Tournament: Georgia | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Krakoff 8 (Sarah, Professor of Law, University of Colorado Law School, American Indians, Climate Change, and Ethics for a Warming World,, Acc: 7/18/12, og)
This attachment to place, rooted in religious and cultural norms and traditions, is
place, and will continue to do so for some time to come.
Black 2010 (Richard Black, environment correspondent for BBC, October 18, 2010, "’Ten years’ to solve nature crisis, UN meeting hears,"
The two-week gathering aims to set new targets for conserving life on Earth
it is what we’re trying to do here, and why it matters."
Plan: The USFG should waive federal environmental review requirements for wind power production on tribal land.
Kronk 12 ~Elizabeth Ann, associate professor and director of Tribal Law %26 Government Center at KU School of Law, "Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended ’Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development’ and the Resulting Need for Reform," Pace Environmental Law Review, - myost~
Recognizing the importance of energy development in Indian country and the need to promote such
of TERA will spur tribal promulgation of TERAs with the Secretary of Interior.
Advantage 1 to removing environmental review requirements in TERA agreements: Warming
Native wind power solves climate change – 200,000 megawatt potential AND reduces emissions
Gough 7 (Robert, Secretary Intertribal Council On Utility Policy, testimony before Energy and Minerals Sub-Committee, testimony Energy and Minerals SubCommittee.pdf, Acc: 7/23/12, og)
CONCLUSION: Wind power and solar, unlike conventional generation from the burning of fossil
and would request the opportunity to expand these remarks, should that be necessary
Native wind projects solve climate change and justice – comparatively better
Burkett 8 (Maxine, Assoc. Prof. of Law, and Director, Island Climate Adaptation and Policy, University of Hawai’I, "Just Solutions to Climate Change", Lexis, OG)
There are as many possibilities in rural communities. n247 ~*229~ Native wind
Indian lands, while restoring the balance upset by environmental and climate injustices.
Climate justice is a moral obligation and precondition for policymaking
Burkett 8 (Maxine, Assoc. Prof. of Law, and Director, Island Climate Adaptation and Policy, University of Hawai’I, "Just Solutions to Climate Change", Lexis, OG)
Environmental justice norms demand that in choosing its response to climate change, the United
a path in which all solutions, however flawed, may be just.
Advantage 2: Sovereignty
The United States seeks to reduce its dependence on foreign energy and look for increased domestic production. Native American land provides a suitable alternative.
Kronk 12 (Elizabeth Ann, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Kansas, Director, Tribal Law and Government Center, "Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended "Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development" and the Resulting Need for Reform29 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 811 (2012), 5-21.
Today, escaping stories of political acrimony seems impossible. Despite this intense atmosphere,
contains an estimated ten percent of all energy resources in the United States."
Native American territory provides the opportunity to develop renewable energy sources, including wind power.
Kronk 12 (Elizabeth Ann, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Kansas, Director, Tribal Law and Government Center, "Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended "Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development" and the Resulting Need for Reform29 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 811 (2012), 5-21.
In particular, there is huge potential for wind and solar energy development within certain regions of Indian country. As a result, Native tribes stand in a unique nexus between renewable energy resources and transmission of electricity in key areas of the West."
Tribal wind development increases tribal sovereignty – control over resources, and economic self-determination
Shahinian 8 (Mark, J.D. and M.S. in Environment and Natural Resources from University of Michigan, "SPECIAL FEATURE: THE TAX MAN COMETH NOT: HOW THE NON-TRANSFERABILITY OF TAX CREDITS HARMS INDIAN TRIBES", 32 Am. Indian L. Rev. 267, Lexis, og)
Tribal sovereignty may be the number one concern of tribes. Indeed, one prominent
federal im-pediments to tribal self-government and tribal resource development."
====Waiving the environmental review requirement gives authority back to the tribes and creates increased chances of prosperity for tribes while limiting the USFG’s control of native lives====
Kronk 12 ~Elizabeth Ann, associate professor and director of Tribal Law %26 Government Center at KU School of Law, "Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended ’Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development’ and the Resulting Need for Reform," Pace Environmental Law Review, - myost~
If Congress truly wishes the federal government to be free from liability with regard to
provide adequate oversight and resources to effectively manage resource development within Indian country.
And, we solve—wind power offers a unique opportunity to change the way resources are extracted from Native lands; only the plan effectively allows tribes to assert sovereignty over their energy rights, enabling alternatives to the destructive status quo
Unger 9 ~Kathleen R., JD candidate at Loyola Law School Los Angeles, "Change is in the Wind: Self-Determination and Wind Power through Tribal Energy Resource Agreements," Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 43.1 (2009): 329-372, myost~
Developing tribal wind power can also address tribes’ environmental concerns. Much past resource development
retained the ability to direct the course of development under these policies. 48
Kronk 11 (Elizabeth Ann, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law. J.D., University of Michigan, "Tribal Energy Resource Agreements",, Acc: 7/13/12, og)
In addition to the federal government’s increasingly interest in potential energy development within Indian country
to tribal members and advance the interests of the federal government as well.