General Actions:
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09/30/2012 | Nukes DATournament: GGSO | Round: 1 | Opponent: SFSU AK | Judge: Skiles Nuclear power is globally expanding and is catching on in the U.S. NAM 08 (National Association of Manufacturers, Expanding Nuclear Capacity Will Create High-Wage Jobs, Says NAM, Jun. 17, 2008, The U.S. economy is key to the world economy. O’Donnell 9 (Sean Squad Leader in the Marine Corps Reserve and is currently a graduate student at the University of Baltimore studying law and ethics,, Will this recession lead to World War III?, February 26, 2009,, MS) One of the causes of … However sometimes history repeats itself. | |
09/30/2012 | Elections DATournament: GGSO | Round: 1 | Opponent: SFSU AK | Judge: Skiles Solyndra secures undecided, disillusioned voters for Romney Independent voters are the largest voting bloc —- spending kills support Neither party focuses on issues that matter … four more years of the same gridlock. A Romney victory ensures a strike against Iran White 7-3-12 (Jeremy B., International Business Times – National Affairs Reporter, 7-3-2012, International Business Times, Romney Foreign Policy: A ‘Replay of the Bush Administration’?, A President Romney would … has that capacity now. Global Nuclear War JH: Iran is likely to respond … before anybody has prevailed. | |
09/30/2012 | Treasury CPTournament: GGSO | Round: 1 | Opponent: SFSU AK | Judge: Skiles The department of the treasury can issue guidance documents Investment tax credits solve for wind energy production Small Wind Turbines.* The credit … for small wind turbines.) | |
09/30/2012 | Queer Eco KTournament: GGSO | Round: 5 | Opponent: Sac State GM | Judge: Manuel B. Difference is everywhere and can only be grappled with relationally. We should embrace the strangeness of the other as irreducible – only the kritik can deal with existence itself. We will need to let the 1ac die in order to save the whole of life. C. The environmentalism of the aff has laden with eugenics. The K is an urgent intervention into the problematic assumptions of the aff. D. We must reject the dualistic thinking of nature as pure or dirty and embrace a new ontology of transnatural ethics. | |
09/30/2012 | EPA CPTournament: GGSO | Round: 3 | Opponent: SouCou MU | Judge: Energy policy guidance documents are enforced Guidance documents avoid politics- especially true in divided government Guidance documents have a practical legal effect despite not being actual rules | |
09/30/2012 | Environmental Justice KTournament: GGSO | Round: 3 | Opponent: SouCol MU | Judge: The United States is the … to countries in the South. And the US energy and environmental policies are historically grounding in whiteness and are utilized as an institutionalized form of racism to bolster the exploitation of land, people and the natural environment Bullard 8 (Robert D. Bullard, Ph.D, Environmental Justice Resource Center, Clark Atlanta University, 7/2/08, “POVERTY, POLLUTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM: STRATEGIES FOR BUILDING HEALTHY AND SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES” BGB Environmental racism is a form of … environmental impacts on blacks. Alternative Sze 07 (Dr. Julie Sze, professor of American Studies and Director of the Environmental Justice Program at the John Muir Institute for the Environment, UC Davis, “Noxious New York”, ISBN 0-262-19554-2 pg 150-151) sbb Given the history and the large … and they raised new social issues” (209). The cooperative relations forged after … least have that as a goal. We must embrace framework of environmental justice (Dr. Robert D. Bullard, pre-eminent source on environmental justice, the Edmund Asa Ware Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Director of the Environmental Justice Resource Center at Clark Atlanta University, “The Quest for Environmental Justice: Human Rights and the Politics of Pollution” ISBN-10: 1578051207) sbb / og The question of environmental justice … by removing lead from houses). | |
10/17/2012 | Round 1 UNLV 1NC vs Cal PolyTournament: UNLV | Round: 1 | Opponent: Cal Poly CF | Judge: Michael Ely Obama winning now: post-convention swing-state surgeSilver 9-13-11 Nate Silver, NYT, "Sept 13: After convention bounce, holding Obama’s polls to a higher standard" 9/14 com/ On Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Eastern time, there was Link – Obama has to maintain his strong stance on China in order to win.LA Times 12 (Jan 26, 2012, Don Lee and David Pierson, "Obama signals tougher stance on China trade practices" sbb In pledging to lure offshore jobs back to the U.S. and target Independent voters are the largest voting bloc —- spending kills supportSchoen 12 Douglas Schoen, pollster for President Clinton, 2-8-2012, The Forgotten Swing Voter, Politico, p. Neither party focuses on issues that matter most to people: reviving the economy, A Romney victory ensures a strike against IranWhite 7-3-12 (Jeremy B., International Business Times – National Affairs Reporter, 7-3-2012, International Business Times, Romney Foreign Policy: A ’Replay of the Bush Administration’?, A President Romney would have less hesitation about attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities. In response Global Nuclear WarHirsch 6 (Jorge, professor of Physics at the University of California at San Diego, 4-22-2006, Centre for Research on Globalization, Nuking Iran,, accessed 7-5-2012, JKE) JH: Iran is likely to respond to any US attack using its considerable missile The United States Department of the treasury should issue a guidance document stating (insert specific incentive area of plan).The department of the treasury can issue guidance documentsClinton Administration 93 (The President of the United States, "Executive Order 12866" , September 30, 1993,** With this Executive order, the Federal Government begins a program to reform and make Regulations are established by congress – agencies can make internal modifications that avoid political blameSchillaci 2007 ~William C. author of the book Most Misunderstood Regs March 27, "Reining in Guidance Documents" The call for increase energy production is nothing more than a smoke screen for the Affirmative to engage in environmental racismBullard 8 (Robert D. Bullard, Ph.D, Environmental Justice Resource Center, Clark Atlanta University, 7/2/08, "POVERTY, POLLUTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM: STRATEGIES FOR BUILDING HEALTHY AND SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES" ~BGB~ The United States is the dominant economic and military force in the world today.
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10/17/2012 | Round 1 UNLV 2NCTournament: UNLV | Round: 1 | Opponent: Cal Poly CW | Judge: Michael Ely Specific link to the K – they manufacture solar panels in China. Chinese labor malpractices are widespread and getting worse – worker abuse, loss of fingers, poisons.NYT 2008 (David Barboza, writing for the New York Times, "In Chinese Factories, Lost Fingers and Low Pay" January 5, 2008 sbb Nearly a decade after some of the most powerful companies in the world — often Only environmental justice movements can solve – the grassroots movement is the impetus for change.Bullard et al 05 (Dr. Robert D. Bullard, pre-eminent source on environmental justice, the Edmund Asa Ware Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Director of the Environmental Justice Resource Center at Clark Atlanta University, "The Quest for Environmental Justice: Human Rights and the Politics of Pollution" ISBN-10: 1578051207) sbb / og Change in the dominant environmental protection paradigm did not come from an effort made by Environmental movement isn’t enough, must be environmental justice. Compare to 2nd vs. 3rd wave fem.Bullard et al 05 (Dr. Robert D. Bullard, pre-eminent source on environmental justice, the Edmund Asa Ware Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Director of the Environmental Justice Resource Center at Clark Atlanta University, "The Quest for Environmental Justice: Human Rights and the Politics of Pollution" ISBN-10: 1578051207) sbb / og In addition, urban dwellers increasingly are people of color who define environment and environmental Dirty Solar DisadUS pollution is on the decline and air quality is improving nowUPI 2012 (United Press International, May 2, 2012, "EPA Sees Better US Air Quality," The process of making solar panels increases air pollution.De Decker 08 (Kris, 3 March 2008, Low-tech Magazine Contributor, "The ugly side of solar panels,", d/a 8-2-12, ads) ExtinctionDriesen 2003 (David Driesen, Associate Professor at Syracuse University Law, 10 Buffalo Environmental Law Journal, Fall/Spring, Lexis) | |
10/17/2012 | Round 1 UNLV 1NRTournament: UNLV | Round: 1 | Opponent: Cal Poly CF | Judge: Michael Ely Romney will reject Taliban peace talks —- that undermines Afghanistan stability.Crowley, 4/18/2012 (Michael – senior correspondent at TIME Magazine, Romney’s Radical Position on Afghanistan, Swampland at TIME Magazine, p. Failure to stabilize Afghanistan threatens multiple scenarios of nuclear conflict —- terrorism, Russian aggression, Pakistani break-up and NATO credibility are a few.Miller, March/April 2012 (Paul D. – former director for Afghanistan on the National Security Council staff under Presidents Bush and Obama, assistant professor of the International Security affairs at the National Defense University, director for the Afghanistan-Pakistan program at the college of International Security Affairs, It’s Not just Al-Qaeda: Stability in the Most Dangerous Region, World Affairs Journal, p. Ukraine intervention sparks global nuclear war.Kingston, February 2009 (Brian, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs – CIFP, "Ukraine: A Risk Assessment Report", p. Pakistani break-up triggers nuclear war.Morgan 2007 (Stephen J., Political Writer and Former Member of the British Labour Party Executive Committee, "Better another Taliban Afghanistan, than a Taliban NUCLEAR Pakistan%21?", 9-23, http://www.freearticlesarchive .com/article/_Better_another_Taliban_Afghanistanthan_a_Taliban_NUCLEAR_Pakistan_/99961/0/) NATO collapse causes nuclear warsDuffield 1994 (John, Assistant Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs – University of Virginia, Political Science Quarterly, 109, p. 766-767) Most probable scenario for conflictBlank 2000 (Stephen, Prof Research – Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, "U.S. Military Engagement with Transcaucasia and Central Asia", | |
10/17/2012 | Round 3 UNLV 1NC vs FresnoTournament: UNLV | Round: 3 | Opponent: Fresno HT | Judge: Tom Meagher Nature ShellA. There is no such thing as Nature. The aff ecocriticism operates on a backdrop that thinks the environment as separate from humanity. The result is a fundamentally violent ideology.Morton 10 (Timothy Morton, Professor of Literature and ecology, Romantic-period literature, and literary theory at UC Davis, "Guest column: queer ecology" Published in PMLA, the journal of the Modern Language Association of America. V 125.2, p. 274-275 ) B. Difference is everywhere and can only be grappled with relationally. We should embrace the strangeness of the other as irreducible – only the kritik can deal with existence itself. We will need to let the 1ac die in order to save the whole of life.Morton 10 (Timothy Morton, Professor of Literature and ecology, Romantic-period literature, and literary theory at UC Davis, "Guest column: queer ecology" Published in PMLA, the journal of the Modern Language Association of America. V 125.2, p. 277-278) ====C. The environmentalism of the aff has laden with eugenics. The K is an urgent intervention into the problematic assumptions of the aff. ==== D. Alternative: Reject Compulsory Nature. Queer ecology undermines the worldMorton 10 (Timothy Morton, Professor of Literature and ecology, Romantic-period literature, and literary theory at UC Davis, "Guest column: queer ecology" Published in PMLA, the journal of the Modern Language Association of America. V 125.2, p. 278)
Afro-OptimismThe critical pessimism of the 1ac is complicit with an aesthetic equation of Black and ugly — we should rather be optimistic about blackness as a becoming of the condition of possibility for radical politicsIf they affirm the Black as the Slave, we affirm against that the becoming of slavery in the figure of the Black as a runawayBlackness is a prison sentence and its becoming is the perverse gift of escape. Voting negative is an escape from the ontological prisonhouse of the 1AC depiction of BlacknessThere is no value in their nihilist project — vote negative to affirm the joy of becoming in Black StudiesMoten ~’7 Fred, Professor of English and African American Studies, Duke University "black optimism/black operation", Chicago — working text for "Black Op" Source: ~~PMLA-, Volume 123, Number 5, October 2008, pp. 1743–1747 (5) My field is black studies. In that field, I~’m trying to hoe the Their radical negativity that essentializes the Black as an ontological category excludes the ontological position of mixed race folks %26 prevents contestation of the meaning of whiteness as well as building coalitions for white allies in the struggle against white supremacy. Whether Black or White, the politics of purity is a failure Michael J. Monahan, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Marquette University, Racial Justice and the Politics of Purity, ~’8, | |
10/17/2012 | Round 5 UNLV 1NC vs UTSATournament: UNLV | Round: 5 | Opponent: UTSA | Judge: Theresa Perry DecolonialityThe criticism approaches the problems of modernity with a one size fits all strategy. By only approaching this with one logic, it ignores the multiple hierarchies that are all entangled with the modern nation state.Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , "Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality", Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) This focus on western modes of knowledge production destroy the possibility of resistance from the subaltern and precludes the development of a space where we can critically examine modernity as well as preventing development of new utopias.Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , "Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality", Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) A break in western forms of knowledge production allow us to critically examine modernity as well as allow for the development of new utopias.Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , "Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality", Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) By creating artificial barriers within criticism, and dividing the economic, the political and the socio-cultural you can only obtain an incomplete truth. Because the coloniality of power has entangled all of these concepts into the matrix of coloniality.Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , "Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality", Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) I propose that the culture vs. economy dichotomy is a "chicken−egg Your radical project falls short of of its true potential. Modernity requires that for true radical potential you MUST dismantle the racial and colonial hierarchies set up by modernity to obtain success. Your project becomes nothing more than another failed attempt to achieve radical potential through identity politicsGrossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , "Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality", Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) The pernicious influence of coloniality in all of its expressions at different levels (global
Thus Sara Beth and I offer the following Alternative :We must embrace a mentality of border thinking, border thinking allows for a complete rejection of modernity, but instead of retreating into absolutism border thinking produces a redefinition of coloniality of power and lets us move beyond the narrow definitions imposed by European modernityRoll of the ballot is whomever offers the best method of challenging the colonial power matrix and creating a new form of knowledge production within the debate spaceGrossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , "Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality", Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) Critical border thinking provides a method to enact the decolonial shift and connects colonial histories which are entangled with modernity into the project of delinking from modernity and envelops the imperial and colonial differencesMignolo 08 ( Walter Mignolo, DELINKING: THE RHETORIC OF MODERNITY, THE LOGIC OFCOLONIALITY AND THE GRAMMAR OF DE-COLONIALITY, Journal of Cultural Studies Duke University Press 2008,)
De-linking the rhetoric of modernity opens the door to the voices of the subaltern and moves us toward the world of transmodernityMignolo 08 ( Walter Mignolo, DELINKING: THE RHETORIC OF MODERNITY, THE LOGIC OFCOLONIALITY AND THE GRAMMAR OF DE-COLONIALITY, Journal of Cultural Studies Duke University Press 2008,) How can we proceed? Quijano suggests de-linking modernity/rationality from coloniality Border thinking is not the end point of our project it is a starting point for developing a critical planetary consciousness to delink from the fundamental beliefs of modernityMignolo 08 ( Walter Mignolo, DELINKING: THE RHETORIC OF MODERNITY, THE LOGIC OFCOLONIALITY AND THE GRAMMAR OF DE-COLONIALITY, Journal of Cultural Studies Duke University Press 2008,) The struggle for epistemic de-colonization lies, precisely, here. The next | |
10/17/2012 | Decoloniality KTournament: UNLV | Round: 5 | Opponent: UTSA | Judge: Theresa Perry DecolonialityThe criticism approaches the problems of modernity with a one size fits all strategy. By only approaching this with one logic, it ignores the multiple hierarchies that are all entangled with the modern nation state.Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , "Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality", Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) This focus on western modes of knowledge production destroy the possibility of resistance from the subaltern and precludes the development of a space where we can critically examine modernity as well as preventing development of new utopias.Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , "Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality", Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) A break in western forms of knowledge production allow us to critically examine modernity as well as allow for the development of new utopias.Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , "Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality", Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) By creating artificial barriers within criticism, and dividing the economic, the political and the socio-cultural you can only obtain an incomplete truth. Because the coloniality of power has entangled all of these concepts into the matrix of coloniality.Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , "Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality", Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) I propose that the culture vs. economy dichotomy is a "chicken−egg Your radical project falls short of of its true potential. Modernity requires that for true radical potential you MUST dismantle the racial and colonial hierarchies set up by modernity to obtain success. Your project becomes nothing more than another failed attempt to achieve radical potential through identity politicsGrossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , "Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality", Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) The pernicious influence of coloniality in all of its expressions at different levels (global
Thus Sara Beth and I offer the following Alternative :We must embrace a mentality of border thinking, border thinking allows for a complete rejection of modernity, but instead of retreating into absolutism border thinking produces a redefinition of coloniality of power and lets us move beyond the narrow definitions imposed by European modernityRoll of the ballot is whomever offers the best method of challenging the colonial power matrix and creating a new form of knowledge production within the debate spaceGrossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , "Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality", Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) Critical border thinking provides a method to enact the decolonial shift and connects colonial histories which are entangled with modernity into the project of delinking from modernity and envelops the imperial and colonial differencesMignolo 08 ( Walter Mignolo, DELINKING: THE RHETORIC OF MODERNITY, THE LOGIC OFCOLONIALITY AND THE GRAMMAR OF DE-COLONIALITY, Journal of Cultural Studies Duke University Press 2008,)
De-linking the rhetoric of modernity opens the door to the voices of the subaltern and moves us toward the world of transmodernityMignolo 08 ( Walter Mignolo, DELINKING: THE RHETORIC OF MODERNITY, THE LOGIC OFCOLONIALITY AND THE GRAMMAR OF DE-COLONIALITY, Journal of Cultural Studies Duke University Press 2008,) How can we proceed? Quijano suggests de-linking modernity/rationality from coloniality Border thinking is not the end point of our project it is a starting point for developing a critical planetary consciousness to delink from the fundamental beliefs of modernityMignolo 08 ( Walter Mignolo, DELINKING: THE RHETORIC OF MODERNITY, THE LOGIC OFCOLONIALITY AND THE GRAMMAR OF DE-COLONIALITY, Journal of Cultural Studies Duke University Press 2008,) The struggle for epistemic de-colonization lies, precisely, here. The next | |
10/31/2012 | Case Neg vs. Sac StateTournament: DVC | Round: Quarters | Opponent: Sac State | Judge: Case Neg vs. Sac StateLFTRs are a pro-Thorium lobby fantasy—it's not tested or commercially viable, emits radiation and waste more dangerous than uranium.Rees 11 (Eifion Rees, Science reporter for the Guardian and the Ecologist, "Don't believe the spin on thorium being a greener nuclear option," The Guardian, June 23, 2011, All other issues aside, thorium is still nuclear energy, say environmentalists, its Recent UK report proves thorium doesn't prevent prolif or nuclear waste.Halper 12 (Mark Halper, UK-based journalist, he currently focuses on renewable energy, "Benefits of thorium as alternative nuclear fuel are 'overstated'", The Guardian, September 13, 2012, The benefits of an alternative nuclear fuel that could offer a safer and more abundant No Nuclear LicensesThe NRC has frozen ALL licenses due to the waste confidence act passed in June- no licenses are going to be given outPowerEngineering 9/7 (Power Engineering, Online Energy Magazine, "The Nuclear License Freeze",, September 7, 2012) With temperatures reaching 115 degrees and eclipsing 100 degrees for almost a month straight in Massive alt cause- NRC is not distributing license until they resolve waste managementSmith and Tracy '12 (Rebecca Smith and Ryan Tracy, "U.S. Regulator Halts Nuclear-Plant Licensing",, August 7, 2012) The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission said it would stop issuing licenses for | |
10/31/2012 | ANWR DATournament: DVC | Round: 4 | Opponent: CSUN | Judge: Harris ANWR Environmental DisadANWR development collapses key species causing extinctionEarthyCynic, Ashford University Student earning a BA in Psychology and Environmental Studies, 12 The continental shelf near ANWR provides the coastal AND existed for thousands of years (, 2009). | |
10/31/2012 | Oil Prices DisadTournament: DVC | Round: 4 | Opponent: CSUN | Judge: Harris High oil prices are expected to continue – stalled oil supply, Iran, and interest ratesTverberg, 12 (Gail, M. S. from the University of Illinois, Chicago in Mathematics, and is a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries, February 26, 2012, “Why oil prices are so high: Production shortfall, Iran concerns, and low interest rates”,, 8/3/12, atl) Stalled Out Oil Supply Leads to Five Million Barrel a Day Shortfall in 2011¶
Oil production signals consistency to futures markets – driving down pricesDriessen, 12 (Paul, senior policy advisor for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow and Congress of Racial Equality, March 23, 2012, “Several Reasons Why Gasoline Prices are so High”,, 8/3/12, atl) This winter was warm. Our economy remains weak. People are driving less, High prices are critical to Russia’s economySchuman, 12 (Michael, Michael Schuman writes about Asia and global economic issues as a correspondent for TIME in Beijing, China, July 5, 2012, “Why Vladimir Putin Needs Higher Oil Prices”,, 8/3/12, atl) But Vladimir Putin is not one of them. The economy that the Russian President Russian economic decline causes nuclear warFilger, 09 (Sheldon, writer for Huffington Post, “Russian Economy Faces Disastrous Free Fall Contraction”, 8/3/12, atl) In Russia historically, economic health and political stability are intertwined to a degree that | |
10/31/2012 | Queer Securitization KTournament: DVC | Round: 3 | Opponent: Fresno | Judge: Meager Queer SecuritizationSecurity logic is the foundation for all modern policy.Dillon 1996 Michael, professor Politics and International Relations at the University of Lancaster, The Politics of Security, pp. 12-14 There is a preoccupation which links both the beginning and the end of metaphysics, The security performance of the 1AC insures marginalization and perpetual genocide - an inside/outside binary proliferates and shapes all forms of social interaction between the “natural” self and the “queer” other.Campbell, prof of cultural and political geography at Durham Univ. 1992 That the 'barbarian' invoked connotations that can be aligned with cancer suggests that, although Security logic is used to reinforce the neoliberal world order.Bacevich 02 (Andrew, “American Empire The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy”, Andrew J. Bacevich, Sr. is a professor of international relations at Boston University and a retired career officer in the United States Army. He is a former director of Boston University's Center for International Relations (from 1998 to 2005), and author of several books, Harvard University Press, 2002) The purpose is to preserve and, where both feasible and conducive to U. The neoliberal ideology perpetuates its harms. Leads to systemic violence and collapses public order—recreates the problems that caused the uprising.Lambert 11 (David Lambert, Professor of Geography Education at the University of London, “The Role of Social and Economic Rights in the Public Arena,” The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, March 10, 2011, Yet, as new democracies are usually strongly in need of international aid, which The security logic of the 1AC perpetuates a master logic of heteronormative whiteness. This privileges white, masculine, heterosexual men and maintains itself through war and imperialist domination.Winnibust 06, philosophy PhD, Penn State University Shannon, Queering Freedom 2006. p 5-6 AJM GoogleBooks This is the domination and violence of our historical present, late modernity: to Refuse to act within systems of domination. We must open ourselves to the political queerness of our lives and embrace the radical uncertainty of events.Winnubst 06, philosophy PhD, Penn State University | |
10/31/2012 | NRC CPTournament: DVC | Round: Quarters | Opponent: Sac State | Judge: NRC CPText: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission should issue a guidance document ignoring the penalty of shutting down reactors for violating license protocols and de-prioritize enforcement of the expansion of small modular nuclear reactors. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission shall issue an informal business memo to alert the small modular nuclear industries aware of this change.CP is competitive and solves the case - Guidance documents have the power of law but are not binding – agencies voluntarily comply with rulesHunnicutt 1999 James JD – Boston College Law School “NOTE: Another Reason to Reform the Federal Regulatory System: Agencies' Treating Nonlegislative Rules as Binding Law” Boston College Law Review December, 41 B.C. L. Rev 153 Lowering the shutdown penalty while maintaining regulation solves energy production – avoids the link to politicsHECC 12 -House Energy and Commerce Committee ("The Resolving Environmental and Grid Reliability Conflicts Act (H.R. 4273)," Regulations are established by congress – agencies can make internal modifications that avoid political blameSchillaci 2007 William C. author of the book Most Misunderstood Regs March 27, “Reining in Guidance Documents” | |
10/31/2012 | Uranium Prices DATournament: DVC | Round: Quarters | Opponent: Sac State | Judge: Uranium Prices DAUranium prices increasing now – rising demandEnergy Report 9/13 "Uranium Fundamentals Are at a Tipping Point: Alka Singh", Business Insider 9/13/12 Alka Singh: There are 433 currently operating nuclear power reactors around the world. Thorium depresses that demandHerring 99 JS, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Nov 13, "Characteristics of Mixed Thorium" A comparison at higher uranium prices and comparable thorium prices is shown in High uranium prices are key to Kazakhstan's nuclear ambitions – this saves the Kazakh economy and sheds its oil export overdependence.Kassenova 8 Togzhan, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Apr 28, "Kazakhstan's nuclear ambitions" Kazakh economic and energy leadership is the linchpin to Central Asian stability.Frost 8 Patrick, Foreign Policy Association, Nov 13, "Kazakhstan and the Financial Crisis Central Asian instability causes nuclear war.Blank 2k Stephen, Strategic Studies Institute Soviet Expert, "US military Engagement with Transcaucasia and Central Asia," /Blank2000.pdf | |
11/28/2012 | Fiscal Cliff DATournament: CSUN | Round: 1 | Opponent: Pepperdine | Judge: Harris Tierney Nov 7 (Christine Tierney, writing for the Detroit News, “Republicans, Democrats see election mandate for bipartisanship” sbb House Speaker John Boehner offered Wednesday to re-start budget negotiations with President Barack Working with congress is key to a deal on the fiscal cliff – can’t afford to piss them off. Bloomberg Nov 7 (“Obama Success on Fiscal Cliff May Hinge on Congress Ties” by Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Mike Dorning, Nov 7, 2012, sbb Obama can’t do it alone. Prospects for a broad deficit- reduction deal also Failure to extend tax credits will cause a double-dip recession. If the lame duck Congress and President Obama drive over the fiscal cliff on New CNN 11 ( Another recession could be even worse than the last one for a few reasons. Austin 09 (Michael, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, and Desmond Lachman, Resident Fellow – American Enterprise Institute, “The Global Economy Unravels”, Forbes, 3-6, ) Conversely, global policymakers do not seem to have grasped the downside risks to the | |
12/01/2012 | T Feed In TariffsTournament: CSUN | Round: 5 | Opponent: SDSU | Judge: Cooper T – Feed In Tariffs 1NCIncrease financial incentives presumes well developed, pre-existing programa. Webster’s Dictionary 98 b. Financial incentives are direct, indirect are fiscal incentives c. "FOR" is a limiting term Even if it made no sense to limit the clause to takings "for public 2. Violation — FITS is not a direct financial incentive and the program is a creation, not an increase3. Prefer our interpretation –Ground. Our interp ensures fair ground for the aff and predictable links for the neg. Direct incentives for energy production means topic literature provided DA and K linksLimits. Their interp is practically limitlessDyson et al, 3 - International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Megan, Flow: The Essentials of Environmental Flows, p. 67-68) Understanding of the term ’incentives’ varies and economists have produced numerous typologies. A T is a voter for fairness and education. Extra T dejustifies the resolution and demands a neg ballot. | |
12/01/2012 | T Financial IncentivesTournament: CSUN | Round: 3 | Opponent: Pepperdine/Southwestern | Judge: Abbasi T – Financial Incentives 1NCIncrease financial incentives presumes well developed, pre-existing programa. Webster’s Dictionary 1998 b. Financial incentives are direct, indirect are fiscal incentives c. "FOR" is a limiting term Even if it made no sense to limit the clause to takings "for public Violation . The aff is not a direct financial incentive and the program is a creation, not an increasePrefer it –Ground. Our interp ensures fair ground for the aff and predictable links for the neg. Direct incentives for energy production means topic literature provided DA and K links. Our interp allows affs to remove any restriction that actually prohibits production—siting restrictions, ownership requirements, seasonal drilling restrictions. Their interp allows any aff that makes energy production less profitable—those are regulations or fees—not restrictions.Limits. Their interp is practically limitlessDyson et al, 3 - International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Megan, Flow: The Essentials of Environmental Flows, p. 67-68) Understanding of the term ’incentives’ varies and economists have produced numerous typologies. A Topicality is a voter for fairness and education. | |
02/01/2013 | IFR CounterplanTournament: Cal Berkeley | Round: 3 | Opponent: Chico | Judge: CP Text: The United States Federal government should fund research and development for Lead Fast Reactors including capital investment in a pilot plant. The AFFs IFRs are sodium cooled McFarlane 02, (Harold, Associate Laboratory Director, 2002 at Idaho National Laboratory, “Proliferation Resistance Assessment Of The Integral Fast Reactor”, Accessed 10-3-12, The Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) concept includes a sodium-cooled fast reactor Barton, , 08 (Charles Energy Collective writer, Author of the Nuclear Green Revolution 3-27, “Liquid Sodium Reactors”, Accessed 10-3-12, Weinberg did not comment on the safety of sodium cooled reactors on that occasion, Mcpherson, , 11 (Guy, Professor of natural resources and the environment at the University of Arizona, 11-9, “Three paths to near-term human extinction”, Accessed 10-3-12, Safely shuttering a nuclear power plant requires a decade or two of careful planning. Tucek et al, 05 (Kamil, , Johan Carlsson, Hartmut Wider5European Commission Institute for Energy “Comparison Of Sodium And Lead-Cooled Fast Reactors Regarding Severe Safety And Economical Issues”, Accessed 10-3-12, The tight pin lattice SFRs (P/D=1.2) showed | |
02/01/2013 | India DATournament: Cal Berkeley | Round: 2 | Opponent: CSUS | Judge: Steele India is poised to become a nuclear exporter due to lack of US competition in the small reactor market. The plan obviously reverses this. Exports are key to Indian nuclear industry. Indian nuclear industry is essential to Indian growth—2 internal links—first, shores up domestic energy supply. Second, manufacturing independently boosts the domestic economy NPCIL-LandT¶ The signing of the joint venture agreement in Mumbai¶ The Indian Growth Prevents indo-pak war Kapur 08 Associate Professor in the Department of National Security Affairs at the U.S. Naval Post-graduate School and a Faculty Affiliate at Stanford University's Center for International Security and Cooperation The Indians, for their part, have pursued improved relations with Pakistan for two Decline in Indian Growth Enhances Indo-Pak hostilities However, if India is able to export or import more, this would at Indio-Pak war leads to global firestorms. Fires from burning cities would send 5 million metric tonnes of soot or more into | |
02/01/2013 | Energy MilitarismTournament: Cal Berkeley | Round: 2 | Opponent: CSUS | Judge: Steele Endres 2009 – Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Utah (Danielle, “The Rhetoric of Nuclear Colonialism: Rhetorical Exclusion of American Indian Arguments in the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Siting Decision,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2009, pp. 39-60) Colonialism in all its forms is dependent on the discursive apparatus that sustains it.
The impact is extinction – Nuclear power exports violence to the periphery in the form of reactionary nuclear wars and environmental destruction Byrne and Toley 6 (John – Head of the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy – It’s a leading institution for interdisciplinary graduate education, research, and advocacy in energy and environmental policy – John is also a Distinguished Professor of Energy and Climate Policy at the University of Delaware – 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his work on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Toley – Directs the Urban Studies and Wheaton in Chicago programs - Selected to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs Emerging Leaders Program for 2011-2013 - expertise includes issues related to urban and environmental politics, global cities, and public policy, “Energy as a Social Project: Recovering a Discourse,” p. 1-32) From climate change to acid rain, contaminated landscapes, mercury pollution, and biodiversity Vote neg - methodological investigation is a prior question to the aff – strict policy focus creates a myth of objectivity that sustains a violent business-as-usual approach Scrase and Ockwell 10 (J. Ivan - Sussex Energy Group, SPRU (Science and Technology Policy Research), Freeman Centre, University of Sussex, David G - Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, SPRU, Freeman Centre, University of Sussex, “The role of discourse and linguistic framing effects in sustaining high carbon energy policy—An accessible introduction,” Energy Policy: Volume 38, Issue 5, May 2010, Pages 2225–2233) The way in which energy policy is “framed” refers to the underlying assumptions | |
02/01/2013 | Filibuster DATournament: Cal Berkeley | Round: 2 | Opponent: CSUS | Judge: Steele Despite some opposition, Udall was confident about the proposal’s prospects, telling reporters, Filibuster reform must come first or it triggers our impact. As a result, the first fight of the next Senate, which convenes in Immigration is key to US heg Immigration has been key to America's preeminence in science and technology, and yet we're | |
02/01/2013 | Docket CPTournament: Cal Berkeley | Round: 2 | Opponent: CSUS | Judge: Steele Counterplan solves 100% of the affirmative and avoids the disadvantage by waiting until the second legislative day. Congressional rules can only be changed on the first legislative day of the new session. | |
02/01/2013 | Environmental Justice K, New UpdatesTournament: Cal Berkeley | Round: 3 | Opponent: Chico | Judge: Sze 07 (Dr. Julie Sze, professor of American Studies and Director of the Environmental Justice Program at the John Muir Institute for the Environment, UC Davis, “Noxious New York”, ISBN 0-262-19554-2 pg 150-151) sbb Given the history and the large scope of energy and electricity development, along with Bullard 8 (Robert D. Bullard, Ph.D, Environmental Justice Resource Center, Clark Atlanta University, 7/2/08, “POVERTY, POLLUTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM: STRATEGIES FOR BUILDING HEALTHY AND SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES” BGB Environmental racism also operates in the international arena between nations and between transnational corporations. The question of environmental justice is not anchored in a debate about whether decision makers Bullard et al 05 (Dr. Robert D. Bullard, pre-eminent source on environmental justice, the Edmund Asa Ware Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Director of the Environmental Justice Resource Center at Clark Atlanta University, “The Quest for Environmental Justice: Human Rights and the Politics of Pollution” ISBN-10: 1578051207) sbb / og The environmental justice framework shifts the burden of proof to polluters and dischargers who do | |
02/28/2013 | QER CPTournament: NCFA | Round: 2 | Opponent: Cal Poly CK | Judge: Kephardt This trade-off would occur with biofuels Hydrogen fuel cells were certainly addressed by the US lead biofuels would cause extinction The global expansion of the biofuel industry – | |
02/28/2013 | CIR PoliticsTournament: NCFA | Round: 2 | Opponent: Cal Poly CK | Judge: Kephardt The ceremonies are all over and Congress has The plan destroys Obamas capital to get Immigration Matthew Daly and Dina Cappiello 12, AP, “Republicans, Democrats at odds on energy issues”, June 13, Republicans and Democrats seem to be living on Path to citizenship solves the deficit Deficit will collapse hegemony and the economy---trigger global nuclear war | |
02/28/2013 | Cal Poly CP (A/T Vana, Ryan)Tournament: Districts (Pepperdine) | Round: 5 | Opponent: Cal Poly CI | Judge: Ward :provide technical assistance to tribes for securing Secretary of Interior approval of Tribal Energy Resource Agreements of wind and solar energy and provide the Interior with additional resources to process applications. :remove the federal government liability waiver for Tribal Energy Resource Agreements Building tribal capacity solves CURWOOD: When it comes to U. Weakened environmental review causes exploitation by companies interested in profiting from native renewable resources April Reese, Land Letter Southwest reporter A Removing environmental review allows tribal governments to pursue projects against the will of the people---turns sovereignty More often, however, the complaint is Reinstating liability avoids politics and solves energy development B. An Alternative Possibility for Reform: 2NC – Natives CP vs. Vana, Ryan NB #1: Corporate Disad The legislation would also waive Interior’s trust responsibility Bigger internal link to self-determination Shirley said he's also still concerned with " Causes a land grab for renewables which wrecks sovereignty Now jump forward with me, to April Self-determination doesn’t build accountability—they take cash instead Some have persuasively argued that many modern Indian NB #2: Land Use Land exploitation turns and outweighs the whole case Some believe the Indian trust doctrine is obsolete A wave of unregulated renewables projects would destroy native land Alfredo Figueroa, an elder in the Chemehuevi Specifically environmental impact statements allow native sovereignty and serve as a site of resistance, the plan undermines that Chapter 5 takes a detailed look at public A/T Paternalism Critiques of paternalism don’t apply to our counterplan B. The Trust Doctrine and Historical Paternalism | |
02/28/2013 | T R+DTournament: Districts (Pepperdine) | Round: 2 | Opponent: ASU Rohit + Michelle | Judge: Eisenstadt 3. SUBSIDIES THROUGH THE FUEL CYCLE Because GSWH 11 Global Solar Water Heating Market Transformation and Strengthening Initiative, This publication is the result of a joint effort from the following contributors: The European Solar ThermalIndustry Federation (ESTIF), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) through its Division ofTechnology, Industry and Economics (DTIE) and the Global Environment Fund (GEF). "Guidelines for policy and framework conditions" No Specific Date Cited, Most Recent Citations From 2011 8 Non financial incentives for solar thermal Non Voting issue for limits and ground---creates an unmanageable topic of new speculative tech via government research that doesn’t interact with the market Understanding of the term ‘incentives’ varies and |
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