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The U.S. marries destructive military capabilities to a policy of selective engagement to make it’s military appear less threatening - ignoring the way our isolation of threats can incite aggression frames our response in a way that creates a self-fullfiling prophecy - oh and your threats are constructed.
Grondin 2004 (David Grondin, Masters in Political Science and Ph.D. Candidate – University of Ottawa, 2004, (“(Re)Writing the ‘National Security State,’ Center for United States Studies, p. 12-17, MT)
"Approaches that deconstruct... existence are generated 18."
Enmity motivated by security will cause extinction, the threats they name aren’t real but are invented by leaders manipulating us.
Mack 1988 (John E., M.D. an American psychiatrist, writer, and professor at Harvard Medical School. He was a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer. “The Enemy System” 1988., MT)
"The threat of... our educational system."
Critical praxis outweighs policy making- voting affirmative guarantees error replication. Only a radical break from dominant paradigms can avoid becoming a self fulfilling prophecy.
Cheeseman and Bruce 1996 (Graeme, Senior Lecturer at the University of New South Wales, and Robert, Associate Professor in social sciences at Curtin university, “Discourses of Danger and Dread Frontiers”, p. 5-8)
"This goal is pursued... them, and why?"
The alternative solves - breaking out of our obsession with security allows alternative relationships to the future - their predictions are ideologically loaded and suspect.
Neocleous 2008 (Mark is a Professor at Brunel University, Critique of Political Economy; Head of Department of Politics and History, he joined Brunel University in the Department of Government in 1994. Since then he has published numerous books and articles. His most recent work has been towards the development of a critique of security. “CRITIQUE OF SECURITY” 2008. Pg. 185-186, MT)
"The only way... return the gift."
It’s impossible to make sense of a political reality absent an interrogation of representations The aff doesn’t get access to plan based offense prior to winning their worldview is productive.
Jourde 2006 (Cedric, Ph.D., Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, 2002 * M.A., Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, 1996 * B.Sc., Political Science, Université de Montréal, Montréal, 1995 Hegemony or Empire?: The redefinition of US Power under George W Bush Ed. David and Grondin p. 182-183 2006, MT)
"The next section... with this 'other'."