Pepperdine » Dantas-Evans Neg

Dantas-Evans  Neg

Last modified by Lydia Evans on 2013/02/13 19:43

1nc Debt Ceiling=

A. Congress will reach a compromise on the debt ceiling – but Obama will have to use his authority to get it done.

The Hill 1/2/13 ~[Mark Wasson, McConnell suggests early February deadline for passage of debt-ceiling bill,]

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) pivoted Wednesday from the "
in our efforts to achieve meaningful spending and government reform," he said. 

B. Energy debates cost capital

Addison 12—Associate Editor of E %26 P Magazine ~[Velda, Logjam Between Congress, Administration Hobbles Oil Policy,]

The continued bickering between Congress and the administration of President Barack Obama continues to be a major stumbling block for the industry.
The list of industry projects and initiatives that are being undermined grows on a daily
to generate an energy policy given the importance of energy in every country?
Those are questions we may never answer, but we at least need to come close. It is interesting to watch other countries be clear on energy policy. Perhaps being the largest energy user in the world and expecting that energy will always be there has tainted our way of looking at a policy aimed at keeping the US running.
With competition increasing for the remaining energy supplies and environmental considerations driving fuel choices,
energy policy, and we can’t wait for an emergency to create it.

C. Failure to raise the debt ceiling causes global economic catastrophe. 1/2/13 ~[Obama Tells Congress He Will Not Tolerate Another Debt-Ceiling Debacle,]

In a brief address Tuesday night, President Obama saluted the passage of a fiscal
released a statement saying, "Now the focus turns to cutting spending." 

D. Economic decline, in the context of this current economic crisis, leads to nuclear war.

O’Donnell ’9 ~[2-26, Sean, "Will this recession lead to World War III?" Baltimore Republican Examiner,, accessed 9/20/11~]

Could the current economic crisis affecting this country and the world lead to another world
possibility of World War III is averted. However sometimes history repeats itself. 

A. Our interpretation
The aff must defend a topical plan under this year’s resolution. The colon indicates that the USFG is the agent of the resolution.
 Webster’s ’00 ~[Guide to Grammar and Writing,]

Use a colon ~[ : ~] before a list or an explanation that is preceded
colon. The advice given above is consistent with the Gregg Reference Manual. 

And, "Resolved" means taking a specific courses of action.
American Heritage Dictionary ’06 ~[American Heritage Dictionary,]

INTRANSITIVE VERB:1. To reach a decision or make a determination: resolve on a course of action. 2. To  become separated or reduced to constituents. 3. Music To undergo resolution.   

We believe the best for of debate is a competing dialogue – the creation of a "counterword" in direct response to a "word" is necessary for real understanding.
Bahktin’90 ~[Russian philopher and novelist, quoted in 1990, ed. Biz/ell %26 Herzberg, The Rhetorical Tradition, pg. 944~]

We have already had occasion to speak of the philological type of passive understanding,
the current of verbal intercourse endows a word with the light of meaning.

B. The Violation

  1. Their action is not federal government action.
    Black’s Law Dictionary ’99 ~[Dictionary, Seventh Edition, p.703~]

A national government that exercises some degree of control over smaller political units that have surrendered some degree of power in exchange for the right to participate in national political matters.

2.  They don’t respond to the respond to the resolution with a specific course of action.
3. They disrupt fairness norms -
A) Predictable ground is different and more important than ground: predictable ground can only come from the resolution because it is the only stable pre-tournament director of research—the fact that there is "neg" to their aff doesn’t mean we could have anticipated and adequately researched all those ideas to compete fairly.
B) They decimate level playing field: We may have some options but not the generic ground the negative is entitled to via fairness norms and the aff obligation to provide us a place at the table. It’s like inviting us to play football but we are the only ones expected to play without a ball – sure, we can play, but we can never score.
C) Breadth is worse than depth – having a lopsided debate about strategy is not as good as a debate on the central questions of the resolution.
D) Crushes topic specific education – one of the things we get out of the debate is the ability to flesh out ideas on a given topic over the course of the year – they deny us of this awesome opportunity by redirecting the conversation.
E) If they argue that the educational value of their arguments outweigh fairness, they are putting the cart before the horse – saying education outweighs fairness begs the questions of whether you provide productive education and the only way to judge this if the neg has the ability to predictably research answers to your arguments.
C. Impacts and reasons to vote

  1.  Fairness norms are critical to fostering an effective dialogic—abandoning them undermines diversity
    Muir ’93 ~[Star Muir, prof. of speech communication @ George Mason University, 1993. (Philosophy %26 Rhetoric, vol. 26; pg. 290-291~] 

A final point about relativism is that switch-side debate encourages fairness and equality
knowledge of alternative views and the concomitant strength of a reasoned moral conviction.
2.  Dialogic role-playing is key to developing tolerance %26 empathy—alternative pedagogies risk egocentrism and intolerance.
Muir ’93 ~[Department of Communication, George Mason University, 93 ~[Star, Philosophy %26 Rhetoric, 26.4~]

The first response to the charge of relativism is that switch-side debate respects
reasons, is a central element of any effort to gain such insight.

3.  Oppositional discourses stop otherization and genocide- turns the case. (develops a desire to seek an understanding of the otherside)
Ehringer ’70 ~[Douglas Ehninger, prof. of speech communication at the University of Iowa, 1970, (Speech Monographs, vol. 37; 110)~]

But this process also is reflexive, for insofar as we treat the "other
~[sic~] man from ~[sic~] man and nation from nation.


State action and institutional ethics makes anti-blackness worse - erases the exploitation of the black body
Wilderson, award-winning author of Incognegro: A Memoir of Exile and Apartheid. He is one of two Americans to hold elected office in the African National Congress and is a former insurgent in the ANC’s armed wing, 2003 (Frank B. III "Introduction: Unspeakable Ethics" Red, White, %26 Black: Cinema and the Strucure of U.S. Antagonisms, Pg 15-16) GG
Regarding the Black position, some might ask why, after claims successfully made on
occur? The woman at the gates of Columbia University awaits an answer.

Because the affirmatives focuses on HUMANS and the transbody, they also exclude the black body from their politics and this perpetuates anti-blackness which materializes in social death and white supremacy

Wilderson, award-winning author of Incognegro: A Memoir of Exile and Apartheid. He is one of two Americans to hold elected office in the African National Congress and is a former insurgent in the ANC’s armed wing, 2010  (Frank B. III "Introduction: Unspeakable Ethics" Red, White, %26 Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms, Pg 15) GG
I have little interest in assailing political conservatives. Nor is my argument wedded to
or conservative scholarship—is where the Settler/Master’s sinews are most resilient

The world writ large and civil society are preconditioned on the destruction of those in the black positionality
Wilderson, Professor UCI, 2003 (Frank B., "The Prison Slave as Hegemony’s (Silent) Scandal", Soc Justice 30 no2 2003, Accessed 8-4-12, MR)
There is something organic to black positionality that makes it essential to the destruction of
junior partners: Black citizenship, or Black civic obligation, are oxymorons.
Addressing Anti-Blackness outweighs – scandalizes ethicality and sets the stage for all violnece
Wilderson, award-winning author of Incognegro: A Memoir of Exile and Apartheid. He is one of two Americans to hold elected office in the African National Congress and is a former insurgent in the ANC’s armed wing, 2003 (Frank B. III "Chapter One: The Ruse of Analogy" Red, White, %26 Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms,) GG
Two tensions are at work here. One operates under the labor of ethical dilemmas
" (110) or, more precisely, in the eyes of Humanity
The alternative is to reject the affirmative and reorient ourselves towards the world through an unflinching paradigmatic analysis
Wilderson 10 ~[Frank B. III, Ph.D., Associate Professor at UC Irvine, former ANC member, "on some guerilla shit", Red, White %26 Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms, pages ix-x, OG~]
STRANGE AS it might seem, this book project began in South Africa. During
Lekubu, Andile Mngxitama, Prishani Naidoo, John Shai, and S’bu Zulu

Policing/Settler societies allow for the black body to be a magnet for gratuitous violence

Wilderson, Professor UCI, 2003 (Frank B., "The Prison Slave as Hegemony’s (Silent) Scandal", Soc Justice 30 no2 2003, Accessed 8-4-12, MR)
It makes no difference that in the U.S. the "casbah"
upon on an anti-Black rhetorical structure and a decomposed Black body?

Transpolitics and the methodology of transgender rage continues to exclude the black body

MacDonald 11(Joe, "Incoherence: Ethical (Trans)masculinities in New Zealand" <>)

==F Kritik==

(—) "Fuck" is a term used to exhibit patriarchial control over women—it is used to dominate and control women viewed as too emotional by society:

Allan G. Johnson, The Gender Knot, 2005 accessed at:  (,M1)

In other words, the Wild Man represents what is most difficult for humans to
autonomy and power and a hairy, carnal juiciness that defies male control.

(—) PATRIARCHY Threatens all life on earth, reifying violence- turning case

Betty Reardon, Director, Peace Education Program, Columbia, WOMEN AND PEACE, 1993, pp. 30-1.
A clearly visible element in the escalating tensions among militarized nations is the macho posturing
paralyzed. The ultimate result of unchecked terminal patriarchy will be nuclear holocaust.


1nc Human-centrism (Questioning / K affs)*

A. Their criticism does not challenge the preconception that human problems are those worth solving – modern philosophical discussions are necessarily human-centered.

Singer ’89, Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University and Laureate Professor at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at the University of Melbourne ~[All Animals Are Equal, TOM REGAN %26 PETER SINGER (eds.), Animal Rights and Human Obligations, New Jersey, 1989, pp. 148-162~]

Experimenting on animals, and eating their flesh, are perhaps the two major forms
say tends to confirm the reader in his or her comfortable speciesist habits. 

B. We must deny the urge to align ourselves with their human-centric politics – it is an all or nothing question.

Dell’Aversano ’10 ~[Carmen, "the love whose name cannot be spoken: queering the human-animal bond" journal for critical animal studies, volume III issue 1 and 2, 2010~]

A real ―oxymoronic community of difference‖, embracing not only all possible variants of
to be different from what we are, to have moved beyond ourselves. 

C C. Vote neg to reject the 1ac —maintaining the human-non-human binary dooms them to endless cycles of subordination and violence.

Best ’07, Associate Professor, Departments of Humanities and Philosophy University of Texas, El Paso ~[Steven, Charles Patterson, The Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust New York: Lantern Books, 2002, 280 pp~]

While a welcome advance over the anthropocentric conceit that only humans shape human actions,
and stewardship, which however was Judaic moral baggage official Chistianithy left behind. 

Text: we our advocacy we affirm critical transgender politics to challenge cissupremacy

A. Punctuation is oppressive.

Richards ’92 ~[Jeffrey, Daily Mail, LN~]

’Presenting kids with knowledge stifles their creativity,’ runs the argument. So their grammar, spelling and punctuation must not be corrected because it will upset and inhibit them. Any attempt to prescribe reading for them is ’oppressive’. 

B. This type of psychological oppression is the worst form of dehumanization.

Bartky ’90, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Illinois at Chicago ~[Sandra Lee, Femininity and domination: studies in the phenomenology of oppression, pg 29-30~]

Here the Egyptions, one group of persons, exercise harsh dominion over the Israelites
to believe that they lack the capacity to be autonomous whatever their position.

C. Dehumanization outweighs all of their impacts.

Berube ’97 ~[]

This means-ends dispute is at the core of Montagu and Matson’s treatise on
inevitable for every epoch has evil and dehumanization is evil’s most powerful weapon. 



Case Turn – The Aff uses these trans bodies in the same way that they critique the current political system. They use the experiences of these real people, who often face death, as pawns to win debate, which results in backlash. 

1) When arguing the nature of trans politics the natural response is to discipline them back into male and female boxes.
2) Speaking for Others  The Aff is utilizing the unfortunate position of trans persons as a position to win debate.
3) Adversarial format of debate pre-conditions us to be in a constant mind-frame of argument – forcing us to automatically find fault with the opposing side and prove them wrong - this results in backlash. 

The cultural predisposition to binaries is too strong, the affirmative’s discussion of transgender simply reinforces the social predisposition to discipline bodies into binary norms.

 Sloop 04,  (John M., Disciplining Gender: rhetoric’s of sex identity in contemporary U.S. culture. An expert on the rhetoric of the mass media, John M. Sloop has written several books on how the spoken and written word can influence political and cultural debate. p.27-28).

Hence, rhetorically and culturally, the public discussion of the case creates a complex
face – the same reiterations that impel and sustain our own gender performances.

The question of transgender in public discourse puts a spotlight onto gender ambiguity and forces an answer from society. 

Sloop 04,  (John M., Disciplining Gender: rhetoric’s of sex identity in contemporary U.S. culture. An expert on the rhetoric of the mass media, John M. Sloop has written several books on how the spoken and written word can influence political and cultural debate. p.52 ).

Historically, cases of gender ambiguity – or gender trouble – brought on by public
it takes place in a contemporary, and mass mediated, cultural context. 

Case Turn - The discussion of transgender in an adversarial context mandates a hostile reaction and attitude toward transgender.

Sloop 04,  (John M., Disciplining Gender: rhetoric’s of sex identity in contemporary U.S. culture. An expert on the rhetoric of the mass media, John M. Sloop has written several books on how the spoken and written word can influence political and cultural debate. p.53).

As a result, in Butler’s words, the discourse surrounding the Brandon Teena incident
and sedimented, as Greene reminds us, reifying norms and stabilizing identities. 

We need to not only understand individual realities, but the consequences of our rhetorical constructions of those realities. Simply negating current constructions is not enough to alter the current political violence against those who do not fit into the binary norm.

Sloop 04,  (John M., Disciplining Gender: rhetoric’s of sex identity in contemporary U.S. culture. An expert on the rhetoric of the mass media, John M. Sloop has written several books on how the spoken and written word can influence political and cultural debate. p.79).

In Gender Outlaw, Kate Bornstein says that one of her purposes was to understand
all of us must negotiate and hence should be everyone’s shared critical responsibility. 

We must acknowledge that rhetoric constructs gender and that our discourse has implications on those we talk about.

Sloop 04,  (John M., Disciplining Gender: rhetoric’s of sex identity in contemporary U.S. culture. An expert on the rhetoric of the mass media, John M. Sloop has written several books on how the spoken and written word can influence political and cultural debate. p.81-82).

Finally, I am not trying to suggest that, "male," "Female
reenvision rhetoric as a constructor of gender rather than as constructed by gender. 

As a society we socially and culturally discipline transgender into hetronormative norms.


Invitation rhetoric creates a ground of quality, value, and the desire for the audience to engage and understand the topic – proves better for education and fairness

Foss and Griffen 95  (Beyond Persuasion: A proposal for an invitational rhetoric. COMM UNICATIÓN MONOGRAPHS, Volume 62, March 1995). 

Invitational rhetoric is an invitation to understanding as a means to create a  relationship rooted in equality, immanent value, and self-determination.
Invitational rhetoric constitutes an invitation to the audience to enter the rhetor’s
world and to see it as the rhetor does. In presenting a particular perspective, the
invitational rhetor does not judge or denigrate others’ perspectives but is open  to and tries
rhetor, is re-sourcement (Gearhart, 1982). Re-sourcement 

1NC (Policy Affs)

A.Energy legislation has inherently been a tool to exploit First Americans

LaDuke 05(Winona, member of the Mississippi Band of Anishinaabeg, Program Director of Honor the Earth an organization that creates awareness for Native environmental issues, "Recovering the Sacred: The Power of Naming and Claiming", pgs. 237-238)
Tribes have historically played a large role in energy production, although they have received
of the reservation-based American Inidan community lives on these 61 reservations. 

B. Their attempt to incentivize energy production/ remove market barriers for energy production serves as a mask for the state, making it appear benevolent, even as its existence is contingent upon a continuing legacy of colonization that guarantees continued exploitation, turning the case

I’ll debunk some of this nonsense in a moment, but first I want to
, sexist, classist, homophobic, militaristic order on non-Indians.

C. The Alternative is to reject the Affirmative and pursue indigenous land return as a first priority. This act of impossible realism solves the case—Colonization is the root cause of oppression, exploitation and war. Only a return to an indigenous politics can remedy the ills of colonialism

The question which inevitably arises with regard to indigenous land claims, especially in the
realism." Isn’t it time we all went to work on attaining it?

Created by Lydia Evans on 2013/02/13 19:22

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