Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Text: Citing Executive Authority, the President of the United States of America should sign an executive order to substantially increase loan guarantees for small modular thermal reactors.
Observation 1: Not Topical—not legislation
Observation 2: Solves the case and doesn’t link to politics
Empirically, executive orders are used to increased domestic energy production.
Warrick %26 Eilperin ’04 ~Joby and Juliet, Staff Writers, Washington Post, "Old and Gas Hold the Reins in the Wild West; Land-Use Decisions Largely Favor Energy Industry", The Washington Post, 9/25~
While the annual number of new leases by oil and gas companies is down from
agency officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of repercussions.
XO shields the president from politics – Congress will ensure this, particularly in the arena of energy production.
Sovacool %26 Sovacool ’09 ~Ben and Kelly, Dr. Benjamin K. Sovacool is a Research Fellow in the Energy Governance Program at the Centre on Asia and Globalization, Sovacool is a Senior Research Associate at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. Article: Preventing National Electricity-Water Crisis Areas in the United States, Columbia Journal of Environmental Law~
The courts and Congress, in other words, do not want to deal with
the constraints faced by environmental and energy related legislation and Supreme Court rulings.