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Page: Leonardi-Masterson Aff
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09/28/2012 | 2AC FWTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 2AC FWRole of the ballot– The judge should vote for the team whose perspective is the most life affirming. Your framework attempts to establish a transcendent truth in debate which denies life. This comes before framework even gets evaluated because it is a meta-ethical questions that asks what are the value of your values? That’s Smith.Counter-interpretation: the affirmative has to be in the direction of the resolutionWe meet the counter-interpretation because we criticize a restriction on wind power.We are the heart of the topic – our Bisbee evidence says the number 1 obstacle to wind development is aesthetics.You have no right to the ground of CP’s or politics disads. Our interpretation gives you the core negative ground of saying that restrictions on wind power are good and that wind power is unaesthetic.Debate is constantly changing making predictability impossible. We must reject the attempt to establish a true method of debateJohnston 96 2AC FWFramework is a bad form of aesthetics.It attempts to establish a harmony in debate. This means it inevitably imposes standards that teams like OU will clash with causing them to stand out as unsightly eyesores that require ordering; however this will to order will fail because contingency is inevitable. There will always be teams like us that make arguments you don’t like. This failure breeds ressentiment and hatred of the activity. That’s BRITTAN and Saurette.It seeks a disinterested standpoint from which we can objectively evaluate policy proposals. This requires fleeing from the will because we must ignore questions of our orientation to the topic and how that impacts our value to life. Instead you should vote aff precisely because it inspires an excitement of the will. That’s Nietzsche.If we win framework is a bad aesthetic then we win.Aesthetics come first because we can only ever interact with the appearance of the world because there are no transcendental forms. We must affirm this appearance otherwise we make the whole world ugly and negate life itself. That’s Doran and Nietzsche.Our lackey evidence indicates the 1Ac is an art object because it’s design to liberate us from metaphysical standards of beauty. And, their conceding that aesthetics can only be evaluated perspectivally because our opinions inevitably emanate from a standpoint which is not absolute. This means none of their arguments are even relevant to the consideration of the aff because they are not perspectives that say the 1AC’s art is bad.Ressentiment outweighs your framework impacts because it is hatred of life. It is the will turning against itself in an act of self-mutilation that denies life that’s Brober. Education and fairness are meaningless without value to life. Life affirmation is a prior issue because education and fairness are just values from a particular perspective, but life affirmation is the very standard by which we judge perspectives that’s Smith.2AC FWOur education is key to policy making about wind energyBrisman ’5 Avi Brisman Law Clerk with a J.D. "THE AESTHETICS OF WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS" 2005 13 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 1 Epistemology DA – Framework crowds out all alternative ways of thinking because it sees itself as metaphysically binding. This crushes creativity and locks us in prison walls that mandate a constant reconfirmation of what already think we know. This their education has no value. That’s Lackey and Nehamas.Aesthetics comes before knowledge, and perspectivism reveals the impossibility of knowingWhitson and Poulakos 93 Steve Whitson Assistant Professor in the Department of Speech Communication, DePaul University John Poulakos Associate Professor in the Department of Rhetoric and Communication, University of Pittsburgh "Nietzsche and the aesthetics of Rhetoric" Quarterly Journal of Speech, 79:2, 131-145 Unpredictability inevitable – new affs, infinite advs, and lots of teams.Your attempt to create a level playing field is slave moralitySOLOMON 99 ROBERT C. SOLOMON "Nietzsche ad hominem: Perspectivism, personality and ressentiment" in The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche 202 2AC FWSlave morality causes hatred of lifeWillmott 2001 Glenn Willmott is Associate Professor of English at Queen’s University in Canada. "Canadian Ressentiment" New Literary History 32.1 (2001) 133-156 Project Muse 7/25/10 If we win perspectivism is good then you can vote aff to affirm that each team’s interpretation is good for them and allows their maximum education and value, That’s Solomon.
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09/28/2012 | 2AC CapTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Material Cap 2ACThe role of the ballot is to vote for whichever team is the most life-affirming. They may introduce other impacts but you should just view these impacts as competing perspectives of what is important. The question you must ask is what is the value of their values? The way to measure this is how life affirming they are. This means life affirmation functions on a higher level than traditional debate impacts which you should only view as internal links to life affirmation. That’s Smith.Marxism insists on life-denying metaphysical truthLove 87 Nancy S. Love Director, Interdisciplinary Studies Program Perm: affirm the perspective that wind power is beautiful and do the alt. They can’t win a link. We only apply perspectivism to aesthetics; they have to win this makes capitalism worse. Material Cap 2ACThe aff is a prerequisite to the metaphysical aesthetics of the status quo close off all alternative viewpoints. We must kick back at them through critical aesthetics to allow alternatives. That’s Lackey.Critical engagement with aesthetics is a prerequisite to the altBOWIE ’3 ANDREW BOWIE Professor of Philosophy and German at Royal Holloway University of London Aesthetics and subjectivity:¶ from Kant to Nietzsche¶ Second edition p. 272-273 Material Cap 2ACAesthetics comes firstAesthetics come first because we can only ever interact with the appearance of the world because there are no transcendental forms. We must affirm this appearance otherwise we make the whole world ugly and negate life itself. That’s Doran and Nietzsche.This also means aesthetics mediates our access to the material, so the only way to engage in materialism is through aesthetics. Our Doran evidence makes this argument specifically in the context of history.The 1Ac is an art object because it’s design to liberate us from metaphysical standards of beauty. And, their conceding that aesthetics can only be evaluated perspectivally because our opinions inevitably emanate from a standpoint which is not absolute. This means none of their arguments are even relevant to the consideration of the aff because they are not perspectives that say the 1AC’s art is bad. That’s LackeyOur expansion of aesthetics is key critical to ethics and human relations. This transformation moves politics away from hierarchy and exploitation.Berleant October 20-22, 1997 Arnold Berleant Professor (Emeritus) of Philosophy at Long Island University and Immediate Past President of the International Association of Aesthetics "Environmental Aesthethics"** Material Cap 2ACAll of our aesthetics first arguments are reasons case is a DA and outweighs.Total rejection of capitalism fragments resistance – the perm solves bestGibson %26 Graham 96, Senior Fellow of Human Geography at the Australian National University, Profesor of Geography at the University of Massachusetts, (Katherine and Julie, The End of Capitalism (As We Knew It) The assertion that the world is structured by the knowable force of capitalism is ressentiment Material Cap 2ACMarxism is a life-denying ascetic ideology elevates production to an absolute goal. This objectifies both humanity and nature. Our aff solves the impacts of their K because we no longer demonize othernessLove 87 Nancy S. Love Director, Interdisciplinary Studies Program They foreclose the ability to address other forms of oppression like racism and heteronormativity. The injection of perspectives is key to solve. Permutation: affirm both the aff and the alt as good perspectives. Material Cap 2ACThe alt only leads to continual self-repression without the aff. The perm solves best because we need a plurality of resistances from the ego.Love 87 Nancy S. Love Director, Interdisciplinary Studies Program Permutation do the aff and all noncompetitive parts of the alt. The alt k is a morality of thou shalt not – all they do is resist capitalism without positing any positive values which begs the question of what makes life worth living. The perm is key to solve. That’s Solomon.
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09/29/2012 | 2AC AnthroTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 2AC AnthroThe role of the ballot is to vote for whichever team is the most life-affirming. They may introduce other impacts but you should just view these impacts as competing perspectives of what is important. The question you must ask is what is the value of their values? The way to measure this is how life affirming they are. This means life affirmation functions on a higher level than traditional debate impacts which you should only view as internal links to life affirmation. That’s Smith.Even if you weigh their impacts against life affirmation, the case still outweighs. Life is still valuable regardless of circumstances and endpoints. Even if we lose all of our link and permutation arguments it is better to live in a world of anthro than a world filled with ressentiment where he hate our lives and subordinate them to the ascetic ideal that we must dedicate them entirely to fighting anthro as the ultimate evil that will never be eradicated. That’s Brobjer and Saurette.Turn rejection of wind power based on aesthetics is anthropocentric – wind power is biocentricBrisman ’5 Avi Brisman Law Clerk with a J.D. "THE AESTHETICS OF WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS" 2005 13 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 1 Turn perspectivism key to anthro because its says humans don’t get to make universal truth.2AC AnthroPerm affirm the perspective that wind turbines are beautiful and do the alt. They can’t win a link. We only apply perspectivism to aesthetics. They have to win we make anthro worse.Aesthetics comes firstAesthetics come first because we can only ever interact with the appearance of the world because there are no transcendental forms. We must affirm this appearance otherwise we make the whole world ugly and negate life itself. That’s Doran and Nietzsche.The separation of art from the environment maintains mind/body dualism because its premised on a separation of the human from nature. Expanding environmental aesthetics solves.Berleant October 20-22, 1997 Arnold Berleant Professor (Emeritus) of Philosophy at Long Island University and Immediate Past President of the International Association of Aesthetics "Environmental Aesthethics"** The 1Ac is an art object because it’s design to liberate us from metaphysical standards of beauty. And, their conceding that aesthetics can only be evaluated perspectivally because our opinions inevitably emanate from a standpoint which is not absolute. This means none of their arguments are even relevant to the consideration of the aff because they are not perspectives that say the 1AC’s art is bad. That’s LackeyPerm do the aff and all non-competitive parts of the alt.The assertion that the world is structured by the knowable force of Anthro is ressentiment. It gives us a phenomenon on which to blame our suffering. Post alternative suffering will still exist and the only thing we will have accomplished is the annihilation of those who we deemed unworthy of the new anti-anthro truth we sought to impose. The permutation is critical to prevent the alternative from causing even worse violence than exists in the squo. That’s Saurette.Perspectivism is not anthro. Everything translates everything else into its own terms. Only denying this is anthro because it assumes only humans can shape thing towards their own ends.Morton Prof of Lit %26 the Environment in the English Dep’t @ UC-Davis 2012 Timothy An Object Oriented Defense of Poetry New Literary History 2AC AnthroPermutation: affirm both the aff and the alt as good perspectives.The affirmatives naming of "non-human" begins to enclose those beings into the very cages they criticize. The use of the term is founded in the false belief in an indivisible difference between human and all other beings this belief places a limit on the existence of beings which denies the very trace that gives life value – the universal application of this term denies the beauty in the difference between beings.Derrida Prof of Humanities UC-Irvine 2004 Jacques For What Tomorrow, page 62-64
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09/29/2012 | 2AC OOOTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 2AC OOOThe role of the ballot is to vote for whichever team is the most life-affirming. They may introduce other impacts but you should just view these impacts as competing perspectives of what is important. The question you must ask is what is the value of their values? The way to measure this is how life affirming they are. This means life affirmation functions on a higher level than their claim we should put flat ontology first, which you should only view as internal links to life affirmation. That’s Smith.Even if you weigh their impacts against life affirmation, the case still outweighs. You cannot win a prior reason why the ontology of objects matters because the entire point of OOO is to just start from the assumption that it does. Even if we lose all of our link and permutation arguments it is better to live in a world of anthro than a world filled with ressentiment where he hate our lives and subordinate them to the ascetic ideal that we must dedicate them entirely to fighting anthro as the ultimate evil that will never be eradicated. That’s Brobjer and Saurette.NL we don’t say there is a subject, we say there are only actions. However some actions are better than others. The affirmation of all objects having equal ontological claims to existence creates a herd mentality rather than a democracy of objects. The aff is a bird of prey the alt is a lamb.Nietzsche ’7 (When this edition was published) FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE On the Genealogy Perm affirm the perspective that wind power is beautiful and do the alternative. You can’t win a link the aff is just a local manifestation that interrupts the field of objects.You can’t reject the perm. The thesis of OOO is that all objects have an equal claim to exist.Turn the aff is an affirmation of objects because we say wind turbines are beautiful.Perm is best: our theory of becoming solves the intimacy of objects, but also accounts for their potential to explode outward which is a way to include relations without devolving into correlationalism.Shaviro ’11 Steven Shaviro prof of literature and film at Wayne State University p 284-285 The Speculative Turn:¶ Continental Materialism and Realism** Aesthetics comes firstAesthetics come first because we can only ever interact with the appearance of the world because there are no transcendental forms. We must affirm this appearance otherwise we make the whole world ugly and negate life itself. That’s Doran and Nietzsche.OOO is just another perspective of aesthetics that means the aff is compatable with and a prerequisite to the altShaviro ’11 Steven Shaviro prof of literature and film at Wayne State University p 288 The Speculative Turn:¶ Continental Materialism and Realism** Squo universal aesthetics are worse for OOO because they say that humans have access to the universal truth of beauty. This places the human above other objects and creates a "world" of beauty that makes OOO impossible.The separation of art from the environment maintains mind/body dualism because its premised on a separation of the human from nature. Expanding environmental aesthetics solves.Berleant October 20-22, 1997 Arnold Berleant Professor (Emeritus) of Philosophy at Long Island University and Immediate Past President of the International Association of Aesthetics "Environmental Aesthethics"** The 1Ac is an art object because it’s design to liberate us from metaphysical standards of beauty. And, their conceding that aesthetics can only be evaluated perspectivally because our opinions inevitably emanate from a standpoint which is not absolute. This means none of their arguments are even relevant to the consideration of the aff because they are not perspectives that say the 1AC’s art is bad. That’s LackeyTurn rejection of wind power based on aesthetics is anthropocentric. We affirm the human as part of the environment.Brisman ’5 Avi Brisman Law Clerk with a J.D. "THE AESTHETICS OF WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS" 2005 13 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 1 2AC OOOPerm do the aff and all non-competitive parts of the alt.Ressentiment DA: the neg’s ontological leveling of objects means we have to constantly feel guilt over our domination of other objects ie: I’m sorry paper, laptop, clothing, and various parts of my body that I have violently assimilated into a whole. This causes paralysis and hatred of life.OOO is Nihilism: you just reduce everything to an equal object without providing any reason to affirm those objects or value life. There is no ontological distinction between living an death in your framework. Vote aff on presumption because they cannot have an impact consistent with their flat ontology arguments.
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09/29/2012 | 2AC BaudrillardTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Baudrillard2AC BaudrillardROB Double Bind: they can’t get an impact outside of value to life which means either perm do the aff and all non-competitive parts of the alt solves because they are moving towards the same goal, or they don’t solve the only impact in the round and lose.Perm: affirm the perspective that wind power is beautiful and do the alt. They can’t win a link. We only apply perspectivism to aesthetics; they have to win this makes worse. Turn Baudrillard collapses into passive nihilism, instead we should create new valuesSantrac ’5 Alexsandar Santrac (Dean and professor of philosophy and systematic theology at Belgrade Theological Seminary). The Deconstruction of Baudrillard: The Unexpected Reversibility of Discourse. 2005. Page 175. Passive Nihilism devalues life we should embrace active nihilismGalanopoulos ’1, May 2010 Christos Galanopoulos King Low Heywood Thomas School "Anti-Nihilism in the Thought of Nikos Kazantzakis" Journal of Modern Greek Studies Supplement to Volume 28, Number 1, May 2010 Project Muse 7/1710 2AC BaudrillardThey don’t solve our aesthetics life affirmation arguments because they don’t assert a perspective in opposition to the metanarrative that labels wind turbines universally ugly.Aesthetics comes firstAesthetics come first because we can only ever interact with the appearance of the world because there are no transcendental forms. We must affirm this appearance otherwise we make the whole world ugly and negate life itself. That’s Doran and Nietzsche.The 1Ac is an art object because it’s design to liberate us from metaphysical standards of beauty. And, their conceding that aesthetics can only be evaluated perspectivally because our opinions inevitably emanate from a standpoint which is not absolute. This means none of their arguments are even relevant to the consideration of the aff because they are not perspectives that say the 1AC’s art is bad. That’s LackeyIt’s a prerequisite to the alt: universal aesthetics blocks out all alternative interpretations and uses a herd mentality mobilizes the masses against all difference. That’s Lackey.2AC BaudrillardPerm: Vote affirmative to vote negative. It’s the best way to solve the alt because it breaks down the dichotomy between opposites.Grace ’ 4 Victoria M. Grace (Canterbury University). "Baudrillard and the Meaning of Meaning." International Journal of Baudrillard Studies 1.1, January 2004. 2AC BaudrillardPerm affirm both the aff and the alt as good perspectives.
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09/29/2012 | 2AC Perspectivism GoodTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Perspectivism is not exclusive with the idea that some truths might exist. The perm solves.SOLOMON 99 ROBERT C. SOLOMON "Nietzsche ad hominem:Perspectivism, personality and ressentiment" in The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche 195-97 This does not mean that one perspective is as good as any other. We can make judgments between perspectivesSOLOMON 99 ROBERT C. SOLOMON "Nietzsche ad hominem:Perspectivism, personality and ressentiment" in The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche 198-99 | |
10/15/2012 | 2AC Wind-Like ThingsTournament: UNLV | Round: Octos | Opponent: UTSA NS | Judge: The role of the ballot is to vote for whichever team is the most life-affirming. They may introduce other impacts but you should just view these impacts as competing perspectives of what is important. The question you must ask is what is the value of their values? The way to measure this is how life affirming they are. This means life affirmation functions on a higher level than traditional debate impacts which you should only view as internal links to life affirmation. That’s Smith.The negative’s strategy is the worst kind of slave morality. Rather than come up with their own alternate perspective they surrender their will to us in a pathetic attempt to become us. This has several implications:Value to life disadWillmott ’1 Glenn Willmott is Associate Professor of English at Queen’s University in Canada. "Canadian Ressentiment" New Literary History 32.1 (2001) 133-156 Project Muse 7/25/10 They can’t solve the aff because they have adopted a herd mentality that universalizes it. This just means they make wind turbines being beautiful the new universal aesthetics.Their wind-like-things is a appeal to a perfect wind turbine in opposition to the ones that exist. This is the definition of ressentiment because they negate the apparent world in favor of an ideal one. That’s Saurette.Perm: Affirm both perspectives2AC Wind-LikeThey are a universal aesthetic because they establish objective criteria that say wind turbines are ugly. This means all of our aesthetics first arguments are disads.Aesthetics firstAesthetics come first because we can only ever interact with the appearance of the world because there are no transcendental forms. We must affirm this appearance otherwise we make the whole world ugly and negate life itself. That’s Doran and Nietzsche.The 1Ac is an art object because it’s design to liberate us from metaphysical standards of beauty. And, their conceding that aesthetics can only be evaluated perspectivally because our opinions inevitably emanate from a standpoint which is not absolute. This means none of their arguments are even relevant to the consideration of the aff because they are not perspectives that say the 1AC’s art is bad. That’s LackeyOur expansion of aesthetics is key critical to ethics and human relations. This transformation moves politics away from hierarchy and exploitation.Berleant October 20-22, 1997 Arnold Berleant Professor (Emeritus) of Philosophy at Long Island University and Immediate Past President of the International Association of Aesthetics "Environmental Aesthethics"** 2AC Wind-LikePerm: aff and all non-competitive partsPerm solves we need a pluralist view of aesthetics – your authorBRITTAN ’1 GORDON G. BRITTAN, JR. Department of Philosophy, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA"Wind, energy, landscape: reconciling nature and technology" ISSN 1090-3771 print/ISSN 1472-7242 online/01/020169-16 Ó 2001 Taylor %26 Francis Ltd DOI: 10.1080/10903770120067025 You make wind turbines into a problem, we should just let them be mysterious and beautifulOsho 12 born Chandra Mohan Jain "Living Mystery"** Their say wind turbines as unnatural. This is a negation of the human in the environment and maintains the view that the environment was created by god as separate from humans. That’s our Brisman evidence.We don’t build wind turbines | |
10/15/2012 | 2AC Baudrillard art KTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Baudrillard2AC BaudrillardROB Double Bind: they can’t get an impact outside of value to life which means either perm do the aff and all non-competitive parts of the alt solves because they are moving towards the same goal, or they don’t solve the only impact in the round and lose.Perm: affirm the perspective that wind power is beautiful and do the alt. They can’t win a link. We only apply perspectivism to aesthetics; they have to win this makes worse. Turn Baudrillard collapses into passive nihilism, instead we should create new valuesSantrac ’5 Alexsandar Santrac (Dean and professor of philosophy and systematic theology at Belgrade Theological Seminary). The Deconstruction of Baudrillard: The Unexpected Reversibility of Discourse. 2005. Page 175. Passive Nihilism devalues life we should embrace active nihilismGalanopoulos ’1, May 2010 Christos Galanopoulos King Low Heywood Thomas School "Anti-Nihilism in the Thought of Nikos Kazantzakis" Journal of Modern Greek Studies Supplement to Volume 28, Number 1, May 2010 Project Muse 7/1710 2AC BaudrillardThey don’t solve our aesthetics life affirmation arguments because they don’t assert a perspective in opposition to the metanarrative that labels wind turbines universally ugly.Aesthetics comes firstAesthetics come first because we can only ever interact with the appearance of the world because there are no transcendental forms. We must affirm this appearance otherwise we make the whole world ugly and negate life itself. That’s Doran and Nietzsche.The 1Ac is an art object because it’s design to liberate us from metaphysical standards of beauty. And, their conceding that aesthetics can only be evaluated perspectivally because our opinions inevitably emanate from a standpoint which is not absolute. This means none of their arguments are even relevant to the consideration of the aff because they are not perspectives that say the 1AC’s art is bad. That’s LackeyIt’s a prerequisite to the alt: universal aesthetics blocks out all alternative interpretations and uses a herd mentality mobilizes the masses against all difference. That’s Lackey.2AC Baudrillard
2AC BaudrillardBaudrillard gets it wrong. Representation is not the problem, interpretation is which is why perspectivism solves best. The alternative collapses into a nihilistic language game.King ’98 "A Critique of Baudrillard’s Hyperreality," Philosophy and Social Critism 24.6 Self-Centeredness InevitableSelf-centeredness is an inevitable product of knowing – we cannot evaluate all existence outside of ourselvesNietzsche 1873 that Nietzsche "On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense" 1873** ScaffoldingTheir demand to establish a clear bright light between things that are and are not art is nothing more than a demand for a scaffolding under which to hide from life. Vote aff to step out into the storm We have seen how it is originally language which works on the construction of concepts NL they assume relativism. Our 1AC Solomon evidence says perspectivism is distinct because we can judge between perspectives. This means we can still choose against neocons.SOLOMON 99 ROBERT C. SOLOMON "Nietzsche ad hominem:Perspectivism, personality and ressentiment" in The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche 198-99 | |
10/24/2012 | 2AC WildersonTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Wilderson
2AC WildersonThe role of the ballot is to vote for whichever team is the most life affirming. They may introduce other impacts but you should just view these impacts as competing perspectives of what is important. The question you must ask is what is the value of their values? The way to measure this is how life affirming they are. This means life affirmation functions on a higher level than traditional debate impacts which you should only view as internal links to life affirmation. That’s Smith.Link turn: antiblackness is only powerful and dangerous because it is elevated to the level of a truth about the world and imposed violently on the world. Perspectivism makes this impossible.Even if you weigh their impacts against life affirmation, the case still outweighs. Life is still valuable regardless of circumstances and endpoints. Even if we lose all of our link and permutation arguments it is better to live in a world of antiblackness than a world filled with resentment where he hate our lives and subordinate them to the ascetic ideal that we must dedication them entirely to fighting antiblackness as the ultimate evil that will never be eradicated. That’s Brobjer and Saurette.Link turn: they say modernity is antiblackness – our Saurette evidence says the will to order is the fundamental principle of modernity. Perspectival aesthetics is key to solve because we no longer try to control what we deem unaesthetic.Our aff doesn’t presuppose a neutral or equal playing field. We recognized that some people may be in more or less privileged positions. The point is that no matter how oppressed we are we should still try to affirm our lives, which is not exclusive with fighting oppression.Solomon 2002 Robert C. Solomon professor of continental philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin "Nietzsche on Fatalism and "Free Will"" The Journal of Nietzsche Studies 23 (2002) 63-87 Project Muse 7/22/10 2AC Wildersonin society. "Free will" (construed as some sort of metaphysical or The aff is much smaller than you think it is. We don’t defend applying perspectivism to everything only to aesthetics. This means we can perm: we affirm the perspective that wind power is beautiful and (insert what the alt does).This puts them in a double bind – either the permutation solves or the alt is simply another morality of "thou shalt not." This means their system does not posit any positive values and begs the question of why life is worth living in a world where all we do is fight evil without every affirming anything. That’s Solomon.True resisting objective aesthetics is key to challenge anti-blackness which uses objective aesthetic categories to cast the black body outside beauty.Armstrong ’96 Meg Armstrong Department of English University of Chicago ""The Effects of Blackness": Gender, Race, and the Sublime in Aesthetic Theories of Burke and Kant" The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 54, No. 3 (Summer, 1996), pp. 213-236 2AC WildersonThis causes violence against the black body – because its label of objectively ugly mandates its negations – that’s our Nietzsche evidence.The permutation is best, political Blackness is perspectivismSearle February 2010 Dr Kevin Searle "’A Yellow-Ass Nigga’?: Hip Hop and the ’Mixed-Race’ Experience" kevin searle.asp The aff is a prerequisite to the metaphysical aesthetics of the status quo close off all alternative viewpoints. We must kick back at them through critical aesthetics to allow alternatives. That’s Lackey.2AC WildersonAesthetics comes firstAesthetics come first because there is no realilty there is only appearance. We must affirm this appearance otherwise we make the whole world ugly and negate life itself. That’s Doran and Nietzsche.Affirming the world of appearance prevents anti-blackness from functioning because anti-blackness relies on the negation of black bodies and is only sustained by the striving for a real world without blackness. The 1Ac is an art object because it’s design to liberate us from metaphysical standards of beauty. And, their conceding that aesthetics can only be evaluated perspectivally because our opinions inevitably emanate from a standpoint which is not absolute. This means none of their arguments are even relevant to the consideration of the aff because they are not perspectives that say the 1AC’s art is bad. That’s LackeyOur expansion of aesthetics is key critical to ethics and human relations. This transformation moves politics away from hierarchy and exploitation.Berleant October 20-22, 1997 Arnold Berleant Professor (Emeritus) of Philosophy at Long Island University and Immediate Past President of the International Association of Aesthetics "Environmental Aesthethics"** Wilderson’s Reading of film theory is fundamentally shaped by his negativity – he ignores films that disprove his theory and atomizes the fieldBâ 2011 Saër Maty Bâ PORTSMOUTH UNIVERSITY "US Decentered From Black Social Death to Cultural Transformation" Cultural Studies Review¶ volume 17 number 2 September 2011¶¶ pp. 381–91 Your reading of black social death locks away black social life and banishes it from the world – that forecloses a disaporic communityBâ 2011 Saër Maty Bâ PORTSMOUTH UNIVERSITY "US Decentered From Black Social Death to Cultural Transformation" Cultural Studies Review¶ volume 17 number 2 September 2011¶¶ pp. 381–91 2AC WildersonAll of our aesthetics first arguments are reasons case is a DA and outweighs.Permutation – affirm both the aff and the alt as good perspectives.2AC WildersonThe assertion that the world is structured by the knowable force of antiblackness itself ressentiment. It gives us an ontological phenomenon on which to blame our suffering. Post alternative suffering will still exist and the only thing we will have accomplished is the annihilation of those who we deemed unworthy of the new truth we sought to impose of anti-anti-blackness. The permutation is critical to recognize that these forms of violence precisely so we do not cause even worse violence than exists in the squo. That’s Saurette.Permutation do the aff and all noncompetitive parts of the alt. Perspectivism is not exclusive with the idea that some truths might exist. The perm solves.SOLOMON 99 ROBERT C. SOLOMON "Nietzsche ad hominem:Perspectivism, personality and ressentiment" in The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche 195-97 You create a black/White binary that erases the experiences of other groups and prevents coalitionsPerea prof. of law, U of F College of Law 1998 Juan La Raza Law Journa Spring Lexis Internalizing identities of victimization result in guilt and turn the altWendy Brown Politics Out of History 2001 page 52-55 Universal Aesthetics are White AestheticsNelson 4 (Charmaine and Camille, Kings College, Racism, eh? A critical inter-disciplinary anthology of race and racism in Canada p. 369 | |
10/24/2012 | 2AC Internal CriticismTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The role of the ballot is to vote for whichever team is the most life-affirming. They may introduce other impacts but you should just view these impacts as competing perspectives of what is important. The question you must ask is what is the value of their values? The way to measure this is how life affirming they are. This means life affirmation functions on a higher level than traditional debate impacts which you should only view as internal links to life affirmation. That’s Smith.They have totally missed the point of the aff. The entire point of an internal criticism is to examine whether the aff is internally consistent, that is whether it can be true, but the aff is an art object. Our Nietzsche evidence indicates that true and untrue have no meaning for aesthetics. This means they can win 100% of this argument without implicating our solvency.This pursuit of truth is a universal aesthetics which means all of our aesthetics first arguments are disads.Aesthetics firstAesthetics come first because we can only ever interact with the appearance of the world because there are no transcendental forms. We must affirm this appearance otherwise we make the whole world ugly and negate life itself. That’s Doran and Nietzsche.The 1Ac is an art object because it’s design to liberate us from metaphysical standards of beauty. And, their conceding that aesthetics can only be evaluated perspectivally because our opinions inevitably emanate from a standpoint which is not absolute. This means none of their arguments are even relevant to the consideration of the aff because they are not perspectives that say the 1AC’s art is bad. That’s LackeyPerm do both: this is just a solves the aff better counterplan – those suck.Perm affirm both perspectives.
2AC Internal CriticismJudgment is key to the experience of beauty 2AC Internal Criticismpermutations in the relations of faculties, are therefore conceivable. The understanding legislates for The internal criticism is slave morality. Rather than come up with their own perspective they surrender their will to ours. This kills value to life.Willmott ’1 Glenn Willmott is Associate Professor of English at Queen’s University in Canada. "Canadian Ressentiment" New Literary History 32.1 (2001) 133-156 Project Muse 7/25/10 The K is just reactive. It doesn’t posit any positive value of its own. This reactivity is life negating passive nihilism. The active nihilism of the aff is betterGalanopoulos 10, May 2010 Christos Galanopoulos King Low Heywood Thomas School "Anti-Nihilism in the Thought of Nikos Kazantzakis" Journal of Modern Greek Studies Supplement to Volume 28, Number 1, May 2010 Project Muse 7/1710 AT Judgment Against JudgmentYou have doubled turned yourself: You said doing things for reasons is bad because reasons are bad. That’s a reason.
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10/29/2012 | 2AC - Harvard Octas - OOO AffTournament: Harvard | Round: Octas | Opponent: Mary Washington MM | Judge: Fitz, Andrew Baker, DHeidt Framework 2ACCOUNTER INTERP – the aff can translate the resolutionPREFERA) DIRECTION OF THE RESOLUTION – they can say restrictions on wind are good so they can access their generic ground – means we solve SSDB) NO OFFENSE – every 1ac is a different translation of the resolution - their predictability arguments are all a façadeNET BENEFITSWORLD DA – they try to construct a world of the resolution whereby one totality can explain all of debate – this means the advantage is a DA to their interp of debate – extend the 1AC they lead to bad environmental policy making which internal link turns their argumentENTROPY DA – attempts to contain inevitable disorder in translation of the resolution collapse of their view of debate – takes out their unq argumentsTRANSLATION GOOD – key to education – we shouldn’t be viewed as mere intermediaries of the resolution and traditional debate – their interp leads to the production of docile bodies incapable of interacting with the worldObjects construct their environments – attempts to uphold debate as such passivityBryant Professor of Philosophy at Collin College 2011 Levi Democracy of Objects—democracy-of-objects?rgn=div1;view=fulltext Framework 2ACEPISTEMOLOGY BAD – extend Bryant – their focus on epistemology and knowledge construction makes democracy impossible – their desire to test the truth of the aff is an epistemic fallacy that should be refused in favor of our investigation of ontologyBryant Professor of Philosophy at Collin College 2011 Levi Democracy of Objects—democracy-of-objects?rgn=div1;view=fulltext AT ShivelyNot only is it possible to have a debate without a previously agreed ground – it is desirable. Debates can engage each other across perspectives through cross-arguing which heightens the transformative potential of debate.Hicks ’2 Darrin Hicks is Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Denver in Denver, Colorado. "The Promise(s) of Deliberative Democracy Rhetoric %26 Public Affairs 5.2 (2002) 223-260 Project Muse AT Shivelyintra-communal conflict between two factions of the opponent’s side. The mutual infiltration 2AC Policy GoodMcClean concludes affMcClean 2001 (same article, your author) Is it really possible to… …land of toleration and oligarchy. We must over-determine ontologyWilliam Spanos, Professor of English @ Binghamton University SUNY, 2008,American Exceptionalism in the Age of Globalization: The Specter of Vietnam, Pg.27-30 On the other hand, I… …the post-Cold War conjuncture. 2ac CaseFlat ontology flattens impact calculus – don’t trust their evaluation of the goodBryant Professor of Philosophy at Collin College 2011 Levi Democracy of Objects—democracy-of-objects?rgn=div1;view=fulltext | |
11/05/2012 | 1AC - OOO AffTournament: Harvard | Round: Octas | Opponent: | Judge: Human inputs may be involved in climate change, but this focus on the human is precisely how corporations co-opt status quo environmental discourse. Climate change is a hyper object that cannot be grasped entirely through local manifestations, which means it is always withdraw from direct human awareness. Instead of attempting to transform the climate change, we must theorize climate change as a hyper object and how we must adapt to its existence.Coffield 6/18/11 Kris Coffield is an independent political theory scholar from Hawai’i and legislative director for the IMUAlliance. "The Climate of Object-Oriented Poetics" CONTENTION ONE: Wind Turbine as Object Morton Prof of Lit and the Environment in the English Dep’t @ UC-Davis 2011 Timothy Unsustaining World Picture Journal In Lakewood, Colorado, residents objected ... that doesn’t require smoothness and distance and coolness. This refusal of the wind turbine is an unethical method of politics – the attempt to secure the world as-is is dangerous because it fails to confront the loss of World in the face of global warming – only an object oriented ontology can forge the alliances necessary to confront climate change Morton Prof of Lit and the Environment in the English Dep’t @ UC-Davis 2011 Timothy Unsustaining World Picture Journal Now for a kick off, there ... we have stepped out of the cocoon of world. Unfortunately the United States Federal Government engages in this attempt to secure the world as-is via its regulations on wind power on federal lands Vann February 1, 2012 Adam Vann Legislative Attorney “Energy Projects on Federal Lands: Leasing and Authorization” As with oil, gas and geothermal leasing, ...may not be suitable for development.173 These restrictions also mandate incorporation of the turbine into the surrounding landscape Tidwell 08/04/2011 Thomas L. Tidwell, Chief, Forest Service. “Final Directives for Forest Service Wind Energy Special Use Authorizations, Forest Service Manual 2720, Forest Service Handbooks 2609.13 and 2709.11” FSH 2709.11, section 72.21, ... their proposed wind energy project. This relationship to ecology makes ecological disaster inevitable – the status quo⇒ environmental nihilism – we should instead reinforce our alienation from Nature Vafin Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Sciences 2012 Arthur Zizek, Ecology, Conservatism International Journal of Zizek Studies 6.1 According to Žižek, ...Otherwise new transportable Fukusimas will come. This severing of relational understandings of the world is necessary to overcome the violence of Modernity’s dualism Bryant Professor of Philosophy at Collin College 2011 Levi Democracy of Objects;view=fulltext From the foregoing ... plague anti-realist strains of thought. The tool – in this case the wind turbine – is always already withdrawn – we should refuse relational orientations and focus equal attention on the turbine itself Richmond Ass’t Prof - Film and Media Studies – Department of English @ Wayne State University 2010 Scott Thought, Untethered. A review essay Postmodern Culture 21.1 project muse For Heidegger (the received Heidegger, anyway), ...language, knowledge, mind, etc. A democracy of the object demands that ontology precede epistemology – epistemological questions ⇒ anthropocentrism Bryant Professor of Philosophy at Collin College 2011 Levi Democracy of Objects;view=fulltext Yet in all of the heated debates ...with their own specific powers and capacities. Anthropocentrism should be rejected - it offers no lens to evaluate contemporary violence Coward Senior Lecturer in International Politics at Newcastle University 2006 Martin Against Anthropocentrism Review of International Studies 32.3 Cambridge Journals Online Whilst it is common ... confront us in the contemporary era. Our orientation towards objects decenters the privileged position of the Subject via transforming the subject into object - this move is key to politics and confronting climate change Bryant Professor of Philosophy at Collin College 2011 Levi Democracy of Objects;view=fulltext It will be noted that ... a way as to exclude nonhuman actors. CONTENTION TWO: TRANSLATION The 1AC is a translation of the resolution Embracing the Substance of our Object status necessitates embracing our local manifestation of the resolution – this is key to avoid an attempt to view objects as intermediates in the production of a closed social system Bryant Professor of Philosophy at Collin College 2011 Levi Democracy of Objects;view=fulltext As Leydesdorff puts it, if reflexive analysts... which entities translate their world. Denying our translation denies debaters role as mediators - this leads to the formation of docile bodies Bryant Professor of Philosophy at Collin College 2011 Levi Democracy of Objects;view=fulltext Here, then, we can make sense of ... perturbation transforms it according to its own organization. | |
11/10/2012 | 2AC: Heidegger (OOO)Tournament: Wake | Round: 2 | Opponent: Michigan CM | Judge: Ashley Morgan Heidegger K - 2ACTheir theory is based in correlationism and anthro – the 1AC Richmond ev – correlationism is an ontotheology – makes equal ontological footing impossible – the 1AC is a DA to the altBryant Professor of Philosophy at Collin College 2011 Levi Democracy of Objects—democracy-of-objects?rgn=div1;view=fulltext Being-for-Daesin anthro – only an object oriented ontology solvesBryant Professor of Philosophy at Collin College 2011 Levi Democracy of Objects—democracy-of-objects?rgn=div1;view=fulltext Perm translate the resolution and do the altPerm aff and all noncompetitive parts of the altInterspecies violence is inflicted in the same forms as inter-human violence: this takes the form of genocide, colonialism, and warKochi and Ordan 2008 | |
11/11/2012 | New 2AC OOO Aff Case CardsTournament: Shirley | Round: 6 | Opponent: NU LV | Judge: AT: Kills PoliticsOnly we have uniqueness – correlationism makes politics destructiveBryant Professor of Philosophy at Collin College 2012 Levi Worries About OOO and Politics Larval Subjects 5/29 2) Correlationism and its Discontents: For me… social assemblages, holding people in place in particular ways. Key to politicsBryant Professor of Philosophy at Collin College 2012 Levi Worries About OOO and Politics Larval Subjects 5/29 Again, it is difficult to see how any of these considerations are indifferent to politics– for me they’re riddles with political considerations –or how they aim to cultivate a political conservatism. The entire aim is to enhance our ability to act, change the world about us, and intervene. This requires that we actually know what is organizing situations. And here I believe that nonhuman actors play a significant role in why assemblages take the form they do. If there is currently a focus on nonhuman entities in OOO– and I perpetually go back and forth between human and nonhuman actors in my work, trying to show their imbrications with each other –then this is because signification currently hegemonizes cultural studies and the humanities and it is necessary to bring other things into relief. I would invite Berry to tarry a bit with the question of what difference toilets make– especially in human assemblages where they are absent –and what changing introducing plumbing might make in those assemblages. If he thinks seriously about such earthly things he might begin to see that signifying intervention is not the only form of intervention and that often big emancipatory differences can be introduced by attending to non-signifying entities.
AT: Anthro Good1AC IS AN IMPACT TURN – extend contention one – anthro offers no lens to view either contemporary ecology or political violence – their argument results in mass extinctionHyperobjects like global warming make the transition away from anthropocentrism inevitableMorton Prof of Lit and the Environment in the English Dep’t @ UC-Davis 2011 Timothy Objects as Temporary Autonomous Zones content 1.3 I will not be listing any approaches here, as Bey does. Such … with regard towards nonhumans.
At Kills BirdsSeveral bigger alt causesFitzsimmons 2012 (Jill Fitzsimmons, May 31, 2012, “Myths And Facts About Wind Power: Debunking Fox’s Abysmal Wind Coverage,” Think Progress, FACT: Fossil Fuels Pose Far Greater … based on the estimates of Erickson et al. (2005). National Research Council, May 2007 Warming makes it inevitable- Makes wind net better for birdsFitzsimmons 2012 (Jill Fitzsimmons, May 31, 2012, “Myths And Facts About Wind Power: Debunking Fox’s Abysmal Wind Coverage,” Think Progress, Fossil Fuels Drive Climate Change, … Authority, March 2009
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01/25/2013 | Pitt Round Robin - Aff Round ReportsTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Round 4: Vs. Minnesota CE, with Carly Wunderlich as the Judge. Round 6: Vs. UMKC, with LaToya Williams-Green as the Judge. | |
02/13/2013 | Nietzsche 1ACTournament: Northwestern | Round: Doubles | Opponent: Michigan DH | Judge: 1ACWind development is prohibited on federal scenic rivers and trailsVann February 1, 2012 Adam Vann These directives exclude wind turbines based on scenic integrity objectives and even require applicants to construct a visual simulation of the wind project.Tidwell 08/04/2011 Thomas L. Tidwell, Chief, Forest Service. "Final Directives for Forest Service Wind Energy Special Use Authorizations, Forest Service Manual 2720, Forest Service Handbooks 2609.13 and 2709.11"** 1ACIt’s no accident that the Forest Service uses the phrase "scenic integrity." Metanarratives of scenery dating back to the 16th century label wind farms as uglyBRITTAN ’1 GORDON G. BRITTAN, JR. Department of Philosophy, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA"Wind, energy, landscape: reconciling nature and technology" ISSN 1090-3771 print/ISSN 1472-7242 online/01/020169-16 Ó 2001 Taylor %26 Francis Ltd DOI: 10.1080/10903770120067025 1ACThis concept of scenery has its roots in ideas of transcendent morality and orderBRITTAN ’1 GORDON G. BRITTAN, JR. Department of Philosophy, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA"Wind, energy, landscape: reconciling nature and technology" ISSN 1090-3771 print/ISSN 1472-7242 online/01/020169-16 Ó 2001 Taylor %26 Francis Ltd DOI: 10.1080/10903770120067025 This search for a transcendently ordered world opposes the world as it exists. This produces a violent will to order that attempts to eliminate chaos but will inevitably fail, breeding ressentiment.Saurette 1996 1ACThe idea that wind farms are ugly is the primary obstacle to wind powerBisbee 04 Dorothy W. Bisbee Visiting Assistant Professor, Southern New England School of Law, "NEPA Review of Offshore Wind Farms: Ensuring Emission Reduction Benefits Both sides of the current debate over wind power assert that their aesthetic perceptions of wind power are objectively correctGood ’6 Justin Good received a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Boston University and has taught at the University of Connecticut and Emerson College "The Aesthetics of Wind Energy" Human Ecology Review, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2006** 1ACModern objective notions of beauty come from Kant’s definition that beauty "gives pleasure without interest." The idea that beauty can be looked upon without interest is, of course, absurd and underwritten by a life-denying desire to flee the will that only makes sense for someone who views life itself as torture.Nietzsche ’7 (When this edition was published) FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE On the Genealogy of Morality This edition in the series of CAMBRIDGE TEXTS IN THE
Objective ideas of beauty rely on life-negating Christian values that render the entire world ugly.Nietzsche 07 The Anti-Christ, Ecce¶ Homo, Twilight of the¶ Idols, and Other¶ Writings 4th printing EDITED BY¶ AARON R I D L E Y¶ University of Southampton¶ J U D I TH N O RM A N¶ Trinity University, Texas¶ TRANLSLATED BY¶ JUDITH NORM AN Pg. 260-62 The aesthetic exclusion of the wind turbine from the landscape negates humanity – it’s ressentiment against the very presence of humanity.Brisman ’5 Avi Brisman Law Clerk with a J.D. "THE AESTHETICS OF WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS" 2005 13 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 1 Ressentiment devalues life and outweighs utilityBrobjer Autumn 2003 Thomas H. Bojer Department of Intellectual History at the University of Uppsala "Nietzsche’s Affirmative Morality: An Ethics of Virtue" The Journal of Nietzsche Studies, Issue 26, Autumn 2003, pp. 64-78 Project Muse 6.1.2010 1AC AdvocacyWe affirm the perspective that wind turbines are beautiful.
1ACThe 1AC is an art object that kicks back at and allows us to break free from metaphysical interpretations of aesthetics which otherwise close out all other perspectives and lead to the death of creativity and the autonomous self.Lackey ’6 MICHAEL LACKEY¶ Wellesley College and University of Minnesota-Morris"D. H. Lawrence’s Women in love:¶ A Tale of the Modernist Psyche/ The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, New Series, Vol. 20, No. 4 (2006), pp. 266-286 the Continental "Concept,""** This art object is not an end in itself but meant to spur growth and allow life affirming engagements with others.Lackey ’6 MICHAEL LACKEY¶ Wellesley College and University of Minnesota-Morris"D. H. Lawrence’s Women in love:¶ A Tale of the Modernist Psyche/ The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, New Series, Vol. 20, No. 4 (2006), pp. 266-286 the Continental "Concept,""** 1ACNietzsche’s acknowledges it’s impossible to fully embody his aesthetic but we can still strive for it as something that makes life worth livingRIDLEY07 The Anti-Christ, Ecce¶ Homo, Twilight of the¶ Idols, and Other¶ Writings 4th printing EDITED BY¶ AARON R I D L E Y¶ University of Southampton¶ J U D I TH N O RM A N¶ Trinity University, Texas¶ TRANLSLATED BY¶ JUDITH NORM AN Pg. xx-xxi Aesthetics must necessarily be evaluated perspectivally. All evaluators necessarily presuppose a particular style which they cannot step outside of. The alternatives of absolutism and relativism both fail.NEHAMAS ’6 ALEXANDER NEHAMAS Professor of philosophy at Princeton "Nietzsche, modernity, aestheticism" in The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche 228-230 1AC"Conditional dogmatism" is another term for Nietzsche’s perspectivism.¶ Alasdair Maclntyre characterizes the In the absence of a transcendental truth of beauty to judge perspectives against, we should judge them based on whether they affirm or negate life.SMITH 2K7 1ACPerspectival aesthetics is life affirming because it doesn’t require an absolute idea of beautySefler ’74 George F. Sefler chairman of the department of philosophy at Mansfield State College, Pennsylvania. "The Existential vs. the Absurd: The Aesthetics of Nietzsche and Camus" The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Spring, 1974), pp. Aesthetics comes first – it’s the only internal link to interacting with the world and affirming lifeDoran ’00 Robert Doran Assistant Professor of French and Comparative Literature at the University of Rochester "Nietzsche: Utility, Aesthetics, History" Comparative Literature Studies 37.3 (2000) 321-343 Perspectivism allows us to construct perspectives that affirm our own gifts and talents. This does not devolve into senseless violence but avoids the life denying truths of moralities of thou shalt not.SOLOMON 99 ROBERT C. SOLOMON "Nietzsche ad hominem:Perspectivism, personality and ressentiment" in The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche 203-4 | |
03/23/2013 | Indian Epistemology AffTournament: CEDA | Round: 2 | Opponent: Kansas HM | Judge: CT 1ACWe begin our investigation into this year's topic with a story. Wind is a matter of interpretation, as the Laguna Pueblo author Leslie Silko in her groundbreaking work Ceremony, wrote: You see, Josiah had said... ...This earth keeps us going. These interpretations become a struggle between fundamental worldviews, one that continues today. Greg Cajete, in Native Science, said: We hope that sooner rather... under absolute human control. However, control is an illusion that ignores wind power, as the Maricopa story "Cloud and Wind" reminds us... The cloud and the wind... ...not have many hard storms. Therefore, we affirm the resolution through an indigenous epistemology. This affirmation of the practice of storytelling and oral tradition embodies a de-centering of Western thought that acts as a lifeboat for methods and traditions that have been crowded out by colonialism There are numerous concepts and... ...implications of practice that entails. As academics we should be particularly wary of creeping legacies of colonialism in our pedagogical practices - the loss of heritage should be considered cultural genocide. Aboriginal people in the schools... ...their conduct toward others. Our affirmation of indigenous epistemologies provides a corrective to the Western scientific culture/nature divide that commodifies the environment and allows its destruction. Our epistemic break creates space for Native Science, a notion of natural democracy and kinship that resolves the West's oppositional alienation. Hence, the irony, or is... ...within the culture/nature opposition. This natural democracy is part of a cultural shift away from Western individualism, mechanism and objective cult rationality that produces a dialogue with nature as a member of the community of life - absent this shift the West will continue to consume the environment until nothing is left. Even in those cases in... ...can be destroyed with impunity. Our affirmation of indigenous epistemologies reclaims ceremony as a springboard for natural democracy. It opposes the capitalist power to profane all that's sacred - Native Science inserts issues of social justice into discussions of technology and the imperial eradication of human and ecological communities Let us take, for example... ...colonial and neo-colonial manifestations. Our invocation of Native Science counters the anthropological move to place the figure and culture of the Indian into the past as an artifact of study - the aff is key to animate the subjective and social nature of science and to bring significance to discussions of wind and the human place in the grand story of the world This Essay is principally concerned... ...question: what does it mean? Our affirmation of wind provokes reflection on both the nature of wind and the ways that we come to know our worldview - while communication with the wind lies outside the frame of modernity's knowledge enterprise we should work to transcend Cartesian dualisms and to refuse the hegemony of Enlightenment thinking and Western science That I experience the birch... not share those assumptions. | |
03/29/2013 | NDT Rd 1 - Indian EpistemologyTournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: Harvard HT | Judge: Same exact aff as the CEDA aff | |
03/29/2013 | NDT RD3 - New 1AC EvidenceTournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: Emporia SW | Judge: New 1AC EvidenceIndigenous Education is radically different than colonial systems of education | |
03/29/2013 | NDT RD3 - 2AC AnswersTournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: Emporia SW | Judge: Our affirmation of native science is amethod of epistemological hybridity that laters Western forms of knowledge production. Our pedagogical model is a first step for projects of emancipationAtlay 06 ~Sonya Atlay "Indigenous Archaeology as Decolonizing Practice." American Indian Quarterly Vol 30 No ¾ Special Issue: Decolonizing Archaeology (Summer-Autumn 2006) pp 280-310 JSTOR Our emphasis on story telling and oral traditions as a form of epistemolocial method creates space indigenous knowledge and collective agency over cultural heritageAtlay 06 ~Sonya Atlay "Indigenous Archaeology as Decolonizing Practice." American Indian Quarterly Vol 30 No ¾ Special Issue: Decolonizing Archaeology (Summer-Autumn 2006) pp 280-310 JSTOR Our blending of Western and Indigenous epistemologies is a collaborative method of decolonization, which provides a pedagogical model that expands theory as a democratizing process of knowledge productionAtlay 06 ~Sonya Atlay "Indigenous Archaeology as Decolonizing Practice." American Indian Quarterly Vol 30 No ¾ Special Issue: Decolonizing Archaeology (Summer-Autumn 2006) pp 280-310 JSTOR Our affirmation of indigenous epistemologies is an act of decolonization with radical potential. Oru method counters the imperial dominance of Western epistemologies and spures new forms of knowledge productionAtlay 06 ~Sonya Atlay "Indigenous Archaeology as Decolonizing Practice." American Indian Quarterly Vol 30 No ¾ Special Issue: Decolonizing Archaeology (Summer-Autumn 2006) pp 280-310 JSTOR One need not be an indigenous person….silence our Indigenous ways of knowing Criticism of Identity consturucts is based upon European experience, not experience of the indigenous peoples on turtle islandGraveline 1998 ~"Circle Works Pa. 23-24~ | |
03/30/2013 | NDT Rd 5 1AC Indigenous EpistemologyTournament: NDT | Round: 5 | Opponent: Texas GM | Judge: Butler, Morgan, Evans | |
03/30/2013 | NDT Rd 5 2ACTournament: ndt | Round: 5 | Opponent: texas GM | Judge: Morgan, Evans, Butler Speaking for others good Critiques of authenticity fragment and marginalize support for indigenous peoples Denial of essentialism undermines ability of indigenous peoples last vestage against capitalism and colonialism We aren’t essentialist – the use of categories such as “indigenous” and “western” are historically accurate heuristics that are necessary for speaking of a very real cultural trend Indians have visions, ideas like your affirmation are based on singular dimensions Criticism of identity constructs is based on European experience, not the experience of the indigenous peoples on turtle island Our blending of Western and indigenous epistemologies is a collaborative method of decolonialization, which provides a pedagogical model that expands theory as a democratizing process of knowledge production |
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