Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Violation – the second plank of their affirmative is extra topical –
Instead of removing current restrictions, they mandate that no further restrictions be placed on natural gas.
This policy is not supported within the resolution, which asks us to REMOVE restrictions, not BAN restrictions.
Voting issue for the following reasons
Limits – sets a precedent for the affirmative adding an unlimited number of planks to boost their solvency or get around defecits set in the topic.
Predictable ground – we can’t predict extra topical plan planks which means that we aren’t prepared for them.
Even if we get ground through the topical portions of their aff, they can outweigh our DAs with their advantages based off of extra topical action, and since we can’t predict it we will have to concede it and it will outweigh.
And they may try to say the portion that bans future regulations is a financial incentive – but its command and control which is distinct from a financial incentive which is direct.
Czinkota et al, Georgetown University McDonough school of business professor, 2009
Michael, Ilkka A. Ronkainen, Georgetown University McDonough school of business professor , and Michael H. Moffett, Thunderbird school of global management continental grain professorship, “Fundamentals of International Business”, google books, p.69, accessed 6-25-12, TAP
Voting issue for fairness and competitive equity