Oregon » Bergus-Gaffney Neg

Bergus-Gaffney Neg

Last modified by Katie Bergus on 2012/11/17 20:10

Energy production excludes transformation – it must be primary
Eurostat (EU Commission’s energy statistics organization) July 6, 2012 “Glossary: Primary production of energy” http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics_explained/index.php/Glossary:Primary_production_of_energy

Primary production of energy is any  [...] , is not primary production.

Thorium is not production – it’s an energy transformation
Guardian 11 [Eifion Rees for The Ecologist, June 23, 2011, Guardian Environment Network, “Don't believe the spin on thorium being a greener nuclear option”]
Anti-nuclear campaigner Peter Karamoskos  [...] , not the final word.


Text: The United States Department of Defense should propose that [PLAN] as a recommendation for the 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review. 

QDR can recommend the plan – would be enacted by the purpose specific procurement secretary
American Council on Renewable Energy, “U.S. Department of Defense & Renewable Energy: An Industry Helping the Military Meet Its Strategic Energy Objectives,” Advanced Energy Economy, 1/2012. http://www.acore.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/DoD-Renewable-Energy-Primer.pdf

In response to a Quadrennial  [...] 11 billion on operational energy.25

That spurs private investment – military technology acts as a proving ground
American Council on Renewable Energy, “U.S. Department of Defense & Renewable Energy: An Industry Helping the Military Meet Its Strategic Energy Objectives,” Advanced Energy Economy, 1/2012. http://www.acore.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/DoD-Renewable-Energy-Primer.pdf

DoD’s energy needs in both of  [...] technologies in a combat environment.29

Solvent fiscal cliff passes now—Obama pushing, and saves economy—Geithner proves
Katz 11/17 [Ian, “Geithner Says Deal to Avert Fiscal Cliff Can Be Made in Weeks,” Bloomberg News. 11/17/12. http://www.sfgate.com/business/bloomberg/article/Geithner-Says-Deal-to-Avert-Fiscal-Cliff-Can-Be-4045654.php, uo-tjs

Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner  [...] “until early in 2013.”

Plan causes a backlash and drain capitalchanged political environment
Alex Trembath, policy fellow, New Energy Leader's Project, AEL, "Nuclear Power and the Future of Post-Partisan Energy Policy," LEAD ENERGY, 2
411, http://leadenergy.org/2011/02/the-nuclear-option-in-a-post-partisan-approach-on-energy/

Nuclear power is unique among clean  [...] is not an impassable one.

Capital key to a deal, averts depression
Andrew Sullivan, "Now, Govern," The Daily Dish, DAILY BEAST, 11912, http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2012/11/now-govern.html

I'm as amazed as everyone else  [...] and magnanimous. And fast.

Nuclear war
Ockham Research 08 (Ockham Research, Economic Distress and Geopolitical Risks by: Ockham Research, Ockham Research Staff November 18, 2008????Ockham Research Ockham Research is an independent research provider based in Atlanta, Georgia providing security analysis)

The hardship and turmoil which  [...] . and the world.


A. The affirmative’s deployment of energy incentives is the new green twist to neoliberalism. It relies on the production of a set of “eco-knowledges” which are intrinsically linked to the biopolitical fostering and management of life. This makes environmental destruction and violence invisible.

Karin Bäckstrand, Wallenberg Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science at Lund University, and Eva Lövbrand, Department of Environmental Science at Kalmar University, 2006, “Planting Trees to Mitigate Climate Change: Contested Discourses of Ecological Modernization, Green Governmentality and Civic Environmentalism”, Global Environmental Politics, Vol. 6 No. 1, pg 50-75. uo-tjs

Ecological Modernization
From the 1980s  [...] in the civic environmentalism discourse below. 

B. The ecological biopolitics of the affirmative subjects the body to codes of discipline and power that produce genocide and atomic extinction—turning the case.  

Richard Hindmarsh, Professor at the Australian School of Environmental Studies - Griffith University, April 2005, “Green Biopolitics & the Molecular Reordering of Nature,” http://www.essex.ac.uk/ecpr/events/jointsessions/ paperarchive/granada/ws16/Hindmarsh.pdf, Accessed Online: 07/20/09. uo-tjs

The first usage of the term  [...] , populations and their environments.

C. Alternative: Don’t tie your ballot to the same old political truths that create conditions for violence. Vote NOT AFF as a refusal of those assumptions and participation in the politics of criticism that is the 1NC. 

The universal intellectual practice of the Aff merely serves to buttress biopolitics – only becoming a specific intellectual, using your decision to mark the crude points of the 1AC’s discourse – can make debate a space to challenge regimes of truth and power

David Owen, Professor of Social and Political Philosophy at the University of Southampton, 1994, Morality and Modernity. pp. 208-210. uo-tjs

The ‘universal’ intellectual, on  [...] determinations of who we are. 


Framing issue for all evidence—their evidence is either based on conspiracy theories OR has no technical expertise
Shahan, director/editor – CleanTechnica, writer – Scientific American, 9/11/’12
(Zachary, “Why Thorium Nuclear Isn’t Featured on CleanTechnica,” http://cleantechnica.com/2012/09/11/why-thorium-nuclear-isnt-featured-on-cleantechnica/)

Now, before I get into  [...] want cheap, safe energy? 

No chance for resources wars—root causes lie elsewhere—Alarm bells are just that

David G. Victor (professor of law at Stanford Law School and the director of the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development) November 12 2007 “What Resource Wars?”

RISING ENERGY prices and mounting concerns  [...] a dearth in governance.

On warming: murkerjee himself says that no impact until 2050 at earliest
momentum makes warming inevitable for decades 

The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), staff, STRATEGIC SURVEY v. 107 n. 1, September 2007, pp. 33-84

The IPCC's Summary for Policymakers on  [...] the atmosphere for decades to centuries.

China overwhelms

John Vidal and David Adam, journalists, “China Overtakes US as World’s Biggest CO2 Emitter,” GUARDIAN, 6-19-07, www.globalpolicy.org/socecon/envronmt/climate/2007/0619chinaclimate.htm, accessed 5-20-08.

China has overtaken the United States  [...] and half that of the UK.

Don’t solve alt causes—
a) Malaccan Straits
'The Emerging Cold War on Asia's High Seas'', http://www.pinr.com/report.php?ac=view_report&report_id=439

Nevertheless, the race to secure  [...] intangible issues of national identity. 

On reefs: 99.9% of all species have gone extinct and Species loss is inevitable: they can’t solve all causes
New Straits Times (Malaysia), February 4, 2001
Monash University Malaysia's Bachelor of Science  [...] of rainforests and even over population." 

Fails—won’t accept nuclear waste
McGoldrick 11
Fred McGoldrick, CSIS, spent 30 years at the U.S. State and Energy Departments and at the U.S. mission to the IAEA, negotiated peaceful nuclear cooperation agreements with a number of countries and helped shape the policy of the United States to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, May 2011, Limiting Transfers of Enrichment and Reprocessing Technology: Issues, Constraints, Options, http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/files/MTA-NSG-report-color.pdf

The political obstacles to offering broad [...] other states’ spent nuclear fuel.

long timeframe
National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL), United Kingdom, "The Thorium Fuel Cycle," 2010, www.nnl.co.uk/media/27860/nnl1314092891_thorium_cycle_position_paper.pdf

In the event of thorium fuel  [...] the market conditions are conducive.

No spillover - Nobody will adopt our safety standards
Ferguson 10—President of the Federation of American Scientists.Adjunct Professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University and an Adjunct Lecturer in the National Security Studies Program at the Johns Hopkins University.  (Charles, Testimony before the  House Committee on Science and Technology for the hearing on Charting the Course for American Nuclear Technology: Evaluating the Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy Research and Development Roadmap, http://gop.science.house.gov/Media/hearings/full10/may19/Ferguson.pdf)

Request the Obama administration to provide  [...] in oneor more of the standards

1) Agency—Our methodology sets up a framework for action that solves their harms—the recognition that power is everywhere enables creative avenues of resistance.

Lucie White, Professor of Law at the University of California at Los Angeles, 1992. 77 Cornell L. Rev. 1499. LN. uo-tjs

The second reason that Foucault's  [...] in the microdynamics of everyday life.

Our Kritik comes first—if we win a link argument it proves the affirmative is based on a production of knowledge, which favors certain understandings of reality while marginalizing others—our kritik calls into question the truth claims of the affirmative. 

Karin Bäckstrand, Wallenberg Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science at Lund University, and Eva Lövbrand, Department of Environmental Science at Kalmar University, 2006, Planting Trees to Mitigate Climate Change: Contested Discourses of Ecological Modernization, Green Governmentality and Civic Environmentalism, Global Environmental Politics, Vol. 6 No. 1, pg 50-75. uo-tjs

Discourses of Environmental Governance
 [...] making sense of environmental governance.


Their call for greener energy is part of a broader declaration of a state of emergency—they bring more and more of us into their scheme of global regulation. 

Timothy W Luke, Department of Political Science at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 2008, The Politics of True Convenience or Inconvenient Truth: Struggles Over How to Sustain Capitalism, Democracy, and Ecology in the 21st Century, Environment and Planning, Vol. 40, pg 1811-1824. UO-TJS

In other respects, then [...] immediately reversible or completely correctable.
Environmental policy rely on a biocentric worldview resulting in all encompassing interventions.

Timothy W. Luke, Professor of Political Science at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1997, “The (Un)wise (Ab)use of Nature: Environmentalism as Globalized Consumerism?”

An environmental act, even though  [...] will be explored below. 

Impact—Turns Case—Environment

The aff’s impacts rely on environmental risk assessment which fails to capture the scope or depth of human damage to the environment, providing only the illusion of security, such an illusion only legitimates the potential for catastrophe 

Timothy W. Luke, Professor of Political Science at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, June 1996, “Generating Green Governmentality: A Cultural Critique of Environmental Studies as a Power/Knowledge Formation”  http://www.cddc.vt.edu/tim/tims/Tim514a.htm

As Beck suggests, this risk  [...] victims of "risks lost." 

Working within contemporary exercises on the limits of power is a normalization of resistance. Liberal thought as a mechanism for freedom destroys a value to life and is a result of a conditioning of power towards certain avenues of action. 

Thomas Dumm, Professor of Political Science at Amherst College, 1996, “Michel Foucault and the Politics of Freedom.” P. 116-117. uo-tjs

Here I am slightly ahead of  [...] repression in a disciplinary age.

6. Turn—Serial Policy Failure—The permutation displaces criticism with action, ignoring the epistemological assumptions that generate policy formation. This paralysis of analysis makes solvency impossible.

Michael Dillon and Julian Reid, 2000. “Global Governance, Liberal Peace, and Complex Emergency,” Alternatives: Social Transformation & Humane Governance, Jan-Mar 2000, Vol. 25, Issue 1, EBSCO. uo-tjs

More specifically, where there is  [...] as Foucauldian "biopower" ways.  

7. Turn—Co-Option—Institutionalization traps us in an iron cage of rationalization that leaves us soulless—our alternative’s approach to freedom as an open-ended criticism is better

Wendy Brown, Professor of Political Theory @ UC Berkeley, 1995. States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity p. 23-24. uo-tjs
In addition to the immediate political  [...] nightmare of bureaucratic dehumanization and soullessness.

Human adaptation prevents extinction.

Malcolm Gladwell, The New Republic, July 17 and 24, 1995, excerpted in Epidemics: Opposing Viewpoints, 1999, p. 29

In Plagues and Peoples, which  [...] immune systems are still naïve.

disease impacts are hype – big pharm funds negative studies

Henderson 6
Mark, Drugs companies 'inventing diseases to boost their profits', Science Correspondent, Online

The practice of “diseasemongering”  [...] of health”, they say.

No impact – anything virulent enough to be a threat would destroy its host too quickly

Joshua Lederberg, professor of genetics at Stanford University School of Medicine, 99, Epidemic The World of Infectious Disease, p. 13

The toll of the fourteenth- [...] of large-scale ecological upsets.

Neolib not key to tech

Global Media, Neoliberalism, and Imperialism Robert W. McChesney 1 Monthly Review 2001, Volume 52, Issue 10 (March) Robert W. McChesney teaches at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana and is an Acting Editor of Monthly Review. A version of this essay was originally presented in November 2000 at a UNESCO conference on the future of global media. http://monthlyreview.org/2001/03/01/global-media-neoliberalism-and-imperialism#top

Why has this taken place [...] the emerging global media system.

Neolib kills techit locks in profit as the only motive of innovation. Only the alternative solves tech.

Mike Palecek 12 August 2009 http://www.marxist.com/capitalism-versus-science.htm Capitalism Versus Science

We are constantly bombarded with the  [...] in our way is capitalism.

Santos 03 Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Collective Suicide?,Issue #63, April 2003, Bad Subjects.com http://bad.eserver.org/issues/2003/63/santos.html/view?searchterm=Santos

According to Franz Hinkelammert,  [...] of thousands of innocent civilians. 


Capital control the direction of uniqueness
Christopher Rowland et al., "Economy Kept Obama Afloat, Blocked Romney Win," BOSTON GLOBE, 11712, http://bostonglobe.com/news/nation/2012/11/07/economy-kept-obama-afloat-blocked-romney-win/GGjoaHhlk06KobPutBJoSP/story.html

Next up for Obama is proving  [...] includes higher taxes for the wealthy

Cliff passes now
Arthur Postal, "Dealmakers at Work on Fiscal Cliff," CREDIT UNION TIMES, 11812,

Washington is again focusing on the  [...] reform that brings in revenues.

Plan drains capital and causes an immediate fight
Szondy, ‘12
[David, freelance writer  Gizmag, 2-16, “Feature: Small modular nuclear reactors - the future of energy?” http://www.gizmag.com/small-modular-nuclear-reactors/20860/]

The problem is that nuclear energy  [...] take an almost schizophrenic stance regarding the atom.

Plan is very unpopular
Werbach 11 Adam Werbach. “Japan Quake May Stall U.S. Nuclear-Power Expansion Plans,” The Atlantic, 31512 http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2011/03/japan-quake-may-stall-us-nuclear-power-expansion-plans/72485/

Renewable energy advocates are concerned that  [...] , solar stocks jumped today.


On reefs: 99.9% of all species have gone extinct and Species loss is inevitable: they can’t solve all causes
New Straits Times (Malaysia), February 4, 2001
Monash University Malaysia's Bachelor of Science  [...] and even over population." 

Status quo proves our argno thorium now because it is not cost-competitive
National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL), "The Thorium Fuel Cycle: An Independent Assessment by the UK National Nuclear Laboratory," Position Paper, 8
10, www.nnl.co.uk/media/27860/nnl1314092891_thorium_cycle_position_paper.pdf, accessed 9-29-12.

There have been many other international  [...] uranium reserves become more scarce.

Uranium will outcompetemore readily available, even if thorium is more abundant in nature
Oliver Tickell, "Thorium: Not 'Green', not 'Viable', and not Likely," NUCLEAR PLEDGE, 2012, www.nuclearpledge.com/reports/ [...] countries in which it is abundant.

3) no commercialization
National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL), "The Thorium Fuel Cycle: An Independent Assessment by the UK National Nuclear Laboratory," Position Paper, 810, www.nnl.co.uk/media/27860/nnl1314092891_thorium_cycle_position_paper.pdf, accessed 9-29-12.

NNL believes that the thorium  [...] entirely new fuel cycle.


A. Interpretation: Restriction means a limiting factor
American Heritage Dictionary 09
Something that  [...] restricts; a regulation or limitation.

The nuclear industry is a net loss for jobs—researchers prove, other sectors solve better the aff creates the wrong incentive
Warnock 2012 (Wall street Journal, Fukushima Watch: No Reactors, Fewer Jobs?, http://blogs.wsj.com/japanrealtime/2012/07/13/fukushima-watch-no-reactors-fewer-jobs/) JA

 [...] .

Won’t boost the economy – multiple obstacles

The enormous technical and financial risks  [...] company to its knees financially." 

Doesn’t solve the economy
Exeter ‘9 [“Nuclear power offers no solutions for our future; Nuclear power is not carbon-free”, November 13, lexis]

So nuclear power is neither a  [...] real solution to nuclear waste. 

Warming is inevitable – carbon lingers in the atmosphere and the earth goes through natural cycles 

Nuclear reactors are too little, too late for global warming
Madsen et al 09 (Travis Madsen and Tony Dutzik, analysts for Frontier Group, Bernadette Del Chiaro and Rob Sargent Environment America Research & Policy Center, November 2009, “GENERATING FAILURE How Building Nuclear Power Plants Would Set America Back in the Race Against Global Warming” Frontier Group, Environment America) http://www.frontiergroup.org/sites/default/files/reports/Generating-Failure---Environment-America---Web.pdf

Even Without Delays, the Nuclear  [...] the risk of catastrophic global warming. 

2NC AT: Perm—Do Both  

5. Turn—Extinction—Working within contemporary exercises on the limits of power is a normalization of resistance. Liberal thought as a mechanism for freedom destroys a value to life and is a result of a conditioning of power towards certain avenues of action. 

Thomas Dumm, Professor of Political Science at Amherst College, 1996, “Michel Foucault and the Politics of Freedom.” P. 116-117. uo-tjs

Here I am slightly ahead of  [...] repression in a disciplinary age.

6. Turn—Serial Policy Failure—The permutation displaces criticism with action, ignoring the epistemological assumptions that generate policy formation. This paralysis of analysis makes solvency impossible.

Michael Dillon and Julian Reid, 2000. “Global Governance, Liberal Peace, and Complex Emergency,” Alternatives: Social Transformation & Humane Governance, Jan-Mar 2000, Vol. 25, Issue 1, EBSCO. uo-tjs

More specifically, where there  [...] as Foucauldian "biopower" ways.  

7. Turn—Co-Option—Institutionalization traps us in an iron cage of rationalization that leaves us soulless—our alternative’s approach to freedom as an open-ended criticism is better

Wendy Brown, Professor of Political Theory @ UC Berkeley, 1995. States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity p. 23-24. uo-tjs

In addition to the immediate political  [...] bureaucratic dehumanization and soullessness.

2NC AT: Perm—Reject in Other Instances

  1. Ignorance DA—It has the additional consequence of making us unaware of the terms of the rationality that generate biopolitics, precluding successful critique.

Wendy Brown, Professor of Political Theory at the University of California at Berkeley, 2001, Politics Out of History. p 115-116. uo-tjs

Regardless of whether Foucault is invoking  [...] and dogmatism than is abstract criticism."" 

2NC Framework—Power/Knowledge (Must Read)

Our Kritik comes first—if we win a link argument it proves the affirmative is based on a production of knowledge, which favors certain understandings of reality while marginalizing others—our kritik calls into question the truth claims of the affirmative. 

Karin Bäckstrand, Wallenberg Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science at Lund University, and Eva Lövbrand, Department of Environmental Science at Kalmar University, 2006, Planting Trees to Mitigate Climate Change: Contested Discourses of Ecological Modernization, Green Governmentality and Civic Environmentalism, Global Environmental Politics, Vol. 6 No. 1, pg 50-75. uo-tjs

Discourses of Environmental Governance
Discourse  [...] when making sense of environmental governance.


2NC Alternative Extension
1) Agency—Our methodology sets up a framework for action that solves their harms—the recognition that power is everywhere enables creative avenues of resistance.

Lucie White, Professor of Law at the University of California at Los Angeles, 1992. 77 Cornell L. Rev. 1499. LN. uo-tjs

The second reason that Foucault's picture   [...] in the microdynamics of everyday life.

Claims of “no alternative” are ridiculouscriticism is fundamental to any meaningful social transformation
Michel Foucault, College de France, POWER, ed. J.D. Faubion, 1994, p. 456.

I'll reply first to the point  [...] , would only be superficial transformation.

Viewing power as relational is liberating—opens up a plethora of new ways to know and be
Steven L. Winter, Professor, Law, University of Miami, “The ‘Power’ Thing,” VIRGINIA LAW REVIEW v. 82, August 1996, p. 835.

The second advantage of this reconception  [...] necessarily redistributes to the other. 

Denials of Foucault’s insights about power merely replicate the problems he criticizes
Andrew W. Neal, School of Politics, Philosophy, International Relations, and the Environment, Keel University, “Cutting Off the King’s Head: Foucault’s Society Must Be Defended and the Problem of Sovereignty,” ALTERNATIVES v. 29, 2004, pp. 377.

These critiques of Foucault on sovereignty  [...] stakes involved in that discourse.

Pleasure Principle:

A. Critique’s infusion of pleasure into political work is a net benefit, because it works as a crucial source of political motivation.
Wendy Brown, Political Theory @ UC Berkeley, and Janet Halley, Law @ Harvard, 2002, Introduction. Left Legalism/Left Critique p. 32. uo-tjs

Of course, there are those  [...] foreclose systematic critiques of sheer domination?

B. Perm doesn’t solve-its stark reference to the immediate “case harms” is precisely the suffering-mongering critique aims to displace as the motivation for political work
Wendy Brown, Political Theory @ UC Berkeley, and Janet Halley, Law @ Harvard, 2002, Introduction. Left Legalism/Left Critique p. 33. uo-tjs

We wish to challenge yet another  [...] stability of suffering itself.



Threats of runaway warming are an attempt to exert greater control over the new biosphere, exerting new knowledge from the science sector is just another link into the K
Timothy W Luke, Department of Political Science at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 2008, The Politics of True Convenience or Inconvenient Truth: Struggles Over How to Sustain Capitalism, Democracy, and Ecology in the 21st Century, Environment and Planning, Vol. 40, pg 1811-1824. uo-tjs

4 Conclusions: `I [ [...] by whom remain important open questions.


Using the economy as justification for environmental action reduces nature to an economic calculation enhancing state power and corporate profits

Timothy W. Luke, Professor of Political Science at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1997, “The (Un)wise (Ab)use of Nature: Environmentalism as Globalized Consumerism?”

Gore's program for earth stewardship takes  [...] be both possible and profitable."24 

2NC Impact—Extinction* 

Biopolitics based on a normalized accumulation of knowledge produces the most dangerous subjectivity—Liberalism becomes totalitarianism as it becomes concerned with the administration of life at the level of species. It requires the elimination of all threats to the security of the population through genocide as death of the abnormal other is seen as intimately linked to the health of the race—this culminates in extinction. 

Kasper Hoffmann, International Development Studies at Roskilde University, May 2007. “Militarised Bodies and Spirits of Resistance,” http://diggy.ruc.dk:8080/handle/1800/2766, Accessed Online: 09/15/09.

In modern forms of government,  [...] feature of modern processes of government.

Impact—Turns Case—Warming 

Faith in incentives through the neoliberal market ignores the ways in which they are embedded infrastructures in the production of climate change in the first place—Turns the case. 

Timothy W Luke, Department of Political Science at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 2005. The Death of Environmentalism or the Advent of Public Ecology, Organization Environment, Vol. 18, pg 489. odi-tjs

This analysis reacts to a  [...] , 2003, p. 77).  

QDR solves and now is key – QDR changes the planning process – now is key – presidential election provides debate on the policy change and pushes planners towards modern demands. Timeframe of the aff isn’t key, but cp is
Tomes 12 (Robert, "Defense Strategy and Military Planning for an Era of Persistent Conflict", Small Wars Journal, 1/26/12, http://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/defense-strategy-and-military-planning-for-an-era-of-persistent-conflict, Accessed 9/21/12, ASH)

There are few opportunities to fix  [...] for an era of persistent conflict.

QDR solves energy policy – DoD is uniquely positioned to run the process of innovation solves the internal link to international development of technology that is protected under IPR
Wurzelmann 11 (Sam, Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar studying economics at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, “A STRONG DEFENSE FOR LOW-CARBON INNOVATION,” 12/5/11, http://www.c2es.org/blog/wurzelmanns/strong-defense-low-carbon-innovation-and-low-carbon-innovation-strong-defense)

From GPS to the Internet,  [...] , non-alcohol advanced biofuel. 

Expansion is slow—reactors take 10 years to build
Madsen et al 09 (Travis Madsen and Tony Dutzik, analysts for Frontier Group, Bernadette Del Chiaro and Rob Sargent Environment America Research & Policy Center, November 2009, “GENERATING FAILURE How Building Nuclear Power Plants Would Set America Back in the Race Against Global Warming” Frontier Group, Environment America) http://www.frontiergroup.org/sites/default/files/reports/Generating-Failure---Environment-America---Web.pdf

At Best, No New Reactors  [...] very well be too optimistic. 

Too slow—each reactor takes 10 years to build—combined with the slow NRC licensing process, this would be far too slow a pace of development to support a nuclear revival—that’s Madsen. 

Prefer our evidence—the nuclear industry always overestimates how long it will take to build reactors
Madsen et al 09 (Travis Madsen and Tony Dutzik, analysts for Frontier Group, Bernadette Del Chiaro and Rob Sargent Environment America Research & Policy Center, November 2009, “GENERATING FAILURE How Building Nuclear Power Plants Would Set America Back in the Race Against Global Warming” Frontier Group, Environment America) http://www.frontiergroup.org/sites/default/files/reports/Generating-Failure---Environment-America---Web.pdf

The Nuclear Industry Has Consistently  [...] quality control problems during construction. 85 

Can’t solve for transportation emissions
Squassoni 12 (Susan, Director and Senior Fellow of the Proliferation Prevention Program at CSIS, (FAS and WASHINGTON and LEE UNIVERSITY The Future of Nuclear Power in the United States, Edited by Charles D. Ferguson and Frank A. Settle, February, http://www.fas.org/pubs/_docs/Nuclear_Energy_Report-lowres.pdf) 

In response to mitigating climate  [...] emissions will be somewhat limited. 

Nuclear power contributes to warming
Grossman 08 - Karl Grossman, Professor, Journalism, SUNY-Old Westbury, “Money Is the Real Green Power: The Hoax of Eco-Friendly Nuclear Energy,” EXTRA!, January/February 2008, npg.

What is left unmentioned by the  [...] -ed columnists and editors." 

Limited uranium reserves mean the industry’s unsustainable, and forces unconventional recovery  increases GHG emissions and causes warming.  
Green, ‘6
[Jim, national nuclear campaigner with Friends of the Earth, has an honours degree in public health and a PhD in science and technology studies for his doctoral thesis on the Lucas Heights research reactor debates, energyscience.org.au, “Nuclear power and climate change,” November, http://www.energyscience.org.au/FS03%20Nucl%20Power%20Clmt%20Chng.pdf]

A temporary response: limited conventional  [...] uranium and the greenhouse emissions expended. 

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