nuclear Power Not Enough To Solve Global Warming Problem, Experts Say” http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/07/090713085248.htm Bo Nordell and Bruno Gervet of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Luleå AND electricity it generates and so contributes to global warming significantly, Nordell adds. Expanded international agreements are key but every major party faces massive political roadblocks to increased involvement Schreurs ’12 Miranda A. Schreurs, Director of the Environmental Policy Research Centre, Free University of Berlin, “Breaking the impasse in the international climate negotiations: The potential of green technologies,” Energy Policy 48, September 2012, pp. 5-12, Elsevier The Durban outcome has kept the international negotiation process alive, but does not reflect AND will be reluctant to accept commitments that could affect its economic growth perspectives. Entrenched political forces prevent broad climate reform in the US Schreurs ’12 Miranda A. Schreurs, Director of the Environmental Policy Research Centre, Free University of Berlin, “Breaking the impasse in the international climate negotiations: The potential of green technologies,” Energy Policy 48, September 2012, pp. 5-12, Elsevier The Obama administration’s efforts were directed at framing climate change as a serious threat and AND taken steps to curb the federal government’s ability to conduct climate change programs. No anthropogenic consensus Christopher Walter, former policy advisor to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, "Consensus? What Consensus?" Science and Public Policy Institute, July 2007, accessed 1/8/10 http://scienceandpublicpolicy.org/images/stories/papers/monckton/consensus.pdf There is indeed a consensus that humankind is putting large quantities of greenhouse gases into AND glacier calving into the sea – which is what glaciers do every summer. Warming impacts overstated—new data Taylor ’11 James Taylor, senior fellow for environment policy at the Heartland Institute and managing editor of Environment and Climate News, “New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism,” Forbes, 7/27/2011, http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamestaylor/2011/07/27/new-nasa-data-blow-gaping-hold-in-global-warming-alarmism/ NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth’s atmosphere is allowing AND great deal about how honest the purveyors of global warming alarmism truly are. Solvency Nuclear is shockingly expensive, has no economies of scale, and cannot become cost competitive with other technologies Mez September 2012—Lutz Mez [Department of Political and Social Sciences, Freie Universitat Berlin] “Nuclear energy–Any solution for sustainability and climate protection” Energy Policy 48 (2012) 56–63 In contrast to other energy technologies, there are no positive economies of scale in AND to the present without massive government subsidies in Western and democratic industrialized countries. 2NC/1NR Growth Advantage empirical patterns prove no correlation Miller 2k Morris Miller, "Poverty as a cause of wars?" Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Vol. 25 Issue 4, Winter 2000, proquest The question may be reformulated. Do wars spring from a popular reaction to a AND by increasing repression (thereby using one form of violence to abort another). Warming Advantage Nuclear power contributes to global warming via waste heat. Prefer this evidence—statistical analysis peer reviewed in a major journal about global warming Nordell and Gervet 09 – Bo Nordell* and Bruno Gervet [Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Luleå University of Technology] “Global energy accumulation and net heat emission” Int. J. Global Warming, Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2/3, 2009, http://www.zo.utexas.edu/courses/THOC/Nordell-Gervet2009ijgw.pdf Independent of what causes global warming, AND emission gives the same result. Don’t believe their low ball cost estimates. Nuclear costs billions per reactor. Jackson 2008 — David Jackson [PhD. Professor (Adjunct) of Engineering Physics at McMaster University] The cost of the new reactors for Canada June 24, 2008, http://reactorscanada.com/2008/06/24/the-cost-of-the-new-reactors-for-canada/ What will the new reactors proposed for Canada cost? AND t to look at the prices for reactors already sold. |
| 09/18/2012 | Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 3 | Opponent: Stanford PS | Judge: Lemuel ScienceDaily (July 13, 2009) "Trapping Carbon Dioxide Or Switching To Nuclear Power Not Enough To Solve Global Warming Problem, Experts Say" http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/07/090713085248.htm-http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/07/090713085248.htm Bo Nordell and Bruno Gervet of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Luleå AND electricity it generates and so contributes to global warming significantly, Nordell adds. Nordell and Gervet 09 – Bo Nordell* and Bruno Gervet ~[Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Luleå University of Technology~] "Global energy accumulation and net heat emission" Int. J. Global Warming, Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2/3, 2009, http://www.zo.utexas.edu/courses/THOC/Nordell-Gervet2009ijgw.pdf-http://www.zo.utexas.edu/courses/THOC/Nordell-Gervet2009ijgw.pdf Independent of what causes global warming, it should be considered in terms of ¶ AND Also, the underestimation of net heat emission gives ¶ the same result. Expanded international agreements are key but every major party faces massive political roadblocks to increased involvementSchreurs ’12 Miranda A. Schreurs, Director of the Environmental Policy Research Centre, Free University of Berlin, "Breaking the impasse in the international climate negotiations: The potential of green technologies," Energy Policy 48, September 2012, pp. 5-12, Elsevier The Durban outcome has kept the international negotiation process alive, but does not reflect AND will be reluctant to accept commitments that could affect its economic growth perspectives. Schreurs ’12 Miranda A. Schreurs, Director of the Environmental Policy Research Centre, Free University of Berlin, "Breaking the impasse in the international climate negotiations: The potential of green technologies," Energy Policy 48, September 2012, pp. 5-12, Elsevier The Obama administration’s efforts were directed at framing climate change as a serious threat and AND taken steps to curb the federal government’s ability to conduct climate change programs. CCS is too risky for businesses and it diverts funding from other renewable turning warming – assumes EORGreenpeace International 8 (Greenpeace, independent global campaigning organisation that acts to change attitudes and behavior, "False Hope," May, ~[www.greenpeace.org/usa/Global/usa/report/2008/5/false-hope-why-carbon-capture.pdf~], jam) Cost estimates for CCS vary considerably depending on factors such as power station configuration, AND crippled the Norwegian energy debate", page 29) further widens the gap. Kahn ’11 Jeremy Kahn, "Crude reality," Boston Globe, 2/13/2011, http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/2011/02/13/crude_reality/?page=full In their Security Studies paper, Gholz and Press argue that there are indeed a AND for gas in one part of the US is not an existential threat." U.S. oil production is at a record high and is only getting higher – we’re nearly energy independentBrodrick 12 (Sean, Weiss Research’s small-cap specialist, concentrating in natural resources, is the editor of the company’s Red-Hot Global Resources, Global Resource Hunter, as well as a regular contributor to the daily investment e-newsletter, Uncommon Wisdom, "3 Reasons Why Oil Prices Will Go Lower Short-Term," Jun 14, ~[http://www.uncommonwisdomdaily.com/3-reasons-why-oil-prices-will-go-lower-short-term-14427~~], jam) ~%231. Saudi Arabia Could Tell OPEC to Take a Hike.¶ Recently, AND , it took an average of 15 months for the cuts to work. Elizabeth Stevens, September 19, 2002, http://infomanage.com/nonproliferation/najournal/israelinucs.html Thus far, Israel has confronted continuous hostility with a strong conventional superiority. It AND attack. It would appear that Israel does not need a nuclear arsenal. |
| 09/18/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Interpretation: The aff should win if hypothetical enactment of a topical plan would be better than the status quo or competitive negative advocacies. Violation: They fail to identify a specific topical advocacy that should be implemented. The resolution is an open system—instrumental affirmation can be a powerful tool for confronting injustice, even in the context of debate. Connolly ’12 William E. Connolly, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University, "Steps toward an Ecology of Late Capitalism," Theory %26 Event, Vol. 15, Issue 1, 2012, Muse 3. Today, perhaps the initial target should be on reconstituting established patterns of AND , role performance, cultural ethos, market regulation, and citizen activism. Specificity matters. We live in a complex world filled with injustice—fora like debate should be seized as opportunities to think about what to do about it. Bryant ’12 Levi Bryant, teaches philosophy at Collin College, "RSI, Discursivity, Critique, and Politics," Larval Subjects, 7/18/2012, http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2012/07/18/rsi-discursivity-critique-and-politics/ If I get worked up about these issues, then this is because I think AND , hitching everything on psychology, attachment, and identification. Well done%21 We cannot exclude swathes of political being or reduce the social life to simple oppositions—our endorsement of experimentation engenders a militant pluralism to resistant inequality of all kinds Connolly 3-20 William E. Connolly, "The Dilemma of Electoral Politics," The Contemporary Condition, 3/20/2013, http://contemporarycondition.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-dilemma-of-electoral-politics.html There is, nonetheless, a dilemma of electoral politics confronting the Left: 1 AND join in different ways and degrees a multifaceted movement to respond to them. Rules can be strategic and of great ethical import. Things like the state are tools for the work of good—debate can imagine creative ways to use them. Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Professor of Philosophy, French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, 2004, For What Tomorrow? A Dialogue With Elisabeth Roudinesco, p. 91-92 J.D.: A moment ago you spoke of regicide as the necessity of AND it seems im¬possible, and not sovereignty, even when it seems possible. Law must heed the call of the other – even if it cannot fully respond to infinite ethical demands, law still must be leveraged to act on our responsibility Colin Perrin, PhD in Law and Philosophy from the University of Kent, held research positions at the University of New South Wales and the University of Durham, 2004, Social and Legal Studies, Vol. 13, No. 1, p. 138-141 Explicitly it is a matter of ’speaking for those who . . . can AND – the language to which silence, as silence, must have recourse. In particular, political programs are key to environmentalism Bryant ’12 Levi Bryant, "Underpants Gnomes: A Critique of the Academic Left," 11/11/2012, http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2012/11/11/underpants-gnomes-a-critique-of-the-academic-left/ What I wonder is just what we’re supposed to do even if all of this AND make a sound%21 Seriously dudes and dudettes, what are you doing? For example, getting into the nitty-gritty of the resolution is key to better education about nuclear power—that’s key to the success of broad societal attempts to shift from worse forms of energy production Kotler ’11 Stephen Kotler, "Meltdown or Mother Lode: Is Nuclear Energy Safe?" Eco-Hearth, 3/19/2011, http://ecohearth.com/eco-zine/green-issues/391-meltdown-or-mother-lode-the-new-truth-about-nuclear-power.html In the past four decades, there’s been a nuclear revolution brewing. Most likely AND , the better question might be: What do we mean by safe? This matters. Anthropogenic climate change poses an unmistakable danger to life of all kinds on Earth. At stake are the very life cycle processes relied upon by humans and nonhumans alike. Hannah ’12 Lee Hannah, senior researcher in climate change biology at Conservation International, visiting researcher and adjunct professor at the Bren School of Environmental Science %26 Management at UC-Santa Barbara, has a pretty detailed Wikipedia page, "As Threats to Biodiversity Grow, Can We Save World’s Species?" Yale Environment 360, 4/19/2012, http://e360.yale.edu/feature/as_threats_to_biodiversity_grow_can_we_save_worlds_species/2518/ Now, with 7 billion people on the planet — heading to 10 billion — AND timber, ranching, and farming such crops as soybeans and oil palm. Climate change also affects humans unequally. Regions responsible for the least GHG emissions will be at the greatest disadvantage. Sea level rise puts the hundreds of millions of people living on coastal and low-lying regions at risk, while climate shifts magnify food and water shortages. Entire islands are sinking. Action is key. Byravan and Rajan ’10 Sujatha Byravan and Sudhir Chella Rajan, "The Ethical Implications of Sea-Level Rise Due to Climate Change," Ethics %26 International Affairs 24, No. 3, 9/20/2010, only accessible on some exclusive database As scientific evidence for the adverse effects of human-induced climate change grows stronger AND wetland loss. Together, these will greatly reduce available land for cultivation, water resources, and fodder, causing severe hardship in terms of livelihood and habitat AND and resettlement in regions and countries on higher ground in advance of disaster. We should stop treating structures as unmovable wholes—all it takes is one crack to expose the fragility of oppressive institutions. The plan is a radical experiment in democratic politics. Connolly ’12 William E. Connolly, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University, "Steps toward an Ecology of Late Capitalism," Theory %26 Event, Vol. 15, Issue 1, 2012, Muse A philosophy attending to the acceleration, expansion, irrationalities, interdependencies and fragilities of AND it. The following tentative judgments and sites of action may be pertinent. Affirmating a politics of difference, flux, and becoming best produces an effective ethos of political engagement with others by acknowledging the subjective and circumstantial position of our own identities and ontological commitments. Understanding our political programs as incomplete pushes us to seek better and more open approaches. Connolly ’99 William Connolly, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University, Why I Am Not a Secularist, 1999, p. 51-54 The most difficult cases require a public ethos of critical engagement between interdependent, contending AND while trimming some of the cognitive fat from its theological or secular diet. The politics of becoming affirms the struggle to disrupt hegemonic identities, to discover unconsidered forms of suffering, and the incomplete and tentative nature of movements for justice. It derives momentum from prior successes to continually identify and overcome present failings in politics and society. This is a prior question to formulating particular end-points to our advocacy. Connolly ’99 William Connolly, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University, Why I Am Not a Secularist, 1999, p. 57-60 By the politics of becoming I mean that paradoxical politics by which new cultural identities AND places" from time to time to support the politics of becoming.18 Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Professor of Philosophy, French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, 2004, For What Tomorrow? A Dialogue With Elisabeth Roudinesco, p. 91-92 J.D.: A moment ago you spoke of regicide as the necessity of AND it seems im¬possible, and not sovereignty, even when it seems possible. The aff relies on a false opposition between legal violence and non-violent resistance – this attempt to purge politics of violence is the height of ethical irresponsibilityAlex Thomson, lecturer in English at the University of Glasgow, 2005, Deconstruction and Democracy, p. 171-73 What Derrida proposes is not the end of revolution, however, but an extension AND an intensive engagement with the law, both within and beyond the state. Our contest should be over demands on the state. Legal institutions allow us to enforce our will while demands and right claims are the ultimate act of agonism. This is the best way to affirm human livingLawrence J. Hatab ~[philosophy prof somewhere~] "Prospects For A Democratic Agon: Why We Can Still Be Nietzscheans" The Journal of Nietzsche Studies 24 (2002) 132-147, on muse Moreover, the structure of an agon conceived as a contest can readily underwrite political AND to defend rights simply in terms of the human capacity to say No. Praxis can be hard. In all our critiquing, destabilizing, and disrupting, we risk losing sight of the important goals our critiques suggest—the material changes necessary to reorient institutions and social relations in less violent fashions. This obviates particular strategies for change in conjunction with broadening our theoretical lenses.Bryant ’12 Levi Bryant, teaches philosophy at Collin College, "RSI, Discursivity, Critique, and Politics," Larval Subjects, 7/18/2012, http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2012/07/18/rsi-discursivity-critique-and-politics/ If I get worked up about these issues, then this is because I think AND , hitching everything on psychology, attachment, and identification. Well done%21 Law is not all bad. It gets stuff done. They totalize the law into a thing that must be resisted, thus replicating the worst aspect of sovereign violence. Instead we should make demands on the law. Ethics proceeds any particular engagement and is thus not actualizeable, none the less we have an obligation to try.Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Professor of Philosophy, French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, 2003, Philosophy in a Time of Terror, p. 128-30 Borradori: Tolerance thus amounts to granting someone permission to continue living on? Derrida AND an event—between these two hospitalities, the unconditional and the conditional. Nick Smith, Professor of Philosophy at the University of New Hampshire, Spring/Summer 1997, Buffalo Law Review, 45 Buffalo L. Rev. 503, p. 546-47 Nussbaum believes that this Platonic ethical science, and its offspring in certain proposals in AND into focus some legal and political strategies that supplement deconstruction and incommensurability theory. Ethics is constitutive of language and subjectivity—value can only emerge from openness to difference. This means ethics is prior to their K.Amit Pinchevski, PhD candidate in the Graduate Program in Communications at McGill University, Montreal, Diacritics 31.2, Summer 2001, p. 77 In order to reencounter the Other’s side of the freedom to speak, it is AND regardless of the actual content delivered, its first word is "Welcome." Calculation is inevitable, but should still calculate in times of importance. The radical alerity of the other, and the radicality of the state, is without measure and cannot be waved away. If you think "USFG" is in the topic, and not in the plan text, then they don’t meet.Derrida ’2 Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Professor of Philosophy, French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, 2002, Acts of Religion, p. 255-57 This excess of justice over law and calculation, this overflowing of the unpre¬sentable over AND , even if his propositions on this subject remain quite obscure or traditional. The aff relies on a false opposition between legal violence and non-violent resistance – this attempt to purge politics of violence is the height of ethical irresponsibilityAlex Thomson, lecturer in English at the University of Glasgow, 2005, Deconstruction and Democracy, p. 171-73 What Derrida proposes is not the end of revolution, however, but an extension AND an intensive engagement with the law, both within and beyond the state. Deconstruction and democracyThomson ’5 Alex Thomson, lecturer in English at the University of Glasgow, Deconstruction and Democracy, 2005, p. 196-197 The affirmation of this kind of analysis would need to be articulated with whatever directly AND Derrida~] would call a "Yes" to emancipation’ ~[DAP 82~]. Law must heed the call of the other – even if it cannot fully respond to infinite ethical demands, law still must be leveraged to act on our responsibilityColin Perrin, PhD in Law and Philosophy from the University of Kent, held research positions at the University of New South Wales and the University of Durham, 2004, Social and Legal Studies, Vol. 13, No. 1, p. 138-141 Explicitly it is a matter of ’speaking for those who . . . can AND – the language to which silence, as silence, must have recourse. |
| 09/18/2012 | Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 6 | Opponent: Weber GO | Judge: Vanluvanee Energy is work, not expenditure – your aff is against utility and thus not topicalCalifornia Energy Commission, 11 Energy Glossary, "E", http://www.energy.ca.gov/glossary/glossary-e.html, accessed 5-18-12, AFB~] Cited by Adrienne Brovero ~[Debate Coach at University of Mary Washington~] in Generic Terms-Energy Committee Report-6-1-12 ENERGY - The capacity for doing work. Forms of energy include: thermal, mechanical, electrical and chemical. Energy may be transformed from one form into another. K vs. policy is a false divide. Incorporating your args into topical advocacy forces you to negotiate your own positions and better test their intellectual meritGalloway ’7 Ryan Galloway, assistant professor of communication studies and director of debate at Samford University, "DINNER AND CONVERSATION AT THE ARGUMENTATIVE TABLE: RECONCEPTUALIZING DEBATE AS AN ARGUMENTATIVE DIALOGUE," Contemporary Argumentation and Debate, Vol. 28 (2007), ebsco This journal previously (2004) addressed issues regarding the growing divide in policy debate AND axis point of argumentation for a full clash of ideas around these values. Paul Mann, Literature prof @ Pomona, 1999, Masocriticism, p. 67-69 I would like at one and the same time to affirm this model and to AND theory itself as death. Of theory-death. A double fatality. Is there a not a certain paradox in spending a bunch of time cutting cards and prepping arguments to win round arguing for the value of waste? Why read the 1AC at all, why not dump it on the side of the road before coming to the tournament? Perhaps the right reading of the aff is as a display of wealth, a demonstration of the excess argument produced by hours of labor over the summer.Instead we suggest you trash the aff. Leave the 1AC in the trash pan of history. At the very least, ignore the remaining aff speeches: get up for a smoke during the 2AC. You don’t need to listen to them anymore.Our alternative is the reciprocal response to reading the Bataille aff. The affirmative as masters of excess should have to live in fear of us peasant hordes rioting and burning their elegant display of wealth.Not Bored ’3. Not Bored, an autonomous, situationist-inspired, low-budget, irregularly published, photocopied journal, July 2003 issue, "Trashing Georges Bataille, "Accursed" Stalinist" http://www.notbored.org/bataille.html-http://www.notbored.org/bataille.html Though we have only commented upon them once before, Bataille’s books, especially the AND when their beautiful phrases will be drowned out by death screams in riots. Their argument is incoherent – it’s based on a contradictory understanding of the economy of excessMark Osteen, English prof @ Loyola, 2002, The Question of the Gift, p. 27 Unfortunately, Bataille’s intriguing ideas are plagued by a central incoherence. He sometimes suggests AND like sacrifice, creates value out of expenditure, turning loss into gain. The inevitability of death solves 100% of their link – it’s not necessary to sacrifice the lives of others to recognize your finitude, because confrontation with death and suffering are a permanent feature of existence. This also means that trying to improve the world by preventing the suffering of others is actually awesome.Jean-Luc Nancy 1991, Professor of Political Philosophy and Media Aesthetics at the European Graduate School, "The Unsacrificeable," Yale French Studies 79 On the one hand, what is at stake since the beginning of the Western AND and that finally the truth of existence is that it cannot be sacrificed. Itzkowitz ’99 Kenneth Itzkowitz, "To Witness Spectacles of Pain: The Hypermorality of Georges Bataille," College Literature, Vol. 26, Issue 1, Winter 1999, ebsco Yet in our lives there are also limits. It is unlikely that Bataille would AND we are most vulnerable to them, enacting them anyway, albeit inattentively. |
| 09/18/2012 | Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: Octos | Opponent: UNLV JS | Judge: Gordon, Bausch, Hanson Taylor ’11 James Taylor, senior fellow for environment policy at the Heartland Institute and managing editor of Environment %26 Climate News, "New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism," Forbes, 7/27/2011, http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamestaylor/2011/07/27/new-nasa-data-blow-gaping-hold-in-global-warming-alarmism/ NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth’s atmosphere is allowing AND great deal about how honest the purveyors of global warming alarmism truly are. Hamilton ’10 Clive Hamilton, Professor of Public Ethics in Australia, Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth About Climate Change, 2010, p. 27-28 The conclusion that, even if we act promptly and resolutely, the world is AND , a global response proportionate to the problem was deferred for several years. Schreurs ’12 Miranda A. Schreurs, Director of the Environmental Policy Research Centre, Free University of Berlin, "Breaking the impasse in the international climate negotiations: The potential of green technologies," Energy Policy 48, September 2012, pp. 5-12, Elsevier The Obama administration’s efforts were directed at framing climate change as a serious threat and AND taken steps to curb the federal government’s ability to conduct climate change programs. Can’t solve soft power—massive budget cuts and lack of organization make single issues minute—their solvency takes decadesNye ’11 Joseph Nye, invented ’soft power’ and also Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor, "The War on Soft Power," Foreign Policy, 4/12/2011, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/04/12/the_war_on_soft_power?print=yes%26hidecomments=yes%26page=full Last week, U.S. President Barack Obama and Congress struggled until the AND there is no overarching strategy or budget that even tries to integrate them. Josef Joffe, Marc and Anita Abramowitz Fellow in International Relations at Hoover Institution, "The Perils of Soft Power," Hoover Digest, No. 3, 2006, accessed 1/7/10 http://www.hoover.org/publications/digest/4634921.html There may be little or no relationship between America’s ubiquity and its actual influence. AND in hand with the country’s, or at least its government’s, condemnation. No solvency—unpredictable, means can’t meet public demandEnerNex Corporation 06 (Leading energy company for the middle of America, additionally co-authored by the Midwest Independent System Operator for the Purpose of Minnesota’s economy. Probably objective and/or want Minnesota to have wind. Just sayin.) ~[EnerNex Corporation %26 The Midwest Independent System Operator. "Final Report - 2006 Minnesota Wind Integration Study." (2006): n. pag. Print.~] AMB The high reliability of the electric power system is premised on having adequate supply ¶ AND for the ¶ wind plants under consideration is an obstacle for these methods. Ritter 5 ~[Ritter – staff writer – 1/4/2005 (John, "Wind turbines taking toll on birds of prey," USA Today, http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2005-01-04-windmills-usat_x.htm-http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2005-01-04-windmills-usat_x.htm)~] ALTAMONT PASS, Calif. — The big turbines that stretch for miles along these AND , an ecologist with the Peregrine Fund who has studied eagles at Altamont. Carey 6 ~[LiveScience staff writer – 7/19/2006 (Bjorn, "Top predators key to ecosystem survival," MSNBC, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13939039-http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13939039)~] Top-level predators strike fear in the hearts of the animals they stalk. AND and that we need to be careful with how we deal with them." Barnett 9 (Thomas P.M., senior managing director of Enterra Solutions LLC and a contributing editor/online columnist for Esquire magazine, Aug 24, ~[www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/4213/the-new-rules-security-remains-stable-amid-financial-crisis~] AD: 9-24-11, jam) When the global financial crisis struck roughly a year ago, the blogosphere was ablaze AND fear-mongering to proceed apace. That’s what the Internet is for. Morris Miller, Professor of Administration @ the University of Ottawa, 2K (Interdisciplinary Science Review, v 25 n4 2000 p ingenta connect) The question may be reformulated. Do wars spring from a popular reaction to a AND by increasing repression (thereby using one form of violence to abort another). Multipolarity is here – "the rise of the rest" has reshaped the global economy and every international institution. The US is accommodating this in order to maintain influenceBerliner 10 (Jake, Deputy Policy Director of NDN’s Globalization Initiative, BA, Political Science from Tufts University, Apr 23, ~[ndn.org/essay/2010/04/rise-rest-how-new-economic-powers-are-reshaping-globe~] AD: 9-24-11, jam) The structure of the global economy has changed dramatically over the past two decades. AND an effective use of modern international institutions representative of the new global economy. Post-unipolarity is coming now but the aff’s widening of the power gap stalls that and causes blowback destroying US influence and legitimacyMaher 11 (Richard, Max Weber postdoctoral fellow at the European University Institute, Ph.D in Political Science from Brown University, Orbis, 55(1), Winter, jam) Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, AND how best to position itself in the "post-unipolar" world. Economic status isn’t zero-sum—U.S. acceptance of China’s and Russia’s rising status is key to cooperation on prolif, terrorism, failed states, and the economyLarson 10 (Debra Welch, Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Alexei Shevchenko, Assistant Professor of Political Science at California State University, Fullerton, Spring, ~[www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/isec.2010.34.4.63~]) Since the end of the Cold War, scholars and foreign policy analysts have debated AND conclusion identiªes contributions of SIT to understanding otherwise puzzling Chinese and Russian behavior. Utgoff 2, Deputy Director of Strategy, Forces, and Resources Division of Institute for Defense Analysis ~[Victor A., "Proliferation, Missile Defence and American Ambitions," Survival, Summer, p. 87-90~] Further, the large number of states that became capable of building nuclear weapons over AND against aggression, even when that aggression could be backed with nuclear weapons. Wright, senior fellow at NAF, 7—prize winning author of best winning books. Visiting scholar at The University of Pennsylvania and Schwartz Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation. Attended TCU, finished his interdisciplinary degree in public and international affairs at Princeton (Robert, 4/28, Planet Of The Apes, http://select.nytimes.com/2007/04/28/opinion/28wright.html, AG) (3) Terrorism. Alas, the negative-feedback loop — bad outcomes AND And the catalyst would be terrorism, along with our mishandling of it. Glain 11 (Stephen, freelance writer with extensive experience as a foreign correspondent in Asia and the Middle East, Sep 8, ~[www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/stephen-glain/2011/09/08/why-a-us-war-with-china-may-be-inevitable~], jam) Meanwhile, Dan Blumenthal, a commissioner of the reliably alarmist U.S.- AND , some kind of Sino-U.S. conflict is inevitable. Cheong 2k (Ching, senior journalist with the Strait Times, June 25, 2000, lexis, AD: 6/21/10)JM THE high-intensity scenario postulates a cross-strait war escalating into a full AND cannot be ruled out entirely, for China puts sovereignty above everything else. Hegemony causes overstretch and miscalc – multipolarity solvesMaher 11 (Richard, Max Weber postdoctoral fellow at the European University Institute, Ph.D in Political Science from Brown University, Orbis, 55(1), Winter, jam) Overextension. During its period of preeminence, the United States has found it difficult AND could have led to a crisis that quickly spiraled out of policymakers’ control. Expanded international agreements are key but every major party faces massive political roadblocks to increased involvementSchreurs ’12 Miranda A. Schreurs, Director of the Environmental Policy Research Centre, Free University of Berlin, "Breaking the impasse in the international climate negotiations: The potential of green technologies," Energy Policy 48, September 2012, pp. 5-12, Elsevier The Durban outcome has kept the international negotiation process alive, but does not reflect AND will be reluctant to accept commitments that could affect its economic growth perspectives. Times Online ’8 "Copenhagen Consensus: global warming," Times Online (UK), 23 May 2008, accessed 1/8/10 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article3992368.ece There is unequivocal evidence that humans are changing the planet’s climate. We are already AND . These benefits simply are not large enough to make the investment worthwhile. Howden ’7 Daniel Howden, "Deforestation: The hidden cause of global warming," The Independent, 14 May 2007, accessed 9/6/09 http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/climate-change/deforestation-the-hidden-cause-of-global-warming-448734.html Most people think of forests only in terms of the CO2 they absorb. The AND or an area the size of England, Wales and Scotland felled annually. Alleyne ’9 Richard Alleyne, Telegraph science correspondent, "World Unlikely to Stop Global Warming Reaching Critical Levels," The Telegraph (UK), 29 March 2009, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthnews/5244246/World-unlikely-to-stop-global-warming-reaching-critical-levels.html Two studies on climate change have concluded that rises in global temperatures are unlikely to AND year, or around £700 on the average electricity bill by 2050. Hale ’11 Thomas Hale, PhD Candidate in the Department of Politics at Princeton University and a Visiting Fellow at LSE Global Governance, London School of Economics, "A Climate Coalition of the Willing," The Washington quarterly, 34:1, Winter 2011, pp. 89-101 It is not hard to see why. No deal excluding the United States and AND successor to the Kyoto Protocol, at least not in the near future. Zakaria ’9 Fareed Zakaria, PhD in political science from Harvard, editor of Newsweek, serves on the board of the Council on Foreign Relations, "The Secrets of Stability," Newsweek, 12/11/2009, http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2009/12/11/the-secrets-of-stability.html One year later, how much has the world really changed? Well, Wall AND forces for stability, each reinforcing the other and each historical in nature. Miller 2k Morris Miller, "Poverty as a cause of wars?" Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Vol. 25 Issue 4, Winter 2000, proquest The question may be reformulated. Do wars spring from a popular reaction to a AND by increasing repression (thereby using one form of violence to abort another). Ferguson ’6 Niall Ferguson, Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History at Harvard University and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 85, Issue 5, September/October 2006 Nor can economic crises explain the bloodshed. What may be the most familiar causal AND economic catastrophe, and some severe economic crises were not followed by wars. Hiro 9 (Dilip, analyst specializing in South Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East and Islamic affairs, masters degree from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, "After Empire: The Birth of a Multipolar World," p. 271-281, ~[yaleglobal.yale.edu/content/after-empire-birth-multipolar-world~] AD: 9-25-11, jam) Alarmists visualized the United States being replaced by the People’s Republic of China as the AND demilitarized Rhineland by resurgent Germany in 1936 in violation of the above treaty. Maher 11 (Richard, Max Weber postdoctoral fellow at the European University Institute, Ph.D in Political Science from Brown University, Orbis, 55(1), Winter, jam) Two Ways to Measure Power in World Politics Unipolarity and primacy are two ways to AND , or seek to decrease their reliance or dependence on American security guarantees. Glaser ’11 Charles Glaser, Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at George Washington University, "Will China’s Rise Lead to War?" Foreign Affairs, Vol. 9, Iss. 2, March/April 2011 THE PROSPECTS for avoiding intense military competition and war may be good, but growth AND military efforts and a general poisoning of U.S.-Chinese relations. Layne ’97 Christopher Layne, Visiting Associate Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School, "From Preponderance to Offshore Balancing," International Security, Summer 1997 The security/interdependence nexus results in the exaggeration of threats to American strategic interests AND potential adversaries—that it will uphold its security obligations in core areas. Weber et al ’7 Professor of Political Science and Director of the Institute for International Studies at Berkeley (Steven with Naazneen Barma, Matthew Kroenig, and Ely Ratner, Ph.D. Candidates at the University of California Berkeley and Research Fellows at its New Era Foreign Policy Center, ~["How Globalization Went Bad," Foreign Policy, Issue 158, January/February) Axiom 1: Above a certain threshold of power, the rate at which new AND the dark side of globalization becomes the most effective means of constraining American power |
| 09/18/2012 | Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: Quarters | Opponent: UMKC BS | Judge: Allen, Odekirk, Peters Michael Munson, 2011 JD Candidate at the College of William and Mary, "Averting nuclear 9/11: the need to move beyond NEPA and transition to a Homeland-Security-administered infrastructure security statement," 35 Wm. %26 Mary Envtl. L. %26 Pol’y Rev. 335, Fall 2010. The Department of Homeland Security ("DHS"), created in the aftermath of the 9 AND licenses and continue to test facilities in light of new terrorist threat information. Text: The United States Congress should legislate that the Nuclear Regulatory Committee cannot consider terrorism in environmental impact standards.Courts shield – Obama can’t claim plan as victory Garrett and Stutz 05 ~[Robert T., and Terrence, Dallas Morning News Staff "Justices to decide if overhaul needed after bills fail in Legislature," August 19, 2005, http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/texassouthwest/legislature/schoolfinance/stories/082005dntexsession.8bd31b4a.html~~] That could foreshadow the court’s response to a chief argument by state attorneys – that AND must be done, which allows politicians to say their hands are tied." Psychoanalytic critique causes passivity and destroys political strugglePaul Gordon, psychotherapist living and working in London, Race %26 Class, 2001, v. 42, n. 4, p. 30-1 The postmodernists’ problem is that they cannot live with disappointment. All the tragedies of AND the world, not just to interpret it, need to look elsewhere. Taft-Kaufman ’95 Jill Taft-Kaufman, Speech prof @ CMU, 1995, Southern Comm. Journal, Spring, v. 60, Iss. 3, "Other Ways", p pq The postmodern passwords of "polyvocality," "Otherness," and "difference," unsupported AND political agendas, institutions, agencies, and the budgets that fuel them. David Pizer 2001"Argument that life has inherent value", July 8, http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/dsp.cgi?msg=16930-http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/dsp.cgi?msg=16930 Argument that life has inherent value 1. The concept of value comes from what AND life is value and value is life - and life has inherent value. Ben Schifman, 2011 Columbia Law JD Candidate, "The limits of NEPA: Consideration of the impacts of terrorism in environmental impact statements for nuclear facilities" Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 35.3 2010 The environmental consequences of a terrorist attack should be ¶ considered in an EIS even AND be included in any EIS the ¶ NRC prepares for a nuclear facility. Moore ’4 John Moore, chaired law prof, UVA. Frm first Chairman of the Board of the US Institute of Peace and as the Counselor on Int Law to the Dept. of State, "Beyond the Democratic Peace," 44 Va. J. Int’l L. 341, 2004, lexis If major interstate war is predominantly a product of a synergy between a potential nondemocratic AND in general, happens when levels of deterrence are dramatically increased or decreased? Psychoanalysis is a gigantic biopolitical machine that grinds up the unconscious and violently imposes reductive models upon the individual psycheGilles Deleuze, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris VII, 2004, Desert Islands and Other Texts: 1953-1974, p. 274-76 I would like to present five propositions on psychoanalysis. The first is this: AND economy. It is economy itself that is political economy and desiring economy. |
| 10/13/2012 | Tournament: UNLV | Round: Rd 1 | Opponent: K State KM | Judge: Jeff Kurr Hayden ’5 Timothy A. Hayden, "COMMENT: Reception on Nantucket Sound? A Summary of Current Offshore Wind Farm Litigation and a Federal Legislative Proposal Taking Cues From Cellular Tower Legislation," Penn State Environmental Law Review, Summer, 2005, 13 Penn St. Envtl. L. Rev. 217, lexis B. Telecommunications Act of 1996 In 1996, a major piece of legislation dealing AND the policy of promoting national wireless service provision in ~*233~ mind. Johnson, District Court Judge ’9 Judge Thomas E. Johnson, US District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia, "Stover v. Fingerhut Direct Marketing, Inc. - Document 33," 8/26/2009 http://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/west-virginia/wvsdce/5:2009cv00152/61171/33 9 "Regulation" could be construed broadly as applying a system of laws, including penalties, affecting a particular manner of commercial speech. However, in subsequent cases, the Supreme Court has employed the narrower word, "restriction," in place of "regulation." See, e.g., Bd. of Trs. v. Fox, 492 U.S. 469, 476 (1989) ("~G~overnment restrictions upon commercial speech may be no more broad or no more expansive than ’necessary’ to serve its substantial interests"). |
| 10/13/2012 | Tournament: UNLV | Round: 1 | Opponent: K State KM | Judge: Jeff Kurr Miller 12 (RL, attorney and environment blogger with Climate Hawks, "The Rage Of A Dying Dinosaur: Coal’s Decline In The U.S.," Jun 23, ~http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2012/06/23/504331/the-rage-of-a-dying-dinosaur-coals-decline-in-the-us/~~, jam) A dinosaur backed into a corner by a pack of smaller dinosaurs may be mortally AND and wind, both of which have been around longer than the dinosaurs. Plumer 12 (Brad, reporter focusing on energy on environmental issues at the Washington Post, previously an associate editor at The New Republic, contributor to Ezra Klein’s ’WonkBlog’, "Why EPA’s new carbon rules won’t have much impact — for now," Mar 27, ~http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/how-much-carbon-will-the-epas-new-power-plant-rules-actually-cut/2012/03/27/gIQAuaTDeS_blog.html/~~, jam) On Tuesday, the Environmental Protection Agency unveiled its first-ever rules on carbon AND being, the EPA is just a little bit of the way there. Grid’s strong and resilientClark ’12 Paul Clark, MA candidate in intelligence studies at American Military University, "The Risk of Disruption or Destruction of Critical U.S. Infrastructure by an Offensive Cyber Attack," 4/28/2012, http://www.academia.edu/1538543/The_Risk_of_Disruption_or_Destruction_of_Critical_U.S._Infrastructure_by_an_Offensive_Cyber_Attack In 2003, a simple physical breakdown occurred – trees shorted a power line and AND U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 2012). Adams ’12 Rod Adams, MS in Systems Technology from US Naval Postgraduate School, works as procedure and process development lead for nuclear reactor development at the Babcock %26 Wilcox Company, "Has Apocalyptic Portrayal of Climate Change Risk Backfired?" Atomic Insights, 5/2/2012, http://atomicinsights.com/2012/05/has-apocalyptic-portrayal-of-climate-change-risk-backfired.html?utm_source=feedburner%26utm_medium=feed%26utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AtomicInsights+%28Atomic+Insights%29 Not only was the discussion enlightening about the reasons why different people end up with AND and must not be marginalized by the people who market fear and trembling. Loder 2/28/08 – staff writer ~Asjylyn, "Still in dark over blackout," St. Petersburg Times, 2/28/08, Business p. 1D~ Floridians have power, but not answers to how a small equipment malfunction in South AND It uses technology built largely 25 to 30 years ago," Byres said. Beller 4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Dr. Denis E, "Atomic Time Machines: Back to the Nuclear Future," 24 J. Land Resources %26 Envtl. L. 41, 2004) No caveats, no explanation, not from this engineer/scientist. It’s just AND in the figure includes the Chernobyl accident in the Former Soviet Union.51 Schulz 7 (Matthais, Der Spiegel, "Nuclear Exaggeration", 11-22, http://wissen.spiegel.de/wissen/dokument/dokument.html?titel=Is+Atomic+Radiation+as+Dangerous+as+We+Thought%3F%26id=54059068%26top=SPIEGEL%26suchbegriff=Hiroshima%26quellen=-http://wissen.spiegel.de/wissen/dokument/dokument.html?titel=Is+Atomic+Radiation+as+Dangerous+as+We+Thought%3F%26id=54059068%26top=SPIEGEL%26suchbegriff=Hiroshima%26quellen=) The more recent meltdown at the reactor in Chernobyl in 1986 reminded the world of AND Bavaria. Even 20 years ago such behavior would not have made sense. Walt 9-11 Stephen M. Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, "Why are U.S. leaders so obsessed with credibility?" Foreign Policy, 9/11/2012, http://walt.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/09/11/the_credibility_fetish One could argue that credibility did matter during the Cold War. The United States AND American diplomacy has achieved relatively little since the end of the Cold War. No SCS conflict—common economic interests and legal commitmentsGupta ’11 Rukmani Gupta, Associate Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses in New Delhi, "South China Sea Conflict? No Way," The Diplomat, 23 October 2011, http://the-diplomat.com/2011/10/23/south-china-sea-conflict-no-way/2/-http://the-diplomat.com/2011/10/23/south-china-sea-conflict-no-way/2/ These suggestions to recalibrate Indian policy towards the South China Sea and its relationship with AND pipelines.’ The prospect of threats to SLOCS thus seems somewhat exaggerated. Jervis ’11 Robert Jervis, Professor in the Department of Political Science and School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, "Force in Our Times," Survival, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2011, pp. 403-425 Even if war is still seen as evil, the security community could be dissolved AND times bring about greater economic conflict, it will not make war thinkable. Fravel ’10 M. Taylor Fravel, associate professor of political science in the MIT Security Studies Program, "The Limits of Diversion: Rethinking Internal and External Conflict," Security Studies 19:2, 2010, pp. 307-341 Yet despite two decades of renewed research, cumulative knowledge on diversion remains elusive. AND external threats to national interests, not internal threats to their political survival. Contractor 8-12 Farok Contractor, professor of management and global business at Rutgers, "Seven Reasons to Expect US Manufacturing Resurgence" Epoch Times, 8/12/12 http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/opinion/seven-reasons-to-expect-us-manufacturing-resurgence-278304-all.html-http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/opinion/seven-reasons-to-expect-us-manufacturing-resurgence-278304-all.html Seven factors converging by 2012 suggest that U.S. manufacturing could see a AND few weeks of losses from assembly operations idled by 2011 floods in Thailand. Thompson 12 (Derek Thompson is a senior editor at The Atlantic, where he oversees business coverage for the website., 3/9/2012, "Trade My Brain, Please%21 Why We Don’t Need to ’Make Something’ to Export It", www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/03/trade-my-brain-please-why-we-dont-need-to-make-something-to-export-it/254274/) The president is onto something. Exports matter. A good reason to fetishize manufacturing AND too. You don’t need to make something to sell it "there." Drezner ’11 Daniel W. Drezner, professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, "Please come down off the ledge, dear readers," Foreign Policy, 8/12/11, http://drezner.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/12/please_come_down_off_the_ledge_dear_readers So, when we last left off this debate, things were looking grim. AND , based on the data we’ve got, that’s not going to happen. Industrial Distribution, "Rising US exports could help create 5 million jobs by 2020" 9/24/12 http://www.inddist.com/news/2012/09/rising-us-exports-could-help-create-5-million-jobs-2020-http://www.inddist.com/news/2012/09/rising-us-exports-could-help-create-5-million-jobs-2020 Manufactured exports—a bright spot of the U.S. economy in recent AND , the developed economies account for about 60 percent of global manufactured exports. Jervis ’11 Robert Jervis, Professor in the Department of Political Science and School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, "Force in Our Times," Survival, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2011, pp. 403-425 Even if war is still seen as evil, the security community could be dissolved AND times bring about greater economic conflict, it will not make war thinkable. Fravel ’10 M. Taylor Fravel, associate professor of political science in the MIT Security Studies Program, "The Limits of Diversion: Rethinking Internal and External Conflict," Security Studies 19:2, 2010, pp. 307-341 Yet despite two decades of renewed research, cumulative knowledge on diversion remains elusive. AND external threats to national interests, not internal threats to their political survival. |
| 10/14/2012 | Tournament: UNLV | Round: 4 | Opponent: Fresno GR | Judge: Geoff Lundeen Energy production means extraction and conversion of energy into powerDepartment of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency of Australia ’11 ~"Energy Production and Consumption," http://www.climatechange.gov.au/government/initiatives/national-greenhouse-energy-reporting/publications/supplementary-guidelines/energy-production-consumption.aspx~~ Production of energy: in relation to a facility, means the: a. extraction or capture of energy from natural sources for final consumption by or from the operation of the facility or for use other than in the operation of the facility b. manufacture of energy by the conversion of energy from one form to another form for final consumption by or from the operation of the facility, or for use other than in the operation of the facility (regulation 2.23(3) NGER Regulations). American Heritage Dictionary, Cited by Dave Arnett and Andrea Reed in "Reduce Restrictions and Increase Incentives Mechanism Wording Paper" which came exceedingly close to the final resolution. re•stric•tion (r-strkshn) n. 1. a. The act of restricting. b. The state of being restricted. 2. Something that restricts; a regulation or limitation. EIA, no date ~Glossary, "E", http://www.eia.gov/tools/glossary/index.cfm?id=E, accessed 5-20-12, AFB~ Cited by Adrienne Brovero ~Debate Coach at University of Mary Washington~ in Generic Terms-Energy Committee Report-6-1-12 Energy: The capacity for doing work as measured by the capability of doing work AND , while heat energy is usually measured in British thermal units (Btu). Heritage Foundation 12 http://www.askheritage.org/what-should-the-government-do-to-create-jobs/-http://www.askheritage.org/what-should-the-government-do-to-create-jobs/ Cited by Dave Arnett and Andrea Reed in "Reduce Restrictions and Increase Incentives Mechanism Wording Paper" which came exceedingly close to the final resolution. Congress should instead promote entrepreneurship and investment with policies that would create jobs without adding AND private health care, and no more massive increases in the public debt. Prefer the most direct and specific limiting interp—anything can indirectly affect production including tons of bidirectional solvency mechanisms—only direct incentives and restrictions predicated on production are predictableEIA ’92 Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy, "Federal Energy Subsidies: Direct and Indirect Interventions in Energy Markets," 1992, ftp://tonto.eia.doe.gov/service/emeu9202.pdf In some sense, most Federal policies have the potential to affect energy markets. AND through financial incentives, regulation, public enterprise, or research and development. Tacoa-Vielma ’3 Jasmin Tacoa-Vielma, COunsellor in the Trade in Services Division of the World Trade Organization, "DEFINING ENERGY SERVICES FOR THE GATS: AN ISSUE UNDER DISCUSSION," Energy and Environmental Services: Negotiating Objectives and Development Priorities, UN Conference on Trade and Development, 2003, http://unctad.org/en/docs/ditctncd20033_en.pdf Another perceived deficiency relates to the fact that a variety of other services that intervene AND should not be equated to a guarantee of complete coverage by GATS commitments. |
| 10/14/2012 | Tournament: UNLV | Round: 4 | Opponent: Fresno GR | Judge: Geoff Lundeen shouts out to nigel ramoz-leslie Churchill 94 ~Ward (Creek/Cherokee Metis), Coordinator for AIM-Colorado Chapter, VP of the Anerican Indian Anti-Defamation Council, Naf1 Spokesperson for the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee %26 Assoc. Prof. of American Indian Studies and Communication ~ Univ. of Colorado a; Boulder, INDIANS ARE US? CULTURE AND GENOCIDE IN NATIVE NORTH AMERICA, p. 296-298) This may explain why no native language in ’ North America-and surely language AND as¬-usual: the wholesale and systematic expropriation of American Indian assets. |
| 10/14/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Timothy W. Luke, Professor of Political Science at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,1999, Discourses of the Environment, p. 149-151 Foucault is correct about the modern state. It is not ’an entity which AND , whose actions are an integral element of this order’s regime of normalization. Jutta Weldes, et al., lecturer in international relations at University of Bristol, Mark Laffey, independent scholar, Hugh, Gusterson, professor of anthropology at MIT, Raymond Duvall, professor of political science at University of Minnesota, George Marcus, professor of anthropology at Rice, Cultures of Insecurity: States, Communities, and the Production of Danger, 1999, pg. 9-11 The structure of knowledge in security studies stereotypically takes the form of positing the existence AND the assumption that identity and insecurity are produced in a mutually constitute process. Michael Dillon, Professor of Politics at the University of Lancaster, 2004, Sovereign Lives: Power in Global Politics, p. 41 Power is commonly associated with regimes of government and governance that regularly claim universal, AND our imagination in relation to the possibility and to the promise of politics. Julia H. Chryssostalis, lecturer at the Westminster school of law, "The Critical Instance ’After’ The Critique of the Subject," Law and Critique 16, 2005, pg. 16-21 So far, we have looked at some of the ways in which the question AND promise of a _re-marked’ critical instance is to be found. Rutherford ’99 Paul Rutherford, professor of environmental politics in the Department of Government and Public Administration at the University of Sydney, Australia, 1999, Discourses of the Environment, p. 55-56 The sorts of extensive, transnational research programmes on eco¬logical issues mentioned above came increasingly AND and, through various modes of positive intervention, manage and police it. Foucault ’78 Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality, Volume I: An Introduction, trans. Robert Hurley, 1978, p. 136-137 Since the classical age the West has undergone a very profound transformation of these mechanisms AND species, the race, and the large-scale phenomena of population. Bäckstrand and Lövbrand ’6 Karin Bäckstrand, Wallenberg Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science at Lund University, and Eva Lövbrand, Department of Environmental Science at Kalmar University, 2006, Planting Trees to Mitigate Climate Change: Contested Discourses of Ecological Modernization, Green Governmentality and Civic Environmentalism, Global Environmental Politics, Vol. 6 No. 1, pg 50-75. uo-tjs Discourses of Environmental Governance Discourse analysis has gained ground and proliferated in the analysis of AND are overlaps and conflicts between the discourses when making sense of environmental governance. Deleuze and Foucault ’72 Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault, "Intellectuals and Power," Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: selected essays and interviews by Michel Foucault, ed. Donald F. Bouchard, recorded March 4, 1972, http://libcom.org/library/intellectuals-power-a-conversation-between-michel-foucault-and-gilles-deleuze-http://libcom.org/library/intellectuals-power-a-conversation-between-michel-foucault-and-gilles-deleuze DELEUZE: Precisely. A theory is exactly like a box of tools. It AND are so often reform oriented or absolutely reactionary on the level of desire. Only critical engagement which places terms of spacial production is capable of achieving a responsible politics—the perm is maintenance for rigid concepts of identity and securityDalby ’5 Simon Dalby, Carleton University, Ottowa, "Political Space: Autonomy, Liberalism, and Empire," Alternatives 30 (2005), 415-441, ebsco Starting from the assumptions of stability and the fixity of political spaces in a world AND necessity of thinking much more carefully about the spatial metaphors of politics unavoidable. Luke 97 (Timothy W., Department of Poli Sci @ Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Ph.D. in Political Science from Washington University, "The (Un)Wise (Ab)Use of Nature: Environmentalism as Globalized Consumerism?," Mar, jam) All of these environmentalizing initiatives reveal different aspects of Nature’s infrastructuralization in the disorganized and AND becomes an integral element of this fascinating new regime’s order of social normalization. Identifying zones of land as sites for sovereign struggle and competition converts land into militaristic terrain—this supports and extends the violence essential to modern statecraftStuart Elden, Durham University, "Land, terrain, territory," Progress in Human Geography 34 (6), 2010, p. 799-817 The conflict over land indicated by Anderson is significant. Property is important as an AND 322; 1991: 279; see also pp. 413/358). Bosworth ’10 Kai A. Bosworth, Graduate student, U. of Minnesota, B.A. in Environmental Studies from Macalester College, "Straws in the Wind: Race, Nature and Technoscience in Postcolonial South Dakotan Wind Power Development", http://digitalcommons.macalester.edu/envi_honors/7 Chapter 5 has examined the loop of public representations of indigenous people and wind power AND Powering America, different articulations of wind power and sovereignty were made available. Foucault ’78 Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality, Volume I: An Introduction, trans. Robert Hurley, 1978, p. 136-137 Since the classical age the West has undergone a very profound transformation of these mechanisms AND species, the race, and the large-scale phenomena of population. Julia H. Chryssostalis, lecturer at the Westminster school of law, "The Critical Instance ’After’ The Critique of the Subject," Law and Critique 16, 2005, pg. 16-21 So far, we have looked at some of the ways in which the question AND promise of a _re-marked’ critical instance is to be found. Bosworth ’10 Kai A. Bosworth, Graduate student, U. of Minnesota, B.A. in Environmental Studies from Macalester College, "Straws in the Wind: Race, Nature and Technoscience in Postcolonial South Dakotan Wind Power Development", http://digitalcommons.macalester.edu/envi_honors/7 Academic writing is a critical node in knowledge production, and thus I am cognizant AND order that this paper can help create space for new and diverse possibilities. Wind power, energy production, market incentives, and native sovereignty are not neutral concepts—they are bound within power relations which themselves are productive of certain social practices—effective analysis locates itself in the realm of immanent power relationsFoucault ’78 Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality, Volume I: An Introduction, trans. Robert Hurley, 1978, p. 92-93 Hence the objective is to analyze a certain form of knowledge regarding sex, not AND a unique source of sovereignty from which secondary and descendent forms would emanate; |
| 10/14/2012 | Tournament: UNLV | Round: 4 | Opponent: Fresno GR | Judge: Geoff Lundeen Cultural survival is impossible and irrelevant.Michael Blake 2k, Professor of political philosophy and philosophy at Harvard University, August/September 2000, Civilization, p. 51-53 One frequently hears that endangered cultural groups have a right to preservation, and indeed AND a diversity of cultures tends to repress the possibilities for diversity within cultures. Richard 03, founder of Action Cadienne (volunteer organization dedicated to the promotion of the Cadien language and culture,) 2003 ~Zachary, 11-5-2003, http://www.zacharyrichard.com/monthlyReport2003.html~~ What strikes me about all of this is that in France there exists the political AND of culture has resulted in our isolation from the rest of the world. No internal link to your Friedberg impact evidence – it’s about the systemic loss of cultural diversity and genocide – even if that’s happening to tribes now, renewable subsidies and sovereignty don’t solve andIsaac ’2 Jeffrey Isaac, James H. Rudy Professor of Political Science and director of the Center for the Study of Democracy and Public Life at Indiana University-Bloomington, Dissent, Vol. 49 No. 2, Spring 2002 As writers such as Niccolo Machiavelli, Max Weber, Reinhold Niebuhr, and Hannah AND choices. But it should never be mistaken for a serious political commitment. Shafer-Landau ’97 Russ Shafer-Landau, University of Kansas Ethics, July 1997 v107 n4 p584(28) Even Nozick, a staunch absolutist, allows that cases of "catastrophic moral horror AND no argument for thinking that the prohibition on intentionally killing innocents is absolute. Villa ’98 Dana R. Villa, Laurance S. Rockefeller Fellow at the University Center for Human Values, Princeton University, Political Theory, April 1998 v26 n2 p147(26) Arendt sees the categorical imperative as an absolute in the Platonic/authoritarian sense, AND myself, in the rare moments when the chips are down."(37) Cultural diversity doesn’t encourage the acknowledgement and appreciation of cultures, only existence.Brinkmann 99, Prof. of Philosophy @ BU, 1999 ~Klaus, "Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy," Boston University, 12-20-1999, http://www.bu.edu/wcp/IntroV1.htm~~ One of the most pressing issues in contemporary ethics is the need for developing a AND appeal to religion in order to explain the ethical diversity of different cultures. |
| 10/14/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Taylor ’11 James Taylor, senior fellow for environment policy at the Heartland Institute and managing editor of Environment %26 Climate News, "New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism," Forbes, 7/27/2011, http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamestaylor/2011/07/27/new-nasa-data-blow-gaping-hold-in-global-warming-alarmism/ NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth’s atmosphere is allowing AND great deal about how honest the purveyors of global warming alarmism truly are. Hamilton ’10 Clive Hamilton, Professor of Public Ethics in Australia, Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth About Climate Change, 2010, p. 27-28 The conclusion that, even if we act promptly and resolutely, the world is AND , a global response proportionate to the problem was deferred for several years. Expanded international agreements are key but every major party faces massive political roadblocks to increased involvementSchreurs ’12 Miranda A. Schreurs, Director of the Environmental Policy Research Centre, Free University of Berlin, "Breaking the impasse in the international climate negotiations: The potential of green technologies," Energy Policy 48, September 2012, pp. 5-12, Elsevier The Durban outcome has kept the international negotiation process alive, but does not reflect AND will be reluctant to accept commitments that could affect its economic growth perspectives. Schreurs ’12 Miranda A. Schreurs, Director of the Environmental Policy Research Centre, Free University of Berlin, "Breaking the impasse in the international climate negotiations: The potential of green technologies," Energy Policy 48, September 2012, pp. 5-12, Elsevier The Obama administration’s efforts were directed at framing climate change as a serious threat and AND taken steps to curb the federal government’s ability to conduct climate change programs. Plumer ’12 Brad Plumer, "How the U.S. could influence China’s coal habits—with exports," Washington Post, 5/1/2012, http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/can-the-united-states-influence-chinas-coal-habits/2012/05/01/gIQAgqUpuT_blog.html Still, as a recent and fascinating report (pdf) from the Carnegie Endowment AND coal means more coal will be burned than would otherwise be the case. Renewable energy means Saudi Arabia floods the oil market to maintain dominanceIBT ’11 (International Business Times, "Why lower Saudi oil prices kill alternative energy", http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/154524/20110530/saudi-arabia-oil.htm, May 30, 2011) Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal seems to understand this. In a CNN AND absolutely sense to develop oil sands, oil shale, and electric cars. Al-Saleh et al. ’8 Yasser Al-Saleh, Paul Upham and Khaleel Malik, "Renewable Energy Scenarios for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia," October 2008, http://www.tyndall.ac.uk/sites/default/files/wp125.pdf In a world of abundant oil reserves, Saudi Arabia - as a major oil AND of the global interest and research into alternative energy means (including renewables). Jacques Leslie, Harper’s Magazine, July 1, 2000 Yet such wars haven’t quite happened. Aaron Wolf, an Oregon State University AND The thirst for water may be more persuasive than the impulse toward conflict." Kim Ghattas Inter Press Service, 8/5, 1999 Economic and military might play a role too. Poor and arid countries such AND Palestinians to cut back on their consumption and cuts agreed supplies to Jordan. No connection between food prices and social conflict—stats prove—their ev is biasedBarrett and Bellemare ’11 Christopher B. Barrett, distinguished professor of economics at Cornell, and Marc Bellemare, assistant professor of public policy at Duke, "Why food price volatility doesn’t matter," CNN, 7/13/2011, http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/07/13/why-food-price-volatility-doesnt-matter/ Since volatile food prices do not necessarily harm poor consumers, it does not make AND large farmers who already enjoy tremendous financial support from G-20 governments. Hansch ’8 Steve Hansch, Senior Associate, Center for the study of migration, "FOOD, NUTRITION AND LIVELIHOOD PREPAREDNESS FOR A PANDEMIC INFLUENZA DISASTER GUIDANCE FOR LOW-INCOME COUNTRIES," Food Security Working Group1 6/15/2008 http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADU257.pdf-http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADU257.pdf The major reason food shortages have become less lethal in modern history is the ability of global food supplies to buffer any individual region, that is, food has become fluid enough that a rise in food prices anywhere is met by increased supply from the outside. A pandemic will de-couple that connection. Food price rises in urban areas will be balanced by food price declines in nearby rural areas; they will not equilibrate. Fletcher and Irwin 10-5 Michael A. Fletcher, and Neil Irwin, MBA from Columbia University, where he was a Knight-Bagehot Fellow in Economics and Business Journalism, "Unemployment rate falls to 7.8% in September," Washington Post, 10/5/2012, http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/unemployment-rate-plunges-to-78percent/2012/10/05/bdb6e5bc-0ee7-11e2-a310-2363842b7057_print.html It is a surprising improvement in a job market that had appeared listless in recent AND September, as was a similar University of Michigan survey of consumer sentiment. DOE ’12 "Energy Report: U.S. Wind Energy Production and Manufacturing Surges, Supporting Jobs and Diversifying U.S. Energy Economy," U.S. Department of Energy, 8/14/2012, http://energy.gov/articles/energy-report-us-wind-energy-production-and-manufacturing-surges-supporting-jobs-and WASHINGTON – The Energy Department released a new report today highlighting strong growth in the AND to develop more secure, domestic energy sources, while strengthening American manufacturing. IRENA ’12 International Renewable Energy Agency, intergovernmental organization including 158 states, dedicated to renewable energy, "Wind Power," Renewable Energy Technologies: Cost Analysis Series, Vol. 1, Iss. 5, June 2012, http://www.irena.org/DocumentDownloads/Publications/RE_Technologies_Cost_Analysis-WIND_POWER.pdf The global wind power market was essentially flat in 2009 and 2010, but in 2011 capacity added was 40.6 GW up from 38.8 in 2010 (Figure 3.3). This represents an investment in new capacity in 2011 of USD 68 billion (EUR 50 billion) (GWEC, 2012). Onshore wind accounted for 97% of all new capacity additions in 2010. Contractor 8-12 Farok Contractor, professor of management and global business at Rutgers, "Seven Reasons to Expect US Manufacturing Resurgence" Epoch Times, 8/12/12 http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/opinion/seven-reasons-to-expect-us-manufacturing-resurgence-278304-all.html-http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/opinion/seven-reasons-to-expect-us-manufacturing-resurgence-278304-all.html Seven factors converging by 2012 suggest that U.S. manufacturing could see a AND few weeks of losses from assembly operations idled by 2011 floods in Thailand. Drezner ’11 Daniel W. Drezner, professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, "Please come down off the ledge, dear readers," Foreign Policy, 8/12/11, http://drezner.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/12/please_come_down_off_the_ledge_dear_readers So, when we last left off this debate, things were looking grim. AND , based on the data we’ve got, that’s not going to happen. Zycher ’12 Benjamin Zycher, president of Benjamin Zycher Economics Associates Inc., a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute, and an adjunct professor of Economics and Business at the Martin V. Smith School of Business and Economics, California State University, Channel Islands, associate in the Intelligence Community Associates Program of the Office of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, U.S. Department of State, served as a senior staff economist for the President’s Council of Economic Advisers from July 1981 to July 1983, "Renewable Energy Subsidies Should Be Abandoned," Statement before the Senate Finance Committee Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure, 3/27/2012, http://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Zycher%20Senate%20Finance%20renewables%20incentives%20testimony%203-27-12.pdf There is the further matter that an expansion of the renewable electricity sector must mean AND implicit taxes that must be imposed to finance the expansion of renewable power. Industrial Distribution, 9/24/12, "Rising US exports could help create 5 million jobs by 2020" http://www.inddist.com/news/2012/09/rising-us-exports-could-help-create-5-million-jobs-2020-http://www.inddist.com/news/2012/09/rising-us-exports-could-help-create-5-million-jobs-2020 BCG estimates that average manufacturing costs in 2015 will be 8 percent lower in the AND many industrial processes," said Justin Rose, a BCG principal and coauthor. Alleyne ’9 Richard Alleyne, Telegraph science correspondent, "World Unlikely to Stop Global Warming Reaching Critical Levels," The Telegraph (UK), 29 March 2009, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthnews/5244246/World-unlikely-to-stop-global-warming-reaching-critical-levels.html Two studies on climate change have concluded that rises in global temperatures are unlikely to AND year, or around £700 on the average electricity bill by 2050. Salehyan ’7 Idean Salehyan, Professor of Political Science at the University of North Texas, "The New Myth About Climate Change," Foreign Policy, 8/14/2007, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2007/08/13/the_new_myth_about_climate_change First, aside from a few anecdotes, there is little systematic empirical evidence that AND there is much more to armed conflict than resource scarcity and natural disasters. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Bryant ’12 Levi Bryant, teaches philosophy at Collin College, "RSI, Discursivity, Critique, and Politics," Larval Subjects, 7/18/2012, http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2012/07/18/rsi-discursivity-critique-and-politics/ So in response to a previous post, a lot of folks gave me grief AND by my thesis that signifiers are material entities that must travel throughout populations). Knowledge-centric correlationism is disastrous. It ignores that which isn’t like us, producing ethical oversights and political failures.Bryant ’12 Levi Bryant, "Worries About OOO and Politics," Larval Subjects, 5/29/2012, http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2012/05/29/worries-about-ooo-and-politics/ 2) Correlationism and its Discontents: For me, at least, the desire AND and while this is a real actor it is not the only one. Becoming attentive to the activities of nonhuman objects is a prerequisite to the aff. This broadens our ethical perspectives and produces more effective political solutions.Joy ’12 Eileen Joy, SIU-Edwardsville Dept. of English Language and Literature, response to "the object industry," by Alex Reid, Digital Digs, 5/29/2012, http://www.alex-reid.net/2012/05/the-object-industry.html I’d like to add a few "follow-on" comments to what Ian AND the specialness of humans comes in), but also: more to enjoy. Abstracting neoliberalism as something out there which pervades all possible energy production conveniently justifies inaction. And of course Giroux thinks academia has a key role to play in the revolution—he’s an academic%21 Read the aff as an autopoetic system, designed never to escape its comfy theoretical armchair, and vote negative to unsettle this in an objective anarchy.Bryant ’12 Levi Bryant, "McKenzie Wark: How Do You Occupy an Abstraction?" Larval Subjects, 8/4/2012, http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2012/08/04/mckenzie-wark-how-do-you-occupy-an-abstraction/-http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2012/08/04/mckenzie-wark-how-do-you-occupy-an-abstraction/ spelling errors fixed in brackets Here I’m also inclined to say that we need to be clear about system references AND to locate. I guess this post will get Homeland Security after me. Asking how knowledge produced is a secondary question to the fundamental problem of the object, which necessarily exceeds our descriptions and evades our theoretical registers. This makes the pedagogical consequences of the aff doomed to failure.Bryant ’11 Levi Bryant, "Introduction: Towards a Finally Subjectless Object," The Democracy of Objects, 2011, http://quod.lib.umich.edu/o/ohp/9750134.0001.001/1:4/~~-~~-democracy-of-objects?rgn=div1;view=fulltext As always, the battles that swirl around epistemology are ultimately questions of ethics and AND these forces. Being is thereby reduced to what being is for us. Their fetishization for ’rethinking’ overwhelms perm solvency—the entire reason they employ these shifty strategies is to critique, critique, critique, and avoid the material difficulties of change. The aff and the perm beget more ’thinking’—the alt opens this debate to praxis.Bryant ’12 Levi Bryant, teaches philosophy at Collin College, "RSI, Discursivity, Critique, and Politics," Larval Subjects, 7/18/2012, http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2012/07/18/rsi-discursivity-critique-and-politics/ If I get worked up about these issues, then this is because I think AND , hitching everything on psychology, attachment, and identification. Well done%21 Tampio ’9 Nicholas Tampio, Fordham University, "Assemblages and the Multitude: Deleuze, Hardt, Negri, and the Postmodern Left," European Journal of Political Theory 8 (3), 2009, 383-400, Sage In his 1990 interview with Negri, Deleuze refutes the Leninist assumptions embedded in Negri’s AND armory that is not tied to the Marxist-Leninist image of politics. This totalizing pessimism is unfortunate. The topic, too, is alive with activity, and you don’t even have to ignore the "resolved: the usfg should" part to find it.Connolly ’12 William E. Connolly, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University, "Steps toward an Ecology of Late Capitalism," Theory %26 Event, Vol. 15, Issue 1, 2012, Muse 3. Today, perhaps the initial target should be on reconstituting established patterns of AND , role performance, cultural ethos, market regulation, and citizen activism. Bryant ’12 Levi Bryant, teaches philosophy at Collin College, "RSI, Discursivity, Critique, and Politics," Larval Subjects, 7/18/2012, http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2012/07/18/rsi-discursivity-critique-and-politics/ If I get worked up about these issues, then this is because I think AND , hitching everything on psychology, attachment, and identification. Well done%21 Joy ’12 Eileen Joy, SIU-Edwardsville Dept. of English Language and Literature, response to "the object industry," by Alex Reid, Digital Digs, 5/29/2012, http://www.alex-reid.net/2012/05/the-object-industry.html I’d like to add a few "follow-on" comments to what Ian AND the specialness of humans comes in), but also: more to enjoy. Speciesism makes unspeakable violence banal and invisibleKochi and Ordan ’8 Tarik Kochi %26 Noam Ordan, "An Argument for the Global Suicide of Humanity," borderlands, vol. 7 no. 3, 2008, http://www.borderlands.net.au/vol7no3_2008/kochiordan_argument.pdf Within the picture many paint of humanity, events such as the Holocaust are considered AND moral action re-conceived through this relational or dialectical standpoint in thought. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Interp and violation—topical affs must advocate explicit change in USFG advocacy—this ’rethinking biz’ doesn’t make the cutArmy Officer School ’4 (5-12, "~%23 12, Punctuation – The Colon and Semicolon", http://usawocc.army.mil/IMI/wg12.htm) The colon introduces the following: a. A list, but only after " AND resolved:" Resolved: (colon) That this council petition the mayor. Blacks Law Dictionary, 7th Edition, 1999, 703 Federal government. 1. A national government that exercises some degree of control over small political units that have surrendered some degree of power in exchange for the right to participate in national political matters. – Also termed (in federal states) central government. 2. The U.S. government. – Also termed national government. The resolution is the most accessible, researchable, and rigorously developed baseline for debating. You should affirm it. Voting issue for fairness and education.Galloway ’7 Ryan Galloway, assistant professor of communication studies and director of debate at Samford University, "DINNER AND CONVERSATION AT THE ARGUMENTATIVE TABLE: RECONCEPTUALIZING DEBATE AS AN ARGUMENTATIVE DIALOGUE," Contemporary Argumentation and Debate, Vol. 28 (2007), ebsco The central claim to this essay is that debate works best when it is dialogic AND controversy access to formulating their approach to both sides of the topic question. Esberg and Sagan ’12 Jane Esberg, special assistant to the director at NYU’s Center on International Cooperation, and Scott Sagan, professor of political science and director of Stanford’s Center for International Security and Cooperation, "NEGOTIATING NONPROLIFERATION: Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Nuclear Weapons Policy," The Nonproliferation Review, vol. 19, issue 1, 2012, pp. 95-108, taylor %26 francis These government or quasi-government think tank simulations often provide very similar lessons for AND quickly; simulations teach students how to contextualize and act on information.14 Thomson ’5 Alex Thomson, lecturer in English at the University of Glasgow, 2005, Deconstruction and Democracy, p. 171-73 What Derrida proposes is not the end of revolution, however, but an extension AND an intensive engagement with the law, both within and beyond the state. Ferguson ’10 James Ferguson, "The Uses of Neoliberalism," Antipode, vol. 41, issue supplement s1, pp. 166-184, January 2010, 10.1111/j.1467-8330.2009.00721.x If we are seeking, as this special issue of Antipode aspires to do, AND some rather useful little mechanisms may be nearer to hand than we thought. Connolly ’2 William Connolly, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University, Identity/Difference, revised edition, 2002, pp. 64-66 An identity is established in relation to a series of differences that have become socially AND them in pursuit of more harmonious, teleological conceptions of identity and difference. Atchison and Panetta ’9 Jarrod Atchison, PhD in Rhetoric from the University of Georgia, Assistant Professor and Director of Debate at Wake Forest University, and Edward Panetta, Director of Debate and Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Georgia, "Intercollegiate Debate and Speech Communication: Issues for the Future," The Sage Handbook of Rhetorical Studies, ed. Andrea Lunsford, Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2009, p. 317-334 This section will address the "debate as activism perspective that argues that the appropriate AND debate with so few participants is the best strategy for addressing important problems. Bauman ’99 Zygmunt Bauman, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at University of Leeds, In Search of Politics, 1999, p. 4-5 The art of politics, if it happens to be democratic politics, is about AND devote their energy to, such tasks can be undertaken only in common. Hoppe ’99 Robert Hoppe, Professor of Policy and Knowledge at University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, "Policy analysis, science, and politics: from ’speaking truth to power’ to ’making sense together’," Science and Public Policy 26.3 (1999), pp. 201-210, available at http://works.bepress.com/robert_hoppe1/1 According to Lasswell (1971), policy science is about the production and application of AND to delineate its implcations for the actual and future development of policy analysis. Army Officer School ’4 (5-12, "~%23 12, Punctuation – The Colon and Semicolon", http://usawocc.army.mil/IMI/wg12.htm) The colon introduces the following: a. A list, but only after " AND resolved:" Resolved: (colon) That this council petition the mayor. Blacks Law Dictionary, 7th Edition, 1999, 703 Federal government. 1. A national government that exercises some degree of control over small political units that have surrendered some degree of power in exchange for the right to participate in national political matters. – Also termed (in federal states) central government. 2. The U.S. government. – Also termed national government. The resolution is the most accessible, researchable, and rigorously developed baseline for debating. You should affirm it. Voting issue for fairness and education.Galloway ’7 Ryan Galloway, assistant professor of communication studies and director of debate at Samford University, "DINNER AND CONVERSATION AT THE ARGUMENTATIVE TABLE: RECONCEPTUALIZING DEBATE AS AN ARGUMENTATIVE DIALOGUE," Contemporary Argumentation and Debate, Vol. 28 (2007), ebsco The central claim to this essay is that debate works best when it is dialogic AND controversy access to formulating their approach to both sides of the topic question. Esberg and Sagan ’12 Jane Esberg, special assistant to the director at NYU’s Center on International Cooperation, and Scott Sagan, professor of political science and director of Stanford’s Center for International Security and Cooperation, "NEGOTIATING NONPROLIFERATION: Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Nuclear Weapons Policy," The Nonproliferation Review, vol. 19, issue 1, 2012, pp. 95-108, taylor %26 francis These government or quasi-government think tank simulations often provide very similar lessons for AND quickly; simulations teach students how to contextualize and act on information.14 Hager ’92 Carol J. Hager, professor of political science at Bryn Mawr College, "Democratizing Technology: Citizen %26 State in West German Energy Politics, 1974-1990," Polity, Vol. 24 No. 1, 1992, pp. 45-70 During this phase, the citizen initiative attempted to overcome its defensive posture and implement AND a space for a delibera-tive politics in modern technological society.61 Switch-side debate bolsters the value of personal convictions and subjects them to scrutiny by opponents tasked with employing the best possible responses to them—this best augments and develops individual beliefsGalloway ’7 Ryan Galloway, assistant professor of communication studies and director of debate at Samford University, "DINNER AND CONVERSATION AT THE ARGUMENTATIVE TABLE: RECONCEPTUALIZING DEBATE AS AN ARGUMENTATIVE DIALOGUE," Contemporary Argumentation and Debate, Vol. 28 (2007), ebsco The argument that debaters should not argue in favor of ideas that they do not AND ideas from a neutral position so that they may be freely chosen subsequently. Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Professor of Philosophy, French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, 2004, For What Tomorrow? A Dialogue With Elisabeth Roudinesco, p. 91-92 J.D.: A moment ago you spoke of regicide as the necessity of AND it seems im¬possible, and not sovereignty, even when it seems possible. Our contest should be over demands on the state. Legal institutions allow us to enforce our will while demands and right claims are the ultimate act of agonism. This is the best way to affirm human livingLawrence J. Hatab ~[philosophy prof somewhere~] "Prospects For A Democratic Agon: Why We Can Still Be Nietzscheans" The Journal of Nietzsche Studies 24 (2002) 132-147, on muse Moreover, the structure of an agon conceived as a contest can readily underwrite political AND to defend rights simply in terms of the human capacity to say No. |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Vs Kentucky GR Zenko and Cohen ’12 Micah Zenko, Fellow in the Center for Preventive Action at the Council on Foreign Relations, and Michael A. Cohen, Fellow at the Century Foundation, "Clear and Present Safety," Foreign Affairs, March/April 2012, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/137279/micah-zenko-and-michael-a-cohen/clear-and-present-safety A more recent bogeyman in national security debates is the threat of so-called AND 11, and most can be offset by commonsense prevention and mitigation efforts. Tense conflicts with China are unavoidable – Ambitions and opposing worldviewsRobert Kagan, Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, "Ambition and Anxiety," in The Rise Of China, ed. Schmitt, 2009, pp. 2-3 The struggle between China and the United States that will dominate the 21st Century is AND their tolerance to obstacles, their willingness to take no for an answer. Harding ’11 Harry Harding, founding dean of the School of Leadership and Public Policy at the University of Virginia, "Are China and the U.S. on a collision course?" paper presented to the 25th Asia-Pacific Roundtable, held in Kuala Lumpur on May 30 - June 1, 2011, http://thinkingaboutasia.blogspot.com/2011/06/are-china-and-us-on-collision-course.html In my judgment, it is highly unlikely for the relationship between the US and AND risk that China would try to compel unification through the use of force. Drezner ’12 Daniel W. Drezner, professor of international politics at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, PhD in Political Science from Stanford University, "The big dogs that have not barked in the Chen Guangcheng case," Foreign Policy, 5/4/2012, http://drezner.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/05/04/thoughts_on_the_chen_guangcheng_case My Big Thought: contrary to just about every headline I’ve seen in the past AND , he actually could be able to leave the country with his family. DiBenedetto ’12 Bill DiBenedetto, president of Lampin Corp. of Uxbridge, an engineering and manufacturing firm; graduate of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, "Tower Tariffs: The Winds of a Trade War with China?" 8/2/2012, http://www.triplepundit.com/2012/08/wind-tower-tarrifs/ Renewable energy trade conflicts with China are heating up and blowing strong. The latest AND also illustrates just how important renewables are becoming on the world trade stage. Chinese economic decline inevitable – numerous risks like investment, overcapacity, underdevelopment, slow progress, bottlenecks, and structural impedimentsMain Wire, 2-28-2006, "China NDRC," p ln China is still facing a risk of a big investment rebound, while and transformation AND construction, rebalancing of economic growth, and energy savings, Ma said. Malone and Mukherjee ’10 David M. Malone, former Canadian Ambassador to the UN AND , Volume 52, Issue 1 February 2010, pp. 137 – 158 The Sino-Indian border dispute is long running and fairly intractable, despite AND though their tactical alliances have often proved unstable in the heat of negotiation. Kurlantzick ’11 Joshua Kurlantzick, fellow for Southeast Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations, "Beijing has bought itself a respite from middle class revolt," The National, 4/7/2011, http://www.thenational.ae/thenationalconversation/comment/beijing-has-bought-itself-a-respite-from-middle-class-revolt?pageCount=0 As governments across North Africa have been overthrown or are seemingly near the verge of AND from external pressure. But don’t expect that change to happen anytime soon. Jervis ’11 Robert Jervis, Professor in the Department of Political Science and School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, "Force in Our Times," Survival, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2011, pp. 403-425 Even if war is still seen as evil, the security community could be dissolved AND times bring about greater economic conflict, it will not make war thinkable. No risk of Sino-Russian escalation—it’s empirically denied and all border disputes have been settledChicago Tribune, 10/15/04 China and Russia settled the last of their decades-old border disputes Thursday during AND islands along China’s northeastern border with Russia’s Far East had remained in dispute. No SCS conflict—common economic interests and legal commitmentsGupta ’11 Rukmani Gupta, Associate Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses in New Delhi, "South China Sea Conflict? No Way," The Diplomat, 23 October 2011, http://the-diplomat.com/2011/10/23/south-china-sea-conflict-no-way/2/-http://the-diplomat.com/2011/10/23/south-china-sea-conflict-no-way/2/ These suggestions to recalibrate Indian policy towards the South China Sea and its relationship with AND pipelines.’ The prospect of threats to SLOCS thus seems somewhat exaggerated. Chameides 12 (Bill, Dean, Duke U’s Nicholas School of the Environment, "Natural Gas: A Bridge to a Low-Carbon Future or Not," Jul 20, ~http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-chameides/-natural-gas-a-bridge-to_b_1690857.html~~, jam) Cathles’s point about the transient effects of methane fugitive emissions is well taken. But AND and environmental point of view, the less of that stuff the better. Nordhaus and Shellenberger ’12 Ted Nordhaus, Chairman of the Breakthrough Institute, former polling consultant and political strategist for environmental groups, and and Michael Shellenberger, co-founder of Communication Works, a progressive public relations firm, has lobbied for Hugo Chavez which is awesome, the two of them published the best-selling Break Through, "Beyond Cap and Trade, A New Path to Clean Energy," Yale Environment 360, 2/27/2012, http://e360.yale.edu/feature/nordhaus_shellenberger_beyond_cap_and_trade_a_new_path_to_clean_energy/2499/ A funny thing happened while environmentalists were trying and failing to cap carbon emissions in AND reductions that climate scientists believe will be necessary to avoid dangerous global warming. Fravel ’10 M. Taylor Fravel, associate professor of political science in the MIT Security Studies Program, "The Limits of Diversion: Rethinking Internal and External Conflict," Security Studies 19:2, 2010, pp. 307-341 Yet despite two decades of renewed research, cumulative knowledge on diversion remains elusive. AND external threats to national interests, not internal threats to their political survival. Fravel ’10 M. Taylor Fravel, associate professor of political science in the MIT Security Studies Program, "The Limits of Diversion: Rethinking Internal and External Conflict," Security Studies 19:2, 2010, pp. 307-341 The lack of support for diversion raises a simple but important question: why is AND as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Gulf Cooperation Council.131 Tira ’10 Jaroslav Tira, Associate Professor in the Department of International Affairs at the University of Georgia, "Territorial Diversion: Diversionary Theory of War and Territorial Conflict," The Journal of Politics, vol. 72, issue 2, April 2010, pp. 413-425, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022381609990879 Empirical support for the economic growth rate is much weaker. The finding that poor AND systemic problems plaguing the country (i.e., an underperforming economy). Be skeptical of their impact framing: Social and political homogeneity mean that risk is PATHOLOGICALLY downplayed; culture of friendship means there’s no meaningful oversight.Barsa and Dana 2011 (Michael, Sr. Lect., Northwestern School of Law, and David, Research Prof. Law, Northwestern U. School of Law, "LEARNING FROM DISASTER: LESSONS FOR THE FUTURE FROM THE GULF OF MEXICO: SYMPOSIUM ARTICLE: RECONCEPTUALIZING NEPA TO AVOID THE NEXT PREVENTABLE DISASTER," Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review, 38 B.C. Envtl. Aff. L. Rev. 219, Lexis)CJQ This single-minded focus on drilling may also have led to a cognitive bias AND the extent to which technology could overcome any blowout that did occur. n85 |
| 11/13/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: For the aff our society has not exchanged enough. Liberal capitalism, we are told, is problematic only in that’s economy is a restricted one. If only we wasted more, consumed more, had more things would be better. This world of sufficient consumption is just over the horizon. Solar power is here already and consumptive enough. This expenditure without reserve is the modern capitalist ethic par excellence—transgression is recentered as the object of desire which is always sought but never exhausted, all while capital churns out more ’meaningless’ knick-knacks for your potlatch tomfoolerySlavoj Zizek, Professor of Sociology at the Institute for Sociology, Ljubljana University, 2000, The Fragile Absolute, p. 23-25 This example brings home the inherent link between three notions: that of Marxist surplus AND its shock value and is fully integrated into the established artistic market."’ Slavoj Zizek, Professor of Sociology at the Institute for Sociology, Ljubljana University, 2002, For They Know Not What They Do: Enjoyment as a Political Factor, p. lxxiv-lxxvi As Badiou demonstrated in his discussion of the Stalinist show trials, this violent effort AND Party is ruthlessly brutal, so it must mean business. . . . Condemnation acts upon the ethical necessity of criticism by bringing to the fore practices of violence which we are complicit with. We should reject their move of affirmation to best confront the failings of reformist politics and the violent context of the 1AC.Dean ’5 Jodi Dean, Department of Political Science Hobart and William Smith Colleges, "A politics of avoidance: the limits of weak ontology," The Hedgehog Review, published by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia, Vol. 7, No. 2, Summer 2005, http://jdeanicite.typepad.com/i_cite/2005/05/butler_and_weak.html-http://jdeanicite.typepad.com/i_cite/2005/05/butler_and_weak.html The ethical disposition Butler finds in the context of address may arise. Or, AND up this basis for investigation, critique, and, potentially, condemnation. Zizek ’2k Slavoj Zizek, Professor of Sociology at the Institute for Sociology, Ljubljana University, 2000, The Fragile Absolute, p. 23-25 This example brings home the inherent link between three notions: that of Marxist surplus AND its shock value and is fully integrated into the established artistic market."’ Ferguson ’9 Kathy Ferguson, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, "Bush in Drag," Borderlands, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2009, http://www.borderlands.net.au/vol8no3_2009/ferguson_palin.pdf The second concept in Žižek’s trilogy is ideological disidentification, a process that enables people AND demographic groups can reinvent themselves as the carriers of small-town virtues. Condemnation acts upon the ethical necessity of criticism by bringing to the fore practices of violence which we are complicit with. We should reject their move of affirmation to best confront the failings of reformist politics and the violent context of the 1AC.Dean ’5 Jodi Dean, Department of Political Science Hobart and William Smith Colleges, "A politics of avoidance: the limits of weak ontology," The Hedgehog Review, published by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia, Vol. 7, No. 2, Summer 2005, http://jdeanicite.typepad.com/i_cite/2005/05/butler_and_weak.html-http://jdeanicite.typepad.com/i_cite/2005/05/butler_and_weak.html The ethical disposition Butler finds in the context of address may arise. Or, AND up this basis for investigation, critique, and, potentially, condemnation. Corporatization and environmental degradation are fundamentally issues of production. Their analysis of public discourse over coal mining omits the socio-historical processes which make resource degradation necessary—namely, the division of labor which centralizes wealth and productive power in the hands of the few.Magdoff ’12 Fred Magdoff, Professor emeritus of plant and soil science at the Unviersity of Vermont, "Harmony and Ecological Civilization," Monthly Review, June 2012, Vol. 64, Issue 2, p. 1-9 Nevertheless, for many the role that capitalism plays in ecological destruction is invisible. AND makes these problems systemic while at the same time creating other negative aspects. Holmstrom ’97 Nancy Holmstrom, "Renewing Historical Materialism," Against the Current 68, May-June 1997, http://www.solidarity-us.org/node/2198 While the defeat of Stalinism might seem to make disagreements on the left about the AND Hence democracy, of a socially weak form, is characteristic of capitalism. Discursive framing is backwards—ideology and consumption patterns are determined by material inequalities. Discourse theory cedes politics by reducing radical action to ’transgressive’ speech acts like the 1ACTumino ’8 Stephen Tumino, professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, "Materiality in Contemporary Cultural Theory," The Red Critique, Fall/Winter 2008, accessed 1/21/10 http://www.redcritique.org/FallWinter2008/materialityincontemporaryculturaltheory.htm One of the mainstays of contemporary cultural theory is the argument that the social is AND of the other can afford to focus on their desires in the market. Tumino ’8 Stephen Tumino, professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, "Materiality in Contemporary Cultural Theory," The Red Critique, Fall/Winter 2008, accessed 8/25/2012 http://www.redcritique.org/FallWinter2008/materialityincontemporaryculturaltheory.htm Cultural theory, in other words, rests on the assumption that consumption determines production AND of the other can afford to focus on their desires in the market. The perm’s avoidance of our position justifies greeting fascism with friendly nudges and generosityDean ’5 Jodi Dean, Department of Political Science Hobart and William Smith Colleges, "A politics of avoidance: the limits of weak ontology," The Hedgehog Review, published by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia, Vol. 7, No. 2, Summer 2005, http://jdeanicite.typepad.com/i_cite/2005/05/butler_and_weak.html-http://jdeanicite.typepad.com/i_cite/2005/05/butler_and_weak.html The first generation of the Frankfurt School developed critical theory in an effort to confront AND we are to oppose the market and religious fundamentalism threatening the world today. Feminist approaches to labor only contest the inequalities of wage relations without theorizing their fundamental cause. This makes both sexual and class inequality inevitable—only universal resistance to capital creates space for total emancipation.Cotter ’1 Jennifer Cotter, Assistant Professor of English at William Jewell College, "Eclipsing Exploitation: Transnational Feminism, Sex Work, and the State," Red Critique, Spring 2001, http://redcritique.org/spring2001/eclipsingexploitation.htm This "transnationalism," therefore, is itself a form of crisis management for capitalism AND feminism to cooperation with the existing social relations of production without transforming them. Bülent Diken, lecturer in Sociology at Lancaster University, and Carsten Bagge Laustsen, Ph.D. student at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Political Sciences, September 2001, online: http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/sociology/papers/Diken-Laustsen-Enjoy-Your-Fight.pdf Interestingly, whereas the movie clearly makes a self-reflexive mockery of Project Mayhem AND by investigating the way the logic of the cut works in the film. Local changes only shift oppression onto less privileged groups and obscure global social relations of productionKatz 2k Adam Katz, English Instructor at Onodaga Community College. 2000. Postmodernism and the Politics of "Culture." Pg. 146-147. Habermas’s understanding of undistorted communication is situated within the same problematic as the postmodernism of AND alliance in the contradictions of the formation of the cultural studies public intellectual. |
| 11/13/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Wolff ’93 Janet Wolff, "On the road again: metaphors of travel in cultural criticism," Cultural Studies, Vol. 7, No. 2, May 1993, p. 225-240 The gendering of travel is not premissed on any simple notion of public and private AND is displaced, and which one negotiates, dismantles, perhaps returns to. Lee ’9 Wendy Lee, professor of philosophy at Bloomsburg, "Restoring Human-Centeredness to Environmental Conscience: The Ecocentrist’s Dilemma, the Role of Heterosexualized Anthropomorphizing, and the Significance of Language to Ecological Feminism," Ethics and the Environment, vol. 14 no. 1, muse Acampora and Bender could also object that such an expansion doesn’t require a disavowal of AND is not the enemy of environmental responsibility, but its most vital ally. Lee ’9 Wendy Lee, professor of philosophy at Bloomsburg, "Restoring Human-Centeredness to Environmental Conscience: The Ecocentrist’s Dilemma, the Role of Heterosexualized Anthropomorphizing, and the Significance of Language to Ecological Feminism," Ethics and the Environment, vol. 14 no. 1, muse Second, then, is that however indigenous, no necessary implications for ethnicity, AND of human consciousness, the ways in which we realize it is not. Attempts to escape humanist egoism dissolve into nihilistic disdain and fail in political translationLee ’9 Wendy Lee, professor of philosophy at Bloomsburg, "Restoring Human-Centeredness to Environmental Conscience: The Ecocentrist’s Dilemma, the Role of Heterosexualized Anthropomorphizing, and the Significance of Language to Ecological Feminism," Ethics and the Environment, vol. 14 no. 1, muse Acampora and Bender could also object that such an expansion doesn’t require a disavowal of AND is not the enemy of environmental responsibility, but its most vital ally. Subjectivity is inescapable—attempts to ’become one with things’ repeat Cartesian dualisms while occluding the development of a political visionLee ’9 Wendy Lee, professor of philosophy at Bloomsburg, "Restoring Human-Centeredness to Environmental Conscience: The Ecocentrist’s Dilemma, the Role of Heterosexualized Anthropomorphizing, and the Significance of Language to Ecological Feminism," Ethics and the Environment, vol. 14 no. 1, muse Bender undertakes this task in the course of promoting his specific version of ecocentrism that AND anything but an argument for nondualism—and this Bender does not provide. |
| 11/13/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Rosner %26 Goldberg 11 (Robert, William E. Wrather Distinguished Service Professor, Departments of Astronomy and Astrophysics, and Physics, and the College at the U of Chicago, and Stephen, Energy Policy Institute at Chicago, The Harris School of Public Policy Studies, "Small Modular Reactors - Key to Future Nuclear Power Generation in the U.S.," November 2011, ~https://epic.sites.uchicago.edu/sites/epic.uchicago.edu/files/uploads/EPICSMRWhitePaperFinalcopy.pdf~~, jam) Capital Cost Incentive: A capital cost incentive would reduce the effective overnight capital cost AND payment to offset a portion of production costs or a production tax credit. Gürcan Gülersoy 2012 Preventing future nuclear energy center disasters through the examination of the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi http://www.rcimun.org/EC1.pdf-http://www.rcimun.org/EC1.pdf Cited by Nuclear Energy Topic Committee Report 5-31-12 Nuclear power: Nuclear power is the use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and electricity. Nuclear power provides about 6% of the world’s energy and 14% of the world’s electricity. ~3~ ICTSD ’11 Global Platform on Climate Change, Trade and Sustainable Energy, "Fostering Low Carbon Growth: The Case for a Sustainable Energy Trade Agreement," International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, November 2011, http://ictsd.org/downloads/2012/05/fostering-low-carbon-growth-the-case-for-a-sustainable-energy-trade-agreement1.pdf In assessing the implications of policies and incentives for sustainable energy, it is useful AND an area that many believe will witness rapid growth in the coming years. Limits and precision—makes basically any policy change topical—distinguishing is key to educationEIA ’92 Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy, "Federal Energy Subsidies: Direct and Indirect Interventions in Energy Markets," 1992, ftp://tonto.eia.doe.gov/service/emeu9202.pdf In some sense, most Federal policies have the potential to affect energy markets. AND through financial incentives, regulation, public enterprise, or research and development. Brown ’59 John R. Brown, judge on 5th circuit court of appeals, "CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY, Petitioner, v. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION," Dissenting Opinion, 266 F.2d 208; 1959 U.S. App. LEXIS 5196; 10 Oil %26 Gas Rep. 601 Indeed, I do not think that my cautious Brothers would have undertaken this AND , 8). Section 1(b) draws the line at production. |
| 11/13/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: NYT 11/8 ("Back to Work, Obama Is Greeted by Looming Fiscal Crisis" http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/08/us/politics/president-obama-begins-work-on-second-term.html?hp%26pagewanted=all) Newly re-elected, President Obama moved quickly on Wednesday to open negotiations with AND former boxer, added, "It’s better to dance than to fight." SMRs are massively controversial—spending and safety concerns—Obama’s avoiding the fight nowNelson 9/24 Gabriel is a e%26e reporter, "DOE funding for small reactors languishes as parties clash on debt" 9/24/12 http://www.eenews.net/public/Greenwire/2012/09/24/3-http://www.eenews.net/public/Greenwire/2012/09/24/3 It’s not just wind and solar projects that are waiting for federal help as Congress AND can’t stand here and tell you that I know how to do that." Fiscal cliff collapses the economy—exhausted policy options mean disaster is likelyMorici 12 (Peter, professor of international business at U. Maryland College Park, "Fix fiscal cliff now or face next Great Depression" Fox News 8/7/12 http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/08/07/fix-fiscal-cliff-now-or-face-next-great-depression/-http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/08/07/fix-fiscal-cliff-now-or-face-next-great-depression/) President Obama and Republicans are engaging in dangerous brinksmanship. Putting off a political solution AND layoffs, and so forth will be much more severe than in 2008. Royal ’10 director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense (Jedediah, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, pg 213-215) Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline may increase the likelihood of external conflict AND not featured prominently in the economic-security debate and deserves more attention. Austin 9 (Michael, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, and Desmond Lachman – Resident Fellow – American Enterprise Institute, "The Global Economy Unravels", Forbes, 3-6, http://www.aei.org/article/100187, AV) What do these trends mean in the short and medium term? The Great Depression AND may be a series of small explosions that coalesce into a big bang. A card that’s also like, double dip coming now (U.S. AND it resilient, revives enough to stave off collapse. I guess idk. Sequestration independently turns heg- cripples hard power and irreversibly sets back procurementBucci and Graham 12 (Steven Bucci, PhD in IR from USC, professor of terrorism studies and cyber security policy at Long Island U., and senior research fellow for defense and homeland security at the Heritage Foundation. Owen Graham, masters of international politics from American U. and research coordinator for national security and foreign policy at Heritage. "Sequestration’s Shadow on the Defense Industrial Base" Heritage 7/13/12 http://blog.heritage.org/2012/07/13/sequestrations-shadow-on-the-defense-industrial-base/-http://blog.heritage.org/2012/07/13/sequestrations-shadow-on-the-defense-industrial-base/) Unless the President and Congress change current law, the men and women of the AND White House and Capitol Hill should therefore act quickly to responsibly reverse sequestration. Montgomery 11/11 (Lori, WaPo, On edge of brutal ’fiscal cliff,’ some see an opportunity to end debt paralysis http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/on-edge-of-brutal-fiscal-cliff-some-see-an-opportunity-to-end-debt-paralysis/2012/11/11/40d5e6d0-2bfa-11e2-89d4-040c9330702a_print.html) Many Republicans say Obama’s victory will serve to break the stalemate. With his post AND GOP a victory lap on keeping rates low and call it a win." Williams 11/11 (Matt, the Guardian, "Fiscal cliff deal can be reached, say leading Republicans and Democrats http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/nov/11/fiscal-cliff-deal-republicans-democrats) Both sides of Washington’s political divide expressed optimism Sunday that a deal could be struck AND be catastrophic for the US economic revival, plunging it back into recession. Litvan 11/11 (Laura, Bloomberg, Lawmakers in Both Parties See Resolution to U.S. Fiscal Cliff http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-11-11/lawmakers-in-both-parties-see-resolution-to-u-dot-s-dot-fiscal-cliff) Top lawmakers in both political parties today predicted a resolution to the standoff on the AND -months stop-gap that has marked the deadlocked fiscal policy debate. Cooper and Weisman 11/10 (Helene and Jonathan, NYT, "Obama to insist on tax increase for the wealthy" http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/10/us/politics/obama-and-boehner-circle-each-other-on-budget-impasse.html?nl=todaysheadlines%26emc=edit_th_20121110%26pagewanted=all-http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/10/us/politics/obama-and-boehner-circle-each-other-on-budget-impasse.html?nl=todaysheadlines%26emc=edit_th_20121110%26pagewanted=all) The speaker, who has struggled with his more conservative rank and file in the AND though many analysts say that approach alone cannot raise the revenue Democrats want. Hopf 11 Jim is a blogger at NuclearCafe.org, 10/25/2011, "Roadblock in Congress for SMR Development" http://ansnuclearcafe.org/2011/10/25/congress-smr/-http://ansnuclearcafe.org/2011/10/25/congress-smr/ As discussed in my June 20 post-http://ansnuclearcafe.org/2011/06/20/small-modular-reactors-and-current-policy-initiatives/, small modular reactors (SMRs) have AND as opposed to new reactor development, in light of the Fukushima disaster. Smith ’10 Rebecca Smith, "Small Reactors Generate Big Hopes," Wall Street Journal, 2/18/2010, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703444804575071402124482176.html "We see significant benefits from the new, modular technology," said Donald Moul AND progressively bigger, ending up at about 1,000 megawatts of capacity. Restuccia 12 (Andrew, The Hill, Feb 13, ~thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/210335-energy-dept-nears-approval-of-83b-nuclear-loan-setting-up-capitol-hill-fight~, jam) Energy Secretary Steven Chu said Monday he expects to finalize an %248.3 AND influenced by politics and raising broader questions about the administration’s green energy investments. YPCC ’12 "The Climate Note," Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, 3/11/2012, http://environment.yale.edu/climate/the-climate-note/nuclear-power-in-the-american-mind/ How did American images of nuclear power change in response to the Fukushima disaster? AND shift in the meaning of "nuclear power" in the American mind. Massie ’11 Alex, How Good is Barack Obama at Politics? The Spectator, http://www.spectator.co.uk/alexmassie/7341259/how-good-is-barack-obama-at-politics.thtml Even so, where Ponnuru is right, I think, is his suggestion that AND I think this should worry his team as they prepare for next year. |
| 11/13/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Absent specific regulation, the they’d pick Westinghouse’s AP-1000 SMR—easiest for licensing and safety clearanceMcMahon ’12 Jeff McMahon, covers green tech, energy and the environment for Forbes, "Small Modular Nuclear Reactors By 2022 — But No Market For Them," Forbes, 5/23/2012, http://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffmcmahon/2012/05/23/small-modular-reactors-by-2022-but-no-market-for-them/ The Department of Energy will spend %24452 million—with a match from industry AND that rely on different, some say safer, fuels and cooling systems. Thompson ’11 Kalee Thompson ~freelance writer who covers science, the environment, and the outdoors~ "Concepts %26 Prototypes: Two Next-Gen Nukes" Posted 06.27.2011 at 9:56 am82 Comments http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2011-06/next-gen-nuke-designs-promise-safe-efficient-emissions-free-energy-http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2011-06/next-gen-nuke-designs-promise-safe-efficient-emissions-free-energy Like many of the 20 or so pending Generation III+ facilities in the U AND have 1,000 pounds in your basement, and nothing would happen." Makhijani and Boyd 2010 – ARJUN MAKHIJANI ~Arjun Makhijani is an electrical and nuclear engineer who is President of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research~ and MICHELE BOYD ~Michele Boyd is the former director of the Safe Energy Program at Physicians for Social Responsibility~ "Small Modular Reactors No Solution for the Cost, Safety, and Waste Problems of Nuclear Power" Fact sheet completed in September 2010 http://www.psr.org/nuclear-bailout/resources/small-modular-reactors-no.pdf-http://www.psr.org/nuclear-bailout/resources/small-modular-reactors-no.pdf In addition, the use of plutonium fuel or uranium enriched to levels as high AND impact to groundwater, for example, in the event of an accident. Kroenig ’12 Matthew Kroenig, Council on Foreign Relations Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow and Georgetown University assistant professor of government, "The History of Proliferation Optimism: Does It Have A Future?" Nonproliferation Policy Education Center Should we worry about the spread of nuclear weapons? At first glance, this AND the steps necessary to combat the spread of the world’s most dangerous weapons. Wald ’10 Matthew L. Wald, 30 years at the NYT as an energy correspondent, "Critics Challenge Safety of New Reactor Design," New York Times, 4/21/2012, http://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/04/21/critics-challenge-safety-of-new-nuclear-reactor-design/ But on Wednesday, Arnie Gundersen, a nuclear engineer commissioned by several anti- AND the dome through a chimney effect, the design would expel radioactive contaminants. Lendman 11 – Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (Stephen, 03/ 13, "Nuclear Meltdown in Japan," http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voices.php/2011/03/13/nuclear-meltdown-in-japan) For years, Helen Caldicott warned it’s coming. In her 1978 book, " AND can pollute half the globe. Chernobyl fallout covers the entire Northern Hemisphere." Bonass et al, 12 (Matt Bonass, Michael Rudd and Richard Lucas are partners in Bird and Bird’s energy and utilities sector group. Mr Bonass and Mr Rudd are co-editors of Renewables: A Practical Handbook. Mr Rudd is head of Bird and Bird’s nuclear practice. Author interviews, Renewable energy: the fallout from Fukushima, http://www.globelawandbusiness.com/Interviews/Detail.aspx?g=910fcfa6-9a2d-4312-b034-9bbcb2dad9e0) There is no doubt that the events in Fukushima have cast a shadow over the AND carbon economy, but it may now have become politically unacceptable to many. Boyd 2010 – Robynne Boyd ~masters in journalism from NYU~ "Safety Concerns Delay Approval of the First U.S. Nuclear Reactor in Decades" July 29, 2010 http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=slow-reactor-safety-http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=slow-reactor-safety A new era for nuclear power is taking shape as third-generation reactors, AND and continues early site construction. The next probable step? AP1000 certification. Kroenig ’12 Matthew Kroenig, Council on Foreign Relations Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow and Georgetown University assistant professor of government, "The History of Proliferation Optimism: Does It Have A Future?" Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, 5/26/2012, http://www.npolicy.org/article.php?aid=1182%26tid=30 First and foremost, proliferation optimists do not appear to understand contemporary deterrence theory. AND war in an attempt to force less-resolved opponents to back down. Kroenig ’12 Matthew Kroenig, Council on Foreign Relations Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow and Georgetown University assistant professor of government, "The History of Proliferation Optimism: Does It Have A Future?" Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, 5/26/2012, http://www.npolicy.org/article.php?aid=1182%26tid=30 Before reaching a state of MAD, new nuclear states go through a transition period AND to strike first rather than suffer a devastating first attack from an opponent. Kroenig ’12 Matthew Kroenig, Council on Foreign Relations Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow and Georgetown University assistant professor of government, "The History of Proliferation Optimism: Does It Have A Future?" Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, 5/26/2012, http://www.npolicy.org/article.php?aid=1182%26tid=30 Further proliferation. Nuclear proliferation poses an additional threat to international peace and security because AND capabilities, triggering an arms race in a strategically important and volatile region. Kroenig ’12 Matthew Kroenig, Council on Foreign Relations Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow and Georgetown University assistant professor of government, "The History of Proliferation Optimism: Does It Have A Future?" Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, 5/26/2012, http://www.npolicy.org/article.php?aid=1182%26tid=30 The final gaping weakness in the proliferation optimist argument, however, is that it AND be used and to simultaneously claim that their spread contributes to international stability. Bioweapons don’t cause extinction—natural resistance and health tech solvesEasterbrook ’3 Gregg Easterbrook, editor of The New Republic, "We’re All Gonna Die%21" Wired, July 2003, http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/11.07/doomsday.html 3. Germ warfare%21 Like chemical agents, biological weapons have never lived up AND out humanity before, and it seems unlikely to happen in the future. |
| 11/13/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Long timeframe—authorization and tech developmentKing et al. ’11 Marcus King, Associate Director of Research, Associate Research Professor of International Affairs, LaVar Huntzinger, Thoi Nguyen, "Feasibility of Nuclear Power on U.S. Military Installations," CNA Market Solutions, March 2011, http://www.cna.org/sites/default/files/research/Nuclear%20Power%20on%20Military%20Installations%20D0023932%20A5.pdf The NRC is responsible for regulation of the nuclear industry, including regulation of reactors AND and demonstration before they are ready to be commercialized in the United States. Can’t build new reactors—lack of industrial production facilities and trained workersMez September 2012—Lutz Mez ~Department of Political and Social Sciences, Freie Universitat Berlin~ "Nuclear energy–Any solution for sustainability and climate protection" Energy Policy 48 (2012) 56–63 The nuclear industry has been battling a host of problems for three decades. A AND been closed must be torn down and solutions finally found for nuclear waste. New Tech is bad—it breaks current global convergence increasing cost and lowering safetyLester and Rosner ’9 — Richard K. Lester ~Professor of Nuclear Engineering and head of the Nuclear Science and Engineering Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology~ and Robert Rosner ~Astrophysicist and founding director of the Energy Policy Institute at Chicago. Director of Argonne National Laboratory from 2005 to 2009~ "THE GROWTH OF NUCLEAR POWER: Drivers and Constraints" MIT-IPC-Energy Innovation Working Paper 09-002 July 2009 (forthcoming in Daedalus) http://web.mit.edu/ipc/research/energy/pdf/EIP_09-002.pdf In its earliest years, the nuclear power industry also seemed destined to develop along AND energy growth? How might it affect the course of international nonproliferation efforts? Cooper ’12 Mark Cooper, senior research fellow for economic analysis at the Institute for Energy and the Environment at Vermont Law School, "Nuclear safety and affordable reactors: Can we have both?" Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, July/August 2012, vol. 68, no. 4, doi: 10.1177/0096340212451627 Has the heralded ’nuclear renaissance’ finally arrived? In February 2012, for the AND 1980s, when the majority of nuclear construction plans were canceled or abandoned. Retief ’10 Hilmar Retief, Product Manager, Bentley Systems, Incorporated, "Knowledge Management: Solving the Nuclear Industry’s Brain Drain: How to Capture and Manage Your Company’s Institutional Knowledge for Immediate Action," 2010, http://ftp2.bentley.com/dist/collateral/docs/assetwise/wp_knowledge-management_hilmar-retief.pdf As the nuclear renaissance takes shape, many organizations in this industry face a shortage AND exceed the time frame available until substantial retirement of the existing workforce begins." Jackson 2008— David Jackson ~PhD. Professor (Adjunct) of Engineering Physics at McMaster University~ Will forgings be available for Canadian light water reactors? May 21, 2008, http://reactorscanada.com/2008/05/21/will-forgings-be-available-for-canadian-light-water-reactors/-http://reactorscanada.com/2008/05/21/will-forgings-be-available-for-canadian-light-water-reactors/ If light water reactors (LWR’s) such as those proposed by Areva, Westinghouse and GE Hitachi (now out of the race) are to be built in Ontario then these companies must assure their Canadian customers that the forgings for them are available. This is a critical resource problem limiting the building of new LWR’s everywhere in the world for the next five to ten years. A Bloomberg article appeared March 12, 2008 that explains this: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109%26refer=home%26sid=aaVMzCTMz3ms It reports that Japan Steel Works Ltd. is the only manufacturer of these forgings left in the world. They developed the technology during the Second World War for producing large bore guns for battleships. All the facilities elsewhere in the world were shut down during the long drought in reactor orders that is only now ending. This is a major bottleneck because each new LWR requires at least one of the largest forgings for its pressure vessel but Japan Steel Works makes only four per year. Ultimately this means only four new light water reactors can come on stream per year. It takes in the order of eight to ten years or more to construct an LWR and at any given time many reactors may be on order and in various stages of completion. Even though some reactor vendors may have a few forgings "in the bank" at an estimated %24100 million, four LWR’s per year is now a fundamental limitation. Grid’s strong and resilientClark ’12 Paul Clark, MA candidate in intelligence studies at American Military University, "The Risk of Disruption or Destruction of Critical U.S. Infrastructure by an Offensive Cyber Attack," 4/28/2012, http://www.academia.edu/1538543/The_Risk_of_Disruption_or_Destruction_of_Critical_U.S._Infrastructure_by_an_Offensive_Cyber_Attack In 2003, a simple physical breakdown occurred – trees shorted a power line and AND U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 2012). Squo solves base islanding—microgridsPike Research ’11 "Military Microgrid Capacity to Experience More than 700% Growth by 2017," Pike Research, 9/16/2011, http://www.pikeresearch.com/newsroom/military-microgrid-capacity-to-experience-more-than-700-growth-by-2017 The United States Department of Defense (DOD) is the single largest consumer of AND companies including Lockheed Martin, GE, Honeywell, Boeing, and Eaton. Zenko and Cohen ’12 Micah Zenko, Fellow in the Center for Preventive Action at the Council on Foreign Relations, and Michael A. Cohen, Fellow at the Century Foundation, "Clear and Present Safety," Foreign Affairs, March/April 2012, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/137279/micah-zenko-and-michael-a-cohen/clear-and-present-safety A more recent bogeyman in national security debates is the threat of so-called AND 11, and most can be offset by commonsense prevention and mitigation efforts. Macdonald and Parent ’11 Paul K. MacDonald, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Williams College, and Joseph M. Parent, Assistant Professor of Political Science at University of Miami, "Graceful Decline?" International Security, Vol. 35, No. 4, Spring 2011, http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/files/ISEC_a_00034-MacDonald_proof2.pdf With regard to militarized disputes, declining great powers demonstrate more caution and restraint in AND of retreating to a more defensible—and credible—set of commitments. Nuclear power is worse for climate change. It emits as much CO2 as nat-gas, emits ionizing radiation, and trades off with carbon free renewablesMez September 2012—Lutz Mez ~Department of Political and Social Sciences, Freie Universitat Berlin~ "Nuclear energy–Any solution for sustainability and climate protection" Energy Policy 48 (2012) 56–63 The sector of electrical power production accounts for about 27 percent of global anthropogenic CO2 AND and socially compatible energy technologies—especially the use of smart energy services. King et al. ’11 Marcus King, Associate Director of Research, Associate Research Professor of International Affairs, LaVar Huntzinger, Thoi Nguyen, "Feasibility of Nuclear Power on U.S. Military Installations," CNA Market Solutions, March 2011, http://www.cna.org/sites/default/files/research/Nuclear%20Power%20on%20Military%20Installations%20D0023932%20A5.pdf The costs associated with moving from the current stage of development of small nuclear reactors AND DOE funding, vendors investments, and direct congressional appropriation for that purpose. Dye 10-26 Lee Dye, "It May Be Too Late to Stop Global Warming," ABC News, 10/26/2012, http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/late-stop-global-warming/story?id=17557814%26singlePage=true~~%23.UI58icXR5DA Here’s a dark secret about the earth’s changing climate that many scientists believe, but AND endanger progress to avoid a few degrees of temperature change?" he asks. |
| 11/13/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Connolly ’2 William Connolly, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University, Identity/Difference, revised edition, 2002, pp. 49-51 As I "read" the combination that emerges from placing these two in conjunction AND various command ethics that have populated western thought an ethic of cultivation. 7 Radically rejecting the system fetishizes it and makes resistance the obverse of the same project it tries to escapeRella ’94 Franco Rella, The Myth of the Other, trans. Nelson Moe, Maisonneuve Press: Washington, DC, 1994, p. 19 3. The idealization of the negative that is also within our space, the AND to establish a "normality" of science even within its revolutions.19 Walt ’12 Stephen M. Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, "Theory and Policy in International Relations: Some Personal Reflections," Yale Journal of International Affairs, September 2012, http://yalejournal.org/2012/09/theory-and-policy-in-international-relations-some-personal-reflections-by-stephen-m-walt/ Despite these limitations, academic scholars — including IR theorists — have at least three AND restore some of the civility that has been lost in contemporary public life. Individual level strategies fail and make global violence inevitableMonbiot ’4 George Monbiot, journalist, academic, and political and environmental activist, 2004, Manifesto for a New World Order, p. 11-13 The quest for global solutions is difficult and divisive. Some members of this movement AND to prevent climate change from destroying the conditions it requires for its survival. Taft-Kaufman ’95 Jill Taft-Kaufman, Speech prof @ CMU, 1995, Southern Comm. Journal, Spring, v. 60, Iss. 3, "Other Ways", p pq The postmodern passwords of "polyvocality," "Otherness," and "difference," unsupported AND political agendas, institutions, agencies, and the budgets that fuel them. Zizek ’98 Slavoj Zizek, Senior Researcher in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Ljubljana and Codirector of the Center for Humanities at Birkbeck College, Law and the Postmodern Mind, 1998, pp. 91-92 Finally, the point about inherent transgression is not that every opposition, ever attempt AND vulnerable (a small revision etc, can have large unforeseen catastrophic consequences.) We should employ state sovereignty when the particulars of a situation demands itDerrida ’4 Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Professor of Philosophy, French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, 2004, For What Tomorrow? A Dialogue With Elisabeth Roudinesco, p. 91-92 J.D.: A moment ago you spoke of regicide as the necessity of AND it seems im¬possible, and not sovereignty, even when it seems possible. Connolly ’12 William E. Connolly, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University, "Steps toward an Ecology of Late Capitalism," Theory %26 Event, Vol. 15, Issue 1, 2012, Muse 6. The democratic state, while it certainly cannot alone tame capital or reconstitute AND either socialist productivism or the world projected by proponents of deep ecology.23 |
| 01/07/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Smith ’11 Mick Smith, Against Ecological Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2011, p. 126-127 In a technologically enframed (and politically diminished) condition, crises of all kinds AND this contention (Vanderheiden 2005; Miller, Rivera, and Yelin 2008). Smith ’11 Mick Smith, Against Ecological Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2011, p. xiv-xv Despite their political differences, Schmitt, Benjamin, and Agamben all agree that this AND seems to demand a new horizon of meaning, a different interpretative key." Refusing the principle of sovereign domination by contesting the humanist dogma of the 1AC is critical to establishing more responsible and respectful approaches to the ’natural world’Smith ’11 Mick Smith, Against Ecological Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2011, p. 118-121 Agamben’s position, on the other hand, claims to offer a life of absolute AND might still, naively, attempt to save the (natural) world. Any mobilization from their doomsaying would be shortsighted and ineffectiveBroda-Bahm 99 (Kenneth T, Assistant Professor in the Mass Communication and Communication Studies Department at Towson University, "Finding Protection in Definitions: The Quest for Environmental Security" Argumentation %26 Advocacy, 10511431, Spring99, Vol. 35, Issue 4) Another motive for speaking of environmental degradation as a threat to national security is rhetorical AND crash’ solutions are often bad ones. (pp. 24-25) Barnett ’1 Jon Barnett, Fellow in the School of Social and Environmental Enquiry at University of Melbourne, and a New Zealand Sci and Tech Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Canterbury and serves on the editorial boards of several scholarly journals, May 4, The Meaning of Environmental Security: Ecological Politics and Policy in the New Security Era Another failing of the threat discourse is that it focuses attention on issues ’only when AND 226). This chapter has sought to expose such distortions in US policy. Public discourse surrounding fracking is warped by incentives for lax oversight and environmental and social exploitationSzeman ’13 Imre Szeman, "What the frack? Combustible water and other late capitalist novelties," Radical Philosophy 177, January/February 2013, http://www.radicalphilosophy.com/commentary/what-the-frack But there are problems with fracking that belie the positive image of a new world AND unconventional politics, too. But what might such a politics look like? Smith ’11 Mick Smith, Against Ecological Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2011, p. 121-125 But even though the timeless mythic principles on which state authority is constituted are supposed AND to suspend, to place in abeyance, ethics and politics as such. Smith ’11 Mick Smith, Against Ecological Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2011, p. 90-91 This talk of the complicity between absolute innocence and system- atic guilt may seem AND are all guilty of our own impending technologically mediated reduction to bare life. Smith ’11 Mick Smith, Against Ecological Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2011, p. 219-221 THE PURPOSE OF THIS BOOK is to open possibilities for rethinking and constituting ecological ethics AND short, they want a solution that maintains the claims of ecological sovereignty. Sovereign managerialism is tautological and dangerous—rethinking how we relate to the environment is a prior questionSmith no date Mick Smith, Professor and Queen’s National Scholar in the Departments of Environmental Studies and Philosophy at Queen’s University, Canada, "Editorial Profile," Environmental Humanities, no date given, http://environmentalhumanities.org/about/profiles/ep-smith The "Anthropocene" has become something of a buzzword in its migration from geology AND , and offering political (and never just technical) analyses and alternatives. Foucault ’78 Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality, Volume I: An Introduction, trans. Robert Hurley, 1978, p. 136-137 Since the classical age the West has undergone a very profound transformation of these mechanisms AND species, the race, and the large-scale phenomena of population. Prior rejection of anthropocentric approaches is essential for crafting more responsible approaches to energy and environmental politics. Their economic rationality is a delusion which generates only short-sighted and ethically insufficient responses.Smith ’11 Mick Smith, Against Ecological Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2011, p. 113-117 To recall: Radical ecology is an ethically motivated (that is, non- AND . This, fortu- nately, is not quite the whole story. |
| 01/07/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Dorning 1-3 Mike Dorning, "Obama Fights Republicans on Debt as Investors Seek Growth," Bloomberg, 1/3/2013, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-03/obama-fights-republicans-on-debt-as-investors-seek-growth.html The next chapter in the skirmishing over the nation’s finances plays out during a phase AND to turn around and create an even bigger crisis on the debt limit?" Plan disrupts Obama’s balancing strategy—ostracizes key parts of the baseSchnur ’12 Dan Schnur, director of the Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics at the University of Southern California, served as the national communications director of Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign in 2000, "The President, Gas Prices and the Pipeline," New York Times, 4/9/2012, http://campaignstops.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/04/09/the-president-gas-prices-and-the-keystone-pipeline/ Like every president seeking re-election, Barack Obama walks the fine line every AND border and then ships Canadian oil to China instead of into this country. Goldfarb 1/1 (Zach, WaPost, "’Fiscal cliff’ deal does little to tame threats from debt ceiling, high unemployment rates http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/fiscal-cliff/fiscal-cliff-deal-does-little-to-tame-threats-from-debt-ceiling-high-unemployment-rates/2013/01/01/8e4c14aa-5393-11e2-bf3e-76c0a789346f_print.html) The deal fell somewhere in between. But by gaining the support of both sides AND policy offsetting much of the robust recovery being experienced in the private sector. Pape ’9 professor of political science at the University of Chicago ~Robert A. Pape, Realities and Obama’s diplomacy, http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2009-03-08/news/0903070435_1_power-assets-foreign-policy-smart-power-http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2009-03-08/news/0903070435_1_power-assets-foreign-policy-smart-power~~ For nearly two decades, the U.S. has been viewed as a AND chose to pursue far more ambitious goals than merely maintaining the status quo. Barnett ’11 Thomas P. M. Barnett, Former Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis %26 Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, U.S. Naval War College American military geostrategist and Chief Analyst at Wikistrat., worked as the Assistant for Strategic Futures in the Office of Force Transformation in the Department of Defense, "The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads," World Politics Review, 3/7/2011, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/8099/the-new-rules-leadership-fatigue-puts-u-s-and-globalization-at-crossroads It is worth first examining the larger picture: We live in a time of AND . And if you know your history, that should make you nervous. Colman 1/6 (Zack, The Hill, Dems dig in against spending cuts to clean-energy programs Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/275731-democrats-dig-in-against-cuts-to-clean-energy-programs~~%23ixzz2HJrbyupm) GOP lawmakers also would likely seek to zero out, or sharply reduce, federal AND austerity measures, it will be a challenge," Mosher told The Hill. Glaser ’12 Bonnie S. Glaser, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, "China Is Reacting to Our Weak Economy," New York Times, 5/2/2012, http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/05/02/are-we-headed-for-a-cold-war-with-china/china-is-reacting-to-our-weak-economy To maintain peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and secure American interests AND the United States needs to restore financial solvency and growth through bipartisan action. Brown 1-2 Abram Brown, "Fiscal Cliff: Two Monster Problems Loom Ahead. Here’s What Happens Next," Forbes, 1/2/2013, http://www.forbes.com/sites/abrambrown/2013/01/02/u-s-faces-uphill-climb-after-fiscal-cliff-deal-heres-what-happes-next/ The sequester. D.C. decided to push off any decisions about the AND to remove the remaining uncertainty and allow the economic recovery to gain speed. Flaherty 1/6 (Anne, AP,Debt Ceiling Debate: Lawmakers Dig In Heels http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/06/debt-ceiling-debate_n_2421517.html-http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/06/debt-ceiling-debate_n_2421517.html Lawmakers said debt talks will consume Congress in the coming weeks, likely delaying any consideration of an expected White House proposal on gun restrictions in the wake of the Connecticut school shooting. Obama’s focus is on fiscal issues – thumps gun control and immigrationWhitesides 1/4 (John, Reuters, "Budget battles threaten to limit Obama’s second-term agenda," 2013, ~www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/04/us-usa-obama-agenda-idUSBRE9030RA20130104~) Administration officials promise to move quickly in January in pursuit of new legislation on gun AND pushing back consideration of gun control and immigration. The aide blamed Obama. Star Ledger 1/6 (Debt ceiling and hostage taking: Editorial, http://blog.nj.com/njv_editorial_page/2013/01/post_75.html) Within a month or two, Congress will have another chance to impose a self AND a ditch, they could lose their control of the chamber in 2014. Salmon 1/7 (Felix, Reuters, "Why we wont mint a platinum coin" http://blogs.reuters.com/felix-salmon/2013/01/07/why-we-wont-mint-a-platinum-coin/-http://blogs.reuters.com/felix-salmon/2013/01/07/why-we-wont-mint-a-platinum-coin/) Let’s be clear about this: no one’s going to mint a trillion-dollar AND would constitute unilateral disarmament in the war between the executive and the legislature. Thai 1-3 Xuan Thai, "GOP willing to shut down government over debt ceiling?" MSNBC, 1/3/2013, http://tv.msnbc.com/2013/01/03/gop-willing-to-shut-down-government-over-debt-ceiling/ Republican Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., ducked a question about shutting AND he is going to have, because it’s a debate the country needs." West 1-3 Sean West, head of the United States practice at Eurasia Group, a global political risk advisory firm, "Debt Ceiling Fight Could Be Train Wreck," Bloomberg, 1/3/2013, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-03/debt-ceiling-fight-could-be-train-wreck.html So we’re left looking forward to a debt ceiling, sequestration, and continuing resolution AND going to hold out until the bitter end on increasing the debt limit. |
| 01/07/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Oil high now and about to go higher—Russia has dominance and middle east crisis means oil prices will double; Plan deflates the oil prices with new supply.Kompaneyets 12/29 (Andrey, Staff, Voice of Russia, http://english.ruvr.ru/2012_12_29/Will-oil-price-soar-in-2013/)CJQ-http://english.ruvr.ru/2012_12_29/Will-oil-price-soar-in-2013/)CJQ Next year’s oil price will be about %24100 on average but if the situation AND short time, experts say, because Rosneft is holding all trump cards. Deutch ’11 (John, Institute Prof. @ Mass. Inst. Tech, Fmr. Dept. Sec. Defense, "The Good News About Gas: The Natural Gas Revolution and Its Consequences," Pp. 92-93, Foreign Affairs 90:1, Jan/Feb 2011) CJQ In addition to affecting natural gas markets, the increased supply of natural gas will AND States and other oil importers about dependence on foreign oil will disappear. Rapoza 12 (Kenneth, Forbes Contributor, 4/3/12, http://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2012/04/03 /oil-a-problem-for-russian-economy-official-says/-http://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2012/04/03 /oil-a-problem-for-russian-economy-official-says/) CJQ Russia, awash in oil and natural gas. It’s the reason why the economy AND glance is aching to modernize and doing so as fast as Russia can. Steven David, Prof. of political science at Johns Hopkins, 1999, Foreign Affairs If internal war does strike Russia, economic deterioration will be a prime cause. AND this threat more than the chaos that would follow a Russian civil war. |
| 01/07/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The 1AC begins with a plea to God regarding violence—violence committed against persons, against black bodies, about the human-constructed Sisyphus and his struggle up a never-ending stair. These metaphors are not benign—they reflect a broad theological division between Man and Animal in the violent concept of ’sovereignty.’ Smith ’11 Mick Smith, Against Ecological Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2011, p. xi-xiii This contest is political because human dominion over the Earth is not, as so AND ," typifies the operation of both sovereignty and the anthropologi- cal machine. The world has no ’nature.’ It has no capital-C creator. When the 1AC references human weakness and immorality, it divides this humanity, which is autonomous and morally responsible, from a passive Nature. Latour ’4 Bruno Latour, Professor in the Center for the Study of Innovation at the School of Mines in Paris, 2004, Politics of Nature, p. 53-55 The lengthy chapter preceding this one sought to make it clear that the terms " AND a genuine intellectual imposture, but one that has fortunately lost its effect. The ethical irresponsibility of speciesism conceals unspeakable violence. This antagonism cannot be ignored. Kochi and Ordan ’8 Tarik Kochi %26 Noam Ordan, "An Argument for the Global Suicide of Humanity," borderlands, vol. 7 no. 3, 2008, http://www.borderlands.net.au/vol7no3_2008/kochiordan_argument.pdf Within the picture many paint of humanity, events such as the Holocaust are considered AND moral action re-conceived through this relational or dialectical standpoint in thought. We are always already responsible to the others who are not even encountered as living or legitimate—this is prior to all ontic engagement with the world Yusoff ’12 Kathryn Yusoff, "Aesthetics of loss: biodiversity, banal violence and biotic subjects," Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Volume 37, Issue 4, pages 578–592, October 2012, DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-5661.2011.00486.x This paper is situated at a crossroads within the fields of feminist philosophy3 and the AND attention needs to be paid to this systemic negligence and its material consequences. The aff’s ethical insufficiency is prior to consequential evaluations of its productivity. Rejecting eco-sovereignty is essential to discovering better ways of relating to our ’natural environment’ Smith ’11 Mick Smith, Against Ecological Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2011, p. 44-45 Leaving aside for the moment the question of how far Murdoch’s and Levinas’s understandings might AND to all attempts to enclose the nonhuman in an economy of the Same. Racial and gendered violence is rooted in a presupposition of human superiority—extermination of the other becomes possible only in a society which deems the ’nonhuman’ exterminable with impunityDeckha ’10 Maneesha Deckha, "It’s time to abandon the idea of ’human’ rights," The Scavenger, 12/13/2010, http://www.thescavenger.net/animals/its-time-to-abandon-the-idea-of-human-rights-77234-536.html While the intersection of race and gender is often acknowledged in understanding the etiology of AND , sex, culture and species that lays the foundation for the violence. Speciesism makes unspeakable violence banal and invisibleKochi and Ordan ’8 Tarik Kochi %26 Noam Ordan, "An Argument for the Global Suicide of Humanity," borderlands, vol. 7 no. 3, 2008, http://www.borderlands.net.au/vol7no3_2008/kochiordan_argument.pdf Within the picture many paint of humanity, events such as the Holocaust are considered AND moral action re-conceived through this relational or dialectical standpoint in thought. Kochi and Ordan ’8 Tarik Kochi %26 Noam Ordan, "An Argument for the Global Suicide of Humanity," borderlands, vol. 7 no. 3, 2008, http://www.borderlands.net.au/vol7no3_2008/kochiordan_argument.pdf How might such a standpoint of dialectical, utopian anti-humanism reconfigure a notion AND life, and its perpetuation, worth the denial of life to others? Biopolitics calls upon "life" in contradistinction to "non-life" or "death" to shore up the productive domain of sovereigntyAgamben ’4 Giorgio Agamben, The Open: Man and Animal, Stanford University Press: Stanford, CA, 2004, p. 13-16 For anyone undertaking a genealogical study of the concept of "life" in our AND some way, on that darker one which separates us from the animal. |
| 02/24/2013 | Tournament: D2 | Round: 4 | Opponent: Whitman BM | Judge: Pointer Financial incentives must target energy production Yusof ’12 Nor’Aini Yusof, "THE EFFECTIVENESS OF GOVERNMENT INCENTIVES TO FACILITATE AN INNOVATIVE HOUSING DELIVERY SYSTEM: THE PERSPECTIVE OF HOUSING DEVELOPERS," Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management 7.1 (February 2012), pp. 55-68 In general, incentives can be defined as mechanism that motivates organisations to become involved AND the basis for organisations to change the way in which they do business. Distinct from loan guarantees Rosner %26 Goldberg 11 (Robert, William E. Wrather Distinguished Service Professor, Departments of Astronomy and Astrophysics, and Physics, and the College at the U of Chicago, and Stephen, Energy Policy Institute at Chicago, The Harris School of Public Policy Studies, "Small Modular Reactors - Key to Future Nuclear Power Generation in the U.S.," November 2011, ~https://epic.sites.uchicago.edu/sites/epic.uchicago.edu/files/uploads/EPICSMRWhitePaperFinalcopy.pdf~~, jam) x Production Cost Incentive: A production cost incentive is a performance-based incentive AND may be appropriate for the LEAD and the FOAK-1 plant.45 Voting issue: Aff destroys limits Dyson et al. 3 Megan Dyson, "Flow: The Essentials of Environmental Flows," International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 2003, p. 67-68 Understanding of the term ’incentives’ varies and economists have produced numerous typologies. A AND these incentives within the realm of economic and fiscal policy is practically limitless. Takes away neg ground Camm et al ’8 Frank Camm, James T. Bartis, Charles J. Bushman, "Federal Financial Incentives to Induce Early Experience Producing Unconventional Liquid Fuels," RAND Corporation, prepared for the United States Air Force and the National Energy Technology Laboratory of the United States Department of Energy, 2008, http://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_reports/TR586.html Production Incentives When a specific investor’s discount rate exceeds the government’s, investment incentives are AND and pricing agreements, how much the investor will produce in a year. Bar none entry support isn’t topical. Otherwise the aff would be able to introduce tons of new and unproven energy tech that the neg could never predict O’Brien ’8 Mike O’Brien, minister of state, Department for Energy and Climate Change in Parliament, "Clause 20 — Terms and conditions," 11/18/2008, http://www.theyworkforyou.com/debate/?id=2008-11-18b.159.3 I have quite a lot still to say, so I shall try to give AND . What is proposed will be a real feed-in tariff scheme. Makes affs like upping defense expenditures for the Middle East or affs from the high school topic topical EIA ’92 Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy, "Federal Energy Subsidies: Direct and Indirect Interventions in Energy Markets," 1992, ftp://tonto.eia.doe.gov/service/emeu9202.pdf-ftp://tonto.eia.doe.gov/service/emeu9202.pdf The issue of subsidy in energy policy analysis extends beyond consideration of actions involving some AND have been excluded by definition, since this report is about Federal subsidies. |
| 02/24/2013 | Tournament: D2 | Round: 4 | Opponent: Whitman BM | Judge: Pointer Their justification of energy production in totalizing apocalyptic terms drains energy from the workers who produce it. The machine saves lives at the expense of all livelihood. The Invisible Committee ’9 French anarcho-communist grad students, The Coming Insurrection, 2009, Semiotext(e) http://libcom.org/files/thecominsur_booklet~~1~~.pdf-http://libcom.org/files/thecominsur_booklet%5b1%5d.pdf The order of work was the order of a world. The evidence of its AND forgive us. In fact, it’s the only way to survive it. Alt text: embrace the coming insurrection. Immersing ourselves in catastrophe reclaims life from the control of the system. The Invisible Committee ’9 French anarcho-communist grad students, The Coming Insurrection, 2009, Semiotext(e) http://libcom.org/files/thecominsur_booklet~~1~~.pdf-http://libcom.org/files/thecominsur_booklet%5b1%5d.pdf Everything about the environmentalist’s discourse must be turned upside-down. Where they talk AND take advantage of every collapse in the system to increase our own strength. |
| 02/24/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: CIR passes—Obama pushing—momentum key Nakamura 2/21 (David, WaPo, "Labor, business leaders declare progress in immigration talks" http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/02/21/labor-business-leaders-declare-progress-in-immigration-talks/-http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/02/21/labor-business-leaders-declare-progress-in-immigration-talks/) will Labor and business leaders on Thursday said they have made progress toward a pact over AND . We remain focused on encouraging the Senate to develop a comprehensive bill." Wind incites massive Congressional controversy—scuttles ideological bridging Carney ’12 (Timothy P., senior political columnist at the Washington Examiner, "Wind lobby strives to adapt to Tea Party era," 2012, ~[washingtonexaminer.com/article/1273946~], jam) The Tea Party has weakened the clout of the wind lobby, and imperiled the AND fuels and coal have spent so much time and money programming these Staffers." Now is a key moment to affirm cultural plurality over anti-immigrant racism. Only forming a society welcoming to people from other cultures creates the potentiality for democratic praxis. Palumbo-Liu 2/23 David Palumbo-Liu ~[Professor of Comparative Literature, Stanford~] "The Failure of Multiculturalism and the Necessity of Democracy" Truthout | Op-Ed Saturday, 23 February 2013 00:00 http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/14716-the-failure-of-multiculturalism-and-the-necessity-of-democracy-http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/14716-the-failure-of-multiculturalism-and-the-necessity-of-democracy A birthday picnic for Vivianna Rivera, 2, at Flushing Meadows-Corona Park AND Whether multiculturalism succeeds or fails is directly linked to the achievability of democracy. CIR passes—Obama pushing Nakamura 2/21 (David, WaPo, "Labor, business leaders declare progress in immigration talks" http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/02/21/labor-business-leaders-declare-progress-in-immigration-talks/-http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/02/21/labor-business-leaders-declare-progress-in-immigration-talks/) will Labor and business leaders on Thursday said they have made progress toward a pact over AND . We remain focused on encouraging the Senate to develop a comprehensive bill." Plan’s highly controversial – spending and safety Wharton 11 (Knowledge@Wharton, the online research and analysis journal of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Mar 30, ~knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=2743~, jam) Yet while the Administration continues to voice its support, Fukushima may have stalled the AND India are also investing heavily in nuclear to cope with increasing energy demand. CIR boosts science diplomacy – key to solve numerous existential threats Pickering and Agre 10 (Thomas Pickering, former undersecretary of State and US Ambassador to the UN, Russia, India, Israel, Jordan, El Salvador, and Nigeria. Peter Agre, Nobel Prize winning chemist at Johns Hopkins. "More opportunities needed for U.S. researchers to work with foreign counterparts" Baltimore Sun 2-9-10 http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2010-02-09/news/bal-op.northkorea0209_1_science-and-technology-north-korea-scientists-and-engineers-http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2010-02-09/news/bal-op.northkorea0209_1_science-and-technology-north-korea-scientists-and-engineers) In particular, the U.S. government should quickly and significantly increase the AND to strengthen that tool and advance our diplomatic goals should not be missed. Warming causes extinction Sify ’10 citing Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, professor at University of Queensland and Director of the Global Change Institute, and John Bruno, associate professor of Marine Science at UNC, "Could unbridled climate changes lead to human extinction?" Sify News, 6/19/10, http://www.sify.com/news/could-unbridled-climate-changes-lead-to-human-extinction-news-international-kgtrOhdaahc.html The findings of the comprehensive report: ’The impact of climate change on the world’s AND , according to a GCI release. These findings were published in Science. And framing issue – sci dip creates diplomatic linkages that facilitate communication and increase U.S. influence – prevents crisis escalation and war globally Krasnodebska 12 (Molly, Former Contributing Researcher for the USC Center for Conflict Prevention. Master of Public Diplomacy, USC, Conflict Prevention, http://uscpublicdiplomacy.org/index.php/newswire/media_monitor_reports_detail/science_diplomacy/) Science diplomacy can function as a tool for conflict prevention and be understood as fostering AND as Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan where vaccine diplomacy is currently being implemented. CIR key to heg Nye 12 (Joseph, Professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and former asst. SecDef. "Immigration and American Power" Project Syndicate 12/10/12 http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/obama-needs-immigration-reform-to-maintain-america-s-strength-by-joseph-s—nye-http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/obama-needs-immigration-reform-to-maintain-america-s-strength-by-joseph-s~-~-nye) The United States is a nation of immigrants. Except for a small number of AND long way toward fulfilling his promise to maintain the strength of the US. Empirically causes fights – kills bipart Restuccia 12 (Andrew, The Hill, Feb 13, ~thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/210335-energy-dept-nears-approval-of-83b-nuclear-loan-setting-up-capitol-hill-fight~, jam) Energy Secretary Steven Chu said Monday he expects to finalize an %248.3 AND influenced by politics and raising broader questions about the administration’s green energy investments. Fukushima killed support YPCC ’12 "The Climate Note," Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, 3/11/2012, http://environment.yale.edu/climate/the-climate-note/nuclear-power-in-the-american-mind/ How did American images of nuclear power change in response to the Fukushima disaster? AND shift in the meaning of "nuclear power" in the American mind. Obama will get tied to the plan USA TODAY 11 (Mar 3, "Nuclear power industry ups outreach to Congress," ~www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2011-03-29-nuke-support_N.htm~, jam) President Obama has supported the development of nuclear plants as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in producing electricity. In the 2012 budget he submitted to Congress last month, Obama proposed another %2436 billion in federal loan guarantees for new nuclear plants. Eberly 1/21 Todd Eberly, coordinator of Public Policy Studies and assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, The presidential power trap; Barack Obama is discovering that modern presidents have difficulty amassing political capital, which hinders their ability to enact a robust agenda," 1/21/2013 http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2013-01-21/news/bs-ed-political-capital-20130121_1_political-system-party-support-public-opinion Barack Obama’s election in 2008 seemed to signal a change. Mr. Obama’s popular AND gains in the 2010 elections, which brought a return to divided government. Specifically for upcoming term Walsh 12 Ken covers the White House and politics for U.S. News. "Setting Clear Priorities Will Be Key for Obama," 12/20, http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/Ken-Walshs-Washington/2012/12/20/setting-clear-priorities-will-be-key-for-obama And there is an axiom in Washington: Congress, the bureaucracy, the media AND that would limit his power and credibility for the remainder of his presidency. Bipart bill in Squo—congress confident The Hill 2/22 "Bipartisan House immigration group reports ’incredible progress’" By Russell Berman - 02/22/13 06:00 AM ET http://thehill.com/homenews/house/284409-house-immigration-group-reports-incredible-progress-http://thehill.com/homenews/house/284409-house-immigration-group-reports-incredible-progress A bipartisan House group is making "really good progress" on immigration reform legislation AND , participants are not setting a deadline or target date for releasing legislation. Broad agreement SILive 2/23 Staten Island Live Try for real immigration reform By Staten Island Advance Editorial on February 23, 2013 at 5:31 AM, updated February 23, 2013 at 8:58 AM Print http://www.silive.com/opinion/editorials/index.ssf/2013/02/for_real_immigration_reform_se.html-http://www.silive.com/opinion/editorials/index.ssf/2013/02/for_real_immigration_reform_se.html "Real reform means strong border security, and we can build on the progress AND once and for all; otherwise, the flood of illegals won’t stop. Momentum now—continual key to compromise Karst 2/21 (Tom, The Packer, "Immigration reform hangs in the balance" http://www.thepacker.com/fruit-vegetable-news/Immigration-reform-hangs-in-the-balance-192315371.html-http://www.thepacker.com/fruit-vegetable-news/Immigration-reform-hangs-in-the-balance-192315371.html) will Guenther, senior vice president of public policy for the United Fresh Produce Association, AND by opposing factions of the debate led to the breakdown in the process. CIR before everything else Kowalski 2/20 (Alex, Bloomberg News, "All-the-Right-Skills Immigrants Ride U.S. Hiring Wave: Economy" http://www.sfgate.com/business/bloomberg/article/All-the-Right-Skills-Immigrants-Ride-U-S-Hiring-4293469.php~~%23ixzz2LalpH9Qx Working immigrants, who are more likely than native-born Americans to either lack AND immigration. Their availability "lowers overall unemployment, and increases economic growth." Top of the docket Papich 2/6 (Michael, The Pendulum, "Immigration reform returns to legislative forefront" http://www.elonpendulum.com/2013/02/immigration-reform-returns-to-legislative-forefront/-http://www.elonpendulum.com/2013/02/immigration-reform-returns-to-legislative-forefront/) Four years ago, it was the stimulus package and the health care bill. AND civics courses, show a history of employment and undergo further background checks. |
| 02/24/2013 | Tournament: Districts | Round: 4 | Opponent: Whitman BM | Judge: Pointer Nuclear hikes warming ScienceDaily (July 13, 2009) "Trapping Carbon Dioxide Or Switching To Nuclear Power Not Enough To Solve Global Warming Problem, Experts Say" http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/07/090713085248.htm-http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/07/090713085248.htm Bo Nordell and Bruno Gervet of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Luleå AND electricity it generates and so contributes to global warming significantly, Nordell adds. Methane leaks reducing now Everley 2-7 Steve Everley, Spokesman at Energy in Depth, "*UPDATE* EPA Data Show 66 Percent Drop in Methane Emissions from Oil and Gas," Energy in Depth, 2/7/2013, http://www.energyindepth.org/epa-data-show-66-percent-drop-in-methane-emissions-from-oil-and-gas/ The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s latest report on greenhouse gases (GHGs AND the agency’s prior estimates. Here are some other noteworthy findings from EPA: Can’t solve warming—emission patterns are locked in Dye 10-26 Lee Dye, "It May Be Too Late to Stop Global Warming," ABC News, 10/26/2012, http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/late-stop-global-warming/story?id=17557814%26singlePage=true~~%23.UI58icXR5DA Here’s a dark secret about the earth’s changing climate that many scientists believe, but AND endanger progress to avoid a few degrees of temperature change?" he asks. Natty Gas k2 econ and manufacturing – solves price spikes Gibson 12 Thomas is a writer at the Hill, 5/2/12, "Natural gas: game changer for American manufacturing" http://thehill.com/special-reports-archive/1335-ohio-energy-summit/225145-natural-gas-game-changer-for-american-manufacturing Domestic natural gas holds the potential to yield revolutionary economic and energy benefits for the AND , create thousands of jobs and spur economic growth for years to come. Correlation with stability doesn’t imply causality—Brooks et al oversell benefits and ignore drawbacks Walt 1-2 Stephen M. Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, "More or less: The debate on U.S. grand strategy," 1/2/2013, http://walt.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2013/01/02/more_or_less_the_debate_on_us_grand_strategy Third, B, I, %26 W give "deep engagement" full credit AND of other societies along liberal lines as highly desirable if not strategically essential. Overstretch and blowback mitigates coercive benefits Maher 11 (Richard, Max Weber postdoctoral fellow at the European University Institute, Ph.D in Political Science from Brown University, Orbis, 55(1), Winter, jam) Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, AND how best to position itself in the "post-unipolar" world. Heg collapse inevitable—structural economic weakness Layne ’12 Christopher Layne, Robert M. Gates Chair in Intelligence and National Security at the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A%26M University, noted neorealist, "This Time It’s Real: The End of Unipolarity and the Pax Americana," International Studies Quarterly (2012) 56, 203-213 Contrary to the way their argument was portrayed by many of their critics, the AND now is facing the dilemmas that Gilpin and the other declinists warned about. Squo solves nuke leadership Stulberg and Fuhrmann 13 (Adam Stulberg, associate professor in the Sam Nunn School of International affairs at Georgia Tech and Matthew Fuhrmann, assistant professor of political science at Texas A%26M. "Introduction: Understanding the Nuclear Renaissance." In The Nuclear Renaissance and International Security, ed. By Adam Stulberg and Matthew Fuhrmann,. Stanford UP, 2013.) will A second scenario reflects a resurgence of nuclear energy, marked by deepening reliance on AND leveraging respective national fuel cycle capabilities to compete intensely for greater market shares. Civilian nuclear energy leads to proliferation Fuhrmann ’9 — Matthew Fuhrmann ~Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of South Carolina~ "Spreading Temptation" International Security Summer 2009, Vol. 34, No. 1, Pages 7-41, Posted Online July 7, 2009. http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/isec.2009.34.1.7-http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/isec.2009.34.1.7 Civilian Nuclear Cooperation and the Bomb Decades ago scholars offered a "technological momentum" AND to several cases to show how peaceful nuclear cooperation can lead to proliferation. Prolif’s unlikely, slow, and safe Mueller ’10 John Mueller, professor of political science at Ohio State University, "Calming Our Nuclear Jitters," Issues in Science %26 Technology, Vol. 26, Issue 2, Winter 2010, http://www.issues.org/26.2/mueller.html The fearsome destructive power of nuclear weapons provokes understandable dread, but in crafting public AND total deaths there at about the Hiroshima-Nagasaki levels, or higher.) No nuclear terror—deterrence and prevention kill acquisition Mearsheimer ’10 John J. Mearsheimer, R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, "Imperial by Design," The National Interest, 12/16/2010, http://nationalinterest.org/print/article/imperial-by-design-4576 This assessment of America’s terrorism problem was flawed on every count. It was threat AND by accident-causing deer, or by severe allergic reactions to peanuts." Leadership isn’t exerted Clearly 8-13 Richard Cleary, Research Assistant at the American Enterprise Institute, "Persuading Countries to Forgo Nuclear Fuel-Making," Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, 8/13/2012, http://npolicy.org/article.php?aid=1192%26tid=30 The cases above offer a common lesson: The U.S., though constrained AND .S. efforts at persuading countries to forgo nuclear fuel-making. States develop nuclear power for prestige, not cost—tech transfer doesn’t solve Lewis ’12 Jeffrey Lewis, director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation, "It’s Not as Easy as 1-2-3," Foreign Policy, 8/1/2012, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/08/01/it_s_not_as_easy_as_1_2_3 Creating market incentives to discourage the spread of enrichment and reprocessing seems like a reasonable AND developing states might try to copy them rather than simply become their customers. Can’t build new reactors—lack of industrial production facilities and trained workers Mez September 2012—Lutz Mez ~Department of Political and Social Sciences, Freie Universitat Berlin~ "Nuclear energy–Any solution for sustainability and climate protection" Energy Policy 48 (2012) 56–63 The nuclear industry has been battling a host of problems for three decades. A AND been closed must be torn down and solutions finally found for nuclear waste. Takes too long to solve Mariotte ’7 Michael Mariotte, executive director of Nuclear Info and Resource Service, "Nuclear Power in Response to Climate Change," Council On Foreign Relations, 11/9/2007, http://www.cfr.org/energy/nuclear-power-response-climate-change/p14718 Environmental advocates considering "reconsidering" nuclear power in light of climate change are too AND but it would waste the funds needed to implement our real energy future. Loan guarantees fail—numerous constraining factors Maize ’12 Kennedy Maize, "Fukushima Disaster Continues to Cloud Nuclear Outlook," POWER Magazine, 7/1/2012, http://www.powermag.com/nuclear/4761.html J. Frank Russell, senior vice president at Concentric Energy Advisors, described the AND Vogtle). And policy makers and the public must be positive and supportive. Nuclear is shockingly expensive, has no economies of scale, and cannot become cost competitive with other technologies Mez September 2012—Lutz Mez ~Department of Political and Social Sciences, Freie Universitat Berlin~ "Nuclear energy–Any solution for sustainability and climate protection" Energy Policy 48 (2012) 56–63 In contrast to other energy technologies, there are no positive economies of scale in AND to the present without massive government subsidies in Western and democratic industrialized countries. Competition, bureaucracy, and delays hamper exports NEI ’12 "U.S. Nuclear Export Rules Hurt Global Competitiveness," Nuclear Energy Institute, Winter 2012, http://www.nei.org/resourcesandstats/publicationsandmedia/insight/insightwinter2012/us-nuclear-export-rules-hurt-global-competitiveness/ Today, U.S. dominance of the global nuclear power market has eroded AND rules translate into a significant competitive disadvantage for U.S. suppliers. Accidents are inevitable and unavoidable. Jackson 11 — David Jackson ~PhD. Professor (Adjunct) of Engineering Physics at McMaster University~ Fukushima and Reactor Safety – Unknown Unknowns ORIGINALLY POSTED June 5, 2011 http://reactorscanada.com/2012/05/31/fukushima-and-reactor-safety-unknown-unknowns/-http://reactorscanada.com/2012/05/31/fukushima-and-reactor-safety-unknown-unknowns/ No technology including nuclear power can be made absolutely safe. One of the best AND acceptance already emerging. Lake Ontario isn’t Walden Pond and never will be. Kills solvency Bonass et al, 12 (Matt Bonass, Michael Rudd and Richard Lucas are partners in Bird and Bird’s energy and utilities sector group. Mr Bonass and Mr Rudd are co-editors of Renewables: A Practical Handbook. Mr Rudd is head of Bird and Bird’s nuclear practice. Author interviews, Renewable energy: the fallout from Fukushima, http://www.globelawandbusiness.com/Interviews/Detail.aspx?g=910fcfa6-9a2d-4312-b034-9bbcb2dad9e0) There is no doubt that the events in Fukushima have cast a shadow over the AND carbon economy, but it may now have become politically unacceptable to many. Investors still have to pay massive up-front costs—deters interested groups Ben-Moshe et al 9 (Sony, Jason Crewell, Breton Pearce, Brett Rosenblatt, J.Ds, Kelley Gale, Finance Chair at Latham and Watkins, and Kelley Thomason, Project Finance Practice Group, Lathan and Watkins, "FINANCING THE NUCLEAR RENAISSANCE: THE BENEFITS AND POTENTIAL PITFALLS OF FEDERAL %26 STATE GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES AND THE FUTURE OF NUCLEAR POWER IN CALIFORNIA" web Energy Law Journal Vol 30 No 2 2009) CJQ Much has been written on the DOE’s loan guarantee program under the EPAct AND ‖ to debt issued for the construction of a nuclear power project. 74 Doesn’t lower construction costs Brumfiel ’7 Geoff Brumfiel, senior news reporter for Nature Business, "Powerful incentives," Nature, vol. 448, 8/16/2007 Safety net The guarantees would provide a major boost for plant construction, says Marilyn AND built — but they won’t herald a building boom in nuclear power stations. We excerpt this article’s massive method section that shows that Civilian Nuclear Cooperation significantly increases prolif. The effect is huge and robust against anything you can throw at it Fuhrmann ’9 — Matthew Fuhrmann ~Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of South Carolina~ "Spreading Temptation" International Security Summer 2009, Vol. 34, No. 1, Pages 7-41, Posted Online July 7, 2009. http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/isec.2009.34.1.7-http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/isec.2009.34.1.7 Given that every empirical approach has drawbacks, a multimethod assessment of my theory can AND generally unaltered when sensitive agreements are excluded from my coding of atomic assistance. They’ll find sellers Ford ’12 Christopher Ford, served until September 2008 as United States Special Representative for Nuclear Nonproliferation, Director, Center for Technology and Global Security and Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute, "Perilous Precedents: Proliferation as Policy in Alternative Nuclear Futures," Hudson Institute, 6/28/2012, http://www.hudson.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=publication_details%26id=9026 I sometimes wonder, however, whether the seeming irresistibility of the case for nonproliferation AND number of countries have apparently concluded that supporting proliferation is in their interest. US credibility has no bite McGoldrick ’10 Fred McGoldrick, CSIS, spent 30 years at the U.S. State and Energy Departments and at the U.S. mission to the IAEA, negotiated peaceful nuclear cooperation agreements with a number of countries and helped shape the policy of the United States to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, "The U.S.-UAE Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation Agreement: A Gold Standard or Fool’s Gold?" Center for Strategic and International Studies, 11/30/10, http://csis.org/files/publication/101130_McGoldrick_USUAENuclear.pdf In sum, the United States is facing an uphill battle to compete in the AND export capacities, which in some cases are state run or state supported. Emissions from ionizing radiation and uranium mining Mez September 2012—Lutz Mez ~Department of Political and Social Sciences, Freie Universitat Berlin~ "Nuclear energy–Any solution for sustainability and climate protection" Energy Policy 48 (2012) 56–63 The sector of electrical power production accounts for about 27 percent of global anthropogenic CO2 AND and socially compatible energy technologies—especially the use of smart energy services. Mainstream accounts overestimate atmospheric heat which means mitigation will miss the extra warming caused by the aff Nordell and Gervet 09 – Bo Nordell* and Bruno Gervet ~Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Luleå University of Technology~ "Global energy accumulation and net heat emission" Int. J. Global Warming, Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2/3, 2009, http://www.zo.utexas.edu/courses/THOC/Nordell-Gervet2009ijgw.pdf-http://www.zo.utexas.edu/courses/THOC/Nordell-Gervet2009ijgw.pdf Independent of what causes global warming, it should be considered in terms of accumulated AND . Also, the underestimation of net heat emission gives the same result. Minimal methane leakages—flaring, capture, green completing solves Cathles ’12 L. M. Cathles, PhD in geological sciences at Princeton, co-leader of the oil and gas thrust of the Cornell KAUST program and Director of the Cornell Institute for the Study of the Continents, Fellow of American Association of Advancement of Science – 1987, Extractive Metallurgy Science Award, Metallurgical Society of AIME – 1985, "Assessing the greenhouse impact of natural gas," Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Volume 13, Issue 6, June 2012, DOI: 10.1029/2012GC004032 ~33~ The most extensive syntheses of data on fugitive gases associated with unconventional AND ~, this kind of venting is insignificant for both unconventional and conventional wells. Methane leak rates are tiny—consensus of independent and EPA research Cathles ’12 L. M. Cathles, PhD in geological sciences at Princeton, co-leader of the oil and gas thrust of the Cornell KAUST program and Director of the Cornell Institute for the Study of the Continents, Fellow of American Association of Advancement of Science – 1987, Extractive Metallurgy Science Award, Metallurgical Society of AIME – 1985, "Assessing the greenhouse impact of natural gas," Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Volume 13, Issue 6, June 2012, DOI: 10.1029/2012GC004032 ~36~ Once a well is in place, the leakage involved in routine operation of the well site and in transporting the gas from the well to the customer is the same for an unconventional well as it is from a conventional well. What we know about this leakage is summarized in Table 2. Routine site leaks occur when valves are opened and closed, and leakage occurs when the gas is processed to removing water and inert components, during transportation and storage, and in the process of distribution to customers. The first major assessment of these leaks was carried out by the Gas Research Institute (GRI) and the EPA in 1997 and the results are shown in the second column of Table 2. Appendix A of EPA ~2010~ gives a detailed and very specific accounting of leaks of many different kinds. These numbers are summed into the same categories and displayed in column 3 of Table 2. EPA ~2011~ found similar leakage rates (column 4). Skone ~2011~ assessed leakage from 6 classes of gas wells. We show his results for unconventional gas wells in the Barnett Shale in column 5 of Table 2. His other well classes are similar. Venkatesh et al. ~2011~ carried out an independent assessment that is given in column 6. There are variations in these assessments, but overall a leakage of ∼1.5% of production is suggested. Additional discussion of this data and its compilation can be found in Cathles et al. ~2012; see also online press release, 2012~ and L. M. Cathles (Perspectives on the Marcellus gas resource: What benefits and risks are associated with Marcellus gas development?, online blog, http://blogs.cornell.edu/naturalgaswarming/, 2012). Reserves are underestimated—major oil suppliers also have undiscovered gas reserves Channell et al. ’12 Jason Channell, Director, Citi Investment Research %26 Analysis, previously: Executive Director at Goldman Sachs Executive Director at Cheuvreux Executive Director at ABN AMRO Hoare Govett Analyst at Fidelity Investments, Timothy Lam, Vice President, Utilities %26 Alternative Energy, Citi Research, HK-based research analyst covering the utilities, solar and alternative energysectors, Shahriar (Shar) Pourreza, CFA, Advisor at Citigroup Global Markets Inc, "Shale %26 renewables: a symbiotic relationship," Citi Research, 12 September 2012, https://ir.citi.com/586mD%2BJRxPXd2OOZC6jt0ZhijqcxXiPTw4Ha0Q9dAjUW0gFnCIUTTA%3D%3D Since shale assets are often found underneath conventional gas fields, large conventional gas producing countries that were not included in the EIA report, such as Russia and Saudi Arabia, are also likely to possess significant shale gas reserves; for example Baker Hughes, an oil-field services company, has suggested that Saudi Arabia possesses the fifth-largest shale gas reserves in the world. Current Developments in Natty Gas prevent price spikes -New storage sites -Long term contracts Kirkland 11 Joel is and E%26E report and writer for Climate Wire, 3/23/11. "Stable price remains the key to shifting power sector from coal to natural gas" http://www.eenews.net/public/climatewire/2011/03/23/3 Producers and utilities both are signing longer-term supply deals for gas. McMahon AND contributor to more stable and competitive gas markets," says the report. = Their threats are exaggerated or invented for political purposes—magnifies instability Walt 1-2 Stephen M. Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, "More or less: The debate on U.S. grand strategy," 1/2/2013, http://walt.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2013/01/02/more_or_less_the_debate_on_us_grand_strategy The problem, of course, is that U.S. leaders can only AND from "deep engagement"; they are a nearly inevitable consequence of it. Naval force comparisons are political shell games with no relevance to grand strategy—US dominance remains Stigler ’12 Andrew L. Stigler, associate professor in the National Security Affairs Department of the Naval War College, "Obama Wise Not to Play Battleship," New Atlanticist, 11/19/2012, http://www.acus.org/new_atlanticist/obama-wise-not-play-battleship?utm_source=feedburner%26utm_medium=feed%26utm_campaign=Feed%3A+new_atlanticist+%28New+Atlanticist%29 There was one exception, however. In the final debate, Mitt Romney asserted AND can be twisted into images of hollowness, weakness, and the like. |
| 02/24/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The opposition of local autonomy versus global corporatization leaves unchallenged formative assumptions of scale that bolster economic stratification—local productionism is still implicated in global domination Brown and Purcell ’5 J. Christopher Brown, Mark Purcell, "There’s nothing inherent about scale: political ecology, the local trap, and the politics of development in the Brazilian Amazon," Geoforum 36 (2005) 607–624, doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2004.09.001 If we were to unify the three theoretical principles above into a single directive for AND scale offers political ecology a systematic theoretical way out of locally trapped thinking. Financial incentives are behaviorist tools of control—local owners are remapped as more efficient cogs in economic machinery Adaman and Madra ’12 Fikret Adaman %26 Yahya M. Madra, "Understanding Neoliberalism as Economization: The Case of the Ecology," April 2012, http://www.econ.boun.edu.tr/content/wp/EC2012_04.pdf Neoliberal reason is therefore not simply about market expansion and the withdrawal of the welfare AND various forms of neoliberal governmentality propose and actualize the economization of the ecology. Their faith in market topologies and technical innovation makes wind expansion doomed to failure—this tech-optimism conceals significant social externalities Hildyard et al. ’12 Nicholas Hildyard, Larry Lohmann and Sarah Sexton, "Energy Security For What? For Whom?" The Corner House, February 2012, http://www.thecornerhouse.org.uk/sites/thecornerhouse.org.uk/files/Energy%20Security%20For%20Whom%20For%20What.pdf-http://www.thecornerhouse.org.uk/sites/thecornerhouse.org.uk/files/Energy Security For Whom For What.pdf The same (over) optimistic faith in the ultimate ability of markets, technological AND soon overtaken by continued economic expansion (see Box: "Energy Efficiency"). Alt text: Affirm geography without scale. The fiction of scale shields political hierarchies from criticism—the role of the ballot is to interrogate spatial assumptions—critique of Cartesian domination is key to resisting technocracy Springer ’12 Simon Springer, "Human geography without hierarchy," currently in review but conveniently posted on his academia.edu account, 2012 Scale is what Jacques Lacan (1977/2001) would refer to as a AND negotiated as an unfolding rhizome that arises though the actual course of process. Renewables tech cronyism Parry ’13 Adrian Parr, The Wrath of Capital, 2013, p. 15-17 A rising powerful transnational industry is… ecological cycles, and future lives. Entire industries are salivating at the thought of the plan – making consumption more environmentally-friendly is an attractive label for consumers, allowing corporations to further their control over the global environment by painting themselves as responsible stewards. Timothy W. Luke, Professor of Political Science at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,1999, Discourses of the Environment, p. 141-42 In some sectors or at a few sites, ecologically more rational participation in some AND want to control how forests, rivers, farms or wildlife are used? Reclaiming public space is a prior question—perm is coopted Springer ’11 Simon Springer, "Public Space as Emancipation: Meditations on Anarchism, Radical Democracy, Neoliberalism and Violence," Antipode, Volume 43, Issue 2, pages 525–562, March 2011, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8330.2010.00827.x Since democracy is meant to be inclusive, it is specifically those public spaces and AND the primary medium through which identities are created and disputed (Ruddick 1996). More energy production bolsters processes of exploitation—prior critique is the only way to think energy more responsibly Hildyard et al. ’12 Nicholas Hildyard, Larry Lohmann and Sarah Sexton, "Energy Security For What? For Whom?" The Corner House, February 2012, http://www.thecornerhouse.org.uk/sites/thecornerhouse.org.uk/files/Energy%20Security%20For%20Whom%20For%20What.pdf-http://www.thecornerhouse.org.uk/sites/thecornerhouse.org.uk/files/Energy Security For Whom For What.pdf Energy efficiency plays a significant role in the European Commission’s energy security plans. 40 AND and social transformations; they are not caused by energy technologies alone." 44 All the tropes of scale, from the global/local binary to the critique of corporations shielding individual agency, to the redemptive myth of an uncorrupt government are terrible for social theory Latour ’5 Bruno Latour, Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory, Oxford University Press: New York, 2005, p. 185-186 Scale is the actor’s own achievement. Although this is the oldest and, in AND what it should always have remained: a member of the family Cucurbitaceae. Replacing scalar hierarchy with flat ontology is key to seeing through the homogenizing and totalizing logics of neoliberalism which trigger serial policy failure and systemic oversight Springer ’12 Simon Springer, "Human geography without hierarchy," currently in review but conveniently posted on his academia.edu account, 2012 To return to the epigraph that opened this essay, let me ask again what AND encounters’ that can never be captured, pinned down, or fully understood. Conceptualizing our being in communities of shared proximity leads to extermination of difference Dorota Glowacka ~ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF HUMANITIES at University of King’s College Halifax; PhD in Comparative Literature from SUNY buffalo; Director, Contemporary Studies Programme; Faculty Member, Contemporary Studies Programme~ "Community and the Work of Death: Thanato-Ontology in Hannah Arendt and Jean-Luc Nancy" Culture Machine, Vol 8 (2006), http://www.culturemachine.net/index.php/cm/article/viewArticle/38/46-http://www.culturemachine.net/index.php/cm/article/viewArticle/38/46 ’Why is the idea of community so powerful that it is possible for its members AND Heidegger’s ten month-involvement with National Socialism as an example par excellence. Little steps are insufficient—we need radical systemic critique—anything less is a surveillance strategy which makes flagrant adventurism inevitable Smith ’11 Mick Smith, Against Ecological Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2011, p. 90-91 This talk of the complicity between absolute innocence and system- atic guilt may seem AND are all guilty of our own impending technologically mediated reduction to bare life. |
| 02/25/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Their notion of trauma-time makes an affirmative relation to singularity impossible by alienating the subject from a traumatic event, displacing it into the ’past’ as something which ’returns.’ Everything is judged against the negativity of the traumatic event—"modern politics is founded in the moment the plane hit the towers, and this is distinct from all the other whale hunts." This totalization reduces politics to reactivity.Lorraine ’5 Tamsin Lorraine, "Ahab and Becoming-Whale: The Nomadic Subject in Smooth Space," Deleuze and Space, ed. Buchanan and Lambert, 2005, 170-173 Deleuze’s conception of individuality suggests that the self as a kind of thing with certain AND of his daily interactions with the men and environment of his daily life. This fascistic imposition reappropriates lines of flight towards infinitely destructive ends, ending in suicide and total extermination.Deleuze and Guattari ’87 Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus, trans. Brian Massumi, 1987, p.230-231 This brings us back to the paradox of fascism, and the way in which AND the destruction. All the dangers of the other lines pale by comparison. Instead of trying to reintegrate the traumatic event into the symbolic by attaching meaning to it, we should affirm the event in its complete meaningless and rupture to our own subjectivity. This solves the aff and is essential to unleashing the creative joy of lifeBraidotti ’11 Rosi Braidotti, "Affirmation versus Vulnerability: On Contemporary Ethical Debates," Gilles Deleuze – The Intensive Reduction, ed. Constantin Boundas, 2011, p. 151-155 The ethics of affirmation, with its emphasis on moving across the pain and transforming AND the futility of even trying to answer that question is a starting point. Connolly ’2 William Connolly, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University, Identity/Difference, revised edition, 2002, pp. 176-178 Finally, then, there is a dimension containing, shall we say, double …might increase the susceptibility of this contingency to tactics of self-modification. |
| 02/25/2013 | Tournament: Districts | Round: 2 | Opponent: Weber ShSh | Judge: Odekirk Squo solves—Nuclear is declining—their ev is just industry hype that’s always proven wrong Maize 8-6 Kennedy Maize, "A Bumpy Road for Nukes," POWER Magazine, 8/6/2012, http://www.powermag.com/nuclear/4859.html Washington, D.C., 6 August 2012 — It’s been a rough road AND Mike Peevey is a former executive with the Los Angeles-based utility. Native American exploitation is structured through capitalism’s imperative to destroy competition Hedges ’12 Chris Hedges, "Welcome to the Asylum," Truthdig, 4/30/2012, http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/welcome_to_the_asylum_20120430/ When the most basic elements that sustain life are reduced to a cash product, AND colonies, and also proved vital to Marx and Engel’s vision of communism. NO spillover and doesn’t solve—public opposition to reprocessing Acton 2009 — James M. Acton ~Ph.D in theoretical physics at Cambridge University, senior associate in the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment~ "The myth of proliferation-resistant Technology" BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS, VOL. 65, NO. 6, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2009 EBSCO Reprocessing and take back. Another advertised benefit of re- processing, particularly advanced AND a credible waste-management strategy, making take back even less likely. Non-uq—no widespread proliferation Hymans ’12 Jacques Hymans, Associate Professor of International Relations at USC, "North Korea’s Lessons for (Not) Building an Atomic Bomb," Foreign Affairs, 4/16/2012, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/137408/jacques-e-c-hymans/north-koreas-lessons-for-not-building-an-atomic-bomb Washington’s miscalculation is not just a product of the difficulties of seeing inside the Hermit AND , as a struggling proliferator, North Korea has a lot of company. Thorium reprocessing functions uniquely enable prolif Makhijani ’12 Arjun Makhijani, electrical and nuclear engineer, President of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, has served as an expert witness in Nuclear Regulatory Commission Proceedings, "Is Thorium A Magic Bullet For Our Energy Problems?" interviewed by Ira Flatow, host of Science Friday, NPR, 5/4/2012, http://www.npr.org/2012/05/04/152026805/is-thorium-a-magic-bullet-for-our-energy-problems So what are the problems? The problem is that with this particular reactor, AND uranium-233, which is easier to make bombs with than plutonium. Fuel bank doesn’t solve Hibbs ’12 Mark Hibbs, senior associate in the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment, "Negotiating Nuclear Cooperation Agreements," Carnegie Endowment for International Peace," 8/7/2012, http://carnegieendowment.org/2012/08/07/negotiating-nuclear-cooperation-agreements/d98z U.S. resolve to include a no-ENR pledge in the body AND and they will favor arrangements that provide them the most freedom and flexibility. The aff is anti-nuclear nuclearism—rhetoric of disarm only fuels imperial domination Darwin Bondgraham, writer, historian, and ethnographer, and Will Parrish, edited by Mariam Pemberton, "Anti-nuclear Nuclearism," Foreign Policy In Focus, 12 January 2009, accessed 7/2/10 http://www.fpif.org/articles/anti-nuclear_nuclearism The Obama administration is likely to continue a policy that we call "anti- AND anti-nuclear nuclearists the first and foremost problem of the nuclear age. Necessary tech advances are difficult and costly Tickell 10-31 Oliver Tickell, author, journalist, and campaigner specializing in environment, energy, and health issues, "The Promise and Peril of Thorium," James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, 10/31/2012, http://wmdjunction.com/121031_thorium_reactors.htm However, four major challenges complicate efforts to get LFTRs operational on a production scale AND , so that the resulting electricity can be sold in competitive energy markets. Thorium worsens the waste issue—produces hazardous U-233 and other radioactive materials that can’t be reprocessed Rees ’11 Eifion Rees, "Don’t believe the spin on thorium being a ’greener’ nuclear option," The Ecologist, 6/23/2011, http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_analysis/952238/dont_believe_the_spin_on_thorium_being_a_greener_nuclear_option.html All other issues aside, thorium is still nuclear energy, say environmentalists, its AND depend on digging some pretty deep holes to bury the highly radioactive waste. Fuel cycle fabrication is massively expensive Katusa ’12 Marin Katusa, "The Thing About Thorium: Why The Better Nuclear Fuel May Not Get A Chance," Forbes, 2/6/2012, http://www.forbes.com/sites/energysource/2012/02/16/the-thing-about-thorium-why-the-better-nuclear-fuel-may-not-get-a-chance/2/ Well, maybe quite a bit of support. One of the biggest challenges in developing a thorium reactor is finding a way to fabricate the fuel economically. Making thorium dioxide is expensive, in part because its melting point is the highest of all oxides, at 3,300° C. The options for generating the barrage of neutrons needed to kick-start the reaction regularly come down to uranium or plutonium, bringing at least part of the problem full circle. Takes a uselessly long time Tickell ’12 Oliver Tickell, "Thorium: Not ’green’, not ’viable’, and not likely," Nuclear Pledge, June 2012, http://www.nuclearpledge.com/reports/thorium_briefing_2012.pdf 3.8 Timescale Claim: Thorium and the LFTR offer a solution to current and medium-term energy supply deficits. Response: The thorium fuel cycle is immature. Estimates from the UK’s National Nuclear Laboratory and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (see 4.2 below) suggest that 10-15 years of research will be needed before thorium fuels are ready to be deployed in existing reactor designs. Production LFTRs will not be deployable on any significant scale for 40-70 years. No investment Knowledge@Wharton 11 (Knowledge@Wharton, the online research and analysis journal of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Mar 30, ~knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=2743~, jam) A Decline in Public Support Yet Fukushima has no doubt had an impact. Italy AND there. Nuclear does not come out as an attractive option without supports." Can’t build new reactors Mez September ’12—Lutz Mez ~Department of Political and Social Sciences, Freie Universitat Berlin~ "Nuclear energy–Any solution for sustainability and climate protection" Energy Policy 48 (2012) 56–63 The nuclear industry has been battling a host of problems for three decades. A AND been closed must be torn down and solutions finally found for nuclear waste. |
| 02/25/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The United States Department of the Treasury should clarify through a revenue ruling that that income from equipment is Real Estate Investment Trust-eligible. REITs solve investment restructuring—generates large scale energy development—empirics Mormann and Reicher ’12 Felix Mormann and Dan Reicher, Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance at Stanford Law and Business, "Smarter Finance for Cleaner Energy: Open Up Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) to Renewable Energy Investment," Brookings Institute, November 2012, http://www.brookings.edu/~~/media/Research/Files/Papers/2012/11/13%20federalism/13%20clean%20energy%20investment.pdf REITs, meanwhile, have a total market capitalization of over %24440 billion, with recent Internal Revenue Service "private letter rulings" blazing a trail for investment in gas pipelines, power transmission, and other energy-related projects. With average shareholder dividends of approximately 9 percent, REITs raised over %2450 billion in 2011 alone, including some for traditional energy and infrastructure projects, and overall more capital than all U.S. clean energy investment for that year. CP avoids congressional action Mormann and Reicher ’12 Felix Mormann, and Dan Reicher, "Smarter Finance for Cleaner Energy: Open Up Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) to Renewable Energy Investment," Brookings Institute, November 2012, http://www.brookings.edu/~~/media/Research/Files/Papers/2012/11/13%20federalism/13%20clean%20energy%20investment.pdf REITs could be opened for renewable energy investment through executive or legislative action. Executive AND leaving little room for statutory interpretation that would make renewables MLP-eligible. |
| 02/25/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Wind power kills unique predators Ritter 5 ~Ritter – staff writer – 1/4/2005 (John, "Wind turbines taking toll on birds of prey," USA Today, http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2005-01-04-windmills-usat_x.htm-http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2005-01-04-windmills-usat_x.htm)~~ ALTAMONT PASS, Calif. — The big turbines that stretch for miles along these AND , an ecologist with the Peregrine Fund who has studied eagles at Altamont. Top level predators key to ecological health Carey 6 ~LiveScience staff writer – 7/19/2006 (Bjorn, "Top predators key to ecosystem survival," MSNBC, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13939039-http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13939039)~~ Top-level predators strike fear in the hearts of the animals they stalk. AND and that we need to be careful with how we deal with them." D-Rule—the alterity of the animal is our foremost ethical responsibility—outweighs utilitarian calculus of ’inevitability’ Lawlor ’7 Leonard Lawlor ~is Faudree-Hardin Professor of Philosophy at The University of Memphis, author of a handful of books, and editor of a couple journals~, "Animals Have No Hand" An Essay on Animality in Derrida, CR: The New Centennial Review 7.2 (2007) 43-69, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/new_centennial_review/v007/7.2lawlor.html-http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/new_centennial_review/v007/7.2lawlor.html Let us strip the demonstration down one more time to its essential structure. If AND the suffering of animals will have been sufficient%21 ~End Page 65~ Speciesism makes unspeakable violence banal and invisible Kochi and Ordan ’8 Tarik Kochi %26 Noam Ordan, "An Argument for the Global Suicide of Humanity," borderlands, vol. 7 no. 3, 2008, http://www.borderlands.net.au/vol7no3_2008/kochiordan_argument.pdf Within the picture many paint of humanity, events such as the Holocaust are considered AND moral action re-conceived through this relational or dialectical standpoint in thought. |
| 02/25/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Their "main street over wall street" critique of corporations is propaganda for wider structures of inequality, restricting effective activism English ’10 Michael D. English, "MAIN STREET IS WALL STREET OR AN INTERFACE WITH SLAVOJ ZIZEK’S FIRST AS TRAGEDY, THEN AS FARCE," 5/1/2010, http://www.unrestmag.com/main-street-is-wall-street-or-an-interface-with-slavoj-zizeks-first-as-tragedy-then-as-farce/ Žižek’s (2009), First as Tragedy, Then as Farce, is yet another AND and you were pardoned for it – time to get serious once again%21" They don’t solve democracy or corruption—their ev cites broken judicial systems, telecom monopolies, reliance on oil for mobility as alt causes Participatory democracy is a myth to entrap resisters within the iron cage of expertist post-politics Swyngedouw ’8 (Erik, Dept. Geography and Development at Manchester, "Where is the political?" http://www.socialsciences.manchester.ac.uk/disciplines/politics/research/hmrg/activities/documents/Swyngedouw.pdf) CJQ Politics is hereby reduced to the sphere of policy-making, to the domain AND , we need to return to the possibilities of ’thinking the political’. Complexity theory is arbitrary and counterproductive Hendrick ’9 Diane Hendrick, "Complexity Theory and Conflict Transformation: An Exploration of Potential and Implications," University of Bradford Department of Peace Studies, June 2009, It is still relatively early days in the application of complexity theory to social sciences AND prestige, etc. Such attempts appear, therefore, unrealistic or unfeasible. Epistemology isn’t an advantage to the 1AC—nothing about the plan changes whether people think linearly. The internal link chain of corporate ownership to democratic corruption to social inequality is a double turn with this. Wind’s expensive and inefficient—their numbers are industry-biased understatements Helman 12-21 Christopher Helman, "Why It’s The End Of The Line For Wind Power," Forbes, 12/21/2012 aka the apocalypse, http://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2012/12/21/why-its-the-end-of-the-line-for-wind-power/ First off — the windiest places are more often far away from where electricity is AND the true cost of wind power is more like double the advertised numbers. DG crashes the grid, restricts solvency Newman et all ’11 (Newman is part of the Physics Department at the University of Alaska, Carreras is a professer at University of Carloss in Madrid, Kirchner is part of the Physics Department at the University of Alaska, and Dobson is a member of the ECE department at the University of Wisconsin; the paper was presented at the Hawaii International Conference on System Science) ~Newman, D. E., B. A. Carreras, M. Kirchner, and I. Dobson. "The Impact of Distributed Generation on Power Transmission Grid Dynamics." (2011): n. pag. Print.~ AMB If one were able to build a power transmission system with highly reliable distributed generation AND reliable distribution cases reversed in the variable distribution case and becoming much worse. Natty gas swamps solvency Yergin ’12 Daniel Yergin is chairman and founder of IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates, is on the U.S. Secretary of Energy advisory board, and chaired the U.S. Department of Energy’s Task Force on Strategic Energy Research and Development, interviewed by Brian Dumaine, "Will gas crowd out wind and solar?" CNN, 4/17/2012, http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2012/04/17/yergin-gas-solar-wind/?iid=HP_LN Fracking technology has given the U.S. a 100-year supply of AND a Twitter or a YouTube can emerge doesn’t apply to the energy industry. Neodynium shortage means no turbine construction Chandler ’12 David, MIT News Office, 4/9/12, "Clean energy could lead to scarce materials" http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2012/rare-earth-alternative-energy-0409.html-http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2012/rare-earth-alternative-energy-0409.html As the world moves toward greater use of low-carbon and zero-carbon AND at end-of-life is unsustainable and needs to be reversed." For example, local ownership doesn’t change who builds it—aff’s incentives line the pockets of tech MNCs Harris 11 (Jerry. "Going Green to Stay in the Black: Transnational Capitalism and Renewable Energy." Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 10.1 (2011): 41-59. Print.) The wind power industry is already dominated by large TNCs. The top eleven corporations AND 000 workers, but China and the US are its fastest growing markets. This disavowal shuts down effective interrogation. Reframing the problem is a prior question. Žižek ’12 Slavoj Žižek, interviewed by debaters Brad Bolman (hipster) and Tara Raghuveer (went to debate camp with Jake Novack), "A Conversation with Slavoj Zizek," Harvard Crimson, 2/10/2012, http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2012/2/10/theres-this-slovenian-saying/ Fifteen Minutes: What is the role of academia at an institution like Harvard in AND We are no longer dealing with short-term crises like in 2008. Don’t buy their "cede the political" blackmail or reformist neurosis—we get nothing from their third-way pandering Smith ’11 Mick Smith, Against Ecological Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2011, p. 219-221 THE PURPOSE OF THIS BOOK is to open possibilities for rethinking and constituting ecological ethics AND short, they want a solution that maintains the claims of ecological sovereignty. Or predictive debate solves 100% of the impact Garrett ’12 Banning Garrett, director of the Asia Program and Strategic Foresight Initiative at the Atlantic Council, "In Search of Sand Piles and Butterflies," Strategic Foresight Initiative Blog, Atlantic Council, 1/23/2012, http://www.acus.org/disruptive_change/search-sand-piles-and-butterflies "Disruptive change" that produces "strategic shocks" has become an increasing concern AND respond, and our ability to see opportunities that we would otherwise miss. |
| 03/23/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: WAMSR solves 100% of the case—proven and military-tested, safe, and efficient Tarantola 3-14 Andrew Tarantola, "The Future of Nuclear Power Runs on the Waste of Our Nuclear Past," Gizmodo, 3/14/2013, http://gizmodo.com/5990383/the-future-of-nuclear-power-runs-on-the-waste-of-our-nuclear-past America alone produces about 2,000 metric tons of nuclear waste annually and our AND mix drains into the vault for safe storage until systems can be restored. |
| 03/23/2013 | Tournament: CEDA | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sac State GF | Judge: Josh Miller Squo solves—naval power remains overwhelming Barnett ’13 Thomas PM. Barnett, Former Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis %26 Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, U.S. Naval War College American military geostrategist and Chief Analyst at Wikistrat., worked as the Assistant for Strategic Futures in the Office of Force Transformation in the Department of Defense, "Think Again: The Pentagon," Foreign Policy. Mar/Apr2013, Issue 199, p77-81 Yes, the U.S. Navy has dwindled greatly from the Reagan- AND version of the many, the cheap(er), and the unmanned. No SK prolif—no plans, interdependence, alliances, energy security, aversion to backlash Hibbs ’13 MARK HIBBS, senior associate in the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, "Will South Korea Go Nuclear?" Foreign Policy, 3/15/2013, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2013/03/15/will_south_korea_go_nuclear What’s more, in recent decades neither the South Korean government nor research organizations close AND Korea might conclude in a crisis it could afford to take such risks. No East Asia war—interdependence and liberalization Vannarith ’10 Chheang Vannarith, Executive Director of the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace. PhD in Asia Pacific Studies, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific U, "Asia Pacific Security Issues: Challenges and Adaptive Mechanism," CICP Policy Brief No. 3, July 2010, http://www.cicp.org.kh/download/CICP%20Policy%20brief/CICP%20Policy%20brief%20No%203.pdf Some people look to China for economic and strategic interests while others still stick to AND the region and those elements are present and being improved in this region. Multipolarity fills in for US influence in East Asia Lukin ’12 Artyom Lukin, Associate Professor and Deputy Director at the School of Regional and International Studies, Far Eastern Federal University, "Russia and the Balance of Power in Northeast Asia," Pacific Focus, Vol. 27, Iss. 2, August 2012, pp. 155-183, DOI: 10.1111/j.1976-5118.2012.01080.x At present, the USA – weakened by the economic crisis, distracted by the AND order in NEA can be identified as a complex multipolar balance of power. No meltdowns WNA ’12 "Safety of Nuclear Power Reactors," World Nuclear Associated, updated October 2012, http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf06.html From the outset, there has been a strong awareness of the potential hazard of AND compared with other commonly accepted risks. Nuclear power plants are very robust. Natural disasters won’t cause meltdowns—warning forecasts and backup generators Conca ’12 James Conca, "Don’t Politicize Sandy - Hurricane Normal Problem for Nukes," Forbes, 10/29/2012, http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2012/10/29/dont-politicize-sandy-hurricane-no-problem-for-nukes/?ss=business%3Aenergy As Hurricane Sandy made landfall in New Jersey, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued an AND This is nothing like Fukushima, neither the power plant nor the situation. Freeze plug is unreliable and designs oversimplify it Ryan ’11 D.A. Ryan, engineering by training, Masters in Mechanical Engineering (specialisation computer aided energineering %26 materials) and a PhD in solar energy systems (or more specifically natural convection and heat transfer), "Part 8 – The Molten Salt Reactor concept," 2011, http://daryanenergyblog.wordpress.com/ca/part-8-msr-lftr/ Also I don’t like the idea behind this "freeze plug". I realise the AND fuel loads before going into commercial operation (which takes months or years). No impact to meltdowns Adams ’12 Rod Adams, MS in Systems Technology from US Naval Postgraduate School, works as procedure and process development lead for nuclear reactor development at the Babcock %26 Wilcox Company, "Has Apocalyptic Portrayal of Climate Change Risk Backfired?" Atomic Insights, 5/2/2012, http://atomicinsights.com/2012/05/has-apocalyptic-portrayal-of-climate-change-risk-backfired.html?utm_source=feedburner%26utm_medium=feed%26utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AtomicInsights+%28Atomic+Insights%29 Not only was the discussion enlightening about the reasons why different people end up with AND and must not be marginalized by the people who market fear and trembling. Meltdown impact is comparable to a CT scan NEI ’12 Nuclear Energy Institute, "Myths %26 Facts About Nuclear Energy", January 2012, http://www.nei.org/resourcesandstats/documentlibrary/reliableandaffordableenergy/factsheet/myths—facts-about-nuclear-energy-january-2012/ Fact: If this claim were true, it would be dangerous to breathe air AND Academy of Pediatrics, numerous state departments of health and other independent studies. NASA’s producing PU238 again Hruska 3-15 Joel Hruska, "To the stars: After a 25 year hiatus, NASA restarts plutonium production," ExtremeTech, 3/15/2013, http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/150756-to-the-stars-after-a-25-year-hiatus-nasa-restarts-plutonium-production After a quarter-century hiatus, the United States has begun producing plutonium- AND like rover deposited on Mars (via sky crane%21), hopefully by 2020. It’s for space Wall 3-19 Mike Wall, "US Makes First Plutonium in 25 Years, for Spacecraft," Space.com, 3/19/2013, http://www.space.com/20290-plutonium-spacecraft-nasa-fuel.html The United States has begun producing plutonium-238 again for the first time in AND be able to scale up plutonium-238 production to meet NASA’s needs. Science diplomacy fails—politics is not an effective framework to scientific cooperation Dickson ’9 Dave Dickson, Director of SciDev, SciDev, June 4, 2009, http://www.scidev.net/en/editorials/the-limits-of-science-diplomacy.html Perhaps the most contentious area discussed at the meeting was how science diplomacy can AND abroad to lie for his country". But he touched a raw nerve. They have no solvency for either of their advantages. The plan generically deploys LFTRs. They have no evidence the military will build new icebreakers or carriers as a result. The fact that they refuse to in the status quo wouldn’t be changed by having a different fuel source. The tech isn’t there for thorium NNL ’12 "Comparison of thorium and uranium fuel cycles," National Nuclear Laboratory (UK), March 2012, http://www.decc.gov.uk/assets/decc/11/meeting-energy-demand/nuclear/6300-comparison-fuel-cycles.pdf Thorium fuel cycle R%26D has a long history dating back to the very AND that there is little appetite or belief in the safety or performance claims. Can’t do thorium SMRs Ryan ’11 D.A. Ryan, engineering by training, Masters in Mechanical Engineering (specialisation computer aided energineering %26 materials) and a PhD in solar energy systems (or more specifically natural convection and heat transfer), "Part 8 – The Molten Salt Reactor concept," 2011, http://daryanenergyblog.wordpress.com/ca/part-8-msr-lftr/ An CPP facility capable of that level of operating efficiency would likely be physically very AND reducing the number of said reactors we comission in any given time period). Incredibly complex and unreliable piping risks systemic breakdowns Ryan ’11 D.A. Ryan, engineering by training, Masters in Mechanical Engineering (specialisation computer aided energineering %26 materials) and a PhD in solar energy systems (or more specifically natural convection and heat transfer), "Part 8 – The Molten Salt Reactor concept," 2011, http://daryanenergyblog.wordpress.com/ca/part-8-msr-lftr/ As I mentioned before, the major risk to any MSR reactor is not a AND around the pipe to ensure it can be heated or cooled as necessary. Naval force comparisons are political shell games with no relevance to grand strategy—US dominance remains Stigler ’12 Andrew L. Stigler, associate professor in the National Security Affairs Department of the Naval War College, "Obama Wise Not to Play Battleship," New Atlanticist, 11/19/2012, http://www.acus.org/new_atlanticist/obama-wise-not-play-battleship?utm_source=feedburner%26utm_medium=feed%26utm_campaign=Feed%3A+new_atlanticist+%28New+Atlanticist%29 There was one exception, however. In the final debate, Mitt Romney asserted AND can be twisted into images of hollowness, weakness, and the like. Posture shift solves Alexander ’12 David Alexander, "U.S. will put more warships in Asia: Panetta," Reuters, 6/2/2012, http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/06/02/us-asia-security-idUSBRE85100Y20120602 (Reuters) - The United States will shift a majority of its warships to AND , according to a 30-year Navy shipbuilding projection released in March. Tech innovations beat meager Chinese developments—we’re still decades ahead Barnett ’13 Thomas PM. Barnett, Former Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis %26 Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, U.S. Naval War College American military geostrategist and Chief Analyst at Wikistrat., worked as the Assistant for Strategic Futures in the Office of Force Transformation in the Department of Defense, "Think Again: The Pentagon," Foreign Policy. Mar/Apr2013, Issue 199, p77-81 The Navy’s latest vision of war, concocted with the help of D.C AND there won’t be any "we" inside our "suicide" drones. |
| 03/23/2013 | Tournament: CEDA | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sacramento State GF | Judge: Josh Miller India’s positioned to be a leader of nuclear tech exports – absence of U.S. licensing opens up market opportunities CSIS 10 (Center for Strategic %26 International Studies, from World Nuclear News, Sep 23, "India’s Nuclear Push," ~csis.org/blog/india’s-nuclear-push~) "In India’s statement to the 54th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency AND also lack the extensive transmission grids to accommodate large, centralized electricity generators. India’s developing domestic cost-competitive thorium now—they’ll achieve global leadership or face an energy and investment crisis and collapse K1 12 (K1 project, composed of faculty and students from Columbia University in the City of New York, "A Thorium Dream: India’s Investments in New Nuclear," ~k1project.org/about-us/~) With a population of 1.2 billion that is expected to multiply over the AND domestic development of nuclear power reactors and showcase its civilian nuclear capabilities abroad." Indian development and leadership is key to prevent every global extinction risk Kamdar 7 (Mira Kamdar, World Policy Institute, 2007, Planet India: How the fastest growing democracy is transforming America and the world, p. 3-5) No other country matters more to the future of our planet than India. There AND , multipolar world. India’s gambit is truly the venture of the century. |
| 03/24/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Mother Who? In contemporary ideology "nature" has come to stand in as the Big Other; the source of the symbolic structure that gives us meaning. As such "nature" is not reducible to its contents. Like the stick figure over a bathroom door turning the materiality of a room with a sink into a gendered "men’s room," the idea of "nature" asserts normative force over our lives Morton 11 – Tim Morten ~blogger…and chaired professor at Rice~ Without Nature = ?, MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2011, http://ecologywithoutnature.blogspot.com/2011/06/without-nature.html-http://ecologywithoutnature.blogspot.com/2011/06/without-nature.html A commenter writes: i keep on wondering if your position that "there is AND against Nature must be an argument against certain forms of onto-theology. This makes us unable to respond to ecological disaster Zizek 8 – Slavoj Zizek, Censorship Today: Violence, or ........ Ecology as a New Opium for the Masses part 2, 2008, http://www.lacan.com/zizecology2.htm So, back to the prospect of ecological catastrophe, why do we not act AND background-coordinates of our world) is now THE source of danger. Our alternative is to trash the earth. Instead of opposing a politics of disposability we should embrace trash as the Real of ecology Huang 2009 (Han-Yu, Asst. Prof. English, National Taiwan Normal University, "Trauma, Paranoia, and Ecological Fantasy in Don DeLillo’s Underworld: Toward a Psychoanalytic Ethics of Waste," Literary and Cultural Studies, 35.1 March 2009: 109-130) CJQ As the recognition of the non-existence of the Other―namely, there AND carried to their deadlocks and be ready for the worst. Are we? |
| 03/24/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Once in a distant corner of the galaxy a race of clever animals invented Oil. They thought they had found the greatest of all resources—a source of wealth in the soil from which to build all the could imagine. And then, in an instant, their wells ran dry Delay 2/13 Tad Delay ~PhD student at the Claremont Graduate School with an MA in Theology and Biblical study from the Fuller Theological Seminary~ "EROEI and the New Materialism" Feb 11 2013 http://taddelay.com/blog/13739821/eroei-new-materialism~~%23.UUWQclsjovZ EROEI- energy return on energy investment- was one of the simplest and yet AND ? Exactly what we’ve been doing- evolve... again." (96) All of human wealth is a product of energy. This is not to privilege humans over other kinds of materiality—all of life, organic and inorganic, is energy conversion. From energy we have built a capitalist civilization defined by wealth and inequality. Energy-capitalism reached a high point with the incredible productivity of oil. (Un)fortunetly the aff is nothing but the lament over the death of this god. There is no oil with an inner essence to embrace. Just flows of energy. Crockett ’12 Clayton Crockett ~Associate Professor and Director of Religious Studies program at the University of Central Arkansas, PhD from Syracuse~, "Beyond Heat: Energy for Life," Cosmology, Ecology, and the Energy of God, ed. Donna Bowman and Clayton Crockett, Fordham University Press, 2012, In his book Theology of Money, British philosopher of religion Philip Good- child AND search for new technological breakthroughs that would allow us to continue doing so. Pretentious skepticism of environmental impacts is not radical theory—it is reactionary and dangerous Latour ’4 Bruno Latour, Professor and vice-president for research at Sciences Po Paris, "Why Has Critique Run out of Steam? From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern," Critical Inquiry 30, Winter 2004 Wars. So many wars. Wars outside and wars inside. Cultural wars, AND by the worst possible fellows as an argument against the things we cherish? This ignorance spills over to material implications of unspeakable inequality regarding oil-burning Byravan and Rajan ’10 Sujatha Byravan and Sudhir Chella Rajan, "The Ethical Implications of Sea-Level Rise Due to Climate Change," Ethics %26 International Affairs 24, No. 3, 9/20/2010, only accessible on some exclusive database As scientific evidence for the adverse effects of human-induced climate change grows stronger AND and resettlement in regions and countries on higher ground in advance of disaster. Instead of ranting about death and objects’ agency, we should affirm this debate as a flow of material energy. Latour ’4 Bruno Latour, Professor and vice-president for research at Sciences Po Paris, "Why Has Critique Run out of Steam? From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern," Critical Inquiry 30, Winter 2004 The practical problem we face, if we try to go that new route, AND , deploy them." Then we would have gone for good beyond iconoclasm. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: EmporiaSW | Judge: Vanluvanee, Awsare, and Powers If this is a debate about debate than we should think for a moment about debate history. In 1979 a representative from Phillips petroleum watches a debate round and is shocked by what he sees. In response LD is created as an activity focused solely on values. A rift is created, one that continually reappears in different forms—values vs policy, policy vs critique, lay vs experienced. A new influx of petro dollars ensures the segregation of these models while this basic segregation is replicated throughout the discourse of our society Lerner 12 Ben Lerner ~Professor at Brooklyn College, Poet and Former Debater—most NFL points of any high school kid ever, BA (politically theory) and MFA from Brown, Fulbright Scholar, finalist for the National Book Award, winner of the Hayden Carruth prize, etc~ "Contest of Words: High school debate and the demise of public speech" Harpers, October 2012, http://harpers.org/archive/2012/10/contest-of-words/ I’m not disputing the very real synthetic intelligence of many of Extemp’s participants, but AND politicians speak very, very slowly about values utterly disconnected from their policies. the retreat to the realm of pure critique, pure tearing down, pure value, has also served the interests of domination, and nowhere is this more obvious than in energy policy Latour ’4 Bruno Latour, Professor and vice-president for research at Sciences Po Paris, "Why Has Critique Run out of Steam? From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern," Critical Inquiry 30, Winter 2004 Wars. So many wars. Wars outside and wars inside. Cultural wars, AND by the worst possible fellows as an argument against the things we cherish? The stakes could not be higher. Political discourse reduced to pure values, packaged in slow and stupefied soundbites on Fox News accompany a disastrous slide toward conservative politics. Lerner 12 Ben Lerner ~Professor at Brooklyn College, Poet and Former Debater—most NFL points of any high school kid ever, BA (politically theory) and MFA from Brown, Fulbright Scholar, finalist for the National Book Award, winner of the Hayden Carruth prize, etc~ "Contest of Words: High school debate and the demise of public speech" Harpers, October 2012, http://harpers.org/archive/2012/10/contest-of-words/ And then I was in another dorm room watching the helicopter footage of Columbine as AND said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was." We thus present the following perspective debate: The affirmative should provide a defense of federal government action to increase energy production engaging experience and values. The aff should win if that advocacy is preferable to the status quo or competitive negative arguments. The resolution is an open system—instrumental affirmation can be a powerful tool for confronting injustice, even in the context of debate. Connolly ’12 William E. Connolly, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University, "Steps toward an Ecology of Late Capitalism," Theory %26 Event, Vol. 15, Issue 1, 2012, Muse 3. Today, perhaps the initial target should be on reconstituting established patterns of AND , role performance, cultural ethos, market regulation, and citizen activism. Specificity matters. We live in a complex world filled with injustice—fora like debate should be seized as opportunities to think about what to do about it. Bryant ’12 Levi Bryant, teaches philosophy at Collin College, "RSI, Discursivity, Critique, and Politics," Larval Subjects, 7/18/2012, http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2012/07/18/rsi-discursivity-critique-and-politics/ If I get worked up about these issues, then this is because I think AND , hitching everything on psychology, attachment, and identification. Well done%21 We cannot exclude swathes of political being or reduce the social life to simple oppositions—our endorsement of experimentation engenders a militant pluralism to resistant inequality of all kinds Connolly 3-20 William E. Connolly, "The Dilemma of Electoral Politics," The Contemporary Condition, 3/20/2013, http://contemporarycondition.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-dilemma-of-electoral-politics.html There is, nonetheless, a dilemma of electoral politics confronting the Left: 1 AND join in different ways and degrees a multifaceted movement to respond to them. Rules can be strategic and of great ethical import. Things like the state are tools for the work of good—debate can imagine creative ways to use them. Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Professor of Philosophy, French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, 2004, For What Tomorrow? A Dialogue With Elisabeth Roudinesco, p. 91-92 J.D.: A moment ago you spoke of regicide as the necessity of AND it seems im¬possible, and not sovereignty, even when it seems possible. Ben Lerner describes his experience returning home after debate Lerner 12 Ben Lerner ~Professor at Brooklyn College, Poet and Former Debater—most NFL points of any high school kid ever, BA (politically theory) and MFA from Brown, Fulbright Scholar, finalist for the National Book Award, winner of the Hayden Carruth prize, etc~ "Contest of Words: High school debate and the demise of public speech" Harpers, October 2012, http://harpers.org/archive/2012/10/contest-of-words/ On Saturday evenings I would return home from a tournament, change clothes, have AND and one another, were largely modeled on gangsta rap and its videos. And this is where we are. Our social behavior, our language, our culture, our drug use, and our propensity to gendered violence all occurs against this backdrop of the corporatization—the franchisization—of the rhetorical field. It is against this backdrop where we debate, against this backdrop that we enact our anxious masculinity, white privilege, and societal violence, but it also this backdrop that offers us opportunity for our creation—for poetry. Lerner 12 Ben Lerner ~Professor at Brooklyn College, Poet and Former Debater—most NFL points of any high school kid ever, BA (politically theory) and MFA from Brown, Fulbright Scholar, finalist for the National Book Award, winner of the Hayden Carruth prize, etc~ "Contest of Words: High school debate and the demise of public speech" Harpers, October 2012, http://harpers.org/archive/2012/10/contest-of-words/ This feedback loop in which middle-class suburban white boys imitated the exaggerated image AND would catch a glimpse, however fleeting, of grammar as pure possibility. Our arg is most definitely not that pure policy debate is good—quite the contrary. We need value in our arguments. But the space of law cannot be abandoned. Law must heed the call of the other – against all likelihood of imperfection, we should try to speak through it for the sake of justice Colin Perrin, PhD in Law and Philosophy from the University of Kent, held research positions at the University of New South Wales and the University of Durham, 2004, Social and Legal Studies, Vol. 13, No. 1, p. 138-141 Explicitly it is a matter of ’speaking for those who . . . can AND – the language to which silence, as silence, must have recourse. In particular, political programs are key to environmentalism Bryant ’12 Levi Bryant, "Underpants Gnomes: A Critique of the Academic Left," 11/11/2012, http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2012/11/11/underpants-gnomes-a-critique-of-the-academic-left/ What I wonder is just what we’re supposed to do even if all of this AND make a sound%21 Seriously dudes and dudettes, what are you doing? For example, getting into the nitty-gritty of the resolution is key to better education about nuclear power—that’s key to the success of broad societal attempts to shift from worse forms of energy production Kotler ’11 Stephen Kotler, "Meltdown or Mother Lode: Is Nuclear Energy Safe?" Eco-Hearth, 3/19/2011, http://ecohearth.com/eco-zine/green-issues/391-meltdown-or-mother-lode-the-new-truth-about-nuclear-power.html In the past four decades, there’s been a nuclear revolution brewing. Most likely AND , the better question might be: What do we mean by safe? This matters. Anthropogenic climate change poses an unmistakable danger to life of all kinds on Earth. At stake are the very life cycle processes relied upon by humans and nonhumans alike. Hannah ’12 Lee Hannah, senior researcher in climate change biology at Conservation International, visiting researcher and adjunct professor at the Bren School of Environmental Science %26 Management at UC-Santa Barbara, has a pretty detailed Wikipedia page, "As Threats to Biodiversity Grow, Can We Save World’s Species?" Yale Environment 360, 4/19/2012, http://e360.yale.edu/feature/as_threats_to_biodiversity_grow_can_we_save_worlds_species/2518/ Now, with 7 billion people on the planet — heading to 10 billion — AND timber, ranching, and farming such crops as soybeans and oil palm. Climate change also affects humans unequally. Regions responsible for the least GHG emissions will be at the greatest disadvantage. Sea level rise puts the hundreds of millions of people living on coastal and low-lying regions at risk, while climate shifts magnify food and water shortages. Entire islands are sinking. Action is key. Byravan and Rajan ’10 Sujatha Byravan and Sudhir Chella Rajan, "The Ethical Implications of Sea-Level Rise Due to Climate Change," Ethics %26 International Affairs 24, No. 3, 9/20/2010, only accessible on some exclusive database As scientific evidence for the adverse effects of human-induced climate change grows stronger AND and resettlement in regions and countries on higher ground in advance of disaster. Zones of sacrifice may be bad, but the question is how we identify them specifically and formulate solutions – In particular, political programs are key to environmentalism Bryant ’12 Levi Bryant, "Underpants Gnomes: A Critique of the Academic Left," 11/11/2012, http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2012/11/11/underpants-gnomes-a-critique-of-the-academic-left/ What I wonder is just what we’re supposed to do even if all of this AND make a sound%21 Seriously dudes and dudettes, what are you doing? Thorium technology can reprocess all of its waste—byproducts of liquid fluoride thorium reactors are harmless Sorensen ’11 Kirk F. Sorensen, served as Chief Nuclear Technologist at Teledyne Brown Engineering, worked for ten years at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center spending the last two of those years on assignment to the US Army Space and Missile Defense Command, Masters of Science in Aerospace Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, "IEER/PSR Thorium "Fact Sheet" Rebuttal," response to the 2009 Makhijani and Boyd piece on thorium, posted 3/23/2011 by Kirk Sorenson on Energy From Thorium, http://energyfromthorium.com/ieer-rebuttal/ Again, the authors make blanket statements about "thorium" but then confine their AND represented some sort of condemnation of the use of thorium for nuclear power. LFTRs reprocess existing fissile material and don’t require uranium Lerner 12 (George, president of Lerner Consulting, a consulting firm, "Can Use LFTRs to Consume Nuclear Waste," Jan 17, ~liquidfluoridethoriumreactor.glerner.com/2012-can-use-lftrs-to-consume-nuclear-waste/~, jam) A LFTR can use all three of the available nuclear fuels: uranium-235 AND water and CO2, to make carbon-neutral car and truck fuel%21 Doesn’t require harmful uranium mining Sorensen ’11 Kirk F. Sorensen, served as Chief Nuclear Technologist at Teledyne Brown Engineering, worked for ten years at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center spending the last two of those years on assignment to the US Army Space and Missile Defense Command, Masters of Science in Aerospace Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, "IEER/PSR Thorium "Fact Sheet" Rebuttal," response to the 2009 Makhijani and Boyd piece on thorium, posted 3/23/2011 by Kirk Sorenson on Energy From Thorium, http://energyfromthorium.com/ieer-rebuttal/ Thorium is found with rare-earth mineral deposits, and global demand for rare AND time and effort by avoiding the expense of trying to throw it away. Nuclear is the only feasible alternative to squo energy production Monbiot ’11 George Monbiot, activist, journalist, intellectual, got a metal spike driven through his foot by a security guard while he was protesting a new road in Britain, tried to carry out a citizen’s arrest of John Bolton for his role in instigating the Iraq War, used to be Whitman’s go-to K answer but then he got too radical, finalist in the Lloyds National Screenwriting Prize with his screenplay ’The Norwegian’, "The double standards of green anti-nuclear opponents," The Guardian, 3/31/2011, http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/georgemonbiot/2011/mar/31/double-standards-nuclear Like most environmentalists, I want renewables to replace fossil fuel, but I realise AND and my belief that it needs to be held to account remain unchanged. Practical alternatives are way worse Monbiot ’11 George Monbiot, activist, journalist, intellectual, got a metal spike driven through his foot by a security guard while he was protesting a new road in Britain, tried to carry out a citizen’s arrest of John Bolton for his role in instigating the Iraq War, used to be Whitman’s go-to K answer but then he got too radical, finalist in the Lloyds National Screenwriting Prize with his screenplay ’The Norwegian’, "Why Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power," The Guardian, 3/21/2011, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/mar/21/pro-nuclear-japan-fukushima But the energy source to which most economies will revert if they shut down their AND The crisis at Fukushima has converted me to the cause of nuclear power. It isn’t helpful to think of the state as supreme and cunning to justify disengagement—it’s more important to identify methods of challenging oppression, including considerations of "non-revolutionary" alternatives. Gilles Deleuze, "Toward Freedom" published in The Deleuze Reader, ed. Constantin V. Boundas, 1993, p.255-256 The mistake would be to say: there is a globalizing State, the master AND revolutionary-becoming of people, at every level, in every place. Statism is inevitable—innovative engagement can redirect power for emancipation Martin and Pierce ’13 Deborah G. Martin, Joseph Pierce, "Reconceptualizing Resistance: Residuals of the State and Democratic Radical Pluralism," Antipode, Vol. 45, Issue 1, pp. 61-79, January 2013, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8330.2012.00980.x The state offers a complex set of power structures against and with which resistance struggles AND for resistance, one we explore further in the rest of this paper. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Modern politics incorporates life into rule by drawing lines, between legal and illegal, life and death, man and animal, rule and exception. These delineations find their zero point in the production of bare life and the unspeakable horror of the camp. Edkins 2k Jenny Edkins, department of international politics university of wales, "Sovereign Power, Zones Of Indistinction, and the Camp," Alternatives: Social Transformation %26 Human Governance, Volume 25, Jan-Mar, 2000 According to Agamben’s account in Homo Sacer, the first move of classical Western politics AND the double exception: the exclusion of both the sacred and the profane. The conception of Native people as defined by native epistemology categorizes them as cultural amalgorations defined as exception to the ordinary political order—native bodies get interpolated into bare life to serve the affs project of enculturation Rifkin 9 Mark Rifkin ~assistant professor in the English Department at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro~ "Indigenizing Agamben: Rethinking Sovereignty in Light of the "Peculiar" Status of Native Peoples" Cultural Critique Number 73, Fall 2009 Representing Native populations and lands as occupying an "anomalous" position allows the U AND body—on land that self-evidently constitutes part of the nation. Exceptional politics reduce the other to bare life to permit its extermination while deploying threats of apocalypse as apparatuses of biopolitical control Smith ’11 Mick Smith, Against Ecological Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2011, p. xiv-xv Despite their political differences, Schmitt, Benjamin, and Agamben all agree that this AND seems to demand a new horizon of meaning, a different interpretative key." Bare life is incalculably awful Agamben ’99 Giorgio Agamben, Professor of Philosophy at University of Verona, Remnants of Auschwitz: The Witness and the Archive, 1999, pg. 68-69 There are good reasons for this impossibility of reconciling love and dignity. Both in AND of this new terra ethica, the implacable land-surveyor of Muselmannland. Text: Vote negative to jam the anthropological machine. Refusing the principle of sovereign domination by contesting the humanist dogma of the 1AC is critical to establishing more responsible and respectful approaches to the ’natural world’ Smith ’11 Mick Smith, Against Ecological Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2011, p. 118-121 Agamben’s position, on the other hand, claims to offer a life of absolute AND might still, naively, attempt to save the (natural) world. Sovereign power is exercised through appearance—objects of empirical knowledge are identified and produced through the ascription of traits and essences which manipulate how things seem. Agamben 2k Giorgio Agamben, professor of philosophy at the College International de Philosophie in Paris, Means Without End: Notes on Politics, 2000, p. 93-95 Exposition is the location of politics. If there is no ani¬mal politics, that AND media, while a new class of bureaucrats jealously watches over its management. Interpretation: The aff should win if hypothetical enactment of a topical plan would be better than the status quo or competitive negative advocacies. Resolved before a colon indicates a legislative forum Army Officer School ’4 (5-12, "~%23 12, Punctuation – The Colon and Semicolon", http://usawocc.army.mil/IMI/wg12.htm) The colon introduces the following: a. A list, but only after " AND resolved:" Resolved: (colon) That this council petition the mayor. "USFG should" means the debate is solely about a policy established by the government Ericson ’3 Jon M. Ericson, Dean Emeritus of the College of Liberal Arts – California Polytechnic U., et al., The Debater’s Guide, Third Edition, 2003, p. 4 The Proposition of Policy: Urging Future Action In policy propositions, each topic contains AND compelling reasons for an audience to perform the future action that you propose. Violation: They fail to identify a specific topical advocacy that should be implemented. The resolution is the most accessible, researchable, and rigorously developed baseline for debating. You should affirm it. Galloway ’7 Ryan Galloway, assistant professor of communication studies and director of debate at Samford University, "DINNER AND CONVERSATION AT THE ARGUMENTATIVE TABLE: RECONCEPTUALIZING DEBATE AS AN ARGUMENTATIVE DIALOGUE," Contemporary Argumentation and Debate, Vol. 28 (2007), ebsco The central claim to this essay is that debate works best when it is dialogic AND controversy access to formulating their approach to both sides of the topic question. Role playing is essential to teaching responsible political practice Esberg and Sagan ’12 Jane Esberg, special assistant to the director at NYU’s Center on International Cooperation, and Scott Sagan, professor of political science and director of Stanford’s Center for International Security and Cooperation, "NEGOTIATING NONPROLIFERATION: Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Nuclear Weapons Policy," The Nonproliferation Review, vol. 19, issue 1, 2012, pp. 95-108, taylor %26 francis These government or quasi-government think tank simulations often provide very similar lessons for AND quickly; simulations teach students how to contextualize and act on information.14 Debate is process, not product. Role-playing lets students safely explore the methodologies and consequences of different ideas, constructing a unique form of education and creative expression Hanghøj ’8 Thorkild Hanghøj, Since this PhD project began in 2004, the present author has been affiliated with DREAM (Danish Research Centre on Education and Advanced Media Materials), which is located at the Institute of Literature, Media and Cultural Studies at the University of Southern Denmark. Research visits have taken place at the Centre for Learning, Knowledge, and Interactive Technologies (L-KIT), the Institute of Education at the University of Bristol and the institute formerly known as Learning Lab Denmark at the School of Education, University of Aarhus, where he currently works as an assistant Professor, "Playful Knowledge: An Explorative Study of Educational Gaming," PhD Dissertation in the Institute of Literature, Media and Cultural Studies at the University of Southern Denmark, 2008, http://static.sdu.dk/mediafiles/Files/Information_til/Studerende_ved_SDU/Din_uddannelse/phd_hum/afhandlinger/2009/ThorkilHanghoej.pdf Joas’ re-interpretation of Dewey’s pragmatism as a "theory of situated creativity" AND the contingent outcomes and domain-specific processes of problem-based scenarios. The resolution is an open system—instrumental affirmation can be a powerful tool for confronting injustice, even in the context of debate. Connolly ’12 William E. Connolly, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University, "Steps toward an Ecology of Late Capitalism," Theory %26 Event, Vol. 15, Issue 1, 2012, Muse 3. Today, perhaps the initial target should be on reconstituting established patterns of AND , role performance, cultural ethos, market regulation, and citizen activism. Specificity matters. We live in a complex world filled with injustice—fora like debate should be seized as opportunities to think about what to do about it. Bryant ’12 Levi Bryant, teaches philosophy at Collin College, "RSI, Discursivity, Critique, and Politics," Larval Subjects, 7/18/2012, http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2012/07/18/rsi-discursivity-critique-and-politics/ If I get worked up about these issues, then this is because I think AND , hitching everything on psychology, attachment, and identification. Well done%21 We cannot exclude swathes of political being or reduce the social life to simple oppositions—our endorsement of experimentation engenders a militant pluralism to resistant inequality of all kinds Connolly 3-20 William E. Connolly, "The Dilemma of Electoral Politics," The Contemporary Condition, 3/20/2013, http://contemporarycondition.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-dilemma-of-electoral-politics.html There is, nonetheless, a dilemma of electoral politics confronting the Left: 1 AND join in different ways and degrees a multifaceted movement to respond to them. Rules can be strategic and of great ethical import. Things like the state are tools for the work of good—debate can imagine creative ways to use them. Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Professor of Philosophy, French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, 2004, For What Tomorrow? A Dialogue With Elisabeth Roudinesco, p. 91-92 J.D.: A moment ago you spoke of regicide as the necessity of AND it seems im¬possible, and not sovereignty, even when it seems possible. Law must heed the call of the other – even if it cannot fully respond to infinite ethical demands, law still must be leveraged to act on our responsibility Colin Perrin, PhD in Law and Philosophy from the University of Kent, held research positions at the University of New South Wales and the University of Durham, 2004, Social and Legal Studies, Vol. 13, No. 1, p. 138-141 Explicitly it is a matter of ’speaking for those who . . . can AND – the language to which silence, as silence, must have recourse. In particular, political programs are key to environmentalism Bryant ’12 Levi Bryant, "Underpants Gnomes: A Critique of the Academic Left," 11/11/2012, http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2012/11/11/underpants-gnomes-a-critique-of-the-academic-left/ What I wonder is just what we’re supposed to do even if all of this AND make a sound%21 Seriously dudes and dudettes, what are you doing? For example, getting into the nitty-gritty of the resolution is key to better education about nuclear power—that’s key to the success of broad societal attempts to shift from worse forms of energy production Kotler ’11 Stephen Kotler, "Meltdown or Mother Lode: Is Nuclear Energy Safe?" Eco-Hearth, 3/19/2011, http://ecohearth.com/eco-zine/green-issues/391-meltdown-or-mother-lode-the-new-truth-about-nuclear-power.html In the past four decades, there’s been a nuclear revolution brewing. Most likely AND , the better question might be: What do we mean by safe? This matters. Anthropogenic climate change poses an unmistakable danger to life of all kinds on Earth. At stake are the very life cycle processes relied upon by humans and nonhumans alike. Hannah ’12 Lee Hannah, senior researcher in climate change biology at Conservation International, visiting researcher and adjunct professor at the Bren School of Environmental Science %26 Management at UC-Santa Barbara, has a pretty detailed Wikipedia page, "As Threats to Biodiversity Grow, Can We Save World’s Species?" Yale Environment 360, 4/19/2012, http://e360.yale.edu/feature/as_threats_to_biodiversity_grow_can_we_save_worlds_species/2518/ Now, with 7 billion people on the planet — heading to 10 billion — AND timber, ranching, and farming such crops as soybeans and oil palm. Climate change also affects humans unequally. Regions responsible for the least GHG emissions will be at the greatest disadvantage. Sea level rise puts the hundreds of millions of people living on coastal and low-lying regions at risk, while climate shifts magnify food and water shortages. Entire islands are sinking. Action is key. Byravan and Rajan ’10 Sujatha Byravan and Sudhir Chella Rajan, "The Ethical Implications of Sea-Level Rise Due to Climate Change," Ethics %26 International Affairs 24, No. 3, 9/20/2010, only accessible on some exclusive database As scientific evidence for the adverse effects of human-induced climate change grows stronger AND wetland loss. Together, these will greatly reduce available land for cultivation, water resources, and fodder, causing severe hardship in terms of livelihood and habitat AND and resettlement in regions and countries on higher ground in advance of disaster. Colonial sovereignty is root cause and needs the idea of prior native culture to exist Rifkin 9 Mark Rifkin ~assistant professor in the English Department at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro~ "Indigenizing Agamben: Rethinking Sovereignty in Light of the "Peculiar" Status of Native Peoples" Cultural Critique Number 73, Fall 2009 Thus, although Williams recognizes the difference between Native peoples and those minorities whose horizon AND terminologies and doctrines that appear to offer a logical/legal explanation.25 Starting from a critique of sovereignty solves the aff better Rifkin 9 Mark Rifkin ~assistant professor in the English Department at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro~ "Indigenizing Agamben: Rethinking Sovereignty in Light of the "Peculiar" Status of Native Peoples" Cultural Critique Number 73, Fall 2009 This effort to find a way to ameliorate the force of settler-state jurisdiction AND anomaly" axiomatically subject to the metapolitical authority of the settler-state. The perm’s exceptionalism is exactly the sovereign logic that we critique—that’s an Auschwitz DA to the aff. Humanist rule over nonhuman alterity is unforgivable—ecological praxis requires unflinching rejection. Smith ’11 Mick Smith, Against Ecological Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2011, p. 121-125 But even though the timeless mythic principles on which state authority is constituted are supposed AND to suspend, to place in abeyance, ethics and politics as such. Democratic communication establishes an obligation to meet the other team in the middle. Radical frameworks exclude the other from conversation, nullifying their political and social value. Gutmann and Thompson ’96 Amy Gutmann, president of Penn and former prof at Princeton, and Dennis Thompson, Alfred North Whitehead Professor of Political Philosophy at Harvard, Democracy and Disagreement, 1996, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/longterm/books/chap1/democracyanddisagreement.htm Of the challenges that American democracy faces today, none is more formidable than the AND means for deciding what means are morally required to pursue our common ends. Effective deliberative debate is key to resolving global issues—research skills alone are crucial to reinvigorate democratic culture Lundberg ’10 Christian O. Lundberg, Professor of Communications at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, "Tradition of Debate in North Carolina," Navigating Opportunities: Policy Debate in the 21st Century, ed. Allan D. Louden, 2010, p. 311 The second major problem with the critique that identifies a naivety in articulating debate and AND with the existential challenges to democracy ~in an~ increasingly complex world. It isn’t helpful to think of the state as supreme and cunning to justify disengagement—it’s more important to identify methods of challenging oppression, including considerations of "non-revolutionary" alternatives. Gilles Deleuze, "Toward Freedom" published in The Deleuze Reader, ed. Constantin V. Boundas, 1993, p.255-256 The mistake would be to say: there is a globalizing State, the master AND revolutionary-becoming of people, at every level, in every place. We are always already role-playing—every new context makes us a new subject because it affectively modifies our internal logics—theirs is a disastrous conservative philosophy that tries to entrench identity before difference Connolly ’2 William Connolly, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University, Identity/Difference, revised edition, 2002, pp. 64-66 An identity is established in relation to a series of differences that have become socially AND them in pursuit of more harmonious, teleological conceptions of identity and difference. |
1 | 03/31/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 7 | Opponent: Gtown EM | Judge: Eisenstadt, Clark, Jacobs K Capitalist energy production reduces dynamic environments to pure exchange value to increase exploitation and accumulation Clark and York ‘8 Brett Clark, assistant professor of sociology at North Carolina State University, and Richard York, coeditor of Organization and Environment and associate professor of sociology at the University of Oregon, “Rifts and Shifts: Getting to the Root of Environmental Crises,” Monthly Review, Vol. 60, Issue 06, November 2008 The development of energy production technologies provides one of the best examples of rifts and AND forces to continue to operate, as they create additional ecological rifts.18 Economics eradicates socio-historical analysis by reducing complex productive relations to rational-choice theory and mathematical models—causes constant crisis—the entire system is unredeemable Fine and Milonakis ’11 Ben Fine, SOAS, University of London, Dimitris Milonakis, University of Crete, “‘Useless but True’: Economic Crisis and the Peculiarities of Economic Science,” Historical Materialism 19.2 (2011) pp. 3-31 Generally, in science, when some rare event occurs which has a major impact AND more humane and less like the robotic entities implied by homo economicus.64 Increases in production efficiency and effectiveness only magnify energy shortages and crises Foster et al. ’10 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, Brett Clark, assistant professor of sociology at North Carolina State University, and Richard York, associate professor of sociology at University of Oregon, “Capitalism and the Curse of Energy Efficiency,” Monthly Review, November 2010, Vol. 62, Issue 6, pp. 1-12 The Jevons Paradox is the product of a capitalist economic system that is unable to AND been offset by increases in the scale of economic growth.”39 Space exploration under capitalism will only magnify inequalities—see Blade Runner—the alt is the only hope for equitable space travel Dickens ’10 Peter Dickens, “The Humanization of the Cosmos—To What End?” Monthly Review, Vol. 62, Issue 6, November 2010, http://monthlyreview.org/2010/11/01/the-humanization-of-the-cosmos-to-what-end Society is increasingly humanizing the cosmos. Satellites have for some time been central to AND an alternative, more critical, perspective on humanizing the cosmos tell us? Imperialism is necessitated by the growth imperative—hegemony conceals the worst of socioeconomic exploitation and justifies constant interventionism Meszaros ‘7 Istvan Meszaros, Hungarian Marxist philosopher and Professor Emeritus at U. Sussex. “The Only Viable Economy,” Monthly Review, 2007 http://www.monthlyreview.org/0407meszaros.htm The quixotic advocacy of freezing production at the level attained in the early 1970s was AND be also positively sustainable in the future on a long-term basis. Try or die—capitalism causes resource wars, economic collapses, population crises, ecological degradation, kills value to life, and magnifies all secondary antagonisms Parr ’13 Adrian Parr, The Wrath of Capital, 2013, p. 145-147 A quick snapshot of the twenty-first century so far: an economic meltdown AND must start from the point that after 2050 it may all be over. No turns—capitalism tends toward stagnation—market interventions and innovative spurts continually magnify structural contradictions Foster and McChesney ’12 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, and Robert W. McChesney, Gutgsell Endowed Professor of Communication, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, “The Endless Crisis,” Monthly Review, May 2012, vol. 64, issue 1, pp. 1-28 Nearly twenty years later, Sweezy, writing with Paul Baran, published their now AND too productive to absorb the entire investment-seeking surplus generated within production. Vote negative to endorse Marxist labor theory of value. Increasing contradictions of capital necessitate a new approach. Focus on material production is key to social praxis. Tumino ’12 Stephen Tumino, more marxist than Marx himself, “Is Occupy Wall Street Communist,” Red Critique 14, Winter/Spring 2012, http://www.redcritique.org/WinterSpring2012/isoccupywallstreetcommunist.htm Leaving aside that the purpose of Wolff's speech was to popularize a messianic vision of AND , in the interest of the immense majority" to end inequality forever. Totalizing analysis is key to environmentalism—only critique offers hope of escape from ecological devastation Magdoff ’12 Fred Magdoff, Professor emeritus of plant and soil science at the Unviersity of Vermont, “Harmony and Ecological Civilization,” Monthly Review, June 2012, Vol. 64, Issue 2, p. 1-9 Nevertheless, for many the role that capitalism plays in ecological destruction is invisible. AND makes these problems systemic while at the same time creating other negative aspects. Evaluate the debate as a dialectical materialist—you are a historian inquiring into the determinant factors behind the 1AC—Marx’s labor theory of value is the best possible description Tumino ‘1 Stephen Tumino, professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, “What is Orthodox Marxism and Why it Matters Now More Than Ever Before,” Red Critique, Spring 2001, http://redcritique.org/spring2001/whatisorthodoxmarxism.htm Any effective political theory will have to do at least two things: it will AND to each according to their needs" (Marx) is the rule. Particular facts are irrelevant without totalizing historical theory—the aff makes universal what is particular to capitalism—methodological inquiry is prior to action Lukács ’67 György Lukács, History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, trans. Rodney Livingstone, MIT Press: Cambridge, 1967, p. 7-10 Thus we perceive that there is something highly problematic in the fact that capitalist society AND of the total historical process of their relation to society as a whole. The free market is a myth—corporatization constrains all of their impact turns Mendoza ’13 Kerry-Anne Mendoza, “THE MYTH OF THE FREE MARKET: YOU’LL FIND A UNICORN BEFORE YOU FIND A FREE MARKET,” Climate and Capitalism, 2/28/2013, http://climateandcapitalism.com/2013/02/28/like-unicorns-the-free-market-is-a-myth While arguments in favour of inviting private interests into the public services rests on the AND . The still breaking horse meat scandal is just one example of this. AT: Space Leadership Squo solves and no impact Buttersworth ’11 Dr. Robert Buttersworth, President of Aries analytics, a company which provides market analyses and program development services to government, commercial and non-profit clients concerning space and space-related research and development, has served on the staff of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and at the Department of Defense, was responsible for the review and oversight activities, budget support and program analyses for selected space and intelligence activities, “Obama Administration's 'Three Cs' Means a Failing Space Policy,” AOL Defense, 7 November 2011, http://defense.aol.com/2011/11/07/obama-administrations-three-cs-means-a-failing-space-policy/ Consider, for example, the first "c:" Is space becoming increasingly congested AND difficult for adversaries to identify, track, and target militarily critical satellites. Russia’s constrained from war Weitz ’11 Richard Weitz, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and a World Politics Review senior editor, “Global Insights: Putin not a Game-Changer for U.S.-Russia Ties,” 9/27/2011 Fifth, there will inevitably be areas of conflict between Russia and the United States AND of social communication, that will constrain whoever is in charge of Russia. No space war—deterrence, debris hazards, lower-scale conflict more likely Weston ‘9 Major Scott A. Weston, USAF, MS from Troy University and MA from the Naval Postgraduate School, attending Joint Military Attache School en route to serving as the assistant air attaché to the Republic of the Philippines, has led combat and combat-support missions in both Iraq and Afghanistan, “Examining space warfare: scenarios, risks, and US Policy implications,” Air and Space Power Journal, Spring 2009, http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0NXL/is_1_23/ai_n31526665/?tag=content;col1 As mentioned in the RAND war-game scenario, China would be far less AND nuclear exchange if there were any risk of nuclear warheads reaching US soil. Transition is peaceful—empirics and structural theory MacDonald and Parent ’11 Paul K. MacDonald, professor of political science at Williams College, and Joseph M. Parent, Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Miami, “Graceful Decline?” International Security, Vol. 35, Iss. 4, Spring 2011 Some observers might dispute our conclusions, arguing that hegemonic transitions are more conflict prone AND could hope to consolidate or expand its increasingly advantageous position through direct confrontation. Bioweapons don’t cause extinction—natural resistance and health tech solves Easterbrook ‘3 Gregg Easterbrook, editor of The New Republic, “We’re All Gonna Die!” Wired, July 2003, http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/11.07/doomsday.html 3. Germ warfare! Like chemical agents, biological weapons have never lived up AND out humanity before, and it seems unlikely to happen in the future. NASA’s producing PU238 again Hruska 3-15 Joel Hruska, “To the stars: After a 25 year hiatus, NASA restarts plutonium production,” ExtremeTech, 3/15/2013, http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/150756-to-the-stars-after-a-25-year-hiatus-nasa-restarts-plutonium-production After a quarter-century hiatus, the United States has begun producing plutonium- AND like rover deposited on Mars (via sky crane!), hopefully by 2020. AT: Space Col Colonization’s inevitable and there’s no rush—prefer specific scenarios for extinction Baum ’10 Seth D. Baum, M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University, Research Assistant in the Rock Ethics Institute at Pennsylvania State University, “Is Humanity Doomed? Insights from Astrobiology” Sustainability, Volume 2, 2010, p. 600, www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/2/2/591/pdf The fact that the universe will remain habitable for much longer than Earth will means AND ., on reducing existential risk, so that future generations can colonize space. Sustainable colonization is unfeasible Launius ’10 Roger Launius, PhD, Curator, Planetary Exploration Programs, National Air and Space Museum, expert on Aerospace history, fellow and board member of the American Astronautical Society, “Can we colonize the solar system? Human biology and survival in the extreme space environment,” Endeavour, Vol. 34, Issue 3, September 2010, pp. 122-129 Although microbial life might survive the extreme conditions of space, for Homo sapien sapiens AND – provide serious challenges for humans engaged in space colonization (Figure 4). No Indo-Pak war Alagappa ‘9 Muthia Alagappa, Distinguished Senior Fellow at the East-West Center and PhD in International Affairs from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, “Nuclear Weapons Reinforce Security and Stability in 21st Century Asia,” Global Asia, Vol. 4, No. 1, Spring 2009 The stabilizing effect of nuclear weapons may be better illustrated in India-Pakistan relations AND November 26 terrorist attack in Mumbai has begun to characterize the bilateral relationship. Escalation empirically denied Drum ‘7 Kevin Drum, “The Chaos Hawk…” The Washington Monthly’s Political Animal Blog, 9/9/07, http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2007_09/012029.php Needless to say, this is nonsense. Israel has fought war after war in AND Algeria fought an internal civil war for a decade. No regional conflagration. No water wars—empirics are definitive—scarcity prompts cooperation—their ev is politically charged Allouche ’11 Jeremy Allouche, research fellow in water supply and sanitation at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, former visiting fellow at MIT’s Center for International Studies and visiting fellow at Oxford’s Center for International Studies, PhD in international relations from the Institute of International Studies in Geneva, “The sustainability and resilience of global water and food systems: Political analysis of the interplay between security, resource scarcity, political systems and global trade,” Food Policy, Vol. 36 Supp. 1, pp. S3-S8, January 2011, The question of resource scarcity has led to many debates on whether scarcity (whether AND Barnett and Adger, 2007 and Kevane and Gray, 2008). |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 7 | Opponent: Gtown EM | Judge: Eisenstadt, Clark, Jacobs 2NC—Framework Universality—totalizing theory is key to praxis—otherwise there is no logical basis for action. Also means their activism will be diluted and short-lived. Lukács ’67 György Lukács, History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, trans. Rodney Livingstone, MIT Press: Cambridge, 1967, p. 23-24 The practical danger of every such dualism shows itself in the loss of any directive AND they always and everywhere represent the interests of the movement as a whole." 2NC Impact Wall Try or die Foster ‘5 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at the University of Oregon, "Naked Imperialism," Monthly Review, Vol. 57 No. 4, 2005 From the longer view offered by a historical-materialist critique of capitalism, the AND raising the possibility of the collapse of civilization itself if present trends continue. AT: Perm Perm’s co-opted—causes extinction—the alt alone is key to revolutionary agency Parr ’13 Adrian Parr, The Wrath of Capital, 2013, p. 2-5 The fable provides an intriguing persp ective on freedom and autonomy. The golem has AND negotiable: the free market is left to negotiate our future for us. 1NR K AT: Cap Good Their epistemology is incoherent—we have to make strong truth claims to change anything Castree ’99 N. Castree, Professor of Geography, 1999 Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, June 1999 Capitalism (as we knew it) arguably suffers from serious epistemological, ontological and AND an no-longer-credible totality. There are other alternatives.22 They’re right that capital emerges from a series of contingent oppressions—however, it has retroactively totalized itself throughout them Zizek 2k Slavoj Zizek, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies in Ljubljana, 2000, Contingency, Hegemony, Universality, p. 225-27 In much the same way, is not Derrida’s ‘metaphysics of presence silently dominated AND developed countries to the Third World resistance to the neoliberal New World Order? Overproduction—all corrective measures only aggravate eventual collapses Wolff ‘9 Richard D. Wolff, Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York, “Peak Oil and Peak Capitalism,” The Oil Drum, 3/27/2009, http://www.theoildrum.com/node/5245 The concept of peak oil may apply more generally than its friends and foes realize AND , then undermine anti-crisis reforms, and thereby reproduce those crises. Capitalism is crises prone—collapse is inevitable Li ’13 Minqi Li, “The 21st Century: Is There An Alternative (to Socialism)?” Science and Society: Vol. 77, January 2013, No. 1, pp. 10-43, doi: 10.1521/siso.2013.77.1.10 Over the past one and a half century, the long-term tendency towards AND world system begins to break down (Li 2008, 113-138). AT: Cap K2 Space If your memory is foggy, let us refresh it—the commies won the space race. Market competition makes collaborative progress on science impossible—alt solves better Palecek ‘9 Mike Palecek, “Capitalism Versus Science,” In Defence of Marxism, 8/12/2009, http://www.marxist.com/capitalism-versus-science.htm The ultimate proof of capitalism’s hindrance of science and technology comes not from capitalism, AND Bush regime to see the negative effects religious bigotry can have on science. History is retroactively determined, but futurally contingent—action is key Sheehan ’12 Helena Sheehan, “Is History A Coherent Story?” Critical Legal Thinking, 2/20/2012, http://criticallegalthinking.com/2012/02/20/is-history-a-coherent-story/ What did impress me was marxism. What set marxism apart from all other modes AND there are no inevitable victories. History is intelligible, but not predictable. AT: Transition Wars Capitalism will continually appeal to fear of collapse to justify its existence - these rely on a logic that is epistemologically disabling and self-fulfilling Zizek ’97 Slavoj Zizek, Senior Researcher in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Ljubljana and Codirector of the Center for Humanities at Birkbeck College, "Multiculturalism, or, the Cultural Logic of Multinational Capitalism," New Left Review, No. 224, 1997, pp.25-27 Today, financial crisis is a permanent state of things the reference to which legitimizes AND Y, and then, upon your doing X, Y effectively ensues. Once the transition is underway, autonomous communities act together in resistance to capital – capitalism will be on the ropes, faced with resistance on an unprecedented scale Kovel ‘2 Joel Kovel, Professor of Social Studies at Bard College, 2002, The Enemy of Nature, p. 236-38 If such events as O’Connor envisions were to come to pass, they would not AND expropriators are expropriated, and the 500-year regime of capital falls. AT: Cap Solves War This best explains present social and international conflicts Everest ’12 Larry Everest, “WAR AND GLOBAL CAPITALISM: “Money for Jobs Not for War”: American Chauvinism and Reformist Illusions,” Global Research, 5/24/2012, http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=vaandaid=31024 The slogan also promotes the idea that the political powers-that-be— AND to the horrors the U.S. is committing around the world. Visions of limitless growth must be understood in their historical circumstances—baby boomer economists have never known anything else, and presume it will always be this way—only historical and structural analysis shows these utopian ideologies for what they are Foster and McChesney ’12 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, and Robert W. McChesney, Gutgsell Endowed Professor of Communication, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, “The Endless Crisis,” Monthly Review, May 2012, vol. 64, issue 1, pp. 1-28 In 1982, speaking three-and-a-half decades after his famous AND their presence within a capitalist system that was more and more globalized.39 |