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Alternative energy policy is embedded in a mode of technological thinking which reduces nature to a ‘standing reserve’ of resources always at hand for human consumption. This perspective ignores the intrinsic meaning of nature and instead replaces it with the desire for unlimited control and domination of the natural world.
Xuanmeng 3( Yu, “Heidegger on Technology, Alienation and Destiny,” The Humanization of Technology and Chinese Culture Chinese Philosophical Studies, XI, Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change, Series II, Asia, Vol 11,
First, "The revealing that rules in modern technology is a challenging (Herausfordern
with "what modern technology is," but with a process or phenomenon.
A technological approach to the world forces a conceptualization of things as commodities to be used and manipulated by humans. We lose our ability to stand-open to nature’s revealing of itself and believe ourselves to be the ‘Lords of the Earth,’ failing to realize that it is both nature and ourselves that have become the victims of technological manipulation.
Condella 1(Craig A., Fordham University, “Overcoming the Destining Of Technological Being,” Fall 2001 Symposium:Humanity’s Place in the Cosmos, November 6, 2001,
What, then, is the essence of technology? In searching for an answer
can we even begin to overcome the danger harbored within its very essence.
Our inability to perceive the essence of the world and instead replace it with the commodification constructed by a technological world view prevents us from authentically being in the world and leaves us in a state of ontological damnation resulting in complete nuclear annihilation
Zimmerman 94 (Michael E., Professor of Philosophy at Tulane University, Contesting Earth’s Future: Radical Ecology and Postmodernity, 119-20)
Heidegger asserted that human self-assertion, combined with the eclipse of being,
species are somehow lessened because they were never "disclosed" by humanity.
Instead of framing nature as an instrumental means to the ends of the plan, we must let nature emerge for itself rather than for us. This involves stepping-back from the values and notions instilled by technological management and ‘letting nature be.’
Condella 1
(Craig A., Fordham University, “Overcoming the Destining Of Technological Being,” Fall 2001 Symposium:Humanity’s Place in the Cosmos, November 6, 2001,
Contemporary ethical discussions in regard to the environment often take on the form of future
the cosmos will remain primarily a question about the cosmos’s place in humanity.
Here’s the text to our alternative: refuse the affirmative.
Frantic activity in the name of fixing the world is the end result of a system of thinking which precludes any real change. Instead of relying upon technological thought, we must embrace the paradox that seemingly ‘doing nothing’ brings within us in order to cultivate a new understanding of action.
McWhorter 92
(Ladelle, Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies Department of Philosophy University of Richmond, “Guilt as Management Technology: A Call to Heideggerian Reflection,” Heidegger and the Earth, 1-9)
Our usual response to such prophecies of doom is to ignore them or, when
of the power configurations of current thinking that must be allowed to dissipate.