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Battle, Juan, Michael Bennett, and Anthony Lemelle. Free At Last? Black America In the Twenty-First Century. 2006. Print.
“As we head into a new century, we need to be aware of the debilitating effects of the collapse of urban policy on the environments disproportionately inhabited by African Americans and other people of color
2Pac Keep ya head up
David Hall 2006 explains, this failure “creates a social reality where we can touch people, but not feel their pain.
Eibach, Richard, and Valerie Purdie-Vaugns. "Intersectional Invisibility: The Distinctive Advantages." n. page. Print. <>.
Historical Invisibility- concerning the marginalization of intersectional experiences in historical narratives
ADVOCACY STATEMENT: The USFG should reduce restrictions on conversation of energy production to account for what occurs in the urban space, just as the debate community should reduce restrictions on knowledge production to account for the urban space of this community. Therefore, the ballot serves as a tool to vote for the team who best performatively and methodologically inserts “the urban” into the debate space to bring access to the political sphere.
JOHNSON 2K6 [Patrick E., “professor of African American studies and performance studies at Northwestern University, “Quare Studies or (almost) everything I know about Queer Studies I learned from my grandmother” in Black Queer Studies: A Critical Anthology
“the homeplace is the one site where one can freely confront the issue of humanization, where one can resist
JOHNSON 2K6 [Patrick E., “professor of African American studies and performance studies at Northwestern University, “Quare Studies or (almost) everything I know about Queer Studies I learned from my grandmother” in Black Queer Studies: A Critical Anthology
“Quare studies require an acknowledgment by the critic of her or his position within an oppressive system.
Rifkin, Jeremy. The empathic civilization : the race to global consciousness in a world in crisis / Jeremy Rifkin J.P. Tarcher/Penguin, New York : 2009,
“Our collective memory of human nature is measured in terms of cries and calamities, harrowing injustices, and terrifying episodes of brutality inflicted on each other and our fellow creatures
JOHNSON 2K6 [Patrick E., “professor of African American studies and performance studies at Northwestern University, “Quare Studies or (almost) everything I know about Queer Studies I learned from my grandmother” in Black Queer Studies: A Critical Anthology
, “quare is a theory in the flesh by conjoining theory and practice through an embodied politic of resistance.