Oklahoma » Baker-Lee Neg Whiteness

Baker-Lee Neg Whiteness

Last modified by George Lee on 2012/10/07 15:35

Deconstructing Whiteness is the key to ontologically unfreezing any Non-White Body as the Other or Criminal..

Yancy '04 (George Yancy, Review editor of the American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and the Black Experience)

Whiteness Manifest itself through the use of representations and the manipulation of those representations to reify a world of "reality" that will best benefit those who reside on the powerful side of White supremacy...  

Yancy '04 (George Yancy, Review editor of the American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and the Black Experience)

Bad Faith of Whiteness

(Robert Birt, Professor of Philosophy Morgan State University. "The Bad Faith of Whiteness."In George Yancy, ed.,What it looks like: African American Philosophers on the Whiteness Question. 55-64)

Created by George Lee on 2012/10/07 15:35

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