Tournament: NJDDT | Round: 4 | Opponent: | Judge:
Ferraro 3/14 (Thomas, “Senators aim to reach bipartisan immigration deal next week”, 2013, http:~/~/, CMR)
Eight senators aim to cap ... pending immigration bill.
Plan is unpopular--gets sucked into broader nuclear opposition
Rebecca Smith, "Small Reactors Generate Big Hopes," WALL STREET JOURNAL, 2--18--10,
"We see significant benefits ... at about 1,000 megawatts of capacity.
PC is key and finite
Nakamura 2/20 (David, “In interview, Obama says he has a year to get stuff done”, 2013, http:~/~/, CMR)
President Obama‘s said Wednesday he’s ... with Congress on issues from tax reform, budget cuts, immigration reform and gun control.
Scullion ’13 (Christine, “Manufacturers Take the Lead In STEM Education”, January 8, http:~/~/, CMR)
The U.S. the innovation leader.
Chyba and Greninger, 4 - Co-Director of the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC), Stanford Institute for International Studies, and an Associate Professor at Stanford University
Christopher and Alex, “Biotechnology and Bioterrorism: An Unprecedented World” Survival, 46:2, Summer 2004
In the absence of a comprehensive ... choose to direct their efforts elsewhere.
Steinbruner 97 John D. Steinbruner, Brookings senior fellow and chair in international security, vice chair of the committee on international security and arms control of the National Academy of Sciences, Winter 1997, Foreign Policy, “Biological weapons: a plague upon all houses,” n109 p85(12), infotrac
Although human pathogens ...necessarily its outer limit.