Tournament: UGA | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
First with the Link
A. The 1AC is a typical leftist response to international oppression that remains silent in the face of the on-going colonization of native North America. The plan serves as a mask for the state, making it appear benevolent, even as its existence is contingent upon a continuing legacy of colonization that guarantees continued international exploitation, turning the case.
Ward Churchill 1996 (Professor of Ethnic Studies at University of Colorado, Boulder, BA and MA in
I’ll debunk some of this nonsense in a moment, but first I want to
couple of dozen other illustrations along the lines of those I just mentioned.
Would sexism be perpetuated? Ask one of the Haudenosaunee clan mothers, who continue
, sexist, classist, homophobic, militaristic order on non-Indians.
Indigenous knowledge is key to achieving an understanding of how to properly manage the environment
B. Rajasekaran, Center for Indigenous Knowledge for Agriculture and Rural Development, Iowa State, 1993 ("A framework for incorporating indigenous knowledge systems into agricultural research, extension, and NGOs for sustainable agricultural development." Studies in Technology and Social Change No. 21. Technology and Social Change Program, Iowa State University, 1993,
Indigenous knowledge is local knowledge that is unique to a given culture or society (
agricultural and natural resource management practices, which pave the way for sustainable agriculture
Continued lack of understanding of indigenous people and their practices leads to further decimation of the environment
B. Rajasekaran, Center for Indigenous Knowledge for Agriculture and Rural Development, Iowa State, 1993 ("A framework for incorporating indigenous knowledge systems into agricultural research, extension, and NGOs for sustainable agricultural development." Studies in Technology and Social Change No. 21. Technology and Social Change Program, Iowa State University, 1993,
2.7 Consequences of disregarding indigenous knowledge systems Undermining farmers’ confidence in their traditional
for innovations considering the inadequate human resource capacity of the regional research system.
Finally the Alternative
A. The Alternative is to reject the Affirmative and pursue indigenous land return as a first priority. This act of impossible realism solves the case—Colonization is the root cause of oppression, and exploitation. Only a return to an indigenous politics can remedy the ills of colonialism.
Ward Churchill 1996 (Professor of Ethnic Studies at University of Colorado, Boulder, BA and MA in Communications from Sangamon State, From A Native Son pgs 85-90)
The question which inevitably arises with regard to indigenous land claims, especially in the
million North Americans outweigh the rights of a couple million Nicaraguans (continues).
Leaving aside the pronounced and pervasive hypocrisy permeating these positions, which add up to
"impossible realism." Isn’t it time we all worked on attaining it?