Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge:
Nate Silver, NYT, "Sept 13: After convention bounce, holding Obama’s polls to a higher standard" 9/14 com/
On Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Eastern time, there was
. But the consensus of the data ought to quite strong for him.
Fried ’11 Rona Fried, "Oversight Hearing: How Obama’s Green Energy Agenda is Killing Jobs%21" Sustainable Business, 9/22/2011,
How Obama’s Green Energy Agenda is Killing Jobs is the title of Darrell Issa’s (
a simple message repeated over and over and over again in multiple venues.
Douglas Schoen, pollster for President Clinton, 2-8-2012, The Forgotten Swing Voter, Politico, p.
Neither party focuses on issues that matter most to people: reviving the economy,
their concerns will almost certainly promise four more years of the same gridlock.
Hussain 9-12 Murtaza Hussain, Toronto-based writer and analyst focused on issues related to Middle Eastern politics, "Why war with Iran would spell disaster," Al-Jazeera, 9/12/2012,
Leading members of the House and Congress from both parties as well as the closest
already begun to tout the inevitability of this action in a Romney presidency.
Daigneault ’10 Todd Daigneault, "Wars And Rumors of War—-A Strategic View of Any Possible Future Western/israeli Military Strike in The Middle East," Bukisa, 10/8/10,
Looking at any potential future strike against Iran by the West and Israel. This
had; Hezbollah and Syria would become dragged in as Iran’s strategic partners.