NYU » Lee-Koo Neg

Lee-Koo Neg

Last modified by Will Baker on 2012/10/07 06:33

1NC Topicality Shell—the affirmative does not REDUCE restrictions OR INCREASE financial incentives  
A. INTERPRETATION.  A restriction must actually prevent production, not just indirectly make it more difficult.  
1-Legal interpretations in the context of a kind of regulation similar to that in the topic support this.
US Supreme Court Justice Roberts in 34
(Owen, Majority opinion in Nebbia v. New York, 291 U.S. 502, 531, http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/getcase.pl?court=us&vol=291&invol=502
Notwithstanding the admitted power to....against the statute depends.

B.  VIOLATION.  Their advocacy changes the way persons relate to energy in nature.   This does not remove a restriction on or increase financial incentives for energy production in the physical world.

  1.  Limits.
    Their interpretation opens aff case choice to changing anything that might discourage energy production.  They could improve the European economy, or stop a war with Iran.  Unlimited case possibilities make negative preparation too difficult.  Our interpretation allows lots of cases where energy producers cannot find a site to drill on or the money to build.
    2.  Ground
    The aff interpretation allows them to claim too many advantages or critical perspectives unrelated to increasing energy production, such as protection of trade secrets.  Fair ground division on this topic should be centered around increasing or decreasing energy production.  Our interpretation guarantees this.
    3.  Bright line
    Their interpretation requires that you look at personal intent rather than on the specialized meanings of the topic words.  Our interpretation sets a bright line  if U.S. law prevents you from producing and gives inadequate tangible encouragement to produce energy, then it is topical to remove it.  Avoiding subjective judging decisions is good for the exercise of jurisdiction.
    For reasons of education, fairness and jurisdiction.


a) Wind projects are a front for  exploitation of Native Americans and “greenwashing” 

Awehali, Tribal Member – Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, 06
(Brian, LiP Magazine, “Native Energy Futures: Renewable Energy, Actual Sovereignty, & the New Rush on Indian Lands”, 6/5, http://www.lipmagazine.org/articles/featawehali_nativefutures.htm, Accessed 7/11/08)

It all started with a....gain greater economic and tribal sovereignty.

b) The plan forms joint ventures that gut tribal sovereignty

Awehali 6 (Brian, , Tribal Member – Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, LiP Magazine, “Native Energy Futures: Renewable Energy, Actual Sovereignty, & the New Rush on Indian Lands”, 6/5, http://www.lipmagazine.org/articles/featawehali_nativefutures.htm, Accessed 7/11/08)

It’s hard to believe....driving the planet to its doom.

C) These unscrupulous corporations will eviscerate the environment and repeat the harms of colonialism turning the case

Boone 5 (Jon, PhD, Environmentalist, and Formal Intervenor in Wind Installation Hearings, “DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JON BOONE BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF MARYLAND”, http://www.windaction.org/?module=uploads&func=download&fileId=162, Acc: 8/2/12, og)

In pursuit of a financial bonanza....the sobriquet “irresponsible development.”

Warming DA 

Scientific consensus is warming is coming
Hansen, Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, 12
(James, January 30, 2012, “Top Climate Scientist on Need for Clean Energy Action”, http://cleantechnica.com/2012/01/30/top-climate-scientist-on-need-for-clean-energy-action/, 7/17/12, atl)

The threat of human-made climate change....especially by young people and future generations.

Warming causes extinction
Tickell, Climate researcher 2008
(Oliver, Climate Researcher, The Gaurdian, “On a planet 4C hotter, all we can prepare for is extinction”, 8-11, http://www.guardian.co.uk/ commentisfree/2008/aug/11/ climatechange)

We need to get prepared for....towards a similar hothouse Earth.

Created by Will Baker on 2012/10/07 06:33

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