| 09/25/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: 3 | Opponent: JMU BL | Judge: Kris Willis The United States Federal Government should initiate a binding substantive environmental impact statement, including but not limited to a health impact assessment regarding the consequences of substantially increasing the available funding for the nuclear loan guarantee program and adopt such measure only if it can be made consistent with the results of the statement. We’ll clarify. CP solves-public participation is key and equity norms make the plan more sustainable Bratspies, CUNY law professor, 2010 (Rebecca, “The Intersection Of International Human Rights And Domestic Environmental Regulation”, 8-20, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1662576, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) There are many lessons to draw from the AND like the Chukchi Sea leases less likely. |
| 09/25/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: 3 | Opponent: JMU BL | Judge: Kris Willis Impact assessments solve the root causes of bad health and rising costs. Jackson et al., UCLA environmental health sciences professor, 2011 (Richard, “Improving Health in the United States: The Role of Health Impact Assessment”, http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=13229andpage=4, DOA: 8-22-12, ldg) On the basis of the most recent data AND both high-risk groups and the general public. Increased public health and care accessibility is key to stop bioterrorism Green, Ontario Genomics Institute Outreach Director, 2004 (Shane, “Bioterrorism and Health Care Reform: No Preparedness Without Access,”, May Virtual Mentor, the AMA Journal of Ethics, Vol. 6, No. 5, ldg) But with the US presently engaged in AND people with easy access to health care. Extinction Ochs, Chemical Weapons Working Group president, 6/9/02 [Richard, "Biological Weapons Must Be Abolished Immediately,” google] While a "nuclear winter," resulting from a AND HUMAN EXTINCTION IS NOW POSSIBLE. |
| 09/25/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: Octos | Opponent: Emory PS | Judge: Domestic change spills over to international environment leadership DeSombre, Wellesley university environmental studies and political science professor, 2010 (Elizabeth, “The United States and Global Environmental Politics: Domestic Sources of U.S. Unilateralism”, http://www.polisci.ufl.edu/usfpinstitute/2010/documents/readings/DeSombre%20Chapter.pdf, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) U.S. leadership (or even level of participation) in…..domestic regulations that give it the incentive to do so. Key to overall hegemony Walter, former Deutsche Bank chief economist, 2002 (Norbert, “An American Abdication”, 8-28, http://www.nytimes.com/2002/08/28/opinion/an-american-abdication.html, DOA: 8-21-12, ldg) At present there is much talk about the unparalleled….to combat global warming and protecting the planet. Guarantees great power war Zhang et al., Carnegie Endowment researcher, 11 (Yuhan, “America’s decline: A harbinger of conflict and rivalry”, 1-22-11, http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2011/01/22/americas-decline-a-harbinger-of-conflict-and-rivalry/, DOA: 9-21-11, ldg) This does not necessarily mean that the US is….in a future that will inevitably be devoid of unrivalled US primacy. |
| 09/25/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: 3 | Opponent: JMU BL | Judge: Kris Willis Aff’s logic of incentives presumes universal rationality and drives for profit-re-entrenches neoliberalism. Reno, Michigan anthropology PhD, 2011 (Joshua, “Motivated Markets: Instruments and Ideologies of Clean Energy in the United Kingdom”, Cultural Anthropology Volume 26, Issue 3, pages 389–413, August 2011, Wiley, ldg) To grapple with these ongoing efforts of AND into new and potentially alienating forms. Globalization makes extinction inevitable- social and environmental factors build positive feedbacks create a cascade of destruction - only massive social reorganization of society can produce sustainable change and save the planet Ehrenfeld, Rutgers biology professor, 2005 (David, “The Environmental Limits to Globalization”, Conservation Biology Vol. 19 No. 2, ebsco, ldg) Ehrenfeld ‘5, The overall environmental changes brought AND exacerbated by globalization (Ehrenfeld 2003b). The alternative is to embrace commons instead of enclosures - discourse of the commons solves-creates space to challenge neoliberalism De Angelis, East London political economy professor, 2003 (Massimo, “Reflections on alternatives, commons and communities”, Winter, http://www.commoner.org.uk/deangelis06.pdf, DOA: 7-2-12, ldg) This movement has posed the question of a AND strengthening communities through the social fields. |
| 09/25/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: 5 | Opponent: Dartmouth DY | Judge: Kevin Kallmeyer Oil prices are stable now but a decline collapses Putin’s regime – can’t maintain social spending Reguly, The Globe And Mail European Business Correspondent, 9-15-12 (Eric, “For Russia, high energy prices a necessity, not a luxury,” http://m.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/international-business/european-business/for-russia-high-energy-prices-a-necessity-not-a-luxury/article4546314/?service=mobile, accessed 9-16-12, ads) The Kremlin does not take political AND about three times its post-2008 low. Nuclear power reduces price – displaces oil power generation, powers maritime and ground transportation, and causes hydrogen transition American Nuclear Society, 12 (“Top 10 Myths about Nuclear Energy,” http://www.new.ans.org/pi/resources/myths/, accessed 9-15-12, ads) Myth # 10: Nuclear energy can't reduce our dependence AND in fuel cells and synthetic liquid fuels. Putin collapse causes rampant nationalism Friedlander, UC Berkley College of Letters and Science, 2009 (Monica, May 13, “Ken Jowitt Offers New Perspective on Russian Politics,” http://www.ias.berkeley.edu/node/351, accessed 8-24-12, ads) An expert in comparative politics AND it’s not at all a bad second-best.” Nuclear war Irsraelyan, Former Soviet Ambassador, 98 (Victor, diplomat and arms control negotiator, “Russia at the Crossroads,” Lexis, accessed 8-30-12, ads) The first and by far most dangerous AND until we all fall down together." n12 Block Cites US-Russia war is the only scenario for extinction Bostrom, Oxford philosophy faculty, March 2002 [Nick, “Existential Risks Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards,” Journal of Evolution and Technology, Vol. 9, http://www.nickbostrom.com/existential/risks.html, mss] A much greater existential risk emerged AND or thwart humankind’s potential permanently. Even a one percent risk of extinction outweighs any impact or moral imperative Bostrom, Oxford philosophy professor, July 2005 [Nick, Transcribed by Matt Struth, 4:38-6:12 of the talk at http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/44, accessed 2-2-8, mss] Now if we think about what just AND it should still have a high priority. Putin will lashout if dissent overwhelms him – causes nuclear war Weitz, Hudson Institute Senior Fellow, 11 (Richard, November, World Politics Review senior editor, “Can We Manage a Declining Russia?” http://www.aei.org/files/2011/12/08/-can-we-manage-a-declining-russia_152701899417.pdf, accessed 9-20-12, ads) The cornerstone of Russia's defense AND in NATO's moralistic foreign policy. Russian decline causes miscalc and nuclear war Eberstadt, National Burea of Asian Research senior advisor, 11 (Nicholas, “The Dying Bear”, Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec, ebsco, ldg) Most immediately and dramatically, the decline AND well become less confidentand more risky. Nuclear reduces dependence – electric transportation methods American Nuclear Society, 08 (June, “Nuclear Power: A Leading Strategy to Reduce Oil Imports,” http://www.new.ans.org/pi/ps/docs/ps82.pdf, accessed 9-16-12, ads) The long-term threats to energy AND means of beginning this transition. Empirically proven IAEA, 90 (“World electricity generation, nuclear power, and oil markets,” http://www.iaea.org/Publications/Magazines/Bulletin/Bull321/32104093137.pdf) Analysts at Science Concepts conducted AND nuclear power not been available? Nuclear is the only fuel that can displace oil – multiple reasons American Nuclear Society, 08 (June, “Nuclear Power: A Leading Strategy to Reduce Oil Imports,” http://www.new.ans.org/pi/ps/docs/ps82.pdf, accessed 9-16-12, ads) Of these, a clear practical approach AND sustainable energy future for the nation. Nuclear is the only fuel source that can displace oil CFR, 06 (David, “National Security Consequences of U.S. Oil Dependency,” http://www.cfr.org/energy-security/national-security-consequences-us-oil-dependency/p11683?breadcrumb=%2Fpublication%2Fby_type%2Ftask_force_report, accessed 9-16-12, ads) Electric cars and plug-in hybrids require AND displacing oil as a transportation fuel. More efficient electricity generation collapses prices – the last few million barrels determine the price Styles, Managing Director of GSW Strategy Group, 11 (Geoffrey, January 19, “Displacing More Oil from Power Generation” http://energyoutlook.blogspot.com/2011/01/displacing-more-oil-from-power.html, accessed 9-7-12, ads) That situation isn't representative of the AND a significant emissions-reduction opportunity. Electricity generation from oil can’t be displaced now – the plan reverses this Styles, Managing Director of GSW Strategy Group, 11 (Geoffrey, January 19, “Displacing More Oil from Power Generation” http://energyoutlook.blogspot.com/2011/01/displacing-more-oil-from-power.html, accessed 9-7-12, ads) However, a pair of articles reminded me that AND substitutes still cannot replace it at scale. - Speculation magnifies the link– lowering demand would set off a price collapse
Bayer, Head of KAFAN FX Information Services, 12 (Alexei, New York based economist, July 26, "Pop That Bubble Policies should aim at pushing oil prices down"http://www.advisorone.com/2012/07/26/pop-that-bubble?page=3, accessed 9-15-12, ads)
Demand for oil, then, is softening AND around $20-40 per barrel. 2. Expectations of decline causes massive sell offs – that tanks prices Shiller, Yale University Economics Professor, 04 (Robert, November 8, “The perception of declining prices triggers a massive sell-off and price collapse,” Lexis, accessed 8-27-12, ads) But what matters for oil AND bubble: a collapse in prices. 3. Market signal is key - even if the plan doesn’t increase production for 10 years changing government signal causes prices to crash Munro, The Daily Caller, 12 (Neil, "Oil prices fall on rumor, but Obama insists nothing can be done" 3/17 dailycaller.com/2012/03/17/oil-prices-fall-on-rumor-but-obama-insists-nothing-can-be-done/2/) President Barack Obama repeatedly says AND by oil companies during the last several years. 4. US is key Roberts, Harper's Magazine Contributor, 04 (Paul, Author of “The End of Food,” The End of Oil,” accessed 8-28-12, ads) Within the oil world, no decision AND to be bearish or bullish.” Supply-side corrections are impossible – multiple reasons Lynch, Strategic Energy and Economic Research Global Petroleum Service Director, 12 (Michael, June 27, http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/on-energy/2012/06/27/why-oil-prices-could-fall-to-below-50-a-barrel) His rationale: His costs were AND didn't result in higher prices. Saudi won’t influence prices – past experience and empirics Haykel et al., Princeton University Near Eastern Studies Professor, 12 (Bernard, Giacomo Luciani, Princeton University Global Scholar, Eckart Woertz, Princeton University Senior Research Scholar, April 18, “How to Lower the Price of Oil,” http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/04/18/how_to_lower_the_price_of_oil?page=0, accessed 9-17-12, ads) So, why do oil prices remain AND do not have a demand for it. OPEC won’t compensate Reuters, 12 (June 25, “Saudi Arabia keeps oil tap on for world growth,” http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/06/25/saudi-oil-idINL5E8HJGHB20120625, accessed 8-30-12, ads) Saudi Arabia is showing no AND 30 million bpd output ceiling. Putin won’t diversify Schuman, TIME Magazine Correspondent, 12 (Michael, July 5, “Why Vladimir Putin Needs Higher Oil Prices,” http://business.time.com/2012/07/05/why-vladimir-putin-needs-higher-oil-prices/, d/a 8-14-12, ads) The only way out of AND swings in commodities markets. Decrease in oil prices collapses Putin’s regime Travin, European University Centre of Modernization Studies Research Director, 12 (Dmitry, July 25, “Only Low Oil Prices Will Oust Putin,” http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/only-low-oil-prices-will-oust-putin/462567.html, d/a 8-14-12, ads) The third contributing factor is AND no chance of remaining in power. |
| 09/25/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: 7 | Opponent: Wayne State LM | Judge: Jarrod Atchinson Engaging political questions corrupts our relationship to god Copeland, University of Miami School of Law associate professor, 9 (Charlton C., "God-Talk in the Age of Obama: Theology and Religious Political Engagement," Denver University Law Review, 86 Denv. U.L. Rev. 663, 2009, l/n, accessed 1-27-12, mss) The rejection of the social order and its AND near-complete separation of the two realms. Your ultimate concern ought to be how to be properly related to God- it’s the only worthwhile source of value Craig, Talbot School of Theology philosophy research professor, 4 (Dr. William Lane, Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Birmingham (England), Th.D. under from the University of Munich, "Does God Exist?" 2004, delveintojesus.com/Articles/64/Does-God-Exist.aspx, accessed 11-20-11, mss) C. S. Lewis once remarked that God is AND over hope, meaningfulness and happiness. Block Cites AND- If the Christian world-view is right, the role of the ballot is to endorse the course of action that best brings you in line with God- it’s a prior question metaphysically, ethically and epistemologically Nash, former Western Kentucky University philosophy professor and department head, 88 (Ronald, WKU professor and department head for 27 years, Faith and Reason, 1988, pg 24-8, mss) Within the noetic structures of mature, AND One's axioms determine one's theorems.13 AND- The threshold shouldn’t be arbitrarily high- if the evidence that God exists is even marginally better, you should vote neg- even if it isn’t certain Nash, former Western Kentucky University philosophy professor and department head, 88 (Ronald, WKU professor and department head for 27 years, Faith and Reason, 1988, pg 113-6, mss) HOW HIGH SHOULD OUR STANDARDS BE?AND someone must simply pass judgment. AND- Their over-arching critical claims don’t impact our position- there are definite, knowable truths- they can’t concede God is real and win the debate Penfold, WebTruth editor, 5 (Michael, Managing Director at Penfold Book & Bible House Ltd., "Postmodernism," 8-18-5, www.webtruth.org/articles/cultural-issues-26/postmodernism-35.html, accessed 1-15-12, mss) The Christian must continue to press AND Gospel preaching aimed at the conscience of guilty Rejecting objective truth/language makes a proper relationship with God impossible- their kritik cuts no ice with God Penfold, WebTruth editor, 5 (Michael, Managing Director at Penfold Book & Bible House Ltd., "Postmodernism," 8-18-5, www.webtruth.org/articles/cultural-issues-26/postmodernism-35.html, accessed 1-15-12, mss) In 2 Cor 10:5, Paul tells Christians to AND God is still the God- God is real- - Reverse-biased historical evidence
Craig, Talbot School of Theology philosophy research professor, 98 (Dr. William Lane, Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Birmingham (England), Th.D. under from the University of Munich, debate with Edwin Curley, Transcript, 2-5-1998, sitemaker.umich.edu/emcurley/files/opening.html, accessed 11-20-11, mss)
20. Number 4: God makes sense AND But that entails that God exists. AND- Err aff on historicity- their arguments are informed by a lazy epistemology- secular scholarship and philosophy have an irrational bias against religious sources of knowledge Parton, International Seminar in Jurisprudence and Human Rights faculty member, 97 (Craig, JD Hastings College of the Law at the University of California, International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism and Human Rights associate director, Richard Whateley: A Man for All Seasons, pg20-23, accessed 2011, mss) Undoubtedly, Whately's greatest apologetical AND doubts that many are willing to accept 2. Unique prophetic accuracy Morris, former Virginia tech engineering professor and department chair, 95 (Henry Morris, former civil engineering professor at Rice, University of Louisiana at Lafayette civil engineering chair, and Southern Illinois University applied science professor, and Martin Clark, pastor, “How do we Know the Bible is True,” 1995, http://www.christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-t003.html, accessed 11-20-11, mss) How do we know the Bible is true?AND explanation other than divine revelation. 3. Archeological evidence Morris, former Virginia tech engineering professor and department chair, 95 (Henry Morris, former civil engineering professor at Rice, University of Louisiana at Lafayette civil engineering chair, and Southern Illinois University applied science professor, and Martin Clark, pastor, “How do we Know the Bible is True,” 1995, http://www.christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-t003.html, accessed 11-20-11, mss) Unique Historical Accuracy The historical AND descriptions has often led to amazing discoveries." Murder is a sin Draper, Owner and operator of Cobourg Atheist, 11 (John, June 4, 2011, “Why is murder a sin?”, http://www.cobourgatheist.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1122:why-is-murder-a-sin&catid=28&Itemid=121, atl) Not quite - the time on earth is AND God - and we can't have that! The neg is duped by a misleading feel-good message about Jesus that ignores the requirement of sacrifice Driscoll, Mars Hill Church founding pastor, 11 (Mark, Master of Arts degree in exegetical theology from Western Seminary, "The Cost of Discipleship," marshill.com/media/luke/the-cost-of-discipleship, accessed 1-21-12, mss) And Jesus is no hypocrite. Jesus did not quit. AND billions of people. And that’s what he’s done. |
| 09/25/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: NYU AG | Judge: Dave Arnett The Aff's ecological focus reinforces humanism and ignores speciesism Best, UT El Paso philosophy professor, 06 [Steven, “Rethinking Revolution: Animal Liberation, Human Liberation, and the Future of the Left”, The International Journal of INCLUSIVE DEMOCRACY, Vol. 2, No. 3 (June 2006), 10/24/11, atl] Although since the 1970s the Left AND thinking in every pernicious form. Speciesism makes possible “systematic beastilization” which justifies non-criminal putting to death of the other—root cause of all oppression Rossini, postdoctoral Fellow ASCA, 2006 (Manuela, “To the Dogs: Companion speciesism and the new feminist materialism”, text and image Volume 3, September, http://intertheory.org/rossini, ldg) What is equally sobering, however, is the AND and disproportionate effects on animals.[26] The alternative is to embrace the standpoint of the animal—this overcomes the humanist bias of the affirmative scholarship, connects the experiences of human and non-human animals and allows for total liberation by providing understanding of all oppression Best, UT El Paso philosophy professor, 2009 (Steven, “The Rise of Critical Animal Studies: Putting Theory into Action and Animal Liberation into Higher Education “, Journal for Critical Animal Studies, Volume VII, Issue 1, 2009, http://www.criticalanimalstudies.org/JCAS/Journal_Articles_download/issue_9/JCAS%20VII%20Issue%201%20MAY%20ISSUE%20The%20Rise%20of%20Critical%20Animal%20Studies%20pgs%209-52.pdf, ldg) Postmodern critiques have been hugely AND peace and justice, and ecological healing and balance. |
| 09/25/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: 3 | Opponent: JMU BL | Judge: Kris Willis Expansion of nuclear power devastates freshwater – waste disposal, fuel mining, and accidents Wilson, River Network's program on water and energy director, 12 (Wendy, June 27, 2012, “Burning Our Rivers”, The Water Footprint of Electricity, A River Network Report, 8/25/12, atl) Nearly 25% of the world’s nuclear reactors AND prevent an all-out power plant meltdown. Freshwater is key to prevent extinction Dudgeon et al, University of Hong Kong Ecology and Biodiversity professor, 6 (David, he has spent 30 years researching the ecology, biodiversity and conservation of the animals that inhabit streams and rivers, author of over 150 papers in international journals, with Angela H. Arthington, Mark O. Gessner, Zen-Ichiro Kawabata, Duncan J. Knowler, Christian Le´veˆque, Robert J. Naiman, Anne-He´le`ne Prieur-Richard, Doris Soto, Melanie L. J. Stiassny, and Caroline A. Sullivan, "Freshwater biodiversity: importance, threats, status and conservation challenges," Biological Reviews, 81.2, 2006, 163-82, Wiley Online Library, accessed 2-7-12, mss) Freshwater biodiversity is the over-riding AND depends ( Jackson et al., 2001; Postel and Richter, 2003 ; Clark and King, 2004). |
| 09/25/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: 5 | Opponent: Dartmouth DY | Judge: Kevin Kallmeyer No investment – natural gas means it’s not competitive McMahon, Forbes contributor for energy technology, 12 (Jeff, May 23, 2012, “Small Modular Nuclear Reactors By 2022 -- But No Market For Them” http://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffmcmahon/2012/05/23/small-modular-reactors-by-2022-but-no-market-for-them/, 8/23/12, atl) The Department of Energy will spend AND oversights, regulation should be revisited. Tariffs and resource shortages prevent development International Trade Agency, 11 (US Department of Commerce, “The Commercial Outlook for U.S. Small Modular Nuclear Reactors” Manufacturing and Services Competitiveness Report February 2011, 8/20/12, atl There are also domestic policies that AND to help U.S. companies with this process. No infrastructure or workforce – that causes delays and cost overruns Squassoni, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Senior Associate, 08 (Sharon, “The Realities of Nuclear Expansion” House Select Committee for Energy Independence and Global Warming Washington, DC March 12, 2008, 7/4/12, atl) There are significant questions about AND has risen dramatically in recent years. SMRs don’t avoid large scale pitfalls Makhijani, president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, 11 (Dr. Arjun, June 5, 2011, “The problems with small nuclear reactors”, http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/energy-a-environment/166609-the-problems-with-small-nuclear-reactors, 8/23/12, atl) Nearly seven decades ago, nuclear AND "nuclear renaissance" that never was. Nuclear power construction causes business credit downgrades – takes out solvency Texas Institute, 11 (“Impact of Nuclear Power Projects on Credit Ratings and Creditor Recoveries Following Default of Investor Owned Utilities Sponsoring Nuclear Projects”, Texas Institute Research Study, September 1, 2011, 8/16/12, atl) A credit rating is a formal opinion given AND result from new nuclear plant construction. Credit downgrades collapse the economy – higher electricity prices and debt loads Severance, Grand Junction CPA in natural gas markets, 09 (Craig A., former Assistant to the Chairman and to Commerce Counsel, Iowa State Commerce Commission, "Business Risks and Costs of New Nuclear Power”, http://www.nirs.org/neconomics/nuclearcosts2009.pdf, 7/5/12, atl) Levying additional charges, with nothing at AND multiplier of the direct charges levied.49 |
| 09/25/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: 5 | Opponent: Dartmouth DY | Judge: Kevin Kallmeyer Global decline in nuclear construction Mez, Freie Universität, Berlin, Professor of Political Science and Social Sciences, 12 (Lutz, May 7, 2012, “Nuclear energy–Any solution for sustainability and climate protection?” http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421512003527, 6/29/12, atl) Is the entire world really building nuclear AND should at any rate not be underestimated (Mez et al., 2009). Leadership high now – others see us as the gold standard Miller, Bipartisan Policy Co-Chair for the Nuclear Initiative, 12 (Dr. Warren F. “Pete” e-, Former DOE Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy, Senator Pete Domenici, July 2012, “Challenges and Opportunities Facing Nuclear Energy in the United States”, http://bipartisanpolicy.org/sites/default/files/Leadership%20in%20Nuclear%20Energy%20Markets.pdf, 8/14/12, atl) Nuclear power already plays an AND aspects of international fuel-cycle issues. Civilian cooperation is the only way non weapons states can proliferate Fuhrmann University of South Carolina Political Science Assistant Professor, 09 (Matthew, “Spreading Temptation Proliferation and Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation Agreements”, International Security, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Summer 2009), pp. 7–41, 9/20/12, atl) Decades ago scholars offered a “technological AND for the acquisition of nuclear weapons. Prolif will not be rapid or a cascade- prestige, domestic public opinion, extended deterrence and technology capability check Evans and Kawaguchi et al, ICNND co-chairs, November 2009 [Gareth, University of Melbourne Honorary Professorial Fellow, International Crisis Group president emeritus, former Australian Attorney-General, Minister for Resources and Energy, and Foreign Minister ,and Yoriko, Member of the House of Councillors (Japan) for the Liberal Democratic Party since 2005, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister of Japan, responsible for foreign affairs, from 2004 to 2005, "Eliminating Nuclear Threats: A Practical Agenda for Global Policymakers," International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, http://www.icnnd.org/reference/reports/ent/pdf/ICNND_Report-EliminatingNuclearThreats.pdf, accessed 12-25-9, mss] It is important to keep all these AND Iran to acquire nuclear-armed status. Proliferation doesn’t make nuclear war inevitable- history proves no risk of nuclear escalation Ramberg, served in the Bureau of Politco-Military Affairs in the George H.W. Bush Administration, 12-16-2009 [Bennet, "Opinion: Farewell to nuclear nonproliferation," Global Post, http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/worldview/091214/farewell-nuclear-nonproliferation, accessed 12-17-2009, mss] Apparently Beijing has learned to live AND to endure given the absence of practical options. Chance of nuclear terror is 1 in 3.5 billion Schneidmiller, editor of Global Security Newswire, 2009 (Chris, 1-13, “Experts Debate Threat of Nuclear, Biological Terrorism”, Accessed 9-18-12, http://www.nti.org/gsn/article/experts-debate-threat-of-nuclear-biological-terrorism/) NJR There is an "almost vanishingly small" AND weapon or use one that has been stolen. |
| 09/25/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: 5 | Opponent: Dartmouth DY | Judge: Kevin Kallmeyer Eurozone collapse inevitable – that kills global growth Olson, Trib Total Media Staff Writer, 8-27-12 (Thomas, “Euro's Collapse Could Bring Crisis for American Economy,” http://www.hispanicbusiness.com/2012/8/27/euros_collapse_could_bring_crisis_for.htm, accessed 9-19-12, ads) But if the euro were to collapse AND companies and banks," Kersting said. Manufacturing isn’t coming back-outdates factories and workforce Dileo, MFG News, 2012 (Pete, “What Will It Take to Revive US Manufacturing?”, 3-9, http://d2pnews.com/index.php/2012/03/09/what-will-it-take-to-revive-us-manufacturing/, DOA: 9-17-12, ldg) There are a couple of AND still manufacturing in the US. Job growth now Scarry, The Blaze staff writer, 9/7 (Eddie. “W.H. on job numbers: ‘Further evidence’ economy ‘continuing to recover.” 2012. http://www.theblaze.com/blog/2012/09/07/white-house-august-unemployment-statement/. Accessed: 9/18/2012. ADC) The White House put out a statement AND declined from 8.3% to 8.1% in August. Economy is resilient AND decline doesn’t lead to war Barnett, columnist for World Politics Review, 9 (Thomas P.M. “The New Rules: Security Remains Stable Amid Financial Crisis,” World Politics Review, 8/252009, http://www.aprodex.com/the-new-rules~-~-security-remains-stable-amid-financial-crisis-398-bl.aspx, 9-26-11, zml) So, to sum up: No significant AND That's what the Internet is for. |
6 | 09/25/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: 5 | Opponent: Dartmouth DY | Judge: Kevin Kallmeyer The United States federal government should enter into negotiations at the World Trade Organization for the purpose of expanding the coverage of the Information Technology Agreement to include all consumer electronics and their peripheries and a disqualification clause. We’ll clarify. The CP results in the elimination of tariffs on IT products-that boosts productivity, innovation and jobs. Ezell, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation senior analyst, 2012 (Stephen, “Boosting Exports, Jobs, and Economic Growth by Expanding the ITA”, March, http://www2.itif.org/2012-boosting-exports-jobs-expanding-ita.pdf, DOA: 9-13-12, ldg) Information and communications technology constitutes AND ITA and its expansion are so important. |
| 09/25/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: Octos | Opponent: Emory PS | Judge: Warming not real-negative feedbacks. Ebell, CEI Center for Energy and Environment director, 2012 (Myron, "CEI's Ebell: Climate Data Proves Global Warming Alarmists Have Lost the Debate; Fortunately For Them There's the Liberal Media”, 5-2, http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb-staff/2012/05/02/ceis-ebell-climate-data-proves-global-warming-alarmists-have-lost-debate-f, DOA: 5-24-12, ldg) Justin Gillis of the New York Times has AND is close to done and the alarmists have lost. Dangerous climate change inevitable-most comprehensive accounts. Anderson et al., Tyndall Centre for Climate Change research professor, 2011 (Kevin, “Beyond ‘dangerous’ climate change: emission scenarios for a new world”, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A January 13, 2011 369 20-44, DOA: 6-5-12, ldg) In relation to the first two issues AND particularly those directly informing policy. Warming is not catastrophic now but reducing aerosols reverses that Meyer, Princeton mechanical engineer, 2012 (Warren, Harvard MBA, “Understanding the Global Warming Debate”, 2-9, http://www.forbes.com/sites/warrenmeyer/2012/02/09/understanding-the-global-warming-debate/3/, DOA: 6-1-12, ldg) This is the problem scientists face in AND Skeptics call this their “plug variable.” Even an unrealistic spread of nuclear technology is a drop in the bucket The Economist, 12 (March 10, 2012, “Over the rainbow”, http://www.economist.com/node/21549096, 6/25/12, atl) Robert Socolow, of Princeton University, and his AND who led the study, “neither can anyone else”. China and India overwhelm First Post. India, 12 (“Emissions set to raise in India and China: UN report”, 6-7-12, Firstpost. India, http://www.firstpost.com/india/emissions-set-to-raise-in-india-and-china-un-report-334911.html, accessed 6-9-12 wdw) Beijing: Emissions in India and AND 60 percent by 2100, the report said. |
| 09/25/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: NYU AG | Judge: Dave Arnett Scarcity and environmental degradation are self-correcting-but maintaining the profit motive is key Desrochers, Toronto geography professor, 2010 (Pierre, “The environmental responsibility of business is to increase its profits (by creating value within the bounds of private property rights)”, Industrial and Corporate Change. Feb2010, Vol. 19 Issue 1, ebsco, ldg) Resources are limited, while human AND process will now be examined in more detail. The squo is structurally improving Goklany, Assistant Director for Science and Technology Policy, 2009 (Indur, PhD electrical engineering from MSU, “Have Increases In Population, Affluence And Technology Worsened Human And Environmental Well-Being?”, http://173-45-244-96.slicehost.net/public/journal_article/11, DOA: 8-16-12, ldg) Although global population is no AND prevalence of malnutrition (Goklany 2007a, 2007b). Marginal losses don’t erode ecosystem resilience—there’s more biodiversity than we could possibly need—and tech ensures we can just create more Sagoff, University of Maryland Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy Senior Research Scholar, 8 (Mark, “On the Economic Value of Ecosystem Services”, Environmental Values, Volume 17, Number 2, May 2008, pp. 239-257(19), 9/15/12, atl) What about the economic value of AND biodiversity is yours for nothing. Abandonment of technological projects causes extinction AtKisson, executive editor of the Journal in Context: A Quarterly of Humane Sustainable Culture.89 (Alan, Interviewing Michael Zimmerman, Professor of Philosophy at Tulane University, New Orleans, Summer 1989, “Introduction To Deep Ecology”, http://www.context.org/iclib/ic22/zimmrman/, 8/19/12, atl) Alan: A critique I hear often is AND awareness that the planet is really hurting? The alternative is morally worse—“letting things be” devalues all suffering and destroys empirical problem-solving Garrard, Bath Spa University English Lecturer, 10 (Greg, [NOTE: Bath Spa University is a real liberal arts university in Bath, England] "Heidegger Nazism Ecocriticism," Interdisiplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 17.2, pg. 261-262, cab) The most striking example of how AND without the surplus metaphysical baggage. Every credible measure of study shows violence is down because of everything consistent with the aff---heg, democracy, liberal trade---it’s only a question of sustaining current dynamics and preventing shocks to the system Pinker, Harvard psychology professor, 2011 (Steven, “Violence Vanquished”, 9-24, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904106704576583203589408180.html, DOA; 10-9-11, ldg) Believe it or not, the world of the past was AND with the electronic global village. Representational violence isn’t the same as and doesn’t cause physical violence – prefer our impacts Gomel, Ph.D in the HumanitiesTel-Aviv University, 1999 (Elana, "Written in Blood: Serial Killing and Narratives of Identity," Post Identity, Volume 2, Number 1, Winter; p. 24-5, project muse, ldg) The universal Man of the AND representation as by its breakdown. It is impossible to judge when life of someone else has value because the value to life is subjective – we must always avoid letting others die Patterson, Glasgow Caledonian University, 2003 (Craig, “A Life Not Worth Living?”, Studies in Christian Ethics 2003; 16; 1, Sage Journals, ldg) Appeals to a thoroughgoing quality assessment AND further determination of meaningful value.13 Epistemology doesn’t impact truth Houghton, Central Florida political science professor, 2008 (David, “Positivism ‘vs’ Postmodernism: Does Epistemology Make a Difference?”, International Politics Vol. 45 pg. 115-128, proquest, ldg) Certainly, postpositivist epistemologies ‘license’ AND have to come from somewhere. Environmentally friendly growth is sustainable De Bruyn, professor of spatial economics at Vrije University, 98 (S.M., “Economic Growth and Emissions: Reconsidering the Empirical Basis of Environmental Kuznets Curves,” Ecological Economics, 25, 1998, 161-175, 9/14/12, atl) 6. Balancing positive and negative influences: AND within ecosystems, carrying capacities. Growth inevitable Lewis, Duke University School of the Environment and the Center for International Studies professor, 92 (Martin, “Green Delusions: An Environmentalist Critique of Radical Environmentalism”, Duke University Press Books (April 8, 1993), 9/14/12, atl) Admittedly, before the industrial AND (for an extended discussion, see M. Lewis 1992]. True self-understanding is only possible through mediating institutions—the foundation of freedom and reflective choice requires ethical engagement with the state. Failure to engage in the state for mutual recognition of self and Other causes a regression to a state of nature characterized by perpetual war and aggression—this is the root cause of all other impacts. Patten, McGill University political Science professor, 2001 (Alan, “Social Contract Theory and the Politics of Recognition,” in Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism, ed. Robert Williams, SUNY Press, pg. 175-176) cab The suggestion seems to be that AND of freedom complete" (Henrich 74). |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: 1 | Opponent: Trinity KV | Judge: Severson, Brian [1NC] Restriction are direct governmental limitations --- excludes measures the only have limiting effects Viterbo, Torino law professor, 2012 (Annamaria, International Economic Law and Monetary Measures: Limitations to States' Sovereignty and Dispute, pg. 166, ldg) In order to distinguish an exchange restriction from a trade measure, the Fund chose AND imposed directly on the use of currency in itself, for all purposes. [2NC] - Including regulations is a limits disaster
Doub, former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission member, 1976 (William, “Energy Regulation: A Quagmire for Energy Policy”, Annual Review of Energy, November, JSTOR, ldg)
FERS began with the recognition that federal energy policy must result from concerted efforts in AND agencies. Unfortunately, this example is the rule rather than the exception. They make the topic unmanageable-anything can count. TWN 2010 (Third World Network, “WTO claims financial crisis not due to GATS”, February, http://www.twnside.org.sg/title2/wto.info/2010/twninfo100204.htm, DOA: 10-1-12, ldg) Permissible measures depend on the definition to be given to the term "restriction" AND be used to achieve the same purposes and have the same economic effect. They explode limits-hundreds of regulations and subsets within subsets Forbes 2012 (“Obama's Energy Policy: Death By A Thousand Cuts”, http://www.forbes.com/sites/energysource/2012/03/06/obamas-energy-policy-death-by-a-thousand-cuts/, DOA: 10-1-12, ldg) What sounds like the title of an Alfred Hitchcock movie is actually the Obama Administration’s AND EPA definitions and thresholds will encompass the smallest to the largest domestic producers. 2. Precision: Only direct prohibition is a restriction – key to predictability Sinha, India Supreme Court, 2006 (SB, “Union Of India & Ors vs M/S. Asian Food Industries on 7 November, 2006”, http://www.indiankanoon.org/doc/437310/, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg) We may, however, notice that this Court in State of U.P AND the word prohibiting or some such word, to bring out that effect." Restriction is narrower than regulation—precisions is key US District Court 2009 (Judge Thomas E. Johnson, US District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia, http://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/west-virginia/wvsdce/5:2009cv00152/61171/33, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg) 9 The fourth prong of the Central Hudson test refers to "regulation" of AND more broad or no more expansive than 'necessary' to serve its substantial interests"). ‘Restrictions’ must be direct and immediate limitations on freedom – otherwise it is simply a regulation Veeraswami, former India Madras High Court chief justice, 1966 (CJ, “T.M. Kannappa Mudaliar And Ors. vs The State Of Madras” Majority opinion, http://www.indiankanoon.org/doc/838831/, DOA: 10-1-12, ldg) The collection of a toll or a tax for the use of a road or AND , J., in Automobile Transport Ltd. v. State of Rajasthan. “On” requires direct relation Dictionary.com (“On,” http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/on) on [on, awn] Show IPA preposition - so as to be or remain supported by or suspended from: Put your package down on the table; Hang your coat on the hook.
2. so as to be attached to or unified with: Hang the picture on the wall. Paste the label on the package.
It is not about the effect – it is about the process. If it is possible to produce energy than it is not a restriction CEPR 2011 (Center for Economic and Policy Research, “Federal Regulations Restrict the Use of Government Subsidized Student Loans, Not Private Colleges,” 6-2, http://www.cepr.net/index.php/blogs/beat-the-press/federal-regulations-restrict-the-use-of-government-subsidized-student-loans-not-private-colleges, DOA: 10-1-12, ldg) The Washington Post, which is part of a corporation whose primary income comes from AND be unable to get a subsidized loan from the government for this purpose. Restrictions must be a formal prohibition, not an inducement Groves, Royal Institute of British Architects legal advisor, 1997 (Peter, Sourcebook on Intellectual Property Law, pg 249-50, ldg) Then I come to the word 'restrict', A person though not prohibited is AND - it is impossible to say in advance what the effect will be.
Restrictions on production must mandate a decrease in the quantity produced Anell, WTO panel chairman, 1989 ( "To examine, in the light of the relevant GATT provisions, the matter referred to the CONTRACTING PARTIES by the United States in document L/6445 and to make such findings as will assist the CONTRACTING PARTIES in making the recommendations or in giving the rulings provided for in Article XXIII:2." 3. On 3 April 1989, the Council was informed that agreement had been reached on the following composition of the Panel (C/164): Composition Chairman: Mr. Lars E.R. Anell Members: Mr. Hugh W. Bartlett Mrs. Carmen Luz Guarda CANADA - IMPORT RESTRICTIONS ON ICE CREAM AND YOGHURT Report of the Panel adopted at the Forty-fifth Session of the CONTRACTING PARTIES on 5 December 1989 (L/6568 - 36S/68) http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/88icecrm.pdf, DOA:9-27-12, ldg) The United States argued that Canada had failed to demonstrate that it effectively restricted domestic AND to what the situation would be in the absence of all government measures. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: 1 | Opponent: Trinity KV | Judge: Severson, Brian [1NC] Deal on fiscal cliff coming now Cook, National Journal, 11-8-12 (Nancy, “To Avert a Fiscal-Cliff Catastrophe, Someone Has to Blink,” http://www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/to-avert-a-fiscal-cliff-catastrophe-someone-has-to-blink-20121108, DOA: 11-9-12, ads) Since Tuesday, the two parties have been acting conciliatory (even if Obama’s victory AND understanding the difference between surrender and principled compromise,” Holtz-Eakin says. Renewables are politically unpopular – budgetary constraints Schirach, Georgetown University Graduate Program of the School of Foreign Service adjunct professor, 12 (Paolo von, Atlantic Council former senior research fellow. “Grim Prospects For Renewable Energy In The US – Subsidies Politically Unpopular – Natural Gas A Much Cheaper Alternative – USG Should Focus On RandD.” 5-11. http://schirachreport.com/index.php/2012/05/11/grim-prospects-for-renewable-energy-in-the-us-subsidies-politically-unpopular-natural-gas-a-much-cheaper-alternative-usg-should-focus-on-rd/. Accessed: 11/06/2012. ADC) WASHINGTON – American enthusiasm for renewable energy, not too deep to begin with AND decline. Nobody has this kind of money and this level of commitment. New election gives Obama political capital to pass Fiscal Cliff Atkins, Boston Harold Correspondent, 11-08 (Kimberley, “Prez Returns to DC With More Clout”, 11/08/12, da: 11/08/12, http://bostonherald.com/news/columnists/view/20221108prez_returns_to_dc_with_more_clout, lmm) When President Obama returned yesterday to the White House, he brought with him political AND pushback to vanish. House Republicans still have plenty of fight in them. Key to avert global economic collapse NAM, 12 (October 26, 2012, National Association of Manufacturers, “Fiscal shock America’s Economic Crisis Executive Summary” http://www.nam.org/~/media/45A37479471D4EB1AA3804DE86AECD1A.ashx, 11/6/12, atl) Manufacturers and other businesses are worried about slowing global growth. Many of our top AND -term economic potential, permanently reducing living standards in the United States. Goes nuclear Auslin and Lachman, scholar and fellow at American Enterprise Institute, 2009 (Michael and Desmond, “The Global Economy Unravels”, 3-6, http://www.forbes.com/2009/03/06/global-economy-unravels-opinions-contributors-g20.html, ldg) The threat of instability is a pressing concern. China, until last year the AND may be a series of small explosions that coalesce into a big bang. [2NC] Economic decline kills the environment – cuts conservation funding and short circuits clean tech. Butler, founder of Mongabay.com, 2009 (Rhett, “What does slowing economy mean for rainforest conservation?”, 1-26, http://news.mongabay.com/2009/0127-economy_deforestation.html , ldg) Still the downturn is not entirely good news for environmentalists. New funds for conservation AND matter how green environmentalists try to make it — is on the horizon. Reverse causal-growth improves the environment. Adler, Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Business Law and Regulation at the Case Western Reserve University, 2008 (Jonathan, “Green Bridge to Nowhere”, The New Atlantis, Fall, http://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/green-bridge-to-nowhere, ldg) The first item on his agenda is the replacement of modern capitalism with some undefined AND able to look past the next election cycle than any plausibly democratic alternative. It’s top of the docket AP, 11-8-12 (“Changes coming to Obama administration for second term _ but not while fiscal cliff threatens,” http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/fiscal-cliff-will-test-all-sides-readiness-for-compromise-after-obama-win/2012/11/08/8302f600-29ad-11e2-aaa5-ac786110c486_story.html Big changes are coming to President Barack Obama’s administration — just not right away. The White House is making the nation’s high-stakes fiscal crisis its top priority coming out of the election, underscoring the vital importance of averting severe year-end tax increases and spending cuts, not just for the economy but in setting the tone for Obama’s second term Top of the agenda—he’ll only do domestic things Dadush, Carnegie's International Economics Program senior associate and director, 11/7 (Uri, “U.S. fiscal cliff risks dragging global economy into darkness” http://edition.cnn.com/2012/11/07/business/opinion-dadush-obama-economy/index.html, 11/8/12, atl) (CNN) President Obama is immensely popular overseas and his re-election AND some $3.5 trillion to $4 trillion over 10 years. It’s top of the docket Schroeder and Robb, MarketWatch reporters, 11-9 (Robert and Greg, MarketWatch is based in Washington "Fiscal-cliff talks to start next Friday," 11-9-12, http://www.marketwatch.com/story/standoff-over-taxes-as-fiscal-cliff-nears-2012-11-09?pagenumber=2, accessed 11-9-12, mtf) Sen. Charles Schumer, Democrat of New York, on Thursday welcomed Boehner’s tone AND and Congress approach the lame-duck session due to begin next week. Capital determines agenda above all else Light, Senior Fellow at the Center for Public Service, 1999 (Paul Charles, “The president's agenda: domestic policy choice from Kennedy to Clinton,” Ch. 2, p. 34, 9-25-2011, jag) In chapter 2, I will consider just how capital affects the basic parameters of AND the President’s personality, capital is the central force behind the domestic agenda. Agenda items trade off-presidential influence is finite Bernstein, Cal Berkeley political science PhD, 2011 (Jonathan, “The power that a president does and doesn’t have A president has less power than Obama's liberal critics think but they also have more power than they realize,”, 8-20 http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_room/2011/08/20/bernstein_presidential_power/index.html, DOA: 9-14-11, ldg) Moreover, the positions of the president and most everyone else are, to look AND and where and how to use the various bargaining chips that are available. Presidential leadership shapes the agenda Kuttner, Demos senior fellow, 2011 (Robert, “Barack Obama’s Theory of Power”, 5-16, http://prospect.org/cs/articles?article=barack_obamas_theory_of_power, DOA: 9-14-11, ldg) As the political scientist Richard Neustadt observed in his classic work, Presidential Power, AND well, all of this signals leadership that often moves the public agenda. Politics tests a key opportunity cost Saideman, McGill University associate professor of political science, 7/25/2011 (Steve, “Key Constraint on Policy Relevance,” http://duckofminerva.blogspot.com/2011/07/key-constraint-on-policy-relevance.html, 9-24-2011, jag) Dan Drezner has a great post today about how the foreign policy smart set ( AND dream about the right policy and gnash our teeth when it never happens. Obama will veto it if we go over cliff Weisman, NY Times, 12 (Jonathan, NYTimes, 10/1/12, “Leaders at Work on Plan to Avert Mandatory Cuts”, www.nytimes.com/2012/10/02/us/senate-leaders-at-work-on-plan-to-avert-fiscal-cliff.html?_r=2&hp&&pagewanted=all, 11/9/12, atl) Mr. Obama has said he would not allow Congress to simply pass a new law to override the $1 trillion in automatic cuts agreed to in the Budget Control Act of 2011, but senators said they believed the White House would go along with a deal that locks in as much as four times those savings in exchange for canceling the automatic cuts. It’s make or break—successful compromise creates a self-sustaining lift Newman, USA News, 12 (Rick, October 26, 2012, “The Fiscal Cliff Masks an Improving Economy”, http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/rick-newman/2012/10/26/the-fiscal-cliff-masks-an-improving-economy, 11/5/12, atl) If President Barack Obama wins a second term, he may enjoy the kind of AND administer quite a jolt to the economy, if their leaders choose to. They’ll compromise-smoother working relationships than past deals Davis and Dorning, Bloomberg News writer, 11-7 (Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Mike Dorning, "Obama Success on Fiscal Cliff May Hinge on Congress Ties," Bloomberg News, 11-7-12, http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-11-07/obama-success-on-fiscal-cliff-may-hinge-on-better-congress-ties#p2, accessed 11-9-12, mtf) ‘Real Possibility’ Patrick Griffin, former President Bill Clinton’s chief congressional lobbyist from 1994 to 1996, AND the end, and interacting will help you do that,” Griffin said. Deal will happen now AND GOP will give Boehner negotiating room CNN, 11-8-12 (“With 'fiscal cliff' looming, Congress facing compromise or confrontation,” http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/07/politics/fiscal-cliff/index.html, DOA: 11-8-12, ads) That's at odds with Reid who said he opposes "kicking the can down the AND Pat Toomey and other Republicans on the "supercommittee" offered last summer. Both sides are willing to work for a solution now – Obama is key Wilson, CBS News, 11-8-12 (Mark, “Biden: Dems would compromise on "fiscal cliff" http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-250_162-57546805/biden-dems-would-compromise-on-fiscal-cliff/, DOA: 11-8-12, ads) Vice President Biden says he and President Obama are anxious to move forward on a AND say, 'This is our deal. Take it or leave it."' Compromise coming now – Obama is invested WSJ, 11-8-12 (“Focus Shifts to 'Fiscal Cliff',” http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323894704578105260044138592.html, DOA: 11-8-12, ads) To tackle the fiscal cliff, Mr. Obama is expected to initiate a new AND " and "reforming our tax code" as among his top priorities. GOP will compromise – Re-election and mobilized base gives Obama leverage Cohn, 11-7-12 (Jonathan, “How the Election Reset the “Fiscal Cliff” Debate,” http://www.tnr.com/blog/plank/109904/boehner-statement-fiscal-cliff-revenue-election-obama-leverage#, DOA: 11-8-12, ads) Remember, when Obama and the Republicans were debating these issues in 2011, Obama AND Center for American Progress and occasional TNR contributor, puts it this way: Obama has political capital and must use it to address fiscal cliff Deligio, PT Correspondent, 11-09 (Tony, “Business Leaders: Obama Earned Mandate But Has To Lead”, 11/09/12, da: 11/09/12, http://www.plasticstoday.com/articles/business-leaders-obama-earned-mandate-has-lead-111620122, lmm) Barack Obama won a mandate in his reelection as president and his top priority must AND , Engler said plainly, "I think the mandate is to lead." Obama has political capital – only one who can lead Kalb, Brookings Institution Think Tank, 11-08 (Marvin, “An Overture to Romney”, 11/08/12, da: 11/08/12, http://www.brookings.edu/blogs/up-front/posts/2012/11/08-romney-kalb, lmm) Conservative critics, gloomy after their candidate’s defeat, argue that President Obama, despite AND . No one else can lead, and no one else should lead. PC is key to a compromise Taylor, Associated Press, 11-9-12 (Andrew, “President Obama approaches 'fiscal cliff' days after victory,” http://www.deseretnews.com/article/765615184/Obama-approaches-fiscal-cliff-days-after-victory.html?pg=1, DOA: 11-9-12, ads) "I'm proposing that we avert the fiscal cliff together in a manner that ensures AND to address the matter Friday afternoon in a statement from the White House. Partisan divide for renewables Eilperin et al, Washington Post staff writer, 11 (Juliet. John Cohen, WP polling editor. “Support for federal backing of renewables slips, driven by GOP skepticism.” 11-10. http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/support-for-federal-backing-of-renewables-slips-driven-by-gop-skepticism/2011/11/10/gIQA97kX9M_story.html. Accessed: 11/06/2012. ADC) Support for putting federal funds into alternative energy sources such as wind, solar and AND given the media coverage many Republicans receive from outlets such as Fox News. No bipartisan support for solar – lobbying efforts alienated senators Tetreault, Stephens Washington Bureau staff writer, 12 (Steve. “Solar-power lobby's pressure has Ensign feeling alienated.” Updated: 4-09-12. http://www.lvrj.com/business/19939644.html. Accessed: 11/09/2012. ADC) WASHINGTON Breaking with an industry that is growing significant in Nevada, Sen AND solar industry had it and your association's leadership squandered it," Ensign wrote. - Solyndra has led every energy issue to be scrutinized
Harder, National Journal reporter, 11 (Amy, “What Role Should Government Play in Energy Production?,”9-6-11, National Journal, da 11-9-12, http://energy.nationaljournal.com/2011/09/what-role-should-government-pl.php#170907, mee)
How should the Obama administration and Congress promote different sources of energy ranging from renewables AND tax credits to renewable energy companies, and tax breaks to oil firms. 2. The GOP will attack Obama on energy Belogolova, National Journal Energy Reporter, 12 (Olga, "Insiders Outreach to Oil industry Won't Help", 5-17-12, http://www.nationaljournal.com/energy/insiders-outreach-to-oil-industry-won-t-help-obama-20120517, accessed 10-7-12, AT) Insiders said that energy issues will continue to be a sticking point in this election AND record to make sure he doesn't get away with trying to mask it.” 3. No turns—every energy policy is polarizing Whitman, former EPA administrator, 2012 (Christine Todd, “Nuclear Power Garners Bipartisan Support”, 8-13, http://energy.nationaljournal.com/2012/08/finding-the-sweet-spot-biparti.php, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg) It’s clear from the debate around the merits and drawbacks of various electricity and fuel sources that energy policy can be a highly polarizing topic. In fact, it’s arguable that there is no energy option that holds a truly bipartisan appeal: Every form of energy faces pockets of dissent. This makes crafting universally accepted energy policy particularly challenging. 4. Any risk of a link turns the case- public backlash Merrill, Columbia Law School, 12 (Margaret L., J.D., “Overcoming CFIUS Jitters: A Practical Guide for Understanding the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States,” Quinnipiac L. Rev. 40, 2011-2012, page 40, accessed Hein Online 11-3-12, mee) The second measure relates to the public's perception of the proposed covered transaction. Considering AND for the transaction will make it that much more resistant to political attack. Global economic crisis causes war-strong statistical support Royal, director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010 (Jedediah, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, pg 213-215, ldg) Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline may increase the likelihood of external conflict AND As such the view presented here should be considered ancillary to those views. Linearity might not be true but complexity isn’t 100% true either-pragmatism means you should prefer scenario planning Gorka et al., NDU Homeland Defense Fellows Program director, 2012 (Sebastian, “The Complexity Trap,” Parameters, Spring, http://www.carlisle.army.mil/USAWC/parameters/Articles/2012spring/Gallagher_Geltzer_Gorka.pdf, DOA: 11-4-12, ldg) These competing views of America’s national security concerns indicate an important and distinctive characteristic of AND in which everything is potentially relevant is a model in which nothing is. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: 1 | Opponent: Trinity KV | Judge: Severson, Brian Text: The United States Supreme Court should rule that the economic feasibility clause from the Energy Policy act of 2005 for solar power is unconstitutional Courts can effectively rule to invalidate restrictions on all forms of energy production Simon, Utah political science professor, 2007 (Christopher, Alternative Energy: Political, Economic, and Social Feasibility, pg 196-8, ldg) The institutional power of the federal courts regarding energy policy is not ex- plicit AND goals not inconsistent with national constitutional in- terpretation and national policy priorities. Allows Congress to take a position-solves backlash Whittington, politics professor at Princeton, 2007 (Keith, “Political foundations of judicial supremacy” 136-137, ldg) Effective political leaders find the means for achieving the policy results that they want while AND its doctrine or in filling in the lacuna left by the judicial decisions. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: 1 | Opponent: Trinity KV | Judge: Severson, Brian The United States Federal Government should initiate a binding substantive environmental impact statement, including but not limited to a health impact assessment regarding the consequences of removing the economic feasibility clause from the Energy Policy act of 2005 for solar power and adopt such measure only if it can be made consistent with the results of the statement. We’ll clarify. CP solves-public participation is key and equity norms make the plan more sustainable Bratspies, CUNY law professor, 2010 (Rebecca, “The Intersection Of International Human Rights And Domestic Environmental Regulation”, 8-20, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1662576, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) There are many lessons to draw from the Chukchi Sea saga. For now, AND culture shift that would make scenarios like the Chukchi Sea leases less likely. Consensus building avoids political backlash Percival, Maryland law professor, 1997 (Robert, “Regulatory Evolution and the Future of Environmental Policy”, 1997 U Chi Legal F 159, lexis, ldg) Those who make a serious effort to "rethink regulation" ultimately will recognize that AND of consensus-building processes that foster compromises necessary to overcome legislative gridlock. Domestic change spills over to international environment leadership – solves the aff better DeSombre, Wellesley university environmental studies and political science professor, 2010 (Elizabeth, “The United States and Global Environmental Politics: Domestic Sources of U.S. Unilateralism”, http://www.polisci.ufl.edu/usfpinstitute/2010/documents/readings/DeSombre%20Chapter.pdf, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) U.S. leadership (or even level of participation) in international environmental AND at creating the domestic regulations that give it the incentive to do so. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: 1 | Opponent: Trinity KV | Judge: Severson, Brian [1NC] Economics is the only explanation of human behavior—it best explains cause-and-effect relationships and erases state control of ignorant populace Rockwell, president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2008 (Llewellyn, “Everything You Love You Owe to Capitalism,” http://mises.org/story/2982, ldg) Not even an event as spectacular as the spontaneous meltdown of a superpower and all AND Otherwise, the state can continue to spread its malicious and destructive policies. Scarcity and environmental degradation are self-correcting-but maintaining the profit motive is key Desrochers, Toronto geography professor, 2010 (Pierre, “The environmental responsibility of business is to increase its profits (by creating value within the bounds of private property rights)”, Industrial and Corporate Change. Feb2010, Vol. 19 Issue 1, ebsco, ldg) Resources are limited, while human needs and desires are not. In a free AND industrial residuals. 14 This process will now be examined in more detail. - No impact—biodiversity loss is insignificant
To be sure, if extinctions continue at present rates indefinitely, at some point AND -rich all the time largely as a result of human action. n354 2. No data to substantiate species loss and people have a financial incentive to exaggerate. Lomborg, Aarhus university political science professor, 2001 (Bjorn, The Skeptical Environmentalist, pg 254, ldg) The issue of biodiversity resembles the classic battle between model and reality. The biologists AND you point this out, people say you are collaborating with the devil." 3. Turn – ecological disturbances increase diversity, resilience and resistance – empirically proven Bosselman, Kent law professor, 2002 (Fred, “ARTICLE: WHAT LAWMAKERS CAN LEARN FROM LARGE-SCALE ECOLOGY”, Spring, 17 J. Land Use and Envtl. Law 207, lexis, ldg) The diversity that results from disturbances may be an advantage to an ecological system because AND unless the system has dealt with enough disturbance to preclude competitive exclusion. n408 Neolib solves warming-allows the greatest adaptive capacity and improves human wellbeing that overwhelms negative effects. Goklany, Assistant Director for Science and Technology Policy, 2007 (Indur, “IS A RICHER-BUT-WARMER WORLD BETTER THAN POORER-BUT-COOLER WORLDS?”, http://www.ce.cmu.edu/~gdrg/readings/2006/02/14/Goklany_160.pdf, DOA: 8-17-12, ldg) Table 10 indicates that notwithstanding gross inflation of the adverse impacts of climate change, AND that might be exacerbated by climate change (Goklany, 2005, 2007a). Extinction Brandenburg, member of the NASA Technical Advisory Committee of Technology and Commercialization, 1999 (John, Dead Mars, Dying Earth, pg 70, ldg) The ozone hole expands, driven by a monstrous synergy with global warming that puts AND Mars—red, desolate, with perhaps a few hardy microbes surviving. Neolib is key to heg Cafruny, Henry Platt Bristol International Affairs professor, 2008 (Alan, “The Imperial Turn and the Future of Us Hegemony: Terminal Decline or Retrenchment?” 3-25, http://www.allacademic.com//meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/2/5/2/1/0/pages252105/p252105-3.php, DOA: 1-13-12, ldg) The role played by U.S. structural financial power in the construction of AND - INTERREGNUM AND RESTORATION OF U.S. COERCIVE SUPREMACY IN EUROPE 3
Turns the case- heg prevents global instability and is a pre-req to solve every issue Brzezinski, former US national security advisor, 12 (Zbigniew, national security advisor under U.S. President Jimmy Carter, currently Robert E. Osgood Professor of American Foreign Policy at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies, a scholar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and a member of various boards and councils, "After America," Foreign Policy, www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/01/03/after_america, accessed 2-9-12, mss) How does the world look in an age of U.S. decline? AND and ubiquity of American power creates order where there would normally be conflict. Neoliberalism reduces conflict-last 3 decades prove. Tures, LaGrange political science professor, 2003 (John, “Economic Freedom And Conflict Reduction: Evidence From The 1970s, 1980s, And 1990s”, http://www.freetheworld.com/papers/John_Tures.pdf, DOA: 8-17-12, ldg) The last three decades have witnessed an unprecedented expansion of market-based reforms and AND strong connection between economic freedom and conflict reduction during the past three decades. Globalization solves poverty and repression Chen, Minnesota law school professor, 2000 (Jim, “ESSAY: PAX MERCATORIA: GLOBALIZATION AS A SECOND CHANCE AT "PEACE FOR OUR TIME”, 24 Fordham Int'l L.J. 217, lexis, ldg) The antiglobalization movement has made some extraordinary claims. Let us transplant a precept of AND unjustly privileged few. That way runs anew the road to serfdom. n197 Ethical policymaking must be grounded in consequences Isaac, political science professor Indiana University, 2002 (Jeffrey, “Ends, Means, and Politics, Dissent Magazine, Spring 2002, ldg) Power is not a dirty word or an unfortunate feature of the world. It AND not true believers. It promotes arrogance. And it undermines political effectiveness. Policymakers have an obligation to err in favor of prediction—it’s inevitable and using explicit predictions enhances decision-making Fitzsimmons, defense analyst in Washington DC, 07 (Michael, “The Problem of Uncertainty in Strategic Planning”, Survival (00396338), December 1, 2006, 10/24/12, atl) In defence of prediction Uncertainty is not a new phenomenon for strategists. Clausewitz knew AND reinvigorate their efforts in the messy but indispensable business of predicting the future. [2NC] The squo is structurally improving Goklany, Assistant Director for Science and Technology Policy, 2009 (Indur, PhD electrical engineering from MSU, “Have Increases In Population, Affluence And Technology Worsened Human And Environmental Well-Being?”, http://173-45-244-96.slicehost.net/public/journal_article/11, DOA: 8-16-12, ldg) Although global population is no longer growing exponentially, it has quadrupled since 1900. AND per capita, and the prevalence of malnutrition (Goklany 2007a, 2007b). Impact is wrong-environment has improved in the last 40 yrs. Goklany, Assistant Director for Science and Technology Policy, 2007 (Indur, “IS A RICHER-BUT-WARMER WORLD BETTER THAN POORER-BUT-COOLER WORLDS?”, http://www.ce.cmu.edu/~gdrg/readings/2006/02/14/Goklany_160.pdf, DOA: 8-17-12, ldg) One of the conundrums facing the world, which should be addressed in the course AND , should reduce the future impacts of climate change (Goklany, 2007a). Discourse is worthless—other structures trump Tuathail, geography professor Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1996 (Gearoid, “The critical geopolitics constellation: problematizing fusions of geographical knowledge and power”, Political Geography, 15(6-7), p. 664, science direct, ldg) While theoretical debates at academic conferences are important to academics, the discourse and concerns AND needs to always be open to the patterned mess that is human history. Short term focusing combined with long term key to prevent enviro destruction Norton, Georgia Tech Professor of Science, and Technology, School of Public Policy, 03 (Byran, “Which Morals Matter? Freeing Moral Reasoning from Ideology”, http://environs.law.ucdavis.edu/issues/27/1/norton.pdf, 9/19/12, atl) As a first step in avoiding ideological formulations of environmental problems and serious nr1sunderstanding of AND ways that frame policy questions in terms that encourage negotiation and cooperative action. Human extinction outweighs- moral evolution inevitably solves speciesism- BUT extinction now means natural events destroy all life on earth Matheny, John Hopkins Public Health PhD candidate, 2007 (J.G., “Ought we worry about human extinction?”, 12-6, http://jgmatheny.org/extinctionethics.htm, DOA; 10-14-11, ldg) Moral philosophers have not written much about human extinction. This may be because they AND , humanity is the animal kingdom’s best long-term hope for survival. |
| 01/03/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 4 | Opponent: MSU BC | Judge: Ana Nikolic Immigration reform will pass now --- top priority and other issues don’t thump. Huffington Post, 1-2-13 (Obama's Immigration Reform Push To Begin This Month, www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/02/obama-immigration-reform_n_2398507.html, d/a 1-3-13, ads) Despite a bruising fiscal cliff battle that AND and singing 'Kumbaya,'" Sharry said. Plan drains capital and causes an immediate fight Szondy, former university lecturer in history and archeology, 12 (David, award winning freelance writer for Gizmag, a science magazine, February 16, 2012, “Feature: Small modular nuclear reactors - the future of energy?” http://www.gizmag.com/small-modular-nuclear-reactors/20860/, 11-1-12, ara,) language modified The problem is that nuclear energy is the AND must farm this out to overseas manufacturers. PC is key Dallas Morning News, 1-2-13 (“Editorial: Actions must match Obama’s immigration pledge,” http://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/editorials/20130102-editorial-actions-must-match-obamas-immigration-pledge.ece, d/a 1-3-13, ads) The president’s words to NBC’s David AND , in an interview on Meet the Press Sunday Comprehensive reform is key to Latin American stability Gittelson, garment manufacturer in the Los Angeles area for over twenty-five years, 2009 (Robert, has developed practical, first-hand experience in dealing with the immigration issues that are challenging our country today, THE CENTRISTS AGAINST THE IDEOLOGUES: WHAT ARE THE FALSEHOODS THAT DIVIDE AMERICANS ON THE ISSUE OF COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM, 23 ND J. L. Ethics and Pub Pol'y 115, lexis, ldg) In the alternative, should we fail to pass AND to secure our southern border Latin American instability causes extinction. Manwaring, Research Professor of Military Strategy, 2005 (Max, “THE TRANSFORMATION OF INTERSTATE WAR: VENEZUELA’S HUGO CHAVEZ, BOLIVARIAN SOCIALISM, AND ASYMMETRIC WARFARE” http://www.airpower.au.af.mil/apjinternational/apj-s/2006/2tri06/manwaringeng.html, ldg) President Chávez also understands AND security, peace, and prosperity.65 |
| 01/03/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 4 | Opponent: MSU BC | Judge: Ana Nikolic Financial incentives are public fund disbursed for the purpose of inducing energy production Webb, Ottawa, law lecturer, 1993 (Kernaghan, “Thumbs, Fingers, and Pushing on String: Legal Accountability in the Use of Federal Financial Incentives”, 31 Alta. L. Rev. 501, lexis, ldg) In this paper, "financial incentives" are AND they are not incentives. Violation-Plan increases indirect incentives Vote negative - Limits--- endless amount of things related to but not tied to production they could subsidize-overstretches our research burden and undermines preparedness for all debates
2. Ground---Indirect incentives don’t guarantee energy production undermining all core strategies. |
| 01/15/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 4 | Opponent: MSU BC | Judge: The fifty United States state governments and all relevant territories should substantially increase grants for magnetic fusion energy generation in the United States. States solve-better innovation and flexibility Carley, Graduate Fellow, Center for Sustainable Energy, Environment, and Economic Development, UNC, 10 (Sanya, Graduate Fellow, The Center for Sustainable Energy, Environment, and Economic Development, UNC Chapel Hill, Energy Program Specialist, The Wisconsin Public Utility Institute, 2005-06, “Electricity Diversification, Decentralization, And Decarbonization: The Role Of U.S. State Energy Policy” 2010, https://cdr.lib.unc.edu/record;jsessionid=77C109DBD786C00A749A6D1236696A50?id=uuid%3A4c318329-cbdd-4fd4-b791-90182e820062, accessed 8-13-12, ara) Have developments in the AND fiscal resources, or generation assets. |
| 01/15/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 4 | Opponent: MSU BC | Judge: Even if it is feasible-no commercialization Brumfiel, Scientific American, 2012 (Geoff, “Fusion’s Missing Pieces”, June, http://www.iter.org/doc/www/content/com/Lists/WebLinks/Attachments/883/SKMBT_C45112050917050%20(2).pdf, DOA: 10-6-12, ldg) ITER will prove whether AND the middle of the century. Fusion fails – multiple warrants Murpy, UCSD physics professor, 2012 (Tom, “Crunching the Numbers for Nuclear Fusion”, 1-31, http://physics.ucsd.edu/do-the-math/2012/01/nuclear-fusion/, DOA: 10-9-12, ldg) The ITER experiment, if AND condition through the years. Err neg-fusion will never be feasible Rhodes, Sussex physical chemistry professor, 2012 (Chris, “The Progress made in the Different Fields of Nuclear Fusion”, 6-10, oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Nuclear-Power/The-Progress-made-in-the-Different-Fields-of-Nuclear-Fusion.html, DOA: 10-6-12, ldg) When I was about 10, AND impending crisis in energy and resources. Even with unlimited funding and a perfect investment climate the plan will have no effect for decades CN 2012 (Challenge Network is an International Partnership of Expert Individuals, Most of Whom Have Occupied Senior Planning or Management Roles in Commerce and the Public Sector “Nuclear Fusion: Penurious Promise”, 5-21, http://www.chforum.org/scenario2012/paper-1-4.shtml, DOA: 10-9-12, ldg) Suppose that we had AND energy" in such an environment. Gas makes nuclear uncompetitive even with massive subsidies Taylor et al., Cato energy policy fellow, 2011 (Jerry, “Nuclear Power in the Dock”, 4-5, http://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/nuclear-power-dock, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg) This is unfortunate — not necessarily AND at least, we can all be thankful. |
| 01/15/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 4 | Opponent: MSU BC | Judge: Method first key-otherwise alternative modes of knowledge concerning neoliberalism are delegitimized Gunder et al., Aukland University senior planning lecturer, 2009 (Michael, Planning in Ten Words or Less: A Lacanian Entanglement with Spatial Planning pgs 111-2, ldg) The hegemonic network, or AND game (Blair and Kumar 1997). Policy making isn’t grounded in objectivity but cherry picking. Means a residual link takes out the aff because the ideological underpinnings of their knowledge is inaccurate. Bristow, Cardiff University economic geographer senior lecturer, 2005 (Gillian, “Everyone's a ‘winner’: problematising the discourse of regional competitiveness”, Journal of Economic Geography, June, oxford journals, ldg) This begs the question as to AND and national policy elites. Questioning underlying structure of neoliberalism first is key-otherwise policy analysis is predetermined in favor of the market. Murphy, Miami sociology professor, 2005 (John, Globalization with a Human Face, pg 11-13, ldg) Murphy 4 The process of development, now AND equated with rationality and general improvement. 3. Discount all their answers-accepting the frame of neoliberalism gears solutions to be watered down or delegitimized Faber and McCarthy, Northeastern University Philanthropy and Environmental Justice Research Project, 2003 (Daniel R Faber Director; Deborah McCarthy Research Associate, College of Charleston Assistant Professor of Sociology and Anthropology. “Neo-Liberalism, Globalization and the Struggle for Ecological Democracy Linking Sustainability and Environmental Justice.” Pg 56-7, ldg) As we move further into the AND politics (Faber and O'Connor, 1993)./ Nuclear production locks in production-ism through obsession with finance, competitiveness and technological solutions Maciejewska et al., Wroclaw Sociology and Faculty of Social Sciences institute, 2011 (Malgorzata, “Lack of power or lack of democracy: the case of the projected nuclear power plant in Poland”, Economic and Environmental Studies, 11.3, project muse, ldg) The mainstream discourse on AND the modern economy. Viewing energy as merely a societal input reproduces tech positivism, inequality and neoliberal expansion-culminates in extinction. Byrne et al., Delaware Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, 2009 (John, “Relocating Energy in the Social Commons Ideas for a Sustainable Energy Utility”, Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, 29.2, April, http://www.iatp.org/files/258_2_106003.pdf, DOA: 10-13-12, ldg) “Living Well”: Growth AND threat to life in all forms.5 3. Try or die for the alternative alone. De Angelis, East London political economy professor, 2009 (Massimo, “The tragedy of the capitalist commons”, December, http://turbulence.org.uk/turbulence-5/capitalist-commons/, DOA: 7-2-12, ldg) This platform of management of AND for the reproduction of their livelihoods. Alt doesn’t eliminate capitalism-but rather creates social forms in spite of capitalism. De Angelis, East London political economy professor, 2004 (Massimo, “Separating the Doing and the Deed: Capital and the Continuous Character of Enclosures”, Historical Materialism; 2004, Vol. 12 Issue 2, p57-87, ebsco, ldg) However, we must be fully aware AND problematisation of their articulation. Neoliberalism normalizes imperialism and the dismantlement of democracy-it allows for the execution of populations for the purpose of profit. Brown, Berkeley political theory professor, 2004 (Wendy, “Neo-liberalism and the End of Liberal Democracy”, Theory and Event Volume 7, Number 1, 2003, project muse, ldg) An assault on liberal AND criteria for policy making. They cede the political- neoliberalism collapses the public sphere and creates a drive for accumulation that ends in extinction Giroux, McMaster cultural studies professor, 2006 (Henry, “Dirty Democracy and State Terrorism: The Politics of the New Authoritarianism in the United States”, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 26.2 (2006) 163-177, project muse, ldg) While it would be ludicrous to AND to leave their homes.16 Neolbieralism produces crises, securitizes them and militarily lashes out against them-this cycle triggers every impact and causes extinction. Mosaddeq, Sussex University IR professor, 2010 (Nafeez, “Globalizing Insecurity: The Convergence of Interdependent Ecological, Energy, and Economic Crises”, 7-20, http://yalejournal.org/2010/07/globalizing-insecurity-the-convergence-of-interdependent-ecological-energy-and-economic-crises/, DOA: 6-29-12, ldg) The logic of ‘growth’ – as AND of our current way of life. The system’s unsustainable – only a shift to commons averts extinction Shor, Wayne State history department, 2010 (Fran, Dying Empire: U.S. Imperialism and Global Resistance, pg 145-7, ldg) Attributing the debilitation of AND seeds for another possible world. 17 Neoliberalism stifles innovation for public goods-this link turns all their technology and innovation arguments Palecek, author, editor and Marxist academic, 2009 (Mike, “Capitalism Versus Science”, 8-12, http://www.marxist.com/capitalism-versus-science.htm, DOA: 10-13-12, ldg) We are constantly bombarded AND stands in our way is capitalism. Jevons paradox-it is empirically true Foster et al., Oregon sociology professor, 2010 (John, The Ecological Rift: Capitalism’s War on the Earth, pg 177-9, ldg) Technological optimists have tried AND "staple products"—are concerned. |
| 01/15/2013 | Tournament: CSUF | Round: 1 | Opponent: Georgetown EM | Judge: Aaron Hardy The DOD is modernizing to focus on Asia now --- budget cuts threaten to undermine the pivot Chaffin, National Bureau of Asian Research intern, 2012 (Greg, “An Interview with Thomas G. Mahnken”, 7-30, http://www.nbr.org/research/activity.aspx?id=265, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg) The current debate AND friends to make that posture a reality. Power purchase agreements inflate cost of energy—cause tradeoffs with key capabilities undermining the military Spencer, Heritage Economic Policy Studies nuclear energy research fellow, 2011 (Jack, “Capability, Not Politics, Should Drive DOD Energy Research” 6-22, www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/06/capability-not-politics-should-drive-dod-energy-research, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg) Do not establish long-term AND is a less capable military. Pivot is key to contain China`s rise and prevent Asian instability. Colby, Center for Naval Analyses research analyst, 2011 (Elbridge, “Why the U.S. Needs its Liberal Empire,” 8-10, http://thediplomat.com/2011/08/10/why-us-needs-its-liberal-empire, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg) But, in part due to poor decision-AND emphasis on the Middle East. Nuclear war Cirincione, Carnegie nonproliferation project director, 2000 (Joseph, “The Asian Nuclear Reaction Chain”, Foreign Policy, 3-22, lexis, ldg) The blocks would fall AND nuclear weapon since 1945. |
| 01/15/2013 | Tournament: CSUF | Round: 1 | Opponent: Georgetown | Judge: Aaron Hardy Desalinization is bad-too expensive and wrecks marine ecosystems through contamination and extraction Kelley, Golden Gate law university JD, 2011 (Angela, “Seawater Desalination: Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Or Contributor?”, 12-4, http://elq.typepad.com/currents/2011/12/currents38-06-kelley-2011-1123.html, DOA: 9-23-12, ldg) Seawater desalination is an AND the desalination plants.47 Ocean degradation risks extinction Craig, Florida State Environmental Programs associate dean, 2003 (Robin, “ARTICLE: Taking Steps Toward Marine Wilderness Protection? Fishing and Coral Reef Marine Reserves in Florida and Hawaii”, McGeorge Law Review, Winter, lexis, ldg) Biodiversity and ecosystem AND be unique in the world. Desal can’t solve – too expensive to ship water to the places that need it most Increasing Population 2010 (“Fresh Water”, 1-22, http://increasingpopulation.blogspot.com/2010/01/fresh-water.html, DOA: 10-13-12, ldg) Fresh water can be AND oceans at high temperatures." No water wars – even otherwise hostile geopolitical conditions promote cooperation not conflict Wolf, Oregon State geography professor, 2007 (Aaron, “Shared Waters: Conflict and Cooperation”, http://protosh2o.act.be/VIRTUELE_BIB/Water_in_de_Wereld/CON-Waterconflicten_en_rampen/W_CON_E23_shared_waters.pdf, DOA: 1-7-13, ldg) There is room for AND conflict-inducing characteristics. |
| 01/15/2013 | Tournament: CSUF | Round: 3 | Opponent: Wayne State LM | Judge: Sean Kennedy The affirmative’s failure to advance a topical defense of federal policy undermines debate’s transformative and intellectual potential First, a limited topic of discussion that provides for equitable ground is key to productive inculcation of decision-making and advocacy skills in every and all facets of life---even if their position is contestable that’s distinct from it being valuably debatable---this still provides room for flexibility, creativity, and innovation, but targets the discussion to avoid mere statements of fact---T debates also solve any possible turn Steinberg, University of Miami Lecturer of Communication Studies, and Freeley, Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, 2008 (David, Austin, “Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making,” p. 45, DOA: 10-17-12, ads) Debate is a means AND in the following discussion. Second, discussion of specific policy-questions is crucial for skills development---we control uniqueness: university students already have preconceived and ideological notions about how the world operates---government policy discussion is vital to force engagement with and resolution of competing perspectives to improve social outcomes, however those outcomes may be defined---and, it breaks out of traditional pedagogical frameworks by positing students as agents of decision-making Esberg, New York University's Center on International Cooperation Special Assistant to the Director, and Sagan, Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation Director, 2012 (Jane, Winner of 2009 Firestone Medal, Scott, Stanford University Professor of Political Science, “NEGOTIATING NONPROLIFERATION Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Nuclear Weapons Policy,” http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10736700.2012.655089, DOA: 10-16-12, ads) These government or AND act on information. 14 Effective deliberation is crucial to the activation of personal agency and is only possible in a switch-side debate format where debaters divorce themselves from ideology to engage in political contestation---this activation of agency is vital to preventing mass violence and genocide and overcoming politically debilitating self-obsession Roberts-Miller, UT Rhetoric professor, 2003 (Patricia, “Fighting Without Hatred: Hannah Arendt’s Agonistic Rhetoric”, http://www.jaconlinejournal.com/archives/vol22.3/miller-fighting.pdf, DOA: 1-31-12, ldg) Arendt is probably most AND bureaucratizing of evil. Effective Decision Making outweighs - Key to social improvements in every and all facets of life Steinberg, University of Miami Lecturer of Communication Studies, and Freeley, Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, 2008 (David, Austin, “Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making,” p. 9-10, DOA: 10-17-12, ads) If we assume it to AND decisions through reasoned debate. Only portable skill---means our framework turns case Steinberg, University of Miami Lecturer of Communication Studies, and Freeley, Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, 2008 (David, Austin, “Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making,” p. 9-10, DOA: 10-17-12, ads) After several days of AND favored political candidate. Effective deliberative discourse is the lynchpin to solving all existential social and political problems---a switch-side debate format that sets appropriate limits on argument to foster a targeted discussion is most effective---our K turns the whole case Lundberg, UNC Chapel Hill communications professor, 2010 (Christian, Tradition of Debate in North Carolina” in Navigating Opportunity: Policy Debate in the 21st Century, pg 311-3, ldg) The second major AND colleges and universities. |
| 01/15/2013 | Tournament: CSUF | Round: 5 | Opponent: MSU GT | Judge: Jacob Thompson The United States federal government should allocate $200 million a year for ten years for the purpose of multiplying the number of STEM high schools in the United States by a factor of five. The United States federal government should eliminate bias against interdisciplinary work in their grant award criteria. STEM high schools solve the aff Atkinson et al., president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, 2010 (Robert, doctorate in City and Regional Planning from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, “Refueling the U.S. innovation economy”, 12-7, http://www.itif.org/files/2010-refueling-innovation-economy.pdf, ldg) By establishing new AND interest from the start. 361 CP leads to Multidisciplinary education which boosts innovation Atkinson et al., president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, 2010 (Robert, doctorate in City and Regional Planning from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, “Refueling the U.S. innovation economy”, 12-7, http://www.itif.org/files/2010-refueling-innovation-economy.pdf, ldg) There is a wide array of AND refuted this claim. 403 |
| 02/05/2013 | Tournament: UGA | Round: 3 | Opponent: Emory CM | Judge: Obama is playing the perfect hand on immigration now but contentious action ensures polarization Weber, senior editor at TheWeek.com, 1/29 (Peter, graduate of Northwestern University, Peter has worked at Facts on File and The New York Times Magazine, he speaks Spanish and Italian, January 29, 2013, “Should Obama stay out of the immigration fight?” http://theweek.com/article/index/239363/should-obama-stay-out-of-the-immigration-fight, 2/1/13, atl) President Obama travels to Las AND it's saying something without saying anything. Washington Post Drilling sparks backlash- alienates environmentalists and doesn’t garner GOP support Geman, The Hill writer, 10 (Ben, "Obama's offshore drilling push shakes up congressional fight over climate bill," 4-1-10, http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/90137-drilling-push-shakes-up-climate-fight-, accessed 11-3-12, mtf) The White House is also AND some proposed Alaska lease sales. Path to citizenship solves the deficit Tucker, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution columnist, 10 (Cynthia, November 19, 2010, “We need immigrants to help pay the deficit,” http://blogs.ajc.com/cynthia-tucker/2010/11/19/we-need-immigrants-to-help-pay-the-deficit/, 1/31/13, atl) Recommendations for taming AND the federal tax rolls? Deficit will collapse hegemony and the economy---trigger global nuclear war Khalilzad, United States ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq, and the UN during Bush’s Presidency, 11 (Zalmay, the director of policy planning at the Defense Department from 1990 to 1992, February 8, 2011, “The Economy and National Security; If we don’t get our economic house in order, we risk a new era of multi-polarity,” http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/259024/economy-and-national-security-zalmay-khalilzad, 1/31/13, atl) Without faster economic growth AND Chinese hegemony and aggression. |
| 02/05/2013 | Tournament: UGA | Round: 3 | Opponent: Emory CM | Judge: DA solves energy—means no workers for the plan Norris, Project Director at the Breakthrough Institute, 09 (Teryn, “Want to Save the World? Make Clean Energy Cheap,” Huffington Post, March 10, http://www.thebreakthrough.org/blog/2009/03/want_to_save_the_world_make_cl.shtml) Whatever the cause, we have AND to deploy throughout the world. Only continued bipartisanism ensures passage—preventing contention with Obama is key Fabian, ABC News, 1/30 (Jordan, January 30, 2013, “Obama Confident Immigration Reform Passes This Year”, http://abcnews.go.com/ABC_Univision/Politics/president-obama-confident-immigration-reform-passes-year/story?id=18358660, 1/31/13, atl) President Barack Obama expressed AND dropped 80 percent since 2000. Obama involvement inevitable—only maintaining current atmosphere ensures passage Sanchez and Dennis, Roll Call Staff, 1/30 (Humberto and Steven, January 30, 2013, “GOP Warns Obama to Tread Lightly on Immigration”, http://www.rollcall.com/news/gop_warns_obama_to_tread_lightly_on_immigration-222040-1.html?pg=2, 2/1/13, atl) And any Republicans wanting the AND but to get it done,” Schumer said. Cooperation with Obama ensures passing legislation—if no legislation, Obama will submit his own—cooperation is key to ensure either passes. Parsons, LA Times, 1/29 (Christi, January 29, 2013, “Obama on immigration reform: 'Now's the time'”, http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-obama-immigration-reform-speech-20130129,0,3033072.story, 1/31/13, atl) LAS VEGAS -- President Obama on AND toward a compromise. More evidence that this cooperation ensures common ground and legislation Fabian, ABC News, 1/29 (Jordan, January 29, 2013, “Obama: "Time Is Now" to Pass Immigration Reform”, http://abcnews.go.com/ABC_Univision/Politics/obama-time-now-pass-immigration-reform/story?id=18346422andpage=2, 1/31/13, atl) President Barack Obama on Tuesday AND where the president spoke today. Top of docket—Obama’s rushing progress now Killough, CNN, 1/30 (Ashley, January 30, 2013, “Obama wants immigration reform in first half of the year”, http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/01/30/obama-wants-immigration-reform-in-first-half-of-the-year/, 1/31/13, atl) (CNN) – President Barack Obama said AND reforming the legal immigration system. No chance of a carbon tax and Obama not key to passage. Crabtree, Washington Times, 1/23 (Susan, “Obama won’t propose carbon tax,” http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/jan/23/white-house-rules-out-carbon-tax/, 1/31/13, atl) Despite President Obama’s renewed AND a carbon tax,” he said. Obama will prioritize immigration over guns and budget Wernick, New York Daily News, 1/25 (Allan, “A look at where key Congressional players stand on immigration indicates reform could come soon,” http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/citizenship-now/immigration-chances-good-sweeping-immigration-reform-article-1.1245988, 1/31/13, atl) As expected, President Obama confirmed AND debate have been saying and doing this year: No debt ceiling fight Raju and Bresnahan, Politico, 1/23 (Manu, John, January 23, 2013, “Next up: Sequester, budget resolution”, dyn.politico.com/printstory.cfm?uuid=9704108B-031B-4811-8E96-B0988299DBEF, 1/31/13, atl) Privately, some top Republicans in AND raising the debt ceiling again. Gun control won’t happen and Obama won’t use his pc Werner, AP, 1-15 (Erica “ Obama proposing gun limits, faces tough obstacles” 1-15-13 http://www.ajc.com/ap/ap/crime/obama-weighing-executive-action-on-guns/nTw8f/ accessed: 2-1-13 mlb) Still, it's unclear how much AND require a response by the House. Plan kills PC - that affects all other policies Huffington Post, 6-13-12 (“Republicans, Democrats at odds on energy issues”, Accessed 11-10-12, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20120613/us-energy-poll-politics/) NJR Republicans and Democrats seem AND drilling for oil and gas. Plan is a partisan disaster Hobson, EandE, 12 (Margaret, daily coverage of environmental and energy politics and policy., "Obama's development plans gain little political traction in years since Gulf spill", www.eenews.net/public/energywire/2012/04/18/1, 1/16/13, atl) President Obama is embracing AND Democrat-controlled Senate. No turns---every energy policy is polarizing Whitman, CASEnergy Co-Chair, 12 (Christine, Former EPA Administrator and New Jersey Governor, “Nuclear Power Garners Bipartisan Support,” August 13, http://energy.nationaljournal.com/2012/08/finding-the-sweet-spot-biparti.php?rss=1andutm_source=feedburnerandutm_medium=feedandutm_campaign=Feed%3A+njgroup-energy+%28Energy+%26+Environment+Experts~-~-Q+with+Answer+Previews%29#2237728, 1/5/13, atl) It’s clear from the debate around AND energy policy particularly challenging. Government incentives for any energy source cause backlash – Solyndra proves Harder, National Journal Energy Contributor, 11 (Amy, “What Role Should Government Play In Energy Production”, 09-26-11, da: 09-29-12, http://energy.nationaljournal.com/2011/09/what-role-should-government-pl.php, lmm) The failure of solar manufacturer AND companies, and tax breaks to oil firms. 2. The GOP will attack Obama on energy Belogolova, National Journal Energy Reporter, 12 (Olga, "Insiders Outreach to Oil industry Won't Help", 5-17-12, http://www.nationaljournal.com/energy/insiders-outreach-to-oil-industry-won-t-help-obama-20120517, accessed 10-7-12, AT) Insiders said that energy AND get away with trying to mask it.” Even if the plan is popular, GOP will use it to force controversial energy policy PIW, 12 (Petroleum Intelligence Weekly, “Obama Plays Safe on Energy Policy, 1-9-12, da: 9-28-12, http://www.energyintel.com/pages/Login.aspx?fid=artandDocId=749987, lmm) Still, there are limits to the AND Gulf of Mexico and offshore Alaska. Multiple factors have opened space for immigration—only Obama’s PC secures GOP cooperation Hutchinson, author and political analyst, 2/1 (Earl, weekly co-host of the Al Sharpton Show on American Urban Radio Network, the author of How Obama Governed: The Year of Crisis and Challenge. He is an associate editor of New America Media. He is the host of the weekly Hutchinson Report on KPFK-Radio and the Pacifica Network, and KTYM Radio Los Angeles, February 1, 2013, “No Risk for President Obama in Immigration Reform Fight”, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/earl-ofari-hutchinson/no-risk-for-obama_b_2591792.html, 2/2/13, atl) President Obama almost certainly AND and make that happen. Obama has momentum now—his push ensures GOP cooperates Shear, NY Times, 1/30 (Michael, January 30, 2013, “On Immigration, Obama Assumes Upper Hand”, http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/31/us/politics/on-immigration-obama-acts-as-if-he-has-the-upper-hand.html?_r=0, 2/1/13, atl) WASHINGTON — As the specifics AND display in the Senate this week. Doesn’t win on energy Eisler, Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, 4-2-12 (Matthew, “Science, Silver Buckshot, and ‘All of The Above”, Accessed 11-10-12, http://scienceprogress.org/2012/04/science-silver-buckshot-and-%E2%80%9Call-of-the-above%E2%80%9D/) NJR Conservatives take President AND inaction and increased resort to cant. Winners win is wrong -- Obama votes neg Calmes, NYTimes, 12 (Jackie, 11/12/12, “In Debt Talks, Obama Is Ready to Go Beyond Beltway”, mobile.nytimes.com/2012/11/12/us/politics/legacy-at-stake-obama-plans-broader-push-for-budget-deal.xml, 1/20/13, atl) That story line, stoked by AND president's party in Congress. Winners lose---PC’s not renewable, is zero-sum, and diminishes fast Ryan, Former Director ISER, 9 (Selwyn, Professor Emeritus and former Director, Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of the West Indies, 1-18-9, “Obama and political capital”, Accessed 11-10-12, http://www.trinidadexpress.com/index.pl/article_opinion?id=161426968) NJR Like many, I expect much AND (the latent "Obama Party"). Ripple effects ensure long term growth Clark, senior reporter for Marketplace’s Wealth and Poverty Desk, 1/29 (Krissy, January 29, 2013, “Immigration reform: Will it help the economy?”, http://www.marketplace.org/topics/wealth-poverty/immigration-reform-will-it-help-economy, 1/31/13, atl) Bertin Solis, a freshman at the AND waste your time. Go abroad.” Immigrants key to US economic recovery Terrazas, Migration Policy Institute, 11 (Aaron, “The Economic Integration of Immigrants in the United States: Long- and Short-Term Perspectives”, http://www.migrationpolicy.org/pubs/EconomicIntegration.pdf, 1/31/13, atl) The fate of immigrants in AND immigrants often provide. |
| 02/05/2013 | Tournament: UGA | Round: 3 | Opponent: Emory CM | Judge: Off Counterplan: The United States Federal Government should: • release sulfate aerosols sufficient to increase Earth’s albedo by two percent, distributed over time, near the tropical upward branch of the stratospheric circulation system, • adjust albedo enhancement as necessary as data becomes available based on the results, • and should not stop abruptly without taking into account the effect on carbon sinks, or without the ability to quickly restart if necessary. - Publicly declare to that it will not use nuclear weapons in any circumstance in a conflict concerning the South China Seas and support CBM’s in the South China Sea region. Counterplan solves warming- natural albedo enhancement and best climate science prove Ikle, CSIS distinguished scholar, and Wood, Hoover Institute research fellow, 2008 Fred, undersecretary of defense for policy for President Ronald Reagan and director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency for Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, and Lowell, "Climatic Engineering," The National Interest, l/n, accessed 9-6-10, mss Moreover, climate scientists AND volcanic eruption in 1991. Telling China we won’t use nukes solves the impact – their author Fisher, former writer and editor at The Atlantic, 2011 (Max, October 31, “5 Most Likely Ways the U.S. and China Could Spark Accidental Nuclear War,” Neither the U.S. nor AND war that nobody wants. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: Wake Forest HQ | Judge: Simpson, Globe and Mail staff, 2-9-13 (Jeffrey, "Is Keystone XL Obama’s line in the sand?", www.theglobeandmail.com/commentary/is-keystone-xl-obamas-line-in-the-sand/article8410518/-http://www.theglobeandmail.com/commentary/is-keystone-xl-obamas-line-in-the-sand/article8410518/, DOA: 2-20-13, ldg) Once re-elected, Canadian governments presumed Mr. Obama would approve Keystone – AND -committal on Friday after meeting Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird in Washington.) Mick, Daily Tech, 2010 (Jason, "Obama Fights For Nuclear, Environmentalists Label Him a Shill", 6-19, http://www.dailytech.com/Obama+Fights+For+Nuclear+Environmentalists+Label+Him+a+Shill/article18781.htm-http://www.dailytech.com/Obama+Fights+For+Nuclear+Environmentalists+Label+Him+a+Shill/article18781.htm, DOA: 10-3-12, ldg) Despite these small victories, President Obama’s nuclear vision faces many impending obstacles. Despite AND is among the many factors that will already make President Obama’s presidency noteworthy. Radia, Yahoo News, 2-27-13 (Andy, "What will happen to Canada-US relations if Obama rejects the Keystone XL pipeline?", http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/canada-politics/happen-canada-us-relations-obama-rejects-keystone-xl-204606616.html-http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/canada-politics/happen-canada-us-relations-obama-rejects-keystone-xl-204606616.html, DOA: 3-7-13, ldg) In a column published in the Globe and Mail, journalist John Ibbitson suggests that AND co-operatively together daily would be replaced by a Canadian cold shoulder. Freeze, Globe and Mail, 2012 (Colin, "U.S. border chief says terror threat greater from Canada than Mexico", 8-24, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/us-border-chief-says-terror-threat-greater-from-canada-than-mexico/article580347/-http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/us-border-chief-says-terror-threat-greater-from-canada-than-mexico/article580347/, DOA: 3-7-13, ldg) When it comes to the threat of terrorism, the Canadian border is a bigger AND the more significant threat" to the United States comes from the north. Ayson, Professor of Strategic Studies and directs the Centre for Strategic Studies: New Zealand., April 2010 (Robert, "After Terrorist Nuclear: Envisaging CatalyticEffects", http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~~content=a923238837~~db=all~~jumptype=rss) bct The reverse might well apply too: should a nuclear terrorist attack occur in Russia AND as an infringement on their spheres of influence and even on their sovereignty. Lamont, national political correspondent for Time Magazine’s Washington bureau, 94 (Lansing, chief Canada correspondent and United Nations bureau chief from 1971-1975, member of the Council on Foreign Relations "Breakup: The coming end of Canada and the stakes for America", 1994, p. 233-5, 2/13/13, atl) Of graver import would be the will and capability of Canada itself to continue supporting AND situations the usual safeguards are sometimes apt to be disregarded or even removed. Carafano, et al., Director, Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies, 2010 (James Jay, Ph.D., is Deputy Director of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies, a division of the Davis Institute, at The Heritage Foundation. Jena Baker McNeill, Policy Analyst for Homeland Security, and Ray Walser, Ph.D., Senior Policy Analyst for Latin America in the Allison Center at The Heritage Foundation, Richard Weitz, Ph.D., is Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Political–Military Analysis at Hudson Institute, "Expand NORAD to Improve Security in North America," 7-27-10, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2010/07/expand-norad-to-improve-security-in-north-america-http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2010/07/expand-norad-to-improve-security-in-north-america, DOA: 2-22-13, ara) Addressing the wide range of threats confronting America’s security interests in North America will require AND by creating the Working Group on Cyber-Security in 2004.~25~ Eurasia Review 2012 ("The Arctic: Simmering Tensions Between Canada And US – Analysis", 7-30, http://www.eurasiareview.com/30072012-the-arctic-simmering-tensions-between-canada-and-us-analysis/-http://www.eurasiareview.com/30072012-the-arctic-simmering-tensions-between-canada-and-us-analysis/, DOA: 2-7-13, ldg) The focus of international attention on melting polar ice is hiding simmering tensions between Canada AND budget. Subsequently it attracts more attention from the rest of the world. Wallace et al., British Columbia political science professor, 2010 (Michael, "Ridding the Arctic of Nuclear Weapons", February, http://www.arcticsecurity.org/docs/arctic-nuclear-report-web.pdf-http://www.arcticsecurity.org/docs/arctic-nuclear-report-web.pdf, DOA: 2-7-13, ldg) What is certain, however, is that the Russian Arctic-based Northern Fleet AND in which nuclear powers find themselves in military confrontation can be taken lightly. The alternative to Keystone is oil tankers to China —- increases the risk of oil spills and environmental damageFaulkner, Breitling Oil and Gas CEO, 2012 (Chris, "Bringing the Keystone Pipeline Debate Back into Focus", 5-7, http://www.oilonline.com/blog/main.asp?Tid=45%26id=252%26cat-http://www.oilonline.com/blog/main.asp?Tid=45%26id=252%26cat, DOA: 2-7-13, ldg) Another hotly contested element of the Keystone Pipeline is the potential environmental impact. It AND Once again, the environment loses, as do American workers and consumers. Byers, British Columbia global politics professor, 2012 (Michael, "Canada’s oil-sands bonanza could mean disaster for Alaska’s coastline", 5-17, http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/opinion/2018232475_guest18byers.html-http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/opinion/2018232475_guest18byers.html, DOA: 2-7-13, ldg) Twenty-three years after the Exxon Valdez spilled more than half a million barrels AND spill in U.S. waters, this time in Unimak Pass. Alois et al., Arlington Institute, 2007 (Paul, "Keystone Species Extinction Overview", July, http://www.arlingtoninstitute.org/wbp/species-extinction/443-http://www.arlingtoninstitute.org/wbp/species-extinction/443, DOA: 2-7-13, ldg) The most recent paradigm in ecological sciences posits that environmental change happens in a rapid AND it is crucial that this be stopped and reversed as soon as possible. Shift to Chinese-Canadian oil routes will enflame China bashing —- collapsing US/China relations and collapsing Chinese climate negotiationsTu, 2/10/2012 (Kevin Jianjun – senior associate in the Carnegie Energy and Climate Program, China should be cautious about the Canadian Oil Sands, Phoenix News Group, p. http://carnegieendowment.org/2012/02/10/china-should-be-cautious-about-canadian-oil-sands-http://carnegieendowment.org/2012/02/10/china-should-be-cautious-about-canadian-oil-sands) First, Canadian oil sands exports to China could further strain the already turbulent Sino AND host country’s internal politics into consideration when they make future overseas investment decisions. Conable and Lampton, 93 (Barber B., President Emeritus – World Bank and David, President – National Committee, "China: The Coming Power", Foreign Affairs, December / January, Lexis) Regionally American interests are both numerous and important. The two most protracted, economically AND region attaches to building positive ties to the P.R.C. Bush III, 10/11/2011 (Richard – director of the Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies, The United States and China: A G-2 in the Making, p. http://www.brookings.edu/research/articles/2011/10/11-china-us-g2-bush) Now there are a couple of "germs of reality" in the Brzezinski- AND to tackle the problem, global warming will continue to endanger the planet. Arbatov et al., director of the Center for International Security, 2008 (Alexei, "Nuclear Terrorism", Russian Politics %26 Law; Jan/Feb2008, Vol. 46 Issue 1, p50-78, 29p, ebsco, ldg) So far, nuclear terrorism has been less likely than other types of terrorism, AND this material exist, and in some places they are not adequately guarded. Murse, US Government About.com, 2011 (Tom, "Why Canadian Border Poses Bigger Threat to U.S.", 2-3, http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/defenseandsecurity/a/Canadian-Border-Security-Threat.htm-http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/defenseandsecurity/a/Canadian-Border-Security-Threat.htm, DOA: 3-7-13, ldg) In fact, the U.S. Government Accountability Office and Department of Homeland AND the "risk of terrorist activity is high" along the Canadian border. Godfrey, Toronto Sun, 2012 (Tom, "Terrorists see Canada as safe haven: Expert 274", 9-30, http://www.torontosun.com/2012/09/30/terrorists-see-canada-as-safe-haven-expert-http://www.torontosun.com/2012/09/30/terrorists-see-canada-as-safe-haven-expert, DOA: 3-7-13, ldg) Terrorists have spared Canada from a major attack because they see the country as a AND fugitives and terrorists "park" their families in Canada for safe keeping. Koch, USA Today Correspondent, 10 (Wendy, "Obama’s Call for Nuclear Power Plants Angers Supporters", 1-30-12, da: 10-02-12, http://content.usatoday.com/communities/greenhouse/post/2010/01/obamas-call-for-new-nuclear-power-plants-triggers-outrage/1~~%23.UElvKI1lScw-http://content.usatoday.com/communities/greenhouse/post/2010/01/obamas-call-for-new-nuclear-power-plants-triggers-outrage/1, lmm) President Obama’s call Wednesday, in his State of the Union Address, for AND pipes and radioactive waste pools into the ground water at sites across the nation Nuclear fractures consensus and derails important legislation- environmentalist backlash and no funding pushSimon, LA Times staff writer, 7 (Richard, "Climate bill could turn friends into foes as some go nuclear," LA Times, 4-9-07, http://articles.latimes.com/2007/apr/09/nation/na-nuke9, accessed 11-4-12, mtf) The renewed push for legislation to cut greenhouse gas emissions could falter over an old AND warming program, "is like giving up smoking and taking up crack." Fairley, IEEE Spectrum writer, 12 (Peter, May, "Downsizing Nuclear Power Plants," spectrum.ieee.org/energy/nuclear/downsizing-nuclear-power-plants/0, 11/6/12, atl) However, there are political objections to SMRs. Precisely because they are more affordable AND today’s reactors. But, politically at least, they’re just as nuclear. Murray, Oil Daily writer, 9 (Bill, "Democrats bar nuclear power from Renewable Electricity Standard," The Oil Daily, 59.107, June 5, 2009, ProQuest, accessed 11-4-12, mtf) Senators struggled Thursday to wrap up the debate on a Renewable Electricity Standard (RES AND dissent from some Democratic Senators who are less than enthusiastic about the bill. PIW, 12 (Petroleum Intelligence Weekly, "Obama Plays Safe on Energy Policy, 1-9-12, da: 9-28-12, http://www.energyintel.com/pages/Login.aspx?fid=art%26DocId=749987-http://www.energyintel.com/pages/Login.aspx?fid=art%26DocId=749987, lmm) Still, there are limits to the president’s administrative powers. The Republicans have been AND and more frequent lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and offshore Alaska. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: Wake Forest HQ | Judge: Reuters 2-21-13 ("Fitch: lower natural gas prices hurting electricity wholesalers", http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/21/idUSWNB0039S20130221-http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/21/idUSWNB0039S20130221, DOA: 3-16-13, ldg) Surging domestic oil and gas output has been beneficial from a macroeconomic perspective. The AND the ability to revert to coal usage following those retirements may be limited. Cooper, Vermont Economic Analysis Institute For Energy And The Environment senior fellow, 2009 (Mark, "The Economics Of Nuclear Reactors: Renaissance Or Relapse?", http://www.vermontlaw.edu/Documents/Cooper%20Report%20on%20Nuclear%20Economics%20FINAL%5B1%5D.pdf-http://www.vermontlaw.edu/Documents/Cooper Report on Nuclear Economics FINAL%5B1%5D.pdf, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) Within the past year, estimates of the cost of nuclear power from a new AND immensely to the cost of electricity and the cost of reducing carbon emissions. Low electricity prices key to the economy-manufacturing and consumer spendingPerry, Michigan economics professor, 2012 (Mark, "America’s Energy Jackpot: Industrial Natural Gas Prices Fall to the Lowest Level in Recent History", 7-31, http://mjperry.blogspot.com/2012/07/americas-energy-jackpot-industrial.html-http://mjperry.blogspot.com/2012/07/americas-energy-jackpot-industrial.html, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) Building petrochemical plants could suddenly become attractive in the United States. Manufacturers will " AND seems like a win, win, win, win situation to me. Kempt, Nixon Center regional strategic programs director, 2010 (Geoffrey, The East Moves West: India, China, and Asia’s Growing Presence in the Middle East, pg 233-4, ldg) The second scenario, called Mayhem and Chaos, is the opposite of the first AND expected, with dire consequences for two-thirds of the planet’s population. Domestic manufacturing key to maintain robust military capabilities.Ezell, ITIF senior analyst, 11 (Stephen J. "The Case for a National Manufacturing Strategy." April 2011. http://www2.itif.org/2011-national-manufacturing-strategy.pdf-http://www2.itif.org/2011-national-manufacturing-strategy.pdf. Accessed: 9/29/2012. ADC) A strong manufacturing base is vital to the economic well-being of a AND preserving and revitalizing the nation’s defense industrial base in the coming decades."58 Bradbury et al., WRI’s Climate and Energy program senior associate, 9-6-12 (James, "White House energy efficiency plan will up output, curb emissions", http://www.greenbiz.com/blog/2012/09/06/white-house-energy-efficiency-plan-boost-manufacturing-http://www.greenbiz.com/blog/2012/09/06/white-house-energy-efficiency-plan-boost-manufacturing, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg) Last week, President Obama signed an Executive Order-http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/08/30/executive-order-accelerating-investment-industrial-energy-efficiency establishing a national goal of deploying AND provide information, education, and technical assistance in the application of CHP. The plan diverts the private sector’s desire to invest in efficiencyRoche, Edinburgh energy consultant, 2007 (Site editor, "Opportunity Costs of Nuclear Power", January, http://www.no2nuclearpower.org.uk/reports/Opportunity_Costs_Nuclear.pdf-http://www.no2nuclearpower.org.uk/reports/Opportunity_Costs_Nuclear.pdf, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg) So it is important that our capacity to implement other carbon abatement measures is not AND Agency (of England and Wales) warns could happen. (15) Energy efficiency is coming now and will stabilize the climate-more gains can be made.Lovins Rocky Mountain Institute chief scientist, 2010 (Amory, "Profitable Solutions to Climate, Oil, and Proliferation", AMBIO (2010) 39:236–248, online pdf, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg) If global energy intensity—primary energy used per dollar of real GDP—continued AND –4 units of especially carbon-intensive fuel—huge climate leverage. Schoenberger, Plain Dealer, 2012 (Robert, "Shale gas boom could bring manufacturing jobs back to U.S., economists say", 5-31, http://www.cleveland.com/shalegas/index.ssf/2012/05/shale_gas_boom_could_bring_man.html-http://www.cleveland.com/shalegas/index.ssf/2012/05/shale_gas_boom_could_bring_man.html, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) "By 2025, the manufacturing sector alone could save %2411.5 billion AND figuring in energy and the cost to ship goods across the Pacific Ocean. Washington Post 2012 ("American manufacturing is coming back. Manufacturing jobs aren’t", 11-19, http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2012/11/19/american-manufacturing-is-coming-back-manufacturing-jobs-arent/-http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2012/11/19/american-manufacturing-is-coming-back-manufacturing-jobs-arent/, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) And another advantage for the United States is relatively affordable energy, thanks in no AND costs are high. That increasingly fits the United States to a tee. Solves the economy – spurs exports that solve trade deficit and creates high wage jobsMorici, Business Professor, University of Maryland, 12 (Peter, former director of the Office of Economics at the U.S. International Trade Commission, "Viewpoint: Manufacturing Is Key to Economic Recovery," 4-9-12, http://www.industryweek.com/articles/viewpoint_manufacturing_is_key_to_economic_recovery_27038.aspx, accessed 8-6-12, ara) Barack Obama and his Republican challengers don’t agree about much, but they do agree AND , which generates the intellectual property that supports America’s higher standard of living. Reuters, 12 ("Dip in Manufacturing Suggrest a Stalled U.S. Economy," 6-15-12, http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/16/business/economy/dip-in-manufacturing-could-suggest-stalled-economy.html~~%23h~~TiaIau,2, accessed 9-28-12, mtf) Factory output contracted in May for the second time in three months, the Federal AND strategist at BMO Capital Markets in Chicago. "It’s an ugly situation." Juniper et al., Friends of the Earth Executive Director, 2012 (Tony, "The Wider Economic Impacts of Nuclear Power", 4-20, http://www.jonathonporritt.com/sites/default/files/users/BRIEFING%204%20%20Wider_economic_impacts_20_April%20%202012.pdf-http://www.jonathonporritt.com/sites/default/files/users/BRIEFING 4 Wider_economic_impacts_20_April 2012.pdf, DOA: 10-13-12, ldg) The more ’capital intensive’ an industry is, the fewer jobs are created per AND spent to jobs created’ is the worst of all forms of electricity generation. Wilson, Green Blorge, 2009 (Susan, Green.Blorge.com is here to daily serve the global IT community while providing gutsy, honest and informed coverage and comments on key technology news and issues, without fear or favor. "The economic downside to nuclear energy", 11-10, http://green.blorge.com/2009/11/the-economic-downside-to-nuclear-energy/-http://green.blorge.com/2009/11/the-economic-downside-to-nuclear-energy/, DOA: 10-13-12, ldg) Let’s look at these questions in reverse order since the immediate issue is the creation AND question, will more jobs quickly be created would be a resounding NO. Economic decline causes war – causes failed states and collapse of radical governments, proliferation, war in the Middle East, and nuclear terrorism – that’s KemptRoyal, director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010 (Jedediah, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, pg 213-215, ldg) Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline may increase the likelihood of external conflict AND As such the view presented here should be considered ancillary to those views. Harris and Burrows, counselor in the National Intelligence Council (NIC) and member of the NIC’s Long Range Analysis Unit, 09 (Mathew, PhD European History at Cambridge, Jennifer, "Revisiting the Future: Geopolitical Effects of the Financial Crisis" http://www.ciaonet.org/journals/twq/v32i2/f_0016178_13952.pdf-http://www.ciaonet.org/journals/twq/v32i2/f_0016178_13952.pdf, 1/31/13, atl) Of course, the report encompasses more than economics and indeed believes the future is AND within and between states in a more dog-eat-dog world. PPA’s subsidizes cost and causes SMR models that shifts the cost to the electrical grid.Cooper, Vermont Economic Analysis Institute For Energy And The Environment senior fellow, 2009 (Mark, "All Risk, No Reward for the Taxpayers and Ratepayers: The Economics of Subsidizing the ’Nuclear Renaissance’ with Loan Guarantees and Construction Work in Progress", November, http://www.vermontlaw.edu/Documents/11_03_09_Cooper%20All%20Risk%20Full%20Report.pdf-http://www.vermontlaw.edu/Documents/11_03_09_Cooper All Risk Full Report.pdf, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) Subsidies for Nuclear Reactor Construction Harms Taxpayers and Ratepayers Attempting to circumvent the sound judgment AND costs on taxpayers and ratepayers (as described in Exhibit ES-2). NREL 2009 ("Power Purchase Agreement Checklist for State and Local Governments", October, http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy10osti/46668.pdf-http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy10osti/46668.pdf, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) A key advantage of power purchase agreements is the predictable cost of electricity over the AND and legally binding with no dependency on fossil fuel or climate change legislation. Cooper, Vermont Economic Analysis Institute For Energy And The Environment senior fellow, 2009 (Mark, "The Economics Of Nuclear Reactors: Renaissance Or Relapse?", http://www.vermontlaw.edu/Documents/Cooper%20Report%20on%20Nuclear%20Economics%20FINAL%5B1%5D.pdf-http://www.vermontlaw.edu/Documents/Cooper Report on Nuclear Economics FINAL%5B1%5D.pdf, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) Risk plays an important role in the nuclear analysis because of the history, long AND closer to the origin, the lower the cost and the less risk. PPAs allow the SMR designers to forgo energy efficiency and take risks —- this translates to higher rate costs and overrunsCooper, Vermont Economic Analysis Institute For Energy And The Environment senior fellow, 2009 (Mark, "Further nuclear power subsidies are wrongheaded", 12-2, http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/op-eds/further-nuclear-power-subsidies-are-wrongheaded-http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/op-eds/further-nuclear-power-subsidies-are-wrongheaded, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) These direct subsidies would total in the hundreds of billions of dollars. Yet believe AND /or construction work in progress reduces scrutiny over cost escalation and overruns. Brown, Seeking Alpha, 2012 (Tristan, "Don’t Expect The EPA To Finish Off Thermal Coal", 11-8, http://seekingalpha.com/article/990181-don-t-expect-the-epa-to-finish-off-thermal-coal-http://seekingalpha.com/article/990181-don-t-expect-the-epa-to-finish-off-thermal-coal, DOA: 3-13-13, ldg) Of the three regulations described above, one has been rejected by a federal circuit AND cannot be expected to put the coal industry out of business anytime soon. Electricity prices remain stable and comparatively low now – recent EIA analysis provesJohnson, Electric Co-op staff writer, 12-11-12 (Steven, "Slowdown Seen in Electricity Prices", http://www.ect.coop/industry/trends-reports-analyses/slowdown-seen-for-electricity-prices/50812-http://www.ect.coop/industry/trends-reports-analyses/slowdown-seen-for-electricity-prices/50812, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) Ratepayers are getting a bit of a break on the price of electricity, according AND to 10.28 cents per kwh in 2013, the agency predicted. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: Wake Forest HQ | Judge: Czinkota et al., Georgetown Business professor, 2009 (Michael, Fundamentals of International Business, pg 69, ldg) Incentives offered by policymakers to facilitate foreign investments are mainly of three types: fiscal AND import quotas, and local content requirements, and investments in infrastructure facilities. 1. Limits-they allow any aff that makes some technology more economically viable. Procurement can be applied to every technology and every industry – that explodes neg burden.2. Ground-procurement moves the debate away from "how to motivate action" to just "doing the action" – this guts negative arguments about solvency, DA links, and CP competition based off private sector inducement.Financial incentives are monetary contributions that induce action-government purchases are a non-financial incentive because guaranteeing demand does make a technology more viable but does not improve one’s financial position-that’s CzinkotaNelson, OPTN/UNOS Ethics Committee payments subcommittee chairman, 1993 (Edward, "Financial Incentives for Organ Donation", 6-30, http://optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/resources/bioethics.asp?index=4-http://optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/resources/bioethics.asp?index=4, DOA: 3-18-13, ldg) Definition of Financial Incentives A definition of terms is necessary prior to a discussion of AND "purchases" and "donors" are therefore not transformed into ’vendors." Menz, Clarkson economics faculty, 2005 (Fredric, "Green electricity policies in the United States: case study", Energy Policy, December, Science Direct, ldg) There is considerable variation among states in both their regulatory environments and the policies that AND programs, and other programs to increase market support for renewable energy technologies. DOE 2007 (Department of Energy, "Regulatory Impact Analysis for Today’s Energy Conservation Standards for Residential Furnaces and Boilers", September, http://www1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/appliance_standards/residential/pdfs/fb_fr_tsd/ria.pdf-http://www1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/appliance_standards/residential/pdfs/fb_fr_tsd/ria.pdf, DOA: 3-18-13, ldg) 2.2 Non-Regulatory Policy Assumptions 2.2.1 No New AND respectively of the low-income households with gas furnaces and gas boilers). Schoofs, Calvin College Instructor Electrical %26 Computer Engineering, 2004 (Sam, "A Federal Renewable Portfolio Standard: Policy Analysis and Proposal", 8-6, http://www.wise-intern.org/journal/2004/WISE2004-SamSchoofsFinalPaper.pdf-http://www.wise-intern.org/journal/2004/WISE2004-SamSchoofsFinalPaper.pdf, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg) D. Renewable Energy Policy Overview There are two main categories of renewable energy policies AND financial incentives ~12~. Seven states currently have equipment certification programs in place Waxman def is based on DOE order 5700.5Waxman, US solicitor general, 1998 (Seth, Brief for the United States in Opposition for the US Supreme Court case HARBERT/LUMMUS AGRIFUELS PROJECTS, ET AL., PETITIONERS v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, http://www.justice.gov/osg/briefs/1998/0responses/98-0697.resp.opp.pdf-http://www.justice.gov/osg/briefs/1998/0responses/98-0697.resp.opp.pdf), DOA: 3-18-13, ldg) 2 On November 15, 1986, Keefe was delegated "the authority, with AND or his delegate(s)." Pet. App. 111-113. DOE 2000 ("DOE N 251.35, Cancellation of Directives", 5-8, https://www.directives.doe.gov/directives/0251.035-CNotice-https://www.directives.doe.gov/directives/0251.035-CNotice, DOA: 3-18-13, ldg) Effective immediately the following directives are canceled: • DOE Order 5484.1, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, SAFETY AND HEALTH PROTECTION INFORMATION REPORTING REQUIREMENTS, dated 2-24-81; • DOE Order 1332.2, UNIFORM REPORTING SYSTEM FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE, dated 10-31-83; • DOE Order 5700.5A, POLICY AND MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES FOR FINANCIAL INCENTIVE PROGRAMS, dated 6-8-92; and • HQ 1325.1, ACTION COORDINATION AND TRACKING SYSTEM, dated 7-30-79. Have a low threshold for T-debates are won by inches and not miles and small advantage have large impacts on how rounds go down.Maintaining a strict interp of financial is key to limitsDyson et al., International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 2003 (Megan, "Flow: The Essentials of Environmental Flows", pg 67-8, ldg) Understanding of the term ’incentives’ varies and economists have produced numerous typologies. A AND these incentives within the realm of economic and fiscal policy is practically limitless. Moran, Center for Global Development non-resident fellow, 1986 (Theodore, Investing in Development: New Roles for Private Capital?, pg 29, ldg) Guisinger finds that if "incentives" are broadly defined to include tariffs and trade AND foreign investment—let alone to determine the effectiveness of individual government instruments. TPC 2010 (Texas Panhandle P-16 Council, Texas-based group of teachers and educators from across the state "Breadth vs. Depth of High School Curriculum Content", http://www.panhandlep-16.net/users/0001/docs/Position%20Paper2.pdf-http://www.panhandlep-16.net/users/0001/docs/Position Paper2.pdf, DOA: 2-16-13, ldg) Less breadth and more depth in curriculum better prepares students for future careers and education AND compelling outcome: teaching for depth is associated with improvements in later performance". Arrington, UVA Today, 2009 (Rebecca, "Study Finds That Students Benefit From Depth, Rather Than Breadth, in High School Science Courses", 3-4, A recent study reports that high school students who study fewer science topics, but AND impacted twice as much as those in courses that touched on every major topic Mayer, Google vice president for search products, 2006 (Marissa, "Creativity loves constraints", 2-13, http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/06_07/b3971144.htm-http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/06_07/b3971144.htm, ldg) When people think about creativity, they think about artistic work — unbridled, unguided AND be a clock) or constrained possibilities (a canvas that is marked). You have to hold the line on the mechanism because there is tons of energy in the status quo and the energies are bidirectional so isn’t sufficient to solve limits.2. Financial part of incentives is key to ground-only way to access market based argument. The inducement is key otherwise they can fiat stupid variations of energy into existence and always be at an advantage because of the optimism bias in the literature. NEG’s only recourse for this is market based arguments about the incentive.Gant, Duke political science professor, 2002 (Ruth, "The Ethics Of Incentives: Historical Origins And Contemporary Understandings", Economics and Philosophy, 18:2002, JSTOR, ldg) The use of `incentives’ to speak of market forces is also problematic,though AND logic ofincentives as a means of motivating positive choices or of encouragingadaptive behavior. Reasonability is impossible – it’s arbitrary and undermines research and preparationResnick, Yeshiva political science professor, 2001 (Evan, "Defining Engagement", Journal of International Affairs, 54.2, ebsco, ldg) In matters of national security, establishing a clear definition of terms is a precondition AND "engagement," they undermine the ability to build an effective foreign policy. No brightline-reasonability is subjective and allows judge intervention. Debaters should decide debates, not judges. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: Wake Forest HQ | Judge: Dimotakis, MITRE Corporation, 2006 (Paul, "Reducing DoD Fossil-Fuel Dependence", 12-9, http://www.fas.org/irp/agency/dod/jason/fossil.pdf-http://www.fas.org/irp/agency/dod/jason/fossil.pdf, DOA: 9-23-12, ldg) The 2006 DoD fossil-fuel budget is, approximately, 2.5- AND cycles that, as a consequence, provide poor standards for fuel consumption. Biello, Scientific American associate editor, 2012 (David, "Small Reactors Make a Bid to Revive Nuclear Power", 3-27, http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=small-reactors-bid-to-revive-nuclear-power-http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=small-reactors-bid-to-revive-nuclear-power, DOA: 10-12-12, ldg) Regardless of how cheap such Small Modular Reactors may allow nuclear to be in future AND .S. nuclear industry advantage—from design to operation to regulation. Workforge shortages means it takes decades to build and no one can operate the plants.Mez, Freie Universität, Berlin, Professor of Political Science and Social Sciences, 12 (Lutz, May 7, 2012, "Nuclear energy–Any solution for sustainability and climate protection?" http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421512003527-http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421512003527, 6/29/12, atl) The nuclear industry has been battling a host of problems for three decades. A AND been closed must be torn down and solutions finally found for nuclear waste. Reuters 9-26-12 ("Training for the next Libya, Marine teams wary of budget cuts", accessed 10-7-12, http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/26/us-usa-marines-training-idUSBRE88P1PZ20120926-http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/26/us-usa-marines-training-idUSBRE88P1PZ20120926) NJR The FAST companies are largely defensive forces created in 1987 and have been used regularly AND would have to look at where they would accept risks," he said. No risk of cyberattack and no impactBirch, former AP foreign correspondent, 10-1-12 (Douglas, "Forget Revolution", Foreign Policy, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/10/01/forget_revolution?page=full-http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/10/01/forget_revolution?page=full, DOA: 10-12-12, ldg) "That’s a good example of what some kind of attacks would be like," AND even terror groups have to factor in potential retaliation when planning their operations. Grid is resilient and sustainableClark, Chenega Federal Systems senior analyst, 2012 (Paul, "The Risk of Disruption or Destruction of Critical U.S. Infrastructure by an Offensive Cyber Attack", 4-28, http://americanmilitary.academia.edu/PaulClark/Papers/1600738/The_Risk_of_Disruption_or_Destruction_of_Critical_U.S._Infrastructure_by_an_Offensive_Cyber_Attack-http://americanmilitary.academia.edu/PaulClark/Papers/1600738/The_Risk_of_Disruption_or_Destruction_of_Critical_U.S._Infrastructure_by_an_Offensive_Cyber_Attack, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg) In 2003, a simple physical breakdown occurred – trees shorted a power line and AND U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 2012). Alic, John Hopkins adjunct professor, 2012 (John, "Defense Department Energy Innovation: Three Cases", Energy Innovation at the Department of Defense: Assessing the Opportunities, March, online pdf, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg) In any event, should serious bottlenecks in fuel supplies appear, the United States AND and airlines have moreto fear from supply constrictions and price rises than DoD. Energy diversity insufficient-only reduced energy demand solves vulnerabilityShachtman, Brookings nonresident fellow, 2012 (Noah, "Is the Pentagon Going Green, or Eco-Pretending?", 4-27, http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2010/04/is-the-pentagon-going-green-or-eco-pretending/?utm_source=Contextly%26utm_medium=RelatedLinks%26utm_campaign=Previous-http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2010/04/is-the-pentagon-going-green-or-eco-pretending/?utm_source=Contextly%26utm_medium=RelatedLinks%26utm_campaign=Previous, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg) Supplier diversity is important, but equally – maybe more important – is reducing our AND efficiency might do the trick better. Not sexy, but efficiency pays. Fettweis, Professor of Political Science, 11 (Christopher, at Tulane University, 9-26, "Free Riding or Restraint? Examining European Grand Strategy", Comparative Strategy issue 30 pg. 316–332, EBSCO) NJR It is perhaps worth noting that there is no evidence to support a direct relationship AND global policeman. Those who think otherwise base their view on faith alone. Alliances are out dated, multi-polarity is stable and there is no scenario for war in a world of US declineFriedman et al., MIT political science PhD candidate, 2012 (Benjamin, "Why the U.S. Military Budget is ’Foolish and Sustainable", Orbis, 56.2, Science Direct, ldg) Standard arguments for maintaining the alliances come in two contradictory strains. One, drawn AND of misperceived hostility sufficient to resurrect the bad old days of European history. No warming impact – forecasts are wrong and we will adaptAikman, Australian correspondent, 2011 (Amos, "Climate forecasts ’exaggerated’: Science journal", 11-25, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/health-science/climate-forecasts-exaggerated-science-journal/story-e6frg8y6-1226205464958-http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/health-science/climate-forecasts-exaggerated-science-journal/story-e6frg8y6-1226205464958, DOA: 3-16-13, ldg) DRAMATIC forecasts of global warming resulting from a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide have been AND , the results imply less probability of extreme climatic change than previously thought." Smith, Project Censored Award-winning journalist, 11 (Gar, co-founder of Environmentalists Against War, editor of Earth Island Journal, "Nuclear Roulette The Case Against A "Nuclear Renaissance", No.5 in the International Forum on Globalization series focused on False Solutions to the global climate crisis, June 2011, 7/22/12, atl) More than 200 new reactors have been proposed around the world but not enough reactors AND off emphasized, "We just have to go out and get it." Anderson et al., Tyndall Centre for Climate Change research professor, 2011 (Kevin, "Beyond ’dangerous’ climate change: emission scenarios for a new world", Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A January 13, 2011 369 20-44, DOA: 6-5-12, ldg) In relation to the first two issues, the Copenhagen Accord and many other high AND from that detailed in many other analyses, particularly those directly informing policy. Newest and best empirical study proves no impact to acidificationC3 Headlines, 12 ("Carbon Dioxide Emissions Facts: Ocean Acidification Impact On Marine Species Overestimated, Study Finds," 5-23-12, da 2-15-13, http://www.c3headlines.com/2012/05/carbon-dioxide-emissions-facts-ocean-acidification-impact-on-marine-species-overestimated-study-find.html-http://www.c3headlines.com/2012/05/carbon-dioxide-emissions-facts-ocean-acidification-impact-on-marine-species-overestimated-study-find.html, mee) Alarmists and anti-CO2 activists have loudly suggested that sea water that becomes more AND with empirical evidence while exposing the frequent fearmongering and exaggerations to scientific sunlight. McGovern, energy consultant, 2-25-13 (James, "Opinion: U.S. licensing program for nuclear technology exports must be streamlined", http://www.nj.com/times-opinion/index.ssf/2013/02/opinion_us_licensing_program_f.html, DOA: 3-12-13, ldg) To build a nuclear plant, countries require reactor components and equipment. Depending on AND elimination of many unnecessary rules, but licensing for nuclear exports was overlooked. Meyer, Princeton mechanical engineer, 2012 (Warren, Harvard MBA, "Understanding the Global Warming Debate", 2-9, http://www.forbes.com/sites/warrenmeyer/2012/02/09/understanding-the-global-warming-debate/3/-http://www.forbes.com/sites/warrenmeyer/2012/02/09/understanding-the-global-warming-debate/3/, DOA: 6-1-12, ldg) This is the problem scientists face in trying to determine the causes of the 0 AND make their models match history. Skeptics call this their "plug variable." Ebell, CEI Center for Energy and Environment director, 2012 (Myron, "CEI’s Ebell: Climate Data Proves Global Warming Alarmists Have Lost the Debate; Fortunately For Them There’s the Liberal Media", 5-2, http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb-staff/2012/05/02/ceis-ebell-climate-data-proves-global-warming-alarmists-have-lost-debate-f-http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb-staff/2012/05/02/ceis-ebell-climate-data-proves-global-warming-alarmists-have-lost-debate-f, DOA: 5-24-12, ldg) Justin Gillis of the New York Times has written a long article that criticizes Dick AND between alarmists and skeptics is close to done and the alarmists have lost. Sussman, 04 (October 2004, G., International Politicla Science Review, "The USA and Global Environmental Policy: Domestic Constraints on Effective Leadership," http://ips.sagepub.com/content/25/4/349.accessible-long, d/a 10-18-12, zml) Explanations about international affairs generally and global environmental policy in particular tend to focus on AND " (see also Porter et al., 2000: 13–14). Singer et. al., atmospheric physicist, 11 (S. Fred, first director of the U.S. Weather Satellite Service, and, Craig Idso, Editor of C02 science, and Robert M. Carter, marine geologist and research professor at James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, 8-29, "Climate Change Reconsidered: 2011 Interim Report", Accessed 10-3-12, http://www.nipccreport.org/reports/2011/pdf/07TerrestrialPlants.pdf) NJR Regarding the first of these requirements, Tilman et al. note that in many AND of Earth’s plants is almost universally promoted by atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Grid is resilient - 03 blackout and multiple service interruptions proves there’s huge amounts of resiliency in the system even if large natural disasters occur or cyber-attacks occur – empirically doesn’t affect national security – that’s ClarkGrid absorbs shocks, solves cascades, and rapid recovery solvesBerkeley and Wallace, National Infrastructure Advisory Council, 10 (Alfred and Mike, "A Framework for Establishing Critical Infrastructure Resilience Goals", http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/niac/niac-a-framework-for-establishing-critical-infrastructure-resilience-goals-2010-10-19.pdf-http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/niac/niac-a-framework-for-establishing-critical-infrastructure-resilience-goals-2010-10-19.pdf, 10/19/2010, da: 03/20/2013, lmm) The U.S. electricity and nuclear sectors are highly reliable and resilient. AND from past disruptions, simulations and exercises, and sound risk assessment processes. Wood, Business Roundtable senior communications advisor, 2012 (Carter, "The grid: After India, America? No, but still…", 8-2, http://businessroundtable.org/blog/the-grid-after-india-america-no-but-still/-http://businessroundtable.org/blog/the-grid-after-india-america-no-but-still/, DOA: 10-12-12, ldg) A blackout of such scale could not happen in the United States. For one AND to the root cause, they’ll probably find that was somewhere in there. Ross et al, Lincoln Laboratory Research, 12 (S.B. Van Brokehoven, N. Judson. S.V.T Nguyen, and WD Ross, "Microgrid Study: Energy Security for DoD Installations", http://serdp-estcp.org/News-and-Events/News-Announcements/Program-News/DoD-study-finds-microgrids-offer-improved-energy-security-for-DoD-installations-http://serdp-estcp.org/News-and-Events/News-Announcements/Program-News/DoD-study-finds-microgrids-offer-improved-energy-security-for-DoD-installations, 7/18/2012, da: 03/19/2013, lmm) To protect the system and to ensure reliable generation and load balancing during contingency events AND financial credit on its electricity bill based on the quantity of assets enrolled. No scenario for a cut-off and the SPR solvesGreen, AEI resident scholar, 2012 (Kenneth, "End the DoD’s green energy fuelishness", 7-2, http://www.aei.org/article/energy-and-the-environment/alternative-energy/end-the-dods-green-energy-fuelishness/-http://www.aei.org/article/energy-and-the-environment/alternative-energy/end-the-dods-green-energy-fuelishness/, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg) Virtually none of these arguments pass a laugh test. Yes, when conventional fuels AND ... the SPR could power the military by itself for almost 6 years. Can’t solve military oil and creates new dependenceNikitin et al., CRS nonproliferation specialist, 2011 (Mary Beth, "Managing the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Policy Implications of Expanding Global Access to Nuclear Power", 9-12, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/nuke/RL34234.pdf-http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/nuke/RL34234.pdf, DOA: 10-12-12, ldg) Energy security has been a primary driving force behind the development of nuclear energy, AND provide greater certainty in fuel supplies, as discussed in the next section. Parent et al., Miamia political science professor, 2011 (Joseph, "The Wisdom of Retrenchment", Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec, ebsco, ldg) A somewhat more compelling concern raised by opponents of retrenchment is that the policy might AND politics, where balancing coalitions are notably absent and ideological disputes remarkably mild. Parent et al., Miamia political science professor, 2011 (Joseph, "The Wisdom of Retrenchment", Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec, ebsco, ldg) Despite deep partisan divides, however, Republicans and Democrats have often put aside their AND course, U.S. policymakers need only possess foresight and will. And it solves all the AFF impacts.Parent et al., Miamia political science professor, 2011 (Joseph, "The Wisdom of Retrenchment", Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec, ebsco, ldg) Retrenchment works in several ways. One is by shifting commitments and resources from peripheral AND would also allow the United States to restore some luster to its leadership. No impact to warming – forecasts and models are empirically disproven by peer reviewed studies – impacts are based on worse case scenarios that are resolved by adaptation – that’s AikmanCarter et al., James Cook University adjunct research fellow, 2011 (Robert, "Surviving the Unpreceented Climate Change of the IPCC", 3-8, http://www.nipccreport.org/articles/2011/mar/8mar2011a5.html-http://www.nipccreport.org/articles/2011/mar/8mar2011a5.html, DOA: 3-13-13, ldg) On the other hand, they indicate that some biologists and climatologists have pointed out AND the fossil record indicates remarkable biotic resilience to wide amplitude fluctuations in climate. Migitation and adaptions solve AND no tipping pointMendelsohn, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Science Professor, ’9 (Robert, Ezra Stiles College fellow at Yale, "Climate Change and Economic Growth" Commission on Growth and Development http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2010/12/09/000333037_20101209020732/Rendered/PDF/577590NWP0Box353767B01PUBLIC10gcwp060web.pdf-http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2010/12/09/000333037_20101209020732/Rendered/PDF/577590NWP0Box353767B01PUBLIC10gcwp060web.pdf accessed: 9-24-12 mlb) The heart of the debate about climate change comes from a number of warnings from AND range climate risks. What is needed are long‐run balanced responses. Adaption and technology solve the impactSinger, UVA Professor of Environmental Science, ’11 (Fred, former deputy assistant administrator for the EPA, "Climate Change Reconsidered" 2011 http://www.nipccreport.org/reports/2011/pdf/FrontMatter.pdf-http://www.nipccreport.org/reports/2011/pdf/FrontMatter.pdf accessed: 9-24-12 MLB) Decades-long empirical trends of climate-sensitive measures of human well-being AND warming has coincided with periods of peace, prosperity, and social stability. Most authoritative accounts prove warming inevitable-too much C02 in the system and feasible solutions don’t do enough in time-that’s AndersonRapier, Merica International CTO, 2012 (Robert, "Study: Eliminating Coal-Fired Power is Worth 0.2 Degrees in 100 Years", 3-5, http://theenergycollective.com/robertrapier/78469/study-eliminating-coal-fired-power-worth-02-degrees-100-years?ref=node_other_posts_by-http://theenergycollective.com/robertrapier/78469/study-eliminating-coal-fired-power-worth-02-degrees-100-years?ref=node_other_posts_by, DOA: 3-16-13, ldg) Who could have dreamed solving climate change would be so easy? A new paper AND I just don’t see how the West can possibly do anything about it. Seldon, Security and Sustainability Forum, 2012 (Roberta, "Question of the Day: Is it Too Late to Combat Global Warming?", 4-30, http://securityandsustainabilityforum.org/question-of-the-day-is-it-too-late-to-combat-global-warming-2651-http://securityandsustainabilityforum.org/question-of-the-day-is-it-too-late-to-combat-global-warming-2651, DOA: 6-1-12, ldg) Is it really too late to do anything about global warming? Yes — at AND unstable autocratic political system demands growth at all costs. That means coal." Prinn et al., MIT atmospheric science professor, 2011 (Ronald, "Scenarios with MIT integrated global systems model: significant global warming regardless of different approaches", Climatic Change, February, proquest, ldg) Different groups employ different philosophies and methodologies to produce emissions scenarios. The IPCC SRES AND change even if there is substantial effort to reduce emissions from reference conditions. Ranger et al., Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment research fellow, 2012 (Nicola, "Is it possible to limit global warming to no more than 1.5°C?". 2-22, climatic change, 111 (3-4). pp. 973-981, DOA: 6-4-12, ldg) Our results suggest that limiting warming to 1.5°C without overshooting to AND reaching ambitious global targets; and the science and impacts of overshooting scenarios. Lubin, Business Insider reporter, 2011 (Gus, "New Study Says It May Be Too Late To Prevent The Global Warming Nightmare Scenario", 10-22, http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-10-22/news/30309712_1_global-warming-greenhouse-gases-sea-levels-http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-10-22/news/30309712_1_global-warming-greenhouse-gases-sea-levels, DOA: 10-4-12, ldg) We’ve ignored the climate change gurus for too long, and now it’s probably too AND heavy use of energy systems that actually remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. AP, 9 (9-24, "Expect big jump in temperatures, U.N. warns: 6-degree increase by 2100 forecast after review of scientific data", Accessed 10-3-12, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33011378/ns/us_news-environment/t/expect-big-jump-temperatures-un-warns/~~%23.UGyUuJjA_Ak-http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33011378/ns/us_news-environment/t/expect-big-jump-temperatures-un-warns/) NJR Earth’s temperature is likely to jump six degrees between now and the end of the AND He said seas should rise about a foot every 20 to 25 years. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: ndt | Round: 4 | Opponent: emory dh | Judge: lamballe, seungwon, kallmyer ADVs: EU, OCEANS, FISM EU Adv US-EU relations resilient- empirics Mix, Analyst in European Affairs, 12 (Derek E., “The United States and Europe: Current Issues,” February 28, 2012, Congressional Research Service, da 2-8-13, https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RS22163.pdf, mee) Common values, overlapping interests, and shared goals are the foundation of what is AND interest, versus 38% who answered the EU was more important. 6 Alt cause to relations- ethanol tarriff Shaffer, Bloomberg writer, 2-19 (David, “E.U. ethanol tariff hits home,” 2-19-13, Star Tribune, da 2-20-13, http://www.startribune.com/business/191940061.html?refer=y, mee) U.S. ethanol producers on Tuesday criticized the European Union for imposing a AND . industry and government over what he and others characterized as European protectionism. Wind power sucks Gundeson, Gunderson Capital Managment CEO, 3-16-13 (Bill, “GUNDERSON: Some basic facts about wind energy”, http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/mar/16/gunderson-some-basic-facts-about-wind-energy/?page=all#pagebreak, DOA: 3-21-13, ldg) Let’s even forget for a moment that the plunging price of natural gas and its AND 500 wind turbines have been built — and abandoned — in California alone. Multiple other obstacles to offshore wind Gardner, Roll Call staff, 2-26-13 (Lauren, “Greater Federal, State Roles Sought to Help Develop Offshore Wind Potential”, http://www.rollcall.com/news/greater_federal_state_roles_sought_to_help_develop_offshore_wind_potential-222673-1.html?pg=3, DOA: 3-2-13, ldg) Interior’s offshore energy agency, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, has issued AND and the public, he says the nascent industry can overcome the obstacles. NEPA review is a huge alt cause Thaler, Maine Energy Policy professor, 2012 (Jeffrey, “Fiddling As The World Floods And Burns: How Climate Change Urgently Requires A Paradigm Shift In The Permitting Of Renewable Energy Projects”, 9-17, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2148122, DOA: 12-14-12, ldg) Undoubtedly, NEPA is the most onerous statute for offshore wind developers, requiring detailed AND grounds, further augmenting an already time-consuming and costly process.175 Inevitable in the short term but temporary tax credits kill the industry Salih, Huffington Post, 13 (Swara, January 9, 2013, Columbia University, “The Promises and Challenges of Wind Power in the US”, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/swara-salih/obama-wind-energy_b_2441538.html, 3/22/13, atl) Since 2005, worldwide wind energy manufacturers have branched into U.S. production AND companies might commit to longer-term investment in the U.S. Kills the project- NEPA is the magna carta of litigation- they’re looking offshore Soraghan, NY Times, 11 (February 3, 2011, “NEPA Reviews Could Stall Return of Offshore Drilling Projects in Deep Water”, http://www.nytimes.com/gwire/2011/02/03/03greenwire-nepa-reviews-could-stall-return-of-offshore-dr-20907.html?pagewanted=all, 2/7/13, atl) The future pace of drilling approvals in the Gulf of Mexico might be slowed less AND those start coming in, it is likely they too will be challenged. Prolif will be slow Tepperman, Fellow at New York Institute of Humanities, 9 (Jonathan, Newsweek International Deputy Editor, MA in Jurisprudence from Oxford University (New College), and an LL.M. in International Law from NYU, “Why Obama Should Learn to Love the Bomb,” 8-29-09, Newsweek, da 9-29-12, http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2009/08/28/why-obama-should-learn-to-love-the-bomb.html, mee) The risk of an arms race—with, say, other Persian Gulf states AND be so disastrous, given the way that bombs tend to mellow behavior. Prolif impacts are empirically alarmist Potter and Mukhatzhanova, James Martin Center, 8 (William C., Sam Nunn and Richard Lugar Professor of Nonproliferation Studies and Director of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, and Gaukjar, research associate at James Martin Center, “Divining Nuclear Intentions: A Review Essay,” International Security, Volume 33, Number 1, Summer 2008, pp. 139-169 pages 159-161, accessed Project Muse 10-2-12, mee) Today it is hard to find an analyst or commentator on nuclear proliferation who is AND survival models offer considerable insight into that dimension of the proliferation puzzle.48 No Russian aggression- internal focus and structural shifts in nationalism Popescu, ECFR research fellow, 2-3 (Nicu, European Council on Foreign Relations, "Russia’s liberal-nationalist cocktail," 2-3-12, blogs.euobserver.com/popescu/2012/02/06/russias-liberal-nationalist-cocktail/, accessed 2-11-12, mss) One of Vladimir Putin’s recent pre-election articles dedicated to the ‘national question’ AND shout ‘Stop feeding the Caucasus’ and ‘Migrants today, Occupiers tomorrow’. No escalation – we would crush them Sharavin, Institute of Political and Military Analysis Director, 2007 (Alexander, “Will America Fight Russia?” Lexis, d/a 2-8-13, ads) The United States may count on a mass air raid and missile strike at objects AND The American strategic missile forces in their turn will escape the war unscathed. - Economic interdependence means peaceful rise inevitable
Bijian, China Reform Forum Chair, 5 (Zheng, Executive Vice-President of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, “Ten Views on China’s Development Road of Peaceful Rise and Sino European Relations,” Real Instituto Elcano, 12-14, http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Content?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/elcano/elcano_in/zonas_in/0000, accessed 1-31-11) beh
Third, the development road of peaceful rise is a road related to economic globalization AND no intention to challenge or subvert the existing international political and economic order. 2. China committed to harmony in the international arena – past three decades prove Buzan, London School of Economics International Relations Professor, 10 (Barry, Ph.D. London School of Econ, honorary professor at Copenhagen and Jilin Universities, “China in International Society: Is ‘Peaceful Rise’ Possible?” Chinese Journal of International Politics vol.3, http://cjip.oxfordjournals.org/content/3/1/5.full.pdf, accessed 2-1-11) beh Summing up, one can conclude that over the past 30 years, China has AND and 1990s) which greatly facilitated its policy of export-led growth. No China war-too many conflict dampeners Rosecrance, Berkeley political science professor, 2010 (Richard, “Delicately Poised: Are China and the US Heading for Conflict?” Global Asia 4.4, http://www.globalasia.org/l.php?c=e251, DOA: 10-2-12, ldg) Will China and the US Go to War? If one accepts the previous analysis AND to territorial expansion and war with the US? The answer is no. Mid-east conflict doesn’t escalate- self-interest contains war. History overwhelmingly proves. Satloff, Washington Institute for Near East Policy executive director, 12-19-2006 Robert, "Forget the Domino Theories," www.washingtoninstitute.org/templateC06.php?CID=1011, accessed 10-2-10, mss The wise men (and woman) don't know their history. In boldly suggesting AND the aid of Muslims in danger inside Iraq will be the United States. Wind can’ be scaled up-dismiss evidence that doesn’t account for wind shadowing Harper, Red Orbit, 2-25-13 (Michael, “Keeping Realistic Expectations About Wind Energy”, http://www.redorbit.com/news/science/1112791094/wind-turbine-energy-power-solar-hydro-022513/, DOA: 3-2-13, ldg) According to new research from the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, AND them everywhere, then you may start to reach a limit that matters.” No risk of war in Europe- lessons learned Yardley, Washington Post staff writer (citing Stanford history professor James Sheehan), 2008 Jonathan, "Where have all the soldiers gone," Washington Post, www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/10/AR2008011003628.html, accessed 2-6-11, mss Maybe the war to end all wars -- at least in Europe -- has already AND war." Maybe, just maybe, they know more than we do. European war won’t escalate—the Cold War is over Manning 00 Robert A. Manning, senior fellow and director of Asian studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, 3/10/2000 We don't want to go any lower because we need these weapons for nuclear deterrence AND targeting plans on prospective Russian targets, though no one will say so. War between European nations is impossible Smitherman 03 Charles W. Smitherman III, Doctoral studies on European Union-United States trade law and regulation, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, Minnesota Journal of Global Trade , Summer, 2003 No person, no entity, no relationship remains exempt from time's paradigm, and AND the United States with an economic and political partner in the Cold War. Federalism Adv Federalism isn’t linear – multiple levels of interaction are constantly in flux; means no impact to minor changes like the aff Osofsky and Wiseman, Law Professors, University of Minnesota and FSU, 8-29 (Hari M., 2011 Lampert Fesler Research Fellow at University of Minnesota Law School, Associate Director of Law, Geography and Environment, Fellow at the Institute on the Environment, and Hannah J., Assistant Professor at the Florida State University College of Law, “Dynamic Energy Federalism,” 8-29-12, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2138127, accessed 9-20-12, ara) With these rather narrow applications of federalism to energy, and a tendency to rely AND —has implications for governance, which Part III explores in more depth. No spillover – nations don’t model US federalism Stephan, Government Professor, Columbia University, 99 (Alfred, previously Professor of Government at Oxford University, “Federalism and Democracy: Beyond the U.S. Model,” 1999, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_democracy/v010/10.4stepan.html, accessed 9-20-12, ara) Yet although these three points are a reasonably accurate depiction of the political structures and AND founders created fundamentally different structures. This leads us to our next point. Federal control of energy is inevitable – commerce clause and national security make it federal ground Stein, Associate Professor, Tulane University School of Law, 12 (Amy L, “The Tipping Point Of Federalism,” 7-3-12, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2098176, Connecticut Law Review, accessed 8-17-12, ara) The siting of infrastructure in this country has experienced an evolution in its source of AND grid evoke discussions of the need to pool resources to protect national security. Massive desalination expansion now SBI Energy, 2011 (SBI Energy is a division of MarketResearch.com, publishes research reports in the industrial, energy, building/construction, and automotive/transportation markets, August 23, “Global Desalination Market will Grow 320.3% by 2020, Driven by Reverse Osmosis,” http://www.sbireports.com/about/release.asp?id=2267, d/a 1-6-13, ads) Depleting water supplies, coupled with increasing water demand, are driving the global market AND countries, and analyzes trends and growth drivers. It is available at: Adaption and technology solve the impact Singer, UVA Professor of Environmental Science, ‘11 (Fred, former deputy assistant administrator for the EPA, “Climate Change Reconsidered” 2011 http://www.nipccreport.org/reports/2011/pdf/FrontMatter.pdf accessed: 9-24-12 MLB) Decades-long empirical trends of climate-sensitive measures of human well-being AND warming has coincided with periods of peace, prosperity, and social stability. No India China war-even with arms build ups Dasgupta, Shady Grove UMBC’s Political Science Program director, 2012 (Sunil, “The Fate of India’s Strategic Restraint”, April, http://www.brookings.edu/research/articles/2012/04/india-dasgupta, DOA: 3-13-13, ldg) So, could we be witnessing the start of an India-China arms race AND military power and purpose sufficient for a reordering of their country’s strategic condition. No war- economic realities, political actors, and lessons learned- Mumbai proves Chu and King, Times Staff writers, 2008 Henry and Laura, December 6, "India, Pakistan keep lid on tensions," http://articles.latimes.com/2008/dec/06/world/fg-indiapakistan6, accessed 10-13-10, ADS Hostility between India and Pakistan is at its worst in years, but tensions stemming AND be the same script as 2001-02, they'll be mistaken." The Russian military is laughable- no way they can modernize anything ever Renz, University of Nottingham Lecturer in International Security, 12 (Bettina, “Russian Military Modernization Cause, Course, and Consequences”, Problems of Post-Communism January/February 2012, 3/27/13, atl) Aleksandr Konovalov of the Institute for Strategic Assessment and Analysis in Moscow, with the AND of twenty years cannot be made up in just one or two.49 Can’t solve environmental leadership – past alt causes Victor, law professor at Stanford's Program on Energy and Sustainable Development and adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, 8 (David G., "The next U.S. President won't be green", 5-1-08 http://www.newsweek.com/id/135073/, d/a 10-18-12, zml) The U.S. record on international environmental issues is highly uneven for reasons AND the credibility of the president to negotiate agreements that serve the country's interest. International cooperation impossible – divergent environmental objectives Sussman, 04 (October 2004, G., International Politicla Science Review, “The USA and Global Environmental Policy: Domestic Constraints on Effective Leadership,” http://ips.sagepub.com/content/25/4/349.accessible-long, d/a 10-18-12, zml) Explanations about international affairs generally and global environmental policy in particular tend to focus on AND ” (see also Porter et al., 2000: 13–14). Oceans Adv - No impact—biodiversity loss is insignificant
To be sure, if extinctions continue at present rates indefinitely, at some point AND -rich all the time largely as a result of human action. n354 2. No data to substantiate species loss and people have a financial incentive to exaggerate. Lomborg, Aarhus university political science professor, 2001 (Bjorn, The Skeptical Environmentalist, pg 254, ldg) The issue of biodiversity resembles the classic battle between model and reality. The biologists AND you point this out, people say you are collaborating with the devil." Natural marine fluctuations are inevitable ---- ocean species are highly resilient Dulvy et al., School of Marine Science and Tech. @ U. Newcastle, 2003 (Nicholas, “Extinction vulnerability in marine populations”, Fish and Fisheries Volume 4, Issue 1, pages 25–64, March 2003, ldg) Marine fish populations are more variable and resilient than terrestrial populations Great natural variability in AND population fluctuations when there are few adults (Pauly et al. 2002). Oceans are resilient-they are too big. Lomborg, Aarhus university political science professor, 2001 (Bjorn, The Skeptical Environmentalist, pg 189, ldg) But the oceans are so incredibly big that our impact on them has been astoundingly AND from natural oil seepage at the bottom of the sea and from sediment erosion |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 4 | Opponent: emory dh | Judge: lamballe, seungwon, kallmyer Immig Polx DA Immigration reform will pass because Obama’s spending capital Castaldi, Take Two Host, 3-27 (Charles, “LA Archpishop Gomez Keeps Mahony’s Promise to Push For Immigration Reform,”, Take Two, KPCC California Public Radio, 03/27/2013, da: 03/29/2013, lmm) President Obama said he expects Congress to introduce an immigration reform bill next month. AND , Gomez’s low key lobbying might be a better fit for the times. Plan’s massively unpopular---triggers public and Congressional backlash---tied into the broader green energy debate Sperry, CNN, 12 (Todd, “Wind farm gets US approval despite controversy,” Aug 16, http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/16/us/wind-farm-faa/index.html, 1/16/13, atl) Washington (CNN) -- A massive offshore wind farm planned for Cape Cod that AND a broader review of "green energy" projects supported by the administration. Shortage of skilled workers in cyber fields undermines defense against attacks Reuters, 2012 (“Experts warn of shortage of U.S. cyber pros”, 6-13, http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/06/13/us-media-tech-summit-symantec-idUSBRE85B1E220120613, DOA: 2-5-13, ldg) Leading cyber experts warned of a shortage of talented computer security experts in the United AND U.S. universities do not produce enough math and science graduates. Cyberterrorists will obtain or launch nukes – guarantees great power escalation Fritz, Bond University IR masters, 2009 (Jason, “Hacking Nuclear Command and Control”, July, http://www.icnnd.org/latest/research/Jason_Fritz_Hacking_NC2.pdf, DOA: 2-5-13, ldg) This paper will analyse the threat of cyber terrorism in regard to nuclear weapons. AND its own, without the need for compromising command and control centres directly. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: ndt | Round: 4 | Opponent: emory dh | Judge: lamballe, kallmyer, seungwon China Energy Leadership DA China’s beating the US in offshore wind development now---it’s key to their overall clean-tech leadership---the plan reverses this Zoninsein, NY Times, 10 (Manuela is a writer for Climatewire, “Chinese Offshore Development Blows Past U.S.,” Sept 7, http://www.nytimes.com/cwire/2010/09/07/07climatewire-chinese-offshore-development-blows-past-us-47150.html?pagewanted=all, 2/3/13, atl) As proposed American offshore wind-farm projects creep forward -- slowed by state legislative AND ," published in March by Azure International for the World Wildlife Fund Norway. Chinese clean tech leadership is key to their economy, internal stability, and solves extinction Denlinger, consultant specializing in the China market who is based in Hong Kong, 10 (Paul, 7/20/10, “Why China Has To Dominate Green Tech,” http://www.forbes.com/sites/china/2010/07/20/why-china-has-to-dominate-green-tech/, 2/3/13, atl) On the policy level, the Chinese government has to perform a delicate balancing act AND century. For all practical purposes, we’re all in the same boat. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: ndt | Round: 4 | Opponent: emory dh | Judge: lamballe, kallmyer, seungwon Byrne K Viewing energy as merely a societal input reproduces tech positivism, inequality and neoliberal expansion-culminates in extinction. Byrne et al., Delaware Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, 2009 (John, “Relocating Energy in the Social Commons Ideas for a Sustainable Energy Utility”, Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, 29.2, April, http://www.iatp.org/files/258_2_106003.pdf, DOA: 10-13-12, ldg) “Living Well”: Growth Without End Since the industrial revolution, social progress has AND in scale, its most extensive threat to life in all forms.5 The alternative is to embrace commons instead of enclosures Discourse of the commons solves-creates space to challenge neoliberalism De Angelis, East London political economy professor, 2003 (Massimo, “Reflections on alternatives, commons and communities”, Winter, http://www.commoner.org.uk/deangelis06.pdf, DOA: 7-2-12, ldg) This movement has posed the question of a plurality of “alternatives” to the AND , at the same time building and strengthening communities through the social fields. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: ndt | Round: 4 | Opponent: emory dh | Judge: kallmyer, lamballe, seungwon Courts CP Text: The United States Supreme Court should rule that state and local restrictions on offshore wind energy are unconstitutional. Courts can effectively rule to invalidate restrictions on all forms of energy production Simon, Utah political science professor, 2007 (Christopher, Alternative Energy: Political, Economic, and Social Feasibility, pg 196-8, ldg) The institutional power of the federal courts regarding energy policy is not ex- plicit AND goals not inconsistent with national constitutional in- terpretation and national policy priorities. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: ndt | Round: 4 | Opponent: emory dh | Judge: lamballe seungwon kallmyer Overview Conceded economic collapse causes war, short circuits our ability to interact with the world and kills federal model because they conceded it causes unrest and instability which supercharges nationalism, also kills EU cooperation because a resilient clean energy system is the key internal link, no economy means nothing to trade, and turns oceans. ScienceDaily, 12-16-06 (“Regional Nuclear War Could Devastate Global Climate”, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/12/061211090729.htm, accessed 10-16-10)KLJ — Even a small-scale, regional nuclear war could produce as many direct AND 03 percent of the total explosive power of the current world nuclear arsenal." Lack of grid integration crushes solvency—prerequisite to the aff Outka, FSU Institute for Energy Systems, Economics, and Sustainability faculty, 2010 (Uma, “Siting Renewable Energy: Land Use and Regulatory Context”, 37 Ecology L.Q. 1041, lexis, ldg) Most of the siting considerations for centralized energy projects are irrelevant for rooftop solar. AND year research plan directly concerning integration of solar energy into the grid. n242 Turns renewable feasibility MIT Tech Review 2009 (David Talbot, “Lifeline for Renewable Power”, Tech Review Head, Jan/Feb, http://www.technologyreview.com/featured-story/411423/lifeline-for-renewable-power/, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) Without a radically expanded and smarter electrical grid, wind and solar will remain niche AND is a chicken-and-egg type of thing," she says. UQ Evidence is speculative and makes no empirical arguments- grid modernization now was conceded and disproves the thesis of your argument because it proves investors are moving to a more profitable plane of investment- that’s Reuters Reserves at an all-time high-no spikes WSJ 8-29-12 (“Natural-Gas Price Under the Weather”, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390444772804577619630848240906.html, DOA: 9-16-12, ldg) Price bulls need injections to be much lower. As a result of the mild AND for a better year in 2013 will no doubt start praying for blizzards. Gas production is booming, despite the regs Pirog, CRS energy economics specialist, 2012 (Robert, “Natural Gas in the U.S. Economy: Opportunities for Growth”, 11-6, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R42814.pdf, DOA: 3-6-13, ldg) Due to the growth in natural gas production, primarily from shale gas, the AND use and disposal in hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas from shale formations. Industry concedes they can comply with the regs Weinhold, Environmental Journalists Society member, 2012 (Bob, “The Future of Fracking: New Rules Target Air Emissions for Cleaner Natural Gas Production”, July, Environmental Health Perspectives, 120.7, Science Direct, ldg) The oil and natural gas industry has its own concerns about the new rules but has indicated it can work with them. In a press release issued the day the rules were announced, Howard Feldman, director of regulatory and scientific affairs for the American Petroleum Institute, said, “EPA has made some improvements in the rules that allow our companies to continue reducing emissions while producing the oil and natural gas our country needs.” No volatility - laundry list Skutnik, University of Tennessee nuclear engineering professor, 12 (Steve, "The End of Natural Gas Price Volatility?" 2-13-12, theenergycollective.com/skutnik/76356/end-natural-gas-price-volatility, 1/6/13, atl) Conoco Phillips recently put up a great video on youtube making the point that NG AND and diversity of supply makes long-term price much more stable and confident Grid investments are happening now - venture capital is shifting toward modernization – it will reach $220 billion over the next three years – that’s Powergrid international Capital is shifting to grid modernization now Bloomberg 2-25-13 (“Silicon Valley Investors Shifting to Power Grid After Solar Sours”, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2013/02/silicon-valley-investors-shifting-to-power-grid-after-solar-sours?cmpid=SolarNL-Tuesday-February26-2013, DOA: 3-23-13, ldg) Silicon Valley investors that helped build the solar industry are shifting cash into electricity- AND industry, down from as much as 6.5 percent in 2008. Transmission investments are near record highs Platts 3-4-13 (“US electric utility grid spending to peak at $15.1 bil this year: EEI”, http://www.platts.com/RSSFeedDetailedNews/RSSFeed/ElectricPower/6223838, DOA: 3-23-13, ldg) Transmission investments by US investor-owned utilities are expected to peak at $15 AND and are designed to move renewable power from remote areas to demand centers. Venture capital shifting to grid modernization now CNBC 2012 (Dinah Wisenberg, “Clean Tech Investing Shifts, With Lower-Cost Ventures Gaining Favor”, 3-1, http://www.cnbc.com/id/46222448/Clean_Tech_Investing_Shifts_With_Lower_Cost_Ventures_Gaining_Favor, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) For many investors, that change means shifting funds from capital-intensive alternative- AND .6 million, a 250 percent increase and 47 percent deal increase. Newest research and trends prove Subnet 11-28-12 (SUBNET is a software products company dedicated to serving the needs of the electric utility industry. “Smart grid VC crackling back to life”, www.subnet.com/news-events/smart-grid/smart-grid-vc-crackling-back-to-life.aspx, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) After some experts feared a slowdown in the amount of mergers and acquisitions in the AND solutions that will also be crucial for widespread adoption of smart grid systems. Trend will continue in 2013 Gammons, IBM Global Energy and Utilities Industry general manader, 12-26-12 (Brad, “The Smart Grid in 2013: Charged for Growth”, energy.aol.com/2012/12/26/the-smart-grid-in-2013-charged-for-growth/, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) So what will 2013 bring? This year's extremes all point in the same direction AND . The smart grid is poised to deliver that and more in 2013. Link Wind carries huge burden and threatens blackouts- this was conceded out of the 2AC- this was an accessibility and grid integration argument- if you shove wind into the grid without adaptations, then it heightens the risk of disruptions and energy shortages nationally which shortcuts all of your link arguments- Martin Conceded blackouts mean the only arguments you get in the 1AR are “blackouts don’t cause X” Grid reliability key to the economy-effects every sector Barrett et al., Lexington Institute adjunct fellow, 12-8-12 (Michael, “Sunday Reflection: Smarter grid is a smart investment”, washingtonexaminer.com/sunday-reflection-smarter-grid-is-a-smart-investment/article/2515092?custom_click=rss#.UN9P0oVszyC, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) For thousands of years, nocturnal light was an expensive luxury. Today we can't AND , to smart meters that can help identify and isolate disruptions and anomalies. Blackouts cause nuclear meltdowns Cappiello, AP reporter, 2011 (Dina, “AP IMPACT: Long Blackouts Pose Risk to US Reactors”, 3-29, http://www.postandcourier.com/news/2011/mar/29/ap-impact-long-blackouts-pose-risk-us-reactors/?print, DOA: 2-13-13, ldg) Long before the nuclear emergency in Japan, U.S. regulators knew that AND a one-two punch: first the earthquake, then the tsunami. Extinction Lendman, CRG research associate, 2011 (Stephen, “Nuclear Meltdown in Japan”, http://www.opednews.com/articles/Nuclear-Meltdown-in-Japan-by-Stephen-Lendman-110313-843.html, DOA: 2-13-13, ldg) Fukushima Daiichi "nuclear power plant in Okuma, Japan, appears to have caused AND potentially millions under a worse case scenario, including far outside East Asia. Prices Schroder says nothing about electricity prices but only that it’s able to provide energy and diversify our portfolio, makes no sense- wind collapses new grid modernization efforts that resolve energy demand, you can’t straight turn the argument without providing access to key manufacturing sectors in the mid east and plane states Wind arguments don’t make sense in context of offshore energy because it doesn’t access the same market- means only a risk of offense- means they don’t get Wald Randall only talks about wind being able to be competitive not about it’s relative accessibility and ability to integrate into the grid Plan reverses investment in efficiency and grid updates-investment clusters around government backed projects De Rugy, GMU senior research fellow, 2012 (Veronica, “Testimony Before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform”, 6-19, http://mercatus.org/publication/assessing-department-energy-loan-guarantee-program, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) 3. Mal-investments Loan guarantee programs can also have an impact on the AND themselves away from producing what customers want, toward pleasing the government officials. Pushing wind in advance of upgrades will crash the grid—causes blackouts Electricity Journal 2009 (“How Much More Stress Can the Grid Handle?” October, Science Direct, ldg) Speaking at an energy conference in Chicago this summer, Jon Wellinghoff, the new AND .S. power from renewables by 2025, or roughly 270 GW. Pace is key-wind is fine, but the plan causes it to be rolled out too fast. Apt et al., Carnegie Mellon Electricity Industry Center executive director, 2008 (Jay, “Generating Electricity from Renewables: Crafting Policies that Achieve Society's Goals,” 5-26, http://wpweb2.tepper.cmu.edu/ceic/pdfs_other/Generating_Electricity_from_Renewables.pdf, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) Twenty-five states have indicated their dissatisfaction with the current electricity generation system by AND spilled until large scale electricity storage and transmission lines become much less expensive. Increasing wind causes price spikes and grid reliability-EU and Texas prove. Electricity Journal 2008 (“How Renewables Can Be Undermined By Intermittency”, Electricity Journal, 21.5, June, Science Direct, ldg) Currently, renewable energy resources are in vogue, everyone wants more of them, AND by 2030. Wind developers are naturally concerned about the new artificial constraint. Plan reduces prices briefly, but causes a massive price increase over time Lesser, Washington economics PhD, 2013 (Jonathan, “Wind Generation Patterns and the Economics of Wind Subsidies”, The Electricity Journal, 26.1, Science Direct, ldg) IV. Policy Implications Our analysis shows that continued subsidies for wind generation represent both AND market distortions and raise electricity prices, again to the detriment of consumers. Costs escalate if wind is overproduced due to overdependence on wind – when systems have to be feathered due to a lack of wind or excessive wind speed – it forces power shut downs. The relationship is linear Korchinski, chemical engineer, 2012 (William, “The Limits of Wind Power,” October, http://reason.org/files/thelimitsofwindpower.pdf, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) Sometimes there is too much wind and wind must be “dumped” or “ AND other words, excessively high wind penetration leads to excessively high electricity costs. It’s zero-sum--investors will choose between smart grid tech and renewables – government funds determine which strategy wins Martin, Credit Suisse Journalist, 2012 (Glenn, “VC Investors Unfazed by Cleantech's Growing Pains”, 6-8, https://mobile.credit-suisse.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=mOpenArticleandcoid=280991andaoid=360007andlang=en, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) Three years ago, cleantech – particularly energy-related cleantech – was all the AND are backing companies developing energy management software services or smart-grid technologies. Incentives trade off with energy efficiency Borenstein, Berkeley economics professor, 2012 (Serverin, “The Private and Public Economics of Renewable Electricity Generation”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26.1, SAGE, ldg) First, subsidizing green power for reducing pollution (relative to some counterfactual) is not equivalent to taxing “brown” power to reflect the marginal social damage. If end-use electricity demand were completely inelastic and green and brown power were each completely homogeneous, they would have the same effect; the only effect of the subsidy would be to shift the production share towards green and away from brown power. But the underlying market failure is the underpricing of brown power, not the overpricing of green power, so subsidizing green power from government revenues artificially depresses the price of power and discourages efficient energy consumption.7 As a result, government subsidies of green power lead to overconsumption of electricity and disincentives for energy efficiency. In addition, for any given level of reduction, it will be achieved more efficiently by equalizing the marginal price of the pollutant across sectors as well as within sectors. This is not achievable through ad hoc subsidies to activities that displace certain sources of emissions. Fowlie, Knittel, and Wolfram (forthcoming) estimate that failure to achieve uniform marginal prices in the emissions of nitrogen oxides in the United States has raised the cost of regulation by at least 6 percent. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: ndt | Round: 4 | Opponent: emory dh | Judge: lamballe seungwon kallmyer Neolib K – Framework – Frontline Our interpretation is the judge should be an intellectual grading the foundation upon which 1AC stems from---if we win the foundations of the aff are suspect we should win irrespective of hypothetical enactment Method first key-otherwise alternative modes of knowledge concerning neoliberalism are delegitimized Gunder et al., Aukland University senior planning lecturer, 2009 (Michael, Planning in Ten Words or Less: A Lacanian Entanglement with Spatial Planning pgs 111-2, ldg) The hegemonic network, or bloc, initially shapes the debates and draws on appropriate AND largely resulting in a zero-sum game (Blair and Kumar 1997). Policy making isn’t grounded in objectivity but cherry picking. Means a residual link takes out the aff because the ideological underpinnings of their knowledge is inaccurate. Bristow, Cardiff University economic geographer senior lecturer, 2005 (Gillian, “Everyone's a ‘winner’: problematising the discourse of regional competitiveness”, Journal of Economic Geography, June, oxford journals, ldg) This begs the question as to why a discourse with ostensibly confused, narrow and AND exploring their role in influencing the ideas of regional and national policy elites. Neolib K – Framework – Frontline Questioning underlying structure of neoliberalism first is key-otherwise policy analysis is predetermined in favor of the market. Murphy, Miami sociology professor, 2005 (John, Globalization with a Human Face, pg 11-13, ldg) Murphy 4 The process of development, now commonly referred to as globalization, has been analyzed AND simply adjust to economic policies that are equated with rationality and general improvement. Neolib K – Framework – Frontline If we win framework it means the following: - Dismiss perms-they have to justify their 1AC world view and can’t sever their reps-best for ground and education because it prevents aff conditionality and debate is an academic activity.
2. Plan is not offense-questions whether the alt increases energy are not relevant-point of stasis is whether the aff perpetuates neoliberal social relations in advocating energy production—if that is bad you reject the aff because the plan responds to a poorly constructed and dangerous model of the world. 3. Discount all their answers-accepting the frame of neoliberalism gears solutions to be watered down or delegitimized Faber and McCarthy, Northeastern University Philanthropy and Environmental Justice Research Project, 2003 (Daniel R Faber Director; Deborah McCarthy Research Associate, College of Charleston Assistant Professor of Sociology and Anthropology. “Neo-Liberalism, Globalization and the Struggle for Ecological Democracy Linking Sustainability and Environmental Justice.” Pg 56-7, ldg) As we move further into the new millennium, the mainstream US ecology movement is AND interest and participation in national environmental politics (Faber and O'Connor, 1993)./ PDB - All links are disads to the perm---they shouldn’t be able to sever their 1AC justifications---that’s the framework debate---voter for negative ground.
2. Alt is competitive-opposite of AFF + links to the plan Allowing market principles to dictate the transition to renewables short circuits it—creates resource wars that only the alt can solve. Abramsky, former Institute of Advanced Studies in Science, Technology and Society fellow, 2010 (Kolya, Sparking a Worldwide Energy Revolution: Social Struggles in the Transition to a Post-Petrol World, pg 26-7, ldg) The fact that coal and oil are finite resources means that there is a long AND -commercial technology transfer against the iron straitjacket of the international patent regimes. Creating renewables for profits is worse than just using fossil fuels-side effects and tradesoff with long term solutions. Zehner, visting scholar at University California Berkley, 2012 (Ozzie Green Illusions, pg 172-3, ldg) A central project of this book is to interrogate the assumption that alternative energy is AND it turns out, they aren't free at all—they're enormously expensive. 4. Plan’s market logic focuses on individual action---this masks institutional arrangements which are the deeper cause of environmental destruction Muldoon, Carelton University, 2006 (Annie, “Where the Green Is: Examining the Paradox of Environmentally Conscious Consumption”, Electronic Green Journal, 1(23), online pdf, DOA: 6-28-12, ldg) One of the problems with green consumption, according to its detractors, is that AND and purposeful arguments that challenged my premise: save the world through shopping? Embracing commons solves: - Opens space for movements to converge against the crises of neoliberalism-focusing on the discursive is key-that’s De Angelis.
Neolib K – Alternative – 2NC/1NR
2. Try or die-only way to create a system not centered on profit. Sachs et al., Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, 2012 (Wolfgang, “Critique of the Green Economy Toward Social and Environmental Equity”, http://boell.org/downloads/Critique_of_the_Green_Economy.pdf, DOA: 6-27-12, ldg) In all the old industrial countries the times of high economic growth are past. AND for the 21st century that has been freed from the dictate of growth. Neolib K – Alternative – 2NC/1NR 3. Stops the spread of enclosures and creates autonomy against corporate golobaization. De Angelis, East London political economy professor, 2004 (Massimo, “Separating the Doing and the Deed: Capital and the Continuous Character of Enclosures”, Historical Materialism; 2004, Vol. 12 Issue 2, p57-87, ebsco, ldg) In the context of contemporary dynamics, the many types of ‘new enclosures’ 46 AND whose main characteristic is to provide various degrees of protection from the market. Neolib K – Alternative – 2NC/1NR 4. Rejecting market competition is an act of economic imagination that can create real alternatives within the existing economy White et al., Sheffield Hallam University economic geography senior lecturer, 2012 (Richard, Escaping Capitalist Hegemony: Rereading Western Economies in The Accumulation of Freedom, pg 131-2, ldg) The American anarchist Howard Ehrlich argued, "We must act as if the future AND organizations and practices as powerful constituents of an enlivened noncapitalist policies of place. Unmitigated market competition makes extinction inevitable and turns case Wise et al., Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas development studies professor, 2010 Raúl, “Reframing the debate on migration, development and human rights: fundamental elements”, October, www.migracionydesarrollo.org, DOA: 10-13-12, ldg) At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, a general crisis AND remittances, though there is evidence that migrant worker flows have indeed diminished. Neoliberalism orders the world that renders economically vulnerable societies disposable-creates structural violence and war Giroux, McMaster cultural studies professor, 2008 (Henry, “Beyond the biopolitics of disposability: rethinking neoliberalism in the New Gilded Age”, Social Identities; Sep2008, Vol. 14 Issue 5, p587-620, ebsco, ldg) The mutually determining forces of every deepening inequality and an emerging repressive state apparatus have AND and exposed to murderous violence’ (Ziarek, 2008, p. 90). Incentive theory wrong-causes more violence. Goodman, Harvard Law School, 2005 (Ryan, “Recent Books On International Law: Edited By Richard B. Bilder: Review Essay: International Institutions And The Mechanisms Of War: Solving The War Puzzle: Beyond The Democratic Peace. By John Norton Moore”, April, 99 A.J.I.L. 507, lexis, ldg) John Norton Moore's Solving the War Puzzle raises important issues for fashioning institutions to prevent AND these dynamics may hamper, rather than enhance, the prospects of peace. The system’s unsustainable – only a shift to commons averts extinction Shor, Wayne State history department, 2010 (Fran, Dying Empire: U.S. Imperialism and Global Resistance, pg 145-7, ldg) Attributing the debilitation of the U.S. economy to a mortgage crisis or AND future grave and planting the seeds for another possible world. 17 Neolib K – Uniqueness – Unsustainable – 2NC/1NR - Neoliberalism commodifies environmental destruction-means it can’t self-correct
Foster et al., Oregon sociology professor, 2010 (John, The Ecological Rift: Capitalism’s War on the Earth, pg 69-72, ldg)
A peculiarity of capitalism, brought out by the Lauderdale Paradox, is that it AND the origin sources of all wealth—the soil and the worker."44 2. Math unequivocally goes NEG. Naess, Aalborg Urban Planning professor, 2006 (Peter, “Unsustainable Growth, Unsustainable Capitalism”, Journal of Critical Realism, 5.2, ebsco, ldg) Those who believe that economic growth can be de-coupled from environmental loads and AND multiplied again and again out of nothing is the alchemy of neoclassical economics. Human nature can be changed- its not set in advance and pedagogical transformation in this debate can change economic preference formation Schor, Boston College economics professor, 2010 (Julie, Plenitude: The New Economics of True Wealth, pgs. 11-2, ldg) And we don’t have to. What’s odd about the narrowness of the national economic AND to find a way forward that addresses both. That’s what plenitude offers. Fighting for government change is suicidal in the energy system – our position as academics must prioritize criticism over pragmatism Byrne et al., Delaware Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, 2006 (John, Transforming Power: Energy, Environment, and Society in Conflict, 19-21, ldg) Democratic Authoritarian Impulses and Uncritical Capitalist Assumptions When measured in social and political-economic AND , leave modernism undisturbed (except, perhaps, for its environmental performance). Their turns are misconceptions-focus on the local isn’t primitive but rather a better way to construct the global from the bottom up. North, Liverpool Geography professor, 2010 (Peter, “Eco-localisation as a progressive response to peak oil and climate change – A sympathetic critique”, Geoforum, 41.4, Science Direct, ldg) While immanent localisation might have been ‘happening’ as a result of the 2007– AND with local distinctiveness and resilience. It does not mean a xenophobic retreat. You should discount all solvency deficits-neoliberal subjectivity forecloses the ability to see alternatives-proves why prior questioning needs to come first Read, Southern Maine University philosophy professor, 2009 (Jason, “A Genealogy of Homo-Economicus: Neoliberalism and the Production of Subjectivity”, Foucault Studies, no. 6, February, project muse, ldg) Foucault’s development, albeit partial, of account of neoliberalism as governmentality has as its AND its terrain, that of the production of subjectivity, freedom and possibility. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 5 | Opponent: Wayne State JS | Judge: 1NC Restrictions must be currently enforced to be a restriction Berger, Delaware Supreme Court Justice, 2001 (INDUSTRIAL RENTALS, INC., ISAAC BUDOVITCH and FLORENCE BUDOVITCH, Appellants Below, Appellants, v. NEW CASTLE COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT and NEW CASTLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE, Appellees Below, Appellees. No. 233, 2000SUPREME COURT OF DELAWARE776 A.2d 528; 2001 Del. LEXIS 300April 10, 2001, Submitted July 17, 2001, Decided lexis, ldg) We disagree. HN2 Statutes must be read as a whole and all the words AND projects should not have been included in the scope of the Budovitches' TIS. The aff violates-EPA regs won’t be enforced till 2015 Fitzsimmons et al., Steptoe and Johnson LLP toxic tort section, 2012 (Mark, “Fracking Industry Braces for a Wave of Regulation”, http://www.powermag.com/gas/Fracking-Industry-Braces-for-a-Wave-of-Regulation_4542_p4.html, DOA: 3-6-13, ldg) Water quality is not the only issue on the EPA's radar. On April 18 AND In the meantime, producers can choose between green completions and flaring emissions. And, restriction are direct governmental limitations - excludes measures the only have limiting effects Viterbo, Torino law professor, 2012 (Annamaria, International Economic Law and Monetary Measures: Limitations to States' Sovereignty and Dispute, pg. 166, ldg) In order to distinguish an exchange restriction from a trade measure, the Fund chose AND imposed directly on the use of currency in itself, for all purposes. 2NC ‘Restrictions’ must be direct and immediate limitations on freedom – otherwise it is simply a regulation Veeraswami, former India Madras High Court chief justice, 1966 (CJ, “T.M. Kannappa Mudaliar And Ors. vs The State Of Madras” Majority opinion, http://www.indiankanoon.org/doc/838831/, DOA: 10-1-12, ldg) The collection of a toll or a tax for the use of a road or AND , J., in Automobile Transport Ltd. v. State of Rajasthan. “On” requires direct relation Dictionary.com (“On,” http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/on) on on, awn Show IPA¶ preposition¶ 1. so AND Hang the picture on the wall. Paste the label on the package. It is not about the effect – it is about the process. If it is possible to produce energy than it is not a restriction CEPR 2011 (Center for Economic and Policy Research, “Federal Regulations Restrict the Use of Government Subsidized Student Loans, Not Private Colleges,” 6-2, http://www.cepr.net/index.php/blogs/beat-the-press/federal-regulations-restrict-the-use-of-government-subsidized-student-loans-not-private-colleges, DOA: 10-1-12, ldg) The Washington Post, which is part of a corporation whose primary income comes from AND be unable to get a subsidized loan from the government for this purpose. Restrictions must be a formal prohibition, not an inducement Groves, Royal Institute of British Architects legal advisor, 1997 (Peter, Sourcebook on Intellectual Property Law, pg 249-50, ldg) Then I come to the word 'restrict', A person though not prohibited is AND - it is impossible to say in advance what the effect will be.
Restrictions on production must mandate a decrease in the quantity produced Anell, WTO panel chairman, 1989 ( "To examine, in the light of the relevant GATT provisions, the matter referred to the CONTRACTING PARTIES by the United States in document L/6445 and to make such findings as will assist the CONTRACTING PARTIES in making the recommendations or in giving the rulings provided for in Article XXIII:2." 3. On 3 April 1989, the Council was informed that agreement had been reached on the following composition of the Panel (C/164): Composition Chairman: Mr. Lars E.R. Anell Members: Mr. Hugh W. Bartlett Mrs. Carmen Luz Guarda CANADA - IMPORT RESTRICTIONS ON ICE CREAM AND YOGHURT Report of the Panel adopted at the Forty-fifth Session of the CONTRACTING PARTIES on 5 December 1989 (L/6568 - 36S/68) http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/88icecrm.pdf, DOA:9-27-12, ldg) The United States argued that Canada had failed to demonstrate that it effectively restricted domestic AND to what the situation would be in the absence of all government measures. Restrictions and regulations are distinct-traffic proves. Dawson, Difference between chief editor, 2011 (Olivia, “Difference Between Rules and Regulations”, 2-10, http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-rules-and-vs-regulations/, DOA: 10-1-12, ldg) Rules and Regulations are two words that are often confused since they appear to mean AND On the other hand rules pertain to games, sports and the like. NSPS is just a regulation-need pollution standard of 1000 pounds per megawatt hour-just need CCS to comply-not a prohibition Kennedy et al., WRI Insigts, 2012 (Kevin, “EPA’s New Source Performance Standards: A Positive Step Toward Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions”, 6-26, insights.wri.org/news/2012/06/epas-new-source-performance-standards-positive-step-toward-reducing-greenhouse-gas-emis, DOA: 3-14-13, ldg) On June 25, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) AND for industrial boilers; and the NSPS for the oil and gas industry. Conditions aren’t restrictions-this distinction matters Pashman, New Jersey Supreme Court justice, 1963 (Morris, “ISIDORE FELDMAN, PLAINTIFF AND THIRD-PARTY PLAINTIFF, V. URBAN COMMERCIAL, INC., AND OTHERS, DEFENDANT”, 78 N.J. Super. 520; 189 A.2d 467; 1963 N.J. Super, lexis, ldg) HN3A title insurance policy "is subject to the same rules of construction as are AND against the person or persons seeking to enforce them." (Emphasis added). “On” requires direct relation Dictionary.com (“On,” http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/on) on on, awn Show IPA¶ preposition¶ 1. so AND Hang the picture on the wall. Paste the label on the package. Regulation is strictly distinct from restriction of production Qureshi, United National Social and Economic Council, 1946 (Verbatim report of the sixth meeting of committee IV. 10-31, http://www.wto.org/gatt_docs/English/SULPDF/90220091.pdf, DOA: 3-14-13, ldg) Mr. Chairman, I would like to point out that in Article 47, AND do so and to expand their production in the interests of their country. 3. Making production tough, expensive, or unlikely isn’t a restriction Caiaccio, Georgia JD, 1994 (Kevin, “Howard v. Babcock, the Business of Law Versus the Ethics of Lawyers: Are Noncompetition Covenants among Law Partners against Public Policy”, 28 Ga. L. Rev. 825, Hein Online, ldg) While the Howard court acknowledged the enforceability of some law practice covenants under the Business AND that a mere "economic consequence" does not equal a prohibition. n143 Including regulations is a limits disaster Doub, former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission member, 1976 (William, “Energy Regulation: A Quagmire for Energy Policy”, Annual Review of Energy, November, JSTOR, ldg) FERS began with the recognition that federal energy policy must result from concerted efforts in AND agencies. Unfortunately, this example is the rule rather than the exception. Adds five million research hours Tugwell, Columbia political science PhD, 1988 (Franklin, The Energy Crisis and the American Political Economy, pg. 162-3, ldg) Finally, administering energy regulations proved a costly and cumbersome endeavor, exacting a AND regulatory process also exceeded $1 billion a year from 1974 to 1980.^ Anything can count TWN 2010 (Third World Network, “WTO claims financial crisis not due to GATS”, February, http://www.twnside.org.sg/title2/wto.info/2010/twninfo100204.htm, DOA: 10-1-12, ldg) Permissible measures depend on the definition to be given to the term "restriction" AND be used to achieve the same purposes and have the same economic effect. That destroys education-too much to comprehend Stafford, Associate at Ross, Marsh and Foster, 1983 (G. William, “Federal Regulation of Energy”, http://felj.org/elj/Energy%20Journals/Vol6_No2_1985_Book_Review2.pdf, DOA: 3-14-13, ldg) It may safely be said that any effort to catalogue "the entire spectrum of AND evaluating laws, regulations, and significant judicial decisions in a single work. 2, Ground-removing barriers lets them avoid relevant production debates and counterplans, which guts the operative topical term and grants them unpredictable external offense and disad answers. 3. Precision: Only direct prohibition is a restriction – key to predictability Sinha, India Supreme Court, 2006 (SB, “Union Of India and Ors vs M/S. Asian Food Industries on 7 November, 2006”, http://www.indiankanoon.org/doc/437310/, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg) We may, however, notice that this Court in State of U.P AND the word prohibiting or some such word, to bring out that effect." Default to precision-technical definitions are the gold standard in energy debates Brown, Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, 1959 (John, “Continental Oil Company, Petitioner, v. Federal Power Commission,” Dissenting Opinion, 266 F.2d 208; 1959 U.S. App. Lexis 5196; 10 Oil and Gas Rep. 601, ldg) Indeed, I do not think that my cautious Brothers would have undertaken this AND , 8). Section 1(b) draws the line at production. Restriction is narrower than regulation-precisions is key US District Court 2009 (Judge Thomas E. Johnson, US District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia, http://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/west-virginia/wvsdce/5:2009cv00152/61171/33, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg) 9 The fourth prong of the Central Hudson test refers to "regulation" of AND more broad or no more expansive than 'necessary' to serve its substantial interests"). Coal affs can meet if they are restrictions on public lands DOI No Date (“U.S. Department Of The Interiorbureau Of Land Management”, http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/prog/energy/coal_and_non-energy.print.html, DOA: 3-14-13, ldg) Public lands are available for coal leasing only after the lands have been evaluated through AND may appear on leases as either stipulations to uses or restrictions on operations. Wind Affs meet BBNEP No Date (“Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program”, http://buzzardsbay.org/windfarms.htm, DOA: 3-14-13, ldg) The first state approval for the project came in May 2005 when approval was given AND Cape Wind can be viewed at the MEPA website, Certificate 12643 FEIR. CTL Military Affs Snider, EandE reporter, 2012 (Annie, “Pentagon still can't define 'energy security,' much less achieve it”, 1-16, http://www.eenews.net/public/Greenwire/2012/01/16/1, DOA: 3-14-13, ldg) Indeed, a military energy issue that has become a symbol of the larger energy AND petroleum, but in the end they acquiesced, leaving the ban intact. Restrictions on oil and natural gas Bernstein, Orlando Business Journal, 2006 (Andrew, “Bush and Congress Should Lift Environmental Restrictions on Energy Production”, 6-2, http://www.aynrand.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticleandid=12623andnews_iv_ctrl=1021, DOA: 3-15-13, ldg) With American consumers currently paying the highest gasoline prices in recent history, and after AND The same freedom in the energy industry will lead to the same result. Limits turn innovation Mayer, Google vice president for search products, 2006 (Marissa, “Creativity loves constraints”, 2-13, http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/06_07/b3971144.htm, ldg) When people think about creativity, they think about artistic work -- unbridled, unguided AND be a clock) or constrained possibilities (a canvas that is marked). Depth outweighs breadth – studies overwhelmingly vote neg – key to education TPC 2010 (Texas Panhandle P-16 Council, Texas-based group of teachers and educators from across the state “Breadth vs. Depth of High School Curriculum Content”, http://www.panhandlep-16.net/users/0001/docs/Position%20Paper2.pdf, DOA: 2-16-13, ldg) Less breadth and more depth in curriculum better prepares students for future careers and education AND compelling outcome: teaching for depth is associated with improvements in later performance”. Doubles the educational benefit Arrington, UVA Today, 2009 (Rebecca, “Study Finds That Students Benefit From Depth, Rather Than Breadth, in High School Science Courses”, 3-4, A recent study reports that high school students who study fewer science topics, but AND impacted twice as much as those in courses that touched on every major topic Reasonability is impossible – it’s arbitrary and undermines research and preparation Resnick, Yeshiva political science professor, 2001 (Evan, “Defining Engagement”, Journal of International Affairs, 54.2, ebsco, ldg) In matters of national security, establishing a clear definition of terms is a precondition AND "engagement," they undermine the ability to build an effective foreign policy. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 5 | Opponent: Wayne State JS | Judge: 1NC Immigration reform will pass because Obama’s spending capital Castaldi, Take Two Host, 3-27 (Charles, “LA Archpishop Gomez Keeps Mahony’s Promise to Push For Immigration Reform,”, Take Two, KPCC California Public Radio, 03/27/2013, da: 03/29/2013, lmm) President Obama said he expects Congress to introduce an immigration reform bill next month. AND , Gomez’s low key lobbying might be a better fit for the times. Natural gas development is extremely unpopular and partisan---alienates everyone Dicker, The Street senior columnist, 2012 (Daniel, “Why Isn't Natural Gas an Election Issue?”, 9-4, http://www.thestreet.com/story/11684440/1/why-isnt-natural-gas-an-election-issue.html?cm_ven=GOOGLEN, DOA: 3-6-13, ldg) Why has this opportunity towards increased reliance on natural gas been so obvious and yet AND has made natural gas a cornerstone of a new and necessary energy policy. Shortage of skilled workers in cyber fields undermines defense against attacks Reuters, 2012 (“Experts warn of shortage of U.S. cyber pros”, 6-13, http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/06/13/us-media-tech-summit-symantec-idUSBRE85B1E220120613, DOA: 2-5-13, ldg) Leading cyber experts warned of a shortage of talented computer security experts in the United AND U.S. universities do not produce enough math and science graduates. Cyberterrorists will obtain or launch nukes – guarantees great power escalation Fritz, Bond University IR masters, 2009 (Jason, “Hacking Nuclear Command and Control”, July, http://www.icnnd.org/latest/research/Jason_Fritz_Hacking_NC2.pdf, DOA: 2-5-13, ldg) This paper will analyse the threat of cyber terrorism in regard to nuclear weapons. AND its own, without the need for compromising command and control centres directly. 1NR Turns case Collapses key infrastructure and means no money to frack, collapses federalism because it forces more nationalism which causes federal supercession, and makes warming inevitable- nuclear war throws soot in the air which destroys the environment and makes Greenhouse effect inevitable. Visa policy is dragging down US-India relations now-CIR solves Zee News 2012 (“Krishna, Hillary to discuss visa fee hike in NY”, 10-1, http://zeenews.india.com/news/nation/krishna-hillary-to-discuss-visa-fee-hike-in-ny_802978.html, DOA: 2-5-13, ldg) New York: The issue of US visa fee hike, which has hurt several AND Krishna will also address the 67th session of the UN General Assembly today. US/India relations averts South Asian nuclear war Schaffer, Center for Strategic and International Security Director of the South Asia Program, 02 (Teresita, “Building a New Partnership with India”, The Washington Quarterly 25.2 (2002) 31-44 , 2/6/13, atl) Washington's increased interest in India since the late 1990s reflects India's economic expansion and position AND people out of poverty depends critically on good relations with the United States. UQ Will pass, Presidential commitment and cooperation has given impetus for reform, only his focus pushes across the finish line- Castaldi- your evidence concedes in the first sentence that border security makes Cantor uneasy, but he believes it’ll still pass, and in the last sentence says that an agreement will be made. PC solves border security Marosi et al, LA Times staff writer, 3/10 (Richard. “Is the border secure?” http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-ff-secure-border-20130310-dto,0,7065262.htmlstory#readmore. Accessed: 3/10/2013. ADC) Obama administration officials claim the frontier is more secure than ever, benefiting from AND in 2011. "All the stuff they asked for, we've done." PC key to get GOP on board Atlantic 2-21-13 (“There's Reason to Be Optimistic About Congress—Seriously”, http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/02/theres-reason-to-be-optimistic-about-congress-seriously/273393/, DOA: 3-29-13, ldg) Nevertheless, this is a new congressional session, and Boren's pessimism might possibly be AND Washington's top leaders -- discussion of a deal being cut becomes sharply pessimistic. Obama’s capital is key to Dems—they’re key Dallas News 1-2-13 (“Editorial: Actions must match Obama’s immigration pledge”, www.dallasnews.com/opinion/editorials/20130102-editorial-actions-must-match-obamas-immigration-pledge.ece, DOA: 2-10-13, ldg) The president’s words to NBC’s David Gregory are only that — words. What will AND fight this year for a comprehensive solution. Nothing but action will count. Capital key Swagel, US News and World Report, 3-6-13 (Phillip, “There are plenty of places Obama could find common ground with the GOP”, http://www.aei.org/article/politics-and-public-opinion/executive/there-are-plenty-of-places-obama-could-find-common-ground-with-the-gop/, DOA: 3-25-13, ldg) While it is hard to expect President Obama and congressional Republicans to bridge their differences AND . A choice to engage constructively with congressional Republicans could hasten immigration reform. Obama has capital and is strategically using it on immigration-budget doesn’t tradeoff Ford, PolicyMic, 3-28-13 (John, “Why Obama Signing Sequestration Into Law Was a Strategic Move”, http://www.policymic.com/articles/31012/why-obama-signing-sequestration-into-law-was-a-strategic-move/421387, DOA: 3-29-13, ldg) At the risk of seeming weak, President Obama is engaging in a tactical withdrawal AND raise to the minimum wage, immigration, and housing, for example. Shields Your ev is talking about shielding for school boards and mental health administrators, not Obama or the President. Definitely links Hamilton, JD Candidate, Stanford Law School, 8-30 (Eric, “Politicizing the Supreme Court,” 8-30-12, http://www.stanfordlawreview.org/online/politicizing-supreme-court, accessed 10-3-12, ara) To state the obvious, Americans do not trust the federal government, and that AND are based on misleading premises that ignore the Court’s special, nonpolitical responsibilities. Obama gets the blame- agency action doesn’t shield from congressional backlash Wallison, AEI resident fellow, 2003 (Peter, “A Power Shift No One Noticed”, 1-1, http://www.aei.org/publications/pubID.15652/pub_detail.asp, DOA: 10-13-12, ldg) Control over independent regulatory agencies has traditionally resided with Congress, which created all of AND H. Donaldson, as a member of the Bush "economic team." Decision Not Announced Fiat means decision must happen now- key to predictable DA and CP ground- makes it impossible to get links and competition- key to fairness and education Even when decisions are officially announced, empirically people find out about it. Totally leaks James Q. Wilson, and John J. Dilulio, UCLA and Princeton political science professors (respectively),1998 American Government: Institutions and Policies, p. 291 American government is the leakiest in the world. The bureaucracy, members of Congress AND not against the law for the press to receive and print government secrets. Thumpers Laundry list cards should be rejected- allow 1AR sandbagging by blowing it up, if they read new cards on specific issues, we get responses. No ev that any of these issues or come before immigration. Obama’s all in on immigration-will pass Martin, CT Post, 3-28-13 (Gary, “Immigration reform gaining support in Congress”, http://www.ctpost.com/local/article/Immigration-reform-gaining-support-in-Congress-4393187.php, DOA: 3-29-13, ldg) A bipartisan bill could be filed in the Senate as early as next week, AND using every ounce of his political clout to try to get comprehensive reform. Top of the docket Sheets, International Business Times, 3-22-13 (Connor, “Immigration Reform Bill Suddenly Close: What Made Republicans Change Their Minds?”, http://www.ibtimes.com/immigration-reform-bill-suddenly-close-what-made-republicans-change-their-minds-1145763, DOA: 3-25-13, ldg) “What you still have is kind of a hard-core restrictionist element AND surprised if this hard-fought battle has finally come to a close. Keystone Ev is from over 15 days ago, doesn’t assume current climate, and obviously has been able to parcel PC aside. Your ev concludes he backed off German, 3/13/13 (Ben, staff writer, The Hill, “Obama: Pipeline decision coming soon,” ¶ http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/287967-obama-tells-gop-that-keystone-pipeline-decision-coming-soon) Despite some lawmakers' bullish take on the meeting, it would have been politically and AND recently released a draft environmental analysis and will take comment for 45 days. He has cover now CSM 3-4-13 (“Does Keystone XL report let Obama off the hook on climate pledge?”, http://www.csmonitor.com/Environment/2013/0304/Does-Keystone-XL-report-let-Obama-off-the-hook-on-climate-pledge, DOA: 3-7-13, ldg) The State Department report, released late Friday, did not endorse a final decision AND conclusions are seen as providing Obama political cover should he approve the project. Not inevitable-environmental backlash could swing it McParland, National Post, 3-4-13 (Kelly, “Kelly McParland: Obama’s Keystone decision comes down to green groups versus everyone else”, http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2013/03/04/kelly-mcparland-obamas-keystone-decision-comes-down-to-green-groups-versus-everyone-else/, DOA: 3-7-13, ldg) If President Barack Obama wants to kill the Keystone XL pipeline — like, really AND sake of it, even though he knows their arguments don’t hold water. Moniz Won’t drain capital – empirics Hutchinson, Huffington Post Political Analyst, 12-31-12 (Earl, “Rice Nomination Fight Won't Drain President Obama's Political Capital,” www.huffingtonpost.com/earl-ofari-hutchinson/rice-nomination-fight-obama_b_2229435.html, d/a 1-3-13, ads) If the heat on UN Ambassador Susan Rice wasn't intense enough from GOP senators that AND the GOP's fulminations about her, will drain any of Obama's political capital. Link Natural gas is the center of political partisanship, radical wings from each party have made support impossible and it independently sparks environmental concerns- Dicker Public and political consensus---fracking regs are popular---prefer newest studies Mall, Energy Collective, 2013 (Amy, “More Americans Want Tough Fracking Regulations”, 1-12, theenergycollective.com/amymall/170271/new-polling-results-more-americans-all-stripes-want-tough-fracking-regulations , DOA: 3-6-13, ldg) A recent Bloomberg National Poll found that 66 percent of Americans want more government oversight AND and clean water should be protected, and that enforcement should be tough. Their Politico evidence is only about Obama wanting to do stuff with fracking- over a month old and doesn’t say that congress people appreciated it- it’s his state of the union Thill evidence only says that fracking industry has given money to certain lobbiests, but enver says that this influence is sufficient to persuade them. This is the same for your browning evidences that they’v ebeen able to just give money, not that it does anything. Industry is weak Overby, NPR reporter, 2012 (Peter, “With Little Clout, Natural Gas Lobby Strikes Out”, 11-23, http://www.vpr.net/npr/113138252/, DOA: 3-6-13, ldg) There is almost a century's worth of natural gas in shale rock formations all over AND up mostly of medium to small companies that can't compete on Capitol Hill. Bluey is about oil and not about fracking, cross ex and CTRL+F test proves. Current climate evidence is stupid and is from 2011, doesn’t assume new climate and only about reducing influence on oil, and is only about a bill about RandD. Reducing environmental regulations triggers massive Congressional battles and requires PC expenditure Kraft et al., Public and Environmental Affairs, 10 (Michael, Norman J. Vig is Winifred and Atherton Bean Professor of Science, Technology, and Society, Emeritus, at Carleton College. “Environmental Policy over Four Decades,” CQPress, http://www.cqpress.com/docs/college/Ch1-kraft-vig.pdf, 2010, da: 03/29/2013, lmm) Despite these notable pledges and actions, rising criticism of environmental programs also was evident AND goal is to illuminate that role and to suggest needed changes and strategies. 2. The GOP will attack Obama on energy Belogolova, National Journal Energy Reporter, 12 (Olga, "Insiders Outreach to Oil industry Won't Help", 5-17-12, http://www.nationaljournal.com/energy/insiders-outreach-to-oil-industry-won-t-help-obama-20120517, accessed 10-7-12, AT) Insiders said that energy issues will continue to be a sticking point in this election AND record to make sure he doesn't get away with trying to mask it.” GOP will make it a rider on controversial positions PIW, 12 (Petroleum Intelligence Weekly, “Obama Plays Safe on Energy Policy, 1-9-12, da: 9-28-12, http://www.energyintel.com/pages/Login.aspx?fid=artandDocId=749987, lmm) Still, there are limits to the president's administrative powers. The Republicans have been AND and more frequent lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and offshore Alaska. No turns---every energy policy is polarizing Whitman, CASEnergy Co-Chair, 12 (Christine, Former EPA Administrator and New Jersey Governor, “Nuclear Power Garners Bipartisan Support,” August 13, http://energy.nationaljournal.com/2012/08/finding-the-sweet-spot-biparti.php?rss=1andutm_source=feedburnerandutm_medium=feedandutm_campaign=Feed%3A+njgroup-energy+%28Energy+%26+Environment+Experts~-~-Q+with+Answer+Previews%29#2237728, 1/5/13, atl) It’s clear from the debate around the merits and drawbacks of various electricity and fuel AND pockets of dissent. This makes crafting universally accepted energy policy particularly challenging. Doesn’t win on energy Eisler, Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, 4-2-12 (Matthew, “Science, Silver Buckshot, and ‘All of The Above”, Accessed 11-10-12, http://scienceprogress.org/2012/04/science-silver-buckshot-and-%E2%80%9Call-of-the-above%E2%80%9D/) NJR Conservatives take President Obama’s rhetoric at face value. Progressives see the president as disingenuous AND will probably mean four more years of inaction and increased resort to cant. NO offense- PC’s not renewable, is zero-sum, and diminishes fast Ryan, Former Director ISER, 9 (Selwyn, Professor Emeritus and former Director, Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of the West Indies, 1-18-9, “Obama and political capital”, Accessed 11-10-12, http://www.trinidadexpress.com/index.pl/article_opinion?id=161426968) NJR Like many, I expect much from Obama, who for the time being, AND his 15 million strong constituency in cyberspace (the latent "Obama Party"). Inevitable All or nothing Fung, National Journal, 3-6-13 (Brian, “Democrats' Dilemma on High-Skilled Immigration Reform”, http://www.nationaljournal.com/tech/democrats-dilemma-on-high-skilled-immigration-reform-20130306, DOA: 3-7-13, ldg) In a world with no competing priorities, H-1B reform would pass easily AND benefit from the perception of Latinos as a natural constituency for their party. It’s ‘path to citizenship’ or nothing---means uniqueness doesn’t outweigh---it could be derailed Helderman et al., Washington Post, 1-31-13 (Rosalind, “Citizenship question roils both parties as immigration debate gets underway”, http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/citizenship-question-roils-both-parties-as-immigration-debate-gets-underway/2013/01/31/0588b44a-6b97-11e2-bd36-c0fe61a205f6_story.html, DOA: 2-9-13, ldg) Rising tensions over whether to give illegal immigrants a chance to pursue full citizenship could AND is far from inevitable. There’s a million land mines in the way.” It’s all or nothing-no piecemeal reform Dwoskin, Business Week, 1-21-13 (Elizabeth, “A Hard Line on Immigration Reform Lurks in Obama's Inaugural Speech”, www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-01-21/the-hard-line-on-immigration-hidden-in-obamas-inaugural-speech, DOA: 2-10-13, ldg) But that’s not the way it’s going to happen. What Obama didn’t say in AND of the estimated 11 million immigrants living illegally in the U.S. No Shortage Not about the cyber industry- defer industry specific evidence that they can’t garner enough experienced professionals- that’s Reuters Immigration reform generates an effective base of IT experts McLarty, former Clinton chief of staff, 2009 (Thomas, “U.S. Immigration Policy: Report of a CFR-Sponsored Independent Task Force”, 7-8, http://www.cfr.org/ publication/19759/us_immigration_policy.html, DOA: 2-12-13, ldg) We have seen, when you look at the table of the top 20 firms AND going to strengthen, I think, our system, our security needs. NO Threat Catastrophic threat now- dramatic recent changes Clinton, Internet Security Alliance president, 2-8 (Larry, "Cybersecurity and Private Sector Responses," CQ Congressional Testimony, l/n, accessed 2-21-12, mss) THE EVOLVING CYBER THREAT There has been a dramatic change in the cyber threat picture AND does mean we need to modernize our notion of what constitutes cyber defense. High risk – threats are deflated – kills heg and the economy – regulation and incentives approach solves Langevin, US representative and co-founder of the Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus, 2-1-12 (James, ranking member of the Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, “Cybersecurity Overhaul Needs Sense of Urgency,” Roll Call, 2-1-12, http://www.rollcall.com/issues/57_88/james_langevin_cybersecurity_overhaul_needs_sense_urgency-212020-1.html?pos=oopih, accessed 2-22-12, mtf) The dialogue on cybersecurity has come a long way in the past few years. AND in recognizing the true extent of its effect on our economy and safety. Ag industry’s collapsing now---immigration’s key Serrano, Time magazine, 2012 (Alfonso, “Bitter Harvest: U.S. Farmers Blame Billion-Dollar Losses on Immigration Laws”, 9-21, http://business.time.com/2012/09/21/bitter-harvest-u-s-farmers-blame-billion-dollar-losses-on-immigration-laws/, DOA: 2-12-13, ldg) The Broetjes and an increasing number of farmers across the country say that a complex AND up to $9 billion, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation. Extinction Luger, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 00 (Richard, US Senator from Indiana, and a member and former chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, 2000, “Plant power”, http://www.ourplanet.com/imgversn/143/lugar.html, 3/15/13, atl) In a world confronted by global terrorism, turmoil in the Middle East, burgeoning AND in the survival of billions of people and the health of our planet. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 5 | Opponent: Wayne State JS | Judge: Supreme Court is minimalist now Adler, law professor at the Case Western Reserve University School of Law, 2010 (Jonathan, “Court Under Roberts Is Most Restrained in Decades”, 8-1, http://volokh.com/2010/08/01/court-under-roberts-is-most-restrained-in-decades/, accessed 8-16-10, ldg) A court that adopts a conservative result more often does not necessarily move the law AND Roberts Court, even if one accepts that it is notably “conservative.” A. Courts use agenda-setting to defer to congress and avoid conflict – fiated nature of the plan destroys this Geyh, Indiana University Law Professor, 2006 (Charles, When Courts and Congress Collide, pg 231-232, ldg) There are very few cases that the Supreme Court is required by law to hear AND on its agenda such as cases that could provoke unwanted fights with Congress. B. These conflict avoidance doctrines are the lynchpin to avoiding congressional retaliation- moots their non-uniques Geyh, Indiana University Law Professor, 2006 (Charles, When Courts and Congress Collide, pg 223-224, ldg) The restraint that Congress has traditionally exhibited toward the judiciary in most contexts has been AND -government in ways deferential to and solicitous of the desires of Congress. Congress backlashes when the Court takes their power. Ignagni and Meernik, U. of North Texas and U. of Texas Political Science Professors, 1994 ("Explaining Congressional Attempts to Reverse Supreme Court Decisions." Political Research Quarterly 47 JSTOR, ldg) Congressional Power The second set of factors influencing congressional responses to Court decisions are those forces that AND power and prestige of Congress, the more likely is a legislative response. Independent courts are key to economic growth Silverstein, Berkeley political science professor, 2006 (Gordon, “SEQUENCING THE DNA OF COMPARATIVE CONSTITUTIONALISM: A THOUGHT EXPERIMENT," Maryland Law Review, 65 Md. L. Rev. 49, lexis, ldg) The rule of law is an opaque concept, but one thing it seems to AND valuable economic asset, part of our capital, although an intangible one. Nuclear war Kempt, Nixon Center regional strategic programs director, 2010 (Geoffrey, The East Moves West: India, China, and Asia’s Growing Presence in the Middle East, pg 233-4, ldg) The second scenario, called Mayhem and Chaos, is the opposite of the first AND expected, with dire consequences for two-thirds of the planet’s population. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 5 | Opponent: Wayne State JS | Judge: The United States Congress should remove the Environmental Protection Agency’s New Source Performance Standards and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Reviews on natural gas production. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 5 | Opponent: Wayne State JS | Judge: Viewing energy as merely a societal input reproduces tech positivism, inequality and neoliberal expansion-culminates in extinction. Byrne et al., Delaware Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, 2009 (John, “Relocating Energy in the Social Commons Ideas for a Sustainable Energy Utility”, Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, 29.2, April, http://www.iatp.org/files/258_2_106003.pdf, DOA: 10-13-12, ldg) “Living Well”: Growth Without End Since the industrial revolution, social progress has AND in scale, its most extensive threat to life in all forms.5 The alternative is to embrace commons instead of enclosures Discourse of the commons solves-creates space to challenge neoliberalism De Angelis, East London political economy professor, 2003 (Massimo, “Reflections on alternatives, commons and communities”, Winter, http://www.commoner.org.uk/deangelis06.pdf, DOA: 7-2-12, ldg) This movement has posed the question of a plurality of “alternatives” to the AND , at the same time building and strengthening communities through the social fields. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 5 | Opponent: Wayne State JS | Judge: 1NC No extinction impact Ruppel, U.S. Geological Survey researcher, 2012 (Carolyn, “Methane Hydrates: Fire and Ice”, 3-9, http://www.loe.org/shows/segments.html?programID=12-P13-00010andsegmentID=2, DOA: 9-29-12, ldg) RUPPEL: No. You know, when we’re drilling, it’s a discrete borehole AND don’t think there really are large risks to worry about with the production. Won’t trigger warming Chameides, Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment Dean, 12 (Bill, 7-20-12, “Natural Gas: A Bridge to a Low-Carbon Future or Not?,” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-chameides/-natural-gas-a-bridge-to_b_1690857.html, 2/16/13, atl) Since the paper's publication, other investigators and studies have weighed in on the matter AND there's the issue of the short-term climate effects from fugitive emissions. Even if they regulate, states fail at enforcement-only federal regulation solves public perception while maintain production Levi, CFR senior fellow for energy, 2012 (Michael, “Think Again: The American Energy Boom”, Foreign Policy, July/August, ebsco, ldg) "Strong Regulations Would Kill the Boom." DEAD WRONG THE TECHNOLOGY AT the heart AND down drilling, the price of natural gas will rise a lot more. Repealing EPA regs triggers a massive anti-fracking backlash-collapses the industry Tullis, Bloomberg Businessweek, 2012 (Paul, “New EPA Rules Could Prevent 'Fracking' Backlash”, 4-18, http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-04-18/new-epa-rules-could-prevent-fracking-backlash, DOA: 3-6-13, ldg) The Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday released new rules to limit methane emissions from natural AND , “then supporting sensible safeguards like these regulations is in their interest.” Public environmental concern’s the number one threat to fracking-industry ranks it above regulatory issues KPMG 2011 (KPMG Global Energy Institute, “Shale Gas – A Global Perspective”, http://www.kpmg.com/Global/en/IssuesAndInsights/ArticlesPublications/Documents/shale-gas-global-perspective.pdf, DOA: 3-6-13, ldg) 4. The industry needs to control reputational risk and turn public opinion around. AND 41 percent), with regulatory concerns voted as the second (27 percent). EPA regs solve methane Howarth et al., Cornell Ecology and Environmental Biology professor, 2012 (Robert, “Venting and leaking of methane from shale gas development: response to Cathles et al.”, Climatic Change, Science Direct, ldg) In July 2011, EPA (2011b, e) proposed new regulations to reduce AND 2) (Shindell et al. 2012; UNEP/WMO 2011). The regs solve gas flaring LaCount, MJBandA executive vice president, 2012 (Robert, “EPA Finalizes Emissions Standards for the Oil and Gas Industry, Including First-Ever Federal Air Standards for Hydraulic Fracturing”, 4-19, http://www.mjbradley.com/sites/default/files/MJBA_EPAReleasesFinalOGNSPS_19April2012fnl.pdf, DOA: 3-6-13, ldg) Delayed Operational Impacts. The OandG NSPS requires, with certain exceptions, AND ) and pneumatic controllers (one year after publication in the Federal Register). Extinction Osai, Port Harcourt social sciences faculty, 2002 (Jason, “Shell As Agama Lizard”, 3-17, http://www.waado.org/Environment/OilCompanies/Shell-Communities/ShellsFalsePR.html, DOA: 3-6-13, ldg) Talking of the impact of gas flaring on the environment, in 1984/85 AND about pollution and its negative impact on the environment - immediate or otherwise. No warming impact – forecasts are wrong and we will adapt Aikman, Australian correspondent, 2011 (Amos, “Climate forecasts 'exaggerated': Science journal”, 11-25, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/health-science/climate-forecasts-exaggerated-science-journal/story-e6frg8y6-1226205464958, DOA: 3-16-13, ldg) DRAMATIC forecasts of global warming resulting from a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide have been AND , the results imply less probability of extreme climatic change than previously thought." Dangerous climate change inevitable-most comprehensive accounts. Anderson et al., Tyndall Centre for Climate Change research professor, 2011 (Kevin, “Beyond ‘dangerous’ climate change: emission scenarios for a new world”, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A January 13, 2011 369 20-44, DOA: 6-5-12, ldg) In relation to the first two issues, the Copenhagen Accord and many other high AND from that detailed in many other analyses, particularly those directly informing policy. 2NC No impact to methane—studies prove Levi, CFR energy fellow, ‘12 (Michael, 8-17-12, “Why Allowing Natural Gas Exports Is Probably Good for Climate Change,” http://blogs.cfr.org/levi/2012/08/17/why-allowing-natural-gas-exports-is-probably-good-for-climate-change/, 2/16/13, atl) Onward with Romm’s analysis: It is head-scratching to say the least to AND makes a dent in the greenhouse gas advantages of natural gas over coal. States will not regulate – no penalties to deter violaters means even if there are technically rules on the books they do not enforce them - states are constantly in competition with each other which means there is a financial incentive to have weaker regulations than the next state because they think it will give them an advantage – that’s Levi I will indict every card they have that says states are good are regulating Entine evidence is only about Pennslyvania and does not establish that the states are better than the government Adler evidence is not about fracking at all – just government policy in general obviously doesn’t assume new regs or financial incentive to outcompete other states Mead evidence is written by the governor of Wyoming and that this the only state mentioned in the card – obviously he’s going to say that his regulations are best and that the government should stay out of it – Willie evidence is written by a law student at Brigham Young and he just says that states are good enough – not comparative with federal regulations Maddox evidence is pretty good about how you can’t have uniform policy but it’s about the “Agency's relentless push for a single, overarching federal law to regulate the entire industry” which is not what the new regulations are – Weinhold evidence says the industry adjusted the rules to allow for better compliance last Adler card and last willie card just say states know what’s going on – do not say they will enforce or indict the regs the aff removes Some states have zero rules-they’re insufficient to solve environmental concerns The Hill 2012 (“Obama's Interior chief: State regulation of fracking ‘not good enough for me”, 6-26, thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/234737-salazar-state-fracking-oversight-is-not-good-enough-for-me, DOA: 3-6-13, ldg) Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is striking back at oil-and-gas companies that AND rules also address well integrity and management of so-called flowback water. State regulations suck Horn, DCS, 2012 (Steve, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability, “State Fracking Regulations NOT Being Enforced”, 10-1, http://www.damascuscitizensforsustainability.org/2012/10/state-fracking-regulations-not-being-enforced/, DOA 3-14-13, ldg) The content of the report is exactly as it sounds. That is, state AND , every state we studied fails to adequately enforce regulations on the books. Federal baseline is key to prevent collapse of the industry Freeman, Harvard law professor, 2012 (Jody, “The Wise Way to Regulate Gas Drilling”, 7-5, http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/06/opinion/the-wise-way-to-regulate-hydraulic-fracturing.html, DOA: 3-14-13, ldg) The states have moved forward with a patchwork of regulations — some specific and prescriptive AND as state plans — has been in place for coal mining since 1977. Most authoritative accounts prove warming inevitable-too much C02 in the system and feasible solutions don’t do enough in time-that’s Anderson Tipping points will be reached soon. Seldon, Security and Sustainability Forum, 2012 (Roberta, “Question of the Day: Is it Too Late to Combat Global Warming?”, 4-30, http://securityandsustainabilityforum.org/question-of-the-day-is-it-too-late-to-combat-global-warming-2651, DOA: 6-1-12, ldg) Is it really too late to do anything about global warming? Yes — at AND unstable autocratic political system demands growth at all costs. That means coal.” 4 degree warming is probable-even with substantial emission plans. Prinn et al., MIT atmospheric science professor, 2011 (Ronald, “Scenarios with MIT integrated global systems model: significant global warming regardless of different approaches”, Climatic Change, February, proquest, ldg) Different groups employ different philosophies and methodologies to produce emissions scenarios. The IPCC SRES AND change even if there is substantial effort to reduce emissions from reference conditions. Only carbon-negative strategies solve Lubin, Business Insider reporter, 2011 (Gus, “New Study Says It May Be Too Late To Prevent The Global Warming Nightmare Scenario”, 10-22, http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-10-22/news/30309712_1_global-warming-greenhouse-gases-sea-levels, DOA: 10-4-12, ldg) We've ignored the climate change gurus for too long, and now it's probably too AND heavy use of energy systems that actually remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. That means 6 degree warming’s inevitable AP, 9 (9-24, “Expect big jump in temperatures, U.N. warns: 6-degree increase by 2100 forecast after review of scientific data”, Accessed 10-3-12, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33011378/ns/us_news-environment/t/expect-big-jump-temperatures-un-warns/#.UGyUuJjA_Ak) NJR Earth's temperature is likely to jump six degrees between now and the end of the AND He said seas should rise about a foot every 20 to 25 years. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 5 | Opponent: Wayne State JS | Judge: 1NC Gas production is booming, despite the regs Pirog, CRS energy economics specialist, 2012 (Robert, “Natural Gas in the U.S. Economy: Opportunities for Growth”, 11-6, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R42814.pdf, DOA: 3-6-13, ldg) Due to the growth in natural gas production, primarily from shale gas, the AND use and disposal in hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas from shale formations. Industry concedes they can comply with the regs Weinhold, Environmental Journalists Society member, 2012 (Bob, “The Future of Fracking: New Rules Target Air Emissions for Cleaner Natural Gas Production”, July, Environmental Health Perspectives, 120.7, Science Direct, ldg) The oil and natural gas industry has its own concerns about the new rules but AND continue reducing emissions while producing the oil and natural gas our country needs.” Labor shortages destroy the chem industry ILO 2011 (International Labour Organization, States News Service, 10-21, lexis, ldg) With respect to working conditions, the report notes long working hours as the norm AND executives than the average in the Fortune 500 listing of manufacturing sector firms. Chemical industry resilient Shannon et al., KPMG’s Chemicals and Performance Technologies leader, 2012 (Mike, “The future of the US chemical industry”, http://www.kpmg.com/global/en/issuesandinsights/articlespublications/reaction/pages/the-future-of-the-us-chemical-industry.aspx, DOA: 10-15-12, ldg) Much can also be said for the industry’s recent actions aimed at reducing the cost AND Clearly, the medium term outlook for the market is one of optimism. Prices don’t matter to chemical industry Lewe et al., Cologne chemicals PhD, 2012 (Tobias, “Collaboration: A New Mantra for Chemical Industry Growth”, June, http://www.atkearney.com/paper/-/asset_publisher/dVxv4Hz2h8bS/content/id/368085, DOA: 10-15-12, ldg) At the same time, raw material prices are not expected to change, which AND (38 percent), and using scenarios for investment decisions (31 percent). Chemical industry doesn’t solve sustainability Elkington, Volans executive chairman, 2012 (John, “Chemical industry isn't doing enough to embrace sustainability”, 9-12, http://www.guardian.co.uk/sustainable-business/sustainability-with-john-elkington/chemical-industry-embrace-sustainability-environment?newsfeed=true, DOA: 2-15-13, ldg) One speaker showed a slide headed 'Sustainability is …', spotlighting Shin-Etsu AND G's Peter Kunze, "because we would then have a business model!" - No precedent spillover- judges vote based ideology, and ignore stare decisis
Flemming, Texas AandM University political science professor, 2000 Roy, "Majority Rule or Minority Will: Adherence to Precedence on the U.S.Supreme Court," Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol 33, No. 2, jstor, accessed 7-25-10, mss
In the United States, proponents of legal realism in its various forms have continuously AND as the sampling procedure was the identification of the progeny of precedentsetting cases. Alliances are out dated, multi-polarity is stable and there is no scenario for war in a world of US decline Friedman et al., MIT political science PhD candidate, 2012 (Benjamin, “Why the U.S. Military Budget is ‘Foolish and Sustainable”, Orbis, 56.2, Science Direct, ldg) Standard arguments for maintaining the alliances come in two contradictory strains. One, drawn AND of misperceived hostility sufficient to resurrect the bad old days of European history. U.S. can’t deploy heg to solve conflicts – public restraint, international relations, and deployment capabilities Talmadge, Staff Writer for the Harvard International Review, 2006 (Caitlin, Ph.D. candidate in political science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "The Restrained Hegemon," 5-6-06, Harvard International Review, http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://hir.harvard.edu/intelligence/the-restrained-hegemon, accessed 3-17-11, mtf) First, the domestic politics of the United States limit its international freedom of action AND to remain the sole superpower, the United States avoids acting like one.\ Heg is sustainable – new changes on one facet of leadership aren’t enough the US is still ahead on the greatest combination of strengths. Brooks and Wohlforth, government professors at Dartmouth, 2009 (Stephen and William, “Reshaping the World Order”, Foreign Affairs, 00157120, Mar/Apr2009, Vol. 88, Issue 2, ebsco, ldg) So why has opinion shifted so quickly from visions of empire to gloomy declinism? AND in a far stronger position to lead the world than any other state. Sequestration kills military effectiveness Reuters 9-26-12 (“Training for the next Libya, Marine teams wary of budget cuts”, accessed 10-7-12, http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/26/us-usa-marines-training-idUSBRE88P1PZ20120926) NJR The FAST companies are largely defensive forces created in 1987 and have been used regularly AND would have to look at where they would accept risks," he said. 2. Lower courts won’t model the Supreme Court decision- takes out solvency Reynolds, Univ. of Tennessee law professor, and Denning, Samford law professor, 2005 Glenn, Univ. of Tennessee Beauchamp Brogan Distinguished Professor of Law, and Brannon, Samford University Cumberland School of Law Professor of Law and Director of Faculty Development, Lewis and Clark Law Review, "Paper Symposium: Federalism After Gonzales V. Raich: Symposium Article: What Hath Raich Wrought? Five Takes," 9 Lewis and Clark L. Rev. 915, Winter, l/n, accessed 7-28-10, mss Among those people are the judges of the federal district courts and courts of appeal AND that might create more burdens for overworked judges, was getting short shrift. AND- lower courts are key Morgan, law professor, 2006 Denise, Professor, New York Law School, 1995-2006, New York Law School Law Review, "ARTICLE: INTRODUCTION: A TALE OF (AT LEAST) TWO FEDERALISMS," 50 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 615, l/n, accessed 5-1-10, mss With federalism jurisprudence in such an unsettled state, and with the Supreme Court accepting AND that most often have the last word on the scope of Congress's powers. 2NC Two schools of thought about the Court- both conclude the Court ignores precedent Gerhardt, William and Mary Law School professor, 2005 Michael, Arthur B. Hanson Professor, William and Mary Law School, Visiting Professor, University of Minnesota, University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law, "THE LIMITED PATH DEPENDENCY OF PRECEDENT," 7 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 903, l/n, accessed 7-25-10, mss Most legal scholars are unaware of the two dominant models of the Court in social AND outcome), or else the Supreme Court would have decided its cases differently. Precedent has no intrinsic authority. Posner, Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, 2005 (Richard, “THE SUPREME COURT 2004 TERM FOREWORD: A POLITICAL COURT”, 10-26, http://trinity.ritterdosreis.br/phl5/images/CAN/SP/SP014599_31.pdf, ldg) I said that the Court gives some weight to precedent. But it does AND that a decision is correct; it is not even evidence of correctness. Naval power is irrelevant Jarkowsky, U.S. Army Lt. Colonel, 2002 (Jeffrey, “’Boots on the Ground’–Will US Landpower still be decisive in future conflicts?” http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a404518.pdf, d/a 12-21-12, ads) The role of seapower is unlikely to change from the vision expressed in current naval AND is not likely to be the sole decisive force in achieving the conflict's objectives Naval primacy inevitable – US will adapt and is too far ahead Harris, Australian National University International Relations Professor, 2008 (Stuart, “China's "new" diplomacy: tactical or fundamental change?” Google Books, pg 20, d/a 1-18-13, ads) The United States also keeps a close eye on Chinas military modernization. It believes AND overwhelming U.S. naval superiority will remain for a long time. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: Mich DH | Judge: Whittington, science authr, Washington Post, 3-15-13 (Mark, "DOE Restarts Plutonium-238 Production for NASA Space Probes," Yahoo News, March 15, 2013, http://news.yahoo.com/doe-restarts-plutonium-238-production-nasa-space-probes-183700436.html-http://news.yahoo.com/doe-restarts-plutonium-238-production-nasa-space-probes-183700436.html, accessed 3/22/13, kns) Popular Science is reporting that for the first time in more than two decades, AND Sojourner, Spirit, and Opportunity rovers contained heaters containing Plutonium-238. Dickinson, science writer, Universe Today, 3-20-13 (David, "U.S. To Restart Plutonium Production for Deep Space Exploration," March 20, 2013, http://www.universetoday.com/100875/u-s-to-restart-plutonium-production-for-deep-space-exploration/-http://www.universetoday.com/100875/u-s-to-restart-plutonium-production-for-deep-space-exploration/, accessed 3/22/13, kns) The end of NASA’s plutonium shortage may be in sight. On Monday March 18th AND lake lander and a Jupiter Icy Moons mission would all be nuclear powered. McKee, space and physical science news editor, 3-15-13 (Maggie, "Plutonium tests offer hope for dark space missions," New Scientist magazine, March 15, 2013, http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn23285-plutonium-tests-offer-hope-for-dark-space-missions.html-http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn23285-plutonium-tests-offer-hope-for-dark-space-missions.html, accessed 3/22/13, kns) The future is looking brighter for missions to the solar system’s dark corners. Plutonium AND of Energy aims to ramp up to that production level by late 2017. Ferro, PopSci Correspondent, 13 (Shaunacy, "NASA Resumes Production Of Plutonium-238 Space Fuel After 25 Years", http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-03/first-time-cold-war-us-making-plutonium-238-http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-03/first-time-cold-war-us-making-plutonium-238, 03/14/2013, da: 03/28/2013, lmm) For the first time in more than two decades, the United States can put AND . plutonium to bring the depleted plutonium up to the necessary energy density. And the President signed itWhite House Press Secretary, 2-26-13 ("Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 933," March 26, 2013, http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/03/26/statement-press-secretary-hr-933-http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/03/26/statement-press-secretary-hr-933, accessed 3/28/13, kns) On Tuesday, March 26, 2013, the President signed into law: H AND in Divisions A through F to assure compliance with the discretionary spending limits. The bill funds plutonium production for RTGs AND restores funding for further space exploration and planetary scienceH.R. 933: Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 (113th Congress, 2013, http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hr933/text-http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hr933/text, accessed 3/28/13, kns) National Aeronautics and Space Administration science For necessary expenses, not otherwise provided for, AND ,100,000 shall be available for independent verification and validation activities. Bailey, Reason’s science correspondent, 2011 (Ronald, "Internet vulnerability to attacks exaggerated, says new report", 1-18, http://reason.com/archives/2011/01/18/cyberwar-is-harder-than-it-http://reason.com/archives/2011/01/18/cyberwar-is-harder-than-it, ldg) Modern life is made possible by sets of tightly interconnected systems, supplying us with AND to defend against them, will also defend against the threat of cyberwarfare. Sagoff, Maryland public policy senior scholar, 1997 (Mark, "INSTITUTE OF BILL OF RIGHTS LAW SYMPOSIUM DEFINING TAKINGS: PRIVATE PROPERTY AND THE FUTURE OF GOVERNMENT REGULATION: MUDDLE OR MUDDLE THROUGH? TAKINGS JURISPRUDENCE MEETS THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT", March, 38 Wm and Mary L. Rev. 825, lexis, ldg) To be sure, if extinctions continue at present rates indefinitely, at some point AND -rich all the time largely as a result of human action. n354 No impact to space miscalc- no escalation and clarificationLambakis, senior defense analyst, National Institute for Public Policy, 1 (Steven, "Space Weapons: Refuting the Critics," The Hoover Institution Policy Review, February 1, 2001, http://www.hoover.org/publications/policy-review/article/6612-http://www.hoover.org/publications/policy-review/article/6612, accessed 3/29/13, kns) Those who believe we run extraordinary risks stemming from clouded perceptions and misunderstandings in an AND decisions that might lead to war or escalation with care, not dispatch. No escalation AND defense systems preventDolman and Cooper, professor, Comparative Military Studies, and director, Strategic Defense Initiative, 11 (Everett and Henry, "Toward a Theory of Space Power, Chapter 19: Increasing the Military Uses of Space," http://www.ndu.edu/press/space-Ch19.html-http://www.ndu.edu/press/space-Ch19.html, accessed 3/27/13, kns) A limited strike capability from space would allow for the engagement of the highest threat AND —it might provide for the very survival of our way of life. Hoffman, Foreign Policy Contributing editor, 2012 (David, October 22, "Hey, Big Spender," www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/10/22/hey_big_spender?page=full-http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/10/22/hey_big_spender?page=full, d/a 2-8-13, ads) Despite tensions that flare up, the United States and Russia are no longer enemies; the chance of nuclear war or surprise attack is nearly zero. We trade in each other’s equity markets. Russia has the largest audience of Facebook users in Europe, and is open to the world in a way the Soviet Union never was. Sestanovich, Colombia University International Diplomacy Professor, 2008 (Stephen, Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow, Nov/Dec, "What Has Moscow Done?" http://www.ciaonet.org/journals/fa/v87i6/02.html-http://www.ciaonet.org/journals/fa/v87i6/02.html, d/a 2-8-13, ads) Against this backdrop, Russia’s invasion of a small neighbor might have seemed to be AND not changed this outlook, and for the foreseeable future probably nothing will. Young, Boston Globe and Reason staff writer, April 2009 ~Cathy, "Unclenching the First," Reason, http://www.reason.com/news/show/131970.html, accessed June 2009, mss~ It could be that the conflict is more contrived than real on Russia’s end. The belief that Kremlin rhetoric about the American threat is a faux paranoia, calculated to enable bullying at home and abroad, is shared by numerous commentators inside Russia, from the Carnegie Endowment’s Lilia Shevtsova to former top-level Soviet arms negotiator Gen. Vladimir Dvorkin. No risk of war- even a new cold war is inconceivable- there won’t even be frosty relations- AND war is impossible because Russia knows it has no alliesGrant, Centre for European Reform director, November 2008 ~Charles, "How to Handle the New Russia," CER, http://www.cer.org.uk/articles/62_grant.html, accessed June 2009, mss~ But despite the bluster and rhetoric, another Cold War is inconceivable. One reason AND the next article shows, Beijing’s relations with Moscow are far from warm. |
| 03/31/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: Mich DH | Judge: Cole et al., UCLA School of Public Health, 2008 (Brian, "Building Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Capacity: A Strategy for Congress and Government Agencies", December, http://www.prevent.org/data/files/initiatives/buildignhealthimpactassessmenthiacapacity.pdf-http://www.prevent.org/data/files/initiatives/buildignhealthimpactassessmenthiacapacity.pdf, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) Some degree of institutionalization is necessary if HIA is to achieve its aim of guiding AND regardless of whether an HIA is even conducted in a particular situation. 3 Bhatia et al., San Francisco Department of Public Health, 2009 (Rajiv, "Integrating human health into environmental impact assessment: an unrealized opportunity for environmental health and justice", July/Aug, http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1413-81232009000400022%26script=sci_arttext-http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1413-81232009000400022%26script=sci_arttext, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) Industry proponents should also be viewed as important potential collaborators in integrated HIA/EIA AND has approached the NSB to discuss collaboration on HIA and sustainable development planning. 1. Mutually exclusive –CP is distinct due to prior and legally binding review – it is a competing approach to status quo rubber stamping – that’s Bratspies.Defer to field experts – they’re most knowledgeable, precise, and define the literature base that should determine competition – its critical to topic educationRandom House Dictionary, 2009 ~Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, "resolved," http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Resolved, mss~ re⋅solved ~ri-zolvd~ –adjective firm in purpose or intent; determined. Mechanism mandates certainty – "increase" must be a mandateHEFC 2004 (Higher Education Funding Council for England, "Joint Committee on the Draft Charities Bill Written Evidence", June, http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/jt200304/jtselect/jtchar/167/167we98.htm-http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/jt200304/jtselect/jtchar/167/167we98.htm, ldg) 9.1 The Draft Bill creates an obligation on the principal regulator to do AND . Indeed, the obligation could be considered to be ever-increasing. Words %26 Phrases 64 (40 W%26P 759) The words "outward, open, actual, visible, substantial, and exclusive AND or pertaining to any others; undivided; sole; opposed to inclusive. Summer, Oklahoma Supreme Court, 1994 (Justice, "Kelsey v. Dollarsaver Food Warehouse of Durant",http://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/DeliverDocument.asp?CiteID=20287~~%23marker3fn14, ldg) 4 The legal question to be resolved by the court is whether the word " AND . 336, 337, 27 L.Ed. 201 (1882). Bratspies, CUNY law professor, 2010 (Rebecca, "The Intersection Of International Human Rights And Domestic Environmental Regulation", 8-20, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1662576-http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1662576, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) recognized "the profound impact of man AND is that they identify humans as the center of the environmental protection enterprise. Normal means should govern competition: its based in literature, predictable for both sides, and fair because they only have to defend one process of action2. Greater awareness creates demandCollins et al., PhD and CDC’s Associate Director for Program, 2009 (Janet, "Health Impact Assessment A Step Toward Health in All Policies", 7-15, http://www.humanimpact.org/doc-lib/finish/14/17-http://www.humanimpact.org/doc-lib/finish/14/17, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) Health is determined not only by genetics and personal choices but also by policies and AND provide policymakers with the information they need to make decisions that improve health. 3. CP increases coordination and appreciation-leads to more in the future.Cole et al., UCLA School of Public Health, 2008 (Brian, "Building Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Capacity: A Strategy for Congress and Government Agencies", December, http://www.prevent.org/data/files/initiatives/buildignhealthimpactassessmenthiacapacity.pdf-http://www.prevent.org/data/files/initiatives/buildignhealthimpactassessmenthiacapacity.pdf, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) The value of HIA goes beyond bringing sound, credible information to bear on specific AND after completion of work on a particular policy or project. 46,47 Cole et al., UCLA School of Public Health, 2007 (Brian, "Health Impact Assessment: A Tool to Help Policy Makers Understand Health Beyond Health Care", Annual Review of Public Health Vol. 28, April, Annual Reviews, ldg) Although interest in HIA in the United States has surged in recent years, U AND understood, nor is it the best approach to address all policy questions. 1. Public participation-gives the project legitimacy and nullifies future backlash that will derail the deal.Wolsink, Amsterdam geography professor, 2010 (Maarten, "Contested environmental policy infrastructure: Socio-political acceptance of renewable energy, water, and waste facilities", Environmental Impact Assessment Review Volume 30, Issue 5, September 2010, Pages 302–311, ScienceDirect, ldg) In the example case of the IPWA (InterProvincial Windfarm Afsluitdijk) we see this AND below the level of Germany for example (Agterbosch and Breukers, 2008). 2.Equity-review would maintain intergenerational equity-that solves overexploitation and deploying risky technology that would make the project end in environmental disaster-that’s BratspiesWernham, MD and Health Impact Project director, 2011 (Aaron, "Health Impact Assessment: A Tool That Can Build A Healthier America", 1-5,http://thehealthcareblog.com/blog/2011/01/05/health-impact-assessment-a-tool-that-can-build-a-healthier-america/, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) Yet officials in transportation and other sectors like energy, agriculture or housing do not AND opportunities for exercise, all with a minimum investment of time and expense. Bhatia et al., San Francisco Department of Public Health, 2009 (Rajiv, "Integrating human health into environmental impact assessment: an unrealized opportunity for environmental health and justice", July/Aug, http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1413-81232009000400022%26script=sci_arttext-http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1413-81232009000400022%26script=sci_arttext, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) The case examples also illustrate that the integrated HIA/EIA can result in new AND of health into the regulatory process for a number of large industrial proposals. Percival, Maryland law professor, 1997 (Robert, "Regulatory Evolution and the Future of Environmental Policy", 1997 U Chi Legal F 159, lexis, ldg) Those who make a serious effort to "rethink regulation" ultimately will recognize that AND of consensus-building processes that foster compromises necessary to overcome legislative gridlock. Brunell, Association of Washington Businesses, 2012 (Don, "Washington View: Energy policy, clean-coal technology key to state’s future", 1-2, http://www.columbian.com/news/2012/jan/03/energy-policy-clean-coal-technology-key-to-states/?print-http://www.columbian.com/news/2012/jan/03/energy-policy-clean-coal-technology-key-to-states/?print, DOA: 8-23-12, ldg) Progress on clean-coal technology in the U.S. has been painfully AND and design that prompted some private funders to back out of the project. Dreher, Georgetown Environmental law and policy institute deputy executive director, 2005 (Robert, "The Political Assault on the National Environmental Policy Act," http://www.law.georgetown.edu/gelpi/research_archive/nepa/NEPAUnderSiegeFinal.pdf-http://www.law.georgetown.edu/gelpi/research_archive/nepa/NEPAUnderSiegeFinal.pdf, DOA: 9-13-12, ldg) Finally, the evidence does not support the argument that the NEPA review process causes AND in decision making, which persons outside the agencies attributed to NEPA. 45 HIP 2010 (Health Impact Project, "Health Impact Assessment: Bringing Public Health Data to Decision Making", December, http://www.healthimpactproject.org/resources/policy/file/health-impact-assessment-bringing-public-health-data-to-decision-making.pdf-http://www.healthimpactproject.org/resources/policy/file/health-impact-assessment-bringing-public-health-data-to-decision-making.pdf, DOA; 8-18-12, ldg) HIA can build community support and reduce opposition to a proposed project. By ensuring AND has begun using HIA more commonly in similar planning and permitting decisions. 6 Collapse goes nuclear and causes extinction- AND strong US military de-escalates all conflict- prevents the aff impactsBarnett, Naval War College Warfare Analysis %26 Research professor, 11 (Thomas, "The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads", 3-7-11, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/8099/the-new-rules-leadership-fatigue-puts-u-s-and-globalization-at-crossroads-http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/8099/the-new-rules-leadership-fatigue-puts-u-s-and-globalization-at-crossroads, DOA: 10-9-11, ldg) Let me be more blunt: As the guardian of globalization, the U. AND in all of its forms, deeply embedded in the geometry to come. Yes key- new environmental catastrophe means the hegemon must adapt to global concerns or become irrelevant in the international sphere- kills trade, cooperation and internal link turns the aff’s solvency because it terminally kills new cooperative effortsCarstens, U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden commander, 2001 (David, "Bringing Environmental and Economic Internationalism into US Strategy", http://www.carlisle.army.mil/USAWC/parameters/Articles/01spring/carstens.htm-http://www.carlisle.army.mil/USAWC/parameters/Articles/01spring/carstens.htm, DOA: 8-21-12, ldg) Dramatic events such as the end of the Cold War, the turn of the AND is neither China nor Iraq. It is indifference to this emerging crisis. 1. No link-CP doesn’t put people’s money in limbo, reviews are inevitable-CP is just binding and substantive.Bhatia et al., San Francisco Department of Public Health, 2009 (Rajiv, "Integrating human health into environmental impact assessment: an unrealized opportunity for environmental health and justice", July/Aug, http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1413-81232009000400022%26script=sci_arttext-http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1413-81232009000400022%26script=sci_arttext, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) Despite the statutory support for including health in EIA, the often contentious and adversarial AND has approached the NSB to discuss collaboration on HIA and sustainable development planning. |