Tournament: Emporia | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge:
floating rik 1NC
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Bataille 1949(Georges, accomplished author, heterogenist, dead man, “The Cruel Practice of Art,” reprinted in Georges Bataille, Oeuvres Completes, vol. XI, Paris: Gallimard, 1988, originally appeared in the CD-ROM BLAM! 1 1993, revised for electronic edition, translated, digitized, and typeset by Supervert 32C Inc. 2003, com/)
like any good negative, we pose a choice: to think of the world of the affirmative with the mind of adults or with the mind of a child. we propose that for this debate, we think about the acts in the 1AC as those of an art of sacrifice.
sacrifice may not be a contemporary practice, but what else could we see in the repetitive readings of mass death and total extinction in affirmatives since what now is time immemorial? consumption in the nuclear holocaust: the revealing of a furnace of light.
may no mistake be made- tete a tete, aff and neg, we think that both are cruel. there’s nothing more that can be said with a perpetual obsession with impacts only related to death, damage, extinction at large. it may be difficult to admit, but it is wholly non-unique. we do not advocate for or against cruelty: only for discovering what meaning it can have.
critics (not judges) vote for teams not because of their plan texts, but because of their representations- reward us for acknowledging for once that the ballot endorses the visualization of bizarre methods of cruelty and sacrifice presented by debaters, and always has. instead of going back on these representations in a sickening application of a decisive and active intervention in the beautiful art that we make with our impacts.
thus we present our counter-advocacy for the debate: read cards
we advocate the above representations without the action of the plan.
what can this offer us but a world in which death is all we look forward to? simply this, with the knowledge that we will not die whether you vote for the plan or not, view the art of the 1AC as a vision of cruelty, as an art of sacrifice. viewing debate as an artform, and seeing the art of the 1AC NOT as the presence of a sacrifice but as the act that makes the sacrifice unworthy, as in the affirmative, makes us resent our lack of power and our separation from the world and each other. while this separation cannot be fixed, we can lift the obstacle that separates the object of death- the sacrificial victim, not as unworthy of notation, but as the ultimate high that we should prioritize- the elimination of separation in death. this refutes the value of solidifying the subject and puts us on the level- the level of the end.
it is easy to wonder why not the plan. easy answer: because the plan regards the impacts with anguish! Give up the game- the menace to the subject is the reason we prefer these impacts in the first place. without it, we give ourselves up to misery within the structures of power and fear
we don’t kill anyone, no one will die-art in debate, viewing debate as art, can give us the moment of the instant, the realization that this round may not be towards accomplishing another pull on the broken disconnected levers of power, but towards something entirely else, something different and new: something, ultimately, happy.
swimming pools, movie stars 1AC
we cut the earth to make it bleed-the story begins in the ground, beneath our skin, and under the heavy eyelids of everywhere dreamers and wakers
Thorburn 07
Elise, MA from University of Western Ontario, Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism, “The Crude and the Abject: a Psychoanalysis of the Oil Economy,” accessed online through personal communication, used with permission from the author, full article available upon request i can jump it to you)
As Daniel Plainview elucidates in Paul Thomas Anderson’s There Will Be Blood: I assure you, whatever the others promise to do, when it comes to the showdown, they won't be there...
they won’t be there because they’re not ready to feel the flow. when it comes bubbling up, how could you not touch that sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet texas tea. when it begins to drip through your fingertips, you’re not just touching the surface you’re touching the lips the bits hips tits and mits of a goddamn dinosaur. shit.
the truth is, it’s still everywhere and we want it- now. NO COST IS TOO GREAT to obtain my preternatural front of line one and only love- oil. in this great peterotopia of ours, there are no pretenders! we know the difference between with or against; on it or, HEAVEN FORBID, off of it. and we know that all of these great impacts are just so many expressions of this bad faith rock and roll dream- nothing can pull us over NOTHING CAN SLOW US DOWN. our belief sustains the notion that nothing can be undone.
LeMenager 12
(Stephanie, Associeate Professor of English @ UC Santa Barbara, “The Aesthetics of Petroleum, After Oil!” American Literary History 24.1 pj Muse)
the greatness of this accumulation of faith is the legacy of obsolescence and the hip and groovy doldrums of despair- emphasizing the unfaltering health of this ongoing economic legacy is simply a SPECULATIVE DANCE where whole populations are destroyed at the profit margins
Thorburn 07
Elise, MA from University of Western Ontario, Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism, “The Crude and the Abject: a Psychoanalysis of the Oil Economy,” accessed online through personal communication, used with permission from the author, full article available upon request i can jump it to you)
exploiting oil in our own lands, drinking the oil off our own shores is the preemin- WHOA! THERE SHE BLOWS! THE BEVERLEY HILLBILLIES
LeMenager 12
(Stephanie, Associeate Professor of English @ UC Santa Barbara, “The Aesthetics of Petroleum, After Oil!” American Literary History 24.1 pj Muse)
this comic play, dispossessed awareness, ultimate revulsion is to reveal oil as ABJECT- write it down- in the body of the economy, oil is the disgusting muck we’d rather not discuss but must- revelling in the stickiness of the oil economy allows a well deep understanding of ALL RELATIONS as ALL RELATIONS are floating in this stream of blood that we need
Thorburn 07
Elise, MA from University of Western Ontario, Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism, “The Crude and the Abject: a Psychoanalysis of the Oil Economy,” accessed online through personal communication, used with permission from the author, full article available upon request i can jump it to you)